The Liberal MoreEt Again. " Last week we Indulged in some spec ulations on the so-called liberal or Rs form movement, ia which we came to the conclusion that the call of the Cin cinnati Convention did not necessarily rnrpbode a snlit in the Bepublican 4,of. if nnder the truldanco of nnd ludicious counsels might re- sultin makine the party stronger;than ever before. There is still a possibility hat Mich may be the case. There are certainly some leading men connected with it who are utterly opposed to any schism and sepearate organization, and there is some reason to hope that they will be able to control the deliberations at Cincinnati. In this connection we print the following article from Tlie New York Evening Post, ona of the earliest and ablest Bepublican journals that embarked in the movement, as an AvJnpnrfi of what we have heretofore said on this subject, and as a part o the history-of the times: The convention called by the J Lib orui TtPTuihlicans" of Missouri to mee in Cincinnati en the first Wednesday in Mnv has now come to be regarded as the key to the national canvass hia vpr The call for this meeti ts-na noromnanifid with a. pretty ful etnVmpnt of the Drinciples on which if onthnro wish the government to be inducted, The Dlatform aTdheres to he fundamental doctrines heretofore adopted by the" Republican party, in eluding emancipation, the equality o all races in their civil right?, univcrsa suffrage and amnesty, anu goes on a rpform in the tarift, by t nhniitinn of nrotentive duties, a thor ougn reform in tne civn bcruiu abolition of "patronage," the restric tion f the national government to its proper ends, and a stop to its encroach ments n the states. It is only the Republicans who desire the reforms et forth " who are invited to meet in " National Mass Convention? in May, to take such action as our convictions of dutv and public exigencies may re ouire ' This "call was certainly drawn with remarkable ability, and expressed, in the main, the views of many able, In dependent and patriotic Republicans in other states as well as in Missouri. Some of the language in the resolutions was evidently selected for the purpose of casting reproach upon the present Republican administration, but in most of the points suggested the reproach was or at least had been just; and there was certainly nothing in them which set the liberal Republicans or the proposed Cincinnati meeting in op position to the Republican party of the nation. In fact the call was fairly in terpreted as an invitation to members of tho party who wish it to keep abreast of the times to meet and confer. Why should not Republicans who want to keep up their jparty life, and to meet every new question as it arises, in ac cordance with their old principles of equality and justice, consult together on the proper means of keeping the whole organization in the way of pro gress? Let all the Republicaps of the country who agree in substance with the call for the Cincinnati meeting come together there in person, or be represented by their strongest men, and there is no doubt that the Phila delphia convention will bo powerfully influenced by its deliberations and wishes. - . - But new importance has been given to the Cincinnati movement by politi cal managers. Seeing in it an impor tant centre of pow,er, they are attempt ing in many ways to obtain control of it and to use it for their own purposes. Instead of permitting it to be a council of independent and thoughtful Repub licans, desirous of improving the posi tion of their own party, it has been treated as a direct schism in the party, designed to break it to pieces. Demo crats have conspired to direct its action, and have approached its promoters, in the hope Ljnducing it to make nomi nations for national officers in advance of, the party convention; so that the democrats themselves might then eith er get the control of the Cincinnati 'machine," and run it as their own; or else, having used it to break down tho Republican strength, might be able to elect candidates of their own. Re publican politicians, too, who have no single bond of union with the "liberal Republicans," except their dissatisfac tion with the present administration, have offered to join the movement, and are even now negotiating for a place on the Cincinnati ticket, to be given to the most conspicuous enemy A. TT r i. (t,n inimn' t t ltt Now It is of the highest importance to the country, a3 well as to the Repub lican party, that the Cincinnati gath ering be confined to its proper work and form. Being a popular meeting, and not a convention of delegates rep resenting any party, it has nothing to do with naming candidates. Its busi ness is to consult as to the real issues of the canvass; to inquire, and by free discussion to ascertain, what the actual work which the people will demand of the next administration is to be; and then to declare what, in the judgment of the soundest minds in the Republi can party, are the true principles on which that work ought to be condcutcd. Let it declare in advance, as the fresh and imperative voice of the intelligent , people, what the Philadelphia Conven tion is bound to present afterwards as the formal expression of the will of the party. We venture to say that, if con ducted with wisdom, its moral power might yet so largely counterbalance the mere office-holders' influence at Philadelphia as to prevent the sanction there of anv false policy hitherto fa vored in Washington; ajjd to compel the adoption of a truly progressive platform looking to a general reform. Let it be understood, then, that he who joins the liberal Republicans at Cincinnati for a conference onthe duty of -the Republican party 'IT simply showing his devotion to the highest in terests of that party, and by .no means declares war against ii or abandons it. Aroint, pvprv Renublican who is in fvor of the continued ascendency of Republican principles in the nation