Hr. Greeley and' the South. " yft print a commtinic&tiony more re markable for Jteal than courtesy, from Mr. John M. Harrell, member of the Democratic National Committee from Arkansas, reprobating the opposition of The World to the indorsement of Mr. Greeley by the Democratic party. We understand the intolerable oppression and wholesale robbery under which the South suffers, and make allowance for the asperity and unreflecting haste with which an impulsive Southern man resents any Northern opposition to a ticket which, in his estimation, rives promise of relief. If it were possible to admit that the Indorsement SfMr. Greeley by the Democratic National Convention- would free .'the Southern States from Federal tyranny, a Southern citixen would be Justly In censed at opposition to Mr. Greeley by a Northern journal which has made steady professions of friendship for the South. But we think Harrell miscon ceives the whole situation. He has a ridiculous overestimate of the impor tance and influence of Mr. Greeley. He does not seem to understand that Mr. Greeley has thrown away the great ascendancy he once had over the Re publican party. His peace mission to Niagara, his advice to President Lin coln to offer $400,000,000 as a compensa tion to the Boutnern siave-noiaers, ana his subsequent signing the bail-bond of Jefferson Davis, estranged so many of Mr. Greeley's Republican friends that which they Are so grievously oppressed. He has done more than any other man to fasten the yoke upon them, and un less he recants and apologizes, we do not see how those who complain of the measures can expect relief from their chief instigator and advocate. New- York World, Democratic. Democratic Support of Mr Gree- ' i . ' ... ley.' , Mr. Greelev concludes an artic eon his "prospects" in yesterday's Tribune ina wav which indicates a derreeof distrust and wavering .which the ad mirers who put him in the field ought to regret and resent. He gives a pretty clear Intimation that, unless he Is in dorsed by the Democratic party, he will retire from the tsinvass; for this sentence will hardly , bear any other interpretation : . For these and kindred reasons, we are morally certain that the Liberal Republi cans will maintain and extend the organi zation, npbold their banner, and support their candidates to the end, unless the Demo crats shall see fit to drive them off the course which they are not likely to do. This undignified bid for Democratic support has but a small apron of fig leaves to cover its nakedness. If Mr. Greeley does not mean that he will withdraw from the canvass unless the locratic party adopts him as its can didate, his language has no intelligible meaning. We submit that this U treat- his hold on the party is . reduced to t" thai Mr. Greeiey win rhw olra large ZTT. ! is a mere nigni oi i ,,, f f v10, t ?ki to Attention Old tiNsNvnia3-A great deal of sympathyjs attempted to be worked up from the old line Whigs of the South now for the Greeley tick et', MThe fact is that the old line Whigs were always - moderate men, and the present occasion is the one of all others which' should f cause' them to vote for Grant, in order to avoid the extremes of Locofoceism or Tarn many ism, on the one hand, and Greeley radicalism on the other hand. Grant is a moderate man a fair man and has administer ed the laws In as mild a manner as pos sible to the Southern people. He has been just; generous," humane and firm, apd this is all that reasonable people could expect of him. LThe South has no reasonable! complaint to make of him; and we think their common sense would dictate to them that where they might only possibly get one that would suit them better under the pres ent state of affairs, they are likely to get a dozen who would suit their ideas a good deal less. It seems to lis that the old. line Whigs with their moderate Ideas could not do better than discard both radical factions and fall in with the Republican party in the support of General Grant. JSorjouc uay jsook. Legal A'dvertfeemehti i Circuit court of the united states, j District of North Carolina.. l Jnited 8tates vs. 10 boxes manufactured tobac co and the manufactured and leaf tobacco found in the tobacco factory of John S. Allen, as the property of said Allen, and against him and Thomas J. Jones and W. C. Troy, sureties Benublican vote fancy. It overlooks the fact that Mr. Greeley has thrown away his Republi can l una en ce Dy .so oiien running counter to the prevailing sentiment of the party. Most Republicans would as soon vote for an out-and-out copper head" Democrat as for the foremost signer of Jefferson Davis's bail-bond. The politicians who speculate on the Republican following of Mr. Greeley misappreciate his recent standing in the Republican party. Since the Union Leasrue Club forbore to turn him out after his signature of Mr. Da vis's bond, ' he has been rather tolerated than fol lowed by his former political associates. It is a great and a grave mistake to suppose that he has any considerable JKepuDilcan lonowing in tne iNorcnern States, when Jie steps over the party traces. To be sure, Mr. Greeley is the editor of what has been a powerful party journal. But his present . position as a solicitor of Democratic votes win es- equivalent to telling the Liberal - Re publicans that he considers them of lit tle account, except as jackal to the Democratic lion. It 111 becomes. Mf. Greeley to thus belittle the importance of his Liberal Republican supporters. What he really says is, that their nom ination is not worth his . acceptance, and that he is waiting to see whether he gets that of the Democratic fcarty before he fully makes up his mind to stand as a candidate. Considering hew cavalierly the Cincinnati Convention disregarded Democratic wishes, it is odd enough to see their candidate thus earlv hanc out a flacr of distress arid de clare that ne must sink without Demo cratic support, j ,.: Does Mr. Greeley intend to accept, or to decline, the Cincinnati nomination? We suppose that by this time he must have received the official notification, and the public will be looking ieverv day for his reply. Was there eveif such a thing known as a candidate respond ing to sucn a marie or nonor ana conn- t to the appraisment bona for the release oi saia property. uoei or