! . I tW'WEKKLT llCD WEEKLT by " . TW-WKKLT XTTD WEEKLT BY The Era Publishing . H nmnanv. I 'Rate of Subscription V Tri-Wkeklt One year. In advance, $3 00 0 months, in advance, 2 00 3 months, In advance, 1 00 1 month, in advance. ' ! '.1 Veeklt -One year, in advance, i 00 ' Six months, in advance, 50 AAiiuw-iaui; vajh vun tion will beheld in Baltimore; Julv 0th. ' j The reduction of the public debt last month was- $12,588,083, which brings the debt down below $2,200,000,000. Here are 12,588,088 -additional reasons for the re-election of Grant." The Southern Claims Commissioners are engaged for the present in the con sideration of the additional instruc tions, which they will have to issue un der the recent law in reference to these claims. i ' i " Capt. John Hughes, Democratic can didate for Lieutenant Onvftrnnr, waa defeated for Trustee of the Newbern Academy on Monday last It is not the first time he has been defeated nor will It be the last- John Iieilly, Republican nominee for Auditor !of State, was endorsed by the people of Fayetteville on MondayH last by being elected .Mayor "of that city. Last year Fayetteville elected a Democratic Mayor. In 1868, Judge Merrimon was a Dem ocratic candidate for Judge of the Su preme Court. His own county, Bun combe, where he was born and raised and where he teas best known, gave a large majority against him. GovernorjReed, of Florida, has been acquit tea by the senate, sitting as a court of impeachment. Thi3 Is a sin gular result, considering that the House of Representatives voted unanimously to impeach him, and the bad reputa t ion that he has. In 187172, Judget Merrimon wanted to be United States Senator, but his Democratic friends in the Legislature were afraid to endorse the confidential 1 friend and j adviser of Swepson and Littlefield in their bond swindles and elected General Ransom. Let vice in high and low places be so ex posed and denounced that corrupt officials cannot stand the glare of day, and be made to slink into' their dens of filth .and mean ness. Sentinel, May 19th, 1872. What have you to say Mr. Sentinel, in condemnation of the late letter "m" swindle? Do let us know? A bill refunding taxes hitherto collected on' cotton, has been reported to the U. S. House of Representatives with a -recommendation that it do pass. Should this bill become a law, the tax formerly collected, amounting to more than fifty thousand dollars, will be re paid. 1' ' : . j . Governor (Graham, itfs stated, vio lently opposed the appointment of col ored delegates to Greensboro' by the Orange County Convention. lie was overruled, and did not attend the Greens boro Convention. IIas the -Governor abandoned the white line" of 1868 or not? It would seem that he has not. Of the seven Republican senators who voted against the deposition of Andrew Johnson when impeached by the house of representatives, three Grimes, Fes senden and jVan Winkle-have passed otov whiletheremainingfour Trum- TTenderson of UUU, iwoa w. 1 Missouri and Fowler of Tennessee-rare all enthusiastic supporters - of the Cin cinnati movement. With forty thousand majority, will the white men permit ignorance and corrup tion to run riot over the land r-Battleboro Advance. A . .;t; . : No, because they wiU repudiate the letter "m" 'Democracy at the polls. They would have done so in 1870as they ma T0t vr- but for the murders and outraged committed, by the Ku Klux in the interest onw .r. ; .T- T II Separk, Democratic candidate ,.?of.-STonnt -of -Public Works, ' XZfMioA -for Commissioner of Wtem Ward in f.W . . tmo .Voii onnuch .for Mr. bepariw . . tL .uH.tn defeat. It puia ST'El t aU hi, deffiat In e tap-Vn August. It only, dn His neighboi? don'twanthim to atftnd to their public worts. . . f t ' In 1871. Judge Merrimon wasaDem-.IuJ-l!AtAM for the I Convention in ZLJL into voting for him by totarinthat the taxes would. be as Tuct Z6 on every thousand dollars vifnroDertyifa Convention was worth of property a f xc&ke f A tw nnd his leniwift e I ESSed levy, his high taxes. I . - ' ' While the delegates ..nc over the nominaUons atCWover re- form resolutions, me u--President Grant quletly anno re-. irrnt , - m.. n roO ACQ fill during the - pasx 1 1 u.nl.Snrr'A ti reduction of fcV mm began, lUt - These figures countmore than ' . , - ; i ' . j. ' ,. m ... - : , .t I '.-''." . if ' t ' f.-t- ; V - f r FtjtSs t- " -.