' J It I TRI-WEEKLT A2JD WEEKLY BY THE ERA PUBLISHING COMPANY. Kates of Subscription t Hates of -Advertising One square, one time, - " two times,- -" I " three times, - $1 00 I 1 50 2 00 A square is the width of a column, and 11 Tiu-Wekkx.y One year, in advance, 3 00 inches deep. J . .. ' j .!. I jT" Contract Advertisements taken al proportionately low rates. 1 j , Professional Cards, not exceed ing 1 squ'are, will be published one year for $12. . J 6 months, in advance. 2 00 00 i s montns, in advance, i 1 month, in advance. Weekly One year, in advance, Six months, in advance, 1 50 $1 00 I 50 Vol. 1. RAllKIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1871. No. 19. - i i : ' '' . j - ! ' 1 ' - " ' ; ' ' ' " m 1 Rogers. Tho defaulting cashier of the Pejepscot National Bank of Bruns wick, Maine, was arraigned on last Fri day morning lefore Judge Shepiy, of the U. S. Circuit Court, lie plead guil ty, and was sentencel to six years at hard labor in the State Prison. I ) . i A Boston special says tho woman fr.uu hisers of Massachusetts are highly indignant because the late Republican platform does not more fully recognize their claims to the ballots The Dis patch adds that "nothing is left for them but to go to Washington and join Victoria Woodhull and her crew, and they are mad enough to do It." j The New York Tribune sustains the nominations made by the Syracuse Convention, and counsels harm(iuy among tho Republicans of New York. This almost certainly assures the suc cess of the party in the Empire State at the November elections. The ticket nominated seems to be acceptable , to all classes of Republicans in the State. Injunction- Continued. We learn that Judges Bond and Brooks during the late term of the United States Cir cuit Court, continued until the hearing the injunction sued out by Swazy r$. Josiah Turner, Jr., and others who had been apjointed Directors of the North Carolina Railroad Co., by Messrs. War ren and Jarvis, under a late act of the General Assembly. This decision as we understand it sustains Ciov. Cald- . well's right to apiKiint Directors for said road. ! A most sickening accident occured'at l'aoli, Orangi county,Indiana,on Tues day, growing out of a hallotm nscent. It stH'ims that before the aeronauts were .-.iUil in the car the ropes gave way, niid while the balloon was shooting up wards the two voyagers caught at the nies. One let go immediately and fell to the earth uninjured,but the other shot uy holding to the ropes to the height of a mile and then let go. lie was of course crushed into an undistih guishablc mass. The sjKtvh delivered by Secretary BiMitwell at Cincinnati on Thursday, says The Washington Siury may be ta ken as an indication of his proposed KIicy in the future, as well as a grati fying review of the financial adminis tration in the past. The payment of ?:If0,i)K,000 of the public debt and the reduction of $,so,000,000 in taxation are alluded to, and he proposes ere long to reduce, taxation thirty millions more, and content ourselves with paying off the debt at the rate of only fifty mil lions a year. Taxation even now, .he says, is not burdensome. There are on ly seven subjects of taxation altogether, and none of these are . really oppressive or obnoxious except the income tax. This, he says, will expiro in 1872 by limitation, if not renewed. . Prolific Corn. We were shown on Thursday, by Sheriff Lee, of this County, several stalks of corn, grown on his farm not far from this city,1 which is very remarkable. It Is of the "Pacific Prolific" variety, and the seed was procured by hHn from Brazil. The stalks, which aro of ordinary size and height, bear each from" three to eight good sized ears. Sheriff Leo will have samples of this wonderful corn on ex hibition at the State Fuir, and our far mers and planters would do well to ex amine it with a view, to its extensive culture. The only, question that we see as to its great value is whether or not it will deteriorate in this latitude after a few years cultivation. Sheriff Lee informed as that twenty stalks pro duced a bushel of com, which,he thinks, Is much better than cotton. ' The Virginia Republican State Con vention, says Tlic Philadelphia Tele graph, adopted a decided resolution in favor of a protective tariff; and we trust that the whole South will gradu ally learn to recognize the fallacy of its old love for free trade. No section of the country is more deeply interested' in a protective policy. It can never be as prosperous as it should be until nu merous manufacturing industries are established within its limits, and, to accomplish this end, is- in greater need of the aid of protection than the North. Here many industries are already well established ; there, nearly, the whole wprk of organizing them, and guarding them through the perilous period of in fancy, remains to be done. The aboli- hum .ui Biuvery wm ui uscii pruve u 1 r i 11 r LI powerful stimulus to manufacturing de velopment, which only needs the as sistance of steady protection and of a universal recognition of the dignity of labor. If the South would manufacture cotton as extensively as she can produce it, her wildest financial dreams would speedily be realized, and cotton would become a real king Instead of a mere mock monarch. Frederick the Great gave Washing ton sword, bearing the inscription : "From the oldest general in the world to the greatest." Rev. W. H. Milburn, the Blind Preacher. . has withdrawn from the Episcopal Church and reunited with the Methodists. OLD LUTE WHIG. We give space in this issue to the communication of an "Old Line Whig" with pleasure, but beg leave to say to him in all candor and sincerity that tho reorganization of the old Whig party, is impossible. 