Penitentiary not less than tven not 1 more than live years. Sec. 3i .The Secretary of State shall, on or before the first Monday in June next, furnish the County Commission ers of each county with a sufficient number of copies of this act to supply each County Commissioner, Register of DeedX-Sheriff. Registrar, of Voters, andJudges of Election with one copy thereof. . w Sec. 33. AH acts or parts of acts in consistent with this act, are hereby re pealed. . Sec 34. This act shall be in foreo fmm its ratification. Ratified the 10th day of February, A. I). 1S72. . i ' STATE OF XORTII CAROLINA, Office Secretary of State, Raleigh, February 15, 1872. I, II ex by. J. Menxixgeii, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the fore going is a true copy of the original act on file in this office. HENRY J. MENNINGER, Secretary of State. Platform Organization State Com mittee. The Republicans of North Carolina in Convention assembled do llesolce ciples Carolina t!i onroomont ia Qntffti in iht 1 M-eiiare or the country, ana to tne main- i - .. . .... I tainence of the rights, interests and liberties of the people. 2. That the Administration of Presi dent Grant meets with our hearty and unqualified approval, and our delegates to the National Republican Conven tion, to assemble at Philadelphia on . ... m -r A I A .1 to vote for his. re-nomination to the Presidencv of the United States. 3. That the Republican party of North Carolina favors as rapid a di mu nition and as early an extinction of all internal revenue taxation as the exigen cies of the Government will permit, for the reason that the details of its collec tion are necessarily offensive, and in many respects, oppressive to the peo- 4. That all Internal revenue taxes on the distillation of fruit (Jught to be abolished. 5. That the Republican party ot North Carolina recommend to the Con gress of the United States the passage of a general amnesty bill, and the adop tion of all necessary measures for the enforcement and protection of the civil and political rights of all classes of American citizens. C. That in a free and representative Rovernmcnt, .recede uepn; 1???! ".l;u" " Vv and we favor such legislation as will accomplish that end ; that we respect fully recommend and ask of the nation al government, such aid, by the provi sion of a public fund, or the donation of public lands to the purposes of estab- lishing schools n xne X' z . . x . - - l o., o will secure to f J" 1 $Lhd ed- of all classes the benefits of a liberal eo uwui" ... . . i and protection to xne to the citizens of the iTnifl States "in the several oiaies; Trwvtfullv recommend a con- innonrv. nf the oresent laws and the adoption of such further legislation as nfmnM nortiiinlv secure to the citi- zens, full and practical enjoyment of all ineirnguus, puvuwiv. . ; q Tn tha nninion of this Convention, the Democratic majority of the last Legislature, by consolidating into one fo niimomm nroDOsitions to amend the State Constitution, endeavored to r, ,n th nponle a false, issue, and to coerce them into the adoption of KnnTinn nmondments, anu iusuuji,i .tioca rmnnsitions must be sub mitted to the next Legislature for rati fication, before the same can dc rwentu nnnnln thprpfore. t i That the amendments proposed a whole do not meet the approvai oi me uui.i" : J z: Juse their adoption would subvert es- sential principles oi me " That Republicans can endorse a portion of said amendments and the next General Assembly may adopt shch of them as shall seem Duur B 1 5 That we cordially endorse the ad ,:tet Jotfnn nf Gov. Caldwell, and rec- ognize the fact tnai our -r. lv uDon his firmness in upholding; their H?SS. nnd defending their rlghtsi interests and qeienaing m.c and we heartily sisting the evolutionary rf those who designed to deprive the at Iron of the protection State Constitution. .i rrl,n fri-rmr 111 I III DtTSUUai ii la That forgetful oi perMJUiw Dle3ire ourselves to support ?rve, the can- V",":riT.r.tPd bv this uonveniion, rnttv Alone is strength. than men, to uie i - Carolina. xiiwinr is the plan of organiza tion which was aaopieu . thA Reoublican party otiNorui om nft snaii ucw v"-- . C i AState Executive Committee of eleven memoerj vwident of L11D A. a. A . let rrident of the Convention nd the rresiaeni, o - " shall be ex officio one . ofrCAC?nIonal District Commit ..ivSSTDIstrict. to be composed of apPlu (SuVty Executive Committee 3. A wuwy- rtn member from itX "? "be .Panted by .he ASSSSSr fiveforeach town. 4. A.t"JU" , . tne people. ship, to be aPPiint onSniz:i- ire.x"--To exist ntil the tion aii --- ed. e! JhThaf the representation in , Conventions snail De ui - the county .WVLpjan of organization cordance w th the Padopted. ac- fSate Executive Committee isas Carowof Beaufort. t tt Williamson, of rankiin. J. H. IV1 j r xrVwklenburff. V W Hod, of Mecklenburg. Secretary State ATTEjmo-n 0fCountyOom- ' i.v.aa tr call to caliwo -n-'v:j: K.r must ror- "EiTr regions for 525. S oud they nnot SZ ltd r't..fdlon tared untu-i ur governmK ... .,- ftai III AAA"- " ' Ini ... . -v r a 1 uu . . . - - 1 rtainod. .JiSdrfftom tbAtof - 1. That the platform and prin- hand in the nick or time, venaing couc of the Republican party of North root, which it is connaeniiy n&erwu w . as heretofore enunciated in its good for the "muuy-greiw, uim CORRESPONDENCE. The Editor