CORRESPONDENCE.- The Editor must not be undcrstv! n emlors, Ins the sentiments, of-: his oorn.s indents." t'ominunioitluns ou all subjects are Kollrited which will l glveu to the reader of Thk Era. rh wnism ng uic viewsanu Rt-ntimcnt f tl 1 . For tho Carolina Era. Mr. -Editor: Our citizens here, this v1tf SKll KnvMnmiii V. . . A i u V .Y" Kuu l7"VAlX""- e J?. -.7r5n,V . " ! i wmu.vtu.cMr. vivreyi 'wnen-j we arrived lie was pitching int6 carrot, lasers with a vim.. He rehearsed the stale falsehoods fabricated by the k. k. conservatives, -in 18G7-'63 concerning thP mule and 4a acres of land promised to each negro that would vote the Re publican ticket. A pure fabrication tie that ice colored people xcould never heard of had the? not heard it from con servative lips. He next addressed him self sneeringly to the idea of the exis tence of ku klux, he doubted their ex istence; if there was such a thing he was opposed to it, but was much more opposed to the. organization at Wash ington City headed by Gen. Grant. Yts, Gen. Carey deliberately tells us that he looks with less horror upon this murderous organization Which has been guilty of every crime known un der the sun, than he does upon the hand that: crushed it. We are not sur prised at this. The General being a member of the ku klux party,is in favor of all the means employed to obtain Iover, and opposed to any power that attempts to thwart the hellish purposes of his party. " He charged the Republi Gin party with caring nothing for the constitution and with a tendency to the centralization of power. He seem ed to ferget that It was the democrats themselves that inaugurated the cen tralization of power, m the passage of tne rugitive slave Din. mat monster of iniquity gave to the President more power than ever Grant has exercised under the ku klux laws. This central ization of power was all right when ex ercised in the interest of slavery, but all wrong when exercised in the Inter est of freedom. We have been taught that it is a poor rule that won't work both ways. A DAMAGING ADMISSION". " He was charging with great vehemence that the Radicals had stolen much, when he caught the eye of your correspondent fixed on his: this seemed to unman li 1 in for th mnment. he soon recovered Knwpwr. nnrl remarked. 11 1 do not mean to say that the Radicals steal any more than the Democrals no." Ai mis remark fhrf was creat want of annlause. T-nm this nut the sneaker seemed to friiinrlpr. He struck solid ku klux rrminrl KAvpml times, howeveri on the IrtV 111 octinn th internal revenue, the tariff, but especially when he proposed rorMiiiiat the national aeDi nnu when he represented Grant as a milita ft blunder as a states man. On these he brought down the i,mmA Tint hA snnn marie a misstep. for he'attempted to w in the handful of coiorea men pre&eui, iluo P fr?hiitt tr ihf. immortal Lincoln. This r.mfrwi o rrtirl snnt. the sneaker's enthu siasm and eloquence were in vain, they : rested upon no responsive cord in the hearts of the 140 conservatives present. In vain did he assure them that Lincoln would have been the friend, associate, advocate and abettor of the ku klux as : he (the speaker) is, had he lived ; they 1 could not believe it.- they knew, that I Lincoln never could have decended so low. The statement of this morning's Era were fully verified. Carey has thrown off his cloak and appears in his true colors as a copperhead-ku klux Conservative. Watchman. - Charlotte,1 N.C., May 2, 1872. For the Carolina Era. ; ; John; Reilly, Republican Candi i date lor Auditor. Mr. Editor: I noticed in yester day's Sentinel a communication signed "Cumberland," in which the writer undertakes to inform The Sentinel and its readers who John Reilly, Republi can candidate for . Auditor is. 44 Cum berland" says that he- is a carpet-bag-frer. formerly Sheriff of Cumberland county, that he is not the man who gave short measure in giving out ra tions to the poor, but he "gouged?' the county and made a fortune by specu lating in county scrip. This then is the biography of John Reilly, Radical candidate for Auditor," written by a Democrat who purports to be a citizen of Cumberland, col lect that this is the history of Sheriff Reilly from a Democratic standpoint, and the only charge that can be brought against hinTls that he was notbomin -forth Carolina, was not re-elected Sheriff of his county in 1870, and tnat he speculated in county scrip. Whether Sheriff Reilly ever specu lated in county scrip or not I do not protoknovv.butl do know that it SSSd still is under or laws, an in dictable offence for a county offloerw SSSJS&g onr .SS have been Democrats, our grand and t it juries have been com COIlip'-'" I' and if Sh( nn eriff vSKS5i " riand" v Wh Trtv; he woSu!d have re- ter of Sheriff BeiHy. beI Rut what crime was there in . just and lieot6neriff 7 ; 'rather to the credit oi n mblvwith that he dealt jusuy u. ? c- char. those who were objects ol p. Ity YSniS Did it not exhibit lio were helpless. ofu" rthY of emula- for Auditor. , T)emocratie ed I notice that several Democ . itorsseem anxious to Vr;he next I Iff Reilly anoa-- alitor, that Auditor, it s Piyyoushould g through yoq and let tfi Ive en iniorrnaiui w - r . . know who he Is. ; . orIreland, Hherin i 'j "timationr tne Ma great "orth Carolina,) Democratic P.. i fifteen years and he has for the last m Unit len an adopit "inn a citi- Ktntt. and is now, j - f . close nf North Carolina. of settled in of the war, he commences Fayetteville, w5?Snff brought with merchandising, .SS Ha. ap- V-kA KMl 1 irA . him a largo s-JVn liis busineea, him a larg" 7Antiv to R13 dus Sheriff oiuu ie3 of which of credit to