Republican Meeting In Wayne. SSSbled at the Court House on last TnrdAV. The meeting was well rep resented by the true men of the coun tvVilso by a few prominent Ilepubli ins from adjoining counties. Oui i es teemed and efficient Post Master, Major Grant, occupied the Chair, and Geo. J. Bohinson, aid David J. Ezzell were ippointeci Secretaries. Ofthe citizens from other counties we noticed Council 8. Woo ten, Jr., of Lonoir, Lu J. Moore, cnotori frnm i raven. v hi. i Grimsley, ( Greene, General v . LofUn,ofLenir,tc Mr. Moore, who had to return F. to Newbern on the Eastern mail, was an nouncea as tne nrsi , .pokeas all who have ever heard him a x X, l- aw fill 1 I knowhecan. Noformor putrescence loathsome portraiture he gave of the At. thA ronrjnsion 01 Jxr. jiuuic o dress, it was moved that a com m nice of twelve be appomiea oy ie to draft resoluUons to lay before the meeting when the fallowing committee was appointed: J. B. Whitaker, J. Day, Henry Hill, Hardy Crawford, C. C. Best, T. A. Deans, John T. Pearson, Stephen How ell. Warwick Yelverton, Phillip Jones, Samuel Williams and N. T. Edgerton. Oa the retirement of the committee it was moved, and the call of the house brought to his feet our fire-tried, ever honored and indomitable C. H. Brog den. to entertain the meeting during 1 UA AM W 1 th absence of tho committee. Tr "Rmmlpn deals in facts and Well. I statis- tics, as few men can. He is a repre sentative man, and has been employed in the public service for over a quarter A th toncrue of censure had never been wagged against mm, had he not come, and till he became a tcalauag. Let his maligners pick their teeth with that fact. As the facts em bodied in Sir. B's. remarks will be brought before the people in another form, we deem it unnecessary to say more than thatt icq3 convincingly ff? fectice. , , The committee having completed their labors, reported through their Chairman, J. B. Whitaker, Sr., the fol lowing resolutions which, we may as well say here, were adopted by accla mation. The resolutions will speak for themselves. The one bespeaking eymathy for our ku kluxed Governor we would place before the eye of the nation, while the unwavering confi dence expressed in our representative In Congress, Hon. C. It. Thomas will, we are assured, be encored throughout this Congressional District. The reso lutions are as follows: - . Whereas, Our duty as patriots again calls us into the field of action. ; In the approaching campaign one in ! which aro involved vital and important f interests the peace, prosperity, and social happiness of thi3 great nation; And Whereas, The great Republican party hitherto demeaned itself with a dignity, dictated by, and in harmony with its grand fundamental principles, having never stooped to retaliate by giving railing for railing; but on every occasion has held out the olive branch, and has sought every honorable means to exercise the fell demon of bitterness whleh has incarnated itself in the " breasts of our enemies, and the enemies of our nation ; be it Resolved, That first, and above all, as first in his deserts, first in tho affec tion of fellow-citizens, we most cor dially endorse the administration of our great Hero President, the states man and soldier, U. S. Grant, and most earnestly recommend and urge his re nomination for a second term in office; as by so doing do we hope to avert the Mexicanization of our beloved country. J?jn7rrf1. That in the estimation of this Republican assembly of his fellow- j citizens, there is not a man in the na tional domain, who, next to President Grant deserves to be honored in pref erence to our ostracised Governor, W. W. Holden. Wc therefore recommend him for the honored position of Vice President. We claim this for him, as an appreciation and recognition, not 'only of Ai wrongs, but of the sterling loyalty, patriotism, and Union loving principles of the men of North Caro lina; and we ask our fellow-citizens throughout the State and nation to en-? dorse our choice, and thus give the world a proof that Republics can be grateful. Ilesolved, That our Republican rep resentatives in Congress are eminently entitled to our unqualified endorse ment. John Pool combines tho wis dom of the sage with the love of the patriot and the experience of the states man, and were it not that the bitter ness of party strife begrimes the politi cal Yiiion of a certain class amongst us, Hon. Senator Pool would be unani ' xnously applauded. . Hon. C. II. Thomas, our own Dis trict representative, is an able, fearless, and uncompromising Republican and cannot be excelled by any in his devo tion to the Interests of his people. His early connection with the patriots of our State in framing that platform of ' principles which planked us a sure foot-path back to our sisterhood in our National home, entitles him to the hearty endorsement and support of ev ery patriot amongst us. We offer to . Judge Thomas the unfaltering support f the Republicans of Wayne, and earnestly ask our sister counties of the District to follow suit. Nor can we al lew this public occasion to pass without recording our high appreciation of Hon. C. lu Cobb, and to express the hope in his nomination and successful return to the ensuing session of Con gress. Besotted, That in our present Chief Executive, Tod It. Caldwell, wo have a most efficient officer. The manner in which he has discharged his duties since he came into office, records his eulogium. We announce him as the man of our choice, first, last, and all the time. Resolved, That our choice for Lieut. Governor is a man whose record is written in large characters of encomi um throughout the State, it gentleman Who has been In public life for a third 1 a century, and has always had the reward of public approval from all par ties as te tne performance of his duties. We claim for Hon. C. H. Brogden the unanimous support of the Republicans f the State, for this office. . Resolved, That we heartily recom mend that sterling Republican, and tTlnt- Gen. W. P. Loftia. of Le- moir county, for the office of Secretary of State. Resolved, That we again announce err cordial adhesion to the doctrines Csd principles