, ' h ' -. ' ' . v.,.v - . - ' I . ' . - . . ' ' ii ! REPUBLICAN -MEETINGS. For tHe Carolina lira. Catawba County. The Republicans of Catawba In pur suance of a call met in County Conven tion on Wednesday, the 10th Inst., 7 The Convention was organized by the election of David Barringer as chairman, and Mitchell Wilkerson as secretary. . On motion, the chair appointed the following committee on resolutions: Messrs. V S Pearson, Frank Caldwell, SpencerMundy and John A Barkley. The committee retired, for con sultation reported through their chair man, V S Pearson, the following reso lutions, which being read, were on ; motion of Wm. Howard, Ksn., adopted unanimously: ine liepublicans of Catawba in con- when called together by the Executive Committee: A It McDonald W M Black, W B Richardson, L liarreic, Ausaiom iveu , a iwucn art, J A Barnett. " On motion, the President to the list. was added On motion of Robert V Barrett, Lieutenant Governor-Hoh! S F Phillips. , . v j Attorney General Maj Marcus Er win. - ( Secretary of State Dr W II Hower- ton. v -.-. Superintendent of Public Works Dr W D Whittwl 4th. That wo recommend the Hon j meeting adjourned to meet again Y m G Candler, of Buncombe, a a candidate for Congress in this Congres sional District, who is a true Republi can, an honest man, an able debater and in who.se hands the Republican party will prosper.. ( On motion, the meeting adjourned. J. M. CANDLER, Ch'm'n. the the ,IastSaturday in May next, to nonu 'nate county sndidates, and for other PUriXJCALVIN II. SMITH, Ch'm'n. Tiros. W. Rittek, Sec'y. . .' : II. C. Cannon, Sec'y. county met atthe Court House UtUo- thrtt . ineouui juiun, ,i - . . ... i ..ii ,i : ... Amr vo onnrnnri For the Carolina Era. Polk County.., ivnrdinir to nrevious 'notice, a res- yention assembled to appoint delegates pectable portion of the citizens of Polk declare their adherence now. as hereto- liimhiia nn Saturdav iore,-10 me true principles of Republi- and organized themselves into a puonc uiiioiii. I meeting, Dy appoiuimt, Jteotced, 1st. That the administra- Rhodes chairman, and Mr. Samuel tion of President Grant has been emi- AValdrop secretary. j nently successful in all that tends to The object of the meeting was. ex make an administhttion respectable plained by John Garrison, Esq., it bc abroadand fstwml t hnmp Tt. hn fn tr onrvunt ilpleniites to the State ; For the Carolina Era. ' Haywood County. Ia responseVto a call, a meeting of iie iteouoiicana ui J slick's CJamD Urountt on Saturday the 30th ult. The meeting Nwas organized by calling David Shook, r'Sr,, to the chair, and requesting u.- Lu t put down the ku klux klan'so that Ieaceful citizens both white and black may once more enjoy the pleasures and quiet of the fireside unmolested by armed bands of their political oppo nents in disguise. It has avoided the honors of a war with England and yet maintained the national honor invio late by submitting to arbitration the Alabama claims, which arbitration, we believe will, in the end, accomplish all that our county can. with reason ask for. It has reduced the public debt in curred to "save the Union of these States" to the extent of savins: seven teen millions annually in the way of interest alone: besides abolishing all special taxes of the Internal Revenue except tnose on Convention, which meets in the citjr of T?nloi rrVt inf 17th of Anrfl. 1872. tO nominate a candidate for Governor pnd other State officers. ,L On motion, the chair announceUXne following as a committee to prepare business for the meeting: J V Hpip ton, B F Turner, M V Edwards, Dimsdale, sol 'rayior anu o who after a short absence reported that NB Hampton. Esq., be appointed as delegate to represent said county of Polk, in tne State Convention, -anu iu case of failure,, Hon J M Justice,oi Rutherfordton, be appointed proxj T?.n?red- 1st. That our ' Cieiegn W instructed to support Hon G W Iogan nf llutherfordton. as our as--ex plained in a few very appropriate re marks by J.-M. Shook. ; On motion, WGB Garrett, S Iitz gerald, J M Shook, A J Murray, I B lEvans, John Massey and George Lane were appointed delegates to the Con vention, which meets at Raleigh on the 17th of May next. On motion, C B Phillips and A J Murray were appointed delegates to the Congressional District Convention; which assembles in Asheville on the 18th of May next. - . Jt was then decided that in case the delegates fail to attend the - Raleigh Convention on the 17th of May, that Major Marcus Erwin and E R Hamp ton be appointed to act in their stead. The following resolutions were unan imously adopted: Resolved, That while we have a spe cial regard for a portion of the mem bers of our late Legislature, we do in most emnhatic terms condemn the ac- choiceT.for j tion of that body in the -change of the good government under which . wp The meeting then appointed Col. N. a Howell, G. W. Dickey and Samuel Henry as delegates to the. Convention to be held in Raleigh on the 17th prox., .and in case these delegates fail to at tend, Major'MarcuiErwin and E. it. Hampton will act in their stead. ; It was then suggested that the Re publicans iri each township in the State immediately organize for the coming campaign. . , , ' The Asheville Pioneer was requested to publish the proceedings of the meet ing for the