imormauon. To John S. Allen, Thomas, J. Jones and W. C. Troy, and to all whom It may. concern : J Notice is hereby given, that the above men tioned property was seized by W. B. Richardson, CoUector of Internal Revenue for the 3rd Collec tion District of North Carolina, on 15th day of Feb., 1872, s forfeited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the internal revenue laws, and the same Is libelled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United States for condem nation for the causes in the said libel of informa tion set forth ; and that the said causes will stand r trial at the court room of said court, at Ral eigh, on the first Monday of June next, if that be Jurisdiction day, and if not at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all per sons are warned to appear to show cause why eald porperty shall not oe declared liable to for feiture and a Judgment entered upon said ap prtisement bond, and to intervene for their Interest. Given under my hand, at office, In Raleigh, this 11th day of May, 1872. I I S. T. CARROW. 145 w2w- , United State Marshal. era AJ1 the tnlck-and-in Republi- dence, that, he accepted provisionally cans will presently desert The Tribune, and, so far as Republican support is decision depended on his receiving the concerned, will leave it as a hulk like nomination from another pol.tieal . M h hanh Tf ianiw party ? Such a reply would be an af- Biiftuucuuu - - fmnt f h n; rw,rJrt nnA Pay, ana n not at ine next any oi junsaicuoi through his paper that ilr. iireeiey w """"""i"v thereafter, whenand where all persons are warn I ' 1 1 : : C" IRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, District of North Carolina. United States vs. one still and fixtures, and a tract of 21)0 acres of land, more or less on which said distillery was situated, lying in the county of WHkes, the property of Polly I Johnson. Libel of Information. JTo Polly ; Johnson, and to all whom it may j concern : Greeting. Notice is hereby given that the above mention ed property was seized by S. II. Wiley, Collector pf internal revenue for the 6th collection District bf N.C., on the loth day of Jan., 1872, as forfeited itothe uses of the United States for violation of the internal revenue laws, and the same is li belled and prosecuted In the Circuit Court of the f Jnited States fot condemnation for the causes n the said libel : of information set forth ; and that the said cause will stand for trial at the court room of said court at Raleigh, on the 1st Monday of June next, if that be a Jurisdiction pay, ana if not ac tne next aay oi junsaicuon -"In pursuance of An , Act of the General 'Assembly, ratified the 23rd day January, 1$72, I have caused to' be - published he following certified copy of .' An Act to alter the Constitution of North Carolina. . ". , E. J. WARREN, . President of the Senate. " ir January 24, 1872. V;- , , ;,, v . AN ACT to alter the Constitution of North Carolina, i Sec. 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact (three-fifths of all . the members of each House concurring), That the Constitution of this State be altered as follows, to wit : , " - Amend section six, of the first article, by striking out the first clause thereof, down to and including the word "but this be ing the clause relating to the State debt. Amend section two of the sgctfnd' article by striking out the word annually," and inserting in lieu thereof, the word "bienni ally ;" being in reference to the sessions of the General Assembly. : - Amend section five of the second article, by striking out all that precedes the words, "the said Senate districts," and by striking out the phrase "as aforesaid or" in said sec tion ; the parts so stricken out having ref erence to the State census. . ; ! Add a new section to the second article to be styled "section 30," and to read as follows : " The members of the General As sembly shall each receive three hundred dollars as a compensation for their services during their term, subject to such regula tions in regard to time of payment and re duction for non-attendance as may be pre scribed by "i law i but they may have an- j Amend sections eight and nine of the seV earn article, y striking out the words or townships sh where, they.occar: in ' said sec- UOIIS..;--,-- ,-,-.- f-. i. .f..f. . ;.: k,; i -.-T;-'.-, Strike out' section three of the ninth arti cle, and in lieu thereof insert the following: " The General Assembly shall make suita- ble provision by ; law 'for the management and regulation of the public schools, and for pentjcung me system, ox tree public instruc tion," ; , ;', :,v ,-:";. - Strike out section live of the ninth arti cle, and in lieu thereof, insert the following: "The General Assembly shall have power to provides for the election of Trustees of the University of North Carolina, in whom, wnen cnosen, snail De vested all the privi leges, rights, franchises and ', endowments heretofore in any wise granted to, or con ferred upon, the Board of Trustees of said University: and the General 'Assembly may make 'such provisions, laws and reg ulations, irom time to time, as may be nec essary and expedient,' for the n.aintenance and,jnanagementof said University." Strike out sections thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of the ninth article, relating to the University of North Carolina. Ataend sec tion ten of the eleventh article by striking out the words at the charge of the State," and in lieu thereof, insert the words "by the State ; and those who do not own property over and above the homestead and personal property exemption prescribed by this Con stitution, or being minors,' whose parents do not own property over and -above the same, shall be cared for at the charge of the State." : I . I Alter section seven of the fourteenth ar ticle so that said section shall read as fol follows : "No person who shall hold any offide or place f trust or profit under the United States, or any department thereof. or under this State, or under . any other State or government, shall hold or exercise any other office .or place of trust or profit shall be ten cents per mile for each session.' Assembly: Provided. That nothing herein Amend section one of the thira article by 1 contained shall extend-to ofl&cers ? in the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, . . . TreastirT DEPABTMKST. K? .... - -Raleigh April 2d, 1872. LThe following act isrpublished for the in formation of the holders of bonds of the State of .North Carolina. , , .vv The undersigned, in compliance with the reauirements of the act. hereby invite pro posals, to be forwarded to this Department on or- before the 10th day of October, 187Z, for an exchange of the stocks of this State in any. Railroad company, .or other , corpora tion, for tfce bonds of the State.. Said pro posals must be sealed and endorsed " Pro- nosals forJExchanere of State Stocks.'