and of the advancement of our stand ard in the direction of still further re form, especially in the civil service and in the revenue laws, go to Cincinnati, and help to keep the convention strict ly to its required purpose, and thus In u. r,r?t irmatKt nower : and save it, above all, from Perversions and bar gainings, from 'exchanging1 its princl Scs ferlhe support of factions, from, wangling aUiknces with the demo SKlheoId enemies of RepuWican Sm on the one side, and -with the foeaof true rtfonrj,'on tho other. t. , mm ;i 11 ' 1 l- An artesian well in Texas spouts toda water. CORRESPONDENCE. i The Editor must not be understood as endors ing the sentiment of nls corresponaems. Communications on all ru ejects areiaoncea, which-wUl be given to the readers of Th Era as containing the vlexrs and sentiments f t the writers." .; " . . '. . - i r - -,- . ". f - . '. For the Carolina "Era. 1 A- Card. . . . v'r. ' " , Charges having been many j times made.against me in The SerUiriel In re- lation to my connection with the .iSortn Carolina Railroad as its former agent attheltaleibh Station, arid said pharg es having been repeated in that, paper of a recent date, I have at lengtJt yield tvl LU ciiv; ovri.iv.ii.u..vr... w. . r pear before the public in vindication of myself against them. To this lend I respectfully submit the following state-? V ment: I . First, then. The Senlinel of th le 9th inst., says : . -i i Billy Smith discharged hi ip'tme from the service of the North Carolina Railroad for a misuse of theCopipany's funds." . ' Mn Smith did not discharge me, as charged, as the following coramunica tion from 3Ir. Srnith- cfearlyprvcs.- It will belccn that: this letter from :$Ir. Smith Is in repjy ta oneirDm me, tendering my. resignation r "l Company ShopspN; pMovj 9,; 18C8. J. RoffERS ISQ., - - -"U Raleicrh. N. C: ilcati ir rt7nr Sir Your communication of the Gth inst., is at hand, re signing vour position tts Agent jat Raleigh Sta tion. -I am sorry you -feel' it tQ be to your interest to resign. I however nrvwW if to tnke effect on the d.iVmen- lUWw T"1 .a,'w v -r " tioneci, uec. iht, iroo.j . t Yours truly. . t j V. A. Smith, A'resiaeni. This letter contradicts the 'charge preferred, by Mr. Turner, as to my be ing dismissed; and I deem i quite unnecessary to say one word, to afld to the chagrin which it must necessarily cause tliat unfortunate gentleman the editor f t Th Smtintk.ntr&-y c'ialscXchrgesfof jthe hurt; drtilh 'tlme that 'thecauJG.'lof my 1 'dis- rr,jssal,,rwas the misuse (pflhecornpa- riy Vihocfcy state liere,:.pornte(uy, that the- North Carolina Railroad Com pany has npver lost one? cent W my management. ' The" deficit which ap- peared to exist in my accounts, was, after a brief overhauling of the books of the"Railroad by Mr. Wayne Alcott, reduced nearly, one thousand dollars! These books were not kept by ijie, "but bv a clerk, recommendeu to me; could the invest isation have cpntinu- ed.I am sure other discrepancies; would been discovered, greatly to my ad van tage ; aiul 1 am pursuaded that the officers of the Company felt that there was no intentional wrong, or any nrtnfmv own. of a criminal mature connected with the matter, or they won Id not have accented a proposition made to them, and paid the Josts of the suit instituted against me and my cpouritics. and have transmitted to me a receipt in full of all charges me upon payment of $2,000. The following js the receij)t gainst for the last installment, which speaks for itself: Office North Carolina Railroad Com- anv. April 22d, 1870. Received or u. llocrers lormer -acenx, at JLiuell5iI Station, nine hundred and thirty dolr larsDOO in full for account of 2sortli Carolina Railroad Company. G. M. Lea, Treasurer. I give in connection with this niatter, the following'certificate" from Mr. Al cott, without comment thereon s. "Mn. f?.T. Rogers: S'j.' At your request I hereby certify fhjiT. in the summer or i&oif I was employed to ,write vour account while- up a statement oi Aerent at Raleigh bepot N. C. R. -. R.r upon, comparing mv statement with1 one wThich had Wn rendered of vour Aerency, I found in the satisfaction of Mr. F. AJ Stagg, prrors to the amount of .eight hundred and forty-seven dollars and twenty-five cents ($847.25) which amount they placed to your credit: I am satisfied there are many errors yet in th books while vu were Asrenti' but from the lonrth of time since you -were Aerent, and thiloose manner in which the books were kept, it would be a difficult task to correct them. Respectfully, L Wayne Alcott. Rnh io-h. N. C. March 11. 1872. o ' As a source of information (to JNIr. Turner, I will remark, that his allusions to the mail service, cannot apply to this oflice. I hold myself responsible to the Post Office Department as well as to the public, for any irregularities that may occur in my office ; and when suc h irregularities are pointed out, they shall as promptly be corrected. In concluding this card, "th4 public will see that mv transactions with the Railroad have been s satisfactory - ex plained and adjusted. The mail service, so far as this oflice is concerned, is guaranteed correct and Hordin to law-" '.