1 . , ! 7 . - i i V f I i i TRI-WKEKLY A WEXKLY BT THE ERA! PUBLISHING - COMPANY. i Rate of StitMcrption t I Tki-Wekklt One year, In ad ranee, $3 00 j ' . 6 months, in advance, 2 00 -; 8 months, In advance, - J 00 l month, in advance, uu WKruLT-One rear. In advance, 1 00 . i t Six months, in advance, 50 CORRESPONDENCE. . Double Shoals,N. C, Aug. 15.1S71. To Da EtteUency, j 4 I Gov. Tod II. Caldwell: My Dear Old Friend: I want to write you a few lines on the condition of our country. Our county, for several miles arouna, more particularly "West of me, is desolate. A great many men, and I am fully persuaded very many of them innocent, have been sworn to as belong-in- tr m dinff rartfps hv unreliable ner- Bons ' They have been informed" of these things ' and have left their fami lies; their farms ofrain are being des troyed. A reliable man told me this morning that;he saw some eight or ten plantations with . stock turned In and destroying the grain, the owners having left the country. Such families will suffer if something: Is not done.; " j There are unreliable parties who are and have been ready witnesses against others, and they have caused a great deal of trouble. . ! Now I am and have been always for peace; but it seem 3 that we are In worse trouble now ' than ever. I have used all my influence in the direction of leaee and harmony, while I was in the office of Sheriff, and also since I have been disfranchised from holding office. Now Governor, if it is in your power In any. way to devise some method by which some settlement of this difficul ty may be brought about; it is to bo hoped you will do so in some speedy way. - . I It looks to me now like this country is ruined. It Is true there is one class of men that I do not pity that is those? men who have been guilty, of illicit distilling and unlawful traffick ing in spirilous liquors. They have been ! warned of the danger. Also those men who have been guilty of committing raids upon others contrary to law. - ! , I am fully persuaded, or at least of the opinion that there are hundreds of men belonging to the so-called Ko Klux party, who never have been guilty of committing any depredations whatev er! not that I know, but Judging from outside circumstances. I would be very glad indeed, to have a line from your hand, if you think I am worthy your notice. ' 'I I remain, as ever, I Your friend. r t J. Z. Falls. N. 11. I have been requested to write on thealwve subject by many good citi zens. Hope you will appreciate it. as KUCll.l - ' . ' ' J. Z. F. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 21st, 1871. J. Z. Falls, Esq., Cleveland county Dear Sir: Your favor of tho 15th Inst.,has been received .and I have given it a full and thorough consideration. I must confess frankly that I do not like the tone of your letter. It appears to mo to be an apology for the Ku Klux Klan, who are knoicn to'infest several of the Western counties, and particularly the county of Cleveland. All persons who show a disposition to expose and bring these marauders to the bar of justice, are denounced as ir responsible and unworthy of credit and lxilief no matter how fair a reputation they may have heretofore sustained. While they remain true to the Klan, 'they 'were, in the estimation of their associates and sympathizers, good and deserving men, and worthy of confi dence ; but so soon .as they, moved by the better feelings of humanity, turn from their lawlessness and show a dis position to atone for crimes committed by them, then they are turned upon by their former allies and accused of being low. i mean fellows, totally unworthy of belief, and that no confidence should be reposed in any evidence they may give against those with whom they had theretofore associated. Another thing that strikes me as something re markable, is the fact that many of j the men whom you style innocent men are running away from their homes to evade arrest. This thing of flight is not, in my opinion, compatible with innocence, but, on the contrary, is a strong badge of guilt. Nothing 13 more true than the old proverb, that "the guilty flee when no man pur - sueth." Yon seem to think it terrible that these men, accused of crime, should be driven from their homes, and ' that are exposed to destruction . and their families to sunenng. hho to blame for this state of affairs but themselves ? Were they not appealed to time and again to cease their cruel - l.iAnmAM an A tr flpmpun themselves as good citizens? They turned a deaf ear to au sucn appwua , "cy pursue their evil ways, juiukivoiwoc rein to tneir aevuisn wiuwiiai nowiwhen the meshes of 'the law are about to circumvent them, their friends, Arsons too. who I fear were in their confidence and giving them a moral nTvni-f nm mrninc to their aid and endeavoring to succor them by traduc ing the character, not only of their . vktims,-but of their confederates also, .isv m (nmincp R fate's evidence anunst them. I heard no word of re monstrance from cievcianu comity ...,iia tho izn. "Klnx were inflicting their hellish punishments upon the weaJc ana unproiecveu, uui,wdw" the scale begins to turn and the strong t is stretched out in behalf of those who could not protect themselves, then, tne wnoie crauuium ty wakes up to tho importance of re airinr rMrn nnd nuiet in the land. I am its much for peace and harmony as any man in tne C5iai mm jHiui.y Iks; every ncx oi my nwh wuui" tration goes to prove that fact ; but at nnt willincr to purchase ieaco