j- :.t; : -::.' ::'.w I .. s s ; , ;.. ' - ; "4 - v ' - - I'a . ;':-.' - - :-'. - - "-""::' . i . '. . J. t tytttyo nwlina' ; ) i TJU-WKEXLT AND VKKKU hV . 1 vat en of A.d.vkTiAinx The Era' Publishing Company. One squiffe, one tune; .4 1 t " ' " two timo,- . - J 1 50 i or Subscription " " 'tlirco til: ics, - 2 00 A sqtiai e w the to of a i M in' Tai-WcKKLT One yr, m 'advance, $ 00 in ab CUOUUll, Ui, iuche decp., . . . ..,.' ...,'. Contract Atlvertb-Ciueut-i r 6 month, in advance. 2 00 -I . J '- 3 months, in advance, I 00 taken at v . . n mourn, m aavance, , 50 WrEKir One jear. in advance, : ' i 00 i . '.Six months, in drance., ; f0 proporuorvately low raten. I ; ; 1 PjrofeasionalCar.dSjnotecoeJuislsquivrp,,. will bo published ono 5 ear Tor $12: rt ' Jn Vol. 2. RAILEIGH; N;i,;CJ:,;v TH LTRS DAY ?A;UGUST ' 22;hlS72., Vs - , . ".: ' -; r-' --' No. --lb Organize, r I The State campaign is rover. , We won a victory and have rejoiced over TIio Straight-Outs. . our .success. , The time has arrived, and odnwe must buckle on our armor und go forth to meet and to conquer (Wcmel iilanlon Duncan on the War Pain---What He Knotcs Aboitt Gree ley and Hut Supporters A Piquant Criticism of Messrs. War mouth, War ,nert Jline, and .Oticr Liberal Leaders 'A Jhiylq Want from the Chitirmcn rtf thr Thr,irt'rnfin tttllnnul Clnntmiffr-P- .... - - .t ii. i. - V" " minions oi rejue, uu me irofpenry j t . ; -f ttc"vhole" country;. depends upQinj ' the re-election pf I'resiaent Gnxnt, Ave the supporters of Horace Greeley. The national battle is set down for the First Tuesday in Xovembcr next. The pierce of the Kepnbhc, the liberties of forty of many, millions) has been and is ac cused of using Ins official station for private gain? .In .Alabama, Warner,, who' never neglected to carry out the most unrelenting, crusades ' while the 5 ay or ms omce rewaraea nis enoris 'hese and such men, whose antecedents aro; too; well fina too uisgraceiuu y hjjvt varKmished the Infamous Greeltiy ccnilition In this State In the prelimi nary' battle. , Yq must organize and commence the Presidential campaign -. atxmce. We have three months prior to the election, and during that time, ajthorough organization should be per- fptl In rach towwhjpffiyQOiUis, ly. . k u-rvt u ih umo www. ine publican State "Committee should he cnllrd together immediately to devise means .for a vigorous and decisive caiii palgn. Everything lrpqids upon or ganization. West of the Blue Ridge, -The following circular address has been issued by the Democratic I-btfu-tivo Committee: I " ; ' Ixj Uis vi ilk, Aug. (j, i 872. Dear Sir : Will you be kind enough to place this circular in the hands of active Democrats In your couutV, who will at once conimeuce an organization for the purpose of supporting Iho prin- . " i T I cuuiiiwi- t" tno convenuou at juouis- ville, Septembers? The utter aban donment of principles. ns cvinned by the coalition between the spoilsmen and. place-hunters in their attempt to elevate Horace Greeley to the lresi dency is a sad evidence of the demoral ization and corruption now existing in our midst ; and based as that bargain known, are to be ' theikmthern leaders, in" conjunction with. those selected poli ticians :ho a year ago denounced them as! the most unscrupulous scoundrels! If the fraudulent bargains aro faithful ly executed by, the selected, qhieftam jot the clan can not the people truihxuiiy say, "parnobie fratnbn, lafrones tihir boV AhuVyefc they dare to sail under . i.' .:.!.-. '.i - .:t.i w. Tb Kditor ;must p.ot be understood as endors- 1ni the sentiment oi, us corresponaents ts.iiini'unJcatlons on all subJecU are aolicited which will be given to"XUe readeiu of Tub Kra conUainlug thtr-viaw j.hU aontimenU of the writers . ,-. -. t 'm FWr tlio Carolina Era. GANJ iVKI" ENTHUSIASTIC tjKptruJrJicAN' iEi'rox-' " a ,:::.vl STKATION. ntiraiir;.rclilit-r6ccisi6v r. . . i . . a ; nag ppon . wnicn wiey : em Dia.zou Honesty IV . r - r- In .the -vKorth Itiie leadera of this movement are known to be incited by jealousy j rage, and reyenge because of their failure to receive the. dispensing e i. i.' e ii ' in the traas-montano .counties, there i3 mi orgjinizatioti fimong 'Republicans, is, upon fraud and hypocrisy, the ut- Thf nnHiAn of fho ftA hn lun nut. terance oi one sei oi seuumeuis in mo - -1 North, and another in the South, it must be repudiated and spurned by ev- ll ii5 ery man wno nas a sparic oi nonesty.in his heart. ' There are hundreds of thousands who rageousfy neglected. Nbt a,?peeeh has Ix.vh lyade in any of the, extreme Wes- texn coun ties, exec ji i by local Candi da les, sijicc 1863, when Senator Pool canvassed that section of the State. uic i-rosiaentnu campaign should an hazards. The disintegration ;of the commence and aid in the West. There Radical party into two factions renders nthe Presi- it self-evident that the Democratic already proclaim their purpose of main tainjr tlie Democratic organization' a will be no side issues during the Presi dential contest. . The Republican ranks are closed up and present an unbroken front to., the enemy. We have every advantage that living principles . can give, we have, the prestige of our tri umphant victory; so xalliantly wen on August first, over Tammany ; money and Tammany thieves, ballot-box staf fers and . penitentiary convicts,we liave the advantage of position, and with almost every advantage that we need, with a determined onslaught Ion the enemies lines from now until No vember, we shall carry North Carolina by ten Utousand majority for Grant and Wilson. .. . , . . U. We invjte attention to the communi cation, in another' column, headed Organize for November." " ! wiih iiot'eonrsive nower but thAt'of Tlunderiiri nersnectivc." "The netible have always, and n sill countries,- pluo" j iHi Ihe suimp or ,irie;r conftemnation upon.sinilar' bargains.