T . : ' ijo J Nopth Carolina Jtullroud. Axoiiier Southern Railroad. Sold- The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has purchased the Western Xortn Carolina Railroad. This pur chase gives to the Pennsylvania Rail road the important lines in North Can lina and the control of all tho connect ing lines north and south of that State. The Western road extends from Balis- bury to Old Fort, 120 miles; This road hall have Improved In material yulue, and increased in working population. In the meantime the road will have conferred all the public benefits con templated and promised by its early advocates and projectors, for the pri mary object was the public convenience, and not pecuniary train, either to the State, or individual stockholders. f The immediate and rapid apprecia tion of the private stock of the North TliO Editor must wot be understood as endors ing Uio MOHlImeiits of his corresKndJiit. Cuinuiuuk-Atloua on U uubJecU arc Mollvltvd, which will ite given to the readers of The Eka um oontaiiiiu the view and sentiments f t wrilt-rN " ' . i has cost the State $0,000,000. and the i Carolina Railroad is the very best vin- politicalmanlpulationbywhlchcontroUdlcationof tho lease; the response of I . M A T a - . m V A . was uuiaiucu v unwiury wnicu has turned the road over to the Penn sylvania Company is said to have been iu fraud of the equitable If not also of the legal rights of The State. Baltimore Sun. We can assure The Sun. as we have public sentiment thereto is sufficient approbation, and the Impotent rage of a thwarted aspirant for a President's salary on the road will have no other effect than to confuse and needlessly agitate the public mind, mislead the uninformed, retard the state in ner le- often stated to the people of the State, gitimate progress, and damage the ma- that the lease was In violation of tho legal ana equitADle rights of the State. The State owns three-fourths of the road and had no voice la the lease. The President of the road, Wm. A. Smith, before the committee on fraud, swore he did not receive money for the lea.e. When asked If his family or friends had received money for him on account of the lease he declined to an swer tho question, and said he could not do so without criminating himself. I In this answer is evidence of fraud, full and complete. There was a time when such an answer would damn a man in public estimation. .With the Republican party It Is dif ferent. Since Smith made this answer, acknowledging the fraud, he has been nominated ror congress, and we have terial interests of the whole people to the extent of his power and influence. Charlotte Despatch, May 20th. To the Voters of the Fourth Con cessional District. Fellow Citizens: Being a candi date to represent you in the next Con gress of the United States. I ask the attention of such as 1 shall not meet personally during the campaign, to this Circular. ! Upon the general question that di vide public opinion, it is enough to say that 1 am a Republican ; and favor the re-election of Governor Caldwell, and President Grant. My views upon the financial topics of the dftv not nrpflv inrliidpd in thft no doubt but the Pennsylvania would niatfhrm of tith n:v $10 0fk) nr'ovpn n nrm fm-Ma ia I 5 .n , , tion. They want such a man in Con- I. If elected, I shall endeavor to have press that by a donation of public lands the Internal Revenue System abolish they may reach the Pacific Ocean; We ed. In North Carolina its interference nave dui mtie aonot tnu the Pennsyl- with old and permanent forms of pro- vanla Central Will pay money for the dnrtinn and inriiiafrv no 1pm than Ita election of Billy Smith. Baleigh Sen- direct burdens as a tax, and the disas- tinel. The article quoted above from The Baltimore Sun is only correct in so far as arrangements have been made with the Southern Security Itailtvay Company to complete and equip the Western North Carolina Railroad to Paint Rock on the Tennessee line. To do this re quires an outlay of the two millions and a half of dollars, which the Southern Security proposes to expend on a great public highway in North Carolina. And that company proposes to com plete within the next eighteen months ter, and sometimes ruin, which its en forcement brings upon those who vio late its provisions, often innocently or inadvertently, are most vexatious and offensive. These are results not pecu liar to the present system, "but appa rently inseparable from any- system which draws by direct taxation im mense sums of money from the people. I think that the experiment should cease. It is obvious that a repeal of this law will act as a bounty upon wide spread and valuable interests amongst 1 -Ll A. 1 1 us ; anu inus me very arguments wnicn For the Carolina Era. - A Card. " On the 6th day of June at the meet ing of the Democratic Congressional Convention for the Raleigh District, I am informed that Josiah Turner, Jr.; stated that I had told him that Wil liam A. Smith, President of the North Carolina Railroad Company, had offer ed to bribe me, then States' proxy in the North Carolina Railroad Company, with the sum of one thousand dollars to vote favorably for the lease of the North Carolina Railroad franchise to the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Com pany, which bribe I refused. Upon hearing the above from relia ble friends, I addressed a communica tion! to Mr. Turner in regard thereto, which I caused to be handed him by mv friend J. P. Prarie. Esq., of Ral