1 t CORRESPONDENCE...r Bill The liiil '.- mast not be understood us cn.Ior insr tho neaiiments of, his corroipoalents. tonininl'aUvns on all subjects arc solicited, wlii. h wli: be Rive n lo the readers or TriK Kka s rt'ntaii..nnr the views and stmtimrnt of the wri:cn. j To provide for the erection of a build- uig iwauie ior tne use of the United btatcs Courts, post-office, and other necessary Government offices, at Italeigh, N. C. . . J , . lie it enacted by the Senate andlTouse -The D. The Fraud Conimbsion Printing and -Mr. Jno. Cameron. Baleigli,-Jan. 22, 1S72. ; To the Ulitor of The Era: In The Sentinel of this morning, Mr. j no. i). Cameron, the salaried clerk of me t raud Lxmimission, Is oat in a card vindicating the editor of The Sentinel, Mr. Turner, in regard to the gross falsi fication of the report of the Fraud Com mission, a falsification made in Tlie iSetttutel office. Mr. Cameron says Mr. Turner is in no-vi.-e responsible for, or cognizant of 1 gthe mistatement.'.' lie was said to rhavebeen "in no-wise responsible for, r-or cognizant of the fraud practiced on the State Treasury in regard . to the State Frintlng. If Mr. Turner is really the ignoramus and imbecile his friends are trying to make him, he is a very unfit person to entrust with the Public Printing- of a great State. . But Mr. Cameron's statement is not true in fact. Mr. Turner has the manuscript, and he assumes the whole responsibiiitv bv making him self the custodian of the manuscript of 4 Ksv ... ,1 - . w . we auu v-oinmission. no controls the manuscpript, and will not let it go out of the office. When the Commis sioners, Messrs. Shipp and Batchelor, applied to pee it one day last week, Mr. Turner told Judge Shipp that he could nave it ior one hour. The mistake may have been a typo graphical error, but such errors never occur in a first-class printing office, and no State Printer has ever sent out such a mass of typographical errors, a3 this Sentinel office has in tho Stat work it has done for the past year. If this is the best The Sentinel office can do, it is time to remove the Stnte Printin somewhere else. Mr. Cameron. I notice, assumes the wnole responsibility. Is he responsi ble ior 8ewiing iien. Lnngman his proof sheets to read and correct three days after the testimony had been prin ted off and In the hands of the book . hinder? Let Mr. Cameron answer this and explain wny inese proor sheets wero .withheld from Gen. C. for a week, and only sent to have the errors corrected. I undertake to say that Mr. Cameron says what is not true when r!b says that such errors are "quite likely to occur in any printing office." Tliey are not likely to occur in any prin tiny office in the world trorthy of the name of printing A "W A qmce. in iacx sucn errors are impossi ble where the proof sheets are read bv copy. And then there are iortions of the testimony left out entirely, which could not have been the result of acci dent. And then, too, a very important por tion of the manuscript Is said to be mining altogether. Is Mr. Cameron as responsible for the abstraction of portions of the manuscript as he is for the mutilation of other portions ? The public would like to hear from 31 r. Cameron on this point. It is to be hoped that Mr. Cameron will have better luck with his "erratta" than he has had in the printing of the hook which the Legislature gave him fifty dollars to supervise. By the way, where has . Mr. Cameron been during the progress of this work, and has he lccn in a josilion or condition to bo responsible for anything relating to it ? Jlic. LociAjf. Logan is bad, but Pearson and Tourgeo are worse". To impeach and con vict tiicni all would bankrupt the people. Therefore; let them all go.- IF. Star. , The Star takes the position that Judges Pearson and Tourgec arc guilty cf high crimes and misdemeanors. Most of demo crats pretend to believe thesarh thing. The Scotched ot KipLKD.Tbe ku klux of t lis and other Southern States "are scotched by their prosecution, in the U1. S.' Court They are ready to commit more outrages as soon as they think they can do so with out being molested. As an instance that the klan slumbers for the present, the follow- of Representative of the United Slates ofsiai says4he,e Judicial officers must not be ln- tcr WM 'cc; 1 ved Sumner Southern town T r Cham.es Sum neb: Your infamous civil-rights bill, if passed, will secure your death within six months. Beware! I swear your life shall be the penalty. "Yours, ;with supreme disgust, V - . K. Jv. K." By thelimc the Juno term of the Fed eral Court' adjourns this Summer; many suebgentry as the author of this letter, will be breaking rock in tho Albany penitentiary. li . Congress jassemblcd. That- impeached because it would bankrupt; the t Z L . Z, f ! t i State, ' . The people are Kick ol hearing tne and he is hereby, authorized and di f r,ua nr,w.ratin rt taiir reeled to cause td'be erected a suitable 8tmP J? ef fJ building at Raleigh, In tho Stateiof about prmciple-that it is ignoble North Carolina, for the use and accom- r policy, ar.d not from principle.; VI here is modation of the Courts of the United y"r principle in this case. There is none. States, post-oflice, andi other offices? of ; The Democratic party does not occupy an the Government. And for such pur- ( enviable position concerning Chief Justice pose there is hereby appropriated, out f Pearpon and otlierjndicial officers. The Dem- of any money In the Treasury not oth- ; vr?if rhurtro .Inrftrp Poarson with violatimr eTWlseappropnatea,onenunarea tnou- the Constitution. Thev charge him with sand dollars, to be expended under the high crimes and misdemeanors.?