C ' Speech cf Cc2.Jc!ia:Pnol. The General Appropriation , Bill, be ing under consideration In the Senate the following amendment was offered : The branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina, shall bo abolished on the 30th day of Jane, 1872; and the Secretary of the Treasury Is hereby authorised . to sell the said mint and all tho public property connected therewith, at pub lic auction, gi ving reasonable notice of said sale. ' ' , . In opposition to this amendment, Mk. Pool, addressed tho Senate as fol low8 . X , I hopetliat amendment will not be agreedto by the Senate. Thero Is a necessity for this assay office in North Carolina. Perhaps at the present time there may be no very great necessity for it, but it Is perfectly certain that before very Ung there will be. Previ " ousto the war this was a mint, and there was a very considerable amount ' of coinage done at that mint.- Since the war, the mining operations in North Carolina, as all other industrial pursuits, have been languishing; and from the fact that no great amount of work has been done aL that, cstablish- - ment since the close of the vrar," there have been several efforts to abolish it altogether. In the first place it was discontinued as a mint and made an assay office. To that, we matle no ob jection. Now a -proposition comes to abolish it altogether and have no assay office there. I really hope the Senate will not agree to this amendment; The mining operations in North Carolina are beginning to Increase in import ance. There have been recent devel opments which have created very con siderable excitement ln jmrts of the State, ana also in parts of Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina. - The buildings when .they were first erected cost a great deal, and .the ma chinery was put in at considerable cost . to the Government; and if they are sold now it will be at a very great sac rifice. . I do not hesitate to say that perhaps in the next eighteen months or two years there will De apparent a verv ereat necessity for an assay office At that noint. '. Mr. IIii,i Before the vote is taken on this nr e titbit ion I wish to remark that there is no assay office in Georgia, none in Tennessee, none in Aiaoama, none in South Carolina, and none in North Carolina, except the one at Char-r lotte. which it Is now proposed to arxi ih. It is very .wel I known that a great railroad is In, process of construction, and will be completed during the pres ent year, mainly w at least, running from Charlotte, North Carolina, to AtT lanta, Georgia. This road traverses 'the great mountain region of that coun try ; it is a gokl region, which, for the - first time will have been developed to the world. Mankind will become ac quainted .with it Iron and Its gold and everything that makes it a rich mineral region. ' This being th only remaining -assay office in all them? iSmihern States, it is important to retain it in view of the fact, which is known to some of us, that miners who have been in Califor nia and the other Western States and Territories for years past are turning their attention to Georgia and North Carolina in thf? region. I myself have ileum vi'ry iiisiinuisiitv lutuua ocij that these fivlds of enterprise are more inviting to-day than any other mines on the 'v-cntinent. Large outlays of money art' being made in my own Stateandin North Carolina. Prepar ations are. beiiiir made for resuming mining. It is hr. rill y fair to take the present condition of minlngasan index of the future. WV nre to presume that something like the prosperity which preceded the war will be resumed in minin?as well as in agricultural pur suits and othr businesses in theSouth. I hope that this !ut means of affording facilities to t he miners of that region will not be taken away from us, and . that something will be left to lot our neonle recotrniw that there is a tie be tween them nnd th national Govern . ment other than ilu vexatious internal revenue laws of which these mountain eers complain so" much. As this is but a small appropriation proposed by the House of llenrt e ntail ves. of $4,000, to keen open this assay office' .1 should dislike to have Mit-h a degree of econo my prevail here as would Induce the Knitf to accent the DroDOsition of the committee to strike it out. Mr. Pool. The committee found in this bill as it mine from the House of RpnnvientAtlves an aDDronriation of ' about forty-five hundred dollars for the keeping up of this a.say office at Char lotte. 1 aia not Know, nor ao a sup note that any Senator who feels any focal interest in the matter knew, that the committee wn in vestigatingwheth er it was proper to continue this appro priation. II l n:ui naa ine icasi notice of it, I should have brought some facts to the attention or tne committee; dui inasmuch as I had no " notice, and broueht no facts to the attention of the committee, I will now produce some for the information of the Senate. This was established as a mint In 1835. It cost the Government for the building $29,600. The machinery cost $o6,000. This establishment was there fore erected at a cost of $So,S00. The amount of coinage up to the war in this mint was $5,043,541 from the products of the gold of North Carolina alone, to s-ay nothing of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina. ,There was also coined at the Philadelphia Mint, in the same period, $4,-iG6,02G, making the amount of the coinage up to the war, from the North Carolina productof gold, $9,314,067. The amonnt used by jewelers, on account or the' purity of the gold, from the North Car olina product, is stated In the reports of the Treasury Department to be$l,- - 137,0-jC In addition to that the amount . .