i CORRESPONDENCE. The Uxiiverstv. Office Sup't Public Instruction, Raleigh, Feb. ICth, 1872. .lames li. Mason, Esq., y Trustee of the University, Pear Sir: Oh the 9th lay of Jan- nary iu--, iiictriiu 01 mu iruaiees or ;rsity, and ; Bembled on the Oth., and passed & reso-1 Uni vers iution, introduced bv voursolf. railing shnntri ; upon the Alumni to state the terms upon their feeling. those who m ana ore be national.inot sectional wincn they could bo inclnral fr o-ixru their support to the University. Why was this resolution not introduced at the proper time? It was in contempla tion, and freely published by you, long before the annuel mcctinc in Xovpiu- ber. The mating at which it was pre- i .-x.. mm IV CUJJ ItUSL VJ ?t, it in - Som'tf time ago you published an ar- j tide over the .siirnature of s "Justice? in i one of the religious papers of the State, i r-- - in which you"suggesrthe plan of trans- J THURSDAY, ferring in a degree the management ;of j . '.. : - 1 . the University to the Alumni, ' You . js-au' Letters' J. C. LOGAJff IIAllRIS, Editor papers u)xn he platform - i , ; '-..a. . . . - i ColumhiilL Ohio - , . s g i o7o . n is a very wandering , docunient, lias Court Advertisements. I'nivHvuMa iiaifi in r-, seems to have reenextremelv irrctnilnr- HMjiiivr iu which ine proposal 01 i ine uumni w aner warns received, was . a. i . . utive ciiiicv, ai wnicn a resolution was adopted to appoint a Committee to confer with the Alumni of the Univer sity, and ascertain upon what terms and to what extent thev might be in- thutVl to come to the relief and sunnort of tie University. Hon. V. B. Rod man, Robt. F. Lehman and Alexander Mclver were appointed by his Kxcel Icnry, Tod R. Caldwell, upon said committee. A meeting of the Alurnni was called to respond to this resolution, and on the 1st nay or February thev met in thcrcnate Chamber, in the city of Ral eign, aim rwrganizea me Alum sociation by electincr the Hon .Moore, l'resiuent, and Col. D. M. Car ter, becretary. Ujon the call of the successive years from 1820 to 18V3, fifty rive names of Aiumni were recorded as present. On motion of Wm. II. Rattle a Com mittee of five was appointed to confer w.th the Committee and report an an swer to the resolution of the Honora ble Board of Trusteesof the. University. The President appointed Hons. Wm. 11. Battle, AV. A.Graham, R. M. i'ear son, R. P. Dick and D. 31. Barringer upon this Committee. The Association then adjourned till the next day to al low the Committee time to report. The Association met on the next day, and the Committee through their Chair man, Hon. Wm, II. Battle, submitted a report, which had been unanimously agreed upon by the Committee. The substance of it was : That party politics and sectarian in fluences should be totally and rigorous ly excluded from the organization and government of the University; and for the purpose of securing popular favor and support, it was thought necessary by the Committee that there should be an entire reorganization both of the Trustees and Faculty of the University. The report further expressed a willing ness on the part of the University if it should be desired on the basis proposed, and afterwards give it their cordial, continued and united support, and any financial assistance which thev could render in relieving U of its present fi nancial embarrassment. This report was unanimously adopted by the Alumni Association, and after wardit entirely approved by the Com mittee of the Trustees, and referred to the Honorable Board of Trustees at their meeting in the Executive Ofilce mi thp Rth int. with tho fnllnwinor resolution, which was - unanimouslp adopted by the trustees, to wit: Hcsotred, That the Superintendent of l'uoiic instruction communicate to each Trustee the substance of the pro ceedings of the Alumni and request the approval or disapproval of eacn Trus tee, and lay the information thus re ceived before his Excellency, Tod R. Caldwell Governor of North Carolina. The irrtentioii of the resolution is to ascertain the opinion of each Trustee in J regard to the propriety of a reorganiza tion of the University. It is understood that each .Trustee who may approve will tender his resignation as Trustee. The exercises of the University have been totally suspended for more than twelve months. The buildings unoccu pied are going to waste. There are tiebts to the afcftount of seventy or eighty thousand dollars against it. All its buildings, lands and other property, are under mortgage, and a suit is now pending asking for a sale of all the property to satisfy the debts secured by the mortgage. In view of these facts the Trustees who were present at the meeting on the Oth of January appealed to the Alumni of the University to come to its relief. The appeal was responded to by the Alumni promptly, generously and 'frankly. It was the wish of the Trustees who met on February 8th, to submit the matter to each Trustee, so that each might act tor himself. Sev eral Trustees had resigned before the meeting of the Sth inst., and it was understood that all who favored the scheme would resign. The educational interests of the State which are the foundation of all its other interests are liable at times to fall into the party contests of the day. But our wise men who met in the Senate Cham ber on the 1st of February have vir tually declared that party politics and sectarian influences should bo -totally and rigerously excluded from educa tional interests, fostered by the Stale. This has been declared to be the basis upon which the University is'proposcd to Ik; reorgauized, and is readily ac-i-ntrvi n thp nnlv true basis of all ed ucational interests, fostered. by State. You w ill please answer at your Host convenience. Verv respectfully, ALEXANDER MclVEK, Sup't Public Instruction. orital- , Trustees already com mV As- cigh ? Why no such ;,1J- enable even the Trust and neither one of the resolutions which you quote, could have passed the Board. Such a course x-an only result in evil to the University. A far less objectiona ble plan than that which y6u have proposed, is in contemplation,! and at the proper time may be adoptel. ! 