- The same direction of the Secretary of the Treas-eh arge8 areinad e asto other officers. The ury, who shall cause proper plans and f L h . tuA estiniates to bo made, so that the whole t pocrats have tery npar tT o.thirds ma expenditure for the erection and com- j Jonty In .each branch of the ,Lcgislature. Pletionof the said buildini? shall not The7 oan impeach and Convict if they choose exceecltwo hundred thousand dollars, to do so. They make their charges, j tutu uu sicis l-f j;ui.uu uiu guuiT auu plicate the law. Upon this question tho Dein- pcraiiKpany cas laiicn mis poiucu; iujii a.though criminals eit f upon tho judicial bench, men who have violated the Consti tution, men who are guilty of high crimes and 'misdemeanors,-tho democratic j party will not impeach, convict, and removjeauch men from ofllce, because such action would damage their party. ; - A party taking such a position! is ixtally un worthy of trust and conlidence.i li Would ADVFBTISf MEST. (! . Haleigfi January hh, 1S72. Mk. Wm. M. Bnow&iff. 1 : Business Manager of the Carolina Era, ';;..'" v'' w ; - : : f. iRaleigh, XC. : Sir : Inasmuch as I have closed the col- T- MirA.ll Letters relaf.nj to Suascnptons or Adertlsemcftt, muit be Addressed to WT4. M. CROWN, Business Mansgeri ( All Registered Letters can e sent at cur risk. Subscriber receiving their paper with a cross X mark, may knowthat tho time for which they subscribed is nearly out, arid nnless they renew, after receiving two papers, with a cross mark bo discontinued. their papers will sacrifico any interest to subserve the ests of party. j inter ScrEnion Court. The criminal docket of this Court was taken up a week ago. This term of the Court has been noted lor juries who have failed to asree upon a verdict nn- but Lwi Tho jury in tho case of Ruck vs. Mills, re lumed a verdict on Saturday last in favor of the defendant ujxn all the issues. In the case of the State vs. If enrv Garrard j chnrgod with burglary and larceny, the jury returned a verdict on yesterday of guilty of larceny. Court adjourned yesterday a3 a token of respect for the memory of Gov. Bragg. The docket will be resumed-to-day and Ccmt will&gmtinue until theeri et is disposal of. 8uooTixev limns of mv naner acainst nil matters nnr. sonal to tlie Editor of The Sentinel and since Mr. Turner resurects and publishes such portions of an old correspondence between him and myself as suits his purpose, I have to ask. that you insert the following matter for me as an advertisement) i I desire to make this publication that I may be set right in a dead matter that has been thus1 revived, without any reference to the position or connection of Mr. Turner in the matter. I make the publication solely on my own account, because I deem it Jo have been provoked, and made necessary. 1 desire that the publication shall have at tached to it no personal significance, save to my sell. Verv trulv. Wm. A. He criminal doek- T. C LOGAN HARRIS, Editor. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1572. Local, State and General Itemi ( - . .. - Cottox. W. i. Fpchtin'h, one of our most reliable and enterprising merchant?, bought on Saturday last, three hundred arid iiiy-ionr Daies or cotton MV) cents per pound. Arrksti:d. Wo see it tatetl by some' of our State exchanges that 0oo. W. Swepnon wm recently arrested iri Florida on tho cnarge or cmberricment.t ffcW.oou bail was required. r Do't kxow it. Mrs. Stokes, tho yife of the man who killed Jim Fisk, is on the Atlantic, on her way homo from Europe1, and has no knowledge of the dreadful crime committed by her husband. 1 . j False Phopiiet. In our opinion, hj proper manasrement, thei National Demo- A Dtihct Saikt. Senator Xye, is ftn in veterate wag, and 1ms almost as rnariy sto ries to relate as had President Lincoln. In one of his latest speeches he told the follow ing good one of an old man in. one.jof tho mining'hamlets, composed of log jcabins and canvas houses, who lay dying, and Xye Avas attending 'him. ( Seeing the old man was fast going to that other land, he thought it Lis duty to advise him of tho ifactL Tho following was the result. Said the Senator: ' Davis, it is undoubtedly be3t that you should know the truth; you are a very sick rnan, and will in all probability live but a short time. Are your affairs in the condition that vou would wish to; have ' them ? . I should be glad to do nr 'Iiing for you.oaknow." y t "i es ; they arc all right." ( " Well, would you like me to write toanv of your folks East?" j i "Xo, not now after it is altover." -' " Would you like me to call in a minis ter?"' ; ! . "' The sick man by a great effort of will over a weak and shattered body, drev him self up in bed, so as to bo in a sitting pos ture, and sternly, most soberlv. and earn- estlv paid: 1 " Why (.Governor, what should I want a minister for? I never voted a Democratic ticket in my life." ! i A.ff;;ay. We are informed that a shooting afiraj' took place in Green ville, Pitt county, on last Tuesday, between two gentlemen by the name of Pritchard, and a Mr. oWeno. All highly respectable citiz?ns. Y , Thefight gfew out of a supposed insult offered the wife of the elder Pritchard by Mr. Greene.' The Messrs. Pritchard attack ed Miv Greene with sticks and pistols. Mr. Greene endeavored to defend himself. He drew his pistol, shot and killed the elder Pritchard and gcriously wounded the other. It is said the insult was not intended, and should not have been taken as such. Correspondence. ! . : Italeigh, July IIOX. JOSIAH Tl'BJtEB, Jr., - . EUitor of the Sentinel. Raleigh, eampaig Sir; The rn in which' ABNE. 1871. we cavo are Becking a difncplty rathes tjian redress of grievances. - You charge me with distorting your language and ' per verting I your ," meaning. : sYoal'so charg ed when t editing Tho Telegram, , but took good caro not to show it, iviy associate, who wrote the article or which you , com nlairi. denied it then and denies it' now.': I am t he person to answer for it, but I demand tnat you fthow tne trutn or wnat you auego. If the fact is not so, you have no hucIi cause Of complaint-' As to assailing you, yon aro aware of the tact that I am the person as sail. J, and without provocation. You have bc?n persistent in it, too, as editorof a paper in Tarboro, as well as in Raleigh. ' ' f If you have been assailed, and