-, fs ; i Vol. l. : :v ,; ' Democratic Platform. The resolutions adopted by r the Greensboro Convention are of.anega tive, untruthful character.' Nearly ev ery resolution is the negative of a res olution upon the same subject jto le found in the Republican platform. Among tne declaration or principles we find the following: That all experience proves that,, n free government' those to whom power has been delegated, are prone to enlarge its sphere, and by usurpation and abuses encroach up on the rights and liberties of the citizens. This may be so," and "aH'experi- ence" connects tne uemocratici party with gross abuses, usurpations, and en croachments uDon the rifrhts and' liber ties of the citizens. Again: The delegates must have known they were branding thenilves as square-toed falsifiers of the truth when they consented to adopt tho three following paragraphs as part of the declaration of principles: "Immense sums, not needed for -any le gitimate purpose, are drawn froin the peo pleby means of a system of taxation! vexa tious in the extreme, and as unequal as the ingenuity of the maker could fashion it, imposing heavy burdens upon the people, rl wnst ft hv crovernment officials, but also to meet V!, r ...oHW nnonnlisis. who seek to convert the whole government into mo uciuauuii " -j A i l an immense machine by which thd public is to be plundered for their benefit. This system has produced an amount of corruption mat nas astonisneu me wuuuj, and which will, if not soon checked demor alize the people. . ,The -administration at Washington, not onlv fails to correct these evils, but by Its conduct, encourages extravagance, pecula tion and corruption." I The charge that "immense sums, not needed for any legitimate purpose, are drawn from the people," is not the truth. Tfctnnot be established from the records of the governirientj ; and the delegates must nave Deen con scious of a flat-footed disregard of in- fontrnvprtihle facts, when the:vi made the charge. t The chanre that the administration 'encourages extravagance, peculation, " ... and corruption," is void of truth but will fail to deceive. The resolutions are mainly the nega tive nf resolutions adODted by the re publican State Convention. The Con vention has our thanks for making the issues plain. j It is remarkable that the platform does not contain a word of condemnation for the Ku Klux muraerers. a rauu Ui the National administration is de nounced but the Convention had" not a word of condemnation for the fraud of tbo RtatA Printer- whereby the State was robbed of more than three thou sand dollars. - The platform compels every Demo- tir onndidate to suDDort an tne . m v w - m. , i amendments to the Constitution as pro posed bythe late Ku Klux Legislature. For this we are devoutly thankful. bliran randidates will note this and make their opponents endorse ev ery amendment. j M- a m-m J The Dlatform is bungling piece of WorK aesigntu. iu uw.-rivc-fuu c rhrtio;: f fit structure for the De A T j . mocracy. "Dropped." MNllfMl that las winter - Will itv-vj..-.-"- 1 whilst the question of the management of the Penitentiary was before tneuen- eral Assembly, the plea, used by sev eral prominent members of the Dem uMft rnrtv whv the Bledsoe-Co- fipld Roard should not be turnea out, was, that such action on the part of the Conservative Legislature would "in- -ni ? n kASntv Ana iure the party," iir. iieusuc nftha TOMnbers or tne iiuxetuii.vo mittee thereof. The question as to their mismanagement was aitogetner minor nnd & secondary affair. Anu, notwithstanding the most indubitable evidence was adduced substantiating il f TnismftTiasnementt to call lilt! isnaifv - w -----o-. . . . ti. Vv,. n nf narsnpr immt: i"" it, uj . ' a. ij l.. hA linminaTir. ii:iriv mcv wririprwi their- vote cnangiug tr,r thA Directory, and retained them, thereby endorsing their course. The managers of the party, noweyer, uuv observed in what "a questionable posi- o it-wa placed in this xegaroi anu kova sought to slightly smother it up at their late mutual-admiration meet- 2rT'n'iSr of the wnlten2r " theioricV VUOil ttjo nome has Deen biniuvui, ! a z ni.t- nnn ... t . : a that of W. II. Jones inserted instead.-? Mr. Bledsoe might well pacic nis f,ntiarv trunk and prepare to "git. it not already simpiy a auuuu , -. KAmtMtered out fttWW for the plea of injuring uieyaisy, : - " - - .. . -.-r !! uniA (rnnrl nnother time, xie WIU UUU 1UV b V , . la Wo lonjrer one of the Executive Com mittee of that double-headed Bourbonic .organization. H - - l j this attempt of the managers of the rm ocratic: party . to cover up fer and screen ' their organization from the just odium which attaches to It on account or ,neac .? - T .. A 1 Uo mAV1 bera in the last uenera. .-"i. deceive no one. n uv, and the-very attempt xneyauw to do so, is ,1coniMon. yrong they then perpetrated They then Ktainea we Directory In place, because RALEIGH, man was a member of the Executive Committee, and it would "injure the l x ,1 : vtm on1 fhov now. deDose this gentleman as a member of the Committee, in order to shield the party from the injury which should re- salt from tneir enaorsemem, 01 uis management. This' course is what the people will pronounce the jnost palpa ble double-dealing. Mighty Funnj. To us it looks mighty funny to secrold secessionists and slave-owners throwing up their hats or Greeley. We are a . 