- They w;ill do it again. The only precedent in his tory for the immetliate. selection of a deserter as a -commander-in-chief is that of Coriolanus,! and for the Democrats- the comparison is unfortunate. Xjoriolariiis -betrayed . his army ' and spared Rome when she was prostratq j at his feet. So !MrJ Greerey, with Sum- .-J . -il 1 ' " - M i ifrauii oiner cnampions oi negro social ojriuality,, (reindorsed with emphasis since his nomination;) truculent advi sl'r. .of centralization' and tyrannical oppression of theiradversaries"; uncom- jiuiiii.-iij ciiuiiiifa ui wai .Ot!SUiuuoii which -to! them is !"a league with hell More Iemocratic Frauds How 7udgc Settle was counted out. .We direct attention to two articles in this paper one from The Nero York fw&Cf--the otjiei; from; The Wilminptt plain the means by which four hundred colored men were kept from .voting (hswell, and which counted Settle out 6f Congress by 242 votes other article gives some insight into frauds in Onslow. We have it from good authority that the Republicans of Chatham lost twen ty votes at each township, by captious challenging, and by leaving ofT the names of Republicans' intranscribing the Iooks.Y There i3 ho .doubt that the ItciHiblicaiis Would liave had a majority ofcen thousand, tot'11 the . -.State ticket, that the Ixwty'jjlou-se would. have been Itepublican, and -tha Senate cfose, but for the tactic? ;of . New. York thieves and penitentiary, convicts, and the ras- mlity of. Democratic 'registrars .and poll-hqlders. Tho cry of , fnud anfl the talk of contesting . the election, is cheeky, coming as i does from a party that used money, stolen. from the over taxed people of .New', York city .by Tweed and Tammany Ring, to bribe and corrupt North Carolina voters," and had paid emissariesr-one a thief the other a perjured villain and ex-penitentiary convict, sent to" this State to -orrupt the ballot 1 Wood and Blum .enlerg were sent to this State for an honest purpose, i will Gen, . Barringer state what ,that:ipurrxjsQ was-? Tiey could not and did pot speaj, what then were they sent , for Thee is but .one answer, antl that isr tp inaugurate tho rascality of the New,,yoi;k.unmany masses can elect one of their own. faith, instead of a life-long enemy like! Gree ley, who still loudly asserts that he has never abandoned his principles, and points proudly to his record I . And such a record ! Can Democrats who have boasted that they support 'principles, notynen,' agree to falsify their past life by clasp ing hands with tho worst men of the Radical party Sumner, Schurz, Trum bull, Fenton, and the thousand other leaders who rally around Greeley,' and would control his administration Lif his election can be secured ? Who are the men that thus seek for the highest hon ors and -emoluments of. this country, and who have obtained the support of in rn miiir ihhi .11 11 1.11.. 1 ;i 111 1 . . 1 1 . . . ., ny. schoofby aptombe dWIOipg j S'SiS." are tho Digots whose Ditterness iiasjoeen evinced for the past twenty years in defamation of their opponents. They are the men who have uttered theinost unchristian, the most ferocious,? the most villainous sentiments 'about, and against Southern people (women) and children as well as men) during the Avar, and who have done most to develop ana a covenant with death," , ready to do anything for power, apd uJare, will unscrupulously betray their own 'folio w- publicans of Wayn..ver:true to their undying principles, turned 6at in full force upon very short -notice,: to ; cele brate the grand and glorious Republi can victory just achieved, by the great National .Republican party in 6rth Carolina.- ' ' 1 The. ; meeting was called to order at: the speaker's tand in thQl;autifuliOak : U rl:.i'A;r y .:iFotXhe Caroliua Era. I ; . ; Organize for Npvembeir. Th recent election places JS. orth Car olina 'pei'manently in the ranks of the .Republican States of the Union, and deafly 'forecasts her vote in November hetr The "Republicans ; of- the State, however, Bhpuld bear this factconstant-s ly. in mind, that our majority of 2,000 must W 'increased, or else the State Will Moinb' "ihe Belgium in air future political contests, and we shall be peri- odically -worried by the attempts of the J a i r 1 f L t i. I opposiuoa.io ueieau our umuiuuiws. . j.v is " true' that those' opposed to us did j .-. ' im ' t ..... .il: tneir level oest" in tne last etecuou, being fully- awara of 'he national im Iortance..of a yietory, It js.eiiually true, that -with all. their exertions,. le gitimate Zand " nbfariousthey 'signally failed.' 