ofthe Republican party j laid down in the national platform, tnd we reflect with increasing pride upon Ita glorious work. It has proved tbat a free government, based upon tho trill of a free people is the most sub ttaatial. It eu ppressed and subj ugatcd gigantic rebellion freed of all the tcV millions of laborers stablish- ed justice and equal rights without regard to race, color, or previous con dition. It has perfected the National nnnstitution. and fulfilled the Vords of Thomas Jefferson in eur National De claration of Independence, "that all created caual: that they are. endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these,1 ,. i : fY- lfHjvrtvT cxrrK tho TMirsnit nf haTH UXC U1C IIUOIIJ) tv IT I piness." . . .. I Resolved, That we condemn in the mncf ritwnrWl mnnnpr the action of a UiUOk - large majority of tho members of the Ku Klux Legislature in layingoff the senatorial and Coneressional Districts r Vio stfitft fnr the sole Duroose of se- & J A LliU UiMIW V ' X X " JA fcV a . , a x 4 .iifincr nolitid advantages to the KU Kl "party, ana who wilfully r.nd in- tentionally Ignored and disregarded the true Intent and meaning of the tne irue lniem uy juu.u6 Constitution in so doing. . a A . X A H ,1 m mnv t TnCa I These extraordinary ana unpre congressional Districts have no equal!- and no fairness or justice nfi no lairness or dsuw tunoiuo Republican parry. -r. itn.u,t,. 4ta I Un motion oi j. r. r iltutaci , 1 Chairman appointed thirty, delegates frpnropntWavne in the State conven- tion, and that all Republicans who wish to attend be added to the delegation. Thefollowingarethedelegateseppoint- J. B. Whitaker, D. J. Ezzell, Jno. V. Sherard, C. C. Best, col., w . iuroeu, Pearson, Hardy Crawford, Sherard Ha- gans, col., T. A. ueans, vy . xi. ton, John Hooks, col., J. K. Smith, IV'n MIMPIT V I VHTI IIII" 1. aJ Jm V Tnonn T?flnim Wootin. Win. Gar- 1? iV jnnps - J. W. Budd, Green Simmons, W.R. Moore, Lewis King, Giles Kornegay, Ingram Rhodes, W. C. Godwin, Will's Martin, John Robinson, Tnhn f itiiotles. t. ji. ijonn. $ 1 C. llhOdes, li. il. yonn. a ,mfo nfthantfl was tenaerca io i1 m, r ha tw. and the nroceed- tc r-rlaraA frk liO TUlhliShed in ' r Goldsboro JTeics, with a request to other A A A. nA4V Republican papers oi tne iau? to wpj. 1 II. L. GRANT, Chm'nj Geo. J. Robinson, ' D. J. Ezzell., Secretaries. pnnlHmn Mfrtin? in Bert All. uuuvm o I A meeting of the citizens of Bertie county was held at Woodville, on the 17tn or reoruary, io. t,i china hwnff TMIlffiPnted. "I After addresses by Messrs. Augustus T?nhKina Tnniomin flrflv and others, a committee was appointed to draft reso lntinn xnrpsive of the sense of the A. .. X I tYiaatSnnr I Tho nXmrnittoei reDorted the follow IJir V illUil jLlia.Lxl ujuuoij """I' - Th RpDublicans of this ih to nromote the welfare of kn nnmia it linro rfxstnrf the credit OI the State and maintain the integrity! of the countrj-; and, to the end that good crovernmeni aim jusiujc continually recall' the sentiments of 7j. o; Resolved, That we heartily endorse the administration of President Urant and that of Tod R. Caldwell, Governor riia SftA nfNrtrth Carolina. Resolved. That the people having re fused to call a Convention for the pur pose of amending the constitution, n is proposed to effect this object by legis- ative enactment, u.iai me urn piwpwo ve enacimeiii , uwi ic ui puw certain alterations is objectionable, ing nhof it otnhmrcH charges which we believe are not wanted by the people, Knnri wn nrlmit that a few are de- il thnt-we record this bill as an attempt to hoodwink the p()or .onnia f thn Rtato. who have their eyes open and will defeat this as they did the Convention bill in 1871. I The people, white and colored, are iminn Hotter apnnninttHi with the Constitution, and like It more as they ntnn ff nn ilprstand it. Ix.-t us save our beloved Constitution, say the loj-al people of Bertie. It. Tin nY'-FTirrtAWixG." The ter rors were found and promptly correct ed, and the money thus overdrawn, properly deducted, without really im Tiirntinr nnv one of intentional frauds. rwi iho sunto Insps nothinsr bv the transaction. Salem Rress. The above is the apology of The rrcss fnr thnt. little orTrairi!7 in the public TAt-intin Of course, it was only over drawn by Jo. Turner, the champion of the old Whig wing oi ivu juux hut if tho errors had been found in a Republican's transactions, It would have been a gross fraud stolen. 1A fho vntfr! nf thfi State w nuum - whether if Ku Klux Democracy apolo- o .11 aP . . Whether If KU lvlUX democracy upoio- crizes and glosses over a smaa irauu oi $3,000, to prevent ap evil effect upon the popular mind, is It not reasonaoie to believe mat tney nuvu rcsuntu uu will resort to any device to smuggle ihn lnrorpr frauds of which they are guilty. Tl 11 ALT-. AMMtyTMVlKltlV fraud or attempted to be glossed oyer, we refer The Rress to what Major Ilearne, of The uaroanian, xne iemo- cratic organ, says upon tho subjec Winston Republican. rnrT-mxo News from the "West. The news from the West is cheering inrtPPd. vvu learn irom a rename that scores of the henest men who have heretofore co-operated with h Pnncprvntivft Democratic party in that section, are leaving that sinking ship and coming into our ranKs upeuiy oTirt cntiarniv This is crratifvinir news indeed, but it is not at all surprising to us. The Democracy nave couneu mis TOC!l it with nil the blinddess of fanatics bv every possible mean3 in their pow- er, unu as u uci, uuiuhivjj ned and executed in the Legislature1, so wwiictnvtori thf Rtato as to swindle tho people out of a just representation." An act which no people ever did or Will forgive a dominant party for, let alone an accidental, and unfairly elected par iizan Legislature. Xew Bern Times. OCff REWARD! WntiiRjq. S. K. Cannon. Countv Com missioner, stands charged with forgery in several cases, and has tied the-County, jthe Board of Commissioners of said comity hereby offer a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars, for the apprehension and delivery of said Cannon to tho Sheriff of Chowan County, at Edenton.orone hundred dollars for his capture and delivery in any jail o that he mav bo claimed by proper authori ties. Ry o'rder of Board Commissioners. O. F. GILBERT, Clerk, &c., Chowan County. Edenton, N. C., Jan. 10, 1S72. 