from violators of j law .by n surrender of the liberties and Kurreil privileges of tho humbler class of my fellow-citizens, whose only safety In these degenerate days is to bo found Inn. strict enforrompnt of tho law. i The only advice that I can givo you is. tnai you ana oincr leaaing ciuzens et rnpvftfand countv shall cease apolo gizing for crimej be open and bold iir vour aenuiicmviuus ui. m iisstsiicks, whenever and Dy whomsoever com rvittfo! anrl in trit the humblent citi zens of your county with the same con- cMmflnn and HPfiOOCt that VOU WOUld claim for yourselves from them were !lf I ltry rKvvl ! I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, i TOD It. CALDWELL, . Governor. -; ; " ; T ; I . i ! ' - ' : i S Vol. 1. For the Carolina Era. EDUCATION. I wish to direct the attention of the public to education, in the common ac cept! on of that term. . It is a subjoct in which all, both old and young, should be interested. , Pnrfnte own n. food edu rat ion to their children, and if children fail to seek it In the early period of their lives, tney will ever have occasion to resxet their Indolence and folly. ' Flnratfon is now theahorbinfftheme of the day, among all classes of enligh tnl nations. It assists men in everv avocation of life more than anything cise, limit nuiiiaji myuuuiiy wh- tnve. Without. Aflnratinn -worannot com- Tirhond thos ahstmoe subiects. with which we sometimes have occasion to grapple; nor remove the obstructions with which our pathway in life is fre quently beset. Without education we cannot think of entering any of the learned professions, and If our ambition inclines us that way, our aspirations how high soever they soar, will be soon to fall to the ground at last. Without wlnMitim-i wnfn nnrl tnlfmfc are never sufficiently developed to shine forth upon tne worm in an tneir ciouaea lustre, to elevate their possessor to the vnn H li nf rrlnrv A rnan who haM KUTe- rior mental power, and has no ' mental culture, is lorever Kept irom reacmng the pinnacle of fame. No doubt the brightest geniuses who have ever lived, have Deen loiany unKnown io me world simply because they had no ed- rtrfitinn. i We should all endeavor bv means of education to dispel the mist of ignorance.which has always darken ed the pathway of mankind. ; i It is our duty to cherish and support a system of general education, in order that tne poor, as wen as ine ncn, may have an opportunity of developing their mental faculties. But all does not de pend upon advantages. More depends nnon the exertions of the student him- a?lf A wnnt. nf enerrrv and nersever- ljwajl v m: ence has always been a great drawback to those secKing an eaucauon. rTht wlttv nharles Tjamb has well said, tiiat the best of acids is assiduity. A great many persons who desire to educate themselves, never make an ef fort to do so. simnl v because thev think that theyare too poor to succeed. Why that is all a humbug. If a person de sired to educate himself, and makes an elTort to do it, he will certainly succeed. It is a trite maxim, and true as it is trite, that "where there is a. will there is a way." The most eminent men the world ever knew, were raised in pover ty and obscurity. Poverty can never keep intellect to the ground.if an effort isvmade to raise it. I If we turn to the annals of history, and read the ' lives of great men, we will see that the most of them were thp children of noor and obscuro pa rents. Our immortal Henry Clay,used rt mmr rvirn trv fhp mill on a millo's back. Our logical Daniel Webster, iTsfvl to labor in the wheat harvests. va cations during his collegiate life. Our eloquent Patrick Henry usedxto labor on-the farm to make his support. Ex President Andy Johnson was a poor tailor in the early period of his life. And many otner instances oi tne samu irlnH T oonld pivfi richt here, if time would permit. I merely speak of these fn5tnnps- in onier to srive encourage ment to those who desire an education, a 1 . A. A . but who never maice an enon io scck it, simply because they think that they are too poor to suceeea. lnousancis oi geniuses have despaired of success on this very account. : i As education increases a man's ousi ness oualifications, it also increases his rAnl worth- Statistics show that the salary of educated men is estimated to be twelve nunarea aouars a year, while that of uneducated men is only . . . . 1 . . estimated, to oe one nunarea ana nny. It is true that the salaries of all men do not exactly coincide with these numbers, but the variations are very slight. So we see- that educated men is wTorth to himself and family, as well as to his State ana country, eign times as much as an uneducated man. V-Hiiraxinn is a lastiner oossession. It cannot be taken away, and when once obtained it will go witn us to tne oT-tve. Kdnration confers self respect. and bestos upon its happy possessor mat ieeiing so Krumymg w mind the consciousness of intellectual anrwvrinritv- "Rduration eives rjleasure. and often seems to relieve the couch of pain, and robs it of half Its sufferings. Education affords consolation in times nf misfortune. When the storms of sorrow blow cold and chill, when ene- mies torment and rnenas aisown, ana all the world forsakes us, we can forget our sorrows in the noble literature of antiquity. . . Education is a great moral agent, to refine and Durifv that di vine element within us, which we are taught must live rorever. uy suduu ing man's animal nature it enables his inflifWnAl