' . - - s . ' " . . ... '". ' -. t. t ' ' ' - " t ' ' . ' -' " . - -' . ' .'- -s t' ' ' -; :' : ' ': - - - in i : y 4 , - t ; J - " - ,- ' . ' i. - f . V ' - - - . J - . - ; . .''.. -.." I ' " ""V-1 '. ' ' fi. ". . -; - ; r ' TW-WEEKLT AKD WKKKLT BT fiVUat.. of Advef tisiua t One square, one timo, ; . . . J qq " two times,-'. - . -150 4 ,:,. .. three tiines,- st j oo . ttare is the width of a column, and 1 iwcAe deep, ' - " 4 :. JasG-Contract Ad ve'rtisements taken at The; : Era Publishing Company; Hfttea of Subicrl Tni-WkKKLT One year, in advance, $3 00 U monms, in advance, 2 00 . ' 3 months. In adrance, I m .1 month, in advanco, 50 H'kkkly One year, in advance, . Si O) proportionately low rates. i Vol. 2. MAlGH, , C, ' TJEiURSDAYv SEPTEMBER 8, .1872. No. 12. "JProfessiorial Cards, not excoeiling 1 square, bix months, in advance, i 50 will be puDiisnea on year lor - J 1,-1 Jk ii iMr. nester on first Inquiry; He uidi. asjieu Der. varti. wriicn n nr. terwards reduced to $2.19, at ray solici- uiuun. i nero was no written contract. 1 approved E. Via &. Co hill now nn file in the Auditor's office. Some days . Hester an r (Mia In Vila establishment, which at that time he National I Finances Chaos ; UndeV j' y, BIr. Greeley. .'V-''v. : A! very large majority of the business men of the country regard Mr. Gree ley's Selection to the'" Presidency, as that style of journalism which, for want chase for the State, Mr. .Hester said Specimen Iteformer Twecdle dmn and Tweedledee." Henry J. Menninger la a first-clasi specimen of a Greeley reformer ln a card published In The 2?eic in reply to an article that appeared in thia tvitv- I previously I had made Mr: ITrafpr I fmnrrUlftu avii tr tho flnanri.il in Mr'm I . T - - - . , MU1I V T VftA WW u;uca"ioK out-Oscar Eastman"- Lf;Viu," u1,1 JPJ m nis terests of the Nation! Mr. Greeley Is crotchety, erratic and impulsi ve. He has t no settled views concernms: me nnan' of ability to discuss principled, resort3 might have the crockery at my previ- ces of! the country. Without question- Mr tw1 X?. ife cneryt Pf ing bis personal honesty, our most suc Mr. Hester for it, but only tafter the LJtA,i C. j r , btate purchase had been made and com pletecf. I cannot now produce the bill for the crockery. -f . . It will be observed that the amount paid for the carpeting is exactly one hundred and thirty dollars above the price asked by Hester, to. wit: $r.93 per yard. Twenty-six cents was adcled to abuse of Individuals. That a man f Menningcr's character should "talk of discqsslng principle, is, the height of impudence, and Is insulting to the Intelligence of every man conversant with his character. - 1 - Men n I nger desired a re-nomination for the office of Secretary of State. Ho also desired the influence of Federal office-holders to secure that nomina tion, lie addressed a printed -circular to such office-holders and solid lf their' influence. The Convention was held, and the delegates ,not having a very high opinion of Menningcr's honesty or his competency to fill the office, re fused to nominate him. Immediately peared early in our State campaign, in he became a Liberal" went over to the columns of The WUminglon Journal. per yard, and the increased, cost paid for .the two setts of china-: $120. cessful business men. have expressed the fear that Mr Greeley's elevation to the'Chief 'lagistracy of the Nation j will involve the 'commercial interests of the. Union in Jthaos and confusion worse; confounded. ' . : Mr.Greeley Is to be the President pf j toe people, i His administration is to he Cat out of tne ,I5aa--iJ"egToes to be t ' ; Driven from tike State. That Democrats ad Liberal traitors are now as hostile to tlie. negro as they .were in 1868, does cot admit of a doubt. Their conduct in the past proves itj-and whenever wo have ta truth from one of them his opinions Ji&ve not changed but are confirmed by four years experi ence. The followihgarticlafromrAe Tar&oro' Enquirer of Vugust 24, is the true coutnern i L)emocraw. vve. give article in full. Mosby on Greeley. His Views on the Presidential Canvass C .What He Thinks of