2 TRI-WKEXLT AND WEEKLY BT I The Era Publishing Company. lmte of Subacrlntiom i - - Rates ' of Advertisi t ' " ' One square, one time, - - - - - $1 00 " two tin: S3,- - - ' - - i go M '(- - three times,- - - J -I - . 2 00 A square is the width of a column, and 1 tncAe deep. - - - ' '" " if - j ': J ' -' ' , i jesr Contract Advertlsemeata take ' at -proportionately low rates. . i, ' . - Professional Cards, not exceeding 1 sq nare, will be published one year for $12. i Tri-Wkkklt One year, ia advance, '$3 00 6 months, in advance, ! 2 00 j 3 months, in advance, : 1 00 I 1 month, in advance, i 56 Wkeklt One year, in advance, 1 00 Six months, in advance, 60 Vol. 1. RALEIGH, 1ST. : C., ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1872. I No. 38. T The National Republican Party. No party that ever existed can show a grander or prouder record than the National Republican party. In great deeds done, and their mighty influence upon the destinies of the country and of mankinttfit stands without a rival. No party in ancient or modern times has accomplished so much in so brief a period. It arrested the schemes t of the slavery "propagandists. It crush ed the mightiest rebellion for rebel lion it was according to the Northern idea, whatever a large number of the Southern people may have thought of which history gives any account It saved the Union and re-established the government upon the only basis on winch it can le perpetuated. It asser ted the just sovereignty of the National Government for the preservation of its existence, and without which it must have failed. And as a means to the accomplishment of these great ends, it abolished that greatest of all the curses of this country, negro slavery. It set four millions of human beings free, striking from them and the country the shackles of auman slavery forever. And having liberated the African race from the chains of bondage in which they were held, it proceeded, in pursu ance of true Republican principles, to invest them with the rights of citizen ship. It has engrafted upon the Con stitution the true Republican princi ples of impartial suffrage and equal civil rights in the 15th amendment. All this it has done in the brief space of a dozen years, and the country gen erally, with the exception of a few Bourbons, seem ready to accept of its work. Can the reader point to any other party that has done so much in so short a time, or at all ? That the National Republican party has committed no errors in the accom plishment of the mighty work it has had to do is not pretended. All the parties that preceded it in this country committed grave and serious blunders. The old Federal party, the noblest, in many respects, and the most intellectu al that this country has ever seen, was guilty of many errors of grave import. The old Republican party, which gov erned the country uninterruptedly for twenty-four years with much ability and success, was hot less free from er ror than its great rival had been. And the errors of the old Whig party, which numbered among its members so many of the ablest statesmen of the land, are well known. Yet none of the great parties named had half the difficulties to encounter which beset the path of the Republican party. The errors and blunders of the Republican party of the Nation, all thingsconsidered, have not been of equal magnitude with those of its predecessors, and nothing to com pare with its present rival. It certain ly did not err in asserting the rightful sovereignty of the Central government for the preservation of its existence. The fact that it did assert that sover eignty for the highest of all purposes, must ever be regarded ' as its distin guishing act and its crowning glory. It only carried out the true principles of the Constitution, as understood by the framers of that instrument, and by such later expounders of it as Marshall, Webster, Jackson, Clay, Gaston, and a whole host of others scarcely less dis tinguished, j Brilliant, glorious and be neficent as many of its other deeds have been, they are but the consequences of the first great act which saved the Un ion that It might be made a Nation of freemen with equal civil and political privileges. If in the assertion of the national sov reignty that of the States has some times been encroached upon, -the fault has not been with the principles of the Republican party, but with the almost insurmountable difficulties of the situa tion. " The principles of the Republi can party, properly construed and un derstood, do not lead to a great consol idated empire which ignores the just rights of the States. They teach that in the exercise of all the powers con ferred by the Constitution, the General Government is as so vereign as any gov ernment In the world. But they also teach that in the exercise of the powers actually reserved to them for the pur pases of local government, the States are equally sovereign that both are supreme within their proper spheres. Such we understand to be the princi ples