your char acter aspersed as a gentleman," it is an easy matter ior you to point out when, and in what way! I stand ready to avow or disavow any defini to charge you may say I, made against 'you as ; a gentle man or against any gentleman, and I shall feel no hesitation or shame in making amends when I am in the wrong. I demand, as you must concede I have a right to, tht you shall particularize, stating specifically. wnen x cnargea you wero no gentleman. De fore you require me to state that you aro one. You must perceive, sir, in a demand f of tho character such as you have made, the necessity or pointing out what words or acts of mine are offensive, before lean be called on to disavow or apologize for them. I may add your complaints are general, vague, ana indefinite, v.iien they should be pointed and explicit. . Respectfully yours, '. ' y Josiah Turner, Jr. ' ' P. S. Further communications wliich you may have to make may be addressed to my friend J. C. Sy me, until the arrival, of an other friend looked for. J T., Jr. Aug. 0 1S71. Italeigh, llOX. JOSUH 1URXEE, , Raleigh, N. C. Sir." On Monday, tho 21st inst., at B?au fort,'I had the honor to receive from Mr. Jno C. Symcof tliis city, a registered letter, dated the 18th inst., enclosing one from you of dato the lj tii inst., which I now have be fore me. p . & . .., ; ' Yoii, mistake me when you conclude ihat 'I am "seeking a difficulty rather than a re dress of grievances," permit me here to say ; and yon have totally misapprehended the nature, of iy letter to you of date the racy can carry Wit. Star. PeniL-vlTania next Fall.-t-J 3 You are a false prophet. You prophet- sied the triumph oi' Convention, by 2,o00 majority, the night after the election: j Pardon kd. Mingo Jones the old co!4 ored man who seme two or three years ago. killed Avith an nxe another colored man with whom he had a dispute in Janveai City. and for which he was sentenced to tho pen itentiary for ten years was pardoned by Gov. Caldwell on Thursday, and returned to New Rem. For the Carolin Era. A Most Wondcrfal Know-Nothing. The editor of 77tc Sentine f. although he does the public printing, professes to know nothtnq about the usual manner nf monsnrinf thn work, vrt ft isovidpnt to every one t hat somebody in the Sentinel olhcc knows enough about the matter to eo eount as to draw pomo three thou sand five hundred dollars more from the Utatc Treasury than he was entitled to. lie also professes to do utterly igno rant of the misstatement in the testi mony of Gen. Clingman before the Fraud Commission, and gets the clerk of said commission to certify that he (the clerk) is alone resi)onsiblo for the errors in 5aid testimony. Tho accommodating 'clerk, however, happens to certify to just n littlo too much for he savs that the error was a "typographical" one. Well, now if that be true, I ask, in all candor, how ia the clerk of the Fraud Commission responsible for the " typo craDhical" errors committed in Tlie Sentinel office? Is ho a type-setter in that office? , Was the mistake made in tho copy furnished the public printer bv said clerk ? .Not at all. There is no mistake in tho copy, but it is all correct written in a plain round hand that LOV.T.ET AOAix. Tho other day, ns wj learn from The Wadesboro" Argus, Henry Berry Lowxey .went, to, tho housa of Mr, McKenzie, in Koboson, heavily armed, There were four men in tho piazza, with! whom he sat and talked till dinner was an-j nounced, when he delivered himself f al his arms, leaving them in the piazza, ana went with tho company o dinner to the ex-; treme opposite part of the house. They did not attempt Ids capture, as they knew his band wero near. At Half-Mast. It was but proper that tho llag should havobecn raised at half-maat over tho Capitol, on Monday, out of res pect to the memory of Gov. Bragg; but why is it that tho National eisign has not been raised daily during this session of the Gen eral Assembly? When a motion was made in the Democratic Legislature of 1SC0 to raise the flag over tho State House, it was moved to refer to tho Committee on Propo sitions and Grievancesi when the present keeper is asked, why our country's star-lit flag i not thrown to the breeze, he says he has none fit to raie. 3l BrNCOMTtn. TltcNcu-bem Times says per haps no county in North Carolina is more fitry represented than the county of Ban combe. Tho gentleman who has the distin guished honor to represent this . fertile and highly fortunate spot of the West, bears the not very romantic name of Johnston, but most ably docs he sustain Buncombe's rep any school-boy can read, and read easily, utation for buncombe, f not the introducer is u noi siranu u ai u e umy iuiuur: of almost every measure from the Demo- tant errors contained m tho -printed re- port are errors in favor of The tent weTs dicu?si bccanpc oflta ant lsm to the i ri: ,r. ; tmc interests oi otaic, no is sure vj uo its i t r (hot not,r I first and earnest advocate. Happy Bun c3jin1hofv1IfsiiTf Thr Sentinel a th combe. greatest know-nothing and the fairest and most impartial man of wliom we have any knowledge. " ; P. -m- j , For the Carolina Vxt . i .Mb. Kditor : I fee that some, of your correspondents have, suggested the names or certain distinquished gen tlemen to fill some of the important State offices. Will you therefore allow me to suggest to the Republican- party of the fourth Congressional District the name or laj. wunani v. omu i, ui Johnston county, a man eminently .fit to represent the people of this District in the Congress of the United States. Mr. Smith is a man of strong common flense, and penetrating judgment, and h one of the most effective stump spea kers in the State. In hia own comity he is not only universally popular, but beloved by the people. In him the worthy poor have a friend as true as steel. In truth he is so deep in the af fections of tho people of his county 'that he can get several hnrtdred more votes for Congress than any other man in the District. The