moral character, and as sists in qualifying him for the changes incident to ail numanuy. Such are some of the advanuures re sulting from a good education. Time would fail me to enumerate them all. They are great and innumerable. Toni Thrco mnsirlerations it seems that it is a duty parents owe to their God, their country ana tnemseivcs xo wuuu their diildren. it is a auty invy uwe otluration refines and purifies the heart. It is a duty they owe to their country, because she is in sore need of good and wise men to rule Jn i.nr fAmuii4 ami irame laws ior inv commonweal. It U a "ty they owe AAA A k va, x w to themselves, because it wninotnui to sweeten the bitter cup of old ago and death. ! " J . ' . . . . I rejoice to see that thi3 great sudjcci is taking hold of the hearts of our poo Mav iho hnTnv Teriod roll swift- Tifimn Vrxlii-ntinnnl torcn snail -1o-n Knon nrtitlifvl to PVPfV hOUSChOKl on mis uruaii cuimimu, unni, iv" Aintio tn tho Tacifir. the last vestiffC At 1 1 lt. ..ntl WwTTl I HO of ijrnorancc and superstition shall have been swept away by tho great conna Then let us all resolve to acquire this noble, elevating and god-like principle, whifh virill riss not - nwaV With the transient and ephemeral possessions of fwrui, uui win rviimiii " heritance for eternity. .Toiiv o. A. Wakd. Elizabeth City, N. C, Aug. 10, 1871; RALEIGH, NL For the Carolina Era, iraJ Mr. Editor: "Out in the cold " great weeping, wailinjr, and gnash ing of teeth" "Rachael, weeping for her children and cannot be comforted because they are not," cL, but indis tinctly illustrates the status of the Con ventionists : as they writhe under the galling chagrin of defeat. Sad arid woebegone, they make the air resonant with their plaintive, heart-breaking cries. ' Blind with rage they strike at points without any discrimination. Frantic because the people did not obey their presumptuous orders and accede to their arrogant demands, they denounce them without stintr The snarling cur of the Sentinel threatens wholesale impeachment and unpre cedented extravagance, to punish the people for-their disobedience of the edicts of , the audacious rebellious usurpers. The poodle of the Battle boro' Advance, who whines forth he growls that the cur does not desire to risk, denounces every man who voted against Convention, as either misera ble fools or miserable scoundrels, and calls down "curses and scorn upon the dastards!" Then in the same article, with regret and horror that the Legis lature must levy the tax on the public debt or commit periury,he asks the im pertinent question, "do the people seek. IO ruill lilt? UUtuiClr ui luvil icicacu- tatives by making ;them commit per jury ?" The peoples' representatives failed to levy the tax on the debt at their last annual session and passed an unconstitutional Convention bill both, violative of the Constitution and their oaths. Did the people seek to ruin their characters by making, them do these conscious-screwing acts ? No, the peo ples' representatives did them of their own accord to gratify, their own low, grovelling ambitions. The omission of the one was to make political capital by which "the endorsement of the other by the. people was to be procured. They would have torn down the tem ple of organic la w, made the Constitu tion a mere Legislative act, to be changed by ; every ascendant" partV ; and always full of political hobbles upon which demagogues might ride intooflice. They would have ruined the State by destroying the quiet, peace happiness and prosperity with which permanence of fundamental principles ever surround a government and its citizens and all this, to gratify a base and avaricious thirst for office. " Is there not some chosen curse, Somo hidden thunder in the stores of heaven," r Rod with uncommon wrath, to blast the Who seeks his greatness on his country's ruin!" i 1 Tint thev mav be ouiet unon the sub ject of committing perjury by failing to levy vuai uia. aiiu yvkmiujh ji people is greater than' theirs. These inherent sovreigns will order them to suspend the force and validity of that constitutional injunction, and likewise remove every taint of perjury, by pass ing an amendment, by. legislative en actment, striking out . that clause, or resign ; and surely there would be no tears she.by i the people at their de- Earture from the office which they have asely prostituted' to their own selfish aims, in total disregard of the wishes of their constituents. But read the last stanza of the noodle's alternately plain tive and raving song : 1 'As soon as the Legislature meets let it pass an act making arrangements lor tne payment, of the interest on the debt, by levying a .tax to be collected, say in February or March ; then let it pass an act sub- 11 r e rinn.innllillli milling ino .qutrbuun ui w;uvcuuyn again to the people. Let them endorse it or take the consequences. Infamous, audacious I generation of vipers, hypo- criies, now can ye tsscape uie uiiim tion of hell! With the artful tongue of the serpent ye attempted to beguile the citizens of 'North Carolina to tear Out cornerstones of their organic law, I to subvert this liberal and truly Republi can Constitution, to yield various rights ana privileges oi sunrage, ana to sur render tneir nomesteaas, max, tne ravenous vultures of vour oartv mierht satiate their avaricious appetites by de- XI IX A . .1 S Un!. VOuriij5 iiUjUr euwm, iiuinuy men wives and children out oi aoorsupon the cold charity of the world, while, for some