f: HKXliy.WlLSOX. His Letter of Acceptance of the domina tion for the Mce residaicyCbmpar i.on of the Fast with the Present A Jlerieic tf the Philadelphia Platform Expressions of Fidelity to the Ilepub licanPartyA Letter Worthy of it Writer. - Washington, June 10, 1S7' -Jfom Henry Wilson: In accordance with n resolution pass til by the National Republican Conven tion, held at Philadelphia on the 5th and Cth instants, we. the President nnri Vice-Presidents of that body, have the honor to inform you of your unanimous selection as the candidate of the Repub lican party for the position of Vice President of the United States. The enthusiasm and unanimity which prevailed among- so many lead ing men from every State and Territory loint unmistakably to the triumphant election of our ticket. As there is no one more worthy of the position, or whose election would cive, more uni versal satisfaction, we beg your accep tance vi xne nomination. Your obedient servants. Signed by Thomas Settle, President .National Republican Convention, and the Vice-Presidents. Washington, June 14, 1872. Yb the Hon. Thomas Settle and otiers, President and V ice Presidents of the National Hepublican Convention, held at Philadelphia on the Hth and Cth of jnc present monint -,;.. Gentlemen: Your nolo of the 10th publican party of to-day; having, dur ing years of that period, for their ad vancement, subordinated all other is sues acting in and co-operating with political organizations with whose lead ing doctrines I sometimes had neither sympathy nor belief; having labored incessantly for many years to found and build up the Republican party, and havinir. during its existence, taken a:i humble part in its grand work, jl; j gratefully accept the nomination thus I tendered, and shall endeavor, if it shall perform the duties it imposes. i ilje f(Ig Carolina jjlirau V . mm .uespectruiiy yours, 1 mj)oses ENity Wilsox. t arlad aua oMt The tirbt'risbord Neto North State says on the night of the 25th nit, Wyatt 'Irving was passing the road between uie cuy ana the residence of T.1 C. LOGAK HARRIS, - Editor. Mr. Daniel Gillespie, not a mile distant, when two men , apQroacnea and asked to ride. '"'.-Being Informed that they could not ride, they fell backbcrt soon made their ap- Hillsboro', Orange county, Saturday, June pearance again anusaia iney- would ride and jumped into the wagon. Mr. Irving - ' 1 1 !- , - - . ,- v - - Public Speaking: f MaJ. W. A SMITH Republican candidate for Congress, "Will address tho people of the Fourth Congres sional District at the following times and places : i 1 " - ' All Letters relating to Subscriptions or Advertisements, most be addressed to WM. M. rBROWN, Business Manager. All Registered Letters can be sent nt our risk. Let the people of North Carolina re member that A. S. Merrimon, Demo cratic candidate for Governor, tried to raise money to test the constitutionali ty of the Homestead clause in our Constitution, in the Supreme Court of the United States. ' leacl Issues." 1110 .Democrats seem very sensitive concerning "dead issues," and think iney ought not now to be brought up. cuuree, any one can see wny tne nor rora of Bull pens, military murders, ku klux hanffines. stabbinsrs nnd smii-. ings, etc., should cause the perpetrators woijujim uucasiy w utru mentioned : and they would gladly have them for cvw uuneu in uujivion ana desire ar dently that they should never be refer- instant, conveying to me the action of the Convention in placing my name in nomination fen the office of Vice-President of the United States, is before me; I need not give you the assurance of my grateful appreciation of thehiglfl honor conferred upon me by this actions 01 tne r mutational convention of the Republican party. Sixteen years ago, in the same city, wag held the first meeting of the men who, amid the darkness and doubts of that hour of slave-holding ascendancy and aggression, had assembled in national convention to confer with each other upon the exigencies into which that fearful domination had brought their country. .After full conference, the highest point of resolve they could - reach, the most they dared to recom mend, was the avowed purpose to pro hibit the existence of slavery in the Territories. Last week the same party met by its representatives from thirty seven States and ten Territories, at the same great center of wealth, intelli gence, and power, to review the past. take note of tho present, and indicate its line of action for the future. As typical facts, headlands of the nation's recent history, ihere sat on its a.a pianorm, taxing prominent ana non- orable part in its proceedings, admitted on terms of perfect equality to the lead ing noteis or tne city, not only.the col ored representatives of the race which were, ten years before, in abject slavery, but one of the oldest and most promi nent or tne once despised abolitionists, to whom was accorded, as to no other, the warmest demonstrations of popular regard and esteem an ovation, not to him alone, but to the cause he had so ably, and tor so many yeare represented, and to the men and women, living anil dead, who had toiled through long years of obloquy and self-sacrifice for the glorious fruitions of that hour. It hardly needed the brilliant summary of its platform