CORRESPONDENCE. The Editor mast not be understood as endors luff the sentiments of his correspondents Communications on all subjscu are solicited" which will be given to the readers of The Era as containing the views and sentiment of the writers. . Fbr the Carolina Era. Oar Choice for Gorernor.', w - . .hr. .editor : 1'ermlt me to state m your columns why I earnestly favor uio uumiuauoa OI lOD 14. U ALD W ELL. ns me xvcpuutican candidate for Gover nor in the aDuroachinff' cammicm ' Kefore doing so, I -would remark that my partiality for Governor fhlrinrAii ll "ot ,based uPn personal grounds. W ero I to consult my individual nref- erenee it is probable I should favor anoiner. iience my present position is mnuencea entirely by a sense of gooa-poncy, and not by a personal whim or by a selfish purpose. Governor Caldwell deserves the nom ination, ills services to the IleDubli can party cannot be overlookpd. nr hi clai ma ignored without the basest ingrat- iuc jmriur ins pomicai mends. He is; beyond doubt, the strongest man wmcn tne liepublican party can put b,efore the people. His administration has been eminently successful in every point of view, and considering the pe- 1 noa when he assumed the chair of htate, his success has been wonderful. All-recollect the fact that he was in ducted into the chair against his ardent - 5 - 1 A 1 .a . wisnes, inrougn tne oase ana malevo lent action of a Ku Klux Lecislature. who thought by deposing Gov. 1 1 old en they would thereby forever disgrace me itepuDiican party of .North Caroli na. xney nuie recKoneu tne conse quences of their act, that, in fact, they would be " hoist with their own petard." Gov. Caldwell, at that time, formed alone the only bulwark that opposed the tide of malignant opposi tion which threatened to deluge ana forever destroy the Republican party. The party was in it hopeless minority in the Liegislature, and was prostrate and paralyzed in every limb. The weal or woe of our party was with him ; and a sincrle error-a single false sten and all would have been lost, and his head too would have rolled into the receptacle which received Gov. Hol den's. His enemies, with tiger-like watchfulness, eagerly scanned his ac tions, in the hope to catch him una wares. But they signally failed ! How well has he fulfilled his trust ! The old Republican ship righted quick ly under his guiding hand, and is now gliding prosperously beyond the torpe do of Convention, and the angry break ers of Ku Kluxism, in the glad waters of peace and success. While the storm was at the thickest, and the good Re publican ship was in the greatest dan irer. he was called to the Wheel, and his arm of nerve, and his knowledge of me ireacnerous coast aioug wmcn me ship was scudding, alone saved us from disastrous shipwreck. Does not this noble service deserve reward? The Ku Klux Democracy, with its overwhelming majority in the General Assembly, have legislated in vain to break down his administration. Ev ery expedient which the most malig nant hate could invent, has been used to this end. But he has foiled them all. His opponents have been forced to gnash their teeth in impotent rage, defeated and discomfeited at every step. As a consequence, no person who has ever occupied the Executive chair ? not even Gov. Holden himself has been subjected to a more deluging tor rent of abuse, calumny and misrepre sentation induced by baffled rage. His every act, resulting in good to his State and party, has been impeached, while it can be truthfully said that no State representative ever had less moral support from the press of his party. Shall we, by refusing to ad vance him to a position which is in a regular line of promotion, and wrhich as a subaltern, he has temporarily fill ed so successfully and satisfactorily, thereby endorse arid ratify the slander and calumny which has been heaped ' uim him ? Shall we go back upon the tried friend and champion of our cause when we were in tribulation and distress, after he has led our forces to victorious battle? Surely not! If we should do so, such base ingratitude would deserve rebuke, and Lytrilv be lieve, that indignant and oi"id jus tice would revolt at the act, hnd mete out due chastisement. Republicans will remember that un der Gov. Caldwell's administration, every political wound which was cor rupting the body politic has Been heal ed. It is now in a live, active," healthy, prosperous condition. Good and true men all over the State who have here tofore acted with the Democracy are marshaling under our banners, induced to this step by the wise course the par ty has pursued, which has led them to -believe that Republican principles, honestly and justly carried out, are the acme of human liberty and good gov ernment. Should Governor Caldwell be re-nominated he will be elected by an overwhelming vote. The masses trust him. He is no new man he has been tried, and they know of what ma terial he is made. Therefore, let the Republicans of North Carolina lay aside local preferences, and in the ap proaching Convention, cast from them every selfish and personal considera tion, and act with a common purpose for the good of the party by nominating the people's first choice, Tod R. Cald well He has been the Moses of the Republican party. He lead it from the bondage of defeat, across the wil derness of humiliation into a full view of the Canaan of permanent success. Let us make him the Joshua of our Hosts In the coming battles with the Hittitesand Amonitesof Democracy, and such a loud shout of victory will be given by the people next .August , as will cause the very walls of Ku Klux Jericho to crumble to their foundation. For the Carolina