aMsaalsisMS3aMeaMMiMsSMaMssssflsa All Letters reUMnc to SubcriptIon or Advertisements, mut bo addressed to WM. M." BROWN, Business Manager! All Retittered Letters can be sent at our risk. Sulwcribers receiving their papers with a cross y, inaric,jay Know that the time for which they subscribed is nearly out, and unless they renew, after receiving two papers, with a cross mark, their papers will 1 discontinued. ! .1. e. I-OOAJJV IIARRIH, KM i tor. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1872. Local, State and General Itenas. " i Rpoxsiblk During the absence of Mr. Hanes tee are responsible for all that apicars in The Era. -f Hark. R. G. Lewis, of this City, wants tun bark. Head his advertisement oldsroro' Bask.-$44,000 has been sut4 scribed to the capital stock of this bank.! Kill. ei. Two colored men had a quarrel the other day near Hickory Tavern, one struck the other with a cudgel, and inflict- Texas. In many portions of Texas corn has lecn planted, and is up knee-high. yUl kinds of vegetables have been planted, and from present indications there will be j an abundant vield. Sad Accident. The Danbury Reporter says Major Meadows, a respectable citizen of that county, while cutting timber to burn a plant-bed, last Friday, was instantly killed by a limb falling And striking him on the head. ! . Republican Meeting:. There will be a meeting of tho Republican party held, in Clinton, Sampton county, on Saturday the Hth of March next.for the purpose e-fappoint-ing a delegate to the State Convention and for the transaction of other business. . Resioned Appointed. The New Berne Times says Mr. W. F. Hnggins has re signed as Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue, at Klnston, and Walter Dunn, Esq., has been appoiuted to the position; This is an excellent appointment, and will Rive general satisfaction. ! Prohiiiition. The National Prohibition Convention niet a Columbus, Ohio; on tihe 22ni insC A platform was adopted. James Black, of Pennsylvania, was nominated for President, and John Russell, of Michi gan, for Vice-President. ; SrDDEN Death. Mr. Murray Upchureh, of Chatham, fell dead on Monday last, while in the act of entering the Store of Mr. Basil Yates who lives In this county. Mr. Up rhurch was seemingly in perfect health. He did not breathe after he fell to the "iTOiind. - j Wayne Superior Court. Thi Court I still in session. La-st week the case pf Powell, administrator of Denning, killed on the railroad, against the W. A W. R. R. Co., occupied four days in trial, and resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff, his damages being assessed at $3,675. An appeal has leen taken to the Supreme Court. The rulings in this case will settle in this State, many important principles of Rail- mad law. (ieorok Martin. "Music is important in a serenade !' Tho Ku Klux Legislature, fnllv annreeiatinir the valuable services of i Jeorge Martin Whiteside, our able (? ?) Sen ator, gerrymandered his tail off, just behind the ears, by giving iiutneriora ana j one Senator. Poor Martin ! " None k Polk new him but to love him ! Tlit Star does not n..ii y .1 ct I tell the whole story : Martin introduced and passed through the Senate a bill to niake Polk, Rutherford, Cleaveland, Gaston and Catawba, one Seni 'torial District, with two Senators. The House of Representatives pronounced the bill infamous in character and refused to pass it. : . j Appointment of Directors. Governor Caldwell has made the following nppoinj merits: I Directors for Insane, Asylum R. 0. Badgqr, Thomas II. Briggs, Dr. E. Burke Haywood, Dr. J. G. Ramsay, Jo. W. Hot den, Dr. C. E. Johnson, John Norfleet, J. W. Hood, Henry Mahler, Jeff. Fisher, Dr. Pride Jones, K. P. Battle, Jos. H. Green, .1. P. Train? and G. W. Brodie. j Directors for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asy lum Jomi Nichols, T. F. Lee, Albert Johnson, Henry J. Brown, Dr. . II. r,iv'w T K Ileartt. and nanny Jjoci; hart. Excellent appointments. . ...--c nv ti v Ilmi.V A (1 KM. Ai'rviAibi i The Rev. P. A. Strobel, Biblo Agent for North Carolina, will present the Bible eause, at I Louiburg, Frankiiu comity, on Sabbath i"th February. j Franklinton, Franklin county, Tuesday, 27th February, at 7 p. m. rr...tArr.n rimnville eountv. Wedncjj- sv aavs - m. i dav 2Sth February, at 7 p. m. I Oxford.XJranville eminty, Thursday anh February, at 7 p. m. I Warrenton, Warren county, Saturday 2d March. t Warrenton, Warren county, Sablwith 3d March. Boixties. The Washington Chronicle says Mr. Cobb, of Nqrth Carolina, intro duced on Tuesday last, a bill araendj atory of existing laws, and granting bonnj ties to colored soldiers of the United States who were fclaves previously to the 19th da of April, 1871. The bill was referred to the Military Committee. I It is a singular fact that bounties have not tn cTntwf tn rolorpd Federal 8ol- diars who were formerly slaves, thouga granted to all other soldiers. Every conr snlcration of justice dictates that Mr. Cobb's bill should pass. Four-fifths, probably, of all the colored soldiers had been slaves; 44 We aro coming. Father Abraham, thrcj hundred thousand strong," and they did come. "The colored troops fought nobly.' Thousands of them fell iur battle in defense of tho starry flag. Let them have bounties," Let there be justice to the military, and equality of compensation and reward toal who fought to suppress the rebellion, as v eil as civil and political equality for alL Those soldiers who were formerly slaves should be placed on the same footing with those who were free. The nation owes