E2M ... . p . . i ' t J 2 - j ; ' The Era Publishing Company.' - flute of Subscription , Wkxkly On year, in advance. ! Thi t - n monms, in advance, 3 months. In advance, Ijnonth, in advance, W'lkki.t-Ono year. In advance, Sis months, in advance, From Brick n Pomeroy's Democrat. V What Shall Wo Io? j (io on! . , j .(io right forward for the right, for principle, for Democracy ! ' Go right on for the preservation of A 1 Y il ? A 9 A At me lA'iuocmuu urgumzation oi tnis country. . t March on to Louisville. Let the Democrats of the United States, who are disgusted with the trickery, treachery bargain and sale shouldered upon them, at Baltimore, stop not by t ho wayside to indorse a life-long op ponent of Democracy or to kneel and kiss the hem of his his dirty political garment, but go or send their brave, true, unflinching representatives to Louisville, there to nominate Demo cratic candidates upon a Democratic platform, that the Democrats of the country may rally to their support as they nil lieu to the support or Demo ? r.itic candidates in the timo of war, :j thoo who under the nameof loy---: fon!inj tlicnrc!vcs rich, ICindIo the prairie nrcaU Sound the alarm I ' r. Let every Democrat look well to the situation, and hesitate not to step three Kaces to the front In this the greatest our of ilanger the Democratic party ever knew. Can it be that Democrats who, for years, so kindly encouraged us in bat tling for Democracy, standing earnestly in opposition to military usurpation, tyranny, corruption and Republican misrule, are now willing to be sacrific ed for the benefit of a few thieving dishonest, indicted politicians, whose j headquarters are in the city of New. i York, and who livo only to steal, put i up political games and rob the people i or their earnings ? ! I Is it any part of Democracy to sub- mit to Republicanism ; to embraco that I which every Democrat in -this country knows to be damnable; to remain idle; aid to give up the contest after years I of earnest work to defend Democratic I nrlncinles. ! Have the Democrats of the United ! States beeome the cowards, the lickf ' spittles, the dirt eaters, the office-hun j ters, the uniters of everything mean ! and dishonest for the sake of office, as j has so often been charged by Republi-t ! cans by the very men who now ex i pect to receive Democratic votes, where- j by they may be elevated to power. j ! In no other way can the Democratic; -organization of this country be kept 1 up, or the spirit of Democracy preserve I od for the future benefit of the people, i than by a meeting of Democrats, a pledging of support to each other, and' ' a determination (o nominate and sun-. port for office only those who are Dem-, ,t roi k cn.f o 1 1 ' times, in all nlaccs and under all dan- i gersand attempts to bribe or coax them! I from an honest discharge of theirduiy.l j Let the Democrats of this country bet s in no haste to commit themselves toi 1 Greeley. Another candidate- will be; placed in the field. There w.ili yet bd t a chance for men to contend for prin-j : ciple. Let those who are tired of bat-; ! tling for principle and the right give; .' way. Let their places be taken by ! others. The man who defends- his; ! 1 A Al It I principles is ten-limes more io ou u i mired and indorsed than he who for isakesthem. All over the country papoi-3, hereto j fore Democratic, have been bought or. forced to support Greeley; but the peo ; pie long since learned to think for themselves, and though thousands of J newsnancrs mav be forced to do tha I which disgusts their editors, there are Democrats in the country who never will support Greeley, who will never be parties to this deep humiliation ami Democratic disgrace, and who will, un less a chance be given them to vote for a Democratic candidate, withhold their votes and have nothing to do with this murder of liberty and Democracy, in which the Baltimore convention was so unanimously engaged. ' ' Senator "Wilson An Important Ixitter. The following letter from Senator Wilson explains itself: ' . NxTrcK, Mass., July 21). J. O. ihtlver. Uta., State Journal, . Madison. Wis.: My Dkau Shi : The mail has just. brought me your note and extracts cUpied from newspapers purporting to Ikt speeches made by me.-. In answer; to your inquiries I have to say that they, and all thoughts and words of a like character which have appeared in the papers, are pure inventions, wicked forgeries, x and absolute , falsehoods. Never have I thought, spoken, or writ ten those words nor anything resem bling them i nor anything that the most malignant sophistry could torture into those words. I could not have done so, for they are abhorrent to ev ery conviction of my judgment, every throb of inv heart, every aspersion of my sou!. - ; . Born in extreme poverty, having en durcd the hard lot the sons of poverty aro too often forced to endure, I. came to manhood passionately devoted to the creed of human equality. All my life I have cherished as'a bright hope, and held and avowed as a living faith, the doctrine that all men, without dis tinction of color, race, or nationality, should have complete liberty and exact equality of all the rights 1 -asked for myself. My thoughts, my records, my len, my votes, have been cbiisecrated lor more than thirty-six