people of his own coun ty best know his noble, generous dis position, and genuine integrity of j3ur- pose, liiey jiuvt' oiieji eiucieu iuiu m Ku Klcx IIesist. Wc are informed by a gentlenian just from, Rutherford county. ihat a warrant was issued by commission cr Scoggin, for , a man by tho name Scruggs, and anotlvcr Ko Klux whose name we do not remember, j The . warrant was placed in the handsoftf.S. Deputy Marshal Chesley Bradley, ' "who,1 io company with one other man, ationiptcd to arrest the par ties. A desperato fight ensued, in which Bradley was soverely hurt a.nd Svirugga and his companion escaped.! v Ilia said that Scruggs is tho rnau who struck lr. J. M. Justice In the head with tho pistol the night of the raid on that gen tleman.' , Population- or Nobtii . Cabolika. Aewrding to the reportof the ninh census,' North Carciina has gained in population since lCO eeven and ninety-three hun dredths per cent. In 1960 she ranked as th twelfth State in the Union. Nowhe ranks as the fourteenth- 'Zler'galn in white popu lation bis been seyen and seventy-one hun dredths per tiont. And her rank aa to white population la theBamo fta in 1860 : iif teen.-j- Dlaocs of public trust, and he has never j The colored population has made a gain of deceived them. . . : E. eigh t and . thirty-three pen cenu l ne gam Johnston Co., Jan; 17, 1872. of Represcntatiye .pop"111; n tbe st3t0 ! .H. j- ' ' ' j.; 'V ihas teen twenty-foarj and flftj-fiye;one ' .-L'it 1S72 there wiU W flvo hnndredths prr cciit. This State has two J . - -: t t . gnoses two of theaun, two or the moon indonepiuip uii Carolinian .r . ,t .''1V "r i Right' The first Thursday of August next will ahoir the Kri-Klttx Democracy eclipsed by thi Republican party about twenty, thou sand en the State ticket and 'IWmajori in the Jjeglsiarare. A raiart thing Mustard plaster; f.i I hundred and .fourteen Uiousana sou, one hundred ami forty-twoi males over tweiity one years of ego, the yoing popolatlo'ri. The popnlation Vf North Carolina h niade np bf six hundred and Seventy thousand and four hundred and seventy whites ; three hundred and ninety-one thousand and sixty Ave blacks j and Jtwelve hundred and 'fertv.sm Indian.! ' '1 'W t -.r , , - UiriTTTD STATE9 A7T) SPAIX. 7rtC A'. T. Tribune says if there w as any uncertainty as to whether our ilag had been insulted by Spain, there need be no longer any such doubt. Tlie affidavits of the otlicers of the Florida arc conclusive and explicit enough to satisfy. tho most completely indurated sense of honor that we have been disgrace fully snubbed on the high seas ibyj two Spanish inen-of-war. Tho Florida, which had been laid up for months in ballast at St. Thomas, was followed by one Spanish war-vessel, fired at, hove to, and searched, though the American flag was flying from the steamer thU3 peremptorily brought to by fchot. And this insult was repeated by another war-ship of tho same nationalitj-, several days after. This may bo according tothe Sp- rtish idea of the right of search ; but it looks liko a gross attack, for which an immediate demand for reparation and npology should be made. New YImAH. The worn an-womon have hit upon a new idea which they believe is destined to swcop social vice from the face of tlie earth. The plan is to have the gener al government pass a law providing that all persons who livo together, oven for five minutes, as man and wife, shall be deemed to have contracted marriage, and shall bo subject to all the duties, liabilities, and pen alties of the marriage relation. Gerrymandering. This Legislative re apportionuient is quite an important- mat ter. mi. star. Of course it is. We object to its being called "reapportionment." It should bo called gerrymandering. Unless the State is. outrageously genymandered, there is not a ghost of a chaneo for the Democrats to carry the Legislature. They can't carry it by gerrymandering. AroTnuR Marsiial. We learn that Wm! McKee, Esq., has been made .United States Marshal for Gaston county. While he is a bitter Radical, he is a vastly better man than any; of tho Scoggins gang of ! ruf tians. -We do not believe that ho 'will prostitute his bfBee either to mako rnonev or gratify personal enmity, as those wretches have done. Sovthern Home. If the editor of The Home was worth any thing above his homestead, it would be well enough for thoScogglns' to mako him pay for tho libel contained in tho above paragraph. We aro not surprised that hatred and malice should exist in the hearts of those who sympathise and defend ku klux. It is natural that they should hate the very name of Scoggin. We tell tho editor of The Home that' the weekly slanders which his paper contains, hurt no one but;. tho writer. The Scoggins havo done their duty and they dp not fear ku klux. Pockets Picked. Under tho head of ' Religious," The N. Y. Tost says : "Fifteen ladies, including the wife and sister of tho rector, lecently lijfa their pock ets picked in an Knglish Church." If robbery of this kind is religious, we are afraid the Democratic party will soon be converted; that, is if we may judge by the State Printing fraud. Iy formation'. The Wilmington Star says the radicals have made about all the capital they can make out of tho Ku Klux, and wants to know what the Republicans will got up for a campaign hobby. Our answer is Nothing that will equal tho Ku Klux Klan, which is the right lower of tho Dem ocratic party. Febes BAD.The Editor of The Southern Home feels very bad because of the- failure othc ku-klux to impeach Judge Logan. No wonder. If wo had slandered and villi fied any man as The Home has Judge Logan, we would feel bad to have our own friends give the lio to our slanders. The Democrat ic members of tho Legislature who voted against impeachment, were actuated by proper nolives.'' If they had been guidod by tho billingsgate and slang of The Home, they would havo impeached and convicted Judge Logan. They had letter sense and better judgment than to follow the ravings of The