I " " ." '. ' '. :' , , ' ' ' " I ! - !; . .. I .': : : -:'''; -.' --' ;V. . " ' , ' . 'u ' , ' I TBI-TEKKLT ANX WEEKLY BT THE ERA PUBLISHING COMPANY. Ilnte of Subcx4ptioti s Tri-Weekly One "year, in advance, $3 00 6 months, in advance, 2 00 3 months, in advance. 1 00 1 month, in advance. 50 Weekly One year, in advance, $100 ; Six months, in advance, 50 The State Debt brings up a topic at Once delicate, interesting and impor tant, j - A considerable part of the people favor repudiation, without distingush injj between old and neic, or regular and irregular. j Uion .the other hand, many prefer some plan for reducing its proportions within reasonable limits ; which they think can- be effected by an investiga tion into, the footing upon which it stands, with negotiations for compro mise, leaving open all'further steps un til the results of this action shall be known. . ; We arc not prepared. to advise that any speedy steps be taken looking to the nullification of our pecuniary obli gations, and the injury of our State credit. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. The present Assembly can, probably d nothing in relation to the I)ebt, beyond appointing com missioners to investigate, to negotiate witli the creditors, ai then report to the next! Assembly whether any basis lc practicable which will at once pre serve bur credit, and avoid the ruin of an enormous taxation. We think that this ought to be done. At its face the Debt consists of some $2),000,000 of principal, and $0,000,000 of interest.! Of the principal about $8,400, 000 is OW, 9,000,000 is Xew other than Special Tax, and $11,400,000 is Special Tar. The Jirsl lot is quoted in the Northern markets as worth less than .V) cents in the dollar; the second, at alout 31 cents, and the third, at a sli ding scale from about 23 cents down to much less. A considerable portion of the third lot is still doubted in point of constitutionality; a suit to test this question! has been pending, without being pressed, for two years passt In the Supreme Court. Of course, j it is unnecessary to add that it is also doubt ed whether the holders of many bonds of this lot, aro to be regarded m bona fde. , ; . . 1 Suggestions necessarily arise : from the above statement of facts. It is not certain, even with the above quota tions ruling in the market, that the bondholders would be willing, at such rates, to fund their bonds in New IJondsofJthe State issued . for the pur pose of consolidating its liabilities and bringing them within reach of the tax capacity of the " people. It however raises auvli'probabUiti, that the State will have caie to complain, if itsau- thoritics do not set upon foot a plan for testing the question. The question concerns Jfillions of Dollars, and what we set down here is merely a rough estimate. Taking into that estimate both principal and in terest, in view of th'e above quotations, it seems not improbable that the whole Debt can be funded at $11,000,000, or, if the holders of the N.C. It. R. Bonds can be induced to exchange at par such Ikmds for the stock in the Company now pledged for their payment, the Debt may be funded at less than $10, .1100,000, perhaps, even for $9,000,000. If the N. C. It. ' It. Company were ottered to the Bondholders upon the above terms note, there is much proba bility that they would be accepted. This is a business transaction, and business j in relation thereto should be cut out and entered upon at an early day. It is the only sort of business that will solve the difficulty, or prove it to be insoluble, and we may be allowed to repeat here that it is a business quite as competent for the General Assembly to undertake, as for any Convention. ' Involving as it does the saving to the State of millions of dollars, or of an in estimable character, it should be dealt with in no picayune counterhopplng temper,' but upon the broad principles of a reasonable and liberal economy. Early' next session the whole matter should be committed to some citizens of tho State.uninterested therein except as citizens, of good repute in matters of finance, known for high character to the class to which our creditors gener ' allv belong, and whose appointment shall be a guarantee to such creditors that the State ' tncans business, and is disposal to look upon their claims in a sniritof iustice, at the same time mat she is ! sensible of the deep poverty which recent public events have brought upon her people. Such commissioners ought to be well mid and that upon a footing of a de mand itpon them for their xchole time for ayearJ Upon the point of bona fides above mentioned, they would have to take creat pains, and have at command more thsui ordinary canacity. Indeed, in all rcspects.the matter is one of great Responsibility and great labor; it prom ises excellent results to the public, and f Will VAJI11V & UIOIUIUIOUVM A V UlUllUll upon those