years to hu man rights. ! In the Constitutional Convention in Massachusetts, .in eight years service in her Legislature, in more than seven teen years service in the Senate of the United States, in thirteen hundred public addresses, in the press, in speech es and writings that would fill many volumes and make thousands of pages, I have iterated and reiterated the doc trines of equal rights for all conditions of men. . , - f Is it not, my dear sir, passing. strange that partisanship should so blind men to a sense of truth, justice, and fair play that they could forget and print abhor rent sentiments, sentiments insulting to God and man, and forge them upon ono whose life has been given- to the cause of equal rights at home, and whose profound sympathies were ever given to the friends of liberty of all races and nationalities abroad ? ; Yours truly, Henry Wi utax. j I . I - V IX I S I I I II I 1 I I I i I , 111111 111 . I 'Mil III III f II U i l 1 I ! ' - . V ' I 11 A I 111 llll til A -,..-., -i . I . .lJ.nn(M , At'i- 1 . 4 I , Vol. 2. , j IU : RALEIGH n! C., THURSDAY, AUGUST ' 8, ' ' 1872.' ' : ; ; ; ! -.' ; t. '8. ; . T l : i 1 : . i. ..... - .' 1 : . z n r. t t : Fnim The New York World, 1S63.) General Grant. .What lie Is IBs Great Qualities-Am Genius Pre-eminent Among all Ven- . erals His Heroic Determinutioh- Sureness of Judgment dct dcJic. General Grant's history should tach us to discriminate better than J we Americans are apt to do between glitter and solid work. Uur proneness to run after demagogues and s pouters may find a wholesome corrective In the study of such a character as his. The Qualities bv which treat thinirs are ac complished are hero seen to have no necessary connection with showy and superficial accomplishments. When the mass of men look upon such a char acter they may learn a truer respect for themselves and each other; they are taught by It that high, qualities are consistent with the simplicity of taste, I contcm t f r ;irH(lr, find pz unn ort t Ulysses Grant, the tanner. Ulysses Grant, the unsuccessful applicant for the post of City Surveyor of St. Louis, Ulvsses Grant, the driver into that city of his two-horse team with a load of wood to sell, had within him every manly quality which will cause the name of Lieutenant General Grant to live forever in history. His career, is a lesson In practical democracy ; it is a ouiet satire on the dandyism, the DUDDvism. and the shallow affectation of our fashionable exquisites as well as upon the swagger of our plausible, gUb tongued demagogues. Not by any means that erreat qualities are incon eistent with cultivated manners and fluent elocution ; but that such super ficial accomplishments are no measures of worth or ability. General Grant's last brilliant cam naisrnset the final seal upon his reputa tion. It stamps him as the superior; of his able antagonist as weli as or ail com manders that have served with or un der him in the great campaigns of the last vear. it is not necessary io sign- lice any part of their well-earned repu tations to his. Sherman and Sheridan deserve all that has ever been said in their praise ; but there has never been a time since Grant was made Lieu tenant General, when anybody but Sherman, on one side, could have been classed with him. Since Sherman's bold march through Georgia, and his capture of Savannah and Charleston, there have been many who, in their strong admiration of his great achieve ments, inclined to rank him-as the greater general of the two. i That judg ment, we take it, is now reversea ny the court of appeal; not by dwarfing the reputation of Sherman, which suf iers no jusi aoaienieui, uut uy nansion into trrander proportions of that of Grant. j 1 Grant stands pre-eminent among- all the generals who have served in this war, in the completeness of his final results. He has owed nothing to acci dent; and, both in the West and the East, he has accomplished the most ar duous things that were to bo done,5 The great thing in the West, without which the rebel power could never have been broken in that vast region, was the reopening of the Mississippi ; the great thing in the East, the taking of the rebel capital. Richmond was the right leg of the rebellion, and the Mis sissippi river its left. Both were coii tested by the rebels with a full appre ciation of their value. The resistance was, in both cases, powerful and obsti nate enough to put the most heroic tenacity of the most indomitable mind to a proof sufficient to test its quality. Gen. Grant has exhibited the utmost strength of will of which the highest type of manhood is capable. The de fences of Vicksburg and the defences pf Richmond were both deemed impreg nable, and were defended with a pro portionable confidence and obstinacy ; but they both yielded, at last, to Grant's matchless persistence and unequaiea strategy. And, in both cases, he not only took the long-contested positions, but compelled the surrender of the whole force defending them. Nothing could be more clean and complete, even In imagination, than Gen. Grant's masterly execution. He did not merely, in each case, acquire a position which was the key of a wide theatre of operations ; he did npt merely beat or disable the opposing force ; he left no fragment of it in existence