must not be understood a enWn injc the sentiments of his correspondents. Communication on all 'subjects are solicited, which will be riven to the readers of TflE Era m containing the views al sentiment of the wniers. For tho Carolina Era. Liberal Republican State Con vention, j Four Delegates in Attendance On (o Cincinnati A Farcical Farce. I ' Mr. Editor: I attended the lYHberal, soreheaded Republican!!) Convention, if such it could be called, to which every body was invited, at the Court House in this city, on Thursday evening last, at 5 o'clock. ( When the hour arrived, I repaired to the designated spot, and found congre gated around the Court House front about twenty dyed-in-the-wool Demo--crats, prominent among whom I ob served Joe Turner. "Blind Jim" was also circulating around with his written card "help the blind" dm i aia noi observe that his exchequer was at any time replenished by tho liberals. Miss Pol lv Pool, or ltamcai. was tusu uu never "saw &nv crowd that looked so abuoinlrMuiy uiuujj. T n hn rliiita Tn the distance, across tne street. In front or tne xarDorougn House, were seen jsiu Vinson, jxaruy Hogan Helper, and H. J. Mennlngej with their heaas togetner, cureiuiiy) scanning the columns of a Jew rorv Tribune, ana seeming urepiy niu-u upon some dire tragedy. J a' .. . I A2 minnfoul lino run nniir nuu uitt-ii uiiuuica elapsed before a single move was made. Tho nmw( looked exceedinsly anxious "Bill" moved nervously oacK anu rrfH fmm th Yarborous:li House to the Court House, and would ever and: anon hold a whispered conversation with his friend Adams, or iNienninger,. or Helper. Finally the crowa oegan w disperse. Joe Turner left in disgust ; and the little cortene 01 ueniuuraii well-wishers to the abortion, Degan w move uneasily away. At this crisis,? "Bill" resolved, lie oraerea me ueii, to be tolled, and it sounded, perhaps one dozen answers to the pull of this. But the crowa aia noi move towards the Court room, li e did, ana immediately took a position alone in. the Hall of Justice. In a few moments the sound of approaching footsteps were heard, and "Bill" emerged through thej door, following closely by Hardy . a AV t . 1 A at r OTft 9 ft Hojran, then oy tne emer auoius,! OaTiSSe'aA latd Adams the younger, and lastly py tne SeDGtlican Convention for Secretary Autato Thpv nimroacnea near me nrisoner's box and paused, evidently fiinrr ill nt and somewhat cha frrined to find the Hall occupied only hlA renorter. In a mo ment, however, they heard the rum h invnr tftnrsiPDS on uie uiua ouu cu -n rtMn th har of the Court. The first individual when these entered wasH friend Ned Harris, followed imme-fl ,i;ntNr dftor hv iiiivpr imrcnanu uuue 7tpiv aftPr and took thftdoor. and looked as if it CVMM - f m a 1 was their intention to immediately "bolt," if the least ineineni oct-urreu. Our Democratic friend, " Ark" Royster, t.rrVif nr thA rar or tne crowa. a flap th hpvv or ijeiuocruu become composed, Mr. Mason arose, and before a solitary word had oeenuuereu k onv nriividnnl in the nouse. ne etafrvi thnt. it had been "movea anu U.T " Z .. i aj iUfc V,V - a . I onrlr that. INIr. llelDeT taKC um ria(r nn.l not a.q chairman of the meet ing. wu.. . r Tin nnt the Question in me ai- firmative. and Ned Mams, wiieyt Hlftmi nnrt f J. Ij. liUrCIl voted in the netrative. He then ctatvi thnt it had been "moved and swonded" that Mr. Adams be appoin ed Secretary, and put the vote, no on votincr either afflrmaiiveiy or nega tivplv.nnd Adams the yonngerpn ceeded toict as Secretary without pa Tkor npn. npncil or inK. rru lioonrwlnfMl rflnflidate before the Republican Convention for Secre tarv of State tnen prouuwu a pp whU rmrnorted to be a list of names, which he moved be appointed as dele gates to the Cincinnati uonveniiom He handed the paper to Mr. Mason, Mr. Afocnn b mdfMl it to Mr. Helper and Atr TiPlnpr handed it to Adams tne fnimrror who looked on the paper and irn.. hnt nthouffh close at hand nintPllirfble. After which the Appointed candidate took the floor JPPJ his view3 in ft few dis? r ,-f--tpnvsl wherein he made no! lJiwnn in tho chnnres made in 2A4 I . . " , a: " .."'.7-r.;v:i., .i,;Q in nfflf-A wn auoui -.tV"3 He soon exhausted himsen, anu bat down. During hia remarKs me vAi The Xeics entered . and tooK a seat oil the prisoner's bench, making five with-j in the bar. ana loosing every iuui .oirrlt hnt ioined isea. unverauu Ayfley if. one ieeDie niiempi k ki - . . a. J "rrVrn(8nn thPn moved toadjournJ without tne mouuu uwub uuv,u t put the motion. Nobody; " f thus Pnded the grandest farce ed. nf'o mPftinf? that was ever attempted inT?iPio-h; and vet it wastneMff . Convention of the Soreheads. A Chiel. For the Carolina Kra. A Card. At f.tittor: Some one has dona me the honor to suggest my name to the Greensboro' Convention, as a can-s didate for the oflBce of Superintendent fTnhlir Instruction. w'hil I am nrofoundly grateful for this compliment, justice requires me to say that l nave Deen i;puuuu cinnofhorartv was orsranized in the State. I believe the principles of rv,rtu to b riffht. whatever blun4 nvpn crimes may have been committed by the individual members if I When Governor Caldwell appoinfed to the office which I now hold, he said that it was not a political office. . ohnnM nnt he used for Political party purposes, l enurery wncurr !