I... Correspondence:' The Editor must not bo understood as endors ing the sentiments of his correspondents. Communications on all subJecU are solicited, which will be given to the readers of Th Eba as containing the views and sentiments of the writers. ! ' " For the Carolina Era. SpeechConstitutional Amend Mr. .Editor: Strolling down street yesterday,-1 was attracted to the court house by some . means, and upon step ping in for a very short time, I had the f leasure of listening to a portion of Mr. lughes' speech. And among .other things, I understood him to say. that unless we votedin favor of all the pro posed amendments to the constitution, we would loose all." In fact, he urged it upoa the people to support no man for the Legislature unless he . pledges himself unequivocally to vote for all the amendments as they now stand. I am glad that he made that statement, for if this be the case I am at no loss to tike a stand. I am, and have been in favor of some amendments to the con stitution. But if there was no other reason to justify me in opposing this Bill, the following amendment would bo all sufficient : 4 The General Assem KWsrinil nmvidefor asvstemof county Government for the several counties of .the State." Now I look upon this as placing the county governments in the hands of the Legislature entirely, sub- ject to De cnangea ami miemi w the whims and caprice of every Legis lature that convenes. This is entirely too insecure, the people will not find out what kind of government they have got, before it may be changed to some thing else, and besides it is no little ex pense to tear up one system and estab lish another. - , ... When the township system was first, talked of in this State, I had very seri ous doubts as to its expediency. But since we have tried them I am fully persuaded that they are more econom ical than the old system. 'And If I was bitterly opposed to the township sys tem, I would much rather submit to it than create a new system, which to say nothing of the expense incurred, would have no stability about it. But I am not surprised at the Democratic party in making this attempt. ; A goodly number of them are of the legal pro fession and since we are developing a cheap government, they are loosing in jHxket. and the more changes they can - i ik frvio Vioxr will rwMfPt.. And besides it is in keeping with their old habits, to tear down more than they can build up. ' Let us have the county governments riecured by the constitution of the State iu the same proportion that the State governments are secured by the consti tution of the United States, and then " we wil 1 feel somewhat secure. It is not the constitution they are so anxious about, it's office to get into power. But they'll find " Jordan a hard road to travol." ... w. ii. i. Raleigh, June 7th, 1872. V ' For the Carolina Era. Rutherford and lolk. ytvd Editor : At a large and enthu siastic meeting of the Republicans of Rutherford and Polk counties, held at Rutherford ton on Monday the iiTth ult., Martin Walker, Esq., Sheriff of Ruther ford countv, was unanimously nomina ted as the Republican candidate for the Senate for these two, counties. Eli Whisnant, Esq., the present Chairman of the Board ol bounty Commissioners, was nominated for Representative for Rutherford, county. J. E. McFarland was nominated for Sheriff; J. II. Brad ley, Treasurer : R. J. Williams, Regis ter of Deeds ; A. I. Ilollifield, Coroner; V. 1. Watson, Surveyor, and Jonathan 1 lamptou, C. J . Sparks, E. D. Hawkins, M. J. Ilarrill and M. L. Blanklnship lor Commissioners. - .. -. Resolutions were adopted endorsing the: nominations matle by the State Convention. Old Rutherford and- Polk may be counted Republican by from 800 to , 1,000 majority in August. Yours, - RADICAL. For the Carolina Era. Meeting iir McDowell. On Friday, the 31st of May, the Re publicans of McDowell county held at old Fort one of. the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever held in the county. There were over twelve hun dred people present, and listened with earnest attention to addresses delivered by Col. William F. McKesson, of Burke, and Col. Win. F. Henderson, of Lex ington. - , it To give even a synopsis of these gen tlemen's addresses would swell this communication to inconvenient length ; let it therefore, suffice to say, that two more effective addresses have scarcely ever been delivered in this section of the State. ' . , : SPECTATOR. Old Fort, N. C, June 4, 1872. For the Carolina Era. To the Public. . Having heretofore acted with the tv ,f.. i lnrt this mpthod of informing the public that I have severed all connection with that party, and- announce myself a Republican and as such, I will use all honorable means, to secure the election of the National and State Republican tickets. Believing that as a laboring man I have been acting with a party hostile to the interests of the laboring men of the Nation, I hope others will do as I nave done. ,wr,r " . JAMES J. POWELL. Cumberland, Co., X. C, June 5, 1872. Eleventh Senatorial District. Thealwve Senatorial District, com liused of the counties of Greene and lxnoir, met in Convention at Kinston Saturday last, and nominated'Hon. R. W. King to represent them In the next I'ishiture. 