except as prisoners of war subject to his disposal." If anybody is so obtuse or so wrong headed as to see nothing great in Gen. Grant beyond his marvelous tenacity of will, let that doubter explain, if he how it has happened tnat. since Grant rose to high command, this quatity has always been exerted in con spicuous energy precisely at the point on which everything in his whole sphere of . operations hinged. There has been no display of great qualities on small occasions ; no expenditure of herculean effort to accomplish objects not of the first magnitude. It is only a very clear-sighted and a very compre hensive mind that couict always tnus have laid the whole emphasis of an in domitable soul so precisely on the em phatic place. How, if he be not a gen eral of the first order of intellect, as well as of the most heroic determina tion, does It happen that in assigning great and brilliant parts to his subor dinate commanders, he has never, when j the results of his strategy were fully unfolded, appealed in the picture exf ceptas the central hgurer However it may seem during the progress of one of his great combined campaigns, it alf wavs turns out at last, when it readies that completeness and finish in which; he contrives to have his campaigns pnd. that we see him standing in the foreground, and that the grouping is, always such that the glorjr of the other generals instead of eclipsing his own gives it additional lustre. It is this sureness of judgment which sees precisely where lies the turning point; which sees precisely whataro the objects that justify the utmost stretch of persistence ; It is this ability- o take in the wnoie neia oi view m ust perspective and due subordination of parts, that is the raarK oi a superior mind. General Grant has taken out of the hands of all critics the question whfith.r it beloners to him. He has won his prpatest triumph over the most. skillful and accomplished General on the other side: over a General who foiled him long enough to prove ma - 1th, great mattery of the ; art of war ; arid the completeness of whose defeat is a testimony to Grant's cenius such as a victory over any other General of the Confederacy, or even an earlier victory over Lee himself could not have given. you will i measure him by the magni tude of the obstacles he has surmount ed, by the value of the positions he has gained, by the fame of the antagonist over whom he has triumnhed. by the enlevements of his most illustrious co workers, by the : sureness" with which he directe hi3 indomitable energy to the vitals point which i the key of a vast field, of operations; or by that su preme test or consummate aDiiity, me absolute completeness-of his results, and he Vindicates his claim to stand next after 'Napoleon and -"Wellington,: aihong; th;e great soldiers of this coun-. try, if noc.on a level with tne latter. . IVTodot. OrVcley 4TTrsoltirQ. V- t u y lux new-issuo Greeleyites. They can- be used as original In -any township wherethe circulation of Gree ley's paper ten years ago would have been considered a sufficient cause for the tarring and feathering of a minister of the gospelij : WitEitEAs, The millennium .has dawned and the wolf is lying down with the lamb, and the Hon is eating straw like'an ox, and the abolitionists and secessionists march under the same flag, and the radicals and r rebels walk arhi-in-arrh, and the free-traders and protectionists are cheek-by-jowl, and the Irish and the negroes eat out of the same dishy and Horace Greeley and Jeff Davis sleep in the same bed, and the sucking child playing on the hole of the asp,! and women vote and ride a-straddle.'and everythirtgis lovely and the1 goose hangs high ; therefore, " ' ' : Pesolvedi 1st, That inasmuch aS the time has eome for all men to eat dirt, and turn somersets, and no man thinks wiat heays or believes what he thinks, we unanimously recognize the absolute equality of men, including negroes, women ana umnesc; tnat we believe a I mule's ear as short as a horse's, and that the leopard can change his spots, and that the negro is a man and a brother, and having always fa vored his admission to the ballot box, e now welcome him to the social circle,,- having, something of an idea thai all the world was born of a mon Icey, that things are not what they used to be, and that there is a great deal of upsjde-downed-ness and downedside- upward-pess, and a bewildering mixeu-up-a-tive-ness generally. . ' ResolvedX 2d., That being in great doubt whether the rebellion failed or succeeded and not being certain whether Grdnt or Lee surrendered at Appomat tox!, and being of opinion that the Sotfth waseither right or wrong, and the? North ivas either wrong or right, and that neither was either to hurt, we are, unanimously in favor of letting by- gonea oe oy-gones, oi ouryingmeoiars and Stripes in the same grave with the Stars and Bars, of mixing three parts parts of .".Dixie" with too of Yankee Doodle," and of marrying the Union eagle to th rebel buzzard. Icesolcexl 3c?, . That being a liberal party, we favor liberality in all things, in politics and in religion, in virtue and in temperance, giving perfect freedom to all, freedom to women, criticising no one's opinions and no one's actions ; pardoning an occasional clean snirt ana washed face ; neither averring that there is a Ijeaven nor yet denying that there is a hell : holding the Almighty in proper respect, at the same time not orKeiiiuiT tuur uiu irieuu . cxiuiu , uc ieving that nothing is up or down, but that everything is standingor sideways, and in all things holding very fast with one hand but altogether letting go with ho other. I Resolved Ath. That the Constitution as it is is better than the Constitution as It was ; that, the Bible is all very well in its place, but the Book of Mor mon is newer and the writings of Con fucius older, ond every man Is master of his conscience and conduct, and has a right to tnake a god to suit himself ; that free whisky and universal igno ranee, coupled with free love and uni versal salvation, make earth a paradise and heaven a certainty; but that, nev theless.allithings are turned round and the times are out of joint, every straight road is crooked, the earth turns back ward on its axis, men waltz zigzag and their brains are topsy-turvy, the world is all bewitched, and the woman is the coming-man. v ; Resolved, That inasmuch as Judas Iscariot, once , a wicked man, , after wards became an apostle, and inasmUch as Benedict Arnold shed blood-in de fence 'Of American liberty, and inas much as Jeff. Davis was not nominated, we - are, heartily in favor ' of , Horace, Greeley, believing as we: do that the Democracy is not dead, but sleepeth, and that all roads from Greeley go to Grant; that Greeley was. an original attolitionikt and an original secession ist: that ,the' abolitionists and , seces- sionists always worked to the same end, and jtheir present combination is only a renewal of past co-operation, and wonqerful will it be in the eyes of alt men when the arch enemy of the Kuklux becomes their chief captain ; when;the;prlnce of protection becomes the king'of free trade; when thecham- pibni of temperance bears the banner of the bar-room business, and Satan leads the!; hosts of heaven, then truly shall the last be first, for great 13 the mystery of Greeleyness. . : Georgia lecides against Greeley. The following despatch has 'been handed u for publication : ! , s ; Atlanta, Ga., July, 30th, 1872. Chairman Republican State Committee : The jjjtemocratic State , Convention here rejected oil overtures from . all Liberal Re publcans. ; . Thbir " resolutions reafllrni States rights doctrines. Ignore tho Cincinnati platform, and tiecline to unito with Liberals on elec toral kick ei : M.GBANT,' ! tj:; : ; I j Sec'y State Cen. Rep. Com. , This action of the Jeffersonian Demo crats, of the Empire State of the South, was. ?to havo been exrected from the .i-iAt-a,,! nnviano V l Vr ?t fe--T a Vlifedong principles.for oc and piuuuer. '- The Colored Vote. A man is not to be judged so much by what he says as by the company he keeps. "Birds of a feather flock togeth er," and the Uhappaqua iom now roosts with the foulest birds of prey. ."One who lies down with dogs, gets up with fleas," and this proverb' is beautifully illustrated in the present condition of a very fine old journalist; who itches, for tne lies n tjois oi omce. : as iin uuitor Mr. Greelev was a friend of the colored man, as may be proven by the fact that the JNational (Jonvenuon oi me same party that: has nominated - him for the Presidencv once delighted itself with a caricature of ouf excellent friend hug tging the '-blackest 1 kind of a', ' negro wench. Thus passes away tne giory or editors -whd run . after false gods; 1 Mr. i Greeley belongs now to the paty ; that raised a terrible 'rebellion ior tne.pur pose of ' perpetaally enslaving theTie- gro, lie is in tne naiuis oi men 'wno never did no iusfior iv. 1 negro, ana f : - tiie co.:Ui. This last quotation? Js --Mr. Greeley's own.! These fathers have forsaken and disowned their relatives and descend ants; and as -.Montgomery Blair, and the rest of .that family sayi they be lieve the negro ought to be sent to Af rica. Mr; Sumner has been seerr; talk ed to, labored with by illustrious Item- ocratsj all to no purp4se,'for he says! what - everybody"-Knows ' must' be7 so, that the Greeley's administration, if in fiicted upon us,-will 'befadversb' to'the interests of colored men. 'It cannot be otherwise, and hence, instinctively', the colored voters of the country refuse to have anything to do fvith the uemo crati6 ticket. .: ': X ' ! Liberal1 movement m a' Democratic wooden horse, intended to be the means of capturing the capital. it is ' failed with meri intent only on getting inside, and then they will "open the gates and let in the whole host. 'The colored men have no faith in the thing. They dread 1 1 - 1 A A. i II and hate it, as vwell they may; Gree- ley and 'Grosvenor. Schiirz and Pulit-: zer, Tweed and Governor HOffman, are all either on the wooden horse, or anxi ously waiting for the success of their specious trick.