eigh. Mr. Turner refused to receive my communication, and I am there fore'forced to come before the public in this card. I pronounce his statement a wilful, malicious and wanton falsehood. I have had no conversations with Mr. Turner since one week after the election of Dr. Wm. Sloan, as Presi dent of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company, which took place, I think, on the 27th day of July, 18C9. ; , h I was appointed Slates' proxy on tho North Carolina Railroad . on the 18th day of Oct., 1869, and had no knowl edge of the appointment until about tne first day of Nov., 1869. ! R. CV Badger. Raleigh, N. C, June 10, 1872. J. C. LOGAN HARRIS, - Editor. All Letters reUtinr to Subscriptions or Advertisements, must be addressed to WM. M. BROWN. Business Manager. All Registered Letters can be sent at our risk. Subscribers receiving their papers with a croBs y$ mark, may know that the time for which they subscribed is nearly out, and unless they 'renew, after receiving two papers, with a cross mark, their papers will be discontinued. THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, i!872. lie publican NoifnatIni.-The Repubr Jicans of Cumberland and. Harnett met recently and nominated Mr. W. A. Guthrie for the Senate. ' The following; is tho Cum berland county ticket : House of Representatives Thomas L. Lutterloh, John C. Blocker. Sheriff O. II. Blocker. ; Coroner W. R. Love. ' Treasurer Robt.M. Orrell. ; . Commissioners Allen McCaskill, Mc- Farland, Marshall Seawell, W. H. Wade, Robt. II. Simmons. v; This ticket is a good one, and will com mand the full support of the party. With this' ticket we look for a triumphant victory in Cumberland. Candidates. The Republican Conven tion which met at Wilkesboro, on the. 25th culture pill? ziteorti6igy.-The average temperature jir ujo uiouuj pi April in n erin Carolina, ascertained from observations at twenty-threo stations, was 59 ; which is just one degree less than the annual average. The minimum of temperature for the month occurred on the 2nd, the lowest record (22) being that for Macon county, and the freez ing point being passed in most of tho coun ties beyond the Blue Ridge, and in many places east, as far as Tarboro. The average rain fall for the State has been very low, 2.0 inches, the highest record coming from Watauga, 6.5 inches; and Beaufort, Golds- boro and - Murphy giving nearly 5 inches, while Greensboro', Statesville, Franklin and Wilmington report about 1 inch. But as the earth was yet full! of moisture from the winter rains, the crops did not suffer 1 nral.-Statp' anH fifinfiral ItfimS. ulL. nominated Messrs. Jas. H'Foote" and seriously.. The wheat and other small grain .vv.. ww.. --. vr? w ' T" . ' crons are eenerallv o-ood thronirhoiit the - S HI Atr TAM 9 l-k A W nn I M. C3 J v mi a m. in a.Sf hiii a.iin ke-r 1 Dr. F. N. Luckey and Kerr Craige are Democratic candidates for the House in Rowan. . . . , . Gen. Robert Vance was nominated at Marion, on the 1st inst., for Congress. . Hon. J. C- Harper was ignored and defeated be- Stokes County. The Republicans of this cxunty will hold their Convention at Danburv on 22nd June. ' , Purchased.-Dr. E. O. Elliott, of States villet has purchased the Sparkling Catawba Springs, in Catawba county, and will open them for the reception of visitors. tnat long projectea and tiresome scheme prevail, in behalf of such interests in of internal improvement, the Western It. rfi t ? T.ll . rsoriu virouna luuiroaa. I A3 to the $6,000,000, this Road has already cost the State, The Sun is per fectly aware how the State appropria tions to the-Western North Carolina I load have been managed and squan dered, but thus to attempt to prejudice a great work and a great public interest by a flippant allusion to 4t political manipulation " when there is neither reason in nor foundation for the charge evinces an ignorance in The Sun that Js hardly excusable in a journal of its ; pretensions and source of information. No one is, however, antonlshed at the conduct of The Jialeigh Sentinel in the matter. The editor of that paper went mad on the subject of the North Carolina Central Railroad some years ago, and he forgets that there is any other line of llailroad in the State. The Sun writes about the Jl eslern North Carolina Road, whereupon the editor of The Sentinel, with characteristic ig norance and mendacity,, tires away at the lease of the North Carolina Central; and he misleads himself and would de ceive his readers by placing a false cap- tion of his own orth Carolina Rail Road" over The Sun's article. which was written "Another Southern , Railroad Sold." For months this Raleigh Sentinel has been harping on and misrepresent ing the lease of the North'Carohna Rail Road. Its false statesments in regard to the transaction have mislead and dissatisfied the. people at a distance. while those directly affected by the chancre of management are a unit of satisfaction with the lease. The people need not be told that the lease of the North Carolina Rail Road was resrular and in no wise in 44 viola tion of the legal and equitable rights of the State." The late Governor liragg and Ralph Gorrell, Esq., were counsel In the matter, and the people need not be Informed that Thomas liragg was no man to aid, counsel and advise the bartering away "of the legal and equitable rights of the State." When it is urged tnat this lease was consum- mated by fraud a charge of bribery and corruption is directly made against