&.,iAi, nnd have strictly adhered tf Tho Governor and the Board of Eilucation have always been ready to .lnanv thincr in their power to pro-: mote the interests of fdnomv iT man more devoted to the in-. terestfl of North Carolina than Govern or Caldwell. - . ... . ' v huc, w.w.-, - - nmX vvhiiA. therciore. x Bimu si rorf nf the WOrK OI xue '"""S" """" g faction which was"done for, SS dL I shall endorse the bal- F . . ' aj - a m . w I rA nrai 11 Til i - md YOu ,ror xwi -J"; 1 uSder the circumstances I . ' - . . . 1 1! felt assured she was in tne ngni cruwu I I could not expect to be placed on the Greensboro' ticket. . , Alexandeu McIveb. For the Carolina Era. The West endorses Got. Caldwell' ' Notation. . Mr. Editob: Information has Just reached us of the action of the Repub lican Convention of the State In the nomination pf Gov. Caldwell, for elec tion by the people, to the place that he fa now occupying with so much honor to himself and to the public good. I must be allowed to say that this news will certainly gratify the people of the Western counties, for In Gov. Caldwell we have a man that has for years been devoted to our. interests. A firm Republican, from the Old Whig party, an honest, upright and Just man, ..n who has ever been a zealous advo- vjto nf thn hnildinor of the Western Kwwrnrroad. through Uie counties of Haywood, Jackson, swaine, lacon and Cherokee to Georgia or Ten nesseee line at cr near Ducktown. Gov. Caldwell is well known to our people many of whom moved from the county of Burke to their present homes in these Western counties. You will hear from tho counties west of the mountains in August. We will send up a good report if we shall be as for tunate in finding a candidate for Con gress as we have been lor Governor. The Republicans and old Whigs in the west will make the mountains ring with good news, and a large increase in the vote for law, order and The. Con stitution as it is (for awhile). .1 am very respectfully, - Yonxpbt. servant, B. M. Henry. Franklin, N. C, April 22d, 1872. "-' "-" . i J. C. LOGAN HARRIS, Editor. THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1872. Jt9- All Letters relating to Subscription or Advertisements, must M addressed to WM. M. BROWN, Business Manager. All Registered Letters can be sent at our risk. - Local, State and General Items. . Fatal Accident. A boy named James Chavis was killed by the accidental dis charge of a shot gun, at Wadesboro. on Fri day last. Address. George M. Arnold will address the people of Davidson, at Lexington, dur ing Court. Subject : The colored man in American politics. House Bdbnd. The residence of Mr. 1. Lyerly, near Salisbury, was burned to the ground on Sunday last, whilst Mr. L. and family were at Church. Public Speakino.-CoL W. P. Hender- son wU1 addre8S the people of Alleghany on Tuesday of Court, the 8th of May ; and the people of Wilkes at Trap nill on Thursday the 10th of May. Tornado. A tornado passed over Hick ory Tavern on Tuesday last, and continued for a distance of two miles into the country, dointc considerable damage. Some thirty persons were more or less in ured, but none were killed outright. Revivai Rev. W.W.Morgan, fermer- vof this t-Uv. at present in charge of the M. E. Church, of Greensboro, has a revival o-oinffon in his Church. Within thirteen days, sixty-three persons have professed re- lsrion. and joined the Church. Laai aunoay there were over forty at the mourners bench. Wk Know, a sprightly phunny city pa rser, tmblished in Raleigh, came to us last Thursday with a new comic head, and is a neat looking, well gotten up and interesting paper, the very paper every family in tne State ought to subscribe to. it is uoi a po litical paper. Terms ?2 a year m aavance. Address L. N. Keith fc Co., Raleigh, N. C. Patents. The Elizabeth City North Car olinian publishes the following list of Patents issued from the U. S. Patent Office to North Carolina " Inventors, for the week ending April 2, 1872, and each bearing that date. Furnished that paper by cox a wx, duuu- . a-. rii tors of PatenU, Washington, v. . oxiu stone Dress and Fractional Brake both to P. W. Yarrel, Garysburg. CaiTklessness. The New Berne 2Yie says on Thursday night, while the Ireignt train of theA.4N.UK. wa siauuiug on the track at Geldaboro', it was run into - . a1 1 4-4 1j- t bv a W. fc W.,train,ineiocumonvoni.iB a freight car, going clear tnrougn ju wa the result of culpable carelessness on the part of the W. & W., officials,-as the train had no head-light, and was dashing into town at the rate of twenty miles an hour. ' A Bouncer. A story is told of a man In Germany who fell from the roof of a five story building to the sidewalk ; but, as he struck on the thick soles of his rubber shoes, he bounded back within a quarter of to an inch of the roof, ana bo conunueu bounce, decreasing by only a quarter of an inch each journey. He subsisted on hash inclosed in rubber balls, which he managed to catch on the bound, and at the end of a month he was stopped and restored his family. Murder. The Tarboro' Enquirer says a most foul murder was perpetrated atKings boroi on the Tarboro' Branch Road last Wednesday night. A Summary ot the par ticulars, as far as we could ascertain, is that an altercation took place between Green Al len and Arthur Vaugn, both colored, in re gard to the relation of the latter towards El len