"'.", "''"! ; . ' . - -M - -- --- ; i ""TV" " 'I - I TT ll nil il iiHSnTI I 111 - Kow that Mr! Garrett pavts, of Ken tucky, has given Senatorial expression to the floating scandala against the President,-, it may. serve at least a his torial purpose td show how other reck less men traduced the most SpotleSa of all our public character!. There li a popular belief that George 'Washington passed from the Presidency Into private life without feeling " the stings and arrows of outrageous" calumny, and nothing so much adds to this convic tion as the apotheosis that places him first on the roll of human wisdom and patriotism. He is the model by which the statesmen of all civilizations mould their actions. No voice is raised to question the verdict of posterity. His life, exposed after his death, has con quered criticism. The most remorse less of censors bow before its majestic harmony. Eulogized (n prose and poetry, perpetuated in broiire "and marble, the whole world consecrates him in all its languages. And yet this man, thus deified by the generations, was most brutally assailed. Our libra ries hold abundant proofs of the feroci ty of his foes. How he felt their slan- by his own words, taken to Mr. - Jefferson, dated the Cth of July, 170G, ders we prove from a letter Philadelphia, wherein he says: Until within the last year or two I had no conception that parties would or could go to the length I havo been witness to, nor lid I believe untill lately that it wad with in the bounis of probability,hardly within those of possibility, that, while I was using my utmost exertions to establish a national harac-ter of our own independent, so far as our obligations and justice and truth would permit, of every nation of the earth, and wished, by steering a steady course, to pre serve the ountrv from the "horrors of a des olating WIT, I should le acciwd t the n fnS of one nation and subject to the influexco of another; and, to prove It, that everv act of my iul migration would lie tor tured and the grossest' and mot insidious representations of. them made by giving one side ouly of Iho subject, and that, too, in such exaggerated and indecent terms as tcould seareHy be applied to a Kero, a noto rious defaulter, or even a common pickpock et. 1 - A few days before he left the Presi dency forever The Philadelphia Attro m, a most J influential Democratic pa per, exclaimed : " IT ever a nation was debauched by a man, the American nation was debauched by Washington j if ever a nation was deceived by a man, it was deceived by "Washington and Thomas Paine, in a public letter ad dressed to "Washington, said : As to you, sir, treacherous in private friend ship and a hypocrite in public life, the . world will be puzzled to decide wheth er you are an apostate or an impostor Whether you have" abandoned good principles or whether you ever had any." Kven Andrew Jackson, just chosen a Senator in Congress, voted with twenty others against a resolu tion complimenting Washington on his approaching release from the aires of government We take the following incident from Griswold's " Republican Court," pub lished in 1854 : Edmund Randolph had been an object of Washington's kindly interest from his youth ; his powerful influence had caused him to be elected Governor of Virginia; ho had appointed him successively Attorney General and Secretary of State, and had treated him in every" Way with unlimited confidence and almost parental fondness. Tho vulgar and violent abuse with which ho was assailed in the disgraced Minister's "Vindication" therefore incensed him to an extraordinary degree. The o"asion was one of those in which his feelings for a mo ment obtained a mastery over his habitual ielf-controL j We have from unquestionable authority an anecdote illustrating this fact : 44 Upon the settlement of the boundary between 1'ennsvivania ami irgiuia some of Washington's lands fell within the for mer State, and the late Mr. James Ross, Pittsburg, was his agent for the sale of them. Mr. Ross came to Philadelphia to settle his account, andpending word to the President that he would watt upon him at his pleasure, was invited to breakfast the next morning. On arriving he found all the ladies the Curtisses, Lewisses, Mrs. Washington, and others in the parlor ob viously in great alarm. Mr. Uoss describ ed them as gathered together in the middle of the room, like a flock of partridges in the held when ahak is in thq neighborhood. Very soon the President entered and shook hands with Mr. Ross, but looked dark and lowering. They went in to breakfast, and after a little while the Secretary of War came in and said to Washington: 'Have you seen Mr. Randolph's pamphlet?' I nave, said Washington, and by the eter nal God, he is the damndest liar on the face of the earth ! And as he spoke he brought his list down upon the table with all nis strength, and with a violence which made the cups and plates start from their places. Ross said he felt infinitely relieved, for he had feared that something in his own con duct had occasioned the blackness of the President's countenance. The late Chief Justice Gibson hail this from Ross himself, and he mentioned it at the house of the late Mrs. John B. Wallace, of Philadelphia." It would be an .ungracious task to spread before our readers the nauseous details of these unremitting slanders of General Washington. They would fill columns ana mnict pain m many re- spcctaDie quarters. , . , Judge LDgani , , .The ku klux democracy seem deteiv mined to make a great man out of. this gentleman t whether, he will or . not. They are making a great noise, de manding his impeachment