such gentlemen as Thomas Bragg and Ralph Gorrell. When it Is said 44 money was paid for the lease " it must be un derstood that Dr. R. B. Haywood, w ho represented the State, took a bribe to sign the lease. It is peculiarly unfortunate for a peo ple when a press so utterly devoid of truth, and whose editor lacks the infor mation and intelligence to write cor rectly on any subject, is permitted to stand In the light of the great public in terests of their State. The editor of The Sentinel, if he had the intelligence to comprehend any thing would acknowledge that the lease of the North Carolina Railroad was in the verv best interests of the State, and to the advantage of the whole people along the line of this road from the mountains to the coast. He would know that it was the only way in which the State's interest In the line could have been protected, and the future successful operation of the road assured. With Its connections cut off at both ends, a parallel line for nearly halfit length projected and actually begun, what would the North Carolina Rail road have been to the State or to its private stockholders in three years more? With a treasury depleted, and tax-payers Impoverished, the State would have been utterly unable to op erate the road at her own expense, the stock would have "depreciated to noth ing, and the line must inevitable have gone down. As it is the State Is as sured six and a half per cent annually on her investment, millions of foreign capital have identified with one of her great works of internal improvement, other parts of the country, to give a protective character to the Tariff, de mand, in favor of ours, the repeal of this excise tax upon Tobacco and Dis tillation. - - II. In my opinion it is impolitic; to raise revenue from the people for any further payment towards the principal of the National Debt, until the same becomes demandable. , I What has been done in that way hitherto has been good policy, as going to establish public credit, rendered questionable by the confusion which, followed the recent war, and especially by the financial views of distinguished leaders of political opinion in other parts of the country. The Adminis tration of General Grant has alreadv paid some three hundred and fifty mil lions of the principal of this debt; and under existing legislation, before any change, such as I propose can be effect ed, it is probable that Five Hundred Millions of it will have been paid. Tne principal of this debt is demanda ble partly in about ten, and partly in about thirty years. The wealth of the country is advancing with strides, so gigantic, that at the end of those pe riods payment of this principal will Hte felt as a burden only one-half, and ! For the Carolina Era. A Card from Geo. Z. French. Editor Era : On my return home yesterday after a short absence, my at tention was called to an editorial in The Sentinel of 3d inst., in which is the lollowmg paragraph : 44.Geo. Z. French, another 44 carpet bagger," was in that Convention, and thatjsame testimony shows that he and others received of tnat 44 .Bribery Fund " $20,913.74." Now, I was not within one hundred miles of Raleigh when the last State Republican Convention was held there, nor have I taken any active part in politics for a year. If to manage the finest plantation in the State, with 500 acres under cultivation, 13,000 fruit trees, and 14,000 grape vines, all in bear ing, giving employment to 150 souls, is being a 44 carpet-bagger," I am proud of the title. There was no evidence before the 44 Fraud Commission " that I had any thing to do with 44 Bribery and Cor ruption." I had no other than strictly legitimate transactions witn swepson, Littlefield, any State officer, or member of the .Legislature, and no honest man after reading the testimony will make any such mean vmnuation. j Yours truly, ' ! : GEO. Z. FRENCH. Rocky Point, N. C, June 7th, 1872. At Work Our friends are at work. Subscriptions are pouring in from all quar ters. We have added two hundred to our list this week, j Keep up tfce good work. We ought t have ten thousand Weekly subscribers by the first of Jaly. Cheap. It only take &Q0 to secure twenty-two copies of The Intelligencer from now till after the Presidential election. Statesville Intelligencer. Exactly--and that's the price of your candidate' for Congress. Western Judicial District. Elsewhere will be found the Act creating a Western district for the Federal Court in this State, which we copy from The Wilmington Jour nal. It is thought that Judge B. P. Dick, of the Supreme Court, will be Judge of the new district. " -,., cause he is a working member and not wofdy like J. Madison Leach. Mr. Thomas ; D. Johnston was nominated as Elector. - Gen. T. L. Clingman and Maj. A. M. Krwin were appointed delegates to the Baltimore Con tention. Mr. James M. Gudger and W. W. Flem ing are Democratic candidates for the Senate in the District composed of Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Mitchell and Yancey. Mr. Jones Watson and Dr. Pride Jones are Democratic candidates for the House in Orange. Mr. F. N. Strudwick was defeated through the efforts of Josiah Turner, jr. F. B. Satterthwaite, Esq., and Lewis La tham have bsen nominated by the Demo crats ol the 2nd District for the State Senate. Mr. J. G. Scott, of Onslow, is Democratic candidate for the Senate in the 9th District, composed of Carteret, Jones and Onslow counties. : To Correspondents. We have received