him honunty. II11 and in i&oo Unties of wnicn ui berland)unty,thedutiesoi bim fice he performed with creel" m self and MtlaTaction wf- - WOn honesty, mpartialityd irnm . . . x 1 -w n rt anPH uuu r- r--- r was a oanUidate fo ro-electlon, nnd re- eivea qbout a hundred votes more thanny other candidate on the lie- than any other candidate on th0 Re publican ticket. TT! ins ho.r . r :v ; dee of Sheriff of the county for nearly twenty years, and notwithstanding the personal popularity of the Democratic candidate, Sheriff Iteiily was defeated . viii cii;tt-ii vuus. 21 1 it i 1 1 iiisiifP rinn i vnty cicven voies, ajia if justice naa- I leen done 'ha VCnillfi )l!lVP hwm nlnictorl I Y . c iimpi lU iiinu over unaer ine U1? OUpreme..VOUrtt aS-SeV- ra ivemocrais in tne state aidz i io, I but without nnv. hnsltnHnn whafevw. I surrendered the office to the present in' Sheriff Reilly was elected a Commis- Kioner of the town of Fayetteyille at the election in January, 1871, and was thf Onlv 'eiKVOOcful na n A irlata ntl iha Republican ticket. - When the present T : 1 i . .1 . it : A-iaiuiure jjitsjseu. an uci auinonzing tho " fa rrr o n rl nnmmicainnarO rf 'Vo tnwn to holfl nuor frtur mnnfha lAnfror ... J V. VUUJIUUlUUl.ld VTA illl tnan tne time for which the people had thft flrt ii nn nutrfro nnnn thft ritrhta of the pcooie, and declined to take ad- vantasre or an unjust law: out his coi- leflf-iip4 nil 'npmfvr!its held Over: I The people here are well pleased ,ai the nomination of ShefifT lleillv for Audi tor, knowing as we do, that in him we have a true son of Erin, who fully ap preciates the liberty of an . American uiticu, unci uciiiiujr njuiwvuiwvoji'iv" the hardworking, honest laboring men who constitute the ereat body of .our citizens. He did not seek the nomina tion, and T ran assure the members of the State Convention who. voted for him thsifc thev will never have cause to regret it, and for their action they have the thanks of the Republicans of Cum berland. In Sheriff Reilly. the people will hdvf n. faithfnl fruardian of the Treasury, and one whose reputation for integrity and nonesty cannot, oe ques tioned; He is lully competent to dis- cnarge tne amies oi me oiuce. i The Republicanof Cumberland will rvitfA o V rva lf Gil well and the other nominees ofj the t A 1 Anl!niffDlA O Otaie UOuVeutlUIl, UIIU nuuupou; " rinrinn mil v to hear the Governot and others address the citizens of our county on the 18th inst. Scotch-Irish Republican Fayetteville, May 1st, 1872. For the Carolina Era, S. F. Carey. Mr. Editor: Since Gen. Sam Carey of Ohio, lectured here on the 2nd instant, the following facts have como out m regard to him : I. He is a paid " emissary of the English Free Trade League II. lie is paid by the Tammany Demo cracy of New York city. HI. He offered to canvass for the Greeley Democracy of North Carolina, if they would pay him 5,000 additional. IV. This the substantial men here indig- nantlv declined because of his infamous Republican principles. This leaves the Ohio General's Temper ance clerical friends hero in pretty much the same pliffht they were left in years since by S. Adams Lee "Sold-fGod in the Ocean." To-night as I write,. the Greensboro lead ers have gotten up a grand ratification meetimr in the Public Square. The real obiect is to whip iu the discontented of their own party for tho municipal fight on Mon day next. They are badly frightened. They see a " national calamity " in so many nf thoir own rartvvotine for Cant. Aniens against the rotten fogy ring of oung(ana Co. Thev can't believe that the Republi cans are honest in making no party of this issue. Two things strike me as I listen to the la- bored strains of Waring, Jones and others : 1. They find Merrimon's connection yith Swepson an unfortunate plank 2. Greeley is an awful dose. m j Bv-the-way Jones and Waring both pledged Mecklenburg for overwhelming mntM-Wiaa incf thpv lul for Convention. luajviiiivof , say 2,000, when the old thing went the other wayl "A prophet is not without honor Sc." Charlotte, May 4, 1872. - The Greensboro' Nominees Judge Merrimon, the nominee of the Democratic (not Liberal) Convention is the right man on the right ticke to ma naniv ueuieu. uuu wc zy vui. TVmopratie friends with ereat satisfac tinn. von could not have done better c,.,?f na iVfArrimnn has nlaved "fast IAJ suit - - m y - t and loose with the party which has nominated him for years, and has no nolitical strength worth speaking of, Hut nn excellent renutation in connec tion Swepson, Littlefield & Co. He is the last man we should have imagined that a Convention of icise men repre senting the brains of the Democratic party would have pitted against such a fCTon na finvernor , Caldwell. Merri mon's nomination disposes of the last chance the Democracy naa to make a ,-ocT.fWahle show, of strength in the AfniorJohn Hughes, the candidate for Lieutenant jov Democrat, but is not calculated to make a vigorous canvass. He will bear de feat gracefully, and rather welcome it than otherwise, we judge, before hfe is done with the fight for a position which Z - nnsn iti to his auiet and yield- "itinn. His nomination also guits us. It is said he was the first man in Craven county to advise ostracism, tr nnhlie sieech. mirH in the other names on the ticket, they are mere cateh-weights, the ticket, tney icicioM.ii-HVi8,,ioi iockeyed on, and not W'orth particular "'..isJ - . ' ' ' i notice. hath labored. nd The brought forth a brood of chickens with out wings, and not a single black, bne V- uLn Vnrse Ihem up. erentle- iUIJ" " ' thAnil of consistency, rub E?? .rtn heir feathers, tie on' the .VThPn trot them out in a flock to be whipped.