to set forth its illustrious achievements. The very presence of those men was alone significant of tho victories already achieved, the progress already made, and the great distance which the nation had traveled between the years I80G and 1872. But grand as has been its record, the Republican party rests not on its past alone. It looks to the future, and grap ples with its problems of duty and of danger. It proposes as objects of its immediate accomplishment "complete liberty and exact equality" for all ; the enforcement of "the recent amend ments to the National Constitution reform in the "civil service the "na tional domain to be set apart for homes to the people the adjustment of duties on -imports so as to secure "remunerative-waes to labor ;" the extension of boundary to all soldiers and sailors "who in the line of duty became disa bled ;" the continual and careful encour agementand protection of voluntary im igration, and theguarding"with jealous care the rights of adopted citizens the abolition of the franking privilege, and "the speedy reduction of the national debt and the rates of interest," and "the resumption of specie payments ;" the encouragement of American commerce and of shipbuilding ; the suppression of violence, and "the protection of the ballot-box." It also placed on record the opinions and purposes of the party in favor of amnesty against all forms of repudiation, and indorsed the humane and peaceful policy of the Administra tion in regard to the Indians. But while clearly defining and dis tinctly announcing the policy of the Republican party on these questions of practical legislation and administration, the Convention did not ignore the great social problems which are pressing their "claims for solution, ana which demand the most careful study and wise consideration. Foremost stands the labor question. Concerning "the relations of capital and labor" the lie- But they pretend thev wish to "hn rrv deflfl isSIlPft nnfl Will DvarvthtnrronniiM. and commence the political lives anew. e do not believe this pretense, for if they honestly entertained the idea of leiimg Dy-gones De by-gones, they would make no allusion to the so-called Kirk-war. For why is not the Kirk war a "dead issue" as well a3 the : Ku klux outrages ? The Kirk-war was in augurated at a time when 'the kuklux were in full power, and for the purpose of breaking that power. Its purpose was accomplished and the villiany was unearthed, not nnl but all through the Southern country. were the first that eventually " resulted in breaking into the infernal dens and klans ; it was thenthegood commenced that exposed these tremendous iniaui- ties. 1 It has been nearly two vears since the Kirk war. There are no State troops to be found in North Carolina. There is no earthly reason why" the Kirk war should not be called a dead issue, if kukluxism is to be so regard- .1 mi -r-v a j 0 . tu. Aiie xjemocrais are not sincere in their cry of "by-gones." They desire to make capital out of the doings .of Ilolden and Kirk, yet they do not like to have their own frightful crimes and cruelties recalled. The reason is plain enough; for their own iniquities are terrible, and vastly overshadow any wrong that Kirk ever perpetrated. The latter never killed any man in 1870, but the kuklux are guilty of mur ders and assassinations and hideous A A i ouxrages, mat nave never been sur- Subscribers receiving their papers with a cross mark, may know that the time for which they subscribed is nearly out, and unless they renew, after receiving two papers, with a cross mark, their papers will bej discontinued. j j THUltSIAY, JUNE 20tli, 1872. asked them 11 they "were .white or black. They replied white, and before they had proceeded far Mr. Irving was knocked senseless and terribly beaten with a stick. his pocket book taken, and also a sack of flour and one or meal. After a long time the unfortunate manTeeovered sufficient to enable him to grope his way to Mr. McMur- ray's, wnere no ior. .tie is now in a precaious condition. The fiends have not been arrested. Merry Oaks, Chatham county, Wednesday, June lutn. 22d. Cedar Grove, Orange county, Monday J une ! Z4Lh. VI Mangum's Store, Orange county, Wednes ! dav. Juno 26th. Durhams, Orange county, Thursday, June Chapel Hill, Orange county, Saturday, June :artn.. Other appointments will be made, of which due notice will be given. 1 V J. C. Lu' HARRIS, Chairman Rep. Dist. Ex.. Com. Raleigh, N. C, May 30th, 1872. Ideal, State and General Items. . F : Nominations. The Republicans of Cra ven have nominated Al S. Seymour for the Saiate and I. B. Ablxtt and E. R. Dudley for the Ilouxe. ! . Death of Or. II. ITT. Pritcliard. This gentleman died in Charlotte, N. C, on the J voted with the Democratic party for 7th inst., after an illness of several weeks. The Dr. was a leading Republican . in Mecklenburg county, and his loss will be felt during tho present campaign. IVash ConntT--The Republicans of this county held a meeting at Nashville on the 6th. . Mr. David TV. Williams recently nom inated for the House of Representatives, made a speech and declined the nomination. In the cause., of bis speech he said that ho Subscribers The cross mark denotes that your subscription will soon expire. Do not fail to renew and urge your