Era. Col. D. McD. Lindsey. Thfi Renublicans of . r.,.i-ifnrt havin Mil. fhU imon fnr n. seat in the next Con- from the first District, it isoppor ffre iroiu uio wnu resDecting his "inMSSen he had just reached ISlSS till the i Presidential campaign ?flstriking heavy blows for the UAfew months after the Vtf or of hta . mnQty . men J1 the sessions of the and arte AVtoldviou9 to the General Assemblyheld V : surrender of the thcrn, lor National arms. f-i;Tire - Mr. gs ordinance, placing a "hideous marK" upon a portion of. our doodIcI found in Col. Lindsey an outspoken lut. - . -I rue war over and his fortune gone. Col. L. did not abuse the pnvernmeni of our fathers; but in support of the re construction measures of the Congress, vutucu inn iiauvc cuuuiy ui vur- rituck, doing yeoman service for Con vention in 18G7, for Republican dele gates thereto, and in behalf of the nom inees of the same party, at the elec tions held the following year. In the campaign of 1870. he did more work. perhaps, than any other Republican In ms section not a candidate. In this day. Mr. Editor, when the avenues to distinction are onen toall. policy and right would dictate thai the .Republican party divide its honors among those possessing the proper qualifications. Should our friends in the first District take this view of the subject, there is no one more deserving of the honor of the nomination for con gress, than Daniel McDonald Lind sey, of Perquimans. March, 1872. For the Carolina Era Mr.- Editor : I think I saw a piece In your naner a few days ago copied from The Tarboro' Southerner, speaking something about Mr. John .Norneet, the present Clerk of Edgecombe Superior Couet, being the right man for thenext Treasurer of the State. I wish I was able to express the one thousenth part of Mr. Norfleet's fitness ana qualifications lor btate -.treasurer, or Governor, or any.other public post tion. He is accomplished, competent, and worthy of the very highest fposi- tion.- I have been personally acquaint ed with Mr. Norfleet for the last twen ty-five vears. and I've never heard any thing but praise of the very highest character In his behalf from all classes, oualities and colors. He was an honest Union mani and did not deny it during the rebellion. He owned a trreat many slavesj and cave them ud without a murmurJ He is now the Probate Judge of Edgecombe county. Was elected by the Republi can cart v. and. being a Union man, he accented. He has eriven eeneral satis faction to both parties. Such is the man for me not the party or parties that I tro for. but for the crood ana ht man for the nlace. regardless of party. We all know so much partyism has brought bloodshed and confusion, ana has greatly demoralized our country. I was an old line Vhig, butf now claim to belonsr to no party. Iam only for the noblest and worthiest" men of the State, regardless of party. ! Time has develooed to the public sen erally Mr. Norfleet's qualifications. The 1 ..1,1 C A -.r"VK rVnlina lirrTl to be nroud of such a man ; then let us all unanimously hurrah ! for him. P. S.hH. For the Carolina Era. $300.00 Reward. I A red no horned cow, one of a gang of three, the property of the State, is Inst, strnved. or stolen. When last seen she was quietly grazing on the city lot adjoining Carson D. Murray. Any one returning the same to Rev. Mr. Paseley, a Ku Klux convict, in side the stockade of the Penitentiary, will receive the above reward in Con- fed, bv applying at Era office, f - Raleigh, March 29, 1872. I For the Carolina Era. Conundrum ? ,'hatis the difference between J osiah Turner, Jr., and Billy Henderson ? Billv was maliciously prosecuted un der the false charge of stealing Darr's mule, and honorably acquitted. ! . Josiah was reluctantly chargred with saline from the State over iThree Thousand Dollars, and was convicted bv his own friends. That's the difference. X. For the Carolina Era. Mr Editor: I would suggest tne rmmeofthe Rev. W. W. Albea, of Winston, for Congress in this District. He is a Union Clay Whig. He is not a Radical nor a Democrat, but a Union man. Wilkes. Wilkes Co., March 24, 1872. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. I For the Carolina:Era. Jones County. A meeting of' the Republicans of Jones County was held at Trenton, on Saturday; the 23rd inst., for the purpose of appointing delegates to the State Convention, the Congressional and Sen atorial District Conventions, and was organized by the appointment of James M. Pollock, Chairman ana james n. C. Bryn Secretary. I The Chairman in a few remarks ex plained the object of the meeting,' when on motion, a Committee of nye was appointed by the Chair to draft resolu- lions ior me action m iue lueeuug, whereupon the' following gentlemen were appointed, viz: Wm. H. Bryan, Thos. G. Wilson, Benj. L. Bryan, Ru fus Loftin and Isaac Smith. I On the retirement of the Committee, the call of the house brought to his feet that sterling Republican, L. J. Moore, Esq., of Isew-Bern, who spokeiorone hour and a half. His effort was replete with humor and eloquence, and was most respectfully listened t6 by the crowd of citizens of both parties! The Democrats bore with unusual patience the severe and powerful arraignment of the acts of their party in the late Legislature. . Mr. Moore's speech was a mast suc cessful effort, and did indeed effectually expose the naked deformity ortneku klux Democracy, which was enthusias tically applauded by the crowd, f X I1C Hi lilies imvU wijjsj wx their labors reported through their Chairman, Wm. H. Bryan, the fellow insr preamble and resolutions: f Whereas, We the Republicans of Jones County wishing to promote the welfare of the people at large, restore the credit