and.. re moval from office; and why? Because they say he is Incompetent. Two. or three legal sprigs of the Judiciary, -or as it may now properly be styled the iurenxle committee so named on ac count of the professional and legal in fancy of the democratic members ot it have reported in favor of his im peachment. We venture the assertion that Judge Logan has forgotten more law than these would-be accusers and judges of his ever knew, although they are some of the Legislative represen tatives of the party which pretends to so much of wealth and learning. How is it that Judge Logan has so suddenly . Phifer, George Andrews ReptiblletiMeetiiig lift CfiaHoU. A meHngy Recording to tJeViBiiS fc tlcev of the Republican party of Meck lenburg county, was held in the Court House- or -Tuesday, Dec 26th, 1871; when , the ; Rev.K. ? Eagle and J A. Beatle trere elected Chairman and Secretary. The meeting having come to order under call, the Chairman proceeded in an appropriate manner to inform the assembly present, that the meeting was had in behalf of the interest of the Re publican; party, and Peace and good government generally, c. At the conclusion of the Chairman's remarks. John C. Davidson moved that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair on resolutions expressive of the sensjeof the meeting, when J. U. Davidson. Armstead Brown, James ana iawara ' " " - -- ' - - - T- - ' ' - ' - - tntertainlngkrt&Ie entitled 1 become incompetent r Was any me morial sent, was any investigation or dered until after Judge Logan had made successful war on the democratic klan otherwise called ku klux? They had the same power of impeachment and removal a year ago, and the same subservient majority to register the decrees of the klan which they now have. Why didn't they move in the matter then? Before the exposure and punishment of their faithful allies and deluded followers in Rutherford and other counties, we heard nothing against Judge Logan, except the usual amount of slander and calumny direct ed against all prominent republicans, by the paid libellers of unscrupulous leaders, and which was well understood to be a part of the machinery put in motion by these conspirators for the purpose of making loyalty odious and of driving the people into their service. Judge Logan has been for many years one of the representative men of Wes tern North Carolina. We are informed that perhaps for many years he sat in the Legislature of the State, and T he was a member of the Confodw Lon gres and irroDably voted for by ny of those who now prate about his Incompetency. If he was gooa enough and able enough to represent j political opponents. the white people of the West in those days, under the old order of things, how is it that he has suddenly become so weak and imbecile? The little boys, anu the big ones too, of tho klan, will have to get up a better dodgje than this before they get rid of judicial officers,, who, in the discharge of their duties, expose and punish their crimes. H? mington Post. Davjdson were appointed said com mittee. J During the conference of the com mittee, pe meeting was ably and elo quentlyj! addressed by Messrs. lLaw rence, fteatie, Davidson, Bissell and others. The committee reported the following preamble and resolutions, through j their Chairman J. C. David son, whiph were unanimously adopted; to wit : j j . Whereas, An effort was. recently made before ttfe Legislature of North Carolina to impeachi Geo. W. Logan, Judge of the 9th Judicial District of North Carolina, and failed fkiled before a body distinguished for a signal notoriety in matters of impeach ment therefore, Resolned, That we, a portion of the great Republican party of the State, rind the solution of said failure to impeach Tiis Honor lbss in the action of certain Republi cans thn in a want of heart in tho Legisla ture. Jiesolved, That as Judge Logan owes his position t6 the suffrage of the free people of tho State, it is to them ho is accountable, and that we who helped vote him in, endnr and approve much hT i d0 esjwuiuV; tuu oringing to justice ku klux crimina!lst-and that when he goes out of office, vlewant it to be in subordination to the expressed will of the people, and not upon tl?e ipse dixit of any body, or the.mo- tion of bar, nine-tenths of whom are his llesofyed. That the proceedings of this meeting "be sent to the several Republican fapers, with t lie request that tuev oe pun ished, i KIEV. E. EAGLE. Chairman. Beatie, Secretary. Opknixg of tiik National Can vass. The political canvass of 1872 will open early and earnestly. The first event will be the election of a Con gressman in the Ninth Massachusetts district, January 2. 1 On the next day the Republicans of New Hampshire and the labor reformers of Connecticut will hold their state conventions. On the 17th the temperance men of Maine wild hold a state convention, but it is doubtful whether they will take any ac tion with a view to the next election. They are generally satisfied with Gov ernor Perham and the Republican leg islature, i " . The liberal Republicans of Mssouri will hold a state convention January 21, and will probably renominate Gov ernor Brown and proclaim a new na tional party. The democrats of-Connecticut will hold a state convention February C, to nominate state officers and to consider this " Missouri move ment." The national labor convention will be held in Columbus, Ohio,. Feb ruary 14, and will probably nominate candidates for President and Vice-President. Their most I prominent candi date for President is Mr. George W. Julian, of Indiana, whose name is pre sented by the San Francisco Labor Re formers and