who shall carry it through. Of course, in thinking over such a matter we have not refrained from lookimr amongst our fellow citizens, "and selecting (in thought) men for commissioners. It is none of our busi ness, Iparticulorly, but in persuading ourselves that the scheme would trorA-, we. of course, had to represent to our- helves persons that could w ork it. The class, "then, to which we lotok, Is that whicli contains Mr. Battle, tlate Treas- urer.r Judere Howard, and General ltu fus Barringer. There is at present no politic in me matter, anu tnerejore, in Vol. 1. order to keep them out hereafter, both parties should be represented upon the .commission. -; To travelers a distant forest appears to be. a black, close and impenetrable wall. Upon approaching it, it is seen that the component parts of the mass are trees, whose trunks are widely sep arated, and sometimes threaded by broad avenues. Not un frequently is it so with hard problems involving our public or private duty at a future day. Difficulties that at a distance seemea insurmountable, upon coming up with them, are sometimes solved, and tra versed, with ease. In this sense we may alter a niaxim already quoted,and say, sufficientunto the evil is the day thereof! It may be so with this Debt. At all events.if it be not, having thus satisfied ourselves as to what can, and what can not be done, we shall be better prepared por other eventualities. The question of Constitutional Amendments will recur at the next session of the Assembly. A e propose to throw out a few suggestions in ref- erence thereto, lor tne purpose oi in dicating our private views, as well as to invite discussion by our friends. We regard the present Constitution as on the whole a very good one, and, in particular, as much superior to any that we have ever had heretofore in North Carolina. There are however some propositions LU1 11.-J UlUVllUtll W V . will not injure its proportions, or mar the general effect of liberty and of re form which it produces. - We suppose that Mr. Jloms, of me House of Representatives, will take oc casion at an early day to renew his proposal to5 strike out by legislative amendment the section in regard to taxation for the purpose of paying the public debt, recently so much -relied upon by the promoters of the call of a Convention, as a means of forcing the People to make such call. This will be done by general consent, we suppose, the Republicans not caring much about it any way, and the Conservatives greatly detesting it for its effect upon their consciences, and being desirous hat its repeal be put under weigh, as it is understood that from the point of a setting about to amend it, it no long er binds them in point of conscience,, whatever be its continuing effect in point of law! All which is vastly cu rious, but is alluded to here only as promising an early progress with Mr. Morris' bill. It is supposed that pos sibly, it will no longer be buried by a committee, as at the last session. . We suggest that the Genera Assem bly should be remitted to biennial ses sions; and therefore, that Section 2 of Article II, of the Constitution should be modified accordingly. We also favor the striking out of such part of Section 5 of Article II, as requires a Census to be taken by tne State. It seems to us that such a pro vision must have found its way into M the Constitution by the mere caprice of its author, seconded by a general in advertence upon the part of the other members of the Convention. Again, the two tceeks term of the Su perior Court is a very awkward piece of machinery, and besides, the detail as to the number of Judicial Districts might well be left, as under the old Constitution, to the wisdom of the General Assembly. We are therefore disposed to think that the whole of Sections 12 and 13 ; of Article IV, might be erased. Another matter occurs in this con- i - - i nexion. Alter mucn consioeraxion, fail to see why the State should assume all expense connected with' the care of deaf mutes, and of blind and insane persons no matter how wealthy. The care of Indigent persons belonging to those classes is properly a public charge. Section 10 of Article XI goes farther, and imposes the care ana charge of such persons upon the State without reference to their own means, or that of their parents. The section ought therefore to be modified. We think that our Constitution would be the better for these changes. We are not however particular about any of them excepting the Taxation, Cen sus, arid probably the Legislative ses sion Clause. In the mean time we do very well under it as it stands. A irreat manv of our friends were cry agreeably surprised at the vote of Robeson count v in the recent election. That county was considered as good for Convention ; but lo! and behold, wnen the vote was returned, Convention was defeated by two hundred' and seventy three majority! There are no better workers in the State than James Sin clair. Col. Nat. McLean, O. S. Hayes, and R. K. Proctor. The result in Rob eson is greatly due to the effective can vass made by these gentlemen. We understand there is no doubt of Robe son next year. 1 ! ' The Charlotte Observer says Horace Greely will be in that city at tho Char lotte Fair, and will be the guest of JNl. L. Wriston. Can't Mr. KIP. Battle nmvail udoii Mr. Greely to attend our Shite Fair? . , . - , I - ' , 1 : 1 ' j i - ' , . 