this' to them. Webelievt the people will say men to it. . ' - . I v on t Surrender. On Wednesday turning lasc, tne old board of Commission era for the Penitentiary whose places had oeen usurped, as the public knows, bv ran dry appointees of the late Ku Klux Assem bly, appeared at the gate of the enclosure ana asked admission in the name of the law. The belligerent quartermaster of the lato C. 8. A., holdimr Dosseasiorr within. ' with fortv innsV-nt- -iii w ,.; let any such cat as that into his meal tub, that the black flag had been Vhlstedf the garrison provisioned, and ho intended to hold "Fort Bledsoe," prisoners, rats, jcats, brick,8poilt meat and decomposed herrings, to the'last extremity. ' I Gen. Dockery then handed his letter of authority to the Q. M. of the late C. a A., and being promised a written reply, retired with his brother Commissioners to await the same, which arrived at the National Hotel later In the day, and conveyed the warlike intelligence that they couldn't come in, or break In, or get into Fort Bledsoe no how. Hero, for the present, hostilities were sus pended, the guards were posted with their artillery bearing on the city, strict orders were issued, the black flag was raised-j-rio quarters asked none given and tho gal lant Commandant marched forth to visit the town and- reinforce for a further prose cution of the battle. . Alas, Moses, it is no use to behave in that manner. Let us havo peace." Your oc cupation, like Othello's, is gone. Those? fat hogs yon havo been supplying for patriot ism and pay, the meal and other provender, upon which tho prisoners have and are tbe ing fed, will come from other farms and mills beside your own hereafter. Tarn about is fair play. . You are old enough and big enough to know it. Rotate, dearTriend, rotate ; the old Board can take care of "Fort Bledsoe" without your assistance. MeaLi can be furnished without being ground at your mill, and herrings can Ikj bought at other places leside G. T. Stronach's. j The Lost Heir of Linlituoow. This is the name of Mrs. D. E. N. Southworth's new novel, now in press, and to be publish ed in a few days, by T. B. Peterson & Broth er's, Philadelphia. It will command a very large sale," as it is one of Mrs. Southworth's most powerfully written efforts excitingand sensational, and is fully equal, if not supe rior to "Tried for Her Life," "Cruel as the Grave,' "The Maiden Widow," The Fam ily Doom," "The Changed Brides," T'Tbe Brides Fate," "Fair Tlay" and "How He Won Her," which have proved to be eight of the most popular novels ever published, and which are having unprecedented sales, for Mrs. South worth, as a novelist, stands at the head of all female writers. Her con tentions are marked . bv originality, and there is a purity and sweetness about her language which gave peculiar charm to her writings. Her characters are powerfully and touchingly drawn, and we learn to loje them because they are more natural than effected. "The Lost Heir of Linlithgow will be issued in a large duodecimo volume uniform with Mrs. Soth worth's other works, and will be sld at the low price of $1 75 in cloth, or $1.50 in paper cover; or copies will be sent by mail to any place, post-paid, by the publishers, on receipt of the price. Reg ister vour letters or send money order. j Marriage Separation Elopement. A correspondent of The Golilsboro" News writes from Mount Olive that on Sunday evening tho 28th of January, the Jlev. W. M. Kennedy performed the marriage cere mony of Mr. Daniel Summerlin to Miss Mary Malpass. The wedding feast was at tended by only a few, nevertheless, all things passed off very pleasantly, and ail seemed to enjoy themselves, but especially the bride and groom, who from all appear ance had just started out on a life of joy and happiness. Only a few days had elapsed when it was generally reported that the "new couple" were about to separate. 4 Their friends interposed and endeavored to bring about a reconciliation, but, although, their efforts were untiring, all attempts in that direction were in vain. J ust about one week after they were united in the bonds of wedlock where they, in the sight of God and witnesses, had pledged to take eacji other for better or worse, the husband gath ered his baggage and disappeared on the morning train bound northward. During the night following the young wife and a Mr. Padget took passage on the train bound southward, and eloped for parts unknown. State Printing. On Friday last Judge W. A. Moore heard a motion on the part of counsel for Theo. N. Ramsay for an order of injunction against the Secretary of State to restrain that officer from delivering copy to Wm. M. Brown, the appointee of Gov. Caldwell, to execute the printing; and for a writ of mandamus against thp Secretary Upf State to compel that officer to deliver copy to Theo. N. Ramsay, contractor on the part of the ( teneral Assembly to execute the printing. Messrs. W. II. Battle, Fowle, Dupree and Devereux appeared for the plaintiff. R. C. Badger appeared for the Secretary of State and Wm. M. Brown, j On yesterday Judge Moore delivered his : opinion. He denies the motion for an or der of Injunction and grants the writ of mandamus. If the Supreme Court will de cide at this term, it is probable that an ap peal will be taken. I m porta NT. Tho attention of all persons interested in sending or receiving mail matter, is called to the following important notice from the Post-master-General: j 44 Owing to the rapid increase in the mails, and the establishment of many new Post Offices throughout the