-jy Berne Times. . ir o wn arrested in New- tttOBluW" 1 t incflAo rtnn and tasen oeiure t ton uuu , , L.if., with Sto kill. The defendant, Vaving shot the plaintiff through, the thigh snoF "iSKot thproiviis no intent to - m-w-r v r ncvuiiii, nun ualivi.t SS sevith his-reputation for i Rnortin qualitits being adduced, hi3 sporun iiu Mhlhltlon w z h t ri KJS V Sill LCA .v - hf Anvi ""Ur on7i the lustice then i ethe Vear of the office, where T?Ur??i. A-t -t twpntv Daces, put Bill tn,?.u. . iv. Vitnm nf nn ovster Can tviiia into iuc iwi . Iras many "t," n-:; AJ.H-ia l in hi rfiiii niuc: to tne wu,-w . . fh t suej, an ftnv intent to -k!ll.-35a TTf th n A " V,M XUttVAti ''fUffltolhtfhl&t&t. Y ..,Y5vl!fi ttrua. 5lla .T.' O. LOGAN HARRIS, liMitcr. i liter, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1872. All . T--ff r. -rlitinr to Sub&criotians . - or M. Advertisement, must be Addressed to WM BROWN. Business Manager i All R6ri.ted Letter, can b. MP-r rUk j. '. . . . " I . i . I - LOCal, btate and beneral Items. Enterprise. Since 1865, Columbus, Ga has built cotton factories which run thirty- three thousand spindles, and will this sea son consume six thousand bales or cotton and there is talkof erecting "another large ... - mill. Okk Fare. Delegates to the Republican Coneressional Convention to he, neld Franklinton on the 15th IqsLj.wilI be pass ed over the Chatham .and Kaleigh & Gas tnn Railroads for one -first class fare. Re turn tickets must be procured. Kn.r.ED.--The - Atip North State learns that a little boy was killed a few days ago, fcKnut twelve miles from Greensboro, lie was eoing to mill and the wagon upset. foiiinrr rr him and causing his death.: No particulars, lonifii np nnv. 1 1'x. Governor Holden and family arrived In Raleigh last Tuesday. He will assume editorial charge of The Carolina era. tvu. J.-ost. It is a mistake that Gov. Holden will assume editorial control of The Era. We are authorized to state that he will not take ah active part in political affairs. Piikftil Accident. The Rockingham 06sert?ersays a negro man named Richard Wall, who was employed on the premises tit M r. II. C. Wall, near this place, white out hunting the other day, accidentally shot himself in the right arm near the shoulder, the charere raneing upward and lodging in the shoulder, making a horrible wound and orim? amTMitAtion necessary, lie wui CUUbA M " f " probably not recover, Leo Broke. The Hickory Tavern: Eagle ;o.rfttA to learn that Mr. W. P. Reinhardt while riding down a hill n a wagon loaded with timber, the team, irom some cause nnmmenced running and Mr. Reinhardt endeavoring to leap off, fell, and the wagon ran over his leg, breaking the smaller pone About three inches above the anKie. TtrA.VA riai hrtwflver. to add that he is rapidly improving, AnniDENT. The uurnam luuawu 11 P riant learns that Wm. Dixon, miner wr r- Tarrish on Flat Kiver. was Kiiiea on Monday last, by being caught in the run ninr rRfir of the mill. His neck was bro hnrtv almost severed, one arm torn off nnrt hi. entire person badly bruised and TTi wife observed that the mill was not running, went down to ascertain A2 tho cause and found him in this condition. Episcopal Convention. The fifty-sixth a nnnal Cenvcntion of the Protestant Epis copal Church in the State of North Carolina -arill meet (D. V.) in St. Lute s unurcii, Salisbury, on the last Wednesday (the 29th day) of May, 1872. The principal Railway Companies in the State have agreed to convey the ciergy ana lAcratP attending the Convention to and from Salisbury for one fare, (provided they obtain return tickets at their starting pomis on each lioad.) Robeson Banditti. The wumingion Jnur,al savs the outlaws have again taken to the war path. We learn tnai oiepnen . . t n i - Lowrey and Andrew Strong robbed the residence of Mr. Henry McCollum, of Red Banks, on Tuesday last, of a fine double- hrreled min. ' Lowrey went to the house nlone. Ktronir beinc near at hand, and while Afr. MnCollum was in tne neia. ne took from the house a gun and a gold watch, h,it returned the latter to Mrs. McCollum on her pleading for it. The Weeping willow. vine weepmg iarS11nr 1l99 ft romantic storv : The first scion 111U " " w wm : sent irom arayrua m Alexander Pope. General Clinton brought shoot from Pone's tree to America, in the time of the Revolution, which, passing into the hands of John Parke Cnrtis, was plant ed on his estate in Virginia, thus becoming nrAonifnr of the weenine willow in this nonntrv. There is a chestnut tree on the slope oi Mount Etna. Sicily, which is said to be the M,it iron nf ta Vind in the world". It is of UIUCQ vv - glossal dimensions, and named the Hun dred Cavaliers, on account of the Queen of Arragon and her court having found shelter beneath its branches. It is 200 feet in girtn, and is thought to be not les than 300 years old. ci :r T ' T TTaarv rf TTniOU -OOUIltV. broucht to the Penitentiary on mesaay OUVIIU w. . , - - , " ' 1.1st. a wmte man umeuu a. ' ... n: J.. A i 1 s-m nnn. -if Tit Ko well nnn ch for the Peni- tentiary Physician to examine the prisoner. ih Ha released. If sane, he should serve out his term. Raleigh Era. Green is no more insane than common , on mmantlv Thftt noint WaS ietMed bv the iurv that convicted him. I1UI SO j , . ----- x . . . Charlotte Democrat. 1 The moderate Editor of the Democrat is wise beyond measure. His opinion of the .n'irrnfMr' Green is eaual(f) to that o .u.v v " . - .