'Yet It1 behooves ns to bear in mind,ithat their magazine' of . lies and misrepresentations is . not exhausted r and though they.ai-e demoralized, they. ... T 1 1 I i jT-. J- i.T -HT..l ""w 'uuim: vJLi-tm U ULll iXUCUlUtT, when -I1 hope to hehrbmmiMr ciptedrcoaUtiongo deep- that. tho hand of political resurrection will never reach them. ' . . We must, and can' if s e will,' give Grant and Wilson 10,090 majority, and thus seal the political fate of that amal gam jOfjodds and ends, which, supports .Horace Greeley. To do this, the Ke- publicans must work, and work with . t .For the Carolina, Era. f The e of bawling 4 'stop thief,'' by tne criminal, to evaue nis own appre hension and to disarm suspicion is of remote antiquity, and was formerly practised mucn more successluily than it can be in this day. of progress and wicie-awake-ativeness. That the Gree ley party in this State should adopt it? having first measured the credulity of ? i ;tt it t .ineir inciius wiui tne most reck less ly ng as to .their victory in the recent election that is to be found in our politi cal annals, is not to be wondered at. Blit that their allies out of North Carolina 'should iigai n- be deceived by the state ments of their press " and SDeakers- or that the party, elsewhere should even pretend to rely upon - the representa tions (or rather misrepresentations) of .their friends, here, tCrgues a belief in he. upliniited . extent of -popular- rer'. lunty, which has Hot heretofore existed with any persons who could read arid .rstattdEnlishi The-belief of a grqyjS (?n. the CourtHouse .square at 3 Un " " 1 . " " nrft fciTTrihl SCf3 . If bur party had been thoroughly and of the General Assembly from Wayne, n tAdP whQ.introduced tlXe Hon,, W. A.Smith ?1Sd hate been tfted aud we to the hirsre and enthusiastic crowd -"A hnrA Sonh1pd ' M:,W-mith annlrA noUia IUWe,pau a .JllHjUl M lii tuuiuw- .i"?r-aPInSeC T"Mot'W.:IKi,.-ie6U3 Th rf the m..n wl... riAfl .'uxin"- "'el jinatical doctrines Judge the South in its chain,, and burdened fSSJiJ. . The it with it, increased debts, the proeee-l's " L, - - V-" '." of which have gone into the i)Ockets of the select .few who have fattened upon the misfortunes of the people, and )v1iq turn to the new ring and the Tammany alliance in order still further to enrich and ennoble themselves. ' Warmouthj -who has increased! the debt of .Louisiana $45,000,000 in three years; whose fraudulent actstndj vil lainous State 'legislation have been ; de nounced in the Democratic papers from Maine to Texas, is the leader par excel lence of the. chivalry of the South. His influence at Cincinnati and the sixteen votes of his delegation insured the nomination' of Greeley, and yet we are coolly , informed that the people have done it with enthusiasm. I Warmouth can control the registry of Louisiana, and can elect by fraud such candidates as he pleases, just as the Mayor of New York has the decid ing vpte -in appointing . all the return . officers for Mr. Greeley, who can, if not i checked, carry out the open assertion of j 80,000 majority in November. . j And Augustus Schell and others have . written rrrgent letters for the "good of the cause," that the Louisiana Dqnw crats should work . in harmony with Warmouth. And it is boldly proposed to place him in the United States Sen ate as a reward for his infamy. 1 Can it be that the people are so" de graded as thus to sanction a 'premium for their own dishonor? Is our body politic to be inoculated with -the base poison of fraud ? : Is this a better method of securing . - a i it . a : our liDertics man too parusuu usu oi ers if necessary for thoir own advance ment, even in the iour of victory. ' r Political. parties! are necessities for the welfare' of a.coiintry, provideel they advocate, fixed doctrines and present tnem to tne people lor their decision. Otlr party, is the party of the future. It will oe fixed as a nock in its principles. Its honesty' of purpose will attract the shpport of the masses, and its future WUl be crowned with success. The two radical factions which are now fighting each other for the; offices aro actuated bV considerations of individual aggran dizement. . The Leaders of ' each have vied in efforts to. legislate for the'black nice a lone and to elevate them too controlling position, and time can only fit them for. ' . . . ' " . ' '" " j The interests of -the white, .tacetjiat Vast majority .of ohr citizen.', wi':o gain their living by the honest sweat of the Ijrow, haye.been wilfully neglected and. their just claims ignored. .Demagogues have-excite! the passions of the igno iuit and politicians have secured their services without any return. ", I It should be the. duty. of .our party .to ng that; we are their- hrm friend?, and faithful in our professions, s'Ciire their, powerful, co-operation in the support of law! and -order, integrity in every sphere of society, a restoration of fraternal feeling between the people qf Ul the States, and an unparalleled prosperity under the Constitution, truly ihierprted ahd justly executed. , ; The committee j recommend, an iin ipediate'appointment in eveiy coiihty of ia ' ''ooihmiltee of .five or 'more, the' cfiairnwqn of which, shall Qiistltutp. he districf committoes.' .'