country, this De partment finds it necessary, in order to facilitate the distribution, and to secure a speedy transmission of the heavy mails now passing, particularly over the trunk lines oTrailroads, to request of the public, that in all cases, except the large offices, the nntnA of the countv. as well as the post of fice and State, be superscribed upon letters, ..ironism. newBoaiers. and other matter to be forwarded by mail." j Let every one of our readers bear the above in mind, when they address letters to all small Post offices. We hope every editor in the country will copy the above, as 1U compliance will not only be a general help to the public, but a particular help to every elitor and publisher. California Style. An exchange says rvmmend us to the State-proud Californlan li An iuimense train of J IWltBlB" ... passengers, just out of the Jaws of the icy. continental gorges, was met on the 19th inst., a short distance from San Francisco, Kir o mlief train bearing "all the delicacies of the season " and magnificent bouquets of fresh flowers "grown In tne open air., These blandishmepts are designed to en trap the weary travelers into making their l.nont .bode in the Pacific Sybaris, a li.t"- . just as thougn me uun-u'" - , mit their exit worn me mm u AUU. , a .rir)vrriM all the year round. Municipal' Court Bill. The bill giv Ins chief officers (Mayors) of cities -and town's criminal jurisdiction-of justices of the peace was ratified by the General As sembly on the 10th inst. The following is ,a correct copy t An act to aivt Chief Officers of towns the criminal jurisdiction of-Justices of Peace:- " 1 - The General "Assembly of North Carolina do enact ; That it shall and may ue lawim for the chief officers of all cities and towns inUhis State, by whatever name or title such chief officer may be called, and it shall be their duty ito have and exercise all the jurisdiction, powers and duties given to justices of the peace by Chaps 2, 3 and 4 of an act, Deing iiiap. no ui iuo awo which is entitled . "of proceedings in crimi nal cases," sabject to the restrictions and limitations contained in those chapters. Provided, no such chief officer shall take jurisdiction of any offence committed be- Jond tne limits or tne city or town oi wnicn e is such chief officer. Nothing in this act shall be held to impair the jurisdiction hereof given to justices of tne peace. t This act shall iro into effect on its ratifies- j tion. Dr. WilkyiJ. Palmer. This distin guished son of our State, who is now the Principal of the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Belleville, Province of Ontario, ' Canada, is on a visit to his relatives in this State, and is spending a few days with his numerous friends in! this city. Dr. . Palmer occupies a warm ' place in the affections of our people, and when we say he has been most cordially received by his old friends we convey but a faint impression of, his reception. Dr. P. is in tho enjoyment of excellent heath, and from what we have learned he is winning golden opinions from the generous people of Canada. Canadian Visitors. We have' been highly- gratified . at meeting in our city Messrs. Alexander Robertson and William Sutherland, of Belleville, Canada, who are on a tour through the South. If they are specimens of the people of' Canada, and we are assured they are, the lot of Dr. Wiley J, Palmer has been cast among an excellent people. Messrs. -Roberton and Sutherland express themselves as highly pleased with their visit Soutji, and the cordial reception they have met with from our people. We shall be delighted to see more such people from our Northern Sister both as tourists and as immigrants. Sunday School Mass Meeting. Sun day last was a day long to be remembered by the friends if Sunday Schools in Ral eigh. A mass meeting was held in the af ternoon at the Baptist Church which was largely attended hy the other Sabbath Schools of the city. Addresses were deliv ered by Wiley J. Palmer, the former Su perintendent of the Raleigh Baptist Sunday School, Dr. Fishthe General Superintend ent of Sunday Schools in Kentucky, and Alex. Robertson, Esq., of Belleville", Can ada. A numberjof sweet songs were sung, and everything passed off pleasantly. . Amusing. -We are amused. The Ruther ford Vindicator saj's the Democrats will carry Rutherford and Polk this Sumnfer! Information of this kind, if relied on, will work a thundering defeat for the Ku Klux m August jnext. J If the counties mentioned do not give one thousand Republican ma jority, we'll agree to treat. They will give more than that if.George Martin is a candi date forSenator. ' Arrest n Yancey County. The Ashe vilte Pioneer says on tho 13th inst, Deputy Marshal, W, R Trull, arrested John Henry Ray, who Ls alleged to be the Chief of the ku klux in Yancey county. Ray, who was at the time in the Cane River settlement, quietly submitted to the arrest, and was re leased on bond of $2,000 for his appearance at June term of the U. S. Circuit Court, his brother, Illram Ray, becoming his bonds man. ! Public Speaking. Col. I. J. Young, Col. Thomas B. Long, Maj. Jas. II. Foote, Col. W. F.j Henderson, Gen. W. D. Jones, and others,! will address the people of Chat ham county at tie following times and places : At Merry Oaks, March the 7th , at Pittsborpugh the 8th, and Snow Camp the 9th. ! j . - ; The people are-invited to attend. Republican Mass Meeting. The Re publicans of Craven county will hold a meeting in Newbene on the 27th of March next,'ir the purpose of electing delegates to the" State! Convention to be held