- v Colored men are not natural foots; they know their friends. They see things as they are, and cannot be induced to vote for men who are the allies of the wor3t enemies they ever had. Grant they know, -and Wilson they kpoWj'but these conjurors they do not know and will not help them to gain power to be dsed to' their injury. Tbe' colored voters no doubt would vote for Greeley if he were the Repub lican candidate, but1 being the Demri- cratio?candidate, th$y will not vote for him. They are right. ' Let them stand by their old tried r.friend.s: J7s.vour Democrat. I W. E. Bond-His yiiulicatiou. .TREASURE DEPARTMENT, Fifth Aumtob's Office, - , Washington January 2d, 1872. Sik srYour 4tteBOtth2Qtlult.'rGla- tlve to the settlement of .youp-aceoanig; as collector oil internal itevenue ior First District of North Carolina, has been received and contents noted. I have to inform you that according to the records of this office your accounts stand as follows, viz : . Account as; disbursing agent closed by adjustment, da ted December 7th, 1870, ccount for ' assessment and collection of internal reve nuestandsthusi -Balance due the U. S. Treas- . ;'; ury Report No. 4994, dated . Sentehiber 5th. 1870; - 1 d 5 034 16 By amount vouchers on file. ;' for money deposited and : f taxes abated -since "last ad- iustmenti I : ' ' . 3.976 41 Bal'ce due the United States, $ 1,077 75 In regard to your claims for commis sions on'fcotton, shippecL'in bond,iow pending in the revenue, office, l Avill state thit there is no information in this office relative to it, and therefore can inform you only as to what the records of this show. ' ' ' . ; Respectfully yours, ' (Signed) 1 ' r ;i J. B. Mann, :. William E. BoNft.'Esq.; late COHector First District,' Edenton,- N. C.' ; ' Bv -adjustment No. 707S.' after his mmmiss nns nn rc.it nn Rhinned in bond were ascertained and allowed, by the revenue officer, a balance of 47.9 was founn to be due Collector, Bond on a full settlement' of his accounts as collector.'- .j:-'-vx. ' -X' x, f "TrtEAsuiiY Departments V ' f X . : - (:4:?. u June, 2 1872., , $47.90. I admit. .and certify that a balance t of , forty-seyen trtollars , and .ninety-six cents ia due to the coUeetor as stated in the above report (No. 7078. (Signed ) ,' Wilt V2SnVU J. ones, fl hereby certify thatill have exam ined the adjustmenti and -final settle-i .ment of Win E. Bond "u-ith the reve nue oflidial; and find tho icbpies 'of the Fifth AuditoT?s. letter and ' the Comp troller's, certificate, to be in- every: re1 spect correct and itrue. 7 XI: ri- ; " Given under ' my hand and omciai seal this 26th July,-1872; ynyr. wm.' It. Skinner, ' Judge of Probate and Clerk' of Superior Court of Chowan County. l)ear. t Attacked by 'Alligators.' We have just heard of 'an incident p 11 A. 1 At . ' . - - I mat occurreu in ine cauipuigu vi a par ty of sportsmen who were recently ou t on a - hunt for deer, t; .rney -ecared up- three deers in the vicinity of one of the bayous Of the Ogeechee and succeeded l-JIt! A A-1 1U! 1 1 A . 1 bayou as the only means of, escape. He had gone in the water but a short dis tance before he was set upon by two large alligators.1 : i The water was not over three and a half feet deep at the place, and the attack was in full view of the sportsmen. The two hounds had followed the ; deer, and: were conse-' quently drawn into the combat; which we are informed was most terrific and bloody. : The stag made a gallant de fence .with his antlers: arid fore hoofs, but the fight was unequal, and the wa ter was soon crimson with, the blood f the noble animal as he sank down in his death throes. : The dogs battled bravely- wit fi the alligators, but they; too, had toi yield to " the ; terrific on slaught of their enemy. The party tried to'get in some shots 1 1 '11? M. 1 A . A 1 . U A. on me alligators, out , iziey couiu uut, and after finishing their bloody work the monsters glided off. The affair was extremely exciting. The sportsmen returned to the city, with the other deer, but the loss of their valuable hounds marred all satisfaction in con templating the booty of their hunt. JSavannah Jxeics. The . .if. Confederate, Archives., Jacob Thompson's .Zlission to Ginada iAnotlier. Remarkable: Secret Dispatch Jroni fthat Individual 11 Letting Day- light into the Canada Incendiary and Peace Coihmisslonership " IJii$me$s. The New York Herald of the ,29th has the following remarkahle.dispatch from Jake " Thompson "to ' the Con federate goyernment, givihgi:particuIars of the moveroents of thei Canada incendiary 'AJReace-making". Commissioners. The document is prefaced in The Herald by an; explanation by the mysterious in- dividual who supplies the copy of the Thompson letter, as follows: THE REASONS PORTIIE APPOINTMENT ! ! OF c6M3VtISSIONERS TO CANADA. A short, succinct and truthful record of hid tdric facts is herewith presented. , In ,the month of- tMay, 1864, General 3rant was advancing upon Richmond. His army was supposed to be 300,000 strdrtgor capahle1 of beihg reinforced to that number,-which was opposed by General Lee with only 80,000 men. Sherman was advancing upon John ston,' at Chattanooga, with an army .4upposecl to be 150,000 strong, 1 while Johnston's A. forces numbered only 40,- 000 The leading minds of the Confederacy recognized their perilous, if not forlorn position, and felt the utmost anxiety that the disparity of forces would, in the end, lead to their , overthrow. -In this emergency diplomacy and arbitra tion were suggested, and resulted in the appointment of the commissioners, who afterwards reached Canada, to ex ercise their influence in a final adjust ment, on. a peaceful basis, of the nation al conflict. The South Was weary of war, and