-. i oi ronn vroiuui guiu w&it w new Yrkin bars was $147,775, making", . from 1838, when this coinage first com menced and theso mines were .first worked, the . product of the State of North Carolina aluno nearly $11,000,000. 'Siiiee the war there" have been railroad projects undertaken which ' will very much incrcjiso the mining operations of that region, ..M there have been dis coveries of mines f hero which I have no doubt In the worM will make it necessary at a very eany day that there should be an assay office at least in that locality somewhere. Now, sir. the proposition is that we shall expo. to sacrifice by Eale proper- y which cost this Government $S5,800, with a pro?iect near at hand of having tore-establish an assay office there, rather than to apj ropriate the pitiful Vum of $4, ", sxurcely enough to keep j the buildings ami uiaemnery in opera tion, for the purjx e of continuing it to sec what this devcjopa.ont will amount to. I do 'not thiiik it will be good policy on .ihft par: of t he Government. ? There i. :ihiT -n. The chair man of the committee fays thathedoes not see that i t wou M be of . any very great benefit to iUv . people oi Tnai re gion. I call the attention of the Sen- ate to the net that thosa who are en gaged in jnining operations In that re gion are not large, mammoth corpora tions, not companies. The mining is mainly carried on by IndivldualsTby farmers, who, - when they, have : laid their -crops.by,' go to the streams and commence washing gold. They are -subject to Imposition by brokers and a ' 1 A 11 A 1 f sioreKeepers, wno get. uieir meiar jrum them at less than its value. It is in the interest of labor that there should bo an assay office within convenient reach of those people who; are laboring in' mining operations. ' '. I see that in this very bill wo havo already appropriated to the mint at Denver $28,335 ; to the assay office at Boise City, in Idaho. $11,077, and We In the whole of thasouthern States ask for an appropriation of only $4,500 for the purpose of continuing the only assay office south of Philadelphia. The office at New Orleans has been stricken down; the one In Georgia -has been stricken down since tho war, and the only one left-south of Philadelphia is this (little assay office at Charlotte, North.-Carolina. I do not think that it is fair r right to strike it down. I do not think, in view of the interests of those people, and in view of the interests of tlie Gov ernment itself, there should be a refu sal to appropriate this little pittance. The chairman of the committee; says that if it would continue the allegiance of these people and good feeling toward theGovernment he would be willing td continue it. Now, 3Ir. President; I do nt put it upon any such ground as that, I believe the allegiance of these people would not be affected by it one way or the other ; but I do think there is an air of injustice in this matter that ought to be looked to and'observed. Wo jhave srospecti ve interests there that ought to e attended to, and the Government las prospective interests that ought to )e attended to also. i - I" would say to the .Senator from Vermont that' he . takes into jview only the present condition of theim ing interests of North Carolina. If he would go back to the figures before the war and see the amount! pro duced then, he would find that it was very much larger tnan ne supposes. That we shall have a return of these minincr interests In -greatly increased proportions I think is 'a matter of cer tainty. The Government has buildings there now which cost $55,000. tThe proposition is to sell them and sell ,the machinery. They will be sold at an enormous sacrifice; and It is my judg ment that in less than three years from this time, if this establishment is sold out, a proposition will carry before Congress to re-establish at any necpssa ry expense, perhaps an expense larger than one hundred thousand dollars. In the meantime, until we can! see what the developments are likely to be, I think the buildings and machinery ought to be continued. ' The establish ment is doing some business, no great amount at this time, I admit, nor is any other branch of industry in the Southern States thriving at this time. Everything is languishing. Wedo not, of course think that this state of things will continue. I think, as a matter of fairness and right and economy, ;t his mint ought to be continued. The proposition ' here not only is not to make the appropriation, but to sell out the whole establishment at any price that may be obtained. j Tho Presiding Officer. The ques tion is on the amendment proposed by thokCommittee on Appropriations. The question being put, there were, on division ayes ,nt noes 10; no quorum voting. ' r j Mr. Cole There are several Sena tors here who did notVote. A 1,yl. Edmunds. ., I ask for, the yeas and nays, not- that I care to much about the little mint of my friend from North Carolina, which to be sure is an expense without a return, but I osk for the yeas and nays with a view to liave the 'faithful recorded as being present when we are considering an appropria tion bill. ! The vcas and nays were ordered, and being taken, resulted yeas 20, nays 24 as follows.: ' I ' Yeas Messrs. Anthony, Bucking ham, . Chandler, CoIe, Conkling, "Kd munds, Frelinghuysen, Gilbert, Ham ilton: of Texas, Howe, Jvelly, Morrill of Vermont, Pomeroy, Ramsey, Schurz, Sherman, Stevenson, AVest, Wilson and Windpm 20. . ! Nays Messrs. Bayard, Blair, Bore man,Cameron, Clayton, Corbett, Davis of West Virginia, Ferry of Michigan, Flanagan, Goldthwaite, Hamilton of Maryland, Harlan, Hill, Hitchcock, Johnston, Kellogg, Logan, Norwood, Pool, .Rice, Robertson, Sawyer, Spen cer and Vickersr-24. ' Absent Messrs. Alcorn,. Ames, Brownlow, Caldwell, Carpenter, Cas serlv. Cooper, Cragin, Davis of Ken tucky, Fonton, Ferry of Connecticut, I Hamlin, lewis, iuorrui ot juainejuor