2. It-is observable that the most prominent men in your Aumhi meet ing were most active and influential members ot the old (anti-beUum, bel ligerant) Trustees. Under their man agement the University, in ony a few short vftiiv. ?n;t it inrHrnifipontifrrlnw- j nient; was encumbered with a bonder- ous ueoi ; its property covered by mort gage, in which some of them appear to have been personally interested; its prestige destroyed ; and its patronage reduced- from 400 to about 75 students. -And for the last three years thy have quietly looked on, or actually) aided, the violent partisan warfare which has been waged against it through the col likewise quite as object ionabl el They state their tearms at a meeting on the 2nd inst., (Friday,) a meeting Df Trus tees is railed on Tuesday, the 6th. Prominent members of the Board could have been present had they Received any notice of this hurriedly called meet ing. The Daily Sentinel which jreached Chapel HiU on Monday . evening con tained an editorial notice that tjie Trus tees would meet on Tuesday (next day,) and requesting a general iittcndanee. Why this hot haste to assemble the gregated in Ral- nonce as wouia Trustees livintr an ad joining counties to reach Raleigh in time? Why this mockery of a call for general attendance throusrh the edito-; w uii i no jm IC jcftiici- Xiii4 iiiv iii iumii t ; iiituci j ji lino laicuivt v irustee3 been duly assembled, tae sub- nient. l he Trustees are invited toTe ject could have been fairly discussed, ; sign. Permit me respectfully to inti- 1 . A ' 11 I . A. A 1 -A . 1 A. iiiaif. u you, mat sucu a request is thought to come with very bad grace from one who is I indebted . solely to them for your position. The desertion f your friends will not most surely .se cure, to you the confidence of their ene mies., i If 1 have gone more at length into thi3 matter than was expected, it has been because of the unprecedented man ner in Avhich these "whole proceedings have been had. A fraction of the Board assembles without notice to the remain der, adopt most remarkable and objec tionable resolutions, and without call ing tne lioard tpgetner that the pro- pnety oi me measures may oe iainy discussed," issue a circular setting forth but one side of the question in the most ingenious way, and demand a vote by mail, the effect of which isto disorgan ize the whole Institution; and this upon the eve of the mest important politi cal election, by the counsel of men who are disqualified by law from a participation in other equally impor tant public matters, and who are known to be opposed to the act of reconstruc tion, and are supposed to entertain strong sectional prejudices. Many of the Trustees live 'far remote from the seat of - the University and from the seat of government. Your circular fbt ter presents one side of the subject and is drawn in a manner which is calculat ed to mislead them ; and they are re quested to give an carty response. My residence at the seat of the Uni versity; has fortunately given me an acquaintance with the manner and ap- farent design of this whole movement, shall takethe liberty of giving such publicity to tfiis correspondence as may be proper; and I trust that you may be as successful in this effort, as in your late earnest advocacy of the call, of a Convention. Yours very respectfully, H James B. Masox, r Tfustee for Orange county. in unu . oi c- JTJ!zl: - psoveral Impracticable resolations upon - ' - pnDiic poiicyf and upon ; the whale, is an- relatSne to Subsariptlona r 1 suited to a Sonthern latitndje, where-its say that, "during the present year the i Advertisement must bo ddre.d to wm m i M,c,n"8. UP tose inspwtiojMf the prin go vcrnment .of f ale Coliedg 4 that j is w. Z " fiffSS? f? rth' muf' e eO?501"- thaappointment 6f Trustees, give .B.ROW Bu--. Mn.ecr. - V?" to; thV Alumni. No SUCh thing Was All Reared Letter, am b. .enatcur risk, tl and iju,. T er, to interfere with the vested rizhts of cor porators j another, which - Democrats and i Conservatives will hardly relish "Equality Vj -ivyiws unit privileges w an. .uis is iuu essence of Snmper's amendment to the dis- abilities bill and yet this laborparty Is be ing looked to by leading Southern Demo cratic journals as allies ! We cannot per- f ceiA'e what consistency there is in thaU For ine wouthern and .Northern jeniocraey t . i - n ii O r a T fir A V'?!'; VniL X(i V. VTK,: AIRCtJIT mm!T t . t nii? rrwirpn -r 4 n-rrc. ever done. But even had it been done the cases are different. The Alumni of that Institution are, national, not sec tional in their feelings. The men who would be likely to control such a Uni versity are not excluded from partici pation in the national councils. j t This government "will take no back step, sir. The reconstruction acts are not a? fable, nor grand hoax, but a fixed act a reality. The North Caro lina of to-day is nbt the North Carolina ofl8G0;r :. J In thp management of our education al tmd other interest. we need not so much the men whose early education servesonly to bind them to the unlucky past, as men who are fully awake and abreast with the glorious events of this grand century. ou are looked upon "Sabscribers receiving' their papers with a crosa X mark, may know that the time for which they subscribed is nearly out, and unless - they- renew, after receiving, two papers, with a cross marktheir papers will bb discontinued. ' . , . !w, wimt n ngrmscv. local or JTT. wbollna. ZZitifi: .with.