. T' 'Congres sional'djstrie conventions shall be .as sembled on or before the 25th pf August, qjnd select. two delegates and two alter nates from each, district, so 'that full, delegations from each State shall cer tainly be present on the, 3d of Septem ber. . Correspondence from true Demo crats is solicited fiipm e,v;cry,cpanty.. I Fpr the Executive Committee,. ' i : t . B canton Duncan, Chairman. :;rr? . . . : , for about one hour and niade one of his best speeches being frequently inter rupted by rapturous applause. 1 is unnecessary to attempt to report any thing he said, as th'03e who nave heard hftn know how well he can entertain an audience. . ! At the close of Major Smith's excel lent and entertaining .speech, our .wor thy and distinguished cban'tyman, the Hon. Curtis 4 H. Brogden,' the Lieut. Gov. elect of North Carolina, Was vo ciferously called for by hundreds of voices. Gen. Brogden : then appeared upon the stand, and after music by the band and the cheerihg-had subsided, he spoke for. about 'half an hour before a shower of rain caused the meeting jto take a recess untiLhalf past 7 o'clock. .', At the iippointed .hoyr most of the vast crowd which was' 'present in the afternoon again assembled on theCourt House i green? and an imposing torch light procession was soon organized and formed under the direction and management "of 'the marshals for the occasion,' to-wit : -W. E- Burnett, E. J). Nixon, Win. Thompson and Win. Free man. . . The procession then moved in good order through all the principal streets, while the'band Avas discoursing excel lent music, amid the unprecedented en? thusiasm, the shouts and cheers of the multitude, in the 'expression of their tlon ofCkldweTl, tire Republican State tieket; on the first Thursday in August. t . . It .was indeed a grand and successful demonstration: it showed the 'Uncon querable; spirit of Republicanism in Wayne ; it showed their earnest .deter mination to maintain their principles through good and through evil report.'. The crowd was sober and orderly, and nothing occurred to mar the festivities er. House of .the General Assembly. There is no doubt of it. Let us organ ize at once'.' In every township in the State, lets clubs be formed, and energet ic, active, r working, committees be ap pointed,.thrpugh whom documents and papers may be distributed. Let each township ' executive committee be in' direct j communication with the State Executive Committee. Let them enroll every Republican.in .their jurisdiction, and canvass every Democrat who will not barter his principles' at the behests of the roflice-!seekers.( Thousands of honest,. Democrats cannot, nor. will they, ever vote for Horace Greeley. Let these things be done,' and' they are easily-accomplished, and my word 'for it, our majority will reach 10,000.. v;! Again : Th,e campaign, to be effect ive, must be aerirressive.. Our candi dates, .Avhosc political records are now part of our political history, heed no defence. ; On the other han d , no amount of. sophistry, misrepresentation or ly-. ing can vindicate tho political course of Horace Greeley and his supporters " It was a "household word" with eATery fair minded man in the State, that ex clusive.; of its scurrility and,; vulgar blackguardism , The Sentinel? before the election was' . the m ost: ' 'accomplished IAe-ist' in our midst. During the can vass, and einca the election, in that questionable accomplishment, The News perversion's daily pool dumber of appareatiiiiU!iiijtii iiuu and. women in . tho hoax recently per petrated by some unscrupulous jour nalist, of the destruction . of our planet oy M. Jrlantamour7s comet, finds a par allel in the pretended reliance placed by the Greeley papers in the statement oi their mends here, that the election -on the 1st, was carried by fraud. Bear in mind that it was not until after they had found out that they were sjeaten, and badly; beaten, that they raised the cry. Qf fraud fraud hero and fraud eATerv where. . As soon as that fact became 'apparent however, even theBourbons amongst them as well as the neophytes by whom their canvass seems to have been run, teit the neces sity of breaking the force of the "Law J)eo and other similar despatches by vwhich jheir friends from Maine to Calr ifornia were misled and made ridicu lous by their : premature jubilations. "To modify the anger of their friends who relying, upon their pious des patches, lost . their money, and were otherwise considerably incommoded, they resorted to .the old cry tof fraud, Ticket-of-Lcave DcmocA-Acy. 1 , "Just exactly wliat estimate many . .! Democrats put . upon ".the .election of . ! HOnico' Greeley,4 if 'such ah event Tid I possible, is shown irijlib speeches of iho i speakers atr one of 'their 'gdtheringsat, Lexincrtdn. on FrldaV. Thrb the Ilon J James B. Beck declared positively that T.. -4 . ... .. l.il -L j-cii4ycnii biuipiy supported urco- i ley as a 'mearis of ;gc: ting into1 pbwer' and that upon his election a Democratic 1 ' upon Congress wocld'iioC only iTreveiiGrebi' ley from doing harm but Wohldcoirtpol f him. 'to acquiesce k such .m4isurea as' they 3 deemed : necessary i.: Anotlmna speaker, ?CoLi Rlockbuin niidyaoniei person3aro.:iklaxrug the, Dsmioratis u party, dead,. s It ;vas; not.sp, . ThUfilec- , tion would maljf it more powerful than, i ever-. 