.' . - - --- ' " . ' " - - - - - j : " ' ; " ' 's " - ' ' : ; ' r ' ": " ' ; j - . " TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEK LT BT THE ERA PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tlntes of Subscriptions Tin-Weekly One year, in advance, $3 00 6 months, in advance, 2 00 3 months, in advance, 1 00 I tnontii, in advance, 50 Wkekly One year, in advance, $1 00 Six months, in advance, 50 i.. . Itatea of Advertising t j Ono square, ono time, - - - - i m " two times,- - , . i .o " " three times,- - - - - o A square is the width of a column, ami 1J inches deep. ; - a!j Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates, j i -j Professional Cards, not exceed ing 1 square, will be published one year for $12. j Vol. 1. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, , OCTOBER 19, 1871. No. 20 A so; tit; there "K".t t. t ist a K el We sec It stated in of bur Northern exchanges that are live hundred indictments for luxing ending in the U. S. Cir- Cu:t Court in North Carolina. This is a mi-take. There may be five hun dred persons indicted, hut the number of indictments is not large. Forty or iure alleged offenders are sometimes imhided in the Fame bill of indictment. There was a single sentence of the sublime truth, says The CJricago Post, spoken in the DemocraticState Conven tion of Illinois, at Springfield, on the -Uh inst. It was, "We have made a platform longer than the moral law, and our candidate will be beaten by :id,0(X) votes." Thospcaker was prompt ly carried away by his friends. Under the oversight of the present Republican administration the default ing Paymaster Hodge has already been convicted, sentenced and is now in pris on ; but where arc Tweed, ; Sweeny, Hull and Comially, the greatest thieves of modern times? They arc not only Mill at large and unwhipt of justice, but were capable of exercising a controlling influence at the recent Democratic State Convention of New York, or, at least, dictating their own terms to it, accord--ing to the accounts we see in the press of that State. The Washington correspondent of The Jioston Iusl (Democratic) says the new departure Democrats. of Ohio prominent among whom is the Hon. Iw. Campbell are throwing aside all 'Niliticians who are typical of fossil latcd ideas (a hard hit at Pendleton) and who carry with their names politi- ( . ... i.iuiii ... wi tit lib iamb liJIIID in iie;riiiiemui-10 me jxircy in opposi tion to the tne now In power. Says the t orrcsMndent.: "They do not ask at this time the disorganization of the Democratic party, but, in order to over throw the Radicals, will favor the nom ination for President and Vice Presi dent of any statesman who will most certainly command the support of all Conservatives, whether Democratic or Republican. The feeling in the West is decidedly against the nomination of old iarty hacks for any office, and.es-IKt-ially for the Presidency." That is to say, remarks T7ie Jioxf on Journal, the once powerful Democratic party, the proud Ixiast of whose members ft was that they contended for principles and not men,.and that their principles nev er changed, is to dodge principles, pre- cetienis anti practices. . ann cntpr t j 1. 1.1. .Aisii et infest as a mrty of mere negatives, naving in view wiiy the defeat of the iwrty in power, to the -At i .1:..! K. f r etm iiiai :i new uiwsiuu ui siwuo w ik-e may be had. How are the mighty fallen.- . ' ' New York Democratic ven- Ti,n ctafn fnnvpnf nn nr the I -" v.. -i .New lor uemocracy . , x -r ,1,, i fer last week. Its proceedings nad pecn liKiktnl forward to with unusual inter - - . . ... i f a. I est, on account of the exposure of the utihrmrrl nf fmnds and corruptions of the Tammany Ring, for so many years the soul of the party in the Empire State. All were anxious to see wheth er the party would cut loose from and repudiate the Ring or not. That it would do so was the sincere desire of all the friends of good government, and honesty in the public service, every where But all their, hopes have been sadlv disappointed. The Tammany Kidly ditppointeu. ,u "r delegation .-was allowed to enter the v . I t 'invention, dictate its own terms and Convention, dictate its ow withdraw, while a delegation repre senting the honest Democracy of New York City, headed by so distinguished and honest a Democrat as Charles O'Connor, was refused recognition. That Tammany, with its frauds and corruptions, were denounced in the resolutions of the Convention af ter this signifies nothing, if it does prove that the Convention succumbed to the power of the Ring. "For the sake of harmony" the detected thieves withdrew, and consented to resolutions denouncing themselves and their vil lainies, that their friends might be re lieved from embrrassment, and they the sooner be enabled to again exercise their immense iowor openly and shame lessly. That the Democracy can carry the State under these circumstances at the November election seems to be im possible. A great Republican victory may, therefore, be looked for in New York, which will take the government of that State out of the hands of the most shamelessly corrupt set of men now living, and restore it to the hands of honest men, who will administer it for the good of the people instead of them- selves. On this subject The X. Y, Evening lst remarks : venuon xo ine lummiiny xviug iu ted the Republican factions in support of the State ticket nominated at Syra cuse The action of the anti-Custom-Hono Committee, in resolvinjr topost- rtone all opposition to the new Repub lican organization for the present can- -ass, chotra that tne iauns oi me ivu- is oi ine lve- j miblican managers are inncs wnt-ii i red with the corruption . , i Al .4ln wHinh I ntmk the Democratic party. Many uuuun 1 democrats in this city will vote for the Republican candidates lor estate ora- cers: the itepuDiican kiu. iQrA in the mnntrv. The Tammany leaders have forced upon the Democrat ic party an issue which will give the uttt tr tiieTterkiihHcansbv a large ma- joritv Thus the reforms upon which all good citizens were ready to unite have become for the time a part oi ine Republican creed by the courso of the democrats themselves. Tbc Parfj ami Ihc President; SPEECH OF SECRETARY ROBESON, In his able and eloquent speech in Philadelphia, m Monday, the 2d inst., Secretary Rolieson said : There is tine great central truth in government which the Republican party has established, which jis worth to the world more than language can express. It has illustrated to the world and established forever the great truth necessary to the success of the Christian political idea, vis: that freedom and strength are compatible qualities. The Democratic party has been, and is, or ganized in opposition to all this. They still declare and parade in every plat form and declaration the principles and ideas from which the rebellion took its origin. They still nourish the root from which the bitter fruit sprung They still insist in every speech and platform that the results of the great victory are unconstitutional and illegal. They still resist in all legislation every endeavor to carry into effect these re sults, and to bring about the acceptance of the situation thus produced. By ev ery means in their power (short of the actual continuance of the war) they maintain tne connict and resist the re sult of victory. They are thejhope of uisorganizers everywhere. They look, to renewing their relations with them in the future as in the oast. A sinirle"; instance of it embodies the spirit of their action, ana will suffice to show, how strengthening to traitors and how- dangerous to the whole count rt would be the renewal of their power. See the vote on the payment of Southern claims, where the whole Democratic Senate voted to pay almost the whole rebel war claim - In President Grant the great Repub lican party has a most complete and fortunate representative. He is one of the men who joined it because of the principles it holds and the attitude it And ho belongs tol it not through previous personal or party as sociation or education, but because he believes that its principles represent the nation's safety, development, and des tiny; and he represents it because, in so doing, he represents the interests of the whole jK'onle. In illustration of his fitness and ability as the head of our Government, I point, without distrust, to his success in the discharge of evcrv duty which the netmle have intrusted to him. As your country n soldier, he redeemeti and re-established vour - . . . Government. As a statesman, he will preserve, protect.and defend thatcoun- try and Government, and all that j makes the safety and advancement of! the one, the dignity and honorjof the other. ! The ability to command great armies and guide great rampiignsJiahiQttVV governments liegan. Wo are so dis armed bv the simplicity of his charac ter that we are apt not to appreciate him; but the mind which alone was able to grasp and control in one harmo nious conception the elements ff the great rebell ion, the brain which alone was competent to conceive in its grand proportions,and carry out in its endless details the great campaign which reach- " t'rt"; - v. ' T k:i iiot'iiia t np tmfli ramuuiiru iiicn iwh,u- " w. . . .'i Ai a. i fr9m ine I111- 2ZX pereii dv com juumeiit uut !. - . tintnltwh riilTnrTlSTTl- Si 11(1 UUiSulUlI J .. L.i iL nf T.nnnnnla I Twiinw nmi mvi. i iih iviii tit 1.111 . uuiuiu. ? mav safely be left to administer the settled and denned lunciions 01 a rep- - . . - A' I rfspnr:itivo government sale irom me oritieisms of theorists and restless "re formers," or the loud attacks of smaller tnnn who were in the hour of I great omiwpnw dwarfwl in the shadow of his great genius, or movea as puppeis in ovrvMitn his will. " . . . if i tnipns he himself has said: "No mnn mn hone to perform duties So del icate and responsible as pertain to the Presidential office without sometimes deem nM0tiftn hnt he irwMirrinrr tne nosilllIV OI UlO&C yiiv Willi 1 iloUlllVlvll t; VAJvv. MV V J J-r 1 . ira tn vnfinrt. the affairs , Hiiu ui.utl z ::. - r; nf a rrWVl f frAVPrtlTTIPIlt, AS tl faithfdl pub- lie servant,!! sustained Dy tne approval of his own conscience, may rely with confidence upon the candor and intel ligence of a free people, whose best in terests he has striven to serve, and can V fo " fe---- . Jbear with patience the censure bf dis- appointed men." Capaclty of the Negro The editor of tho Leisure Hour, i London publication, has recently visi ted America, and gives the following -?Hi rfxrorrl to thecanacitv of the ne- Om A - r i for acdniring education: A a the in tellectual capacity of color- i children. I nrefer ouoling testimo- nioarkf more weiirht than ray own. t? fr Zineke savs: "I must con fessmy astonishment at the intellectual riisnlaved bv a class of, color- TMtrwii Thpv had acQuired. in a short time.au amount of knowledge truly remarkable. Never in any school t Vno-innri. nntl I have visited many, have 1 found the pupils able to compre hend so readily the sense of their les- T heard pupils ask OUIi I . ... . . nuestions which showed a clearer com nmhoncinn of t he Kubiect they I were ... .. . . ureiiciioiw" y.". ::: . omwj - . 