tou, Nye, Osborne, Patterson, Pratt, Saulsbury, Scott, Snrague, Stewart, Stockton, Sumner, Thurman, Tipton, Trumbull and Wright 29. ! So the amendment was rejected, r- ' Republican. Meeting in Alamance. According to previous notice a por- tion of the Republicans of Alamance assembled at the Court House in Gra ham, on Saturday, the 2d day of March, I 1872. ; , r , The meeting was organized by call ing W. R. Albright, Esq., to the chair, and appointing J. W. Harden and T. J. Turner Secretaries. The object of the meeting was ex plained to bo for the purpose ofappont- Jng delegates from the county to the State Convention, which meets in Ral- tugu yu uiu i iu ui ii uciku... On motion, the cnairman appointed the following list of delegates to attend said Convention, to-wit r Henry Rass, Dr. E. F. watson, II. II. Morton, W. Simpson, William Graham Henry Hall, Daniel Keck, ; Henry Sillars, Dr. J. W . McCauIey: James Long, Dickson Corn, W. A. Walker, S. A.. White,' J. C. Patton, Robin Mebane, William: McAdamv John F. Thompson, Geo. Crawford, James T. Bradshaw. Geo. Stafford, Nathan Woody, Thomas Stafford, William Workman, Henry Staul, R. CrKemry, Samuel Alexan der, Jacob Cauncelman, William IXorn- day, H. C. Isley, W. A. Patterson, William Sbafflier, Kli Ureeson, S.P. Halt, Thomas Wood, J. C. Thomson, Patterson Payne, 1'cter nugnes, Jieza- kiahIav It. Lr. 3Iebane, Peter IJ. Summers, M."Xea,' John lime,-Willis Sillars, Dixon; JIenr: M.tRay, Martin Van Buren, Jo)m it' Longest J and W.;AvWooL -1 v : . , , j . OQ iiiotionthe chrtirmanaml Secre- taries of this meeting were adderr-to the f I list of delegates; and further, - thafany j nepubiican ciuzen or viamance county attending the Biate Conventions con- i- stituted A dfileirate torthc samer rr i On motion the meeting adjourned: J, , -WILLIAM R ALliRlQHT; -L ' -Chairpani J.V.-Harden;;: V V SoerctarIe.", - V - '," ' ' ' ' ' . . ' -" ' e j '.; . .- - , ' ' . :' -'' , ' V .. . ... - - -1 - - i r i -i , in ii - - - -- DR; CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . ) I .. !(: '--i - Is-an effective . . j . - t j . r regulator of the Liver. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR i - ' I Cures Jaundice, r V . jor 'any Liver Complaint; DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR v , n v - Makes Delicate Females; who are never feeling well, t , r vStrdng and Healthy; PR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR f ;. " ' Has restored many. persons , . who have been ! ':. unable to work for years. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR J Should be taken if your Stomach . --v." s put of order. , , , Dt CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . 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CROOK'S WINE OF TAR f -Restores the Appetite and Strengthens the Stomach. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR 1 All recovering from any illness ,1 -' J will find this the ; i best Tonic they can take. DR. CROOK'S, WINE OF TAR , Has cured so many cases of that; it has been pronounced a specific v i for those complaints. j- DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR i -Will prejvent Malarious Fevers, - f . and braces yp the System.' j DR, CROOK'S' WINE OF TAR I Removes pain in Breast, Side or Back'. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Possesses Vegetable Ingredients jwhieh makes it the ! ! 1 . best Tonic in the market. DR. CROOK'S! WINE OF TAR . 1 . Gives tone and energy to "j. Debilitated Constitutions. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Should be taken to strengthen and 1 build up your system. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Is the very remedy for the Weak and Debilitated.' DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Will cure your Dyspepsia or Indigestion. DR. CROOK'S 1 Rap WINE OF TAR. 1 dly restores exhausted . strength. DR.' 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Legal Advertisement; In .pursuance of An Act ojf the General Assembly, ratified the 33rd day of January,' 1S72, -1 ave caused . to be . publishedjhe following certified copy of An Act to alter tho Constitution of North Carolina.'- ' - , E. J.' WAKIIEN, - r i L i : - President of the Senate. ; . January 24, 1872. !t:.....v f .i4 - AN ACT to alter f he Constitution of ; North Carolina. ; r ' SecC 1. The G eneral "Assembly of North, Carolina do enact (three-fifths of all the members of each House concurring), . -, That the Constitution of this State be altered as follows, to wit : . . Amend section six, of the first article,1 by striking out the first clause thereof, down to and including the word "but;", this be ing the clause relating to the State debt. -: Amend section two of the second 'article annually,''- and ord "bicnm- thc- sessions of the General Assembly. Amend section five of the second article, by striking out all that precedes the words, "the said Senate districts,'' and by striking out the phrase "as aforesaid or" in said, sec tion ; the parts so stricken out having ref erence to the State census. ' Add a new section to the second article to be styled "section 30," and to read as follows : "The members of the .General As sembly shall each receive, three hundred dollars as a compensation for their services during their term, subject to such reguhw tions in resrard to time of pavment and re- f duction for non-attendance as may be pre scribed by law; but they may have an additional allowance when they are called together in special . session,: and mileage shall be ten cents perinile for each session,'" . Amenti section one of the third article by striking out the words "four years," wliere thev occur first in said section, and -insert ing, in lieu thereof, the words "two years, being in reference to the terms of executive officers.