in Ral eigh on the; 17th day of April, 1872, and to the District' Convention to be hld at such time and place as may be determined upon by the proper authority. t Labor. The National Labor Convention met at Columbus Ohio, on the 21st inst. A platform was adopted. Judge Davis, of the U.S.: Supreme Court, was nominated for Presidentand .Gov Joel Parker, of New Jersey, was nominated for Vice-President. New Advertisements. $200REWf A Proclamation by the Governor. STATE QF NORTH CAROLINA, ) Executive Department. Raleigh, Feb. 20, 1872. j Whereas, information has been received at this Department that a murder was com mitted in the county of Halifax oil Friday, the 16th inst., by oneOohn Mills, upon the body of Travis Washington; and. whereas, the said John'Mills has tied the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot'be served upon him ; Now, therefore, I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by law, do issue this my Proclamation, offering a re ward of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest and delivery of said JOHN MILLS to the Sheriff of Halifax county, and I en join all officers of the law and all good citi zens to assist in bringing said criminal to Justice. I . . Done at our city of Raleigh the 26th day of February, At D., 1872, and in the ninety sixth year of American Independence. : I. TOD R. CALDWELL," By the Governor :-- 1 -Governor. .Private Secretary. 36 w4t. ; I i description : i . - -t John Mills is a bright mulatto, about 5 feet 8 inches high, about 20 or 21 years of age. He has no beard, stutters or stammers when talking, and has a freckled face. Raleigh News and Warrenton Gazette copy four weeas anq iorwara Dins to exec utive Office. GLAIMANTS HAVING TESTIMONY taken by me will please understand that all costs and charges are to be paid at the time when such testimony Is taken. Counsellors should so inform claimants. E. W. WOODS, - Special Commissioner. Chapel Hill, Deo. 12, 1871. - Aifrh Markets. ' OOcial. I - I . : I . - 1 I - : . 524:1 "WkoleaAle BY iyr POOL & MOB1NG, ' Grocery , and Commission Merchants, Corner WilmingttfB and Martin Sts. V COTTON per lb., - - - - 20 CORN per bushel, - - - $ 80 OATS per bushel, - - - 100 FLOUR North Carolina Family, - 8 60 FLOUR Baltimore Family, 10 50 BACON per ft., - - ' - 1 8i SALT per sack, -' - - - 2 85 BAGGING - - - ' - - 16 COTTON YARN - - - " 1 60 CORN MEAL per bushel, - '; ' - - 95 Retail Price. " - ; BY" ' . MARCOM & ALFORU Grocers and Commission Merchants, Hareett Street. BACON Baltimore sittoked, . " unsmoked, ,- ; " strips. - - ' - ie 9i 12i 8 g 15 20 25 6 3 11 HI 00 9 17 25 30 4 5 30 25 , shoulders, - -" N. C. Hams, - -BUTTER per lb. - -BEESWAX per lb., - -BEEF on hoof, - - -. " per quarter, -COFFEE per lb., -CHEESE per- ft., - -COTTON - YARN per I dle, CORN per bushel, -'.-CHICKENS per piece. -EGGS per dozen, - -FLOUR per bbh, - -FODDER per 100 lbs., -HAY per 100 lbs., - -HIDES green, per lb., - - dry, per lb., -HERRINGS, N. C.--per bbl., LEATHER per lb., -LARD per lb., - - . -MOLASSES per gallon, - " - Golden Syrup, MEAL per bushel, - -OATS per bushel, - - " per 100 lbs., : : -PORK - -POTATOES irish, per bush., " sweet, per bush, 20 : 65 90 25 20 8 00 1 CO 00 25 toll 00 40 75 6 12 1 50 1 00 & 7 ' to 15 50 8 00 30 -to 40 15 to 33 50 1 CO 00 1 10 75 90 00 1 00 6 to 8 75 2 50 80 1 00 20 to 00 16 to 16 15 to 00 12i 00 75 3 00 7 to 10 40 to 50 SUO A 11 crusned, extra C, - - P. K., -44 common, SALT per sack, -TALLOW per lb., VINEGAR per gallon. Cotton TVXarliets. BT (ilCOHGK T. STKONACH, Dealer in Cotton and JVavat Stores, Market and Martin Streets. Receipts at Raleigh, - - - 50 bales. quotations: Ordinary, - - ' - v -Good ordinary , - - " - - 19 J 21 2U Low middling, - : - - - Newbrrn Corn Market, REPORTED BY' WILLIAM H. OLIVER, Corn and Commission Merchants, Newbbrn, N. C, Feb. 6, 1872. Market quiet. Receipts! large, Sales at 6263 cents per bushel of 56 pounds. Railroad rreignt to uoidsporo oc, to Wil mington 10c, to Raleigh 10c., to Charlotte 18c. per bushel. , 1 W. T. ADAMS. T. R. ADAM.'i W. T. ADAMS & SOW, Manufacturers and Dealers in STEAM ENGINES, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoisting Machines, and all kind of j CASTINGS. All work neatly and promptly executed, by skilful workmen, on the most reasonable terms. , The senior partner has had over 40 years experience in the business;and feels justified in saying that he can give entire satisfaction. WANTED 100,000 pounds old Cast Iron, for which the highest market price will be paid, in cash or exchange for work. "VVorlif one Square West of Court House. Raleigh, January 23, 1S72. 33 w3m. 1 1 g ' 1 . QT. JOHN'S COLLEGE, AT OXFORD, KJ N. C., 1TOI1 LEASE. The Board of Directors propose to lease the above property for a High Male or Fe male School or College for a term of five years. f. At the late annual communication ol the Grand Lodge of. North Carolina, It was de cided by resolution never to sell the above property or divert it from its original pur pose. ,. Description of the above Property. . The building is of the best brick, 120 feet by 40, with a centre of 60feet in depth, four stories, with basement, containing a chapel 40 feet by 60, with large and spacious gal lery ; 8 large professor and recitation rooms ; 2 society rooms and 53 dormitories. The above building is situated in a beau tiful ten acre grove, studded with large na tive oaks, the whole enclosed with a sub stantial oak plank fence, and is well suited for the immediate reception of a first class School or College. The Directors would