fit jttd tx? - All Letter relating to suDscnpuooa or . .-...r.nU. mutt b addrewed to WM. M. ACVei"- - BROWN. Batine. MnCer. Alt Rei""d I-etterm cn b sent at our risk. Subscribers receiving their papers with n .m x mark, may know that the time for 'which they subscribed Is nearly out, and j receiving two unless hpv renew, auer with a cross mark, their papers will ldi-'iilinued. .T.O LOOiVN lIARRIS,12ditor. THURSDAY, aiARCII 7th, 1872. Local, State and General Items. Notauy Public Mr. E. It. Hampton, ,.c Jackson, ha.- been appointed Notary ju!,Iie by Gov. Caldwell. ' . Affirmed. The decision of the Superior C.mrt in the case of Columbus Adair, GoTan Adair, and Banard, for the murder of Silas Weston and his two children, has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Drowned. The HiUsboro' Recorder says a negro girl named Ada Rountree living at Mr. Joe McKee'a in that county fell into Little River while crossing a foot log and was drowned. Mr. Joe Smith let the water out: of his mill and she was fonnd in tho , bottom of tho pond. Use a fed. We are Informed that a priso ner escaped from the penitentiary last week. That he was not missed for four days. It is unknown how he escaped. It has been sug gested that the absent convict may have been killed and appropriated to satisfy the cravings of hunger. W. C. cfc R. R. The Wilmington Journal says the first Installment of the iron arrived here for the Eastern Division of the Wil mington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, went up the road yesterday, and we may expect that tho trains will run to Lllcsville, next week. Railroad to Siiklby. The Cleavclnnd Iianncr says another Hurry about the Rail road coming to Shelby, was created some time since, and we are glad to learn that Ave will not be deceived ; the cross-ties are be ing cut and all the necessary arrangements nre being made to commence work in earn est in a few days. Uafe. The Charlotte Democrat is in formed by a gentleman from Union coun ty, that on Friday, the 9th inst., a negro man did most horribly and brutally violate the person of a young lady "living in said county. After the wretch had committed his hellish purpose he fled, but was captur ed the next day and lodged in Jail. Dead. Alfred Lanier Price, one of the founders of The Journal an old printer who served bis apprenticeship in tho city of Washington and who retained his connec tion with The Journal until January, 1S71, when ho sold his interest to his partner, Maj. Engelhard, died in Wilmington the other day in the fifty-seventh year of his age. . Pistol Fired in Church. A little boy nccidentally discharged a pistol in the M. IZ. Church at Newbern, on Sunday last, shooting another littlo boy in the side. The lull struck a rib and passed around the lodv. the wound not being consiuere gcroiw. The services nmtlv In a close. So were Drougm. we learn from A. al- The Titties. t Republican Mass Meeting. The Re publicans of Craven county will hold a meeting In Newberne on the 27th of March next, for the purpose of electing delegates to the State Convention to be held in Ral eigh on the 17th day of April, 1S72, and to the District Convention to be h Id at such time and plat as may be determined upon by the proper authority. I'rprm.lCAS l x-fc- i - TY.There will be a meeting of the Repub lican party held in Lillington iiarnewcouu ...,.sfttiirdav thel6thof March next fo deletrates to the tne purwwo w "t i " 1 . '.7,-1 in. to the District Conven Uon and to the Senatorial District to beheld at such times and places as may do acs.i iiatcd. n.TnSPRAKINO.-Col. I. J. YoUrtg, ti.mB. Long. Maj. Jas. H. Foote, . TT-rifirion- Gen. W. D. Jones, and others," will address the people of Chat J .t the following times and . Vt Merrr Oaks. March the 7th, 1 . v fi ti,fi Rth. and Snow Camp ill l HU1UUlu"b" ' the 9th. , The iple are invited to attend. .. rnwFVTios.-Delegates to the u Convention will be I-ssed to -d from Raleigh for one fare on in ... oik! Rutherford, Nor "a, tho IUMSU and TtJ.. ...l,tm ItaUrolds. Other roads ana mu . . have ... Hrt likewise. Let us nave win pruu-v - state Con- one iiiouu" A ticiccaiei ni. vontion.- Every county shouia u . - tvoll rolling. sented in ierson. - -Republican papers will please copjr the 17th of April stiii the Ball Rolls ox.-We are au NTILL tu- Grand Mass thoriicd to announce that a uranu i . . TJnrMiblicans of Yadkin Meeting o r.K ..nhnnsa at i-onntv will be held in uio Yadkinvillo on it. Ainnniv. the 4th aay i . i ..