Gilliam, a colored woman of known bad character, when Green ahot Vaughn Ih the face with a shot gun, killing him in atantly The murderer escaped and up to this time has not been heard from. Breach of Contract. A uit for a breach of contract, of a rather novel charac ter, is now pending in one of the Vermont courts. In effect, a gentle maiden suea a man for promising to buy her and then re fusing, to fulfill his contract. It seems that the lady had a farm which the man wanted tA nurchase. She offered tne property ana heraelf for $30,000, and refused to sell sepa- rately He accepted the terms paid the adjoining counties nave oieo m grw. muu monev obtained the titiedeeda of the land, bers owing to the severity of the winter and a r-a oft veil satisfied with his bargain that he insisted on her keeping the rest of kerelf. She did not appreciate , , li tttr imttfttM en hia mr- Ills nmj'""",j t ' ' rr K-r. Tla declined, and now she has sued him for a breach of contract' Nortit Caeoliica Libkbals. Four men who claim to "be Liberal Republicans met at the Court House in this city on Thurs day last, and the foUowInir processings were had : j , '" Mr. W. 8. Mason moved that Ilardie Ho fr called to the Chair and Tbos. B. Adams act as Secretary. .Carried : Har d'ie Hogan,i Henry J. Wenninger, W. S. Mason, and Thoa. R. Adams all voting yea. Whereupon, Mr. Mason proceeded to ex plain the object of the meeting, which he said was to attend the Convention of sore heads and office-seekers at Cincinnati to see If measures cannot be adopted whereby a better administration of the government may be had tor the next four years. Dr. Henry; J. Menninger then addressed the meeting. His speech; was terribly grand. He poured hot shot Into The Esa. Told the audience that he was a candidate before the Republican State Convention ; that the Contention was controlled by J? ca- Ural office-hoidera; he did not inform his . . - . audience that he issued a printed circular and forwarded it to the Federal office-hold ers and solicited their influenco for a re nomination as a candidate for Secretary of State. He pitched into corruption, which reminded us of the kettle calling the pot ulack. Every now and then his wrath was terrible to witness, especially when he thought of The Era. All in all, the speech was a grand affair. The Democrats of this State-have secured one recruit. We Uko it for granted that the Dr. will not support the Republican State ticket with Gov. Cald well at its head. After this explosion, the Dr. evidently felt better, and thought, no doubt, he had facilitated his final plunge into that party, whose leaders, through the columns of the Raleigh Sentinel, has earned the Dr. a repu tation for fraud and corruption, second to no man wnose rum mmw Mr. Mason presented the following names as suitable delegates to attend the Cincin nati Convention : Wake W. S. Mason, H. ; J. Menninger, Simon B. CraVen, and Oscar Alston. Orange Alx. Mclver. Rowan Ilardie Hogan nelper. Davulsou Lewis Hanes. Warren-D.'R. Goodloe, J. L. Labia ux, W.T.Montgomery. Mecklenburg Stephen CJ. Johnson, Jas. II. Orr. Nash Dorsey Battle." Johnston E. W. Pou, Jno. R. Thomp- son; J !.'.' After which the meeting quietly dispers ed, confident that their action will defeat Grant and our State ticket; that Hard! Hogan will again be Postmaster or Asses sor ; that Mr. Mason wilf again be U. S. At torney ; that Henry J., will be transplanted to Washington, D. C, where he will preside over the Department of State; and that Daniel R., will again be TJ. S. Marshal. Horrible Tragedy Stiktuno De nouement. The Roanoke News of the 24th says a tragically disastrous event oc curred near here yesterday, which, for fien dish atrocity, devilish blood-thirstiness and brutal ferocity, stands without a parallel in ancient or modern history. A the glorUus orb of day was slowly sinkine beneath the western hills, and day fast merging into night, an unearthly yell was heard on our streets, when our citizens ever on the alert for something exciting, rashed to the doors to learn from whence nreceeded thia I diabolical shout, when oh! horrors 1 the first thing that met their gaze was a devil in human shape with hair dis hevelled, sleeves rolled up, face distorted with brutal passion and fiery eyes moving uneasily in their.sockets, carrying in one hand a huge butcher-knife and in the other a blunderbuss, running and yelling like mad. He rushed on in his mad career and was soon out of sight, outstripping those whom curiosity prompted to follow. A batch of excited men soon congregated on the street discussing the extraordinary actiens of this seemingly hydrophobic lu natic, when a gentleman just returning from the country came riding into town as o foarfnl -need and reported that he had W m aft heard pitous screams and : wails for mercy on the outskirta of town, interrupted now and then by hoarse curses and threats of vengeance. j . This news brought out the town and dire excitement was rife. Soon a score or more armed with every available weapon of war, flretongs, axes and pitchforks not excepted, were on the war path, determined to sum marly annihilate this Inhuman fiend. They approached the place cautiously ever and anon hearing moanful cries and groans growing fainte and fainter as they nearea the tragic scene. They moved in a solid phalanx and with