"m-t I ' The Situation. ! The nomination . of - Greyly and . Brown ha divided the Democracy in twain. Whether the Baltimore dni veti tion ndo:iies the Cincinnati nominees, or nominates a straight ticket, it is the same: the party is hopelessly divided, j A great many Democratsare of opinion that the Deniacratic party is compelled to support the Cincinnati nominees, or break plighted faith. Other Democrats iire of opinion that Greeley and Brown will divide the Republicans to an ex tent suliicient to enable the Democrats to elect a straight ticket. Democrats who re f this opinion are in favor of running a straight ticket. It makes no dift'eieuoe what action the-Baltimore Convention takes, the Democracy are divided into two factions, of nearly equal strength. Such men as John 8. Mosby,. Henry A. Wise, Benj. Ewell, of Virginia, A. II. Stephens, of Georgia, and Vorhees and Kerr, of Indiana, will not support Mr. Greeley under any circumstances. On the other hand, Mr. Greeley will undoubtedly retire from the canvass and support the regu lar Republican nominee if the Demo crats nominate a straight ticket at 'Bal timore. In either event, the defeat of th!. Democracy is assured; and if Mr. hu k j 4-2ai at Tnimnrr. thn Democratic party as a National orgnni- zation, will break into a thousand ; pieces. The peace of the whole country is endangered by the standing organi zation of the Democratic party ; if the action of the Cincinnati Convention brings about the dissolution of the Democratic party, the American peo ple will be under great and lasting ob ligations to that Convention. Mr. Greeley has fail.ed to divide the Itepnblican party. It was thought tha he would draw enough votes from Republican party to secure his elect if endorsed at Baltimore. Such is "the case. The party is a unit in Y6rk. Mr. G reeley 's State. It is a in Illinois. Mr. Trumbull's Stat is a unit in Missouri, Mr. B State. The Republican party th out the Southern States presen divided front to the enemy. ties that threatened defeat! vania have been amicably the party in that State andsationally never had better prospect whelming victory. . We have no opinion concern action of the Baltimore Convention but hope Mr. Greeley will be endorsod. Geo. W. Swepson and 1 he De mocracy. city improvements. The Ski,-. er re L. ' laence, ou mo corner or MIllsMro' ant Salisbury street, having boon retviitly pur chased by. a Mr. Swepson, of JCnoxville, Tenn., is iiqw undorgoing situations, re 1 -aii-Hand generally improved. When fin- I-ined, it will be handsomely aid gorgeons- i ly famished, and presented lb Mrs. Geo. W. Swepson, of Haw River, torha, with her family, will reside there tyews. J . Weclip the above fiita a late num ler of The Xeics, to snow with what hollow pretence Mr.' Awepson and his Democratic friends nbh claini that he is a broke-bankrupt man. (Also to show that while the j affect to denounce him as a corrupt vliian, in truth and in fact, he is on mtJt cordial and confi dential terms witfthe' leaders of that party. They receie him socially; they aid him in escapig the clutches of the law ; they borrow his money ; and they do In return, fcfc dirty workj-such as preparing bills for hun, sc, &c. But the time is (ming when the people will make nlifference between Swep- son and Jo. Turner, who Jorrpwed his monev. anff Swepson and A. S. Merri- mon. whodrafted his infamous bills. They wincondemn all alike. rmrs Legish'i the ped ventfjh be com every rth fliei TMlUtlUtll. iiiCiiiImii From The AUeville New, June 1st, 1S05. PUBLIC MEETING. Merrimon and Kirk. sent to State. : .On motion of Rev. Robt. the meeting: adlourned." ; S. B. GUDGER, Chairman; J Tam. !. Henry Secretary. ' '. ; the Military Governor of the ' V.'" -1 ' Patterson, ... -j-v-V-,. --r '. - v ' S4S-SSMS5iSSS!Z Kirk's Friend Merrimon. Merrimon Wants Asheville ' Garrisoned. Synopsis of Election and Regis tration Act Relating and to Regis- .T. C. H.OOVlsr I AXiltlS, Jffidil op. tcring Voting. Merrimon Wants Negroes ized. Co Ion - QUALIFICATION OF VOTERS. The following are the only qualifica tions required of any voter in this State : He must be twenty-one years of age or upwards ; a nativo or naturalized citizen of the'United States ; and must have resided .in this State twelve months preceding the election and thir ty days in the County in which he offers to vote. ' Any person possessing tJune 5th, THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1872. Local, State and General Items. :'' - '': ' :.;;. -;!'