benefit of the good cause in which all Republicans should earnestly ab0r" G. W. DICKEY, Chairman., J . B. Dickey, Secretary. - liquors, tobacco and Governor, leaving the : remainder ofi the i,8. ibeml policy in grant- offices to be filled to his own judgment, he Ra lroad act , and, to gat x incomes. For its liberal policy in grant i ng pensions to the soldiers of the war of 1812, and their surviving widows, and in passing the act to pay loyaLmen of the South lor property taken during the war by Union troops, we feel assur ed that all right thinking men every where commend and honor it. ' 2nd. That Gov. Tod R Caldwell by his honesty in office and his rigid oppo sition to the many unconstitutional acts of the last legislature has won for himself an honorable name among the neonle of the State : while in our opin mn the legislative department of the government has violated all the trusts fided to them and will ero' down to historv as the weakest, most vacilitat Inr? and nartizan body which has ever sat officially in the capitol of North rYirnlina. 3rd. That in denying the right of pe tition as in the case of the New Hano ver resolutions, asking that the two hnne he nunred of the members be lieved with great reason to be ku klux rufhp lnst. T?rislature did act mostcul- nablv and have forfeited the respect of all the law-loving men of the common xMith. And in that they have sig nally failed to improve the State credit as was promised from the stump in 1S70, in that they have voted them snkwflvn dollars per day for wages and twenty cents per mile for travelling thnf tlmv Via vn been nir- MniU' where thev should have been irenerous and prodigal where they uHrmbi hnve usetl the public money Lnnrino-lv. and lastly in that they had nlDemocratic majority of nearly two- liird In both houses, and been res iwnsihle for all these and other like abuses, we call upon the people of this fount v and of the Stata to "drive out the money-changers from the temple" anu sena BacK in intirMtuu mvn i r to the National Government and so licitousof the wants and burdens of the taxpaying people of the btate. .nil. That the chairman of this meet- inn-do nnnoint a committee of five persons, who nominate delegates to at- ?oiri the State and District (Jonven inn of our nartv. and that the dele- r.,t to the State Convention be in structed to cist fne vote of this county V, whatever State ticket may seem . . t i l I thni.'nninlnn to best caicuiaien, m iuw ""iV". onnointed rarrv North Girolina for the Republi- aPP0.1"1 . 1C y , , UI otli. That a copy of these resolutions and the procedings held thereunder be f V7j Klntexrilie American auu F.n,v for nublication Under the fourth resolution the chair appointed the rolipwmg comnnue ; aVJL..m t At Afundav. Freeman HoW- a T, Rimsour. W S Pearson and Tohn Ballard, who, after retiring brought in the following names for del egates : without our instruction. 9nri That we heartily endorse the zeal and determination of Judge Logan in his efforts and success in ciemousii ing the ku klux klan in -North Caroli na and restoring law and order. J ri Thnt, we heartil V approve of and endorse the administration of President Grant, and would earnestly recommena to the National Convention that he be to tne i-resi- i nominateil for re-eleclion - . . 1 1 A. .-mm .- 4-m wf 4th. That we oeneve me wuni., ui Polk is entitled to the Senator irom this Dictrict. in the next general As sembly of North Carolina, but are will- ingtomeet our mouier, -um ivuijiw ford, in Convention, at any time and place she may, appoint, and confer to gether, knowing that we can agree! UI1 moilOll, amuurucu. i . J. RHODES, Ch'm'n. S. Wai-dkop, Sec'y. J t For the Carolina Era. Davie County. I . Ato meetinp-of the Republicans of Tivie eountv. held at the Court House in Mocksville, JN. c, on weunes the 3rd of April, 1872, nr Atilton Hobbs was called to chair, and W. D. Mason was reciuested to act as Secretary. i The chairman explained tne oojecioi the meetinsr. On motion of Mr, chairman appointed ho Ktnte f :onvention i(rb on the 17th of April. 1872. -'j-" w" I . 1 ' 4 t fhe chairman then appointed tneiio:- l -.-i. Tamp II fTllforn. JPSSK Qreem N W Lillington, Win B March, ueorge rni, ""'" w..v V , viiiinms. i v;iemem, ui isyw mon. Chivan Spry, G G Mason, James - , i ait the tent the amendments to the Constitu tioH, and for depriving the Governor of the Constitutional power qf appoint ing to office. . Resolved, That for the straightfor ward course' pursued" by President Grant and Gov. Caldwell in carrying out. the good and wholesome laws of the; United States and of the State of North Carolina, and for their untiring zeal in the suppression of the diabolical Ku Klux Klans, and their many noble deeds of patriotism, we earnestly rec ommend them for reflection to the respective positions they now fill. , Resolved, That we most earnestly rec ommend to the District Convention the name of our esteemed and tried friend, W: G Candler, as a suitable person to represent this District in Congress. Resolved, While he have our prefer ences for candidates, we hold ourselves Iny readiness to support the regular nominees. -. . un motion, """ i Pomih iran nartv as requested to publish the proceedings. 