other societies. A nation al temperance convention will be held in Columbus, Ohio, jFebruary 22. On the same day the Indiana Republicans will hold a convention to nominate candidates for state officers, and . the " Regular" Republicans of Missouri will meet for the same purpose. , Tho national campaign will fairly open with the elections in New Hamp shire and Connecticut early in the 'and The spring. In New Hampshire the dem ocrats and labor reformers are in the field with their tickets. Gover nor Weston is a candidate for re-election. The Republicans of Connecticut will probably renominate Governor Jewell, and it is thought that the dem ocrats will take a new man, Governor English having no desire to run again. The contest in both states will be very animated. JV. V. Post. J. At Missi Prudence Pkttingill's FiiisTjRiDE in the Cars. We are in debted to a Concord, Massachusetts, cor respondent for the following account of an oldt lady's first ride in the cars: Miss Prudence Pettingill, at the ma ture age of sixty-one, made up her mind to visit New York for the first time In her life. She bad never seena railroad.! as such things had been un know4 in Aroostook County until this summer,' and the ancient farm-house in which; she lived was seven miles from the station. So she sits calmly upon a seat placed on'the great wooden plat form which surrounds the country de pot, arid gazes with amazement upon the train which arrives, pauses a few moments to take on passengers, then proceeds upon its journey. statiori-master interrogates the old lady, who sjts placidly watching the depart log tram. "Why did you not get on, if you wish ed torfoto JNew York:?7' "Gil on !" says the old lady "gitpn ! 1 thought this whole consarn went!" ' Havanir explained to her that the platform! was stationary, the man kind ly advises ner to wait lor tne express a x m i - a ii " ji - Train, jno wnicn ueescons inemaiura, and find4 for her a seat by the side of a benevcleht old gentleman. Clutching fast hold of the seat in front of her, she Is at first'verv much alarmed at the speed at 'which they are sroing, but jrradurtlly becomes calm, and much in teresteel in the novelty of her surround ings. sThe old gentleman answers her many inquiries very civilly,and,among other things, tries to explain the use of the telefrraph wires, and tells her that messages are sent over them at a much greatef rate of speed than they are trav eling, i VWa'al. wa'ai." says tne old lady, fyou don't ketch me a-ridin on Tthy Welter's Widows", appears :in the Y) JZepubliccniy, from which the fol lowing is an extract XlT'XZ': ' Another very courtable widow was a young lady of Washington, Pa. She became engaged to a young man named Robert- , in 1840. . Her father, how ever, objected to this match with one of his clerks, and when the young lady received a tempting proposal -from wealthy suitor, the- paternal ' influence soon effected a marriage, despite the former encasement. In less than three Lmontha her husband was killed by a kick from a horse. Robert was a sec ond time then a suitor, but delayed the important question until fifteen months had elapsed, when, to his horror, she informed e him that sne was ; engagea. In three-montns thereafter sne was married. Two years, elapsed, when the married couple removed "to Syra cuse, N. Y., where among the victims of the cholera, when the, pestilence swept that city, was tne second, kod- arf oopflin cftiwhi, hpr hivnrl. nnrl whpn ft. year had elapsed, wa on the eve of a declaration, when lol he received an invitation to her weddimr. Her late husband's business was found in such a state that to avoid immense losses she married the surviving partner. Short ly after, she removed with her third husband to Detroit. Michigan. A few years elapsed, when herself and hus band were on a steamer that was wrecked near Buffalo. The husband perished, and the wife escaped solely through the exertions oi a friend f wno was on board. His gallantry inspired such sentiments in her breast that she married her brave preserver a few mouths after her third widowhood. The happy pair removal to nttsburg, wnere ifer nusband was engrasred in mercantile business. Thither Robert, still cherishing his first love, followed them. One day as he J was passing the husband's store he saw a terrible com motion. Rushing in. he beheld the mangled corpse of that gentleman on the floor. : A ticrco of rice, in being hoisted to an urmer story, had fallen through the tmps, killing him instant ly. Anxiously Robert inquired if any one had been sent to inform his wife, and was told that the book-keeper' had just gone. Robert started for Alle gheny City, where the deceased had resided, at the top of his speed. The book-keeper was just ahead of him, and. from past experience, knowing the virtue of prompt action, and appre- nending tnar xne cierK nau uesigns on the widow, he ran for dear life, side by side. . The race continued until tney reached Hand-street bridge, when the clerk was obliged to stop to pay the tolls, while Robert, a commuter, paased over without stopping. Reaching the house of the widow first, Robert, told the heartrending news, and in the same breath made a proposal of marriage; He was accepted. True to her prom ise, after a year of mourning she be came his wife. As all her husbands had died wealthy, Robert was comfort ably fixed after all. This case is a re markable example of what pluck and preseverance will do for a man, while at the same time it teaches a lesson on the danger of delay. A Married, at the Prtsbyterlari'CfiuriJhj in Washington.