'This is as it should be the reward of a faithful-and honest servant ; for it was alone due to the ef forts ami iniluencc of Mr. King that the apportionment of the 11th District was made to compose the counties of Lenoir and Greene instead of Duplin and Lenoir, as the Conservatives originally designed iU Had the latter prevailed, included in another District, then neither Lenoir nor Greene j but as it stands, they have a voice In the State Senate. With the name of Senator King on the State ticket, it will be strengthened, and the interest of his. constituents will be guarded, while the Republican party will show its wisdom In the selection of such men -whose character for honesty and con scientiousness Is commended by those of the opposite pariy. Ve bespeak ft round majority for the nominee of the 11th District in August next. Aew JJem Times. : ( .,' ! - " ' You cannot register on election day. . T David 31. Furclies, Esq. . It s with more than ordinary satis faction that we this week place in our electorial column the name of David M. Furches, Esq.;' the' nominee" jof the Republicans of the Seventh District as a candidate for a seat in the next Con gress. ' The more so, " that Mr. Furches is a citizen of Iredell, which county has been honored by a choice having been made of one of -her citizens, his excel lent qualifications and great moral worth, his well-known devotion to all public and private trusts, and the fact that a gentleman more . worthy j of the confidence of all the people does not exist in the State.' " .' ' . V Mr. Furches is not, and never ;was, a politician by trade, and therefore, is unlike his opponent, who is a profes sional " in that line, . ' f Mr. Furches in former days, co-operated with the Whig rarty, and while a resident of Davie, served his fellow citizens a few times in the State; Legis lature, with usefulness to them and honor to himself. Then, as now, the people conferred office upon him, un sought, and public .confidence was re warded by faithful services. -! The people of Iredell, . who are so well acquainted with . Mr. Furches and his well-known record and purity, of character, , eminent qualifications for the position, ahd citizenship,' have more than an ordinary interest: in his success, and, laying aside considera tions of a party tendency it is hoped and believed that they will give him their support. It has been many years since a citizen of Iredell was a mem ber of Congress, in the person of Hon. Joseph P. Caldwell; an honor that the county should strive for again, and now when the opportunity i3 offered,' , , If elected, Mr. Furcb es has a record that will command art influence with the party in power, and although a Republican, his sentiments are or the Liberal kind, and his influence would be used for. the best interest of North Carolina in all rrespects. : Nono ; that know him will doubt this. . -j : The Democratic candidate , for , .Con gressional honors, Maj. Robbins, if he could be elected, would command no influence at Washington, and tq all in terests and purposes the District! would be unrepresented. Statesville 'Ameri- Lenoir County. - Ata Inm-ft and "enthusiastic meeting of the Republicans of Lenoir County, this day held in the Court House in the town of Kmston, on- motion ofj W. F. Loftin , Mr. Anthony Davis was appoint or rhairmfln. ftnri on motion oi xu x. Cox, Mr. W. F. Stanly was ap pointed Secretary. The Cha.rman explained the object of the meeting in a few ap propriate reports. J On motion of W. F. Loftin, a Idelega tion of ten were appointed to meet the delegates from Greene County at 2 o'clock P. M. to day to nominate a suit able person to represent the Counties of Greene and Lenoir in the Senate of the next Legislature of North Carolina. The following gentlemen were ap pointed under the above motion : Wm. F. Loftin, Wm. J. Pope, Wm.W. N. Hunter, Wm. A. Croom, James War a t TfMn; Edmund Prideen. Anthony Blount, James H, Parker and Thomas Sutton. - "On motion of A. J. Loftin- the dele gates were called from each Township in the County, and every township was represented. The delegates then retir ed and after a short absence returned anH rpnnrtpd the following nomina- C.VA , - - tions: - For the House of Represen Hon: Wm. F. Loftin.' VnrShpriff'Wm. R. Becton. ativesvj For Coroner; Lewis H. Fisher. Vnr TVpasurer. E. F. Cox. ' Vnr Tlporisfpr of DcOtls. JaillCS K. e , Davis. " a . M For Surveyor, William Arthur. For County t Commissioners, James Wood, Anthony Davis, Wm. A. Croom. Wiley Lowery and James H. Parker. On motion, the nominations were made unanimous. J . On motion it was ordered that the proceedings of the meeting be publish ed in The New Berne Daily Times, Goldsbord