4i,o 9 the ruere . "k-" - . rinX t n si n. mvwwuiinna nmitPnPSS 111 Uen m Hi nneaii visited Oberlih Col- lego, and what he saw enttrely confir- mea tne opinions luimcu m --- ,.rl rt 4KAiV White com nil n- ions of the same age." in xooo uie up of R. A. was conferred upon fifteen vounr colored men and ten young col ored women. The Principle of the col lege, in his address to the students, sta- , . ,iivi hv ted that in literary taste ana aoiiity "ATr;"ir:7r,:,, '"Z: V" 8J1 V III Lllcir WUIlc 1C1IU n KluUUalCo A Uo ., " . , Pmfipccnra nil mvr thuTiA testimony I .V:i ri ...:4V. ..ml nhnxinlii. M H nnMtl UTIQ OQ. sured that the negro race formed a fifth of the population of Oberlin, and that the most peaceable, well behaved and studious citizens of the place belonged to the colored, race." The Rev. Win. Bell White Howe, D. D., has been elected Assistant Pro testant Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina. 'Spirit of ihc Conserratifc Pros . la iioriu Luroiina. For the information of the readers of; t 'ftiE Era; North and South, we shall publish hereafter the articles Inuliiiif (Conservative iiaoers in relat mence to-day 11 till Cllt V H k W A A the letter of "Tuscaroka," in The lloanoke New, understood to bo from the pen of a minister of the Gospel. Such articles can have but one effect; to encourage the Kuklux in their mid night assaults upon innocent and unof fending victims. Indeed, when we nid them, we find it difficult to con ceive it possible that they wereintended for any other purpose The following" is the extract from "Tuscarora's letter," referred to above: . The kuklux court was in session, and Judge Bond, with his packed Radical jufy, was dealing out vengeance with a tree nana upon xne unnappy vicxims who came before him for a fair trial. The sentences of some forty victims are already known to your readers, and it is J . therefore, unnecessary to repeat them. But this I will say: It is under stood generally in Raleigh that the whole trial was a mere political cru sade, got up for the purpose of advanc ing Radicalism and of intimidating the white men of North Carolina. But the farce for the present, is ended, and Judge Bond, as cruel as he is base, has gone Northward. Lord Byron once spoke in Parliament; concerning twelve butchers for a jury and a lxrd Jenreys for a Judge. We have had something like that reproduced in the jury and Judge who conspired together to inflict upon forty men the severest penalties, the offence considered, that 'were ever inflicted in any civilized country. Capt. Durham case was postponed un til December, but Capt. Shot well came in Tor a full share of the Judge's venom, he being sentenced to six years hard labor in the Penitentiary and to pay 3,000. On the morning 1 left Ralei rh, I saw this brave man and seven others marched through the streets hand-cuff ed "and guarded by some fifteen Yankee soldiers armed with loaded muskets and 'fixed bayonets. On the cars I had an interview with Capt. Shotwell, and was glad to find him in such good spir- S WW. 1 I 1.. 1 - its.? lie Dears up uruveiy unuer ins niisfortunes. He .says, "tell my friends I go to my ioom with cnnenui spirits." I gave him some recent papers, and my at It tress, prtimising tt send him papers regular! v, if the authorities will allow it. j.He is to write me asstnin as he can, giving necessary directions. x, ivii- trell's, several' voung ltiies extiressetl I h .hj.y . .S.V m i in l h v rr-ti;-.Av-icrr- tunes bravely, 'if the ladies of North 1 Carolina sympathized with him. When my destination had been reached, i Hide the Captain farewell, and left the i-iru. u-lt 1 ;V nmvv IlLllTl. lie irs i l - v i. ...... n-w - - r matkably fine looking man, some six fv.f i i,?o-h- verv erect, with a bright, fMTikv mwn. handsome face. He is, I supabout thirty yolngena ia (ho wn nf si well lenown irresovienuii . .. , i T,Tiicrn- ma is wen eaucuxeu. j.i i kV tht Tul the prisoners will be re rz' rnanv-months have elaps- .ictwi - v4 .w.. Ofl - . -.-T T T : . . r. Correspondence or iNewarK, r.. o., 11.-. . Things in North Carolina. 1 Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 1, 1871. 4 A few days ago I left the charming watering pmcc miuww, . .1 A, 4-1. ic Itnniiflflll nm - now a resilient ui um mnef. siilnhrious and fast growing city. Thfl nhsnrhini? toDic here is the Ku Klux trial; but outsiae ine court uiwc --O A . . , . . is no excitement whatever. The pros- vntirwn fniiv pvinences mat sucn uu existed in the western rt.'. nf the State, but that the main JJ. w w m t A J rnrtinn of the anti-administration party . . , .. timUr countenance these outrages is entirely o 4 41 OW,lCi disproved. Some of the accused, on in with whom 1 have nad occasion r rnv"ersie- have confessed to me their complicity ; they were not conscious of the enormity 01 tneir crime, d. rt cinoerelv renent their fau pas. Others, as in all political processes for rcrirMes- disclaim, if not all connec- ""1 . 