-i s Cfotn r TTriivAver Dr. i any pujsicmu i w..w. , Eugene Grissom, Superintendent of the . r- o Tnanno onrl Dr. William G. Asvli.m for the Insane, and Dr. William G. Hill. Penitentiary physician, after exami- .,i;nn nrAnmmrad'Green insane, and he U (tv a X v ' has been transferred from the f emteniiary to the Insane Asylum. LinEL Conspiracy. The Asheville Pi- cava on isaturaav. uw iasi. uav ;. ui . A V " 1 A J . .4? rnnrt th trmnri iarv found a true bill against T. D. Carter, Esq., and gnat Atkin son. editor of the Citizen, for defamation of i -vf w tirfln TIkmt olrk found a true N. W.Woodfin. They also found a true bill against G. W. Swepson, for frand and conspiracy. The same paper says on Monday evening the Counsel of Harvey D. C. Roberts, hav Ing ascertained "that th.e case of Jbis client; charged with embezzlement; would not be tried until the next term or the uoort, sub mitted tho same to his Honor Judge Henry. AU the witnesses in the case were re-examined, and as their testimony proved con -insivelv the guilt of tho prisoner, his Hon i nn,i him to the Penitentiary for Vi o.v. - nr Subscouently. at the solicita tion of many prominent citizens, and from the fact that the wife of the prisoner is in rM i.oaith. tha JndsB modified his sea- tence to two yfar's. impriaonment. I i i ' i i .tonlinff onrl Kenteneod to ernor, is a gen ueuju undergo five years Imprisonment. It is said rit of insanitv. ii . i vicieti oi uuioo DiOM"6 - : . I Home learns from Mr, E. M. Aderhpjdt, of Gaston, that the wifo of Sam Mooney, coj., I" dropped dead at the dinner table on SatUr- i aay iasUHersiKteraine over to Attend the finicral and d ropped dftd on the next night in the same house. W. N. C. Railkoad The 'Asheville CiVzen eavs a ' letter from the President of this Road to the Treasurer, here, informs us that the negotiations for its transfer to the Pennsylvania Central wmpajrt - " . : ii : :j been completed. -The trouuiq is sjuu w with the Eastern Division as to who are the pr6per parties With whom to contract, y. Returned. Gov. ? Holden'sand family returned to this city on Tuesday last. They are all welL . Tho Governor is enjoying ex cellent health ; looks well, is In fine spirits. A great many of his friends i have called to pay their respects to one who has ever been the friend of the poor, the defenseless and those in distress. Speaking of the departure of Gov. Holden from Washington, the Chronicle of that city says; ,- ' - ' W W Holden. ; with his family, left Washington last evening for a permanent resiuenue um . C - Raleigh. The Governor Dears wim .iuiu from this city the kindiest remembrances from a host or menus no una uiauu ; Paris Fashion. A Paris correspondent relates the story of a'sad wedding party in that city.. The whole party came out or tne- church weeping. The bride wept, the mother wept, the company wept, and the groom wept more copiously than ah combined. The only persons who did not weep were four men and a child. The child was do out of wedlock, and to give it a name, its parents had . married before Jhey parted forever The groom was a young clerk, sentenced to transportation for forgery and he was to leave the following morning. The four men who accompanied him were ponce agents, oruereu. io gu v im and to the Mayor's office, and to bring him safe back to prison, after the marriage was celebrated. . Fibe at Neuse River Light House a Vioht for Lifb. The New Berne limes earns by letter that Neuse River , Ligni House caught fire on the morning oi me 20th. from a cooking stove, In the ceiling over the oil room, and when nrst discover- Ytt xr. AfolliA E. Daniels (the wiie oi th Principal Keeper) was well tinder way. Tf o honnr,Ml that at the time, the Assis-. tant Keeper was on shore (a long distance m with the onlv- boat attached to the Sta tion. Death stared the devoted nus Dana nH fond wife in the face, and with an ener o-rr nnd heroism born of despair and true BJ - - courage, the brave couple '.worked tor an i r rroHnailv' o-ainiiicT on ana tinallv connuering the. deveuring element. 1(1111 III m . " -7 D O but not until a hole seven feet square nau hfen burned in the ceiling. The agony and j-f5n nf those persons - during that fearful hour of peril can be better imagined than described. Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruth- ERFORD RAILROAD. TUe auvxuy mkaiwki savs Cantain V. Q. Johnson, Assistant bu- tenHentof the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, is in our town, and has creatlv encouraged our people by the information that the road will be pushed through to the Paper Mills before work is suspended again, and that as soon as the bridge is built across Bullaio ureeK wont will be resumed and the road completed to Shelbv. There are about twenty-five hard working men busily engaged, who have laid the track three miles, which brings it to Muddv Fork, eight miles of Shelby. Futhermore. there is an engineer on tnis - end. who came for the purpose of making a survey around the great rock, near She! bv. in order to shun the same. Captain Johnston-is desirous ot complet ing this road, for he knows that, not only o ' ... , cnnHnn hnt the whole State will oe benefitted, greatly thereby. : . Horrible Accident., The Wilmington Journal regrets to learn of a sad accident whinh ofonrred on board of the revenue cutter W. IT. Seward, on Sunday afternoon. Bv reauest of the friends of the deceased, Pant. Carson had consented to nre a iew euns in the endeavor to bring tne pooy oi . m ' . vnnnz Joseph Price to the surface. Several shots were fired in the forenoon, but with out effect, and it was thought best to try a few more during the afternoon. On this latter occasion, the first gun Having been fired, a seaman by the name of the Kates hnrv R Warrinsr. was enraged in ramming home the charge for the second shot, while Thos. Kavanagh, the Captain