1 ...... I,, . i ; - ! i : : i i i THE! "LOST CAUSE." Startling Manifesto from the ! sociation." " Southern As- " The ' Veiial, Hypocritical New Depar ture Democracy of the North." i How the Independence of the South May be Secured. Good Work Already Commenced in North Carolina, The : r ; The. Conditions of Separation. Strictly confidential. Rooms of Southern Association, . New York, August, 1871. Dear Sir: lam instructed by tho association to hand you copies of our Jpolitical pamphlet for August. The action of our association is, of course, confidential ; but I am permit ted to state that tho August number was prepared by one of the most dis tinguished of Georgia's statesmen. Please give the pamphlet circulation among our friends and publication, and notice by such of your journals as are sound upon the true principles of demo cracy, as we hold them, For the Southern Association. "Washington. .v. ; CONCESSION, OR HOW THE Lost Caiise May "be Regained, "AND THE ( INDEPENDENCE OF THE SOUTH SECURED. - Being an Address to my Fellow-Country, by A CONCESSIONIST. . Man knows no master save creating Heaven, Or those whom choice or common good ordain. Thompson. Give me leave and I will slay thus dragon, without sword or st&ff.Apochrypha. PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION f PART FIRST. It has got to be a common phrase, even, among our people, speaking of Southern independence, to call it .the " Lost Cause." This is much to be re gretted. 44 Words are things," and false ideas jclothed in fine words are potent for evil. I Our cause is not a lost cause. It is true we foiled in our first attempt, but the cause of freedom can never, no never be lost ' Freedom's fight when once begun. Bequeathed from bleeding sire to son," ever triumphs gloriously in the end. We have put aside the sword, nor is it the intention of the writer to advise you to take it up again. It has been truly said that 44 Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword." Let us then, al though we have put down our arms and ceased the rude shock of war, still hope, and despair not until all the re sources of statesmanship and diploma cy have failed. : ' We have a weapon firmer set, And surer than the bayonet, The Ballot, tho' it falls as still - As snow-Hake on the frozen sod, Yet executes a Freeman's will ' As lightning does the will of God. No cause is lost, or eyer can be lost, which is shrined in the hearts of a great people, and for which they haVte shed their most precious blood and offered up to Heaven their holiest and purest prayers. We of tho South are. ' A NATION. The late war with its horrors and sac rifices has united us into one a com mon cause has made us a common name--and brought out from the chaos of a disjointed government, a new na- ; wbdf imvn wn in common with the people of the North except a common and untrue to speak of the people of . i i 1 S . a. -v - r the JNortn ana oum as uuiu uucua- tion, as li- wouiu w; iu moiu .v, English peoples are one with us for the same reason. The English speaking peoples comprise several distinct na finnutioa tho "Rnrriish nroner. the Scotch, the Irish, the Canadian, the t. iwiit! iv'j ' -"'-in x x r Trrth Amprinrms oi mo unutu ouucb, nnri nnrplvps of the South, all distinct nationalities, yet all speaking tho same language. . . t. Writer who treat of such subjects m a scientific way . have pointed out the I 1- I -.1. nntinnnlUinj Q rD !-1W- manntr in wmtii iiiiuuuimiiwi " r iiircvi from n. naront stock. . The influ ences most prominent in working these enanges are uiversny ui tumaic, oni inemntinns. .From the samestock WilVt. - " . - . came the Canadian and the people oi the Northern States, yet they are un like each other, and unlike that parent cfrv orri a hf difference in climate. laws and institutions between theN orth ern States and England is greater, so fiimrnnfi lotwecn them ' is crreater. No one will deny that America has de vdnTwl a nntionalitv as distinct from i Vncri wh Tiponle as the from the. Italian. So, too, these Southern States, living under a totally different climate, and under peculiar laws, and a peculiar in- SlltUllOIl, llrtS UOCIUJ'CU t iifiArnf from either that of the North- era States or that of the parent English i Tli A ! i-nrm -hen rrcl. wholC-SOUled, cliivalric son of the Sunny South is no 1 i m t U n nnlfl -h en rt (H I . cal CU lat 1 11 S. puritanical