1 lx'.S 4S I K inn ht. iest no Daruciuivuuii iu vo Trtui rtMvia or tne miserauiu uiui. x.i tt i. rpu(,4 enmn of the latter are entirely innocent, 4ham la no rlnnht in mv mind. May, in their cases, no judicial errors oe com- Uimert while the guilty ones should r", v aJ V w w be punished with severity, but without undue severity, for the peuaiues 01 me lsvw. nre not intended ior vengtaiuuc, but solely for reform and to protect p.o- .?ot-iri With this trial ine xs.u iviui 1 "V. ,1..V.4 4 4K Klans vanisnes, anu no uouui-, w o-rit. ssitisfnction of the respectable and fe. 1 . m,-f f Krth no- almost unanimous affiliates of both po- lllicui paiuo. , . which has for the last two years kept vn-thpm mnital and labor from com- intn this State, where such immense mmmAVAtmmm Stniw. nre as vet. not developed and unknown to the outside world ex ists no more, and you may assure your readers, on my authority, that there is now as much safety for them in the i :A 4; r rsortn tjaroiiua as I tHoro hn niwavs been in its central i - -- . r and eastern sections, and by far more than in vniir OVRrcrUWUCU iliiVA wv-- ItlUU J lrl1!7Yw1 fCorth. i; tW veelr T visited Ransom's Bridge, pfhinw WAS bustle, as the fpkrs. Ktnrwa & Son. of Newark city, areutting up at an expense of near 1.. m nofi water works at their mines, the famous "Portis Minna to wash their cold deposits on a large scale, and to more advantage hon heretofore, a sufficiency of water to flow the sluices having been lacking Kinoe the necessity has been felt to work ihe mines on other places than hither- 1 1" WL' rpfprrod to consist in : I IU. i A-Ai .t .. , I h. cameron force pump oi ine I L 4Xwwv mimn fT tnA liir largest rj mAvcH hv n rno-horse power en- 115 mnD TnA T1H IIUU1 LUU UCCA. feet; 1,000 feet of iron pipes ; a trestle ...iV oi ff nio-h l.soo feet long: a : . tho niorhest hill of the property, of 200x300 and 10 feet deep. 1 looked with interest and awe at the wtnn f thftttstles. which, to their liv live coiorea-mcn. S'KWl 1 en ntren 'rnere vasiiiioincTr-Aviir".... An experiment by Messrs. Merrill, Pere & Fils of New York experienced Mexican miners and practical machin ists, with a time and gold saving ma- t chine of their invention; though not I gold mining: it saves mercury, or rath In a few I V hone to hear of their success, and am so much the more anxious about i asthev are ! prospecting on auriferous land in which I have an interest. I will try to make time to visit the public institutions of North Carolina's capital during the coming week, and a description uiereoi vni; uie buujuii. of mv forthcoming correspondence to the Newark- Regitier "1 4V.. The plan I havesubmitted to induce and encourage immigration in j the South, is warmly supported by almost every Southern paper. The tide of em ignition to the South has set in, and you! win oe astonisnea at its rapidity a - . t i ere two more years will have elapsed. I am yours truly. i J. LL Labia ux. THE KU KLUX. The C-rganizatioa in North Carolina Smoked Out "Correspondence with Judge Bond. Washington dispatch to the N. Y. Times. General A. E. King and Special Mail Agent Petherbridge, who have been in North Carolina on a special mission; returned here to-day. They represent that the fright among the ku klux and their friends in the Statejis becoming terrible,and that as an organization the ku klux is rapidly collapsing.. When the trials began a large number of prom inent citizens came to Rateigh, among them several of the leading lawyers of the State to defend the prisoners,affeet ing to believe that the existence of an organization would be disproved. But the result of the trials astonished them, and a few days ago ten of ihe principal men addressed Judge Bond the follow- ing important letter: Ralkioii, N. C, Sept. 30, 1S7J. . Hon. IT. Zr. Bond, Judge United States Cir cuit Vourt: j -JSin: We have tlie honor hi the interest of the peace of the people of North Carolina to address von this note. Tho fact that a secret unlawful organization, called! the ku klux or Invisible Knmire exists in certain parts of the State, has been manifested in the re cent trials lef'ore tho Court over which you preside. We condemn, without reservation. all such organizations. We denounce them as dangerous to gooti government, andiwe regard it tho eminent dutv of I all gHxl citi- rhikit.i'to lyrIl oVganiza- (fio'crnntsi ni ti.m, but wo th ti..n f the pers ink if the . lurther pnisecu- . I A. 1 rsons enargwi wiui incso 01- fenses was continued until the November term,, il would enable us to ejdistall law loving citizens of the State to make an en ergetic and effectual effort for the restora tion of good order. We assure you that be- fore tho .November term 01 inej circuit v ourt we believe that this unlawful organization will be effectually suppressed; In present ing these considerations to your Honor we declare that it is our duty and purpose to exert all the influence we possess, and use all the means in our power, jlo absolutely suppress this organization, and to secure a . F , ' i J, Ut.ta Tim lasting, peruiiit;iii ptwjo w uic "ww-. "- laws of the country must and; shall be vin dicated. We nrc satisfied, and give the as surance, that the people of North Carolina will mute in arresting anu iorpver ouinerafc ing an evil which brings nothing but ea-lamity- In the name of a just and honora ble people, and by all tho considerations which appeal to good men, we (solemnly pro test that these violations of law and public justice must and shall cease. . Rrnrro- William M JShiDD.Gorire V. Stronsr.M. W. Ransom.Dahiel (i. Fowle, AVilliam JI. Battle, Joseph B. Batehelor.rR. II. Battle,Jr., B. F. Mooro,Ji. m. warrmger. To this letter Judge Bond sent the following reply declining the request for a postponement : Raleigh, N. C, finvTi-EMEN: I have the Oct. 2, 1871. honor . to ac- knowledge, at the hands of his Excellency Governor Caldwcil,tne receipt 01 your nsL-ino- mfl to Dostrjone the trials or tne eases HOW penaing 111 Hie viruuib vyun u.va. enforcement act. I have given your letter tho nntr nnd careful consideration to which xmnr phiinfiiit nosition in jorth Carolina and tne lmporuince 01 mw buyjro v ... . i tt .1 1 nKiAll it relates cntitted It. DUt l am unaoie 10 rlv with vour reauest. These cases are very numerous, and if not tried now will at our next term so encumber the docket as to obstruct all civil business, 'ine city is iun . t 01 : witnesses sumuwueu ini uuv., who have remained here for several weeks at a large cost, ana it wonia Dea gres. iimu .h!n tm mnk-fi them return hero airain, and if waiiM lu nniust for mo to send tnem - A. ' , home unless I knew they could return with tho same feeling or personal security mat. a mvscir should have on my j return nomo. flit frtri tint know, and thOuffh you give ino flswirancos that before the next term 01 A A - - ' ' j. I thO taCUll toun lUO ihviiuj '''i" iu -ffofttliali v suonressed.it is not sup- pressetl now,ana a ieei uiai. uieeuiuiwurem f th0 law shold continue. I have come to this conclusion with less reluJtance,Decause I am sure gentleman who are so sincere in their decire to relieve North (Carolina of this HwrdOAfnl nnd infamous association will noTrettiit their labors to suppress it, as they tunm nifi thev have the power to do, because Mia ffitirt sit a weeK or two ioniser w assist ti.om in thpfr iindertakinr.j I am glad to i,ar frr.m vmi that the recent trials have manifested that this secret 'and unlawful organization exists in some parts of North rrnmiina. Tt can not but aid you in your efforts tn snnnrcss it to point out by these trials to you who arc tne gunjy persons wuu onmnosoit. I hone, gentlemen, that you will agree with me that it is best to do so. With great respect, I lxg to remain, yours. very respectfully, ' I " . United States Circuit Court To Thos. Bnurg. IQ-V T- Strong.Esq. and others. Judge Cannon. Extract from a private letter from a rrrember of the bar at Salisbury: ; '' .'.. , , '.TiiM'nnnnon is giving great satis faction.0 All I have heard speak of him accord . to him credit oi tience and industry--the titles desirable honesty, pa three perma in a Circuit Judge. And also he gives evidence of more learning and intellect than peo ple who had only heard of him through the press were disposed to. think he po Bessed.' ? r. -J-.. . t-, -?.t .;!. . Hope fs tte drf fert i t..v . t" M ; nn cxnprt. I miisfc sav that the Merrill of the -machine by its simplicity demonstrates ion ; its 'merits even to the uninitiated in CORRESPONDENCE. Th Editors must not 1 understood as endors ing the ' Kr:iithnents of their corresiondjts. Cominciiications on all subjects are solicited. which will be giwn to the rcadearR f Thb EjtA as ctiiitaiuiiij; thevit-ws ami s ntimcnls of the writers. - : ' ' For the Carolina Era. and. the Ku Klux The Clergy Messrs. Editors : I have been pain cd and mortified at the conduct of the clergy of North Carolina, who ought to be messengers of peace and good will from one towards another. For two years or more North Carolina has been the theatre of some of the most atro cious crimes that ever disgarced the history of a civilized land or christian community. Brutes, calling themselves men, and ciaiminsr to have been nur tured and raised bv pious parents, hive wontonly and wickedly conspired to gether, and in the darkness of the night have disguised themselves; and gone forth In large bodies to inflict the most cruel and inhuman punishments upon unoffending citizens. They have spared neither age, sex or color: they have re duced to ashes houses dedicated to the worship of Almighty God j they have demolished school-houses, erected tor theaccommodation and education of the poor and ignorant : they have noti lied teachers that they must cease their efforts to instruct and elevate the col ored people, else terrible punishments would be visted upon them. All this has been done, and has been a matter of public notoriety. The attention of ministers of the Gospel has been es pecially directed to it they have been earnestly urged to exert their influence to put down this crying evil they have, been entreated to denounce it from the pulpit, and to cry aloud against it in public. With a few honorable excep tions, no minister has dared to raise his voice in denunciation of the wicked perpetrators of these lawless deeds. They declaim against sin in a general way, and m ambiguous and doubtful