6'? w : : ' ''if : Wttyiio CoyntjRpublieau" ' ' " Meeting, Pursuant to previous notice a large and resj.ectable "Republican meeting was held at the Court House in Gold boro, on Saturday, the 4th inst. The meeting was organized by call ing John Robinson, Esq.. to the chair and appointing John T. Pearson secre tary. - The object of the meeting was ex plained by. the chair, to be a ratification of the nominations ot the Republican State Convention at Raleigh, on the 17th and 18th of April, 1872, and the appointment of delegates to the Con gressional District Convention at Wil son on the 9th inst., to nominate a Republican candidate for Congress in the second Congressional District. On motion, a committee often was appointed by the chair to report reso- 1 .-. 4 A n il .11 m xl . luuuiis lur me ucuua oi ine meeting cuateiy retired for consultation. ' During the absence of the committee the meeting was addressed by Friend Ed Copeland, and Friend J T Pearson, who made excellent speeches in sup port of true Republican principles and all the nominees of our late Republi can State Convention. After a short absence the committee on resolutions returned and reported the following, which were unanimous ly adopted by the meeting: ; Whereas, The Republican State Con vention at Raleigh on the 17th of April, 1872, representing the best in terests of all the peaceable and well meaning people of North Carolina, without distinction of race or color, did nominate candidates for the differ ent State offices, which we feel confi dent will receive a large majority of the votes of all the free men of this State on the first Thursday in. August next ; And Whereas, The condition of pub lic affairs at this time calls upon every true friend oT Republican principles to exert his utmost efforts, in a quiet and lawful manner, to sustain the present administration and the men who will use their firm and determined exer tions to promote and protect our com mon interests ; therefore, Resolved, That the action of the State Convention held in Raleigh on the 17th of April, commands our hearty approv- alt and we hereBy record our pledge to use our best energies in securing the success of the entire nominations of the Convention. . Resolved, That in Hon. C. R. Thom as, our present worthy representative in Congress, we have a man of unblem ished character, sound Republican principles and of incorruptible hones tv, and whilst fully endorsing him in the past, we hereby recommend his re nomination for Congress in the secwid Congressional District, and instruct our delegates uncompromisingly to support him in the Convention to assemble in the town of Wilson, on the 9th in. Resolved, That in the present honest and faithful administration of the Fed eral Government, under President Grant, when the commerce of the coun try is gradually Increasing in prosperi ty and value, and when those who cul tivate the soil are receiving fair com pensation for their labor and toil, it J,.,i,i in rnr nninion be unwise to change the present administration of the Government, when the certain re sult and effect of such changei would be, to reduce the prices of agricultural pro ducts, to injure and depress labor, and cramp and embarrass the agricultural and commercial interests of the whole Resolved, That we avail ourselves of the present opportunity oi nnr Ymfeio-ned pleasure of the return of L, Garrett, W E Burnett, M Raiford, (I J Robinson. J W Cox. Oliver Ilioks. ex-Governor W. W. Holden, and we hereby tender him our hearty welcome to his native State, with - the sincere wish that iie may enjoy along and liagymoUon,' the chair appointed the following delegates to the district Con vention It Wilson on Thuray the 9th inst., viz : Col George P Peck, DrS J Wright, Maj II L Grant J B ker Sr. J L Garrett, J B Capps, A E Burnett, C C Best, E G Copeland,.Levi Winn and George Grantham. - On motion, the chairman and secre tflrv were added to the list of delegates, tary werefuueu rirant was T0' hVrof the District Sut Wayne roK?X,ifn with loud calls in the H?ffi.SS nfurstaard bearer for Lieutenant uoveruoi, - - , lirogden. Xeics4 'TheDStlnSthen adjourn . . JNO. ROinroyt J. T. rPEARsox, Secy Grant and Sumner Tii MchThlTibune thinks Grant .S? ofa "bitter feeling . must .be slgniflnt or a ful portion or ine xwp be expected. adds: - "fiSaSetta help being an HoW a PrSdcnt who treated Kry with a i rttnjmished eons as Orant has tgfSshed citizen a few days ago ft ?"u?(11c,J.inj?.thi3 of MSdheu8 vcj i f .