of the gun, held hia thumb firmly on the vent or touch-hoie, when, of a sudden, the gun exploded, tear- inc awav Warring's right hand at the wrist, and blowing him overboard, while Kavari- asrh had his face considerably burned by the powder which was. blown up througn the vent, as his thumb was torced irom iz. Warring was rescued, and on examination it was found besides the blowing on of his hand, that his arm had been broken in two ri. The mutilated hand was taken off at the wrist on,. Sunday night by Dr. Win ants, and the broken bones were set. At the last accounts the patient was doing as as could be expected. :. - . Kavanagh 'was severely burned on the face and in tins eyos, but with careful nur sing it is thought that his sight will be pre served. . - t: . The guns are old and defective. No blame can be attacnea ior iw picuiaiuic sion. 1 ' T?r,TTAwiiT. xnTTCES are so common that ihlA for an editor to ex-, press his honest opinion of the merits of any article without being suspected of interested motives. This fact, however, shall not deT ter us from, saying what we think of a new addition to Ih6 Materia Medica to which our attention has been recently directed. We refer to Dtl.- J. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA Vinegar Bitters remedy which is mak incrits wav into, more famines just now than all the1 -other advertised medicines put together. There seems . to bo no question about the potency of its tonic and alterative nronerties.' while it possesses the great peg- X X 7 : ative recommendation of containing neither ninhn1 nny mineral noison. That it is a v- A spoclflo for lndigestion, Billiousness, Con sti nation, and 'many complaints of nervous origin, we have reason to know; and we are ass u led on good authority that as a general invigorant,s regulating and purifying med icine. it haarno equaU It- is .stated that its ! ingredients, (obtained from the wilds of California,) are new to the medical world; and its extraordinary elTects certainly, wan rant tho conclusion that it is a compound of ajrents hitherto unknown. If popularity is any criterion, there can be no doubt of the efficiency of the Vinegar Bitters, for the Rale of the article is Immense and contmu allv Increasing - 4w. aawCTV.JMJY,1 . f ,.,1. in,, . .,, . r 'r,;T- rrn 4- "rjfmm - -,jr-c Gov, Calotsell-Pcblip Sps;akI0. pov. Caldwell,, ol, T. L. Hargroye and Judge Settle wiil address the people at tho following times and places, to-wit: Pittsboro',1 Chatham county, Tiiestlay, the ' -14th or May; t. Carthago, Mooro county, Thnrsdayt he I6th of May. :- v" r' Fayetteville, Cumberland county, Saturday, the 18th of May. ' . .. : ' 'f; -;: Notices, of, other appointment, will, be given in due time. r . '-:H.-y:y. '"!.-;..' Fire; in Plymouth. The News leafns that a veiy destructive fire occured in Ply mouth, on Jlonday ; last. Six stores and most of their contents were consumed. Half covered by insurance. First i Congressional; District, jj By direction of the Republican Exe cutive Committee of th 1st Congres sional District, a Convention to nomi nate a candidate for Congress, and a Presidential Elector and appoint Dele gates to the Philadelphia Convention, nri for thfi tmnsfintion of other busi ness will be held at Plymouth, onThurs-H day the ztsra, oi , jviay. : nacu-, wwiiy will be entitled to the same number of votes as they have in the lower branch of the Legislature. . H ... - The Chairman of the r Executive Committee of each county, will call meetings ' to appoint delegates from their respective counties in accordance with the above notice.. Also, at the same time and place there will be a senatorial convention for the purpose of nominating two sena tors for the second District. : V i r , , S. T. CARROW, "v f .-, j Chm'n Ex. Com. 1st Dis. Republican Congressional Conven tion. A Republican Congressional Con-r vention far the 2nd District of North Caro lina will be-held atWilson, N, C, on Thurs day the 9th day of May, 1872, at "12 o'clock M., for the purpose of placing in nomina tion a Republican candidate to : represent this District in the 43rd Congress of the ITnited States. Also, to elect a Presidential Elector for this District, and two delegate and two alternates to the National Republi can Convention, to be heid at Philadelphia on the 5th day of June next. , " The following are the number of votes to which each county is entitled in said Con vention: . Craven County, Edgecombe " 2 votes 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 15 Greene " Halifax " Jones " Lenoir . " Northampton " ? Warren " . ii- Wayne " . ti WiLson. " Total, County committees will take such action as will insure each county a representation in said Convention. By order of the Republican District Com mittee. . i i . Thos. JPowers, fjnairman. Newberne, N. C, Apnl 10th, iz. fTTTTin CoxORESSIONAL DISTRICT. A. Convention of the Republicans of this dis triet is herebv called to meet at Clinton, Sampson county, on Wednesday the 22d Hav nf Mav. 1872. at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the 43d Conaress, one elector tor tne-uisirici, and for such other business as may proper lv come before it. Counties will be allowed .v ro.nn ranrocpntfttinn as in the state vjOu- ..AniMi nne HplAfrate. for each member or the House of Representatives in the State Legislature. vy. ouniiiitA, JOHN IvEILLx , Stephen Tanner. Dist. Ex. Com. r OUKlil juiuijaotv"" ' Convention of the Republicans-ef this Dis- nnwnijx-ooTnvAT. IITST'RTf'T. A. trict is herebv called to meet at Franklin ton! Franklin county, on Wednesday, the 15th day of May, 1872, for the purpose of nominatine a candidate for the 4drd con- cress. one elector for the District, and for such other business as may properly, come v,QfnrA it. finnnties will be allowed tne same representation as in the State Conven 1B4UXW w tion, one delegate for each member of the House of Representatives in the State Leg islature. V J. C. L. HARRIS,. unm n nix. uom. Fifth. Congressional District. uy direction of the Committee.of the 5th Con gressional District, a Republican conven tion to nominate a candidate lor congress, and ft Presidential elector for said , District, and to transact other business, will be held at the Court House in the City of Greens boro, N. C, on Wednesday, the 15th day. 