obviously unable to continue its n bloody arbitrament, and it was hoped and believed that, the more powerful North, equally sick of the conflict; would be willing to extend the olive branch under motives of a com mon humanity and brotherhood. In other words, that by proper approaches they might once again "clasp hands over the bloody chasm," fraternize and adjudicate their difficulties on the basis this-nil. - - There ;tfaa4fong pcaoo party at th-Norths . and especially.in the west: ?'In consequence of information deriv ed from a reliable source, the Congress of the Confederate States believed that there was an organization in Northern and Western States, and especially in the latter, consisting of talented men and true patriots men who loved their whole country, its constitution and lws more than the mere interests of a section." In the overthrow of the South ern States they saw the total destruc- tion of the rights of all the States; and, 1 i-l. 1 . X',,-!. O , . V ,,.,1.1 1 disunion seemed inevitable. If the North succeeded they would, in effect, establish a contralized despotism ; if the South triumphed, they would form an independent confederacy. In either case disunion appeared inevitable. Lowers of the Union as formed by our fathers-' they thought the time had ar rived to assert their reserved rights. It was with this party the commissioners of the , confederacy were expected to treat ; "and believing, as the Southern Congress did, that all that was neces sary to bring this organization into action was a sufficient amount of means to hiake their, true position felt, they, appropriated in secret session $1,000,000 to be placed at-the disposition of the Commissioners selected by the South-' ern;execuiion. xius t,u n w louiarge to .pe entrusted' at one .time to a single 1'convpy, and was transmitted by instal mebts under the. following authorized .'letter:- ,! :: ' ' ' ' i T-rnrrr'Tr-K-T r Anrll Q 1 0C I Deaii Sir : I enclose you the bills of exchange for $900,000, which I hope will reach you in time. Please ackowl- ! edge receipt by telegram as well as by letter. Y ours very truly, ' J. P. Benjauin. Sec V of State. ,ion. jacoo unompson, inc., iv. u. -r w rrrr " irrrrt n-r 11 . liayirig . .thus:-stated the political movement contemplated, it can readily be apbrehended that a .mission of this character, was or ine most.aigninea or der, and purely of a-diplomatic nature. subjoined; Jetter, written in the follow- xt'prooaDiy aoes uoi appear in me lately purchased archives, for they are,' t by their Salesman, claimed to be merely ;'histonai .records,"- ana aouotiess vaiu abje only fas statistical reports from the Southern 'Quartermaster and commis sary departments, maniresting upon l1mctn5H nnontitv nf TrnViinr. nr1 1 w.-r. .. -: t - - possibly subsist for a prolonged period. , If aught more appears it will be very readily explained from documents still parties that will, demonstrate that all Lthe secret service papera , were not des- i I'll !T!-11.4 ' W.U -jril i - iruyeu 111 luuuuuuu, uui sun remain in Canada, and have never yet been sold for a price, in bulk, to thepresent Administration.' In -order to dispel, however, ;any doubts as to the true ob jects of the mission to Canada, and be lieving that at this period a full exhibit of facts may be made without exciting further prejudice to any party. the I following authentic document, and the "tirst'sent from uanada, is offered as ' . i;; JACOB THOMPSON S DISPATCH, : ; giving a detailed account of his primary operations in the Provinces: ! ! r tjWiN bson, C. W., July 9, 1864. I Honi J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State: Sir': You will percei ve that I am at Windsor, just opposite Detroit. I came hero about three weeks ago. Mr. Clay was taken sick at Halifax and remained behind. ' He is ndw at St. Catherines. I reached Montreal on May ; 29. There, through the agency of-V-:, . ;I arranged for an interview with a relia ble and sensible gentleman from New York city.-. After the fullest and freest conversation with him I became satis fied that nothing could be - done in the Eastern States,where the war is popu lar because of the profit which they mm k tney are deriving' from rts prose cution. 'Absolutely hothinar was prom ised from an effort to deal with their papers.-7,.;- --X :Xi K-f? v- .v. After remaining two : weeks, for . the arrival of Mr. Ulay, I came, on to this pface.' Here I met with Mr. B- the Grand Master of the secret order in the western States and its President Thev had the right to admit members: and 1 was at once initiated. This gave me an insight' : jnto'1 their pnnclplesf .and strengtrr.tii was much pleased with it. ami mere, wasnotmng an ltjso raras l was permitted , tor go, whichydid ,not m eet my nearty approbation, and I took three4 degrees. ? I think: .tiuey are j in fair working; orders All4 they need rise and assert their rights "J. S X , reiurneu x was expeccea would be re-arrested, and then pected to rescue him and meet the con sequences. : After the position taken by the Cleveland - convention, I ft told him I had no such expectatiph. : r be lieved Lincoln could not touch him. He is too much accustomed to bdek down. Then they expected: that the violence of the abolitionists was so great that they would burn the" hall lately erected in Chicago for the hold ing of the Democratic convention, im mediatelv after that oonvpntinn nrl- jouraed on the 4th of July. But that convention has been postponed until the 29th of August. , Still there are threats of the abolitionists to burn this before the meeting of the copperheads, as they are. But it is now fixed that this movement will take place on the 20th.