insignificant balance, the fathers and husbands were confined by on. xn in the loathsome dunsreon. They were too intelligent and independent, and notwithstanding your menaces and lalse promises, your iraua ana corrup tion at the ballot box. vour infamous. self-aggrandizing designs were thwart ed, jnow, witn nowis nice tnose oi a wounded hyena or disappointed de mon, you yell, "We are ruined!" Your eyes are aflame with the malignant fires, of revenge ; ' and. ignominious slaves, you would fain force your mas ters to do your bidding by dastardly threats, by suspending above their heads an Alpine mass of debt, and pre senting to their vision the very thres hold of their homes the horrible spectre of ruin. Heaven, where is thy justice! Hell, where is thy protege ! It is a consolation to know that the Turner Harris faction is very small, too deeply imbued with Whig principles and pos sessing too much admiration for the old Whig- newfoundland. W. A. Gra ham, to follow in toto the schemes of the Conservative leaders 1'ernaps tnere fore, it would be the better way to pass them by with silent contempt, since they fare doubtless in the last act in which they will ever play on the po litical stage. A few, more months and they will retire to an unenviable seclu sion to die, cursed, scorned and de- Similar to the fate of these will be that, of tho more shrewd, demagogical politicians, led in part, by the rotating acrolmt Jimmy, alias the Hon. Gen'l. J. M. Leach, who have been co-workers in the iniquitous designs upon the rights and sovereignty, the peace and happi ness of the citizens of the State. Acro bat Jimmy, with "the boys" W. M. v f i?rvJiinc: ni? nrptends to ad fg IKi 9 A. W -J rA- aaj vmt w- vocate a change of the Constitution by ltivn pnartmftnt Jimmv. speak ing of the late Waterloo disaster, twists his face into an unusual number oi apisn forms and frightful grimaces,and heaves forth in a peculiar twang iiiai wumu lnuicaie iimi a vci uuic jicvhuw v. . . a i illiri . JiJnH T Darwinian tneory, n.v, u" 'em how it would be and try to .curse 4UM -..if nf if. oiifl didn't "the boys" work against it like galley-slaves until tney were just unveu m yjv hydraulically driven in," and he sighs C; THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1871. over the fact that he has very probably .been "driven in" to his own personal ruin. For, mark ye, the returns of the 5th Congressional District shows a ma jority of one hundred and thirty-seven against Convention, making a gain of only one thousand and four - hundred since last year; and moreover, he verily believes that either Af M. Scales, J. A. Gilmer, or John Kerr will be the Con servative nominee for Congress twelve months hence, and there appears no hope of safety unless he .can leap; upon the platform of the anti-Conventiohists. I know that he is one of the most ac complished political vaulters in the State but I am not credulous enough to believe that he can make this! leap. It is true that he has made some equal ly as wonderful, but an acrobaV of Noyes' Circus, had turned somersaults over fourteen horses a number of times, and, at last, broke his neck in a leap over nine. Acrobat Jimmy, beware ! This will be your fate. ' Too' thin, a veil covers your hypocrisy- It is seen too plainly that you now advocate Leg islative amendments from policy alone. The people know who did the work for their interests, and exposed tho de ceit of your gildeel falsehoods', and ; laid bare the brass of your golden promises. The position of f 'the boys", is like un to that of Acrobat Jimmy. But the ?uestiori presents itself to the people : f you favored Legislative 'enactment, why did you not rise high above party principle, as did many Conservatives in the State, and favpr it. in opposition - to the late aristo-demo-mobocratic fire-eating communist ; Convention bill,'- and thereby save the expense, the ' political agitation and exciting bitterness of the late election? It is, . to say the; least, unblushing impudence for these men who where lured by the hope of! office to prostitute their public trust to sel fish aims, to betray the confidence and forfeit pledge made to their constituents, to come to the wronged commonwealth with nothing but- promises of reform. Recreants to truth and honor, how can they be believed ? ; They cannot' naught except works will satisfy the people of their sincerity. I do not be lieve they intend doing mOre than promise and whine demagogically. While the faction goes down hated .for its arrogance, presumption, and un war rented denunciation of the people for exercising their sovereign rights, that of they Leach-llobbins school will be scorned and despised for its fawning sycophancy and disgraceful hypocrisy. Juvenal.. . For the Carolina Era. Mr. Editor: The humiliating de feat which they sustained in their at tempt to call an unconstitutional Con vention, has taught the so-called Con servatives a lesson, which they are not likely soon to forget. Their assertions, that their only object for wanting to call a Convention, was to make some necessary changes in the Constitution would not do to humbug the people with. They sugar-coated the thing over as nicely as they possibly could, but, after all, it would not do. The people could see through the deception. They saw that their real object was to get control of the offices of the State, pre paratory to the campaign of 1872. The people know, that if the Conser vative members of the Legislature