- - . ..- - - - : Strike out the words "Superintendent of Public Works," wherever they occur in the Constitution, thus abolishing that office. Amend section six of tho third article, by striking out the word "annually," and in serting, in lieu thereof, the word "biennial ly," so as to conform to the provision re specting the sessions of the General Assem bly. ' Strike out sections two and three of the fourth article, being ' the provisions which refer to the appointment and duties of the Code Commissioners. ; . , ; Alter section four of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as 'follows: "The judicial power of the State shall be vested in a Court for. the trial of impeach ments, a Supreme Court, Superior Courts, such inferior Courts as may be established by law, and Courts of Justices of the Peace." Alter section eight of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : "The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and two ! Associate Justices ; Provi ded, That this shall not apply to the justices during their present .term of office, unless by death, resignation, or otherwise, the number of Associate Justices shall be re duced to two." ; ' . Alter section twelve of the fourth article so that said section shall read as folio ws : "The State shall be divided into nine judi cial districts, for each of which a judge snail be chosen; and in each districts Superior Court Shall be held at least twice in each year, to continue for such time in each county respectively as may bo prescribed by law.- The General Assembly shall lay ptf said districts in due time, so that the said nine judges may be chosen and begin their official term at tho first general elec tion for members of the General Assembly which shall occur after the ratification of this section." The General Assembly may reduce or increase the number of Districts to take eflect at the end of each judicial term. Strike out section thirteen of the fourth article, which fixes the present judical dis trict?. ' ' ' - Amend section fourteen of the fourth ar-. tide by striking out all after tho word "office," and inserting, in liu of the part so stricken out, the following: "The General Assembly shall prescribe a proper system of rotation for the judges -of -the Superior Courts, so that no judge may ride the same district twice in succession, and the judges may also exchange districts with each other,' as may bo provided by law." Strike out section fifteen of the fourth ar ticle, and insert in lieu thereof, the. follow ing: The General Assembly shall have no power. toxleprivo the judicial department of any power or jurisdiction which rightfully gertains to it as a co-ordinata department ; ut the General Assembly shall allot and distribute that portion of this power and ju- ! risdiction. which does 'riot . pertain ty the Supreme Court, i among the other Courts prescribed in this Constitution or which may bo established by law in such manner as it may deem best, provide also a proper svstem of appeals, and regulate by law when necessary the methods of proceeding, in the exercise of their powers, of all the courts below the Supreme Court, so far as the same may be done without conflict with other provisions of this constitution." Strike out sections sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twentv-fivo and -thirtv-threo of the fourth article. Amend section twenty -six of the fourth articlo by striking out all that part which begins with, and lollows the word "but ' in said section, and, in lieu or the part so stricken out, inserting the following: "The" judicial officers and the clerks of any courts which maybe established by law, shall be chosen by the vote of the .quali fied electors, and for such term as may be prescribed by law. The voters of each pre cinct, established as is elsewhere provided for in this constitution, shall elect . two jus tices of the peace for such term as may be fixed by law, whose jurisdiction shall extend throughout their respective counties.. The General Assembly may provide for the elec-: tion of more than two justices of the peace in those precincts which contain cities or towns, or in which 'bther special reasons render it expedient. The chief magistrates of cities and incorporated towns shall have the judicial powers of justices of the peace." Amend sectien thirty of the fourth article by striking out th'eVord " townships" and inserting, in lieu thereof, the word "pre cincts ;" also in the last sentence of thesame section, strike out the words" the commis sioners of the county may appoint to such office for the unexpired term," and in lien thereof insert-"an appointment, to . fill such vacancy for the unexpired term shall be made as may be prescribed by law." 1 "-1 ' : Amend sections one and seven of the fifth article, by striking 6ut the words "commis sioners of the several counties" , where they occur in said sections, and in lieu thereof in-, erting the words, county authorities es tablished and authorized by law." . Strike out section four of the fifth article, relating to taxation to pay the State debt and interest. -.? . Amend section six of the fifth article ; by inserting after . the 'word " instrument " in said section the words "or any other per sonal property ? ;? ; ;:;HJ 4 r. Insert the word " and " , before the word " surveyor " in section one of. the 7th article, and strike out the words " and five commis sioners" in saidsection ; also add to saidsec tion the following: "The General Assem bly shall provide for a system ol f county government for the several counties of tho State." - 5 ' - '-i,-r Amend section two of the seventh article, by striking out the word " commissioners " and in. lieu thereof inserting the , words ' county authorities established and author ized by