-horA delegates io March, 1872, wnen " nl arch, 1S72, wh theStateana m, .. organization of appointed, and . thorough orn Vvi - the party, Uirougnou. desire the sue- All arsons who iaur E cess of Kepuuuca -""tlv requested to Republican party are urgently rcq attend. ... nrincimn Stba wbebw es. To Produce Large remove the sou The Wilmington - f Inch around each. hill to . or more, wlinout - .chea .pread evedr over .n arcao. "-"J, linseed meal or on m ii r then s linseed meal or ou irhin- of . and then spread - UtCllun hay or straw two m- thQ tire surface supply weather be warm and dry romote wtirdaUy will greatly I'1" , ?An over w the growth of tth vine , and rri up the weeos t em up Avlth strawberries ratner -- near hoes, as a eytia of rooU ould not the surface of the ground which sno be injured with a broad he. Aristocratic Swindler. if we are not mistaken, two or three years ago there was a man lecturing in this place underthe cog nomen of S. Adams" Lee. This fellow Is an impostor. He is no relation, to the la mented Robert E.. Lee, Until lately, we had lost sight of tho gentleman (?) J- A few days ago he turned up in Kentucky under the aristocratic appellation of S.j Adams Lee. He pretented that he had lost his right foot in thebattlo between the Meriniack and : . 1 r .. , , . . - . -uvnuor ; tnatne was the relative of some ui me mosi innuential families of the South. He produced letters signed by leading Southern gentlemen. These -testimonials secured him a fitting reception where ver he went. Southern hospitality was never more graciously extended than to Lee, who re galed his friends with readings from the poets, and lectures on marine mosses.' So well did he play his part, that his real char acter was unsuspected ..tmtil, the editor of The Yeoman instituted inquiries in other States, and published the result nsder the head of "A" Swindler on his Travels." This exposition did not come in time to save a worthy young lady , from a serious flirtation with S. Adams. - , 1 'V At New Castle, Ky.t Lee formed the ac quaintance of a Miss Hawks, , a native of Rochester, N.Y. He worked upon the young lady's affections to such an extent that she refused to believe the publication which appeared in The Yeoman. Thecouple eloped, and but for the 'intervention of friends the marriage ceremony would have been performed. To satisfy Miss Hawks that he was a scoundrel, S. Adanis was compelled to make a complete confession.of. his swindles in her presence. Tho lady has since written a letter of thanks to tho( news papers, in which she gives to the public a romantic story of her love and deception. It has como to light that Miss Hawks at tempted to rid herself of S. Adams! while under the impression that he was n im postor. After being dismissed, Lee went to another town, where he forwarded Miss Hawks a telegram in the name of a Major Sandford, stating that he had shot himself in the left lung in consequence of herj treat ment. A letter was received purporting to be from the same person, stating that if tho ball could be found and extracted, Lee knight live. Piteous cries for "his Emma" ind of tho author's faith in "Capt, Lee, of lrgin ia," were tho contents of the letter, i Miss Hawks thought there could bo no petter proof of man's devotion, henco tho elope ment Tn tho face of these facts, the villain was allowed to escape unpunished. We gather these facts from our Ken exchanges. ucky r.ftv w V. TTt if.DE?f. This gentleman has severed his connection with The Wash V" W v w m ington Chronicle. His valedictory is as fol lows : j TO TIIE PUBLIC. j Mv connection with tho Chronicle, as one J ...... i I i of its editors, ceases wun mis numwr j it affords me pleasure tq Dear hia rml.l intestimonv to the unvarying cour tesy and kindness I have received from my associates on the editorial staff, and Trorn the gentlemen employed in the establish ment. t Viovr. aovprfnl mv connection with The Chronicle from no want of ardor in thel Re publican cause, and from no indisposition : xr. ty,a administration oi general IVf DUULAflb luv : , Grant. Jklv resilience iu un3"'ni""i the opportunities I have had iorooseriug nHiirvnnt. havecontirmed me more than ever in my attachment to Republican pnn- ciplcs, and in the conviction that the reelec tion of General Grant is indispensable to the. continued peace and prosperity oi me coun try, if not to the preservation of the Govern rit itcoif T rirard his reelection to a second term as equally important with that of George Washington and ADranaui 111 in 'rhprfl i nothins in his career.wheth- .Mkfl VifMiri nfnrmips or as President of the United States, which does not evmoe his supreme attachment to tho Union, and en title him to the entire confidence of the friends of the Government in the Eastern, Northern, and Western states, niieiiuia . nrvnnni mniiQ is so. no lias oeen uuiiunmj ui.u u..v, generous, and just wwam tuo v." Beople. That people will, I think, make a great mistake if they do not sustain him in this contest Dy even largei niajii" they gave him in 1863. . I ti. 11. iiuui"-" Unity of Action. The Xeicbem Time says the time is now upon us that we should ganize and concentrate every euorcj 10- wards sustaining aim mtJCiKiug canism. We must lay aside all personal differences, and learn to live "more in ac cordance with that spirit of Republicanism upon which the fouudation of our govern ment is laid. Men must lay aside prejudices, Iao -ti o coir rn ial that shall sacrifice their orciudices at their Country's Altar, and by pursuing such a course we shall silence the cavils of opposers and enemies, cement our own ranks, and increase our numbers ixom the "Armies of the Aliens." The ltepuun can party of North Carolina has a duty to e ixo rxoi nctsiimd