(x-n woras:-- ourr very infS2fd '& nominated and Sum Grant should oe reiw lassa- neTslwuld take the to de- 'niboSVr usual majority--,,iifl civeaoom' fhnnsand i ftm en? J nmSmS: p- say from ""iJlThiican nominee, ou for tbe.Repg" hereafter Sum that imnJWiaie'y , exmr iose tnat n . ; I" 'should ne ex vu-j Sps Senatorial i T" ld gull Senatoi and Gem ne and General ilv the Federal his friends anu;rr - the it t o iri fiivJ - t nil iinuiiv limns or tne.w-" - mner. jicans oj piously nbOUt tr That's Hiously re-elect ietts takes o oVnnt the view. assantrtwpen Gen r hktever quarrel tneru n ghe era! Grant anoj-- a gr?, believes General uru -successfu . eoidier alia "JJr - Sumner President. - 6henbenet y &nd tobeastatesman m . . ghe knows tobaa-statesrawj-v ghe knows of high and- pure ' of character, that ffves that each is capa; but she also "Xn trv croat Wvioe." ble of :dolns toe her vote in a No VKpfiJonVto gratify her '::rrha lolly locaioia ,ove cquSty ndmhow she looks ilea dreaming-" -see i m II . WiWJXt v -;t "r Tm i . AijQlher Murder f n Robeson, The Qullaic Again on the Warmth Jbtd-Blooded Murder of . Col. Frank Wishartins Body U found Middled With Ralls. . ; : ,?ya letter received by a gentleman of this city yesterday, which was con firmed by passengers on the Wilming ton, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail road, yesterday afternoon, we have the sad intelligence of the death of j Col. F. M. Wishart, of Robeson county; who was murdered by the outlaws on Thurs day morning. We give the particulars of this bloody tragedy as far as they have come to hand : . It seems that the outlaws sent a message to Col. Wishart in the early part of last week, endeav oring to make an appointment to meet him on Tuesday, but for some cause or other he declined to accede to their re quest. They subsequently met him at Moss Neck and requested a private in terview with him, behind a certain building there, which he granted, on onriflif lrr hf l-io cVinnlrl rnoot Anrlrmxr Strong alone, and that Stephen Lotvrey should keep at a distance. He was in- ormea oy Anarew troug tnai ne ana he other outlaws were tired of their present mode of life and were desirous of agreeing, upon some terms of surren der. .With this object in view, they wished to meet him (Col. Wishart) pri vately and freely ana fully discuss the matter. Finally, at parting, Strong intimated that they should send for him in a few days, and urged - him, when requested to meet them, to obey me summons. j "Thnrwrlaxr mn minor fir.t Wishart A M . TV. 1V AM I' - received another message from thq out laws, stating that they had arranged for the proposed interview to take place that morning at a point about three mn irfnxnr r mMafrnm T V!1 Tinn f!hll i"pll- Uat t ill HUIH M-r w.. In response to this request he left Shoe ward3 proved, into the very jaws of death. Thursday evening his body was found at the Spot where the inter view was proposed to take place, which, by the way, is near the point where Stephen uavis was Kiiiea. xiis wuuuus were four in number one in the head, two in the body and one in the leg and from their appearance it would seem that he and the outlaws were in close Quarters, probably engaged in conversation, when the cowardly, treacherous fiends seized their aavan orro onri mnrlp a. simultaneous and mmviornna acsmiif iinnn thpir brave ana chivalrous, but, as the event has prov- ed, too connaing aniagomst. i Poor. Wishart! His sudden and un timely death will be sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends in Robeson and adjoining counties; but who(will avenge him? He leaves a wife and three children who reside at Shoe Heel, where the unfortunate husband and father was engaged in mercnanaizmg. fFrom the Charlotte Bulletin. The Democratic Nominations. Editor Daily Bulletin: I think them all capital, except Judge 3Iem- mon, if he is as I hear, the same man who did the dirty work or ueo w . Swepson, during the Legislation of lSGii-'y, draiung Dins,ac.,auu weenie man who, as a director of the W. N: C. terest of Geo. W. Swepson, and (lost the State six millions of dollars ; then, I say. Judge Merrimon cannot get; my vote. The time has come for uonserv- atives to speak out on the suDject oi nst members of their own party, as well as against Radicals. mi : . n.,ntifr nf froiirl ifirifl corruption to be unearthed" this sum mer, and we might as well begin right here. .1 . The Bulletin is regarded as an honest and independent journal, and I hope yod will "spare not." Thp. Bogus Rkpublican Nomij- x-c-o TTAtinrrc TIoax Helper & Co. Triumphant. 7 he Sentinelis entirely silent upon tne cincinnaii nonimaiiuns of Greeley and lirown as tne canaiaaies rka Knmia "RiatMihlirans for President and Vice President, and this is no indi- a mi . cation that silence gives consent. are the candidates of the Hardie Hogan Helper party in this State, and of Mr. Lewi? Ilanes, and to indorse than The Sentinel would play second fiddle to the gentlemen that Mr. Turner has so " i 1 !nl.wKnr. TT T rounaiy aenBunreu, luuuuuig j.. . fpnnineer. whose parlor floors The Sentinel time and again has declared are carpeted at J ne expense o me uue. ii f s 414. mi to 2so wonqer, men, uwi au occiict silent and morose." . I ' , To endorse Ureeiey ana urown wm place Democracy in the back ground, in the State and country, South and Northland annihilate the party as a political organization. The proceedings at Cincinnati were most significant, and foreshadows the- line of conduct to be pursued in the event oi me eiecnon vi 5i.v ;.b-of Yiv nmittincr ta rjlaoe ubon it lilt; nw, "J v " - the name of any Democrat, or one hav ing affinity witn mat partv, mortumn trt morpTu nllnw Democrats : to vot4 for tho nominees. Statesville American The mistake made by the Democratic party in this State in selecting aristo cratic men as their nominees is gener- nllv conceded by the thinking men m that party, and