- 1 ; TM, V"f - r . .... r f tl ITmlted State. tSc, ia tH "Standard" feaildia. rrttrrtll Street. But M THURSDAY, JUIY 25th, 18715. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS.! Fob President: t j ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois For Vice Presidext: - ' 1 ILENRY WILSONt Massachusetts, ELECTORAL TICKET. . FOB ,THK STATX AT ULBOK 9f AttCTO EUWIX, ! Bueambe. 4 BaiNM, f Xyrrell 3. WIT?'- r Mrun, ! Leaom 3. wm. A Gutferi, mt CmberUuid ft. WllllJUM . 'DjTtMi, of Ltncalm. 8. Juki H JTmstlce, f Kutberford state: ticioct, , . J?OR uoverkob: j TOD IU CALDWELL) f Durke. . . ' ' ' - i "Foil Xieutexant "Governor: - CUBTM IX. BUOGDE5, f WBjTte. ' For Secretary op State: 1 a. U0WEBT05, f Bwi For Auditor: JOIIX UEILLT, f CMiWrUai. For. Treasurer: DAVID A JEKKXXS, f Gatm For Sup!, op Pub. Instruction : JAJVEM ! rrftnklln. ' For Suf!. op Public Works : 1 1 SILAS BVB.H f For Attorney General : tax. l. hahgixove, f cmubtiiic congressional ticket For Congress 1st District: CLIXTOX L. COBB, ! PsnoUnk. For Congress 2d District: 4 HABLES n. THOMAS, mt Crareu. For Congress 3rd District: NE1LL IWeBtAY, f T&mrxxutU For Congress 4tii District: WILLIAM A. WfTTIir! JlBtn. For Congress otii District: TH03UI SETTLE mt Kocklnyl For Congress 6th District: OLIVEtt XL DOCKCBYi f HicbmB For Cong ress 7tii District: DAVID M. rUBCTIES, f Iredell. For Congress 8th District: W. U. CANDLES, f Buncombe. L.KGISL.ATlVlfi TICKKT. - For Senate 18TnDisTRicT: For IIOUSE OF REPKESENTATIVES-f- Wake County: Itlchar C Badfer, Stewart Ellison, -Jok C. CraJUi,' ItoUert tU Perry WAKE COUNTY TICKET. ! For County Treasurer: William M. Brown. For Register of Deeds: WlIlUuM W. White. ; For County Survevor : TliomJM C Smltlt. For County Commissioners: WllUum Jlmks, Ilcmrjr C Jmm, , fUuMael BajBer, yi G. To, BoWrt W. Trnne. For Coroner: Alkrt Xaffala ! For Sheriff: TimetfeY F Leo. : Tn r Era. until further notice, will Ik under my control. ' . J. C Logan Harris. The malicious slander of Reck & Co., which was nailed to the counter by Marshal Carrow, was gotten up to cover the Importation into North Carolina of the Tammany stealings. How can the Republicans punish ? their thieves, if the Democrats contin ue to elect prosecuting omcers to release them for six cents in the dollar ? - Will Judge Shipp answer., . t Those Democrats who opposed the Convention have been completely os tracised by the leaders of their party. Jo Turner and his crowd said "damn 'em drive em." Vm out" and they "anv ...V ... !. Krtundftrs the neero. and Filkins the . ' 1 V .n 4v 4..v Ofnta 4v WOllO mUIl, UV144 KKIXM IV UU1 4Jl4.v JJ the Tamraany Ring In the interest of elor, while members of the late Demo Greeley, were both turned out of ofilce eratic Fraud Commission, and drawing by Gen.-Urant. uo nome, youeorc heads. , - '- I t ' .? .1 1 lie'' working, active Republican shbuloT see tliat our tickets are at every box In sufficient numbers, imd that the ignorant, are not cheated out of their votes by puiung mem in uw wiwg Boxes. ' ; ' John W. Graham, Democratic can didate for Treasurer, and John A. Wo- rhack' Democratic candidate for Secre- r Xr RrjitP. both slfimed the Conser- vaUve address of 1871, declaring that they must levy a tax to pay the public debt, resiirrf or rjeHurethemselvesL Thev didn't levy the tax, they did not w? Tf thov tieriured themselves as Mml' thev Vonld:' are they -fit fn ho further trusted? I 1 Speaking at Wiiniihgtoii. ' tion. Frederick Douglas f and .Col. Utfo. M. Langs ton will address tho peo ple of Wilmington on Siiturday next, the 27th. - ' v ; Our Wilmington friends should get up a Grand Meeting. Boss Tweed sends greeting to Swep- son. The money Tweed stole for the Democratic party is being used in North Carolina to pay for speakers and barbecues to help outSwepson's confl dential adviser in the ring swindles. , A. B. Cornell, Chairman of the Ney York Republican State Committee, has issued a call for a convention atUtica on Wednesday, August 1, to nominate State officers, Representatives to Con cress at Large, and -Presidential elec tors. The party of all the wealth, respec tability, virtue and intelligence, has been