CORRESPOND.ENC.E, The Editor must not Toe understood as endon lilt tiuiwi ui t . . wlS wllT driven to the readers of Thk Era M wnturins thevie-frs and sentiments of the writer. fc " f , -For UioJTtorothianw4 - . SUas Bnrns. rt' -w 1 1 - d-k-vw . ha I 7. - -. . . , rw.-..- nominations roaue uv uvi- .vva.- lion in tnis citv. inerois uuo iuuu inv "! T,nroVfirLTJoiilfl 1 TT Xrnrminent Tnalco hi3 name stand -pre-eminent aniens: all the resu i . ? . . t oiinrift . KilM Tiumsl .of Chatham. Where could we have found another man in the State, oi any. political per suasion, that would come as near being Mr. Burns is as -familiar wiUiitlie public works of North Carolina,-as a formpriaunth hil t)!OW and hoe. lie has been connected with .them noe. lie nas uwu Wu VV- frr fhr Int inrtV veaTS. autl UtJlilg ior me iasi iur ?VUJ,V!Tti take bettor care or the state's interest hoM -nSthan anv man -we could a nrf besides. 3Ir. liurns is an enter- ..ruRrJSS? d1 W sort of a . man, ami u tne nexi igisiaiure a the omce wnat u bhouiu Jr-: a a. m v 15urnsastneupermienufui, av xjr . - i. M a o v rrt -n i hi?, Dotn in xnis city uuu iu political friend or foe, will attempt to- noiiiiuu Vi,:,i. ' 14...:.. a yA i Tfvfi cnif in ftnvinir iiia.t iiuiiian, wmci i yZthepl? illla aVideparty projiSice, aSpport iifm as the1 right 1 "J jV w-'Tf it. lirflpirrh Atiril 2oth. 1872.-r-- WZ' , . r - For the CarolinarKra. f 9-Mi'lDTTOB : f i Our city has bepn'for the lact twentj-fgur hours much am lis-: ed at the fight between thQ friends of Col. F. TcL Shober and Major Wm. M. ltobbins, to see which of them shall be defeated In the 7th District for Con gress. Tlie Watchman lead off some time since for Shober, and Tlie Kcam iner of tho iOth takes & bold stand for Bobbins. I will use an extract from 77ie Examiner, to show you how mat ters stand; It is as follows s i ;xK "We see, or1 we think we cc, an cr fort 'making' ,to override the popular will and force upon the District the nomination of a candidate by means of a packed convention, , monied and ring influences, and 'wo therefore, feel it our duty to wura the people Jn time." "" L"J '' ' 1 ' v'5 "Have me from my 'friends,'" What an admission from anvlxlitor that claims that his partyhas all the liou ety. Kings, did, he say ? A bo ever thought that the honest Democrats iiad Itings? Swallow it, ye: wire-workers of the Democratic party aWSalibbury. hnr rr ha fcl ia ue.! takoli t. for your own side boldly charges it upon.; you.' ' '"" " '" ' ' . Tha 32ditor:t)f TfiS Examiner -goes furtluT, and says : 43Iajor .ltobbins' means are limited. He has no m on fed frienl3. tof advocate his claims." ;lle furthertsays, "his claims are, not writ ten in sand." Does he mean that Sho ber's are? . Look well to --our" laurels, ' Frank," they ore after you. I f you don't hurry home somebody will TStart fair nhnnt vour siendinir a Stronsr ad- vocate to the powers - that-were to.-get that paraon. xo'som tne wnoiu hwi ,t in n.nnfc.fihell : the aristocracy Tiii in if iririi thA nristnercv and most of the wire-pullers are tor nnllnn a -r f- Shober, headed by that saint, Bruner, i of The Watchman. This is the Old line . V mg blue. j.iiu iiiii.-p.o ji and they are not small in numbers are for Robbins, with Stewart, of The IZraminer, leading them. This is the old TVmocratic side. War men know AVhig side. The masses oi xneir party that Robbins "fit," so did.Stewart.- Bruner didn't "fitf,, neither did Sho- j lxr Cowles is not . in the Salisbury j causes of that failure, ana at still smaii llffht. Perhaps his friends thought j er number are aware that what iwas they had done enough for him when j done will nothe an entire lo&, but that , Ti'ctnVt fnr h i ifi7rTi r- ! HL' "bro-ftl rrt.rt iinon the M'atersi" it 1 1 1. V uunn, ,n .iv.v. .v,-. , x,- . . a .'.i" ftvnl w tft nwrthmw Shober. " ' 1 1 ! There Is another gentlemen that is yet an outsider, but if they don't watch, whilst theyare quarrelling over the bonethe will pick it up and Tun off with it. I refer to Dr. ThosV W. Keen, of Rowan. He seems very much hurt at the situation of T affaire ; aiul-if they would leava it for the DrJid settleiihe would present to tlie District the strong est man they have,ln my opinion, that's himself.' If a. fight ta :es place tii a r will h the eamDromise man, We trust" the. Convention will not be packed, and that Rings .and -monied clique will .not ,to used. .That will not do for Democrats. e.s all the hon estyall the intelligence of Xorth Car olina. Give Robbins a fair chance in the convention; 'tis all he asks. And to the gentleman who may be nomina ted, we would most respectfully advise that you do not buy f your Railroad ticket to Washingtoivso.soon as ymi are nom i dated ; for if you do,'ybuwill stand a fine chance of losing your mon ey, for the people of this District will send either Dr. Ramsey, Mr. Furches, rr. Patterson, or some other true L.e publicarf who can helr the people. -Truly, - - ' YadkinJJ Salisbury, April 12, 12. -; 'j,,, " - For the Carolina Era v More Rcfimiis. 