-au0ouD6rtnnity to'i 1 U 5l5!5? boxor nOayseliingoarne ;; 1 7 Ktrana u nite ire ,iuuiw "c . vuijiuiuii ?ihik Tknjlasl forever 'sample free. Send ! for circular. Address at once Una- ; son River Wire Works, cor. Water St. and Maulen.liano, Ix. x ., or .. i V Randolph St, Chicago. US Uv. j ' rr ' . ' - :,'"T : f ' - ' I OPI fstato srir! finnorcjl Ifomc 1 of that affiliation, will denationalize bvwMi j wiuw uiiu wuiivi mi iiuiiMi me party more-tban ever, and even H the v . , ; a . combination, including. otiicr; fragments, mt were successful against the Republicans having no policy other than" thatjf the La bor Party would disintegrate and tumble, in pieces in a short while, with chaos and confusion tor- follow. It is not sufficient to defeat your foe, but to possess strength to hold the fietfd afterward ; otherwise, to use an :ipt comparison,' frequent-changes and party triumphs, will Ma$icanie any county in its linances and prosperity. The, Charlotte' Democrat says : 'The Labor Reform Convention -jvhich nominated- Judge Davis of Illinois, for Frcaideiit, adopted a resolution in favor of n law making eight hour a claj-'s work fir I laborers an'i mechanics.; .. sucu interierc-nce with bniaoss and individual interns Attention is invited to the advertisement in 'another column of fifty dallars reward. KicsiaxED. Gen. Alfred Dockery hasre signed his xsition iis a member of the Leg islative Boardof .Directors for the Peniten tiary. . New Paper. A new Democratic daily j iatto be publislicd in Charlotte .very soon, i h! under the control Bradford.: Co. of I) Infokmatiox. The Battleburo' Advance is infornie.1 that the 20th Senatorial DJstrief ix composed of Cawell, Person and Onjnge, niitl is entitied to two Senators.' Eoal Estate Dealers & O wners and all SOT7THERN ENTERPRISES : ; desirous of attracting i i . NOR'TnEBN CAP IT AX Should write, giving full particulars to GRIFFIN & HOFFMAN; No. 4 South St. Baltimore, fd. Refer to Hon. ' Jefferson Davis, Memphis,' Tenn; Ex-Gov. M.; u Bonham, -Edgefield, S. C; en. P. M. IE Young, Cartereville, Ga.; Mr. Henry A. Schroeder, Presid't Southern Bank, Mobile, Ala.; and W. B. Sorley fc Co. Bankers, Gal veston, Texas. r J; :i8 4w. BURNHAM'S h3Z-v-isBv Tukbix is in cencrai uo ' . - t A -IT 4" tniougziout ine u.o... a suliuvu.. is used bv the Government in the Patent Office, ! Washington, D. C. . Its simplicity of Construe!! and J tho power it transmits renf- it the best water -wlieel ever iuveut Z: ed. Pamphlet free. - ii N. F. BURNHAM, York, Pa.4w - as? MaTLuAu'-tuml Tobacco, Mi Box Bcrewd. lion" 1 "-.,iy n iiwKf.-i-itH-i orinft.rmn- To I.arkin Brooks, anl. t all whom It niav concern r-rGretlnu. 1iicc,8h!rcb-v P'vn 1,"lt 'Wwoni-n-tionea property wa felzcHl l.y Chsul.-M L'.AVin stead. Collector of Internal Itcvenue foe Ui Uh Collection" District of North Carolina, ,ii!iil"' oiJth day or Jannary. 1872, as forfeited to the uses of the Unite.1 Stutpa fr vlidiHmi ,,r ti,u fternal revenue laws, and tho mame is 1!1k Ui tP'Vro!cuUl In the Circuit Court of tin i r n.1. S.t?t,? rVr TOnlemnation for tin Wuf in tho fal.l lilwl set forth ; nn that ll" Kiut iusewill Ptrtdfor trial t theeonrt room of ilJtUielf.UKXK'ir Um ,,Jt rt "J'"-tlou iUy,' an.l if not at tle next day of jurisdiction there after, when and where nil p'rson are wurned to Hmjear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and to intervene tor u.i Interest. ; j, . .,.',, Given under my hand, the loth day of June. 1S72. ' . i H. Tj CAItROwV 41 w2w f - United SlateH MArshal, at ol!Ke, ijJUleigli X)IRCUIT COURT 01' THE v District ok Noxtil Caki umns of their politieal organ, Tne men who met in the now, our "wise Senate Chamber on February 1st," cooly intimate that if the present Trustees will ge out of the way, they will be willing tb aid in re-organizing the Institution. It Is a remarkable fact that three of the five members of the Committee ap pointed by the Alumni were moist influ ential in the old lioard; and tlie other two are most prominent members of the present Board, who were! at the peculiar meetings of January t)th, and February Gth. It may be myJmifor tune, but I cannot confide so far as -yourself, in the wisdom of "ourwise men" in whose hands the Universitv went to ruin. The source from which the proposition which you submit comes, does not go very far towards se curing my approval. I will not hero question the sincerity of the sentiment that "party politics and sectarian influences should, be ex cluded," but I regret that it had not been expressed at an earlier day! 3. The University was reorganized, in its present form, under the operation of the late act of reconstruction. The terms upon which these gcntlemfn now offer their favor, is that the Trustees and Faculty submit to an entire reor ganization. There is to be an abandon ment of one decisive step under the re construction act of Congress, and that too a very important one, connected as it is with the higher educational! inter ests of our young men. I look upon this whole movement no a part of the contest against "reconstruction.' The Democratic leaders seem o fear that the Republican Party has i ljured itself by reconstructing upon tho basis of incompetent officers. But superior intelligence is not the only virtue that should bo looked for in public men. The most learned do not always frame the best laws, nor are they always the safest custodians of outfree institutions. You may have reatl the able speech of Foii Grast.-Khode Island held her State Convention on the I4th4nst. Tho ad ministration was endorsed and Grant and Collax urged for re-nomination. " Cincinnati Convention. The Wash ington correspondent of the Ar. I'. Tt'6ime, says Senator Charles Sumner has consented to preside at the "Convention which meets in Cincinnati in May. . " should not las tolerated, li injures tho poor laborer and mechanic iiir than it doe tho capitalist. o man will puv'as m uch for 8 i liours work as he will -for 10 or 12 hours. We have always been' obliged to work from 12 to 15 hours a dajvand have oiten worked is liours and that is the only way to Keep free of deh. and the calls of the sheriff and constable. People who work only 8 hours and play 4, may be expected to. complain of hard times and talk about tins being a poor country. -, The country is a great deal better than many f the people who . inhab it it. " r. , HtejjmSUSSeSSuonSTTSrooISTff moat' UNITED HTATEH OL1XA. unites states Vs. harTboxes ul XLuiufacturtd Plug Tobacco. nv'riL'rt vwla-htf .v iw Knv i Ouerrrnt Machine, l pair of I Siv.it s, 1 Box , tuew.s, Z Presa Screws, 2 lron Ia-vci-m, and 14 Dryers an t lie prcjicrty of II ugh Wo x .-!