many of them do not hesitate io say . iw.v"cJfTc already defeated before the people. fVe HiolilTD Tf YfyjT TO lilt UCnUUUi iiUiU f . nandidate but the connection of Merrimon with'the Railroad swindling ring as Counsel and the avowed con nection which he voluntarily assumed with Swepson Littlefield and wm nntwi QAAn fnivntten bv the tax rid den people who are asked to elevate him to the Governorship. It may be that Merrimon is like poor Tray who Woo fnnnfi . In . bad company,- but the :ffl..i v with hm u ne win nave to nro it tn thft entire satisfaction of OVPTV honest voter who is not blinded iiHirv lforfi thpv will1 en dorse him. The people know that Gov An rviriwpU is honest and firm in tlie discharge of every duty, that they x i. V. i and ..'llllH nf PY. Cull irusi li nil iuii vt .nnnao nortnlntv fhr "an unoertaintv alihough the uncertainty may beaFi F. Y. man, eic sterne - "Are you an Odd Fellow ?" No, sir ! I've been married for a week." I mean KTnTJcr to the order' of Odd Fellows?" , "No, no; I belong to the order of married wen." now ,i.,,v-k Aw vnn n. ifason?'1 4NoiI'ra a cornteV "by trade f Wwd worse? Are you Bon of Temper. vi MMhftrvnn. nai' I am a son of Mf . John GosfinCT.' . The querist .went away. :. , , ' A minister not long -ago preached from the text, "Be ye, therefore, stead t K.it tha rkrinter matia liim ex- z!tnA fmm Bo ve there for break- - The Cincinnati Convention proved more forcibly .than any other political event sinoe the downfall of Tammany, the power of organization.- The- dele gates to that Convention from the larg er part of the country went there ani mated with one desire only to pro mote the cause of reform. The dele gates from this city, however, avent there thoroughly organized and backed byJ the outside rabble who could be procured for free lunches and railroad passes; they were old political ring masters who had manipulated Conven tions by disreputable instruments be fore ; and they were animated by an other desire, which was to promote the interest of their own faction and to de stroy the opposite faction. They sim ply made the Cincinnati Convention a continued chapter of the old quarrel between Greeley and Murphy, and the result is simply the triumph of one lo cal political ring over another. ; It is no surprise to those who know the animosity and determination of this ring, which went to Cincinnati in Mr. Greeley's interest, thaf so small a knot of men were able to control seven hujidred delegates. They were thor oughly organized and had their f 'strikers" ready lor any use. Cochrane and Hutchins and the other "reform ers." who have been apt scholars and teachers by turns in the gutters of New York politics, were ready for any emer gency. When a State was without delegates, they had. their tools on hand to is wear that they represented it, al though they, like Rocky Moore, were honored citizens of the Five Points or Mackerelville. A correspondent in Cincinnati, who ought to know, writes us that the Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina and South Carolina delega tions were packed in that way. Maine, New Hampshire, Georgia, Mississippi and several othecStates were undoubt edly manipulated to suit this wretched ring. By "outside pressure," by threats and by cajolery, where their usual tricks would not do, they suc ceeded in forcing a bargain upon men who were not so well organized, and stuffed their favorite style of political leadership and their pet candidate down the throats of the Sincere and honest men who went there with a good purpose. Is this reform ? On the contrary, it is the triumph of a corrupt faction, which is organized simply with the purpose of private revenge and public plunder. N. Y. Evening Rost. Ku Klux Democratic Nominees. The nom?ees of the Ku Klux Dem ocratic Convention at Greensboro' are not as available as it seems might have been chosen out of the party of "wealth and intelligence." ' ' i Judge Merrimon doubtless has talent, but he has a record, which for incon sistency and bargain-and-saletlveness, stands unrivaled. He always claimed to be a Union man and invited Col. Geo. W. Kirk into a Union meeting at Asheville. Notwithstanding this, in 1868, for the position of Supreme Court Juflge, he deserted every principle whinh he had advocated in the past, and linked heart and soul with Ku Klux Democracy, . he has time and again volunteered nis services to ue fenld Ku Klux criminals. Yes, though Knlhaa hfon kinked and cuffed and shamefully maltreated by the Klan. ho tstdnria n thftrapk" and accents erlee- -fully an empty honor, because it gives have. .AVhen his record is exposed, nis nnnnljiritv with the honest Union masses of the State will decrease. ? John W. Hughes will add no strength !o;the ticket, being a representative of ah old defunct aristocracy, the power and influence of which has " played out." . Nor will the name of W. M. bhipp, the Attorney General, who, it is gener ally; understood, has attended to nis outside of the Bourbon klan. Then-rJohn V. Graham, the mra- mous. who introduced the celebrated universal pardon of Ku Klux crimi nals, and was prominent in the passage rfth ritiTTinahlft hill of neriurv. how can any honest, law-loving