'We are aware that the names of Democrat and Radical "are both odious to some of our peo ple." We arc also aware of tho fact that there Is some justice in his charges against both of said parties. But a State party cannot be organized with any promise of stability that is not con nected with one of the great national parties of the country. There are but two that have any; claim whatever to be called national the Republican and the Democratic. The Republican par- ty in the North is substantially the old Whig party under another name. Will our correspondent allow himself to be driven to the Democratic party by his dislike of a name that is, per set a good one ? We do not believe he will.' Let him, and all good imen occupying his position, join the Republican party and aid in elevating it to such a standard of excellence as will suit him, by electing none but good men to office in the fu- turc. Certainly all of Governor Cald wen's appointments arc such civel sntJafnMion nrt onW rM,r ror w r lion r- rnt f a oil i? rtrv ia ri1lmr ? Wj-k uvwi. u. 1 ! -i .1 ill. 11.! 1 I A j satisfied with anything he might do. We can very well understand the tri als of the mind of an "Old Lino Whig;" they have been and are the trials of many hundreds, if not thousands, of minds in this State. The same scruples and prejudices that are operating upon his mind have driven many old Union Whigs into the ranks of the Democratic-Conservative party, where they feel that they do not belong, and where they can only be discontented and un happy. Therefore we take the liberty of kindly advising our friend and cor respondent, who, we judge, has had an experience very similar to our own, to abandon his present position and be come, not a radical but a, staunch' and zealous Republican. For we assure him that it is only in the Republican haven that he can find that repose which he seeks, and which the trials of his .mind render if necessary that he should have. We hope soon to receive another communication from himl in forming us that he has made up his mind to take the necessary step to se cure his future political peace and hap piness. For he must see that the prin ciples of the National Republican parly are the eternal principles of justice and of true republicanism the principles upon which he proposes to organize a new party. ' Wc beg leave further to say to our correspondent that the great Republi-r can party of the Nation is compact and united no divisions are to be appre- hSnded. That it will be triumphantly successful in the next Presidential race, , whoever may be the nominee, admits of no doubt whatever. All the proba bilities are that it will retain possession of and control the Federal Government for many years to come. Let him jask himself what the people of North Caro lina have to gain by, warring for years against the only party in the nation that has it in its power to render them any assistance in their poverty and distress. Have they riot much to loose? U. S. CIRCUIT COURT. Thi tribunal RfllnnrnPd on Tiiesdav " , . 0 . . XT " the 3rd, until the last Saturday in No- vember, after a session of nineteen days. No cases have been tried since last week ; all those that have not been tried were continued until the term in November, all the prisoners, who vere not discharged, giving bail for theirap pearance at that time. The case of Hon. Plato Durham was, by agree ment, set for trial on the second Wednesday in December. 1 1 Judgments were prayed andsenten passed on the prisoners convicted, or those who submitted, in the second Biggerstaff case as follows : Jason Witherotc Judgment not pray ed, he having been used as a witness. Wm. C. Depriest Sentenced to two years imprisonment and a fine of $100. m Y 1 A l I layior uarson rineu tou. i Olin Otrson Fined 30. Joseph Fortune Judgment suspend- ed. he having been used as a witness. Leander Thorns One year imprison ment and one dollar fine. 1 Amos Owens Judgment not prayed, he being already under sentence for the raid on Mr. Justice. JbSSSSli months impiis- onment. I Samuel Biggerstaff Judgment not Tm'cl ot hSnetiinrtnf Aaron V. Tiip'- gerstaff . 