News, and CaroIjINA Era. On motion the meeting adjourned. ANTHONY DAVIS, Chairman. Wm. F. StaniaV - ' Secretary. ' Hon. O. II. Dockerj-. We see it stated in the Democratfc papers that this gentleman will not be a candidate on the Republican ticket for Congress from this District ;in ton sequence of the nomination by . the i wrvmi4 nf such a worthy man as the Hon. Thomas S. Ashe. Now, we look upon Mr. Ashe as a perfect gen tleman and a good man, and we have no doubt that he would make a siuta? ble representative of his party ; bnt he is not the kind of men whose services are needed just now in j the Legislative Halls of the Nation.) We need the services of such men as Col. Dockery men who can do something for us whose voice, j when they speak! for us, will be heard, and who did not take such an active party in! the struggle for the destruction of the (Union, and the fcubversion of civil liberty on this con tinent, i I ' I ' I Possibly the time may come we think it will when it ,will do to place the affairs of the country in the hands of such men as Mr. Ashe. ' But until that time arrives, and they, shall have their bitter prejudices worn away by time and brought forth food meet for repentance, we think it best ; to let the leaders in the late Rebellion -remain on the shelf, where they were5, placed by the result of the war in 1S65. We have not seen or heard from Col. Dockery since reading the announce ment that he would pot be a candidate,' but we feel warranted in saying, that when the Republican Convention meets he will receive the nomination that he will .accept it and be trium phantly elected. Mr. j Ashe and his friends to the contrary notwithstand ing. (XtroUna dipper." j To sav nothinsr of the merit of the controversy between Gov... Caldwell and Judge Merriraon, concerning the E reparation of Swepson's Railroad ills, we ask if it is not rather; a poor for Juries Merrimon.td ursre. that notwithstanding he prepared the bills, Gov. Caldwell made amendations to them before they passed ? In other words, Judge Merrinionf endeavors to hide his own wrong, by parading the evil doings of another! New North State. - ; '; ' . Seventh DisTRicT.--The Demo crats of the 7th District have nominated XX Robbins for Congress. Thus do they slaughter their best men, like Hon. F. E. Shober, .who was a candi riitf fnr the nomination.' and but-in their places such fellows Netr North Male. as Robbins.- 1 I 1 i CAMPAIGN ERA, Low Rates for Weekly and Tri-Weekly The Presidential campaiga, will, open. earnest in a few weeks. . It will he the most exciting! in its character, As if 'will be the most important in its results, that has 6c 'curred sinci84oi , Te Democratic party has temporarily struck its colors, and seeks, under Talse pretenses nd ' a leader false-to his life's teachings and precepts, to get con trol of ibe government for the purpose of undoing the work-of thewar, and re-lnau-gurating sectional; strife. It hopes to find in; Mr. JSreeley a second Buchanan." The Itepubjican party' is arrayed; against the unholy alliance of the Cincinnati Conven tion. It will nominate a candidate at Phil adelphiaGen. Grant, as we hope whose election-will deeplyconcern every man in terested in the financial, commercial 6r po litical weliare of the Union, and whose tri umph wiU secure for us peace. at home and respect" abroad. ' , .f ; The' Press is recognized as a tower of strength " In politics. The newspaper is the cheap and, faithful missionary of the Re public' We intend that THK Carolina Era shall bring to the support of the Re publican party in the contest a full measure of earnestness and zeal, and we appeal to the friends of the ause for that :assistanca in the distribution and circulation of our paper, without which the best work of the journalist cannot be made offective. ' . , f We will forward The Tbi-Weeklt Era from': iune 1, : to . November 1, ' for $1.00, twenty cents per month, or three dollars per year. . We will Jorward The WeekxtJEra from June 1, to November 1, to clubs of fiveoi more, - for forty cents, or one dollar per yean''ij,P"'-i ''",t''l'i,: n ' '"' ! Theso rates places The Era within the Teach f every voter in the State. .We hope our friends will aid us in getting up a large . list at'these rates. " Seni in your orders. " " t ' Ren)ittances may be made either by draft, express, Post-office order or registered let ter' at Lu r risk . Add ress ,:r : v , -, . . The Era, Raleigh, JJ. C. J i Proposals for Wood. ; ' j HEADQUARTERS L 5 (DEPARTMENT OP THE SOUTH, j Office Chief Quartermaster, . . . & " - 1 Louisville, Kentucky; May 14, 1872. ; .Sealed Proposals, in triplicate, under the usual conditions heretofore published, will be received at this office, and also at the offices of the U i S. Quartermasters, at the several posts named below, until 12 o'clock, M., Vfednesday, the 2Gth day of June, 1872, for furnishing Merchantable Hard Woop, from the 1st of July, 1872, to the 30th of Juhe, 1873,at the following military posts in tue department oi me oouin Atlanta, Ga., Augusta, Ga.,' Crab Orchard, Ky., i Chattanooga, Tenn. 700 cords 100 " 200 " r 400 44 : 800 v 200 ', 20J " 400 " 400 ,'! 