-.'"; Gov. CAiiDWEUL Public Speaking. Gov. Caldwell, CJoL T. L. Hargrove and others will address the people at the follow ing times and places, to-wit: Onslow C. H., Onslow county, Thursday iiay ;juth. , Trenton, Jones county, Friday, Ma.y 31st. "i Kinston, Lenoir county, Saturday June 1. Goldsboro, Wayne county, "Monday, 3rd June. : " ' Snow Hill, Greene county, Wednesday, RAiLnoAU Kews AjjcrDENT The Aghe Vllle Pioneer says,' we have Jus learned through G 11 Roberts, Secretary of tho W. D, V N. C. R. R., that Ma. Rollins, Presi dent of the Road, haa arrived, and' reports that he has closed a lease with the Southern Railway Security Company, to build the road from Wolf Creek to Asheville, and to Waynesville, N.C.rThis we regard iid en tirely reliable. , r v - . - Tho same paper says one day last week, near Burnsville, two boys were wrestling, whe-n one threw the other, who, in falling, struck his right temple against the leg of an inverLed iron pot, inflicting, a wound from which he died in a few minutes. His un fortunate companion became frightened and fled, and has not been heard of since. tne above Qualifications is entitled to j register and vote in "the township in j which Jie lives. . " . f I changing', discontinuing, creating : PRECINCTS. '- j ; County Commissioners may establish, j alter, discontinue or create separate m m .a mm m . . ; places ior voting in tneir counties ; out j l, A I a. 1 J. .115 1 i At a larire and enthusiastic- meeting "" " lt?a!5t "ne Pff of the. citiKfns pf Buncombe county, tnia uay neui m the town of Asheville, MILITARY LAW. Asheville, N. C, May 22, 18C. Col. J. ! Henry. Col. Gudger was appointed ufe said in a public address to pie of the State that if fthe Con- bill was voted down they would nellcd to- levy a tax of $50 to thousand dollars worth of prop- or perjure themselves. They didn't the tax. Can you trust men who er perjure themselves than injure r party? j on motion Samuel- J. Chairman. un motion oi w. u. uanaier, Jifeq., J.. Ij. Henry was.ap)inted Secretary. A. S. Merrimon, moVed tut )aniiiun.u ijrn. i t t - rrHjxjll ail m eacn tovvnsnip. as nearly central as j possible. Thirty days notice of such i J change, Ac, must be given in some j : newspaper published in the county,', or.; ; in Im-ii themf,j by handbill posted in J i three places iifisucli county. If no such j . notice is ifiven the Drecincts as hereto-4 lore estanlished shall continue. Wilson, Wilson county, Friday, June 7th. Notice of other appointments will be given in due time. The meeting of the Republican State Executive Committee is postponed until Thursday, the 13th of June; at which time every member is requested to be in attendance, eitherjn person o by proxy. S. F. Phillips,, Chairman. Injunction. The Winston Sentinel says the tax-payers have applied for and obtain ed an injunction to retain the collection of the Railroad tax -until the validity of the county subscription shall be determined by a suit which is now being instituted. His Honor, Judge Cloud, fixed the injunction bond at $3,500, which has been signed by some of the most substantial and responsi ble men of this and . other counties. We hope that for the good and the satisfaction of the people the suit will be speedily ter minated one way or the other. t ' - Federal field and staff officers on duty ' The Commissioners shall, on or before in thisplace, and request them to take j the 1st Monday in July, 1872, select one Justice of the Peace lor Mountain Island. We learn tha.t this property,' better known as the Tate proper 's, ty, was bid in at Dallas Court by Mr. Turner Tate, for $2.5,000. The Fraud Commission. Gov. Caldwell hit it exactly when at the purpose of givin Oiatnam, ne cnargea inai inis wiis u naeked Commission, intended to and blacken the Republican wash the Democratic party." ever Republicans' were assai brought all the evidence lay hold of to substantiate white-1 When- ed, they they could the charges and refused to hear or admit pposin testimony. See the case of Tourere. On the -other hand - - Democrats rr seats in this meeting. -In pursuance of the foregoing motion, the fol rowing gentlemen were appoint ed said committee, viz: Capt. Charles Moore; Rev. A. W. Cummings and A. E. '.Baled, Esq., who accordingly waited upon and seated Col. Geo. V. Kirk, A. Col. Hubbard, Major Rollins, Adjutant Sutphen, Drs. Roberts and Doak, dc. The Clwirman, in a brief addrass, set forth ttie object of the meeting to be for g expression, to public opinion touching the condition of the country, &c. Rev. T. W. Atkm moved that a com mittee be appointed to prepare matter for the consideration of the meeting . In pursuance of the foregoing motion, the Chairman appointed the following gentlemen to constitute said committee, viz: Capt. Charles Moore. Major W. J. Brown, Jiev. each township or election precinct to act as Registrar therein. Where there are not enough f Justice3, the Commissioners shall ap point some person to act as Registrar. The Secretary of State shall before the first Monday in June, 1872, forward to County Commissioners registration books' for. each precinct. If .ho does