? It is deemed unnecessary to set forth the details of exchange, as the act is explanatory of itself. - D. A JENKINS, : ? State Treasurer, i ' V J Attorney General. AN ACT for Exchanging the Stocks of the State for ' Bonds with which-such Stocks were obtained and for other purposes' Sec. 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That thePublio' Treas urer and Attorney General' shall, advertise for six months in such newspapers as they may select, ana invite proposals for an ex change of the Stocks held by the State in anv Railroad or other corporation, for the bonds by which the State acquired such stocks i or anv other bonds of the State (not special tax) where the stock is not specially pledged for the redemption of bonds issued to such corporation : such bids shall be opened on a day appointed, and those terms be accepted which may be most advantage-1 ous for the State ; Provided, That in no event shall any of the said stocks be exchanged for less than their par value; or for less than three bonds of same nominal value, issued in aid of Chatham Railroad, January 1st, 1863 ; and provided further, No stock in the unless in the same offer it is proposed to take twenty shares of stock in the North 6! exerts any influence, and his onerin? himself as the Democratic candidate for President will coat him ten subscribers for every one he lost by signing: the Davis bond. The Tribune has forfeited and flung: away its standing; as a Re publican organ. Of course, nobody will accept it as a Democratic organ, and it is hereafter a mere newspaper and the personal organ of a man who has Srcken his party relations in his aspi rations for the highest office. His paper no loncrer represents the Republican A -M jarty, but only his individual self. Mr. rreeley has thus cut up by the roots Vi la nnlw smiroA rtf f fifl nnnno rTh0 Tribune, repudiated by the Republican party, has sunk to the position of a ' more personal organ, and is more teebie and Inane tnan ordinary personal or gans', inasmuch as the editor is pre cluded, by the proprieties of his posi tion, from the out-and-out advocacy characteristic of that class of journals. 'The Tribune has deprived itselt of all freedom of expression and comment in this Presidential campaign ; it has cut loose from and alienated the Re publican party; and having thus sever ed its political connections, and put a gag in its mouth by the acceptance of its editor of a nomination for the Presi dency, it has sunk into the position of a mere news-gatherer in the most in teresting crisis which has ever arisen In our politics. Having lost the confi dence of -Republicans, and not gained the confidence of Democrats; having deprived itself of the freedom of ex pressing independent opinions, it is a nonentity in politics till this Presiden tial election is decided ; and if its editor should not be elected, he will be the most signal example in the history of journalism of a powerful editor falling: between two stools. Even if he should be elected, he will have sacrificed The Tribune. The Republicans will not tolerate it after it has deserted their party, and the Democrats will regard it with no favor while it advocates ideas and principles which they have always repudiated. The influence of a great journal has been sacrificed to the personal amoiuon or its cmer. t Mr. Harrell prudently expresses no opinion as to Mr. Greeley's hold on the negro vote of the South. We presume hels aware that the Southern negroes 111 n 1 nil X fwim Ifr. Greeley have in the South as a Demo cratic candidate? As a Democratic candidate pure and simple, no man in the country could have a weaker hold en the party, i II he can draw off neither negroes nor white Republicans, what advantage can there be. in adopting him as the Democratic candidate? The indorsements he has thus-far received In the North are not Republican but Democratic indorsements; but - it is preposterous for Democrats to indorse him except on the supposition that he will bring an accession of strength to the party. Assuming that the negro vote will be given to Grant, we cannot imagine what would be gained by a Democratic indorsement i of Mr. Greeley. To be sure, he favors universal amnesty ; but a President can do nothing to promote amnesty except through the pardoning power. . President Johnson, in his last ttmnAstv nrorlftmailon. earripd thftnar- doning power to its utmost limit, leav Ing.nothing for any subsequent Presi dent to do". The disabilities imposed by the XlVth amendment can be re moved only by Congress, and the elec tion of Mr. Greeley would make no more difference In the action of that body than the election of a straight npmnrrnt 1 Mr. Harrell virtually admits, while he finds fault with our statement, that removing-tho disabilities imposed. by the XlVth amendment would be a trivial matter in comparison with relief from the other evils endured by the South, andrntailed hy the legislation of Congress. lie seems to forget that ail this unrighteous legislation was advo cated by Mr. Greeley with the trucu lent vehemence he has always shown in such matters. Before Southern citi zens come to the strange conclusion that their salvation depends on Mr. Greeley's election, they had better ask him whether lie repents of his strenu ous advocacy Lof all the measures by I1U- I na- Q ich Jf, an act of indelicacy toward the Demo cratic Convention whose nomination it would put him in the attitude Of so- . liciting, and of offering to aecept before it was tendered him. We cannot see how it could accord with honor or pro- . ; a x i. i is a pneiy w uius euuoruiiiaie a nomina ton offered by his friends to one which he desires from his political