760 ., 450 " ., 700 " 600 " .200. 200 " 200 " 200 " 400 " 200 " " 200 ' 200 " , .300 -4t. 300 " i00 200 " " 200 " . ' 350 , . ,200 100 " 200 " 200 44 600 " 50t) 44 200 44 200 44 450 44 , Uolumbia, fc. u Chester, s. c, Cliarlotte. N. C -i Jlizabethtown, Ky, Frankfort, Ky., i . Eort Pulaski, Ga.," ; Fort Macon, N. C, ' Newport Barracks, Ky., ', jashvme, Tenn., Newberry, S. C., Qpelika, Ala., 1 ' l?aducah, Ky., v- Kutherfordton, N. C, 1 Raleigh, N. C, yort Johnston, N. C, ! Ilumboldt, Tenn., ... jiuntsvme, Aia., 3uisvuie, ivy., sbanon, Ky., sinraster. lCv.. exinsrton. Kv.. jincolnton, N. C., i Mobile, Ala.', , i Mount Sterling, Ky.j. Mount Vernon, Ala:, fehelbyville, Ky., ! . Savannah, Ga., 8t. Augustine, Fla., . fcpartanburgh, S. C, I fcu inter, S. C., . i Unionville, S. C, I Yorkville, S. C, iT6e above are the estimated quantities that will be required at each post, according to the present distribution of troops, but the Government reserves the right to in crease or diminish the same at any time during the continuance of the contract. ,' Contracts will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder for each post. iBjank proposals, and any additional in fonpation can be had in person, or by letter, on application to the undersigned. , f JAMES A. EKIN, Denjuty Quartermaster General, U. S. A"., 1 Chief Quartermaster, Dep't. of the South. ju)ne 13, 1872. . , 1 4t. PROOF PROVISION SAFES. new article, made light and airy, cover- tvith line woven painted wire, and are entirely : secured - from the encroachment of all insects, creeping or jtyxng. iney are convenient to .ship, being nested together, thre in nest. i No. 1, Stained and Varnished, No. 2, 44 . . , 44 i No. 3l 44 " " 1 $6 60 8 00 9 50 extra on ined Oak or wamut, 50 cents i I -. . nh 1 . r I i Also, LARGE SAFES, with deep Drawers for iLJreaa ana uaice ; iinea witn tin: araw rrs 5ock. Two sizes, both laree. Nof2, with Drawers; fin; Stained and Varnl Not 3, id, . ! I u - Grained Oak or Walnut, 50 cents extra each. jN. B. LARGE SAFES or .Milk Houses --Can be taken apart and shipped in a small J' PURE SPARKLING WATER ! S- Fatison's New Patent Water Filter ani PurififJr, is the only practical Filter in use. They are made to tit in all sizes of Water Coolers. Persons having a Cooler, have only to bring or send the inside diameter of the Cooler and get a Filter to fit at a trifling cost. Those not having Coolers can .be supplied with Porcelain lined or Galvanized Coolers, of any size of our own manufacture, at as low prices as elsewhere and a. Filter to lit. These Filters entirely remove all impurities and foul odors from water in passing through them. I ' Liberal Discount to Dealers. . E. S. F ARSON, . , i T , No. 209 Pear St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1 May 10, 1S72. ( , - 51 w3m. Pleasant Garden Classical Schools, i.'- :MAtE AND FE:AIE, . GUILFORD COUNTY, JC. C xEV. It. s. ; whittington, a.,m., JLi Principal, will open the 7th Session the 30th July. 1872, and continue 20 weeks. Rnonl in irrtrui fnmllJps. npar the Tnstitn- tion, $9 per montli all found except lights. Tuitinn frnm SlO tr fWV. Onntincvnt fee hfty centA. . ' r Rt-ntlpnts Vvn-iinfr liv TSailroad Will stOD at Greensboro, where conveyances will meet them, if wi are advised of the time. Terms cash, in advance. I For. particulars, address the Principal at nreensloro'. X. V, JnneS, 1K72. ' 1 1 Tttptl. ed i New Advertisements: $ f made from 50 cts- . Call, and exi JL.KJ amine or 12 Samples sent (post age free) for 5C ggf?: 1 1 : r'l 18l Chatiiam Square, N. V. t rTcrxn -rt ;V made RAPIDLY1 with Stencil and Key m,v nntfita Cataloeues. samples nuu. full particulars FREE. - S. -M; Spencer, Brattleboro; ,Vt. ' 't '? : FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will send a handsome Prospectus of our New Illustrated FamilyBible contain ing over 450 fine Scripture Illustrations to any Book Agent, free of charge. . Address National Publishing Ca,iEmla-i Pa. ; A pent. Wanted for the AUTOBIOGRA PHY of- '- ..-v.. nHORAGEiGREE LEY- or Recollections of a Busy Life. IllustrateoJ The Life and Times of so great a Philan thropist and Reformer, cannot fail to interest every true American. Send $3.50 for sam ple copy. . C HE. B.TREATV- . 1 4w ; t - .Pub. 805 Broadway, JS.Y. j 6 T)SCIIOMANCT, or SOUIi C1IARITI JL ING. How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any per son they choose, , instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, freely mail, for 5 cts. together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies; Ac A queer, exciting book. 100,000 sold. Addresser T. WILLIAM & CO., 1-4-4W ' "-''r'; - :- Pubs., Phila.