convicted, and stands self-confessed, guilty of theft, rapine and mur der, committed in tho dark with dis guised faces, and its leading represen tatives are to-day the Inmates of felons cells, clothed in ' the garb of Peniten tiary convicts ! I Jndge Merrimon and his frehd4 are and always have been enemies of our State Constitution'. They opposed its adoption worked hard to cheat poor men out of their homesteads last sum mer, and are still working to repeal so much of tho Constitution as possible! Can you trust them ? Collett Leaventhorpe who put the wives of Union soldiers in a bull pen because they would not (when they could not) tell where their, husbands were during the war is a candidate for Auditor. Hand him around Republi cans ; honest Democrats will not sus tain such a creature when they know his record. XX Itobbins who was censured his own party for dishonorably tak ry a fee or bribe as State Senator, and J, M. Leach, "Virtuous Jimmy," who swindled Air. limit out oi $vwt nro Democratic candidates for Congress in the 5th and 7th Districts. - .;., Steal something if you want promo tion in Democratic ranks, for few oth r ers receive favors at their hands. Mr. John W. Graham secured the nomination for State Treasurer be cause he is tho son of his father, because he "fit" for tlie Confederacy and allows ed Northcott to be murdered likir h dog, and lastly, because he introduced a bill to grant amnesty to every Ku Klux: Democrat who had whipped, vance the cause of Democracy. , , ' : f ' Jiulirfi Merrimon and his friends. 18C8, stumped the. State against i present Constitution. Goy. Caldwell r-, . tion. ii j uuge iuernmon nau succeed-, eu in aeieaung me auopuou oi Constitution, where would your home- steads be? Who proved himself your friend, poor men of North Carolina, Gov. Caldwell or Judge Merrimon ? rAniWAri fn nd hv first mail th rc-! suit of the election, in the . various rounties in the State. . . j Those living convenient to telegraph , lines, will please telegraph at our ex- pense the result at their precincts, as10'1' wutp iub oubervauve pany nau compared with the Convention vote: control of, them, than fox the year 1870, Let your dispatches be brief and ac- i curate. Democratic Audacity. How can A. S. Merrimon ask a, i o - pie to vote for him when he has aidi-rf his friend Swepson and others to rob and plunder? J How. can Mai. Graham who allowed i Northcotte to be murdered and sneaked oft to shirk the responsibility, ask any christian and civilized people tojvote for him? Yet he does it after intro ducing a bill in the Legislature grant ing amnesty to every Democrat who had Ku Kluxed a Republican, j The Sentinel says the people, of the j West would listen to Gen. uilngman : Democratic harrangues with more com placency and satisfaction if the said Gen. Clingman would turn over the fifteen hundred dollars he got Swepson to the State Treasurer. from Donft The Sentinel also think that Judge Shipp would be listened to with more satisfaction if ho would turn over theSIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX DOL I4AR8 TIB RECEIVED WHILE FRAUD COMMISSIONER FOR RECOMMENDING THE RELEASE OF HIS FRIEND SWEP jsot . a xie people iiuiik so. a ' rm i4ii ( Let it be Known. That W. M. Shipp and J. D. Batch- to per uay ior services as suen, Bignui a recommendation to release- Swepson from air prosecutions on his returning 8jx cents in the dollarAND THESE SAME COMMISSIONERS' RECEIV ED THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY - THREE DOLLARS4AND biah'Blv - Krn 1 o fun eu it commending; . These Democratic Fraud Commis sioners generously allowed their friend and brother Democrat, Swepson, to RETAIN NINETY-FOUR CENTS ON THE DOLLAR OF ALL HE HAD GOT FROM THE STATE FOR HIS TROUBLE,' "upon condition that they receive the above mentioned sum. W M. Shipp is the Democrat ccan didate for Attorney General. I Why don't The 'SeAtinel call ofi him to pay 1 back that money ? ' Rcatt the letter of- poor Northcott writterj just before he was killed by the command of vMaJor.j John Graham. This alone is sufficient to consign to everlasting ' disgrace . the party who puts up as a candidate for State Treas- arer aiman who sneaked away ana f in f, -ri, nKB a, U9g, simpiy ior wans oi uevo, n to the Democratic party, and would nnt Mkl r nnJ-h W SPEAKING AT METROPOLI- Iff Hi- 1 i t TAN HAIili. Thursday Evening, July 25th. 1 ! V.