GredeyisnThe y PhilosopJier's Position Criticised. f The following letter from Col.' John S. Mosby, written to. a gentleman in NeW York cfey, we find published in mi. "r . ir 11 rrfr iU onV, sentiment of thd great majorityd I contains someiacts and statements that hern., Democxats.i We. give . the will be found inter a . A. v ' free from a m Greeley abastd Federal office-holders wht)se influence ho solicited he fore the Cyonvcntion met went to Cincinnati and Is one of the Greeley leaders in this State. Hissudden political change has made him honest and respectable, so far as Greeleyitea are concerned. When Mr. C. M. Buslec, President of the Greeley and Brown Club, is ab sent, Menninger as Vice-President, presides, and the "chivalry" most humbly bow before him, and address the Chair as "Mr. President." Having presided over the deliberations of a Greeley and Brown Club, Menninger HereTUs:- A fact that became'X'r-'iin '.-potent to our people oj the last' eleitln, and one qf fearr ful import to 6ur; ful jjei prorperit, 4s the nuisirauuu is w iw cJreu mstonco that tin frJNrtfcJC that sav6rt ofprrsonalism UiaMi&titueiich U'i5'inctSirf : h0M6 ed. The Will Of voters that vote solidly, nlinost as one man mutJ lor ano cnargo wincn tne Vice- the people as expressed by the Congress, upon whom it seems that -all arguments President" hastily passed over. We will be implicitly obeyed, if it costs the conclude this subject by informing our sacrifice of principles of forty years readers that Hester's testimony, sup- standing. Mr. Greeley has declared that ported by a bitter editorial ariicle, ap- as President, he will waive the power conferred on him by the Constitution, and approve any legislation of Congress relative to the taiiflf, though in his opinion, It would ruin for many years, the manufacturing interests of the Re- Jere Black- Speaking-for tbe Dem ocratic Party, Itupidates the lie construction r j Acts . .and the Amendments.; , .. ;;, - v t From Black's Repent letter. The reconstruction act of 18G7 was a bill of attainder more deliberately cru el, and with pains and penalties more compendousiy unjust than any British bill that ever was passed, nut its au thors were conscious, that it could not stand, and they must replace it with .something else, for sooner or later the courts would besure to pronounce itvoid. Besides; the ' object beinsr to put the Southern people under the domination of greedy adventurers from the North, with unlimited license to oppress and plunder them, .the officers or the army were.not very. -. gqoa agents m such a nefarious business. The negroes; would be instruments of tyranny much more which was copied by the! Dem ocratic press of this State.) Men ninger made no reply to that article, and but for the fact that he is a Greeley public, and bring poverty to the doors reformer, the Democratic papers would of the mechanic, manufacturer, and now hold him up to the scorn and in- I day .laborer. Having laid down this dignatiou of an outraged people, as a ruie,;Mr. Greeley must be accepted, not consistent supporter of Grant. Again : Menninger pretends to be in dignant that we should insinuate that he, as Secretary of State, and as the of fice to whom sealed returns of the elec tion are sent, would tamper with or alter said returns. The indignation of the reformer amounts to nothing. The is no longer a carpet-bagger, but he is public are aware that Plato Durham mm a .a I 1 m mm m . 1 now res pec la uie, a man and a broth- receivea in iNovemoer isus, ivoenty ma er," in good standing with all Greeley jrity for Congress over A. H Jones. men, especially Hon. Josiah Turner, The returns were sent to Menninger as ig said nothing in their platform or jr., who, through The Raleigh Sentinel, Secretary of State. By tampering with in their papers, concerning the finan- accuseu mm stealing carpets from the ur altering, me returns were maae to ciai policy that Mr. ureeley as Presi- for the excellencies of his character as the greatest American Editor, but for what he really is for better or for worse With the fore-knowledged that he is .to be controlled