-' .. FoCOODSPEED'S ,.,,t u PRES1DENT1ALAMPAIGN BOOK The great work of the yoar. Prospectus Postpaid, 75 cts-. , An immense sale guar anteed. Also formy CAMPAIGN CpAitTS and NEW MAPS. - ' '. - J. W. GOODSPEED, 1 4w .... New Orleans, Clncinuatit St. Louis. " iJ 1 HCEWT8 WANTEO'FOR " DODDlar and rmnidlTellin reiiKloaa worK e,er usoea. I ( CTdcTddH. t!hieo or Bt. Loan. . rW' n O M HT F A 1 1 while on yur Summer UU IN U I I Ml L Excursion North to se cure one of the ' " ' A , : CELEBRATED IMPROVED : Sewart Cook Stoves fe Broiler. The Stove and Furniture care fully packed for safe shipment. 4 JBooksj sent on application. 1 4w. Fuller, Wahben ft Co., 236 Water St., NY " " 1 1 1 I BURNHAM'S ir New TrrRRrrrE is in ereneral use throughout the U. S. A six inch. is usea Dy the uovernmeni in mo Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Its simplicity of Construction and the power it transmits renders it the best water wheel ever invent or . PamnMpt frA. N.F. BURN HAM, York, Pa.4w Is a powerful Tonic, specially adapted for use in Spring," v?iien the langfid and.DB-; bilitated system needs strength and vital ity ; it will give vigor to the feeble, strength to the weak,- animation to the dejected, activity to the sluggish, rest-to the weary, quiet to the nervous,. and health to the infirm. : , , , It is a1 South American plant, whichf ac cording to the medical and scientific period icals of London and Paris, possesses the most powerful tonic properties' known to Materia Medica, 7and is well known in its native country as having wonderful curative qualities, and has :, been long used as a specific in all cases of IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, DERANGEMENT OF THE LIVER AND SPLEEN, TUMORS, DROP SY, POVERTY OF THE BLOOD, DEBIIh ITY, WEAKNESS of THE INTESTINES, UTERINE OR URINARY ORGANS. Dr. WellsVExtract of Jurubclm Is strengthening and nourishing ; like nutricious food taken into, the stomach, it( assimilates and diffuses itself through the circulation, giving vigor and health. 4 It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves acts directly on the secretive organs, and,! by its powerful Tonic and restoring effects, produces healthy and vigorous action of the whole system. - ' JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N Y., Sole Aarent for the United States., TrinA Onfi Dollar Der Bottle. Send for Circular. " June 8. 1 4v. T-rr . -. :.-..te S' TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, liRANVILLE COUNTY. Superior Court. 'J William L. Brame, James A. Branu1, arid against- . i i Andrew Bowden, and Arabella G. Buwdcti; his wife, James Stan back, and .others.! Petition to sell Land for partition. j This cause coming on to be heard, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the- Court that Andrew Bowden and Arabella G. Bow-1 den, his- wife, are non-residents , of this State, and supposed tq .be residents of the State of Tennessee : ' 1 i On motion of John W. Hayes, Attorney for the Plaintiffs, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks, in the Carolina Era, a paper published in the city of Raleigh, N. C, notifying the said defendants Xf the filing of the complaint in this proceeding ;4hathe same is for sale, -of real estate, lor partitton-amongst the , heirs at law and next of 'kin of Samuel Brame, deceased, -and that they make appearance at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, for Granville county, in Oxford, on or be fore the Gth day of July next, and answerJ. plead or demur as they may ee fit, and that upon their failure to appear, the prayer of the petitioners will be granted, and an: order for sale made according to law. 1 ' " CALVIN BETTS, Clerk ' !' Superior Court of Granville county. 1 i may 25. - , ' .- 51-t-w6w itnmrriOlBl 1 -as US' . N. Hew York Office, 27 BEEKMAK ST. j January 20, 1872. . 59 m BINGI1A3I SCHOOL, 1 I MEBANEVILLE, . N. C, THE FALL SESSION OF 1872, opens August 2nd. - . , The course of instruction is classical, (including Modern Languages,) Matbmati cal and Commercial. The organization is military. v, . . V- .j - For circulars, address " ' fou WM. BINGHAM. 1 JuneS, 1872. . 1 1m. 4 ft' Legal Advertisement. 11 t ' 111 i) j . . ' . . '1 ' ' il ' ! In pursuance of An Act of the -General Assembly, ratified the 23rd day of January, 1872, I have caused to be published the following certified copy of " An Act to alter the Constitution of North Carolina." - ;!; ' :' i e.,j. avarren, , . I, President of the Senate. .January 24,' 1872L,iv- '-" AN ;&cr to ' alter' the; Constitution ' of ' ' Korith CaroUna. j v? ; rT ','1'. , Sec. 1. The . General. Assembly of North Carolina do enact (three-fifths of all the members of each House concu rring); '. ' That " the Constitution of this State "be altered as follows, to wit r s fi : 'i- " - -Amend section six; of the first article, by striking out the .first clause thereof, down to and including the ;wd "but ; this be-r ing the clause relating to the State debt. : Amend section two of the second article by striking but the word "annually,' and inserting in lieu thereof; the word 'bienni ally;' being in