-' . - : -;- Hon; j Frederick Douglas and , Col. ... j vjeo. ruangsion win auurtsa uic BeonteofllaleiffhatMetroDolitanHall. Thursday. 'evening," July 25th. These gentlemeh! are tried leaders of the Re- publican I party, : iveryooay snouia hear them. Let us have a rousing meeting.The Hall should be filled to overflowing. Tobacco; ILaw Democrat Ite spoil ; . sibic for jts Passage Rogers, j; : Ixsach and Waddell, ' : - ,: ; i j-1 voted for it. " , ' 1 " 1 ' ." The tobacco which is so much com plained -of is the offspring of the Dem- ocrats. leacn, sogers ana waaaeu an voted for it, and ' they must be held re- sponsmie ior tne enacxmeni oi xne jaw. "7Vni-rkr rtomarvfk 4Tia nonnla 1VIQXT CI19 tain is directly due to these men. They not only kept their mouths shut ana saia fioining Hguiimb ixie uiu, uui reed for it. Think of this, tobacco men, and vote aeainst Rbgers, Leach and Waddell.! - - ' Poor. Turner. The Democratic candidates in the . ;r. county cjf "vVake have found it necessa .ry to openly repudiate Joe. Turner in -vr ". . " inia wa3 aront tne t m Hromson was i,n a. t ti;k i n-irtv is the oart-v Shame:upon youMaj. Graham! Shame nrenarfnirfo CT "" lTJZ tW State Pon your party I! ; , :;; rimon drew the-billa nnadroiUy as nrialiheof marc.mnoof an om- Honesty ajrainst Crime and Cto sit ' I - I i .1 .n. .in., ii --i I, i m: iiii.i- ng.their speeches. They have found that - the decent portion of the Democracy of --the country will not support any man who is supposed to have any sympathy with the infamous blackcruardism of The ' Sentinel of the last ten months. Their ' repudiation of Turner is pretty rough on I him, but it speaks well for j the character and decency of the people j of Wake county, when the Democratic candidates are compelled to make a point before the people of their repu diation of the Editor of their party . organ in the State. jf Poof Joe is on his last legs. ! -j ;' f Democratic Extravagance. prtCtsahd figures . spak for them- , on account of the Asylum for the Deaf I . . " theverc' for the vear 1870. under Re- i punucaii manageineni. acCount of the Insane Asylum for the 187 wero Twmth0ne 'Thousand Dollars '.niore than in 1870, under Re .- V publican jnanagement. The Penitentiary cost the State Conservative rule thau for the year !;187(). under Republican I rule. These, three State Institutions cost the tax-payers of the State Seventy Thousand Dollars more for the year Wlie" imT P" puny au jh- liui yji wilt '11 ! I l The Election in North Carolina. The first Of the summer elections takes place her ii August. . The eyes of the whole country are turned.tojus. If North Carolina goes for Caldwell she will go for Grant. If we go ngnt in August, we shall go m m m . ' . right in November. Much .denends unon this plpntion. Nothing less than the salvation of the country, i The issue is honesty vs. corruption. CaldwejMs a man of the people I an ablp, high principled, pure-hearted Merrinion endorses the usurpations s - I orthe last Legislature. He endorsed the Convention Bill. He prosecuted the on,c-n of Yancey, and shylock- like, Ue.i&rded.thelaacent of his fees, He is Opposed to the Homestead, and is Swepsons chief friend and adviser. He lives In a tine house given to hini 6y Swepson. He wears diamonds given to (him by Sweison. . WhicijWould make the better Gov ernor; fbr;noble, honest old,Norih Caro- linaj The Republican ticket is composed of ; gentlemen t" without fear and with out reproach." ,The Democratic ticket is before you. Judge i yourselves. : 1 Thereare men on that ticket we are not willing , to entrust' with the affairs of North .Carolina. ' There! pre men on that ticket wbo liate the honest white and black men of North Chrolina with the bitterest hate of hen;.'