92-S0d. description : : S. S. Cannon is about 2S years of age, quite black, 5 feet 10 inches high, slim built, thin visage, eyes largo and rather protruded, the whites having a brownish cast, smiles when spoken to or speaking, talks and dresses well, stand and walks erect, and writes a good hand., llo is well known In Charleston, Raleigh, and rortsmonth. j DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR I Makes Delicate Females, who are never feeling well, Strong and Healthy. A PROCLAMATION. . . By His Excellency, the Governor of I : nonn.uaroiina, r H -. TiTErnTivB Department, IS . ; , Raleigh, Feb. ' 20th, 1872. TSTrxTr-oir ia TVio fionpni AssemblV Of Nortli Carolina on the 8th day of February, 1872. passed an act enutiea -ah i; - i i.kii.t, ntit AAnnfvhTthA nam Oil IUJ.U cauciuiiaij a won wuivj j T of Painlioo," out of portions of the counties of Craven and Beaufort counties, said new county of Pamlico to be bounded as set wtwv ao Tf is nrnvided in said act that v wn rrn- thA formation of said county of vuo .v. . ... ... amieo together with the oongation 10 pay its proportionate share of the debt of Craven ir.Vl hall be submitted edTo'ofthe .territory formt2 Into said new county for dopUon or ection, .nd ,that ICJ VtATw innof RMufortcountv IiuSiS?t2 .A.nntiA pt there. of! and WHEKEAS, In an act entitled "An Act . ". . . a 1 4V 1 oV BUUM:iU5"" ' r. 7. , . . lish the new county or 1'amnco, raaneu vub 1 10th day oieDruary, io, n jiuo rj,ifwrf th fiovemor to order an election J - ,. w ne - r,v" isubJmiuLFloThe .ithin the limits of Pam jicounty, the adoption or rejection of the county of Pamlico ; t Trvl R. raldwell. Gov- ernor o'f the State' of North Carolina, in obe dience to the requirements oi mo uuove ot An knn this mv rrociamauou. orderinsr the Sheriff of Craven county to .11- an t1nrtirn at the USlial Opeu, puiia auu : , voting places within the territory embraced In tfce saia new couniy wi a first Thursday of May, A. D., 182, (the 11. v. nnnnlrl orirJ thn plfifrtion tO DO held in all respects in accordance with the m itta r r ill aa uiM. i n ii wm uivu w .-Atnri favnrincr the establish' r v, n coirl nnnntv of PamllCO. "Will vote a written or printed ticKei Dearms wo 4ri irwtn rrrn ? " r uk a xi xu iuu v PAiixico," and those opposed to establish tLAZ willvotoa written or print - - . . " i . ' " i . , T ST ua votiim nf said election shall be r.oQtrh Sheriff of Craven county, who snail uu uio T - in the presence of three freeholders, sum- . . . l. fhith chill i.-ii fii-ct Ainnr av utter saia ciecuou. moned lor that purposes tw o i, rr. MMinfr nf PftTTllicO) DrOCCCU to compare the polls of said election, and if after due examination It shall be founa mat rv, ,i,ritir nf vntA4 have been civen in ta- vortor estaoiismng uie couniy ji iawni, i -i' 11 i . it..' irnf cri5(l Shriflr tf for- f the State a ccrtifi V ill MAJ LUO JV .. . - cate of the same within ten days after said election, that the uovcrnor may iubkb txauxoww.. rT-7, , : i onn. ,1 T.. r. mil. 1 r V ni ItRIPILTIl. LlitJ kUIU uay Af p0hrnnw A. T).. 1872. and in tno yotn i(lltO V V 7 O T - . ...V V Vfc y J r "r TOD K. CALDWELL. By be Governor : 3. U. WEATHEKT, Private Secretary lUWtwlaw 4t. rl Wiixhinaton Ex rcis copy one month in Weekly and send i If A A I1U f J - ' " " billf to Executive Office. - QQQ OOO M J j w s REWARD V.X-F.CTTTIVE DEPARTMENT, I RAiiKion, North Carolina, 5 , February lGth, 1871'. wi,hmqo fVio Assembly of North Carolina dia on tne tn aay oi a- bw uai.,ii. D. 1S72. pass tno louowins aci, 10 n,. .4 AT ACT concerning the JioOcson county T - . Outlaws. 1 "X.T A 1-;o ir. -Tiint Tht in addition to tne LJCVi Xm J. aav vv"v reward already offered for the arrest of cer- tain outlaws ana muraercrs iu or iiodcsou, ms Jxccneiiuy, Cai.dwelIj,. is hereby authorized and em rH hi' nnhlic proclamation to one rrirvKncnti TTia -Kxrellencv. Gov. lOD i. hv -nnhlin nroclamation to oner " .V. i 1 a K r nit t hnr ized by act of tho General Assembly, .'. a itii rfnv rf February. A. icti ton Ihnnsand dollars ior iue arrest and delivery, dead or auve, ;ior f Tlonrv Rerrv LoAverv to tno --' .VA4 iUV M'-' J " . v timritips nf the State, and a rewara rfln (hminri ini l n r .ifh for the arrest and delivery, dead or alive, of tho bodies of i?nJ Ntrnii"-. tsiepnen iwww.v, A""'""3 Lowery, George Applewhite and Andrew I strorisr to prope. authorities 01 tne esiato i t . Kbc. 2. Tliis act shall be m force from and afttfr its ratification. Ilatilied the 8th d.iv or i eoruary, a. i., 187. v. (iiowfnrB T Tnl R. Caldwell. Gov v,.. w - 9 " et.itA nf "Vnrth f'iirolina. bv vir Kl l IUU KJ" v' " T . act above recited, do issue this my procla mation offering the following rewards in addition to those heretofore offered, to be pai'i in currency to the party or parties who anwhnnrl nnd deliver, dead or alive. .nnf thA nntlnws nereinafter named, to O A A 14 A. A W w 7 - thp s heriu oi ltODeson couuiv, vm. For Henry Berry Lowery, Ten Thousand dollars. . . m l C.nnrr Klon 1PT1 I lOWCrV. A HO III as Lowery, George Applewhite and Andrew Str6rlr. lave inousanu uoiiuis Done at the city of Raleigh, on the ICth T O . day of February, A. D., 1872, and in tno 96th year or American inureuuom e. I i Will 1. AliU'l-tJ" Bv'the Governor Governor. t b xeathert, ; Private Secretary 10S:twlm. liobesonian and WilMingtonTost copy one month and forward bins to juxeeuuvw ui- ficec PrOC amatlOn DV the UOVemOr. j , J V STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Executive Departmex ; Raleigh, Feb. 26, 1 Whereas, information has been received nt tKisr Tlpn.irtmpnt that a murder was com m it fori in th nonntv of Halifax on Friday. the 6th inst, by one John Mills, upon the body of Travis Washington ; and whereas, the paid John Mills has fled tho State, or so conceals himseu mat me oramary process of Ltw cannot be serred upon him ; Now, therefore, I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue Of authority in me vested by law, do issufc this my Proclamation, offering a re ward Of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS lor 1116 arrest and delivery of said JOHN MILLS tn tJi ShflrifT" of if alifm conntv. and I en join all officers of the law and all good citi- zensi to assist m hriugmg said criminal to justice. j D3ne at our city of Raleigh the 2Gth day of February, A. D., 1872, and in the ninety sixth year of American Independence. q TOD R. CALDWELL, By the Governor: Governor. J. B. Neat h fry, 1 Irivatc Secretary. 