1 ! 11.. A young man, oui we aisnncny re member when these very men would hare considered tW; thy Were doing God a service to tar and feather tne aforesaid Greeley, or any man who ever circulated Mr. Greeley's paper in the South. Why, these men passed the following law so that they might le gally hang any man who dared circu late 2Jie Tribune, in this State. Look on page 205 of the Revised Code of North Carolina and you will find this law: ' ' r 16. If any person shall wilfully bring into the State, with an intent to.circulate. or shall wilfully, -circulate or publish within the State, or shall aid or abet the bringing iuto, or the circulation or publication of, , , . , within the State, any written or printed pamphlet or paper, whether written or printed in or out of the State, the evident tendency whereof is to cause slaves to be come discontented with the bondage in which they are held by their masters and the laws regulating the same, and free ne groes to be dissatisfied with their social condition and the denial to them of political privileges, and thereby to excite among the said slaves and free negroes a disposition to make conspiraces; insurrections, or resis tance against the peace and quiet of the publie, such person so ofifending shall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof shall, for the first offence, be impris oned not less than ope year, and bo put m the pillory and whipped, at the direction of the court; and for the second offence shall suffer death. - Now, they want to elect Greeley President. Why? Is it because they have changed, their views of - Mr. Greeley? No. It is not that they love Greeley, but because they hate Grant. They laugh at Mr. Gree ley and regard him as a theoretical old fanatic, who 'is entirely too visionary and impractical rto put his views into operation. But Grant is a different kind o man. I.J - He don't talk, but he acts. JWhen the American people called for a man to save the govern ment, Grant didn't stop to make a gpeech, Lut he went and saved the na tion. And he did it in such a practi cal way that nobody down here had any heart to laugh. These men want a man for President whom' they can laugh at, and Grant ain't the man. Before Greeley told them "go in peace 'f they wanted to hang him. Be fore he became surety for Jeff. Davis they couldn't bear him but now they want to make him President. ; It is the next best thing to voting for Jeff. Da vis its voting for JefFs bail. Where is lie From ? : The Daily News of this city is advo- A. S. Merrimon, of Wake, formerly resided in Buncombe, but he has been living in Wake ever since the organi- ' zation of the Swepson-Littlefield-Railr road-Ring, and ' inasmuch ns he was nominated by the Wake Democracy as their candidate last Summer,, and ac cepted, and "run, and was beaten-r-wo supposed he. was a Wake man.; . -Does he claim to be from Buncombe because the Wake delegation refused to vote for him at Greensboro ? . Qr ,was it because he was beaten in Wake last Summer ? This last reason is not a g&x one, or if lt 1S mevjuage must iciaim iu,ie jiuuj snmfl other countv. for he. was beaten i . v. in Buncombe in 1868. So -the case - stands tus: Buncombe has said py ner vote that shet don't .want him., ..vyaKe hassaid by her vote she.' don't want him.f The State has said : by her vote she don't want him as Judge anusne will say in; August she don't want mm as Governor, i, .; . . rX disnatcb from Charleston, 8,C, to the Department of Justice at AVash- Attorney of that State, says that a dep uty marshal just returned from Mari etta, Georgia, reports that Capers Scott,; - . 'n..ii " .1 t7511ttv 'TTorris- wesiey ocoli. uu , whom he had arrested on bench war rants issued by the Circuit Court, were rants issued oy. xne v.irvuii, wuxv, ten from him acrowd of .....ri The men arrested hirfv or fort v men. The men arrestee nre indicted for violating the .en forcement act. The Circuit Court at Charleston has adjourned. A special term has been ordered for August. v . In the electoral college of 357 votes, the former slaveholding I this year. states will have .131 votes, the western England and,,id . r and ;the pMc States ZZvntaL:.r . mL .Vt. annnrrlinO' Tfi " Mcal apportionmeni, the Sooth f-r- ."T. " Mntical power of the inn rand two-thirds of her vote will IZrZUra - i v : v . . . .:i exatV.ca,vi uwo vw , f the hand was the Industri- my seat in the Executive mansion. eating the claims of A. S. Merrimon;- Shl" WiL.SmiSlS' H