by those who elect Him", without regard to political ante cedents. In other words, Mr. Greeley ? ill be a pliable tool in the hands of the most, corrupt element known to American politics, to be moulded info such shape as they may dictate. Hav- from the good people of the State fall lie idle words, and who are under the control of a few wicked and designing men,' who use them as instruments for the gratification of their own base desires. The simple extension' of the franchise of the ballot, whero all the voters have like interest and like motives,,is not, we believe, dangerous to the republic. But in the case before us we have one without a paralled in history, a large ptfculation, in some States composing the mtjority of the voters, just manumitted fro in a State of slavery, ignorant and filled with the vices peculiar to their class. That this is an element of fearful power to any community is beyond doubt, and our people may well fear their future, socially and materially, so long as this fact exists, and no effort should be spar ed to arrest the evil that is inevitable unless some steps are taken that will change the interesting : " V Warrenton, Va., 1 August 18, 1872. . j L - Dear Sir: Your favor of the 13th inst. has been; received, inviting me to speak in the city of New York on the luestions or tne Jf residential canvass. .cannot arbtjQmiirlvitationnowaaJ all the; time P can. sparefrom proies-1 sibnal duties will be more efficiently employed in my own State in exposing the fraud and delusion of this last ism Greeleyism. I can see in the election of Horace Greeley no relief from any of the evils from which the Southern peo ple are suffering, but rather an aggra vation 01 tnein an. it is true, we nave been plundered by carpet-baggers, as you have by Tammany thieves; but as : the intelligence of the South .was made the footstool of ignorance, by the policy of whfch Greeley was the fore most advocate and defender, and which he proposes to perpetuate, how can his as. they effected the worst outrage which ThewDeclinp utho Greeley Enthu-' j j . , DIUOU4 A -3M.VIWI AJUIIVU 1 of Power; ; I I 5 1 Whatever tne causcsic is apparent on all sides that, since tho late North Carolina election, there hag ( been a re action in the tide of- public opinion on the i -Presidential question, . Eronv. tho . Baltimore i Conventiop, i AVhich 'pro claimed the Cincinnati HXiberal Repub-! ncan candidates, ureeiey and Brown, the Democratic ticket and the, Cincin nati Liberal resolutions, the Demo cratic platform, down to the: election in NorthxCarolinaA thero wore such signs and; manifestations of a general popular uprising in favor -of "Greeley, Brown and reform " as to justify tho impression tbat.we .arein the midst of. an irresistible political revolution, jNor can-it be questioned that the first elec tion reports from North Carolina great ly strengthened this widely prevailing" trptnion.cBut when -the distant election districts and the back c4uritles were all in, and It was. ascertained that tho Re publicans had secured tho Governor, which was the Presidential test in tho election, and the accepted test on both sides as f between Grant and Greelev. there was an abatement in tho Demo- gress disfranchising the white people mm rf 1 jL J 1 t ior onenses reai or imputed, and hand ing over their btate governments to negroes to be run by them in the inter ests of carpet-baggers, would be merely 41 L.J11 mVA 1 m W anotner oui oi aiuunuer, or ratner a modification of the first one making it X1: JU"Ucrrwon ml t?de of; public sentiment began ' to bliu.il ui. iiKw lu u o expeuieni oi change in favor of Grant. -"..": - i ne suDsiantin.1 miir.q or Tim rvnrtn 1 1 ,1 . . , I "J"4) IU WCtll . uieuuuieuiB vvcic xiirmua upon me BDiriC Mfofoa BQnoW tn and letter of the instrument, inasmuch ioritv of the flonressmfln. wnTiwinwl -y - -o - 1 " - -- oy tueuemocrats; but tho Presidential i mra Tiiii Til ill 11 n hit ivi a rTi crraniT fT T rill i -l i n. Union Relieve us? "QbhaT-i .triTJ was upon the Governor, and hero ntfinorf . nnwpr thrnntrh lrv mninri- ?1""?