of the great National Republican party. With the cessation of violence by secret organizations and conspiracies at the South all interference by the Fed eral Government will cease, and the punishment of crime be left exclusively to the local governments. If corruption exists in the adminis tration of the government under Re publican rule, and it is admitted, the Republican party has committed itself to make the needed reforms in the civil service. President Grant has, In more than one of his messages, pledged the party to this great measure. A thorough and judicious reform of the civil service, that honesty may bo re stored in every branch of the adminis tration, is one of the measures to which the party is committed. The President manifests a proper zeal in the work, and with the exception of a few Sena tors and Representatives In ; Oongrea the whole party is with him. The Re Publican party, then, is the party of reform as well as nroOTpfis. and while asserting the just sovereignty of the General Government recognizes that of the States also. U. S. Senator. Gen. M. W. Ransom was, on Tues day, elected United States Senator to fill the vacancy supposed to have been made by the resignation of Gov. Vance, receiving 101 votes against 18 scattering. Whether he will be ad mitted to the seat depends altogether upon the action of the Senate. Gen. Abbott is a claimant, and his claim must be disposed of before that of Gen. Ransom will be considered. It may be that some time will yet elapse befora North Carolina will be fully represent ed in the Senate. For this, the people of the State have nobody to blame but the Democratic party In the Legisla ture. They could easily have elected an eligible man from their own ranks last Winter, but they failed to do so. The West claimed the Senator, and Gov. Vance was elected in deference to that claim. But the West had an eli gible candidate in the person of Judge Merrimon, fully the equal of Gov. Vance in every respect. To Judge Merrimon no objection would have been raised, both because his disabili ties had been removed, and because of his good Union record. And it was this last fact, which should have been one of his chief recommendations under the circumstances, that is believed to have caused his defeat then, as well as now. And if Gen. Ransom had been elected last winter all the probabilities are that he would have been promptly admitted. Now it is very uncertain, even if Gen. Abbott's claims should be ignored. The Senate may hold the present election "void, on the ground that the contest between Vance and Abbott is still pending, and that no va cancy had been declared at the time of Gen. Ransom's election. Another Depntj Governor. In the Senate, on Monday last, Mr. Robbins, of Rowan, 44 introduced a res olution requiring the Keeper of the Capitol to petition the United States Government for the settlement of rents on lands and buildings, used as a bar racks near the city, belonging to the State." Why was Patrick McGowan, the Keeper of the Capitol, made the organ of the State to effect a settlement ef a claim against the United States Gov ernment ? Is there no executive officer of the State to whose hands the collec tion of eight or ten thousand dollars can be safely entrusted ? Is Major Robbins afraid to trust Gov. Caldwell with a matter of so much importance to the State? Or does he think? that the Governor is not the proper officer of the State government to communi cate with the United States Govern ment in relation to a matter of that kind ? Or is it because the executive officers of the State all happen to be Republicans? Was the Keeper of the Capitol selected because he is a Demo crat? Or was he selected . because of his peculiar qualifications for the busi ness in hand? Why the appointment of another Deputy Governor or Treas urer ? There must tfe some special rea son for imposing the duty upon Mr. McGowan. What can it be ? Will Maj. Robbins inform the Senate when the resolution comes up? Why was he not also directed to transmit cer tain resolutions of instruction to our Senators and Representatives in Con gress ? Is he not as capable of perform ing one duty as the other ? Or is it to be rewarded for his services to the Democratic party? Or was it believed that from his great diplomatic skill he would be more likely to succeed in ob taining the rents than any other man that could have been selected ? If Gov. Caldwell would renew his de mand on the Governor of Florida for the rendition of Littlefield, it might for a time relieve the people ot his hateful presence. When Got. Caldwell first demanded him, Gov. Held refused upon the ground that the papers were informal and irregular. The papers were made regular, and then Reid said Littlefield was indicted, and he should hold him to answer the indictment. Gov. Caldwell has made no recent effort to have Littlefield brought to justice. Sentinel. In reply to the above we insert the following: v" EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, State of North Carolixa. Raleigh, January 5, 1872. IIlS ElCKLLENCT HARRISON RkID, Governor of the Slate of Florida, Sib : I have heard a rumor to the effect that upon another requisition from me your Excellency will surrender M. S. lit tlefield, who is now in the State of Florida, and who now stands charged by indictment in the Superior Courts of this State with conspiracy and embezzlement of public funds. t - Will your Excellency be kind enough to Inform me whether or not I have been cor rectly informed in regard to what will be your action in case another requisition shall be made. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, . Your ob't servant, i Tod R. Caldwell, Governor. When will The Sentinel learn to do Gov. Caldwell Justice? J.'l The State Printin The Joint Committee on Public Print- ing made a contract withTMajor W. A Ilea roe to do the State printing for the1 vear endincrFeb. 1st. 1873, at thefol lowing rates, to-wit: j For all plain .work sixty cents (GO) per thousand quad ems. For all rule and figure work, one: dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per thousand quad ems.' ' . ! For all press work tiftv cents per tokeu of two hundred and forty impressions For one page letter sheet blank form, per hundred, $1.50. I ' For two page letter sheet blank form, per huudred $2.25. For one page letter sheet circular form, rer hundred 82.50. ' i For letter heads per ream $2.00. And all other department work at propor tionately:low prices. For stitching, binding , fcc, the same as the last contract. Mr. Theo. N. Ramsay, for The Senti nel, proposed to do the printing at the following rates, towit : j For all composition sixty-five cents (65) per thousand quad ems, including laws, journals, documents, bills, resolutions and all work; lor Heads of Departments. For press work sixty-live cents (65) per token of two hundred and forty impres sions. One page letter sheet circulars, per thou-l sand $4 to $6. Two pages letter sheet circulars, per 100, $0 to $8. Letter, Heads per ream, $4 to $6. It will be seen at a glance that Maj.i Hearne proposes to do the work a far lower rate than The Sentinel, amount ing in the course of the year to thou sands of dollars. For instance, Maj4 Hearne's bid for Department work was $i.oo lor wnat ine sentinel charges from $4 to $6 $2.50 for what TheSenti nel charges from $6 to $8 &c. The only instance in which The Sentinel's charges are lower than Major Hearne's is in the price of the rule and figure work,1 which will make up to the State but an insignificant part of the losses by the other high charges of The Sentinel. The Committee say that Majj Hearne offers a satisfactory bond, and they have no doubt he will perform the con-f tract faithfully. Yet It seems probable that the Legislature will overrule the Committee's contract with Maji Hearne and give the printing to Hie j Sentinel at the rates stated above. Mr.! Turner must be rewarded for his services to the party, and The Sentinel must be run at the expense of the State. Will the good people of the State, who pay for all this,,- submit to be thus imposed upon ? J Vill the Legislature thus im pose upon the tax payers of the State Let them' try It? The Apportionment Bill. No more outrageous and unconstitu tional bill was ever reported to a legist lative body than that now pending for the re-apportionment of the Senatorial representation of this State, j Twenty Districts with 23 Senators,have seventy- five thousand more population than twenty other Districts with 27 . Sena tors. No regard is paid to contiguity or compactness of territory,, when th6 Constitution requires that regard shall be had thereto as far as may be. Coun ties are grouped together in utter viola tion of these constitutional rules, for the sole purpose of enabling the Demo crats to elect a much larger number of Senators than their fair proportion, ae- cordiner to the respective number, of voters .in each party. Let the Demo crats in the Legislature pass the bill if they choose they have the power to do The whole ' matter shall be full v ine WnOie imUltr, Slum UC lUliy so. ventilated before the people during the campaign. The people will never sane-' tion such outrageously, unjust and un constitutional legislation for mere party purposes, as the Democrats ! will find out in Ausrust. We have heard one Democratic Senator speak of the bill as being not only outrageous, j but tnfet mous.' And such will be the verdict of all honest men. ' ; Why don't they pass an act at once declaring that not more than fifteen of the fifty Senators to which the State is entitled shall, in any event, be Repub licans ? Such an act would not be more unconstitutional, or more deserving of condemnation than the one proposedy and would answer their purposes much better, The Apportionment Bill has pass ed both Houses of. Congress, and only awaits the signature of the President to become a law. ; It is the original House bill, with the additlon that States dis franchising male citizens