citizen sup port him, r support, tne ucjtei upon wnicn ne is jiuwu . ... The other-members of .the ticket are of no force, no talent, no influence. Winston Republican. , - ... : . V lonm that Col. Armfield in his speech at Wilkesboro, recentlyinform- (no doubt correct,) there was no chance for a Democrat to be chosen at Cincin nati for a federal oflQce, President or Vice President, butjthat the selection would be made from some other party; und that, per conseauence. Democracy must make a surrender oi us organiza tion by an alliance with another party. This will leave the people free to act with any party they may think proper. lO USe Willi, 11 mcjr uoyc timid to think otherwise, formerly. Stetesvi(le: American. ' -' 1 : i t tho rtinnft mnkfi'ft free choice as between the Republicanparty and any other taking into consideration that the former is a National organization -nitK flYort Tvrinpi-nlea of Droerrees and reform, opposed by fractions oi paniea TTw Mr . 9 Wim no uigeaieu uu ucvciuf yyjj , bToorwt that of onno&ition ta the present Administration and a longing fox the t'loavea ana jisnes- oy mo uugijr leaders. Ibid. ; ' i - ' ' 't.Zi. tknt iMa tima it ' ' Vn 'tJACllUllgO li41V v -M v a soldier. The ffirl full of needles is -not even mentioned, - The soldier is a New-Yorker, ana aunng in u-as thnt throntrh theliodv. Thebullet on its way carried a gold pen and silver pencil case witn it, ana iii- ujcuimjuic where in the bodjr in a scattered con dition. Now comes the extraordinary rt nf thfl storvi About six months nr. Via haH a rrrpnf. nain in his left leer. and it was stittfar a month. In foolmg. around his heel one day he felt some thing' hard : he commenced to pull at it, and he dragged from fthe heel a crow-bar three feet In length. - Shortly Q o.urirri a twelve-tnch telescope issued v,ia flrmn t. And ever since that time every day or two some handsome piece of mechanism has issued from his body.' On last Friday twenty silver half dollars were taken from the first jolnfrufhls left arm. Some oftta friends i.iit J-viiiinf- him. to find out if he ihaanH a machine shop a Jewelry-store ionrt a EiivHr mint; uiu t "J " - - - - somewhere , . : ,'. ' . . . ' - - ' T. wpntrlntn n larsre citv. and LZZ v.o rwh!t that struck his .-At n nn tnd a aproetpn hv & hnn Ki nT-oillce, AvheTO he saw people going out and In nvlthout getting any goods, apparently, nv.aichrni '- TTA ventured to en- ter and asked the teller .what was sold h "Asses' heads." was the. sneer- "What a business you ftave," replied the rustic, i I see you have but on ien. i J. C. tOGtAJ HARBI8, editor. THURSDAY, MAY- 16th, 1872. GOV, CAtDWKLIr-PUBUO., SPEAKINO. Gov. - Caldwell, , Col- T. 1 Hargrove and others will address the people at the follow ing times and places, to-wit: Carthage, ftfoore countyV Thursday, the lGth - of May. . . - ; : . ti' - Fayetteville, Camberland county, Saturday, the 18th of May. , Rockingham, Richmond county, Monday 20th May. - i Lumberton. Robeson county, Tuesday 21stMay. " j Wilmington, f JNew nanover wuuty, Thursday 23rd May. Smithville. Brunswick county, Friday; 24th .May. - J . , WhiteSViUe, UOlumDUS vxtumy, isawruajr 25th May. . , Elizabeth town, Bladen county, Monday May 2TJh. . Magnolia. Dnplin county, Tuesday May. 28th. . r. - . Hallsville. Bladen county, Wednesday May 29th. J Onslow U. l., unsiow county, AnursRiajf May 30th. , , ' Trenton, Jones county, Friday, May 31st. Kinston, Ienoir county, Saturday June 1. Goldsboro. AVayne county, Monday, 3rd June. . Snow. Hill. Greene county, Wednesday, June 5th. ..- I ; . s- ',';' Wilsen, Wilson county, Friday, June 7th. Notice of other, appointments will be given in due time. Republican papers please copy. ? Local, State and General Items. Republican Gain. The Goldsboro News. says the election on Monday last shows a gain of 43 votes for the Republicans over the last election. Wayne county will thun der in the August election, for the Raleigh nominations. ! Election. TBe American . says the Cor poration election in Statesville resulted in the re-election of S. A. Sharpe, Mayor, and the former Board of Commissioners by a small majority. Parties are getting to be very equally divided in that place. Dead.-The Statesville American regrets to learn of the death of Hon. rAexanaea Kclley, of Moore county, which took place at his late residence recently alter severe illness. Mr. Kelley was formerly a mem ber of the State Legislature, and a most ex emplary neighbor and friend, whose loss will he much felt in his section. Nbw County. The New Berne Times says Pamlico County is a fixed fact, ine vote in the Craven section was 493 for to 195 against ; thaf of the Beaufort section 130 for, to 186 against. The Craven section ac cepted and the Beaufort rejected. . A very small vote was polled, as shown by the fig ures above." Davidson County. The Winston Repub lican says the Spring term of the Superior Court for this county was in session last week, Judge I GJoud presiding. Several criminal cases, among them, tnree capital ones, were on the docket. One criminal was convicted of a capital offence, rape, and has doubtless been sentenced to be hanged. I Fatal Accident. The Wilmington Journal of the 