i- Forty-Ono Years In Captivity; A Interesting Narrative Kidnapped at ' SevenMarried at Twelve A Life of IZardjtAips and Trial. . From the Akron Beacon. j , In the year 1831 Mr. John. Arm strong, residing near Detroit, Michi gan, sent his little daughter Mary, a Kin vi seven years 01 age, unattended off to the district school. On thewav A. l 1 - . u scnooi sne was Kidnapped by tm Indians, who at that time were found in large numbers about Detroit. The stricken parents could scarcely be con- soieu jorine loss or the child, but fin ally gave up all hopes of her recovery. When she was taken by the Indians she was carried off to Texas, and suf fered untold hardships and privations at their hands. In Texas she lived five years, and when she reached her twelfth she was compelled to marry an Indian warrior called "Yellery." The tribe with wh'.ch she lived then removed to Nebraska, where twelve moons, the length of the Indian's married life. having passed away, she was no longer ine wue or xaiiery, ana was sold to an Irishman named David Ward. David was a Catholic, and was burned at the stake because he refused to abjure his religion, alter wmcn Mary was carried into another tribe, and there, after some years, married an Indian chief called Big Son. Big Son soon got tired of his new spouse, and sold her to a Mr. Carman, a pale-face, and with him she lived until a melancholy event oc curred,-which at onoa deprived her of her husband ana cnuuren. Near San Francisco Is a place called the Black Hills, which last foil, was the scene of a bloody fight between the Digger and Snake Indians. Mrs. Car man at the time was with the Digger Indians, having been sold to them, to gether with her husband and children, a short time before by the Snake In dians. In tho battle between the Snake and Digger Indians Mrs. Carman's eleven children ; and busband were killed. She alone escaped, and re mained with them a short time until an opportunity presented itself, when she fled to San Francisco. j From San Francisco, in company with four others, she was sent by Gen. Sheridan as far as St; Joe. Mo., from which place she is now on her journey to Columbus, where her aged father and mother are residing. About ten years ago her father heard of her being yet alive among the Indi ans, and immediately commenced a correspondence with parties in the West, to see if he could find any Infor mation which would lead to her return to her parents. After long waiting, the Intelligence was conveyed to him that she was found, and would soon be in her -home, after forty-one years of wandering among the savages. She has made her way from town to town, and a day or two since reached Kent. Until this time she had worn her In dian costumes, but the Mayor of Kent compelled her to exchange her half- civilized garb for one which accorded more with Kent tastes. Yesterday she reached Akron and has been soliciting aid to complete her Journey. Such, in brief, is her tale, Whether or not she is an imposter, we are unable to tell. Certain It is thatslje tells a straightforward story, and the most rigorous questioning could not cause her to change the least portion of her narrative. She is very intelligent looking, and answers all questions very readily - and with an appearance of truth and simplicity. When Marshal .Parker told her he had been among the Indians she commenced talking to him in the Indian language, but the Marshal, not wishing to show his ig norance of the language by inability to reply, "vamoosed," much to the amuse ment of the crowd who had gathered alout her. I - a S o o - w ST erf sr 5? 3 OB 3 5T w 2 - a H- 2 S :-sh1 jj K n- o yy j m r x 3 O 7? 11! 13 hi es - 9: J X 4 CO 8J I Phillips, It.) to T .v ji . A W W IX W - 22 &4 3 tk. i cc -oa m to MMtoi-'i ca Ci 5 p O' ta tl -J x co Q M u w CO I ri , W..shIpp;D., feg ; . ; CO o Tod,R Caldwell, rep A'Merriiuon,'d. 3 II SS3 ,l8Sasagg8g8lBtdw'''t 00 i8 SSKtiSSrSCSSKiSSS Jobn HuRhes, d. Q S 4- -l S S li CUHi.QO J O W I -i J : 52 o p 03 9 Q r ST 5" , 5 10 I ? -to - to ft-K: -ro ft f Jnn'A tVotiinb il- II SS8 gi65SSB5S5S58g I "-"w. 1 1. CO co co co c kft tc . S&eco S cn 55 ce 13 -1 38 to t tc lo t caoe i :1 i 13 ko ft to ft - i co la cy33ft-'CootOft-'C2QfsjV'4 05i i;. n S o li c io w c 3 f c u - - " ; 1 A Jen tin, rep.' J nof( W, Graham, d. 8 i cyi Haotl o fc ci i. oaRowonl . i t 7 ck -ft ts tsjft i to ft ft-K . ft 1 t rr rriT-inrlr 1 Q S v O CO OMM Co O C5 tJOW O I V- CJ ft 5" 3 - - - tr O ft f er c c 95 C P o 9 o. H o 3 3 O ) t? O-K0- tCI Jfc ft- MHM W lit Ghlnn .1 ioS Mc5tootc-co.o,oK)ocoto- I f 3 b i . i i : : ; A. omciai xterurn . f. ft A f f. Of theT Vote for Attorney General at tXe ''te&iw'-held'.on ifurAth. day vfAug 1871V, Alot Ac. Vote for Governor, as far at heard fromr held on Thursday, August 1, C LOOAIT HAKKIS, - Editor. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR1 J t ' : Should be taken for - . ff diseases oi.tno . Urinary Organs. S.N CO ce C5 C? I IO t3 ' I ft tot yVm. A. Smith, rep i tA t-Sft-'tO ttv -'- i co -4 , CODCocpft-fttftOKhOwtC-tCCpcaca ' S e m co ftH c o o& ti os o O Siorf II. Rogers, d. ftw Co CO o Kft fth. co co k to - tft-tft io . co ptocotiI--4coJ-4cot5ft-Kift.oo CO ft tCtOt t3 K M M IH M t-i M t oco-5 ti o I; o w o ti a k; oi -i ift w O CS 12 4- O ft Q t Q IS to jg CO Jas H Harris, rep.; W R.Cox, d. ,, co ftCk. Gft c;gSgt?Ucosis:Ki5KSo6 Rich C Badger, rep. 5 Cx CO to . 4. ft eo C5 ft d to o ft ft ta . ft" CO ft- to oc C7i CC g QD t3 ft- COft COIt-StO ft tk .ft tOft ft cjcoft ocncotc-J-Jcos-JftVta-'tocsoo tioo -Jcw'totit5co-4cs-5ococ7i Stewart JfioC Gorman, rep. CD CO ft). (Oft cn CO to i io co S585KSJiK5S255 Rpht S Perry, rep. J- O) C5 in C- ft ft--s-t-00CiOC7il ; . 13 CO - 13 O . Q k to t; totfc i t cQoioot3coooicc5-toc',co otoococotocB-4ftftga-co R I Battle, jr, d. 10 B c5 co Ic tS4 Pc tot-'tC''t'rc-" '' ' SODCOOft UQKH C? tOO"lftVCO . CW 5 tO O tOES ft--4 & CO tO COlOftK CS to CP tc - I - tc X Co d cc- tc i ; co co x CX Ci c h ft 0 "tO-' tOftH ft CT30COC3K.tOOtO Otft tOO-tftCO r.COMC3P-t-CSKtiWift.OiUW Green II Alford, d. U : A G Jones, d. Mft tO 'tOk -tCft ft ft k ft ft ft ' COC4-OtOCOOtOtOCi tOCi-JftWCO -liMtiCCtft'Cft--tCC.ft.p-Mift Wm H Pace, d. Co to 8 s 3 s w K w u fl rr IS fttft ft ft!ft. c: ftS. co o o o CO I o k I coco- t- I ft- Oi c CC ft cs to K ft f ft v K KiiiCftooKigcrjOfCfttC-Ca 'Wm M Brown,' rep. OUT FOR GRANT.. Position of lcniocratic headers L in 3Iississipii. Many of the old-time Democratic leaders of Mississippi refuse to support Greeley. Of one of them The New Or leans National llcpubUcan thus speaks : "Prominent among these is Hon. J,' F. II. Claiborne, of Natchez, who for some years represented that district in Con gress. While in Jackson, a few days since, Col. Claiborne publicly declared that he should support Gen. Grant for the Presidency, and pledged himself that that support would not be luke warm, and he advised his Democratic friends to do likewise. He denounced Greeley as the life-long enemy of the South and Southern men, and as totally unfit and unworthy to receive the $uf: frageof Mississippians.- Col. Claiborne is a Democrat of the Jackson school j he has a widespread personal influence, and. besides, is one of the most accom plished and forcible writers in the South. For a number of years-he has kept aloof from an active interest in Kofitics, but the approaching contest as determined him to wield his pen and Influence for the best interest of his fellow-citizens, which, in his judgment, can be attained by the election of Grant in preference to Greeley, whoso eleva tion to the Presidential chair he would regard as a national calamity. . r O ft ft IO ft- tO tC-'lft-ft-t-'MHft 0Ct0O COttft CJ tOftS--Jft"C0 fti- to i o -i i o - cs to - to J Marshall Betts, d. Ce U i- O C co C5 CO ft tO tO ft I ft to ft- -Jcicscoco--iQCft--e5ii.ft cotocnoo to to to Mft'ScooopqiCittwv) Wm W White, rep. r : 1 ; to i to ft ft to tO ft 0 ft -ft - COCOi- igCtOOH-CO3ft-ft-C!ilOCOCS-C j- o;iocotoc5osscr. --oPjoo co - J. W. Liles, d. to Sft. CO ft C9 tO tO ft CO to Ci O CO to 1 00 CO C2 Cl CO to . ft ft- tO ft- ft- 6 w- w rw - -ju w- w iv rv V J otcrk"ota4ac40Dutoooci Ths C 3mith, rep. tZ tSSIISSGotSSSSSSSSG Feodol Bevers, d.4 tOfe -I tO- tO-4 tO CO OO 00 ft- CO ft. O ft- to I ! : 1 co o 00 Sft fc- fttfc, n co co -4 5 ft SKgolooKoiSKPKSJw William Jinks, rep. hSSccSci -i -ft;.. S 13 co . I Co I -J I ft- b. o I coc:ca 1 CO - CO ft tO tO ' k; ft- ft &ftfcftkCOtOC3QOfc-CO-4fetOCOtOftaO t- tO 00 ft- ODCO CP ft ft CS H d Jones,rep. ii I Kb. ft- a- r; i to CO ft tO tO t I MI-itOl-M coftUcoKccei ?9ftWtoeot3i.a6 co o o -3 co o c Co co co co i SaiM'l Rayner, rep. lk CO t S tO tO " -i ft tO ' SI iiwJij H K co to o ce c ? os to o jo o Qg I cp oo te o fe ca 5a J ihwooft ife. t fttft. g Ci 3 CO CO tO t-5 ' ft tO ft ft ocncolo-iooeotp-jotototoo? -4 tO CS O "l05C'-li-ll''M-IO MofiesO Todd, rep. R W Wynne, rep.-: CO to CO co co oa oo ftfc. kC - -- 1 3 1 tO tO ft ft ft ft ft tCBKO-CO--f-tC;4;Mft0 OCo-tO"k-CCpr:0Cft-CPC".CgtO-tc to to co co cp tO tO ft tO to ft-ift-- ft ft ft H fc CiOWCOft'C4pi-'l- CSk tOi-JftCO to ft to cs co gcttootogsocok-co J Ri kowell, d; W C Upchurch, d. co I co to to to O W'X tO ft- j 88S 1 ft ft 13 ft tO tCft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft gocloo-'to -o tot-j-co ft' li LP 'O O CB tftft ft- CJ tO O O ft- O ft-to ft-tO to -fc ft ciatiCk-capHMCst-MiMifcOs cs ca ccticccacwOttwata - George B Allen, d. 4Q W 6carborough,d fo CO -. to to to ft tot-ft-ft t ft- ft- I w t pori 4 w oc ' i o to K co to o to ; c j y r o tiOi -ftJ.fiOCi 5-J OD 25 ft- O tO tO l 1 ' . - : i . O f ; H Or CS' iff1'- 'COUNTIKS. " c: j- S 9 ft u. , r S " .