01 V.;nt coflventions throughout this .meeting, ana Ti Ecopy. country. For the Canlln Km. Halifax County. Pursuant io a call of the County Ex ecutive Committee the Republicans of this county met in Convention the20tb day of March, 1872, for the purpose of appointing delegates to represent Hali fax county in the State Convention to be held in Raleigh, April 17th, 1872, The meeting was organized by calling Senator Epps to the chair, and appoint ed L. F. Larkin and John H. Collins to act as secretaries. - ; - . . The chairman stated in a few brief and pointed remarks the object of the meeting: when Capt. John T. Gregory 'moved the appointment of a committee of three to wait on Hon. Charles R. Thomas, James H. Harris and other distinguished visitor", and request that thov address the convention. The committee, consisting of Capt. John T. Gregory, Sheriff John A. Reid and Ivey Hutchins, here retired from the convention for. the purpose of car rying out the object for which they were appointed. While they were ab sent, the following committee were ap pointed to draft xesolutions expressive of the feelings of the Republicans of Halifax county, viz:4 G. V. Hardin, W. T. Hayes, Steward Hardin, J. A. Jones, John- W. Brown and John B. Smith, who reported the following:. Whereas, The elections both btate and Federal, to take place during the present year are considered and antici pated with lively interest and anxiety by all persons breathing true Republi can sentiments. A President of the Unite I States, members of Congress, a Governor and other State and county officers are to be elected ; and Whereas, "in unity there is strength," it be hooves all true Republicans everywhere to continually use andexert every noble and manly enort to-preserve unanimity of sentiment and concert of action in our ranks and present to the unterrified democracy an unbroken front thereby making our success doubly certain. '1 k it . . .. nn 1st Resolved, That the Republican party of Halifax adhere to and hereby reaffirm their unalterable attachment to the great principles of the National Republican party as announueu u Enfield Township Geo B Curtist Natt Dunn, John Jones, C Gibbs, War ren Hart man, James Williams, Riddalc Barnett, J T Dawson, J J Judge, Joshua Bradly, Jesse Daniel and Wade Allen. Littleton Township W F Toung, John Mavs. John H Eaton, Samuel J f James, Ned Jones, Ned Harper, James Jackson, Alfred nxiwaras, voe oiiu mons, James' M Newsom,v Washington Bobbitt anti Turner Haines. - r Faucett's Township A G Aaron, G V Hardie, E D Dickins, Joe Hucks, Hiram Hawkins, Jas Simmons, AJfred Hax, Sam Hysmith, W T McMaiks, GW Daniel and J J Good wifi. Caledonia Township J B Smith, Albert Hill, Thomas Hancock; Ruffin Smith, Trotman Jones, Ben Smith, John A White, Richmond Smith, Ir vin Peeples, John Boad, Davy Rhodes and Columbus Baker. ; . Palmyra Township Charles Smith, Stuart Hardy, Levy James, John Hy man, Richard Higgs, Tony Watson, Tom James, Stuart Savage, James Smith, A J Devereaux, Riddick Brooks and Jacob Nilams. Brinkleyvillo Township John Har vell, Pey tpn Arrington, Stephen Sweet, Weldon ' Alston, Daniel Arrington, Green Solomon, Mark Pullen, David Clark, J W Crawley, Gabriel Batche lor, -Bradford Solomon and Mann Wig gins. - On motion, the meeting adjourned. , HENRY EPPES, Chairman. I F. Larkix, ; ; John H. Collins, : Secretaries. The meetinsr then adjourned. i DAVID SHOOK, Ch'mn. G. L. Cunningham, Seer'y. For the Carolina Era ikaufort County. "The Republicans of Beaufort county satisfaction ! met in the Court House at Washington o-es and r. P. R. Martin, the on the 30th day ot March, j ed thirty delegates to Col. S T. Carrow, dial ion to be held at Ral- county Executive Comm Alfl Yklinil- .1 Oil II V UlilV, VJiiJ , ! ii Tvi O Smith. A W Smith, A H Stew- r)U ort T R IMiirtin. W A James, Sanrl to . w a i I TTrter i) V Kinbrouirli. John liowen, John G Maxwell, Thos Maxwell, Sam'l Baily, F M Caudell, Jipn uass, Jonn L Wright, J il liiaCKWeiuer miu t iu. Bailey. , ' Tf tt-oa then moved that the chairman also appoint delegates terepresent Da- 1872. rman of the tv Executive L'ommiuee, caiieu tlie meeting to order, and on motion, Wni- H. Von Eberstein was chosen chairman, and J. B. Respess and J. M. Williams as secretaries. The objvt of the meeting being ex plained, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: . esolvcd. That the tnanKS 01 me xvp- blicans oC Beaufort county are due and are hereby tendered to our iaitn- ful servant U. S. Grant, President ot the United States, and to His Excel lency, Tod R. Caldwell, uovernor 01 North Carolinaand to Hon. John Pool, United Suites Senator, ana tne Hon. C. L. Cobb, Representative of the 1st Congressional District, ana we neari- 2nd. That we nave. uuuiuiiuiof" confidence in the high character, un questionable integrity and statesman V: n.u.;,ianf nmnt. nnd that as SHIM UI i jramvm " - " j - . j members of the Republican iarty, iden tified with its onward march of progress and proud of its "history, we point w m to tne miuiiiut-iiu wi-mo the faithful discharge of the many responsible duties of his ex pired Position as the surest evidence of hi firfelitv. and as the best assurance oimn he friven of the confidence with whinh the American neonle may rely iinnn him fnr nn honest, fearless, inde pendent and unricht administTation of the government during the next