Yankee, than a Hollander io iiVo nn Irishman. I repeat it, then, we of the South are a Nation, and a people; distinct from the North, we hv flifTerent iniDulses. were reared under different institutions, have a different theory 01 govern in uui, uuu are marching forward to a different and far more erlorious destiny. V TP4hnM ia onv Ann thine which more than another marks the progress of the aire, it .is the emancipation and union fir si in iiiLiuuauiiu nM Tiiiinrr from tlio. seven hills o ancient Rome. The German provinces of France have escaped irom unuer iue rioinr. trntn. nnrl the Rhine bfeloncs to i.ittiniini At. no distant da v the Gennan lCrovinces of Austria 'Will de- part from her keeping; already they gravitate with resistless force to a com mon centre. Their union will be the prelude to their independence, when neither Emperor nor King shall rule over them, only God and their own will. . - : ' . ; - This knittinsr together of similar na tionalities is irresistible. It takes place in obedience to a law:-of the human race, as universal and omnipotent as the law of gravitation. : Neither the sword nor " reconstruction, acts," nor anv form of violence can resist it. we, tne peopie oi me ouuiu, nation, different and distinct from the people of the North, and -no effort to bind us together by force can succeed. Such a union can be but temporary, and while it cap have no durability, it must; as a consequence, oeing unnat ural and unjust, be injurious and dan gerous to both sections. m.t-w .;- Beware tnen, u ye peopit? in m North, lest in this mad attempt your own liberties are forever lost. ' ; Tho nreliminarv Dhilosophical con siderations are intended as introducto ry to what follows. It ls the design oi the writer to point out the means by whioh tho To.st Cause can be regained and OUR INDEPENDENCE SECURED. PART SECOND. The first steD is to turn our back for ever upon the venal, hypocritieal,flilse hearted, Yankee "new departure" de- mocracy oi me xNurin. . 1, Thev have ever deluded and deceived us, with.no thought above the grovel ing and greedy thirst for the spoils of ofiice: they are ever ready to sacrmp principle to expediency. 1 ; Tliey encourageci us iiilo uieuui and then basely deserting us, came with arms in their hands at the beck and bidding of a fanatical abolition ad ministration, to lay waste our fair fields and crimson our hearthstones with the blood of our brave children. j Let us be true to ourselves. Shame on the false, craven-hearted Southerner who "accepts the situation," when that 0ifna nn is one. ot neneiidence ana slavery to a Northern conqueror. I . "Accept the situation I", What is the situation? Let me tell you, my coun trymen ; or rather look around you AND BEHOLD THE SITUATION.- j The State sovereignties overthrown and the government seized by a horde of Northern adventurers, foreigners, who, upheld by the power of the bayo net, rule the people with cool impunity and run riot in the spoils wrung from n fiowntrorlden and oppressed people. Look at the ever proud, chivalne ana i . . . it . 1 J. Morions Htate ot boutn .uaroiuni iruus- formed into a burlesque African rejmb-ii-whilo in everv Southern State an animal herd of brutal negroes are onlv o-iven the power to wield the not bal lot, but to sit in high places, hold Office and rule over us, "tne iree uoniwHis oi free born sires." - , , Rnrhisthe situation. You know it ..rn f m irf ill -rnii nfwnr it Never until couraere and manhood: dies out in every Southern heart and a I race of cowards and traitors rise up to fill our nlnc.es.. . Turn, then, your backs upon the so- nnilorl rlemoeracv of the North, i ou hn ve no nart nor lot with tnem. Disfranchised and held in bondae,it ii of no conseauence to you by Wiiat party name the oppressor may De known who may nereaiter siliu, desecrated chair of Washington.! lie true to vourselves and let the Yankee nn Hon elect its own rulersin its own way. . '!,,-. Concentrate all vour energies and at ten tion unon vour own domestic politi cal affairs. Firmly and without falter ing persevere in your purpose until the last State iii the Soifth is emancipated from radical rule. ' J ' Use the powers yet left you, and oy peaceable yet irresistible measures seize upon tne several rate jjuvenuuns nsul then UNITE ana djunu u T?Tr:irTS: .'ine anneal win nut uem .. . i , x. 1- .. t vnin. Rnch are the means by which your independence may yet be achiev ed. ' ' I - Tn order that you. my lellow-coun- trvmpn. mnv fullv realize the glorious onnortnnitv- which now offers, permit mo more in detail. IO point out ui 5X ..4- mode in which the lost cause may TVR REGAINED. 