of the State, and maintain the integrity of the country 'to the end that good government and justice may prevail ; therefore, I . Besaived, That we heartily approve and endorse the administration of Pres ident Grant, and we do hereby express our preference for him as our choice for the next President of the United States. IZesoved, That in our present Chief Executive, Gov. Caldwell, we have a most efficient officer. The manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office entitles him to our unquali fied approbation, and we announce him to be our first choice for Governor of North Carolina. - J Besolved That our Representative in Congress, the Hon. R. C. Thomas, is iustly entitled to our unquaimeu r J. J . fn J.!m tva have an dorsemeni, uit -. .ui. ,t!fiii and uncompromising friend and representative who if annot ' X Km T-nplTv1 hv anv. in devotion to the interest and prosperity 6T the people of his district., U Resolved, That our delegates to the State Convention are hereby instructed to present the name of our-distinguish-ed fellow-citizen,' the Hon. R. F. Leh man as their first choice for Lieutenant Governor; that in him we recognize a man of high integrity, unsullied char acter, and commanding abilities, hav ing been a Republican all his life, we believe him to be the one to lead us to victory. : ' ; 'u On motion of Nathan McDaniel, our delegates to the State Convention are hereby irstructed to. present the name of Wm. F. Loftin, Esq., as their choice for the office of Secretary of State. On motion, Mr; Benj. L. Bryan was appointed delegate to the State Con vention, and the following gentlemen were appointed alternates, viz : Nathan McDaniel, J Smith, John Brown, Thos. S Gillett, Thos. G Wil son, H J Mattocks, Wm. E Slade, Jno. D Brown, Jno. Pearce, Jas. L Harrison, A McDaniel, Jas. C Moore, Rufus Tiftin. .Tnrnb F Soott . Edrar Ward. E S Francks, F Wimcoff, Killis Koonce, J 11 Haadock, thos. uatcn, jos. uirney, Geo. Green, D J Green, Thomas L Piichett and II Hil. On motion the following gentlemen uwa n r-5n tpfl rlolpfm tfi to . the Con gressional .Convention, viz: Jas H C liryan ana 1'eter isaroer. On' motion the following gentlemen were appointed delegates to the Sena torial (!nvfntIon. viz:-Wm. II Brvan and Rufus Loftin. Alternate J. Smith. On motion, the thanks of the meet ing was voted to L J Moore, Esq., for the able and eloquent speech delivered by hint this day. A vote of thanks was tendered to the officers of-the meeting, and the pro ceedings ordered to be published in The Omrier and Times, after which the meeting adjourned. Jas. II. C. Bryan, Secretary. For the Carolina Era. Columbus County. The Republicans of Columbus coun ty assembled in Convention at the school house in Whitesville on Mon day, March 20, 1872. The Conven tion 'was rAllfid to' order bv B. sJ. Spaulding and Abraham Hall request ed to ;! act as secretary, a toil oi uie ti-i'ncliina was illpd. and a maioritv of them being represented, a permanent qrgjanization was effected by the choice df Israel Moore for chairman and J. W. Spaulding for secretary. A committee on resolutions were appointed, viz: Jupiter Smith, Hanson Gore, Alfred Bvrnes, is. b . Kpaummg, a ioon, Wiley F. White, Willis Hanes, Abra- ham Baldwin ana ADranam rxan. rinrino- thA rptirement of the commit tee appropriate addresses were made by various erentl'emen. The committee reported the following resolutions : Whereas, The people oi uoiumous county are again called upon to exer pko iho innlipnnble ricrht of American citizens, in the coming campaign, State ana national, ami m view w j.. TMihiionn fitntp Convention which as sembles in the city of Raleigh, April iMit. n-fl 4kn Tiel-iiaf PAtnTonfiAn 14111, 1CW , UI1U AJiOiiiiSsV vuim-iiviuii soon to convene ; therefore be it Resolved. That we approve ana en dorse the administration of President Grant as just, honorable and untlinch inr in fhA AYPf ntion of the laws, faith- furini his efforts to restore peace and r 1 ' ; iU a. 1 rt 4--kl-T i-n Tr connaence m muse oiaira mvcjv Koiiirn anrl that hft hsw reduced and is still reducing the national debt and has placed the national credit upon a firm basis.? T?.n7n d. That wewedere our earnest and hearty support, and that we will nsfi all honorable means to secure his triumphant re-election. Resolved, mat we instruct uur ueie- gates to the State Convention to cast their vote for the Hon. O. H. Dockery, as our choice for Governor of the State of North Carolina. T?ir.Jrtrt That, wfi pndorsethe action of other counties in this Congressional tt a i " -i 1 rto mil ifonfow1 JJISiriCi in eiev;i.iiii; no uu Diauuai hnoror that. trup. honest and faithful Republican, Gen. Allan Rutherford, of rl tho rlelx. XCW I1UUUVC1 vltufj , ' Mtes of this county are hereby instruc ted to cast their vote for Gen. Ruther ford, as our choice for Congress. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions, with the proceedings of this Conventien be sent to The Wilmington Post requesting publication, w v WhifA nnd David Blank were appointed : delegates to the State Con- VCUIIUU) aim m a ...w Maultsby delegates to the District Con- i-knirn w V. White. A. Baldwin and Larkins Powell appointed alter nates. : The Convention then adjourn ed sine dies . ; ISRAEL MOOliK, Uh'n. J. W. Spaulding, Sec. Rfphrmcanism. Proerress in civ ilization and Government. The Union forever, one ana insepar able. .. . ' The Constitution as it is, unless so changed as to enlarge the rights and privileges Of the people. A rigorous emorcemeni. oi me iav. A riidlv honest and economical ad ministration of public affairs. Maintenance oi tne puunu cretin. Peace at home and abroad. Aforif. hnnestv and CflDabilitV the great requisite for promotion to office. - VIl t?VjUl III Witt UISUIUUUVU jyiAWi.v favors and public burdens among all classes. Encouragement to labor ana protec- ion to its products. ' a faithful rpwnrd of erenius. talent. onrl inrllistrv in PVPrV Vocation Of life. The education of the poorer classes J of society that tney may ine uioreuuiy appreciate and enjoy an equitable share nfth nri vilpws and blessings of Amer ican citizenship. Winston Republican. Vice- President Colfax recently remark ed that the twenty years of his life passed in a printing office were the happiest he Karl aninvfiH sinf fi he entered upon the threshold of manhood. Exchange. The Sneaker of the House of Repre sentatives, Mr. Blaine, is also a prin- :er, having served a regular appreu iceship at the business. Any boy who will study and remember what he reads and learns, can graduate in a rintiner Office with a better education than one-half of the young men who leave Colleges with what are caiiea Diplomas. Old Mr. Rives, printer of ne uongressionai aeDaies, once saiu m TMiWin onu)i thaf. tho rintisra in his Office made better speeches than were -a m TT 1 A TT mP made in tne u. o. csenate or xioise oi PonwvBPntfttK'M. TTr meant that the printers corrected the speeches and put f. i aTi rt them in reaaaoio siuipw. whh . jt--ocraf. New Paper. We have received a copy of the first issue of the Rocky Mount Mail. C. C. Stilly, Editor, Dorsey Battle, Local Editor. It is neatly printed, and full of matter. "We wish the Editors success. Ji C LOGAN HABRIS, T3ttUr. ' THURSDAY, i APRIL 4th, 1872. ' - p- : ' t- : a- All Lttera relating to SabscrtoUoos or AdrertisemenU, must b addrewd toLWM.'M. BROWN, Business Manager. . fJ-Lr.y'' All Registered Letters can be sentiatoUr risk. Subscribers receiving their papers with a cross M mark, rosy know that the time for whleh they BUbscribea is neany om., unless they renew, after receiving papers, witk across mark, their papers and Iwo wil be discontinued. I)eleo.tea to the State Convention -. One Fare.. .. , Arransements have been perfected by whtah delftates to the Republican - State Convention will be passed for one first class fnrfi over the Xorth-Caronna, me xvicu mond & Danvillft the Western Norta-Caro- lina, the Raleigh t Gaston, the Chatnam thA Wilmington & Weldon, tne Atlantic & ATnrth-CaroUna 'and the Wilmington, Char lotte & Rutherford railroads. - Delegates should have their .credentials properlj signed and attested, f .1 W hone to see tlio largest and ablest Convention that ever assembled in this State. Every delega e should be in this city without fail on Tttksday, the 16th day ahouH be had before ja rx.tM. lit - r - Ko. cntinn mpf for business. There- IUV7 V-'Ull T v - frre evfirv Delegate should be here TrraniT thfi 16th. There should not be less than ONE THOUSAND DELEGATES nrAspnt. Tjet us have a errand meeting of the representative men of the party. " Uni ted we stand, divided we fall." Local, State and General Items, STnrirWfT,DERS Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of The Era Publishing Company, on Tuesday, the lbtn of April, at the office of tne uompany. u is desired that all the stock shall be repre sented either in person or by proxy. I.J. YOUNG, Chairman of Committee. Raleigh, N. C, March 30tn 1872. v : . . -Vj Killed. Monroe Grady was run over by the cars at Wilmington and died in a few 'minutes-1-..- Ji ' " . . " , . v Sentenced. James Hill has been sen- .tenced to ten years imprisonment in the penitentiary, from Craven county, for bur- giary. To be Sold. The press, type, fixtures, and office, furniture and good will of the North Carolina Presbyterian will be sold at Fayetteville on the 15th inst. County Examiner. Mr. Wesley Whita ker has been appointed County examiner for this county. A- good appointment, con ferred on a worthy and competent man. Flourishing. Tho Friend of Temper ance says it booked one hundred new sub scribers last week. Hope the Friend will book a hundred every week during 1872. Hon. A. H. Arrington. The Rocky Mount Mail regrets to learn, from recent information, that the health of this honored son of Nash is very bad ; and that it has been declining since the unfortunate acci dent snatched from him his noble boy, Jimmie. Rockingham Coumtt. The news-from this county is cheering. Republicans are gaining strength every day. The Legisla ture will not be inflicted this winter with the presence of Messrs. Morehead, Johns, and David Settle, the black sheep of the flock. The county will give a handsome Republican majority- Democratic Truth. The News of this city states that the penitentiary prisoners are on full rations ! In the next column it publishes an item that the prisoners are starving. Is it possible that the prisoners are starving on full rations? If so, should not the Bledsoe board have received the pro visions tendered by the Caldwell board? . Davidson College. The Charlotte Dem ocrat says a friend at Davidson College in forms us that 30 or 40 young men will con nect themselves with the various Churches as fruit of tho late religious revival in that locality. We are glad to learn that Uiat great and good man, Rev. Chas. Phillips, has recover ed from his late illness, and is again dis charging his duties. He is as good a North Carolinian as if he had been born in tho State. Accidentally Killed. We learn from the Charlotte Bulletin that Willie, a son of J. L. Brown, of that city, aged fifteen, re turning home last Wednesday afternoon from a gunning excursion, on removing his gun from a wagon, the muzzle towards his person, the hammer accidentally struck a board, causing an explosion and shooting himself entirely through