neighbor to do lUsewiw-Wa wut -thousand subscrib ers by the first day of August next. Send in tvonr clubs. v ; Killed. The Golds boro' Messenger says one negro boy killed another at Clinton on Friday of last week by stabbing him in the abdomen. The murder grew out of jealousy about a girl. The murderer has so far evaded arrest. County Canvass. Every candidate on the: Republican ticket in Nash county is pledged to take the stnmp and canvass the county. This is a move in the right direc tion. Tho people will be thoroughly arous ed by such a course, the township organi zations will be perfected, and victory will perch upon our banners. Hurrah for the Republicans of Nash. Follow their exam ple! . twenty years, f That he left that party and joined the Republican party upon the Home stead question That the Homestead pro vision of the Constitution secured him and bis children a house and home, and but for that they might now have, been on the cold charities of the world, wUlttfut a place to lay their headn. That Jt was.' probable that he was nQt4ftWn?e3t man, that the Repub licans could nominate, : and therefore, he declined the nomination, for the purpose of allowing the people io take the matter into consideration. : After consultation Mr. J. J. Sharp was nominated and accepted. i Gen. Willie D. Jones and ; Mr. Jo. .W. Ilolden were present and addressed the meeting. GenL Jones has I been very active thus far in the campaign, and is now in a sick bed from Over exertion. . -Nash is all rht, and will roll up a Re publican party. AH honor and praise to- Sharp, Williams, Sears, the Walkers,- and others. There are no better workers than these men In' the day of triumph, ; the party will remember these men and bestow reward according to merit-; Public Speaking- Seventh congres sional District. Maj. W. M. Robbxks Democratic candidate for Congress, and Col. David M. Fubches, Republican candidate for Congress in the Seventh' District, will address the people at the following times and places: f Wilkesboro, Wednesday, June J9th. Tayldrsville, Friday, Juno 21st. Statesville, Saturday, June 22d. Olin, Tuesday, June 25th. . v HamDtonville, Wednesday, June 2Gth, Yadkinville, Thursday, June 27th. Salisbury, Saturday, June 29th. Pnbllc Speaking GOV. GlthwELC ant! CbL Marcus Erwih4 and others will ad drei& the people at the following times and nlac.es f ' " ' . High Poifiti Guilford county, Wetlhesday, June 19th. . ' Winston, Forsytlie cbunty, Thursday, June 1 20th. ' r- , Danbury, Stokes county, Saturday, June Mt. Airy, Surry county, Monday, June 24th. Yadkinville, Yadkin county, Wednesday, June 26th. ' ' Wilkesboro', Wilkes county, Friday, Juno Ta lorsville, Alexander county, Saturday, June 29th. . - . . v.,,,., : i v Marion, McDowell county, Tuesday, July Rntherfordton, Rutherford county. Thurs day, July 4th. Columbus, Polk county, Friday, July 5th. Hendersonville, Henderson county, Satur day, July 6th, i Asheville, Buncombe county, Monday. July 8th. ! J Marshall, Madison county, Tuesday, July : 9th. , . v; , . . Burnsville, Yancey county, Thursday, July 1 1th. ;( .;.....-. Bakersville, Mitchell county, Saturday. July 13th. ! , Lenoir, Caldwell county, Wednesday. July 17th. r " J Boone, Watauga county, Friday. July 19th. Jefferson, Ashe county, Monday, July 22d Sparta, Alleghany county, Wednesday, July 24th. Morganton, Burke county, Saturday, July 3ttarrie-d.W6 sed it stated ill the papers bf Washington, D. C, that Mr. Kdward S Mills, of Illinois, was married to Miss M Lela Pool, daughter of Senator Pool, of North Carolina, at St. Aloy gins' in that city a few days since. f DEATHS Died, in Charlotte. N.C on the 7th Inst.. after an illness of several weeks, T)r. H. M. Pritchard, aged forty-seven ears. Dikd, in New Jersey, on Friday. Juno fit!.. 1372, at 3 o'clock, a. m., Dennis F. Horne. " son of Rev. Jacob and Harriett Home, I formerly of Raleigh, N. C. aired 21 voar. ! Tho deceased was a member of the A. M. K. . I Church formore than 12 months: and Droved faithful to ibis death, and only regretted to leave his parents and friends behind, but- they can rejoice to know that he is at rcsf with his God. He was for many months a ' member of the Wayman Literary Debating Association. j. w. New Advertisements. $10 made from CO cts. Cull and ex amine or 12 Samnles sent Host age free) for 50 cts. that retail quick for $10. R. L. WOLCOTT, 1 4W. , 181 Chatham Square, N. Y. Wake County Convention. The Re publicans of Wake." County will-hold a Convention at the Court House in Raleigh, On S ATUEDAT, , THK " 6TU OF JULT, ,1872. Each townshin will be entitled to three delegates, and the three wards of the city of Raleigh the same. V ; ? - : The object of the Convention is the nomi nation of candidates for the" Legislature, and county officers. . ' The different townships will hold meet ings and appoint their delegates. . T. F. Lee, Chairman County Ex. Committee. ,.CJa..-GeI,C.H.BB0aIKt,and MONEY SSUKESSS ah. a, Lt. xiargrove win aaaress the people at the following times and places : , Newborn, Craven county, Thursday; June - 20th.' s : J . . ' Washington, , .Beanfort jeountyj,- Saturday, Greenville, Pitt county, Monday, . June '. 