1 To diE Fditor Eiu:';;''-: . ;''t'. Sir: The time having, arrived iu my opinion when the young nien. of the State should determine Whether they are longer to bo pulled about by old broken down partizans-of the Conser vative party or not, and to give public expression to their .opinion, lido therefore, through your columns, if per-: mitted, denounce the twisty, changea ble, character' of the Conservative iRtrtv separate my connection yith t said party and declare myself from litis date an endorser of the principles oi" the National Republican party and pledge my support to its principles hereafter. ' Yours truly, 1 .., . ; , " TATF'V'. " ' ' Washington 3T. C. April, 20, :1S7 ' ' ' ''.7, lr " .tyyor the Carolina Eu Democralic Poir-rVdw in Chathirm: Mn. Ejjitor:: On .the' "tith of j this month, after much i advertising the I)errfocTatg of New Hopeownhip held a meeting. W A. Mitchell, J. D. Rrasenton, and James Grifllnt,.allUe roes oCAmerica, were aH who. turned out ' These Heroes n orated to each other. They divided-tho honors of the imetin One was Chairman, one SeN rt'tAry, and the other made the motions nnd voted yea and nay. Jlwas. a gjo ?difor Democrats. , The" He ro waited nntihnearly jilght, and, then wended their way home, so much mortified at their meeting, that they hate-not'sent the proceeding to Josiah "iw.M Turner's Sentinel. w ... . .. . New Hope. ChatiianiCo:,rApr)1 19,1872. - ife Inter nationaTeT V ill. Editor : A recent iiunibcr of who rhnrinftf. ' Democrat contains lour different editorial' articles, in each of which; the Internationale m some one of its forms is unfavourably noticed. There is also lto De iounu m me same isue of this paper a report of a lecture -i -i : .."wwl W Tlfivi FL JrT J lard in 2. 1 uciumvt s j ... - - . tha HTPSnTIiTI Ul AiUUllUtlWll UVil" -ui.. f thA female institute in tnai V!,h thiTltura admits as ui , . - - wJ those, wonderful phenomena of; oines" or, "ghost". . manifesta-l tions. without, however, attempting to account ior meui. , , r . ' . - -m. ' i s ilTl rm noon 'TOmflTKIIl it appears that, at least the nanftlnteT- ifA..iAn anmn faint and ronfused." IlilllULUXJC uuu outui , 1 fits mpAninchfls nenetraH ted as far as the highly respectable and conservative- county oi wwMt uuuiKj and also that the .young ladies at thd college liavfi been instructed by a Presj uir'nn tht ftnin fac u iciwu J " i Kyv'omutwi friA nnn.-teaueni aiu not.pruut-w w T It is not intended at th s1 time, Mri uon uuu nature utu o i ..-. Knough to say . for tho present that s rrnT TiTi nnd n n l i l w aii i ii ilia i u:: . tsAWA v. v - ; nrfh " Tt is a i,VJ, "r"-T'r': rVld to AtirnK r JinniH 31 1 it will uiuiiiir. wr rrF Bnt nersecutions nu)Hn.. .. - . o only increase- its numbers, aniensmeb rtf thA onnressed toward his opprer andWens thefinhour of emandpaUM. n?tnnco of the United States m her caiuc uiouiup tion and the Spanish Minister here has WtH Instruction -from his jrovern- hqV thf foh-oneration of this nnvonimpnt in the undertaking. Our Government will reply to the insult with tlie proper spirit at tho proper time. tt 4 i. v ; K Til- iL. . I One word to the thinking men pf the c;ith tIipv slmuld wonder the matter seriously before they make war on the Internationale. A thorough study of the works of Mr. Calhoun might con- Vio cnrtAnf. thflt this TT)rOfOUlld lUVb v knvv. ----- x philosopher would have given his; ad ri iollpo-innfie tto.the onnci- pies of this society, as constituting the Jll itj;iuiiiiv , i , AfrictLfcdavcry had been decreed and -Ucled:i In fact, it can be easily shown that, in the-: early iiistory .of the-goy-ernment, before the growth of tjie slave interest, the South was Radical and the North Conser,vative.hlThe, South' be-' lieved in the French Revolution and i, xYrfn hplifvfHl in the En irlish Ar istocracy. Compare Mr. Jefferson with old JohrPAdams 'and' Mr.1 Cooperof South Carolina,! with Jonathan rfld ward. And who tsay that ttoy when the Conservative element of slavery has been broken down in the South add a vast and opprcssiye moniqd and c6r porate monopoly has grown up in the Norththat the toiling and suffering millions in tlie old free States shall ilot find th6ir ablest and - boldest ndyocates among the Southern men ? FacUlcst descenstu fed rvrocare rradwnj kl a 1 l Vashington,li.C., April 12, 18724 1' ... ' For the Carolina Eri A'ortlilaroliiiallciourcc, I TFTVX4! i Krt M.Ow.tivh ivn itjk t Tti t ill- Mid wit mui v va TrkHtfA beeomes more urcent. I will Z. .1. Mw.tll nnru-' ?r trnnr tmnpr tri (flVi' some' information1, which may prpve interesting and useful to persons, both f lmcinMs nnd nleasure. and fspecially to immigrants. .Mast people in NOrth Carolina have heard of the Cape If ear and Deep River Navigation Comp:uiy and the failure of .their scheme after paratively a few ' persons know f the ..v -' - .1 - . 1 ,i it : n 1 1 r 1 A el t h o may result m riv.-u iviuis. BtatehatI to 'fooFtheill? of the failing Company she ck car&io, nDsoru ai 1 its interestsand in a fit of generosity, passed, the larger .portion of the siune over to the Chatham Railroad Compa ny, avho, under similar, impulses, pass ed them 'On teiJIIeck & Co. aliaf the Deep River- Manufacturing Company. This latter-Company has4ts main in- tn.ta oi T rr Irrri 1 1 e nn .rT)pen Ri vei. and has gone to work iri4 good earnest tn fmnrove the hairation fromJIAJ- lington, in iiarneii couniy, xv xyci MiU, in Moore cpunty, a; distance of about 75 miles. ..About midway be tween these points the Raleigh & Au mishi Air iiine Railroad intersect the m.iw ' CP . . . , I m ' A W . A A l.J IV m. fnA? Fine of navigation,rand the two are to U. mntnof forw1er. :A food deal Of 8110- uvj u n v . ri - cessful work has already been done On -the river, and a beautiful, steamer has been built at Loekville-The George ti ibinil " Tier "rnunini? crearl' has iiotbeon -"fully' completed and adjusted mental trips from Lockville fo Buck horn, and the writer was one of a party of'tadfc and gentlemen" who were treated to a passage. on Saturday last. From LookvIIle .tothe head of the RuckhOrn Canal is'10 irillfcs by water, :,"The first three mile you glide-do wn( the slightly curving Deep.- River, then you enter the broad . Cape Fear River. For five miles y ou gaze upon broad fields of fertilefarms, wheri solid granite bluffs begin td jott out; backed by high and rugged1; hills.' And' now? al of. a &udden,Xho steamer darts into anji'rrow slue (as the - engineers -jcall it) 'and threads its way along it, Almost touch in the fringing trees andvlnes. tb the head of the canal the stopping point at present. .