shall lose rep resentation in proportion .' i By the passage of this bill the State of North Carolina gains a member, and will be entitled to eight representatives in the next Congress, instead of seven, as at present. Correction, in our last issue, in the article on the meeting of the Alum ni rt 1 a . TTrt vcraft-v tho txnruta frv nn -J,7 ;;r' ' 7 great mortification, made us say thjit J " among. par, worst distinguished citi- zens for: seventy years have been the graduates " from Wilmington. T ? We .wrote It the" mdlstlngaished, but tho accidental change of a single letter gave it a very different meaning. I j, CORRESPONDENCE, i . ; The Editor must not be understood as endors ing the sentiments of ' his correspondents. Communications on all subjects are solicited. which will be given to the readers of The Eka as containing the views and sentiments of the writers. ; ' j - For the Carolina Era, , Three dollars on the poll and no pub lic schools. What has become of the school fund belongingtoMoorecounty? The poll tax for 1869, in Moore county, was $1.95; for 1870, it was $1.80; and for 1871, it was $3.00 on each poll. Yet there are some of the school districts that have had no schools, and but very few that have been taught in any of the districts. Who is to blame ? It is re ported that a good portion of the school fund is being appropriated for county purposes, and the scjioereommitteeare resting easy and suffering the poor children to be raised up in ignorance, and the money which has been paid by the hard working people for schools to be used for other purpose. In the dis trict in which we live there ha3 been two colored schools taught, one for a term of two months, the other for two months and twelve days, and a school for the wThite children of six weeks only, and these are all thepublicschools that have been taught in this district since the war. A portion of the citi zens of this district have secured the services of a good teacher for a term of five months at $100 and board. Said teacher is a good Latin scholar, and is amply qualified to meet all the require ments of the school law. He has made application to the committee to accept him as a public school teacher, ana they have declined to do it, upon the ground that there was no money in tho Treasury, which is the result of their own negligence. The school law re quires them to make an annual report to the County Commissioners of an es timate of the necessary expenses to carry on a tour months school in eacn district, which duty they have neglec ted, or if they have done it the Com missioners have failed to raise the money. But we are anxious to know what has become of the fund already raised by taxation, If it has been appropria ted to other purposes we want the money refunded. We have a sufficient number of small children in this neigh borhood to keep up a regular school, and we are willing to pay our proportiona ble part of the school fund to carry on a regular school. We call upon the Su perintendent of Public Instruction to have our grievances redressed. we know of no other source. We appeal to him in Dehali ot the poor children in this county, which are many, to speed ily look alter their interest and set an things right. We would especially re quest him to see how the county capi tation tax of of this county has been appropriated for the last three years. Our school will continue, hoping that justice will bedone us. " 1A.X rAYERSi Bethlehem Dist., Jan. 22,-1872. For the Carolina Era, For Attorney General A. S. Sey mour, of CraTen. Mr. Editor : I notice that Repub licans are bringing forward the names of gentlemen for the various offices to be filled at our next State election, and I beg to mention for the office of Attor ney uenerai tnat true anatnea itepuo lican, Augustus S. Seymour, of Cra ven. Mr. Seymour is one of the ablest law yers or eastern JNortn uaronna, ana would reflect honor on the party many position. . GAbVON". The Republican Party and the Press. The Washington Republican, in an ar ticle headed " How to Save the South," tells some very wholesome truths re ?gardirig the management of the Repub lican party. Say what we may, there has been entirely too much selfishness, and too little care for the good of the whole party. Men have assumed to dictate the policy of the party, and have managed thinsrs entirelv in their own interests, or in that of a little close corporation of friends. This policy has 1 UQ CnnnKl;n,.n nrmni7at nn -in several States, and will, if persisted in, break down any organization that was ever effected. ; ! Politicians can manipulate politics to a certain extent, out there are some things that they cannot do, and one of them is to run a party independent of the press. Sooner or later, the influ- and one by one, the graves of the selfish politicians are dug and their epitaph written by the press, which they, in their brief hour of authority assumed to ' V ; XL!. - A. despise. In speaking upon this point, The liepuolican says : 1 