that being perii'iui, " w i bound together as we are in a unity of pur pose, we shall well and faithfully perform that duty, in the election of our State jand countv officers, and by rolling up a good round" majority for U S. Grant as President Attempted Assasixation. Ciueeri Victoria was subjected to a dastardly attack by an infuriated Fenian on Thursday jlast The Queen was returning from a drive in Tfm-.lA Park, when a young man named Al fred O'Connor rushed to the carriage (and 4 nl- thr rn val ladv with an unloaded pistol, at the same time presenting a docu ment demanding amnesty for imprisoned Fenians, and exclaiming "Sign this or oie. ' Prince Arthur, who was seated in the car riage with the Queen, knocked the pian down. O'Connor was seized and conveyed to prison. The Queen was perfectly calm. When O'Connor was questioned he said his design was to frighten the Queen into doing justice to Ireland. Of course the event! nas caused great excitemeui. nrmntnrilT interrupted in the ness waa j-n.iv.M'i""-". i t-i while Lord Granville rc- w lated tho facts to their lordships. Murdeber Arrested. The Wilmington Star of, Saturday says about half past 11; o'clock, a description, taken from a paper, of John Mills, . colored, charged w ith the murder, in Halifax county, on Friday, the SS. of February, of Travis Washington, for. whom Gov. Caldwell has offered a reward of S200, was handed to Sergeant Walcott, of Si police force, by Capt. Bordon Conduo the Wilmington Weldon Railroad, wTth the information that he was in the city, bang arrived on his train. The officer tie description and in five minutes af erwards, at the head of the market, in eon verLtion with another colored man, h? dis covered the object of his search and effected S? H.L The murderer was lodged in hi arrest, a no orMUisitionfrom theauthorfties of Halifax. roiivail is absent on Absent. wt. - " TT ni . - it- XCnrcranton. H WlU visit to nis latuj - return next week. Supreme Court Decisions. The fol Jowing. opinions were rendered by this Court on Monday last : ' , By Pearson, C J : - !" ;v Henry Whitted, guardian, vs Hit Nasn, et al.t from Orange. Remanding mo cause at thejelection of defendants, utnerwise ndgmenttobe affirmed. O Sprinkle vs Julius Martin et au, rrom Wilkes. Error. ; ventre ae novo. . , , A C Osborne v E F Johnson, from Wilkes. No error, judgment amrmeu. 1 . r - ' ' ' byReape, J: -: Jeremiah KesUer, administrator, vs v a Smith, from Cabarrus.. Error. rmrc novo., ", "" ; Vv l ' . - . J T Council vs A McFayden et aL, from Bladen. No error. J udgmeni uanuw. li TT Kimrsbunr vs Chatham llauroaa Company, from G ran vflle.- Error. Jndg- j ment reversed and case dismissed. - By Rodman, i : -'. 1 . ! Coughlan, -Randall fc Co., vs K M White, sheriff, from Mecklenburg. .Error. Juug- mentjevUed and cause remanaea. Susan Mebane, guardian, et aL., vs o x Mebane, e aL, from Cabarrus, o error. Judgment afflrmcd. j 'State vs Frank Beatty, from taiawua.- Error. Judgment revera ana ec manded. ' . v ; By Dick, J : !.T.nti Tfarshaw's executors vs Wm F McKesson" et aL. from BurKe, Proceed- ngs dismissed. IT L Hemphill and wife, et ai., vs Carlton a J!. Giles, from Burke, urror. acuoh u.w misfeed. . T L Hemphill and wife, et aL, vs Benj A Ross, from Burke. Krror. acuou dis missed. By Boyden, J II W Burton vs Charles Wilkes, from Lincoln. Error. Venire ac novo. A R Homesly vs Elias & Cohen, irom Gaston. Error. enire ae novo. State vs B F & J II Whitaker, from Hali- ax. Error. Venire de novo. The Justices filed opinions Tuesday as follows : , tjy Pearson, C J : John Turpih vs E B llerren and son irom Haywood. Judgment for piamtin, wun hiodification of the judgment oeiow. W F McKesson vs Nancy Hennessee, from Burke. Error. Judgment reversea. BvReade, J: Elizabeth Ivey vs Sarah A Granberry, rom Perquimans. Error. Judgment re versed and judgment for the plaintiff. Wm. Norton, adm'r, vs T II Edwards, et aL, from Jackson. No error. M II Brandon, adm'r, vs T A Allison et aL, from Iredell, ino error. juuSuieui, Kffirnied. " ' 5 By Rodman, J : James Toms vs uenry Warson,' from Buncombe. No error. James Calloway vs John Bryce, irom Wilkes. No error. Judgment amruiw. By Dick;J: . ; John W Martin, ex'r, vs u vvnoorue t aL, from Wilkes, jno error, juuguicm, affirmed. ! Philip Walsh vs Rufus D Hall, from Caldwell. Error. Judgment reversed. By Boyden, J : ! State vs Alfred Simmons irom taiuwen. Error. Venire de novo. Heniy J McNeill, et al., vs lora Kiddle, from Moore. No error. J udgmem amrmeu. ! Scpreme Court Decisions. This Court Rendered decisions on Wednesday last, as follows : ?y Pearson, C. J : Susan Fi lton vs W L Elliott, ct aL, from Peraulman. Judgment amrmeu uu li neal dismissed. 1 A TTnwPR VS K JNlaunV. ec at., iruui r 1 t r Rowan. Injunction continuea, wnu iwiyc . m.w. . - - to defendants to apply ior a recei vi . ero fionrcfl Dollar, irom waKe, Koa nnnrpr i TTuikG reasoxianie ai- VUUi m xj W ldwances to experts. ... fininmhns Adair al.. irom Itenderson. No error. Judgment affirmed. ir A AlCJMncn aim wuo ia " jj Worn Mecklenburg, ro error. juubiui affirmed. m . . . 