-Talk of". pic. nics, yovt city peoples-why Jb ere is a' chance for Onfe, tlmt cannot be beaten, j Charter u a special train on the ChathamvR4 RH cannot affonl to write! its long name every time) to Haywood or Lockville. then take tlie Lobdell to Backhorn 5L-ci TiiO round trip can be easily made in five or six hours, and "any onet with half an eye for the( charm of nature may not compensatedkbut all his aspirations ofc the .beautiful, the lovely .andhe picturesque will be oratifiecl to Overflowing' Andjfeel safe Fn avering that Capt.-Exlinelhe ener getic and courteous ageni'of the Deep River Manufacturing Cohpany. rtiirf aipt. Brady who steers the1 Lobdell' will act well their ,part3 as to anVrea sonable demands made Upon them Brady is the same iresn waieraar, ots"T lllUI fn (T 111 l I lit . ml . llUUIll blforo iand during . tho.varr-and fJdnk it. is .not geuerallyr known.that Tfiir.L-hnrn, nnd iKndor near' Kg5"P untilPIierman's; fonOTJ bjy ,Mir-whcn,i the' caUanf .flnpfaJn stored undejra Alg? PU"tt nS RiveV, pnd he lierw. resfe awhile and bottomWhethef to c hide o from ihern man rorcefloriin uncohtlitional sur- render to the bull frog . of T which Qen. Cotten used to sing, has not yet been ascertained. ' While the old Company K.itiitrtrr i lrvlr nt. '"Rattle's dnm. two miles below Buckhorn, a Scotch man, then residing at .gyp, nappeneci to pass hurriedly? that way, and was fctruck with the stones that were being inin fhft irvk avtiIIs. He soon after made the acqauintance , of a gentleman was good iron ore and insisted that they should examine into the matter. - , . lie could only say; tnat ineriocK was somewhere below Haywood; and thdy started thereiorto examiue every iw. till they should flnd the right one. flsAPrtn ined thev soon found where the packing came fronxand that i. i kt fiKoa . Ci . TTnrrincrtnn. : He was caiiea gn ana a -lea&o ,agreyu upon at once, between the parties, and from' that time they, used their IJest ef- IOriS lO UriUJJ liltr, juiuciai v,v.w pnl- snrvevs and otherwise. This ore wa successfully worked dur- i'n tha irnr rtv a inrnace ml iiuunxiui u. -nrhih vj i demolished bv Sherman's fnrrM Arwi now a new Company, the Cape Fear Iron and Steel Company, are v-.L-;nr Toi-rro rronnrntifjns to WOrk the same at the site of the demolished fur- vti, o' on vi ii'hAfiflpd bv.Cieo. Q. LlOD dell, of Wilmington, Del:; Tor ..whom the new steamer nas Deen uami. j-hc nf tn?a Pnrhnfinv larere and com- plete, and will requires hearvy outlay roA?tol 'oiul M-hpn finished -it Will be onri nmnmental to our sec tion. Among'other things they .will secure the whole water-power of . the Cape . Fear. River- with about 20 feet fall, and navigation Jto their, very "..Tt. io riim tn iho. X)ees .River Manufacturing Company, and the Cape Fear Iron and Steel Company, to state that they have1 given strong evidence r Koinf roni pnmpst and substantial enterprises. - They buy. property at fair liberal and' wise designs an&prosecute Lthem steadily, and vigorously; they ntn nv or(TP trtrfPS...lOrJk LliClll BUlLf- ctdntiaUvr nml nav them , promptly, and they evince ajyisn tio uu vL n vp11 n tn "receive them. And cirnhf n-A shrmld bid them God speed since -their successes must' operate great i r,vnpfit ir n. larjre nortion Of AA-A4.1 IV! iUA v v w T CD our State. - The Soap-stone, Coal, Iron and Copperof- Deep Oliver, tho Iron,,itb ftml njivfil stores 'of uopcr Cape Fear, and the agricultural resources of both luny Geveioptxvuy nuem, otinn with. the R. R.. And why may not the people at the mter jnnran T? T? nnrl "River, build build "up a commercial cefltre . for these four "arms? ' It is the geographical centre of Ko Ktota onri nnnrhrto necome xnu io- cus and "tentre of a large business. ,r -MIlt-i.2. I ' " .(i For tlie4iiroUna.Era.i 'Letter from J. L, Ubiaux. , tl A timely word ' to my .Republican friends, may avoid misunderstanding and misconstructions? Therefor,;I will, now lay down the programme I intend to follow this campaign: . ; . J. I approve of the Cincinnati ?Con vention, and will attend the same it r , II. , I am opposed to President Grant's renomination, on the ground ofnn old principle with me, having wulerstood, s early as 1837, in .a monarchical coun try, that the ChicrMagistrateofa Na tion oughtonly to be elected, for owe SUrfte nnd Short term; 1 ' j iJ ill. if, however, General Grant be renominated, ahd ihave for competitor a reactionist or a ConservalisHt), I shall not sustain the latter. IV. I shall give my hearty vote to Gov. Odd well, and to all Republican nnminAH for State, i county and Con gressional if unctions, ac1u have clean lands ana a wear, recuru, auu o strongly oppose the "thieves" pretend ing to belong to the Republican party, my party, as I do cordially execrate the Tammany Hall rogues. " ; Hoping- that the next Congress will enact the one term" amendment, and also the "direct election" of the Chief National Magistrate, I-reiterate here, what I shouted less than one hour af ter the surrender : . j . . , 1 7 . "Tlniversfd Kuffrasre 1,. Fqual. -Rights ! to all!. ..General Amnesty 1", n . f - TTT T'.t'mit'Y RidgewayApril 22,1872, For the" Carolina Era. ',. I,, Letter, frimVStatesvillc. t Mr; Editor :My attention has been called tathd article of an anonymous scribbler in a. late number of Tlie Jial eigh Sentinel who pretends to give a faithful as well a lengthy sketch of the proceedings of a meeting of ,the Repub licans .jo Jrcdell, held in .the.Cqurt House In States vill 'on the 13th inst., for the purpose of appointing delegates th e 1? ennbl i ean IU I t-JX t Liiii. --- , - r t, i j State Convention ' recently held in Ral- eiffh, ana to organize ior me iippim"- Anrr -summer's eamnaim.' 'MNOtWltn- standinir, the scribbler .says that "little Tate, on being caiiea io uictcnuir, aner a fruitless attempt to explain, left him and his ' friends in total darkness as to .the object of the meeting." t f.i The article referred to. is not wanting in flagrantly fwillful misrepresentations and low-flu ngbersohalities ffornbegin ning to end, well worthy the "author, publisher and "party; with whom he af filiates.' 