'He coincided in Mr. Beck's idesu . as to why ,iho. Domocracy. supported fraud. The thinness of is fully appreciated by such a charge ished ov7thee of the occasion. AVheu the procession returned .to the speakers' stand, the as sembly was addressed by. Gen. Brogden iorrurited T bv rounS 'Sribud -SertnS Itself to the conviction of every Repub iZii rounds-of loud Cheering licail-whoii solicitous about -trie succes This was one of .the most enthusiastic two precionsf specimens of new?paper respectability." should be met, and re futed and nailed to the counter. Those papers are the political text-books of at least nine-tenths of the - self-styled De mocracy opposed to ns. Their issues are twelve times a week to our three. This should not be. Tjik Era should be issued' daily, and I sincerely hope arrangements will be made by the Ex ecutive Committee to give the party a daily, paper at an early, day. The importance ..or-.this must , commend those laws which were originated by Rinr. bv virtue of which the State was the prominent leaders of Mr. Greeley's . . i . . . . i. to have been carried for the Democrats, party, and piacea among our biai ura and the honest majority of tlie jcople, absolutely nullified, as '.has 'been the cstse in New York, at almost every State ejection. The scheinewas partly successful .but faihil on the State t icket. A party that imported such eittle as Vmk1 a:wl IJIumenberg, to do their lirty work, should not cry fraud so lustily, or tbo people may believe that it is the old cry of "stop thief" to coyer up tbeirown frauds. Straihouty Iemocrats. Major W. Cr Moreau, a member of tin National Democratic - Executive Committee for Indiana, and one qt tho signers of the call for a Democratic ("onvention at Iouisvllle, Ky,, jiag i ueI an address to the Democracy ' of Indiana, 'in. .which , lie denounces the nomination of Greeley, and calls' on tho Democrats of that State to organize aud eend delegates to the .Louisville 1 Con vention on the 3rd of September. He claims that there aro thousandsof Dem-. ocrats who see no occasion, for turning. tl)eirbacks on the, party, and .who will. not support a i;cpubican .for the fres Jdeiicy. , . -,"'. Rnpudlates' Qrceley. Gen. JohnBedcl,OfNewHam)shIre, former Democratic nominee for Gov ernor, openly repudiates Greeley for President. ' to be enforced by the bayonets or the Dresent Adniinistnvtion.?- . :- I Shall we suffer our liberties to perisli either bv slow poison or by the sword ; or, preferring rather to maintain them and to insure free expression of the ponular will, shall Ave not mako ar against all parties who attempt to per vert the Constitution ? Can the people of the South elasn hands with thos6 Tar. Turpentiiicf mid Tranquility! ' They are bound to 'have peace in North Carolina. 'They go in for 'the I2ra of Reconciliation. The colored men are resolved j to be reconciled to the party that saed the nation and the nation that made them free. The result of this struggle ior recon ciliation is that the Republicans have carried jNforth Carolina by :a , majority for Governor Caldwell .of 80aio, :2,W0. This is clear RcpubHcau 'gain 4of- at least rVX0,. besides liepublicauigain of one or two Qongrcssmeniaud-.a;Re- f ublican gain of forty members of the legislature- Even the Greeley papers concede this. Mrrimon gi ves up the ngnt, out threatens to -oontcst'Jce re M. ... men who havo wronged them irom the termination of tho war? Can North ern men condone such offenses by plac ing them in power? In Texas, to rein state Governor Pease, whose arbitrary course was so nobly rebuked and thwar ted' by the generous and statesmanlike acts of Hancock; in Arkansas,-to f in dorse Senator Rice, who was the first to concoct and carry out those-frauds by which a Radical Legislature was in stalled in power, and the infamous des potism which disgraces that State was brought into-' being; in Missouri ,i to load -with honora Brown, who in An tmst. 1863. out-heroded Herod for dis franchisement and persecution, and 're canted only when office was to be pb tained and future pi under was in view; Blair, who came into the party.to de stroy it, and nobly has fulfilled his mission : Schurz, who,- loudest of all, "would sweep the South with the be som of destruction ,'rand viewed "tho election of a Democrat as the worst ca lamity -to befall the country, only six months ago? McNeill, tho butcher of unarmed prisoners ? In Kentucky i to ' honor Burbridge, the most detested; of all its citizens? In. Georgia, Brown, who (as an official during the war, and since, under the corrupt administration Of Bullock, which plundered the State meetiners which was ever held in this county, and you may look out for a larger majority for Grant and Wilson in NoTember than was given for our Republican State ticket in August. ' Our friend. E. D. Nixon, gave his colored friends" some sound and good advice ih' regard to their duty in the next ' Presidential cleciion. He told them to be 5 Certain. to vote, for Grant and Wilson., No, Greeley Republican hare. - . . ' Wayne. Goldsboro', Aug. 13, 1872. ' ' . V success of our candidates. -'However, more of this anon. ' . n. Occasion a i,. ; Raleigh Vug. U,.1872.'j : s Sausbuky For tho CarolinaEra. N. C.Aug. 14,1872. For, tho .Carolina Era.;--.. Dciijoeratic ? Frauds iu Ciiuiber- .-.. - v " land County. ! ".'