opponents. irne accepts the Cincinnati nomina tion, he will thereby bind himself to remain in the field to -the end of the canvass, whether the Democratic party inddrses him or not. If he declines the Cincinnati nomination, he -forfeits all hope of a Democratic indorsement. If he waits and vacilates, making no an swer to the Cincinnati notification until ho can eatiefy himself what the Demo cratic party will do, he will be acting a more time-serving and undignified part than"ought to be expected from aj man of his political standing. He is bound to ccept the Cincinnati nomination unequivocally, or else to decline it un equivocally; and in either case, to stand inflexibly by his decision.) He cannot play his card and still keep it in his hand. He must put it down when his turn comes and take the risk of its being trumped. His article yesterday seems tOj be a notification to the Democratic party that he will not remain in a position to divide the Republican vote, unless it will inure to his - personal advance ment. This "heads I win, tails' ou lose" game will not answer. Mr. Gree ley must either decline 'the Cincinnati nomination and with it all hopes of a Democratic indorsement, or he must ac cept it without - Democratic pledges, leaving the Democratic party free to act according to its sense of the public food without any entanglements. When e virtually threatens to fall bajck into the ranks of Grant's supporters unless the Democratic party will nominate him, he puts himself into a position in which no judicious friend -.would pwish to see him. Does he still feel bound by the declaration put forth in The Trfbune of April 10? That declaration was in the following language: 1. If there shall be Democratic candidates for President and Vice-President in the field, we purpose to support that Republican ticket which seems most likely to succeed. 2. If the main issue in the canvass shall be Protection against Free Trade, we; shall (no matter as to the candidates) be found on the side of Protection. 3. But if (as we hope and expect) there shall be two Republican tickets, and none other, presented with any hope of success, we shall favor that one whose election will be, in our judgment, most likely to pro mote economy in public expenditure, puri ty in legislation and in administration,' sub stantial unanimity in upholding for all cit izens a complete equality of rights under the law, and hasten the return of fraternal concord and mutual good will between those who were arrayed against each other in sanguinary strife throughout onr -great ci?n war. , ' - : - If Mr. Greeley still adheres to the purpose then expressed, he has bound himself to support Grant if the Demo cratic party nominates a ticket. He thus stands in the unenviable position of soliciting Democratic votes against Grant, and at the same time threaten ing to. support Grant himself unless those Democratic votes are given to Mm. It is due to himself and to; all parties that Mr. Greeley should une quivocally define his position. He must make it clear that he will not supbort Grant in any event, before self-respect ing jemocrais can even consider the fed to appear to show cause why condemnation fchould not be decreed, and to intervene for their interest. I t Given under ray hand, at. office, in Raleigh, he 11th day of May, 1872. . I. UAKlttJW, 14,w2w . L United States Marshal. IRCUTT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, District of North Carolina. nlted States vw. one still and fixtures, the property of A. D Metcalf, 1 still and fixtures the property of A. O. Carpenter, and 1 still and fixtures the property of Jas. Ballard and F. Mc Line. Libel of information. o A D. Metcalf, A. G. Carpenter, Jas. Ballard and F. McLine, and to all whom it may con cern : Greeting. Notice is hereby given, tht the above men- ioned property - was seized by J. J. Mott, Col- ector of Internal Revenue for the 6th Collection District of North ftorolinft. on the 20th dav of iMarch, 1872, as forfeited to the ufes of the United siaies, lor violation oi me internal xvevenue aws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in he Circuit Court of the United States for con- iemnation for the causes in the said Libel of In- "ormation set forth : and that the said cause will tand for trial at the court room of said Court ftt Raleigh, on the first Monday of June next. jf that be a jurisdiction day, and if not at the fiextday.oi Jurisdiction thereafter, when and (where all persons are warned to appear to show Cause why-condemnation should-not be de creed, and to intervene for their interest. at omce in icaieigti, Given under my hand, jnis litn aay or May, isj-z. 1 w2w. S. T. CARROW. United States Marshal. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. District of North Carolina. United States vs. six hundred pounds of man ufactured tobacco, and one wagon and two horses and harness the property of Martin & Glenn. -14 bel of Information. .To Martin ,fe Glenn, and to all whom it may 1 concern: Greeting. ".Notice is hereby given that the above men ioned property was seized by J. J. Mott, Col ector of Internal Revenue for the 6th Collection District of N. C, on the 12th day of March, 1872, s forfeited to the uses of the United States, for Violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Cir cuit Court of the United States for condemna tion for the causes in the said-libel of informa tion set forth; and that the said causes will Htand for trial at the Court Room of said Court ftt Raleigh, on the first Monday of June next, f that be a Jurisdiction day, and if not at the ipext day of Jurisdiction thereafter, when and Inhere all persons are warned to appear to show ause why condemnation should not be de- freed, and to Intervene for their interest. Given under my hand at office, in Raleigh. iuim in aay pi Aiay, lstz. . i . CAitituvv, 145 w2w United States Marshal. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, District or North Carolina. United States vs. 3 barrels of spirits, one wagon. I a nurses ana narness me property OI J. w. ii Williams. Libel of Information. To J. W. Williams, and to all whom it may j concern: Greeting. Notice is hereby given, that the above men tioned property was seized by S. H. Wiley, as f Collector of Internal Revenue for the 6th Gollec ion District of North Carolina, on the 26th 4ay of January, 1872, as forfeited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the In ternal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled ind prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United States, for condemnation for the causes fn the said libel of information set forth ; and that the said causes will stand for trial at the tourt room of said Court, at Raleigh, on the first londay of June next, if that be a Jurisdic tion day, and if not at the next day of jurisdic tion thereafter, when and where all persons are earned to appear to show cause why condem nation should not be decreed, and to intervene for their interest J Given under my hand, this lit day of May, li$7: 145 w2w at office, in Raleigh, S. T. CARROW. United States Marshal. question of indorsing him in their Na tional Convention. New York World, Democratic, IRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES District of North Carolina. nlted States vs. two stills and fixtures the property of Thomas Kerr and W. H. Knui- shaw Libel of Information. o Thomas Kerr and W. B. Bradshaw, and to ia wuom u may concern : ureeting. i Notice la hereby given, that the above men tioned property was seized by J. T. Seargeant. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for the 5th District of North Carolina on the 11th cjay-or-juarcn, isrz, as forfeited to the uses of the United States for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and pros ecuted in the Circuit Court of the United States tor. condemnation for the causes in the said Libel of Information set forth; and that the said causes will stand for trial at the court room of said court, at Raleigh, on the 1st Mon day Of June next, If that be a Jurisdiction day, and if not at the next day of Jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condem nation should not be decreed, and to Intervene for their Interest. i Given under my hand at office, in Raleigh, t his LUh day of May, 1?72. --,.. a T. CARROW, jjl45 w2w. . United States Marshal. striking out tho words "four years," wliere they occur nrst in said section, ana insert ing, in lieu thereof, the words "two years," being in reference to the terms mf executive officers. - Strike out the words "Superintendent '6f Public Works," wherever they occur in the Constitution, thus abolishing that office. Amend section six of the third article, by striking out the word "annually." and in serting, in lieu thereof, the word "biennial ly," so as to conform to the provision re specting the sessions of the General Assem bly . . Strike out sections two and three of the fourth article, being the provisions which refer to the appointment and duties of the Code Com mission ers. Alter section four of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : "The judicial power of the State shall be vested in a Court , for the trial of impeach ments, a Supreme Court, Superior Couxts, sucn interior courts as may be established by law,and Courts of Justices of thePeace." Alter section eight of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : "The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and two - Associate Justices ; Proirt- ded, That this shall not apply to the justices during their present term of office, unless by death, resignation, or otherwise, the number of Associate ' Justices shall be re duced to two." ;'-- -' i Alter section twelve 6f the fourth article so that said I section shall read as follows : "The State shall be divided into nine judi cial districts, for each of which a judge shall be chosen : and in each district a Superior Court shall be held at least twice in each year," .to continue for such time ' in each county respectively as may be prescribed by law. The General Assembly - shall lay off said districts in due time, so that the said nine judges may be chosen and begin their official term at the first general elec-. tion lor members oi tne lieneral Assembly which shall occur after the ratification of this section." The General Assembly may reduce or increase the number of. Districts to take effect at the end of each judicial term. Strike out section thirteen of the fourth article, which fixes the present judical dis tricts. ! Amend section fourteen of the fourth ar ticle by striking out all after the word "office," and inserting, in lieu of the part so stricken out, the following: "The General Assembly shall prescribe a proper system of rotation for the judges of the Superior courts, so tnat no judge may riae tne- same district twice in succession, and the judges may also exchange districts with each other, as may be provided by law." Strike out section fifteen of the fourth ar ticle, and insert in lieu thereof, the follow ing : The General Assembly shall have no power to deprive the judicial department of any power or jurisdiction which rightfully nortjiina tn it. aa a in.nrHinnt. a Honartniont . but the General Assembly shall allot and distribute that portion of this power and jurisdiction,- which does not pertain to the Supreme Court, among the other Courts prescribed in this Constitution or which may be established by law, in such manner as it may deem best, provide also a proper system of appeals, and regulate by law when necessary the methods of proceeding, in the exercise of their powers, of all the courts below the Supreme Court, so far aa the same may be done without conflict with other provisions of this constitution." Strike out sections sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-five and thirty-three of the fourth article. Amend section twenty-six of the fourth article by striking out all that part which begins with,' and follows the word "but" in saia section, ana, in lieu oi tne part so stricken out, inserting the following: "The judicial officers and the clerks of any courts which may be established by law, shall be chosen by the vote of the quali fied electors, andfor such term as may be prescribed by lawl The voters of each pre cinct, established as is elsewhere provided for in this constitution, shall elect two jus tices of the peace for such term as may be fixed by law, whose jurisdiction shall extend throughout their respective counties. The General Assembly may provide for the elec- Liu 