&ZZ:-X rr "i" the moral TOSUlt Was, . as W6 haVO in- h; t J a Democratic defeat which "W1 T Vu ' o t r2F u less uecepuoii mruio lNonn, and DV changed the whnlo nenrvt nf tho no. overrule them? If so, what then be- brutal violence in the South "Afnv ? ii . J: ,,e aspocc oi tne na comes of his boasted 4ocalSelf-govern- SS Si SSSSJ SiPhA.SS. tional battle field. , Tho Greeley lie- . ment ?" I have just read his speech at Portland, in which, while justifying the Ku Klux law as necessary to re press violence and disorder, he says that there never would have arisen any rea Lrtainiy .not;, as loner as any efronrffi portion of our people are compelled to this North Carolina contest: but with bear the. Intolerable burden of the yoke the general knowledge of their failure thus fastened upon them. I need not frt oiof a tha e n,r n, I 1 J i , - I vvr uu auu MU1U11V.U IJU T Ul ,J1V negro mind or drive hun ftom the corintry. occasion for such a law if amnesty had rdy, n0rtry ta?5uSe how much Q$ . bSHm ta ttalSS: No country can long exist free and indepen- been granted to the South.' Now, this thev will becalled to endnrfihArnafterr niLer..fiu'n.,. om" An-nt ; r, -i,-i,;i, o lovva .; eiUn I i a nn nf . thfiSA rvlai-iei mo nT-khiafrioa I i a H. ts n i . ' I -viili tuniusicisill lui VjrtXlU v . All uw"i "uiu' " ittibu wi me u- ' r i ...wvv. uut ilt 1S certain umi anv oramarv a&s- onf ,i inch ureeiev has succeeded in r,nf?o ,tii ,.5: uug aUu State. ; Menninger said in his card that he passed over the chargo against him as printed in the Beport of the Fraud Commission, remarking that his testi mony explained the carpet matter, and that his accuser was J. G. Hester. We shall not do Menninger the kind ness to "pass the matter over," there- give Jones a majority. The fact was so reported to Gov. Holden by Men ninger, and having no discretion in the matter, the Governor gave the certifi cate of'election to Jones. 'Having ex ercised his " capabilities" to the extent of nullifying the will of the people of the 7th Congressional District, j as ex pressed in 18G8, Menninger should not dent,' will inaugurate, the masses are without information upon one of the most important questions of the cam-.; paigri. In the campaign of 1868, the people were not' without information as to the financial plans of the Democ racy. .Pendleton favored repudiation and bitterly denounced the National banking system. Other leaders of the fore, we present Mr. Hester's testimony talk of the capacities of other people. party took the same position. Frank before the Fraud Commission, as fol- Lastly, Menninger has eniulated vBlair exposed the revolutionary designs lows: Boss Tweed, of New York. j When of th party in his famous and well as and Untitled s - Q. Do you know of any money, thing of value paid to any member of poor as a church mouse. He had neither ocratic leaders, are silent on the subject to dei thn Tnnslfitiirp. offleors of the State prrooertv nor monev. From Julv 18C8 of national finance. The answer to this them government, or other persons, to influ- to February 1871, he drew two hun- unwarrantable shut-mouth game is, " 13 l aoue ana wrK spf L an. elected Spcrtury. of j f tntbtttoa rjrtdhead letter. But thus just gone through Bankrutpcy. So j far In the "campaign, Greeley and hi3 far as his creditors knew, he was as organs, Sumner, Schurz, and the Dem- lation, in stated ignorance, are bound to gether against the intelligent, wealthy and true people of the State.-We had hoped that after seven years the negroes would have known how to appreciate the lies that have been told them, but we find them more solid against the true good of the country to-day than at any other period since the war. What then is the remedy ? All argu ments have failed with the negro, and it is useless to use another upon him. The only argument that enters his ear is force. If our people would set about supplying his place witlj a white population he "would be brought to reason. There is no reason, now that the larger portion of our people have recovered . their lost fortunes, why thev should not put agencies at work that would soon