state, that in society, climate and water, Oxford is not surpassed by any locality in North Carolina. Proposals for the above property will be received until May 15th, 1872. J. T. LITTLEJOHN, Pres. W. S. Grandy, Sec. feb8-103-td. "JOTICE. U. S. Internal Revenue, ) Collector's Office. Ath Dist., N. C, " Raleigh, Feb. 20th, 1872. J As required by Law, notice is hereby giv en that seizure was made by Chas. D. Up church, Deputy Collector, on the 19th Feb., of four boxes Manufactured Tobacco, the property of Erastus Mitchell; one box Man ufactured Tobacco, the property of W. N. Harris, and four boxes Tobacco, property of unknown. This is to inform any person or persons having any interest in, or claim ing the said Tobacco, to come forward with in thirty days from the date of this notice, and sav why the same shall not be forfeited and sold to the use of the United States, for violation or its Internal Revenue laws. , L J. YOUNG, 1 Collector 4th Dist., N. C. Feb. SO law3w. - , I J. C. L. HARRIS, - - Attorney; a' Law, (Office first doorSouth of Standard building,: . . ' RaUighN. X 4 Practices in thd Courts of W$ke and before U S. Commissioner, and-gives special at tention to the arguing of causes' in - the Supreme Court of North Carolina. - All business entrusted to; him, will receive prompt attention - S6 tf j" h1 " ... - r - " . : - - - : j DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR- J v. Has cured so many cases of " , K - -ys - , - - Asthma and Bronchitis t that it has been pronounced a specific f for these complaints, . -. Wholesale Irice, - TTlSTTTTilTl srP A T17.S TJTATT. i UNITED STATES MAIL. NORTH CAROLINA., . . . ' "Post Office-Department, ) Washington, Jan. 2. 1872. I i Proposals will be received at the Contract Office of this Department until 3 o'clock p m of April 1, next, (to be decided by the 20th) for carrvinghe mails of the United States fronx July 1st, 1872, to June 30, 1875, on the following routes in the State of North Caro lina, and by the schedules of departures and arrivals herein specified, being! routes es tablished at 3d session of 41st Congress, and 1 1st session of 42d Congress, and others. In cluding also routes on wmcn biaaers or contractors, under advertisements of Sept. 30, 1870, and August 4, 1871, failed to fulfill their engagements. 5222 From Lumberton. by Raft Swamp. PhilarJolnhns. T?aH Snrinan. Wakul la, Gilopolis, Cowper Hilf, Anna Parenna, Alfordsviile, Unionville, and Clay Valley, to Lumberton, equal to 34i miles andlback, once a week. , . " " " I , Leave Lumberton Wednesday at 6 a m ; " .. T Arrive at Lumberton next day by 6 5221 . From Elizabethtown,by Abbottsburg and western irong, to wmtesvme, 26 miles and back, three times a week. i Leave Elizabethtown Monday,. Wed nesday and Friday, at 10 a m ; Arrive at Whitesviile by 7 p m : Leave Whitesviile Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, at 10 a m; j Arrive at Elizabethtown bv 7 p. in. 5224 From Burgaw Depot, by Dogwood Grove (n. o.) and Ban nerin an (n.o.) ; to Angola, 21 miles' and back, once a week. " I i Leave Burgaw Depot Friday at 9 a m ; Arrive at Angola by 4 p m; Leave Angola Friday at 4:30 p m ; Arrive at Burgaw next day by 5 p m. 525 From Plymouth to Windsor, 18 miles and back, three times a week. JLeaye Plymouth Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 8 p in ; Arrive at Windsor next days by 12 m; Leave Windsor Monday, Wedi.esday, and Friday at 12 m ; j Arrive at Plymouth next days by 6 p m. ; 5226 From Washington, by Blunt's Creek. I (n o), Durham's Creek n o), ana ! South Creek, (n o), to Goose Creek : Island, 68 miles and back, once a i week. f Leave Washington Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Goose Creek Island Wed nesday by 4 p m ; ! Leave Goose Creek Island Thursday at 6 a m ; i Arrive at Washington Saturday by 4 p m. . - 522 From Harrell's Wharf, by Harrells ville, to Pitch Landing, 12 miles and back, once a week. ! f Leave Harrell's Wharf Wednesday at 8am;' Arrive at Pitch Landing by 12 m Leave Pitch Landing Wednesday at lpm; I Arrive at Harrell's Wharf by 5 p m. i From Woodville to Durant's Neck, 6 miles and back, once a week. Leave Woodville Thursday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Durant's Neck by 10 am; Leave Durant's Neck Thursday at 11 am; Arrive at Woodville by 1 p m. From Kinston, by Fountain Hill, to Ridge Spring, 18 miles and back, once a week. -Leave Kinston Thursday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Ridge Spring by 12 m ; Leave Ridge Spring Thursday at 1 p m ; - . 5228 5229 Arrive at Kinston by 8 p m. 5230 From Wilson, by Saratoga (n o) and Maysville (n o), to Marlborough, 22 miles and back, once a weeK, Leave Wilson Wednesday at 2 pa; Arrive at Marlborough by 9 p m ; Leave Marlborough Wednesday at 6 am; Arrive at Wilson by 1 p m. 5231 From Greensborough, by Summer field, to Oak Ridge, 17 miles and back, once a week. i Leave Greensborough Saturday at 2 pm; Arrive at Oak Ridge py 7 p mj; Leave Oak Ridge Saturday ai 6 a m ; -Arrive at Greensborough by 12 m. From Salisbury, by Wood Leaf, to Mt. Vernon, 16 miles and bak, once a week. Leave Salisbury Wednesday at 7am; Arrive at Mt, Vernon by 12 n ; Leave Mtv Vernon Wednesday at 1 p m; 1 Arrive at Salisbury by 6 i m. From Taylorsville, by Little River (no) and Cedar Valley (n o)i to Le noir, 25 miles and back, once week. Leave Taylorsville Friday at 9 a m ; Arrive at Lenoir by 5 p m. Leave Lenoir Saturday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Taylorsville by 5 pm. From Jefferson, by Nathan's1, Creek and Chestnut Hill, to