1 Alfred Biggerstaff -Ono year's im prisonment. ! Barton Biggerstaff Two years im prisonment. I Lawson Teal Two years imprison ment. ' I James Siceazy Two years imprison ment. I Adolphus Depriest Judgment not prayed, as he was ' already under sen tence for two years, f I Thomas Portune Submitted, , six months Imprisonment. Beniamm Fortune Judgment not S rayed, he being already under scn ince. - I Judgment was also prayed on the following, who plead guilty In cases not yet disposed of: i j Ar. T. Thorn Two 'cases, ono year imprisonment. " r Isaac Padgett Six months imprison ment.' ; David Holland Judgment not pray cd, he being already under sentence. Stanly JJaynestsix montns impris onment. I , Michael Grigg Six months impris onment Waiter Grigg Six months imprison ment. j Samuel Goforlh Six. months impris onments Michael Griqq Second case. Judg ment suspended. S Atnn Jouison One vearandSoO fine. Peter J3axfcrOne year and $50 fine, J. A. LingereM Six months impris onments j ; join isatneyiiix months imprison ment. ; JacobUl!lson Six months imprison ment. ; Jlenrv Boxtey One vear and $50 fine. v Wm Mclntyre and Vm. Teal Judg ment not prayed, they being under sen tence in the Justice case. Jason WitheroicZ udgment not pray eel, as he had been a witness. D.1I. McOovcn Six months impris onment.;; All of these " terms are to be served out in the county jails of the State; none of Hhe prisoners being sent to a Penitentiary except those engaged in the brutal and inhuman raid upon Mr. Justice' and the Rutherford Star office. Wn fVn niMsnm in mnvino- tho fol ,. . m, ,-r" vIF. x., luwmgiuiiifuui xnvMrjw vu, ,tuh I a ""r 1 1 r i asuia appncaoie 10 morin uaronna, as I ' ' - - well as to Virginia, and we fully en dorse, the writer, throughout the whole subject, which ho so understanding handles, particularly" when he says : Sell part of your burdensome lands, at very lowifigures, which, in reality, will I be high prices; IMMIGRATION LETTER FROM i ..' f J. ii LABIAUX. RaIiEIGH, N. C, Sept. 25, 1871. Editor Norfolk Journal: I quote from your number of the 21st inst: "We want to seo the same sort of prosperity in Virginia, i The necessities of our peopltj demand that every arable acre shall be subject to tillage; that every swamp shall be drained and put in cut tivation, and that our vast woods shall be. cleared and.Iertiie. farms established in the?r placesi We want to see Old Virghiia looking as lively as this Eng lish farmer says (see your Albemarle letter) Old England looks. It can, be; it should pe ; and it will be. But when i That derends uion the landholders." - While the landholders can materially help to; bring forth the wished fortrans- j'ormatiqnl particularly in selling parts of their 1 burdensome lands at very toto Jiourex. which, 'reckoning well, would be 'really h lgh price, yet their good will must remain sterile as long as the netc cottiers' do riot arrive. It is not be cause there is riot enough of Southern lands in the market, that immigration is so microscopically small m the South, for I know of one single company (the North Carolina Land Company) having more than 700,000 of acres lor sale in tracts of even so small as ten acres (and this company advertises it in several Northern, Canadian and Scotch papers); but it is for the reason that there is not a systematic organization, with irrefu- table moral strength and' indisputable authority,: making its lull programme universally known, that they do not come in our midst, but emigrate to the "Great Far West" and to "Snowy Can ada 1" 4 i j Other quotations from your cable dis patches of the 23d inst. : "The conven tion relative to emigration has been ar ranged between the United States and not Rrifnin ThA Hr!Hh fVwtimia. ;?Snn the details of the scheme, and it has been transmitted to Washington by the foreign office." j As our Southern pub lic, and the undersigned, are somewhat interested in the scheme above, and do not know anything about it, yet (at least yoiir correspondent does not), will X0" .be kind enough, Mr. Editor, to en lighten us on this subject on as early as possible a day? ! Please do, as we may comprehend if thai scheme cyphers us in or out ! ! . Your announcement of the arrival at your port of the steamship Caspian, with sixty-five emigrants (are they go ing to the "Far West?"); yourvelcome salute to .the event; the merited compli ment you pay to the agent of the Allan line and to Mr. J. T. Shanks, your wide awake local immigrant agent ; your suggestions to your Board of Trade to provide Jetter for future landings of emigrants, and your prayer for an"im migrant's s home," deserve high com ments from all, and my personal con gratulations. When fthe "Southern Board of Im migration"; will enter upon their duties they. Willi of course, immediate pro vide for an "immigrants' home" sup plied with seats bunks, water, fuel and light, all gratis I0r the Immigrant; thev will likewise provide that arti cles of wholesome food shall be sold to the emigrants at fair prices. An hos pital, with a resident physician, infir mary, &L will also be immediately established, and it will not be difficult for the "Southern Board for Immisrra