-. ce J . SB : C 1 o ji: H O 2 ft ft tftV oii-coN-totO-'r' t- I Alprt Mntmin. ren I P to i to-to ft-ft-itot-tok-ft-tov-k-ft-ft-ft-ft-ft-j- J j Voroet. d- O I S?CO -3 tOOrOOk COOH ft CS tOft 4 tO I it- ' SI C? CO tO . i CO UitOOi O O 4- CS - tO - i to - cS I- , ft. ft O ft. y CO 1 OO CO ft iiasSSSSaly'Tl i oo co i to-i H ft- o ft c - ( Alamance, Alexander,' Alleghany, Anson, Ashe, 4 Beaufort,, ; Bertie, fr Bladen, . Brunswick, Buncombe, j Cabarrus, lTmi?vi IJaldwolVi -;l ' Camden, ' - i Carteret,;. ,ui 4 Caswell, ; . . Catawba.' '. , Chatham, ' ' Cherokee, ' Chowan,. , , Clay,'.,., - r ." Cleaveland, ' Columbtis,- Craven, '. Currituck Daro, - , Davldsoil, T , Davie, : U Duplin, V 5, Edirecombe. ? 5 ForsytheVi ,Ui V , Franklin, j Gaston, ;rr- 7- Granville, 1 ' j Greene,,, Guilford,' Halilax.. ' - Harnett, Haywood; t Mond arson, ertford. , Hyde.' ' ; Iredell;" ' Jackaon,:ii; -5Mfl Johnston, , Jones, , Ijenoir,' .' k Lincoln J,..,' Maaisoa, Martin, o McDowell, Mecklenbursr. , Mitchell, : t Montgomery,.,, Moore, ;. , New Hanover, .Northampton; Onslow, r ; Orange, i.;, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Perhon, Pitt, Polk, , Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, . Rockingham, . Rowan, , ' ; Rutherford,1' Sampson,' Hi! Stanley, f.. Stokes,.1 a s .' Surry, , ; , Transylvania," Tyrrell, Union, Wake, ;, - warren. . , . Washington, Watauga, Wayne,-Wilkes, Wilson, . Yancey, " ' ' ''.u - 'ill 8Q ,1,04a JU7 158 , 986 cos 1,346; i 1,391 1,223 .1:719 "981 851 251 526 821 no relturn 149 1,124 304 692 174 314 '487 ft. 'Si .788 504 377 1,052 ' 791 1 1,505! , 867 1,115 ..J20 1,4:)6 V 8031 :s V 963 -C38 1; 623i 7681 1,043 1,861 522 603 ; 218 1,212 937 2,764k 1,500 a f 1 1,671 327 6S3 952 2,878 1,437 ' 696; no re 1 l,0OG 1,717 330 1-562! b: 401, 55a : 273 K 629 ' 404 i" 229) 1,212 559 1,224 510 k:246 489 551 1.93S 471 .545 '791 ' 788 1 2,914 1800 368 991 920 795 765 1,754 360 1,242 1,162 1,623 U73 1,134 945 m452 560 ; 502 149 328 1 634 3,504 2,206 798 268 i r 011 V 948t 511 -'245 83,427 1,741 846 265 1,216 ': 762 ; 1,505 i 776) 954 1,379 V 958 turn. 2,008 794 l,793i 1,347 723 403 ,297 .75 1,203 587 1,709 519 : 911 ,822 ,530 510 '599' 2;i61j 80 .481 1,113 ; 9so 2,027 v. 959 -788 1,708 837 OOOi 1,092! 1,752! 189 1,280 . 836 1,6851 ,1,590 1.459j :T898 1,397 5981 ti 989 1,007 , 367 429 7881 3,112 i 873 ff'561 500 1,764 913 1,191 ,r S79 596 c o s t: .-a .ltd; til 1,683 1,374 7 4y Ail Letters relating to Sabscriptionm or Advertisements, must be addressed to WM. M. BROWN, Business M answer. f ; All Reeistered Letters can be sent at our risk. Subscribers receiving their papers with a cross 14 mark, may know that the time for which they subscribed is nearly out, and unless .. they f renew, after t receiving two papers, witk a cross mark, their papers will be discontinued. ,l i THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1872. Local, State and General Items. The Eleciion. From returns received .on Tuesday morning, thero can be no doubt of Governor Caldwell's election by from one to two thousand majority. Both branch es of the Legislature will probably be Detri- 1,774 ocratic by small majorities. DR. CROOK'S WINE QF TAR ; Should be taken for all ' f Throat and Lung Ailments, DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR, t n j ., t. ,? Renovates and . ' Invigorates the entire system. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR i i i -Should be kept in every house, r i.J land its life-giving : Tonic properties tried by all. IT DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR , Restores the Appetite and ' Strengthens the Stomach. ";f Wood and Blomenbor Read an ar ticle from The New York Times, on our first page, confirming our statements concerning Wood and Blumenburg. 1. r 1 . V: 'id' v Boffas Tickets. Watch for Republican tickets with the names of Democratic can didates pasted over the names of the Re? publican; candidatesijDon't take ticket from any person "except a true and tried . Republican Every attempt will be made ' to cheat and defraud voters. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ' - .- -; v;.; i r 1 Cures Jaundice, .. . v , . or any Liver Complaints DR: CROOK'S WINE OF TAR : ; .Ctires all Chronic Coughs, l- 1 - - and Coughs and Colds, ..' . more effectually than any , . 1 1 a ' f .r r other remedy, 1 .:. . .... , . DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR : 1 ' ' Makes Delicate Females, ? ' ; K " ' who "are never feeling well. ' : Strong and Healthy. . " i.ft, m 1 1 1 .11 ' , ,.ti 1 j 11" , .'-I- X-..