4 F V." 2 lature't passed at'thc Session of 1871-2. Afa'Act to amend an Act to restore it ,. and reinstate records oi the several . , Courts in the btate destroyed an ;r.V riDg,theJate War.,. ' i Amends said act, ratified February 23, r871,"by inserting n 'the ninth line f the t aame, after the.wordssixtj-iiTe, the words, , r oj.any execmoror aatuiniairaiyr nuu a r wiU a.nnexecL or'JL. .That the provisions of i eaid Act, of which this is , amendatory. shall extend: to records of Courts which have 'beeri destroyed ; by fire or otherwise ,' aince, as well aa daring the war, and to I any.xleed of conveyance, paper writing or oiattooaa tuz evmenca ot xiue execmeu before the destruction of said records, aud prior to the ratification t)f tbiAct. Atr Act " to amend and extend, the ;; 'charter of the Rockfish'Harinfac tnring Company of Pajcttcvillc. Said act confirms the sale and transfer " of the. lands of. the Company, together with tho franchise ot the corporation. i Said corporalioo .has power to establish factories and mills for the manufacture of f cotton, wool, hemp, iron and other .like materials. 'unon- Rockfisb Creek In Cum- ;, berland county, and all other powers ne ' - . ceasarr to .the proper, conductiaa of the busineaa.- Bai'i act Drohibits the sale of : cpirituoua liquors with! a two mites of the present location of the factory; Provided, That this shall' haTe no force unless ap- , pro rea oy a , majoniy iuc uu&uueu " t-r .1 1- ! 1. r -V. !J . f roiera uviog wiinia iuo mniis, wiucu aaiu . ' prohibition shall effect. . -..: Resolution7 of . instruction to tho Committee to credit the State . ' 1 PHrrter Account - .1 ta , It, being suggested that the same errors will-TOfrmna tn the counting ol the print log bf the Public Laws of 18C9 and '70 as . warfound In the' acconntsi of the Public Printer for 1670 and Jfl,' the joint enm : , oittee to audit the accoqptf of .the public printer, with their three practical printers, is to investigate and scfTain lyy what manner the laws of,19G9 and '70 ahd other printing' tof tJjaMr'were, Wasured, nnd ulhel'A0W were-nof mejisurcl by t lie qaad.cnvatw to .ascertain what amount -1 of moOey was p'afrtl Lta- tho -8t.Ve Printer 1 ' for that year more tbiji he ought tc have . " .tecefTed.'- ' . " ;". 'y'AabVsapjileiTfenfcjfj1 to; an act en .im titled'anact ; to. incorporate the . . .'lizribctpity and Nprfoljcjlail . . -roady ratified -the 20th day of J an uarr, A. D. 1870,- V - V ; . Autlnrixes the. Boird id Directors" of -'aard Company tc isine bnds and mortgH ges vjo tho proberry of the Company to ' . secure .loans, acceptances , and debts made , or incurred in building and equipin its -wHailroad. Provides: That whenever a re quisite-amimnf-of stock has been subscrib ! " ctl, as provided for in the original act, a majority of the subscribers may cal a pub lic meeting for the purpose of Electing a . . board pf.fi re .directors Jrom among, their ' An Act to amend section 8 of Ch;q ter 44 of the Revised Code, entitled .".Evidence." ,;:V , ':' . Said section U so amended thst copies - of all official tends recorded or fi!c-d as re ' cords in any Court rr lodged in thao.Bc of Governor, Treasurer, Audi tor, Scfetary "of State ox Adjutant General, sliall bo as ' compettht JeVldecce as, the original when .. certified by the keeper of ich records, un der the sal of hia office, or under his. hand when there is no seal, unless the-iriduc-tion of the original i J ordered by the Court. An -Act to amend an act entitled - An Act to incorporate the Beaver Creek Manufacturing Company, in the Coanty of Cumberland . Amends act ratified Jan;;12th,' 1811, w as to authorize said Company tp construct shch races, canals and diuhes through any person' land which the Company may deem ncccssarv fr conductingrt supply ot - water to, ant I waste water trrm, -any of "tlieir- mill, bv rompljing witlt'the pro- visions of Act ratified March 26, 1870. f An Act to prevent, the felling of trees' in New River arid Horse Creek in Ashe county, aud South .Yadkin River in Alexander coun ty. Suld'act makes it m misdemeanor and punishable by fine or imprisonment, upon conviction thereof, far any -.person to fell tree iat said waters or on the .banks of the aime bebtw bigh water mark -and .suffer thefri to remain lor ten daysf in the river, or two months upon the banks thereof, in said coun'tics. . "' .,. An . act to punish the obtaining of goods by false pretences. Said provides th any persop who shall by any false pretence obtain-1 he j signature of any person, to any written instrument, or any money goads; or any otter proper : tywhatever, shall on j c-tnvfdtion be pun isbed by fin,'or fmpriiontetnt in t Pen . itentiary,' y ' khc. Statc ' fofr.pt less" than . " onc-i or more he five vears. t ..." . "An act for the support of the Insane . .. Asylum of .North Carolina for the fiscal 3 car end Tug 31st ot; Decern-. " ber, 1872. s '. ; ; i .jf.' Appropriates $30,000 of the fund au thorized to be levied' and- ctillieted by an : act to' raise revenue. 