- . t .uiiiU'.'-t'-i The enrolled strength of the order in Illinois is 85,000 : in Indiana, 56,000, and ; irr rf . tr a i i vniu, uv,uuu; in avenxucKy, unknown, but represented as large. This investi gation was made four weeks ago, and the numbers are increasing daily. The plan is this: Simultaneously a move ment will be made at Chicasro. Rock TclmiH nnd Rnrinfrf5ATr1 Thoio nknoa willbeseized and hftld. tho nriSnnprs- released, armed and mounted 7,000 at Chicago and 9,000 at Rock Island. A man has visited me from Chicago, who asserts that he has two regiments in that place, eager, ready, organized and armed. They have complained that they have been' cramped heretofore for1 the want of money, with which they have been supplied. Efforts are now ri, t making to communicate . with the In diana patriots to induce them to ini- by a bold movement seize and hold oners, if Indiana and Ohio move thev nmstltute themselves a Western confederacy and dmandpace : I There are some choice spirits enlisted in this enterprise, and all that we need for success is unquailing resolve. - It is agreed that takes command of the Chicago prisoners; if he can be got shall command the Rock Is: land. To this I have given my sanc tion. I am satisfied United States troops cannot be raised, if our government should attempt an. invasion of .Penh- sylvania, and I hope , such movement .-trill Vvrt VTrtrl : T n rnrtrrAmnn4- Aw -t -l 1 I will be made. If a 'movement could be made by our , troops into Kentucky and Missouri by the latter ;parfc of the. month rt would greatly facilitate move' ments in the west. They would.occu py all the organized troops in this quarter and leave the western States no excuse, and the whole movement could be made without firing a gun. I am certain the President will see; the im portance of Such movement at a glance. . ;-; '.' ' ''" The peopld of the North are growing weary of the war, but the violent abo litionists and the preachers of, all de-. nominations (save the Catholics) are as vigorous in their advocacy of ari entire extermination.' The people of Canada generally; sympathize with.'us. -If Lee hold his own around Richmond, and Johnston can waste and defeat the ar my of Sherman, this fall will make wonderful developments. Lincoln as suredly will be defeated. McClellan's late war speeches have pretty well broken him down with the., peace De mocracy. However, unless' we 'have great successes at Richmond 'and : in Georgia, there is no ; hope of defeating a war man at , the ballot-box--at least I have none. I fear, the leading.pijiti cians of the North will favor peace. They think if the federal arms are defeat ed a peace man can carry the ' ballot box. I do not think so. The military t power is too - large and will vb drawn Their money has become wpr yet the fanatics show no symptom of yielding. -Capt -is with toe,- and discretion, and he possessQS my entire cpnhdenee. I great ly rely upon his courage and sagacity. ers, who are ready for any enterprise. many of them men of first-rate intelli gence.1,, :v , J.TW.; "v? ";Vyir H uX priv-ate nanos July s, ibt4. but owin to the difficulty of transmission throug ""Y a ijjwi v the lines was not received for long Mr. Benjamin writes - 'com- of this fact at a much later period. , But after the failure, of all the filans to negotiate a peace or to obtain he release of (Confederate 3 prisoners, Mr. Thompson signified-; his desire to withdraw from this arduous . field i of duty, and the request was accorded. .... :- -r ri 1 . lixt X President ,Grant. M i Elsewhere, will be7 found an article headed "Gen. Grant?, taken . from The New York World, the', organ o( trie National Democratic, party. The truth would force itself out ' in April, 1865 for all ' mankind ' could? see what this country owed to' Grantj' and it would have beetf 'pseleas for Tlie "IVortd to have denied the credit due the great commander. What was true on April 11, I860, cannot be untrue' in July, 1872.' Virginia Correspondence Cincinnati Com- Gcnomli Jo36nh' I If Mi ifstoii J for r:i it:ri ri "TP rf -! ,., , . At Charlottesville resides Judgo Wm.S; Itobinsonva prominent lawyer. . formerly memhcTof tbMirsini'eurt of Appeals, anin olden times a wUil cian'of emihencV.rowTriMuM the lat amnesty, j bill, paeij, .by ,Con- Greeley movement Jn uiejrnsQryativo party eftHSfetterhlOLWfqllow suche'aClAnel'MbW, ' Jackson-,- Of laTatrnU JoMfl,,nartnr " OrlrfSBf ''of ,'rtTclm6tiaj, fes-tJbVcfnrjr Henry A. 1 - Wise," JrA'otliW.'W too ' numerous to tnwBtiow, btrt ot qtEfl psdminoiJce." iOf thwft .Rtfemorr: Messrs- Moftby, Jackoon and-Gilmtr mry he counled on as ardent and actual supporters of the. Graiitjapd ,Vilson ticket. ; Thev win Hot'ohN'VAtblr.but . : They will tio' work for'ltandwill -doubtless carry a sufficient number Tf :thgrr friends with them tojmakcr griiliremt frwrh in tho f. D 1 r Pill 1 f " .f 11 f T rr 1 T , f , Ir. fVl,,! f 1 however, is of thanassive character. I am not at liberty to tell you the details Al ' A 1 I A 1 A at Balti- more Convention, vou will see that tho Southern opposition to Greeley is as Mqsfy:!3 f-jpAfWafdjixVadmU h II in a nutshell," but the explosion may not injure anyone. Judge Rob- . inson's present proposition is that the . electoral .vote offi-Vire-iraaehftllinTitfi the Electoral Collecre: .without: instruc tions.' 