phrases. They assail their brethren of different denominations for heterodoxy in religious belief they semi-occasiOn- ally hurl a dart against intemperance, and very cautiously remonstrate against profanity, licentiousness, &c., but never do t hey dare to raise their potent voices or wield their mighty pens against the disguised assasins who have cursed and are still cursing our beloved State. No, they are too craven-hearted to venture on such an experiment. They fear to wound the tender sensibilities of some psous (?) member of their flock, who perchance may belong to the iuvisble and, some hypocritical father in Israel who is a pillar of the church by day; : but wields the bloody scourge by night onthjBjnakjedJ lerd of the llock,"" may become norri led if he suggests that her darling boy ouiriit not m oe auowtu. i cujuj iv nnocent pastime of hanging a negro, burning a church, demolishing a school louse and whipping a carpet-Dagger. Engage one of t hese "teachers of men" in private conversation, when there is no danger of being over-heard by the paving members of his congregation; and he will agree that these outrages ought to be suppressed, but he is not willing to proclaim it irom mu huus ops so as to be heard oi an men. uji, no I thlS WOUId oe USKiiig ' euiunj iw much of the pious divine, and besides it might endanger his salary or lose him many of his good dinners. i Ministers or tne uospeu rveuu tut? breeoing, then lay your hand upon vour hearts and answer uuiuic jum God whether this picture be a true one or not. If true, how are you to answer on that eventful day when the secrets of all hearts shall be made known? How will you appear when the flimsy disguise is stripped from every offender and they shall be made to stand forth in all their naked deiormuy to oe gazcu upon by the assembled throng of resur- reeled spirits anu ue wuumc vv,T lasting death by the One whosearcheth every heart and tryeth the reins of ev erv dweller uDon earth? ;M - . r l. ;. r 'ihe. leaning' uemocrauc lawveis North Carolina have at length openly declared that these cruel outrages have been perpetrated in North Carolina tlmt. the unlawful organization known as the Invisible Empire does exist here and have pledged themselves to sup- press it. Why then snouio ine cicrgy Sbv ioniser fear to move forward in the "vVrt ond hAlo the lawvers? Be gin then I entreat you before it be everi Htm T Vl J U'UM r t " mV 1 lastingly too late, juano an mc a wc-j ment, von ran for vour sins of omission.! Cease to1 fear man and begin to love ..md fenr God. Hide not your light under a bushel. ' Encourage your hear ers to love one another. Instruct them to do unto others as they would nave othore do unto them and . Let your light so shine before men, that they mav see your goou worKs, uu giuui your Father which is in heaven." ' ; 1 ill Laj y imiuiw. ' ' " For the Carolina Kra lion. Clinton L. Cobb, A We have been delighted here, by the return of the above named gentleman, Wochinonn after his Summer re- r.o -TTin -friends had ? been seriously oWrnod ' hv the rerortsof his recent illness, and are proportionally gratified IQ See mill 111 e.vw:iiuiiriiu.iM. "ry ifa' TTVir there is no reoresentauve iu Congress from the South more respect ed and beloved by Republicans of all Mocsm fhn Mr. Cobb, .f His uniform kindness and generosity, and his untir ing energy in laboring to secure the iust rights of his constituents, and ob-; tain a fair share of the public patronage . ..a -a to true union uieujiuu.-".!'-;- . TT ftm t hoMmitn navR f oil Tnvprs of fair olav. in- the distribUr tion Of the offices of the Federal. Gov ernment: Although he does not often iwimir the floor in Congress yet there is not a more influential member inthe House. t His solid. , sense and true xw nnhiiean nrinciDles. and his energy and success in securing his re-election, byit large majority when so many Repub- llcans were aeieaieu in uie v iotinn -in North Carolina, have at tracted the attention of. all. And it is observed that.by the intelligent and re spectable Democrats he is consulted and petpmwL k ...i.s!i t i- -'t rr i Vlf-vr.'rtfi'M-.t : TCftw. tierhnns. it is not too SOOri to suggest to our Republican Friends in -.T " - I his nativo State that Clinton L. Cobb fully merits the honor of being nomi- as their candidate for the position of Governor in the coming election. It is certain that, with such a candidate, we can go before the people of North Caro lina with- more assurance ' of success than if we should nominate a lessorom inent and less popular man. Mr. Cobb's record is clear, his course eminently consistent, his ability and success obvi ous, and whilst firm and unswerving in his course, as a true patriot, a lover of rsorth . Carolina and of the Union, his kindness of heart and courtesy of man ner have made mm '-hosts of warm friends and no personal enemies.; Of course, the absence of Mr, Cobb from Consrress would be a very erreat loss, not only to his friends here, but to the Republican party, and indeed I know not how his place could be suita bly tilled. I3ut we must not be too self ish, in reTusing to advance our friends because of any inconvenience or loss to ourselves. Mr. Cobb has fairly earned he r honor of lieinsr our candidate for Governor, and. if he desires it, (for I lave never