- ; Mr. Editor : You would have heard from-us' before, but we have been wait in fo-'the smoke of the battle to clear off s4 Ave could the more- definitely ob serve and report the field. The Repub lican of Cumberland have just fought the hardest and most, Unscrupulous (oh the part of bur. foes)' political battle ever A large and enthusfastie Republican fought in this county. We have heard meeting was held in the Court House of the above mentioned townt on Tues dav eveniner. Amrust 13th . After the house beihg called to 'order, Cbl."Wnl? sr. Henderson staled tliat the object ot the meeting wa to organize , a Grant arid 'Wilson Cluh.. The, poiying g?n- tiempn.were qnered an(a eipctec' as per manent officers "untir'after ' the Pres.i- that the "Arch Anfrel" Merrimon con templates contesting ! We court it. Let.an impartial, unpartizan jury take the case. Our whole county ticket was defeated by -' -obstruction, 7 intimida tion and fraud .. I know of Republi cans leavihg'the,poll3 at two townships Ayith6utjvoting, who had traveled miles to - vote. Others were.- -entreated and ii i r- a. i . tv . t I i i T Am " . v.. t.;. " . Joset)ii. uaiiard, and inis:ney iiaii : I .This great victor of the "tho Grant- .Secretaries,. L. C Aldrlch, JosVA. Ites" -settles the late Jf the Greeleyitcs Hill, B. F. kcDo well, and R.! H. Broad past doubt. It has been felt - from the . field - tr - first by the leaders -of the Cincinnati - on m,,tw,, "nfi ''"rrii a mmmi bolt that Greeley, had no hope except in a suaaen entnusiasm and conhdenee i which should be at once the Qiujse.and ilietconsequenoe of a, series of victories; Tho "Liberal1" jdivining .wand has struck against a tar-bucket and broken to, pieces. . It. is now obvious that the bfestige of success and the elan oi the charge arc to b$ - in .the Republican ranks. '? There are no Republican Gree eyites in North Carolina, and there is i'lo bvidneO thatj there are anymore ti Indiana oi Pennsylvania. -Nobody, fern now believe (hat Greeley is itd be eiected. t ' J 1 .. , -v ,kX k The G feeley bubble .has collapsed . JttrhaS'blown from the mouth , of Pre tence and filled with gas. Where there has,. been inertia and apathy, in the rank's of Republicans, there will hence forth be enthusiasm and courage.' Let its begin the campaign With a series! of rousing celebrations of the victory in 1 the old North State Chicago Font. '-.V.'! l"' 1 ' - . ' ';-. Til E BAYONET LAW OF '? 1870. . f ," It is urged by the Democratic or gans that the law"s to be, enforced in tcate,ahd'niiinic!pal "elections. ' This is "dono to' make it more 'obnoxious, if that .be. possible, to their party. But, unfortunately, this"-ia an error.; 1 The law applies only to presidential and congressional elections, , though . we hestrtilV wish it could be made to ao- ply to all, others 2f Horace' Greeley n Nil. : "dehtial election : ' 'For 'President, ! Col. boughl; to. :stajj . aty-.home. I Democrats Thos. B; Lonsl-: foi Alce-PresidentSj registered on-tlay of election and Re- Wrat rJL i Bailey,- Franklin ,.Moring J publicans were refused. A bogus tick- et, teo,! neadeu as ours "itepuoiican Ticket Cumberland County' '-". with the names of some of the Democratic candidates substituted for ours, to fool the ignorant. Youths .underage also voted. Let the facts come out. We challenge a contest. , . We say- nothing of their conduct during, the campaign when falsehood and bribery and intim- insr while waiting - for. the .gentlemen idation reigned for weeks. Contestthe waited on Col. Carrow, was called upon election !!- We say it should be dohe.- to address the meeting. After thear- Let the11 Lesrislature when it assembles 'rival of the committee the war was give usa fair and impartial -ihvestiga-opened iri good earnest upon the enei lion all over the State, extending to all my. The. entire evening was., spent da the; offices, , with not a partisssui but a hearing, ble speecnes from . the true just, verdict, .then the people will be r r l t ii. . v. -? ujjii" r - - anil iriyu ueieuuws ui me imuuu auu coillenu ... ' of three, Messrs, C. L.- Mori og, Joseph Ballard .and R. . H. Broadheld, were appointed to wait on Geh. " Barringer 1 at- . . a " 1 . - A A. anciuoi. I5ynuni to aaaress memeei all intelligent men ; and is so justly exposed by Pome- roy's Democrat-.' a paper equally op posed to Grant and Greeley that I beg you to insert the following extracts from The Democrat of the 10th' inst.' ; :"Nokth Ca'kolisa ' fob Grant The f-gony is oVev. ' " : -Xqrth Carolina elects Caldwell, republic,) oan," over Merriraon? democrat, Governor, by Over 1,000 majority. This secures the State for Grant iu November, when at least 8,000 democrats yho voted for Merrimon yilf remain avay from the polls rather than vote for Greeley. The Tammany combination is badly hurt by this defeat." -They counted on tho State - sure by not less than ten thousand majority.' They expected a large negro voto, bat were disappointed. They fired guns in the park over their great victory oi several thousand. and re now the laughing-stock of. the city. J Tne game or brag, bluster, blun and bully weM carried to its highest pitch, but even that failed to win. fi-om this city by tho Greeley fusion to chal lenge yoters, stuff ballot-boxes and manip ulate returns, but tlioir work has been in vain, and North Carolina has