several communications without the au thor's name. We cannot publish articles without the name of a responsible person accompanies the communication. Such as have sent articles without their names will take notice. " Rutherford College. The Rev. B. York, D. D., President of Ruffin Badger Institute, has been elected Professor of Ethics, Metaphysics and D'vinity in Ruth erford College. This is a most excellent ap pointment. Dr. York is one of the most learned scholars in North Carolina. Excursion. We are under obligations to Mr. J. L. Bailey, jr., Chairman of the Com mittee of Arrangements, for an invitation to join in an excursion over the Western N. C. Railroad to Old Fort, and also a pass over the roads, we snau not iorgei our friend, and will attend if business engage ments will permit. " W& wish the party a pleasant trip and safe return. Democratic Congressional Pow Wow. The unterrified leaders of the ku klux Democracy held their Convention for this District en Thursday last. Hon. D. M. Barringer j presided. Josiah Turner, Jr., made a speech declining to be a candidate for the nomination. On first and second ballots Rogers received six, Maning four, Littlejohn two, and Davis two. On third ballot Nash and Franklin changed and gave Rogers the nomination. H. A. London wae nominated for Elector. Hon. D. M. Bar ringer and J. U. Kirkland were appointed delegates to Baltimore. The speech of Mr. Turner ,will receive further notice. It is generally understood that he failed to bully the Convention into nominating him over Col. Rogers. In other words, Mr. Turner was thrown over board by his friends. Having done all the dirty work and made himself odious to all decent people, the Editor of The Sentinel can be of no further service to the Demo crats; therefore, he was uncermoniously kicked out of the Convention, just as Mr. Turner had Mr. F. N. Strudwick kicked out at Hillsboro' the other day. State, except wheat in Cherokee and one or two other places. The" Quantity of cotton planted in the State is reported as 20 to 30 per cent more than last year. Other crops about the same as last year. The turpen tine business has increased largely in the southeastern counties, and as usual, at the expense of agriculture, j 1 No increase iu number or quality of farm stock in the State generally. Labor reported as a little reduced in quan tity and deteriorated in quality. No im provement in farm tools. No epidemic among stock,' except hog! cholera in a few places, mostly beyond the Blue Ridge, and & new and fatal disease among cattle in Macon county. ' Very, few sheep raised in any part of the State ; the obstacles being, in the east dogs and thieves, and in the west dogs and wolves. . Fruit crops are universally promising.' The cotton and turpentine regions import corn, hay, flour, meat and butter from the North ; a little corn from Hyde. Even sd good a farming region as Mecklenburg buys some of all the above named supplies, partly from the mountains and partly from the North. Hay from New York to western North Carolina. I i A large quantity of artificial manures has been used this season, . more than ever be fore, except in 1867. The brands most used are Peruvian guano, Patapsco, Navassa, Sol. pacific, j Gilham's, Mapes, the S. C. phosphates, aud a few others. Of course the cotton and tobacco counties buy most of these, , the wheat growing middle section using a little guano.' " -, While North Carolina ! shows a greater number of agricultural products than any other State, she is net surpassed by any in the number and amount of her agricultural imports. I One county (Watauga) reports hay as its principal crop. It ought to be so in fifteen counties. The counties beyond the Blue Ridge export cattle, butter, honey, buck wheat, cabbages, and a ; few of them also corn and flour. They formerly exported also hogs and sheep ; , but j the hog cholera and failure pf the . chesnut crop together have nearly ended the' hog business, and wolves and dogs have laid an embargo on sheep raising. I Pnbllo peaktnc I-MaJ. W. !a. sIiitii, Republican candidate for Cougrosa. will address the people of the Fourth Congres sional District at the folio win 2 times and places i i ' - ' ; ' I . ' Stout's Store, Chatham county, Friday June 14th. . , Bear Creek, Chatham county, Saturday, June 15th. I Egyjt, Chatham county, Monday, iJune Clegg's Mine, Chatham county, Tucsdav. June 18th. ' , ' Merry Oaks, Chatham county, Wednesday. ' June 19th. . , k , V Hillsboro, Orange county, Saturday, Juno Cedar Grove, Orango county,' Monday, Juno Mangum s Store, Orange county; Wednes day. June 26th. , Durhams, Orange county, Thursday, Juno 27th. I i Chapel Hill, Orango county.Saturday, June Other appointments will be made, of which due notice "will be.given. J. C. L. HARRIS, Chairman Rep. DIst Ex. Com. Raleigh, N. C, May 3Cth, 1872J ' : ; : i The Bar Room Remedy for weakness of. the stomach is a dose of Rum Bitters. They are surcharged with Fusil OiT, a deadly. ' element, which is rendered more active by the pungent astringents with which it is combined. If your stomach is weak, or your liver or bowels disordered, tone, ' strengthen and regulate them with Vinegar Bitters, 'a pure Vegetable Stomachic, Corrective and Aperient, frce from alcohol, and capable of infusing new vitality . into your exhausted and, disordered sys-. 