The froth v shams of our party have float ed away, and the brain and nerve of the par ty or the union are now re-organizinjr for victory. Around the brave men who have stood up to breast the waves or opposition we may count chiefly the poorly-paid but useful members of the Southern Republi can press. Most or tnese editors nave labor ed, in season and at all times, to defend and keep together the weaklings of our flock, es pecially needing direction and instruction in the South. Other men have captured the offices, and too often, for personal ends, used the patronage of the government, neglecting the party press, especialiv when able or in dependent. This complaint is but two well proved in - North and South Carolina and Alabarua, where greedy vultures have held office, to the shame of the party and disgrace of the government." There is a deal of truth in the fore going. Many a man can trace his great ness back to the time i when some un known and obscure paper first set him up before the public. The press is a power, and is bound to command respect in all sections. Those who now despise its influence may soon er or later awake to their error. , We have politicians who fight all their bat tles over the ramparts of the press, and At A. . . . r,.' then. after the victory is won, take to themselves the entire credit. The fat places and the positions of honor areall gobbled up by the avaricious, grasping ?fflHer k"e th? P33 is elt to Mln TSi lilSbtodll many months.- Columbia (A G) Union, Mccing of Delegates' From the Different Agricultural Societies f of the State of North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 26, 1872. Pursuant to a call from the Hon. Kemp. P. Battle, a conference meeting of delegates from the State, the Cape Fear, the Roanoke and Tar River, the Charlotte, the Salisbury, the Goldsbo ro the Cumberland and the Statesville Fairs, wa3 held in this city to-day, for the purpose of considering various measures promotive of the interests of the Fairs of the State. On motion, Major J. A.! Engelhard, of Wilmington, was called to the Chair, and Jordan Stone, of Wei don, request ed to act as Secretary. The Hon. Kemp 1 Battle explained the objects of the meeting to bringabout some unity of action with the different State Societies m the general manage ment and conduct of Fairs and to ad vance the general good of tho farminj interests. The question of arranging the time of holding the different lairs in the ttate was discussed at much length, witn a view.oi bringing about, if possible, the Fairs in resrular rotation, in order that articles for exhibition may pass from one to the other. ; On motion of Mr. Battle, it was - sug gested that the different Societies in the State holdimr Fairs, and those that may hereafter be formed, be requested to ar range the time of holding: the Fairs to the best advantage for the interest of the fairs throughout the State, consult ing at the same time their respective interests it being found impracticable to recommend change of time. Maj. Evans, of Fayetteville, moved that a committee of five be appointed for the purpose of consulting with the officers of the different railroads, with a view of effecting the best j possible ar rangement Of transportation of all arti cles to and from all the Fairs of the State, and thus guarding; against the many evils that these Fairs have hith erto had to contend with ifor want of concert of action. Adopted. Cant. S.'B. Alexander. Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Jardan Stone, Esq., Major J. A: Engelhard and Col. L. W. Hum phrey were appointed said committee. Mr. Battle thouerht there shouia oe some unanimity of action in the man agement of gate fees, and moved that, in ine opinion oi ims meeting, it , is thought oxpedient that the system of family tickets and badges should be abolished, and individual tickets sub stituted. Adopted. The awarding of plate premiums, and Other premiums of a similar character, rather than money, was thought to be the best plan to promote the end de sired, and on motion of Major Evans, it was recommended to the different societies that agricultural papers and agricultural implements be awarded instead of plate, as far as possible. Mr. Litchford suggested that it be recommended to the different societies to require all premiums to be called for within sixty days alter they have been awarciea. ! Mr. Battle moved that the meetii recommend to the State Societiee, that they hereafter make greater discrimi nation in favor of horses owned in the State or district of their respective So cieties. Adopted. i Major Evans moved that the Com mittee already appointed on transpor tation advertise in sufficient time, throughout the North, the time and arrangements of holding all the Fairs in the State, in order to induce North ern manufacturers to send their ma chinery here for exhibition, the differ ent Societies to pay the cost of the same. Adopted. i ! Mr. Litehlord moved tnat the differ ent Agricultural Societies and Clubs in the State be requested to' send to the State Society at Raleigh the list of of ficers and the time of holding the Fairs and meetings of the same, :in order that they may be published. Adopted. 