'of Mav. A. D.. 1872. . , Each County will be entitled to the same V ' nn m her f votes . it has in: the House of Representatives, ti : ; - , A; u r rT Tnn li 1 1 1 1 1 , kk. I j v ui V Vfc.V w... . - . - , IPOS. is. JV1SUU.U., vnitwiiu. fiivTn rnnrtRRssioNAL District. -isy direction of the Republican Executive Com- mittee of the 6th Congressional District, a Convention to nominate a caudidate for Congress, Presidential elector, and lor tne transaction of such other business as may properly come before it, will be held at Concord, N. C, Thursday, June 6th.; Each county will be entitled to the same number of votes in said Convention as it has in the hranch of the Leffislatu re. Th e dif ferent county committees are requested to ro ra cnn action as win eusuru wen ira- nnnnties representation in uaiu . !J VAntinn ; Thos. D. Mcalpin.- V VAAVV r. tnm n JiiX. jin. 7tu Hn-vfinEssioNAL District Conven tion. According to previous understand' inrr the delenatcs to the State Convention from the 7th Congressional District assem bled in the Supreme . Court Room on the morning of the 17th of April. Nine of the eleven cnunties composing the District were fnnnrt to be represented, whereupon, Dr. t t fntt was called to the Chair, and ' . a ,:and Frederick T. Walser made Secretary. wniroohnm' was chosen as the place soiniT the 25th dav of May as the time v.niriin- the Republican Convention of if r. , i i , i Ttiat.rict. to nominate a vauuiuaui nnnKi onri fnr otner purnoses a a muotinor nn tho evenintr of tho 17tu. . ...wg cj Dr. J. J. Mottand CoU Thos. B. Long were chosen to represent the District in tne ja inoi Pnmrontinn at -Philadelphia, on the kiwiiui wvy" ..."- . r Ulll VI V UMV, ' . U T illmfrfAll O a rti. nf Tnna witii ii. it. itrtnffio anu r. T. JilUJllVVll " . n T - H J. .-J.: MUTT, unairman. Fred. T. Walser, Secretary. Eighth Congressional .District Con vestios. There win ue a uonvcuuuu oi - . . a; tho Republicans of the Eigbth'Congressional District, at Asheville on Saturday, the ltn dav of May next, to nominate a candidate for Coneress. The Republicans of every county in the District are earnestly reques ted to hold meetings and send a full dele- fration to the Convention. - t . , ... .. By order of the "District executive uoui- mittee." . J. li nisiUD, jn mn. R. W,-Logan, Sec'y. - TREA9tntT DEPABTMEJf T, .t ; 4- v. yZtetetgn,-rfftrii 1,-134. - The following act Is published for the 1 in foTmalion of tho holders of bonds of Hhe" State of North CaralinaVj ry-i,: - V The undersigned, in compliance with the requirements of the act, hereby invite pro posals! to be forwarded to this .Department' on or before the 10th day of October. 1872, for an exchange of the stocks of thij State in any Railroad company, or other corpora tion, lor the bonds of the State,, .Said pro posuLi must be sealed and endorsed ' Pro posals for.Exchange of.State Stocks." ! " It. is deemed unnecessary to set forth the dlailsof exchange, as the actls explanatory of itself. : D., A JENKINS, li : . 4 V , - State Treasurer, , . I ":-r W M. SHIPP. ' i ' v J : Attorney General. ' ; 'JAN.Jl CTor Exchanging the Stocks 0) the State for Bonds with ythtch such t Stocks were obtained and for other purposes. SEa' 1. The General Assembly 1 f f North Carolina do enact : That the Public Treas urer and Attorney General shall advertise for six months in such newspapers as they may select, and invite proposals for an ex change of the Stocks held by. the State in any Railroad br other corporation, for the bonds by which the State acquired such stocks ; or any other bonds of the State (not special tax) where the. stock is not specially pledged for the redemption of bonds issued to such corporation ; such bids shall - be opened on a day appointed, and .those terms be accepted which may be most advantage ous for the State ; Provided, That in no event shall any of the said , stocks be exchanged for less than their par value, or for less than three bonds of same nominal value,, issued in aid of Chatham. Railroad, January: 1st, 1863 ; and provided further. No stock in the North Carolina Railroad sha 11 be exchanged, unless in the same offer it is proposed to take twenty shares of stock in the North Carolina Railroad, ten shares in the Atlantic and North Carolina. Railroad, and twenty shares in the Western North Carolina Rail road Company (Eastern Division,) and to pay therefor two bonds of one.thousand dol lars each of the State, issued to the North Carolina Railroad under acts of 1848-M9, chapter-eighty-two, or: 1854-'55, chapter thirty-twotone bond of one thousand dol lars, issued to the Atlantic and North Car olina Railroad, under acts 1854-'55, chapter two hundred and thirty-two, or acts of 1856, chapter seventy-four and -seven ty-six, and two bond of one thousand dollars, is sued to the Western North Carolina Rail road (Eastern Division,) acts, of ;186G-'.67, chapter one hundred and six or in the aforesaid proportion. - . ' r Sec. 2.; That any Railroad or other I cor nnmtinn ' whirh has . heretofore received bonds of the State in. exchange for bonds of Raid corporation or person noiaing suca State bonds, shall be entitled to a surrender rvf a hrmrt nfmirh corporation, upon the re turn to the Treasury of any State ' bond of equal amount, issued under the acts of the General Assembly . or Ordinances of the Convention, authorizing such exchange, and n non a return of all bonds issued un- der an v particular act or ordinance, the cor-I . - . 