3G4Uw4t. . . ! description: - John Mills is a bright mulatto, about 5 feet inches high, about 20 or 21 years of age. file has no beard, stutters or stammers wheti talking, and has a freckled face. Raheigh News and Warronton Gazette copy four week and forward bill3 to Exec utive Office. . , , SHOTGUNS - r?Kl BEST IH THE Y0RLD. a v Uew Yoxi 0Sgo, 27 BEEKHAIT ST. Jairwary 20,1872. 9m ,x 1 ; ' " LegaF "Advertisement. nf An Act of the General Assembly, ratified the 23rd day of J anuary, ta-ro t. hova ponspil to be tmblished the following certified copy of An Act to alter the Constitution or JN onn jaruiina. - president of the Senate.' January 24, 1872. . : ; ' - ' AN ACT to alter the -Constitution of North Carolina. Kim i ThA General Assembly of JNortn Pomiiri rto Tiart fthree-fifths of all the momhpra nf Ajmh House concumns ). VIMVIAAH . . That the Constitution of. this State bo UlfaMrl aa fnllnura fn wit t Amend section fcix, oi iixau i ticic, uj t th first clause thereof, down yiXuE g Sae rel '"a section - . . . ai...i.ti xl. 1 mctrifl wora - Dui: r mis u roiattnir to the State debt. 1 inonH cvtinn two of the second article hy striking out the word "annually," and tr.ii.finr in Mart fhoponf t.hfi WOTti 'bienni- f . A LU1 AAA A1VU ftA-AA . " llv beins in reference to the sessions ie ilia donam AeaPTTlhlv. by striking out all that precedes the words, HiUa coiH fianata nietriots." JlTld bv StriklUtT out the phrase "as aforesaid or" in said sec tion; the parts so striCKen om uaviuj; CibliVVf w . Add a new section to the second anicie v.o ctiriAri 'RAAtTnn 30." and to read as xiiAa "ThA mornhflrs nf the General As Remblv shall each receive three hundred niiora n a. mmnpnsation for their services Hnrinc? their term, subiect to such regula- ;ra in r&rTi ir tint a of mvment and re auction lor non-anenuauuo a uaj in scribed by law; but they may have an additional allowance when they are called mm a a. a -wt k-w-v Vwrt -ni-A. and . muease ha tan nnnra Tr- rii 1 1(" itii kzi;l oooiwh Amend section one ofthe third article by striking out the words "four years" waere they occur first in said section, and insert- in"", in lieu tnereoi, tne wurua uww jo, being in reference to the terms of executive Strike out the words "Kuperinienueui, uA -r.,i,i; Wnrb-a " whorpvfir inev occur iu t hii a flhnlishincrthat oftice. Amend section six of the third article, by striking out the v,-ord "annuaiiy, - aim w- serting, in lieu thereof, tne word "Dieuuiai- ly, so as to comortu t m puwwu epectmg tne sessions 01 tiic utucioi .oo- f!t'o nnt cofinns two and three of the fourth article, being the provisions which 11L1 A AV W ' - . refer to tho appouumoni anu uuues ui kiic Code Commissioners. a Hoi- BAntinn tonr of tne lourtn arucie, so that said section shall read as toliows : "Tho I'nHir- ai noiver or tne state snail oe w-fori m 1 Pnnrt for the trial ot lmoeach- III. I IA4VM 1 " . 1CJKAHU Vw - - . , n cnni-oYna I'nii rf Kunerior uourts. such inferior Courts as may bef established by law, and Courts oi Justices oi mereare. Alter section eight of the fourth article, i,ot ooii iatr.n shall read as follows: The Supreme Court shall consist oi ajniei U iu ..- . , . - Justice and two Associate j usuroa , j. i yvi.- during their present term or omce, unless UCU. A JUi ' " IX , Tiiotthia fahnii not anniv to me usuces by death, resignation, or oiuerwisc, w nf AocniatA Justices shall be re- ,J-iorl tr f wn " HUUiUl ."j-- a li- HPt.ion twelve or the lourtn arucio cn thai; Kairl section shall read as follows: inT,n totn chnll bo divided into nine iudi cial districts, for each of which a judge shall . j 2 1 i;a4-it o Wnnanni1 becnosen: aim iu ta uwun-i. .i.v...-. Court shall bo held at least twice in each y cii. v,v"." . , coimty respectively as maybe prescribed bvlaw. Tho General Assembly shall lay lictriMa 1n due time, so that the , nnntmnn tot such li iiiu 111 catu nine Inrlcrpa mav he chosen and begin B111A ilAJiv j J 7- . ti,n! nflinia tprm jit. tiih uraL ncuui ai ciw 1 ' . 1 v- momViora nf thn Onneral Assembly UU11 IVi iv i----- . . - - which shall occur after the ratification of this section." The General Assembly may reduce or increase the numoer 01 uisLncis to lake effect at the end of each judicial term, mtrtb-n mi t. RnntiniA thirteen of the fourth article, which fixes the present judical dis tricts. Amend section fourteen or tne iourtn ar ticle by striking out all alter the word "office," and inserting, in lieu 01 uiw van u stricken out, the following: "The General Assembly shall prescnoe a proper system of rotation for the judges ofthe superior Courts, so that no judge may ride the same riiatrit . t.wiPA in succession, and the ludsres may also exchange districts with each other, as mav bo provided by law." Strike out section fifteen ot tne iourtn ar ticle, and insert in lieu thereof, the follow- ine: ino uenerai Assemwv Huan uavcuu power to deprive tnejuuiciai ut-puriiiiuut ui any power or jurisdiction which rightfully Bertains to it as a co-ordinate department ; ut the General Assembly shall allot and distribute that portion 01 mis power anu j u risdiction, which does not pertain to the Supreme Court, among the other Courts prescribed in this Constitution or which may be established by law, in such manner as it may deem best, provide also a proper system of appeals, and regulate by law. when necessary tne mctnous 01 proceeumg, in the exercise 01 meir powers, 01 an uiu courts below the Supreme Court, so far as the same may be done without conflict with - 4Bsa JAA.? t other provisions 01 tnis constitution. Striko out sections sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twentv-hve and thirty-three or tho fourth article. Amend section twenty -six of the lourtn article by striking out all that part which begins with, and follows the word "but" in said section, and, in lieu of the part so stricken out, inserting the following: "The judicial officers and the clerks of any courts which may be established by " . . . . . . . 