!!;. :' " , Ill-' - ' There fare men on that ticket who Would crush the : people as they would the head 'of a serpent, if they had the power. : . These men will get tlie power, to gratify :tpeir infernal desires, if you do not vote ) them down on the first of August. j!1 ; ; . ' s Rally and save the State ! : ! Rally,! for law, liberty and good gov Kead again the letter of Gen. JR. M. Henry to Gov. Caldwell. - JRepuhUcan Triumph in thl"ci .. He says Judge Merrimon told him i of Raleigh. j that he resigned his seat on the bench : On the 16th, the Kq; Eliix bemoc and moved to Raleigh to become the racy having imported several carpet standing, adviser ; of Swepson;, f at a baggers, one from Wisconsin, named salary of $3,000 a year ; r that he was Doolittle": another from Nebraska, a Pr ana waniea to make some money, and thought that of more importance than the honor of rw WVWh i?n ftitog on the bench. Swepson told him. He was the legal swindler's adviser befoTe, during and auerne swinoung. ;He has maae money in place of the honor of being on the bench,' . He lives in a house given him by Swepson. -7 Could Swep- son have been so liberal If he had not stolen the public money ? Where did the money come from that paid for ""o iiuw owciauu has been caught and is in daneer of the penitentiary. r But if he can get the people to. elect for Governor his wuuueuuwauu pauu aaviser, wnom ne moved from Asheville and settled in Raleigh and paid $3,000 a year in place of the honor of being on the bench, and tuvci uiauio uyuc, ,wm - get fi uuviser to pardon him, then tho law will, be cheated as badly as- theTreasury was, aud Swepson will be a fortunate man! What say the people of North Carolina to- Swepson's programme? Caldwell will not pardon him. Could Merrimon refuse and still keep' the house and lot flnfl the o000 whi(,h Rwet)Son craVfi him in lace of the honor of sitting on the oencjj? i f . 1. : - I P. S. The letter is on our first page orcanlzeTo the PollsWork for Iiiberty, Like Men Work Peace, Union. Nine days from this day the sun will go down upon a State rescued and rprlPAmivi; or if. will - m rlnwn iinnn o State fast bound in the galling chains of poverty, disgrace and oppression oppression. . Nine days only are left to us in which to prepare for the great battle. The time is short. Let us waste not a single hour. j The eyes of the whole country are upon us. . We have now a glorious op- nortunitv to wine awav everv renroaeh that has ever lallen upon us. But,if we go into this fight to win, we must work, work unceasingly, and leave nothing to chance. We are en gaged in no child's play, we are working for our lives, for our liberties and for our property, against men who will stop at nothing to carry the eUc tion. Greeleyites seem to think that their fate hangs upon Carolina. Doolittle u tCi k I UJUUCV UJ a nvu o.. usla ouv "L 1 election, and vote our full strength. Remember, that though we have a clear majority, we can not afford to lose a single vote. Let us wrork then, unceasingly, anjl leave nothing to chance. With the power that we hold in our hands, if we do not win this fight, we deserve defeat and all its fearful con- quences. f Fail not to make arrangements before the day of election for every lame and crippled and feeble man to get to the polls. '.'. 4 '' - Vance Attempts to Rally the Ku ; Klux. The News of this city reports that Gov. Vance said at Newton, Catawba county, on the 17th, that' he was in formed by Reverdy Johnson, that the U. S. Supreme Court had declared the Ku Klux law unconstitutional in one of the South Carolina cases. This de claration is false, and was made for the purpose of rallying the Ku Klux of Catawba and other Western counties. Vance and his cohorts of treason and Ku Kluxism know they are beat en unless they can call into play their great ally the Ku Klux hence vance senonatxNewcon. weieutne Ku Klux that the eyes of the U. S. v m sv A A.r . A . ITT . M , L rru t - officers are 'jpon . tliem. . m mm a . " r, . -Zl LVZZ mmj-n.-. mm m wm, m r n mm mm 7 W m tn 1 1 mm gmt Lmma-.mmmmi I ;V"iTr .... 