tion" to make the "immigrants' home" rri0r tO the NeW Yrk My individual opinion is that as Vir ginia is not as poor as North Carolina, and as showill reap, in all probability, the most benefits of the immigration, she will be generous in her appropria tion, in proportion, .and, am I wrong in hoping, that the city of Norfolk will show her understanding of, and devo tion to the great,! but easy problem we are to solve? i ? My last communication to the Nor folk Journal was hardly mailed, when a party from Canada, came here, pur chased a farm of 500 acres, (five miles from Raleigh,) and scouted the idea of Belgians and Alsatians settling In Can ada. (The party is R. Koella, from Zurich, Switzerland, having resided in Canada since 1863.) T I remain, dear sir, yours, truly, ! ; j J. L. Labiaux. Wo have, as yet, no information relative to the details of the Conven tion alluded to in our cable telegrams of the 23d. For. the Carolina: Era. Amendments of the Constitution (No. G.) Art. V. sec Amendment propos- ed : That tho section lows: shall readns fol- The General Assembly shall have no power to contract any new debt or pe- cuniary obligation j m i behalf of the State, except to supply a casual aeiicit, sion: or to modify or reney its existing eot. : comment: aii inscruciiyc ms- torical essay might be written on the attempts made in State Constitutions to repress the tendency of Legislatures to run ineir uucs in ueui ior. ran roaus ana oiner internal improyemenis. Ane responsible. The writer ot these arti subject cannot be passed over entirely cies has no sympathy with the general without discussion : but the briefest must here suffice, i Every railroad or canal must necessarily beneht some lo cality, (however extensive it may be) and not others. A ceneral tax for it must therefore necessarily be partial and unjust. But some enterprises may be conceived of, which are of such gen end advantage, that if any means could worthy, as he alleged them to be ; his op bo devised bv which State expenditure I T-o?tInn hnwpupr uniKSiial i1Yl mnlrartf could be confined to them, and by which me iunu raiseu couiu ueiuauowraju - diciously and honestly applied ; it is probable that the practice of State aid wouia meet, wiui niuepr uo opposiuun. But tho experience of every State, it is believed, will show that no such means have been as yet discovered.' 'lo give the .Legislature any power in this re- tc.IW"i lc1 w ?V"7 " w L" spect certainly leads to abuse, if not to corruption. Consequent to this general 1 t i n i . i i i experience, we nna mat t I ..II J? XI -t '1!J...4S. all or nearly all of the new Constitutions of those States which have had full freedom of action; either restrict this power within very narrow limits or absolutely forbid its exercise. The Convention of 1868, endeavored to restrict it within limits supposed to be strait enough to make it harmless. The Legislature of 1SG8-9 enoeavoreu to leap overine oarers, i 1 A 1 ai ; : 1 but the Supreme Court had tho courage to restrain them. .Nevertheless the Con stitution left one fatal gap, through which legislative extravagance poured with a tide which hastemporarily at least, engulfed the credit and character of the State. It allowed State aid to be given to "unfinished railroads." The exception seemed a reasonable one, and with such prudent action by tho Legislature as it was I reasonable to an ticipate, it would have been harmless. The sad experience of isos-y teaches us that the prohibition to be at all ef fectual, must be absolute and without exception. To insert such a prohibition now, may look like locking the stable door after the horse is stolen, ii But the maxim will apply, "better late than never." s jl Such a sweeping and peremptory re striction on legislative action may be supposed bv some ardent friends of State aid, to disappoint tho reasonable exixK'tations of several- sections ot the .state, and to cui tnem on muenniieiy i .. 'l .. n. i. 1.. from every hope of havings;' their re sources developed. But it must be re membered, that such a result would not be caused by the suggested Consti tutional -prohibition.! it has already been produced by the legislative reck lessness and folly, which in a single year reduced tne credit oi tne state to 17 cents in the dollar. As long as the present mass of bonds is on the market, there is no prospect that the State can borrow money for any improvement whton tt wd be madness to accept.! The best way to begin to raise the credit of the State, and to make future improvement pos sible. is to put an absolute limit to the increase of its debt. If any improve ment shall be so important as to com mand general favor, the State may ef fect it by raisins: the necessary funds bv annual taxation : and this is the on- j ode n h 'it seems likely for v mooe in wnicn ii seems liKeiy lor many years to come, that any such ob iect will be attempted. ii, is piam mereiore, mat no secuou of the State would practically j lose any TTi A. I A ! XI A. ' thing by the