'riktifitd April -rth. . 2o 1, 16 -the support ot the Xnane Asylum for the year ending one thousand ei"ht hundred and seventy two. ; An Act to incorporate tho New Berne 'Educational Associhtidn. Usual act "of incorporation. 7 ' k . . . in1 t " i vn act to prevent tne recKicss ue- . . struction of . deer. i ." ' Slakes it a misdemeanor and punishable by fine or imprisonment for persons hunt ins with eun?. chasln'rbr' kilbni? d-jt-r be- 1 tween the ltlh of January ,arid,thc 1st of 'oeptemoer next j thereafter - enauinr and prescribes a penalty of fifty dollars for .. every nffence, ' to be paid t the person bringing the surrfor the aame, unless in an enclosure surrounded by a fence 5 feet high, and where such'icrson sltajl have a ... Ia ful right so to do, but tho provisions . - of thia act arc not to apply tt.the emnty of Johnston and other c iuntie3 e t of the jyjUXHngton ana Weidon itaiiroici or through whicU said'railioad passes, or to ' the tounties of Yauccy, 'Madison, . Cum- ,lcrlanl, Columbus, A nson and Sampson.' VriAct aupplemental to an act enti , ;r tied an. act to amend the charter of "tfie" North Western North Car- olina Railroad TCouipany;ah4 for '- other purpose?. .- 1 '' '''rjtrikes tut the first prciml'tc f the ori iual act. beginning and ending at certain ' words, and inserting other word. Aminds 4octidU ob'6 of said act by striking out ia" .line'aertn 'thd words -both of the mort aforesaid," and inserting- in litu f ! thereof the words uthe said mortgages." An act to incorporate the.Hollywood Cemetery, ' Gives' all the powers usually granted to corporations of like kind, exempts the real estate of said corporation and lots when conveyed to "individual purchaser from assessments and taxation and also from attachment and execution, to be ap plied to the payment of debts by assign ment, under an insolvent law.- y . An Act to authorize the Secretary , of State to issue a patent to Lhn- ford Cahoon, of Elizabeth City. Authorizes the Secretary of State to issue a patent to said person for a piece of land with improvements tbereou, which was sold for taxes and bought by the Sheriff of Pasquotank county, (no person having made a bid for the same) for the State, upon the payment to the Treasurer of the State of the amount duo for said tuxes. , An act in favor of E Mnrrill, Sher ifl of- Onslow. . j Suspends all process against said Sheriff and his sureties until Dec. 1st, 1872, for his failure to settle with the Public Treas urer for the balance of taxes, amounting to $2,032.J55, due from his county, and upon the settlement of said amount at said time discharges saidjudgment and pen alty. ... An Act to incorporate the " Old North State Insurance Company." The purpose of said. Company is I the J conducting of a Fire and Marine Insurance business, said Company is granted j the usual powers and privileges, which f are conferred upon Fire Insurance Companies in general. The HomtfofHce to be located in WarrcntonT jjut the Company l as the power t remove it to any. other place, in the State it may choose. iTbe capital stock shall be ooe hundred thousand dol lars with' the privilege to increase the same to five hundred ttiousand dollars. An Act to authorize the Western Kailroad Company to open to navigation ti.e waters of Lower Little River and its tributaries. , Authorizes the President and Directors of the Company after obtaining the consent or the Stockholders, to appropnnte filty thousand dollars of the funcU of the Com pany for the purpose mentioned in thejact, An Act to amend an act entitled an act to amend the charter of (the Caldwell and Watauga Turnpike " . Company, ratified the fifth day of April, 1871. . Said net is amended by striking out' the' word "two" wherein it occurs in sid act, and inserting the words " one-half." j . Resolution lor the relief of F. F. Baxter, sheriff of Currituck coun- ty and A. Murray, sheriff of Ala- inance county. Allows saiil fli ntfi until Marchj 1st, 1872. to settle i;li the Treasurer of iheir respective count us for taxes due .the same for 1871. An Act to make Keatlv rork a law- fnl fence. Jbikt-a the water course known as Ready Fork, in Guilford county, a lawful fence from L. W. limtner's Mills to the "Western boundary ot the lands of Gideon Davalt and Peter Geringtr. J An Act in relation to Stokes, Rock ingham and Chowan County Com missioners, j Makes it lawful for said Commissioners to allow o-vcrsns ot roads a compensation not exceeding two dollars per day for each uy luey are cmpioycu in i hands and working the road. An act to provide for the laying off and construction of a public high way in the counties of Rurke:and Mitchell. Appoints Commissioners for saidj pur pose with all the