-!. tV. Ort the morning 6f tha 20tfr Dec, 187I,'by the Hev. T. H.Dalton, Hon. Edwix G. ReAde, Judge of the Su preme Court of North Carolina, and JMrs. -Mart- E. PAirEi, of Washington, N. C. No Cards. - '' ' DEATHS Died, on the 13th of December, 1871, Ro bert Do hertt,' eldest son of Professor W. H. Doherty, of Washington, D. C. I This amiable and excellent young man died of consumption, after a long and pain ful illness borne with Christian patience. He had been in the civil service of the Uni ted States Government in Newbern," N. C;, Elizabeth City, N. C.,and Portsmouth, Va., and was everywhere highly respected, es teemed and beloved. ' Died, near Montioello, Arkansas, on the 30th November last, aged about 35 yetfrs, of Pneumonia, S. Walter Scott, fourth son of the late Willis Scott, of this city. Deceaar- ed Was well known in this community as a young man of exemplary habits, energy and industry, and his loss will be deeply lamented by those who knew him best. CLII. lii lino ia t iaoi ao x. tuuu t- already anyhojv." She had seen so many won- aenuiiininEsinai sne manes up inr mind 4t last not to be astonished at anv tliiricr: and when the train dashes into the! one which had preceded it, owinsi to a misplaced switch, and the to6r old ladv is thrown to the end of the car among a heap of broken seats, she supposes it to be the ordinary man ner oi stopping, ana quietly remarKs, "You fetch up rather sudd in, don't ye?" Being provided with a seat in the for ward car, which was uninjured, she ar rives without farther accident at her The lecture of Senator Schurz last even ing was an able and graphic portraiture vice as it now exists, and a masterly journeyjs end, and is surrounded by an a. 'a. " i fiii.iTRr pn wii rii nHirKirifii. smii umlhiim iii exposition oi i no urjjeni necessity ior a reform. It was thoroughly candid in temper, describing the evils as incident to a vicious system and not as the out crop of any one time or administration. Comprehensively presenting the. sub ject in its varied aspects and tracing the prevalent methods out to their practi cal operation, it was calcalated to con vince thoughtful hearers, who might have been skeptical before, of the im portance of the civil service reform not as a catch-word, but as an actual need. Senator Schurz rightly urges, wh&t we nave repeatedly said, that the evil of he spoils system is not so much m.its tendency to fix incapacity in place as its demoralization of the public con science, lie rightly holds, too. that the essence of reform is simply, by some method, to destroy mere political fa voritism as tho foundation of nubile "Hac brella the ot of the J eager crowd of hackmen, and listens in wonder! to their oft-repeated call of hack I" Grasping her urn- one hand and her handbbx in r, sne iooks down into tne lace udest driver with the compas sionate inquiry, "Air you in pain ?" From the consequences of his wrath she is rescued and carried safely home by herhebhew, who has conie to the depot to look Ifor her. Editor Draioer, in Harper's Magazine for January. L A Cobra in Love with a Woman. A Bit of Homance. For several days a lady from Glasgow, Missouri, named Stinsley, has been in this city in search of her husband, who has been at work as a laborer on the bridge during the winter, but who, for some unex plained cause, had left there and was working in the city. The lady made diligent inquiries all around town for her liesre lord, but all her search ing, and the help of others, failed to illicit the desired information until she happened to think of a small "blonde doer." with a stumpy tail and his ears cut off, which she said was the constant companion of her husband. One of the boys who lives at the valley House, where she is stopping:, happened to see a dog of this description last Saturday, on Church street, and forthwith he cap tured the canine and bore him in tri umph to the delighted lady, who im mediately recognized him as her hus band's pet. The dog, however, was not exactly the member of the family she was the most anxious about, strange to say, and she was almost desponding. Then the happy thought of tying a note to his neck suggested itself to her, and she forthwith acted upon the sugges tion, and the dog was turned out to seek his master. The result was just what was hoped for, and in two hours the husband was in the arms of his overjoyed wife. That dog is a hero now at the Valley House, and when he dies the happy couple will doubtless em balm him and erect a monument to his memory. St. Joseph Mo.) Herald. THE AMERICAN WASHER I -PRICE, $5JSO. The American Washer Saves Money, Time, and Drudgery. The Fatigue of Washing Day no Longer i Dreaded, but Economy, Efficiency, and I Clean Clothing, Sure. , In calling public attention to this little machine, a few of the invaluable qualities, (net possessed by any Ko wooiuug nia chino yo iavwntedjarehere enumerated. It is the smallest, most compact, most portable, most simple in construction, most easily operated. A child ten years old, with a few hours practice, can thoroughly com prehend and effectually use it. There is no adjusting, no screws to annoy, no delay in adapting! It is always ready for use! It is a perfect little wonder t It is a miniature giant, doing more work and of a better quality, than the most elaborate and costly. One half of the labor is fully saved by its use, and the clothes will last one-half longer than by the old plan of the rub board. - It will wash the largest blanket. : Three shirts at a time, washing thoroughly ! In a word, t he ablution of any fabric, from a Quilt to a Lace Curtain or Cambric Handkerchief, are equally within iho capacity of this LITTLE GEM ! It can be