ake, for uovernor, me vnartouei administered by Hamilton and m gious, uui as x uie p"" Despatch and Wilmington Star are for Beck : I was to obey all the Captain's ten my menus it was "i A-sW.mn. nf TtunnnmJieij Now. nrdPrs. and if I revealed anything I Have Caldwell arraigned at .the bar of .u.vw.v.., v , . tt:u TlanAr riPStTllCtlOn. UO nOl.iet nU. uamta N. :C.; THURSDAY, ; TilC " Industrious Rplghts 'V of Sentence of the Iincipal-Aotea uei- perado brought to Justye'lhe Con- . cf AccompliceIfiKlux Signs in a New Phase. k ;: ini - J" rf rhorifi V TTammilton, for- prlv nf South ' Carolina" Jhls been en gaged recently in GeorgidWa member of the Ku KIux Kian unoer ine umuv of" Industrious -Knights 'Jw Georgia. Tt. wpfk this outlaw, togexner wu some 'of his accessories,' were tried be- frrr thf Snnerior VUib V m -KJ-m-r . ii i iir "iviri fiiinr: Ai luftiA I county, Georgia. : Hamilton Was sen tenrpd to ten 3TeArs inrrris4nm4nt. In cidental to the trial were several con fessions, among them the following, which we fake from the columns of Tfie Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel. " The Court then called upon Thos. H. Long, jto show cause, if any iie! had, Why the sentence of the law. should not be passed upon him.. Long arose, and made the following statement : THOS. II. LiONG's' STATEMENT. . Last January Capt- Hamilton asked me and Ramsey and Charlie Wilkinson to go to South Carolina, and make ar rangements to bring his wife over ; after we left Augusta we went to his house in Edgefield ; he told us after we got in South Carolina what .he wanted us to do ; he wanted us to rob Middle ton Smith; Wilkinson and I determin ed to have nothing to do with it, and went ahead and broke up the trip ; he made arrangements to come back in a week for his wife; we came back to Georgia and then .went back again to help bring tier over ; after leaving Thomson he said the money had to that, timfi ; Wilkinson and I went nhPad after crossing: the Savannah River- we had our understanding again J. 1 ll :i . r , , VvvOQlr It 11T1 illlll ' . . . 1 I lO UlUillv it up, yc Mv xv - -x--TT- ,ri,i t wsiHnonn ston- 1 with his VrothtoXThS wife eto ThomS with usj '-in about two weeks Hamilton wrote a note asK- intrmetomeet him down town, tnac he wanted to go back and rob Smith ; l met him and Tutt and Ramsey, and told him that I would have nothing to do with it ; he said Willis would meet them at Dearing; When I declined he went after Willis I and brought him back and postponed the trip ; Hamilton nd Tutt went off. Hamilton saying he was going to Southwestern, Georgia, a few days afterwards ; about two weeks before the Evans robbery he and Ram sey asked me to go and rob Evans. The evening before the robbery he or dered me to co with Ramsey and vvu lis: he told me that a man was coming the night aiterwaras iu gu xaj w Pomiinii in. rnh n. man there : this man rwt TTnvnft Williams had been in rr ' . - , , , i u:mlfV,n Thomson beiore ana ioiu me miuswi l fn.m nnth Pnro- was coii iug, A" X np old iina; x r. ;h RtSSy told me about Tt afterwards ; w mil ton told me that he was going to in Rou th Carolina ; If tola Wilkinson "rT'4. tt. ;if h would do : TTo m 1 1 trn nlso told me. after his arrest, VV I 1 M li lZLLll.M.WAm fcJtv 'I that he would get out on bail and go to Thomson and kill Geo. Stovall, Wil kinson, Ramsey, and Capt. Thompson. AKnf hm wppks "before "Evans' rob- berv. Hamilton told me.of the plan of tvio rcranivuition : a man named UecK was present at the time ; he said there was n resrular organization extending from TTillshoro. v North Carolina, o-ii ripnro-ia and South Carolina to Sand Mountain, Alabama, the object of which was robbery and horse stealing , wna to he killed : Hamilton and isecK wpre the Caotain3. The recognitioii cJo-tt whAT onA.f the band met anoth er, was for one to take his right hand it oarelesslv three times throno-h the hair on the right side of his hpart : the answer wTas for the other rnrtv tn do the same thiner with the fpft hand on the left side of the head. Hamilton once proposed to me to go in with him; and, getting ' them off by themselves, force Usry -andSturges to give a check for asmuch money as they had in the bank in Augusta ; the men would then be kept prisoners until HfiTniHin could come to Auerusta and get the money ? if the money realized was a lartre amount, the band was to divide the money 'and leave the coun try ; if it was a small amount, Usry and Stursres were to be killed, so that they could tell no tales. On another occasion Hamilton proposed, to me to marry a vmin? ladv livinsr in Edgefield, South Carolina, whom . he said he had seduc edMiss Willie Gilder. After marry ing her T was to have her life insured for $30,000 and bring ' her to Georgia,' and then we wero to drug and kill her, a nd Pet the amount of the policy. He gave me. her photograph; and spoke to l times on the subiect. but I declined to have anything to do with it, I would never have joined the band, nor had anvthinsr to do with it, had it not heen for Hamilton's influence over me and mv lear of him; .: I would have disclosed all I knew before the robbery of Mr. Evans, but was afraid Hamilton would kill mo if l did. - ' Loner's statement, arid its astound- . reveiations were listened to wnn , he and , TT -wmtA -L'iu 1? inw revelations were listened - to with ; , Thos.' H. Willis, another li.mgnt, were each sentenced to five years' imprison- jnent in the.Penitentiary . ; Horace Greeley has predicted ins own oeieat. Dueaiiuig ax Orant during the canvass of 18G8,he ued the following prophetic words : . we are led by mm wno I ... a armies to conquer in the ( est, ana suose- quenUy in the East also. Richmond would not come to us until we sent Grant after it, J thCo it had to come. He has never yet defea defeated, and he never will be. ' Me Uill be as great and successful on tho field I ofpoliticasonthator arms." MA.T .16, 1872: CORRESPONDENCE, ike, Editor mast notbe,underetooLas endors ing the sentiments of ,..nis corrcsponuenvs. ComrHunicationa on all subjects are souciieu, which will be given to the readers of The Era a containing the views and sentiments of the writers. For the Carolina Era. Serious, Painful and Melancholy -Accident. One of the most remarkable incidents on record occurred in ,a toDacco uaru, at the-. Greensboro Convention. The barn was brilliantly lighted and deco- rated with evergreens and allegorical -v w m w - ' w - . ' IIIMHaTM.'VIlHri. Ill 1,1 It-? nlll UllOC m thunder storm arose, dark and dismay and his Honor, Judge Mpmmon, was struck by political lightning, in a very extraordinary manner, in or aniicipa, tinar the electric shock, physicians were speedily called in, who found him in a trance. Then that stern, unwavering, hold friend and adroit DOlitician, who is politically as firm as the bubble upon the ocean only changes-his course with the current or rise and fall of the tide to wit: Hon. T. L. Clingman, the fugleman of his Honor, being loua lv nailed for. arose srracefully, and proclaimed to the disappointed audi ence : "We must save the party. Judge Merrimon is our only hope." s Dead, alive or in a trance, ne nasjio strong antagonisms except his prema ture admiration for Kirk and his indi vidual war record. This the General omitted : but he did not omit that Gen. Leach, if nominated, mierht or would be sent to the penitentiary ; when it is apparent to us that Leach is five thou sand stronger than the dead political carcass of Merrimon. Merrimon is a gentleman . and a good lawyer, but ne is politically green to run against me present incumbent. He will not know after the election that he was a candi date. Hon. T. L. Clingman being a pro found iurist. lonsr skilled in the re- searches Of the law, getting and receiv- llltT II Jill LIIUL - X- IL.i. 1. 1 o U;a 1 M0 a woll oa his honor ' we presume, he went on to ex Plain the universal maxim of. the civil faw, that no' man is to be brought into ieonardv of his Dolitical life more than once tor the same onence; (4 i3iacK- stone's Com. 335,) and the provision of our preseni xtepuDiicuu uousuiuuuu, that no nerson shall be subiect for the same ! often ce to be twice put in politi cal jeopardy, is but declaring' the com mon law, and the maxim oi tne civn low nnn hi in idem. (Klock VS. the PeoDle. 2 Parker's Crim. Rep. 682.) So that his Honor juage luerrimoii will .not be tried again. We presume he will now weigh on the scales zw pounds, but he will be weighed again on the balances the first Thursday in August, when he will be like Governor j Vance's cat-fish, f only more so-so shrunk that his friends will, not recog nize him. ; He will lack ten thousand votes to make him balance, that Gov. Caldwell has stolen from him during the eamDaiern. Me will be politically interred on the Black Mountain niino-mnn's Peak-oh the first Thiirs day of August next. All mourne toe respectfully requested to attend and hmd the statejy pyramid of bMsom that will be erectea to nis poiiuuiu uieiuui,y, - . H 1 AX 5 1 4- On WllOStJ UitOtJ Will UC vmwtu. xi iv ters of despondency : "Crippled at the Greensboro Convention by Gen. Cling i V. J Vrt tTTii ttnn , ri lor. man and his regiment blayed ana fciniiwhtprpd hv (iov. uaiaweii ana nis battalion. Go -away, Clingman, you ha vfi hpfin in the U. S. Senate : 1 long ed tn. . ho there, but could not : wanted to be governor, and assured my friends I would not accept tne nomination ; hut whisnered to mveelf. I will, if 1 fret it.) now I have been . nommatea, fnllv aneented. .and cannot take in tne Jtuxecutive uuaiuiuii.