gone Repub lican. As that' State has gone, so will go the U:ion in November, unless Greeley is taken from the field and two good Demo crats nominated in place of Greeley and Brown by tho Democrats. The Greeley ticket "s already defeated."' .The same paper speaking of ihe re ported frauds, says : ' : Can Such Things Be ? Is it possible? Has it really come to this ? The papers say. that the Republicans are manipulating the returns in North Carolina! That' the rea son for the dwindling down of the, Greeley Tammany majority is because some of Grant's ma'rshals are " doctoring" the re- r turns and changing oflk-ial fiigures. And all tins m the lace and raider tne eyes and noses of the experts in that line, graduates of Tammany," who -were sent to North Car olina by Greeley on purpose to monopolize that business ! The idea i3 preposterous 1 Beat Tammany at its own game? What is the world coming to? We paue for a re ply! While the lamp continues to burn We anxiously 'wait them are returns ! Grant's chaps must change their figures freely, To beat the tricks, hangqs, alterations, ad ditions, and Tammany strategy of the prison convicts sent on by Greeley." The history of" Tammany election frauds is .instructing and interesting. The length of this communication al ready forbids pursuing the subject fur ther at this time.: ; - .' ' ';- THE - AMALGAMS. : ' The followers of H. G. having failed, and the : Philological Convention' re cently in session Norths having refused to give that great (?) party a name, It is 16ft to, others to christen it. Until a .better name is provided I shall desig nate the fusion as Amalgams ; and if your readers are. curious as to why the appellation is applicable, I will gf.ye them the reasons when you have more space, and I more time to pursue the subject. Occasional. . Raleigh, N.C, August 16, .1872.. a Greeley.: And Gen. Gcorgo ,B. Hodgo capped th 6 4 climax 'by declaring that. pacic now. upon what. ho, once i tlio shattered and fruitless ,tliQ Soutli.iQ suV '.'thaf.uip ;Tits and , soverdigntyoT flio ; ten WtjU74! IK" l itiimltHlllll.!,. ides of the lost cause hai-enot died f : vain, but this .anticipated f riumim j d bc-f he victory-fof Whrcll 'thev ! comm tn WOUl fousrl Theso Kentucky1 ibiftlelri6ft 'dnTef widely and' rAdiettlly frttmlheir-ffcllmt'- 1 laborers 'in' this "fait of the v'rneyard. ti We atehcre"to!dthat dIoT.5s stilFa Republican amOTgcrrablicaTOtihrrt' without having; ahanttonpUf. ihe first, chapter of the creed he has had a hand,.' in moulding, lie' will, if elected, 13o"a Liberal Republican, pledged to ad ml n- fetor the Government according, to hie..,, original principles, and opposed to .any and all reaction whatever. This ' per- ' 1 haps is only another case of tho dis- '; agreement of the doctors, the Northern. , pulse requiring a sedative,, and that of , the South an irritant. " ' ''- i We should be sorry, indeed, if the new departure of the Democracy wcrQ-w made with an intent to deceive, and if Mr.' Greeley were "merely the obfe'et ' with which they, intended to dehideff. the country. Aye had hoped that thev .? . really were resolved to wine out Ticir ' past, but' such utterances as these aro " not a guarantee for their future. - Thero is nothing that could befall the country (i inat is so mucn to do iearcd as an at- . ., tern pt to warm tho old 1 treasonable ' Democratic party into power, and to- restore its leaders to their former posi . , tiorisof influence. But whatever tho utterances of Colonel Blackburn' 'and -' hi3 associates, we believe tho Dcmor crapic. iarty is dead. - in tho prcscpt movement its better elements have ' succeeded in obtaining its control, and ' men like Doolittle, with - an honorable stead of the Stephenses and Toorabscs. Every effort, too, to drag It down to tho old level by the Duncans and Pome- rays iaiis. v . .. i i ; ; , ; We aro glad of this. Tho country Is fired of fighting tho old battle and. readv for a re-union. But this change 1 of . Democratic sentiments and retiri!- n fk.' 4.H a wi loolo lrvi. ywt. AAiajLi Ll. , , f proT?i9 confidence or the ci jntry, nor : iMit any reason why we should turn over, the Government to i their cpntrol . Tho Republican party has not iust dis covered that all men aro entitled to ' freedom and its prerogatives, nor has it any career tainted with treason. . The peo)le will prefer it to tho lately converted and still suspicious party, which, like the discharged convict; must for a few years longer remain un: ( dor surveillance. Philadelphia I'rss.' The Latest Executions at Satorjv its "risrhts. TM f following named een tlemen were listened to with profound at tention .and . greeted - with deafening applause: Col. T.r.B. Long,' Col. Car- iJv, vui. iLl. X-. I going io mm Henderson , Mf . ' ' Luslr; JrideJ Shoi for Gkant? maker, of Virginia, and s Major Foote.' Uol. Iiong announced, has entire satis faction at the . results of the meetinsr peaking the sentiments of "all true luvers oi uieir couuiry. Aiier inree ringing cheers for Grant" and Wilson, the meeting, adjourned. The .colored inen assembling . in the centre of the Court House, raised the old and stir ring he&l "The year ' of Jubilee has Republican's of Cumberland-, you all see now what sort of foeyou have con tended With. Are you going to'' fall before' 'him in November ? Are you going tb flinch'when the contests comes xLet your- indignation at the past i only reanimate you for this struggle. . We ;have .more to contend for . thau::a :sentimen.tal "white hat," "bloody, -chsm:",. policy. , . . What . fdo locraia care .Jor,. .ureeiey . They. to ride into. office, in the Greeley ,'antl thdt is all. 