not, Commissioners may provide same at expense of the State. j "frEVISIti OL.I? REGISTRATION BOOKS running between Washington andTarboro' ran on a stump-a few days since, and sunk, when about eight miles below Tarboro'. Registrars of each township J. C. Stewart. S. G. Judge Kerr, Rev. T. W. Atkin, A. E. Baird, when Robert, Hawkins, W. S. Murray, Rich- wprp implicated thev took ard led better, W. G.. Candler, .Lsq., were implicated, iney iuuu . r , t l William P. Fortune. Colonel particular pains :o suppress ev uence oi Jame3 E. Reid, Rev. William Lank- guilt, and always allowed the parties ford, Captain William Pickens, Rev. See the instances Robert Patterson, liev. it. w. .ratty, themselves to explain. of R. H. Cowan, S. McD. Tate, H. W. Guion, and others. Jfyou have not already registered, you must do so before election day, or you cannot vote. . Thousands of our peoplo werp ruined by the war inaugurated by the Demo cratic party, and yet when the Repub lican party offered the people of the State a Constitution which provided a read separately and adopted, viz: Captain John H. Robinson, S. E. Pen land, Col. R. L. Jones Imd Col. W. H. Moore. . - In the absence of the committee the meeting was addressed by Major W. W. Rollins, Rev. Robert Patterson, Dr. Doak and others. The committee reported thefollowing preamble and resolutions, which were 7th Congressional Distric'. On Thursday last the Democrats held their Convention for this District and nominated Mr. W. M. Robbing, of Rowan, for Congress. This is a weak nomination." "The de feated aspirants for tlie nomination, Messrs. Shobe'r and Co wles, are stronger than Mr. Bobbins. Inasmuch as Mr. f!n wl ps haxrthe District apportioned in homestead thus enabling ourj people to save a home from the general wreck, Jndfre Merrimon and his friends la- o i fc bored hard to prevent even a home be ing saved. Is he a poor man's! friend ? It is our opinion that he now believes the homestead unconstitutional, null and void. Can we trust him?- The Republicans of the Third Cou rt .Whereas, The armies forming , the commands of Gens. Lee, Johnson and Taylor have been surrendered and dis banded, and in the providence of God the rebellion is at an end therefore, Resolved 1. That we, tho people of the county of Buncombe, in general meeting assembled, do declare our ad herence to the constitution acd laws of the United States, and our unwavering purpose to support and maintain the same. . , Resolved 2. That we earnestly hope. to register his interest, his defeat was unexpected " l tv nn "7 of cfvif lw nnT nr bv the public. To have, been defeated by Mr. Itobbins mus mortifying. Mr. Bobbins is a repre sentative man of his party. The Re publicans are fighting this campaign, to a great extent, against fraud and corruption. Messrs. Merrimon and Clingman, leaders of the Democracy, fhe exceSlnrfy the 22.1 inst..-Jind nominated C,l. Neil V. iV. OUXIirie, Ol VUIIWJt;iilUlU, lUi Elector, and appointed Col. Ed. Cant well and Mr. Geo. W; Price delegates to Philadelphia. I This is a nomination eminently fit to be made. Col. McKay will command throughout the land. Resolved 3. That we, the people of tho county of Buncombe, recognise note, as we declared by our ,vors in Febru ary, 18G1, the doctrine of secession to Ie unconstitutional, illegal and revolu tionaryand that North Carolina is yet in point of law as well as fact, in the Union of the United States. Resolved 4. That the popular heart of - . stand before tne people as ine accom- Mlthll,,n8Hft Mmfinrt 0f thft Rpnnh- the people of North Carolina, particu- plices of Geo. W. Swepson; Josiah ; - tum Tr0 1 trii larly of Western North Carolina, has Turner, Jr., another leader, was convic ted by a Democratic Legislative Com mittee of defrauding the State of more than -Three Thousand Dollars ; now tames Mr. - Robbins whose record as a ?natoris equal to that . of Merri mou, L'lingman and Turner. Whatever may ave i been his honest Intentions, the lain of the money transaction with mator Stephens, rs.upon Mr. Robbins. will follow him to his grave. It is a licans of his District. True,! tried, worthy and competent: Such .is Neil McKay, He will make a gallant can vass and will be elected.