- . ,r rV' ...i. . nr ! ToanH ho nne of theiurors. for really he is much more powerful with the mass- es than I am, and might Ku Klux me. Tommy. if I . die the same political death that you have died, will you not be one of my pall-bearers ? I feel too prostrate to say more ; go away Tommy, and let me$ieep. iJfl recov er, Gov. Caldwell . may. give me tne berth of private secretary. - P. Morganton, May 6, 1872. , " For the Carolina Em. " y , John A. Womack. ; ' Af u. Editor : Ha vine; in a previous issue of vour paper noticed Mr. Burns, a Renublican candidate on the State ticket. I will how . ask a small space to notice the above named genueiimu, a Democratic candidate on, the . State iniret. from the same countv. You were very eorreet wheri you said in your last Saturday issue, that "Mr: Womack couia not carry vnis: owu county." The people of, old unatnam have not forgotten so soon as this, how fhev were misrepresented iri' the last They will remember that when they elected him it was under a strict prom i rfKrtsiarnre nv mm. - - - ise that he wTould oppose the calling of Hon ventioh more especially as the constitution had not' been sufficiently tried. That he would oppose Wit" an his might every species of extravagance or useless i expenditure of the people's money. But would labor faithfully and zealously.to buildup the ruined finances of the State, j regardless of party fayor or affection, And this is why he wassupported by a number; of Republicans. ; Now how did he Terform these oblieations. If! am not ereatlv mistaken ; he. voted for all the Convention ; bills that came be fore him and. after havincr .passed a monstrous thing, went before the people of his own county and advocated it, putting shame to the very blush. . rt inofoQfi ftf teeninry Riicn a cood lookout over the finances of the.State. I he quietly sat there and saw tne wnoie r liLlUtS UU.VCU JJ UIO iju,io.iv, d monev by the thousand actually i iarce piayea niched from te State without ever say- jng one wor(i olltside of yea OT nay whenever called upon. ' : j Economy being his motto, he told 1 the people that li tney eiecteu mm, in no case, nor unaer any circuinuiuuea wonldhe receive mors tanowr dollars ' 1- - - :No. 49. ., per diem, that-he thought three dollars amply sufficient. But, if the Legisla ture forced more than four upon him he would immediately hand it ever to the noor of the countv. Now. how many poor or unatnam nave ever nearu - . i I of that Der diem. They may starve If that is their dependence, for I guess he felt about poor enough to keep it him self. I cannot see why the Greensboro Convention should have put him on the ticket, ! unless it was because he is so near- Democratic perfection, can promise more and perform less than any one else. .'.i - . . , Th'e good people of Chatham have already repudiated Mr. Womacfc and his Convention scheme, and on the first Thursday of next August they will quietly sink him beneath the po litical waves" never to rise again. ; w W. H- B. Raleigh, May Tthr 1872. ,,,, . . . - . For4he Carolina Era. John Reilly-FayetteTille Muni cipal Election., v Mb. Editor: The live "Irishman' John Beilly was yesterday elected Mayor of Fayetteville by a handsome maioritv. This is a well merited com pliment to our distinguished candidate for Auditor and the more so when the means adopted to defeat him are prop erly considered. ' ' Our town is. cursed with an odious and oppressive property qualification for voters prescribed by the present Ku Klux Legislature, this law was enacted for the purpose of giving the Demo crats the control of our municipal of fices. We have, what no other town in the State has, three distinct classes of voters, viz: ' 1. Those who are actual residents of the town, of, whom the . Republicans have a clear majority.. 2. Those who reside, outside the limits of the town but own real estate within the town. ' v 3. Those who reside beyond the cor porate limits of the town but do busi- ness in the town. Does not this municipal election law remind you of the "old time" for the return of which the present leaders of the Democratic party are continually longing (nearly all of which leaders are old .Whigs) when it required fifty acres of land to constitute a legally qualified voter for Senator. The Democrats in North Carolina once, advocated "free suffrage," but under the party lash of their present Whig leaders they are forced to go back on their old princi ples. However,? this is not surprising since those who now call themselves Democrats have no nrinciples at all. When I hear Democrats say they will support Greeley for President I can but pity the weakness ana vaccuauons