suggested amendment, while a beginning would.be ' made to- ward improving the credit of the State, and a rash, rechless, and corrupt Legis lature, which, as it has heretofore oe curred, is possible again, will 1 have no similar opportunity. Art. V. Sec. 7. shall be amended to read as follows : I II ' The taxes levied by the Commission ers of the several counties, for county and township purposes, shall be levied In like manner with the state taxes ; and except for the ordinary, necessary and reasonable purposes of county ad- ministration, shall not be assessed or of a maioritv of the tax payers of the county voting: on the question:! If unfortunate it is t impracticable, to tie up the hands of a Legislature from pillaging their constituents under the cruise of taxation ; the same reasons do not apply to such municipal corpora tions as the Commissioners of counties. The objects for which they arO required to spend money, are few, well defined, and capable of being easily restricted within reasonable limits. The sue:- gested amendment, requires that the taxes laid by them shall be reasonable, This word is a leeral term, and its use is sufrested. exoresslv for the purpose of bringing such taxation within the con- trol of the Courts of the country, who would only interfere incase the taxa tion was errosslv, unreasonable either in its purpose, or amount. I The present Constitution recognized the danger to which the tax paying community was exposed by tne reck lessn ess, ignorance or corruption Of these petty municipal bodies. Most frequent ly the county Commissioners are dis creet and responsible men ; their con duct generally has been such as to in dicate the policy of the Constitution in putting the control of country affairs in the hands of men elected by the ! voters of the county. But it cannot be denied, that it is nossible that some certain body of Commissioners, although fairly elected by the people, j may be wholly unworthy of trust. Such a bodymight do irretreivable mischief if permitted to act wholly unrestrained. Hence every State Constitution puts certain checks by requiring for &nyumtsuql exercise of the taxing power, either the previous consent 01 tne tax payers, or or some other elected agent 01 tne peo ple, or by permitting in a proper case the interposition by way of a vote of some other elected agent. The present 1T L!i AS I - 1 J. 1 Al- vonsiuuuon enuenvurvu iu uuu una check in requiring the previous consent or the ueneral Assembly, liut our short experience has provied that check to be wholly unavailing. ; Application to levy a special tax is made by some member from a county; it is unfortunately considered discour teous for any member from another county to object ; and the application is aiways granted without inquiring into st nmnrietv. To thnriioplr of tho non- stitution is frustrated by the misplaced flelicacv or 1 XHislators- iSo it was in 0a times in regard to the nomination Gf Justices of the Peace. It was looked oia as the perquisite of the county members,and hence appointments were niade, which to say tiie least, ought not to have been mnrle. and no one felt political course of the Hon. Josiah Tur ner; but he is disposed to bei just at all times, and to applaud when lie can. .Notwithstanding that gentleman was generally denounced because in j the Legislature of 1861, he opposed certain nominations for J. jr., it must be ad mitted that n the nominees were,unr to legislative course, was strictly in the . jine of his duty and commendable, And so I should say with regard to opposition to special acts for county taxation. But trie general sentiment, or practice, is, and will remain , the other way, and some other check than the requisition of legislative; sanction must be devised. TThis cheek is at- tempted to be found; teinpiea to oe iouna ; ist, in ine requi siti0n thathe tax must be reasonable; ! ..7 thus empowering the Courts to set it aside if grossly unseasonable; 2d, in requiring the consent of a majority of the tax payers, which will never be refused in a proper case. L ' rr.t y- . 1 j i T . 1 2 i xne tjonsutuuon enueavoreu 10 rmt a further limitation on the j extrava gance of county Commissioners, by requiring that the ordinary county taxation should not exceed double the State tax. It would seem that this was leaving a sufficiently wide margin. But the leave given to levy special taxes by consent of the General Assembly, has made this attempted limitation practi cally a dead letter. There is no nec essary proportion between the State tax, and a county tax, and any which may be adopted, must be simply arbi trary. It has been and will j be con stantly evaded ; and therefore in. the amendment suggested, all attempt . to maintain such a proportion is aban doned. The cheek suggested Of requir ing the consent of a majority of the tax payers Will enable us safely to! dispense with every other. I . K. For the Carolina . Era. . Mb. Editor Sir: In your paper of the 7th of September, you suggest some Constitutional