had been sincere in what thev said about altering the Constitution, that they WOU1U not iiavu ututxiitru. ivcjjuuh- can members lasthvinter, in their ef forts to make the necessary changes by the Legislative mode. ' Rut after ' having received such an unmistakable rebuke from the people, for their insincerity and revolutionary legislation, I predict, when they re-as semble next mil, tney win not ue wry slow to adopt the Legislative method of amendment I jiarK Hie prtxuuiiiuii, iciiuvv uuciw. and when the time arrives you will see I am right. I would bet my last red on this prophecy ! Yes, when they assemble again next fall, the Conserva tive members win an carry tneir pock eta full of amendments. ' ready to 1)6 offered as soon as they meet. And by that time they will, no aouDt, nave made the wonderiui discovery, mat mu t.ea-islarure has iust as much power to compromise the State debt as a Con vention would have! The Republi cans told them this last winter, and although they could not make them "see it," 1 suspect tne people were more successful on the third day of August l fust, f - And if so. when thev meet again .1 think it not altogether improbable that the ! KepuDiicans may oe auie io pursuade them to appoint a Commis- . it. A. .. C4-n In A-. ikio Sion on me pun 01 me dww wua Eurpose just what ' everybody - else new they ought to have done last winter. But that would not have been in ac cordance with the programme. Said they, "We have done without the nffiees hist as loner as we can stand it. and to depend on an election is but a doubtml measure at oest; we, mere fore, must have a Convention! That is inst, the thiner for us. and if the voo- ple should seem a little slow in coming to our relief, we will 'touch them up a little, by a gentle threat on the tax question." "This," said they, "will very soon make the butter come." But theyreckoned without their host. The people were not as easily frighten ed as they had vainly supposed. Their long and windy harangues, that the people heard from every st.nmn in the State, that their oaths compelled them to levy a ruinous tax or resign their seats as members of the Legislature, if a Convention should not llerl. will onlv serve to show, how insincere, unsafe and unreliable they are. . T rxa desire to resnectfullv remind so-called Conservative members, that the Convention nas Deen votea aown, nnrl that. aopordini7 to their own declar ations, they will be compelled to lay thn Raw! fair or resitm : that if thev do not they will perjure themselves. This l meir ov u uwuiuc iituunuio nnt hnlieve thw. but that is what they all said ; during the campaign, and if they believed it tnen, tney oeiieve now, and we are determined to hold (ham n It. r anrl if thev should fail to act it out, they will stand convicted of base deception oeiore tne nonesx voieru of the State. What will they do? Will thev lew the tax ? Thev dare not! Will thev resign? Not one of them. . i ; No, fellow-citizensj Conservative con sciences are not as tender now as they were before the election ! Circumstan ces alter cases. Tney win repudiate all that they have said about this mat ter, and the people, in return, will jre pudiate them at the next election. Mark the prediction. ; ' . , , W WAKEi , Aug. 22d, 1871. v.,,,..- . ..'. " ' r " For the Carolina Kv. ! The attack on district attorn tic j.: STARBUCK. 'A AfRi TriTTm?. i T see that some one has hftAti tflooTirkhinor In rFip Sknthlpl from Salisbury, who has administered to his apetite lor publication garDiea state ments. The dispatches in regard to the attack made uixn the District Attorney was not half a : statement of the -trans action, and half of that "stated is not correct. Judge Brooks and Mr. Iiar-kin.-; were not aware that there was'anv misunderstanding between Mr. Star- buck and the three rougns wno assaulted him, until the .assault, was made by Wilson. All six persons were in. the Omnibus at the time.'' When the as sault was made Judge Bfboks asked what was meant by ; it and asked ; the others to assist in r parting them, j at me same umu atiiuuiiiuug w xxou , uwu his seat, which was larthest from the helicrprantsi: Kvhen Beard seized him roughly in the collar and pressed him UOWli ,111 nits seui, saving wnu u wa, that he should not interfere with his friend. Mr. Larkins ' seeing this' and believing that the Judge was suffering from his confinement and choking, eh? deavored to release him from the grasp of Beard. With Mr. Larkin's assistance the Judge relieved himself with, the loss of a few buttons and a nec&tie.' In stantly Beard turned upon Mr. Larkins (Who is a small and weak man. physi cally) throwing him violently from the Omnibus. Mr. L. fell to the ground onrl of fhe same instnnt of time Beard followed and commenced kicking.stam ping, and inflicting upon him heavy Wilev and the .Tudtre seized Beard and after much effort, relieved Mr. Larkins temporarily. Hearers iury seemea to be very unabated ,and he pushed MfJ LL across the platform of the Depot. jUp to this time the Judge had not struck nor attempted to strike a blow, i At a distance of more than twenty feet from' the place at which Beard had been torn Irom Mr. 1j. ne ieuea iur.. oj- again With . Wow and commenced to deal heavy blows upon his face, head, and sides; then it was that the Judge dealt him blows with his cane to the enltire destruction of the ebony, with which so many have been familiar for the last few years,and with the effect desired therelieioi Mr. juarKins. xi mere is discrraee in this, no honest, intelligent person will hesitate to say that it-does not rest with the onicers oi me r eieenu Court. I 1 The conduct of a colored man J0nes -mm. a a 1 -was very creditable tommpn the oerasion. , Judere Brooks has exam ined this statement ano says mat at is correct in every particular. 