'uim men were indicted at the last term of U.S. Court held njhaaty, abba, fifyof whom are charged murder. These Indictments reach all over the counties where the Ku Klux flourish ed. Capiases have been issued and these men will be arrested and held for trial. Republicans are no longer afraid of Ku Klux. They, have sub mitted to the outrages of disguised sassins in the interest of the Democratic party, until forbearance . has ceased to be a virtue. From -this time, the Re publicans of this State are determined to maintain their freedom. They will not commit a breach of the peace, but they will defend themselves whenever attacked, let the consequences be what they may. Turner and Vance would like to have the Ku Kl ox- ride the night before the election, but they dare not do it Members of . the Klan are known to the officers of the law, and the first move that is made, will be I squelched by filling the jails with ev- erv man eneaffed in violating the law. . Vance will try to rally hia Kri Klux friends wherever he speaks, but trying willbe all. The poor wool hat boys will no longer be made tools of to ad- vance the Interests of the old slave oli- garchy. They were deceived into the war and into the Ku Klux Klan ; but they have turned their backs upon Vance and his cohorts, and will be freemen hereafter. f the result in North Klux evident, ludicrous and altogether tnorpe is also, responsi Die tor I The Democratic Failure Grand fanatical SDectacled oreacher. named Tinton 2 another from Vlnmli.' named wiS ' tf ' iT Walker, and, thj- colored men, who nihns. filled with Tt-Iao- Iowvan and 0id, spavined political hacks, a half- dozen carriages, and a few stragglers on foot, escorted by a corps of marshals, fxrn of whom wm-a rnlnrpd. ridinsr be- nmd pn a pair of bob-taUed, brindle- colored nags, in solitary communion and amidst general contemDt and de- rision, repaired to Mordecai's grove, i where the norators mounted tne stanu, U k yin m rfose to Gov. Graham : that his ; nose got into a curl and his placid countenance became the color of a tmkey gobblers, irom mortification at : the remembrance, of his 'celebrated white line address in iggs and opened their milk and cider i campalsna for uratz ureeiey aqu uvu Brown in North Carolina ; -V' - The cpeeches wer; all weak, and j made , no. impression on the crowd, which scrambled to the tables, destroy;- I ed the barbecue, guzzled whiskeyt and went home 1 in disgust, folding their tents like I Arabs and as silently steal- in? awav, The whole thing was a failure, and we' have never before seen such a worn ble-cropped set of Democrats,'KuKlux, Greeleyites as hung around pur street corners on Tuesday evemng, while A GRAND REPUBLICAN MEETING . l . ; i. n r 1 TToll filled with a larger number of voters than had attended the Ku Kliix barbe cue, rending the air with their enthusi astic shouts and listening to the glori- ous 'appeals and stirring eloquence of w. TT. Tailv. TTnn. 8. V. Phillies and James H. Harris, Esq., the next Sena tor from the county of Wake. I This demonstration completely squelched Doolittle, Tipton; Walker and the Greeley negroes, for they left I Raleieh on the next train and r Will probably leave North' Carolina by a smaller hole than the one which they ventured to come in at. We can sav to the ReDublicans of this State that a blaze of enthusiasm has lit up the very .heavens of Wake county - for Caldwell and . Grant, and that we will sweep this district by, an increased majority. Our triumph is complete and the chagrin of the Ku k Grimes is dead, that .bad old man, we ne'er shall see him more." THE NEW BONDS. Sixteen Millions issued to Demo .: eratic Presidents. -5 WHAT HAS BECOME OF THE MONEY. ' Of the . bonds voted by the Legisla ture and the Convention, a part Were declared unconstitutional by the Su- preme uourt. . ' 4 . - i i ..I Now let us inquire who urged the voting of those bonds, and who receiv- ed them. The following are the names of the Presidents of the several roads for which the bonds were appr9priated, and the amounts opposite their names are what they severally received.