1 .a. n : poranou snaii uw tiuuutu wo wuciiin.iv.i. . 1 11 1 1 MMnnllatiAn 1 and surrender of any mortgage executed to n x e . I. the estate ior securing payment, oi sum uur poration bonds, or State bonds ; coupons on eairl hnndamAv he exchansred in like man ner and cut off and retained on either! side to make equality. . ' . ! . a Tn faeilitate the exchange proposed in this act, the State does hereby relinquish an ciaim ior loc4. m iu tuuu xwuuuou above one million one hundred thousand onrl om-ratiHiira m rha Bain f Tnmrifirtv two hundred and twenty-five thousand dol- . 7 t m JlL lars coupons now in state treasury wim- held on a former exchange of Company Kwnrla fn etsislr in Rairl Railroad : and: also UVUVIKI fjwwx.' 7 ' the State does hereby relinquish all claims i a i J J to stocK in said company aoove six. nuuureu Jnllam nnnn fha T-atiirn tl the Troacii rv nf the five hundred thousand dol- lars of Wilmington, unanotie ana xvuLuer hnnrla and ronnons hereto- iccnen m sain w ssrern rLH.i i nja.u uuixi- - . . tit i 1 2 1 J pany ; Provided, That any person acquiring Pa?y; "f a snare oi ora.iesi.ouis. m oam wiauuu, in ThA AiAsitlrvn rf ffiA H irAntrirK whnsA num VT X VM-A tUV V WW Jivmm m - -r . O J . J A 1 J i AAU M.VkAnA H.-m-VH ber shall be determined by the stocKhoiders . . mi j A 1 12 11. of-said company, ine outu aisu reuuquiau aci all oloim tn Rtvk in the Western North rvrnlina Railroad above lour minions oi tJ IU1 v-" m rlrvllilj . ! ! San A That as soon as the proportion Of shares oi slock ior wmcu tu oluuo appuiuta one director in any corporation, ia tVio vio-ht nf the State to appoint such 1 jj i l 11 nnar rt-ryA HatarminA nnrl nnfl I ulxtJUWr Biian uciuo ouvi vawa ...... f director to be selected by lot shall be de- i , , i j ,v, ua nnmVior nnnmnten on tne uiicviwi w fcv wwww j - r.irsA from fVio nnmhPT nnnomted on the uuiWAi a w.i. v.. -ri 7 part of the estate ; ancpgupon aucepwituw ui an tees given for its fulfillment as shall be deemed sufficient by the Treasurer ana a Hnmair finiinral all further riffhts to reP- I " t-J resentation by the State either by directors 1 11 ntnvmina Or proxy, ouail ueauso uuu. ucreiuiuioti sinn i That, as snnn as mav be practica- t. . . -Kio tiio "Pnhlin Treasurer shall receive the r" 7 j i iu.! bonds onered in exenange, anu in me pie- . -mm. 1 A li: . J" en co or the Auditor ana Aiioxnej ucuciax, shall cancel the same. It shall also be his An it n. tranofar hi stoclcR and execute such uuvj w " - B conveyances of the other interest herembe- fore mentioned as snaii ue uetsiueu uwotss- rv: such conveyance to be m a iom ap proved by the Attorney General. ' I ma k i r. snail rm i.iih iiiilv ui liid .-uuiivi to make a minute of what shall be done by the Treasurer m tne premises, anu u luao xi e mmV. cnMoa in tho hnntrn of hia nffira go mav sAinra a inst accouniauiiity nn the nart. nf the Treasurer because of the imnoanfinn hereinhefnrfi mentioned w auovvw.. - - ! . Sec. 7. in JTwIDHC Treasurer suun maao special reports upon the subject of this act to the General Assemoiy at every Bu-aaiun. r i Sec fi. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. - i Ratified the 1st day of n eDruary, a. u 1879 ' 1 t , 44 WUI BEST JM THE WORUHUli? t Hew York Office, 27 BEEKMAN ST. .Tanifarv20. 1872. 59 6m TROCLAMATION. whemaa information, on oath and in meeting, has been made before me, Charles C. Pool, Judge or tne superior v;ourt ior mo First Judicial District of North Carolina, tHof i "Rnhert -Mi Bridflrer. convicted of the crime of perjury, at the Spring term, 1872, the CllSfcOUjr vFX U1CDUC1U1 VI oaxu. , . a - -1 l.ClinnffnriillM HAiml'ir 1111(1 is lurking about, and so keeps himselt con- ' cealed in that or some other adjoining coun- ty, that the usual process of law cannot be e-jceented on him. Thi 9 therefore, to command the said -n,wi xf riHo-er t forthwith surrender fM'tSi f Inrlr ahnnt. nnd keen himself CO II SUIT vlv, xr , . ami tint Riirtender after publl I cation'of this proclamation, I hereby enjoin etahie nnd other peace officers, and all good i n;tnQ iwnprllv tn forthwith capture, .ar 0nA hrinir air1 "Rnhert M. Briddefi, to iustice, and in case of his flight or resistance, atter Deint uitiieu uyu" tvr .j... ---- one may slay said Bridger without im neschment or accusation oi any crime. . hand at Winston this 22nd dayf March, 1872. j J udge Superior Cou i t, - First Judicial District. 12C-4t. . - .;.. : This is a true copy of "the ' original. T. - i. V, H1UAJAJ, OU XX, , - Bertie County, N. C. :Nevy Advertisements. , ;- ; -n ; T' - j r. ' A MONTH to sell our TJniver- rnl PArWMnv PVkl Mndtf An 'T1!! 