1 T n-w-t.Tm Aid .. V - - 11 .1 T!l i For the Carolina lira. Mr. Editor : I see from th&Seniinel of a recent date that it is proposed by the editor of that sheet -to have the Legislature impeach His Lxcellency, Gov. Tod R. Caldwell. The only rea son snecified is that Gov. Caldwell has acted his part as Governor without re gard to the whims, notions, ideas or doctrines of the Sentinel. For the sake of argument let us presume for a mo ment that the so-called legislators Hvill attempt and do impeach j Governor Caldwell, and tnen turn nun over iu the TTio-h Court-of Imneachmentl for trial. I wish to ascertain the opinion of i J A t some competeni auuionty ,upuu mo following questions : 1. Are not certain members of the Senate of North Carolina barred from1 participation m the atlairs of thO Gov ernment by reason of a certain section of the 14th Amendment, unless the disabilities imposed by that amend ment have been removed by a two third vote of Congress ? 9i 'Will the neoole of North Carolina who have just rebuked the revolution- ists at the polls, allow tnem to mrmer impose upon them by the farce ofim peachment, which y will cost the tax payers one hundred thousand dollars, the principle of which will go to $up- -vs.sMf fVio fMiti..e7 nnrl their rIavedOut VfJAt VA.i. KJi Wl .a-m. X . lawyers, and carpet-bag stenographer at ninety nine uonars pei -t :. j. ru lit? iuu. Greensboro', N. C, Aug. 16, 1871. For the Carolina Era. A TRIP TO THE MOUNTAINS, Mr. Editor : A- pleasant ride sofa few hours over the Western N. C. Bail- road, brought us to the romantic village of Marion. t - I His Honor Judge Brooks is holding a Special Term , of his Court here this weelr ? and ns vou mav sunnose. tliere is an immense crowd in attendance-1 some from the extreme Western coun ties. ' I There are a great many visitors con- cfinlv arrixrinc t. this! nlaPO and ;01d OWWtiJ -v-. . ' . L J Fort, some seeking health, some pleas ure, and some both. It is perfectly de lightful to get away irom :a no jana dusty city, and breathe tne pure maun fiin air nnrl rlrink the 1CV water. 1 Vour eorresnondent is stopping at the Flemminsr House, a most excellent Hotel, supplied with every comfort and convenience; Guests receive every attention, and nothing is .want inn n milr their sfav apTeeable. 3 AUK W .7 J . , The scenery around and near Marion ia lnvelv? hut the farther -West voil go, you get sight of the mountains arid the views "are "much more varied and ro mantic Probably your correspondent will go farther West,and if he doe4 his next letter win be irom uiu j? on. Old North Staxe. Marion, August 23, 1871. "nTsrnTTii.AOF.T. The cow." said an engineer, "was standing square ori the track. ! me locomotive strucu: hot janu threw her ten feet high over a fence. She landed plump on her feet, and, strange to say, she wasn't hurt a bil."-r-"But didn't she look scared?" inquired a listener. "Well,I don't know wheth er she was -scared ornot, butshelooKea a good deal discouraged ; XT A -fQ ;' I ;N O . AO . THE NORTH CAROLINA CONVENTION election: v T.ifrht-hflA hroken In the Old North State. There is ho longer any doubt that the elertion nn' the"thirel instant went against Convention by a large majority probably ten mousanu at least. ,au fl?rfiaterl Press depoatch from i Wil mington dated Saturday, concedes the defeat ot tne uonvention, ana states that the (Republicans clairti aj majority of from five to fifteen thousand, while the Cohservatives regard the issue as still in doubt. This would b,e evidence enough i of a 1 signal victory, for the friends of the Constitution and of law and order,' but there is also a I telegram from Senator Abbot, or JNortn iJaroiina, stating positively that the Republicans have carried the State bv ten or fifteen thousand majority.'-. H i ; : j 'l,, '-rne nrst news or tno result was aicia-, ted, undoubtedly, by the Conservativea and was! of so unfavorable-! a j character as to be very disheartening! to loyai mnn ' rTC.rT'hnr(A '' f?iTYipn,iherinP' ' llV what, infamous means the Kliklux had p-ained a maioritv in the .'.General'.. As-. O . a! f - , . capabilities for violence,- intimidation,' stuiiuiv ..iu. ioiu. : miu vtnic. won and fraud had but slightly diminished, we fearqd the worst; and refrained from any comments , tintill the truth , should be known. ', Npw, however, we are able a. ? Xl.A a.-C ziAtvivvlnA to rejoice in uie assuwuio ui cuuujckj success, and.are thankful not alone for the redemption of an important tate at a verv critical tfrrie. but for SUCh a tnminop of the oolitical tide intheSouth as must prouuee an uiter roui w wxcj Kuklux forces,' already demoralized and out on the defensive bv the vigor ous campaign instituted' ?against them 1. 