- I'The Repub licans are in fine spirits, are Working hard, and with good nominations for. i i the Legislature and success is certain. county officers, ious Republicans of the ' ships should appoint theif Committee: ,blic mat,er-he property of thepe Pct XTt Northe'rTbthe. S uZlot it and the voters of the Seventh once- The plan of organiiihon 3 pub- fellowship,'and honestly hope how soon rTown- alwaTs-been loyal to the old Govern mcnt, and that in future it shall beat in unison with, and keep step to the music of, the Union. Resolved 5. That we sincerely de plore the calamities brought about by the wai? from which we are just emerg ing, andwe sincerely pray for the speedy arrival of the time when the sword shall "be beaten into the plow share and the spear into the pruning hooky and tne nations of the earth shall learn "war no more. nesoivea u. mat we extend to our Congressional District will consider this transaction at tho polls in August next. iving nominated Swepson's friend , Governor, we are not surprised that Democratic party throws over- rd men of character and purity such Shober and Cowles, to make place a representative ucmocrai sucn as W. M. Robbins! fe do not know who the Republi- nominated on Saturday last. We certain that they nominated an st'man a man of character and ling if so,-we are very much de- in the sturdy Mountaineers-of iventh District, if they do not de- It. Robbins. lished elsewhere in this paper. Make yourself acquainted with the new plan of organization. Meet jfnd appoint your .five Committeemeit Hold fre quent meetings and adat suclv meas ures a3 will secure a full vote. A thorough township organization secure success. The Democrats of the Si sional District held their will th Congres- Convention was niout third a non public lH?tteri math le-.irn that Hon. Clinton L. Cobb ominated for Congress at Ply- on Thursday last. This is the ime that Mr. Cobb has received i nation at the hands of the Re in party of the First District. A nomination could not have been Mr. Cobb has been untiring in his efforts to accomplish something for dispeople. He has labored in season and out of season. He deserved the iiotiiirktion as a reward of merit, and we j-e glad that he received it. -Ocvj.M. Carter is Mr. Cobb's op IKiput. The l)I3rrtctl ' close. Col. Carfrr is a strong man." Hard-' work atidlhorough organization will secure "i tr. Cobbs election by a handsome, HRirity. The Republicans of the First Ditict always do their whole duty. Urperatively necessary that they rth all their energies in this cam- With unity and concert of ac ccess will crown our efforts. lfidently expect a victory in the bngressional District. Caldwell and his friends gave ihanics and laborers of this State st Hen law they ever had. at Charlotte on Thursday llstanct nom inated Hon. Thos. S. AshL of Anson, for Congress; Walter L. Ste le, of Rich mond, for Elector, and apj rintetl Gov. Vance and P. B. Means' elegates to Baltimore. Hon. O. II. I ckery will defeat Mr. Ashe. . The Democrats of the Fifth Congres sional District held their of a r-rvriiTirr' nn til ( 52 nominated Virtuous Jimiiy Leach for Congress. J. B. Gretter r4 Worth were appointed Baltimore. Hen.: Thom defeat Mr. Leach. . i 'PC m Vlrc rti 1 Goi tied Convention inst., and Id Dr.! J. M: Jel cerates to Settle will i Mr. James M. Justice, o:luthertord, was nominated at Asncvue on me 18th inst., . as a candidate por Elector. A better nomination cou- been made,- Mr. Justice thorough canvass of the ICu Klux.are suppressed f i and Rutherford; the Distr lican by a thousand -OAajoAts. provid ed, tne people are Tree tp tote as they please. Mr. Harper was ele the efforts of theKu Klux i The Republicans should rt not have 'ill make a strict ; the eaveland, t is Repub- cd through 'ani zation: uble: their exertions t.o carry the whole ticket. . . Dit Hon. Slon H. Rogers, mlnberj elect from this CngressionalxJistrict, was- seated on Thursday last, JvTe presume Col. Rogers will be MaJ. d; nent. ict for the we may an meet as in days oi yore, as American brothers and a band of free men around the altar of Freedom.. . Resolved 7 That the great question of discord and dissension slavery is at an end, and that in - our opinion the African race should be removed from our midst and colonized by the United States. Resolved, 8. That we earnestly desire a Convention of the people of North Carolina, at the earliest possible practi cable moment, for the purpose of again assuming our functional duties in the Union as a State, and to this end we recommend to the different precincts of this county the necessity of-holding primary meetings to give expression of opinion on the matters touching the present" condition of the country, and to nominate delegates to a general Con vention of the citizens of the county to express their choice of a delegate to a State Convention. - Resolved, 9. That we believe it essen tial to the peace, welfare and protection of the country that a small garrison of troops be kept in this county, and that a committee of five be appointed by the Uhairman of this meeting to communi cate our desire to the proper military authorities, and to make such other ar rangements as are necessary for the protection, of the. country, citizens, property, &c. Resolved, 10. That we earnestly re commend to the subordinate meetings which may be held in the . county in pursuance, of the eighth resolution, peace, harmony and concert "of action, believing as we do that all of our citi zens are honestly seeking the public good and that the ' surest method of obtaining this is to join hand in hand in restoring law and order, and in con gregating together the scattered frag ments or a once glorious Union. or pre cinct shall -revise existing registration books so that they shall" contain an I accurate list of all the voters previous ly registered in such township or pre cinct, who still reside therein, icithout requiring such ; voters to register again. The Registrars shall, between sunrise and sunset oni each day (Sundays ex cepted) from the 1st Thursday in July, 1872, up to and including 'the day pre ceding the first Thursday in August, 1872, keep open the books for the reg istration of any voters residing in the township or precinct, entitled to regis ter, whose names have not been registered in such township or precinct beiore, or do not appear in the revised list. WHEN AND WHERE TO REGISTER AND VOTE. NO CERTIFICATES OF REGIS TRATION. No person can register in a township or precinct whereof he is not an actual and bona fide resident. No certificates of registration will be given. Electors must vote in the townships or precincts where they actually reside on election day. t - -.'j No registration will be allowed on election day, except where the person otiering to vote arrives at the age o twenly-one, or for some other reason becomes entitled to vote on that day; under tne laws of this State ; in which event he shall be allowed and vote. j JUDGES OF ELECTION CHALLENGING. The county Commissioners shall, on or before the first Monday in July, 1872, appoint at each township or pre cinct, four iuderes of election, two of whom shall be of a dmerent political party from the Registrar. The judges and Registrars shall, on the Saturday preceding the election, from nine o'clock, a.m., till five 'clock, p. m., attend at the polling place of, their township or precinct, with the! registration books, when and where the said books shall be open to the in spection of the electors of the township I! A , , - 1 1 1 l or precinct, ana any elector snan oe allowed to object to any name appear ing on the said books. - Where there is an objection the registrar shall enter opposite, the namejso objected to the word "challenged," and shall appoint a time and place, on or before election day, when he, together with the judges of election shall hear and decide upon such objection. "Due notice of the time and place of hearing shall be given the person objected to. If such notice is not given, the j person objected to can vote. Challenging can be done on any other day tlfan that above specified. It may also be done on the day of election. The Judges of election and the Regis trar for each township or precinct, after being duly sworn, shall hold the elec tion at the precinets or townships for which they were severally appointed. They shall keen Doll books in which shall be entered the name of every per son who votes, i Appealed. Orren Mercer, convicted of Uie murder of his own child, was sentenced at Tarboro', on Tuesday, to be hung on the 14 tli of June. lie took an appeal to the Supreme Court. JIatlksnakes. The Wilmington Star "sjiys a entleman from Brunswick informs us that seven lare rattlesnakes, some of them at least hve'feet in lengh," were killed near what is known as Rattlesnake Branch, on the Fayetteville road, about fourteen hmiies -freoi lUia city, a few days since.,: A fare prevailing in that vicinity drove them from their hiding places; when they wer slaughtered iy parties engaged in fightin vne nre. rtatuiesnaKe Jtsrancn, which is-a very appropriate name, is said to be a favorite resort of these dangerous repitiles. New Advertisements. lYTfYXTTT'V made rapidly --i-VXM XU X with Stencil and Key Check Outfits. Catalogues, samples and full particulars FRKE. 8. M. Spestcek, Battleboro, Vt. i: 143 4w. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. "We will send a handsome Prospectus of our JSTcw Illustrated Family Bible contain ing oyer .450 fine Scripture illustrations to any Book Agent, free of charge. Address .National Publishing Co., Phila., Pa.4w GEEAT Chance for AGENTS Do you want an agencyrtocai or traveling, with an opportunity to make $5 to $20 a day selling our new 7 strand White Wire Clothes Lines t They last forever; sample free. Send for circular. Address at once Hudson River Wire Works, ?or. Water St. & Maiden lane, IS . y., or 346 W Randolph St. Chicago.. STANA ED AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLESI Everything pertaining to B illiards at lowest illustrated catalogues sent iy .prices, mail. II. W. COLLENDER, NEW YORK. Successor" to Phbuin fc Collender, 738 BROADWAY. 