11 ui mure uiau i,vv u justices 01 tne peace in those precincts which contain cities or iqwns, or in wnicn otner special reasons render it expedient. The chief magistrates of cities and incorporated towns shall have the judicial powers of justices of the peace." Amend section thirty of the fourth article by striking out the word " townships " and inserting, in lieu thereof, the word " pre cincts ;" also in the last sentence of the same section, strike out the words the commis sioners of the county may appoint to such office for the unexpired term," and in lieu tnereoi insert "an appointment to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term shall be made'as may be prescribed by law." Amend sections one and seven of the fifth article, ty striking out the words " commis sioners of the several counties" where they occur in saia sections, ana in lieu tnereoi in serting tne woras,- county authorities es tablished and authorized by law." Strike out section four of the fifth article relating to taxation to pay the State debt and interest. 1 f Amend section six of the . fifth article by inserting after the word "instrument" in said section the words " or any other per sonal property." Insert the word militia, Justices of the Peace. Commission ers of PubliQ, Charities, or Commissioners for SpecialPurposes." . -. , Add another section to the fourteenth ar ticle to be styled "section 8," and. to read as follows: "County officers, justices of the peace and other officers whoso offices are abolished or changed in any way by the alteration of the constitution, shall continue to exercise their functions until any pro visions necessary to be made by law in or der to give full effect to the alterations, so far as relates to said officers shall have been made." f . ' I Be-number the sections in those articles from which any section has been stricken without the insertion of another in its stead; and give to any new section that number which by this method would have been given to tne section for which it is substituted, and the alterations shall be em bodied into the constitution, and the -several sections numbered consecutively. ! Ratified the 19th day of January, A. D., STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office of Secretary of State, ! Raleigh, Jan. 22d, 1872. I, Henry J. Mennineer. Secretarv of State. hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original act on file in this office. 'U. J. MENNINGER, jan. 25. w6m. Secretary of State. Wilmington North Carolina , LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICERS; ROBERT H. COWAN, JOHN W. ATKINSON, F. H. CAMERON, DR. E. A. ANDERSON, President. Vice President. Secretary. . Medical Direc'r DIRECTORS: J W Atkinson, General Insurance Agent I B Granger, President of the Bank of New Hanover. ! F W Kerchner, Grocer and Commission Merchant. , I CM Stedman, of Wright and Stedman. I T H McKoy, of W A Whitehead fc Co., Fayetteville. - R H Cowan, President. H B Ellers, Commission Merchant. A A Willard, of Willard Brothers. . W A Cumming, of Northrop fe Qumming. G W Williams, of Williams AMurchison. Eli Murray, of E Murray & Co. A J DeRossett, of DeRossett fe Co. t Robert Henning, of Dawson, Teel & Hen ning. f I Alex Sprunt, British Tice-Consul, of Sprunt and Hinson. I P Murphy, Attorney at LawJ I J D Williams, of J D Williams fc Co., Fayetteville. Jas C McRae, Att'y at Law, Fayetteville I B Kedy, Merchant, Kenansville. J T Pope, Merchant, Lumberton. SPECIAL, FEATURES AND AOVANTOEJS!. 1st. No restriction on Residence or Travel. 2. No extra charge on thelives of Females. 3. Policies Incontestable after Five Years. J 4. The Rates of Interest on the Funds of the Company higher than those on the Funds of Companies located in other States, thus insuring larger Dividends to Policy Holders, i' : 1 ! 5. The Directors and Officers of the Com pany are prominent NORTH CAROLI NIANS, who are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH, j 6. The Company is established on a solid and permanent basis, steps having been taken to increase the j , CAPITAL, STOCK OV $500,000. Carolina Railroad, ten shares in the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, and twenty shares in the Western North Carolina, Rail road Company (Eastern Division,) and to fay therefor two bonds of one thousand dol ars each of the State, issued to the North Carolina Railroad under acts of 1848-'49, chapter eighty-two, or 1854-'55, chapter thirty-two, one bond of one thousand dol lars, issued to the Atlantic and North Car olina Railroad, under acts 1854-'55, chapter two hundred and thirty-two, or acts of 1856, chapter seventy-four and seventy-six, and two bonds of one thousand dollars, is sued to the Western North Carolina Rail road (Eastern Divisiorr,) acts of 1866-,67,-chapter one hundred and six . or in the. aforesaid proportion. : t , ; Sec. 2. That any Railroad or other cor- . E oration, which , has heretofore received onds of the State in exchange for bonds of said corporation or person holding such State bonds, shall be entitled to a surrender of a. bond of such corporation: upon the' re- i turn to the Treasury of any State bond of equal amount, issued under the acts of the General Assembly or Ordinances of the Convention, . authorizing "J such - exchange, and upon a return of all bonds issued un der any particular act or brdinance, the cor poration shall be entitled to a cancellation and surrender of any mortgage executed, to the State for securing payment of such cor poration bonds, or State bonds; coupons on saia Donas may De exenangea in like man ner and cut off and retained on either side to make equality. 