'This, however,1 is the stoclrin trade left'-tho--opposition,' and only proves the straights to which they are driven, "while claiming to represent the iotelligence - and respectability of the country. ..Comment 13 unnecessary "Shoo fly.'-' V . 'i - - Republican, y mStatesville, April 2, ia72? t. -ui Xft T. ADAMS. u- it- V r i Manufacturer8 and; DeAlerstii 1 SAW ''XnT GRIST 'Ploirsl ITarfoicsl CuUhatorsr9J - -Marfime, and arl kind , -;. . ,f ; t vi i,, on1 iimintl' executed. - fi..-- '. i ... 1 . J I I 1 ll J -'-1 . W Wo.' . s i i' . J iV. AVJi skilful .crcaso terms. -?- aa. . rtv mAvXot12I-mSJoo pounds Sid Catrori' roruwhrcatho hfghest market irice trtff b naid. in cash or cxcrnmge ior w win.. iV'orhi'onc'rfqiifll'e- Weiit of V&m riwrii.5 "r"i . , - ' . m J -! A xt . ri t Legal (dvertisernentip In pursnaace of ' An' Act of tho tjeitferal 'Assembly, ratified the 23rd day of January,, 1872, I : hare caused to be" published th& followirig'certlfled copy of A'n Act toaftor tho' Constitntion of North Carolina,,,tn ay. ,7 ,i - l f rlirriWtf of the -Senate. 'r January 24, 1872fe A .11 nj i ia .ft AN ACT, to alter i the Constitution pf -orth.CaxoUna. vl h .Sec. X.. Tha General AssemDiy of Jsortn rifno. Ha. oiiQft rthree-nfths of all tne )n,miit fthrflfi-tittna oi an me i members of each House concurring), ' '', n1farl u frtllrmna" tn Wit lii X t i A Sil T 5J ThJit -tMft i vmstituiion oi mis otaib- uc t Amend section six, oi me urn arcie, ? uy striking out the first clause thereof, down o.irTMn'lnn'ino- thfl WOrd btltt'this be- . i-i t i-ii a w t a the State debt.' ' 11 1 I.UV i-fcov - " CT , . Amend section two oi u bwuuu- uimwo i t.;iriti)ii nni irnrrT ..'annnallv and inserting in Ueu thereof, the word "bienni ally ;" .being" in Reference tof the sessions of the lienerai Assemmy., - - - . " T f. JIUIPUVI DrWUlWU ! W . . ' T , . VJnrr rvnt. oil that TirPCfiflfiS tne WOrOS. 4ti coiri Sonafo rlictrirta." and bv striting rif iio niiraoa tai afnreaaid or1 in said sec- tion ; the parts so sincicen ouiaavuigiDi' . . r . . , A i : f Aii a now swHnn tn tne secona axiiciw to be styled "section 30," and to read as follows : "The members of the General As- sembly shall each receives three hundrea during tneir renu, suwjrei. w n""- I - j U.V A 'r.nnW 'rarmlo. I tions in regard to time oi payment h h t inn for non-attendance as may- pre- scribed by law Dut.jtney iuajauo.iv additional allowance when they arp called tnrMthoi in-'snAlnJ session and "mileage l v " . r .... a n fo-r (fach session. Sllilll U3 Ifc" v.... , - Amend section one of the third article, by etrikmg out the woras - xour yearan- they occur nrst in sai.u , sty.iuj, uxiv uii jUt in i?on thovwif th -words "two "rears. bethg in reference to the terms if executive Strike out the words Superintendent of r. i-i;- - nr.t.j) tti3-w ' rrfnr in the Constitution, tlms abolishing that office. a mnnH cootiATt ti t nf tlie third article, by striking out the iword "annually.? and in serting, in lieu thereof, the word "biennial ly" so as to conform to the provision re specting the sessions of the General Assem bly. f ''f I - ,U T Strike out sections two and three of the fr.wii oi-fiio hwmr tho nrovisions which 1UU1V1X Cx i-.v v., 1 - . , refer to the apnolntment and dutidS'Of -the Code Commissioners. -t fnr nf thfi fourtli article, bo that said section! shall, read as .follows j "Tho iudicial power Of the State shall be vested in a ' Court for the trial of Impeach vested in a-oujTb iur mo uu -leen -Kiven to ineBecuinr'Wunu'i-o ments, a Supreme Court, Superior. Courts, substituted, and the alterations shall be em such inferior .Courts as may be established jpdi Snfi)td ;constitutIon?"ndAtho: $$tef- i... i fnnrfa rf .Tn stmps of the Peace. ' U V 1 1 a clv vu r - ' 'h. eohtirtW Mitht nf tho 'fourth article. iibvi ' . ' c c,n!rl coitiAn Khn.11 read as follows: "The Supreme Courlshall consist pfaQhief Justice ana two Associaie j ushwb , -- Tiot this shall riot a-onlv to the Justices Muring their present term of office; ttnless bv. death, resignauon, ,or oinBrnp, iuD number of Associate, j " " i " - ttor Ktcrtcirt twelve of the fdttrtli article Kn o.!l Minit.inn ' Sihrtl? 1-pAd AS follOWS Cl . C11C - " . . tirpi. ut.ta cliall Vin rlividpd intn nine iudi cial districts, for each of wlueh a judge shall DO cnoyeii ; uuu iu cuu uw. riniw- oimii im hAld at .least twice in each vwu v p- -u , . iron- tn cnni nue ior ucu . uiiid in " county respectively us- mar uo pidiuvu wi4r , Tho flneral Assemblv shall .lay " I- i - ,;vl rt-cniri districts in . due time. so that the said nine j uuges may , oo ciiuseu uu ucSui thir official term at the first general eleo- V-U ' ' .A, . 1 r niomhdrs nf t.h ftfineral Assemblv which shall occur alter the ratihcauon oi L i 1 1VF1 mi.Mwv.;". ' 1 this section." The General Assembly may to take effect at the end of each judicial term. .x nf fho -finrth .-svitT" T- l iii'i m;nh i i ii i i i i till nil j ayiu article, which iixes tho present Judical districts.-..,, ,,:Jt,u -.;f- -'-" i- ' : ' . .1 . . . ! if nan ai hn fnnrfli n r- VlllCIlU SUCUVU lum iv.-n v.i uu .vui.iv. Ijia ii-..- "ctriL-lnfri rvnt all after the word iii.iu ui u...ol - . "office," and inserting, in hen of the part so t tho fftllrtwina-: 'The General - cj - - a ccximiiiv tiioll TVrfvwrihe a tironer svstem of rotation " for the judges of the Superior Courts, so that no judge may ride the same district twice in succession, and-the judges may also exchange districts with each othec, as may be provided by law." , , V Strike out section fifteen of the fourth ar ticle, and insert in lieu thereof.'the s folio w inn Th rionnrfil Assftmhlv shall Jiava no power to. deprive tlie judicial department of afrt if a t oiS-nrdinatA denartment : hiiij - j x. Knt tho fpTwrnl : Assftmblv fihall allot- and distribute that portion oi this power ana ju- i-i a. . a.: x UUV uv risrtiction.. WUicn aoes not peruuu tw : luu Sn nrottl O fYmrt afnoner the other Courts r.TRsribed in this Constittrtion or which may be established bylaw, in such manner naif mnv rlpm best, nrovide also a nroDer system of appeals, and regulate by law when necessary tne metnoas oi proceeding, in the exercise of their ' powers', f all.