reference-to the sessions of the General Assembly, mn V, . ;! ' Amend section five of the second article, by striking out all that precedes the words, "the said Senate districts," and by striking out the phrase, "as aforesaid or" in said sec tion ; the parts so stricken ut having ref erence to the State census. ;' ' - ; Add a new section to the second article to be ? styled "section 30,7 and to read as follows : 5" The members of the General As sembly shall each , receive three hundred dollars as a compensation for their services during their term, subject to such regula tions in regard to time of payment and re duction' for - non-attendance as maybe pre scribed by law.;: but they mayr have an additional allowance' when they are called together in special session, and- mileage shall be ten. cents per mile for each session.". -Amend section one of the third article by. striking out the wprds "four years,' wSere they occurs first in said section, and insert ing, in lieu thereof, the words "two years,'? being in reference to the terms of executive officers. (; ! J , ". - Strike out the words "Superintendent of Public Works," 'wherever they occur in the Constitution, thus abolishing that office. Amend section six of the third article, by. striking out the-word, annually," and in serting, in lieu thereof; the word '"biennial ly," so as to conform to the provision re soecting thp sessions of the General Assem- s'trike out sections two and three of the fourth article; being the provisions which refer to the appointment and duties of the Code Commissioners. : ? ' i Alter section four of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : "The judicial power of the State shall be vested in a Court for the trial of impeach ments, a Supreme Court, Superior Courts, such inferior' Courts as may be established by law, and Courts of Justices of the Peace." Alter section eight of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : "The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and two Associate Justices ; Provi TYi a t. f i 1 a h n.1 1 n ot armlv to the i ustices during their present term of office, unless by death, resignation, or otherwise, the number of -Associate J ustices shall be rer duced to two." , . , Alter section twelve of the fourth article so that said section shall read as follows : "The State shall be divided into nine judi cial districts, for each of which a judge shall be chosen ; and in each -district a Superior Court shall be heldVat least twice in each year, to . continue for such time in each county, respectively as may be prescribed bylaw. The General Assembly shall lay off said districts in due time, so that the said nine judges may be Chosen and begin their official term at the first general elec tion for members of the - General Assembly which shall occur after the ratification of this section," The General Assembly may reduce or increase the number of Districts to take effect at the end of each judicial term. Strike out section- thirteen of the fourth article, which fixes the present j udical dis tricts. . ' ' , . - Amend section fourteen of the fourth ar ticle by i striking : out all after. 33e word "office," and inserting, in lieu of the part so stricken out, the following :t "The General Assembly shall prescribe a proper system of rotation : for the judges of the. Superior Courts, so that no judge may ride the same district twice in succession, and the judges may also exchange districts with each other, as may be provided by law." i . .v . , ; - Strike out section fifteen of the fourth ar ticle, and insert in lieu thereof, the follow ing : The General Assembly shall have no power to deprive the judicial department of any power or jurisdiction which rightfully pertains to it as a co-ordinate department ; but the General Assembly shall allot and distribute that portion of this power and ju risdiction, which, does not pertain to the Supreme Court, among the other Courts prescribed in this Constitution or which may be established by law, in such manner as it may deem best, jrovide also a proper system of appealsHand ; regulate by law when necessary the methods of proceeding, in the exercise of their powers, of all the x;ourts below the Supreme Courtso far as the same may be done without conflict with other provisions of this constitution." Strike out I sections sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-five and thirty-three of the fourth article. ; ' , Amend section twenty-six of the fourth article by striking out all that part which begins with, and follows the word "but" in said section, and, in lieu of the part so stricken out, inserting the following: "The judicial officers and the clerks of any courts wrhich may be established by law, shall be chosen by the vote of the quali fied electors, and for such term as may be prescribed by law. The voters of each pre cinct, established as is elsewhere- provided for in this constitution, shall elect two jus tices of the peace