9th, says a negro laDorer was run over and killed by the train at Sumter, S. C., yesterday. After tho cars had gotten under way, he attempted to get onboard, but! missed his footing and fell, the train passing over him. When assist ance reached him he was found to be dead. The members of the Kepunncan auw Executive Committee will meet in Raleigh on the first Monday in J une, for the trans action of business. A full assembly is earnestly desired. . S.F.Phillips. Raleigh, May 8, 1872. ' ' 'td. Senatorial Convention. The Repub licans of JRutherfbrd and Polk counties will meet at Rutherford ton on Monday, 27tn inst, to nominate a candidate for , the Senate'. ' ' - , . Also, on the same day, the Republicans of Rutherford county will nominate a can didate for- Representative for the county, and county officers; ' ! 1 AccidentsI The Charlotte . Observer is rained to learn that Mr. J. A. uaiaweu, oi - a that citv. was thrown-trom ms DUggy inu - mi Amrnci hadlv iniured.: The horse wnicn he was driving became1 frigntenea ana ran . . , , away," and as Mr. C was attempting to leap from the buggv his foot caught, ana ne was 'dragged for a considerable distance and was v.a1 1 v.hmised; His wounds are saia to ne quite painful, but not dangerous. 1 1 1 Acquitted op Rape. The Tarborough Southerner of the 9th says on Friday of last, week the case of Isaac Hawkins, colored, ehanred with committing Tape upon the Derson of a young negro girl, was taken up. tv. s?fAt was - reDresented by Solicitor Martin, and the, defence. by Fred Phillips, Esq. :.;,.:.:- Si'"':.:- . :--' .- (if TfcannrHl : from the "evidence ,that the -' 1 . : ' , elrl had been the concubine of the accused for some time and upon; this pointalone a verdict of acquital was renaerea. , , TO TUB tJHAlRMKN OF REPUBLICAN DIS TRICT CONVENTIONS and Others. Please send to the undersigned at the earliest mo- ment the names oi ; ; - -l. Delegates and Alternates to the Na tional Republican Convention Vith; their addresses. ,ni:.'-rrv- -.:;.. ..w - 2.' !Etootor on Republioan tickets and ad dresses. - 3. State and Congresional'iiominees and addresses. v . - 4. Chairmen and Secretaries of Republi can Congressional. Uistrict immroees ana addressee . . fi- r s, v. -iiii.L,i a, .. . : : : ' ; Chm'n. State Ex, Com. Raleigh, May 9, 1872. - . r TELEQRAPnr Link. -The Wilmington Journal says'lhe W. C. & Rutherford Rail road Is now setting the poles for a line of telejrranh through to Cbarlotter-JThe Wes fern Union Telegraph- Cdmpany- will put up the wire and supply instrument for the Joint use of the railroad : anou or tne pu duo, under a oontraot made a few months ago. The line will bo completed to Wades boro In about two months. - "'. .. . . I i' . ) - Tho Star is glad to Bee i that immediato ef forts are to be mada by", those having the matter In charge to raise the requisite amount necessary "to pay' off the" "pressing indebtedness of the WilmingtonV Charlotte and.Rjntherfoid Railroad, and thereby re tain to the stockholders the control of the road. This will be dne by subscriptions, the subscribers to receive , the second mort gage bonds of the Company,5 at 'the rate of 50 cents on the dollar. : ;. , v - -.-j lUiEiaii-the election bi munioiptl U' eerS for this cit occurrea on jvionaay pvu, aud passed pff without any disturbance. The polling iq tne various " - ited but orderly. , It wiU be seen mat Republicans carried eight of nine Commis sioners and elected their candidate for May or over an independent candidate. This same result would have taken place last year-but for want f time to consolidate the Republicans for the nominee. . , :u The vote is as follows : '.' . : ; , ; 1 MIDDLE WARD FOR MAYOR. Harrison,---.: Wbitaker, . r FOR COMMISSIONERS. ' K. P. Battle, -M.W.Churchill, .,18 '87 186 :140 136 107 78 366 202 345 322 315 245 235 230 332 237 W. C. Stronacb, B. F. Cheatham, - , - Win. Mitchell, . ," ; I EASTERN W A RD FOR MAYOR. Whitaker, : Harrisori,--".-j : j FOR COMMISSIONERS. Stewart Ellison, J. P. Piairie. A. N. Unchurch, W. G. upchurcn, G. T. Stronacb, ' John Armstrong, WESTERN WARD FOR MAYOR. Whitaker, I , Harrison,. . .- FOR commissioners: v John C. Gorman, 372 338 321 237 216 135 112 Albert Johnston, - Norfleet Dunston, J. H. Separk, P.'U. Fleming, John C. Blake, J. H. Beasley, :1- Whitaker's majority, ; '210 The elected Commissioners ,are marked Hon. Kemp P. Battle was , voted for by both pai ties, hence his large vote. Mr. M. W. Churchill is next mgnesi, w Mr. Battle, and leads Mr. W. C. Stronachoitr votes. This is a corapiimeni 01 wuicu. C. may well feel proud. Mr. Stewart Ellison leads his ticket in the Eastern :,Ward. . This is a high as' well as merited compliment. Mr. Gorman leads his ticket in the West ern Ward. Mr. G. has the confidence and support of the people without regard to party. - - Goldsboro' The Jews says xne wkuuu for MayoFand Commissioners for the town of Goldsboro' came off on Monday last, and resulted in a glorious victory for the Re publican candidate for Mayorana tne elec tion of Ave out of six of their candidates for Commissioners : the successful candidate of the Democrats getting in by a majority of one vote. The following is the vote: For Mayor J. B. Whitaler , R., 210; Dr. Cogdell, D., 177. . For Commissioneis 1st wara ur. a. . Davis, 67 ; Dr. B. F. Arrington,' 00 ; . o. Keaton, D., 57 ; W. H. Undernm, jj., 00. 