'They - Admitted was not want boat, on The stump that 'urofeiey theIrvfavoritef, dnd that they "only ac ppnpd him for aVailabilitv."-' Are we come i Grftndi'and-. thrilliagrthe eoine: to be sold body and ul to- such Mm. XI A. 1 1 J. 2.1 .. .1 . 1 A. I , n -r-! . .TI I 1 ; a. lines that air. rolled' upon the -midnight Lectlye. a oartvr j.se,v xwpsniiiwns, - assert and fight1 for; youn principles. Cumberland ?ci, vote for, Grant-in November. , 'REPtf j-lican. Fayetteville, Aug. 10, 187. " y - ' Vjiij-V. ' '"' ' '" h-- u- - . Contesting. . And they want to contest Caldwell's election.- Well,, it is: alL bOsh, again Caldwell is certainly elected, and that we had certainly better m'ake our minds up to, right. op.. "lhe people have been looied suihcient. ' JNoddle headed old jackies and - linen duster . and chewing tobacco and pipe smoking corner loafi ers and street talking -politicians have beguiled our men in the corn held and the working shops Ions enough And 'we. tell these people now that Caldwell will surely take his seat. , And we tell them that as to frauds, we have known of no frauds committed, and if they were, we would as sooni expect them on the one side, as on the other-. - r . And nowgranting Caldwell is elected, let us all ro to work for Horace Gree ley. We had best do that, than to lis ten to th a little non-cock editors who ought to be 'devils' rather than editors, talking their flash and nonesensc, and inflaming the people, because they have-not had the judgment and discre tion enbiifrh to lead them right. liecoraer: i " - '' ' - - t J' . .- JJEMOCBAyiC VIItTUES. - ;r , " To smoke , is a. Democratic virtue : tn fhewr iq ' thn.t..virtufi intAnaifiArl in drink rum is that virtue in the superla- 1 rwo things we; are4 never prepared tive.'-2Horace Greeley;' ' -t- v: I for Twins. ; r . . i :vj . i- t T1IJ5 IJANC'EROUS CLASSY all uiumu . .,..,.-... '"' . Clt-VTS. . .' '.; HA purely selfish interest attaches the lewd, ruffianly, criminal, and dan gerous classes to the Democratic party." -Horace: (i reeled . ul Man Remains StcouUna after. Icing Riddled icitli Bullets. ; '..' .'.' '' ' - . ..) ('' A Paris corretpondent, writing under . date of June 2o, gives iho following account of the latest executions' on tho plains of Satory : . " ..! "This morning four men," Francoisr . . Dalivous, Saint. Omor and Aubry, wcro shot at Satory for participation in the assassination of tho hostages. At 4 a. m. the condemned men . wcro assembled .. in the court house of the Rue St. Pierre, where they were shut up in .cells and received' the visit of the .Venerable' . Abbe Foil ot, who administorcdtholast. consolations of religion. The. men then, . wrote some loiters, Francois and Saiht Omer each addressing a few lines to tho President of tho republic. .. Coffee, wino . and cigars wcro tuen served, and" the prisoners "smoked quietly 'while wait- mg to be' conveyed to Satory. ' About $:80 the military, wagons , rattled up s; . the street, andnJess than half an hour, the fatal plain of 'Salory Was lxHicIie'd. ,, The usual force of troops was' present1' ; to v.'itncsa ther.jexccution. Tho. cpn- ' demned. alighted without evincing any emotion and marched; firmly to their resnective posts. Thev all I asked not f to have their eyes' ' covered -and'not id trc attached; ibut1 this -mighty avor.waa , refused,, in consequence of thp bad wy,,. in which the soldiers nreu at tpo.prtv nfiflinf eihrtitiori. 1 -'Francois for'rtslloH time opposed the vmen"mdered to-bind' him, and altogether -behavcxl with an energy which those who .saw himjon ! his trial would never have ivcn hinV , r the credit of possessing. Abbo Pdlir-4 i having embi-aced tho prisonersi:iftl " : withdrawn Francois,-.- lUlivotw aud .1.;" Aubry, raided a; feverish -cry of '.Vivo.-jjj la Commune V upon which Saint-Onior. . . turned round to his" cothphnlons in- '; misfortune and said,' Nd, no!'viVrtfti France! Dieu protego la rancoiii A-.fji tnrd t Wr fi ir . the rrien who rVive la Commune" fellsionodeadbht.' i5 for Si.iint-Omor lie-remained stand ing motionless at his post, and it was. . supposed for a moment that h6 had 03- caped - unscathed.' On examinationV "1 however, it was found t that? his Chest r.-i .was riddled with buljets, and,haonc ball, hail , passed . tnr,ougn ins necK. ,-t Death had been instdntanCQiw, but the1' , bodv hhd ' preserved the rigidity oPH -" man nfcrvinir himself' Rzn!nsCr'i'iaitc:i: i The troops then defiled, drums, beating Vif and hnorips sounding, and- thus termin-. "' ated another rscen6 in the'sguinary . f i ; i '"".' ;-?? ' b..'iJI it ! j r.uwiio jtitE niiMOCKAire. . 4'-WetherourKm asked, ous contemw "! jorary to state,. frankly. wlKtlier.the?,.! pugilists, blacklegs', thieves, burglars, keepcrsof dens of prostitution; btCfW.,1. " wcro not almost unaniinou.-iy; Demo(;mts.""-tfrchf. il ii ;. I U 't'ti'i 1

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