Mouth o)f Wil son, Va., 19 miles and back, jonce a 5232 5233 5234 week. Leave Jefferson Wednesday atp a m ; Arrive at Mouth of Wilson byj 12 ra ; Leave Mouth of Wilson Wednesday at 1 p m ; Arrive at Jefferson by 7 p m. From Oxford to Berea, 10 niilds back, once a week. 523o aud JUCilVC UA1U1U Odl U1IIOI til- X ) Arrive at Berea by 4pm; Leave. Berea Saturday at 9 a in Arrive at Oxford by 12 m. 5236 From Pittsborouffh. by Beari mont, Ore Hill, Gold Stone (n o), Brush Creek (n o), and Buffalo Ford, to Moffitt's Mills, 35 miles and back, once a week. Teave Pittsborouch Saturday at 6 a m Arrive at Moffittt's Mills by 6 d m Leave Moffitt's Mills Friday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Pittsborough by 6 p pi 5237, From Oci acocke to Hatteras, 20 aad back, once a week. miles Leave Ocracocke Friday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Hattcras Saturday by 10 a in; Leave Hatteras Saturday at 10:30 a m; Arrive at Oreracocke next day by 4 p m. From Bakersville to Cranberry Forge, 30 miles and back, once a week Leave Bakersville Wednesday atj6 a m ; Arrri ve at . Cranberry Forge by 6 p m; r238 Leave Cranberry Forge-Thursday, at Irrivft at Bakersville bv 6 P m. i 5239 Fixm Raleigh, by Uarclaysvuie, to Avervsborough, 35 miles and jback, once a week. Ieave Raleiah Thursday at 6 a m : Arrive at Averysborougn by o p m ; Leave Averysborough Friday at 6am; Arrive at Raleigh by 6 p m. 5240 From Greenville to Bethel, 15 and back, once a week. ruiles Leave Greenville Thursday at 2 m : Arrive at Bethel by o p m r ' Leave Bethel Thursday at 7 a m t P.rApnvilln bv 11 a m. Enos J. Pennypacker, of Wilmington, N C, tailing contractor. . r 5241 From Washington, by Chocowinity, BeUeview. and Switt Island, td Berne, 36 miles and back, six times a week. : - - ! ' - Iavo Washineton daily, Sundays excented. at 6 a m : " - i Arrive at New Berne by4pm; . ! Leave New Berne .daily, Sundays ex ! "eepted, at 6 a m ; ' f' Arrive at Washinston by 4 pm. ; ' " Enos J. Pennypacker, of Wilmington, N i C, failing contractor. 5242 From Plymouth, by Long Ridge and . ! Fork Swamp, to .Washington, 35 t miles and back, three times a week. , ) t Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thursday, i and Saturday at 7 a m ; ArnvA 1 Wsshineton bv 6 D m : Leave Washington Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 7 a m ; p-ive Plymouth by 6 p m 'fe'nos J." Pennypafefcer; of Wilmingt6h,vN, C failing contractor. " a- y. From Windsor, by ! Hotel." Roxobel, 1 - Rich Square, and Jackson, to Sea- ' . board . 50. mites ana nacK, iwicea week to Jackson.- and six times a : " week the residue. - . - , y Leave Windsor Monday and Thurs jv day at 12 m; ; ; . . Arrive at Jackson Tuesday and Fri day by 7 p m; ! Leave Jackson Wednesday and S&t ; nrday at 4 a m ; , Arrive at Windsor Monday and Thurs--''; day byllam; . ' Leave Jackson daily, Sundays excep ted; at 1 p m ; t Arrive at Seaboard by 3 p in ; 7 ' Leave Seaboard daily, Sundays ex- cepted, at 10 a m ; " c-- Arrive at Jackson by 12 hi; Enos J. Pennvpacker. of Wilmington, N C, failing contractor. 52t From Plymouth, by Scuppernong and Sunnyside,- to Columbia, "34- miles r and back, twice a week. ; Leave Plymouth Tuesday and Satur ! day at 7 a m ; ; Arrive at Columbia by 5 p m ; " ' . Leave Columbia Monday anil Wetl j . nesday at 8 a m ; J Arrive at Plymouth by 6 p nn .Enos J Pennypacker, of Wilmington, N . C, failing contractor, 5245 From Raleigh, by Hay's Store, Day , ton, Fish Dam, Stagville Round Hill, Red Mountain, and Mount ' Tirzah, to Roxborough, 52 miles and back, once a week. Leave Raleigh Wednesday at p mj by Arrivoat Roxborough, next day l, . .. 7 pm; ; r " Leave Rox Ixsrough Tuesday at 6 p m ; Arrrivc at Raleigh next day by 12 in. Enos J Pcunypacker, of Wilmlnglon, N j ' v., failing contractor 5246 r rom juanson. uy xownesviue. u Clarksville, Va., 25 miles and back, tnree times a week. t Leave Manson Monday, Wednesday, ana riaay at p m ; V Arrive at Clarksville by 8pm; ; Y Clarksville, .Tuesday, Thurs- i day, and Saturday at 8 a m ; , 'Arrive at Manson by 2 p m. Enos J Pennypacker, of Wilmington, N v., tailing contractor. 5247 From Fayetteville, by Argyle, Inver ness, Solemn Grove, New Gilead. . and Jackson Springs, to Clark's Mills, 45 miles and back, once a week. ' - Lieave Fayette vilie J? riday at 7 a m : . Arrive at Clark's Mills Saturday by I 10 am; Leave Clark's Mills Saturday at 11 : am; Arrive at Fayetteville next daj by 6 ' pm; Enos J Pennypacker, of Wilmington, N C, failing contractor. 5249 From Franklin, ! by Cowee, Uchella, in antinaia, ana orks or Tennessee, to Chilhowee, XI miles and back, i once a week. . Leave Franklin Thursday at 6 am; .' "Arrive at Chilhowee next day by 6 pm; - ' ; Leave Chilhowee Friday at 6.15 p m; Arrive at Nantihala Sunday by 8 a m ; Leave Nan tihala Wednesday at 8 a m ; - ' Arrive at Franklin by 6 p m. 5250 From Murphy, by -Grape Creek (n. .. o.,) and Coker Creek (n. o.,) to Tel- lico Plains, Tenn., 35 miles and back, '. once a week. ' Leave Murphy Wednesday at 7 a m ; 4 Arrive at Tellico Plains by 6 p m; i ' . Leave Tellico Plains Thursday at 7 1 am; ! Arrive at Murphy by 6p m. - 5251 From BakersVille, by Ledger, to 'I Burnsville, 15 miles and back, once a week. Leave Bakers ville Wednesdav at 8 t am; Arrive at Burnsville by lpm; Leave Burnsville Wednesdav at 2 pm; Arrive at Bakersville by 7jp m. For forms of proposal, guarantee, and cer tificate, and also for instructions as to the conditions to be embraced in the contract, fec, see advertisement of this date, in pam phlet form, and Sept. 