11 A . . ll T I law, shall ue cnosen uy uie vote ui iub quali fied electors, and for such term as may bo nrescribed by law. The voters of each pre cinct, established as is elsewhere provided A . . 1 11 1A . . J for in this constitution, snan eieci. iwojus t;oi nfthA nPArA for such term as mav be fixed by law, whose jurisdiction shall extend throughout their respective counties. The General AssemDiy may proviue ior iub eifu tinn nf TTiore than two iustices of the peace in those precincts which contain cities or j " : l.C.l. f K rnAAi'ril rncicnna tOWn, Oi ill IJlVil viuw ojkvww ivuouiiu render it expedient. The chief magistrates ftfnitipa ond ineornorated towns shall have the judicial powers of justices of the peace.' ' Amend section thirty of the fourth article by striking out the word " townships " and inserting, in lieu thereof, the word " pre- cijicts ;" also in tne last sentence 01 vne same section, strike out the words " the commis ciniiPrs of thn fiountv mav aDDoint to such office for the unexpired term," and in lien thereof insert "an appointment to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term shau be made as may be prescribed by law." Amend sections one and seven of the fifth article, by striking out the words "commis sioners ofthe several counties" where they occur in said sections, and in lieu thereof in serting the words, " county authorities es tablished and authorized by law." Strike out section four ot the fifth article, relating to taxation to pay the State debt and interest. . . ; . Amend section six of the filth article by inserting after the :word "mstrument" in said section the words or any other per- sonal property." ' Insert the word " and " before the word " surveyor" in section one of the 7th article, and strike out the words " and five commis sioners" in said section ; also add to said sec tion the following: "The General Assem bly shall provide for a system ot county government for tho several counties of the State." . Amend section two ofthe seventh article, by striking out the word "commissioners" and in lieu thereof inserting the words " county authorities established and author ized by law;" and in the same section strike out the words, "the Register of Deeds shall bo ex officio clerk of the board of commis sioners oners. A,i, O MVwh .r Strike out section three ofthe seventh ar - ticle. and in lieu thereof insert the following : " The county auinonues eswuiiaueu anu. authorized by law Bhall see that the respec tive counties are divided into a suitable num ber of sub-divisions, as convenient and com- Eact in shape as possible, and marked out y definite boundaries, which may be al tered when necessary. Said snb-divisions shall bo known by. the name of precincts. They shall have no corporate powers. The township governments are abolished. The boundaries of the precineti shall be the same as those which heretofore defined the town ships until they shall be altered.! ' -Strike out sections four, five, six, ten and eleven of the seventh article, which relate to the township system. .- a mPTid KAntimiR ftisrht and nineof the sev- ! enth article, by striking out the words " or townships " where they occur in said'sec- tions. , ' .' . .. Strike out section three or the ninth ani cle, and in lieu thereof insert the following: "The General Assembly snau mane sua ble provision by law for the management and regulation ot tne pumic scnoois, nuuiw perfecting the system of free public instruc tion." , , 1 - 1 Strike out section five of the ninth arti cle, and in lieu thereof, insert the following: " The General Assembly snau. navw 1 yuw ci to provide for the election of trustees 01 the University of North Carolina, in Whom, when chosen, shall be vested all the privi leges, rights, franchises ; and endowments heretofore in any wisei granted to, or con- ferred upon, me jcoara. 01 irusiwa i Universi ty ; and : tne venerai ai;i j j may make Buch provisions, laws and reg ulations, from time to time, as may be nee- essary and expeuieut, wr mo mauiK"v and management of said University." Strike out sections thirteen, iouneeu auu fifteen of the ninth article, relating to uie University of North Carolina. Amend sec tion ten ofthe eleventh article by striking out the words "at the charge of the State, . rm m a 3 . AH A and in lieu thereot, insert tne worus uy 4-a . n-nA tiiAOQ wHn in riot, own tironertv over and above the homestead and personal property exemption prescnoea Dyiiua wu- criniiuin 1 1 r . i it-' nil' iixiiiiian.. aivhjv- OUVU - v - . . rwT TrnnArtv ftvpr ATKl aDOVe tDO same, shall be cared for at the charge of the State." ..' ' ; ' - , ' ' ' A 1 ter section seveif of the lourteentn ar t.iple so that said section shall read as -fol follows : "No nerson who shall hold any office or place of trust or profit under the Ttv.?toi stotoa nr flnv denartment tnereoi. J AAAVVJ. wvwvw, " i , - . 1 A J AMY. ATllfll or under tnis estate, or - unuei auj -jv, otntn n.Avcramont chnii hold or exercise Qtato wi - " - any other omce or place oi trust ur piuui. .1 4V.1-. o-ntliAi-it-ir nf t.Viia Rtntft. or be ell- WXIAKaIVA Lllr aA.VAA.vj v. -"-- y yi 1 cible to a seat in either house ofthe General Assembly; rroviaea, xnai nouuug uoici fnri tn officers in the TTii;H Justicps ofthe Peace. Commission era of Public Charities, or Commissioners for Special Purposes." Add another section to the fourteenth ar tide to be styled "section 8," and to read JV iUilv i o Vww 7 , v , i i ra . ii i ii i v iiii irri i ixi hijvu fv. nao qtiH nthftr officers whose onices Ifilo i.y c ..uxa vw . I. 1 : I. 1 n. nkanirarl in OTlSj- TO9V t)V Lufl alteration ofthe constitution, shall continue to exercise their functions until any piu visions necessary to be made by law in or der to give full ettect to tne mierauuus, far as relates to said officers shall have been uiauc t . . - frnm whiAhnnvspfition has been stricken I L.CT L A LA. AAA