0 1 R Alexander et at., vs a oi"j a?., from Lincoln, jaagmeiu ueiuw iicu. VilL- '.State vs Liaiayene rait Error. Venire de novo. TTr. TATf IV -T fro a TTarrW and wife vs R D McCombs el aL. fronfcherokee. Cause remanded, monir rf nhnrlotte vs H Britton et al from Mecklenburg. No error. Judgment affirmed. - . . ' - itvnii.mGinn Ar Tai-boro' Railroad Co.. vs urc uhid frnm Kderecombe. Order mod ified so as to make injunction temporary. By Dick. J : 2 Mr. Portrum, ad'm. vs. J. O. WTilliams, et. aL. from Ruterford. Error. Venire de nove, t u:.i,nni T.ivttfr vsJ J. J. Osborn. from Itenderson. No error. 1 J udgment affirm ... 3 ' ' 1 j Parker & Gatling vs. W. O. House et. aL, from Halifax. Error. Further proceedings, 4c. Tt-4 TlrvnE5f . J : HW. H. Shields, administrator, vs. J. istrator. from Halifax. No Judcrement affirmed. Wm. J Green vs Board of Commissioners wri Wkr.i Error. Order ro- L - . f anvf . " ' ' i lTrrtnn vs Eliiah Grren. from Cald well- No error. Judgment affirmed. I On Thursday last, as follows : ! John Watts, administrator vs J Leg- tf et al . from Martin. Error. J udg- truant. rfvrsed. ; T State vs Bob Thorn from iklgecombe. frmr . .Tiidcment arrested. I.John Johnson vs John F Cross, ad- wiinistrfltor. from Pasauotank. Judg- mont ravorspd and iudffment on the jirpiipd. in favor of the plaintiff. T Tnhn a Tncr vs A T Cole, et al.. from llichmond. Judgment reversed and further proceedings to be had in court below. ttv HP.ADE. J. : s Afnrv Ijaxton vs Ed Tilley, adminis trator, et al., from Caldwell. Judgment modified and cause remanded. I Aaron Ladd vs J P Adams etal., from Wilkes. Xo error, juagmeni Affirmpd. i l, P Bavne vs Public Treasurer of k C. from Wake. I No error. Judg ment affirmed. ' h v RnnMAX. J. : r R a Pullen. executor, vs Commis sioners of .Wake, from Wake. Judg- mpnt bplow modinea. ! B M Isler vs O R Colgrove, et al., f mm Jones. No error. Judgment at- firmpd. W S Mason vs Alfred Williams, from . t j a. a- .l Wake. iS O error. J uugruen t amrmeu. rtv TUnr. J. : V -p. s Radcr vs 1 L Jones et al., from Wfcf No error. . Judgment affirm- . . T f R II Kingsbury guardian, vs W R b? vt. from Granville. Error. UUi. 1 S w ti Ptiwell vs Benjamin Smith, from Franklin. Error. Judgment here jbr plaintiff on the special verdict. By Boyden, J. : . - -Aliph- Dozier etal., vs C W Grandy and wife, from Currituck. , No errors Judgment affirmed. ( : ' , J F Fare vs M Masten, shenff, from Forsythe. Error. Venire de novo. T W Taylor vs H Adams. Auditor, from Wake. No error. Judgment af firmed. , ; :,,.. - ; . ! .: :r,i-.f On Friday last as follows : , By Pearson, C. J. : J J Osborne vs Joseph Henry, from Henderson. Error. Judgment revers ed School Committee vs Tobias Kesler, et al., from Rowan. Appeal dismissed. Uriah Baucom vs Orren Smith, from Wake. No error. Judgment affirmed. State vs George Henderson, from Wake. No error. Judgment affirmed. W S Mason vs Alfred Williams, from Wake. Dissenting opinion. By Reade, J. : J . ' W H Lawrence vs M Steel et al., from Catawba. No error. Judgment af firmed. . . Burns & Smucker vs Harris & Allen, from Franklin. No error. Judgment affirmed. ; ' T . T . W M Sutton and wife vs J A J As kew, from Bertie. Error. Judgment reversed. .; . L H Di lunger vs A u lrweea, irom Yancey. No error, j uagmeni aiurm- ed. ' ' y - By Rodman, J. : - , F E Winslow vs lienry wnue, irum Perquimans. Judgment amrmea. Plaintill to pay costs. . : . . J B Leggett vs tne neirs oi jsenjaunu Leggett, from Martin. &rror. juag ment reversed. . . T G Simmons et al., vs commission ers of Jones county, from Jones, .ter ror. Cause remanded. Jacn party paying half costs. T W J opnnKie xuu wnc tt. m., o Hutchinson, executor, et al., from Mecklenburg. Bill dismissed. R A Kingsbury, guarcnan, vs jw u Fleming et al., Irom Granvuie. io error, j uagmeni amrmeu. ., J N Bunting vs Isaac oy ana.wiie, from Wake. Irror. juagment re- versed and cause remanded. J C AVashington vs uommissionera ui - Carteret county, irom laneicu error. Judgment affirmed. nn, ' Thos Whitridgevs Aiexanaerir luy lor, from Mecklenburg, n-rror. Wesson & iunting vs x o juuuu and wife, from Cumbenana. jo er ror. Judgment affirmed. .. W M Sutton and wife vs J a j As kew, from Bertie. Dissenting opinion. By Boyden, j.: - , . . Jacob Somers, vs j acoo Airea, aum r, et al., from Alamance. Error. m James mmory ana wne, ec at., va x. B Lyon, et al., from Granville. N o er- ror. juagmens uourmeu. M M Withers executrix, vs T W Sparrow and wife etal., from Mecklen- burg. Jso error, juugiueut nuuuicu. Tichborne. The N. Y. Post says &ir John Duke of Coleridge, concluded on the 21st inst., in the Tichborne trial, one 01 mo longest speeches before a jury on record, having spoken more than twenty aays, re- tween four and five hours each day. The reports of his speech have occupied about seven columns in fine print of The London Times, five days in each week, for more than four weeks past. The speecn, now- hkn its nlaee in the history of iurisnrudence, as more remarkable for its " . ... V.1 - clearness, its conciseness ana its aarairauiu t of fticts and arsuments than for itsunusual length. It seems strange, perhaps, to