-LA bf I , of Information. ; t To HukU WootU. tanl U all w hom li5nayon- -jcrn: lriiiifi. ' , i - ,('. ; . MXoticc islu'ivby fitven, that the rjx.ve mft'-" uoiumi Mxiporty wtw seized lv OJiarlos M. wtn- Cipcinou7chTcro orBt Loaig Sah, Accident. We learn from The Salem Preas that Frank Matthews, . son of Mrs. Antionette Matthews; neaclluntsville, Yadkin county, so badly shattered his hand on Monday last, by the premature explo sion of a gun ho was loading, that amputa tion became necesearv. There will baa meetinj of the Republican citizens of Granville county at the Courthouse in Oxfqrd on the 9th day of April, 1872, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the District Convention to nominate a candidate for Congress. CATVTN BETTS, CI airman td. Countv Ex. Committee.- Southern Claims. It is thought South ern claims which have been passed upon by the Commission at Washington and re commended to be paid, will be paid during next month. Congress will probably be guided by the report of the Commission and not subject the claims to a second ex amination by the joint Committee on Claims. the car- Ciiapel Hill, N. C, Feb 21, 12. Prof. Alexander Mclver, Supt. Public Instruction. Dear SIk: Your circular letter of Feb. ICth, 1872, communicating certain proceedings recently had in relation to the University, and ?Vinffil?m?" provalor disapproval' .of thef me reached me on the evening of the 19tJ; St. I have to reply that I mart em phatically disapprove the whole pro- i-eelure. imnor(ant action as that X. 1 KJ . . , 1 which you communicate coum uu erly taken, certainly not since the pass V3in net upon the subject by the dencrnl .Vssembly ir 1 1821, eei; annual meetin- of the Board I of tees The propriety of the regulations uon thisCsibjext should at .once coin nipnd itself to vou. Otlierwise, a mere ESta. or the l3oard, at the priWn of the ITUlin?, Oflter. mht t a moment assemuic, ' of ofrino- the whole character oi thetomitiai. At the annual ineeting every member may. be present. fhekiterim, there should be matter of ie5JV demanding the action of eTruTtee, each member should be notifled. in order that there may be opportunity for- full and fair consid eration and discussion. - Thp usual number of Trustees left ....i.hnmMnnd attended the last an "f-Ylnff. in November. Judge Hoar, recently delivered In the Congress or the united fetates,! upon the bill to' establish an educational ! fund, most of the benefits of which for j the next ten years must flow to the South. ,.Keiernng to the reconstruction f the Southern States, he says : j" You did, Republican statesmen, in recon structing those States, found their gov ernments upon their ignorance. You could not do otherwise. The education of those States had proved itself unfit to govern. What we have to sayj how ever, is not that ignorance is fit to gov ern, but only that the ignorant slave is les injured and degraded by thd rela tion than the educated tyrant." Iu a late editorial in The Era, some of the Alumni of the University are, by error in the type, characterized as among our worst distinguished citizens. The! pres ent Board of Trustees contains sopie of the purest and most intelligent men in North Carolina. From year to year j vacancies are occurring and ncy ap ; pointments are being made. In a few ! years the entire organization is liable 1 to be changed in a regular and llegal I . . . a i e- ii ii l wav. isut in ine nice oi an mis; aim "Jligst, -Perturbed Spirit.". In the death of Giuseppe Mazzini the world loses forever the most persistent aim niusi poweriui ugiiaior oi ine age. rso man ever uvea wno was more thoroughly imbued with one idea than ho. No man through discouragement and defeat ever pressed on more faith fully towards his ideal. :- No man ever proved uiorp completely the power of mental force and the influence which one Strong determined mind can wield overjvast communities. Foj Mazzini was a man without great wealth, without the positiort which high birth affords, without mili tary genius, without any of those more salient qualities which are apt to com mand at once the attention of mankind; and yetj by his earnest enthusiasm and unflinching perseverance, he won for himself a name which is known all over the civilized world. Kings were afraid of him. : ; - Every occupant of, or heir to a throne In Europe had a secret dread of this Italian theorist. His shibboleth was t4Gd and the people.' His idol was Republicanism. His 'City of the SouP'.was Rome. These three passions swayed his every movement and di rected his whole life. When but twenty-two years of age Mazzini, was in prison for political of fences, and from that time his career has been one long series of revolutiona ry intrigues. In 1849 . his name was perhaps the most prominent of all brought into public notice at that tem pestuous period, lie was one of the triumvirs of Rome, and - but for the in terference of the French Republic, which iti behalf of the Papacy dared to Dkatii of A Fireman. We regret to an nounce the death of Haswell P. Buncombe, colored, of Victor Fire Company, No. 1. Tne deceased was known as an upright, honest man. Ho was a waiter in the Capi- t tol Aji BCTCi nl -rcorp, fixl won tlioornrafidonoA and respect of all tho State officers, by his gentlemanly demeanor and strict attention to his duties. He was buried- on Monday by his Fire Company. ; The Outlaws. The Wilmington Star of the 17th says aothing further 'confirmatory of otherwise in regard to the reported kill ing Boss. Strong has as yet been received, tliougn it is still the impression among a great many on the line o the road that he was certainly killed. There is a rumor to the eflbcthat Henry Berry Lowery has left .the county, he having previously disguised "himself with false whiskers, Ac, so that his most intimate friends and associates would not know him. It is also reported that Ste phen Lowery, who has the reputation of be ing really the most brutal and blood-thirsty of the gang, is now in command in place of his brother Henry Berry. We give these rumors for what they are worth, in nowise vouching for their correctness. If there should be any truth in them, the -fact would account for otherjnembers of the gang be ing seen with Henry Berry's favorite weap ons in their possession, as is reported to be the case. -Then, too,- if Boss Strongs has in reality been sent to the "happy hunting