30, 1870, und Aug. 4, 1871, inviting proposals for service in N. C, to be found at the principal post offices. - Bids should be sent in sealed envelopes, superscibed, "Mail proposals, State of North Carolina," and addressed to the Sec ond Asssistant Postmaster General. J JNO. A. J. CUES WELL. j 4 Postmaster General. Feb. 26, 28 w4w. THE AMERICAN WASHER r j PRICE, $5.50. The American"Vasher Saves Money, Time, and j Drudgery.' The Fatigue' of Washing Day . no Longer Dreaded, but Economy, Efficiency, and Clean Clothing, Sure. .. In. calling public attention to this little machine, a few of the invaluable qualities. (not possessea by any otner wasning ma chine yet invented,) are here enumerated, ; It is ,the smallest, most compact, most portable, most simple in construction, most easily operated. A child ten years old. with a few hours practice, can thoroughly com-' prehend and effectually use it. Tnere is no adjusting, no screws to annoy, no delay in 4 adapting ! It is always ready for use ! It is a perieci nine wonuur t xi is a miniature giant, doing. - more work, and of a better quality, than the most elaborate and costly. One half of the labor is fully saved by its use and the clothes will last one-half longer than by the old plan of the rub board. It will wash the largest blanket. Three shirts at a time, washing thoroughly ! In a word, the ablution of any fabric, from a Quilt to a Lace Curtain or Cambric Handkerchief, are equally within the capacity of this LITTLE GEM 1 It can be fastened to any tub aud taken off at will. ! " No matter how deep rooted a prejudice inay exist against .Washing Machines, the moment this little machine is seen to per form its wonders, all doubts of its cleansing efficacy and utility aro banished, and the doubter and detractor at once become the fast friends of the machine. ; We have testimonials without end, setting forth its numerous advantages over all oth ers, And, from hundreds who have thrown aside the unwieldy, useless machines, which have signally failed to accomplish the ob iectpromisecl in prominent and loud sound ing advertisements. j . ; ... ' - It Is as perfect for washing as a wringer is for wringing. The pricocnother paramount inducement to purcliasers, has been placed so low that it is within the", reach of every housekeeper, and there bf no article of do mestic economy that will repay tho small investment so soon. V - o.ou. All that is asked for this GREAT LABOR SAVER, is a fair trial. We guarantee each machine to do its work perfectly. -.- Sole Agents for the United States A. II. FRANCISCUS fc CC, V 51 3 Market St., l'hilad'a. Pa. The largest and cheapest WOODEN J WARE HOUSE in the United States. . f' Oct. 5, 1871. . . l ? v, , . ,18 w6m. gARK! BARK 1 1 ; .-j :. , , ' ' The undersigned desires to purchase two hundred (200) cords of tan bark for the nse of his Tannery, near this city. ; - Persons getting stave-timber or clearing new';, grounds would do well to save the bark. Any kind of good oak bark will an swer. For particulars as to price," mode of getting, &c. write to meat Raleigh, N. C. Ill 2t. ; R G. LEWIS. " Daily News copy.' .' : -j , - ' '; - , - , L: : -j-otice i . : I have sold my ForestvilleManufacturing Company property and Paper Mills to the "Falls of Neuse Manufacturing Company." All debts due me for paper must be paid to that Company ; and all debts due fro me oiiaccount of. or about the Paper ii ills," must be presented to that Company for settlement. WILL F. ASKEW Raleigh,.Feb, 5, 1872. j - ; 103 ?w, DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR I - - Rejnoves pain in Breast, Sideor Back. PASSENGER TltATN, Richmond & Danville llailroad : - ' North Carolina Dlviiion. : " TIME TABLE Rdelgh 'and Goldsbo Express in effect tUler1 November- 14th. 1871. ; ' : !:.!."; It ' ; ; ' ' . '. ooino jeast: ! STATIONS. ARRIVE. LEAYK, Raleisrh. v i 1 7.00 P. U. 7.25 ": 7.42 v Auburn, .' Clayton, , Wilson's Mills. 7.39 P. M. a05 " 8.06 1 8.26 ' Sehna, 8.23 8.49 Boon Hill. 8.50 " ! OoldslKro'," ' 19.23 GOING west: SPECIAL 4 i . : ( , STJATIONS. ARRIVE. LEAVE. ' Raleigh, 1.55.pji. f Auburn, "." ' ' 1.29 p. jr. ' . Clayton, 1.01 " '1.05 "! J Wilson's Mill, 12.36 " 12.37" ; Selma, 12.16 ," 12.18," t ; Boon Hill, ; . 11.51 AM. 11.52 . ! ldsboro', . 11.15 am. GREEN. Master Transportation. Appro veil: i T. M. R. Talcott, i i Engineer and Superintendent. AKE COUNTY: In tiie Superior Court. .... 1 Mathilde Kliffmuller, plaintiff, ) ' I . J against - Summons. Ambrose Lilge, defendant. J i The State op North Carolina, , To the Sheriff of Wake County iSreeting : You are hereby coinmauded, as heretofore, ' to summon Ambrose Lilgc, tho Defendant, above named, If he bo found within your Couity, to be and appear 1efore the Judge' of our SuDerior Court, at the Court, to be Uield for the County of Wake, at the Court House in itaieign on tne sui jMonaay arter the 2nd Monday of February, 1872, and an swer the complaint which has been deposited in the office of the clork of the Superlo'r Court of said County, and let the said defen dant take notice that if he fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the Plain- . s tiff will take judgment against himi for the sum of Six Hundred and Twenty-nve Dol-. lars, with interest thereon- from the 1st day of August 1871, till paid. ! In this action a warrant of attachment has been obtained against the property of ' said defendant for the sum of $625 and interest due his note returnable to the regular term ol the Superior Court for the County of Wake, to be held at the Court House in Raleigh on the 8th Monday after the 2nd Monday of February, 1872. I ' i , - Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. ' I Given under my hand and the seal of said rT, r i Court, this fith day of February 1872. , LSEAL.J J. N. BUNTING, j Clerk Superior Court Wake County, j A. W. Shaffer, Plaintiffs Attorney. r Feb. 12. . ; 105 law4w. ' .' - ' i "TXT" AKE COUNTY : In the Superior - W Court. . - i j . . William Knabe, Emlst Knabe, and Chas. Keidel, copartners trading under the firm, : name and style of William Knabe t Co., against i r .' ! Ambrose Lilge.