1 On motion of Col. M. L. Wriston, the different Societies were requested to publish, in all their respective publica tions, the I time of holding the State Fair. K ! On motion of Major Evans, it was re commended that each Society send one special delegate to the Fair preceding and contiguous to its ownj whose busi ness it would be to give all necessary information concerning his own fair and solicit for the same, believing that such an arrangement would be produc tive of good to the Societies and con venience to the many who send articles to the different Fairs. ! Many other subjects of interest were discussed during the meeting, which was of a most harmonious! character. On motion, all the papers in the State friendly to the cause of Agricul tural Societies were requested to pub lish the proceedings of the meeting. J. A. ENGELHARD, Chm'n. Jordan Stone, Sec'y. ! Individuals without brains to think or hearts to feel for the woe of others may disclaim against thd legal-tender decision, and demand that we return to a specie basi3 immediately, but let us for a moment consider the effects of a dictum that all contracts or debts should be payable in coin. The whole country would be paralyzed, and the local courts filled with creditors claiming gold for all obligations. The indebt- edness of the people, amounting to ten thousand millions, would ten per cent., and. all; brought to a standstill. be increased business be This is what the opposition desired : and if President Grant is defeated.' the suspensions of 1837 and 1857 will be repeated on a larg er scale. Washington Republican. Insanity in Crime.- judge Nichol son, of Tennessee, has delivered a very sensible charge bearing upon the favor ite plea of insanity in murder cases : "The law presumes a man to be sane until the contrary is proved ; the evi dence of the insanity of defendant must be as clear and satisfactory to overturn the presumption of the the law in favor of sanity as it is required; to overturn that in favor of innocence! : -! The proof of Insanity, to convict, should be as clear as that of murder .to con vict." ' r: ' "V":- '.., . ; .j. -- ,: t -., -j '- " The most bashful girl we ever heard of was the young lady who blushed when she was asked if she had hot been courting sleep. 3 - n The President and the Poll ti - cians. The sagacity and patriotism of the President have never received a more decided exemplification than was evinced by his reply on Thursday to a delegation ot Republicans from ArKaiv sas, who had called to see him in rela tion, .among other things, to certain Federal appointments in that State.- Tim ollorrof irn -oa maflft Ywr vicif- ors that the Executive had been de ceived in regard to those appointments. and the remark made by the President in that connection was at once terse and admirable: it was that he had made the appointments beeause of rep resentations on file : that he had no personal feeling in the matter, and that the question was before the Con gressional committee, where he hoped and believed the. subject would be most thoroughly investigated. : It has been alleged by the Democratic press and by certain Republican papers that since his Inauguration the Presi dent has sought to impose upon the people officials who had been appointed because of their attachment to him rather than ; from any fitness they pos sessed, and that in many instances it has been . his object to give places to men in utter disregard of the popular feeling in the localities where they were to officiate. We have always main tained the falsity of these charges, and there can be no more certain refuta tion of their truth, no more palpable evidence of the President's feelings in the premises, than- is contained in the reply to the Arkansas delegation which we have quoted. The multifarious duties of the Presi- dential position necessarily preclude the possibility of a personal lnvestiga- tion by its occupant of the qualifica tions of those whom he is asked to ap point. Equally impracticable is it for the President to ascertain to his person al satisfaction the feelings ofcommuni- ties or States on those aspirants for place in their midst. These are topics that must of necessity bo investigated oytne committees to wnicn are rerer- red these nominations. Upon the Ex- ecutive devolves the duty of naming those to fill positions, and he is indue- ea to sucn action Dy reason oi represen . , a ,!.