necessary powers for car rjiug uut the object ot said act. All Act to amend chapter 11, Code of Civil Procedure. Amends paragraph 47S of said chapter by striking out in line nine and ten of said paragraph the words "which must be filed with the Judge of Probate. " An act to incorporate Guilford County Co-operative Association. Usual HCt of incorporation.. j An act for exchanging the Stocks of the State, for Bonds (with which such Stocks were obtained, and for other purposes. .An act to amend an act to author ize the Commissioners of .Gertie County to issue Bonds. . J Amends Section 6, of the original Act by inserting after the word "Auditor's, in said section, the words "a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum and be auth )i; d to act." . An Act to incorporate the James- town Copper Company. J The bject of paid Company is the min ing for and smelting of copper and other minerals. The capital stock is not to ex ceed two million dollars, to le divided into shares of not less than five dollars. An Act to allow the Commissioners - of Anson County to levy a special ' tax. : . -' :' ' : ' " ' "j ", . " 1 The purpose of said Act is the payment of the interest ou the bonded debt of said County and the repairing. II') use and Jail therein. of the Court I. An Act to provide for the draining . of Mattamuskeet lake. .. Gives proprietors of land which will be benefitted by the draining of said lake the pwcr of- -ft.Tming a corporation for that purpose. - . . An Act to incorporate'-the j" Oak City Savings Bank" of Raleigh. Usual net of incorporation.. Thccapital stock of said Company to be not less' than $20,000, nor more than $600,000 in shires f $ 100 each. An Act to incorporate the Murphy and Tennessee Turnpike Com- pany. Usual act of incorporation. Resolution iu favorofW.fi. Ander son. Allows W. E. Anderson $50 lorj service rendered the Committee on the Insane Asylun,, session of 186G-6"7. j . An Act to .incorporate the People's ' Building and Loan Association of Oxford. . Usual act of incorporation. An Act for exchanging the Stocks of the State for bonds with which such Stocks were obtained and for other pur poses. ; An" Act to in corporate the Old Fort and Tow River Turnpike Com- pany. - t "; Usual act of incorporation. ' " An Act to incorporate the Yadkin - and Dan River Rail Road Com- ' pany. r... Usual act oT incorporation. . - ;" An Act to incorporate the Wajnes ville an Brevard Turnpiko Com pany. .- t Usual act of incorporation. r Act to re-enact chap. 278,' laws of , 18G8-'69, entitled an act to revise . and amend the charter of the I Tuckasegee and Nantahala Turn- pike.Co., ratified 12tnApril,1869f An Act to incorporate the Davidson Jthgh bchool near leaguetown, m . Davidson County. 1 Usual Act of incorporation. An Act to incorporate the Warren ton and Shocco Turnpike Com pany. " - . . Usual act of incorporation. An Act to incorporate the - "Wilson ? Collegiate Institute. . Usual act of incorporation An Act to incorporate a Literary (and Dramatic Association in the town of Fayette ville. ; Usual act of incorporation. An Act to authorize the Commis sioners of Hayvtfood county to sell a portion of the "poor house lands , -of said county. , The sale of said lands is for the purpose of repairing the poorhousc buildings of the county,' t Act granting power to -Township Board of Trustees of Franklin j Township, Sampson county. Resolution in relation to the sale of ' the 'Easterh1 Division of the W. N. C. R. R.; . V An Act jn regard f, delinquent Sheriff's and Collectors, arid to validate certain acts of the State Treasurer.- ' An Act to amend the charter of the Town of Uickory Tavern.. An Act to incorporate'Rutherford Lodge "ot Free and acceped Masons, located at Bethel CJiurch Lenoir County. An Act to amend chapter two hundred and thirty-three (233,) laws of 1870-'71 Ohtitled fan act regulating the appoint ment of Guardian ad litem.. An Ac to authorize the County Com missioners of Union County, to levy a special tax. An Act to legalize the acts of the Jus tices of I owan and other Counties. An Act to incorporate Atlantic Lodge No. 294. j An'Aci making an appropriation for the Deat IDamb and Blind Asylum An Act supplemental to "an act to raise Renenue. Resolution in favor of Charles Abrams. An Act to regulate proceedings in Man damus. ? . An Act to amnd the Code of Civil Procedure. An Act to provide fo the service of process issueing from Courts of Justice of the Peace, in civil Cases where one or more of the defendants may reside out ot the County id which the action is brought. Act to prevent the catching of Oysters, &c., in Tar Creek, Hyde county. Act to Incorporate the town of Cherry ville, in Gaston countv. Act concerning annexation of a portion ot Macon county to Clay county. Act to amend Sec. 7, Chap. 237, laws of 18G8--C 9, entitled an act to establish the days and 