Presi dential term. , For the Carolina Era. Cumberland County. A mass Convention of the Republi- can party 01 uuinDenanu uouu Wtt3 held at the Town Hall. Mr. U. M. Blocker, chairman of the County Ex ecutive Committee, called the meeting to-, order-, Thomas S. ' Luttenon was elected " chairman, and M. JN . JUeary secretary. ; On motion, the following committee of five were appointed by the chair to draft resolutions : W A Guthrie O H Blocker, W- R Love, Warren Drake, James McAllister. . The committee, through their chair man, W A Guthrie, Esq., reported the following: resolutions, which wTere re ceived and adopted : The ReDublicans of Uumheriana county in Convention assembled do re solve, . c 1. That in order to perpetuate the civil liberty of the American people, it is necessary that the principles 4laid down by the National Republican par ty shall be sustained, and that the ex perience of the past four years has taught us that a Republican adminis tration of .National affairs is essential to the protection of the rights of the citizen. . '. , 2. That we heartily endorse the ad ministration of President Grant, and desire that he may be renominated and re-elected to serve another term as President of the United States. 3. That we endorse the administra tion of Governor Tod R. Caldwell, and more especially his firmness in resist ing the encroachments of the present Ku Klux Legislature upon the prerog atives of the Executive ; that we cheer fully recommend him to the Republi can party of North Carolina as our first choice as a candidate for Governor, and our delegates to the State Convention nrp insfrneted to urere his nomination. s Thnt, the Hon Daniel L Russell is our first choice as a candidate to repre sent the 3d District in the 43d Congress, and we earnestly reeommend his nom ination by the District Convention. k That the thanks of the Republi cans of North Carolina are due to the Hon John Pool, and the Hon C L PnKK onri the Hon C 11 Thomas, for . J l M k. r a .l&ava John-A McKay, John Cowan, .Ga briel Elliott, Isaac W Branch, for Cor- nerCreei. , - ' ,,. DaVid G Monroe, Xerry McKinnon, Finley Morrison, Jackson Kelly, for Queenhipple. . - L V,M Wiley Fort, D A Bryant, Robt Gil more,. Warren Cowan, for Rocklish. For delegates to the third congres sional district conventionW A.Guth rie, AV N Leary , Jr, .A M Thornton , Robt H Simmons. . ; 1 . The report of the committee, was re ceived and adopted. ' Uon motion. Hhe following named gentlemen were elected County Execu tive Committee : O H Blocker, Warren Caverna, ; W A Guthrie, John Reilly, Frank P Willistan, Jackson Kelley.. . The convention Avas ably addressed by W. A. Guthriel John W. Hopkins, A Duskey and Robt Simmons. On motion the convention adjourned. T. Si LUTTERLOH, Chm'n. . ,' : M. N. Leaky, Jii., Sec'y .s . ' ;,'.-.";For the Carolina Era. u v BerUe County;" fV At. a meetinsr held in the court-house in the town of Windsor, on the 4th day famh 187'2. the following proceed- ings were had : 1 . ; . , On motion of John V Sessoms, Jos. W Beasley was called to the chair, who explained the object of the meeting. Ononotioti of F W Bell, a committee" of five were selected to j appoint dele gates to the Convention, to be held in the city of RalJgh, on the 17th of April, 1872. The committee retired, and, af ter consultation, reported that 'Joseph AV Beasley and F C Miller bo appoint ed to represent Bertie County in the State Convention, and recommended the adoption of the following resolu tions: " k ; - , . Resolved, .1. That the administra tion of His Excellency, U. . urant, President of the United States, meets our entire approbation, and we pledge our individual efforts to secure his re nomination.i . 2. We tender our sincere thanks to our Senator,! Hon. John Pool, for the interest and zeal which he has. mani fested in the defence ot the rights oi North Carolina and the.whole govern ment, and do, tnereiore, recomineuu him lor the Vice iresiaency. v 3. That we feel it our imperative du ty to express our gratitude to the Hon. Tod R Caldwell, Governor, for the able administration of the affairs of the State government; from the commencement of his administration up to the present time, and do. therefore, urgently re commend him as our first choice for Governor, f J. Wi BEASLEY, Chairman. . For the Carolina Era. Lincoln County. Pursuant io notice the working Re- Eublicans of Lincoln county met at .incolnton on the Gth of April, 1872, to appoint delegates to the Republican State uonvention, to Deneia iwcigu on the 17th instant. All the townships being represented except .Khoaesviiie. On motion of W S Bynnm, Mr. James Mullin was called to tne cnair. auu . F Grigg appointed secretary. On motion, the following gentlemen were appointed delegates to the Repub lican State Con vention , viz : Lincoln ton Township, M J Aydlotte and B F Grig. 'I Catawba Spring - Township, James JNIullin and J M Kidds. Union Township, louis teener anu La wson Keener. . - - i Ironton Tpwnhip, W L Bynum and Bartlette Stroup. " G. That the proceedings of this meet ing be sent to the Elizabeth City North Carolinian andTlTE EitA for, publlda-. -tion. - ; . W'-.v.'. j ; ! 