24th. , , . . ..jV - , . Tarboro, Edgecombe county, Wednesday, - 'June 26th. " Check Outfits, full particulars Brattleboro, Vt. Catalogues. Ram pies and FREE. ,S. M. Spencer, V, , , ' ' 1 4W FREE TO BOOK. AGENTS: Wo will send a haiMsomo PrtwcAiI, Jackson, Northampton county, Friday, Halifax county, Saturday June . 1 T , Tram . . a v . a . uur ivw j.uusiraiea Jtamuv jsioie contain- ( ing over 450 fine. Scripture Illustrations to any Book Agent, free of charge. - Address National . Publishino Co., Phila., Pa.; " Atlanta, Ga.; or Memphis, Tenn. 1 4w " Weldon, 29th. Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county, Mon day, July 1st. Dudley, Wayne county, Wednesday, July 3rd. i Agents Wanted for PHY of the AUTOBIOGRA- ' f. Br. Houston. Tho Baltimore American publishes the statement of one of the vic tims of Dr. Houston. It is lengthy, minute, and of such a character that it seems im- ; Tlurder Conviction Respite Con fession. The Asheville Pioneer of the 13th, learns of a gentleman that Gov. Caldwell has respited the Adair murderers, who . were to have been hanged to-morrbw, until the 12th of July. Thii interposition of Ex ecutive clemency between the gallows and possible that it could have been written or its destined victimsjwag occasioned by a imagined if not actually experienced. If a confession' of Martin1 Bainard, one of the tithe of it is true it is most damning evi deuce sufficient not only to exile him from the ministry, but to banish him from society,- friends and family. Personal Intelligence. Colonel Lee M. McAfee, a member of the Legislature, from Cleaveland county, and who resigned his commission a short time since, is in the city to answer the charges against him4n the United States Circuit Court. As in the passed bv anv of the horrible crimes of ?aQ or each, we predict that he will ancient or modern history. No von- naTe no der the Democrats would like "dead to remain buried. JYeta North State. issues" In 1SG8, Judge Merrimon and his friends asserted that if the present f&tate - Constitution was ado d ted the ivhite children and the colored children would be forced to attend the same schools. Gov. Caldwell and friends faenied this. The Constitution was adopted. Who told the truth ? riie Yes; Col. 'McAfee has been button-hole- ing prominent Republicans, every hour since his return, to effect that object, and he doubtless thinks it very indiscreet in his political friends to thus " go back on him," as 'The' News has in the above paragraph, Col. ' M., would doubtless express himself as deeply gratified if the Court will Ohlylet him off on his own recognizance ! Jiidjres publican party accepts the duty of "so shaping legislation as to secure the full protection and the amplest field for cap ital, and for labor, the creator of capi tal, the largest opportunities, and a just share of the mutual profits of those J two great servants of civilization." IIomcsteatl--Tlie Merrimon. The Democratic candidate for Gover nor, Judge Merrimon, from the first, both as a private citizen and profession ally, has opposed the homestead. He has used every endeavor, in every walk of life, to defeat this wise and beneficent provision of the constitution. The Judges of the Supreme Court, a majority of them, have sustained th$ homestead, even in its retrospective action. I The Supreme Court is composed of five members; It is constantly liable to changes. Some of them have already tcen place, and if rumor is to be credited, another one of the Judges will soon resign, leaving a vacancy to be filled by the Governor. One of the Juxlges is more than seventy years of age; another is nearly seventy. These are not unlikely to die or become dis abled by old age. Should vacancies occur, the Governor will appoint the new Judges. It is important to those wno desire to retain their homesteads, that the man who can appoint the Judges should believe in the home stead provision of the constitution, as construed by the present Supreme Court. They know where Gov. Cald well stands and can rely on him. They know also where Judge Merrimon stands, and what he would do if he had a chance. If elected Governor,! he would, in case of vacancies in the Su preme Court, appoint Judges hostile to the homestead. The result would be, Democratic lawyers would make up caso3 for the new Democratic Jndges to decide, and the decision of the Supremo Court, sustaining the homestead, even as against old debts, would be over turned. Many Democrats have taken advantage of the homestead, while condemning the constitution and the Court that secure it to them. " If they cannot be reached in any other way. Bingham School. The Charlotte Bul letin says tliis meritorious and deservedly popular Institution, located at Mebaneville, N. C, Col. Wm. Bingham Principal, con tinues to enjf a healthy condition, and as attractive as could be desired. The military feature incorporated into the regulations of this Institution, in addition to the highest orders o'f classical prepara tion,' and the unwavering advancement of its ''influence upon the public mind and faith, are the best guarantees of its character and stability. Col. B. is too well and favor ably known to need a personal reference fron the Press. 