'places lor selling real property under execution. Act amendatory of act entitled u an act to incorporate the Hiwassee and Cheoh rumpikej Company." Act to amend act entitled Act to in corporate the Land and Lumber Co., of N. C." ratified Dec. 17, 1868. Act to j authorize the Commissioners of Watauga county to levy a special tax. Act to authorize the Commissioners of Camden county to levy a special tax. Act tojlegalize the acts of G. D. Rey nolds, Entry taker for claims of land in Alleghany county. Act to amend act entitled act to incor porate the Trustees of the General Assem bly of the Prcsbjtcrian Church in the United States. , Resolution in regard to the Lovjoy Academy; Resolution to allow tho Engrossing Clerk ofthe Senate to employ assistance. An Acjt for the reliet of Bryan Kellum. An act to authorize the county commis sioners of Brunswick to issue bonds. An At to repeal section 11, chap. 183, acts of 1868 '69 An ; Act to revive an act passed at the eessibn of 18G0 '01 to establish the line between Wayne and Green. ' An Act to amend chapter C, private laws, 1870-,7l) Act concerning the poor house of Surry county Act. o enable the Commissioners of Burke arid McDowell counties to consoli date the debts of their respective counties. Act to re ensct anl amend an act enti tled a,n ict to incorporate a National Loan and Trust Company, ratified March 4th, 1869.- ',-,-v Act t eclaring Yadkin River a lawful, fence. . Act tp amend an act to charter the High Shoal Railroad passed at the session of I860. I. Act to abolish the office of Supreme Court Reporter and for other purposes. Act repealing chap. 104, Public Laws of; 1868-'Cp. . . . : ; , 1 Act tb aniend the charier of the town of Salem,' North Carolina, ratified March 23, 1870 j : . . " Act Ibr the relief of the taxpayers of Madison county. Act Supplementary to and amendatory of an act entitled "An act to laise Reve nue." ,rj - j ' Act tp change the line between Asheand Alleghany. , Resolution of instruction to the Commit tee on printing. . Act to incorporate Aslieville council, No. 4, Friends of Temperance, ia the town, of AshejviIIe. , Act tjo incorporate the Thompson Insti- tute. .J ." ''.. , . , Act co regulate Che times of holding terms of Superior Court in 11th and 12th Judicial districts. Act to incorporate the Wilmington and-lfjmd JTlL ,Lj la. executor "of'JblcoU Hiler, Charlotte Rail way Building Co. Act to establish a new county by 4he name of Graham: ; " ' Act to charter the Upper Division ofJhe ( adkin Railroad Co. - A Yadkin Railroad Co. Resolution in relation to adjournment. V Act tp authorize the Trustees of Mt Gil-, ead meeting and school house, of. Hay-, wood county to sell their property. Act to change Sampson county from.the 4th to the 6th Judicial District. Resolution relating to CapeFear Har- Act in relation to vacant lands in Macon and other counties. Act to authorize Commissioners of Alle I'ghany county to levy a special tax. ,Act to amend charter ot the A.,,T. & O. R. R. Co., in N, C.; ratified Feb: 3, 1869. " Act to re enact an. act entitled an act to Incorporate the Orapeake Canal and Turnpike Co., ratified 18th January. 1847, .Act-to auiena Uhap. oo Kevised Code, entitled Pilots. Act to prevent the sale of spirituous li quors within two miles or less ol either Oak Nock Furnace or Bunk House Iron Mine. . " : Act to authorize the Commissioners of Sampson county to levy a special tax.. Act to prevent deputy or assistant clerks frcm practicing as attorneys at law in the counties in which tuey .act as Deputy Qr- Assistant Ulerk. . Act to amend an act entitled an act to provide for limited partnerships, ratified February, 1861. ' Act concerning Robeson county outlaws. Act to repeal Chapter 227, Laws of 1869- '70, entitled an act to provide for taking depositions of witnesses in civil actions and special proceedings in the several Courts of the State. Act to authorize E. C. Gricr.late Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, to collect arrears of taxes. Act to authorize Commissioners of Ons low county to lew a special tax. ' Act -to authorize Commissioners of Greene to levy a special tax to pay offthe debt of the county. Act to ' pr&ent tho aalo of spirituous liquors within 1 mile of the corporate limits of the town of Lenoir Act to prevent the sale of spirituous li quors within I miles of St. Paul's church' in nooeson county, Act to incorporate the Hornet Fire Co.', No. 1, of. Charlotte. Act to charter the Carolina Narrow Guage Railroads j , i-V ' Act to enable the Wilmington,. Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company to com plete and extend its road to the Tennessee line. . :" . ' ' ," . Act to establish a new county by the -name of Pamlico. Act to ametid the Fayetteville and Flo rence Railroad. , r ,. , Act to create a board of Gomniisioneiii of Navigation for the ports of Ocracoke and Hatteras Inlet. Act to amend an act entitled an act to pay expenses of idiots and lunatics incur red by counties in certain cases, ratified March 28,1870.. Act to charter the Bank of Reidsville. Act to incorporate the Raleigh nook and Ladder Company No. 1, of the city of Raleigh. ' Act to amend an act concerning the city of Wilmington, ratified Decs 20, 1870, be ing chap. 3, laws ot 1870-'71. Act to Incorporate the Board of tTrade of the city of Raleigh. Act to incorporate the dape Fear Club. Act requiring Clerks of Superior Courts to-have their olficts opened every Monday for the transaction of probata business. Act to re enact and continue in force an act entitled an act to empower the Com missioners of Cumberland to levy a special tax. ' " ' Act to authorize the Ibimation of Rail road companies and to regulate the same; Art to prevent the feeing or cutting of trees in the run or Upper Broad Creek, Craven county. Act to repeal chapter 274 of laws ot 1870-J71. Act to make Dutchman's Creek a lawful ftmcc to a certain extent in Davie county. Act to incorporate'the New River Land Compauy. . ' . An act to incorporate the Trinity Build ing aud Loan Ass ciation of Trinity, N. C. An act to "incorporate the Charlotte Hotel Company. An act to incorporate the town of Bat lleboro. An act to to incorporate the Trustees of Catawba Valley Academy in Catawba County. An act to incorporate the town of Cataw ba County. An act in favor of Sarah Wdliams. Resolution relative to adjournment. Resolution in favor of delinquent Sher iffs. - , . , An act to construct and establish a Turnpike Road, from Catawba Vale in the County of McDowell to Fair View in Buncombe County. An act to repeal chapter 269, of the laws of 1868- '69. Au act to annex a part of New Hanover County to Sarap3onV - 1. An act to, define and - punish the crime of cmbezzelnunt. s ; . ' An act relating to the fees of Superior Court Clerks. . An actio provide in certain cases an allowance for improvements. An act to incorporate the Beech Swamp and Scotland Neck Railroad Company . Ah act authorizing the Commissioners of 3Iontgomery County to levy, a spe cial tax, and issue bonds An act to aid in the completion of the Western Division of the Western North CarolinaNRailroad. . Antact1 to incorporate the "Neptune Fire Company," in the town of Washington. An act to lay out and construct a public road from Phillips' Gap, on the Blub Ridge, t' Hamilton s Mills, in Ashe county. An act to amend Section 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure. ; An act supplemental to and amendatory of an act ratified on the -day of January, A. D. 1872, and entitled "An Aot to in corporate tneT3ankof,i tb. Stae." r An act to incorporate the Little Cohary Draining Company. " lv V An act to incorporate the. town "of Frank lin. v " ' ' i ' ' An act to divide North Carolina into eight Congressional Districts. ; : An act to incorporate the Halifax and Scotland Neck Railroad Company. ' ; Resolution-in reference to printing the. Constitution as it will stand n hen amended according to the act recently passed, j ; Res-dution in' favor of the employees of the Senate and House of Representatives. Resolution in faror of Henry M Miller. Resolution in behalf of William H. Ham ilton and Joseph A. Miller. Resolution in favor f George N. Lewis, Sheriff of Nash - A resolution in favor of D. C. Dudley and others. . . Resolution iu favor of Daniel Latta. a witness summoned to appear before the .House 6f Representatives. Resolution relative to the Cherokee In ; dians of North, Carolina. 4 jRe'solttijibB inra favor ofJobn MI. Hill Sergeht at' Arms' of ths.House of Repre-. sentativcip.:. :L" it? ..v.- -. -. ' -Resblntiou of IreoWst ' to members :n ( "T,.l...:-.- I ' t TI O TT!I l deceased, late agent bf the-State for the colkption ofCiitu:okee3onds.V' J Resolution-in'fayor of- J W. Cooper.; , Resootuui ra favor cf J. S. Summersett, ; John Petill and Arrhf Holti' .. : ! jumirttui auu Arcner no it . Resolution in favor of 'the fax. -collector f McDowell coQnty; n " J . -JResolution in faror 61 Chariea U. Abrams 'for services as watchman of the Capitol. . . An act concerning the taxation of banks.!' -' -y'; rT' .-y--: An act to incorporate the Raleigh : and Fayetteville Railroad Company. r 1 . 1 An act for the better regulation and protection of the Public Libraries. . .. " i A rf tn nrounn f (ran i 5n tlm cato r f Pnm- I r. -t - ....i'. . , Act concerning marriages, marriage et- I tlements and contracts ot married women. jAct.to incorporate the -Henderson Sav ings and Loan Association of Henderson, IN. C. ; Act to amend an act chartering the Jameaville and Washington Railroad and j Lumber Company. .-- ' Resolution in favor of E. S. Badger. Resolution in regard to the CapitoL i i Act to amend section 419, chapter 1, titleJ9 .!' the Codeof Civil Proceedure. An act for the relief of Express Com panies. .