Home. Having been " snubbed, ig nored and trampled upon by its friends, The Home should prolit"by such treatment, and conduct itself better in the futuro, and not so much after tho Brick Pom eroy style. , ! i ! . ; i j ; : Another Fire in New Bernb. The Sep- Berno Times of the 18th says this morn ing, about 3 o'clock, the alarm of fire was riven, and repairing to tho scene, wo found llahn's Bakery; on Craven street, inflames. Spreading, the tire soon , reached, and con- sumed ihe building occupied by Messrs. nenry,llall and Sam'l K. Eaton, as a book store and Jewelry 'establishment, and . the building used as a eonjeeuonary by if. M. Agostme, doiu on I'oiiocic, street, ana ex tending down Craven, the shoe-chop of C. R. Robbing, harness-shop of Phillips t Dow- dee, and Rr'.Berry'a drug-store wre.ail laid in ashes. -; Loss, about f 15,000, ' . The firemen worked well." . ar : u i .v.: . VJ- ArroiNTED. On the Sth of this month, Wm. II. Brewer and James G. Cherry were appointed Deputy U. S. Marshals for tho District of North Carolina, by Calvin Cox, U. S. Commissioner of Pitt County. More Whisk e v. We are informed that a Mr. Christmas, of Warren, will soon have a distillery in operation, calculated to mako one hundred and fifty gallons each day of trouble for Brothers Whitakcr and Ramsay. ArpoiNTEi. Mr. Walter Dunn has been appointed Superior Court Clerk of Lenoir county to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. R. F. Green. been so warmly engaged for the past sever al weeks, and in which (on a single issue) I havo been so widely separated from tho as sociates and political friends of a lifetime, draw3 to a close, and with it terminates my connection with a paper, the course f which has furnished you opportunity torj excuse for, if it has not justined you in misrepre senting me before the people of the entire country, wherever you are known, or where tho paper you control is. read. J ' I Before the great body of the white Con servative people of North Carolina, I stand to-day misrepresented and misunderstood. Although my heart beats in perfect unison with every true son of the South, and every living soldier of the Confederacy still true to the broken cross, I am regarded by a majority oi my fellow-citizens as one who lias deserted the ranks and basely surren dered the principles of a cause tor which they claim to have struggled conscientious lyfaithfully and patriotically through four years of war, (may I not add and six years of L31st. July, -with postscripts the 14th inst, proclaimed peace t) ana .notwitnstanuing my Democracy is unimpeachable, and my claims to the term Democrat, second to no man living, I am read and pronounced in North Carolina from the mountains to the seashore a Republican and a Radical. I protest against this classification and demand of the intelligent fair minded men of the country justice and a proper; under standing and recognition ot my true position ana principles. . ' To you more than to any living man, or to all other causes combined, am I indebted for the misrepresentation that involves me, ana the public misunderstanding tnat sur rounds my. position. Yes, you who stand on record as the veriest enemy Democracy ever had, and the arch-enemy and fiendish maligner of your own people in a cause they deemed and now believe no less sacred than their religion, taking advantage of a position you could only have reached over their prostrate bodies crushed beneath the weight of tho negrc and the military armies of "the United States, have had the hardi hood, the temerity, the unblushing impu dence and open lalsehooa to assail me be fore the good people of North Carolina and attempt to connect me with the Republican party. i This being so I am induced to pen you this letter, and to ask at your hands a pub lished statement, over your own signature, amply and fully vindicating me against all insinuations, statements or charges from any land all sources whatever, contained in The Sentinel within the period of your man agement, wherein I have been represented in any other light than the proper character of a State's Rights Democrat and true South era gentleman. And I will hero add that no mere dis claimer of any intention on your part to do mo ian an injury or an injustice will at all serve my purpose, for you have not only wantonly distorted my language and Eerverted my meaning on divers occasions, ut have declined to make publication of matter from my pen that must have had the, effect to in part set me right before all vou r readers, and that, too, when such pub lication was in the nature of a reciprocity. But when another gentleman, an Editor, (I mea Capt. Biggs,) asks yo l to insert an article from his paper, basely attacking me and abusing my character, at a time, too, when, as he and yourself well knew I could take no notice of what one might say from behind a Justice's Peace -bond j you make hasto to comply by inserting it among your advertisements, something which the lead ing and most respectable Conservative Edi tor in the State, would not do. 1 I send you this note informally, ty mes senger merely, and owing to my brief stay in the city, I beg to have an early reply, ei ther assuring your compliance with; my. re quest, herein convej-ed, at j-our conveni ence, or indicating what your course will bo in the matter. Please 'acknowledge re ceipt ot this by messenger. Very truly, Wm. A. IIearke, may, I have, not no w, nor have I at Any time had, any general defence to make of this gentleman,but in the discharge of such duties as he has acquainted me with, a"nd upon such matters as ho has advised with leading gentlemen of the Conservative party, and myself, I am . satisfied of a conscientious desire on his part to do his duty as the exe cutive of a great Str.te. and therein, and thus far, I have given him my poor aid and feeble support. . Now I submit that conduct like this in roe is neither without Demo cratic precedent, w nor in contravention of any of the true