- They are all Democrats: R. II. Cowan, President W., C. fe R. It. R., $ 2,000,000 , W. J. Hawkins, Pres't Raleigh & i Gaston Railroad, 3,100,000 Mallett, Pres't Western Railroad, 500,000 J. R: Stnbbs. Pres't Wilmington & Tarboro Railroad, 450,000 Belo, Pres't Northwestern IN. U. Railroad, . ; , 1,440,000 (ieorpre W. swepson, Pres't west. N. C. Railroad, ' 6,666,000 Wm. Johnston, Pres't At., T. & Ohio Railroad, 2,000,000 Total. iiA , -. :.ft i $16,256,000 : Our comments on the above are brief. There is no need of comment. Every- vV will gee at a elance that of the LZ-lof 51 I , I I I M JI I Ml U I U-m mJ 1 1 .m-mM At I appropriations $16,256,000 were voted .Democrats at their instigation, were m mr-mw - mM v ml mW mJ I Tipton, Filkins, lovely to every . . Republican. We've nanaea oucrage.i - - a rroT-o oro I (rnt 'pm. and tnev know it. t "Old v. xur jonn v. uranam; practiced a bare-faced fraud thAn lwnmM of the mimhie. IvinW and oft-repeated allegation that "carr : - V - ml O pet-baggers, scalawags and negroes" have pillaged the State? Who first urged the voting of bonds? Democrats. Think of this, tax-payers! and let the responsibility rest where it belongs. If necessary we can refresh our friends with a few more details on this subject which would be interesting. The case then is this : First, the State is more than nine millions better. off financially than it would have been had the so-called Democracy retained entire control. ' Second, if there has j been any fraud in the appropriations it I mitcf rivet..-it rnn tlin hpada nf rtomnpraiu I since they received nearlylsalL, the L bonds, r ip taese indisputable facts we ask the attention of all honest and thinking men. ' r Ilallv in the Townshins. I , Organize in every township. Adopt some system by which everv Renubli- an will be certain to vote. We earn- estlv , request: every Republican who reads thifr paraeraph. to norki work:, WORK, from now until tho close of the polls on the clay of election. Bo united. ; Put dovni dissensions if any exist; and get out our-full strength and the day is, ours. The whole Nationals looking on. Where is the Republican who, loves the peace of his country, that stands idle in this eontoBt ? Be active be vigilant. Biiii r riifon lira i Democratic Caiididatcs-Criinc and oruption-AVhich isthcKcform 'Party.V: ,;;l ''Mr:- 1 .democrats' -would have the people believe that the Democratic party is the party of Reform. We do not think many people have beeii deceived by this cry of u reform." We charge that Democra tic candidates are implicated in crime and corruption and: that the of ite- is and that the Democratic party, by t3 nominations is on the side of Crime and Corruption.; ,wny :.:;- : I. The head of ;the State ticket and leader of the party, Hon. A. , S. JSIerri- mon, drafted all the appropriation bills the passage of which enabled Swepson to rob the State of -millions of dollars. . II. It .is, said that ; Swepson made i yuuyocAvu v -v- .jv-- Ion HillsboroV street, in "which the Judge no)w1 resides. If this be so, and we .do pot beaeye, it. will bo denied, j.uage. . iu.eruiyfi t.wuuij people as i a gift-taker 'fropiihe . Prince ofSwindlers. ..V. 'V. j'-.IWi:;' III! Hon. Wi "JSiJgliipp,- Democratic i v : "VJi t."". ''" I commended in his oQial Ciipacity as j chief prosecuting " officer t)f- the State, that indictments against Geo? W. Swep: son be dismissed, provided, said Swep son1 would agree: to pay .-'back six, cents in the dollar of Xhe millions stolen from the State!3 Upon this recommendation the indictments were 'dismissed, and ior wmcn juage Mipp-anq uie ouier gentlemen who signed the recom men- dation, received JwdJiousand dollars. : IV. Gen. Collett Xeventhorpe, Dem ocratic candidate for Auditor, was one of Vance's Home Guard Generals. This General,, when in command in Randolph county, had forty-two respec table women arrested- and confined in a Bull Pen. Not a moment's privacy was allpwed, a guard attended the wo- Xmenoheneter they Jeft the I3ull Pen. Some of the women were arrested and dragged away from suckling babes ; the breasts of some -of these women rose and bursted because their little children were hot allowed to draw the hiilk from the breasts, provided by the Al- Owen, the husband of one of thearrest- ed women, was murdered in cold blood- for which Gen. Leventhorpe is respon, ponsible. Mrs. Owen Was tortured for the purpose of making her tell where her - husband could be found. Her thumbs were put between the rails of a fence soldiers were mounted on-the M -t .1 fence, and the poor woman's thumbs were crushed $ to 'pieces. Gen. "Leven- this high- . Lev- ic candidate for Treasurer, was a in command 'of troons nndpr fipn. oneSunday morning, Major Graham left his camp beore sunrises ; at sunrise a man byjthe name of Northcott wTas tied and shot like a sheep killing dog by Maj.