'AU'theSoUtWfffSktmay'bo advfaed-tb-YolldVlrMaVtottlo in,ithir respect. When! i-thef votd is take i!theco,Je. thpictt9i3tbeii)g j prtuhityto do as they t. please-. No ;, dcyurArtherdls'an'occuld'ei . 1 that he wnen tne. .ppnexs, become, organized thev ex- Baltimore, or rather after the niaktnjf, t Hht nexb PresWeniVi e f he ."' the outlook now is. against Greeley, so far1 as "this Inbinatidn Tis fc6nberhed7 Gerieral 'Joseph E. ' Johnetdrr,' bf 'Con- federate ;famev.iwithH Cplorieli Mbsby aqd others vvhnarnes I ditfnotjearn, 1 had consultations, with J udge itpbinsou last AVk-arTVhich 'thisrPrposltron Was. submitted; It did npt Teceivo. their approval; howev andriag tho Xn . A ' 1 1 f 11 1 f A T A 1 lervievva .wnicn .'ionowca.ieD.'. jnnn. StOH 'disclosed the fact thathe had m'lcorreSponderice- with,umritydfric Blair-lgarding rMfiGfceky.-i Fitftri his statementaatjeeemathf-tBlairwrotci to Johnston, requesting him to be pres ent at the 'BattlhYoreConvention, to urge the indorsement of the CtriMnhaiti' movement. Inthttcburseofargumexlt. to induce, Johnston ,tOf act in Groeley, Denair, jtiiair preaicted mat . the agQ oPChappaqu would sweep thbobuntry as Harrison did iniIR40. tifin. ..Tonrl- as Harrison did in 1 1840. Gen. John ston's reply was4 curt and charactcristlcf. He said tliat he was.fwtaGreelrrjmi,! and annQuncedh,iS iniention t6 voteAtor! Grant. He promisedBlair.v howteilr. that if Greeley oultf teUow Harrison's1 example, and dhrwitliin a month -after inauguration, : he- would! fldvocato i his.election. The resuifor tne. corirr- r encewasnoc satisiactory toanyoiuiQ. parties interested. Everywhere " throughout thbi State 1 similar indications OJt hesitation, deter l mination and vacillation are tot bvj found. After a fortnight's trip, during which I have seen aha conversed with people of every shade and onditlon whpse views are plainly set forth in thol foregoing specimen bricks. . I reach,, the i, conclusion that Virginia is nbtasccr-. tain for Greeley as many suppose:' 1( 4 is not impbssible that I magnify fhe' pppositiop ; but I da uiot (QyerfcateJthQ', sypport which Grant-iwill receivp(4n,'ft. negative way iropi (he passive policy, ATf rinan rVirk oro rllc?oof tirlfVi Wltvi and yet not satisfied with Greeleyi" "A ' h i. i tK. American' SOOa Watcri'-"il Soda rater tas first madQabohtU seventy years ago. ;The crevUi of,thQji invention, is said t to -be due to Austin. r Thwaites, of Dublin.4 I The manufacture of "Soda water, dhd,. the meth6ds of drawing it, have beeri' vastly improved during the past ten-or'-'! fiftepn years. In few other deirtm,QiitSj. of inventiye tasteand skill have greater i strides beeri made tdtyard perfettion. during the period named. American iiiiyanuity.coems to deserve the-credit' I all their skill in mattera bibulonsr imd : gastroriomic, l.earaed' eomething new about drinkables, whjen some enterprLs; mg lanKees seiup an.vivmerican soua . fountain" at the great Expositidri'br1 1867. The ude'Artimine alachtx' glacee" waasi novelty iq ftuvPaxMans. unci their ests, and mt witljftjietx'l A Paris' paper, noticing thd'"great, t success in the potable 4ine," said : ; 1 it is roajjy oneOithe cuncxJitle ot-Ji the pxposition to .wtph the ! reprcs.cniH tatives of .every .nation on tlie fiico.of.i the globe as they . make a firsttrial of the new beverage. .'The crowd is 4b'' great that they are fotmfed in lincr-by the police ,nd firsts Becuring,)chagUs,7 take a driplcin turn. (Vs many as fJpo jjiaisst iia.Y.tjj mxn boiu. in 1 on May, , much to the : satisfaction of themaYties l in charge; The contrast betweeni thD! soda as seryfld in -tho j American etjtlo:.' I aud the eauaazeuse ofjhe .FrejpcfiCo,!! i3 so decided as to4 make the permar , v nent introduction of the former ft cer tainty." " j -M-ff'-iO The manulactuyejrs ofithe old styioof 1" apparatusire, of coursftr loud in their,,!!, denunciations of 'the new. jThey eay i . that the gas never fuliyparts witH tliq',. sulphuric acid it brings4 over. froth' Vi6Ki venerator unless it beallowed, td'ox j?and in a.'rlsing. beJJ," as in,UifiTYi macmnes. as to w?e ixutn 01 ihe 00 ; 1 Jections weare unable , to Judge; buf' 1 wbfether valid or not, the new arrange1 ' ment, being so much more con vehlerii : han the oldt continues to win fayotji;; abroad as jyell as At h,qme. 1 Waflnfl, n ' from examination of the! cataloguh of a . . ! prominent' -manufacturer thacllttrd'1' American ebda apparatus , Is iflowdft' use not only in Europebut' has fgundi V its way. to far-orT, AuMrua,. and oyon 1 to CM miC JrHSNiVELV, ; In Harpcrjs Magazine for August. ,11 MX. ltiil if: jr.- 1 1 Fatally in j arcd. The Salem Press say a Mr. Andrew Gimble, of sthat county, died u tp$ lh'Jnly, frvW injpriwj rooelvod In' attempgto hap ove? 9, d,ltcbflpgcd.'about u 70 years. ' " ' ,

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