A. AA w w-- .JU". -y ., nnthAnt tho msfirrmn oi aiiutuei .m iw stead; and give to any new section mat number which by this method would have niuiyUH . . i i- a tho opntinn tor wnicn ii is substituted, and tho alterations snau uu em- UCCll - glicu w - 1,3; rrl ntri thA AOT1 STltllllOn. UUU. IUO uuvtAyva. aaa v r, 7 B mViprpfl consecutivelVi ai OVH"3 . - m. Ratified the 19th day ot January, a. xj., 1872. I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i Office of Secretary of State, ! Raleigh, Jan. 22d, 1872. T.TTenrv J. Menninser. Secretary of State, v,cKw nortifvtba't, the foresrohiff is a true AAAKkJJ V-- w. - ' rtT conv or tne original, act on mo m "" : XI. fj . -L A A J -A - 1 A--f An. ..n A -F i.nj Z5. WOm. aecrviwy y rrRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Jvr virtne of a Deed of Trust to the under signed, duly executed by Geo. W. Swepson and wife Virginia B. Swepson, on the Gth day of July, 1870, we will proceed to sen at Asheville, the county of Buncombe, on tho 14th day of March, 1872, to the highest bid- dcr the following lieai ii.siaie, io m One undivided half interest in the lot in Asheville, known as the Eagle Hotel prop erty, with the buildings and appurtenances, tim ! aciiA int. container twelve acres. This House is very favorably situated and con tains over fifty rooms, some of which are large and commodious. Also, at the same time and place the fol lowing Tracts of Laud in the county of Cherokee: , ii The well known farm formerly owned by Xlid Morris, and onoth sides of Valley River, consisting of several contiguous tracts, containing 1,600 acres more or less, 600 acres of which will be found first class bottom land, these contracts were conveyed to Geo. W. Swepson by Gid Morris and D. W.Morris. II. The Charles Moore farm, also on Val ley River, and near the above Morris farm, containing about 600 acres, chiefly bottom land. ' III. The David Hennesea places, on the same River, consisting of three contiguous tracts, -containing in all about 6S2 acres ; very fine farming land, mostly bottom. IV. Two other tracts on the same River, containing 363 acres, formerly owned by E. V. Sharpe, and known pJ the Prercy lands. V. An individual b&'if interest in sixteen adjoining tracts or?' the same River, held jointly with the heirs of John Suddith, on which are much valuable farming and gold mining lands. , VI. One hundred acres on both, sides of Cheoah Mountain ; and an undivided third interest-in a hundred acre tract adjoining the above ; and an undivided third in a 640 aero tract, on the waters of Burgan's Creek, on the North side of Cheoah Mountain. VII, An undivided half interest in about 20,000 acres of Mountain lands, held jointly with Mercer Fain. VIIL About 62,000 acres, lying in many adjoining grants, situated in the Mountain ous Districts of Macon county. IX 90,000 acres of land in one body, lying partly in Macon, but principally in Chero kee, and known as the Olmsted lands. X. About 50,000 acres in Clay aAd Chero kee counties, conveyed by Joseph Keener to the undersigned as trustees of the afore said Geo. W. Swepson. XI. The Jarrett place, well improved, on Nantihala River in Macon county, contain ing about 400 acres. . ; "5CTT. The Dr. Woodfin place, near Frank lin, in Macon county, well improved, and containing about 300 acres. XIII. 1,943 acres, lying along and near the Tennessee line ; and a tract of 274 acres on. the waters of Nantihala, all. in; Macon county. ' . XIV. The following tracts in Jackson county : 1st. 3,000 acres on the waters of Tuckase gle River, being grant No. 960. 2nd. 2,567 acres on the waters of Deep Creekr being grant No. 967. 3rd. 1,026 acres on the waters of Socd, be ing grant No. 968. ' - '; - 4? 4th.' 1,280 aeres on Mingus' Mill Creek and Oconalufty River, being grant No. 969. 5th. 10,580 acres ou the waters of Soco, be ing grant No. 970. I . : All the abovo mentioned lands, being sit uated in a fine grazing region, well watered and in a most healthful locality, offer rare inducements to persons wishing to enter in . to j the grazing, stock-raising or darying business. , , j , In addition to the above lands, wo will offer on the 20th of March, 1872, at Catawba Station, in the county of Catawba, TS. C, an undivided half interest in the several tracts of land in said county, known as the Marble and Lime Quary lands, owned jointly by Dr. Powell and Geo. W. Swepson, and in cluding the Lime Kilns and several adja cent farms, all whicli will be sold in parcels" to suit purchasers. : ' , ! The terms of the whole Of above sales will third Cash on dav of sale, and the remainder at six months, with note bearing 1 of sale, with titles retain- ed till all the purchase money is paid. -,- The sales will be continued from day to day if necessary till the whole of the lands shall bo disposed of.' ,v ' , For further particular address C. M. Mc Loud, Attorney at Law. Asheville N, C.or the undersigneT, Trustees at the same Post Office. .,: w - ' -"V N. W. WOODFINj 1 V ; R. W. PULLIAM. Trustees &c. Feb. 5, 1872. 102 tmai.14 DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND - J SYRUP OF POAE ROOT a: ; " Should be taken by all requiring a remedy to make pure blood. Official. UNITED STATES MAIL; . :H north;CAr6lina;!' K Post Office Department, V ' , .. Washington, Jan. 2. 1872. ? j TIm 1 v. 1r-( will TtA 1nQl i?caA ot the Contract i-vre Tanrmc.r.t. until 3 o clock P ni of April 1, next (to bo decided by the 1 20th) for carrying tne mausw mo y VAXX ul from July 1st, 1872, to June 30, 1875, on th IOJUOWinir ruutes iu iojg nwv . Una. and by the schedules of departures and arrivais ucrtjiu ouctiutu, Ww.0 , tablished at 3d: session of 41st Congress, and 1st session of 42d Congress, and others, in cluding also routes on which bidders or contractors, under advertisements of Sept. 30, 187p, and August 4, 1871, failed to fulfill their engagements. ' ' : 5222 From Lumberton, by Raft Swamp, PhiJadelphus, Red Springs, W akul- v la, Gilopolis, Cowper Hill, Anna . Parenna. Alfordsville, : Union viae, and Clav Valley, to Lumberton, ' equal to Jli mUes and back, oncej a ? "week.1 .-' ' ; . ' Leave Lumberton Wednesday at 6 a Arrive at Lumberton next day by C ,- p hi.