amendments' by! the next session of Assembly. I willj endorse all you suggest, but suffer mo to say you have omitted one of great moment. In addition to yours, let the Constitu tion be so amended t hat no member of any Assembly shall get morp than $3 per day, and ten cents mileage! By all means do not loose sight of this amend ment. I am unwilling to trust aiiy body any longer 'to fix their qwn pay, since I hpe been so badly deceived by the last. Legislature. Also that no As sembly shall sit longer than 2 months, and once in 2 years if it sits longer than 2 months, to get no pay. Again, Mr. Editor, will you suffer me to make some suggestions in regard to I'arties and Farty Spirit, in our good old SState. It seems to me the preju dices ot leading men arev growing stronger every day. Now, what is to be done ? Let me tell you what my views are. We have more party agitation in this country than the people want. J3uu men are constantly causing mese prejudices. The people, if from under6 such influence, want peace. - They are tired of hard names and odious ppithets enough, and too much of this is abroad in our land. Now, for the remedy : Organize a New Party. "Why ?" do you ask? From this fact: , The people do not like the name of Democrat nor Radical. Both these names ard odious to the masses of the DeoDle. The Rad ical party suffered the offices tojfall in to the hands of such ungodly mn they rendered themselves unpopular. The Democrats ruined us all by the war, and, it is plain to be seen, it is going again as it did before the war Rule or tum. ow wnair say, get up a new party ; let its leaders be good men, who will look to the good of the whole people rather than party, and, if need oe, riue over an party ieeiinira lor uie good of all, Henry Clay like, and as a Clay Whig, let me suggest therevivim of the old Whig party. I, as an Ok Line Whig, called myself a Conserva- tive, and, since the war, have chose to voie as jl wiougnt uest, anu siiuji Keep on in the same way. The old Whig party was, in its day, the best party that existed in this country. It would not stoop to low down demagogueism. fThe Democrats would, and, therefore, the Wlusr party was not so much in power. But the people's eyes are open now, I hope, more than then. ' The Democrats' fort is to abuse and slander everything: that is not Democratic. They used to publish to all the world, all leading Whigs like Gov. Morehead, Gen. Tavlor. Henrv Clav. E. J. Hale. Gov. Graham and all good and great men of the Whig party, as abolitionists and every other slander that could be thousrht of. Now some of -them are down on the Conservatives, saying: "Force them into the Democratic party or drive them to the Radicals." f Now, I shall go Where duty seems to call me, regardless of slangs or epithets from any and ail. urganize mis new pany ; 1 ll : J put good men, as I said, to lead it; let the office hunt the man, not the man hunt the office : let it throw around it rigrid economy treat all conditions of men with justice, black and white,and do not profess to do this, but do it to the letter and you will see success crown it. and party strife be killed off. If something of this kind is not done, we W A J.! are srone. x iear 11 tne conservative element of this State does not concen trate, we will have no State govern ment or peace. After the horrors of the war through which we have passed it was to be hoped that leading men would favor reconciliation but, alas 1 'tis not so. Yours, OLD LINE WHIG. Cedar Creek, N. C, Sept. 16,871. For tho caroitfaa Era. Messrs. Editors : as many 01 my friends are anxious to know rny reasons for entering into politics as I have, I will give some of them, or at least they can deduce from this article enough to convince them, if they will lay aside all partizanship. ! ; i In the first place, I will give them the definition of j the words Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Whig, Rad ical and Subjugate. I would also give the definition of New-Departure, but I can't find the word and don't know my self. As taught us in Webster's Dic tionary, which is considered by all as one of our standard works. J Democrat means one who adheres to a government of the people, or favors the extension of the right of suffrage to all classes of men. j - I Republican .means ono who favors or prefers a republican form of govern ment. . ; '';i i T t" i Conservative means preservative having to preserve in a safe or entire statei or from loss, ; waste, or injury. ! j Whig means one of a Political party which nad its origin in England, in the seventeeth century, in the reign of Charles the First; or Second. Those who supported the King in his claims were! called Tories, and the advocates of popular rights ! were called Whigs. During the Revolution in the United States, the friends and supporters of tho ' j iu i.,ji r t,ti of the Revolu tion Were called Whigs, and those who opposed them were called Tories or Royalists. ! I Radical means, pertaining to ! tho root or