7,7 A Overturn.bv peaceable means, the rjiflical State administrations I and elect in every Southern State, Southern men to office, from the Chief Execu tive and Legislature down to the lowest official. Second When thi3 is done call a Con vention of the States, elect a President for a proposed Southern Confederacy, who is to he inauauraled ichen the inde pendence of the South Is acknowledged. Tnira Appoint a miuuuh? wm sion to proceed to Washington, a sec ond time, to j . DEMAND yOVll I N DEPENDEN CE and treat for a peaceable separation, y There is nothing in; the programme contrary to law, and you need not tear nnother war.' : i . . The demand, if firmly made a second time by a unitetl South, wTiii be grant ed. We will then, indeed, be told . - ! s t WAYWARD SISTERS DEPART IN PEACE. Already in North ;Carolina has the good work commenced. The. radical Governor is impeached and the obnox ious reconstruction acts, unconstitution al and void, have become there a dead letter, while so deep seated at the North is the repugnance to any renew al of the late war,that the Yankee gov ernment at Washington has not dared to interfere. Follow then, my countrymen, the example. set by North Carolina. (It is indeed a "new departure" well worthy of imitation. . . f That this plan will succeed is very apparent from the following consider ations: . : J First Tliere is nothing in tt contrary to law. .-- .' Second The c-rth are tired of war; they would not consent to another. The whole railroad and moneyed in terests of the country capitalists every wherewould unite and form a peace party and and letting us fro. advise the propriety of It would then be evident to ail tnat the old Union based on fraternal feel ing has become impossible, and that no union could ever be; maintained without a large standing army, invol ving a great and burdensome increase of ta.T5i.ti on to Runnort it.and endanger ingtheliberty of the Northern people themselves. .. INDEPENDENCE SIIOULD DE OUR ONIA" ' ' ' h:- rls: ;.; demand! : :. j ' We should tell the people of the North that we wished no line of custom louses stretched across the Continent. Free trade, as now, between all the States should be guaranteed bytreaty, also the free and common use and navi gation of the Mississippi and other great water courses. v 1 In return for wmcn tne Koutn snouiu be released from all participation in the payment of the Northern war deot, ior our brave people will never consenti to pay a cent of a debt , contracted to f Or nish the means to enslave tnem. - An alliance, offensive and defensive against all the rest of the world, should also be entered into. - These thiiigs should form tha fundakkXAJ' con ditions 6f separation,and as such could never be avoided. - J INDEPENDENCE OUR ' ONLY DEMAND. After leerallv and peaceably maknig this demand, let it be submitted to the people; let tnem vote on it anu ueciuo it. In the meantime let the present status continue. A larsre party would at once spring up in the North friendly to our purpose, and, backed by all 1he moneyed corporations and capitalists, favor the crrantincr of our independence. It would be the direct issue among ne . - -a l 111 people. The South voting as a unit and thaNorth divided our, cause woif Id ultimately triumph, as it would soon become apparent that separation would be for the best interest of all the people, loth North and South. Fellow citizens, it is well worth the trial. The opportunity is at hand, Jdo not necrlect it. Beorin the srood work nt, once, and the dav E? not far distant when a Southern sun snail snine upon " . -m I the Southern land, free and indepen dent.: That erlorious banner which wTas 1 so sadly furled at Appomattox, will omce more lly lreeiy irom tne japittuai Richmond, and he who of right ought to sit there to preside over our destiny, be recalled from his retirement anUd hc rejoicings of a redeemed people. ; PART THIRD. ADDRESSED TO THE PEOPEE OF THE - : ; NORTH. . " Corao let us reason together." : hnve nnssed throuffh one of o-reatest military strusrcrles of modern times. We of the South were at war v you of the North. For us it was a for Indenendence. For you it WTa "war for1 the Union." People of North, was not this war a failure to both'! We fought for an independence did . not achieve; you fought fo Union which vou have not yet r i zed both sections failed to obtain obiect for 'which they fought so l and so well. The Union established by the fa ers of the republic was founded u fraternal feelings between the Sta nnrl the laws which made it were o useful as an expression and guid that fraternal sentiment. When hate succeeded to love -that moment the Union was practieajlly dissolved. All laws are useful amdng a free people which are revered and respected. j The people of the South can nefer fraternize with you. The war has ren dered any Union, save a union of forpe, impossible forever. 