-' ;' An net to incorporate the New Berne p.nd Beaufort Canal Company. ' An act to amend ' sec 2, chap. 66 of public laws of 1869-70. ia . a s. 1 f An act io incorporate, ine uait urove Camp Ground in the county of Transyl vania. ;'. . An act supplemental to aet entitled an act to annex a .portion ot Macon county to Clay county. Act to authorize and empower the liov- - ernnient of the United States to purchase and hold lands in North Caroliua for the1 purpose of'a National Cemetery, Act supplemental to an acttolsyoff and establish the new county of Pamlico. Act to authorize the collectien of unpaid taxes for the years 1869 '70, in the town of Williamston. - bAct to incorporate the Jowr ot Patson, county of Duplin. J - ,;"- l:'r Act to amtnd chapter 262 ot tne public laws of 1870-'71. - Act lor fhe relief of Express. Companies'. Act to amend the charter of the town of Statesville. " Act to amend section 9, 11 and 13 chap. 189, laws ot 1870 '71. Act to .eestautisn tne rates or puonc printing and for other purposes. Act to prohibit the sale ot spirituous li quors within the town of Smithville. Act to incorporate the Raleigh and Jb ay ettcville Railroad Co.. ; ' - Act to incorporate the -Newbera and Beaufort Canal Co...- . Act to enable any .persons not Ies3 than three to become incorporated and to regu ' late such and other corporations. . Act to amend chapter 10, section 1, of the Revised Code, concerning auction and auctioneers in Washington county. Act for the better . government of' the- Penitentiary and for other purposes. Resolution in favor of Albert B. Wil liams and Robert Heuley. " Resolution to raise a commission to ex amine into tne accounts or tne I'uniic Treasurer. Resolution of instruction to the Secretary of State. . - . ' -" -' Resolution authorizing the Treasurer and Attorney General to employ aid. Resolution authorizing the settlement pt the accounts of B. S Buchanan and sure tics with the State. . . - Resolution in. favor of' James H. Enniss. Resolution in favor of the Principal Clerks. , . . Resolution allowing the Enrolling and Engrossing Clerks the same per diem com pensation as received by the Principal and Assistant Ulerks. - . ; Act to provide a compilation' of the Public Statutes. Act for the relief of certain tax payeis ot Wilson countyv Act to repeal a part of the act ratified January 3d 1872, entitled an act to incor porate the Falls of , Ntuse Manufacturing Company. ; Act to autnorize . a. i rogaon tne pre- 6ent,sherifrot Randolph county to collect arreu.s of taxes. An act concerning representation in the Senate. An act supplementary to an act passed at the .present session of the General As sembly, entitled an act tp lay off and establish a new county by the name of Graham. ' ' ' ' ' An act to amend an act to promote and encourage the planting ot oysters . .anit clams,- chapter 33, act of AssemlIy of 1858'-59. Act for the better protection of Oysters, &c., in the waters of N. C. Act concerning election and registration in the year of our Lord, 1872. f Resolution in , la yor Attorney General and Judge J. M. Cloud. Resolution in favor of J. D. Caineron.t Act to amend Chap. 93, Private Laws of 1870-'71.- ' Resolution of instruction to the Auditor. Act to prevent felling of trees into the waters of Uwharie river, in 'Randolph county. t : Act in regard to the municipal election in the town of Carthage, Moore county. Act for the relief of A. S. Wells. Act -to prevent retailing'of spirituous liquor in the town of Mt. Airy, Surry county. Act to authorize. Commissioners of the town of Washington, to levy a special tax. - Act to create a Special Commission. Act to eiire cerUin defects in" the prc bate of deeds and privy examination of femes covert in the State and for other pur poses'. - ' ;-. ' .. " Act to provide for the creation of cer tain trust estates. i u .,v' .. v Act to incorporato the town of Farm , ville. "in the county of Pitt; -. -. Act to allow the Commissioners of War ren county to levy a special tax. Act in relation to Moore anl . Nash Squares, in the City of Raleigh. r ' " Act to consolidate, the school laws and to provide for a system of public instruction. Act to prescribe the practice nnd pro cedure in actions by creditors of deceased persons against their personal representatives.'"- - ;" :- ' , - : - Act to amend sub-division two, sectiwfi 31, chapter3 of Title IV of the Code of Civil Procedure. . " -, Act in fovor of certain sheriffs. ; Act. to incorporate the Cyrcnian Com pany, of the City of Wilmington. Act concerning insane convicts. . Act to authorize the collection of unpaid taxes for the years 1870-'71 in Wilmington. Act to amend Chap. 137, Laws of 1869 '70, entitieel An Act to provide for drain-' ing wet lands. 