oi a . .... ii 1 1 3 J.l.l a day or two ago- that Leavehthorpe, a carpetbag Englishman, has been nom- mated against mayor Jeiny ior oiate Auditor, this will be the most natural fight imaginable an Irishman against wo. Englishman, and that too in free America i wnere xne ansiiuiaii wm get wnai ne never uuu iu uiq uwu vuuuu j. fair nfavs Down in Cumbc rland we ai e 1 coiner to bet on the Irishman. SCOTCH XKISH It-EFUUllCAJN. Fayetteville, N. C May 7, 1872. For the Carolina Era. Rutlicrfordlori Municipal Klec- tion. Mr. Eeitou : Old Rutherfordton is "all right," at the election ior town officers held last Monday, N. bcoggln, Esq.. was elected Mayor, K. w. ixgan, J. W. Green, J. MJ Justice, and J. V. Wilkerson Commissioners, ana x. . Hawkins Marshal by a majority oi m votes each. This is one of the greatest victories over the ku klux that we have had in the history of our town and to fnllv annreciate iti it is proper to say that the Republicans have had control of the town since 1868, but during the Ol 1113 IUWU OlUkD iUUUj KSUV uv...., last. Tjecislature the Senator who mis- Ti-orrocAnted Rutherford countv. at the instigation of his ku . klux friends in I the town, concluded that if uiey wuiu get the incorporation cut down inat they might be able to get control ; and after a wasteofat least six days time in the Legislature, and a cost of over six thousand dollars, they succeeded in enttinp- down the incorporation of a :town that pays about one hundred and fifty, dollars, municipal tax ; per year, kut they, had not calculated now many ku klux intended to run away from the incorporation, and dicrnox there fore make their lines in the right place. therefore suffered a Waterloo defeat last Monday. ' . ? 1 1 k -! ; " , J Rutherfordton is a small- town, oniy about 600 inhabitants, many; of them oC. the old aristocratic rschooij : ana a bluer set you haye scarce -ever seen than thev are&ince Monday but be it. said to their creditthat three who have heretofore been Democrats and reckooed the lawyer .against whom. he( was de as Of their truest adherents, voted the cidinj? the case.! arose and remarked, straight Republican ticket, this is cheering and we feeli towards ihem, " That while the lamp Molds out. to burn, The vilest sinner may return," , , and taking our town election, and the meeting ui me xwpuuntausui mo vuuu' ty here last Monday; 1 1 can 'assure you that our county is as ever the banner" Republican county ol the fotate. 4 x ours, : ' -i . I Radical4. -Rutherfordton May 8,' 1872. 1 : For the Carolina Era. : We have had quite a Me. Editor: spirited' election .to-day.for Com mis- sioners oi our town, xne pews rwu. mg tne Jjemocrats iasu mgub- ui -. me nomination at the Cincinnati Conven tion, crave impetus to; their efforts to defeat the Republicans even in this election : but thev have been, sorely disappointed. As goearthis, so will we. respond to tne xtepuDiican nomuiauom, i state. countv. con ertsiouai uu iwr Presidential nominees of thehiladel-. pnia Mrayention It mast be erratifying to every true Republican to know, that while we are denounced as -Radicals, thieves &c, they acknowledge then : fact of the- corr rectness. o. the principles oi ; tne great PpnnhifMn nnrtv on the new denart xne. J All their cherished hopes and principles have faded . away, before truths right and? justice as our motto, " ' Rates of J Advertising t;, j One square,' one time, -''' v - -C $1 00 , . two times,- - ! "'! CO ",. ;.M. f three times,- - - r .-,.2D0 A. square t the "width. . ; column, and jl inche deep. - (Cpnct-,Advertimentjta)cen at proporUonateiyJbW.ratesl I ; Professional Cards, not exceedincr 1 square, will te published ono yearfori j jt 7; p ! . like snow under-the rays of an August sun, voted dawn Wan unconstitutional deception, and i repudiated even by themselves the! so-called Democratic Ku Klux Democracy. As a last resort, j.i i t r. i r' iney, mite reiujre uuutr, we w iujp u the sore heads. Greelev.-'Brown fc Co. What a humiliating reflection this must be, especially to the old line Demo cratic Democracy! And such must be their fate as long; as they pander to the evil machinations of these'old unterri fied politicians. Our county Convention will come off on the 18th inst., and Con gressional on thel 23rd. We intend to be up and at work - until the end, and feel sure that success will perch upon our banner, uaiaweu sc., ior i iaio, Grant for our Chief Magistrate. ; ; - - mi 'Republican. .PlymouthMay G, 1872..' I .!,. j u : " i tm : I Douerlass Jerrold saidi " Eve" ate the apple that she might indulge in dress.V . '. Li : ;'. I '. The hangmen j in Iowa now mourn like Othello that their "occupation's gone,"-,. ,, ,ih : . - : Some people act as if their debts Wero