1 4w. . tern. i, County Convention. The Republicans of Orange county will' hold their County' Convention for the purpose of nominating candidates for tho Legislature and County officers, at Hillsboro, Juno 22d. " j A full attendance is requested. j Maj. W. A. Smith will be present j and address the people.- 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, t j Treasury Department; j ! Jlaleigh, April 2d, 18 J2. , ; The following act is published for the in formation of the holders of bonds of tho State of North Carolina. . I S i The undersigned, in compliance with the requirements of the act, hereby invite pro posals, td be forwarded to this Department on or before the 10th day of October, 1872, for an exchange ef the stocks of this State in any Railroad company, or other ' corpora tion, for the bonds of the State, i Said pro posals must be sealed and endorsed " Pro posals for Exchange of State Stocks." j It is deemed unnecessary to set forth the details of exchange, as the act is explanatory of itself. j j D. A JENKINS, state Treasurer. W. M. SHIPP, Attorney General. - 1 ! I -4JV ACT for Exchanging the Stocks o the State for Bonds with which such Stocks were obtained and for other, purposes, j sec. ij xne uenerai Assembly or JNprth . For the Carolina Era. Teachers Association. The Cape Fear Teacher's Association was organized in the city of Wilming ton on ithe " 6th inst. About thirty teachers were present and the follow ing officers were Qnatiimously elected, to-wit: A. B. Black, President. ' Silas probably not more than one-fourth of N. Martin, Vice-President; Henry B. i a .r t xi j.i i ct t. i rn c wnai it is now. xn me meauuiue North Carolina will have recovered from her present paralysis. Such re covery will be hastened by the policy of drawing as little money from jher people by taxation, as the present needs of the country demand. . j III. Therefore, I propose that (the revenue of the United States shall be raised entirely by a Tariff, the object of which shall be to collect no more than the amount needed to meet Cur rent demands on account of our Nation al Debt, and to defray the ordinary ex penses of administering the Govern ment, such expenses to be reduced at every opportunity, towards the sim plest requirements of a time of peace i x i ana quiet. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, W. A. Smith. Boon Hill, Johnston Co., N. C, May 30, 1872. Blake, Secretary and Treasurer ; Dr. S. S. Satchwell, Bobert Harris, John Scott, Hannah Blake and Ella Boper, Directors. This is the first Teachers Association which has been organized in the State under the provisions of the present School law. The Teachers of the Association closed the exercises in Normal ; instruction, which had been continued" one month, on the day the Association was organized. These ex ercises very clearly demonstrated, the value of a Teacher's Institute. . The re sults were so gratifying to the teacher's themselves, that they determined to hold another Institute on the second Monday in October next to continue two weeks. A prominent and wealthy citizen of Wilmington was present, and was so much pleased with the exerci ses, that he promised to give fifty dol lars to aid in defraying the expenses of the institute to be held in October. A Compliment well Deserved At the late commencement of Rutherford College, the degree of D. D., was conferred on Bey. Brantley York, President, of Ruffin Badger Institue, Chatham county, and the degree of A. M. was conferred on jCol. C. B. Den- son, f the PittsboroScienuflc "Academy, and Maj. R. W. York, . President of the Chatham Educational Association. . Republican Meeting-. There "will be a Republican meeting of the citizens of Anson and Union counties on the 20th of J une, 1872, at Jefferson Candler's House, on the Char lotte road, three miles west of Lanesboro', at the county line, for the. purpose of con sulting together and selecting a suitable man to represent Anson and Union counties in the next General Assembly of North Carolina Senator. District Judge and Attorney Hon. Robert P. Dick, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, was appointed Judge of the U. S. Circuit Court for the Western Judi cial' District, on Saturday last, and Mr. Virgil S. Lusk, District Attorney. Judge Dick is well known to the people of the State as a lawyer of more than ordi nary ability , and his appointment will meet the approval of the people. , , Mr. Lusk is Solicitor of the 11th Judicial District of the State, having been elected to that position in 1863. Mr. Lusk has ex perience and talent, and will no doubt dis charge his new and onerous duties to the satisfaction of the government and with credit to himself. Lincoln County. The Republicans of j this county will hold a Convention for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Legislature and county officers on the 22nd . of June next. 1 B. E. Gbigo, Chm'n. Co. Ex. Com. Public Speaking. Hons. Thos. Settle, O. H. Dockery, and other speakers, will ad dress the people," at 'statesville, Thursday 20th June. Everybody is invited to attend ! Sumner's Slanderous Speech. What Wm. Lloyd Garrison .Thinks of it He pronounces it Bl-judged Bl timed and too Extravagant for Belief. Boston, June 3. The following let ter hasappeared in print: . j Roxbuuy, June 1, 1872. Dear Mr. Sumner: I owe it to you to say with all the frankness which sober friendship justifies that, I have carefully read your speech and its sharp arraignment of the President, and my conviction is that it is ill-judged, ill timed and so extravagant in its charges and bitter in its