Btealthy steps, and with arms presented Curiosity, excitement and a desire for vengeance so swayed them that it was. with great difficulty the leader could prevent a precipitate charge, when just as the last sad moan was stifled in the throat of the unfortunate victim the party came full In view, when oh! heavens 1 what scene, there stood the fiend quietly skinning an inoffensive hog! Judge Dick's Lectures. The New Berne Republic and Courier says this distinguish ed son of North Carolina, delivered two lectures in this city, on Monday and Tues day night; at the Theater, for the benefit or Elm City Council Friends of Temperance. The audience on! both occasions, was small and we felt mortified to see that our citizens manifested so little interest in such enter tainments, for ihey were entertainments of the highest order and abounded in purity and simplicity, litis seldom that we have an opportunity of listening to a speaker so well acquainted with his subjects, as Judge Dick and those who attended them, will not soon forget this rich Intellectual treat. The subjects, 'The Poetry of the Hebrews" and the "Anglo-American" were most ably mana-ed and stamped the speaker, as man of fine literary taste and a ripe scholar. A Merited Rebuke. The following re buke to the Democracy is from the Wins ton Sentinel: The Salisbury Examiner and Watchman are having a neatlittie quarrel aa to whetil- ex Mr. Bobbins or Mr. f D""V."r 7 nominee for Congress in this district. Of coune Salisbury i has a "royalty" on the nomination, and it is matter of great con cern to the citizen of th nine other coun ties of the district to see such differences existing. Pray, settle the question gentle men. If you don't, it may result in the ne cessity of calling a District Convention, where other counties may express a pref erence. . ." I ' : Pattle Schoou The rayetteville Ea- gu aays the cattle in Cumberland and the I tha scarcitv of pasture and forage. Also, that there are about two hundred scholars attending the colored public mr in Favetteville. They have one of i - - the best public school buildings in the Btate. KjmeD. The Wilmington Star of Satur day last says, our usually quiet community was startled from its serenity, yesteraay morning, about 9 o'clock, by the shocking -i announcement that a murder aau oeen committed. The scene of the tragedy was in a. mnm nonnested with the National, Hotel! It seems that several of tne waiiers were in the room and a discussion ensued between John KittreU ana J? ranK iwwe, which finally resulted in a quarrel and from that to blows. Kittrell, in reply to some remark from Rowe, called him a fooL Rowe resented the insult by slapping him in the face, whereupon Kittrell ' seised a carving J knife and plunged it into him, the blade en tering his left side, just under the shoulder blade,1 severing a large artery. Rowe, ex claiming, "You have killed me," seized a chair and struck at his assailant twice, then walked out-into the yard, where he fell down and almost Instantly expired. Im mediately afterwards Policeman Scott made his appearance, took the murderer into custody and carried him to jail. Coroner Hewlett was notified of the occurrence, the body in the meantime having been removed to an unoccupied building on e alley leading from Front to Second Streets, where the inquest was held. The jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death by a knife in the hands of John Kittrell. The same paper says Joseph Price, son of A. I, Price, deceased, was drowned on Fri day last. Editorial notices are so common that it is almost impossible for an editor to ex press his honest opinion of the merits of any article without being suspected of interested motives. This fact, hewever, shall not de ter us from saying what we think of a new addition to the Materia Medica to which our attention has been recently directed. We refer; to Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, a remedy which is mak ing its way into more families just now than all the other advertised medicines put together. There seems to be no question about the potency of its tonic and alterative properties, while it possesses the great neg ative recommendation of containing neither alcohol nor mineral poison. That it is a specific for Indigestion, Billiousness, Con stipation, any many complaints of nervous origin, we have reason to know ; and we are assuied on good authority that as a general invigorant, regulating and purifying med icine, it has no equal. It is stated that its ingredients, (obtained from the wilds of California,) are new to the medical " world ; and its extraordinary effects certainly war rant the conclusion that It is a compound of agents hitherto unknown. If popularity is any criterion, there can be no doubt of the efficiency of the Vinegar Bitters, for the sale of the article is immense and continu ally increasing 4w. U. S. Circuit Court. The New Bern limes says this Court, Judge Brooks pre siding, commenced its spring session. in this city yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Judge Brooks' charge to the Grand Jury was able and complete in its instruction as to their duties under the existing laws. He opened his charge by saying that so tar as the knowledge of the court extended there was no organized body of men in this section who had for their object the