2nd Ward W. T. Faircloth bl ; w. . Freeman D., 60 ; G. S. Campbell, io; j. v. Winslow, D., 65. 3d Ward H. Weil. 81; H. Ii. Grant 80 i Wm. R. Parker, D., 0 ; w m. xv uni son, D.f 58. --.v . 1 ArJ Those marked with a star ) are eiecieu. Salisbury The Examiner nays the mu nicipal election of that to wn passed off very quietly last Monday. The Democrats tri umphed by majorities ranging from eighty six! to one hundred votes. The following ticket "was elected : . Mayor T. G. Haughton. jDominissioners-North Ward John I. Shaver, Jehu Foster. East Ward John H. VerDie, jonn v. Snider.-" ; : South' Ward Jas. S. McCubbins, Konert Murphy. West Ward J. J. Brfljier, x. crowu. Wilmington This city voted on the cu- nian for the first time. The lie- publicans elect six of ten Aldermen. v w -w -m-;tt?tj-m TtpniiWioans elect four of xJ2t j-.Ai.A.Ai x :-- r ; siiCouncilmen. - ' ' Henderson Democrats elect their en tire-ticket.- - . . ; Warbenton Democrats elect their en- tire ticket. . . : : ; CHkRLOTTE Young, DemM elected May or bv increased majority. Nothing as to tJommlssioners. ' - . ' ''I ).. - ' i " --: . - - . Fayettevillei John Reilly, Republi can'candidate for Auditor, is elected Mayor bvi thirty-three majority. W. A. Guthne, Republicani is elected Commissioner.- The bther eigh't are Democrats. This Is a gain, and shows that Mr. Reilly is stronger than his ticket." A good omen for the Augus election. - . '-jTarboro' The Southerner says the.Re Tjublican ticket was successful by the fol- lowing: vote: i?v Xfavnr Fred Phillios. '98: A Mc- Cabe; 130. Commissioners W H Johnston, 132; J iT6rfleet.'l30 ; CS Camper, 129; W S BatUe, 105 ; OrrejnWflliams,"i00 f G Xipscombe, J.99.A-.V' : - 5-. j 'J . Aocprding to this ; the lonowing eonacir tntes: the. municipal authorities of Tarbero,' for the ensuing year ::. ; J . j A" McCabe, i Mayor. - Wm : H Johnston, John -Norfleet, Clem- S Camper, Commis- .sioners.' : . . : . .-. . ltf.HiLLSBOBQ'-The Recorder saysthe mu nicipal election came off in Hillsboro on Mnndav. the 8th inst.. and resulted in the election of the ; following gentlemen : , J. B. McDade ' re-elected without opposition Commissioners,' Geo.; . IwA'Thosebb, Jasl Webb. Jr., J. G. Cooley, Dr. O. Hook eri.Dr. D. A. Robertson, David Anderson. . . Salem The same paper says, the follow, ing ticket was elected : :ljjL.:ii;f. , -tayorAugustus'FogJe..'.-?;x:i - , 'Commissioners WH Fries, J D Siewers, T F Keehln, J I Nissen, O S Hauser,' J L. Belo, II L Shore. ;. -'V , '". -' Winston The Republican says the fol lowing ticket was elected '-'f.xif!:-;. "V Mayor T T Best, r ; ' " CoTnraissioners H A Holder, N. W Na dlng, J S White,' E Spach, A. GojrfllC B Watson Calvjn Miller - ;,'J.V.'.v - RijTHKBFORDTON Enthre ; Republican ticket elected as follows: N Scoggin, May or, R W Logan, J W Green, J M JusUee, and , J V Wilkerson, Commissioners, and K C Hawkins, MarshaL. Majority, thirty three votes. ;'':". i.-.-.'': ' Hickory Tavern The EagU says the-j following gentlemen .were , elected Councu men : J H Burns, Esq.- D Pitts, J Bowles, JW Clinard and A A. Yeder.- ; ; ' Graham EhUre Eepublicari ticket elec ted.. Good for Alamance.1 . t ; , Icatawba Vale4-C S Moring, Repnbli can, elected Maypr. - - : '- Beaufort Entire Republican ticket elected. . f KiNSTON-r-Ditto. ' .. X- '- 'y 'i.Vi)'--'GbJSknsboro' Entire'i Democratic tieket elected, ' -'.! - 'X: - Vakcey county, N. C,--ADt noon, the gnd. of My, C." N.lKeith, Deputy Marsial, attempted to arres.t Erwin Dnyck, near Hyram Proffltt's, in ..yancey county, with a United J State's warrant, whe Duyck refused. toi be arrested and drew a pistol and siiop deputy uarsuui achu through the bowels and rum So far has made his escape. ! A Doctor was sent for at once, but Mr. H. Proflatt, who went for the Doctor, says he did not think Marshal Keith could1 live until Dr. Houston got there. Duyck is a Ku Klux. It is reported he has been skulking about in , the mountains for sometime. ., j f' -' -r-. P. S. Since the1 above was written we have received a letter from which we make the following extract : - - Asheville, N. C, May 6, 1872. Sincd I wrote you our county has been sTiruVlf with the sad news of the death of onAofour snecial DeDutv Marshals, C. N. Keith, who was shot while attempting to arrest a Ku Kiux in l ancey couniy.ouj Thursday evening. I have not yet learned the particulars ; however, some other Dep uties have gone to see him. What I have learned of the matter I will tell you : OnT Erwin Duyck was loafering and scouting around in. YanceVcountv. Keith was pass ing through that county, and had a capias, rant, for him, and when in about 50 yards of him, Keith halted Duyck, when Duyck turned and commenced firing upon Keith. Keith, by the time Duyck had fired th first shot, commenced firmer lao ; noth par ties werA on tneir horses, and rather advan cing towards each other. About the third fire from Keith's pistol shot Duyck through the shoulder, , the ball making its ;way through the lungs and lodged close to nis back bone ; and about the fourth