-Graham's men. jTho Major knew Northcott was to be murdered at sunrise, because he (Northcott) would ugm against uieoiars ana otnpes : 4. 43 t- 4. I 4 4.1 r A t r-t, and not possessing courage to prevent a cold-blooded murner, or to remain and murder an; innocent man, Maj. wranam leit bis eommand before sun-.' v1 VCV' lu b11 -ruiui, wxiere ne ! . J 1 X T "W- 4 m ' m told dinerent persons that Northcott was to have been shot at sunrise. VI. Hon.. T. L. Clingman, a leading Democrat and author of the Greens- boro' platform, was Swepson's hench- man in all tne bond matters in which Swepson and Littlefield were engaged. For services rendered Swepson, Hon. Mr, Clingman received Jifteen hundred dellars. This money was stolen from the State ahd should be returned to the State Treasury, more especially, as Mr, Clingman is just now engaged in stumping the State in the interest of honesty and reform. . VII. Mr. W. M. Robbins, Democrat ic candidate for Congress in the Sev- enth District, accepted a bribe of $XX I from Mm J. W. Stephens, of Caswell, (since murdered by the Ku Klux,) to vote to pay Mr. Stephens' regular per diem for time spent in contesting Hon. Bedford Browns seat N . VIII.'Hbn. J. M. Leach, Democratic upon Jeff. Miller, of Davidson cOuntv. . . - - . - . . . ' by procuring Miller's .signature, to a note for $300,00 in gold, when Miller, as ne nas since sworn, thought he was signing a transfer to another hospital. IX. Hon. Sion II. Rogers, Demo cratic candidate for Congress v in tlie x'ouna uonressionai uistriet. wns President of a thieving, corrupt lottery company, by which the people were actually robbed of their hard earnings. Hon. Mr. Rogers is responsible for this robbery because he accepted the Presi- dency of the company and thus allowed robbers to use his name for the purpose of ro bbing all who patrionized the swinrllino' fftncprn ! X. Hon. Josiah Turner Jr., Editor of The Raleigh , Sentinel, and leader of the Radical Ku Klux Democraev. tiran.' ticed.a fraud upon the State in the matter of tlio State Printing; that is, ne nieasurea ms type uy.ineiewer " m - .charged tbe State by the letter. 41 m," and Paid his hands b the em quad. . BY this little 44 mistake,'.' -Mr. Turner succeeding in filching $3,338 - 59f more than he according to the written contract. For- tunately the State Treasurer made Mr. Turner.; xeW the a&ount ,?f over- lrawn,ri iotherwise, stolen -from the State.! -;tt '!"" v-:-f..t T i; 'ii: .i.'i XI.,W.E. B6nd, who is charged by 4. ' v.r- .utuuuvrauc.papen u u uuiauucr 10 ww xainniai governmeni oi ; 9v,i;4,iu, js 1 the;' nominee : of r Uo . pemwrats of v Choran county for the ltous6 of Rpp-f' resentatives. I : We leave the people to J udge by the nominee of ibbth parties;:, which pari y I is entitled to be known os the Iteforni . . . .ij... 'ii.-i ' f ' Party. . , i . .. ; The J Pool-Mernmon uorrcspiiiid ; . .' ';. en'eb. . " j ; - The most infamous perversion of journalism on record is now being praced by the , Democratic Ku Klux press : of. tbis State. ; They profess to publish the correspondence which their candidate sought with ' Senator Pool, but ; suppress the SeriatorV last 'letter, bntirely. 