1 : . At 44 Model Carpet-llagger.' Under parties now under sentence of death for the murder of the Weston family. The spirit of Martin Bainard, burdened with the re collection of the horrid butchery to which it had lent its infernal promptings, and festive in the confinement .which cut him off from the intercourse with the world and left him alone with the prickings of con science, longed to unbosom itself to the au thorities, and thus become relieved, in part, of the dead weight which was dragging it down to perdition. Aided ..by the "still small voice," he last week confessed to the part he enacted in the Weston family trage dy, expressing deep contrition of heart, and implicating old man Adair, the father of the two boys who aro condemned, and also his youngest son, who is how at liberty. He says this old man, tottering on the brink of The "graeytmtrwlth-a heart "set oh fire of hell," planned and instigated the slaughter of this humble and helpless family, and that he, of all, is iriost to blame for the shedding of the innocent blood which nowjeries from the ground for vengeance. Upon this state ment a warrant was procured and Hender son Adair, the father, was arrested and con fined in Hendersonville jail. At last ac counts the officers were searching for the youngest son. This case has been involved in serious doubt. We hope "murder will out" before. the 12th of July, that all may know that the innocent have not been executed. Mecklenburg. A Convention of the Re publican party of Mecklenburg is called to meet in Charlotte, on the 4th day of July next, for the purpose of organizing, nom inating candidates, fec. JThe several town ships are urged to send up delegates. Col. O. n. Dockery will address the people at Charlotte on that day. All are invited to attend and hear him. The Convention will assemble at Court House precisely at 10 A. M. Samuel Bsbbthill, Rufus Barring er, R.M.Martin, J. R. GlLIiASPIE, ' S. N". Still, well, C. A. Feazikr. County Committee. Kenansville, July 4th. Duplin county, ' Thursday the Edgecombe Republican Ticket.-- The Republicans of this county met on Satur day the 8th at Tarboro' and nominated the following ticket : For the Senate A. McCabe. For the House of Representatives Willis Bunn and W. P. Mabson. For Sheriff B. Bryan. For Register B. J. Keech. For Treasurer R. II. Austin. For Coroner W. T. Godwin. For Commissioners Joseph Cobb, U". B. Bellamy, W. A. Duggan, Mack Mathewson and Jack Pancy. , The meeting was harmonious in its delibera- i " tions, and the nominees will receive two thou sand majority. The ticket is eaid to be a good one. Hon. Oliver II. Dockery, candidate for Congress, will address the people of the 6th Congressional District, at the following times and places : v Hickory Tavern, Saturday, June22d. Catawba Station, Monday, June 24th. Newton, Tuesday, June 25th: ' Liincolnton. Thursday. June 27th. Jo. Starny's Store, 10 miles west of Lin colnton, Friday, June 28th. f J Cherryville, Gaston county, Saturday, June 29th. J' Dallas, Monday, June July 1st. Beattie's Ford, Tuesday, July 2d. Jo. R. Gillespie's, Mecklenburg county, Wednesday, July 3d. Charlotte, Thursday, July 4th. Pineville,! Mecklenburg county, Friday, July 5th. ; j Concord, Saturday, July 6th. Further appointments will be made and published in a few days. HORACE GREELEY or Recollections of a Busy life. Illustrated. The Life and Times of so great a Philan thropist and Reformer, cannot fail to interest every true American. Send $3.50 for sam ple copy. E. B. TREAT, i 4w ' .rub. 805 Broadway, N. j Y. "PSTCH0IIANCY, or SOUL CHARM. INC." How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any per son they choose, instantly. This slmplo mental acquirement all can possess, free, oy maiLJbr 25 cts. together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, tc. A queer, exciting book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM A CO., 1 4w J Pubs., Phila. AGENTS WANTED For GOODSPEED'S PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN BOOK The great work of the year. Prospectus, Post Paid, 75 cts. An immense sale guar anteed. Also for my CAMPAIGN ClfAKTS and NEW MAPS. . , ! J. W. GOODSPEED, 1 4w New Orleans, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Republican Ticket " in C-ranvllle. The News says the following ticket was nomi nated at Oxford on Monday, the 10th: For the .Senate Bourbon Smith. For the House of Representatives Richard Snecd, Hanson T. Hughes. For Sheriff James I. Moore. For Treasurer Manly B. Jones. For Register A. H. Cook. For County Commissioners James Ax Bul lock, Wm. H. Puryear, Hayes Coley and B. B. Royster. ; Jjor Coroner W . . JJarnett. For County Surveyor. Richard D. Jones. Pnbllc Speaking. Neiix McKay, Esq., Republican candidate for Congress, will address the people of the Third Congression al District at the following times and places : Carter's Mills, Moore county, Wednesday, June 19th. j Carthage, Moore county, Thursday, June 20th. I Jonesboro', Moore county, Friday, June 21st. i i Turner's X Roads, Harnett county, Satur day, J une 22d. Lillington, Harnett county, Monday, June 24th. - J . ' AverasboroV; Harnett county, Tuesday, June 25th. I Beaufort, Carteret county, Saturday, Juno 2d til JacksonvilleV Onslow county, Tuesday, .Tnl v 9fl Kenansville, Duplin county, Thursday, July 4th. . . If Mr. A. M. Waddell, Democratic candi date for Congress in the Third District, sees fit to attend j these appointments, an equal division of time will be grantei. The people are invited to attend. The issues of the day will be fully discussed. .ACENT9MVAMTrr .fOR arc? TT By CHARIjEST.