the body. The load entered the right side, just below the ribs and passed out on the opposite side, near the spinal column, inflicting a wound from which Willie died on Thursday even ing following. Petition. A petition to Congress to pro hibit the calling any more children by the name of George Washington " is in circu lation out West; Something like this is due to the memory of the great Virginian. The modern George Washington lies and steals outrageously. He is already in jail in va rious parts of the country. . The leaven of that "little hatchet" seemS to work on all who bear the name, and in the death of cher ry trees, their mischief rises to the level of every crime upon the calendar. Exchange. We are surprised that the State Printer was not called " George Washington, if that name is an index by which rogues may be distinguished. The next generation of hieves should be dubbed Letter m. Southern B aptist Convention. This body, at its last Annual Session, held in St. Louis, Mo., adjourned to meet this year, in this city, on the 8th day of May. , This body is composed of delegates from the Baptist Associations, Theological, Missionary, Sun day school and Educational Boards in the Southern States and Territories. Messrs'. P. P. Pescud, Jno. G. Williams, Jno. Arm strong, W. G. Upchurch and Jno. . Nichols, have been appointed a committee to provide accommodations for six or eight hundred delegates, who will need homes during dur ing their stay in this city, which will not exceed four or five days. Our citizens, no ted as they are for their hospitality, ; will no doubt respond to the application of the Com mittee and provide suitable accommoda tions for the delegates. , - Death of Henry uerry-IjOwisby xh- f jport of the N. Y. Hehald. 'A letter from A, B. Henderson, the correspondent of the N. Y. Herald,' writing from Scuffletown, March 22nd; 1872, says,; 1-;ca 'Ui ':zzlU ? : The most important piece of information I have to communicate shall, be given first. Henry Berr Iiowery, the notable chief of the notorious swamp outlaws is actually dead. This is denied by all of his comrades, and hil relatives nrofess to be ignorant of his fate. But from evidence the most relia ble, when connected with a well-connected chain of circumstances I am enabled to give you a correct account, of ; .. -tvt "t - I the' death of this robber chief. . Between February 13 and 16, In company with fidtis A.chates, Jioss strong, aenry Berry Lowery was ranging the country in the neighborhood of Moss Neck in search of some persons vhom he had been inform ed were hunting him, while Steve and Tom Lowerv and Andrew Stronar were stationed at a rendezvous on Lumber River, jiear the . new bridee " About one and three-quar ter miles from Moss Neck station, within. short srunshot of the road leading from In- raan'u Bridge to McNeil's mill, they dis covered in the bushes a newly-made "blind' (a place of concealment or ambush made by intertwining the branches of the thickly grown bushes). - It was not then occupied, and Henry Berry. beMeving it had been re centlv made bv one of his pursuers, who would shortly return to it, ensconsced him self in it. while Boss made a blind for him self a short distance oft; covering the road. But a few minutes after they had placed themselves in their respective positions the report of a eun was heard from Henry's nidi n 2 place, and when Boss, who waited to hear a word from his chief or an answer ins shot from an enemy, cautiously ap proached the spot, Henry Berry Lowery lay on his back,' with one barrel of his shot gun discharged and his nose, loreneaa , and the . , .r. '; . WHOLE FRONT OF HIS HEAD- BLOWN OFF.: The broken ramrod and the missing : wiper showed he bad been trying to draw a load from his erun. Boss drew tne body into a thicket, and notifiedfcis companions, who straightway buried him where, in all: hu man probability, the eye of man will see him never. ' .ul-A- Thus perished this remarkable man. and his death marks the dissolution of this most formidable body of desperadoes The large sum of money he was said to be in posses sion of is also lost to the country, for no member of the band, not even Boss nor his wife, knew the whereabouts of his treasure chest. The remaining outlaws have made diligent search, but as yet have had their labor for their pains. , Henry Berry was said to have had a good deal of money,, be sides his share of the proceeds of the Lum- berton Bank, from which some thirty thou sand dollars : were . taken. It appears to have been his habit of appropriating to his own use THE LION'S SHARE OF ALL MONEY if taken, giving his subjects the other booty. We attach no importance to the state-. ment that Henry Berry Is dead. We lay this portion of the letter before the public for what it is worth. We do not believe that Lowery is dead. He is probably lurk ing around, and will come to view by kill ing McQueen, who, it is said, shot Boss Strong. Escaped. We learn rom the Winston Republican that Jacob Siewers broke jail at Winston on Saturday night, the 23rd inst., and made good his escape. J acob jjvas charged with an aggravated burglary. ' A NOTE TO THE SHERIFF was found in the cell, of which the follow- ing is a copy : My Dear Sheriff: - Full of mortal ills, to which we all are heir, With this I bid adieu, without a tear; As vou will not find me in the strongest coll. Send men, at once, to ring the Court-house bell. . To get down once, see, I've gone up, For I with you again do not expect to sup ; Nor when this, you see, don't think it strange. . If I do o'er the distant country range. Five hundred dollars," indeed, might make me stop. To think how I with it might buy a