viola tion of the laws of the United States. He fullyl explained to the jury their duties in regard to the violation of the revenue, pos tal and other laws of the United States that come within the jurisdiction of the court. Rencontre. The Greensboro' Patriot says an altercation occurred on Wednesday last between Col. E. P.Jones and Judge Tourgee, arising from a misunderstanding in the application of epithets. A couple of blows were exchanged, when bystanders interfered and restored peace, whereupon explanation followed, when it was discover ed that they misunderstood each other. Expressing mutual regrets at the occur rence, they shook hands and departed "as good friends as before." None for Virginia. Junius Brutus Booth appeared as Iago in Richmond, Va., the other night, and in the audience was a sdmewhat unsophisticated individual, who inquired of a gentleman sitting near him, "Is this the play in which a nigger marries a white woman and then chokes -her to death?" An appropriate reply was given. The questioner then rose to leave, remark ing : "Well, then, darned if I want to see it. 'Twen't do for old Virginny !" River Improvements. River improve ments at this place are soon to be com menced i Capt. J. M. Foote. of Plymouth, has been entrusted with this undertaking, and will soon be up wit bis elevating, blasting and dredging machinery and be- Kiu active operations. . Forian appropriation for clearing out the bed of the Roanoke our people are indebted to Congressman Cobb. Roanoke News. Good News. The Winston Sentinel says the contract between, the Rishmend and Danville Railroad Company and the North Western N. C. Railroad Co., has been signed sealed and delivered, and places the early completion of the road beyond a doubt, and insures to us one of the most thriving and business towns in Western Carolina. Suskkded. The Rutherford Star of the 20th. contains the following announcement: With this number the publication of the inose 01 our nuuswiueis n aav . j j u n- v- f Via SXn in lul- vance may be assured taat u we uo not re- sume publication that we will cheerfully . . a a . .1. AAa.n 1 i-m- refund to them what they have overpaid. Changed. It will be noticed that the time of assembling the 3rd Congressional District Convention at Clinton, has been changed from the 19th of June, to 22d of May. ; This step has been ' rendered neces sary from the fact that the National Repub lican Convention will meet in Philadelphia on the 5th of June. 1 . i i - ; Dbowkkd.-The Roanoke News says Ster ling Persons, a colored man, engaged in fish ing on the Roanoke, while rowing up the riv er on Wednesday, attempted to pass under a low limb projecting over tne oanju ana was thrown from the boat and drowned be fore assistance could be rendered. i " ' v Grasp Ratification Meeting. The Republicans of Wayne county are invited to meet at the Court House in Goldsboro,' on Saturday, the 4th day of May next, to ratifv the nominations made by the State Convention, and to appoint delegates to the District Convention, which meets in Wil son on the 9tb of May. Come onet Come all!! and let's have a rousing meeting. l ,. - - ''v- Russiam liw. Man and wife itf Russia own their property separately, and instan ce, of wives suing their husbands fordebt are by no means uncommon. or ON THE RESULT OF THE CONVENTION I ; election; , BY 1 JtATIVB OF THAT STATE, Now resident of Pike Tp Lyon Co., Kan. My Native State ! Iluxzah ! Huzzau I Thy loyal heart beats free ana sironK Tyrants and Rebs must yield to Law ! Riht no longer bow to wrong i Her cient stand once more restored, That self-mad spirit, Just and" Free, .,t ced her first white Quaker lord, xw rules from Mountain to the Sea. it lay dormant; at length the leaven Wrought through cast off oppression s .. form; - And now she stands pointing to" Heaven, Erect as Jier pine when lulls the storm ! Those midnight fiends, late thy disgrace, And abettors of their hell-born hate, May strive in vain to hide each face ; Light downs on Thee, my native State ! The Mountain summits of the West, Radient with its increasing fires, Light up each vale and humbler crest Beyond the Pilots lofty spires Yea through those gorges deep, so vast That noon-beams scarcely chase out night, It lifts old shadows of the Past, "Till Catawba's laurels greet our sight ! Its answer comes from a hill-girt plain, ' Echoed by Yadkins sparkling wave, Here thousands of Cuffees clanked their chain ' " Thank God ! it holds now 'nary a slave.' On Guilford's sacred blood-stained soil, One more 'bare Vict'ry seals the fate Of would-be lords ; ye sons f toll ! Once more ! charge battle to the gate! And thou bold stream, whose earliest fame Was won opposing Tryon's advance; Arise ! wash out thy Ku Klux shame ! Roll on, once more fair Alamance! And that loved spot, where first I drew TA fca breath that bears an honoredname One, who-for the right hisinfluencethrew- jnainain i a. pe oi ymxxwa O'er all thy hills and vales is heard The Bone so srlad. the cheer so brave! E'en Moores pines and sands echo the word Cape Fear wafts it on to Ocean's wavei This thus thy Patriot sons" proclaim Thee thrice redeemed and disenthralled Aristocrats plotting thy shame Stand back aghast, cowed down, appalled I And now thy sons of every race Stand equal peers before the law Can vote, testify, hold power and place Save