like coffee, and would settle themselves in time by standing. Asrassiz has discovered a fish. that builds a nest. . .The cow that climbs a tree and the Horse that chews Tobacco are next in order; .11 f j "Come into the Varden, Maud,'' is the way in which musical . mammas urge their daughters to try on their new calico dresses. ' ' j' A Georgia editor has had his pistol stolen. He advertises to give the thief the contents, and no questions asked, if he will return it. YX: ;! The editor of a contemporary writes that "the. woman who has smoothed his ruffled bosom for years called to say she could not do; it hereafter under nine shillings a week." , . . i The following; somewhat ambiguous paragraph appeared in an Edingburg paper: "We regret to find that the announcement of the death of Mr. ,W is a malicious fabrication.',' . , . ; , : A sharp old gentleman travelling put West got. a. seat beside his wife in a crowded car by J requesting the young man who sat by her to pleso watch that woman while he went into anoth er car, as she had fits. ' , v . Said a young lady to a gentleman of this city. " You are a musician, I be lieve?" -" No." said he : if I wrere tho The Chicago Post has a stock of choice epithets on hand for every exigency. As an instance, m a late issue ii siyies ew York! drummer went crazy at Indianapolis the other day and tele- graphed to his employer to sena on immediately one barrel condensed beef, thirteen steamboats, one medium-White elephant, and ten gross of June bugs (assorted.) A writer has calculated that as tho average areia of the human mouth when open1 is about fdur square inches, tho combined mouths of the 25,000 ingors of the Boston Jubilee will form a cavity of over seven hundred and thirty-six square feet... ' , . " f ' .'. The latest addition to the ' 'cohsclence fund" was made in Georgia recently. A man in that State received a letter enclosing thirty cents in fractional cur rency, accompanied with tho following words : "I stole a feed of corn from you during the war." ' ' ' t J i ... lady who was very sub missive and modest- before ' marriage was ' observed by a friend to use her tongue pretty freely after. ; "Thero: was a, time," he remarked, "when I almost imagined she had no tongue." "Yes," said; the husband, with a sigh, , "but ' it's Very, very long since ! 11 . ,: ' ' lf i'j'v .-t Three tittle 'boys were disputing as to whose father said the shortest graee. My father says, Lord rWf thank you i jor tnese provisions.;' otuu iu , amu. mine says, 'Father , bless this food to us. Third bov "Ah,' but mirie's the best of all. He shoves his plato up to mamma and id saysrDarn ye, nil up.' " - ThO following Is goin the press i -h ig'&e; rounds of Since Eve invented fancy dress hi K lovely garden j - ' w:''- - -1 ' in Eden's jso style in maeous ugxinetw ijim matched i i tne JJouy v araen ; t ; . r So lovely woman now may rest, hi her fekul i r , i - vindicated. i She ever led in "all that's best and now in all that's bated, .j .,y::) ri i JL '" As ajudgd was dcHVeririg'his decision in a case the other day, he was inter rupted by the 'vociferous. braying of a dnnkevntider one of the' windows' of ,A r cnu-rtroomi "What .is that?" testily; asked. i he. judges .whereupon 1 u jt i3 merely tlie echo "of the Court, I your honor, i iff TVira lartie nre like bird that are on the wing," said a humorous clerk to his employer, as a. bevy - of shop dam sels left the store.? 'iM Why so?" asked the proprietor. " Because.it takes them a long time to settle -.upon ..their, pur chase" (perches,) replied .. the, clerk. The proprietor saw the point, and was so gratified at its a'cuteTiess 'that he at once raised the clerk's salary.1 V j v.u ; -hm '. --''.'--rrui oHr.r:ii.v ! . In a law-suit, the other, day, between two memners oi tne same cnurcn, coun- the brethren ought todefer their dif ferences for adjustment. torthe high soonded that ' the ' same idea had oc- curred tahim, but thero seemed to.bo an inseparable obstacle in the wayTie . . . . . could'nt contrive any way to get. nis fuw yer there!" : r. ..'; :r A young lady who had been attend-j ing ; a modern 1 fashionable , , boarding school for about a year upon returning home, manifested a. Very poor appetite Being out in company, 'and asked to have . something. !more, - sho, replied : " You will please excuse ;me a I have, already .satisfactorily; answered "the - f clamorous call 'of a craving appetite. and my internal fullness admonishes me to avoid a longer continuation Of ) gastronomicaj inmugenw. -.i s. f . froprietor of a hand-organ, setexpress y to play " Old j Hundred," I couldn't get seventy-five out of it." i; all the professions oi .wnwuij

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