- - ;-. From Elizabethtown,by Abbottsburg and Western Prong, to Whitesville, 5223 o miioa and Ti.ipk. three times a A,V AAA4AV a 7 Leave Elizabethtown Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, at iu a m ; Whitesville bv 7 D m : T.Pavfl Whitesville Tuesday, Thurs--, . day and Saturday,; at 10 a m ; ' Arrive at Elizabethtown by 7 p. m. 5224 ' -narn Tiiirffnw Drnot. 1)V DoffWOOd Grove (wTo. and Bannerman (n.o.); to Angola, 21 miles and back, once Leave Biirgaw Depot Friday at 9 a m ; Arrive at Angola oy 4 p m ; Teave Ancola Friday at 4:30 p m ; a n-iiTA at. Ti n.rra.w next dav bv 5 P Hi. AAA A A w m w ) f v . From Plymouth to Windsor, 18 miles, and back, three times a week. Leave 'Plymouth Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 8 p m ; . Arrive at -Windsor next days by 12m; Leave Windsor Monday, Weduesday, and Friday at 12 m ; , , . - Arrive at Plymouth next aays by 6 P m From Washington, by Blunt's Creek, 5225 522 (n o), u urn am s reeiv v" South Creek, (n o), to Goose Creek Island, 68 miles and back, once a - week. - , . Leave Washington Monday at 6a m 5 Arrive at Goose Creek Island Wed nesday by 4 p m ; . Leave Goose Creek Island Thursday at 6 a m ; . , . . Arrive at Washington Saturday by 4 p m. 5227 From Ilarrell's Wharf, by Harrell,-- ville, to Pitch Landing, 12 miles and back, once a week. ,Leave Ilarrell's Wharf W ednesday at 8am; -n ' Arrive at Pitch Landing by 12 m ; Leave Pitch Landing Wednesday at lpm; . - Arrive at Harrell's Wharf by o p ra. 5228 From Woodville to Durant's Neck, 6 miles and back, once a week. Leave Woodville Thursday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Durant's Neck by 10 a m ; Leave Durant's Neck Thursday at 11 am ; Arrive at Woodville by 1 p m. 5229 From Kinston, by Fountain Hill, to Ridge Spring, IS miles and back, onoe a week. Leave Kinston Thursday at 6am; Arrive at Ridge Spring by 12 m ; V -Leave Ridere Spring Thursday at 1 p m ; Arrive at Kinston b.V 8 p ni. From Wilson, bv Saratoga (n o) and 523( MaysviJle (n o), to MariDorougn, miles and back, once a week, Leave Wilson Wednesday at 2pm; Arrive at Marlborough by 9 p m ; Leave Marlborough Wednesday at 6 tX in Arrive at Wilson by lpm. 5231 From Greensborough, by Summer field, to Oak: Ridge, 17 miles and .back, once a week. Leave Greensborough Saturday . at 2 p m ; : i . Arrive at Oak Ridge py 7 p m ; Leave Oak Ridge Saturday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Greensborough by 12 m. 5232 From Salisbury, by Wood Leal, to Mt. Vernon, 16 miles and back, once Leave Salisbury Wednesday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Mt. Vernon by 12 m ; Leave Mt. Vernon Wednesday at 1 p m; Arrive at Salisbury by 6 pm. From Taylors ville, by Littlo River , A A 1 T T I 1 - X T 5233 noir, 25 miles and back, once a week. Leave Taylorsville Friday at 9 a m ; .Arrive at"Lenoir by 5 p m. Leave Lenoir Saturday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Taylorsville by 5 p'm. 5234 From Jefferson, by Nathan's Creek and Chestnut Hill, to Mouth of Wil son, Va., 19 miles and back, once a week. Leave Jefferson Wednesday at 6 a m ; A .ritra ot rnth nf Wilann hv 12 m : iXlilTC ia.w.v . . a. . - . Leave Mouth of Wilson Wednesday at 1 p m ; 'Arrive at Jefferson by 7 p m. 5235 From Oxford to Berea, 10 miies and. back, once a week. Leave Oxford Saturday at l pm; Arrive at Berea by 4 p. m ; Leave Berea Saturday at 9 a m ; Arrive at Oxford by 12- m. "PittflKornnQ-h. bv Beaumont Ore Hill, Gold Stone (no), Brush Creek (no)r and Buffalo Ford, t6 Moffitt's Mills, 35 miles and back, once a week. t I Leave Pittsborough Saturday at 6 a m & ri-ivo txt Afoffittt's Mills bvCnm: Leave Moffitt's Mills Friday at 6 am i Arrive at Pitts borougn ny o p ra. 5237 From Ocracocke to Hatteras, 20 mllefi and back, once a week. Leave Ocracocke Friday at 8 a m ; j Arrive at Hatteras Saturday by 10 am; Leave Hatteras Saturday at 10:30 a m; Arrive at Oreracocke next day by 4 p m. ' j 5238 From Bakersville to Cranberry Forge, 30 miles and back, once a-wcekv-M Leave Bakersville Wednesday at6 a m; Arrriveat Cranberry Forge by 6 pm; Leave Cranberry Forge Thursday at 6am; Arrive at Bakersville by C p m. j 5239 Ffom Raleigh," by Barclaysville, to Averysborough, 35 miles and back, once a week. Leave Raleigh Thursday at 6 a m ; - Arrive at Averysborough by 6 p m Leave Averysborough Friday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Raleigh by 6 p ra. j 5240 From Greenville to Bethel, 15 miles Xeave Greenville Thursday at 2 p m ; a . At 11 II . ( Arrive at xietnei oy o p m ; Leave Bethel Thursday at 7 a m ;" Enos J. Pennypacker, of Wilmington, N C, lailing contractor. : ( r , , j 5241 From Washington, by Chocowinity, Belleview, and SwittIsland,toNew Berne, 36 miles and back, six times st week. j ' , Leave Washington - daily; Sundays - excepted, at 6 a m ; --t . Arrive at New Berne by 4 p m ; Leave New Berne daily, Sundays cx- . cepted, at 6 a m ; Arrive at Washington bv 4'p m. j Enos J. Pennypacker, of Wilmington, iN - i ' C, failing contractor.: ; ...j- 5242 From Plymouth, by Long Ridge and Fork Swamp, to Washington, 135 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7 a m 5.-. -i -"- ; - ; ; Arrive at Washington by 6 p m ; -.. I . Leave Washington; Monday Wednes day, and Friday at 7am; ' i Arrive at Plymouth by S p m. - Enoa J. Pennypacker, of ; Wilmington, N, U, laiilDg coniracjwi. j From .Windsor, 'by Hotel,, Roxobel, ti: .-v. c?,,-- onil .Turk son. to oca- 5243- j board, 50. miles and back, twice a T week to Jackson, and six tlmos a I ! week the residue. j , 1 f r . t Leave .Windsor . Monday and 1 hurs- ' day at 12 m; V r . . Arrive at Jackson Tuesday and I ri- day by 7 p m ; - . - i . ! Leave Jackson Wednesday and Sat . 1 : urday at 4 a m ; : ' J. i 'Arrive at Windsor Monday and Thurs- ! day by 11 a m ; , a Leave Jackson daily, Sundays oxecp- r ted, at 1 p m ; ; ! Arrive at Seaboard by 3 p m ; , "" Leavo Seaboard daily, Sundays ex f ocntpfl ntlOam: I Arrive at Jackson by 12 m. I Enos J. Pennypacker, of Wilminfeton N ! U, lailing comraewj. - . . 