speak of so long a speech as "concise," but it was a review 01 eviueuw elicited during nearly sixty days of a very searching examination of many witnesses. c; rVklfirirlsrfi has arranged all the facts shown in their proper sequence, and examined their significance, with no super fluity of words, and without dwelling upon details more than their importance seemed to warrant. He has exhibited in the strong est possible light the many contradictions and inconsistencies on the part of the claim ant and his witnesses. He has shown, con clusively, that this man remembers noth ing whatever of the life of Sir Roger licn borne previous to his twenty-third year, when he disappeared. What he seems to remember is easily traceable to the oppor tunity he had to read Sir Roger s letters during his life in England ; ana in aiiouier instances, what he professed to remember is proved to be false. The games of his childhood, his teachers, rambles, school mates and other associations are all a blanfc 1 Knr tuts strange lreai. ui ... . c 1- memory no explanation as of sickness or mental debility has been offered, and HI 1119 llllliu. much of the remarkable speech just con cluded was devoted to this branch of the - ... 1 M subject. It is safe to say mat wnen me counsel for the defence resumed his seat, the iury were ready to give a verdict ftP-iinst . the plaintiff without leaving the court-joom. The coming testimony will be interesting in itself, but it can have no important bearing on the result. That r wifnoca .nllrH Lord BelleW. 18 Ul IUU UlOfc v v reported as " very damaging to the claim ant," Pimnir. "VrkMT?! ATIOTfS. The following is the list of those who are seeking the rad ical gubernatorial nomination : Tod R. Caldwell, Thos. Settle, t. v. lm llawK liogers, jiarK y imuiua, cw.v tnn numerous to menuon. 11 fv should lack a candidate ior xji. uovwuui, resort to the penitentiary would supply sat isfactorily the deficiency. Sentinel. Josiah Turner, Jr., J. M. Leacn, i'iaio nnrham. Albert Williams, coi., otepnc" WTorth, col., Randolph Shotwell and Amos Owens, are candidates for the ku kiux nomination for Governor. Bhouia tne uens be in want of a candidate for Lieut, gov ernor, one Keith, who murdered in cold blood, fifteen litUe boys in the Laurel Val ley, Madison county, can doubtless, be persuaded to accept the second place on the ticket. . . . ; An honest man informs us thatue wouia sooner nave a uuu murder, for Governor, than the man who stole $3,338 from the State under the cover of the letter m. Reason . A murderer is not alwas a rogue. - Republican Meeting Davidson Co. The Republicans of this county will hold a Convention at the Court House in .Lexing ton on Saturday the Cth of April, 1872, for the'purpose of nominating delegates to the State Convention, and for the purpose of organizing foi the coming campaign.; Rally up Republicans, let every townsnip be lully represented. Our lives, ur prop erty, our all depends upon the result of the next campaign, and the overthrow of the Ku Klux party in our good old State. ti tt Ani0r oft hp F.icecutive Committee of Davidson county. . Relieved. We are informed that W. H. Martin, Chief of Police, has been reliev ed of duty. Found Dead Mubdek.-The Goldsboro Messenger sayslthe body of George Boyett, I (colored,) aged r about 18 yearswas louna buried near? the1 Atlantic Railroad, about one mile from G oldsbofo, on .yesterday. The boy had been missed from home ever since ;last Wednesday. . ' This 4 Induced a number of colored men to search an old field where he was last seen at worit, ana there the body was discovered. The coro ner was duiynotified and a jury of Inquest held yesterday, evening. The post fnortem examination showed that seventeen buck shot had entered in the back of the boy's head. Strong circumstantial evidence be fore the jury led- to the arrest of Stephen Bradfield, the boy's step-father, who is now in jail.. , . ., : Oak City Savings Bank of Ral- eigh.t This institution was organizes at the Stock Holders meeting Friday evening last and the amount of stock necessary un der the charter was subscribed." The, Board of Directors will meet again at an early day for the election ot officers when they will be prepared to open for bus iness as soon as a Banking House can be ob tained. : This Bank promises to supply a much needed source of relief to our people and at thejsame time be a profitable in vestment to the stockholders. Goon Selections. At tho last regular meeti ng of the Raleigh Typographical u n ion,' held on Saturday evening, March 2d, the resignation of Mr. Jas. S. Harward, was read and accepted, as Vice-President, and the Union elected our young typo, friend, W. J-Edwards to fill the unexpired term, also the resignation of Wm. M. Brown, as Treasurer was read and Mr. J. J. Ijewi3 was elected in his stead. These are good selec tions and we feel satisfied that the Union will find them good and efficient officers. BIARRIAGES i Married, in this city, on Wednesday evening, J? eD. asm, 1044, uy c. . xronniham. t. Marquis Li. king ana miss Sallie M. Pctnet Raleigh Markets. Wholesale TPrices. , ;- '- BY ' : -- ; POOL z MORING, Grocers and Commission Mercluxnts, Cornor Wilmington and Martin Sts. COTTON per ft., -CORN per bushel, j - -OATS per bushel, - - " FLOUR North Carolina Family, FLOUR Baltimore Family, BACON per ft. - - -SALT per sack, -BAGGING - - - -COTTON YARN " , ' " CORN MEAL per bushel, - - 20 - 90 . . - 1 00 8 50 10 50 8i 2 85 16 1 70 95 IZetail IJrice. . BY MARCOM & -A- LFO R X) Grocers and Commission Merchant, Hargett Street. BACON Baltimore smoked, 10 91 125 8 15 25 25 7 (3) 3 30 20 05 90 25 (o 20 11 10 00 9 17 30 30 8 5 40 25 -unsmoked, strips, -shoulders, N. C. Hams, BUTTER per lb. -BEESWAX per lb., BEEF on hoof, - "; per quarter, COFFEE per ft., -CHEESE per ft., COTTON YARN per bale, 1 CORN per bushel, CHICKENS per piece -EGGS per dozen, FLOUR per bbl., FODDER per 100 lbs., - 1 CO 35 25 00 ftoll 00 40 1 50 75 L00 6 7 12 15 50 S 00 30 40 15 33 50 IT AY Der 100 ros., - HIDES green, per lb., - : . . ary, per id., -HERRINGS, N. C per bbl., LEATHER per ft., - LARD per ft., - -MOLASSES per gallon, - Goiuen yrup, 1 CO MEAL per bushel, 00 1 10 85 (dil 00 00 1 00 9 10 75 2 50 80 1 00 20 00 OATS per bushel, - if per 100 IDs., PORK - . - - - " POTATOES msh, per bush.. i sweet, per uusn. SUGAR crushed, - " extra c, - " " P. R., - - " it common, 16 16 15 00 12J 00 75 3 00 7 10 40 (a) 50 SALT per sack, -TALLOW per ft., VINEGAR per gallon, - Cotton Markets, BY GEORGE T. STKOJNAUH, rWr in tJoUon ana j.avui mui 1 . HI ! Market and Martin Streets. - a ' 1 . QUOTATIONS!; 19i Ordinary, 20 Good oroinary 20J Low middling, M ' Newbcrn Corn Market, REPORTED BY WILLIAM I- OLIVER, ' Com and Commission , Merchants, ' v,.,,.m.v f? Feb. 6. 1S72. Market quiet. Receipts large, Salea at 62(&63 cents per Dusnei 01 o ij from,t tr Ooldsboro 5c, to W ll mrngton lOc., to Raleigh 10c, to Charlotte 18c. per bushel. L New Advertisements. Washington, March 1st, 1S72. INTENDING TO SPEND MUCH OF my time in this City, I offer my services to the public as an Agent to prosecute the claims of citizens against the Government of the United States. Address DANIEL R. GOODLOE, Box No. 217 Washington, D. C. mar 4 114 3twttri-w. S TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PiOBTHAilPTOa tWfln. Superior Court. iin,.tTT Paul T TIavlev. Cipio Del- vateh ana nis who v: .r."'. W.-W. Feeblesas Assignee, Plaintitts. . . against W'm H. Havley and Leonidas N.B. Hay ley", Defendants. Summons for Rebel. Special proceedings instituted by the plahitiffs againstthedefendants for partition fW?lliam H. Hay ley and Leonidas N. B.. Hay ley, the above named defendants, who cannot, after due diligence, be found withm the State, are required to appear at the office Slhe Clerk of the Superior Court of Northampton county, on or before.tht day of April, 1872, and answer or demur to thii complaint filed in this Proceeding, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. . , Witness, Noah R. Odom, Clerk of said r , Court, at office in Jackson, this 29th seal. d f February, 1872, under the seat of said Court. , ' i N. R. ODOM, Clerk Sup. Court, Northampton county. March 4; 1872. . 39-w6w. JOHN MASSEY is running a.S-ffi at Carey. He will furnish J ind ot Lumber at short notice. Any order left at this office will receive ompt at100;; Jantiary 10, 18T2. 51-w4w. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE j. ; Washington, Fcb'y, 1,12. Hon. G. W. Brooks, . . rV U.S. District Judge, : . . : Elizabeth Cily,2. C, . . Sir i have the honor to;inlQrm you that the Clerkfof the House, of Representa HvUhas nursuant to the seventh section ofThe Jet of March 2, 1867 selected T for the publication of the treaties, laws, and adver tisements of: the United States in iNorth Carolina, the following named newspaper . TKJi Kba, at Raleigh, in, place of The Ashe villc Pioneer, thus , making tbe two official panors in your State, The Xetc Bern? Iteily liMs and The Raleigh Era. -i GEO. H. WILLIAMS, 113 St. j Attorney General; ;'- -r - TTflTED STATES DISTRICT COURT, JhJ District of North Carolina. I .. ' At Chambers Elizabeth City. ' February 16th, 1872. The Clerk of the House of Representa tives having, pursuant to the act of March 2d, 1867, selected for the publication of the treaties, laws and , advertisements of the United States in North Carolina, the follow ing newspapers : The Era, at Raleigh, in place of The AsheviUe Pioneer, making the two official papers in the District of North Carolina, The Neio Berne Daily Times and The Raleigh Era, . ! ; , ,1 It is ordered, that such notices and adver tisements in cases pending in the District and Circuit i Courts of the United States for this District be hereafter published in one of tho newspapers so selected. - ; - G. W. BROOKS, 113 St ' uist. Judge. W. T. ADAMS & SON, ; Man miicturers and Dealers in . S TE A M v E NGIN ES , SAW ; AND GRIST . MILLS, Plows, narrows. Cultivators, Moisting Machines, and all kind of CASTINGS. ; ' a 11 wnrir npaflv and nromntly executed, by skilful workmen, on the most reasonable terms. . . . , , j The senior partner has naa over w yejir experience in the business, and feels justified in saying that he can give