personalities as to' neu tralize whatever of Just criticism can be found in it. It will assuredly serve Thousands o'f our people were ruined by the war inaugurated, by the Demo cratic party, and yet when the Repub lican! party offered the people of the State a Constitution which provided a homestead thus enabling our people to save a home from the general wreck, Judge Merrimon and his friends la bored hard to prevent even a home be- I ing saved. Is he a poor man's friend ? It is our opinion that he now believes the homestead unconstitutional, null and oid. ' Can we trust him? Grant and Caldwell Club Mr. Henry S. Keith made a temporary organization of a lirant and. uaiaweu dub in wltt ureelc Township on Friday last. Mr. Green Franklin was appointed temporary chair man, and Mr. John Massey temporary sec retary. A number of persons enrolled their names. Another meeting will be held on Saturday next, the 15th inst. Mr. Keith is a hard worker, and we look for a good report from Swift Creek. The past acts of the Republican party are a better guarantee of what the the purpose of the worst foes the cause country may expect than the mere res- Ilellitth Outrage We learn that on" last Saturday evening, a respectable young lady, while returning to her home from Salisbury, near which place she resided, was met by a white man, blacked, and bru tally outraged. Suspicion rests on a certain party, but no arrest had been made at last ac- j count. The young lady is very seriously injured, and doubts are entertained as to her recovery. The human in fiend's shape who com mitted the outrage, we hope will be arrested, tried and if found guilty, hanged until he is dead. I oi impartial freedom has had most to fear, very many of tnem now rallying under the deceptive banner of Liberal Republicanism ; but the loyal, liberty upholding portion of the party with which you have hitherto been proud to be identified, will peruse it i with deep regret, if not with unfeigned as tonishment. I Certainly you do not represent Mass achusetts in this sweeping impeach ment. Her Republican people are al most a unit for the re-election ;nf the man whom you attempt to stain with crime and cover with infamy. You cannot separate Gen. Grant from the party which put him in the Presiden tial chair, and which means to keep olutions I of a new party. Actions al ways speak louder than words. Let th Democrats of North Carolina recollectthat it was currently reported and believed in Raleigh, that A. S. Merrimon, Democratic candidate for Governor, did write a card withdraw ing from; the Democratic party, when Gen.!M. fV. Ransom received the nom ination for U. S. Senator over him in the caucus of the Democratic party. . j -H - W j. Mf Robbins, Democratic candi date! fo5 Congress, sold his vote for i ,. i: t :i i ...in w i j u ill in il. li ins iAc-iuiti"uiii 'i from GoUlsbor Char lotto at once 'jty and .patriotism and therein .lfvPlnnl a it would not huve been stigmatizing him as a venal self-seeker the travelling and freighting public is tualJy Pr0..". ual7 afforded facilities and cheap rates of ruPtauu ""iwuiu.,. . mis vou nave me rutin iu uu, w your own responsibility if youSmust, ty but in so doing you will find yourself C( for the first time to the sentiment its Senator in Congress, and surrounded by allies who have been heretofore your of President deadliest enemies. Occupying as i ao, an outside position, I write this, not under party bias, and only because I feel constrained in this manner to free my mind. As proof of my friendship, receive it In the spirit which has dic tated it. Faithfully and respectfully yours, Wm. Lloyd Gakkison, vo lion. L'ianes ffumner. transportation to which they were be fore strangers, and the new manage ment by a libera reduction in the tariff of freights and transportation, is al ready giving to the people of North Carolina more than a hundred thou sand dollars a year, estimated by the I .11 4. T- T .1 A. uuMiitaa oi last year ui x rfsmeiiv Smith's management. By the terms of the lease of the North Carolina Railroad the State is to receive the sum of seven millions eight hun dred thousand dollars for the use of the road for thirty years, at the expiration of which the property will be returned Improved in condition and increased in value in proportion as the country Let tle people of North Carolina re merabe that A. S. Merrimon, Demo cratic candidate for Governor, tried to raise mney to test the constitutionali ty of the Homestead clause in our ou w , S"1 5 :V Constitution, in the Supreme Court of in marked opposition ,.nTT .i .mtno 1 t of Massachusetts as the United Spates. We added two hundred new sub- to our list last week. Our Send in the name?. scribers! friendsareatwork. -Judge Merrimon and his friends told the people of this State in 1S63 that the adoption of our present Constitution meant social equality.! Did they tell the truth? Supreme Ctourt.-rThhl Court met on the 3rd inst., all tho Judges present. Ap plicants for license to practice law were ex amined on Monday and Tuesday. Eighteen passed and were granted. license as follows : L. W. Barringer, "Wake ; Geo. H. Brown, Beaufort; Isaac T. Dortch, Wayne; Au gustus W. Graham, Orange ; Archibald E. Henderson., Granville ; W. A. Hoke, Lin coln : Johnston B. Jones, Mecklenburg ; Robert W. Joyner, Pitt ; J. London, New Hanover ; Henr A Marshall, Craven ; Alfred J. Morrison, Lincoln; Thales G. Penu, Guilford ; William C. Powell, Colum bus ; Wesley H. Spencer, Franklin ; Charles H. Spencer, Hertford ; Samuel B. Spruill, Jr., Bertie; Geo. E. Wilson, Mecklenbuig, and William B. R. York, Chatham. . The Court adopted the following course of studies for applicants to practice law in this State: For First Course : Blackstone's Commentaries (2nd book diligently.) j , ' Coke or Cruise. '.,, Fearne on Remainders. Sanders on Uses and Trusts. Some work on Executors and Adminis trators. . For Second Course : : Third Book of Blackston. 