fastened to any tub and taken off at will. No matter how deep rooted a prejudice may exist against Washing Machines, the moment this little machine is seen to per form its wonders, all doubts of its cleansing efficacy and utilitv are banished, and the doubter and detractor at once become the j fast friends of the machine. We have testimonials without end, setting torth its numerous advantages over all oth ers, and lrom nundreds who nave thrown aside the unwieldy, useless machines. Which hav e sicrnallv failed to accomnlish the ob- ectpromised in prominent and loud sound ing advertisements. It is as perfect for washing as a wringer is for wringing. The price another paramount inducement to purchasers, has been placed so low that it is within the reach of every housekeeper, and there is no article of do mestic economy that will repay the small investment so soon. - AH that is asked for this GREAT LABOR SAVER, is a fair trial. We guarauteo each machine to do its work perfectly. . Sole Agents tor the United States, A. II. FRANCISCUS & CO., 513 Market St., Philad'a. Pa. The largest and cheapest WOODEN WARE HOUSE in the United States. Oct. 5,1871. . ( 18 w6m. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Northampton Couxtv. Superior Court. Andrew Pcele, Plaining Pablicationin John U. Oubm, Defendant. J Attachment. Notice is hereby given to the Defendant, That the Plaintiff has commenced an action against him by. summons, and has also ob tained a warrant of attachment, against the defendants property, to recover $350.98, due by two bonds, together with interest on 284.42, from Dec 16, 1871, till paid, and for costs, and that said summons and warrants of attachment, are returnable to' the Spring Term, 1872, of said Court, to be held in the Court House, in Jackson, on the 20th day of May, 1872, and that the defendant shall then and there appear and answer the complaint. This notice shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in The Carolina Kra, a newspaper published in Raleigh. Witness, Noah B. Odom, Clerk of said Court, at office in Jackson, under the seal of said Court, this ICth Dec., A: D., 1871. 30 w4w. N. R. ODOM, Clerk. THE iJlfiMM ;S."J)lXON fctf4 ha3 this' dar been ' dissolved, by mutual consent. All those indebted are resDectful ly requested to como fori and pay up, as lonfrer indulgence cannot be given. , , The books can be found, and settlement made with ' - II. W. DIXON. Hi ERE AFTER the business of the Snow Camp Foundry will be conducted under the name of Dix ons fc Co., Iron Founders, Millwrights and Maxtfiinists, Snow Camp P.O., Alamance county, N. C, who are prepared to manu facture, at short notice Improved Horse-Powers , and Threshers Smut Machines, Straw-Cutters, Corn Shellers, Cane Mills, Saw and Grist Mill Irons of every Description, Shafting, Pulleys, Gearing, Also, are manulacturing an 1 Improved Turbine Water Wheel, which at iio distant day, It is believed, will sunersede the Overshot-Wheel in most situations,, where economy, durability and efficiency are properly considered. 2Sr Mill owners and others who use wat er for the propulsion of machinery, tire par ticularly requested to give uns wneei an examination before sending their money North for one not so good. This company is an association of PractI cal Mechanics who have been engaged in this particular business for more than twenty-five years, and are qualified from long training, and practical experience, to make thorough work of any job entrusted to their care; together with the low prices at which work has been put under the ready pay system, lately inaugurated in this country, will make it to the interest of those wantinar anv thinsr in our line to give us a - - o call. November, 1871. , 7G wiw. "An Accurate Time-keeper is indispensable to the Business Manor Traveller."' $5.00, $8.00, : $12.00, . !. $15.00, $18.00, ' $20.00. Single Watches of all kinds Sold at Wholesale Jactory Prices. - Any Watch you may Want Carefully ; Selected, Regulated, Securely TonlrfiH anil fAinvtiMlul ti vrii o "-i ! .T onvr where throughout the conntry. on receipt of : 1 r l t i a i price, uy -cx-press or iian, xree, ai. me same Srice lor a Single Watch as we sell them to ewellers and Watchmakers by the Dozen. EVERY WATCH marked down at ONE-HALF THE USUAL PRICE. Watches from $5.00 to $500.00 each: AVatcnes for Farmers. Watches for Speculators. Watches for Tradesmen. Watches-for Clergymen. Watches for Sporting Men. i Watches for Railroad Men. j Watches for Trading Purjjoses. Watches for Personal Use. Watches to Make Money With. Watches for Presents. Watches that "Wind Without any Kejv Diamond Watches for Ladies. - Watches for all Purposes and at all Prices. Watches with English, French, Swiss and American Movements. Watches with Nickel, Gilt, Frosted, Engraved and Plain Work. Three quarter Plate, Detached and Patent Lever, Com pensation, Chronometer, Balance, Duplex, Le ine or Cylinder Escapement, and all other known Styles. - . WATCHES AT ONE-HALF THE PRICE ever offered by OTHER DEALERS. A SINGLE WATCH or more of any kind and J any price (above $10), SENT ANYWHERE, WITHOUT ANY MONEY, and you can pay for it WHEN IT ARRIVES ', at tho Express Office in your town. We are the sole Inventors, proprietors, and "manufacturers of the new t)Ri CROOk' AYlfi OP TAtt ' Rapidly restores exhausted ; i ' t strength. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Restores the Appetite ami " I ' Strengthens the Stomach. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . Causes the food to digest, removing Dyspepsia and Indigestion. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Gives tone and energy to Debilitated Constitutions. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ; Is an efrectjvo regulator of the Liyer. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cures .Jaundice, or any Liver Complaint. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF, TAR j . Makes Delicate Females," who are never feeling well, Strong and Healthy. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR lias restored many pwson'- . who have been unable to work for vuyi DR. CROOK'S WINE OF T A it ' Should bo taken if your Stomudi is out of order. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAtt Should be taken if you -1 i weak or debilitated. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should be taken to strengthen ,him1 build up your kviciii. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . Possesses vegetable Ingredients which makes it the best Tonic in the market. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ' : , j ' Han proved itself I ' in thousands of case- capablo of curing all diseases of tho Throat nd Lungs. -- DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cures all Clironic'ougli, and Coughs and CoJis, more effectually than nny other r ii!(d v . DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TA It - Has cured cases of Consumption pronounced incuralUo 1 ; by physician DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ' Should be taken for diseases of the . ,Urinary Organs. JDR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should bo t?kei for all Throat and Lung Ailments. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR I ' Renovates and . ! Invigorates the entire nystetn. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should bo kept in every house, and ih lile-giving Tonic properties tried hy all. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR All recovering from any illness will find this the best Tonic they ean(Jtake. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ') Is the verv remedy lor tho Weak anu Debilitated. DR. 0ROOK'S WINE OF TAR 1 Will cure your Dyspepsia or, . Indigestion. 'm NORTON METAL, GOLD with which we case many of our new styles o Watches, making them fully equal in BRILLIANCY of APPEARANCE, STYLE, WEAR and TIME, TO ANY FIRST-CLASS WATCHES COSTING $30 or $300, and which we sell Singly or by the Dozen at ONE-TWENTIETH THE PRICE. Beautiful in Finish, Artistic in Design, Strong and Durable, and Always Reliable for Accuracy of Time. Among our great variety will be found the following: An English Silver Watch, $ 5.00 English Gold-Plated Hunting-Case Watch, 8.00 uenume unue lioia watch, Hunting-Case, reduced from $15.00 to . Self-Winders, or New Stylo Patent Stem Winding, Keyless Watch, Fancy Jewel led Polished Nickel Works, Exposed Action, quite a novelty, Sterling 1 Silver, Hunting-Case, Lepine vvaicnes, The New Norton Gold Metal Watch, Jew- eiieu iiever,icKei worKH, tieganl Style. U'lrrontoH (Ml ami - DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR i 1 Has cured so many cases of 'j j 'Asthma and llroiichitis ! that it has been pronounced a specific for these complaints. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Will prevont Malarious Fevers, and braces up tho System. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Removes pain in Breast, Side or Rack. 12.00 12.00 12.00 PURIFY YOUR BLOOD, DR. CROOK'S Compound Syrup of POKE ROO Lever 20.00 E. Remington & Sons, MANUFACTURERS OF BREACH LOADING FIBE-ARMS, 15.00 18.00 AMMUNITION,, A Kentucky Gal She Locks up the Old Folks and Elopes. A Kentucky exchange, issued Dec. 21th, says that a rath er romantic runaway auair occurred at Franklin, Kentucky, early Friday morning. The father of a certain younar lady of that place had refused to give his consent to her marriaice, and had treated her lover with great harshness, on account, as is alleged, of his Naeintr" poor. B ut though love does A verjextraordinary anti astonishing not, in most instances, run particularly incidetlt was lately reported to have smooth, nothing can prevent two happy J I - occurred a few miles from Beypore, vs:f articulars of whicli are as fol- what n-A hnvfriv annointments and to make fitness nnd l ;cn is simply to show how faithfully his- fidelity the tests. The competitive ex- - a . mm m ' I A fl tory repeats itself, as well in men as in measures. General Grant is running the same gauntlet that Washington had to run. Randolph and Freneau are only the originals of Garrett Davis and Brick Poraeroy." Washington's ser vices to his country failed to rescue him from obloquy, and Grant cannot hope to escape. There was' no "dictator" half so dangerous as Washington to men like Genet and Thomas Paine. mere never was one so complete as Grant to General Bmir and Ihe Wash ington Patriot. Not less patent is the tact that the more W ashington was at tacked the brighter he shown and the stronger he grew with the people. He was re-elected without opposition. Is it not true that Gen? Grant grows In the conndence of his countrymen even as his adversaries grow more desperate The Democrats confess their utter ina bility to defeat him with a Democrat. They claim a solid South next year, with several Northern States, and yet oner tneir votes to any itepublican can didate who Is willing to run against Grant. Washington had plenty of en emies when he was a second time be fore the people, but he was chosen by acclamation. We cannot hope for such a triumph for Grant, but history often repeats Itself so strangely that we shall not be astonished if he Is re-elected by a much larger electorlal vote than he got in 1668. Philadelphia