origin, original, fundamental, implanted by nature, native, constitu tional, primitive, original, undivided, uncompounded, serving to origination. Subjugate means to subdue and bring under the yoke of power or dominion, to conquer by force, and compel to sub mit to the government or absolute con trol of another. Is ; ! i We of the South are a subjugated people, and, as such, must admit have been I more leniently deal with than any other people; in the world, under the circumstance! which brought the political elements to strife. I told some of my friends, after the surrender, that I thought it 'would be best for us if every paper printed in the South would say nothing politically. Why? Be cause wO were at the mercy of the Federal authorities. You all know how it is and how it has been. In the next place the Republican party is in power,"and I hope may ever be while Republicanism is carried out, under which we have all lived, and our fath ers before us. Some say, "look at the manipulation of t affairs, look at the swindles, thieving,'? &c, &c. . It does not matter what party may be in power that has always been and ever will be tho case. Look how affairs have been managed in New! York, and various othei places I could mention, were it necessary. I have never been a poli tician but know how thev were man aged J Since the surrender, I have been urged by men of different parties to becoriie a candidate, both $br Congress and the Legislature. Before the war I was a Whig. I am known in this and other! sections of the country by men of all parties; was raised in Iredell county, and have resided in Rowan county about twenty-four years, and hope 1 1 have established a character worthy of an honest man. What I do, I do freely, without favor or affection. The jPresident of the United States does hot know the different men ap pointed to office by him or Jjy his sub ordinates. He, or ; they, do so at the suggestion of other men in various lo calities. He wishes matters to be con ducted honestly, and if it turns out not to be! so, he turns them out so soon as he really knows it. Just put- yourself in the same position, and you might do the best you could, but would you or any person else do better than he has. I trow not. The Presidentf stated these things in a letter, not long since, which was published.. I can't ; believe but t fiat the President wishes to do what is right, 'and 1 will do so. Only a few days since a defaulter was sent to prison from Washington City Had we a more correct man than the editor of The Old North State t It is very true some of us might not have agreed with him in every particular, but take it as a whole, how lar was he wrong, politi cally!. I contend that religion and pol itics are blended together, and if jthe Tpon.lft will all (at least thnsfi whrt be- flevci in the Bible) tread the 5th, 6th. an(i 7th chapter, of St. Mathew, and the 12th and 13th chapters of St. Paul's Eoistle to the Romans thev will I see how I things should be, and I hope if any Will do so they will take a Testa- ment with references and instructions, ments as the final settlement and pacjl-v-What would or could we do without fication of the civil war, and then to:' our ministers of the Gospel and the turn resolutely away from tho irrita- ministerium, who are or should be our most enlightened people in jeference to Biblical affairs. I am aware this por- tion of my communication may be ob- jected to by some, but I wish the peo- j pie to stop and think what they arc doing. It is not put here for political purposes or political aspirations, put for the welfare of our country. Itespectfully, sc., I T. W. HAYNES. ;Salisbury, N. C, Oct. 4, 1871. A CARD. j Raleigh, N, C.Oct. 3, 187 To the Editors of the Frd : Gentlemen : In justice to myself I respectfully ask that you publish the following note addressed to me by Dr. T. R. Egerton, a highly respectable citizen of Rutherford County, in confir mation of a statement made by me, on the I authority of T. S. Elliott, that Jo. Turner was connected with the In visible Empire. i ' ! l am. verv resDectlullv. W V i J. W. TliUJUl'fcHJJN. Raleigh, N. C, Oct 3, 1871. i J. W. Thompson, Esq., ; ;j Haleigh, JV. V., , j, j- i Dear Sir: As you have been assailed on account of your evidence before the Circuit Court with regard more partlc- ner: Editor of thft Sentinel npu'snfltvr. I was connected with the Invisible Em pire, I take this occasion to state that in the Spring of 1871;, in the county of Rutherford, I heard said T. S. Elliott, a chief of a den of the Invisible Em- j pire, declare that he had "received au f. thorny from Jo. Turner." I am, very respectfully yours,- j T. R. EGERTON. HON. PLATO UTTBHAM. As an act of justice both to Mr. Dur ham and the Court, we publish below the affidavit upon which j. his case wa$ continued until the next term of tlid Court. It is hoped that Mr. Dur ham will bo able to provo, to tho satis faction of the people of this State, of boUi political parties, that j the facts set forth in his