entire satisfaction. WANTED 100,000 pounds old Cast Iron, for which the highest market, price will be paid, in cash or exchange ior wor. j Works one Square West of Court Raleigh, January 23, 1872. i 33-w3m TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, GBANVILLE UOUHTI SUPEBIOB COtTBT. Norman Long, Administrator of Rufus Heflm Deceased, aaainst . Tianifil W. Rencher and Emma, nis wue, Lewis Heflin and otners. r,euuou ,w make real estate assets &c. j Thia raiisfi cominsr on to be heard, and' it onnQ ty(T tn the satislaction 01 tne vours that Rufus Heflin, Francis Heflin, Thomas k.nii mhnsfl name is unknown to the TMoin'Mfr anri nnn residents of this State, and supposed to be a resident of the State of Texas, un motion 01 uiiua a.. ucun.i.., Attorney for the Plaintin, it is tnereiore or dered, that publication be made for six weeks in The Cabolina Era, a paper Kiicr.r.ri in thft eitv of KaieurD. i . no- ,fTr;o.Ho cjiifl rlefendanls of the filing of tui mmniaint in this Droceeding. that the same is for sale of real estate to pay debts, atid that they make appearance ai me omue f tun niort nf tho Sunerior Court, for Gran ville county in Oxford, on or before the 30th day of March next, and answer, plead or de Tnnr as thfiv may see fit. and that upon failure to appear, the prayer of the Petitioner will be granted and an order of sale made accord mgao-Liw. .. ) i 1 U. 15H. X 1(3, V leiJh., JSup'r Court of Gianville Co, Feb. 12jOf2. : 30 w6w, TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE UOUNTY SUPEBIOB COUBT. John Whitelaw and Patrick Doiiaghey, Ad ministrators of John Kane, Pl'tffs, against ' Dennis McCarthy and Mary McCarthy, his wifeand Thomas Kane and Martha Kane, his wife, Dcfts. Petition to sell Land for Assets. ' .. It appearing that Dennis McCarthy and Mary McCarthy, his wife, and ' Thomas Kane, Defendants in the above action, are non-residents of the State of North Carolina, it is ordered that summons, by publication, in The Carolina Era, a newspaper publish ed in the city of Raleigh, be made for the aforesaid Defendants, Dennis McCarthy and Mary McCarthy, his wife, and Thomas Kane, to be and appear at the oflico of the Clerk of our said Court, in the city of Ral eigh, within twenty days afteri the service ofthis summons by publication, as afore said, and answer or demur to the complaint of the said Plaintiffs, which is on lilo m said office, or judgment w ll be rendered pro. confesso as to them. ! , Witness, John N. Bunting,'. Clerk, and Judge of Pro Date, of said county, at office, in the city of Raleigh, the Srst day of I eb ruarv. A. D. 1872. " ' JOHN N. B UNTING, Clerk, feb lw4w and Judge of Probate .- i . -T-niTTvrsTON COUNTY Ix the Su- O pebiob Court. Sarah C. Dawson. Plaintiff. nnnhiM ' Smiunons, Wm. D. Dawson, Defendant State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff" of Johnston County Greeting : Vm, arp, hftrebv commanded to summon Wm. D. Dawson, the defendant above nam ed if he bo found within your county, to be and appear before the Judge of our S uperior Court, at the Court House in Smithfceld, on the (ttb Monday after the 2d Monday of 1- cb-ruai-v, 1S72, and answer the complaint whtch is depo.sited in the office of the Clerk i the Superior Court of said county, and let tho .i.nrifint t.ttifi notice that if he fails to answer the said complaint at mat unie tiiu plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re Fief demanded in the complaint. Herein fail hot, and of this summons make due return. ' , i t . ' . , Given under my hand and the seal ofsaid ., Court, this iaitn aay oi r eu., xoa. L1-" """"J A. X. AtUt.tJA A. , Clerk Supei ior Court Johnston Cd for. li fiw jOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. tct; 5u liomliv riven tiiat a fourth gen eral meeting of the creditors of Henry N. Brown, Bankrupt, will be held at the office of John W. Graham, Esq., n.HlfboT,v' C, before A. W. Shaffer, Register in Bank runtcy, on the 20th day of March, 1872, ttf 10 oclocV A. M., forthe purpo-s njmg.ta the 27tli and 28th sections of tho Bankrupt Act of ThEV7RCFplNASslgn, .-ha law2w. umsouiu , ai. v. --OTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. Notice is hereby giventhat a tWrdgener- j mannr,Ar of the creditors of John A. ennerBankrupt, wiU be held at the office of John y. Graham Esq , in ilis- Virft' N C.. OSIOre A. . oniiui, ivcgwi mBAnkruptcy, on the 20th day of March, i.: m ,.v.YfL!r A. M for the purposes named in the 27th arid 28th sections of the Rnnkrupt Act OI jMaruu, jouu . jjan pi JOHN W. NORWOOD, JOHN W. GRAHAM; ' ? . , Assianees. 114 law2w. nillsboro, N C. i. It 40Q REWARD. A Proclamation by the Governor. ;;' . Executive Department ' ; - ' T ' ' Raleigh,' Feb, 8, 1872.'