11 - nel, Button Hole Cutter, and other articles. Saco NdyELTY; Co., Saco, Me. , : ; 128 TVf-i'VrTpXT- MADE RAPIDLX i-Yl-WiX JJi X with 'Stencil and . Key ; Chfgk Outfits. Catalogues, Bamples and -full particulars' FREE. S. M. Spencer, iil.l i IT! ! M iiaiueDoro. v u ,, , . . , ihs w AGENTS! AGENTS!! AGENTS!!! - We will pay $40 per week in cash; and expenses, to good agents who wilt- engage- with us at once. Everything furnished. ; Address F. A. ELLS &.Cpn Charlotte, $Llch. . WANTED ; Agents for ournewl6-pago paper thet Contributor. Thirteen de- Eartments, religious and secular. : Itovt' AC Earle writes for It. $1.00 a year ; a $2,00 premium to each subscriber,. For AgcnLs terms, address i - , . -, : ' 128 4 w James n. Eaele, Boston, Mass. XSYCIIOMANCY, OR SOUL CHAR-- XT MING.' IlQW cither sex may fasci natA and tmln the love and affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple . mental acquirement all can possess, free, by Biiide. Esrvptian Oracle. Dreams,' Hints to Ladies, Ac. A queer, exciting book. 100,000 sold. Address i. vYiiiiiiAfli a vy., i 128 4w . Pub's,1 Phllav 1 Do YouTake a Religious Paper? - BUBSqrtlBE FOR THE V ' SOUTHERN- CHURCHMAN, Published in ALEXANDRIA, Va., ! at $3ayear, . : ! i ' TRY IT FOR OISTHS : : YK.K. by CHARLE3 Hi dlTiDiti'oie,! TIT kmC iIoTnTirlndTnidTvIeTTTnT el i it iour v.r'tiuu.d.'.l Tr!iuTrr7rTrioreM TijfeLikkjnioTrry.' WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS FOR COUGHS, COLDS A HOARSENESS. These Tablets present the Acid In Combi nation with other efficient remedies, in a popular form; for the Cure of all THROAT and LUNG Diseases. HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of; the THROAT ; are iua- moiatolv roTi a-l-aH onrl citatementji are eon stantly being sent to' the proprietor of relief m rri t. 1 1 sir 1.9 . .1 in cases oi mroas auncuiues 01 ycaas bluuu- nAUTinm Don't bo decei ted bvworth- OrtU I lUIN less imitations. - Get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. . Price 25 Cts. per Box. ' JOHN Q.! KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., XT -V Cnla A mt- 4V V,a TT S3 : RnnH frvr- Circular. I 128 4wv BURN HAM'S New Turbine is in general Use throughout the u.H. a six inch, is used by the Government in ine y, Patent Office, Washington, D. C. iprf Its simplicity of Construction and IGiJ the power it transmits renders it the best water wheel ever invent- r"2 ed. Pamphlet free. . . I s - LT N. F. BUKNIIAM, York, PAi 4w p LIFE OP. I JAMES PISK.1 Brilliant Pen Pictures of the ! Sights and Sensations of New York, '-f TAMMANY FRAUDS. Biographies of Vanderbilt. Drew, Gould onrl nt.her Tt. R. magnates. All about JOSIE MANSF11SLD, the siren, ana r-uvYAAu S. STOKES, the assassin, octavo of over 600 . m TMIT A Tf profusely I illustrated. AGENTS a -NTTln SendSlsi 00 for outfit and secure PUBLISHING CO., Chicago, Cinn., or 128 4w. Philadelphia. The Best Paper! Try It!! The Scientific American is the Cheapest ana best illustrated weekly paper published. Every number contains from 10 to 15 orig inal engravings of new machinery, novel inventions, unages, lngineeriug Arhitnc.tnre. imnroved Farm Implements. and every new discovery in Chemistry. ! A years numbers contain twz pages uuu num eral hundred engravings. Thousands ot volumes are preserved for binding and ref erence. The practical receipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. Terms, $3' a year by mail. Specimen sent. free. ' May be had of all News Dealers. i . rmrv 11..: .1 An t V. a Tni.t lfvn CI Models of new indentions and sketches ex amined, andl advice free. All patents are published in the HCieniinc Aineriuen iuo Send for Pamplct, 110 laws and full directions , - . i weeic tney issue. napes, containing F H nVifoininff "Patents.' IUI ViJVCMfcMft " Address for Paper, or concerning iatems. MU1NN K UU., o A'aris. avow, jw. i. office, cor. F. and 7th Ste., Washington, P. c. A-ifO -I W l - TnTn ml f I Were a Child i wuy t t w mm I affain! ' ; sighs the weary and exhausted one, as the languor and lassitude of spring comes upon him. Come and receive vigor and strength from the wonderful soutn American a.opuu f . JTJRTJBEB A. ' Long and successfully used in its natiye. ; country, as a Powerful Tonic,' and Patent Purifier of the Blood, it is found even to ex ceed the anticipations founded on its great reputation. According to tu mwucat scientific periodicals or London and Pri8t' the !fnT Powerful Tonio . properties, knownfto Materia.; Medica. - 1 Dr. AVells1 Extract of Jurubeba is a penect remeuy wr i" umcww " BLO6D, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, V OLANDULOUS I TUMORS, DROPSY, ; I SCROFULA, . INTERNAL. ABSCESSES, and will remove an onxmiciurnx j w LIVER, SPLEEN, INTKSTJHiSM, uift RINE and URINARY ORGANS. V- It is strengthening and nourishing. Like nutricious food taken into the stomach, it : assimilates nd diffuses itself through the . circulation, giving vigor and bcalth. . L It regulates tne ooueus, quiets tue wctt'c, acts directly on the secretive organs,, and, by its powerful Tonie and restoring effea, produces healthy land vigorous action to thev whole system. . i .;, .. ' Sole Agent ior tne unuea Btates., . Price. One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Cicrular.V april 15 218-4W. " ECL1CCT !IC GALLERY OF p;nft'Cphl,EncrraVinD,CJ K ITLV 01CC1 filUiaviUg ; . - Sfor the 1 , , Portfolio! Scrap-Book, IVamihg: or for purposes oj uusirwion. Nearly 300 Different Subjects, . comprising Historians, Poets, Artists, Warriors; i i Emperors Kings, Statesmen, ; I IH-storic and Ideal Pictures, Etc., Etc: THESE Engravings have appeared in the Eclectic Magazine during the past 25 yeara. The subjects have been selected : i wilh great care on potn siaes oi me Aiian- . tic. They are printed ( on different sized ., paper, either small size, 7 by 10, or quarto , size, iu uy xa. - - ; nir-v Small 1tA. 10c. niiarto aire 15.-' A specimen of each size and Catalogue sent : on receipt of 25a t nd; on receipt of j?l, five I of each size will be sent. . - - j i ,i f'nf-iilnmiea sent Krno tn anv A.nnrASH. E. R.IPELTON. Publisher. 108j Fulton, St., New Yorkl April 24, 1872. 47 w3t. 1870 he Commomcealtn. 4- i 4 . r. r

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