-. ' tations made to him. If, as oiten happens, an opposition is made to these selections, it is in the nature of things futile to expect that the Chief Magistrate should thorough ly examine both sides of the question. The very reference of these nomina tions to the appropriate committees as sumes the most elaborate examination in those bodies of the j arguments that have been employed respectively to show the fitness or the impropriety of tneir connrmation, me irresiaent is at any time liable to be deceived by politicians eager for personal power, and the history of American politics proves very conclusively that it some times happens these politicians have the honorable positions of Senators of the republic. Senators and gentlemen are always 3 i "1 J.1 A i. 1 1 A 1 ' supposeu 10 speaK. uie iruui, oui in these days the former position is occa sionally acquired by practices that not unirequently cause the attributes of the latfer. to be disregarded. When, there fore, the Executive is I imposed upon, the truth or falsity of all statements made to control his action can best be decided by the Senatorial committees to which is delegated ! the power and the duty thoroughly, impartially and fairly to scrutinize the same. The noble disclaimer made by the President that he has "any personal feeling" in the confirmation of appoint ments whose propriety or popularity is contested is indubitable evidence of his thorough appreciation of republican institutions ond his hearty desire to fulfill the delicate and responsible du ties of his exalted position. Washing- ing Republican.. : . In referring to the word "gerryman der" a few days ago, we stated that it took its name for Elbridge Gerry, who was Governor of Massachusetts. The Republican doubted it, and attributed it to Mn Gerry Mander, or Manter, a member of the Ohio Legislature 1840, who introduced a party bill for the re- districting of the State, j The Cincinnati Gazette : takes up the question, and sid ing with The Democrat, quotes Hildreth, who, writing of Massachusetts pontics in 1812, says: . ; j . "Tho Democrats had, indeed, at tempted to perpetuate their power by a new arrangement oi the fcenatonai districts, contiguity and compactness having been entirely sacrificed in the attempt to secure to a minority of the whole number of votes the choice of a majority of the Senators. This gerry mandering process, a the Federalists called it and the word still maintains its place in the American vocabulary gave occasion to loud complaints." The introduction off 'mander," which The Republican cannot understand, is explained by a correspondent, a rela tive of old Governor Elbridge, not El dridge, as fallows: ; i - , "The origin of mandering is reached in two ways. Webster says "mander" i3 but a short method . of spelling "maunder." It therefore means to mutter or wander in talking. And as the outlines of the new districts con formed to no rules or plains; but "wan dered" anywhere for the sake of politi cal capital, the districts became as in coherent in contour,'! In respect to for mer regularity, as mandering talk is to rational speech. The other derivation is from "Mreander," the famous Phry gian river, the crookedest Irt the World. From this all obliquities have received the name of "meanders." .So the "Gerry-meandering," or that crooked dis tricting under his administration, by rapid pronunciation lost the "e" and became gerrymandering." ; -1 t Either . of these explanations will meet the case, although the latter is very evidently, the true one. Missouri Democrat."-. ;V"' ' , ! A celebrated French preacher, in a sermon apon the duty of wives, said, "I see in this congregation a woman who has been guilty of disobedience to her husband, and m order to point her out I will fling my breviary at her head." He lifted his book, and every female head instantly ducked i . f r.yA j An Act to Prcrent (he Reckless Eilling of Deer, Section 1. The General Asseinlly of North Carolina do enact: That if any person shall hunt for with gun, Or chase with a dog, or shall kill or destroy any deer running wild in tht woods between the 15th day of January and tho 1st day of September thereafter ensuing, unless in an inclosure surrounded by a suffi cient fence, at least five feet high, and where such person shall have a ! lawful right so to do, the person so j offending shall pay a penalty of $5 for i each and every offence to any person or persons suing for the saihe, one half for his use and the other for the use of the public ' school or schools of the school district or districts wherein the offence is com mitted, and the offender shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, ' and on conviction shall pay a lino 'of not -less than ten dollars, or be imptisoned or both at the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. In the event that no one has brought a prior suit and prosecuted the same in good faith for the penalty pre scribed in the preceding section, It shall be the duty of the school commit tee of any township where the said of fence shall be committed to sue for the . same and the whole of their recovery shall be to themselves for the use of their school district. And it shall fur ther be their duty to cause any person so offending to be prosecuted by in dictment for such offence, i Sec. 3. That the provisions of this . act shall not apply to the