- I I misht say much Vrnore, but only enhmit hiq as a 5 inn ! o dcfcnsO of my self. I'wilUay in c : : . I ' ' -let him hnt. i without 5 i :i c t t ! . j Lrst stone. The papers of t he" c : ty, and especially np Sentinel, pre i r.1 ctially.requestea to copy this card ss. an ct of simple justice. I " ' - Calvin J. RoOers. For the Carolina Era. Mit. Editor: As the name ofrIIon Clinton S. Cobb has been fre4uently used in connection with theLieutenant rinvprnorshin of our State for the next orm T nm nnthorized to state that ' he is not a candidate for any office fon the State ticket. While lie is conscious of ho honor tendered him by his many friends, he positively declines to allow hi3 name to be used Deioreme vou na tion for any position, f . - , i I speak tho sentiments of the people of thoJst District and of the; entire fitttn when T sav that his return to rvncrre?is rarnestlv hoDed 'for. Mr, nohh. has labored earnestly and faith fniiv with an eve sinele to- the wants- nnrl hest interest of his constituency. The many vital questions continually arising and which are sure to come up for fial actio j during the next Con rrrrsa ran better be cnapplea with ana ir 1 - - - fiatlsfactorilv settled by men who havft i i -r i i ; : t. . T TA-Mn. A nau ijegisiauve eApvriuw v""ii bo learned. in a week or a .year. A member in Congress necessarily rtills the position a couple or years, Deiore ne can become of any benefit to his con stituency. He has little ,orTno influ ence the first year, .and is just begin ning, to render material aid to the peo ple he renresents the second. Our member has done nobly" and is fllrpftdv one of the leadinsr minds of the House. 'As Chairman or the - Commit tee en Freedmans A flairs and a mem ber of other Committees, he has proven himself as able as tne aDiest, anu n is record too has been made by close ap- Dlication.toduty and unceasing vigi lance. Few members wield a greater influence with the Executive, so great is President Grant's confidence in himJ rt tis then return to Congress the man who has stood by us through evil n well as rood reoort. let us show our appreciation of his ability and labor by a unanimous renoiimiauuu, u.uu an election with even a greater majority han that polled two years ago. r ; ' , . T.A.S. I " For the Carolina Era. rn Editor: You will please al Inw met to communicate throucrn your colums. tVhilst we, the emancipated slaves, form apart of the nation on tnis , rjart continent, shall we claim a part in the weliare ana prospeniy oi our oune uu country ? And if so, we claim to fol mv t he ReDublican principles laid flown in our Constitution : and while one of our great standard bearers and was wronerfullv and wilfully impeached and hurled from our midst, I therefore call upon my colored comrades at large tO PUt UnUlVlUtJU VU1IUUCUV.C: iu ouvu - . . . m T roes ana statesmen as uotmui a. iw Chldwell. Phillips. King, Gen. W. F. Loftin, and otners too numerous 10 mention. It must be remembered mat was formerly a slave, and it was my lot to wander in the darK vatieys 01 shivorv twentv-one years, after which reriod a benevolent, patriotic Presi dent, sustained by a Repuplican Con gress, issued his glorious Emancipation PrAniomoUnn whifh ravfi Pfinfiml am- Proclamation, which gave general am- nfisK' to four millions of down-trodden slaves, This glorious, achievement should cause us to rejoice, and stand by the Republican principles the remain- aer oi our uay. , i jnow, my coiortfu uiwiiirt-u, uu uui; Co the Republican party is plain. Tim nrotoction sriven us by the tunda? mental principles of that party will be a fruitful monument to us as long as timcexists. Every one of us Aincan descendants should be looking upon tho TThitd States as the political Jeru salem from which all our hopes oi a better future are to be derived, now thp'n are these blessinjrs which we are ndpr the Constitution to be nrpsprvea to usr ineir conunuuiiuu and perpetuation shall be enjoyed oy nlacinff such statesmen at the helm in our State as T. R. Caldwell for Gover nor, and Gen. W. F. Loftin for Secreta ry of State. To enjoy the blessings of fered us by the Republican party is to remain united witn it. RfSnectfullV. J. 11. PARKER. Lenoir County, i For tho Carolina Era. I Judge Settle, : fw FrnwR! We are triad there is so fair a prospect of the nomination of this frentleman lor tne uuDeraaionai nflif o. Of those whose names have be -rmn urninlnpnt in connection with thnt. nfHpp. no orrb is better fitted to be come the executive neaa oi a great . .. . r- i to thnn the lion, inomas oeine. Tla line filler! n. nnmher of DOSitions OI ... dignity and imiortance in the State, ami niu-nvs with fidelitv and credit: and the capacity with which he lately represented his country at a foreign rr.nrt.hns not detracted from his dis tinornished reoutation. in faithful devotion to the doctrines and in earnest, able assertion of the correctness of the prin cinles of the National Republican par ty, he is, and has been second to Ifo one in the State. His position in the Con vention of 1867, at a time when far more than ordinary courage was re quisite to stand against .the storm of scorn," hate ami vituperative malignity of the " virtue and intelligence of the State," entitles him to the highest con sideration, and the earnest support of his party. , , Besides, though he has already be come distinjrushed, he is not yet in the prime of manhood, and so, in the very nature of things, is more intimately in active and co-operative sympathy with the young, working men of his party, with those, who being more interested in the permanent Supremacy of the party, are more willing to labor for the permanent establishment of its princi ples." .With such an one fo lead us on, one able, of large judgement in public af fairs, of noble person, having no supe rior as a canvasser, we may certainly and triumphantly march to victory. It would not be making an invidious distinction for the Convention to choose him as the representative of Republi canism the coming canvass. f . - Orange.- .; ; For the Carolina Era. " ilu. Editor: Amongst the number of gentlemen whose names have been mentioned in connection with the of fice of Secretary of State, I respectfully suggest for the consideration of the Convention, the name of Dr. Howek ton, of Salisbury. Tie is well known as. a fourth-proof fire-tried Republican and a gentjeman C 11 4 lintfo OO nUPlf T OI UiLt-'llClit UU91UCSO "UU1 lO, .. and energy and by his amiable de partment I think will give universal satisfaction in the oflice, . 