- 1 - r . DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR .' ' ' .Has restored in any persons 7 " who have been r unable to, work for years. T 'NMidvertlsem BOOK AQENTG Nqw. at ' work, or looking for spine', new bookf will 'miss 1'lf, theyr do not; at onco Write for circulars of the Lest selling book mblished. Kxtraordinary Indiicementa of ered Profits -more than doable Jlionev. OuUH free. -t Address, r-F.'-JW ! R tiv . 139 Eightii.SJfow, York., q f vl 4 1 w , AGENTS WANTEp,.;. ' : , l-For, g6o-dspeH8 ,1' V,; j i: PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN DdOI EVEIIY CITIZCIT WANTS IX. l. I Also; for .C AMPAlGlT GOODS. Address, Codspced.''B'i:jrnplre Pablbtiilny noma .K"ev Orleans, Cincinnati, St. Louis . r- "!;--f ' ' ft ACELTTS WATTED-for the liVea of 3rr jant j'Gr e el e y! -"'WILSON l'.'BROWN !' : And the leading men of all parties.' Over 40 Steel Portraits. Just tho book wanted by tho masses everywhere. ' Agents meet with wonderful success. v8cnd for Circular and secure territory, at onca 'Address . . ; - 503 XortU Sixth trpot St. Ixjus, Mx. RocKundgaAIum- i A inss DR. fJROAK'S WINE OF TAB, . r " Removes pain in Breast, Side or Back 1. 87,648 1,481 Crave of the A&airs. The Asheville Pioneer says Govan and Columbus Adair, who were executed at Hendefsonville on the 12th of July, " are buried in a single grayed in about fifteen feet of the main road, near Jamestown, and eleven, miles from Rutherford ton, ; on the Rutherford ton and Marion Turnpike. They were buried there at their own request, and for the purpose, as they expressed it, of "haunting travellers j no 1 in, r uaoont 'ata.l JLtiray, 2 he Hickory Tavern Ea gle says on Saturday night, the 20th ult., a atal affray took place at McNeil's in Wilkes county, between two men named Stout and Vannoy, in which the latter received a mor tal stab in the heart, dying a few minutes afterwards, f Our informant states that Stout attacked Vannoy, with a fence rail, and that the fatal stroke was made in self defence. The affair took place at a political meet ing, but the cause is understood not to have been political. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ! i Causes the food to digest: removing DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ! Has cured cases of Consumption ,; ; ' ' pronounced incurable - by physicians. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR f . . ; All recovering from any illness " , mi n s 1 1 . win iuiu mia vne ) . best Tonic they can takej DR CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has proved itself -i in tnousands 01 cases capable of curing all diseases of the i v Throat and Lungs. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR f ? 1 1 . Is an effecti ve regulator of the Liver DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR - Should be taken to strengthen and build up your system. 3,843 3,269 Ollicial Vote of Johnston CountyAugust 1st, 1872, For the Carolina Era. ' ,, A Card. ; :. ' ' In a recent speech In Murfrecsbon)', N. C, I read from an address of Horace Greeley to tho colored people of Pough kcepsie, N. Y., May 16th, 1872, In which said Greeley strongly favors the admission of both colored and white persons to the same educational insti tutions and seminaries. I distinctly stated my oxen opposition , to mixed xehools; nut I charged upon Horace Greeley that tho adoption of this poli cy announced by him would open the Methodist and Baptist Female Colleges In this place to colored women. It hps since been extensively reported that! I declared myself in favor of this associa tion of lie races. I hereby pronounce such report, utterly false; and I say further that I believe those who con tinue to circulate it do so maliciously and deliberately, knowing It to bej a Up. G. W. TiroirrsOx.j . Murfroesboro', N. C. ij Time and ekllflitened experience have shown that certain substances formerly used and relied on in medical practice, are unnecessary and dangerous; yet some ,of these substances bavo found their way Into medical compounds. Db. Walker's Cali fornia Ynf eoar Bitters, however, con tain nothing Injurious,, being composed exclusively of vegetable substances from California. For all disorders of the liver kidneys, bladdcr,skln, and digestive organs, . rwl nnrlfirinir th blOOd. tfieT aT6 WO mi aw iu m r most wonderful remedy known. Goveror.AtL Gen'hl ; ; jPj i C j rf-i 8 I k : . - f I I t ; & 3 s S 0 I j B g j I W j U - d m h j ! h E ' I 121! 178 12i; 180 121 180 120 102; 132' lOli 137; 99 136j 98 i 281 159! 23 161 22 160 20 ! 73: 1341 77! 12711 73 134 74 I 101: 56 94 59 r 93 88 87 I 105. 86! 99 80 j 95 7S 98 322 183 S06 19S'302 lSSi 800 232 74 167 I2l ! 164 116j 174 122 122 118 12S f 111 123' 104 76 75 59 38'J 56 ' 58 ' 82 112! 