consulted him on the sub ect, nor does he know anything of this etter.) I think that all mv fellow-Re- publican voters in -North Carolina will unite with me, and all the leading men 6f our party here, in savins: that he de serves it. And that the name of Clin ton L. Cobb, for our next Governor, will call out a full and triumphant vote at the next election. Let us then in scribe upon our banner, subject of course to the action of the nominating Con vention of the Republican party FOR GOVERNOR : CLINTON L. COBB, j of Pasquotank. - DELTA. Washington, D. C, .Oct. 9, 1871. For the Carolina Era. Hon John Pool. Messrs. Editors : I was pleased to see n your issue of the 12th inst., just re marks, complimentary to the honorable statesman whose name heads this epistle. A retrospective view of his political course justifies, all who know inn in saying that he is second to no man in our. state in point of sagacity and patriotism. Ever a firm and un flinching Unionist, he met the doctrine of secession at its threshold, denouncing it as unconstitutional and uncalled for, and its authors diabolical and danger ous.! Even after the headlong step of the Legislature of our State, at its extra ses sion in the Spring of 18G1, which pre cipitated or placed North Carolina in a rebellious attitude to the Union, by arming and equipping ten thousand men. by and with the advice or JLiovu t.Mi; . r . , ---- - T1.. 1 K. I rtn?o7rn xnis case, ivir. rwi, u w came him, thought proper to acquiesce i n the powers that be ; out wnene ver propositions were made by President Lincoln, tending to a cessation of hos tilities and the effusion of blood, strictly upon tne oasis oi me umuu, iui. x v Was always bold in urging, their accep tance. At the I sad catastropne, or re sult of the surrender of Lee's army at Annomatox. and not until then, didthe majority of the people of our State be come convinced of the truthfulness of the . remarks our now distinguished Senator, made at the early stage oi se cession, when he-; warned them of the evil consequences that would ionow such, truthfully predicting, as lie did, that they would ne iorceu io rue it m sackcloth and i ashes. Believing that the peace, prosperity, and happiness oi our State, as well as that of the whole Union, depended upon ner speeoy re- admission as a member of the Federal Government, and believing that our delay in this respect would elicit more stringent measures from the Congress of the United states, ne repaireu ui Washington City during the winter of 18G6 in order to attempt to eiieci mis tesult. The Legislature having, by its Rebellious coursein rejecting the amend ments to the Constitution of the United States, and by passing resolutions averse o reconstruction, completely inwaneu I enorts oi ine kiiiu, ior inu uujc w ine-. Mr. Pool, as well as those wno acted with him in this case, were held n contempt by the Democratic party, s was seen by their vehement tones of numeration and abuse. Being thus brought in direct conflict with dema gogues and men of sinister designs, he always?eauseo mem wuui D. O . . . a 1.1 V Ll patnouc arm, as u u uuu. ui yi. t -ww "T Mr. Editor, in illustrating the char- cter of Mr. Pool as a iawjrer, states- an, and patriot, allow me to borrow he ! language, and say that he is, in each respect: "Though deep, yet clear, Though gentle, yet not dull ; . Strong, without rage, -Without overflowing, full." His patriotic efforts in aiding to pre serve the Union as well as to restore the neace and prosperity or his own State has endeared him to the hearts of all who love the Union and -desire the peace and prosperity or our state, oy whom -he is hailed as one . of North Carolina's noblest sons. ) h n i v i . v; RICHARD CL Ax TUJN. ; Edenton,Sept. 301871.; ,, '.. ... ,(, ' " '.' For the Carolina Era. . jj furner, Judge: Battle and t MrsisiRs ' EniTdRS.--The editor of TfiA. Npntinpl denies that he ever apolo gised for- the Ku Klux. But the Hon. W. JL. iiattie swore oinenvise ueiurw the Outrage Committee, page 1C2, to the question, if Mr. Turner "apologised I ft V . 1 &!.. J A fM. M A aA V" r .? doings of the KuKIux ;" Judge Battle says: t ' . . : ... tti? -nTn hu nner f?encraiiv:: de nounces -.the violations of law by the Ku Klux ; but at the same time he in- H mates that thev were prompted Dy . a a the doings of the Union Leagues, i In that way, he may; nave ieit tne ; im pression that it was some sort oi apoi- 7." ':-"- " ', .i- ... - 1 r ' - .. . :he writer lias heard Mr. Turner make half dozen - speeches during the past three years, and he does not liesi- tate to say mat eacn anu ,au ui mem. encouraaed violence. "Long Tom," , i --r-: mVA. 4.M mif f WUVI r cemetery and carries off all gravestones for which he is not paid. ri .lUJ ill, f?- f!t.-i! For the Caroll nii Krn. ! 