- ;J - Whereas, Inform-'tion has been receiv- ed atthl3 Department that Luke Johnson v who was convicted at the Fall Term, 1871; of Nash Superior Court of tlie murder of Jerry Taylor and sentenced to be. hangel . on the 24th of November last, broke the Tail ' of said county on Wednesday .night Nov. 1st, 1871, and is still at largo so that the sen-1 tence of tho said Court cannot be executed' " uponhim;' - '-. " - i' Therefore I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by law,do hereby issue this niy proclamation oflering a reward of Foul; Hundred Dollabs for the apprehension ; and delivery of the said Luke Johnson Ui1 the Sheriff" of Nash county," and I do also -enjoin all iflleers of the State and good citizens to assist in bringing said rinLnal t, to justice. .. - ' - J . ( . ' " n Done at the city of Raleigh, this 8th day of February A. D., 1872, and the ,00th year of our independence. lL; , TOD R. CALDWELL, ' By the Governor: ' Goyernor. . J. B. "Neathery," . ' ' " 1 ; Private Secretary. , , - , . I , " , description. ,' . . t ' '"',' . Luke Johnson is about 31 yoitrs pf age, of ' a color between brown and black, has a large neck, small head and ears, high forehead, and weighs 1G0 or ISO pounds. He was rais- ed in Nash countv, puiauerwarus uui'uscvv to a man named Johnson, at or near . Fred- ericksburg, Va., .where he. h:vs a wile now hving. ; ; ; . : Feb. 0, IS72. . . . , ouxni. ft REWARD STOLEN! , ' ' From the subi-criber on the nigntor tne 20 h of February last, a 15 a noivs, bi years old, above medium licigut, ratner,.' hMw -limbed and licht bodietl, knees In- . clined forward, some white in his face, and ; a small scar on right suouiaer oeuiuu mu. . collar. He trots long and hard, and is Just learning to pace. . , ' ' , .', The above reward will be paid for tho do- livery of said Horse, or for any information that will lead to his recovery. Address, , , , HARR1SOJN a i,a.okaIv, k Bush Hill, Randolph Co., . Maich 1st, 1872 w3w. . v I . N. C. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF.TAR ;. , Is an cffoctlvo regulator of the Liver. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR .' ;? 1 Cures Jaundice, , I : or any Liver Complaint. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR; - Makes Delicate Females, who are never feeling well,-. Strong and Healthy.: -: DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . !s , Has restored many persons - i who have been unable to work for years.; TkT? nT?nnT WT1STE OF TAR Should be taken if your Stomach J is out of order.! , ' DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ; , Should bo taken ff you feel weak or debilitated. 1 .' " DR. CROOK'S WINE OFTAR ;; :' Has proved itself in thousands of cases"! capable of curing all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. - DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR v Cures all Chronic Coughs, 4 and Coughs and Colds,. : - more effectually than any - other remedy. ' DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Causes the food to digest, removing Dyspepsia and Indigestion. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has cured cases, of Consumption I pronounced Incurable by physicians. nn. finooics WINE OF TAR Should be taken for diseases pf tho i Urinary Organs. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR , . . Should betaken for all ! Throat and Lung Ailments. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. DR. CROOK'S Compound Syrup of POKE IT O O T I DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ' : SYRUP OF POKE 1WUT. '' CureB Rheumatism and . Pains in Limbs, Bones, Ac i' TIT? CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP Olf POKE KUUI. Removes Pimples, Blotches, and beautifies the Complexion. DR CROOK'S COMPOUND - I k ' SYRUP OF) POKE ROOT. Cures all diseases depending on a depraved cotditkm : . 1.. ' of tho blood. DlC CROOK'S COMPOUND , 1 J SYRUP OF l'UKJS ItUUl. ' Cures old Sores, Boils or Ulcers. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND 1 : I ' . SYRUP OF POKE ROOlt Cures Scrofula,oti Scrofulous Diseases of the Eyc, or Scrofida In any form. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND s 'J. - '7 SYRUP OF POKE RUUJ. in the best Alteralivo or Blood Purifier made. ' . -r nr: n DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ' SYRUP Or rulv J i lvUU i . Cures any Disease or Eruption oii the Skin. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures long standir Diseases of the Liver. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND J . SYRUP Ui'' 1'UlviJi UUUl. Is the active medicinal quality of Poke Root -f combined with the best preparation of Iron. ."i " T- " DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND t - SYlvui 3ii ruuii iiuur. Builds up Constitutions broken down from . . Mineral or.Mercurial Poisons. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND j . SYRUP OF POAE ROOT Should be taken by all j : " requiring a remedy . -. to make pure blood. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND V . SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures Scald Head, , - Salt Rheum; Tetter. CAXVASSERSL WAN.TED, Vox- " Onr Own ITireside. An Illustrated Paper, 10 pages, published Monthly. Subscription price, 1.50. ' Every" Subscriber receives a Valuable ChromS, A Fruit Piece, which sells for Send 2 cent Stamp for Sample ajid ' Premium Liatj Address W. E. GUMP, Publisher,,, ; , . s , . Dayton, Ohi'J. I

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