5244 From Plymouth, by Scupnemong and Sunnyside, to Columbia, 34 miles and back, twicoa week. 1 - Leave Plymouth Tuesday and Satur day atf am; - , r J Arrive at Columbia by 5 p ra ;l ' Leave Columbia Monday and AY cd- ' nesdayat8am; Arrive at Plymouth by 6 p mi Engs J Pennypacker, of Wilmington, 2s i'C failing contractor, rrtp TJoiaifrh Hay's Store. Day- r ' A. k I1 I A kA A W A A- w.V mJ , ' Round - ton, Fish uam, oia ! 1 uiii uml Mountain, and Mount 1 Tirzah, to Roxborough, and back. nco a week. Leave Raleigh Wednesday at 2 p Arrivo at Roxborough next day in : 7 pm; I , . Leave Roxborough Tuesday at 6 p m ; I Arrrie at Raleigh next day by 12 in. Enos J-Pennypacker, of Wilmington, X C, failing contractor. 5246 From Manson, by Towncsvillc, to Clarksville, Va., 25 miles and back,- three times a week. ' 1 t Leave Manson Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1.30 p m ; ! 1 Arrive at Clarksville by 8 p m ; ! Leave Clarksville, Tuesday,! Thurs day, and Saturday atSamj 'Arrive at Manson by 2 p m. Enos J Pennypacker, of Wilmington, N C, failing contractor. ; 5247 From Fayetteville, by Argyle, Inver ness, Solemn urove, new uueau, and Jackson Springs, to Clark's Mills, 45i miles and back, once a week. v . , A Leave Fayettevillo Friday at 7 a m ; . Arriye at Clark's Mills fciaturday by TO i m ? ''j Leave Clark's Mills Saturday at ft xt , : Arrive at Fayetteville next day by :pm; Enos J Pennypacker, of Wilmington, 11 f - 6 N- C, failing contractor. 1 From Franklin, by Cowec, Uchollj, Nantihala, and Forks of Tennessee, -to Chilhowee, ?1 miles and back, once' a week. ' - Leave Franklin Thursday at 6 am; Arrive at Chilhowee next day by 6 p m ; Leave Chilhowco Friday at fi.lo p in ; Arrive at Nantihala Sunday by 8 a 111 ; Leave Nantihala.Wednesday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Franklin by 6 p m. From Murphy, , by Grape Creek (n. Jaa. l- S250 1 o.,) and CoKer crceic in. u.,; u in lico Plains, Tenn., 35 m iles and bad. , ' once a week. I Leavo Murphy Wednesday at 7 a m ; ' Arrive at Tellieo Plains by 6 p m : i Leave Tellieo Plains Thursday at 7 am; Arrive at Murphy by 6 p m. 5251 From Bakersville, by Ledger, to Burnsvillo. 15 miles and ba:i, once a wee:. ' Leavo Bakersville Wednesday at s am;.'" '1 Arriv at Burns ville by 1 p m ; Leave Burnsvillo Wednesday at 2 p m ; Arrive at Bakeraviile by 7 p m. For forms of proposal, guarantee, and cer tificate, and also for instructions as to tho conditions to bo embraced in the contract, fcc, see advertisement of this date, in pam phlet form, ariQ Sept. 30, 1870, and Aug. 4, 1871, inviting proposals for scrvico iu N. C, to be found at the principal post offices. Bids should bo sent in sealed envelopes, superscibed, "Mail proposals, State of North Carolina," and addressed to tho Sec ond Asssiatant Postmaster General. JNO. A. J. CRESWELL, Postmaster General. : Feb. 26, 28 wlw. THE AMERICAN WASHER! j ' I?1TIC1C, $S.CO.--- The American Washer Saves Money. Time, and -' - Drudgery. . j The Fatigue of Washing Day no linger. Dreaded, but Economy, Efficiency, mid Clean Clothing, Sure. ,- In calling public attention to this little machine, a few of the invaluable qualities, (not possessed by any other washing ma chine yet invented,) are here enumerated. It is the smallest, most compact, most portable, most simple in construction, movt easily operated.- A child ten years old, with a few hours practice, can thoroughly com prehend and effectually use it. There is no adjusting, no screws to annoy, no delay in adapting! It is always ready forusot It is a perfect littlo wonder ! It istv; miniature giant, doing more work and of a bettor Suality, than tho most elaborate and costly, ne half of the labor is fully saved by it use, and the clothes will last one-half longer than by tho old plan of tho rub board. , It will wash the largest blanket. Threeshirts at a time, washing thoroughly ! jln a word, the ablution of any fabric, from a Quilt to Lace Curtain or Cambric Handkerchief, are equally within the capacity of this LITTLE GEM! It can bo fastened to any tub and taken off at will. ' ) T No matter how deep rooted a- prejudice may exist against Washing Machines, tho moment this little machine is seen to per form its wonders, all doubts of its cleansing efficacy and utility are - banished, and the doubter and detractor at once become tbe fast friends of tho machine. : , . ! ! Wc have testimonials without end, setting forth its numerous advantages ovr all oth ers, and from hundreds who have throw n aside the unwieldy, useless machines, which have signally failed to accomplish theob jectpromised in prominent and loud sound ing advertisements. j . It is as perfect for washing as a wringer is for wringing. The price another paramount inducement to ' purchasers, has been placed so low that it is within the rcachj of every limicMrprrmr arrrl t.hero ia no article of do mestic economy that will repay the small .lnvesiiiieuk o biwii. ' ' - $3.50. ' All that is asked for this GREA' LABOR SAVER, is a fair trial. We guarantco each machine to do its worK pcriecuy. Snr.E Agents for the United Statks, A. H. FRANCISCUS & CO.. 513 Market St., Philad'a. Pa. The largest and cheapest WOODEN WARE HOUSE in the United States. Oct. 5, 1871. ' 1 wCm. XTOTICE. ; . Jl : . U. S. .Internal Revent Reventr, ) h Dist, X. C, 3. 20th, 1872. J . Collector's Office, 4th ' Ralcich. Feb. As required by Law. notice is hereby iriv- en that seizure was made by Chas. I). Up thurch, Deputy Collector, on tho 19th Feb., of four boxes Mamifactured Tobacco, thej property of Erastus Mitchell; onebox Man ufactured Tobacco; the propertyj of W. N.. Harris, and four-boxes Tobaccdj property rf unknown. This is to inform any person or persons having any interest in, or claim ing the said Tobacco, to come forward with in thirty days from the date of this motice, and sav why the same shall not bo forfeited and sold to tho use of the United States, for violation of its Internal Revenue laws. I.J. YOUNG, " ; - n --r. Collector 4th Dist.,- N. C. : Feb. 20 law3w. , j . ; DRl CROOK'S COMPOUND f I SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. . . Cures Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Tetter. 1-

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