7. "That should - no delegate J be in Raleigh from Gates county.it is espe cially, requested, that the Hon.' C. L. Cobb act as proxy f.jr Gates county, j . , Alter the business of the Convention was disposed of, Col.; D. McD. Lindsey being present, was called on to? address , the meeting, which he did for; some time ; his discourse, was interesting and eloquently delivered,-, ably defend-, ing the Republican par ty. illis remarks were eften applauded. ' : William L. Reid, Esq., being J called upon, showed thaLthe Democrats were not fit to be trusted, that he was an old hline Whig who had always doubted the fidelity of the Democrats, and . for the last few years had become thorough ly convinced that they were wrong, and that he was no longer at peace with that party, but would defend the cause . of the Republicans and this govern ment; He was (often applauded, and his concluding remarks -were gratify- , ing to Republicans. " . ,.; ., On motion, adjourned. t - v . WM, U. Li&liJ, unairman. : Rouxtre, Secretary.- .; ; , 3rd That we endorse and neartny their consreteni couitu as xvcpuuntano, .. oii vr n invention of t oni fnr their efforts to secure by JNa m 1 1 1 1 . r . i m - ; x v - . V. 1 . ,. . tne itepuoiiw city of Ralei April, 1872 i ! :nl T ok; n nn the rtrnreetion OI OUT o-h, on the 17th day of j citizens in the exercise of their politi- ' 1 cal rights. Tliat jve aeciare me. nun. enure conntieueu jonn r"ooi io u uui unucc . Vr un. stnte Convention. W S Pear- .... it n nrklev. G W Setzer. Alfred rJ;"V..;u ivivfd lieattlv. Robert Mc- (Virkle ' Spencer Munday, Joseph B Shelton. tm Howanl, Miles Childress, T:,rini Keener, v m uaiuwen, o Mtener; Nh' Helterbrand Daniel AVhisenhunt aim y"1 nitriet Convention, Ramsour, Koah Barringer, t rank u vell J A Pearson and Stephen U rri, r.nort on delegates was Va,.. ir. th rnnnresional Con- Lir reeommend them to their -constitu V H I11UI1L V M LA V V v " - - T . . . v.entinn. The followiniT crentiemen were Cnts, and their renomination to tne ' ,riT. t n. Ainrtin, Wm Bai- mrmer Conventions, and pledge them . -m tt 1 1 - 1 I - ley, Wm B March, James iicouon, Rufus Clement, John W Gray,. Orange Gray, John H Peebles, Sam'l l oster. N W Lillington, jonn nuwwi, III orlr welder. I 1 uMie iiipn inoved andx?arried that the chairman ana secretary .u ai to each delegation. J The meeting was ably auuresseu: u firwiirkwintr centiemen.' viz: x Lillington, Maj James II ioote and tyt t fi t? n in spv. Mr N W Lillington, a young lawyer of much promise, being nme nnd. in an able and elegant manner, defended the princi ples of the liepuDiican puny, was receiveti wu" i And nftenvrtrds. Mai James II l oote, nrvii ipnrniiv Droseiii. wuti lnndlv called for. came -forward sand ua TVmnfrflpv heavy blows, and, P . r- i i. n-vrtcwl r-hpprs from juajjincr iroui me icowv- ; . .,, carried Jra- on unani- "a"V : "r Tlr Motf. niotioii , . then address. nysl?JLtJ"X:4ches by Dr. J J Mott ""V,V Vsa. A L Ram- v . mm x- a t n HomPv wnstnen caneuiiui, who rose in an able and Statesmanlike monner. and finished up every point tl-iot n-ouloft undone hv Maior t oote. our support. v . . Resolt eJ, 'mat we especuuiy icium our thanks to Col. S. T. Carrow, U. S. Marshal, for his efficiency in the cause of peace and protection of the citizens rf nur beloved State. On motion, the following, gentlemen were appointed to attend the State Convention: Nelson Clark, Stephen Clark, W M Shavender, A J Shaven der, Jordan Sillivan, I W Wooland, Hilan S Wooland, A S Moore, W K Moore, John Smallwood, H E Stilley, J B Respess, Samuel Corson, J E Mer riam, J M Williams, S T Carrow, Iien W Hodges Nathaniel Ellison, Sutton IDavis, L 11 racigett, w m . a. v o x.v- erstein, Ellas warren, wm jx jius, o F Wetherington, B L Hull, D McMon voe, Jacob Gainor, John G Harding, Jesper Kuse, Manfield Stephens, Joseph Edwards, Jesse R Caton, John S Rice, voiva. irose and reviewed effect our political situation and prospects, mucn to tne fl ra twin of the meetinsr. n""" ... . i agreed tnat tne prowt-u- Eso. A L llam- inoiiuer, anu rl' V, L-u ' "V tnTi'metinir be sent to The a i -k wrt irkt r nnnnnp nv iwm it ji a- uui.t i 1 1 1 ' r via v - . . iaur followed with an amusing account "jj that that the -tfwbern Times, with,i a; request tnat SmI hrfne ku kluxed. . , 'Jtu the proceeding of they be published, and that papers in nn n pi siuiiviiuu "..j - . -- i :. ,r -. ...,77.. .r ann fTrrrpssi v Ewininsi'"-5,i,,,'rf: this mcetincr to the following papurs tnewaiwww' ' turnout Hii large " ontl.uSiixstic. r WID 1 Atuli4V 1 UiYY au 'i,T wnnenv See'v. For the Carolina Kra". Jackson County, Xnionnf Renublican and Stateh'ille American, and -request them to publish the same. ' . J MILTON HOBBS, Chm'n. W. D. Mason, Sec'y- ..tlon of the Republican m : .,rfv held 1 At a Webster, in the county of party w Gth day of April, 10-, Dr J M 9lndlrnsT rWuestetl to act aiid H C Cannon, Lq., . as secretary. meeting being to The objector Conven appoint delegates toin nth tiono be held in "nvcntion ap : day of Aprd, 187-, tne fi pointed E R I W toVepresent Jack die and M convention ; also ap son county in .ua t minted JVftv in the absence of our rcnt saidcountv i resolutions intVod and unanimously adopted: Tht we, the Republi Resolvcd, 1st. T naynt ' heartily cn- dorse the .""Vnestly recommend Grant, and - do can j d e his nominauon iotu worthy would also John Pool, on friend f ndfft6fvfcpresident. a . the ticket for Trtiiy endorse the 1 2nd. That weQ heartHy eU administration or ov otiCj fl ; wise, gnomical ana gnomlnation honrrilr rtnimenu for Governor owut0 the aboVe 3rd. That m n.Vpf7ectfully recom- W. II. VON EBERSTEIN, Ch'mn. j.. B. Respess, J. M. WilliamJ, . . f I , Secretaries. 