counties of Johnston and all other counties east of tne Wilmington fc Weldon Railroad or through which the W. & W. R. R. passes, nor to the counties of Maaison, aucey imoeriana, narnett, uoium- uu Auau""u "a,iu" Sec. 4. This act shall be in force from and ftffpr its rati funtion. ! L Ratified Jan. 26, 1872. - Presidential Pardons Held to be Good by the Supreme Court op u. S. A question of great importance to southern claimants was decided by. the United States Supremo Court to-day against what is known as the Drake amendment (adopted by Congress three vpa ncrn whifh nrnvhlps that evl- I nii "-- tr - dence of amnesty and pardon shall not be produced in the Court of Claims to prove loyalty, unless the recipient at thetime he received it protested against the implication of previous disloyalty contained in the document. The Court holds that the President has full power to grant amnesty and pardon, i- Under the poclamation of President Lincoln. pardon and amnesty was granted on certain conditions, with a restoration of all property except slaves. I which pardon and amnesty cannot be invali- dated by the legislation of Congress. The object of the amendment was to destroy the effect of President John son's pardons. Bait. Sun. 1 Mexico is not only upon the verge of another revolution, but one which it appears will prove successful. The fortunes of war are against I Benito Juarez, and the days of his presidency are about told. The rebels, under com mand of Trevino and ! Quiroga, have been everywhere successful, while the redoubtable Escobedohasdeclaredhim self in favor of Lereda the most prom inent candidate for the) presidency to succeed Juarez. The republic of Mexi co has been a bitter mockery, and there seem but two alternatives for jthe op pressed people-neither; annexation to the United States or the resolution of the government again into a mon archy. Perhaps Maximilian would have proven their best ruler, after an: certainly since his death Mexico has not had a better Liouisville courier- Journal. . i i J - Church of Strangers ItEVi C. f DEEMS.--Of this Church and its distinguish ed Pastor, The N. Y. Herald say.s : I Tho Church of tho Strangers, in Mercer street, near Eighth street, is a standing re buke to those ministers and congregations who are only too ready and anxioas to sell out their church edifices to some brewer, stable keeper or gambler, and hie them selves away up town, where they expect to secure the suppot bf the wealthy and fash ionables When, a couple ol years ago, a Presbyterian congregation vacated the Mercer street church, the great Kail road King, at the instance of the Uev. Dr. Deem?, purchased the building and site and handed ft over to be used, as it had been for many years, as a temple or uivine worship., The wisdom of this action, and the necessity for such a church in such a place, ha-j been too apparent ever Rim in tho large Congrega tions that gather there every. Sabbath day to need any further demonstration. Dr. Charles P. Deems is well known here and elsewhere as one of the most1 popular preachers in the Church in this land. He can hardly be said at present to belong to any Christian denomination. Ills views are too broad and liberal to bo confined within sectarian garments. lie is. however. virtually and practically a Methodist, lie fore tho separation of this body.: in 1844, into the Northern and Southern I churches Dr.! Deems belonged to tho united. Churth. Hut he joined his to tho South, land still holds a quasi connection with that branch of American Methodism, and his Chun li of the Strangers is really, though hot osten sibly, a church for Southern MethodUU and others who may bo sojourning in' Now York. With the practicability, for which the Doctor is known he has organized a. Society of Sisters of the Stranger, whose ob ject is to look after the wants of ipoor and needy strangers, or whom our city has al ways a fair supply. As a preacher Dr. Deems is by many considered the superior of the most popular Evangelical ministers in tftis city or vicinity, and an enterprising publisher lias undertaken, at his pwn risk, to reproduce the Doctor's weekly sermons in pamphlet form for general reading, and, we ueneve, is so iar sausiiea with his suc cess. The Doctor and his church are doing a noble work in their way., and among . u class heretofore greatly neglected J ' ! " " A Kentucky editor tells this with a sober 'face:'- r-'! - Jf-rV ' " The wild pigeons have a roost at Calloway J it embraces an erea : of four miles long by three wide, i The reports . we have of the- number- of pigeons to be found there of a night is incredible. The hunters go there and shoot indis criminately in the dark, then with a; lantern they follow the range of the gun and gather iip the dead and wound ed pigeons. Fifteen to twenty-five at a shot is usual. It is said on good au-' thofity that Mr. John McElrath, of Murray, killed one hundred and twen- ty-iour pigeons at a shot."

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