4NITIAIi. A Soul, Outside tile Bod Y.There has always been eomeepeculation on the question whether a man's soul ac tually leaves his body during sleeper at any ther time before death, but evidence to solve mysterious questions is rare. There is a story told in Louis ville, however, of a merchant of that city, who, while traveling on a sleep ing car in Mississippi, had a vivid ex perience as of visiting his homeland and noticing thatthe eight day family clock had run down, ne wouna it up and set it going. - He then returned to his berth, which was rattling along at therate of forty miles an- houT,' in a sleeping car, saw his body distinctly, and resumed its place' within,: its vell fitting encasement.. L On writing to his wife about it, he learned that the clock harihppn mvsteriouslv'wound up on the night of his spirituar imagination;' Char, Observer. f:;.: i:.:-t Sued! The iiew York ; Tribune has been sued for $25,000 damages for exposing a vil l.nnnaVifl; entemrise swindle. TheTribune a can rea the "iniured party" that the bluff gam won't work. " .PROCLAMATION, h STATE X)F NOBTHv CAKOLIl A, ) , , v A . j .In' Superior Court. , , , t , , -TTTJIEREAS,1 It appears from the record W of said Court, that James Bradshaw, . Michael Thompson", Jesse xnompson, ro.i chael Teer, Oeorge Mebane, Henry Robin son, George Rogers, -John S. Dixon,. Walter Thornton, David Johnson, Curry Johnson. Thomas Tate and Van 4 Buren Holt stand indicted; in the said Superior Court tor the murder ot Wyatt Outlaw) ana ic iurtner ap pearing upon the affidavit of Albert Murrvy Sheriffof said county of Alamance that the said James Bradshaw, Michael Thompson? Jesse Thomson, Michael 'leer, ueorge Mebane. Henry Robinson, oeorge itogers. John S. Dixon, Walter Thornton, David Johnson, Jurry jonnson, dames jouusuu, Thomas Tate and Van Bul-en" Holt have fled from justice, ! conceal . themselves, and evade arrest and service of the ordinary process of the law. ... . , . 1: . Now. therefore. I, Albion W. Tourgee, Judee of the Superior Court in and for the Seventn j uaiciai juisvnct n aiu omic, j virtue of authoritr vested in me by. law do issue this Proclamation and hereby require the said James Bradshaw, Michael Thomp son. Michael Teer, George JueDanc, uenry Robinson, ueorge Kogers, uonno. uia.vut Walter Thornton, David Johnson, Curry- Johnson; Jas. Johnson, Thos. Tate, Jesse Thompson,, van isuren noit wnuwjiu w Annie fiirwaril and surrender themselves to Mi nmnpr authorities: and the Sheriffof any county in said State in which the above named tugiuves irom; jusuc uwy. u ing and concealing themselves from justice is hereby 'authorized and directed to take with him such power as may be necessary and go in pursuit of and apprehend said fugitives , from justice. . And if . any of the above named fugitives from justice, shall continue "to stay, out, lurk and conceal themselves and do not-immediately surrender themselves as above required, any citizen of the State is hereby authorized, and directed to capture, arrest and bring said fugitives to justice, and in case of flight or resistance after being called 'on and or dered to surrender, : auy4 citizen may . slay said fugitives , without accusation or im peachment of any crime. It is ordered that one hundred copies of this proclamation be printed and posted in public places in the county of Alamance and that the same be published by adver tisement in The Raleigh Sentinel; North Oar- Kmi ' newsmners published in the ritv of Raleizh and in The New North State published in the city of Greensboro' once a week for four successive weeks. Done at Chambers in the town of Graham, county and State above named, this 26th da v of February, A. D., 1872. ALBION W. TOUROEli, ' Judge Superior Court, 7th Judicial District. i 117w4w. S39.000 REWARD ! EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, North Carolina, February 16th, 1872. v Whereas, the General Assembly of North Carolina did on the 8th day of February, A. D., 1872, pass the following act, to wit: AN ACT concerning ' the Bobeson, Comity ; r Outlaws.' f Sec. 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : That in addition to the reward already offered for the arrest of cer tain outlaws and murderers in the County of Robeson, His Excellency, Gov. Tod R. ts herebv authorized and em- n-oroH Yixr nnhlift 'roclamation to offer as au additional reward to those author ized by act of the- General Asaembly, Htw, ihft 13th dav cf . February, A. D 1871, ten thousand .dollars for the arrest and delivery, dead or alive, for tha boHv of ; TTenrv Berry Lrdwery to tiie nmrr Authorities of the"State. and a reward fJimiKflnd dollars each for the arrest anil riPiivM-v. dead or alive, of the bodies of Boss Strong, Stephen Lowery, Thomas Lowery, George Applewhite and Andrew Strong" to prope authorities of the State. Sec. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the 8th day of February, A. D. . Tfnw. therefore I. Tod R. Caldwell, Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina, by vir- act above recited, do issue this my procla mation offering the ; following rewards in aririitinn n tlioso heretofore ofiered. to be paid in currency to the party or parties who shall apprenena anu ueinei,uudu i any or the outlaws. nerenmuiT liumcii, the Sheriff of Robeson county, viz; . For Henry Berry Lowery, Ten Thousand firillarsj. For Boss Strong, Stephen Lowery, Thom as Lowery, George Applewhite and Andrew Strong. Five Thousanu uouars eacn. TWiflsit. the citvof Raleich. mi the 16th rf Vol.rnarv. A., D.. 1872. and in the W5th year of American Independence. ! TOD R. CALDWELL, By the Governor: ; Governor. J. B. Neatiierv, J. - " Pi-ivate Secretary. 10S;twlm. $200" "V? A Proclamation by the Governor STATE OF NORTn CAROLINA,): j Exkcutive Department. . Raleigh, Feb. 26, 1872. J Whereas, information has been received at this Department that a murder was com mitted in the county of Halifax on'Friday, the 16th inst., by one John Mills, upon -the; body of Travis Washington; and whereas, the said John Mills has lied the State, or sg conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him ; i Now, therefore,'"!, Tod R. Caldwell,! Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested byHaw, do issue this my Proclamation, offering a re ward of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest and delivery of said JOHN MILLS tn the Sheriff of Halifax countv. and I en join all officers of the laAV and all good cith- zens to assist in onnging-bam criiiim" w justice. Done at our city of Raleigh the 26th day of February, A. D., 1872, and in the ninety sixth year of American Independence. , TOD R. CALDWELL, By the Governor : , J. BJ Neatiiery 'Private Secretary. 36 w4t. - - . - : Governor. ...... DEscwmoN r,,, John Mills is a bright mulatto, about 5 feet 8 inches high, about 20 or 21 years of age. He has no beard, stutters or stammers when talking, and has a freckled face. - -rnuxsTOX couxty-In thk Su- fj pekior Court. Sarah C. Dawson. Plaintiff, aaainst?- . Summons. Wm. D. Dawson, Defendant, nt.J Sttr np Xortit' Carolina. To the Sheriff of Johnston County Greeting . Yeu are hereby commanded to summon Wm. D. Dawson, the defendant alxye nam ed, if he be fonnd within your county, to be: and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at the Court House in Smithfaeld, on the 6th Monday after the 2d Monday of Feb ruary, 1872, and answer the complaint which is deposited in the office of theXlerk of the Superior C5hrt of said county, and let the said defendant take notice that if he fails to answerlthe said complaint at that time the 'plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re fief demanded in the complaint. , ' ,; Hereih- fail not, 1 and of ' this ' summons Given under my hand and the seal of saidt ro1T , Courts this uay oi od., io. T , JCferk Superior Court Johnston Cd.- . feb.i-6w.,' ht:A'-i j j?; -un-Aij .i .' i.u f, -ril -plIFTY- DOLLARS REWARD. v f T -wrill nnv the above reward for the cap-l ttlre and delivery tome of the body of Robt. Mr Budger, if captured' in Bertie county ana one,, hundred i.?iuuj aouarB, rewaru i captured anywhere outside of : said county, and' delivered to me m TJertie." , ' , .. - -. SF.' WT BELL-,- Sheriff. 1315,1372. r - t 41 wlnu 1 HGr- State and Norfolk papers please copy. Legal Advertisement In-'pursuatfee of : An Act of the' General Assembly, ratified the 23rd day of January, 1872, ' I havel caused ' to be published tne following certified copy of' An Aet to alter 'the Constitution Of V orth Carolina." ' ft, f-I'r--n'-M s -e;t. Warren, - I Pi-esident of the Senate. 5 January 24, 1872. ,. , , t , - yi AN ACT ' to alter the Constitution ; Of North Carplinar1 J: ' ? Rvri i Tho' Ofineral AssemlSlv of North amlini An tnct. Ythrftfi-fifths Of all -thef members of each House concurring), . ... j i ci That the Constitution j alfarorl aa frtllrtWS to Wit '- That the ConsUtution iqf tms , oiaio u Amend section six, of the first article, by striking out the first clause thereof, down to and, including the ,word but;" this be ing tho clause relating to the Statue debt. . Amend section two of the second article by striking out the word "annually," and inserting in lieu thereof, the word "bienni ally ?" heine? in reference ta the sessions of the General Assembly. . . - - a vnonri aertinn five of the second article, Kxr fstrlVino- out all that Drecedes the words, "the said Senate districts,'? and -fcy striking a 1 1 i ti x-o.r.5l ni-' ' in cnirl SPC- tion; the parts so stricken out having ref- wnA to thia fitntA riensiis." 4 " ' ' ' Add a new section to the second article iv qvii Kftr.tiftTi SO." and to read as nrtt,-n . Tiio members of the General A.S- 4sembly shall each receive tnree nunareu xvrxvsvv- -M- ' dollars as a compensatioii iui ucu during their term, subject to such "regula tions in regard to time of payment and re duction for non-attendance as may be pre cAi-iiwi Vktr'-iaw? tint mer mar nave an additional allowance when they are called together in , special session, and mileage cTiaii ten nentsnermile for each session. Amena secuon one oi iuo u"u aiuv j striking out the words "four years," w'-iere they occur first in said section, and lnset mT. in lieu thereof, the words "two years, : , - 4-V:l nvfjla l.".r being In reierence to me renusui iAcu? Strike out the words "Superintendent of Public .Works,?' wherever tney occur in tha rvinst.itntion. thus abolishins that office. Amend section six of the third article, by f: the word "annually.' and in- Rert.ins-. in lieu thereof, the word "biennial ly' so as to conform to the provision , re specting the sessions of the General Assem Strike out sections two and three of the rrwni-th nrtiele. beinir the provision which refer to the appointment and duties of the Code Commissioners. Alter section four of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows: "The judicial power of the State shall be vested in a Court for the trial of impeach ments, a Supreme Court, Superior Courts, such inferior Courts as may be established by law, and Courts of Justices of the Peace." ' Alter section eight of - the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows: "The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justie and two Associate Justices; Piovi ded, Thatth?s shall not apply to the justices during their present term of office, unless by death, resignation, or otherwise, the number of Associate . Justicesshall be re duced to two." ; Alter sectjon twelve of the fourth article so that said section shall read as4 follows: "The State Khali bo divided into nine judi cial districts, for each of which a judge shall be chosen ; and in each district a Superior Court shall be held at least twite in each year, to continue for such time in each county respectively as may be prescribed by law. ' The General Assembly shall lay oifsaid districts in due time, so that the aat nine inds-es niav be chosen and begin their official term at tho first general elec tion for members of the General Assembly which shall occur -after the ratification of this section." - The General Assembly may reduce or increase, the number of Districts to take effect at the end of each judicial term. Strike out section thirteen of the fourth article, which fixes the present judical dis tricts. ' ' Amend section fourteen of the fourth ar ticle by striking out all after the" wold "office," and inserting, in lieu 6f the part so stricken out, the following: "The General Assembly shall prescribe a proper system of rotation for the judges of the Superior Courts, so that no judge may ride the same district twice in succession, and the judges may also exchange districts with each other, as may be provided by law." Strike out section fifteen of the fourth ar ticle, and insert in lien thereof, the follow ing The General AssemWv shall have no nower to deprive the judicial department of 1 J ,.t(,;,.I, -,.5rriffll1!lT ail V power or juiiuituu(ii iigmuiij Wains to it as a co-ordinate department ; fmt thA Oeneral Assembly shall allot and distribute that portion of this power and ju i;t!nn whWi rloea not ttertain to the sjimrnme Court, anions: the other Courts prescribed in this Constitution or which may ue esiaDiisneu uy iaw, m uuu uiaimw as it mav deem best, provide also a proper cvetpm "nf anneals, and resrulate by law when neeessarv the methods of proceeding, in the exercise of their- powers, of all the courts below the Supreme Court, so far as the same may be done without conflict with Oilier prOYlS'lUU.'S Ul uin tuiiomuuuu. xtrilce out sections sixteen, seventeen, nintren twentv-rivo and thirtv-throe of V fV-viir-ji fT-t.i1.- -1 ' Amend section twenty-six of the fourth article by striking out all that part which beams with, and follows tho. word "but" in saul section, ana, iu neu ui.- iuc k st.rielien nut., insertiiisr the followinir : "Tim officers and the clerks of anv courts which may be established by law, shall be chosen by the vote of the quali fied electors, and for such term as may be prescribed by law. The voters of each pre cinct, established a3 is elsewhere provided for in this constitution, shall elect two jus tices of the peace for such term as may be fixed by law, whose jurisdiction shall extend throughout their respective counties. The General Assembly may provide for the elec tion of more than two justices of the peace in those precincts which contain cities or towns, or in which other special reasons render it expedient. The chief magistrates of cities and incorporated towns shall have the judicial powers of justiccg.of the peace." Amend section thirty of the fourth article by striking out the word " townships " and inserting, ih lieu thereof, the word " pre cincts ;" also in the last sentence of the same section, strike out the words " the commis sioners of the county may appoint to such office for the unexpired term," and in lieu thereof insert "an appointment to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term shall; bo made as may be prescribed by law." , , Amend sections one and seven of the tilth article, ly striking out the words "commis sioners of the several counties" where they occur id said sections, and in lieu thereof in serting the words; " county authorities es tablished and authorized by law." Strikeout section four of- the fifth article, relatipg to taxation to pay the State debt and interest. . .. x. , : Amend section six of the fifth article by inserting after the word "instrument" in said section the words ?4 or any .other per sonal property.' , -, Insert the word "and" before' the word "surveyor" in section one of the 7th article, and strike out the words " and five commis sioners" in said section ; also add to said sec tion the following ; "The General Assem bly shall provide for a system 'dt county government for the several counties of the Amend section two of the seventh article, by striking out the word " commissioners and in lieu thereof inserting x the Words county authorities established and author ized by law and in the same section strike out the words, "the Register of Deeds shall be ex officio clerk Of the - board of .commis sioners." ' 4j u-.-i-ft c ?: ;tu--i- Strike out section three of the seventh ar ticle, and in lieu thereof insert the following : " The county authorities established and authorized by law shall see that the respec tive counties are divided into a suitable rrumr. ber pf sub-divisions, as convenient and com- Eact in shape'as - possible, and 'marked out y definite Doundaries, which jnay ? be :alJ teredwhen necessary. 'Said f sub-divisiona shall be known hy the nameof precincts. They shall have no corporate powers. The township governments are abolished. The boundaries of the precincts shall be the same aa those which heretofore defined the town ships until they shall be altered." . : . Strike out sections four, five; six, ten and eleven of the seventh article, which relate td the township systemi . t--Amend sections eight and nine of the sev- enth article, by striking out the words "or townshitfs " where they occur in said .set Ktrito Ant Wilnn three of the ninth aniL Lcle, and in lieu hereof insert the following: P The General Assembly hall make ; suita- ble provision oy iaw aor um and regulation of the public schools, and for perfecting the system or iree pnuiwn"" - Strike out section five of - the nmth ; arti oio on1 in Hen thereof, insert the Jollowmg, " The General AssemDiy sua- u r n 4. .tua. 0i.tmn iif Trustees oil theTJni versity of North Carolina, in wh?rn,; when chosen, snail oe'vesieu ai i leges; rights;' franchises and jendowrnetote heretofore in anjr wise gTanwju ferred upon, the Board of Trustees of said University ; A and the General i Assembly may make such provisions, laws ulations, frqnj time to time, as may nec essary and expedient, fat the maintenance and management of said University. - - Strike out sections tmneen, iouiwwi fifteen of the ninth article, relating to .Jie University of North