grounds of his fathers," the number of this notorious gang, of desperadoes will have been reduced to three, viz., Stephen ''Low ery, Tom Lowery and -Andrew Strong. George Applewhite, reported to have been killed sometime during the early part of last' year, but who subsequently made his appearance among the gang, afterwards dis appeared again ana nis wnerea bouts or probable fate has ever since been clouded in mystery. Some think that he left the ccrunty, w Jlonry ; Horry i rtow.jroportvl to havo done, while others entertain the opin ion that ho was killed in some brawl among the members atha gang. "AGENTS WANTED. The only complete life of v ; . . - . JAMES FISK. Containing a full account of all his schemes, enterprises and assassination. Biographies of Vanderbilt, Drew and other great R. R. and Financial magnates. Great FRAUDS of the TAMMANY RING. Brilliant pen pictures in the LIGHTS & SHADOWS of New York Life. JOSIE MANSFIELD the siren. How a beautiful woman captivated and ruined her victims-Life of EDWARD S. STOKES, Illustrated octavo of over 600 pages. Send $1.00 for outfit, and secure ter ritory at once. Circulars free. UNION PUB'LISHINGUJO., Philadelphia, Chicago or Cincinnati. 118 4w. - staid,. Coi let-toe f Internal Ilevt nne l'nrthesth Coll.i-(I.n Iiir$vt of North Carolina, oil theSOth of January, l-,2, n forfeited to the .uses of tte United sums f.,r violation of the Intel nal Rev rnuc Laws, ami tl. Mine ig lilell'diid prom- , -i:t;'d in tho Circuit Court of the United .siatf -for tioudfinnaiiou for tlie ean.seMiu ri.caid liht l ot lttfciiniiri.tii uat f. ..-i... i i..L t ! ... t- ...ti.t - will stand fur trial tt the eoim nom of snld comt til it:ueiuu on tne first Monday of June, next, If that he. Jurisdiction rtay, iiia If not at the next day of juritdk-tioit tKoreui'ter, when and wheie all persons lire warnetl to appear to show came why condemnation should not be decreed, and ' to Intervene for their lnterent. -Given under my hand at office, In Raid 1 eh. ' this th day of 3Iarch, 1872. f ' i : 8. T. CAItROW, 41 w2w - United States Marshal. . CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Pistkict of North CAaorrsAj . - $500 REWARD fa offered byH tne proprietor oi ur. tge b Catarrh Kemedy for a case of "Cold in Head," Catarrh or Ozena, which he cannot cure. Sold by Druggists at 60 eta. Salk Ixjuxcted. The Asheville Pioneer is informed that Judge Tourgee has issued an injunction which stopped the sale of tho Swepson estate. Itxwas to have-been sold last Thursday. Tho injunction was issued upon a complaint which urged that, in con sequence of the recent snows in that section, the sale of the property at this time Avould result in serious loss to the complainant1?, 44 We Know." W-e learn from the Pub lisher of this paper, Mr. L. N. Keith, that it has changed hands, and will certainly .ap pear as soon as they can get their new head and standing cuts. They are now engaged in getting up a design for a comic head. We learn that it is to appear with R. D. Wicker and L. N. Keith as Editors and Proprietors. Mr. Keith is an old newspa per man, and a practical printer, and though Mr. Wicker is quite young, ho is a bright, enterprising young man, and a "chip from tho old block," and we predict for them success, as our people know how to appre ciate an enterprise. Go. it Sob ! Tho next r umber of the We Know will appear on Saturday. Countkkfeiters Arrestkd. The Char lotte Democrat says two or three white men wer brought to that city last week and committed to Jail for passing, "counterfeit money, of which they had several hundred dollars when taken up. Their- arrest was caud by Mr. A. W. Lawing, to whom some of the spurious money was passed. He and Dr. Wash. Morrison and W. A. Wilson, -pursued the men into Gaston coun ty and brought them to Charlotte, where they were examined by a U. S. Com mis &ioner and Marshal and committed for trial. They had two teams and ' professed to bo from Rockingham county, Va. They will find out that honesty is tlie best policy. Detective Hester, last week, seized in that city, one or two wagons loaded with "bloc kade'' whiskey. In one case the men un hitched their horses and escaped, leaving their wazon standing in the street. Those who Attempt to evade the tax on tobacco and whiskey not only injure themselves, but cause iniurv to honest manufacturers and dealers,, by the stringent regulations imposed by the Government. We Rd- journed l to on the 2d day of Janu On that day, although a ar, f'-r.-rfnpnt Trustees were In rhiX-of fcleigh, there was no meet h ami i retuniil home supposing h& if anyVestiohou properi rrv,,etoi hud ns- just upon the eve of the most impor tant political campaign, when thisjvery subject of " reconstruction " presents a prominent point of divergence,' the Trustees are asked to admit as aailure, so much of reconstruction as relates to one of the most important matteirs of the government. I deny that the pres ent Trustees are justly chargeable with the misfortunes of the University and lay the whole responsibility where it rightfully belongs, upon the shoulders of tho very gentlemen who now de mand a re-organization. Some of hese irentlemen, if I am correctly informed, are disqualified from holding om If thev really oe unnc 10 sir, in in ice.