1 We have become essentially a differ ent people," and can only regard you as foreigners. No matter what aspiring noliiieinns mav tell vou. this is the true and prevailing: sentiment of he mass oi iiiu ouuuieui t then.' trv to force us to adhere t - - j.1 1 .4 1, - 1 1" WT a ha ted Union? What benefit can it be to you? It is time that you should nsk this ouestion ? Be not blinded fby the lust of dominion or the pride of conquest, but calmly inquire whether, under all the circumstances, a peaceful separation would not be greatly to the advantage of both sections. ; That ideal union for which you fought has, by the very act of war, be come an impossible dream. Nothing remains but a union of-force a cbn onered oeoble. held unwilling captives within the bonds of a hated union. I It was not for this you fought. Alas !the war for the Union defeated itself in con quering a peace. Are not these-things so? Can you flenvthemin vour candid moments? All the arts of vour best statesmen since' the close of the war have hot been able to bind up the broken frag ments of the old Union : each fresh Jat- bmnt ' nt. legislation looking to that end has but increased the exasperation of our people and widened the breach. Tt. is now onlv n Union on papen a contfnuity of territory pictured on. the map. That is all there is left. The ii TTnirtn with nil its sacred emblems and beloved associations, is a thing! of I the past. ; These are unpleasant truths, them. Why hot, then, consent to a peaceable iii 1 1 i uri t: l n iiu &ui separation' lou nave iwniu enono'h : voil reach from ocean to ocean. Thf trrejrt, Likes are vours. and noble ri vats hv the score. You have wealth nnrl nrosneritv far exceeding us, sind mrm Toiifrh to stow in for centuries . wv- "O O j tn nnirie. 1 Leave us then our own Sunny South. Let us'there develop our own theory of P-overnment. re-establish and per petuate our own domestic institutions and wnrk' out unaisiurutti uufwwu rlstinV.- , With free trade between us and the common use of all the natural high ways of commerce you will lose noth incr nn the contrnrv.i the sreat sain toyou will fully compensate youfor releasing us from paying any poruou of your war debt, while at the saime time we will thus be placed in a con dition to pay the debt which we con tracted for our defence, and which ls renulinieft. tn the disaroce of lthe (ffloifrtf. Each section thus honorably discharging its own debt, ' the whole will he naid. and, the credit and repu tation of the entire people, both North nnd Sonth. maintained. An alliance, offensive and defensive, against all jthe world, will enable America to fulfil her manifest destiny. . A fraternal feelincr would be restored if separated hv mutual consent, and the two repub lics t'O on hand in hand in a eareeB of lory unsurpassed lstory. . '! -. M On the contrary, if vou insist on keeping us, you have; but another Po land, or Ireland, on your hands. (Think not that the feelings engendered by the late war will soon die out. It is but a short time since the; streets of vour city of New - York were) crim soned by blood shed Sby a hatred en gendered in a civil war,! wmcn was fousrht on anotner nemispnere, anu era people will remember Appomat- tox as lonsr as the defeated Irish have remembered the battle of the Boyne. Think of these things calmly ; do not let demagogues and (politicians blind you ; make the expediency or a peacea- hie senaration bv mutual consent an issue in your political campaigns. Ar gue the question, discuss it, reason up on it.' : ' : 1; .1 ' i bonds alone that makes a strong cen tralized covernment necessary for you. Tn consequence vou are fast hecoming a military government, and unless jthe-i present tendency towards centraliza tion is checked vour liberty will be forever lost and vour republic go down, like all others before, beneath the strong arm of somet military chief tain. I. ' ! ' fimntiisour independence and the necessity for all these things will ; van ish. You can then restore your gov ernment to its primitive simplicity, and feel that your liberty is forever secure.- ; :. :- i t ' , The Independence of the South and the peace, prosperity and liberty of the North are mseparaoiy iikcu lomei. Without lie former is ponceaeu, tne lai- ter will soon be rorever lost! Aug. 1871. CjiONCESSTQNIST. CALL FOR A SOUTHERN STATE CONVEN- I : TION. The followinsr preamble and resolu tion were adopted by the.Ktate ixnven- j e 1. 1 ,1 U, A flnnf.i TPnT-i tion of Georeria. held a 1871: " ..i-" ! hi.. n r wherens t ie re!Uiiar conuiiiun ui the colored neoole m the boutnern States, growing out oi axomumauun Z . U! X! oi ims yuuveuuu"' , iL practical understanding ant paiurm and natural 5Wnoi-Slfflw r .. i it.i J. J A- .