Carolina. - Amena sec tion ten of the eleventh ardelebytriking out the words "at the charge of the Stow ,1 i i,-,v ninTOAf "insert the words "by the Statu s and those who do not own property - over and above the homestead and personal property exemption prescribed by this Coiv stitulion;or being minors, whose parents do fcot own r property over apd above the same, shell be cred for at the charge of the State " Alter section seven of the fourteenth . ar-. tide so that said section shall read as loi follows "No person who shall hold any office 'or place of trost or profit under the United States, or any department thCreoi. Or under this State, or under any other State or govern ment, fehall hold or exercise any other office or place-: of trust xr-proht under the authority of this State, or be en-, eible to a seat in either house of the. General Assembly: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall extend to officers in the militia, Justices of the Peace. Commission ers of Public Charities, or, Conimissipners for Special Purposes.? - . Add another section to the fourteenth ar ticle to be stvled "section' 8," -and to Tead as follows; " County officers, justices of the peace and other officers whose offices are abolished or changed in any way by the alteration Of the constitution; shall continue to exercise their functions until any pro visions necessary to be made by law in or der to give full effect to the. alterations, so far as relates to said officers shall have been it1cIcIg" ' - . 'Re-number the section in those ai ticles from which any section has been, stricken stead'; and give to any new section that number which by .tins memou uuiui been given to the section for which it is substituted, and the alterations sliaii oe em bodied into the constitution, and the sever al uaMinna numbered COnSeCUtivelV. Ratified tlie 19th day ot January, a. jm STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office of Secretary of State, Italcxah. Jan. 'J2d, 1872. T Henrv J. Menhincrer. Secretary of State, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true conv of the oriainac act on uie m 1L J. MENNINGER, an. 25. wGrh:' Secretary of State. THE AMERICAN, WASHER! , ' , : . . PRICE, SS.SO. , , , - .s ; The American Washer Saves Money, Time, and ' rirudfrerv. The Fatigue of Washin'g Day "no Longer TfcadedrrJutni:c3n6my;-Ernciencyrana nienn Hlothinir. SurCi. . ,.v". Tri "nalUnop nnhliC fltterition to thi3 little machine, a few of the invaluable qualities, (not possessed Dy any other washing ma- nhinA .vet, invented. are here enumerated. it i the smallest., most compact, most nnrtnhlp most, K11T1 nle in construction, most A ehild ten vears old. with a few hours practice, can thoroughly com ii-ehend and effectually use it. There is no nrlinstinfr. no screws to annoy, no delay in ndnntincr! It is always ready for use! is a i3erl'ect little wonder ! It is a miniature o-innt: doine-" more work and of a better mialitv. than the mst elaborate and costly. One' half of the labor is fully saved by its use, and the clothes will last one-half longer than by the old plan of the rub board. It will wash the larirest blanket. Three shirts at a time, washing thoroughly ! In a word, the ablution of any fabric, from a Quilt to a Lace Curtain or Cambric' Handkerchief, are equally within the capacity of this LITTLE GEM ! It can lie fastened to any tub and taken off at will. " . " ; - STo matter how deep rooted a prejudice may exist against Washing Machines, the moment this little' machine is seen to per form its wonders, all doubts of its cleansing efficacy : and utility are banished, and the doubter and detractor at once become the fast friends of the machine. We have testimonials without end, setting forth its numerous advantages over all oth ers, and from hundreds who" have thrown aside the unwieldy, useless machines, which have signally failed to accomplish the ob jectpromised in prominent and loud sound ing advertisements. It is as perfect for washing as a wringer is for wringing. The price another paramount inducement to purchasers, has been placed so low that it is within the , reach of every housekeeper, and fliere is no article of do mestic economy that will, repay the small investment so soon. : . $5.50. All that is asked for this GREAT LABOR SAVER, is a fair trial. -We guarantee each machine to do its work perfectly. Sole Agents for tiie Limited States, A. II. FRANCISCUS. & CC, 513 Market St., Philad'a. Pa. The largest and cheapest WOODEN WARE HOUSE in the United States. Oct; 5, 1871. 18 w6m. S: TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Northampton county. Sunerior-Cburt. ' Alfred Haylcy, Paul F. Hayley, Cipio Del ivatch and his wife Louiza Delvatch, and W. W. Peebles as Assignee, Plaintiffs. against Wm. II. Havley aiid Leonidas N. B. IIay- ley, Defendants. Summons for Reliel. ;KneeJal nroceedinss instituted by the -plaintiffs against the defendants for partition ol land. , . . . William II. Hayley and Leonidas N. B. Hayley, the above named defendants, who cannot, after due diligence, found within the State, are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Northampton county, On or before the 25th day of April, 1872, and answdr or demur to the ffeomplaint tiled in thi3 proceeding, or the "plaintiffs will apply. to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. : Witness, Noah R. Odom, Clerk of said r , Court, at office in Jackson, this 29th seaujj of February, 1872, under the seal of said Court. 'j N. 11. ODOM, Clerk Sup. Court, - '; Northampton county. March 4, 1872. ' 39 w6w. S TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Granville county. Normanjohg, Administrator of Rnfus T t Hefiin Deceased, t ; j?