'Act to amend an act passed at this ses sion of the General Assembly re enacting and amending an "Act incorporating the National Loan and Trust Company. Act supplemental to an act to incorpo rate the town of, Catawba in Catawbv county. ;f -i-. ,;-- .;", : s4 Act for the relief of Newett D. Owen anil Seth H. Tyson, citizens of Wilson county. " Resolution authorizing the State GeoK gist to have his report printed, &c. I . - Act to incorporate the" Yadkin River Navigation Company. , Act making--indictable the felling of trees-in Neuse River. : - Act to give the chief officers of the cities and towns -the criminal jurisdiction of Justices of the "Peace. : ; Resolution for the relief of B. Mayfield citizen of Cherokee coanty. :.: Act to empower the . Superior Court Judges .to appoint commissioners iin ce: tain cases for the settlement Ot state. i Executive Clemency. . Below we are I permitted to publish a letter written by His Excellency, Uov. Caldwell, to a gentlemarfwho was nrg ingi him to release a convict from: the Penitentiary. We commend the letter to tne puoiic lor; two reasons : x irst. io aDnrove the sentiments tnerem con- tained ; second, to let the friends of con victs know what is required to obtain Executive Clemency. AVer purposely nrnit the name of the oartv to whom the letter was addressed, . and also the name of the convict in - whose behalf the application was made; i . ' r RALEioir. Feb. 5. 1872. Dear Sir : Your favor of the 1st inst, with rftcrard to the oardon of is ' to hand. In reply I have to say that I have been compelled to adopt some uniform rule witn resrara to Tjaraons. n wm not u to release every convict for whom a petition is gotten up. Were I to do this, nearly every one in the Penitentiary and in county jails would be turned loose upon the country, and) crime would go unpunished, and I would bring the'. Executive office into con tempt, and ruin to the Republican party. You cannot conceive of tho number of ap plications on file for the pardon of criminal?, and in almost every case the same reasons are urged why pardon should bo granted. I cannot in justice turn out one without turning out all. il cannot and will not par don a convicj simply because he votes with my party, this wonld never do, and I wpuld disgrace myself and the high and honorable position I occupy 4 were I to be governed by such unworthy impulses. I have adopted - what I believe to be a safe rule and one- which I - believe ?every good man in the State, be bo Keublican or Democrat, . will pbrovo. Its. to f pardon those whom the Judge and Solicitor trying the case,, will recommend for pardon, backed up by a pe tition from a respeotable portion of the citi zens of the county wherein the offence was committed. These officials are cognizant of all the facts and surrounding circum stances thev are sworn officers and are presumed to" be' fair-and impartial men and will not withold their, recommendations in meritorious cases.! As a general rule where either one of those officials recommend ex ecutive clemency it will be extended. I have every disposition to accomodate you in a nyi reasonable request, but I cannot do so at the expense of my own self-respect and by shutting my eyes to the duties and obligations of my office. There may becases where I could intervene between a criminal and punishment .with out the recommendation of .the Judgeor Solicitor, but it must be a case the merits of which are so palpable that my justification will be apparent to all men, . i 4 v ery respecuuuy, 1 , i Tod It. Caldwteix. S TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Wake county. I SurERioB Court. John Whitelaw and Patrick Douaghey, Ad ministrators of John Kane, FA'ttts, . i : against -r-k i ; - il .....1 H.r.i.tr -Rf rtAnrfliw ilia wife, and Thomas Kane and Martha Kane, his wife, Def'ts. Fetition to sell Land for Assets. It appearing that Dennis McCarthy and Mary McCarthy, his wite, and Thomas Kane, Defendants in the above action, are non-residents of theStateof North Carolina, it is ordered that summons, by publication, in The Carolina Era. a newspaper publish ed in the city of Raleigh, be made for the aforesaid Defendants, Dennis McCarthy and Mairv McCarthy, his wife, and Thomas Kane, to be and, appear at the offtcp of the Clerk of our sard Court, in the city ot lCal- eisrh. within twenty days after the service of this summons by publication, as afore said, and answer or demur to the complaint of the said Plaintiffs, which is on file in said office, or judgment will bo rendered nro. covfesso as to them. Witness, John N. Bunting, Clerk, and Judge of Pro Date, of said county, at omce, in the city of Raleigh; the first dny of Feb ruary, A. XJ. LbiZ. ' - JUiiJN JN. liUIN J. J.iMjr, UierK, feblw4w and Judge of Probate. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i Wake Countv. Magistrates Court. t. F. Davidson, Plaintiff, " I s against Summons in S. W. Whitaker, Defendant t.J A Attachment. Wh e re as, a Summons issued for the Defendant. S. W. Whitaker, on the 13th January. 