law;" and iu the same section striker Aiif Mia a 'fna "Pornafon sf TAarl qKo! 1 be ex officio, cleric of the ; board of commis sroners." " . r Strike out section three of the seventh ar ticle, and in lieu thereof insert the following : The county authorities established: and authorized by law shall see that tho respec tive counties are divided intoa suitable num ber of sub-divisions, as convenient and com pact in shape as possible, and marked out by definite boundaries,-; which may be al-? tered when necessary. Said snb-di visions, shall be known by the name of precincts. They, shall have no corporate powers-4 The township governments are abolished. : The boundaries of the precincts shall be the same as those which heretofore defined the town ships until they shall be altered." r , ' - Strike out sections lour, nve, six, ten ana eleven of the seventh article, which relate to the township-system;-" Amend sections eight and nineoi the sev- by striking out the word " insertins in lieu thereof, the w allvr' being in reference to enth article, by striking out the words pr townships 'Mvhaaje they occur in said sec-, tiona.' ' '--'-' i Strike out section three of the ninth artl cle, and in lieu thereof insert the following : "The General Assembly shall make suita ble provision by law 4 for the management and regulation of the public-schools, and for perfecting the system of free public instruc- l tion." v-v..-r:;rf--:-; Strike out section five of the- nmthartl cle, and in lieu thereof, insert the following r "The General Assembly shall have power to provide for the election of Trustees of the University of North Carolina, in whom, when chosen, shall be vested all the privi leges, rights, franchises and endowments' heretofore in any wise granted ; to,: : or; con ferred upon, the Board of Trustees of said f University ; : and the General j Assembly may make sucn provisions, laws ann reg ulations, from time to time, as may be nec essary and expedient, for the maintenance and management of said University.", - Strike out sections thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of the-ninth article, relating: to tho University of North Carolina.; , Amend sec tion ten of the eleventh article by striking out the words "at the charge of the State," and in lieu thereof, insert the words "by the State; and those who do not .own property over and above the homestead and personal property exemption prescribed by this Con stitution, or being minors, whose! parents do not own property over and , above the same, shall be cared for at the charge of the State." ' ' . ''-vr- Alter section seven of the fourteenth ar ticle so that said section shall read as fol follows :. "No person who shall hold any office -or place of trust or profit nnder the United States, or any department j thereof, or under this State, or under any other State or government, shall hold or exercise any other office or place of trust or profit under the authority of this State, or be eli gible to a seat in either house of the. General" Assembly; Provided,, That nothing herein contained shall extend to officers! in the militia, Justices of the Peace, Commission ers of Public Charities, or Commissioners for Special Purposes." ! 6 v ; i Add another section to the fourteenth ar ticle to Jje styled section 8," and to read as follows: "County officers, justices of the peace and other officers whoso offices are abolished or changed in. anyway by the alteration of the constitution, shall continue to exercise their functions until any pro visions necessary to be made by law in or der to give full effect to the. alterations, so far as relates to said officers shaR have been made." " , - x " . . - S....1 , ; Re-number the sections in those articles from which any section has been stricken without the insertion of another; ; inits stead ; and give to any now section that number which by this method would have been given to the section for which it is substituted, and the alterations shall be em bodied into the constitution, and the sever al sections numbered consecutively. " . ;. Ratified, the 19th. day of January, A. IK, STATE OF -NORTH CAROLINA, i - Office of Secketaky of State,.. v JialcigK Jan. 22tf, 1872. i I, Henry J. Menninger, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original act on file in this office. - , II. J. MENNINGER, jan. 25. wGm. Secretary State. rpRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. By virtue of a Deed of Trust to the under signed, duly executed by Geo. Wj Swepson and wife Virginia B. Swepson, on the Gth day of July, 1S70, we will proceed to sell at Asheville, the county of Buneomjbe,' on the 14th day of March, 1S72, to the highest bid der, the following Real Estate, to wit:; I Ono undivided half interest inthelot in Asheville, known as the Eagle Hotel prop erty, with the buildings and appurtenances, tho said lot contains twelve acres. This Houso is Verv favorably situated and con tains over fifty rooms, some of which are large and commodious. Also, at the same time and place the fol lowing Tracts of Land in tber jcounty of Cherokee: ' . . !v I. The well known'' farm formerly owned by Gid Morris, and on both sides of Valley River, consisting pf several cpntiguous tracts, containing 1,600 acres more or less, 600 acres of which will be found first class bottom land, these contracts were conveyed to Ceo. W. Swepson by Gid Morris and D. W. .Morris. . II. The CJaarles Moore farm, also on Val ley River, and near the above Morris farm, containing about 600 acres, chielly bottom land. . :.',. , ..; ' .; . j . III.'The David .Hennesea placaa on the same River, consisting of three contiguous tracts, containing in -all about 682 acres; very fine farming land, mostly bottom. IV. Two other tracts on the same River, containing 363 acres, formerly owned by E. V. Sharpe, and known as the Piercy lands. 