furnish valuably white labor fr tbeiir fttms, that, would see that their interest lay with tbe owners of tlya soil.v This matter of negro domination forever fa or of serious moment, and our people should set to work to derive some means of stopping it. Let think of the evil to their children if ence their action in the passage of any. bill through the Legislature, or in any nllin. . i -at . . i-x f w riOTW i- Vi n- Tiiprmau whatever? A. I know nothing of that kind. Q. Do you know of any money or other thing of value belonging to the State, being used by any State officer at any time since ilay, 1865, improper ly, and for his own use and benefit V " A. In the month of October, 1869, the Secretary of State, Mr. H. J. Mennin ger, came to me on Fayetteville Street, in the city of Raleigh, at the store of K. Via, and asked me the price of car- ficts. I showed him a sample and told urn the price was $2.25 per yard. He said he wanted a large bill for the State, some 500 yards, and wished to know if I could not put it at a less price. I told him if he would take that amount, I would put it at $1.93. He gave me no answer at that time whether he would take it or not. Ho came again the next day, or a day or two after wards, and bought two setts of china, one table sett and one bed room sett for $130, and asked me to send them up to his house. I did so. He went out without saying anything about paying for them at that time ; nor did he say anything more about the carpet. Tho next day, or soon after, he came in and said he would take 500 yards of carpet at the price agreed upon $1.93. He went into my private office, and asked me to come in, and I did so. He asked me if I knew the difference between 4 'tweedledum and tweedledee." I told him I did not. He made some figures dred dollars per month as salary, that Greeley and the coalition have no His fees probably amounted to five well digested plan concerning the finan- hundred per year, making twenty- ces. -Therefore, in the event of Mr. nine hundred dollars per year as Sec- Greeflpy's election, the. business men of retary of State. His extravagant style the country will have no data by which of living is well known to the commu nity. Notwithstanding, he has! been able to purchase a fine residence and spend several thousand dollars in re pairing it and buying furniture He has also been enabled to enjoy Sum mer trips to the North, and one to Europe. All this by virtue of twenty- nine hundred dollars per year. Other to judge of the policy to be pursued. Uncertainty will overshadow the country, . and the fickleness of Mr. Greeley, will seriously damage the financial standing of the government, promote disaster and convulse the com mercial interests of the Republic. The administration of the finances by Presi dent Grant has been eminently wise State officers who received twenty ffbur end . successful. A certain policy has dollars per year, were hardly able to been pursued, and the result is most live in decent style and make both ends- .gratifying. The debt has been reduc meet. From Hester's testimony and ed ; our bonds have appreciated ; our the alteration of Congressional returns, Credit is as good in Europe as that of we leave it to honest people to. form any other nation ; and we are traveling their opinion as to the means by which toward specie payments without creat Menninger acquired his money and ingaiiy fears of a panic. Naturally, peo bought his property. j " pie are afraid of paper money, and wit h- We have thus exposed one of Gree- out the confidence of our people and of ley's stanchest supporters. We beg the inhabitants of Europe in the stabil- pardon of our readers for taxing up Ity and honesty. of our financial policy, sire." j The talk of " clasping hand's acros3 the bloody chasm " is the quintes sence of hypocrisy. It is the cry of the demagogue and office-seeker. With power sufficient to repeal the XlVth and XVth Amendments, the . Demo crats would soon compell the negroGs to vote for Democratic candidates or drive them from the land of their birth. Jt must be evident to every intelligent man