shop : So, if you decide to give my the dollars, I'll crawl, lorthwith, irom out me surround ing " hollers." Your most obedient servant, J. 1). S. March 22, 1872. Common Jail. Enterprise. The Charlotte Democrat says sometime ago the New York Herald had a reporter to go to Robeson county and write an imaginative and fictitious account pf the Lowrey gang, putting noble blood in their veins, Ac, when the fact is they are nothing but descendants of the lowest class of "frce-mulattoes" of that section. But recently the Herald sent a reporter to Rob eson named Henderson for the purpose of having him fall into the hands of outlaws, so as to create a sensation in that way. Hen derson walked straight to the outlaws' camp and then it was telegraphed North that he was captured. So much for news paper enterprise. But it is strange, that the outlaws can Visit a-Depot on the W., C: & II. Railroad, In broad day light, and no attempt is made to kill or capture them. If the people in that neighborhood permit such daring impu dence and make no attempt at capture, we don't see how they can blame others for not arresting the gang. STTf!EY. A Stokes' correspondent fur nishes us with the following incident which took place at Wilkes Court . llouseome years ago: ;j . - . I- During tne progress . ui wuu v,iW3o ju which James R. Dodge was making one of his best efforts on one side, three other law vers. Ex-Gov. Swain, Hillman and Tom Dews, undertook and did write the follow ing epitaplf on Dodge, and handed it round the bar to the no little amusement of those Who saw it, among whom was the victim himself; Here lies a Dodge who has dodged through good and evil, But after dodging all he could not dodge , the devil." . ,v Upon reading it Dodge gave the following inpromptu retort: "Here lies a Hillman and a Swam, -Whose lot let no man choose, They lived in sin "tend died in pain, And the devil got his Dews. - Winston Sentinel. Your correspondent is mistaken as to ocation. The incident referrred to, occurr- !ed in the Court House at Rurtherfordton. Education Under this head, our es teemed and valuable cotemporary the Winston Republican gets off the follow- mg : .: : v : The Raleigh Sentinel, reviewing the sta tistics of the Penitentiary, concludes there is great necessity of more universal- educa tion. This is ail teue,ana uone wiusearcn out the statistics concerning the Ku Klux criminals in the Penitentiary' at Albany and the docket of the U.S. Court in this and other Southern States, tho great neces sity of jeducation, in other quarters lhan those from whence came our State convicts, will be apparent. And in addition to the need of education there will be found an other and greater one the necessity of hu manity and civilization. - Sudden Death. The Greensboro Patri ot of the 28th, says Mr. John McAdoo, one of our oldest citizens, and well known to the people of our county, was struck with paralysis on Wednesday morning about eight o'clock and died at four in the after noon. ;. Full of lif and health at morning and dead at night. Such is the uncertainty of life. "'..-v'.- ., " wFiRis. The Winston Senfintt Of the 28th, says on last Friday night, about two o'clock tho house of Dr. Walter Smith, of Rocking ham county was discovered to bo on fire. When the firo was discovered it had mado such headway that it was impossible to ex tinguish it or save anything but the lives of the family, j.wbo escaped in xneii iugni clothes.' Loss about $4,000. J ; ' The Greensboro' Patriot of' the same date says on last Thursday afternoon, duringthe absence of the family, the residence of that Mr.'Tteasani McAdoo, a few miles north pf town, was totally (Consumed by fire, which originated, we are informed, from a stovfc pipe. :.- Ji.,' -. -U - - -! '' ; In addition to the loss of the buildings and furniture, embracing a splendid now Diano. iust purchased, there were several . r '...- thousand dollars in money also consumed. Winston, Republican aud The Era We have made arrangements with Mr. Frederick T. Walser. Editor of the National Republican, published weekly at Wihstn N. C, to club The Era, with the Republican, weekly edition, to subscri-' bers for $2.50 a year; arid 1.25 for six months. ." ',:-'.!.' .'X ' V:: . . "... - , The Tri-Weekly Era and the Republican will be furnished subscribers at $1.50 per year; sijc months $2.251 ; :i '.,, We shall be glad to make, a similar ar rangement with the Republican papers of the State. ' ' ; " - " ' The Winston Republican is one of the best papers in the State.' It is bold and fearless m its advocacy of the greatprinciples of the Republican party, and merits the patronage of the Republicans throughout th State. Suicide ey Hanging The New North State of the 28th, says on Wednesday morn ing Zebedee Kersey, of High Point, was found hung by the neck, dead,, in his own house. He is a man of 50 years, has a second wife and one child. His wife stated that the deceased had spoken several times of being tired of living, Ac could not make a support; but he was in comfortable cir cumstances. At one time he tried to take poison, but was discovered and prevented. Tuesday, while his wife was absent, he fas tened, the doors and windows of his house securely, and was found on her return, up stairs, hanging by the neck. Coroner Bogart was notified, and repaired to the spot verdict was. yesterday, with a Jury. The deceased came to his death by hanging himself by the neck. Pardoned. Gov. Caldwell on the 27th pardoned Samuel Franklin, who was con victed at the Spring Term 1870, of Rocking ham Superior Court, and sentence to twelve - - J ' T.I . 