'V. Au individual -half interest in sixteen adjoining tracts on tlfe same "River, held jointly with tlie heirs of John Suddith, on which ar much valuable farm ing- and gold mining lands. . y , : - VI. One hundred acres on both sides of Cheoah Mountain ; and an undivided third interest in a hundred acre tract jadjoining the above ; and an undivided third, in a 640 acre tract, on the waters of B urgari's Creek, on the North sidQf Cheoah Llountain.. , . VII. An undivided half interesfe in about 20,000 acres of Mountain lands, held jointly with Mercer Fain. . , -.. : . . -' , - - VIII. About 2,000 acres, lying in many adjoining grants," situated in tho Mountain ous Districts of Macon county. IX. 90.000 acres of land in one body, lying nartlv in Macon, but principally in Chero--; kee, and known as the Olmsted.larids. X About 50,000 acres in Clay arid Chero kee counties, conveyed -by i Josspli Keener to the undersigned as trustees of said Geo. W. .Swepson. t ie afoi-e- XI. The Jarrett place, well improved, on Nantahala River in JMacon countyJ incr about 400 acres. . -I XII. The Dr. Woodfin place, near Frank lin, m Macon county, well improved, and containing about 6'JO acres. - ... -XIII 1.943 1 acres, lyins alone and near acres the Tennessee line : and a tract of 274 on the waters of .Nantihala," all ih Macon county. ' ' : '' ' ' ' " XIV. The fallowing 'tracts in ounty : -" . . , .. ' . . . .. 1st.. 3,000 acres on the waters of gle River, being grant No. 060, '; ' 2nd. 2,567 acres on the waters Creek .' bein g gran t No. 967. ' Jackson Tuckase- of Deep t ortl. i.,uu acres vu iub wmcis ui x. imr srrant No. 968. .-. n - , SCt it . P - Soco, be- 4th. 1.280 acres on Mingus' Mill Creek and Oconalufty1 River, being grant No 969. - 5th. 10,580 acres ou the waters or soco, oe- All the above mentioned lands, being sit;' uated in a line grazing region, wen watered and in a most healthful locality, bffer rare inducements to persons wishing to; enter in to i the grazing, stoek-raising: or darying bnsiness. - In addition to the above lands; we will offer on the 20th of March, 1872, at Catawba Station, in the county of Catawba; JN. U., an undivided half interest. in the several tracts of land in said county, known as the Marble and Lime Quary lands, owned jointly b Dr. tPowuand Geo. w. swepson ana in-; eludinar the- sLime Kilns and several adja cent farms, all which will be sold in parcels to suit purchasers. . .: J - The terms ot tne wnoie or aoovosaies win be one-third Cash on day of sale; and the remainder(a; six montlis, with note bearing interest from clay.ot sale, with titles retain ed till'all the purchase money is paid. -'" - The sales will bo jcontinued from day to dav if necessary till the-whol&of the lands 1 shall be disposed of.- , "... . . ,......' , . For further particular address C. M. Mc Loud, Attorney at Law. Asheville .IN. C, or the undersigned;- Trustees at the same Post Office. . ' - . i ' . ; KW, WOODFIN, . . - ' , R. W. PULLIAM. . , ' ' ' X v Trustees' Ac. . i' Fch. 5, 1S72. - : - ' . . ? ' ?102-rtmai.l4 -f . ' .'' i j'" " VpHN; MASSES is running a'- Saw Mill tl 'at Carey. He will furnish all kinds of Ltimber at short notice: Any order left at this office will receive ompt atppntion. . OOciaT. UNITED STATES MAIL. - - NORTH : CAROLINA,- ' Post Office Depahtment, I Washington,1 Jan. 2. 1-872. j Propdals will be received at the Contract Office of this Department until 3 o qlock p m of April l,.next, (to be decided .by the .20th) forcarrying the mails of the United States from July 1st, 1872, to June 30r 18,5, onthQ following routes in the State of Noth Caro lina, and by the schedules of departures and arrivals herein specified, being routes cs- tablished at 3d session of 41st Congress, and 1st session of 42d Congress, and ln cluding also routes on - which bidders or contractors, under ad vcrtisemente of Sept. 30, 1870, .and August 4, 1871, failed to. fulh 11 their engagements, j; U "J,."erv 5222 From Lumberton, by" Raft Swamp, . v r Philadelpbus, Red Springs, A akuK r: la, Gilopolis, Cowper Hill, Anna - Parenna, AlfordsTiUe, Umonville, -J " " and Clav Valley, to Lumberton, v " equal to 34i miles and back; once a ' '' i week 1 . 1 ' ' '' i - Ieave Lumberton Wednesday at C a ?? - m ' '' i-" '-"-' ; ' i Arrive af Lumberton next day by 6 'From Elizabethtown, by Abbottsburg and Western Prong, to WhitesvRle, ;;; 2Q miles . and back, three times a week. .' : ,,; , ' Jrr -1 . Leave Elizabethtown Monday, wed-. , nesday and Friday, at 10 a m ; ' ( . Arrive at Whitesviile by 7 p m ; Leave Whitesviile Tuesday Thurs day and Saturday, at 10 a m ; , ' ? . Arrive at Elizabethtown by 7, P- Tnj From ' Burgaw Depot, by Dogwood - Grove (n. o.V and Bannerman n.o.) to Angola, 21 miles and back, once Leave Burga w Depot Friday at 0 a in ; Arrive at Angola by 4pm; x Leavo Angola Friday at 4:30 p m;1 . ; Arrive at Burgay ilext day by 5 p ni.- Froni Plymouth to Windsor, IS mileS 5223 5224 5225 and back, tlireo times a wees. Leave Plymouth Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 8 p m ; ' ArriVe at Windsor next days by 12 m; '. i Leave Windsor Monday.Ayednesday,. and Friday at 12 m ; . Arrive at JPly mouth, next days by 6 .5226 From Washington, by Blunt's Creek, (n o), Durham's Creek (n o), and South Creek, (n o),'to - GooseCreek ; , . Island, GS miles and back, onco a week. !-'!:'- -.--.' . 1 Leave Washington Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Goose Creek Island Wed nesday by 4pm;, , f Leave Goose Creek Island Thursday r ' at 6 a"m ; - " -r ; ' -' I Arrive at Washington "Saturday by 4 :" p m. 