-' the courts below the Supreme; Court, so far as tUc s-imA mav ho done without conflict with other provisions of this constitution.". ;;r' nineteen.'1 twentv-Iive and thirty-three of rsiriKe out hkuliuiis biaiccii. bc cuhjcu. the fourth article. j c?r, Amend aectiotf- twenty -six- of tho fourth nri.ip.lft bv strikinsr out all that part which article by striking out all tliat part, which Deginswun, ana lunows iub.huiu . uub. in said sectioii."and .r in lieu Of the. part so Stricken out! Inserting the following r ' "The Iudiclalr officers and tho ; clerks of any courts' wincni may oe -.estaousnea ov law, shall be, chxsen by the vote of disquali fied electors, and for such term as may bo 71 VJ3illLV.V " " . .. .. . - " - 1 cinct, established, as is elsewhere provided for in this constitution, shall elect, two jus tices of the peace for, such term as may, be fi-rpl hv law. whose iurisdiction shall extend th ron irhout their respective counties." Thfe General Assembly may provide for the elec tion of, more than two j ustices of the peace in thoso, precincts which contain cities or towns, or in which other special reasons render It expedient. The chief magistrates of cities and incorpp rated towns shall, have the Iudicial powers of justices of the peace." . .A- tzaMinn thii-Hr of fhfl fniirth article AillWU " -7 v by striking out the word townships-'.' and inserting, in lieu thereof, the. word ".pre in thh last sentence of the same Dtmtinn btrifrA Ant tho worda the commis- 'sioners'of the county nay appoint to--such . - i x t j : ii TninrtTr fVM th A 1 lITlO'T'Tiirfiiri made as mav be prescribed by ldw. ' 1 1 Amend sections one and seven'of the fifth i.-tr etrikincontthe words "commis-' sioners pf the several counties?,, where ,they i occur in said sections, and in lieu tnereoi m serting thewords, county - authorities' es foVklicliorl nnd niTthoTlZfid DV laW.' . WJ't ? fits, Strike out section lour 01 the nitnarticie, rclatihglo taxation to pay the State fiebt and : s 1-, t. i:i interest. j . . Amend section six the fifth article by inserting after - the.'tword ,instrument" in said section the words "or any .-other prr sonal property." 1 , ' ' Insert thewora ana- peiore thotford xavjv w v - " in cPftinTrraa.rkf the 7 th' article. ana striKe out tne woras-- nu uvb cumuin . . . . . i . 1 ? - : . uinnan'.1 in sniri swtmtl rOlKO SdalO BaiaaeC tion tiie foUowingi; tThe , general .ssepir govcrniueui, ior uw ctnn'Ji ii -rj ; tJL VI IKJ .-arl ui -iiAmend section two of thefieSntn itrtlclej by striking out the word commissioners and - in lieu thereof inserting" the wordS iunty authorities established ftnd author ized lf law?" and in the same pection strike out the"word.VHhe Regieter Of 'Deeds' shall be ex officio clerk or the- board -of oommis sionew.-- ?? i-t?tV2'Z '"Strike ouseclUnlnree of the eveuttfnr; ticl;abdlnieu thereof insert the follo-ihgj The facounty authorities Established and authorized by law shall see that the respec tive counties are divided Ihtoa suitable nuni-ber-of strb-diviskns,as convenient andeoin pdctlttliape as. possibleitttd. ailarked oh by, delinito boupdariewliicjijjnayvj bo - al tered when necessary. Said sub-diyisions shall bo known by thd f name of precincts: They shall tiaVno eJrporate pcmer&IbA towbahip governments are abolised Jhe boundarie3 of the precincts shall be the same as those which heretofore defined the fown- HtTIKe OUt SeCQOnfi 10Ur,'llV, l,ic:il mm I f Jr. I V 1 .. . i jf t '.s- 'A 2 .rl I ,-7 oQice lor th? unexpirea term, ,." iu jcu thereof insert "an appointment torfill such Term ' snail db eleven of the seventh article, which relate to the township aystemJ -f : icu AmortA o.t;rn io-ht and nineof the 8CV entharticle;iiyMrikins out the words " or townships " wberetheyjxicur in said seq tions. . . . .ci;. :' ..; - Strike oftt settion'three of the ninth arti de; and in lieu thereof Uert theollowin Th0 General "Assembly shall niake suita ble provision hy law- for the management and regidatidwoftheTmbKc schools, and for periecting tne system oi pnunc iusixiiu- &n-U 1 -fv;.4t- ft -ti V n f--a--KTi d , Strike out section lives jof t the - ninth arti- jcle, ancyi h,eu tnereoi, inseri. uie louoyruig ; " The General Assemoiysnau nave pow er t ' r Af 'HVi-itif ooo at to' provide, for.-the, election ofustees of Q University of North Carolina, in wHoui, W lieu uuacuj bucu fcv . y r x le&es. tiffhta. franchises and ' endowments i. ,.cAn ,ioii a c-Mtori : o i thn nrivi- kAMfAfmi In nvwisflJtyrflntpd tri Vfr COB ferred nppn, tne isoara oi j-Twstws .Uniy.ersity; andthe General Assembly Wkixt matp. snrh nrnvisions. laws and. resc- . " m i i e - a - 1 iiladofisjfrom time to.time, as may bo'hec- And management of said University." i -4s truce out sec Liana mirujuu, auui emu. ..n f4lia ninth o-rtSo1a ifla1nrlfT ."fcrtt ilie "University of North Carolina, Amend, sec tion ten. oJ,tne eievenuiaruci - ny struiius out the words the cnarge 6f the State," and in lien thereof, insert the words.4iby the State j jaftd those-ho doiot oWfi 1 property dverand above the homestead and personal property exemption prescribed by this Con stitution, or being minors; : whose .parente ame shall be cared for at the charge of the state, S". ""j . X itxtfeif section seven of therfouiteenth- ar- An. not nwn nronertv over an or aoove iue . . . . i. 1 11 Mvr ioliO wa : v-jxof person -wno suau nou i omce or .place ot-tmstior. pront unuwiuB TTniWl Stefps. or anv department thereof. or under, this state, or nnaer any. ouier gtato or government; shall hold or exercise wfv.Vflfiw r,v viho rf trust or nrofit -nn7ikt tho nnt.Khrlrv -f thfs State.'or be ell JiAU. AiU.rb.rih;a Vfnta'.nl. 0 1 1 gible to a seat ra either nonse oi tne ueuerai . . . . . ..ii i Assembly i tfrovuaeafi xnai rosaiDg uei cm fnntainedshallt extend to officers in the militia, Justicesof the Peace, Commission ers of Public ..Charities, or commissioners for Special .rorposes. i- A t? rf-'-ftnother-SBettotrtO theoTnWtlttrfrP- tini t ha Rt.vlfid "section 8." and to read as follows :-" County officers Justicesiof the pace. 