--Summons. ' . j . The State of North Carolina, , ' i To the Sheriff of Wake County Greeting i ; You are hereby commanded as heretofore to summon Ambrose Lilge,' the ' Defendant above named, if he be found within your County to be and appear before the J udge of our Superior Court, at the Court to be held for the County of Wake, at the Court House in Raleigh, on the 8th Monday after the 2nd Monday of February, and answer the complaint which has been deposited hr the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, and let the said defendant take notice that if he fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintiffs will take Judgment against him for the sunt of one thousand dollars, with interest on tne-same lrom tne lltn day or Jan uary 1872, and for costs. In this action a warrant of attachment has been obtained . ; against the property of the said defendant tor the sum or i,oix and interest, due upon open account for goods, wares and merchan dise sold and delivered by; the Plaintiff to him at his request returnable to the, regu lar term of the Superior Court for the Coun ty of Wake, to be held at tne court houro in Raleigh, on the 8th Monday after the 2nd Monday in February 1872. . I j Hereof fail not, ana of this summons make due return. t I .1 ' ' ' Gfven under my hand and the seal of said j : i-ot n Court, this 10th day of Feb., 1872,' ' seal. .... . ' j. N. BUNTING. Clerk Superior Court Wake County j , : A. W. Shaffer, Plaintiffs Attorney. Feb. 15. j 106 law4w. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED . STATES Fourth Circuit and Drs- trict of North Carolina. i !. November Term, 1871 In Equity. j . In the matter of 'Anthony H. Swasey for himself and others, Ac., ! I 1 ' " ' " against i Tho , North Carolina Railroad Jompany, and David A. Jenkins, Public Treasurer . of the State of North Carolina,. aud others.1 Tho undersigned having been appointed; , Commissioner by a decree of the said Court, made in the above named cause, at its No- ' vember term, 1871,. to take an account of what is due to the plaintiff, A. II. Swasey, and all other persons holding coupons f, ' tho bonds in the bill mentioned, issued by ' tthe State of North Carolina for the construe-' tion of the North Carolina Railroad under the acts, in the bill mentioned un account,, of such coupons, and of ,the dividends and " funds applicable to tho satisfaction of mich ' coupons, and to cause an advertisement to be published for such holders of such eon-! pons to come In before him and prove their debts, and to lix a peremptory day for that purpose ; and in default of their coming In,' . . and proving- debts by such "day, that they . be excluded from tho benefit of this decree, tc. And for ths better taking of sue h ac counts that 'such parties produce, fee; and bo examined, tc. - . ' . These are thereforo to notify all persons ' owning any of the coupons of the bonds is sued by the State of Isorth Carolina under and by virtue of tho provisions of I Af-ts of the General Assembly of said State, and, ratified on tho 27th day of January, 18l9, ,. and on the 14th day of 1 ebrnary, 1055. both passed to aid the North Carolina Railroad! . Company to construct Its road, Ut appear '' before the undersigned at the ofrt'; or tho Clerk of the Raid Uurt, in the city of Ral-l eigh and State of North Carolina,.on or ; ; fore the 25th day of May, 1872, then and,'; there to produce and prove the said coupons, ! and to be examined according to the tern.s : of t':.e said decree in the said cause. ! . " JOSEPH B. BaTCHELOR,- Commissioner, c. . Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 5, 1872. 104 3 w. STATITOF NORTH CAROLINA, -Granville County. . - Superior Court. Norman Long, Administrator o? Rufus 'T. Hellin Deceased, ; . . : , . t against , J, ' Daniel W. Rencher and Emma, his wife, .-Lewis. Heflin and others. Petition to make real estate assets &c. i. . This cause coming onto bo heard, and it appearing to the satisfaction - of the Court that Rufus Heflin, Francis Heflin, Thomas Heflin, Ella Heflin, Pattie and her bus- ' band, whose namo is unknown to the Plaintiff, and non residents of this State, and supposed to be a resident of the State of Texas. On motion of Willis II. Jenkins, Attorney for the Plaintiff, it is therefore or dered, that publication be made for six weeks in The Carolina. Era, a paper published In the city of Raleigh, N. C., no tifying the said defendants of the filing of. the complaint In this proceeding,- that the same is for sale of.real estate to pay. debts, and Jhat they make appearance at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, for Gran ville county m Oxford; on or before the 30th day of March next, and answer, plead or de-" mur as they may see fit, and that upon I failure to appear, the prayer of the Petitioner , will be granted and an order of sale made according to law. . . C. BETTS, Clerk, j -: ; Sup'r Court of Gianville Co,' . Feb. 12, 1872. 80 w6w.

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