-DEKiyti. "Id." Hto diviDiT!ubTibeaDTrTnuTi.iu rouiJTW Bloat' or Circular., xi.lren U. H. FUBLISHixd b'jCYv this head The Charlotte Despatch says some Josiah Turner, jr., one having slandered him; as ho alleges, Goo. Z. French, Esq., of New .Hanover, who has eschewed politics for th farm, publishes a card, in which he says: ' If to manage the finest plantation in the State, with 500 acres under cultivation, 13,000 fruit trees and 14,000 grape vines, all in bearing, giving employment to 150 souls, is bing a carpet-bagger, I am proud of the title.?' This, is the kind of " carpet-bagger " the Souti wants, and so long as George sticks to the farm, he will do a service to the State, and (he pity is that there are not a hundred thousand more of the same sort among us. C iieath ' ' o ' i u""" -v. J vvx ill UUjr UIUC1 V ily , To women, too, and her preat tie- J perhaps they may be impelled by self- numdii, it extends the hand of grateful recognition, and proffers its most re spectful inquiry. It recognizes her no ble devotion to country and freedom. welcomes her admission 'to wider fields of usefulness," and commends her demands for "additional rights" to the calm and careful consideration of the nation. To guard well what has already been secured, to work out faithfully and wisely what is now in hand, .and to cuiisiucr iiic 4U(.iiuua iiii.il uiu juuui- ing up to view but a little .way before us, the Republican party is to-day, what it was in the gloomy years of sla very, rebellion, and reconstruction, a natural necessity. 1 appeals, therefore, for support to the patriotic and liberty-loving, to the just and humane, to all who would dig nify labor, to all who would educate, elevate, and lighten the burdens of the sons and daughters of toil. With jts great record the work still to be done, under, the. lead of the great soldier whoso historic renown and whose suc cessful administration for the last three years begat such popular confidence, the Republican party may confidently in. the language of the Convention you represent, "start upon a new march to victory." Having accepted thirty-six years ago the distinguished doctrines of the Re- mterestto vote for the man who is beyond doubt in favor of the home stead. We ask them if there is any nonsense in what we say. New North State. I of Mn Jno. C. Askew This young gentleman died at the residence of his. father in ' this City on Thursday last, after; an illness of five days. He was strick en down with synething like cramp-colic, on Sunday last, at the City Hotel. He was taken : home, and continued to get worse until inflamation of the bowels set in, pro ducing death on the 13th, at half past two o'clock, p. m. ! The'deceased was whole-souled, generous hearted young man, stricken down in his twenty-third year, he leaves a father and mother, several brothers, one sister, and a largo number of friends to mourn his un timely demise. Truly, "in the midst of lifej, we are in death." j the funeral took place yesterday evening at 4 o'clock from the Baptist Church. Those who have moved into other townships since the last State election must register again. after Koxboro' Hotel Burnt Great Loss. The Hillsboro' Hegorder says on Sunday morning at one o'clock the Hotel in Rox- . boifo'i and every house on the ground ex cept the stables and corncrib were burntio thd ground. The act was that of an incen- diary, and Mr, Glenn, the proprietor, thinks h(knows the party but at present lacks the evitlence to make an arrest. He had a store in this hotel with five thousand dollars Distillation of Brandy. On and August 1st, 1872, the U. S. Internal Revenue tax on spirits distilled from apples, peaches or grapes exclusively, will be sev- V - t" 1UO HptJUiai tax wr.fth F mAa Jr, it ofper annum has been repealed. The two u of the we yed dam. utJ j.aiu vy me gov- nrr(vl rvmrtitirm fl - Hnnt'a GoH1 an4 J. T. Critcher's cabinet1 shop were in this lot and both were . burnt. AH the fur niture in the hotel and all . the heavy goods in the cellar such as Leather, Sugar, and Molasses were destroyed.; Judge Reade owned this property and he and. Mr. Glenn were in partnership.- ' In a . letter from the latter to Judge Reade ; he," says ; " We are out of doors -this" morning, without a meal to cook or any one to cook it,"; It is a heavy blowvto friend Glenn, and we are. sure that the noble citizens of the place ..will not te found wanting in that sympathy that al ways lends a helping hand. fees for guagmg will ernment. The Ulstiller will register his still; give notice of intention to distill, and, after a survey of the distillery has been made, file a bond as distiller. The seventy cents per gallon covers the entire expense, to the dis tiller, except the purchase of a book to keep a record of material used, tc, provided, he produces eighty per cent of the surveyed capflfity or jus distillery for the time work ed. Every, man township. must vote in his own New Postal Code. The Congress pass ed a bill reducing into one act all the laws relative to the postal system. We note some of tho more important changes in the postal arrangements of the country made by the