-.n a rm v n -wtti npu tnorougn union 01 euurt, atuuu,.. ttrottjiizatmn mav exist: anu- u v-c"r . ' is r vv herens we neneve a uonveuuoii ui the Southern States would most happi lv snnnlv this exigency I and receive the cordial endorsement of the colored citizens ot said states : xnereiore . t?po1 verl . That we the , meniDers 01 the Oeorfria; State Convention now as sembled, do authorize the President of inia ujuveuuuu iaj ioouc van nnmA hf the said Convention Mor a Southern State Convention, to be held at such time and place as he and those with whom he mav advise shall deter mine best adapted to the puonc con venience. . ' i : i ; I Tim a hove is a true extract from tne minutes of the Georgia State Conven tion. ! ; 1 !! . I ".if i j J. S. STOKEEEY, . Secretary of Convention ;! I. r i- -,r-.:. i To the Colored Citizens of the Skdes of AhihamA. Arkansas. Delaware. Flor ida. Georrfia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Tennessee, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Car olina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia:-- TTavfncr been deputed, in pursuance of the above resolution, as" President of the Georgia State I Convention, and by the endorsement of the distinguish ed . n-entlemen whose S names are sub- inineo4. we do hereby call the! above j , .. - r named uonvenuon w mwi m- of Columbia, South Carolina, he city on the o'clock 18th day of October, 1871, at 12 j xueriuan. i ! u . As the Convention did not advise as to what should constitute the ratio oi renresentation. we suffsrest that the re spective States be representatively , ap portioned the same as they arej in the Congress of the United States, to wit : one delegate from each Congressional District, and two irom tne uu at large, and two from the District of Co lumbia. The several Congressional Districts will elect their own delegates, which elected delegates may meet and elect two for the State at largey unless the respective States j shall otherwise provide by State Conventions, j Those who may be accredited as del egates should meet I the Corfventioii prepared to remain iri session a week, if necessary, as questions requiring ma ture rieliheration wiir doubtless be hrnno-ht. before it. and should not be disposed of precipitantely. I Most respectfully, A II. M. TuhNEii, President Georgia State Convention. Macon, Ga., May iwi. Innumerable are the devices of ad vertising, and how the world got along without it in the days of no neypapers baffles conjecture. A new device is the plan of Mr. Walker,! an Englishman, who proposes that the stamping; instru ments used by the Post-Offico in mark ing letters, should imprint with the post-mark some brief advertisement arranged around the margin of the or rlinnrv imnression. ' Thus all I the let ters delivered in any. particular district would be made to Dear any specmeu advertisement of which the words were few in number. A great revenue is Eromised from the business ; but ff the British post people do not stamp letters mom lefjriblv than most letters are stampeoHin the United States the ad vertisement thus . half-printed; twill be nothhing but a chronic botheration The surgeons and "physicians of Jersy City are just now much exercised over the case of Frederick Prout, who, on the Cth inst.i was thrown out of a wag on and had his neck broken. The hos pital sursreoris all decided that Prout would die in a few hours,' but, j strange to say, he is still alive, and talks freely, though his body is paralyzed from his shoulders downward, lie presents the singular appearance of a man I whose head is only alive, thel rest of his body being practically dead. The surgeons now say that his -recovery is not im possible, . . ' i Untes of Vdvertislrifl: I T One square, ono time, - - - - -: $1 00 j . two uines,- - -. - 7 ,i nu I three times.- - - - ' 2 00 A square is the width of a column, and inches deep. ' - , i ffiS-Contract Advertisements taken n proportionately low rates. : ; ! J Professional uarus, notexeeoaiug i wpinrei will bo published one year for $12. . J : For the Carolina Era. OUR FINANCES. : ' Now that the battle has been fought, the smoke cleared away, tho denns removed, and the minds or reasoname men Supposed to have resumed their proper orbit, it lehooves us to look a$ our material condition, unswayed- btf the nets of the demairotruc or the wile of the ambitious and adventun)us placer seeker. We have been told during this contest,that unless Convention was earned, that the aJroat Ite next- session, wouiu oe comixuieu i M'vj' i interest on the State debt. 1 must no permitted to doubt the truthfulness of this assertion. I have thought and . still think, this was a threat to intimi date voters Into a support oi tne revo lutionary scheme. That we must pay. or show some signs of payment, all honest men agree, and we must set about it. We must not let tho cloud or dishonor that now seemn to lower oyer our house, paralyzing an our nirHT., to gather any further volume VVo can do nothing as a State or a : people, while we refuse payment lor money, advanced to us, and for which we have property, the represenuuivo oi umi. . money advanced. vimi uuvvuunci That is the first question ; . for until! a clear understanding ishad on this point, it is unwise for the Legislature to act.'