'and f .other, officers! ttvhgse offices alteration oi the consutution, snaii euuiume to exercise their functions until , any pro visions necessary to be madefy law in or der to'cive full effect to the. alterations, so . . . , A - 1 1 1 A.Z far as relates to sam ouicorssuan uiivo uw made.' Tjn-Tinmion th sso.rtt.inns in lhose- articles ... .41 A v. w from' which any sectionJias heen stricken without the insertion .of another in its stead; jand give to'any new section that numWtihipJi hfvthis method would have UW.UAL1. "Ratified the 19tl Li day of January, A. D. -X 1 STATE OF NORTH OAROLINi. Office of Secretary of Staters; i Raleioh. Jan. 2M. 1872. T. llenrv J.Mennineer. Secretary, of State, hereby.'certify that the foregoing is a-true cotvv of 'the onmnac net on nie in mis wmw. jan. worn. tseGY&ary .otutc , . " a . CIA a . .ni w i m i n rrtnn ' n orm u ,aro ii na . . . . . .. . a l SN It VI II I I I I w . -. - - . .J-".! J-s.TT 4 ' J ' .T j . It&i '.- - 5 U'f IrlFiE 'T TTTTTJ 'A fT? " ft TWT 15 ATT V j, & WAWJCi Ai W-U i.ww w lit: 4U V . i OFFICERS finRWtiT IT. COWAN. 'President " JOHNW. ATKINSON, . Vice President. F. U. -CAM JiKWJN i ,f &ecreiary. DR. KA. ANRJ3RSON,.Medical Direc'r i"l nt BIRgCTORSi -tAytf l t w A tVinsnn Oeneralllnsurance Aeent j I B Granger, President -of the Bank, of New Hanover, -f,4.;:.--. jj F W dverchner, (jrrocer ana commission Merchant. ' ' ' '''.'.: ' n Af StPdmant of Wrisrht and Slednian. ' '? T IiaicKoy. of W A Whitehead & Co., Fajretteville. , K II Cowan, President. . .. . , . -rf J.-A A Willard, of Wlllard Brthera. i "VV A Pitminincr of "Nnrthron ifc Cumminsr. W -Williams, of Williams & Murchison. ii Murray, of E Murray fe Co. A. J xexvosseic, Ji iexvoooii vu. - 'Robert Heiming, of Dawson, Teel & Hen jAlex L.SDrunt: British Vice-Consul. of Spruntjand Ilinson." " , i P Mdrphv, Attornev at iiaw. J D jWililams of : 5 D i Williams fc Co., Fayettcville. Jas G. McRae, Attly at Law, Favetteville. Vumberton ..j1 . -iite ? itsV ; : : - t 'I'" ' "" .' . . , Itfr' f ? ' ?f4i r t i..;. fill r 1 't ifildfcd 5 an' M- k,t'F " i f Jstr No restriction on Residence orTravel. ',,t 2. No extra charge on. the lives of Females. 3. f Policies Ipcontestaoie aiter rave, x ears. ",;4."TheRates of Interest on the Funds of tho-Company8 higher than - those on the ij unds el companies ioeateu m ouicr oiawa, thus insuxfng larger pividends-rto,JIPolicy Holder. . . ' '.,"'.' , ' ' . ' , 5.The Directors and Officers or the i;om- S any- are prominent jNUXtxn UAitutii' riANS, who are KNOWN to be men of INTKtiKiTY ana YUlVXXi. R rnK Pnmnonir la ooffllll 5;ll Cul CiTt R. KOl lfl w. .liv? vviuauj . .w. x.. f. and " permanent basis, steps-havirig,J been taken tO increase the? n"? fttwiv V 7l'AiL' TH ij F 0 the coir- -o awv a tj TT" TTV-eWKT'TT. TTf TTTTH STATE AND CIRCUIiATED: AMONG OUR OWN J? EOPIJ!J. vThia.fact should commend the Company, above all others, to oxorin Caro linians. I It Js well kripwn that hundreds of thousands of dollars ittf :Lffe Premiums are ann ually-i sent North tor nnch ivortnern Canitalists. thus continually draining our npnnlfi of immense amounts which should 1 be kept at homo, on this ground tne irienus of this Company confidently appeal td every 1 ' 1 - . . 1 iL..:..n son 01 toe via xu-j -oww,' npppr fbithis ,fi .T . r-i .h, f -l ..... , :.f , . ... . "t1 Viioi.xstittjtjon; s . whichrwhftg lbrrers' substantially-all "the advantages 01 siNortnern - uofflpauT uctpo to bnildfup HOME INSTITUTIONS. 1 fiwrrc -wr A VT I.-Ti in pvprv mnntv in nsfaterlth'whoift tiie niost liberal terms 1 iKut iJi JAMES D. BROOKS. ;w w .fiiGeneral Supervising Agent?- upervisingAgeiiiy fc - fc r I mm m. m. m OrlIiU. OL. 11.!, , , - Iiocal Agent;41 " -" " " 1 "" Raleigh, N. C. apr 24 w6m xm :fr Uew iYoxkOSce; 27 BIimiAir.BT.a Shbi.' 59irrt"C fi f - i'.tf ! . ; Ait'i' f ' -' : 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, T 1 V, DEPABTME5TJ . . UmH ?dttei$t April 2r 1S72. .i . iiKiJaliAil for the in formation of the holders ot bonds of the Ctota nf "Mftrth f!af olina. . - - - .-' : 1 ml. .4 :vn0rl tn omnliance with tne teomrenor beby invite pro- U posals, to be forwarded to on or before the aoth day of October 187-, f0l an exchange of the stocks of ttja State m anv Railroad comjy, or Qdierrpor, posals must be sealed and endorsed 1 ro It is deemed unnecessary to set. forthtae 'deta&iof exchange;as the fcHsexpWtory of itself. r D. A JENKINS, ,-staie ireasm-w - - - . v. " ' ,r ' . , ;siifWT - ? p t . i ' Attorney enenu. i v. ii nTfor- RxehcCnaiTLa the JStocks- of the estate for Bon4 with tchicfi sucn muc.a invr nhtninpd and for other purposes. ; f Sec. 1 2 The General Assembly of North -Carolina do enact : That tne ruuuc' i. a 4--nrAo- nonnral shall advertise or six months hi snch newspapers as they may select, ana invite prujju. r uu. oic Vw tha State in 'sihy K'ailcftad or 'other' borporatlon, for .the bonds' brvhich 'the State acquired 1 such stocks ? or any othebbnds of tUe btotemoi special ta) where the stocK is not i specjaixy Xr? rp,i or the redemption of bonds issued ; ,ta such cprporatiouj sucn uiu. 1 - - , 1,- ckoll Ho be accepted which may be most adyantage 'AiTf for thfl State : Provided. That in no event 'shall anv of the said stocks be exchanged x- l , t,nWK-Air -nil- traliiA flT IOr iBSS Iiia.Il lUr lt3 uiau iuvii l"- " 1 . , .:j rv.fiiam . "Rniltmad 'Tanuarv ,1st. 4863 ; and provided furtherfso stocK.m ixio Ill iUU V UCVliC.. ; "I . . - . jsorth Carolina itaiiroau sivtu ue ca, . !