1 r I Sec. 3. To facilitate the exchange proposed in this act, the State does hereby relinquish all claim for stock in the Western Railroad above one million one hundred thousand dollars, and surrenders to the said Company two hundred and twenty-five thousand dol lars coupons now in ; State Treasury with held on a former exchange of Company bonds for stock in said Railroad ; and also the State does hereby relinquish all claims to stock in said company above six hundred thousand dollars upon the return to. the Treasury of the five hundred thousand -dollars of Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther ford company bonds, and coupons hereto fore issued to said Western Railroad com pany ; Provided, That any person acquiring a share of State stock in said corporation, shall be entitled to all rights and privileges with the private stockholders in voting, and in the election of the directors whose num ber shall be determined by the stockholders of said company. The State also relinquish es all claim to stock in the Western North Carolina Railroad above four millions of dollars. - Sec 4. That as soon as the proportion of shares of stock for which the State appoints one director in any corporation, is exchang ed, the right of the State to appoint such director shall cease and determine, and one director to be selected by lot shall be de ducted from the number appointed on the part of the State ; and upon acceptance of this act by any corporation and such guar antees given for its fulfillment as shall be deemed sufficient hy . the . Treasurer and Attorney General, all further rights to rep resentation by the State either by directors or proxy, shall cease and determme. Sec. 5. That as soon as may be practica- ! ble, the Public -Treasurer shall receive the bonds offered in exchange, and in the pres ence of the Auditor and Attorney General, shall cancel the same. - It shall also be his duty to transfer the stocks and execute such conveyances of the other interest hereinbe fore mentioned as deemed necessa ry, such conveyance to be in a foim ap proved by the Attorney General. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to make a minute of what shall be done by the Treasurer in the premises, and to make therefrom such entries in the books of his office as may secure a just accountability on the part of the Treasurer because of the transaction hereinbefore mentioned. Sec. 7. The Pablic Treasurer shall make special reports upon the subject of this act to the General Assembly at every session. Sec. 8. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the 1st day of February, A. D., 1872. 44 wtd. DR. CROOK'S WINE OP TAR Should be taken for ; diseases of the J ." Urinary Organs. DR. CROOK'S! WINE OF TAR j IShoii! ! be taken for all Throat f Lung Ailments. : , - J ii, I, DR. CROOK'S .E OP TAR 1 . Renovates and ' ; Invigorates the entire system . DR. CROOK'S WlNE OF TAR ' . Should be kept in every house, ' 1 1 and its life-giving Tonicj properties tried by all. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR j ' Restores the Appetite and 1 Strengthens the Stomach. 1 : 1 'j- DR. CROOK'S VINE QFTAR v Cures Jaundice. or any Liver Complaint. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR , i : , . Makes Delicate Females. who! are never feeling well. otroiig nou xxeaiiny. DR. CROOK'S ? -.u. - - Has; WINE OF TAR restored many persons who have been . unable to work for years. DR. CROOK'S Possesses WINE OF TAR L Vegetable Ingredients which makes it the i best Tonic in the market. un IW1NE OF TAR " . ' Has proved itself in thousands of cases capable of curing all diseases of the . . Throat and Lungs. DR. CROOK'S I WINE OF TAR . 1 Cures all Chronic Coughs, land Coughs and Colds.. more effectually than any . - otner remedy.- DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR : ! : Causes the food to digest, removing Dyspepsia and Indigestion.: j ( , DR. CROOK'S' WINE OF TAR : , ; :.' Has cured cases of Consumption pronounced incurable by physicians. DR. CROOK'S; WINE OF TAR I All recovering from any illness v will find this the . ; best Tonic they can take. DR. CROOK'S' Removes pain! WINE OF TAR in Breast, Side or Back;- DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ; T Is an effective regulator of the Liver. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ! Should be taken to strengthen and build up your system. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Makes Delicate Females, who are never feeling well, Strong and Healthy. R. CROOK S WINE OF TAR ! Will prevent Malarious Fevers, and: braces up the System. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Is the very remedy for the Weak and Debilitated. . , ! DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR I Will; cure your Dyspepsia or Indigestion. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Rapidly restores exhausted strength. , ., DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR L Should be taken if you feel weak or debilitated, j , r DR. CROOK'S WINE OF, TAR I Should be taken if your Stomach is out of order. j . : r-t- 1 p DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has cured so many cases of Asthma and Bronchitis that it has been pronounced a specific for these complaints. " DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR 1 j - -. ' Gives tone and energy to Debilitated Constitutions. PURfFY DR. I YOUR BLOOD. CROOK'S Compound Syrup of POKE Tt OO T I ' ; : -; t ' : DR. CROOK'S 'COMPOUNp j : , ' SYRUP OF POKE ROOT, i : Cures Rheumatism and i ' Pains in Limbs, Bones, fcc. ECLECTIC GALLERY .' !."'''' OF Fine Steel Engravings FOB THE 1 and " before the word " surveyor" in section one of the 7th article. and strike out the words " and five commis sioners" in said section ; also add to said sec- A man must not keep his hat on at jv place of amusement, because it will, in- mconvenience those behind him. but a lady can pile the tower of Babylon on her head, if she choose, and no one dares to object. A witty M.' D. recently attended one of the balls at the Xational Hotel, and was asked to dance the Lancers. He replied he couldn't, but would willingly oblige the floor managers by "lancinsr all the dancers." The following somewhat ambiguous paragraph appeared in an Edingburg i v ivftv iu muu iiini, tile paper : announcement of the death of Mr. is a malicious fabrication." iW. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES District of North Carolina. United States vs. 2 barrels whiskey, 70 gallons. owner unknown.