4th. That we repose in fhe intpfrritv. abilitv and patriotism of Governor Caldwell, and feel satisfied that his honesty of character, personal popularity, j firmness of purpose and eminent qualifications pre-eminently render him the most available candidate in North Carolina to be presented by the Republican State Convention for Governor on the 17th day of April, 1872. 5th. That with such a champion as our leader, kukluxism-and every other diabolical ism known to the unwashed, unterrified ku klux democracy would chnire snuash nnd disappear from our midst as the snow flakes in the brilliant rays of a hot Summer. . Cth. That we, as true Republicans m defatigably seeking at all times to protect and promote the best interests of our county, while we may have our individual Preference, do unhesitating ly declare our purpose as one manr and pleVlge ourselves to support the regular nominees of the party, and will, con tinue to do so when fairly and honora bly made. , . 7th. That the people not only of this State, but of the entire South, should consider themselves under lasting obli gations and as owing a debt of grati tude to the Hons. John Pool, C R Thomas and C L Cobb, our Represent-, tives in Congress for being chiefly in strumental in the effort to secure the passage of the law by Congress for the ennnrpsslnn bf the ku klux klan, and we hereby tender them our heartfelt thanks for the same. 8th. That the hjst Legislature, elected as it was, on pledges of economy, re trenchment andieform, has disappoint- kd the expectations ot all honest anu upright men by its unconstitutional enactments,! partizan legislation and its A.G. For tho Carolina Kra. i Macon County; - - On Saturday last a meeting of j tlio -Republicans of Macon county was held at Watauga school-house. C. T. Rog ers was called to the chair, and Jasper Thompson requested to act as secretary. The chairman, in & few remarks ex plained the object of the meeting, when, i on motion, Mr. Ji A. Franks was placed in nomination, and elected as a dele gate to the State Convention, which assembles at Raleigh on the 17th inst.: also as delegate I to the Congressional, District Convention, which .meets in Asheville On. the 18th of May. In case Mr. Franks should fail to attend either or both of the Conventions named, the right to act in his place was delegated by the meeting to Virgil S. Luslci Esq. Resolutions were passed denouncing the Ku Klux and their apologists, and emphatically endorsing the adminis tration of President Grant and Governor Caldwell, and recommendjng them to the State Convention for a continuance in the respective positions they fill with so much ability The meeting then adjourned. f C. T. ROGERS, Ch'mn. . 'Jasper Thompson, Sec'ry. i i ' Geo Dettor For the Carolina Kra. Moore County. At a Republican meeting, held in Carthage, on the 30th of March, 1872, C C Smith, Esq., was called to the chair, and Thomas V Ritter, Esq., requested to, act as secretary. j The county was represented from all the townships, and a large number were in attendance. - j - The meeting being simply to appoint delegates to tUeState Convention, which meets on the 17th of April, 1872,1 the delegates from the different townships assembled in caucus and suggested and the meeting, confirmed the following appointments as delegates : uenjamiu W Spivy, Esq., to cast the vote for the county, and the following alternates 2 tinted ; W Br Richardson. R r iiompft, J L Curry. John Sloan, rrunmn Thrown. J W McDuffy. Jno. v Tvr.vnnld. John A Barnett, C C McCrummen, J R Brown Robert irrthea. W M Block, Absalom Kelly rt t . a TiMMfi. J J Richardson. D S isar- nett T W Ritter, John B Sullivan, ;A eV?tvSM. John W Shields. John K,n James D Healy," Willis aker. Qipt John Ritter, Oeorge U Counc ilmaS, Malphus Phillips; . The meeting then proceeded to select , trJLiz, ,n Tftend the ComiTessional ?ftion for theroVDistriet, j For the Carolina Era. Cherokee County. a .nnafincr of the Republicans ', IZZ ,Za held in the town von the 20thinst G. W.Dick- W ws called to the chair, ana. j. ii. rrhe chairman " r vr -xOT1. of the meeting, vnen Y-.Y; ... nniui i-m to nddress them-. . lie SSSdSi and with teinnectupon covert laws murders am klux. 9th. That n iavor oi ine uuuuigut assassins known as the ku or the party 'known to be opposed to om jsome oi tne- opposnun ; und evinced a disposition to dparaze th proceedings, especially was this the case with Mr. Buncombe of Johnston , imt before the General had nnisnea, tuo. or,)nr r.f hia nromisin2r ?, youn sprig or the law naa cooreu vu nrhe following resolutions were unani mously endorsed : r '' . ' Resolved; That we do . heartily and most unqualifiedly endorse the admin istrations of President Grant and Gov. Caldwell, and emphatically recommend them for re-election: r ' 5 r " X Resolved, That in our. opinion, Gen. Grant ranks in the front - column of American Presidents. ; , " . ' - Resoieedi It is ourfirm conviction that it is to.the interest, as it is evident ly the dutv of every American citizen i to stand by and support the great and we pledge our most earnest of aud heartv support to tne nommees oi of the State Republican Convention to be held at liaieign, Apm hih,ioi, and to the . Natojnal Republican Con vention to be held in Philadelphia. 