- le .na tional councils, they can hardly bej safe advisers in our educational aimirs. That power to which we must look for material aid in these matters clould hardly be expected te agree with lis in our high esteem of their fitness. JIad your resolution of January Gth inquir ed upon what terms they could be in duced to support the government? (In stead of the University) I presume their answer would have been substantially the same "annul reconstruction ami entirely reorganize." t am n much opposed as you'ean be in the introduction of politics into; the. management of the University. I3ut who has been so constant and bitter in this crime for tire last three years-as the very class of men whose counsel you now seek, and who speak so flip nantl v of the eternal exclusion of party politics and sectarian influences? those men Who are JthnM o rcporteI a hayinghree thft roverniiieui' uuut " ...v... j .. . ... . u- ,-ii aims ii u diuciuj uuv nu am mww -... this way. 1 Just think- of a' public printer with three hands drawing pay by' the letter fight and crush a sister people, Mazzini might Imve seen the darling object of his heart realized. He might have seen Rome the capital of an Italian republic Neve? indeed, was his triumph so close at hand. His foot seemed to be actually treading the soil of his Utopia when fate intervened. Since that oay Maz zini has only been an active schemer not a practical leader. : . lie never awakened the popular en thusiasm with which Garibaldi at one time inspired Italy and the world. Though quite as earnest and as honest as the lion of Caprera, his methods of J bringing about his ends was very dif ferent. He and Garibaldi could not harmonize, and so they agreed to disa gree. In fact, any one working for Mazzini in the cause of national regen eration must bend entirely to his will. The two triumvirs associated with him in the defence of Rome differed in their views, and so he, in disgust, abandoned, his task 'and retired to England. He j could be an exile for his political opin ions, he could be a martyr it necessary, but he nevr could be a subordinate. His death''-occurs at a moment when public attention had long been diverted from hiuu There is an element of pe culiar sadness in his fate. To die is but tfatural ; but for an ardent theorist and active agitator to die as Mazzini did, without even beholding his prom ised Ifmd from Pisgah's top is certainly hard?: His influence and example, however, liave had their effect on the world, and his .writings will not die with him ; while in contemporary bio graphy his name will remain as that of a man who literally devoted his life to his country-a vrountry which oftefr failed to comprehend his views, and neve thought of rewarding his devo tion. And se passes away one of the representative men of .the nineteenth century. N. Y. Post. - :- ' Laconic Mr. Greeley is cultivating, the laconics in the correspondence of his ma- turer years. A quarrel occurred between two Kansas editors as to whether II." G. had said that he would not -support Grant if nominated. The matter was referred to The Tribune philosopher, who thus replied: Tkibuhe Office, , New York, February 22d, 1872. j ; " No. Horace Greeley' We have never thought fr a minute that Mr. Greeley would not "support tho nominee of the Philadelphia CohVentToii. He is too good a Republican, and loves tho peace and prosperity of hi country too well, to endanger all that has been settled b' the rebellion and reconstruction, to aid in placiug the country under Democratic controTT" ' . pnt They sliould certainly not be men n ha r.nnfs cannot be legally heard in h Affairs of civil crovernment. Party politics should be unknown in the Drowned. A soldier belonging to the Company now stationed at Rutherfordton, was drowned in South Fork a few miles from Lincolnton a few daj'S-ago. The river was considerably swollen by recent .rains and was two feet over tlie bride. It seems that the soldier was driving oine horses. They stopped on the bridge to drink. The horse which the soldier was riding drinking longer than tho others, "the rider spurred him, and the harse jumped off the bridgeon the upper side. Both horse and rider went under the bridge. The horse reached shore, but the soldier was unablo to -detach his sa bre .and accoutrements, and drowned. , : Indepjcic dent Ppess The Charlotte Bul letin publishes an article from The States ville American headed The People .are Sovereign- Iso the article fem The Neva of this cityi regretting, that: the tone. and communications of The American are such as to excite"! suspicion as, to ' where. The American will bo found tn the -ensuing ramDaisro." The Bulletin then replies to 1 The News follows:. , . ! This is another evidence that if an konest, manly,-N4ndependent, soundT Sentiment is expressed, even by one of the best and most faithful Conservatives, forthwith the brand ing iron is prepared Jto brand the independ ent author as a "damned Radical.U Such a policy will- ruin any party. It is not -Con-Hervatlve. fit is rank Kadicalism,;; ; r Results f -Democratic secession. The following remarkable clause is con tained in the willpf a recently deceased cit izen of Richmond, "V lrghiia : . " "To my daughter , who has done so much to alienate my affections, but who I still deeply and tenderly love, I give as an evidence of the beauties of her doctrines of secession and rebellion, doctrines and aims which havo reduced me from affluence to beggary, and as she yet Jhinks perhaps that 'Tho Lost Cause' wil be regained, she may think my bequest as valuable, more so, nossiblr. than the same amount given in Yankee securities. I give her the following, viz: Twenty-five Confederate bonds of K., i. A Co.. f25,000 ; eighteen servant eman cipated by secession, $10,000 ; insurance and bank-stocks, $15,000 all my claims against the so-called Confederate "government for the wanton, cru! and wicked destruction of my property on the; third of ApiiU 1803, $200,00ii. I could ..continue tho list to tho extent of more than half a mi! lion of dollars, but the above, will suffice. Sho will see what the effect of secession has been, but for which I could havo left all my children a handsome competency. , , The Pen Letter Book for copying letters without Press or Water, continues to grow in favor wherever intro duced, and thousands now using it attest its wonderful merits. All praise its Simplicity and Convenience, and a public test of six years has fully established its genuineness and reliability. It has only to be properly shown to be appreciated by all business men. Price .$2.25 and upward. Address P. GAKliETT & CO., Philadelphia, Pa Agents wanted. i 118 iw. . WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS FOR COUGHS, COLiDS Ttfe HOARSENESS. These Tablets present the Acid in Combi nation with other efficient remedies, in a popular form, for tho Cure of all THROAT and LUNG Diseases. HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of the THROAT are im mediately relieved and "statements are con stantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in casca of Tkroat tliflSoultifis of years stand ing. PAIITIflM Don't be deceived by worth bnU I IUIM iess imitations. Get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 Cts. per Box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y., Sole Agent f-r the U. S. Send for Circular. 