1 ll A I. T 5 J A. niwMiVia i indeed, it is to the snarp ana aecisi ye measures adopted to break up! this atro cious system of Organized f murder,' as mnp.n as to tne earnest ana active vass made bv the - ReDublicans of the Rtiite. that, our trinmrjh in North Car olina is due. So long as these bands of worse than Italian banditti, mstigatea by a nendlsh hatred oi JKepupncans or TTninn men. hot.h black and white and directed in their work of midnight vio- ic-nno hv nrnminent, lenders or the con servatives, were nermitted td roam at Will, nllLHJ L1IIL; , JiailglUKr Wiuppug, auu i !4.r v n vwwt.. was possible, and any election held un der such an anarchical condition of af fairs would have been like! the Presi dential election-in LrfMiisiahri ill 1868. a perfect farce, or rather a giganue irag edv. The votinsr as well as the killing . A. ' wnnld have been all on one Iside. anc the truculent Northern Democratic press, denying or excusing as usual, the monstrous rrimes of their Southern Kuklux allies, would have celebrated another great victory. ; : L , . ' The practical results oi this success will be far-reaching and most import ant. If the Convention had been called nothing save interference by the Gen eral Government could have Prevented me virtual amiuiuug ui iwiyiBMuv.uu" in that State, and aiterwaras a repeti tion of the same revolutionary pro- crramme in several other of the South ern States. The ultimate consequences would nave oeen a practical uisinuiuiia ment and re-enslavement of the blacks, tne election, Dy me aiaoi ivuk.iua vura. of a Democratic President Iri 1872, and the subsequent othertnrow py nooK or crook, of the three great amendments to the Constitution. The thoughtless and undiscerninsr mav refuse! to believe that such results have been aimed at, or would be countenanced.! by the Lon- servauve iieauers :; out i ue uum m. a .i ,i 1 A 1.U 10 nevertheless, as we have stated, and it is exceedingly fortunate for; the country that affairs in the south nave taKen so favorable a turn. i . I The Southern Republicans, encour nU .Anxflinnolnr Viia v5ttnrv and by the powerful blows Vhich have been admmisterea to me, ijvu iviua man throntrh the investiffattons of the r,nroricacinnflJ enmrnittAe. will reorcran- A. UM.AA.-mM. wMwJ ' ' C7 ize not Onlv in South Carolina but in everv State" and see that not a single intimidated ireedman is ingntenea m- tAtho art rnnW: nf TTitfn Tinfl measures OD- noxious and hostile to himJ hLiet thero i : : ,1 , Tlmw ue no more wavering ut cihuvxai. v . j. have not only tne ngnt out me uum hers Thev have also the moral SUP- Tnrt nf the General Ooverrirrtent. ' and its physical aid. whenever j needed to odduhu armeu. uiiu, BYBiciuawi; miuiw- nnrin imt.n tho sflren ntrnrs m me 1:1 li- yen: The contest must be a t ouirance. since the foe is desperate,sreckless,' and utterly unscrupulous ; jfniuuieipnia ress. THE NORTH CAROLINA CONVENTION V ELECTION, j If the desDatch front ' North Carolina an n on nei n c th e defeat of the oroposi- tion fori a convention be i true; a most perplexing question has been avoided. We do notseehowa candid mind could persuade itself that the proposition was legally (before the people, whether by if the vote of the people had been in fa vor of the convention, and it had as sembled, it might have wrought almost infinitel mischief before it could be ar rested in its course. The national gov ernment must have been involved: in the controversy before it was finally settled, and this again "would have in trndiKwl ftTJow'sinn mirriino' issue in national politics. For although the decision could nave oeen. nootner man that the Convention, was illegal, , the nther side, of the ouestion is far more plaasibe at first sight and might have oeen me oasis iur n.u eimniiyus ztxxiuuiii; nf misrenresentation- : Als there Was no necessity whatever for the Convention,; - -m m 9 , A m the aereat oi tne wnoie ! scneme is on ixrorv nlynnnt the 'liesf'-ttossihlp.' ?lt is however -deserving; of notice that this attemptetl revolutionary 7 proceeding, supported as it has been py the demo cratic press of the whole country, is a timelv illustration of the insincerity of. Conservative profession concerning ac ppnfanw nf . the , situation - And chnu n vefv plainly that if the Conservatives come into power in the nation the Southern State governinents will bq immediately revoliitlonized; in the in- tAroafnf the old slftvvhnldinnliormh,tr: and the . constitutional; amendments : i -J ..'.ti. i J' Ti a j maue practical iiuiutes. 4ortcw - cc not .. : j The now a to the hulls of cotton T seed,! which are waste product, can be made Jn- hnest paper. I Rates of Advert 1 si nff I One sqviare, one time, - - . - - - 11 00 two times,- - - A square is the wulth of a column, ami inches deep. . . . ' . . ' . ; ! , Contract AilTcriiacmonts - taken .at proportionately low rates. iroressionait;aras,notexceenng van be published one year for $12. Professional Cards, not exceeumg.1 square, SOUTHERN ELECTIONS. 1 1. H -Vtar some time oast the nrrent of - . . Southern politics has run strongly in favor; of the. Conservative party, and there.was a growing fear that in the next Presldentral election the entire electoral vote of ' tho South would lc cast- for, ,ai ConHcrvativo candidate. State! after Statu was lost to the Re publicans; thejr firmest strongholds surrendered to the enemy; treachery, faction, follvr extravagance." and mls- manageinent were continually at work thinning their ranks, and Ku Klux terrorism !, was Invoked in many j in stances by the Conservatives, to com plete the task corrimenet'd by their;de- mora uauu au Vf iou jra. , . s " , i . . . ; : ' . The most hopeful view that can bo ; taken of the loss of such States as Ten- , nessee, Missouri, Virginia, etc, Is that we : have not fully comprehended the ' ' difficulty of building up a Republican ' nartv in the South. Even if the most gloomy - yiew, of