principles of the Democratic party, but in perfect keeping with the teach ings of Democracy the soulof model Amer ican journalism (see Sea ton and Gales' National IntelligencerKand according to the letter and spirit of our Institutions. . If mv declarations and assertions herein contained,-are not ample to convince you that my Democracy is unquestionable, and like Caesar's wife "above suspicion" even, I give yon access to the files of such papers as contain every article, ' paragraph, sen tence, line and word that I ever wroie from mv cradle np. and I will stand by you with n Bible in one hand, and pencil in the other. and lead your eye to every line that has for all rUne emanated from my pen, Including my article on John Pool, which, for reasons best known to you, was denied a place In ; the columns of The Sentinel. In conclusion I have to say. only, that I hope you will have no hesitation in placing me in a proper attitude before the good peo ple of North Carolina, and . I rely upon your liberality and sense of Justice to now i present roe te all y6ur readers in my proper j character as a Democrat, with no sympathy, j at any time, for tho Republican party, but an unflinching enemy of Radicalism, come in 'j what guise it may. j Very Truly, I - i ' i ,Wm. A. Hearxe. .. ' Postscript. DEATHS i Died, on the evening of the 21st instant, Mrs. M. C. Potts, wife of Hardy Potts, aged 44 years.N She leaves a devoted hus band and many friends to mourn her loss. New Advertisements. W. T. ADAMS. T. I. ADAMS. W. T. ADAMS & SON, - Manufacturers and DoaTers in STEAM ENGINES, i - C , i ' JlERAit;. err Hbimh. The Herald of Health and Journal of Thysieal CultureHA vocates a higher type of manhood physi cal, Intellectual, and moral. It is edited with unusual ability, and is one of thoso journals, which we can: recommend tosthe public I Published by Wood A Hslbrook, 13 fcl5 LajghtSL, New York. Termsli t2 per annum with premium ; .f 1.25. without. 1871. SAW AND GRIST MILLS, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoisting """. ( Jfachines, 1 : and all kind f CASTINGS. All work neatly and promptly executed, by skilful workmen, on the most reasonablo terms. ' The senior partner has had over 40 years experience in tho business, and feels justified ha saying that he can give entire satisfaction. WANTED 100,000 pounfts old Cast Iron, for which tho highest market price will be paid, in cash or exchange for work. . Works one Square Went of Court - ! : Houe. January 3, 1372. 53--w3m. Gus. In, our advertising columns mill be found an advertisement of Breech-Load ing guns Tlils firm has established a rep utation of turning out nothing but guns of first class such as will compare' English or American make. Their,address is West Merlden, Connecticut. 1 Send for a circular. CSfiT Ifl THE WORLD. tJi ITew York Office, 27 BEEXHA2T STL. January 20, 1872. 95601, Beaufort, JV. C. Aug. 14 Mr. Turner : This letter was prepared for delivery on the olst ult., but ascertain ing that vou were not at home, it wis with held, and, subsequently, at the instance of a mend, l heiu it unaer aavisemem. nut seeing that you are determined to continue to misrepresent and viiiiiy me, l nave con eluded that justice to myself requires that I should act with promptness, determination and decision. I therefore send you this letter, and shall bo in Raleigh on Thursday the 17th. mst.. when it will be convenient formetolrecievo any reply you may have to make to jthis, 1 see you have attempted to connect me with a recent " working-mans " movement m Raleigh, I merely wrote some articles on the subject, at the request of the originator of the scheme, but I never knew that I was to have any connection with the matter in anviway. Bred on the farm, broujght up behind the plow, apprenticed at a trade and finished a mechanic, I may possess some peculiar fitness for conducting a working mans, organ, yet I have chosen another sphere of journalism , and had accepted an other position when the question of a me chanic's organization was mooted' in Ral eigh. " I - i Aware as you must have been of tfie fact that I am a mechanic, I must conclude that your allusions to me as a " working-man'; were made to covertly insult, through me, the great body of the working-men of North Carolina, since you are known to hive had, at no period of your life, nothing in com mon with tho working-people, but jon the contrary you have always preyed upon them, as a political leech you; have ever sucked the life-blood of the laboring man, and of that class whom the working-man has always so justly regarded as his $nemy, y ou have, thro ugh "serving your own sel fish ends of base partisanship and demo goguery, sought to retard, oppress and ruin the laboring interests of the country, a part you are fully competent to play, and one, permit me to add, you have played most admirably and successfully. You can go on fighting against the interests of the work ing people of the country, destroying the material interests of the State, and disturb ing the social condition of our people as much, and as lone:, as you please, but to ward myself you must cease your personal allusions. When I say you must cease your offensive allusions, you understand me; I trust, and I beg that you will under stand me, for I do assure you, that if you fail to comply with my request to cease your offensive allusions, (thus conveyed,) i shall take steps to compel your compli ance, and, I may perhaps yet nave to. teach you that the innate pride of the mechanic is too great to brook tiie gratuitous insults of tlie pompous politician, ' and that, the sledge hammer and anvil are -quite as: good promoters of . muscle as the, swill-tub of your class of pot-house politicians, and pin hook statesmen. . , V . , .. . . Very truly, ; ; ' " ' " " . W at. A. 11EAI.SE. and forwarded on that date by mail, when you characterize it as a "demand." . I conceive that you have done me Injury and injustice beibro the people of North f