1424 w 1 -1. TIIEA-NECTAR. A- Pure Chinese Tea. TUr irST TEA IMP0BTFD. nsXp Warranted to suit all tastes. Put up in our trade mark f Half-Pound fe Pound Pack- Boxes. For Sale at Wholesale only by The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., P. O. Box 550G New York City. 4w. 0 Abukstkd for Murder. Two colored merl, George Graham and Baldy Gaither, have been arrested in Iredell for the mur- aer oi a younsr woman. The deed was committed some few weeks ago. v Deaf Man Killed. A white man, bj the name of Win. Neil, was run over and fatally injured by a train on the W. C. fcJ. Railroad, about six miles from Charlotte, on the 21st inst. . He was deaf. Fatal Accident. The New Berne Re public and Courier says Cyrus J. Mayd, late a resident of this city, was accidentally killed, at Lower Broad Creek, Pamlico Co., on Thursday, the 9th inst. Mr. Mayo, was in the employ of, Dean Lumber fe Co., while in the woods loading timber on a carrytlog, a rope slipped j caus ing the lever to strike him on the head with great force; medical aid was summoned, but of no avail. Jie leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. ACgNT8 WANTED FC H rs popolar and T 'oulri, ad UioeiDnati, Chic pidly-aellip relintoua work 6Tr areaau.B. ruuuiaHiHii CO.. K. Y BURNHAM'S New. Turbine is in general use nj throughout the U. S. A six inch. Ji is used bv the Government In t.hA pril Patent Office, Washington, D. C. xus Bimpiiuity oi vonsirucuon ana j the power it transmits renders it me uet waier wneei ever invent ed. Pamphlet free. m Atlantic House. This House in the town of Beaufort has been entirely refitted and is open for visitors. The situation is delightful. Persons desiring the sea breze cannot find a more pleasant place, or better accommodations than at Beaufort and the Atlnnfin. TTnnao f"J Republican Candidates. The follow ing are tho Republican candidates in Nash county : ' For House of Representatives, Dave W Williams ; Treasurer, Josiah Baker ; Regis ter, W II Renfrow; Commissioners, G Laug ley,;W II Robbins, Willis Eason, B C Strickland, and Wm. Daughtry. The Cause 5f Temperance finds some of its most insidious and dangerous foes In the many so-called " tonics and " appe tizers," made of cheap whisky and refuse liquors, finished up to suit depraved appe tites, under the name of medicines. Dr. Walker's California Vineoar Bitters are none of thesev. They are not a beverage, but a genuine medicine, purely vegetable, prepared from California herbs by a regular physician. For all diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, skin and blood, they are an infallible and unrivalled remedy. . 142 4w. Raleigh Markets. . ' Republican Rally. A grand Republi can . Rally: will be held in the town of Louisburg, on Saturday, June 1st, 1872. ' All persons who desire the prosperity of the Republican party, and the promotion of its principles, are invited to attend. Come one, come all. Eminent speakers will, be Wholesale i i BY JPrices, present. John H. Williamson, : Chairman Ex. Committee. .Festival Tableaux. The ladies of the Baptist Church intend holding a Festival with Tableaux in Tucker Hall on to-night and to-morrow night, for the purpose of raising funds to defray some of the neces sary expenses ;f the Pastor's Home. The ladies desire to make this one of the nicest affairs of the season, and respectfully invite the public generally to attend. POOL Sc MORING, Grocers and Commissioji Merchants Corner Wilmington and Martin Sts. COTTON per lb., - . - - 21 J CORN per bushel, - - - ?1 00 OATS per bushel. - - - none FLOUR North Carolina Family. -10 50 FLOUR Baltimore Family, 10 50 12 60 BAiun per io., - - - os SALT per sack, - - - - 2 75v COTTON YARN - - . 1 75 CORN MEAL per bushel, - - 1 10 N. F. BURNHAM,York,Pa.4w The Best Paper! Try It If-.. The Scientific American is the cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper published. Every number contains from 10 to 15 orig inal engravings of new machinery, novel inventions, Bridges, Engineering works. Architecture, improved Farm Implements, and every new discovery in Chemistry. A year's numbers contain 832 pages and sev eral hundred engravings. Thousands ot volumes are presejved for binding and ref erence. The practical receipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. Terms. $3 a year by mail. Specimens sent free. ' May be had of all News Dealers. jV PATENTS obtained on the bestlerms. Models of new inventions and sketches ex amined, and advice free. All patents are published in tho Scientific i American the week they issue. . Send for Pamplet,'.110 pages, containing laws and full directions for obtaining Patents. Address for Paper, or eonqernlng Patents, MUNN fe CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y. Branch office, cor. F. and 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. ; 142- 4w. Summer Resort Warm Springs. Elsewhere will be found an advertisement announcing the refitting and opening of Warm Springs, Buncombe county, as a Summer resort. These Springs are all they are said to be. Persons desirous of spending the Summer in the Mountains cannotiind a more pleasant place than Warm Springs. Those afllicted with ehionie diseases should 'not fail to spend a month or two at the Springs. 