whee crime those rights withdraw. Washington now smiling stands, Greeting all at thy State House door, A spot thy sons in other lands Would fain be glad to see once more. O NativfiState ! march on 1 march oh ! -- Fulfil each glorious destiny, Teach 'erring sister's and each son The" priceless worth of Liberty I O guard with sleepless vigilance The spot where justice sits enthroned; "E'er keep in mind the dread penance Attached to a wrong scarce yet atoned ! Then there need be no mean patrol, Nightly to watch thy roads and gates, Prowl round each hovel'a chimney hole, Fright passless lovers and their mates ; For Heaven itself will guard and bless Each institution of the State; Permit no Turner, Graham, Ellis, To lead on to a wretched fate I S.M.D. - Plymouth, Kan., Sept., 1871. DEATHS Died, in this city, on the 17th inst., Mb, Mabtin Westbkooks, a native of Spring field, Massu, and for seven years a resident of this city. The deceased during his residence among us made many friends, owing to his kind and honorable disposition, industry and integrity. For two years his sufferings can be better imagined than described, when it Is know that he died of consumption. B. tw near Ra.iisbnrv. N. C on Sunday evening, April 21st, 1872, Laura C. daughter nfMnaoa I KrflWtl . &TM1 W1IB VI A AlfJO. II. Haynes, born February itn, is. New Advertisements. "VTOTICE to SOUTHERN CLAIMANTS I would respectfully notify North Caro liaa claimants against the general Oovern ment. that I have located in Washington for the purpoae of attending to all claims before the Commissioners, Court of Claims. Department Bureaus, as aisq xuierna Voviniia QW9 titlA tO .fUDUO LADOS, WJ . . 1 A. TkWM ir(i nAn(rut8 tn sao. 11 ri nor Pensions and Bountiesand the settlement of all accounts in the Civil, Military and National service t o w iinslnaas dnlv attended to. - MLecpeAetl tn aettino immediate in favor of the nrt instalment of m.i nriffor thn Art of Aoril 3rd. 1871, 1 would solicit the agency of claims not yet iuvva Mr noca fiiaz onT nmmisa nlose attention iu uusi- Mr. G. E. Olds, of Raleigh, has blanks, and will file petitions for me. t q L. P. OLDS. April 26, 1872. 138 tw3twlt. 4- jq-QTICE ! In the matter of Albert Johnsoit, Bank nrt- District of North Carolina ss : " This is to givk Notick That on the 16th inrii a. n 1872. a warrant in Bank ruptcy was issued out of the District Court r5u TTnitii RtntAs. for the Pamlico District Vl lUO JAAAW V 1 . , V . . Z'xilf- a W.b. In nnmiina. airainsi me wsmim u Albert Jonnson, iu --"V-ZJlT. said district, oi , " .rr. that the payment of debts, and the delivery inrttred ft Bankrupt. on ma own iwiumj i rupw iw A, - -, . I nmnartv Irv htm are XOrBldClen DT ja-. ana tnat a mwuus 1 . ' t a a. M.nA hAiv nanrn u nil ixa said oana:rupfc, w iiuyd mva v""t olmnaA Ana nr mAM ftflsiirnees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, N; C, before A. W. T. CARROW. U. S. Marshal. Deputy and Messenger In Bankruptcy, april 18. 133 lawzw. , JOIIN ARMSTRONG, No. 1 Fatettkville Street, RALEIGH, N. C, H OOK BINDEIlr: And Blank Book Manufacturer. Newspapers. Magazines, and Law Books, of every description, bound in the very best style, and at lowest prices. Old numbers of Supreme Court Reports tri n nTohanirft ror bindine. w u. ANKRUPT SALE. Notice is hereby given, that I will sell, at pnblic auction, to the nighest bidder for casn. Kb uo vuui " N. d. on Tuesday, the 7th day ef May, 1872. at 10 o'clock, a. m.. the notes, accounis, ano choses In action, aiao me xanrup " i est In one hundred and ninety acres of land, lying on the waters of New Hope Iaver, Chatiiam county, and adjoining the lands of Thomas Mason, Jessee Mason, ana owners, the property of J ames jMUi. , y f C L. HARRIS, Assignee, April 24, 1872. Iaw2t. Raleigh, C. To Nerth Carolina Greetic; Sh.Ef3' ffiLTZPT D C. PoolTJudgeor the Superior Court for the said District otf of May, A. D., jJ. Distrlct of North Carolina, 1RT2. at 10 o'clock. A. M. ... ?V..ii ?i t- nvi uA UAua w A MTTPIT. New Advertisements.! 3 O rr f A MONTH to sell ourUniver- (DO A O sal Cement. Combination Tun nel, Button Hole Cutter, and other articles. Saco Novelty Co.,j Saco, Me. ' ' 123 4w TVTaXnT'Vr MADE RAPIDLY . JxLVyJN Hi XI with Stencil and Key Check Outfits. Catalogues, samples and full particulars FREE. S. M. 'Spencer, Battleboro, Vt. - j ? 1 128 4w AGENTS! AGENTS!! AGENTS!!! i Wc will nav S40 per week in cash, and . expenses, to good agents who will , engage with us at once. Everything furnished. Address F. A. ELLS & CO., Uhariotte, ancn. ( . - K. WANTED : Agents for our new 16-page paper the Contributor. Thirteen de partments, religious and secular. Rev. A. B. Earle writes for it. $1.00 a year ; a 12.00 premium to each subscriber. For Agents terms, address : : ,r I ,' 128 4w James Hi Earle, Boston, Mass. XSYCHOMANCY. OK SOUL CliAK i f tvo.-Haw either sex may fasci nate and gain the love and affections of any. person they choose, Instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together with a marriage iruide. Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. Ac A queer, exciting book. 100,000 soldAddress T.l WILLIAM fc CO., 128 4w li I'UD s, rnua. j Do You Take a Religious Paper? SUBSCRIBE FOB THE , SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN, Published in ALEXANDRIA, , v a., at $3 a year, I THY IT FOB CJJN-Iii aiiAit. WAN J-D, FOg m 22 ibed fcDd rmvioo.Hjm routed. To? BMt jBjnflIrTpTpCTT-.elimj religion, work o.r luxl..; Tor lircul.r.. tJJrew 0. U. rUBLISaih'fl Co V.'TV WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS FOR COUGHS, COLDST & HO ARSENESS. These Tablets present the Acid in Combi nation with other efficient remedies, in a popular form, for the Cure of all THROAT and LUNG Diseases HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of the THROAT are im mediately relieved and statements are con stantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in cases of Throat difficulties of years stand ing. . . j! ! I P A I ITI fl M Don't be deceived by worth IMU 1 1 U IX less imitations. Get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 Cts. per Box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Flatt St., N. Y., Sole AgemVfbr the U.S. Send for Circular. .l . I 128 4w. ! BURNHAM'S i New Tubbing Is in general use throughout the U. S. A six inch. is used by the Government in the Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Tts Rlmnlicitv of Construction and m the power it transmits renders it Itel , T i A 1 1 I A t III. ine Dess waier wiieci oyer mvour t-mz3 ed. Pamphlet free. fcr N. Ji J5UHJNilAM, IOBE, 0TA.4W p LIFE OP JAMES FIS& Brilliant Pen Pictures of the Sights and Sensations ot New York. rr a iv-TVr A VTV T7T A T TTlQ X XVlXlXJn.i1 JU X JL w jrtr. TUmrranhifis of VanderbilL Drew.! Gould and other R. R. magnates. All about JOSIK , MANSFIELD, the siren, and EDWARD S. STOKES, the assassin, octavo of over 600 pages, profusely illustrated. aujjn its WANTED. Send $1.00 for outfit, and secure territory atonce. Circulars free. ViNiort PUBLISHING . CO., Uhicago, uinn., or Philadelphia. I 128 4w. j The Best Paper I Try i It!!' The Scientific American la the cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper published,, Every number contains rrom iw to io ong inal engravings of new machinery, novel inventions; Bridges, jcngineennK wuiw, Architecture, improved Farm Implements, and every new discovery in Chemistry. . A year's numbers contain 832 pages and ev eral hundred engravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved tor Dincung ana rei erence. Tnepracucai receipts r we" wuiii ten times the subscription price. Termn, $3 a year by mail. Specimens sent free; May be baa ox an jm ews jLeaiers. i PATENTS obtained on the best terms. Models of new inventions and sketches ex amined, and advice free, au patents aro published in the Scientific Americen the week they issue. Send for Pamplet. HQ jages, containing laws anu iuu uuwuuus or obtaining Patents. ( I Address for Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO.. 37 Park Row, N. i . Brancu office, cor. F. and 7th Sts., Washington, D, Oh, Would II Were Child again i . . weary and exhausted one. aa the AnA lossiinda of spring comes upon 1 7 . .-- A .A m him. Come and receive vigor and Btrengin from the wonderful South American Tonic TTTRTJBEBA. Turner and necessfullv used in its native country, as a Powerful Tonic, and, Patent v,,- nf the. Blood, it is found even to ex ceed the anticipations founded on its great Mnntatinn. Accorointr to tne miu scientific periodicals of London and Paris, ,A . Ua HfMJT T-mri?T?T7TTT ' TYk-WTf' properties known to Matkbia Mkpica. Dr. Wells' Extract of Jarubeoa Is a perfect remedy for au diseases or tne BLOOD. OKGAJN IU W m A XL a as. o o , m.ANDULOUS TUMORS. DROP8Y, nTim?TTTJA- INTERIM AIj AliHUlsaa. and -will remove all obstructions ot the LIVER. SPLEJilN.ilWTiiasxiriiia, wxjv i Tt in strentrthening and nourlaliing. Like nutricious food taken into the stomach, it assimilates and diffuses itself through the circulation, giving vigor and health. , It regulates, the ooweu, quia tne nerve, acts directly on the secretive organs, and, rTTitaowerful Tonic and restoring effects. t..h. .h Mr tinn tn thu r-v --'7 J , whole system. . 1 ' THr. One Dollar per. Botue. send ror fMmlar. I aprfl 15 ' 218 4w. , I P ROCLAMATION. Whereas, information, on oath and in AHmA nf oeriurv. at the Spring term. 1872. of Bertie Superior Court, did eseape from the custody of the Sheriff of said county, and is lurking about, and so keeps himself con- (g2LQiX XXI UU&V UI OV1UV VUI OUJVIAUlAg vwa ty, that the usual process of law cannot be executed on him, H I J This is, therefore, to command the said Robert M. Bridger to forthwith surrender himself into the custody of the Sheriff of Bertie or some other Sheriff, so that tho Sheriff of Bertie can obtain him, and should the said Robert M. Bridger continue to stay out, lurk about and keep himself con cealed, and not surrender after ! publi cation of this proclamation, I hereby enjoin and command each and every Sheriff, Con stable and other peace officers, and all good citizens generally, to forthwith capture, ar rest and bring said Robert M. Uridger i to justice, and in case of hia flight or resistance. may giay said Bridger without im- alter peing cHiivu upuu u Bmrvuuu, ujj chment or accusation of any crime. Given under my-hand at Winston this 22nd day of March, 1872. j . . : .1 C. C. POOL, , Judze Superior Court. 12fl-4t. . First Judicial District This is a true copy of the original. I T. W. BELL, Sh'U; Bertie County. NI C. I mttdtinty hfljt bAen made before me. Charles

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