1 ': ; ' ' . . . . . ; j ! Richmond Letter, i' I Messrs. Editors :I have liceit as tonished to find how much this city has improved sincethe war. The "Ben net District" has been almost entirely rebuilt, and with structures far superior to those destroyed. I incline to the opinion that Virginia Is improving very rapidly. Of courso there are grumblers. But this much is certain: her system of 'Railroads is be ing rapidly completed, and this of it self secures almost every thing el.e. Gen. Wickham, an able native Repub lican, has been fortunate, as '-'President of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, In securing the aid of New York capi' talists to an unlimited extent for; his work; while the Pennsylvania Central and the Baltimore and Ohio Compa nies are operating on other lines. All of this success is owing to the fact, that at. an early day in 18G9 the .lX'intf crats of that State had the gtxxl sense and patriotism to make some conces sions on the negro question. How dif ferent would it have been with us, f Gov. Graham and others had not inau gurated the White Man's Parti i 1 uut Virginia, unuer uemocraneruic, is not free of trouble.! This party utAv in North Carolina, so clamorous for economy has taxed tho people bevond all precedent ; so much so that repudi ation is openly threatened. Again: The very thing so much feared in North Carolina has happened here Tho Dem ocrats have almost succeeded in . de stroying the Homestead intended to bo secured by the Republican Constitution of 1808. This, with other causes, has greatly encouraged the Republicans, and they, are not without hopes of car rying the State in 1872. 1 will write you again in a lew uays. I . VIATOR. Richmond. Va., Oct. 4, 1871. 5 1 1 For tho Carolina Kra. - . - -i . - Another Ku Klux Outrage. Messrs. Editors :-During the past winter Mrs. Kitty Furguson, a widow, Whose husband died in the Confedernto service, and whose ramny consisted oi herself, aged about 40, her daughter. about 22, one son about 20 anil two Smaller boys, living on her own place,' was visited twice by a band or lvu iuux desperadoes and most cruelly licaten. . The last time, the clothing was entirely stripped from the mother and partially j from the daughter and the entire fami- i ly unmercifully whipped, and Ordered to leave their home in ten days, ine Sentinel, in apologizing for the offence, charges Mrs. ivurgusou witn Keeping a house of ill-fame. Such a charge Was' Rminu it as false. - I . m About the firstof September last 3irs. Furguson, her daughter Susan, anu ncr eldest son went to Raleigh and matie a complaint against certain parties for committing the outrage. They were arrested and bound over for trial at the next term of the U. S. Court, un ner return to her new home she having been driven from her own place-on Wednesday night, Sept. 20th, she was again visited by a band ofKu Klux and again beaten nearly to death, and ordered to leave the State in ten days, and threatening her with death if she ever appeared against the persons charged. Some of the most respectable men , in. the community navu ywi warned against assisting her in any way, on the pain of being dealt vitn in the same manner. univ For the Carolina Kra. 'Messrs. Editors : I write to cautj6n our friends not. to do as Gov. HOiden did make a martyr of Jo. Turner by giving him too much consequence. He was dead politicaiy m iu un til he provoked Gov. Holden to arrest him by Kirk and Bergen, when herat, once became a big man with his party, thev hauled him around Raleigh let him make a speecn, anu me xvuicj" wwmv put him at the head of their party, lie , has siriee disgusted nearly all the de cent portion of his own py Jy th0 3 manner in which he conducts his pa per, and especially in urging the con- r. 'i.: ..ufinn on1 lot'ljintr the" Iitcr- islature (composed mostly of Ku klux and boys from the west) Into the passago of tho Convention acts. He causwl the defeat of his own. party and is to uay held responsiule by tho whole Demo cratic and Conservative party in North Carolina for; their dereat in tne late Convention campaign Turner knows he is dead with his own party. Why even I Englehard of Tie i n Umvirton journal, anu nxujur ci u olinian and a thousand less bold spirits are against him. He is a dead duck and is trying his best to get arrested again and put in Jail, so as to reinstate : him as a martyr wuu m uwu a. For heavens sake let nimoieoy ms own nana, nomy jrwiuuc 11 v. time. He is fast going, iwn'i stop nis . decline by again arresting him. .Let him belch forth ms sume oauy against good men as . he is doing. It doerf not hurt any one, oui , recuiia uu nun imu ( his party, who wouia io-ay ucicr mm but for the fear of his lash. , , . . s . - Respectfully yours, r , ; ...... . r,, - , GRANVIT.LH. Immigration from Germany to,: the United States is on the increase, and so is the trade between the two countries. Six direct steamship lines Will be in operation this tail and winter, i ad fol lows: The North J German Lloyd will run one steamer a week,and some weeks two steamers, between New York and Bremen, a fortnightly steamer between that port and Baltimore,; and also put on a fine via. Havre to New Orleans. The Hamburg-American Steam-packet Company, besides its one boat weekly between Hamburg and New York, and frequently extra boats, is about to re sume the running of a line between the former port and New Orleans.touching at Santander. Spain and Havana. Tho sixth is that but recently established, but now in successful operation, .- be tween Stettin, on the Baltic Sa and New York, known as the Baltic LlOyd. This last line, tho boats of which i touch at Christiansandi Norway, and Copen hagen, Denmark, will, besides, tend to encourage and facilitate Scandinavian immigration, than which none is more, welcome. Washington Citizen. '