1872. and returned " not to be found," and. it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said Defendant, S. W. Whitaker, is a non-resideht of the State of North Carolina, lMs theretor ordered that publication be made for four weeks. Sum moning the said S. W, Whitaker, to appear at my othce in tne City 01 Kaioigh on or before the 15th day ot Febuary,1 1872, and plead to the said complaint, which is an ac count for work and labor, amounting to 196jOr judgment final will be rendered against the said Defendant, in accordance with the said complaint, this the 13th day or January, vsrz. , 32--w4w. - D. A. WICKER, J. P. S TATE OF NQRTH CAROLINA, Northampton County. Superior Court. ' AndrewE. Peele. Plaintiff. 1 1 Oinot ' ( JfUDiicationm Ti t rlrv, T,for.iof T Attachment. Notice is hereb3 given io the DeTendant, That the Plaintiff"has commenced an action against him by summons, and has also ob tained a warrant of attachment, against the defendants property, to recover $350.08, due - by two bonds, together with interest on $284.42, from Dec. 16, 1871, till paid, and for costs, and that said summons and warrants of attachment, are returnable to the Sprim Term, 1872, of said Court, to be? held in the' Court House, in Jackson, on the 20th day of May; 1S7Z, ana mat tne deiondant shall then and there appear and answer the complaint. - This notice sliall be published once a week for four successive weeks in The Carolina EraLa newspaper published in Raleigh. Witness, Noah B. Odom, Clerk of said Court, at office in Jackson, under the seal of said Court, this loth Dec, A. D., 1871. 3Hw6w. . . 1 N:iR. ODOM, Clerk. $400 "ti:"if.. ; ,;;s c -f A Proclamation by the Governor. ' ' Executive Department, - -." - T . Raleigh, Feb. 8, 1872. WIhereas, Information has been receiv ed at this Department that Luke Johnson who was convicted at the Fall Term, 1871, of Nash Superior Court of the murder of Jerry Taylor and sentenced to be hanged on the 24th of November last, broke the jail of said countv on -Wednesday night Nov. 1st, 1871, and is still at large so that the sen tence of the said Court cannot be executed upon him ; . ' ; - - Theretore 1, lou u. uiaweur liovernor of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by law, do hereby issue this my proclamation offering a reward of Fouit Hundred Doi.la.ks for the -apprehension and delivery of the said Luke Johnson to the Sheriff of Nash county, and I do also enjoin all officers of the State and. good citizens to assist in bringing said crininal to justice. . Done at the city 01 Baleigh, this th day of February A. D., 1872, and the 96th yar cf our independence. ' TOD li. UALUW1.LL, By the Governor: i Governor. J. B. Neathery, . f Private Secretary. . :'. . DESCRIPTION. - Luke Johnson is about 31 vears of acre, of a color between brown and black, has a large neck, small head and ears, high forehead, and weighs 160 or 180 pounds. He was rais ed in Nash county, but afterwards belonged to a man named Johnson, at or near Fred ericksburg, Va., where he bas a wife now 'Weekly Era," 4 Weekly Carolinian" and "Battleboro' Advance'' copy . one month and forward bills to Executive office. ; Feb. 9, 1872. ' 80-wlm. DR. CROOK'S WINU OP TAR - .- - Is on effective regulator of tho Liver. Dli." CltOOK-SL WINE OF T A It ' j Cures Jaundlee, . v or any Liver Complaint. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR - Makes Delicate Females, ' -' , xtho are never feeling well, v ,- - Strong and Healthy. ' M. ,1 ,1 1 ... - DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR - Has restored many persons who have been ' unablo to work for years DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ' Should bo takon if your Stomach Is out of order. Dft. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . , Should be taken if you feel weak or debilitated. DR. 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SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. :m Builds up Constitutions broken down from Mineral or Mercurial Poisons. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND i r . -SYRUP OF POAE ROOT f - . Should.be taken by all O " requiring a remedy i to make pure blood. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND i I . ' : SYRUP OF POKE ROOTf ' ' Removes Syphilia " or the diseases it entails more effectually and speedily han any and all other remedies combined. - Aug. 24, 1871. 15 wtriwly. CAN VA SSUB S WANTED f For "Our Owii XTireside. j . An illustrated Paper, 16 pages,'published Mbnthly. Subscription price, $10. Every Subscriber receives a Valuable Chromo, A Fruit Piece, which sells for $5. Send 2 ofnt Stamp for Sample and Premium -List. Address W. E. GUMP, Publisher, ! , " 1 7, Payton,Obie. M w i V . 1 s

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