10th., That the proceedings of this meeting be sent to The Carolina Era with the request that they publish the same, j ' , After the VeiKling of the resolutions, the chairman introduced Hon. C. JI. Thrmins oiir Representative in Con- ,rc who tsrave the Convention an hour's cneeeli. ireauenxiy nueuuuicu bv applause James Hv Harris ofRal efeh; was nextjntroduced, followed by several other. The following dele Sites from the different - Townships were appointed toepresent the county at the State Convention, unpledged: xTiJrv TWnshin John T Gregory, TT"?tr Jnhn Brvant. Sam Til- lery, S Dimer, andyFenner, fy tihristmast. Richard. Jones, Z John H Collins, AVil Ham Bradley and Dany Eabick. WeWnn Townshir-Ben H Frank lin TUibt J Day, John A Reid, L k IK t J fields. Joseph Baysmon, PriHpnt of the united rates. Thnt,-the unconstitutional and partizan legislation of the present Gen eral Assembly- of North Carolina, and their flagranf denial of the sacred right of the people to petition tneir iqjicscu t.ti.-oj fr a redress of grievances, de serves the .' censure of every North n has tausrht us that in I the hands of the kuklux democrats the ! lihertv of the people is not safe. . "7 rpho nnrtv which two years i na-o advocated economy," retrenchment -Afartn hnve not earned out the tirniriisen then made to the people. 8. That the act of the Legislature re nnnnrHm'intr the Senatorial districts is unjust and is not made in the ratio of copulation, but clearly intended to give small Democratic districts equal repre sentation with large Republican dis tricts, thereby violating the motto that 41 majority ought to govern ;'?.that ltis unjust, for instance, for the county of r Sampson with a smaner . pupurauuu than uumDeriana io imvc cx representation in the Senate as the counties of Cumberland and Harnett together. . T . , 9. That the act of the Legislature prohibiting electors from, registering on the day of election, nd requiring them to vote in the townships in which they reside, and preventing the use of devices on ballots, is a direct attempt to deprive the poor and illiterate voter wr v,?o N-icrhr nf snffrae. and the Repub lican party, which is the true friend of the poor, uneducated laboring man, will remember the infamous law at the Uhllfki hov. in Thnt the act of the Legislature onertv Qualification for voters at the muaicipal elections in the rn nf Favetteville (the only town in the State where such is the case,) is re punant to tne spirit, u uui wvvi , r tho rinnstitution. is unjust, and hav- i Koon nnssed rjurelv in the interest of the Democratic party . of the town, he eondemnation of every, man wholniakes any pretensions to political lir.iesfv. " "... 11 That a ' copy of these resolutipns be forwarded to The Carolina Ma fnr- publication, and The- Wilmington rvo Ka rennested to copy, nn mntinn. si eommittee of one irom fnwnshiD were appointed by tlie chairman to recommend- suitable per; ina tn renresent this county in the State convention to be held at Raleigh, in he rlistrict convention, for the entuvressional district when' held. The committee through: their chair man, James R Lee, lisq:," recommenaea f . ..II -r in (rontlomon ' 45 ine lOIiUWiug ""fV: . . &-... For the State "; Convention. O H Tilneker. Thomas S Lutterloh.rJohn Daniel . I Underwood. Frank P Wit terlaw, A Duskey, John W Hopkins, Joshua Council, J it Lee, Aivin u Thornton, for Cross Creek township. Tony Edwards, '.'Geo .-.W Wheeler, Heaton Strickland, for Cedar Creek. Alfred Maum Richardson Strick- Liberty Township, James H Marsh. -Rhodesville Township, and J H Brindle. . Laurel Hill Township, David- Boyles and Levi Saine. North Brook. Township, L W Hoyle and Max Wilson. '.' . e A. For the better organization of the Republican farcy 'of Lincoln county, on motion, tho following , gentlemen were appointed a temporary. County Execu tive Committee: . B F Grigg, L D Haynes, James Mul n T.rtnia Tfpphpr. David Bovles. Da- vid Taylor, M J Aydlotte ana jasn Afnrh. . f rsnlved that these pro ceedings be sent to The Carolina Era tor puDiicauou. On motion, the meeting adjourned. JAS. MULLEN, Chm'n. B. F. Grigg, Sec'y. , For the Carolina Km. Cleayeland County, j Aeeordinfr to Previous notice, tho Republicans of this county met in Shel by on Saturday, the 30th of March, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Republican State Convention. ! ! ine meeting was uuieu w wuci electing Lewis Gardner chairman, and John F. Aydlotte Secretary. J O Bridges, W 11 ureen, u liren ton A T Elliott, Sand John Green were appointed a commute to recommend delegates to the S, tate Convention; who reported the names of John F Aydlotte and W II Green, who were appointed by the meeting. i Stirring speeches were made by sev er! gentleman, and the meeting ad journed after a harmonious session. LEWIS GARDNER, Ch'mn. J. F. AYDjx)TTKSec'ry. tfti "tfytr Carolina ti . J. C. LOGSIST THURSDAY, II A-ItlMH. Editor, APRIL 18th, 1872; All Letters relating to Subscription! pr Advertisements, must be addressed to WM. M. BROWN, Business Manager. . All Registered Letters can be sent at our risk. . .. 