for such term as may be fixed by law, whose Jurisdiction shall extend throughout their respective counties. The General Assembly may provide for the elec tion of more than two justices of the peace in those precincts which contain cities or towns, or in which other special reasons render it expedient. The chief magistrates of cities and incorporated towns shall have the judicial powers of justices of the peace." Amend section thirty of the fourth article by striking out the Word " townships " and inserting, in lieu thereof, the 'word " pre cincts ;" also in the last sentence of the same section, strike out the words " the commis sioners of the county may appoint to such, office for the unexpired term,", and in lieu thereof insert " an appointment, to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term shall be made as may -be prescribed by law.'- - Amend sections one and seven of the fifth article, Ly striking out the words " commis sioners of the several counties" where they occur in said sections, and in lieu thereof in serting the words, " county authorities es tablished and authorized by law." ' ' " 1 - Strike out section lour of the fifth article relating to taxation to pay the State debt and interest. : ' . , . Amend section six of the , fifth article by inserting after the word "instrument" in said section the words "or any Other per sonal property." .v " ' Insert the word "and" before the word " surveyor" in section one of the 7th article, and strike out the words " and five commis sioners" in- said section ; also add to said sec tion the following : "The General Assem bly shall provide for a system of county government for the several counties ,of the State." I Amend section two Of the seventh article, by striking out the word " commissioners " and in lieu thereof inserting the words "county authorities established and author ized by law ;" and in the same section strike out the words, "the Register of Deeds shall be ex officio clerk of the board of commis sioners." ' i:' ': ''' " s Strike out section three of the seventh ar-. tide, and in lieu thereof insert the following : " The county authorities established and authorized by law shall see that the respec tive counties are divided into a suitable num ber of sub-divisions, as convenient and com- Eact in shape as possible, and marked out y definite poundaries, which may be al tered when necessary. Said sub-divisions shall be known by the name of precincts. They shall have no corporate powers. ,, The township governments are abolished. The boundaries of the precincts shall be the same as those which heretofore defined the town ships until they shall be altered." v . , Strike out sections four, five, six, ten and eleven of the seventh article, whichrelatoto the township system. Amend sections, eight and niueof the sev enth article, by striking out the words " or townships " where they occur in said sec tiC-nS. --.'H. Strike out section three of the ninth: arti cle, and in lieu thereof insert the following: "The General Assembly shall make suita ble provision by law , for thct management and regulation of the public schools, and for perfecting the system of free public instruc tion.' Vi i" ' i . Strike out section live of the ninth arti cle, and in lieu thereof, insert the following: " The General Assembly shall have, power; to provide for .the election of Trustees of the University, of North Carolina, in whom, when chosen, shall be vested all the privi leges, rights, franchises ; and endowments heretofore in anywise" granted to, or con ferred upon, the Board of Trustees of said University ; and the ; General Asseni bly may make such provisions, laws and .reg ulations, frpm time to time, as ; iay be nec essary, and expedient, for the. maintenance and management of said University." f . Strike out sections thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of the ninth ! article; relating to the University of North Carolina. .Amend sec tion ten pf the eleventh, article vby striking out the words "at the charge of the State,' and in lieu thereof, insert the words "by the State ; and those who do not own property over and above the homestead and personal property exemption prescribed by this Con stitution, or being minors, whose parents do not own prqperty over and above the same, shall be cared for at the charge of the State.":, : " ' V ;.j " " ' "V- Alter section seven of the fourteenth ar ticle so that said section shall read as ;fol follows : is "No person who shall : hold, any office or place of trust or profit under the United States, or any ; department thereof, or under this State, or under any other State, or government, shall hold of exercise any other office or place 01 trust or- prom, under, the authority of this State, or be eli gible fo a seat in either house of the General Assembly; Provided, That nothing herein contained-shall; extend to officers in the militia, Justices of the Peace, Commission ers of Public Charities, 'v or Commissioners for Special Purposes." 