118 iw. Oh, Would I Were a Child again! - sighs the wearyimd exhausted one, as the languor and lassitude of spring comes upon him. Come and receive vigor and strength from the wonderful South American Tonio JURUBEBA. Long and successfully used, in its native country, as a Poicerfid Tonic, and Patent Purifier of the Blood, it is found even to ex ceed the anticipations founded on its great reputation. According to the medicaland scientific periodicals of London and Paris, it possesses the most- powerful tokio properties known to Matekia. Medica. Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurnbeba is a perteet remedy lor an diseases oi tne BLOOD, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, GLANDULOUS TlBfORS, DROPSY, SCROFULA, INTERNAL ABSCESSES, and will remove all obstructions of the LIVER, SPLEEN, INTESTINES, UTE RINE and URINARY ORGANS. It is strengthening and nourishing. Like nutricious food taken into the stomach, it assimilates and diffuses itself through the circulation, giving vigor and health. - - It regulates the bowels, quiets tne nerves. acts directly on the secretive organs, and, by its powerful Tonic and restoring effecTts, produces healthy and vigorous action to the whole system. i ''! JOHN Q. KELLOGG, iai hut St., N Y., Sole Agent tor the Lmited States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. " Send for Circular. v mar 14 118 4w. United States vs. 18 boxes manufactured plug i tobacco, one waon, 2 horses anil hames. r seized as the property of William 8. Holloway, i and against said Holloway and N, M. Norwood ; and William P. Day, hla sureties on theep- j uraisement bond for tha rnlonaa nf bdIH . perty. Ijlbel of Information. i j ' To William S. IIollownyrf William P. Day, N. M.1' Norwood, aud to all whom it may concern : .j ' - Greeting. ..-!."' . t, . -. ; Notice is hereby given that the above men- ' tioned property was seized by I. J. Younjr, Gol-j I xcwi ui luwriuut u;vtuuo IU1 luo m LMIlieCllOn 1 District of N. C, on the 10th day of February, 1S72, T as forfeited to the uses of the United States, for 1 ' violation of the Internal Revenue Laws; and , ! the same is libelled nnd nrnoiwiteri In th fir. cult Court of the United btates for condemna- 'j tlon for the causes In the said libel of Informa tion set . forth; and that the said cause: m-111 : stand for trial at tho Court Room of said Court J ! at llaleigh, on tho flrst Monday of June next, , if that be a Jurisdiction day, and If not ; at th i 1 nexiuay oi juTisuiction thereafter, when and. i where all persons are warned to appear to nhow I cause why said property shall not be declared i , liable-to forfeiture or a judgment according ; j ntervene for their Interest. 1 ! Given under my hand at office, In RAleizh. -j j this 14th day of Mrtrcli, 1872. H. T. CAItROW, U 41w2w United States Slarshal. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, District oe North Carolina. t . United States vs. 1 Still and Fixtures and twenty-six acres, of Land, on which7 said still is 1 situated, nnd In the county of Orange, being i designated as the Distillery tract, Label of In- . formation. I .J ; To Samue( Johnson, and to all whom It may ! concern : Greeting. ' ! ' Notice is hereby -given, that thenbove men- ' ! tioned property was seized by I. J.i Young, Col- " lector of Internal Revenue for the 4th Collection : District of North Carolina, on the 23rd day of Jan., 1X72, as forfeited to the uses of the United i States, for violation of the Internal Revenue laws, and the same is lilellet and nrosecuted in . i .the Circuit Court of the United States for con- i demnation for the causcsin the said Libel of In- , formation set forth ; and that the said cause will stand for trial as the court room of said Court ! ! at Raleigh, on the rirst Monday of June next, t j ifthatbea jurisdiction day, and if not at the l jiHAt any oi jurisdiction thorooftf r, when and ' where all persons are warned to appear to show i cause why condemnation sliould not be dc- i creed7ncl to intervene for their Interest. I Given under my hand, nt ofllco in j Raleigh. ' this Uth day of March, lb72. I j S. T. CARROW, ; -lw2w -! i United States Alarshal. I , : , , , , CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATFX, District of North Carolina.: . ; nited States vs. 1 Still and Fixtures and a tr-t i of one hundred and thirty-six acres, more r , i iess, oi lanu on wnicu said stuiand nxtun-H - were situated, known us Hlossoirt's Distillerv. Libel of Information , To George IJlossoin, and to all whom It inay I concern: Greeting. ' Notice is hereby given, that the above men tioned property was seized by I. J. Young, Col-. District of North Carolina, on tlie Stub, day of January, 1S72, as forfeited to the I uses of th United States for violation of the Internal Rev- ' enue Laws, and the same is libelled and pros ecuted in the Circuit Court of tho United States for condemnation for the causes in ,the wild Libel of Information set forth; nnd that the said cause will stand for trial nt the court room of said court, at Raleigh on th first Mon- , day of Jane next, if that be a Jurisdiction day, and if not at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and, where all persons ure" " warned to appear to show cause why condem nation shonld not be decreed, and to intervene for their interest. i 1 " Given under my hand at oflice, In Raleluh. this 14th day of March, 1372. i . i.. H. T. CAItROW, 41 w2w. , Unltrtl States Marsbul. . Dead men tell no tales : if they did, anathemas against the depleting lancet, the drastic purge, and the terrible salivants of the materia mediea, would arise from every graveyard. The motto of modern medical science is "Preserve and Regulate, not de- .Vwi n wrnwlT ttf nn i rlav is ho en- viivu, o.ivx " --r- t , ; t,t,, rt:.. t rr tirely in harmony with