- 4Ua ntvn nffai- it is nrnnnsfid to n.Anhr ir: stofk in the "T OK 11 Carolina Railroad, tenhares m the Atlantic and North Carolina jitanroau, Tiuunweuy sliares in the. Western. North Carolina. Bad- .1 -r, 1,'octai'n Tii vision. i and to ruiua iiiiuciiaj v .v. . . . - -- ' . i i pay thereior two oonas oi uue muuim lars each of the State.' issucu , to tho North .ill UJlHtl iulliuai v . . . . - - . ' banter Ightv-two, -.or 1854-'oT), chancer 1 , v,,,,.. tho Atlantic nnd North' Car -DoiimoT .nnHflranta 1S54- 55. .-ehanter .UI I L1C 1UU11VUUI v"- , two .uunarea, ana . tniny-uvu,r w,w ;i ljs(i. chapter seYemjluUi i"'-4 V. J , r t -7i - Afhna ftimisniifl' onllars. is- ,,i.iia Woot fm "TCorth Carolina Kail 3)UCU W IUO ' ' "7 .- " . . ,oi .CT luan i.w.-''- . . . . . . o hnhrlrfifl nnd - SLX Or 111 tn6 UlKXjJfel. VffclVf " w ' Af.i.Acial i-kir.T.r.rtlnn ? - ( : t, Sec..2. That any Railroad .. or. t other cor- bonds of tho State'in exchange for Iwnds: of State bonds, shall be entitled to a surrender v.rti-i f crwh rtnrnoratlon. unon the re- anv State bond of xjqual amount, issued tmder the acts of. the Convention, authorizing such exchange, and upon a, return of all bonds 'Issued un der any particular act orordinahce, thecor 1,11 ho ntlid tniYi cancellatioii f ' a-v rc 1 n kV'ini 1 1 12 v ' 1 1 m v uuiauvii . - and surrender of any mortgage execnte&to the fjtate ior securing y y mcim i -v UUritUUU UUUUJ3, u., uo y - x ', : I t said bonds may be exchanged in like man ner and cut off and retained on either side "li.tK to make equality. k. . :", qri the e-rehanereorooosed in this act, the State does hereby relinquish . ' 1 1 J 1 ITT T i. Tl oil HA a I alt claim tor stocK in tne esierii;.iaiiruwi miiiinn nnn. hundred thousand ailQ yiw um., i' . 1 - . dollars, and surrenders to. the. said Company two hundred ana tweniy-nve muusauu uw -u innnnrAa tinw in ! Rtat Treasurv with- heldon a former exchange - of 1 Compahy bonds ior slock, in saiu. iwuuuau , . hia amu tv. fitofa (fnoa harehv rplinnnish all claims tn efrwt in said comOanvabove six hundred thnivsand dollars uDon the return to the Treasury of the five hundred tnousana aoit lars of Wilmington, Charlotte and Rather ford company bonds, 'and 'coupons -hereto- lord company Donas, uuu uuupuua uracw onui fi eairl "Wflatrn,i Railroad com IUI D li3(3UO. v.' uu ' pariy ; Provided, That, any person acquiring a, sharo of State stock . In said corporation, shall be entitled to all rights and privileges ,.ritiiJtiia'ririv.atAKtockliolders in votiner. and tt 4 v-v f T r -. ' w 111 Lilt? vAc-tivjiJ. vyx unwfw ber shall bo determined by the stockholders 0 on niaim trk stoM in the Western Korth Carolina; Railroad ibove , four ' milhops of i(Tlt!8S Koon'as.t ie oronortioh of rcfnMr fnr hir.h the State aDDOintS one qirecLurm any vuipiwh, w Cah6- CU. KUU 0 " -w - X V 7 - cJin ppjisA nnd determine, ana one director to 1 be selected by lot shall be de- 11 L4.LL7U livxw fv mvu-w r'i. part "of the State; and upon t acceptance of v.yH f--wYt tnn nn m npr nnntiiiiiMi fin i,im this act oy any corporation auu auvu guar antees given for its fulfillment as Small be deemed sufficient by 'the Treasurer and a i-trmnpr& opneral. all further riehtS to rep- rountatjnn hv the State either br-directors ivvwmv i7 V ' ' -At r, s nn W ntaimi nn . . ble, tlie Public Treasurer 4 shall receive the bonds ouerea m exenange, aiiu m pres ence Of the Auditor and Attorney General, oVioii Knpal thA fume ' Tt shall also be his dutv to transfer the stocks and execute such ,. , . J 1 - i. 1AAV.A! conveyapces 01 tne otuer iumatbsu mu-viuuv-f-o men tinned as shall-be deemed necessa- rv. j such conveyance , to be in a foi m ap- uiwv cu ui, ;v rvv.j rr-. . , , , Sec. 6. fit Shan oe tne auty 01 me auuiwi; td-make a minute Of what shall be done by the xreasurer in iiiv preuiesc, mm w uirU therefrom such entries in the books of his nifliu .a mair;ef(nrA,fl illfit anCOlintabilitV" 1 uuivw w 17 ' " - ! on the part of tho,Tfeasurer because of the l i transaction hereinbefore, mentioned. . , SSeC. 7, : xno raoiic -ireasuier.Bumi io.ivu special'reports -upon the subject of this act to the General Assembly at every session, i . Sec: 8. That this act shallbe in force from and after Its tification. ; .h r j " ! Ratified the 1st day of February, A. D., 1S72.. , , . . . GALtERY F ine I S te el V n g r a y I ngs; Portfolio, iScmp-Bobk, Training, or, for ' ' Purposes of jlliistralioti. .. f Nearly 300 Different Subjects, 'rilorian.vI6ets, "Xrtfsts, ; Warriors; V Yl Kuiperprsl'Kings, Statesmenf. 'j" JIidxJfi -'aHci Ideal Pictures, rEte.,, Eta THESE Hugravings have appeared in the '" Ecl.EcrlC M aq azink "during the past 25 years.' The subjects hare been selected , with great care on both sides of th Atlan tic. They are printed on different sized paper, either smalt .i.ze 7 by 10, or quarto size, 10 by 12. . r -. - , TrT-rin. iVi T srlo 10n size. 15c IX niv.Ut ' " . y 1 t A specimen of ea6h twe ahd Catalogue sent on reccni ui , anu, v.n n-w.. vi " of each size will be sent. -: , . - 1' . . nafaiMmoaGimf. Vreft trt an Vt Address. Tii . ' . i...vai. j ..' , if, iR.PF.TjTON, Publi8her,rtfi - vfi t.i:' .rTlOS Fulton, S.New York.l; V)l 11 iff.. : ... 1 Vf'f& iNTERNliltkV!E.2 NOTICE, i; t..u t 'iKJ-kt !v Assessor. Office;.'. 1 I. j l't.iu;4th Oollection pistrict N. C, r i V- !qi -.