bill. The most important is the authorization of one-cent postal cards for correspondence or for printed circulars similar to those which were introduced into Great Britain nearly two years ago, and are now in use in nearly all European countries. The House provided in the bill for a paper flap to cover and conceal the writing. The Sen ate changed this to an open card. In con ference committee the style of the card was left to the discretion of the Postmaster Gen eral, who prefers the open card, and will order that kind only to be manufactured. The face of the card will bear a one-cent stamp, and will bo provided with lines for the address, and the back will be ruled for the letter. Tho price of the card and stamp will be only one cent. It will probably be three or four weeks before they will be ready for sale, as , the plates for printing have yet to be prepared. , The law by which married women have heretofore been Inhibited from being post masters is repealed. 1 The act authorizes the establishment of money-order offices at the branch post olH ces of large cities ten such teing authorized for New York and three for Boston. Until now no branclr -office had power to issue money orders. 'Assistant postmasters may also be designated to sign money orders. The act authorizes the Postmaster Gener al to determine that between post offices not three miles apart, as in the case of Washing ton and Georgetown, New York and Brook lyn, letters dropped in paid by stamps less than a full rate, may be forwarded to their destination and the additional postage re quired on delivery. Until, however, . the Postmaster General makes this designation letters partially pre paid as well as those unpaid go to the dead letter ofiice. t i v ' - Packages containing the Smithsonian ex changes are added to matter free of postage. - Private individuals are allowed to place boxes for their mail matter in any post of fice, but the boxes so. placed become the property of the United States. A change in the fees for money orders is made.. Formerly the fee was ten cents for all sums of 20 or under. Now it is fixed at ffve cents for 10 or under, and at ten cents for sums from $10 to $20. ' Packages of clothing for none-commissioned officers or privates In the army or navy may be sent at one cent an ounce. The rate is now eight cents for four ounces. The rate on packages of newspapers, fccv. Franklin County Convention. The Republicans of this county will hold their Convention for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the House of Representa tives, and county officers, at Iouisburg on Saturday, June 29th, 1872. Each township will elect three delegates to attend the Convention. ; ; J. H. Williamson, v dim. Co. Ex. Com. now two cents dh four ounces, is fixed at one cent on two ounces. Books, samples of ores and merchandise to be cba'rged double rates. . . ., Columbus and Robeson. The Wil mington Star hears that Dr. R. M. Norment, of Robeson, has announced himself an "in dependent" candidate for the Senate in the District composed of the counties of Colum bus and Robeson. It is said that Dr. Nor ment feels aggrieved at the result of the nominating; convention .which placed Col. N. A. McLean in the field as the regular Conservative candidate. . It is further stated that the Radicals will make no nomination, but will poll their full strength for the ' in dependent" candidate. .- The Bar Room Remedy for weakness of the stomach is a dose of Rum Bitters. They are surcharged with Fusil Oil, a deadly element, which is rendered more active by the pungent astringents with which it is combined. ' If your stomach is. weak, or your liver ! or bowels disordered, tone, strengthen and regulate them with Vinegar Bitters, a pure Vegetable Stomachic Corrective and Aperient, free from alcohol, and capable of infusing new vitality into your exhausted and disordered sys tem, if 1 4w. Raleigh Markets. nn MOT FA 1 1 while on your Summer UVIWI mil. Excursion North to so cure one of the I CELEBRATED IMPROVED V StewartCo6k Stoves With its special attachments. Roaster, Baker fc Broiler. The Stove and Furniture care fully packed for safe shipment. Books sent on application. , 1 4w. Fuller, Warren A Co., 23G Water st.f N Y BURNHAM'S j New ; Turbine is in general use mi i f h rrn frli rtn f tho TT SJ A otr twmr : is used by the Government in the iCQ gad Patent Office, Washington, D. O. K "Vsj Its simplicity of Construction and Iu3 53 the power it transmits renders it fjrf tho best water wheel ever invent- Jri ed. Pamphlet free. ! Ff-a N. F. BURNIIAM, York, Pa.4w Davidson County. The following is the Republican ticket in Davidson County : For Senate John. T. Cramer. 'For House of Representatives John Mi chael, S. S. Mullican. , " For Sheriff Jacob A. Sowers. . "W"bolesale Irices, .-!.