. Kemp P. Battle, the then accompusn ed and distinguished Treasurer of the State, furnished to the Convention of 1808 upon a resolution of that body,tho statement that tho State had issued bonds, and that nt October ist, iu, there was due, $12,47U,u7U.ou Estimated net outstanding due, . 1,500,000.00 $13,970,070..r0 Stocks, r WW Bonds, f ' : XTrtw If tKia twi trne nnfl T doubt not. Where Is the difficulty of dealing with the debt? The subsequent indebted ness I will come to presently, wnen an individual has a debt, and has proper ty, if he refuses to pay suit can -bo in stituted, judgment obtained, and an execution levied, and ineamouni muut? f J.4 . . rnri "VT HI! fHlll't pVHtP lV is the obligation less nav an honest debt, particularly when ".flv thR roI)resentatlon of that I VOU I T v w r . money borrowed from others, ano! are ?ta rlivirlends; i The people of. liovinf North Carolina are a ouiet, law-loving, and law-abiding people, and honest withal, and pay their taxes without violence. They are well taxed, and complain; and while they complain, they j are obedient, and will pay any . exaction. But they say now', why tax me further, if you have property ;to pay the debt, or diminish it; then, I am willing to be taxed for the excess. 1 Is not this good logic, as well as good reasoning? The eyes of tho bond hol der are now open too, and he don't in tend thatthe State shall enjoy his money and wealth, and make no show oi pa pay sold out, ment. If the assetts oi the state are innieiouslv. this debt can be wiped j - v f , , , , r. ii!.. and. no honest man ougut u ruunu ji propbrty and keep his creditors at bay, much less a great sovereign State. What is the character of a State, with-, out an untarnished honor? Now as to the debt since Convention. Of this, it lis difficult to say what wo owe. Our J u diciary, have made decisions, that I think, rule out about eight or. ten .mil lions, and how muchimord, I won t undertake to say. 13ut be this as it mav. Let three of our most accom- ... plished and able lawyers and financiers be appointed to separate the valid from the invalid debt, with the duty also from examining: the legislation to give to the Legislature their opinion as to which can, arid which cannot bo en forced. The Legislature will thus hnfe a stand point from which they can act advisedly. This can be done n thirty : days, leaving, tho -Legislature sufficient time to act as' their, wisdom may direct. It may be that a Western man may object. 1 tell him he ought not, because the State cannot help hi(n in its present impoverished condition. If it passes into other hands, they may build his roads for him and furnish a means or transportation, xnv Wil mington & Weldon ltoad is now owned by others than the State," and yet Its condition is improved- The Ilaleigh & Gaston Railroad I belongs to others than the State, and yet its condition has continued to improve ri nee the Ntaio sold out its interest. No monopoly can ever seriously affect the State, be cause when a business is prosperous, energy and thrift will set up competi tion, until we get a denser popula tion .we need not fear railroad influ ences will control' our polities, as in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New-York, arid other densely populated commercial, as eonstradistimruished from agricultural States. We may bring help to our State by this course, we may uy in is means use other men's money to build our railroads. It is certain that wo have not the money, and that the char acter of tho legislation is such as to drive what money we have, from the State for investment. No ln-tter men in the 'State (without, being invidious or dictatorial) could be appointed than Hon. 13. F. Moore, Hon. V. 1 1, liable and Kemp P. Battle, j Something must Ikj done, if we would preserve our iime-nonorei inumj. and prevent drifting into the scylla of repudiation, now growing rife and bloated with belchinir and dishonest office-seekers, who are continually re galing the dear people with their wrongs of taxation. SellyourrailroadK for cash, and if the purchaser bought the Bonds of the State, and was willing to take the quotation price, give him credit to that extent; if not, take your money and go into, tho market and buy your Bonds. The State would not bo without a precedent in this matter. Again: Individuals can manage busi ness with moreeconomy than the State, and it would take from the. Legislature a vast source of corruption in tho ap pointment of officials, letting out jobs and taking away from tho Executive, the patronage, not wielded at all times for the best public interest now grown fearful in larger States, and at the Cap ital of the Nation. ' PLYMOUTH. The National Educational Conven tems of the South. tion at St. Louis adopted resolutions favoring any plan, giving jKvuniary aid to the struggling- educational, sys

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