Carolina, an' injury that you alone, of all men, can repair, and I have simply asked that you do me justice, and thereby repair the great wrong you have done me. . Gentlemen ot courage do nothing unaer compulsion, and in seeking justice at your hanasT have preferred to msk rather than demand it. And your declaration that you "shall feel no hesitation or shame in mak ing amends" would seem to iustify the esti mate I had put upon your disposition to set me right in a matter which appears to havo grown out of a political misunderstanding between us. ... I can scarcely deem it necessary now to go over the files of The Sentinel for the past six months and point out by quotation, or otherwise, the many words, lines and para graphs of misrepresentation you have in dulged toward me and the paper whose po- i : i i .1 . . t r ..Ti : l , i-uiiu uui i vicciuoivcijf vuuu uxacvi, wiui- out let or hindrance from any source what ever. . Nor is it scarcely moro practicable for me to go over- the files of The Telegram and show by quotations, explanations, argu ments and lucid constructions wherein y ou have, as I charge, perverted my meaning and distorted my language. And so for the present I will confine my self to the best possible statement of griev ances extending over many months, and rely upon my own declarations as sufficient that the charges I allege (that you have mis represented my principles and caused my position to be misunderstood before the people) are well founded. You have on divers occasions represented The Italeigh Daily Telegram, of which pa per I . was the recognized Editor-in-chief, whose political course I alone shaped, ana whose conduct I exclusively controlled, as in the interest of the Republican party. You have given out to the world, in fact, that The Telegram was a Republican-paper and A. 1 " A H 'A an organ oi uie ltaaicai party ; m an oi which, by insinuation if not by charges di rect, you have placed me before tho people of the whole country in the attitude of Radical and a member of the Republican party. All of which 1 denv. and 1 anneal to an ancestry behind the Revolutionary War; to my own record in the struggle for Southern Independence (a cause I to-day reverence with all the affection and feeling of a heart a j i s i a . as iruiy loyai 10 mo principles invoivea in that contest as wero ever cherished by tho noblest martyr in that struggle for selt-gov ernment) and to my journalistic record nom--the close ot the war until now, in which I defy any man to show a pilitical inconsistency, or peint to a single instance in which I have not stood true to the great time-honored principles of the Democratic party and the political, material and' social inicresis oi me people oi uiw ouiuu. You have insinuated and nade the- peo ple believe, if you have not so charged, di rectly, .that my opposition to thcr late Con vention measure as bouerht . with Repub lican money Radical gold and3 I submit that this, if true, is prejudicial to. the char acter of a Southern gentleman. I do not ask that you gratuitously pronounce me a gentleman. As the term is now generally understood, applied and accepted, I believe I am one, but I am by no means interested in having the fact promulgated through the public prints, and only in vindication of myself and in justice to my associates and connections, do I ask that you withdraw your damaging insinuations and js hares, and to that end I have requested the discon tinuance of your offensive personal allusions to myself ; such, for instance, as pretended to doubt whether I was sold to The .Era Pub lishing ; Company with The Telegram and rather tantalizing me, by name, be cause I was neither mentioned" in the "Bill of Sale" nor in the "Obituary" of the Local Editor, which amounted to' a' gratuitous in sult, when, as you well knew., I had with drawn from The Telegram the week before its discontinuance. - ' . .. And yon hayealluded to me as a "working man " in a manner of superciliousness, con veying the idea that I was anything else but a " working-man." And through repro ducing an old story in the history of Gov ernor Walker, of Mississippi, and Senator Gwynn, you couple my name, and the names of other gentlemen, in a manner to east an imputation upon my courage,and you meant to rcilecj. I am to infer, upon me as an advo- j cate andisupporter oi the Cede of .Honor" and the practice of duelling. , As to my opposition to the recent Con vention measure, my record against the Con vention begins behind the. session of tho Legislature that passed the bill, as you may see by reference to Tlie Tarboro Carolinian of November, 1870. t . And throughout, I am in accord with the Democratic party of North Carolina from the date of its existence. Therefore, I submit, that this ought- to be conclusive enough for you that 'my . course was not influenced by any pecuniary: con-t sideration, whatever, ;.. ', :- If it would be any gratification to you. I can obtain from Messrs. Nichols fc Gorman the exact amount,' in dollars and cents, paid into the office; by members of tho Republic can party in the way of subscription money for some hundreds of copies of the raper. gratuitously circulated; by .themselves,, fn reference to which there is no desire for con- - Italeigh, Avg. 24, 1871. Maj. Wm. A. IIeakke Sir: I return your letter because of its offensive character in personal allusions to myself. And for the additional reason that you allcgo your character has been assailed, urid you fail to mention when or where. You charge that I have Intimated you were bought with gold to edit The Telegram. That is all assumed on your part. No such charge was ever made. , ' I do believe The Telegram was established In the interest of the Raaical party. I know that $3,000 was offered to the proprietors to advocate the Radical cause. i i I am told, and I believe, that Gov. Cald well and other Radicals paid money for the gratuitous circulation of The Telegram. I n ver heard that you had any connection with this - part of. the business. Nor did ,1 ever hear you charged with it, until I read it in your note. , - L Respectfully yours, . M h 951 1. "' Josiah Turker, Jb. Raleigh, Markets. Wholesale Price, ' i POOL Ac MORING, I Grocers and Commission Merchants, Corner Wilmington and Martin Sts. COTTON per ft., .