fire of rtimnli- Vaifh was alint in at nnn siiiA. and the ball passed through his 'bowels, and I think went, clear tnrougn ana ouu How ever, neither of the braves stopped at this, but advanced on, and fired every shot that was iri their revolvers. Friday night news was received that Keith was dying. Fri day morning Duyck was spitting up blood, arid expected to die, every moment. I have had no news since. Keith was a neighbor of mine, and was? as good a young man as ever our county produced. . Keith shot JJuycK witn a large navy pis tol and I guess he is shattered very much. p. s. Since the above was put in type, we learn that Keith is dead. . Suicins with A Grape Vine Orange Court. The Hillsboro Recorder of the 9th, says Mr. John D.f Wilkerson, a worthy and most estimable citizen of- this county went out Tuesday -morning of last week, a mile from his house, made a rope of a grapevine, climbed the tree and tied it, fixed the noose around his neckband jumped off the limb. He was swinging dead when found. The good man had been under mental aberration for some time. , : . . . . Alar that.. .Tiide Toureee opened his court on Monday last, at 10 o'clock. The case of a colored boy charged with assault upon a colored girl with intent to commit rape, was taken up and the court assigned Maj. J. W. Granam as counsel for defen dant. The plea of non compos "was made for him, but he was found guilty and sentenced to five years in the Penitentiary. The State vs. William S. Sheilds, for an assault upon W. D. Cole, found guilty and fined ten dol lars and cost, i , The State against Flera Hall a colored woman indicted for child murder more than a year ago will probably be ; continued on account of the absence of one of the pris oner's witnesses. : I - i On the Civii Docket, a very important decission was; made by Judge Tourgee. A motionwas made to amerce the Sheriff for refusing to levy and . sell a tract of land, hon-contigious to the home tract, which had been assigned and laid off to the defen dant as a Homestead. The counsel for the plaintiff contended that the act of the' Gen eral Assemoly of l6-:ey allowing uuu contigious tracts to be assigned as Hoine steads was unconstitutional, the court sus tained the point and granted the motion, the defendant, appealed to the Supreme Court J : - ; '. If this decision is confirmed by the Su- Court, it will create a flutter among i , the Homesteads. Life Insurance. In another column will be found the advertisement of the Wil minirtori Life Insurance Company U This is a North Carolina entdrprise,. and should receive a - liberal support from out people. The company! is perfectly , reliables Its ofiicers are the most substantial men i the stAtA. Their character for business iskno-m Uifoughorit the Stated Equal in au respects to anv company of the kind, this company should' nbtfeil to attract the patronaef nnr enterprising citizens. . We were very much pleased wjtUi--Mx- Brooks, the General Agent, and wish mm great success, j - , ' ,.-;'V i f RaleighMarkets. Wholesale .-: : '.i . Vi' nrf (Mimissiofi , Merchants lwv , ' . . .' ' " . Corner .Wilmington and Martin Sts. - fnTZlrunr. ft " 1 - -. - i ; 211 AiTfli.r hnshni. : -" . none P-ciT rTTT-MrtVi Carolina Family, f 10 00 FLOUR Baltimore u amuy, . w ,ovmh SALT per sack, -v- " ' ? S COTTON YARN . - - " ' Jg CORN MEAL per. bushel, , .r :s4 W ' '- .1- Retail Irice. y MAROOM ALFOliD, Cfrnopr nrul i Commission Merchants f Hargett Street; ; - i 4? IBACON Baltimore smoKea, -iv.miM. v :. " strips, - v- ; - ,1210. & -" shoulders, . r. Zi0 ; N. C. Hams, - ; - 13 BUTTER per ftb . 25 (& BEESWAX-rper lb., - - 25 BEEF on hoof, - - ' . r . ' ' rwr nnflrter. " - :... . 9 00 8$ 16f 30 30 10 11 COFFEE per ft., '.: rr:-';2d CO CHEESE per lb.i -; .:20 &, 25 nrT-TTiTsr YARN per bale. :rl 75: ViftRN-Der bushel, s - . - 90 a UC0 nHTniTKNS nex piece. : ' 35 -40 F.afiS ner dozen. .1' - - 15 ' 20 FLOUR per bbL, - . 8.75.(11 00 FODDER per 100 lbs., - ; , 2 25 HAY "per 100 flsV'--x . .2 60 2 75 HIDES sreen. per lb.,- . r - 6 , 7 drv. per B- . - (-.. .12 45 LJBLA.THER per Ibr -; 30 MOLASSES ptefc"alloa. - ; "; , 33 i60 .:,u" Golden ajn. --; ; l 00 MEAL per bushel, r - - uHJiO OATS per bushel, - - - k, , , per 100 lbs.,; (- , 00 U) TnlT - r - . 9 ('i 10 POTATOES irish, per bush.. 1 75 G2 50 sweet, per busb.,1 00 1 L0 SUGAR crushed, ' - - 20 .- C3 n tt 44 : extra c.. - , - ' 10 A0 -PIW n .15 .00 r common - ' -.- 12la 00 SALT per sack,- - . , - 2 75 3 00 TALIX)W perk, - - t '7 VINEGAR perjioii, . - . 40 60 SriMBfiMcussK. Tht Moutsr, A Lu innic un paper, published at Greontborp' leKi-natljatsoroeilnielaat week nyoungman by the name of Williqm Wrenn, committed suicide in Rockingham county, the result of a love scrape. . j '. ' i " He and his lady-love, . Miss Sutliffhad been to church, and on returning he declar ed his passion, and asked her to give her hand to him in marriage. She indignantly relusing him, he went home, and in a few days made another visit. The second time asking her to be his wife, she again refused, whereupon he told her if she didn't she would see him a dead ' man ' in less than twenty-four hoursj and then asked her if she would go to his funeral, to which she replied that . she didn't hardly think she would; He then went oft to a colored man's, house about a quarter of a mile, borrowed his gun with the pretention of shooting returned to the house of some wild turkeys, his intended, and demonstrated his love for1 her by taking whatj the Almighty gave. The same paper learns that on Wednesdaj- last a man by the name oi Luck killed his wife near Asheborojby knocking her In the head with a mattock. Luck may not have the good luck of Unlocking another Luck in the head., ; I-"-; m -f I :;. a iinnn ht EN.