-hq 'til Kalei&b, April 5th, 1872. . Jfbtice ds hereby given,-as required by Section Mf the act of June, 50th, 1864, . as subsequently , amepded, . that : between .the hours of 10 "A. M. and 4 P. M., on the 24th, 25th and 26th days of April, 1872, at my of fice in.the city of ; Raleigh N. C, ' appeals will-be received arid detei'mlneM relative to anv erroneous of excessive valuations,' as- sessmentst)ienumerations by the Assessor 9r Assi8tant Assessor3( returned inthe Ant i )( appxjals as aforesaid, , must be made m wviiipg, and must specify tiie. ."particular cause, inter or thing respecting, which a decision is requested; and must tooreovcr, state the gronnM orprincipleof errOr com plaiued of. ir. ru-. - f.wtn on '4ki'x tmik KAiif EfWII-UEIiONESr?t4 44 w6U - Assessor 4th District .N,. 9a ;? i-- "-A- 1-, --i V SOMETHING VALTJAB pE U-WorihlQ r to.'." any.,lamily. , Costs.., only. -50, cents; description. 'Address W. J. EdwardsBox 5,'Ralelgh,'-N0k 1 46w2m;i - ?ei6Jjfrt r:?a J .?":bU -o.'' DR. CROOK'S WINE Or TA - . v r --s- - i : Hhouia De uiKcn ior - diseases of the 84 1 Urinary Organs. DR. CROOK'S WINKOF TAR j h . ShouJa De taKcn ior a i ? ? Throat and Lung Ailments. ,DR. CROOKS WlNg .OFl'AR; ; v . v Ji 7 fuv jienovaies unu ; ' Invigorates ine cnureaa-iu. tmi XVTOT5 DF TAR' 1 ' 7 f' - . . fttri lJV. Viwvvii. . ii . , , , Should pe Kept m .every nouse, - n I- - and itslife-giving Tonic propertjesMtried nil. W.CROOK'S,WJNEOFTARAl A ri Restores, the Appetite unu .... DtltllfiWivjim niv. uiv."i DK'SOTOTOFAR,U- !.' v nAnivcr Complaint. DR. CROOK'S VINEf OF TAR "f " i. ' "CiaKeS UeilOUe r umnn v, ; ' wlio are never feeling well, Strong and Healthy. it-;- - r-rij:.ViU-- nnmTr,q WTNE OF TAR Jf'i . mnnv nersOns .j, - lias restored many, persoi i ? f who nave oeen ti ; ui ui i i i unable; to work for years. ' . 4 tit " rnnnwWTOrl OF TAft : lii. vy.vw. " ' t iv ft .Possesses Vegetable ;ingreqien i C.which makes it tno. : best Tonie in tho market. Sti, Ui-kT? "mniTf'S WINE Or .TAU. ti J lias provecni!u ft . i in thousanas oi case.- t - . - ,4itxH ju j uj . uThrpatiaua.JjungH. Dli, CROOK'S WINK OF TAR i ' f Cures all unronic ijoupns, iti r. ; : ( i and Cougha and Uold.4, .. -' . j - rabro effectually than any n i i t i -iu other remedy. 1 i . iDR. QBOOK'S WINE OF TAlVr,... t M ..'-Causes-. tho food tb digest, removing tiii Dyspepsia ana inuigeauoij.- . DR. CROQK'S.WINE OF TAR . lias cured caes or consumption oronounced incurable 1 ! , . ; v ! rr t i iiby. physicians. - (t f: 'rs 11 ' " t: rrriT DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR i: f . f f 11.. ... -ft ah recovering irom any iinu-ss n.51 1 hn will find this theiti-r ' rn i'RnnTCAVINE OF TART , KTTT Removes pain in -Breast, Side or Back. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR"l ; . V ' ,. v , is an eiieciive regulator of thdjLiyer. IX. XVVJVJV ii" V' l j.4.-i . 4 tf'hrtidi.hwfnlrpn tn 'strengthen and (IIv n . -i --i hiiild im vouKftVstem. Ur. ciiobk's wine op!tar " v t " a t f ,:"MftKes juencate -j? emaiw, ifiK? i HWhofare nevor foelihg well, -.lp a.Strong and Healthy. i R; CROOK'S WINE OF TAR f Vj ' and braces up the System, , , DR. URUUIV.'fc VYJiM- .;xivxv,i . jg the very remedy, for .the Weak ,'.V. and Debilitated.. ' i,4, V i. jAVill cure your Dyspepsia; , or f j f nu nTirioTr wTTr"R OF TAR u A-JV. VltVJ iii. v.- . ' i 'io' vfh;f;ai strength, , i TIT? flROOK'S WINE OF TAR i . : QUrA f 6 Iron if VAiir KtriTYlflch r, : ir 4l 13 OUl Ol.Orar.i DB. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB v ! a A A . 1 T. t, Bnouitt oe cajcen 11 you 1 - weak or debilitated.! j :!; i:as DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAJt 1. 1 ! ; ,. t lianas curea 'so many cases 01 y. . t ,"r ,.?' .Asthma ana lironcnitis that it has been pronounced a specific 5, vi';i- j ior. inese coujpiaiui.i. PURIFY YOUR BLOOp. ! tj 1 ' Compound Syrup of rm. crook's compound SYRUP OF POKE ItOOT. - Cures Rheumatism and ains in Liml, litew, & . R. CROOK,JS COMPOUND .ii V Vt SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. ,t t ' Ky jjemQves pimples, Ulotch'cs, ; r3 i ; "-''Sfid beautifies the Complexion. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND V.:'J t , .-.,. ! !i SYRUP. OF EOKII ROOT, -j iii Qnros all diseases ; . 4 j depending on a defrayed col ditlon ' . ; i - i , ! f" . ?.of (no blood. I)VL CROOK'S COMPOUND 2 . . ' SYRUP OF P SYRUP OF POKR ROOT. Cures anr Disease or ii - - Eruption on thaSkin.' ' Dili CROOK'S COMPO.UND , rT't "1 . i u-m u SYRUP OF POICE ROOT, i . , : ,f ,. 'Cures long stahding DR. CltbOK'S COMPOUND ' ' 'iJ 1 v.v t s j , i. SYRUP OF POKE ;ROOT. ; , :t : t d "i ru 4 .wi Is the active medicinal ti.i v y-i w!quality of Pokd Root i "ttti-Hji t . ;.r - -combined with the best pfeparatiopof Iron. dIcrook'compound "7 : 1 -. l - , , . syrup of poke root. ' . . Bnilds npX)nstitUtionM 't; iZ 1 . t' . . , ll6wn from j Mineral or Mercurial Ppjsons r . : 1 rr-T 7 Hi.. 1 1. viivywi wv-kA.xx w . it syrup otf poae Root l-il o. : . should be taken1 brail . requiring a remedy iiiiu wta Wi to make puro blood. 'I , t -X 1! ASA k. AU v. w m.v. v r. ' . , 1 . -, ; , i ' i m ' - S YRITP. OF. P0KI1 JtOOT. - ; , Is the bkst Alterative t ' 'j 'or Blood Pnrificrniad. TR.; CRddk'S COMPOUND1 " - HM ; . : y j - 5 t SYRUP OF'POKE TtbOT. A 'Cure old Soos, Boils oar Uloos. mc cr66ks' compound - f'. - SYRUP OF POKE ItOOT. : 1?- . s i euros Scald Head, .JjVrfl.;.i Salt OtheunW Tetter. . V -! 1 ' . rs.ii.l : DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND IT A ,J ..m b SYRUP OFPOKE ROOT ; 1 'Cure3 Scrofula,.' f 1 Scrofulous Diseases of tho. Eyes ;rror,ScofulaiA any form. m l'ijuIk'i.'.-S'"''." '-.., - - ? j tt njnnv him ti 11 1 m 11 t . . , Cl iV F4 SSER1,'VVA 'ff TED An Hlustrated( Paper ,16 pnges, published Jdpnthly, Subscription price, ,?l.pJ9 Every Subscriber receives a Valuable ChroifioiA Fruit Piece; which sells fon 5b Send 3 cent Stamp for ; Sample and ? Premium . LlatT Address n WtE. GUMP, -Publisher, mi n '.'v ' .,.,f; Davton. Ohio.

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