Sputhcri pontics is adopted, some cause oi manKiuines? is still left in the fact that a fair sem blance of-a contest is kept up in- a doz en States where ten years ago no man m mt m mm 9. A A could have caned nimseir a straigntut. Republican without risking 'his life. , Despite the immense . reinioreemenw , obtained from the establishment of col ored suflrage, . the necessity remained fnr orfranizincr . and controlling - new forces, and for-establishing a stable m. . am. m BAA.. 9 1 9 party, in. the tace -oi Ditter opposition nf n irrtCtflri t.hfl of the old DOSSeSSOrS Of Dolitieal power' in the slave-holding States. ' un such a struggle, discipline and, skill in partisan tactic? go far to neutralize numbers ; and the Conserva tives have been wonaeriuny active in deriving partisan advantages froni Re publican blunders, in fomenting 'Re- nnhlipfln diseord?. and wieldincr their : two powerful .weapons of social ostra cism and Ku Klux' terrorism. Con servative politicians are trained in the use of all manner, of cunning and cruel partisan . weapons. They are accus tomed to silence dangerous adversaries by bowie-knife or rifle-ball, cither In the miscalled field of honor or in a street I fight. When they cannot an- A. 11 ; a. Am.rn.rn.Am. swer an argument, mey can persecute ; to the death the man who utters it. Empowered by the old black laws of their creation to mould the negroes to their will; and experts in wielding the Tilnntation lash and in exerting a co- . ercive influence by the most dreadful ' Am. . v 9 A . 1 1 nt fx forms of terrorism, n is as aimcun ior them to abandon these chlyalric arts as it is for a trained dog to forget; his old tricksi ';r'- " L V. . We must, therefore, expect that the Conservatives will recover a large por- finn nf their Southern PTOund but the late election in North Carolina, and the reports of the condition oi tne canvass la Kentucky, in which State an elcc finn is to be held to-dav. indicateithat a powerful Republican reaction is com- menemg iu wie duuui. nuun vuiu" has iust defeated, by a large majority, a proposition, made and supported by the Conservatives, mat ner estate uun- stitution should be remodeuod. ivcn -tucky is expected to demonstate to-day, for the first time in her modern politi cal history, that sne is by no means hopelessly conservative, me agita tion of the new departure issue has forced the Southern candidates to take sides for or against a decided reactlona wr vkni? nr nnA os soon as thev express opinions on this vital point, they either lose the votes oi some oi me ixmserva tives -who insist on coming out of V the last ditch" to fight I reconstruction to it j . !11 . -v .1 ft mnn C C3mA tne Dltter enu, ' ur me vup ui of the! better disposed Southern Con- a. A - . A. servatives, who are wining to accti, the existing adjustment in good faith as finality. ! i . ! It may be that in the political figlit on Southern soil the Republicans have had their last Bull Run, and that hence forth there will be a j succession of An- tietam, Gettysburg Vicksburg, , and Appomattox Court House struggles. Philadelphia Telegraph. '', . ' " The! Pecan Tree. The Southern Farmer, Memphis, Tenn., says : This ' tree can be grown as readily as a hick ory-nut or walnut. Why not' grow them -as -a profitable crop r we nave seen trees in bearing on our friend 13. Whitfield's place, in Hinds countv, , Miss., on high upland, and certainly some or our swamp" planters can , grow them around their liomesteads, . have a pretty ? lawn, yet make money by the operation. Select best Texas pecans, largest and thinnest shells, and . plant m uecemoer. January or re uru- arv: Hv transoiantinsr careiuny every two vears fcut off tao-root first year.) s for two or three times, and they will fruit in eight or ten years, ana wnen -rvr vmn. nld will hear a hilshel - Uiwiu; jvwo r v.v. . - - each ; when fully matured, one or j wo barrels of the best, worth generally $20 . -- . . A . aW A to $30 ier barrel, jriant say ov ieei aoart. and lesivet0" your own children a snug income. " . ; 'Tiie Woman Who Daked" A story is afloat of a husband and wife at Long Branch, the former given to night ly visits to the lair of Chamberlain's ti-' ger, arid the latter affectionately solid- , tous or his weiiare in me encounter with that royal beast. Wisely refrai n ing from curtain lectures, the wife un dertook a more audacious and effective means of reform. Attiring herseir in her husband's best broadcloth ami tightest ' pair of dress f boots, this "wo man who dared" followed her dissipa ted lord -to his evening haunt, ami, when he was anxiously awaiting the turn of the card after coppering the ace, blew a cloud of smoke across the bible into his face to attract his attention and calmly put ten dollars on the king. The ; story concludes with rapid and terrified exit of the husband, followed by, his successful wife, and the extraction of a' promise, oit the way home, or ruture abstinence from the green table. . , - " . ' i 1 mw I r i ' The other day a woman postmaster ' was married-T-we will call hcrmaiden name Smith , and . her l married name Tnnao Vnw ' B?hft. ww tho nostniaster ' 10 ' 999 99 -y 9 9 - M 1 T - after that cereniony? Ccrt4iinly: not , Miss mitn, ior mere no longer to u Miss Smith. And certainly not (Mrs. . Jones, for no. such postmaster ! was known to the Iepartraent. There's the bother. And women must give up - A - t . matrimony, or must waive some oi ner " rights." Cleveland Herald. i.. i i