this philanthiopic th pubisflsan Agent to prosecute the TORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court J3l Tvrrell County. j .Notice. Sam'l Rogers and wife, Plaintilfs; uyu-nisc James Bric-khouse and wife Anna, Mathew iJiIlen and others, Defendants. Itappearing that the' above named Mathew Dillcn is a resident of the State of Indiana, Notice is hereby given; that pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court of North Caro lina made in this cause nt January Term, 1872, th' undersigned will" proceed to state the account between tho parties to thi ac tion, at. the Court , House in . Columbia, Tyrrell county ,N. C, on Tuesday, May 7th, 1872, and continue from day to day until the same is. completed, wnen aiui where the parties to said action are nbtilied to appear, and 'do all things necessary to protect their interests 1n the premised. ' 1 - rr J:LI SPRUILL, Clerk . Sujerior Court of Tyrrell county. March 9, 1872. V - a 41 wGw. , , WAsniNOTox, March, 1st, 1S72. TNTENDING TO SPEND MUCH OF logic as Dr. Wlkkb's vegetablvisk oak Bittkrs. i-In this powerful, yet harm less restorative,, dyspepsia, billions com-1 plaints, and all diseases or the .stomacn, 4 liver, bowels and nerves, encounter an irresistible antidote. C: - 118 4 w. Petition". The petition of Fredrick T. Walser, publisher of The National Repub lican, a newspaper published in the county of Forsythe, North Carolina, was presented by Mr? Pool In the United States Senate last Friday, graying that papers printed on one side be made legal mailable matter at the minimum rate fixed by Congress on weekly newspapers and packages to news dealers, which was referred to the commit tee on post offices and post roadsv , - - -r '7.- F. F. YJohn-Tyler, son of ex-President Tyler, of Virginia, has written a letter pre dicting the triumph and perpetuity, of the Republican party,' and announces himself a Republican.'""' V " "'-'.. ... claims of citizens against the (overnmi?ntof tho United States. Address-' DANIEL R. GOODLOE, , Box No. 217 Washington, D. C. maV 4114 3twfctri-w. 1 "$2o REWARD STOLEN i" CIRCUIT COURT OF THI UNITKD STATPX, DXHTUICT OF NdtTlI Cii:OLIJfA. Unitcnl States vs. 1 8till and Fixtures, the pro- perry of Jndson Fearingfon, and 1 1 Htill nnd .Fixtures, the jxropcrty 01' William Ubck Fos-. ter. Libel of Information. . .j To'Jmlson Fearingtou and Wm. Uluck FosU r, ami to all whom It my concern :-40reetInc. . Notice is ljereby given, that the above men- tioned pniH rty wan nciixd by I. J. I ounc. Col-' lector of Miternol ll'ivejiisn'for the iXU Collection District of North Carftina, on 11th ctf.y of Jnnu- ' ary, lt7"2,.ns fo: lcilc.l t the umch of tho United i Stat-es, for viol.-. t ion of ii.- iiiti-.i-nul revenue1 laws, and the same 1h libelled and pi-osccjuted In tho Circuit Court f ti.e United Httt s for condem nation forihe cjiuss in thesuid libel of informa tion sot fori 11 ; and U.at the Nuld caue will Ktand for trial at the court room of said court, at Rnl ehrh,on Use Hist Monilay-of June next, if that be a jurisdiction Luy, .a nd It not at the next day of jurisdiction thcu-ul'K r, wlien und where all per sons uru wjiinid x-.t i;p nr t show cause wliy condemuatU.11 should not be decreed, and to intervene for tLctr Int-i est. (. -i - . Oi ven under -my It: in id, Pt rtllcc, . In Ralelth. -this Uth diy of March, UT2. j-.--.it- ... i , I , S. T. CARROW, ,1 wJw United Mr.ttc MarshaL. -. " finu'uiT court of tid: u?;iTiri states, U Dl. STKltTOt SOlCTil L'AKOLWA.'j- '- ' United Htatcs vs. 1 Kil.'hnfid Fixtures and jdxtj-i .Kcrcaof land situated In 4th Va lection Ills- -trict. Libel tf Information. - .' To Daniel 'Mcliiuc, imd to all whom it' Am v3' ' ooiiccrn t Orcetln;. ". . 11 tf . ' Noticoisherohy gtTi n, tiiat the above m'eK-." tlonvd property wus seited by Isaao J. Vouiit. ' Collector of Internal Revenne for tire 4th 'Co! Ice - ; tion District of North Cwrollnn, on the ilth Uvy of January, 1S72, as forfeited to the ukch of. the United Htnr, l-'r violi-.tion of the" In ternal Revf-nwe Jiws, hiid tlie ume IslilxUled and prosi-cuted in I he' I ircitlt Court of tho ITnltctl 8taiiH, for con-lemnaf Uv:i .lor the causes ' in the saM IIIk'1 of liironniilioii et forth; end '' that tho biild aiwc will stun j -ivr trial at tho court rjtjju of said Coin t, at IU ., h;ontheftrtt Mondaj' of June next. If tf .-1 ' j a lurlsdiei . tion rjy, and if not at th next C( n sj; JarlsdUv. r tion thereal'UT, wlin and wlic ..ll i .M i-ons are wameu 10 appear to show chu-- v.-hy '.ndem- 11U.L1011 Hiiouitruoi wiecTiHHi, !' wi for their In tercut -i 1 Given under hiy hand, at oflt:-t in , this Uth clay of March. 1S72. i W. J . C'AJtKOW. m itKervc t,t 41 w2w United bUttes Marshal. From the subscriber on the night of the 20th of February last, a BAY HORSE, six Jeans old, above medium 1 Ieight, rather eavy limbed and light bqdied, knees in clined forward, some white in his face, and a small scar on right shoulder; behind the collar."; He trots long and hard, and Is just learning to pace. - ' ." The above reward will be paid for the de-; livery of said Horse, or for any information Hint tcill lea1 to hi a. rnnnvftrv. A Art rMQ 1 , . HARRISON i'BAZER, 1 ; J , - Bnsh Hill. RandoTnb n. - : March 1st, 1S72 w3w. N. C. JOHN M ASSET is running a Saw3l ill : at Carey. He will furnish all kinds of Lumber at short notice. Any order left at this ofilce will receive ompt attention. . . JMiiMi-f IO, lTf ; ' 9bv?totf FIFTY DOLLARS RWARD. . . .- ;.: . ' jf . j ; .1 will i pay the. above reward for the cap ture and delivery to jne of the body of Robt. AI. Budger,if eaptnredMn Bertie county and one hundred ($100) dollars reward if captured anywhere outsidaof said county, ; and delivered to me in Bertie. j -. .- , - ' . FW. BELL. Sheriff. ' : March lo, 1372. , , t . 41 wlm. , Sr State and Norfolk papers please copy. ; ' - ' . , - ' . : Claimants Having- testimony ! taken by me will please understand that all costs and charges are to be paid -at the time when' such testimony is taken. Counsellors shonld so inform claimants. , . E. W. WOODS. ; ; Special Commissioner. , ; Chapel HilL Deo. .12, 1871. , 85 tf. al that some VI IIIC