-lThe successful ascension of the large and magnificent balloon, the " Hon. A. SJ Merrimon," last Aveniner 1-a jfood nmon tnei rising of our party in August next. DaiTy News. 1, Inasmuch as the balloon ascended about forty-feet and bursted, we' agree with our rf -. . , i. - , neighbor.' ' . " ""' I New Advertisements. "TVrr"XTTr,Vr made rapidly JxLvJJN JJJ X with Stenc.ll and! Key Check Outfits. Catalogues, samples and full particulars FliJSJs. . espexcer, Battleboro, Vt. , . . ' 143-4 w FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will send a handsome Prospectus of. our New Illustrated Family Bible contain ing over 450 fine Scripture Illustrations to any Book Agent, free of charge. Address National Publishing Co., Phila., Pa.4w GEBAT Chance for AGENTS Do you want an agency, local orj traveling, with an opportunity to: make $5 to 20 a day selling our ; new 7 strand White Wire Clothes Lines f Then last forever ; sample free. Send for circular. Address at once Hudson River Wire Works, ?or. Water: St. & Maiden JJane, in. y., or 340 W Randolph St. Chicago. STANDARD AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLES! Everything pertainingto Billiards at lowest prices.-- luusirauea vui"i5UO!S mail. . m . i . - I 1 - HaW. COLLENDER, NEW YORK. Successor to PhBLAN & Cqllenpek, 738 BROADWAY. 142 4w THEA'NECTAH A Pure Chinese Tea.! THE IEST TEA IMPORTED. 'Warranted to suit all tastes. Put up in our trade mark TTaif-Poundfc Pound Pack ages only, 30 and 60 Pound Boxes. Ivor Sale at Wholesale-only by 'o).,: t, dronf Atlantic &' Racific Tea P. O. Box 5506. New York City. 4w.j ACEWTS The ml popql uTar .m nn dlTH TUBLIBgnKTT.OTwrV. BURN HAM'S New Turbine is iu general use throughout the U. S. A six iif ch. is used by the jGovernment in the M Patent Office, Washington, D. C. ttm" Tfo oiTirH4fvrtf Onnatmction and the power it transmits renders it the best water wheel ever invent Afl. Pamphlet free. . 1 N. F. BURNHAM, York, Pa.4w co The Best Paper ! Try It ! ! .The Scientific American is the cheapest ana best illustrated '-weekly .paper published. Every number contains from 10 to 16 orig inal engravings of ;new machinery, novel inventions, linages, .ii.ngineeriijK Architecture, improved Farm Implements, and every new discovery in Chemistry. A ear's numbers contain 832 pages arid sev eral hundred engravings, k Thousands ' ot volumes are preserrea ior Dinaing snu rei erence.. The practical receipts, are well worth ten times the. sunsenpuon pri9c xenun, $3 a year by mailj ; Speciniens . .sent free. May be naa oi an piews ieaien. . .i PATENTS obtained on the best terms. Models bf new inventions and sketches ex amined, and advice froe.MAll patent are published in the Scientific: American the weeK tney issuo. -oeiiu. iui x nmurek, pages, containing laws .and full directions for obtaining Patents. , ' . r " 'Address for Paper, or concerning Tutents, MUNN & CO., 37 Park:Row, N.'Y. Branch office, cor. F. and 7th Sts., Washington, D. rs.-. j-t- tir i..J42 4w. Is a powerful Tonic, specially adapted for use in Spring; when the ianouid and PE bilitated systemfneeds strength and vital- -ity ; it will give vigor to the feeble, strength to ..the weakr animation ..to the dejected, activity to the sluggish, rest to the weary, quiet to the . nervous, and health, to the infirm. ""I".1 . ' .' .".".',, It is a - South Airier lean 'plant, which, ac cording to the medieal and soieniJflc period- , icals of .London: ,and- Paris, posseisea. tho most powerful tonio properties known to Materia Medica, and is well known , in its native country as having wonderful curative -4 qualities; and has-been long' used as - a SPECIFlCJn au cases oi iimx vj ivx i ir THE BLOOD, DERANGEMENT OF THE LIVER AND SPLEEN. TUMORST1ROP- SY. POVERTY OF THE BLOOD, DkR ITY, WEAKNESS of the INTESTINES,' UTERINE OR URINARY ORGANS." f . .V! ... . p.m.-- - .. ' - - - . Dr. yells' Extract; of JurubcLa Is strengthening f and ' nourishing "like nutricious.food taken into' the' stomach, it assimilates and diffuses .Itself through the circulation, giving vigor and health. - It regulates the bowels, quiets the nervet, acts directly on the secretive organs, an4 by its powerful Tonic and restoring effect produces htauny ana vigorous acuon oif whole system. .1 - " JOHN Q.' KELLOGG. 18 Piatt St", N :' i Sole Agecir for the United Sf" rice,One Tjollar per Bottle Circulars : f : V.J,J ;, 7, V'toa0Vl42-. lnn NflT-TA Ik on your 5 w iw - iuxcursion-iNorw'; "-vATirtfthe-'i :U o.i . , .Stewar Witliitsspetia & Broiler. .1 fuUy packed sent on apr FULLER, A m J JWPUR E . H I N ESE TEAJ WJ5 WANTED FOR Without any -

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