2 -j . - - . . I-. Kirks. Tho Salem Press rcgrO to learn that the kitchens ojfTyre Glenn and Joseph Williams, Esq., Loth of Yadkin county. were recently(consjinned by five. The tchI tUr jrpUtlfiinen also camo very near becoming a prey to the dorouring ele- mint Lf their nroxitnitv to the kitchens. nnrter Noah Hicks, Monroe .land, for Flea iin;V ' - ; Tcnn W B Harris, Wesley nam- . Aniei jmuu., aw i sun nuv wrs-4". - -1 . - j'' For the Carolina Erk. Gates County. Pursuant to a call of 'the Republi- can hixecuuve kajuhullmx, uuv,., of the Republicans of Gates county met at the Court House in Gatesville, on Thursday April the4tn. At z p. m. mo meeting was organized uy appwuuug Wm. Li, LleiQi USq., cnainuan. G. Rountrete was unanimously chosen secretary. i T xr The chaimian canea on xvuv. aj. . Boone to state the object of the meeting, which-he did in his usual style of elo quence, his-remarks being appropriate to the occasion. . T"-r t rn mntiou of Rev. L. W. 'Boone, a committee of three wfsappokited to hr?n fourth the names of suitable per sons as delegates to attend the Rfpub- l in stntft t;onveniion. io uc hciu a Raleigh oi the "nth, as xojiows: A G Rountree, Asbury Reid and fclisha nresentedthe names of the following .. L .I-! A w Tl.rv. It TiAf. rout Aram as ueieimi5 . . j. jiwo a n iirtimtrpe. W O Green. James i, - . -,... "RAllard. James R Rooks, Isaac miui, TatVirrt tiaII and Jeremiah Jones. On motion, a committee was apponit- i-ocftinfions. The committee re- tired, and" reported r the following rpsolutions. wnicn were uuauiuwuay avivi nrl ordered to be publLShed: 7,vniiii . That we-aonrove" of the call of a Republican Convention, to . be . .. . - -1- 171. nf Ann! hem at itaieigu on ine " a fitr instruct our delegates to cast the x-ntn'Kf ntf cnnnt.v for Hon". TodR. riitroii fvr firtvprnnf of the State. '-2 'We heartil V endorse tne aum- tration of GovCaldwell, and approve nri.i(! nnnreAin onnOsition tO the U.n- Mnetitiitinnal calf for a Convention. q nniaf thp Yirbitrarv and nartizan nct nf the Letrlslature which recently ndionrned;. cannot but b6" condemned Wall honest men. and prove conclu- fhof the Tiemocratic tarty can- ,;iti,"0ofotw h trusted with the ai- fairs of this State in this day . of. their I. fJhat we most heartily endorse the .tor tm MndiHous administration oi President Grant in adjustment Of for-. eien difficulties, ana iu reuuun6 national debt, and reduang the. eno mous tax under which an impoverished people were groaning ana we wwyx iiv recommend his renomination and election. , ... '5, That we tender our inauKs Hon. John Pool and Hon. C. Ia Cobb, for their course in the Congress of the United Sfate?,' . t . Spring term of this Court commenced pn the 8th in.st., Judge Henry nreHidinp. Diir-.. ing the term, two I Adairs and Henry la-i nard, who were found guilty or tho murder;.' of Silas Webton and Ida two chihlren, attha all term of this Court, wjll be sentenced, to death. Tho appeal to tlie. supreme unri rosultetl in the affirmation Of tfio Judgment of the Court below. . Tiik Outi.AWkL We davs alro a-ii'itbin from the jjlfcct that the 8in.ee llendcr.son all probabil'Uy left j few Jtohesonian to published tho mtlaws had not.bffen ncen eft and that they hac in the eonnty. Since that we have it on tho best authority that Stephen TWreY.' Andrew (Strong and Torn' Lowrey were at Mosh Ner k depot when ine train , ' . i T ...111 Al TV Ml mav be assed on Tliursday morning. tlioroforo lo .seed that, whatever their intentions iii the future, thq "Swamp Angels" have not yet departed from toeh old haunts. Sudden Deaths.-Tho fireensboro sni North State says a telegraitijftjiH rceeivco here yesterday announcing tlie death of Miss Lee, at Richmond, Va., on the 10th. She spent the winter with Mix, Julia Gil mer, in this city. i)vs was a charming lauy, arid very much beloved by nil who know her." 1 ' .' ' . ' " :' The same paper Hays on Tuesday las!, at the residence of Rev. Wm. Barringer, Mls ro-fl, TAflnr!" denarted tins life. IlerMI w -. . . iJL . ( ease, we . iearn,T wsw , ruuuiimusm heart. . . , She leave her. &iany fiiendn; to; v r . i i . i -.- Child Bukneh' to I) k at h.-Wo aro in formed that a cbil4 Pf Aaron and Vinia Hooker,' colored,! about5 two" years ld and unable to walk, was burned to a crisp on , T'auradar last. Th,eircuinstaoce8 arbjSH follows: r ' " ' "'''.' 'J". '-'; .' The mother tied the child in a lialrj which contained some bed clothes on which the; child was sitting. , There yverer other children about tho;houe. , After tleing tie child, the mother removed tho chair. from the lire, and went to VUit some of her neighbors.- After she had beeri gone some time, she heard a cry of distress, and qn return ing tQ ber house, found her child burned to a crisp." It is thought, the pther children played in tlie fire with a broom, and lnihat wadset the bol clothes, -which were under the child, on" fire. . The chair ; was also Curncdupb-i '. ' '.Ii't:.:-!- , U.T.- j - Tlio jiarties live in tho western portion of this township,- iu a little Village called jDberlin.' ;Theburning of the "Child and chair -was discovered in time to prevent the house from being destroyed. "1 ; ? . S,"?Stt officers: '(

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