10 Q, 9 (a 12 7i(o) 13 25 22i 9 25 75 05 -.25 .15 10 CO 1 1 11 10 00 8i 16 30 25 10 11 30 Beautify citizens are StVsoppo- quest our fellow-citizens ot.the State at mrge to cordially join us in requesting the proper authorities to call a Conven tion of the people: of the State at the earliest practicable day, and in resto ring civil authority and our former re lations with the Federal Union. ." Resolved, 12. That the proceedings toF; this meeting be published in tne Asne ville News, Raleigh , Standard and Raleigh Progress, and that a copy be BALLOT-BOXES, &C. There shall be four ballot-boxes at the polls. Candidates will be voted for as follows: - - Governor. Lieut. Governor, Secreta ry of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Super- Intendent of Public Instruction, Super intendent of Public Works, and Attorney-General shall be on one ballot and deposited in -a separate box. Member of Congress shall be on one ballot and doposited in a separate box. Members of the General Assembly shall be on one ballot and deposited, in a separate box. County officers shall be on one ballot and deposited in a separate box. The tickets shall be on white paper and either written or printed, r both, and must be without device. If two or more tickets be rolled up together, or if any ticket shall contain more names than the elector has a right to vote for, or shall haveja device upon it; in either of these cases such tickets shall be thrown out. and not counted. rEXALTIES ON OFFICERS. Any Registrar -tr "Judge of "election or any officer failing to perform any dutyrequired Of him by the Election Act, shall on conviction be fined not more than one thousand dollars nor less than live hundred; and imprison ed not more than six uor less than two months, : -; . . :':'r- : "' Judge Merrimon and his friends are Resolved, 11. That we earnestly r'ie-lADcF always have been enemies of our Statefconstitution. .They opposed its adoption, worked hard to ; cheat' poor men out of their homesteads last buto raerv and are still working to repeal as much of the Constitution as possible. Can you trust them ? The day. election will only be held one Your Homes. Many of our beautifying their houses by planting flowers, evergreens &c. . Those who havo not sufficient ground for a flower-garden can at least have a few pot plants, such as geraniums, fuchias, &c. To all in want of such jarticles we take pleasure in recommending the house ot J Lane, Florist & jn ursyman, j Washington, D. u. A num ber of parties In this city have purchased of him and are highly pleased not. only with the plants but with, tho priee charged. Retail irices. BY 2Ij.2Z C OM & ALF C1 Ii Grocers and Commission Merchants, Ilargett Street. U ACON Baltimore smoked, 44 unsmoked, " strips, - - -" shoulders, - -" N. C. Hams, - BUTTER rer lb. BEESWAX per lb., - -BEEF on hoof, - - - " per quarter, - -COFFEE per B). - COTTON YARN per I ale, CORN per bushel, -CHICKENS per piece. -EGGS per dozen, - - -FLOUR per bbl., - -FODDER per 100 lbs., -HAY per 100 lbs., HIDES green, per ft., - - " lry, per tb..i LEATHER per lb., - , -LARD per lb., - - ! . MOLASSES per gallon, -" Golden Syrup, . jmhiaij per Dushei, OATS per bushel, - " per 100 lbs., - i PORK - - - - ! POTATOES irish, per bush SUGAR crushed, - -" extra C, - : - S " P. R., - - -" common, y SALT perack,- : - TALLOW ppr ft., -VINEGAR per gallon, - - 1 1 15 30 20 r-ai2 oo 2 25 2 00 6 7 13 15 30 ,40 15 33 g 50 1,00 10 (3)1 15 1 00 2 00 9 10 1 75 2 50 20 . 00 - 16 (g) 16 15 00 121 00 2 75 (g)3 00 7 10 40 50 Senatorial Convention. The dele gates from thefrih Senatorial District, com posing the counties of Nash, Franklin and .Wilson, are; requested to meet in Wilson on the 7th day of June next, at the Court House, to nominate a1 Senator in place "of J. J. Sharp, declined. . A full attendance is requested. . Mr. Madispii Hawkins has consented to address the CbnventiQn on State and Na tional politics,; which he will do to the satis faction of the Republican party. Come citizens of Nash, Franklin and Wilson, and hear him. j : : By order of Executive Committee. i Forsyth e Superior Court Assault. The Salem1 Press says Martha Mathews, couvicted at the last term of child murder, and sentenced to te hnug? but took an ap peal, upon jvlitcir me bupreme uourt grant ed her sk new! trial, was brought into court and ..submitted to an indictment for con cealing the birth of a bastard child. She was then allowed to take the oath