1 1 i years in tne -emteniiary. x raiuxm was and old Mexican soldier, aged about 60 years. While drunk, he mounted a horse hitched to a rack in the town of Ruffin, and rode off. He was so drunk that he did not notice the loss of his overcoat which he dropped on the road, though it was quite cold. He rode to Yancey ville , where he put up at a hotel, remaining until the next day offering the horse for sale. His pardon was signed by Gov. Reid and quite a num ber of leading citizens of Rockingham, and endorsed by Judge Tourgee, on account of the age of the petitioner and his previous character. Body Found. The Goldsboro' Messenger of the 29th, says the body of a colored man, supposed to be that of Henry Sanders, was found in Bear Creek, in this county, on Friday lastl We were unable to learn the particulars, only that Henry had been miss- g for several weeks. Whether he was fouly dealt with is as yet unknown. When last seen alive he was on a spree and some suppose that ne prooauiy ien mtu creek. The verdict of the Coroner's jury was in accordance with these facts. Hoisted. The Henry (Ohio) Signal flie the following at its topmast: I " For President, ULYSES S. GRANT, Of Appomattox Court House. An honest man a man without pretence, Modest though brave though silent, iuii oi s,fnsft ; 1 Such are the traits that mark our Chosen Man Note him, O world! and match him, if you can." KTT.T.Tcn. Warren and Ned Barnes, both colored, of . Wilson county, became in volved in a dispute in regard to game which they had killed while hunting, when War ren shot and killed Ned. He was to have had a hearing on Monday. Unfounded. The report that Sheriff White, of Mecklenburg, was arrested for levying on the iron of the Wilmington, Charlotte and : Rutherford Railroad is un founded. . ' ' ' ' Acquitted. Mr. M. T. Johnson has been tried and acquitted of the charge of the murder of Patrick Dardon, in Wayne county. :. , : . .. , Dead men tell no tales : if they did, anathemas against the depleting lancet, the drastic purge, and the terrible salivants of the materia medica, would arise from every graveyard. The motto of modern medical science is " Preserve and Regulate, not dc stroy," and no remedy of, our day is so en tirely in harmony with this philanthropic logic as Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vine gar Bitters. In this powerful, yet harm less restorative, dyspepsia, billions com- 1laints, and all diseases of "the stomach, iver, bowels and nerves, encounter an irresistible antidote. . 118 4 w. pROCLAMATION. j T Whereas, information, cn oath and in meeting, has been made before me, Charles C. Pool, Judge of the Superior Court for the First Judicial District of North Carolina, that Robert M. Bridger, convicted of the crime of perjury, at the Spring term, 1872, of Bertie Superior Court, did escape from the custody of the SheCC-f said county, and is lurking'about, and so keeps himself con cealed in that or some other adjoining coun ty, that the usual process of law cannot be executed on him, This is, therefore, to command the said Robert M Bridger to forthwith surrender himself into the custody of the Sheriff of Bertie or some other Sheriff, so that the Sheriff df Bertie can obtain him, and should the said Robert M. Bridger continue to stay out, lurk about and keep himself con cealed, and not . surrender after publi cation of thia proclamation, I hereby enjoin and command each and every 8heriff, Con stable and other peace officers, and all good citizens generally, to forthwith capture, ar rest and bring said Robert 31. Bridger to justice, and in case of his flight or resistance, after being called upon to surrender, any one may slay said Bridger without im peachment or accusation or any crime. Given under my hand at Winston ni dav of March. 1872.. 1 this t - C. C. POOL,; Judge Superior Court, ' 126-4t. . First Judicial District. This is a true copy of the original. r T. W, BELL, Sh'ff, 1 Bertie County, N..CV Married. on'Tliursclay; 'March 21st, at the residence of . the brldo's " step-father, Johnston county, by, the "Rev J. "Ttcnry" Smith, Mr. J. A. McCaulxy; of Alamance, and Miss J. E. Atkinson, third step daughter of Major W. A. Smith. , No cards. DEATHS i Died, in Charlotte, N. .C, n the 27th lanci inst., Abel II., infant son of Calvin Ida Cowles aged twentyrfive days.' J. Raleigh Markets. ' - "Wholesale Iricet ' r ' POOL & MORING, - Grocers and Commission ; Merchants, Corner Wilmington and Martin Sts, COTTON per B., - - I f20J CORN per bushel, , - . . - T- $ 95 OATS per bushel, . ' - . none FLOUR North Carolina Family,; - 9 00 FLOUR Baltimore Family, 10 5012 00 BACON per lb.,! 4i : 8J SALT per Back; . BAGGING. ... - . COTTON YARN- 85 ,16 65 U5 i i CORN MEAL per bushel, : . Retail Xrice. MARCOM & ALFORD Grocers and Commission : Merchants, - . Hargett Street. I !' BACON Baltimore smoked, 10 11 " unsmoked, ,- 1 9 10 " strips, - . :- . 12J !00 " shoulders, - - - i 8 $j 9 N. C. Hams, - 15 (A 117 BUTTER per lb. - . - i 25 30 BEESWAX per B., - j-: 25 80 BEEF on hoor, - w : " per quarter, - -'i8?,10 COFFEE per tb., - - - SO (A 140 CHEESE-per ft., -. 20 to 25 COTTON YARN per bale, 1 75 U CORN per bushel. ' - 00 t CO CHICKENS per piece, f ; 25 80 EGGS per dozen, - ,". ? FLOUR per bbl., - - i FODDER per 100 lbs., .-' ! HAY per 100 lbs., - '- . HIDES green, per ft., - dry, per n., - ' law io LEATHER per ft., - ; - ' 30 to 40 LARD per ft., - - , ,r 15' MOLASSES per gallon, - i 83 to 50 Golden Syrup, r 1 uc MEAL per bushel, . - - 1 00 (3 1 10 OATS per bushel, - - ; - 85 tol 00 per 100 ids., - -r w (gi w PORK - 4 - - ' i - 0 to 10 POTATOES irlsb, per bush.. 1 75 2 50 sweet, per bush., w Ml w SUGAR crushed, . - - I 20 to 00 xtra C., - ; - - ie to mi P. R.; - ' - - j 15 to 00 common, - ' 121 to 00 SALT per sack,- - 2 75 S3 00 TALLOW per ft., - 4 :7 (g) TO VINEGAlv per gallon, - ; Cotton. Markets. BY ; GEORGE T. STRONACH, Dealer in Cotton and i liavai Stores, farret nnrl TVfftrt.ln SlreetH. .' ! - Receipts at Raleigh, - 10 bales. s quotations: Ordinary? - - - t ' Good ordinary - . - j 10 19! 