-v j j rz. i against Daniel W. Rencher and Emma, his wife, Lewis Heflin and others. Petition ' to i make real estate assets Ac. t 1 ; . ; - This cause icoming on to be heard, - and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Rufus Heflin, Francis' Heflin," Thomas Heflin, Elja Heflin, Pattie and her hus band, "whose name- is- unknown to tho Plaintiff, and non residents of this State, and supposed to be a resident of the State of Texas. On .motion of Willis II.. Jenkins, Attorney for the Plain tiff, Jt' is therefore or dered, that ' publication be- made for six jwecks in. The ; Carolina Era, a paper published in the city of Raleigh, N. C, jio tifying the said defendants of the, filing or the complaint In this proceeding,5 that the same is fot Sale of real estate to pay ' debts, and that they make appearance at the office of the Clerk of th.e Superior Court, for Gran ville ;eounty in Oxford, on of before the 30th day of March nextand answer.' plead Or de mur atheyj- may see fit, and tfcat upon failure to appear,; the prayerpf the Petitiqner will be granted and an order of sale made according to law. ' ." - " u ' I .; ,;t-t t ;-a C.BETTS, Clerk, f - 4 i ni Sap'r Court Of Gianville Co.-r?. Feb. 12, 1H7SK : 3 ww. DR. CROOK'SAVINE OF TAR . ' . r-t Has proved itself I In thousands of cases capable of curing all diseases of tho , y. (i; f Throut a'nd.Lungs. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB i ri Cures ail unronic uouhs, ; ana uougns ana uoias, : more effectually than any ; " , other remedy. - im nOOKS WINE OF TAR Causes the food to digest, removing - . f .11 I " Dyspepsia ana iuuigesuon. rR. CROOK'S WINE.OF TAR - i' - Has cured cases of Consumption w , ' 'pronounced Incurablo : . by physicians. BR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR "f" t . . Should bo taken for ' V i . -; ; ;i diseases of the "V, b- '.ic-ih.;. Urinary Organs. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . , -. . , , , , Should be taken for (ill . Throat and Luug Ailments. DR. CKOOK'S WINE OF TAU - , t, .. v ' itenovates anu ' InVigorates the entire system. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR j . ShOUla De Kept m every iiuum., j: : , .and its life-givirfc - Tonic properties tried by all. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Restores the Appetite ana . ..... . Strengthens the. Stomach, DR. CROOK'S AvljNl!j ur iiiv " (jurea Jaunauv, of any Uvcr Complaint. DR. CROOK'S WlJN t: uv l jvii j ' , Makes Delicate rcraaiw, who are never feeling well, "'- Strong and Healthy. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ! - ! Has restored many persons ',. whohav been ! ; unable to work for years. im rnnnK'S WINE OF TAR - j Should be taken if your Stomach ' V f- is out of order. . DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . .Should be taken if you " weak or debilitated. eel rn? CROOK'S WINE OF TAR " All recovering from any llnv will find this the I best Tonic they can take. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has cured so many cases of Asthma ana Bronchitis that it has been pronounced a specific , for these complaints. J L DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Will prevent. Malarious Fever, and braces up the System. DR.'CROOK'S WINE OF TAR j Removes pain in Breast, Side or Rack. tyr BROOK'S WINE OF TAR Possesses Vegetable Ingredient ' which makes it the I . ' best Tonic in.the market. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Gives tone ana energy to Debilitated Constitutions. rT nTfOOTT'ft WTNE OF TAR . Should be taken to strengthen jind build up your system. : - 1 : r tSr proor'S WINE OF TAR . - Is the very remedy for the Weak and Debilitated. , DR. CROOK'S WTINE OF TAR Will cure your Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Tvr rrnnTrs WTXE OF TAR Ranidlv restores exh lifted . strength. DR. punmcs WINE OF TAR Makes Delicate Females, i who are never, feeling rell, - Strong and Heajltby. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. DR. CROOK'S Compound Syrup of P O K E Tt O ' y T DR. CROOK'S COMPOU3.JI SYRUP uv i'Uivii. iiuuj. Cures Rhcuinatism ar.d Pains in Limbs, Bones,! Ac. tip rT?nfYKs COMPOUND 1 J SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. . Removes Pimples, Blotches, 1 ; ; ' and beautifies tho Complexion. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND . I f SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. ' Cures all diseases depending on a depraved cor dition ui, , - of the blood. DR. CROOK'S COMl'UUJSi) i SYRUP Or roivx; ituui. Cures, any Disease or Eruption on the Skin. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures long standihg Diseasos of tho Liver. DR. CROOK'S COJirOUAll i J SYRUP Or l'OKK ltoor. Is the active medicinal quality of Poke Root ! : combined with tho , - best preparation of Iron. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Builds up Constitutions ,. broken down from Mineral tr Mercurial Poisons DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POAE ROOT Should be taken by all requiring a remedy to make pure blood. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND I SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. - v ;. ; : i uures caiu iieaa, - Salt Rheum, Tetter. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ! : SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. '''.' Cures old Sores, Boils or Ulcers. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ' "'' t SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. ; ; j Is the best Alterative ' -' or Blood Purifier made. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND i 1 , . .... j SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Scrofulous Diseases of the Eyes, ! ' . . v& uviuiuin in nil j iuiui. . ' . - f.- ' f . . . ... . . . . . ;Fop' !6ur. Own Fireside,"' !. ;An Xllustrated Paper, 10 pages; published Monthly. Subscription price, $1.50f ,k Every Subscriber receives, a Valuable Chromo, A Fruit Piece, which sells for $5. Send 2 cent Stamp for ' Sample and ; Premium . Lit. Address , W E. GTJIP; PubUsher, ' ytv ..(. u-zirTv.' : Dayton. Obi.

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