'i:' ; " ' -From Harrell'a Wharf, by HarrelL-j- 5227 ville, to Pitch Landing, 12 miles an .1 back, once a veek. Leave Harrell's Wharf Wednesday at -8am; ' S - Arrive at Pitch Landing by 12 m : Leave Pitch Landing Wednesday at 1 p m ; ! ' f . Arrive at Harrell's Wharf by 5 p m 5228 From Woodville toDurant's Neck, 6 miles and back, once a week.- , Leave Wood ville Thursday at 8 a m Arrive at Durant's Neck by 10 a m; Tjoave Durant's Neck Thursday at 11 am;' ' : ' ; ' : Arrive at Woodyllle by 1 p m.' 229 From Kinston. bv Fountain Hill, to Ride Spring,; 18 miles and back, once a week, i i Leave Kinston Thursday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Ridge Spring by 12 m ; Leave Ridge Spring Thursday at 1 p m ; ". - - . Arrive at Kinston by 8 p m. From Wilson, by Saratoga (n o) and 5280 Maysvillo (n o), to Marlborough, 22 miles and back, once a week, Leave Wilson Wednesday at 2 p m ; ' Arrive at Marlborough by 9 p w ; Leave Marlborough Wednesday at 6 - - a m ; : ' '; : . Arrive at Wilson by lpm..' From Grcensborough, by Snmmer ficld, to Oak Ridge, 17 miles and back, once a week.' '' " , Leave Grcensborough Saturday at 2 pm; . '.;' .' i; -')' " ' Arrive at Oak Ridge py 7pm; Leave Oak Ridge Saturday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Greensborough by 12 m. . - 5231 5232 From Salisbury, by Wood Leaf, to . Mt. Vernon, 10 miles and back, once a week. ; ' . . i !.'' Ijeave Salisbury Wednesday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Mt. Vernon" by 12 m ; . Leave Mt. Anon Wednesday at 1 p m ; - .!"..'' : : 1 - Arrive at Salisbury by 6 p m. - 5233 From Taylorsville, by Little River (n o) and Cedar Valley (n o), to Le noir, 25 miles and back, oncea week." Leave Taylorsville Friday at 9 a m ; Arrive at Lenoir by 5 pm. ' Leave Lenoir Saturday at 8am; , Arrive at Tadorsville by 5 p m. From Jefferson, ; by Nathan's Creek and Chestnut Hill, to Mouth of Wil- son, Va., 19 miles and back, once a week. . Leave Jefferson Wednesday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Mouth of Wilson by 12 m ;; Leave Mouth of Wilson Wednesday : at lpm; ; ' . ' ' Arrive at Jefferson by 7 p m. From Oxford to Berea, 10 miles and 5234 5235 DacK. once a weeix. Leave Oxford Saturday at lpm; , - .. Arrive at Berea by 4 p" m ; - , ; ... Leave Berea Saturday at 9 a m ;. , sv "Arrive at Oxford by 12 m. t , ? 5236 From Pittsborough, by Beaumont, Ore Hill, Gold IStone (n o), -Brush . , , . - Creek (n o), and Buffalo Ford, to " Moflitt's Mills, ; 35 miles and back, ' ' once a week. ' . . ' ' ' . Leave Pittsborough Saturday at 6am; . , Arrive at Motftttt's Mills by 6 p m ; Leave Moflitt's Mills Friday at 6 am; Arrive at Pittsborough by 6 p ml 5237 From Ocracocke to Hatferas, 20 miles "' and back, once a week.' t ' Leave Ocracoeke Friday at 8 a m ' ' Arrive at Hutteras Saturday by 10 a in Leave Hatteras Saturday at 10:30 a m; " Arrive at Orcracocke next day by 4 p 5238 " From Bakersville to Cranberry Forge, cj 30 miles and back,, once a week - r Lesiv Bakersville Wednesday at 6 a m ; ; Arrriveat Cranberry Forge hf 6 pm; Leave Cranberry Forge Thursday .at ; ' 6 a-m; '" A' . ' Arrive at Bakersville by 6 pm. . : 5239 From Raleigh, '- by Barclaysville, to Averysborough, 35 milesand back, onco a week. - - Leave Raleigh Thursday at 6 a m ; . 7 Arrive at Averysborough by 6 p m ; v 4 Leave Averysborotigh Friday at 6 am; " Arrive at Raleighby 6 p m: r . 5240 From Greenville to Bethel, 15; miles .. and back, onco a week. .. Leave Greenville Thursday at 2 p m ; Arrive at Bethel by 6 p m : . Leave Bethel Thursday at 7 a m;1; .Arrive at Greenville by 11 a m. k Enos J. Pennypacker, of. Wilmington, N . C, lailiog contractor.. y -v .; ; 5241 From Washington, by, Chocowinity, Jlelieview, ana switt island, to New Rerne, 36 miles and back, six times SA'- & weejk. mi .f - W s Leave i Washington daily,. Sundays , r excepted, at 6a m; ,. V' Arrive at New Berne by 4 p m ; - ' ' Leave New Berne-daily, Sundays x :. ... cepted, at 0 a ni ; - ; Arrive at Washington by 4 p mu , Enos J. Pennypacker, of Wilmington, N C, failing contractor. . ;, - 5242 'From Plymouth,.by Long Ridgo and - " Fork Swamp, 'to Washington, 33 miles and back, three times a week. , ; Leave Plymouth Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7 a m ; . , ,K-, v "Arrive at Washington by 6 p m ; w Leave wasnington JNionaay, vednes day, and Friday at 7 a m : Arrive at Plymouth by 6 p m. : i " Enos J. Penny packer, of WUmlcgton, jr. . C, falling contractor. . j 5243- From Windsor, by Hotel, Roxobe), .. . Ricli Square, and Jackson, to Sea 1; board, 50 miles and back; twice a ' week to Jackson, and sixi times a week tho residue. ' I Leave Windsor Monday and Thui-i;. ; day at 12 m; -' - : : ' Arrive at Jackpif Tuesday dav bv7D m: n and Fri- " ' LeavoAJackson Wednesday iind Sat- urdavat4am; ' Arrive at Windsor Monday and ThurV i davbvllam;' '"' Leave Jackson daily, Sun da j- excep- ted. at 1 1 m : Arrive at Seaboard by 3 p in; ' Leave Seaboard daily, Sundays cx " v ceptod, at 10 a m : t. . f ; ' 'Arrive at Jackson by 12 in. j ' Enos J. Pennypacker, of Wilmington, X ' j C, failing cojitractor. . : J 5244 From Plymouth, by Scuppernong and ' i ' ' Sunnyside, to Colurnljia, 134 miles and back, twice a week. i "Leave Plymouth, Tuesday and Satur I day at7 a m; ; . - t ''-; Arrive at Columbia by 5 p n) f Leave. Columbia Monday and Wed- . nesday at 8am; j ; Arrive at Plj'mouth by 6 p in. : Enos J Pennypackpr, ff Wilmijigton, N C, failing contractor, ij . . - 5245 " From Raleigh, by Hay's Stpre, Day ton; Fish Dam, Stagville, Round Hill, Red Mountain, and Mount Tirzah, to Rox borough, i2 miloa -and back, nee a week. , l! Leave Raleigh Wdnosdaj' at 2 p m ; Arrive at Roxborough next day bv 7pm; ;. .. .. ; , ,!.." Leave Roxboro.ugh Tuesday at 6pm; ' Arrrivo at Raleigh next day by 12 m. Enos J Pennypacker, -of Wilming'ton, X "C., failing contractor. . " jil 5246-'From Mansbn. by Towncsville, to Clarksville,' Va.,25 miles and back, three times a week. - 'J ' . Leave Manson Monday,-: Wpdncsda v, . ; ; and Friday at 1.30 p m ; i! ' Arrive at Clarksville by 8 p in ; V Loavo Clarksville, Tuesday, Thurs T day, and Saturday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Manson by 2 p mi! Enos J Pennypacker, of Wilmington, N " 1 C, failing contractor. . . N 5247 j From Fayetteville, by Argyle, Inver l . ness,' Solemn Grove, New Giiead, -'' and Jackson '-Springs, to Clark't . ! Mills, 45 i miles and back, onco a ; - week. ' j. : i, Leave Fayetteville Friday at 7am; ' ! Arrive arciark's Mills, Saturday by V "! Wain; ' 'i1 ' j leave CJark's-'MUls Saturday at 11 . f Arrive at Fayetteville next day by 6 , P ni ; Enos J Pennypacker, of Wilmlu gton, N ; C. failing contractor. r Nantihala, and Forks of Tennossce, ,' to Chilhowee; 71. miles, knd back, "-'I onco a Vveek. , '''.