affidavit are true, and that; he will continue to uso all his InfluencO. to break up and dissolve forever tho dangerous secret political organization which he has been instrumental in help-; ing to organize in his part of tho Shite ; UNITED STATES, ' j North Carolina, j I Circuit Court, Special, Terra, 1871. United States vs Plato Durham, ct al Plato Durham, one of the defendants, in the above entitled case, maketh oath that he is not ready to proceed to trial, on account of the absenco of J. D; Wpftthers. Osborne Prior. James El pott, Thou. Rudisill, James Colllns,wit- nAssns for whom have been issuod fitib- nesses for whom have been issuod sub pcenas, and the same have been return ed not executed. ! ; ' i , He expects to prove by J. D. Weath-4 era that he was not present at the whip ping of Aaron Biggerstaff. That for the last eighteen months he has public- ly and privately condemned all I resorts to violence to individuals, on account of either personal or political points. That ho has advocated in the strongest terms, that no man should bo prevent ed from voting, by intimidation or. force, on account of his race, color or Erevious condition of servitude. Thai' e has advised an entire submission to the Amendments J to the Constitution of the United States, in their letter and spirit, and the laws proposed in pursu-l ance thereof. That at the timo tho con-! spiracy was formed at which Aaron; I Biggerstaff Was directed to bo whipped,: this affiant had been present and de nounced all act3of violence, in thepow--er of the Den. That he had gone there; for the express purpose of putting an end so far as he could to such acts of violence. That the question of whip ping Biggerstaff was not considered un til after affiant leftand then to circum stances from which it will bo evident that this affiant knew nothing about the intention upon the part of the Den to , whip Biggerstaff or any other per- son. i lie expects to prove that this affi-1 ant had severed his connection with the Invisible Empire for more than twelve months previously thereto, and that he was present that night only for tfhe purpose above set forth. He ex pects to prove substantially the .same; thing by the other witnesses named. i, That the said witnesses resido in. Cleaveland County, North Carolina, and. affiant has every reason to believe thatt he can have them present at the next' term of this Court. That said witnesses are not absent byj his procurement or consent, and that; this affidavit is made for the causes set forthand not merely for delay, i . P. PUUIIAM. Sworn and subscribed beforo me, Oct.! 2d, 1871. A. J. Riddick, Clerk, j The Canvass in Massachusetts John Quincy Adams' Position. As is' generally known, John Quincy; Adams has accepted the "Democratic", nomination for Governor in the old": Bay State. In his letter of acceptance, Mr. Adams says : ' . Nowj as formerly, I think it wiso to use calm and moderate methods in deal ing with Questions of State, to adhere scrupulously to constitutional forms in;! enforcing the will of the people, and to ; make haste slowly with, revolutionary;; reforms. But I may , be pardoned if, 1 in view of a hesitation wnich lingers here and there, I declare my especial' satisfaction at the position adopted by; the Convention In respect to the later Amendments to the Constitution of tho United States. I am heartily glad to; see good citizens who have disputed' the plan of adjustment required by thor party in power so long as It was debat-' able, acquiesce cheerfully when onco it" has become irrevocable, r i i It Reems to me to bo the naxt of natri-ii otism now to accent honestly and with-:! out mental reservation those amend-;?. ting and painful memories of tho past to the pressing: duties of the future. - That future, if we wisely improve It,; may bo made to redeem, and more than 1 redeem, all the sufferings and all the ; errors of the past. It may warn us to 1 guard jealously the invaluable habit of . local self government, while we yield to the irresistible instincts of National J unity., . ' t : 1 ; , .- ; - ; Thus he accepts "honestly," and "without mental reservation" moas-j ures, as "a final settlement" or conccs- ! sion, which "embody tho en tiro Repub lican platform and policy. The Issue is therefore one 1 as to men, rather than principles or policy. A tlanta New Era. Commodore, Maury, lately elected President of the Alabama State Uni versity, in a communication lately ad- j dressed to tho farmers of Tennessee j says: ! , ,To my view there is no recuperation for the South in our day and generation unless by means of an immigration that shall brine abundantlv Into tho country both labor and capital. It will cost to do that ; but cost what it may, f even if you have to divide lands with ' the immigrant, it will in tho end be r worth the cost. I ; This is emphatically good adYice,and J ouiies. t Capt. McLellari. of tho steamship Britania. while attcmntiner to KllVA a. lady passenger was lost overboard and drowned last week.