- - - - 20 CORN per bushel, - f 1 00 OATS per hundred, - - i s I 80 FLOUR North Carolima Family. - 8 50 FLOUR Baltimore Family, BACON per Dk. . SALT per sack, - COTTON YARN " - -CORN MEAL per bushel, - 9 10&U a 85 - 18 j 1 CO - 1 00 Retail Prices. BY ' ' 1 i MARCOM ,& ALFORD Grocers and Commission Merchants, 0 Hargett Street. ' i BACON Baltimore smoked, " unsmoked, - strips, f - - shoulders, - -" N. C. Hams, - , - BUTTKli per ft. BEESWAX per ft., - -BEEF on hoof, - - : " per quarter, COFFEE per ft., - - -CHEESE per ft., ; - -COTTON YARN per tale, CORN per bushel, CHICKENS per piece, . EGGS per dozen, - - FLOUR per bbl., - - i FODDER per 100 fts., -HAY per 100 fts., - - , ; HIDEST-green, per ft., - , -. ' ; .' Qry tor lb HERRINGsNTCi per bbl., 1 LEATHER per ft., - - J LARD per ft., - -MOLASSES per gallon, - " ' Golden Syrup, MEAL per bushel, - " OATS per bushel, - - " per 100 lbs., -PORK - - - POTATOES Irish, per bush.. : , ... sweetl per bush.. SUGAR crushed, - - i extra C, . ,. - -" P. R., - - . . ' common, - S A LT per sack, TALLOW per ft.. VINEGAR per gallon, - 11 3 ! 12 94 (g), 10 9 i 10 IS Co. 17 25 7 (g i 5 (& 30 , 20 t 95 00 25 00 20 25 8 3 25 18i( I G5 90 25 (5 20 & I 00 (rill 1 25 tal 40. 75 g)l 00 6 (g 7 12 15 ' 50 ($8 ( 30 40 ,35 i -33 (& CO' 100 00 1 10 75 (& K 00 (3)1 00 8 75 (g)l (O ' 80 (i 0O 20 "((i 1,00 . ' 10 ,v m : 15 . 00, 12J W' 2 75 00 7 ($ Ui 4Q 150 Cotton larltet; ' BY ,i; - V GEORGE T. HYIl ONAC1 1, ' , ! . i Dealer in Cotton and j Aarat. Stores. Market and Martin Streets. ; . - i : . . Receipts at Raleigh, - -i i i 73 .bales. : t ; ' .QU0TATIONSJ ,L-. J'il'li Ordinary - -; . r - i-W-Good, ordinary . - j ,--19j Low middling, - - -. , .- 1 . 20 j I. SKNTIEr. OFFICK.' - , Raleigh, N. C, August 17,1871,: Maj. Wm: A. IIeaune, . Sir! I have maturely considered your note or letter of July,' 31st handed me by Dr. Blacknall, on the evenitfg of the 15th of Au gust, inst. ' '' : : ' i I have come to the conclusion that you cealmeut, whatcver on the part of any , one concerned." ' ' : ' . ' r ,' ; Messrs. Nichols & Gorman nay they lost money by the publication of The Telegram, and I know they did; and I assure you that my connection with the paper was a ; pecu niary sacrifice, fox I suppose I have received loss nioney from that source than &as ; been paid into the "Turner Fund," or that was realized from the sale of those pictures of the martj-r-editor, in all of which vou were the virtuous beneficiary. ; u; fnl i . .r r : I declare . to you then, . that my cou rse throughout the late campaign was solely the result of the political principles I . have received at the hands of the great Democratic Statesmen of North Carolina ; that my sup-' port of Governor Caldwell was in what I conceived to be the best rntercstsof the whole eople of North. Carolina, before whom I. eclare it as my intimate belief that he has endeavored to perform his duty as indepen-' dently of party considerations as it was pos sible for him or any other politician of his age and experience to have done under the circumstances, let his politics be What it THE AMERICAN WASHER! ' J; price. :js.ao; '"t-: lUV The American Washer Saves Meoey," Time. 4 .' ' ' Drudgery. ' -1 'u'' "'j ' The Fatigue of Washing' Day no Longer Dreaded, but Economy,' Efficiency, and Clean Clothing, Sure. i f r; , . : . . j In calling public attention to this little. machine, a few of the Invaluable qualities. (not possessed . by any other washing ma chino yet invented,) are hero enumerated. It is the smallest, most compact, most portable, most simple in construction, most easily operated. A child ten years old. with a lew hours practice, n thoroughly cbrm prehend and etfcctually use it. -Thf re is ne adjusting, no strewa to annoy, no delay ir adapting It is always, ready for use fj- It is a ierfect little wonder f Jt Is a miniature giant, doing more work and of a better quality, than tho mst elaborate and costly. ' One half of the labor is fully saved by it use, and the clothes will last one-half longer thari' by the old plan of. tho rub board, i It will wash the largest blanket. - Three shirts at a time, washing thoroughly 1 In a word, the ablution of any fabric, from a Quilt to a Lace Curtain or Cambria Handkerchief, are equally within the capacity of this LITTLE GEM I It can bo fastened to any tab and taken off at will. - ' n. r.r:i ,n ,v No matter, how deep rooted a prejudice may exist against Washing 'Machines, the moment, this little machino in seen to per forin its wonders, all doubts of Its cleansing efliency and utility are banished, and 'the doubter and detractor at once., become the fast friends Of tho machine. ' .' . - n ' We have testimonials without end, setting forth its numerous advantages overall oth ers, and from hundreds who have thrown aside the unwieldy, useless machines, which; have signally failed to accomplish the oh .. icct promised in prominent ana loud sound' Ing advertisements. "' . ' It is as perfect for washing as a wr'ngfflt for wringing. The price another par. zncCOt Inducement to purchasers, baa been pi x k so low that it is within the reach ol . t rj housekeeper, and there is no article of do mestic, economy that; will 'repay the small iuystment so soon. " ' '."','... ::r:r. r. y:,i,ts.oo:.V':lf,i v;-':3 . All that Is asked for this GREATLAB Oli SAVER, Is a fair trlaL We omarantee each machine to do its work pr rfactly. ' ;.. -1 ' SOLK AOKMTSFOR'TnR L N 1TXD STATKsl ? ; A; H. FRANCISCUS A Ca, , ; i .. . SJ 513 Market St., Philad'a, Pa, (- i Tho largest and cheapest WOODEN ; WARE HOUSE in the United States.; , r I to-w6tn. ''"! .... -n Oct, 5, 1871, !0

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