20 Low middling, - - Newbern Com Market, REPORTED BY ' WILLIAM II. OLiyER, Com and Commission Merchants, Newbern, N. C, March 22, 1872. Market active ; Sales at 6070 cents por bushel of 56 pounds. ! ; Railroad freicht to Goldsboro 5c, to Wil- mington 10c, to Raleigh IOC, to Charlotto 18c. per bushel. I Court Advertisements. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, Pamlico District of Nokth Cabolinv, United States vs. a part boxes of manufactured tobacco, one chunk manufactured tobacco, one horse, wagon and harness, the property of Wm. Duke. Libel of Information. . i To William Duke, and to all whom it may Con cern : Greeting. . ! 1 11 Notice is hereby given, that the above mt u tloned property was seized by .Collector of Internal Revenue for District pf N. C, on the 15th day of March, 1872, as forfeited to the uhcb of the United States for violation of the Internal . Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and pros-, ecuted in the District Court of the- United States for condemnation for the causes in the said Libel of Information set forth : and that the said cause will stand for trial at1 the court room of said court, at New Perne pn the 4th Mon day of April next, if thafrbe a Jurisdiction day, and if not at the next day of Jurisdiction i thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condem nation should not be decreed, and to intervene for their interest. ' Given under my hand at office,- in Raleigh, this2thday ofMrch, lj.T akrow; 125 w2w. United States Marshal. DISTRICT COURT OF TIIEUNITKD STATES, Pamlico District pv North Carolina. United States vs. 3 boxVs manufnetured tohneco, the property of Jon. YearglM, Wm. N. Jlarrlx, D. i . Foote. Libel of Information. 1 ' J To Joseph Yeargln, AVilliam N. Harris, I, h. Foote. and to all Whom It may concern : Greeting. ' 1 -: i"; L . Notice is hereby given that the above men tioned property was seized by ; Colleetor of Internal Revenue for Collection Dislrlet of North Carolina, on the 15th OAypf Mwrcb, 1S72, as forfeited to the uses of the United Stale, for violation of the Internal Revenue Lowm, und the same Is libelled and prosecuted In the Dis trict Court of the United States for condemna tion for the causes in the aaid libel of informa tion set forth; and that the nald cauHe will stand for trial at the Court Room of said Court at New Berne, on the4th M&nday of April next, If that be ft' lurisdletion day and If hot aV the next day of Jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to snow cause why satd property shall not be declared liable to forfeiture or a lodgment accord inn f, ranted udoii said appraisement Dona, ana in ntervene l e for their interest. . , ; Given under my hand at office, lit Ralelh, this 26th day of March, 1S7Z. J3. x. UAKKUWi, 125 w2w United States Marshul. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED RTATKH Pamlico District of North Caroltha. United States vs. '4 boxes mann factored tobacco, 30 lbs. smoking tobacco, 2 part boxes tobacco, wogon, 2 horses and harness, property of Ar thur 8. Carrington, and found in the possession of D. M. Roberts, his Agent. Libel of Infor mation. - ' . - - i To Arthur 3. Carrington, and to all wlioin It may concern : Greeting. 1 " -'' v : " ' Notice is hereby given, that the above men tioned property was seized, by - , Col lector of Internal Revenue for District of North Carolina, on the 15th day of Man li, 1872, as forfeited to, the uses of the Unit U States for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same Is libelled and prose cuted In the District Court of the United state for condemnation for the causes In the said libel of information set forth ; and that the said cause will stand for trial at the court room of said court at New Berne on the 4th Monday of April, next, I f that be a Jurisdiction day, and If not at the next day of Juritdictlon thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and to intervene for their Interest. i Given under my hand at office, In Raleigh, this 26th day of March, 1872. ' , 8. T. CARROW, 122 w2w , United States Marshal. DISTRICT COURT OF TOE UNITED STATES Pamlico District or North Carolina, . United States vs. one wagon, two horses and har ness, the property of Kdward A. Roberts, and ngainst said Iloberts, Wm.' H, JJowles, lienry NT Jones and Albert Farmer. Libel of Information.- ..;:';.' . i-.--'. j . ! j . ; ! . To Edward A. Roberts, and to all whom It may' concern: Greeting. . i Notice Is hereby given that the above men tioned property was seized by , Collector of Internal Revenue forDistrict of North Caroll na,on the 15th day of March,1872,as forfeited to the uses of the United States for violation of the in ternal revenue laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted In the District Court of the United States for condemnation for the cause in the said libel set forth ; and that the said ronup will Klnnd for trial at. thanmirt iwnm said court at New Berne, on the 4th Monday In April next u mai oe a jurisdiction day, and If not at the next day of jurisdiction there after, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and to Intervene for their interest.,,. . . ...... , Given under my hand, at office, in Raleigh, the 26th day of March, 1S72. 7 W -. 8- T- CARROW, 125-w2w ; . United, states Marshal,- f IW1V. MKII -

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