- BT POPL & MORING, Grocers and Commission Merchants , Corner Wilmington and Martin Sts. COTTON per ft., - 221 CORN per bushel, - - $1 101 20 OATS peri bushel, - - - none FLOUR North Carolina Family, - 10 50 FLOUR Baltimore Family, 12 5015 50 BACON per lb., - - - 8i9 SALT per sack, - V- - 2 75 COTTON YARN - 1 75 CORN MEAL per bushel,. - - 1 15 Retail Irices. ; by A T- rf-t IklT : ' T TTT " T iu -rt- x. v ju. a&i i jlj . Hertford County Mr. JT. II. Sharp. The Republicans of this county held their county Convention on the Sth of this month, and nominated Mr. J. R. Sharp as then candidate for the House of Represenatives. A correspondent writes us as follows con cerning the meeting : V - "We had a very large meeting. Repub licans from every portion of the county were present. Several gentlemen, recently Democrats, were present, and informed the audience that they had severed their con nection with the Democratic party, and in Lthe future wonld be found battling in the ranks of the Republican party for Liberty, Union, and Equality before the law. ! Mr. J. R. Sharp, our nominee for the Leg islature, recently joined the Republican party. He is a gentleman of considerable ability ; belongs to one of the first families of the State ; was an old Union Henry Clay Whig. His family wield great influence. and under his leadership in this county, we will win a triumphant victory." 11 10 00 .81 16 25 25 8 10 30 IV. C. Delegation at Philadelphia. Of the delegation from this State to the Na tional Republican Convention, the following were appointed on different Committees : ,: Committee on Credentials Louis Iiiliiard. of 11tt.-. I - Committee on Permanent Organization Jas. II. Harris, of Wake. V Committee on Resolutions Jas. W. Hood, of j Jiectlenbnrg. Committee on Kales Geo. II. Brown, of Wilfeee. V ! v .- v v - National Republican Executive Committee- Jos. C. Abbott. V v , . Mr. Edward Cantwell was Vice President, and T. A. Svkes Secretary, from this State. Grocers and Cb7)i&te9j9Ti.Jerchant&, " ' ; Hargett Street BACON Baltimore smoked, unsmoked, . - " strips, .- - - , " shoulders, -" N. C. Hams, -BUTTER per ft. - -BEESWAX per ft., - -BEEF on hoof, - . - - " per quarter, COFFEE per ft., - - ' -COTTON YARN per bale, CORN per bushel, CHICKENS-per piece. - n;uus per aozen, - - -FLOUR per bbL, - -FODDERi-per 100 fts., -HAY per 100 fts., HIDES green, per ft., - dry; per ft., - -LEATHER per ft., -LARD per ft., - -MOLASSES-per gallon, -" j Golden Syrup, MEAL per bushel, ua io per Dusnei, " per 100 lbs., - -PORK i- - -POTATOES irish, per bush., a v uak crusned, 10 9 121 71 13 ' 20 221 9. 25 75 15 20 20 a Is a powerful Tonic, specially adapted for use in Spring, when the languid and de bilitated svstem needs strencthand vital ity ; it will give vigor to the feeble, strength to the weak, animation to the dejected, activity to the sluggish, rest to the wearj', quiet to the nervous, and health to tho infirm. .!'. ! . It is a South American plant, which, ac- cording to the medical and scientific period icals of London and Paris, possesses thT most powerful tonic properties known to Materia Medica, and is well known in its native country as having wonderful curative qualities, ana has been long used as a specific in all cases of IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, DERANGEMENT OF THE LIVER AND SPLEEN, TUMORS, DROP SY, POVERTY OF THE BLOOD, DEBIL ITY, WEAKNESS of the INTESTINES, UTERINE OR URINARY ORGANS. Dr. Wells' Extract of. Jf prub.cltt . Is strengthening and nourishing ; liko nutricious food taken into the klomach, it assimilates and diffuses itself through the circulation, giving vigor ana health. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, acts directly on the secretive organs, and, by its powerful Tonic and restoring ell'octs. produces healthy and vigorous action of tho whole system. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St, N Y., Sole Agent for the United States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. June 8. 1 4w. 10 00 6 13 30 15 33 1 20 40 25 12 00 2 25 2 00 7 15 40 S1 - 1 15 1 extra C, - ; - P. lw, - " -common, : -S A LT per sack, -TALLOW per ft., VINEGAR per gallon, 50 1 00 1 25 1 00 2 00 9 10 75 2 50 20 00 16 15 121 1 75 3 40 165 00 00 00 10 50 Cotton Iarlxet8. V i ' by GKORGK T. STRONACH, Dealer in Cotton and Novae Stores, Market and Martin Streets. Receipts at Raleigh, - - 3 bales. quotations: Ordinary, - ; - - 21 Good ordinary - i s - - - . 23 Low middling, - -: - - - 21 TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Granville County. Superior Court.. "J ' William L. Brauie, James A. Braincand others, I against I Andrew Bowden, and Arabella G. Bowden. his wife, James Stanback, and others. Petition to sell Land for partition. This cause coming on to be heard, and it appearing to the satisfaction of tho Court that Andrew Bowden and Arabella G. Bow den, his wife, are non-residents of this State, and. supposed to be residents of the State of Tennessee : j f On motion of. John W. Hayes, Attorney for. the Plaintiffs, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Era. a paper published in the city of Raleigh, Nv C, notifying tho said ; defendants of the filing of tho complaint in this proceeding ; that the same is for sale, of . real estate, ior partition amongst the heirs at law and next of kin of Samuel Brame. deceased, and that they inako appearance at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, for Granville county, in Oxford, on or bo fore the 6th day of July next, and answer, plead or demur as they may see fit, and that upon their failure to appear, tho prayer of the petitioners will be granted, and an order for solo made according to law. , . . . CALVIN BETTS, Clerk Superior Court of Granvillo county. , may 2-3. 51 wOw