111 96 mrp 93 112!' .95 114; 126 118 120' 118 12011 117 : tr ' ''- l!l50Sll436!l374 Senate. Clayton, P. Grove, Elevation, Meadow, BentafTille, Ingram's, Smithfield, Boon Hill, Selm. . Deulah, Oncal's, WUtlerV, 14Sll!l847 178 134 159: 135 61 84 109 J20 140 '11 123; Mouse of Jiep't. M II 1526i i20 108 89 74 190 9 307 172; 113 1 m 1405 120 100 SO 78 86 97 804 176! 114 , 6 , 95 116 1877 9 a o 178 134 16(M 135 T8 85 192 ISO) 124 i 80i 122 124 1528 6 a c 180 126 160 135 61 85 194 122 12ft -79 131 123f Sheriff. p4 129 96 21 69 89 83 .299 187 124! :-.9l 138! 1334 o H-e i 184 168 132 64 91 195 161 101 l75( 118 Co. Con. G e 1S19 127 98 18 80 89 806 J72 .68 !82 131 116 1868! 159 US 150 132 62 84 171 93 118 4 111 1880 Tiptous Tribulations. Tho unhappy Tipton, United States Scna-r tor for Nebraska, recently called a mass , 1 " ' ( meeting at Farmouth, Fillmore County, In that State, that he miglA laboriously en deavor to draw the perverse jNebrnskans from their . ways, which all lead to Grant, and persuade the in that in Greelej'only can they find honesty, (after the. Tweed fashion,). and reunion, (after the JefT. Davis style.) The people assembled In great numbers and listened attentively wliile Tipton poured forth all he could remember and invent in denunciation of Grant and his administra tion, and in praise of Greeley and his crowd. When he had done the perverse Xebras kans took the matter into their own hands. First, three rousing cheers were given for Grant and Wilson, aid three for Phil. Sheridan.' Then they adopted j with much enthusiasm a series of resolutions, which, among other things, declare : Whereas. After patiently hearing the office party, to tx dealt vith as they may deem proper. ... . - Jleso lfedt That we endorse, the fz.,:7r tration df President Grant, and hir til" supportiUVS. Grant and Ilonry Wilso f President and Vice President of the Vlxii States.-, r. Times, 15th July, 187?. 4,2211 Note. The vote of Caswell and Gates counties (unofficial) was as follows : Phillips. Shipp. Caswell, ; ', - 251 '" 637 Gates, 1 -J , '.- ,;J - 356 - 744. s- I V.; . TAX 1,381 This would make Shipp's majorHr in the 'State 4,995.,, t.iVr,U VTOTICP TO BUPTURED SOLDIERS. AN ACT TO PBOV1DE v FOB FURNISHING TBUSSKS TO DISABLED SOLDIERS. ' te it enacted 01 the Senate and House of Representative of the United States in Con- S esA asserkbled, That eery soldier of the nion'Army, who. was ruptuied while in me une or auty, during the late war for the .suppression of the rebellion, shall be enti tled to receive a single or double truss of hucu sty ie, as may do aesignaiea . oy uie Surgeon General of the United States Arm v as best suited for such disability. Sec. 2i The application for such trnss phall - be made byHbe ruptured soldier to an examining surgeon lor pensions, wnosd duty It shall be to examine such applicant. and for every such applicant, found to have a rupture or hernia, shaft, prepare and for-j ward to the Surgeon General an application for such truss, without chartre to the sol dier, - f vr " ; ' '-1 Sec. 3. That the SurceonVGaheral of the umtea states Armv is herebv authorized and directed to purchase and procure the number of .trusses which may, be required for distribution, to such - disabled, soldiers, at, a price 4ot greater than the same are sold to. the trade at ' wholesale : and the cost of the same shall be paid' upon the reaulsl-4 tion of ? the Surgeon General, otit Of any moneys in the, Treasury; not otherwise ap propriated. 1 . - -. 'r.)'t-tftM .1't$t, EXTRACT ;rBOk ?BEPp,nT, O )jA BO ard pi MEPICAI. OftCKRS .'CONVENED TO EXAM INE SAMPLES or trusses: "-'Z ' : Adventures of an Impostor The Washington (D. C.) Star says a short time since the press of the country gave notice hki oho S. A. Lee, Mrho claimed to be a near relative to General Robert E. Lee, was an impostor ; that he never was a colonel, cap tain . or any other' officer, as he alleged, of the Confederate army, but that he ' was for several years a convict in the New York State v Penitentiary ; that he wojuld have married one of the Kentucky's fairest daughters, but was prevented by the inter position of General Breckinridge and others, Just as the marriage ceremony was about to be performed, and ordered to leave the State within , twenty-four-hours." This fellow found his way to Chicago, and continued his impositions upon our citizens and sev eral .ladies seminaries in the vicinity. At " Ferry Hill," t Lake Forest Seminary, he succeeded in purloining over twenty vol umes of valuable books, and other articles. While stopping at the Barnes' House, in this city, he insinuated himself into the good graces of Colonel Swallow and his ac complished wife, by means of counterfeit letters of introduction and commendatien. Mrs. Swallow, who possesses eminent liter ary talents, handed the scapegrace one of J her essays on " Woman's Rights," written by her in leisure moments for pleasure and pasttime, Lee successfully transferred the manuscripts to his .valise and left for parts unknown. Within the past week, however, advices have been received in this city that he is'' traveling over the northwest deliver ing this same essay as a lecture to crowded houses, and passing hi mself off on the com munity as the author and holding a near relationship to the Lee, Custis, and Adams families. - DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Is thei very remedy for the Weak ana Debilitated. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR 7 . ' Will cure your Dyspepsia or t i indigestion. DR. CROOK'S "WINE OF TAB I Rapidly restores exhausted strength. : . DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAIt . 4 Should be taken if you feel . weaK or debilitated, . DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR ' :. Possesses Vegetable Ingredients wnicn makes it the , best Tonic in the market. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has cured so many cases of Astnma and Uronchitis that it has been pronounced a specific ior ; tnese complaints. ' DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR . 1 v , , Makes Delicate Females, ' ! who are never, feeling well, ' '. Strong and Healthy. PURIFY" YOUR BLOOD. L DR. CROOK'S Compound Syrup of s POKE ' It O O T I . , 1 L J J ake county- Court. -To the Superior thQ Board is of the opinion bo ve principles (vij : those which DEATHS eloquence of the honorable Senator, we, the Republicans of Fillmore county! Nebraska, are convinced beyond a donbt of the follow- 15 4w. eyond ing facts: That the Hon. T. W. Tipton is dissatisfied with the present administration, and opposes the re-election of U S. Grant, for the reasons stated, as follows t That the President has not appreciated the wisdom and statesmanship of tho IIon.T. W. Tip ton : that the President has not used his ap pointing power with a view to the political interttts of T. W. Tipton ; that Senator Tipton cannot control a political influence VfTUl U. o. Vrrailt nun MJeauuiiiii3krnt.ivii 111 power. . - , : ' I - Tlierefore, he it Jiesolved, That the Re- publicans of Fillmore gladly deliver him unto tho Democratic, Liberal, anything-fiir- " Dikp in this city, on last Sabbath, 21th of July, of ;cholera infantum, Jakes t Edda only ; sort of Mr. J. J. and Sarah, Bunch, aged one -year and twenty days. . . , f , "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the king dom of Heaven " ' ' ' ' b. KnrGSLAITD & ULLLER, REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Under Baleigh iTational Bank. ' i Land buyers may rely on Purchasing direct fromtlie Property Owners. No Mid- v. s1 1 ... .1. .... .... . dleduni or Agents' allowed to '. ; 11 i ' ' ' Speculate or charge an ad- 1 .s t '(.' - ' ' - i ' - Pt vanie on Uie owners price of Farms T ttc. , Houses and Iots for Sale. ' tun lsfhtr. I ug toa proper Truss) are best carried out by the Truss, samples of which were "submitted bv Messrs. Bartlett Bntnam A VUParker, of Chicago, and by the well kno wn "Uhase's Truss, (maae oy several farms) : ' . ,. , These patterns are therefore re "commended by the Board, as those best "adapted in their bpinion for "the purposes "indicated in the Act of Congress, entitled VAn Act to provide for furnishing Trusses, ' 1V WAR DEPARTMENT, " Surgeon General's Office, '..n Washington, I. C.f July 11, 1872. The above, recommendation of the Board of MpdicalX)mcers with - regard to Trusses is approved, and any person entitled under the Act to receive a Truss will be furnished with either of the patterns of Truss recom mendediby the Board, as he may select. ' ' The proof that a soicuer was rupturea in the ho in part ' on account Of the . rupture or of evidence sufficient to procure such' pension. Blank forms for, applications for Trusses will be furnished from the Surcreon Gen eral's Office, and by examining surgeons for pensionsji j ' f -v,-: ;v:i.-..--: 20 3. Surgeon General UT & Army, . , Augustus' Herndon, J. S.' Barbee and Nan- 'v cy J. his wife, and Mary Herndon Guar- dian of William C. , Herndon, . Martha i , A. Herndon, Frances E. Herndon, James B. Herndon and Virginia C. Herndon, t Plaintiffs. ' i : Against William Herndon,' Defendant. Summons ! for Relief. . . . : r State of North Carolina, , ; j ' To the Sheriff of Wake county Greeting : ' lYou are hereby, commanded, to summon William .Herndon, the Defendent, above named if he be found within your county, to apjjear at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Wake, within .twenty 20) days," after the service of this summons on him, exclusive of the day of such service, and r&wer the complaint, a copy -of which -will?;be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county, within ten days from the date of this summons rand let' him take notice that if he fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for . the relief demanded in the complaint. ' ! Hereof fail not, and of this summons make duo return. Given under my hand and seal Of said Court, this 22nd day of July, 1772. i t, ; J. N. BUNTING, ...i'j, , . Clerk Superior Court, ' V 1 Wake County. John M.Morino, , , - Attorney for Plaintiff. July 23, 1872. s - 7 w4w. .IW'AIITED "AGENTS ! tlOO to 8250 per month, everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Latest improv- eo, innst oniipie auu peneci DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND - ; : , . SYRUP OF POKE ROOT v , Builds up Constitutions , broken down from ' ! Mineral or Mercurial Poisons. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND " SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures all diseases depending on a depraved cotdition :, or the blood. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POAE ROOT , Should be taken by all ' . requiring a remedy v to make pure blood. 1 w a . .. . kOPKK JITMll ISitSi . ASnT. i 11 The proprietor offers additional attractions this season. New. elegant and spacious Drawing and Ball 'Rooms, beautiful lawns, exquisite air and scenery, while the waters of .these special springs invariably relieve Consumption,' Scrofula." Bronchitis,. Dys- Kpsia-and-rDMrrhcea, and are ' for sale iy wingDrng0ist3.-everywhere. -. Readily acces&iblo 'via Chesapeake fc Ohio R, It. Stop at Goshea Depot, where coaches will be in waiting.; Pamphlets on application. 15 4w, fi. 1 James ,Af Frazxeix Prop. DO NOT cure one "of the "77" while On your Summer Excursion, North to so- 4 Stewart :'-(J6oK;'StqYes With its special attachments,Roaster, Baker & Broiler. The Stove and Furniture care fully 'packed .for safe shipment.' Books sent on application. ' r 15 4w. Fuller, VVarren t Con 236 Water si;, N Y BURN HAM'S jj New. Turbine Is fav general use aJ Rgjl throughout the U.S.; A six inch. ww tfli is used by the Government in the 3j Patent Office,; Washington, D. C. Jb, Its sim pUcity of, Construction and ItSil uie power it transmits renaers it mo west waujr wxiuei ever invent- mTi ed. Pamphlet fTOo. - 4- k B-KJ , N. F. BURNHAM, Y0RS,PAJ4w T urn iiiiiiu"v- ' 1 Is a powerful Tonic, specially adapted for Use in Spring, when the lanouip and De bilitated system needs Btrengthand vital ity ; It will give vigor to the feeble, strength to the weak, animation : to the 1 dejected, activity to the sluggish, rest to, the weary, quiet ' to the nervous,, and health, .to the Infirm; I" .'I ' ' It is a South American plant; which, ac cording to the medical and scientific period icals j of London an d Paris','' possesses the most.powebful tonic properties known to Materia Medica. and is well, known .:in its native countrvas havinar wondorful curative qualities, and has .been long used as' a specific in all cases of IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, DERANGEMENT OF THE LIVER AND SPLEEN, TUMORS, DROP SY, POVERTY OF THE BLOOD, DEBIL ITY, WIAKpJ15SS OF THE INTESTINES, UTERINE OR URINARY ORGANS. Dr. Wells' Extract of 'Jnrnbeba Is strengthening and ' nourishing'; ' like nutricious food taken into the stomach, it assimilates and diffuses itself "through tho circulation, giving .-vigor and health ' It rejmlates tho bowels, auiets the nerves. acts directly on the secret! vo organs.and, by its powerful Tonic and restoring effects. produces healthy and vigorous action of the whole system. , . ; -v ', r-;i ' JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St,.N Y., ; Solo Agent for the United States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. ' ; ; .. 15 4w. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND" " ;.' . .. . SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Pains in Limbs 7f Bones, Ac. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND I1 . ; - - SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. tf . ! ' r Removes Pimples, Blotches, . .. f ., and beautifies the Complexion. : rt4 ....v. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND - , n t vi 1 SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. '. , " rJ.s,; f ',) i Is the sest Alterative ; f v . ' or Blood Purifier made. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND H ; SYRUP OF POKE ROOT Cures Scrofula, . - Scrofulous Diseases of the Eves , ' or Scrofula in any form, DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND : SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. v ; ; : ' ' Cures Scald Head, ;, csait itneum, Tetter. DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND ;( :v.,-,r SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures old Sores, Boils or Ulcers. THRESHING-MACHINES -HORSE POWER ! We desire to call the attention of Farmers to . our manutacturo of Separators r we have a greatly improved these Machines in tho last " two years, apd they are now superior to and better adapted to the wants of "tho Virginia Farmer than any machine broUirht'from the north, -while our lower prices' and tho sa- lng of freight, make 'them 'cheaper.' Wo make and send with our machines the Cary or Pitt's Horse Power, and furnish Machines mounted on wheels, complete .with jrse Power. Belts. fec. for $100. ' . ' we 'had our wheat threshed a past summer by a " Carpwell Tn 1 and Cleaner V owned by J. W. The machine did excellent work, tort every particle of wheat from tho straw, and cleaned to our satisfaction. Wo can recom mend the ! Machine to any one washing, A good Thresher and. Cleaner. ! , ' . . 1 John E. Jones, SamI, Cottrell, jr.',, Wm. C. Moncure, J. L. CarTington. Wm. tshep- person, Alex. R. HoRaday. - r tr-,'x. Wo alsomake a goodTwo-norKOrLresh-s er, that we can sell oompleto " ir . ; vf J, W. 'CARD W 1 : 1 , . , ( U,' ; l .. ' 1511 Caty Street, Iticiiuioiid, Vaj juiyi3f 1 .rr:'.' ;;' Vir':-;, ' ; tho HER lley. .ing - line o duty wRi cordis of the &ct that Shuttle Se wing. Machine is -receiving a pension, either wholly or j i .. : ever Invented. We challenge the world to compete with it.. Jnce: only 218.00. and fully warranted for five years, making the elastic . Lock Stitch, alike on both sides. The same as all the high priced shuttle ma chines. ' -' : : -r t . Also, the. celebrated and latest improved COMMON SENSE : ' - CANVASSERS. WANTED Wor " Oxtr Own. ireside - An Illustrated Paper, 16 pages, published Monthly. Subscription prlcei $1,501 .'Every Subscriber receives a Valuable Chromo, A Fruit Piece, which sells for $5. Send 2 cent LINGWOOD'. HIGH SCHOOL 1 ForYoitttg ItUQe, Salem, TSoanoko Co, Virginia. , .,,;frJy , Mlss.Fanny R.. Johnston; Prindnal.- With thoroughly, qualified.. assistants in ail derf Eartments of female educatlou.' . Tho next alf session of 20' weeks will oommenca ! Sept. 6th, 1S72. ' For jiarticulars as to terms ; of Tuition andBoaid, apply to tho Princi pal. ". n. '"" qt'i.ou." 1 j References Prof Jas p; Holcombb; BoIldJ ; View High School; Mis Mary, I Baldwioi Principal - Augusta, Fern. Sem. . Statin tour Va.: Rev M;D Hotre. D D. Richmoud. Va j.v. Gen Jos D Johnston, SavannaU'Ga V 4w.. ' r.i ' . it . i 1 r . WASHINGTON UNVIItSXTftY4;;, MEDI'CAL'SCH'pOL! The next Annual Session of this Institution will begin October. 1st. , 1872,v aba oontiiruoi t ' five months. .The Clinical, advantages. .of the School are unsurpassed. , r A Fees including Dissection dt Hospital Tick-, , : . -! f" ets,'66.' "' -rr" For CATALOGUES containing fliU tia'ri1' ticulars apply to mi-: n jJt;. -unjj.iol. Prof. CHAS. Wt CHANCELLOR iDeaiUi! 4w. . . ( Baiumoro 10., vj T 1 "'! -"fl I ruit ieee, wnicn sells tor 5. Send 2 cent p, ardn Clns8lcaepil8,v Stampfbrt Sample and Premium LisL-l j u.U -:J.Vv, .it'.. ; t ' ;, - 1 Dayton, Ohiol ... ...... 1 - j . . .-.t.. Notice li hereby riven, that I will attend at tho Mayor's office! daily, for the next thirty days, between the' hours of 9 o'clock; a. m., And 1 o'clock,'- "p. ni., (Sundays ex cepted) for the purpose of receiving the City taxes tor the year isrz. au persons are requested to come forward and pay; the same promptly. 4 v M. GRAUSMAN; 4 ; itaieigh, August z, iNa'-n collector. 2--6t. , . FAMILY SEWING .MACHINE. T CLAIMANrai Price only 15.00, and fully , warranted for five years. These machines wm stitch. Hem, Fell. Tuck, Quilt, Cord, Bind, Braid and Em.troider in a most superior manner. And are warranted to do all work that can be done on any high priced machine in the worm, j.' or circulars ana terms, aauress . wvwirnnp At nr nni THArm a rnn t V M. vVA V.- v v t tr VAV Mi. V VIA VAV M O. Box 2726, Philadelphia, Pa. ; ma 25-w3m, Claimants desiring testimony taken in cases (not exceeding $5,000 each) now pend ing against the United States, tor Stores or Supplies, taken or furnished during : the Rebellion; for the use of the Union army, will write to me at once, as I am now ready to officiate in that capacity. . .- , ; 1 . ' J. N. SNELSON, ; . . . Special Coiamissioner, " 6 w6w. Asheville, N. C. Atttt Tir.TT. rrrr'iVTrn-iflilr H EV. ,T. S. WHITTINGTON, . A. MH ' Xi Principal, will open tho TthSossldnilha'' 30th iJuly, 1872, rmd- leontinue ?0' woeks'. i" . Board, in good' families, near tho Institu tion, $9 per month-all found except lights Tuition from 310 to $16.60. ? Contingent fboiu fifty cents..;, j.H tL'U- 'r v' huv-! Students cpmlhg by Railrpad will stop at Greensboro', where conveyances - ill meeti . them, if we are' advised of the time.j'1 ' Tenns cash: In advance. J 11 'V " ; For particulars, address the Principal at ' Greensboro', N. C. , Junes, 1872. i oipa.

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