Press. amination in itself is of small account- the point is simbly to lift tho service above political caprice and fluctuations and the competitive examination seems to be the necessary alternative of tne present plan of appointments. In this view Senator Schurz expresses the judgment of the best minds in tho coun try: His lecture had no polical oist. Albany Journal. J the. low - A native female, of very attractive appearance, of the carpenter caste, while 8weepJg the yards of her house, heard a hissing noise behind her. As she turned to see what it was, she found to her terror a large cobra advancing to ward bbv Before she had time to call ?ijay on to her assistance, or even to go rom the place, the serpent darted at her uku iigmning, anu coiieu arounu one of her legs, and in the twinkle of an eye darted higher and higher till it broucrht its open head in contact with her face, there moving it to and fro like a screen, in this DitiaDie and irierntml Big Clinker. Probably the bigest position she had to remain for nearly clinker ever known in the history of one or two days without being able to man is mat now in ine cellar oi aiorm- aeorsiicep. iNone out iemaies could erly extensive stove store on River approach her to feed her with milk and street. About 9,000 stoves were melted plantaifas, when the cobra turned its down by the great fire into one mass, head toi one side, and gave her ample which, gathering into it an immense time to nourish herself; but on any quantity of bricks and stones, presented man stepping into the compound, the when cooled off, one of the most for- cobra would hiss fearfully and tighten midable masses of debris occasioned by j its hold! around her body in such a man- At H Tl 1 j a 1 1 t 1 . uiu uru. .every euueavor 10 urea h ner as on maKO ner ieei ureaimess. up by an ordinary means having fail ed, one of Fox A Howard's immense pile drivers was employed for that pur pose, out even its nuge hammer nas so ManyfWere the conjurors who came to relieve herfrom the frightful condition, but none succeeded in removing the huge serpent from her person, till lat far, after four weeks hard work, proved terly a IN air was brought from the in ineffectual. The hammer of the first terior,swho, alter performing certain "driver" ha been completely smashed up in its vain endeavor to conquer the stubborn clinker, and to-day a new ma chine of this character has been set to work. It must be several weeks vet charms.and spells, succeeded in - discn tangling the poor woman of her- veno mous lover. The snake quietly "crept back ipfco" the bush whence it came, and the woman is now doing well. The a m m t i m m m m m w I i m oeioreims ODstruction. to reouuainar aoove wonderful occurrence is now can be removed. Chicago is ahead yet a general talk among the natives of the on ciinKers. vnicago .oitrnat, i place. hearts from uniting their destinies for bet ter or for worse, whenever the owners so resolve. To make the story brief, a plan was con cccted by which the pair were to run down to Mitchellville, just this side of the State line, where arrangements had been made the day previous with a magistrate to perform the ceremony. The fond couple appeared at the depot at Franklin shortly after five o'clock on the morning mentioned. It having been sug gested by some unfeeling wag, that they might possibly be overtaken by Jier irate father, and their blissful hopes blasted at the very moment of realization, the bride groom became considerably demoralized, but was soon reassured by his pluckier com panion, who coolly remarked : " I don't nee how he can ; I really don't. He lives three miles from here, and if he comes he will have to walk. lie can't make the dis tance afoot before the arrival and departure of the train. I foresaw the danger of such a denouement, last night, and made my ar rangements accordingly. I went to tho sta bles, hid all the bridles, locked the doors, and threw the keys away. When I left home this morning, mother and father were asleep. I quietly turned the key upon them, and threw it away too." It need hardly be said that her, explana tion was highly satisfactory. The- train rolled in at 5 :57, the lovers jumped aboard, i ( and were married at G :2Q at Mitchellville, on the arrival of the train at that place. . That girl was certainly worth the trouble of winning, but we have a notion that if her husband tries to kick out of the matrimoni al traces the keys will be turned on . him, too, some of these days. , Armory, Ilion, N. Y. Salesroom, 193 Broadway, N. Y. REVOLVERS, FIVE & SIX SHOTS, Army Belt, police and pocket sizes. Four and Five Shot Repeaters, Double and single Deringers, Vest-pocket Pistols, Bine Canes, Cartridges, Ac The ."Remington" celebrated Military Sporting, Hunting and Target Rifle, of which over half a million have been sold. Pro nounced the best Rifle in the world. Send for Catalogue. Dec. 16, 1871. 83 6m. pRUIT TREES? For sale, at the Guilford Nurseries, by the Dozen, Hundred, or Thousand, of all the leading varieties of Apples, Poaches and Grapes Vines, &e. Peach trees one and two vears old, from 4 to 7 feet, ? 10.00 per 100, and 65 to $75.00 per 1000. Apples S10.00 per 100, and 875 to $80.00 per 1000. Now is tho time to plant your trees, send in your orders, they will be filled promptly.' Catalogues furnished on application. Every man should plant a few grape vines. Correspondence solicited. G. Li. ANTHONY, P. O. Box 77, Greensboro', N. C. Nov. i), 1871 67 3m. Bingham School, MEBANEVILLE, O., A CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, Commercial and Military Academy. spring session opens jfeDruary tn. Col. WM. BINGHAM, jan 1. 