1st Chitty's Pleadings. Stephen's Pleadings. Adams' Equity. ' Code of Civil Procedure. The class is- said to be one of ability and were well prepared. We wish the young gentlemen success pecuniarily and emi nence in the profession. Warrior Thrown Overboard The Democrats of Person held their County Convention oil Saturday last, and nominated Mr. Mumford McGee for the House of Rep resentatives. Mr. H. T. Jordan, former member who "desired to take another" till with the U. S. Government" was ignored and defeated. Thus they go, one by one Hi C. Jones, F. N. Strudwick, T. J. Jarvis, and H. T. Jordan, to deep and damning political oblivion. The Democratic Legis lature refused to receive petitions of the neoDle asking that certain members be ex pelled; but Democrats in public meetings expel these gentlemen from place and posi tion by refusing to renominate them. Verily, tlwj'way of the transgressor is hard. InjunctionNarrow Escape. The Sa lem Press says the injunction granted dur ing the term of our Superior Court, re straining the tax collector from any further collection of the Railroad tax was dissolved by Judge Cloud at Danbury last week. The case will be carried to the Supreme Court. I Also, that little John Stockton last week while upon a scaffold some twenty-five feet from the ground banding up shingles to cover a stable stepped, backward upon the edge of a plank which tilted with him and pitched him off. He turnted three complete sumersaults en his way down and lighted square on his feet without sustaining any damage greater than a first-class scare. ''' Raleigh Markets; Wholesale Prices, ! ' by ; . . POOL & MORING, . Grocers and Commission Mercftants, Corner Wilmington and Martin Sts. COTTON per ft., - - - - 22 CORN per bushel, - - - $1 00 OATS per bushel- - - - none FLOUR North Carolina Family, - 10 50 FLOUR Baltimore Family, 10 50 12 50 BACON per lb., ... 8i SALT per sack, - - - - 2 75 COTTON YARN - - - 1 75 CORN MEAL per bushel, - - 1 10 10 9 12J 71 13 17i 22J "! Retail Prices. BY -- : j ML A.TZC O "M. fc .AjLiir ORI , Grocers and Commission Merchants, Hargett Street. BACON Baltimore smoked, " unsmoked, - " strips, - . - . - shoulders, -M - N. C, Hams, - M - 13UTTEK per lb. -BEESWAX per lb., BEEF on hoof, - per quarter, COFFEE per ., -COTTON YARN per UOlvN per bushel, CHICKENS per piece. EGGS per dozen, -FLOUR per bbl., -FODDER per 100 lbs., HAY per 100 lbs., -HIDES green, per lb., - hy, per lb., - , LEATHER per -LARD ner ft.. MOLASSES per gallon bale, 10 10 25 75 05 25 15 00 11 10; 00 8i 16 25 25 10 11 30 Notice. Mr. David Hod gin, Chairman Guilford County Republican Executive Committee, announces that a Convention of the Republicans of Guilford will be held in the Court House in Greensboro, on Saturday, the 29th of June, for the purpose of nomi nating candidates for the House of Repre sentatives in the next Legislature, county officers, and re-organizing the. County Executive Committee. It is desirable that every Township be fully represented. Golden Syrup, MEAL per bushel, . -. .- -OATS per bushel, - i ; - " per 100 lbs., PORK - - - -POTATOES irish, per bush., SUGAK -crushed, . -" extra C, - " P. R-, - - common, SALT per sack, - -TALLOW per lb., VINEGAR per gallon, 6 13 30 15 33 1 15 30 20 2. 00 2 25 2 00 7 15 40 50 1 00 10 1 20 1 00 2 00 9 10. 75 2 50 20 00 16 105 15 00 12i 00 75 Z 00 7 10 40 50 Ilaleighite in Boston The following paragraph taken from the Boston Traveller of the 3d inst., shows how our friends of the Hub treat Southern gentlemen: Dr. W. P.' Mallett, a prominent physician of the South, left the Parker House last evening for his home in Raleigh, N. C. During his .stay in Boston the Doctor has been entertained by Dan'l Lee, Esq.,' a brother of Capt. T. F. Lee, sheriff of Wake Co., N. C, i formerly a Boston boy. The Doctor numbers Sheriff Lee among his most esteemed friends. It is hoped that he returns with pleasant memories of the Hub. j Cotton Marlrets. r BY ! f 1 GKOHGE T. 8TKONACH, " Dealer in Cotton and . 2Vavai Stores, Market and Martin Streets. Receipts at Raleigh, - U - 10 bales. QUOTATIONS I Ordinary, - - - I - - 19!20 Good ordinarv - - ; ! - - 21(22 Low middling, - New Advertisements. Political Outline Map of Worth Carolina. WE, HAVE JUST PUBLISHED, for the DroDrietor. an OTLINE MAP OF THE STATE, in colors, size 10x18 inches, I duty to transfer the stocks and execute such giving one aggregate voting popuiauon 01 Carolina do enact : That the Public Treas urer and! Attorney General shall advertise for six months in such newspapers as they may select, and invite proposals for an 'ex change of the Stocks held by the Stato in any Railroad or other corporation,' for the. bonds by which the State acquired such stocks ; or any other bonds of tne State (not special tax) where the stock is not specially pledged for the redemption of bounds issued to such corporation; such bids Bhall, be -opened on a day appointed, and those terms . be accepted which may be most advantage- I ous for the State ; Provided, That