1 r Add another section to the fourteenth ar ticle to be styled section 8," and: to read as follows: 4! County officers, justices of the peace and . other:, officers whose offices are abolished or, changed iu any way by the alteration of the constitution, shall continue to exercise their functions until any pror visions necessary to be made by law in-order to give full effect to the alterations, so far as relates to said officers shall have been made." - '-v: : . . - ' t Re-number the sections in those articles from which any section . has been stricken without the insertion of another in its stead ; and give to any new section ' that number which by this method would have been given to the section for which it is substituted, jmd the alterations shall be em bodied into the constitution, and the sever al sections numbered consecutively. ? Ratified the 19th day of January, A.' D., 1872.' -7. '-":'-V';V- --'"i- " - ' x V - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 2 Office of Secretary of State, ! JRaleigh, Jan. 22d, 1872. I, Henry J. Menninger, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original act on file in this office. , H. J. MENNINGER, jan, 25. v6m. ? 7 Secretary of State. ' Wilmington North Carolina ; 7-!. . L I F E :7'- ; INSURANCE COMPANY. ; OFFICERS: ROBERT H. COWAN; President. JOHN W. ATKINSON, j Vice President. F. H. CAMERON, 1 , Secretary. DR. E. A. ANDERSON, Medical Direc'r f r : 5 DIRECTORS : I . : f ; 'J W Atkinson, General Insurance Agent IB Granger, President of the Bank of New Hanover. ' 7 : n ' r--"". F W Kerchner, Grocer and Commission Merchant. . : : - - l.'-f if - --j-: CM Stedman, of Wright and Sledman. i ; 'Tiff McKoy, of W A Whitehead & Co., Fayetteville. "5 ' ' .. 7' '" R II Cowan, President. "' H B Ellers, Commission Merchant. A A Willard, of Wlllard B rothers. . W A Cumming, of Northrop fc Cumming. G W Williams, of Williams fe Murchison. Eli Murray, of E Murray & Po. s . ' r A J DeRossett, of DeRossett & Co. Robert Henning, of Dawson, Teel t Hen- niifex Sprunt, British Vice-Consul, of Sprunt and Hinson. r ; r P Murpby, Attorney at Law. ' ' "7 J D Williams, of J D Williams fc Co., Fayetteville. ' Jas C McRae, Att'y at Law, Fayetteville IB Kedy, Merchant, Kenansville. '. J T Pope, Merchant, Lumberton. SPECIAL FEATURES jVNJD ADVANTAGES. i . . . i 1st. No restriction on Residence or Travel. 2. No extra chargeon the lives of Females. 3. Policies Incontestable after Five Years. 4. The Rates of Interest on the Funds of the Company higher than those on the Funds of Companies located in other States, thus insuring larger Dividends to Policy Holders.5" - , - l : 5. The Directors and Officers of the Com pany are prominent NORTH CAROLI NIANS, who are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH. 6. The Company is established on a solid and permanent basis, steps having been taken to increase the . . ; ' ; CAPITAL STOCK OF $500,000. 7. ALL THE FUNDS OF THE COM PANY ARE INVESTED IN THIS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE. This fact should commend the Company, above all others, to North Caro linians. It is well known that hundreds pf thousands of dollars in. Life Premiums are annually sent , North to onrich Northern Capitalists, thus continually draining our people of immense amounts which should be kept at home. On this ground the friends of this Company confidently appeal to every, son of the Old -North State, ,. and- ask their support for this . .4 -i ; : " HOME . INSTITUTION, , h which, while it offers substantially all the advantages Of Northern Companies, helps to build up HOME INSTITUTIONS. s AGENTS WANTED in everjr county in the State, with whom the most liberal terms, will be made. - Apply to ' JAMES D. BROOKS, ' 7 ,7 General SupervisingAgent, : or, THEO. II. HILL, Local Agent, apr 24 w6m. ; ' Raleigh, N. C. . WANTED AGENTS ! . .. : ' $100 to $250 per month, everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Latest improv ed, most Simplfe and perfect. , Shuttle Sewing Machine ever invented. We challenge the world to compete with it.: Price only ; $18.00, and fully warranted for five years, making the elastic Lock Stitch, alike on both sides. The same as all the high priced shuttle ma chines.'' ct '.7 6 -" j -y Also, the celebrated and latest improved " COMMON SENSE , 7'( .: ,7j FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Price only $15.00, and fully warranted for five years. These machines ; will Stitch, Hem, Fell, Tuck, Quilt, Cord, Bind, Braid and Embroider in a most superior manner. And are warranted to do all work that can be done on any high priced machine in the world. For circulars and terms, address S. WYNKOOP & CO., 2054 Ridge Avenue, P. O. Box 2726, Philadelphia, Pa. U 7 ! ma 23-w3m. DH CHOCK'S WINE O V 'XAll . ; 7 1 - ! 7 7 ; Should ue wkcu lor f fi., .:':.: i , U . : 1 1 Aotena'et iht t s ; ' ; -r: 1 ' ! 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