of insol vency and bo diseharged,:the charge she submitted! to . being only a misdemeanor under our statute. I ." Jim Fries, alias Jim Frank, colored, charged with! an assault with intent to com mit a rape on a little white girl, was found guilty of the assault but not of the intent. Ho was discharged on payment of the cost. W. H. Jones charged with stealing Mr. Starbuck's horses, some two years ago, was found guilty, and sentenced to ten years' h ird labor in the Penitentiary. . . . The civil docket is being tried this week. Tho Hume paper learns that on Friday night last, whilo Mrv Alexander Nadlng of Liberty, was returning from court, he was assailed, by two persons, who first threw sand in his eyes, and then beat him unmer cifully. The offending parries' are known but cannot be found; . Ootton JMiarlzets. ; . ' c BY GE0RGE T. STItONACH, Dealer in Cotton and Navat Stores, Market and Martin Streets. J Receipts at Raleigh, - - - . 10 bales. quotations: i Ordmaiy, .- - - . - - 1919 Good ordinary " . - , - ; - - 2021i jjow miaanng, , - - - - , 2222i MARRIED: ; " Norwood White At Chapel, II ill, by Rev. J. B. Martin, Mr. Thomas Norwood and Miss Laura, daughter of Mr. John White, all of Chapel Hill, N. C. L Married, in this City, on Wednesday evening last, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. T. II. Pritchard, D. D., Mr. Thomas S. Stevenson, formerly of Rich mond, Va., to Miss -Ella L. Harton, of this city. No cards. ' ' , Married, in the town.qf Henderson, Granville county, N.C., in the Law office of Geo. Badger,: Harris, Esq., by Will.. H. nughes, Esq.,' Rosa Harris and Windsor Steed, Esq., all of the county and State aforesaid. No cards. : r JBE5tlW THE TfJORMgTf i Hew York 0Sc 27 BT. January 20, 1872. - " . 60 ni Is a powerful Tonic, specially adapted for use in Spring, when the languid and de bilitated system needs strength and vital ity : it will give vigor to the feeble, strength to the weak, animation to the dejected. activity to the sluggish, rest to the wearv, quiet to the nervous, and health to the infirm- . j It is a South American plant, which, ac cording to the medical and scientific period icals of London and Paris, possesses tho most powerful tonic properties known to Materia Medica, and is well known in its nativecountry as having wonderful curative qualities, and lias been long used as a specific in all cases of IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, DERANGEMENT OF THE -M-- T -J W m. M-r ti Mm -mmmm. f a. A"Ay J VK M-f A tV" A SY, POVERTY OF THE BLOOD, DEBIL ITY., WEAKNESS OF THE INTESTINES. UTERINE OR URINARY ORGANS. 'Dr. Wells' Extract of Jnrnbcba Is strengthening and nourishing; like nutricious food taken into the stomach, it assimilates and diffuses itself through the' circulation, giving vigor and health. . It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, acts directly on the secretive organs, and, by ifcs powerful Tonic and restoring eirects, produces healthy and vigorous action of the whole system; . ! , ;. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St, N Y., Sole Agent for the United States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle, fiend for Circular.' " " may 9 112 4 w. j . . t - I fin Kl (XT T A 1 1 wkiler on your Summer UU liU 1 r AIL Excursion North to se cure one of the CELEBEATEDMMPItOVED Stewart Cook Stoves i With its special attachments. Roaster. Baker & Broiler. The Stove and Furniture care fully packed for safe shipment. Books sent on application. - 142 4 w. Fuller, VVarren k Co., 230 Water st., N Y V WANTED AGENTS! : $100 to $250 per month, every where, main and female, to introduce the Latest improv-'-ed, most Simple and perfect ; Shuttle Sewing Ivlaehine ever invented. W! challenge the world to compete with it. Price only $18.00; and fully warranted for five years, making the elastic Lock Stitch, alike on both sides. The samo as all the high priced shuttle ma chines. , . , , - I Also, the celebrated and latest improved COMMON SENSE : ) FAMILY SEWING ' MACHiNE. Price only 315.00, and fully warranted for five years. These machines will Stitch, ' Hem, Fell, Tuck, Qailt, Cord, Bind. Braid and Embroider in a most superior manner.' ' Ana are warranted to do all work that can be done on anv hish Driced machine in tha world. , For circulars and terms, address S. O. Box 2726, Philadelphia, Pa.' - rr t - , rORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. JJN Secretary's Office. Company Shops, N. C, ' r "v.- May 16,1872. -r - The Twenty-third Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the North Carolina Railroad Co., will bo held in Raleigh on the second Thursday, 11th July, 1872. Stockholders will pleaso bo represented' uLuer in person or oy proxy. 145$vv. citAft. crump, : , : V,.

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