in no event V shall any of the said stocks, he exchanged for less than their par value, or for less than three bonds of same nominal value:, issued in aid of Chatham Railroad, January 1st, 183 ; and provided further. No stock in the North Carolina Railroad shall be exchanged, unless in the same offer it is proposed to take twenty shares of stock in the North Carolina Railroad, ten shares in the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, and twenty shares in the Western North Carolina Rail road Company (Eastern Division,) and to Eay therefor two bonds of one thousand dol irs each of the State, issued to the North Carolina Railroad under acts of 184S-'4y, chapter! eighty -two. or 1854-' 55, 1 chapter thirty-two, one bona of one thousand dol lars, issued to the Atlantic and North Car olina Railroad, under acts 1854-' 55, chapter two hundred and thirty-two, or acts of 1856, chapter seventy-four and seventy-six, and two bonds of one thousand dollars, is sued to the Western North Carolina Rail road (Eastern Division,) acts of 1860-'G7, chapter one. hundred and six or in the aforesaid proportion. Sec. 2. That any Railroad or other cor- 6 oration, which has heretofore received onds of the State in exchange for bonds j of said corporation or person holding such State bonds, shall be entitled to a surrender of a bond of such corporation, upon the re turn to the Treasury of any State bond I of equal amount, issued under the act1 of the uenerai AsseniDiy or u romances, oi uie Convention, .authorizing such exchange, and upon a return of all bonds issued un der any particular act or ordinance, the cor poration shall be entitled to a cancellation and surrender of any mortgage executed to the State for securing payment of such cor poration bonds, or State bonds; coupons on said bonds may be exchanged in like man ner and cut off and retained on either side to make equality. j Sec. 3. To facilitate the exchange proposed in this act. the State does hereby relinquish all claim for stock in the Western Railroad . above one million one hundred thousand dollars, and surrenders to the said Comnanv two hundred and twenty-five thousand dol lars coupons now in State Treasury with held on a former exchange of Company bonds for stock in said Railroad ; and also the State- does hereby relinquish all claims to stock in said company above six hundred thousand dollars upon the return to the Treasury of the five nundred thousand dol iars of Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther ford company bonds, and coupons ; hereto fore issued to said Western Railroad com pany; Provided, That any person acquiring a share of State stock in said corporation, shall be entitled to all rights and privileges with the private stockholders in voting, and in the election of the directors whose num ber shall be determined by the stockholders of said company. The State also relinquish es all claim to stock in the Western North Carolina Railroad above four millions I of dollars. ' . . j . i . : Sec. 4. That as soon as the proportion of shares of stock for which the State appoints one director in any corporation, is exchang ed, the right of the State to appoint such director shall cease and determine, and one director to be selected by lot shall be de ducted from the number appointed on the part of the State; and upon acceptance of this act by any corporation and such guar antees given for its fulfillment as shall be deemed suflicient by the Treasurer and Attorney General, all further rights' to rep resentation by the State either by directors or proxy, shall cease and determine. Sec. 5. That as soon as may be practica ble, the Public Treasurer shall receive the bonds offered in exchange, and in the pres ence of the Auditor, and Attorney uencrai, shall cancel the same. It shall'also be his Equal to tne Enierg-ency. The Battle boro' Advance learns that the engineer of the down Express Tuesday night was taken with the palpitation of the heart as the train reached that place. This caused a short de lay, necessitated by the time occupied in carrying him to a car. The energetic and faithful Superintendent of the road, Capt. JohnF. Divine, went forward to the engine, and taking charge, run her to Wilmington. each ; as well as that of the counties ; the vote for Attorney General, in 1870, and that ior ana against ionvenuon, m xox; uie Senatorial Districts, and the number of Representatives to which the respective counties are entitled. j! Members of all parties should have this Map, as it is useful in many ways. Pricks 50 cents ; folded and in stout covers, for the pocket, ?1.00, including postage. Send orders to NICHOLS fc GORMAN, June 11. 2 2t. jj Raleigh, N. C. j DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Removes pain In Breast, Side or Back. fore mentioned as shall be deemed necessa ry, such conveyance to be in a foj m ap proved by the Attorney General. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to make a minute of what shall be done by the Treasurer in the premises, and to make therefrom such entries in the books of his office as mav secure a just accountability on the part of the Treasurer because of the transaction hereinbefore mentioned. Sec 7. The Pablic Treasurer shall make 'special reports upon the subject of this act to the General Assembly at every session. Sec. 8. That this act shall be in force from . and after its ratification. i Ratified the 1st day of February, A. D., 1872, i 44wtd,