-" ! Leave Franklin Thursday vt .6 a in ; ; Arrive at Chilhoweo next dlay hy pm; . : :- , y - , Leave Chilhoweo Friday nt, 6.15 p m ; v- ! Arrive at Nantilfttla Sunday, by 8 a rn ; : L-aVo Nantihala Wednesday at 8 a m ; ' , ; ; ' Arrive atFranklin'by 6 p in. - " - ij ' ' 'i' 5250 i From Murphy, by Grape j Creek (n. o.,) and Coker Creek (n. -.,) to Tt l lico Plains, Tcnn., 35 mileiSsandback, once a week. ! ..! ' s. Leave Murphy Wednesday at 7 a m; ; Arrive at Tellico Plains by 6 p m; ; - Leave Tellico Plains Thursday at 7 ' . , " ' a m ; ;, j ;; . . ; , Arrive at Murphy by 6 p m. 5251 From Bakei'svillej by . Ledger, ! to ! Burns ville. 15 tmilea and back, - .' once a week. - '-I-, '" j ! Leave Bakersvillo Wednesday at 8 ; a m ; . , . . Arrive at Burn3ville by 1 p m ; ' '! Leave Burnsville - Wednesday at 2 ! P m; ' ..; . : ;! . Arrive at Bakers ville by 7p m. A For forms of proposal, guarantee, and cer tificate,' and also for instructions, as to the conditions to be embraced in thlo . contract, ' &c, see advertisement of this date, in pam phlet form, and Sept. 30, 1870, and Aug. 4, 1871, inviting proposals for service in N. C, to bo found at tho principal post offices. .Bide should be sent in , sealed envelopes, superscibed,' . " Mail proposals, j State of North Carolina," and addressed tp the Sec- ond Asssistant Postmaster General. ; i : , -JNO. A. JrCRESWELL, 1 :',.'.; . Postmaster! Gencrab Feb. 26, . - ;, 28 w4w. THE AMERICAN WASHER! The American Washer Saves Money, Time, ond : I . Drudgery. v- I . - . , .' The; Fatigue of .Washing Day ') up Longer Dreaded, but Economy, Eflft-iency, and Clean Clothhig,ure. - - ,.. 'j : ; In calling public attention td this-little machine, a few of tho invaluable qualities, (not possessed . by any other washing ma chine yet invented,) are here enumerated, . It is the smallest.1 most commct. most- portable, most simple in construction, most easily operated. - A child ten years1 old, with a fewhour3 practice, can thoroughly, com prehend and effectually use it. ; There is, no adjusting, no screws to annoy, no delay iii, adapting V It Is always ready fbr use I It' is a perfect little wonder ! It is a miniature giant, doing more work and of a better quality, tlian the mast elaborate and costly. One - half . of the labor is fully srtved by its . use; arfd the clothes will last one-half longer than ;by tho old plan of tho rub board. It will wash the largest blanket. Three shirts ata time, washing thoroughly f fin a word,! tne aoiutron or any laoric, irom a Quilt to a Lace Curtain or Cambric Handkerchief, are equally within the capacity of this LITTLE GEM f It can be fastened to any tub and ' taken off at will.,. - , 4 ' . No matter how deep rooted a prejudice may exist against; WashingMachines, the. moment this littlo .'machine is seen to per form its wonders, all doubts of its cleansing" efficacy and .utility are banished, and tho doubter and detractor at once become the- Liast friends of the machine. , , j -L ; , ; ; ; . Wc have testimonials without end, setting forth its numerous advantages over all oth ' ers, and from hundreds who have thrown aside the unwieldy, useless machines, which -have signally failed to accomplish the ob- Qctpromised in prominent onct load sound ing advertisements. r It is as perfect for washing as a, wringer is. for wringing. The price another paramount " inducement to purchasers, has been placed so low that it is within tho Teach of every ' housekeeper; and there is no article of do mestic economy that will r repay tho small investment so soon. : ; , ; ,j ( i , . - '- - - j . All that is asked or fbis GREAT LABOR' SAVER, i3 a fair trial.. . We guarantee each machine to d3 its work perfectly! . .. Sole Agents Fon tub Unitkp States. '.-f. ... s A. Hi FRANCISCUSTfc CC., : ' 513 Market St., Philad'a. Pa. -: ' The1 largest and cheapest WOODEN WARE HOUSE In the United States. -f-; Oct. 5, 1871, V . :, , I8-rw6m. .' JrOHNSTON COUNTY I x j tub Su , periob Court, . r ...... ;J -. , Sirali' C. Dawson, Plaintiff, j ( i '. . " . against V Summons) Wm. D. Dawson, Defendant ) m . State of North Carolina, ' To the Sterif of Johnston Count iJtfrTdti'ti - Yon are hereby commanded' to summer! V m. D. Dawson, tho defendant alwreham ed, If he be found within your county, to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at the Court House in Smithlield, on tho Oth Monday after the 2d Monday of Feb ruary, 1872, and answer tho com plaint which, is deposited in tho office of the Clerk of tis Superior Court or said county, and let the said defendant take notice tha't if ho fails t answer the said complaint at that time th plaintiff, will abply to the Court for tho" re lief demanded in thd complaint, i . Herein fait not, and. of tkis summons make due return. ' , - 'Given under pry hand an3 the seal of said' rsEAL.1 VUTt 2Gth day of Feb., 1872. ' . ' i V o '. T- MASSEY, Clerk Superior Conrt Johnston Co. : feb. 3 0w. . . r , , . L