-Libel of Information iTo '.and to all whom it concern : Greeting. f Notice is hereby given, that the above men tioned p!opertywas seized bv J. J. Mott. Col lier of Internal Revenue for the 6th Collection District of N. C on the 12th day of March, W2, as forfeited to the uses of the United States ;for violation of the Internal Revenue jjaws, ana me same is libelled and prose cuted in the Circuit Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said libel of information set forth; and that the said w ill stand for trial at the court room of said court ai .Raleigh, on the first Monday of June next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not at the next djiy of Jurisdiction thereafter, when and where aii persons are warned to appear to show cause Mhy condemnation should not be decreed, and t$ intervene for their interest. XJlven under my hand at office, in Raleigh, tbls 11th day of May. 1S72. 1 t- 8. T. .CARROW, I fc- w2w United states Marshal. tion the following : " The General Assem bly shall-provide for a system oj county government for the several counties of the State." - Amend section two of the seventh article, by striking out the word " commissioners " and in lieu thereof inserting the words ' county authorities established and author ized by law;" and in the same section strike out the words, "the Register of Deeds shall be ex officio clerk of the board of commir- sioners." ' ; Strike out section three of the seventh ar ticle, and in lieu thereof insert the following : " The county authorities established and authorized by law shall see that the respec tive counties are divided into a suitable num ber of sub-divisions, as convenient and com-. Sact in shape as possible, and marked out y -definite do undaries, which may be al tered when necessary. Said sub-divisions shall be known by the name of precincts. They shall have no corporate powers. The township governments are abolished. The boundaries of the precincts shall be the same as those which heretofore defined the town ships until they shall bo altered." Strike out sections four, five, six, ten and eleven of the seventh article, which relate to the township system. j 7. ALiIi THE FUNDS OF THE COM PANY ARE INVESTED INTHTS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE. This fact should commend the Company, above all others, to North Caro linians. It is well known that hundreds of thousands of dollars in Life Premiums are annually sent North to enrich Northern Capitalists, thus continually draining our Eeople of immense amounts which should e kept at home. On this ground the friends of this Company confidently appeal to every son of the Old North State, and ask their support for this ' ; HOME INSTITUTION, Portfolio, Scrap-Book, Framing, or for Purposes of Illustration. Nearly 300 Different Subjects, COMPRISING Historians, Poets-, Artists, Warriors, Emperors, Kings, Statesmen, . Historic and Ideal Pictures, . Etc., Etc. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND . I , SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. t Removes Pimples,' Blotches, ' andj beautifies the Complexion. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ; i SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. . ' Cures all diseases depending on a depraved condition , . of the blood. DR. CROOK'S ! COM POUND ! i , r 6YRUP OF POKE ROOT, r . Builds up Constitutions I broken down from Mineral or Mercurial Poisons DR. which, while it offers ' substantially all the advantages of Northern Companies, helps to Duiia up jvM.n lis stit u tiun a. AGENTS WANTED in every county in the State, with whom the most liberal terms will De made. Apply to v JAMES D. BROOKS, General Supervising; Agent, C j - or, TliEO. 11. HILJj, i : ! , Local Agent, apr 24 w6m. : Raleigh, N. C. THESE Engravings have appeared In the Eclectic Magazine during the past zo years, xne suojects nave Been selected with great care on both sides of the Atlan tic. They are' printed on different sized' paper, either small sizei- 7 by 10, or quarto size, iu Dy vz. . - . - : Price: Small size, 10c.; quarto size, 15c. A' specimen of each size and Catalogue sent on receipt of 25c. ; and, on receipt of $ 1, five of each size will be sent. Catalogues sent Free to any Address. TE. R. PELTON, Publisher, " ! ; 108 Fulton, St., New York. April 24, 1872. . , . 47 w3t. CROOK'S (COMPOUND I SYRUP OF POAE ROOT Should tow token trj-JflT requiring a remedy to make pure blood. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures old Sores, Boils or Ulcers. t DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ! j SYRUP OF POKE, ROOT A Cures Scrofula, Scrofulous Diseases of the Eves or Kcroruia in any form. DR. CROOK'S ARK u. S. INTERNAL REV'E. NOTICE, v- Assessors Office, a vKHiecnon uistnct in. u., r iNotice is hereby civen.vas reonired bv oecuon iy oi ine act oi June 3Utn. lso4. as subsequently amended, that between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.. on the 24th. 25th and 26th days of April, 1872, at my of- neemiueciiy oi naieign, js. v., appeals Will be received and determined relative t6 any erroneous of excessive valuations, as sessments or enumerations by the Assessor or Assistant Assessors returned in the An nual List for 1872. " All appeals, as aforesaid, must be made in writing, andjnust specify the particular cause, matter or thing respecting which a decision is requested, and must, moreover. 4 l A. 1 3 ' - . iub uruumi or principle oi error com plained of. - j '" - WILLIE D. JONES. 44 w6t. Assessor 4th District N. C. mm COMPOUND i "l SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Is theBEsT Alterative or Blood Purifier made. Cf BEST ill THE. WORLD, eff -Hew York Office, 27-BEEKMAIT ST. January 20, 1872. 9 m dr. C L. HARRIS, Attorney At Law. (Office first door South of Standard building V Raleigh, & C '' - Practices in the Courts of Wake and before U S. Commissioner, and gives special at tention to the : arguing of causes .hu the Supreme Court of North Carolina. All fusmess , entrusted to him. will receive prompt attention 36 tf. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures Scald Head, .' ' Sal Rheum, Tetter. CANVASSERS WANTED ' For Our Own Preside. V An Illustrated Paper, 16 pages; published Monthly. Subscription price, 1.50. Every Subscriber receives a Valuable Chronio. A Fruit Piece, which sells for $5. . Send 2 cent Stamp for Sample and Premium . List. Address ... W. E. GUMP, Publisher, 5 1 Dayton, Ohio. FOR SALE IN MORGANTON, N, C. The Houses and Lots now occupied by A. B. Chunn. - : . I - If not sold, I prefer to lease for a term of years. ' . Title warranted and terms easy. ' I RUFUS BARRINGER, may 8, 1872. 142 3wpd. Charlotte, N. C. in