87 1m. j ' Sup't. "Warranted. $15.00 and English i Sterling Silver Patent watches, warranted. American Watches, Exposed Lever, Silver or Oride Gold, in 2,3 and 4 ounce Hunting Cases some as low as English Duplex Watch, in Silver Case, Sweep Second for Sporting use. Tlmlnor Horses. !tc, warranted $18.00 and no rum ounu la rvu i U.L vioiu, iiuniing-uase, Works, all Jewelled, warranted 30.00 and 45.00 jjaaies- ana uenuemens nne opera, Chate lai ne, G uard, Neck, Drop and vest Chai ns, all styles, $2, S3, $4, fo, $8, and upwards. CLUBS. With all Orders for 6 Watches, of any kind, we will send ONE EXTRA WATCH FREE, (making 7 Watches in all,) as a Premium to the person getting up the Club. Send all Money by Post Office Money Orders, Draft or Bank Check, or Registered Letter, at our risk ; or give your money to any Express Co. and order them to purchase what you want from us, and return Watches or Money to you immediately. This will ensure Safety and Promptness, we will forward any goods, over $10 worth, to you, no matter where you are, by Express only, without the money, and you can pay lor them when you receive them. Full Descriptive Catalogues mailed free. Address all orders to the NORTON WATCH FACTORY, References : SG Nassau St., New York. Banks, Merchants and Newspapers of New York. ' 41 wly. ALE OF SWAMP LANDS. The Board of Education will receive seal ed bids for Durant's Island, in Albemarle Sound, nntil Jan. l2d, 1872. The Island is valuable chiefly for its fish eries, and as " a range for cattle and hogs, which its reeds and grasses would sustain in great numbers." It is about six miles long and from two to three miles wide. All communications should be addressed ALEX. McIVER. Sec of ! Board of Education, 83 wdttw4t. Raleigh, N. C. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROUT, Cures Rheumatism and i Pains in Limbs, Rones, Ac. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Removes Pimples,j Blbu -he, and beautifies the Complexion. DR. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF: POKE ROOT. Is the active -medicinal quality of Poke Root i combined with the best preparation of Iron, i CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP-OF POKE ROOT. Cures all diseases depending on a depraved cor.dition M i of the blood. DR. -i M CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures Scrofula, j Scrofulous Diseasos of tho Eye,1 or Scrofula In any form. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND. SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Is the best Alterative or Blood Purifier made.1 DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures long standing Diseases of the Liver. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures Scald Head,. Salt Rheum, Tetter. 1- to CLAIMANTS HAVING TESTIMONY taken by me will . please understand that all costs and charges are to bo paid at the time when such testimony is taken. Counsellors should so inform claimants. - Er-W. WOODS, Special Commissioner. . Chapel Hill, Dec. 12, 1871. 85 tf. Nathaniel Cutchin & Co., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX ' . OYSTERS, opened and In the shell, Put up in Cans, Kegs, and Barrels. Oysters in five Gallon Kegs and over 80 cents per uauon. Corner of County and Water Streets. orwmoiun, va. m Smjvi. WILTBERGER'S FLAVORING EX TRACTS are warranted equal to any made. They are prepared from the fruits, and will; be found much better than many of the Extracts that are sold. gr-Ask your Grocer or Druggist for Wiltberger's Extracts. bAblows indigo blue is without doubt, the best article in the market, toi blueing clothes. It will color more water than four times the same weight of indigo, and much more than any other wash blue in the market, , The only genuine is that put up at ALFRED WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 23X North Second St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Labels have both Wiltberger's and Barlow's name on them ; all others are counterfeit. For sale by most Grocers and Druggists v . aug. 19 4mwtriw. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND Mi UUP OF-POKE ROOT. Cures any Disease or Eruption on the Skin. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. ! Cureold Sores,' Boils or Ulcers. CROOK'S COMPOUND I SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Builds up Constitutions broken down from DR. Mineral or Mercurial Poisons. -I . L DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND' WYKUP OF POAE ROOT ! Should betaken by all - requiring a remedy to make pure blood. J. HARRIS, Attorney C. L. At Law. (Office first door South of Standard building Raleigh, N. (X. Practices in the Courts of Wake and before U S. Commissioner, and gives special at tention to 'the arguing of causes in the Supreme Cotfrt of North Carolina. All business entrusted to him, will receive prompt attention " - 39 tf.' DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND I r 1 SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. 4V Removes Syphilis uiseasen it entails more effectually and speedily han any ani all other remedies combined. Aug. 24, 1871. 35-wriwly. ji JJALEIGH SASH FACTORY! Price List For Sash and Doors ' H?S'0!pr-1WfS5J2cts.pr.light. 9x13,94 10x12,94 44 8x12,8 44 8x14,9 9x14,10 44 Qt18 191" Doors. 2 ft. 8 2 ft. 10 10x10,13 44 10x18,14 44 9x15, 10 44 9x16, 10 J44 9x17,11 44 ir 4 it i 50 00 2i6f G5- wifh 8uuk Pannels, $2.5 7 rU , 3.25 I -: rld,elnts?none8!ie; raised and D- IRELAN, Proprietor, i Corner of Davie and McDowell StsJ Raleigh, Ail. 17, 1871. 32-wAtriwlr: f

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