'fThis is "a confessionof the terrible rebuke ana.tliscomfture which" Swfpson's caudidto.recei.yejl at tlie hands of the Senator. But was there ever, such an instance of meanness ami . infamy in journalism, cither in this State or elsewhere r ) JJien imon U4H-r) expand v himself -on his mofjillecluu against' deceiving the people. What does he say of the deception of trying to palm off on the people, for the cor- respondence, a projenqeu puuiicaiuui of tho whole, when the .last and most ,!, important letter is left out? But that is done m Ins own interest, and seems, doubtless, very comely in his eyes." This ' mean, trick smells so! strongly bf Swepson that we. must suspect "it was suggested by him. Swepson has Spocketed 'the money which j-hp. stole from the State Treasury" under hills carefully drawn by Mcrrinionysvery much in the same style that the Int letter of Senator Pool is. now pocketed by those who advocate thcxitaetioii ofi Swepson's candidate ior governor. - The Test of Honesty.' All parties have thieves and rascals in. tnem. no . no an mo riiiuiiit . Neither can be judged ba hecause rogues have joined them. Jllt 1 1 HI 11 K I'AJTIV lint tlu test is this ; How ; does ,ti TREAT ITS KOGUES ? "i Look to; the Republican State ticket. Not a main, in nnywise implicated in or suspected of connection with tlie' stealing, was allowed by thv Republi can party to go 'oh' that ticket. Look.to! the Democratic State ticket. The confidential and legal adviser of pwepson neaus n. nviiiavwr h jiuuk-.. n t 1. !i "VT ... .li ...1. ..4 I Judge Merrimon is honest or net, it is "an insult to the people to bfler to elect- the paid counsellor' of Swepson, (ov-. erhor, while tlie prosecution " 'of the - windier is pending, arid nothing hut I tho I Govornor's nardon can 'save Jlini.- And then jthey ofler for the chief pro ,secuting.ofllcer,;of the' State; Judge ! Slunn. who. instead ot Dushinjr tlie in- dictment against Swepson; made a bar gain to let him'off by paying the. Mate six cents in the dollar, and paying to him six hundiel " dollars. Will the peopio allow such oflicers to be -placed over the State for the next four years? Do they wish the thieyes,,who have so injured and disgraced; the State, pun ished?:; : The Republicans ntean-to punish Stealing, ; and they thcretoro pin no man i - ' mm m i on ineir csiatc iicKet-wno is uiuier any obligation to or has had -any connce tion with the thieves. Charges Against Judges Merrimon The Homestead. Speaking of the charges made tl i rough The Era against the Democratic nom inee Tor Governor, . The Southern Home says we falsely ... , V Charged that Judge Merrinion vn opposed to the Homestead, when it knew that he had published -.a card in ! I'he Tile- . gram, of Raleigh, expressed liiw apjrovnl f tne iiomesteaa." We know all about the card, but the Judge opposed the" adoption of the present Constitution and used all his influence to prevent the people from having the benefit ot the Ilomestt-.id proyision.' Again : The Judge was highly elated when Judge Brooks de cided that tho Homestead was uncon stitutional so far as old debts were eon-. cerned, and congratulated the Judge on a return to good old times. Again : The Judge was counsel in a case which involved the constitutionality of the Homestead. I The Homestead was de-" clared retrospective t and the Judgo.Iast his case.' His chagrin was' so great that he endeavored to raise money to carry the case to tie U. S. Supreme Court hoping that tho Homestead Would be declared unconstitutional.. Such are Judge Merrinion' acts to- wards the Homestead. He savs he is in favor of a Homestead, but he bus never said that he sustains .the Home stead decision of our Sunr erne Court. Will he write a card and say that he does ? Therefore, until Judire Merri- m on announces - that ho sustains, up- holds, and is opposed to interfering- with the Homestead decision, our charcre is proven, and xvo. hnrw nor-iin ! that Judge Merrimon and his party are' ultJ enemies oi ine uomestead. , . Wendell Phillips on Greeley. i The silver-tongued champion of frec-i domthus warns colored men against theperil .o'f voting for the Baltiniorc; nominee :v-' I ; ? .u ! , io negro can vote for Greeley who: W T AT . m every I ern loyalist to load the -revolvers that want's arrest t , or , N orth , Carolina ku e squads of fifty, whom no coward will darq shoot down, and show no poperty !??J?5ffL Fa(:n wili H and no black man will own a mule for- ty-eight hours if any rebel khoWs I fTio iacu" thr Stsitf mif nf J , .lluCTa 11 i" r property, or aires ior , wv I his raCtt. If. hv n. frown tt TrMiA 1 I flt VL IS, 1 mm, X A was entitled to he is elected, I shall advise-everv Kouth- 9 . w i I iPf ' ! 'T

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