that the peace of the Nation will be seriously endangered by the election of Horace Greeley. -ti The defeat of Grant and Wilson will render life and property as unsafe in the South as it was in 1S70. Every inf terest of the people requires the election of Grant. If Greeley is elected the policy foreshadowed by The Enquirer will be adopted throughout the South ern States. Republicans know their1 rights and knowing will dare maintain them. with which ureeiey has succeeded in gulling both North-and South. Am nesty means nothing more than relief from the disabilities imposed by the Fourteenth Amendment, (which Gree ley advocated,) which only excluded certain classes from holding office but not from voting. Do the Hamptons, the Pickens and the Prestons, who govern ed South Carolina in the days of her glory, stand any better, chance now of being: elected to omce than before the passage of the Amnesty bill ? The. con dition of South Carolina can never be changed until Greeley's policy is re versed his denunciation of carpet-baggers i3 all brutumfulmen his promises are a cheat and a snare ; v -'That mocks the woe that lurks beneath, Like roses o'er a sepulchre." --H-Whtcix r tiieriosr rights of the Soutli does he propose to restore? A Gree- levite will answer ''trippinfirlv-cKi'the tongue," local self-government and universal suffrage which only means negro supremacy. How will he ge rid of carpet-baggers ? Is he going to do as he says the Ku Klux do spin them away? or with all his professed horror of military power, is he going to play the part of Csesar or Cromwei expel them vi et armis from places to which they have been elected : as ai that he offers us is a "Greeley pill," from the effects of which we have too long been suffering, I beg to be permit ted to decline it: for while it will be "sweet on the tongue" it will certainly be "bitter in the belly." I am, sir, very respectfully, your obe dient servant. John a. mosbv. tro- pousm would naye been a visitation ffressive DemoeraW tho novnltv offr. of mercy in comparison. . When Greeley as the candidate of the Demo- ww reiieui uDuii lue nuuiDer ana ranan- : .r.. . t ity of the thieves that have been upheld fascinating as to carry with it the Idea in their pillage by means of the negro that "the fountains of tho trreat deen our bonds and greenback currency would be worthless. It has taken years to establish this confidence on an en- space with a creature so worthless ; de siring to inform the people of the character and standing of that class of men who have betrayed the Republi- during basis, and the election of Mr. can party and joined the ranks of Greeley, a man without any settled Tweed, Kilpatrick, Helper, Wood and financial opinions, would shake it from turret to foundation stone." Suppose f ho Tiomflprntin norfif fnmm!ft(v1 stood to be a proposition on hk part to Renublican cau is one thou- rennrlmtirm hn ,rWn! in iror pay me 12.19 a yard lor ine carpe --- - ; - , . , ' which I had offered for $1.93, as it sand stronger in North Carolina be- this confidence would have vanished made the difference between the two cause the State Convention kicked like dew before the morning Sun. We sums, which was the price or tne cnina Menninger out of the party. The nom- bougnr, and said inai was V ination of Greelev has enabled the on a Tittle piece of paper with a pencil, Blumenberg, is our excuse for penning " 219 multiplied by 5, which I under- thi3 article. th he had tweedledee." I told him all I wanted P"" iu nu iu ui . u buu. utiue as was the money for the china and the Menninger; and the people may expect carpet, and he could pay it as he pleas ed, in State warrants or out of his pock ets. He gave me a warrant on the State Treasurer for the amount of 500 yards at $2.19, saying he wanted it made out In that way, and he would settle his own matter with the State. I afterwards got the money, as mana r for E. Via. on the warrant as above stated. J. G. HESTER. ' Sworn to and subscribed before tho Commission. Menninger in his " explanation " be fore the Commission, confirms Hes ters's testimony. On page 546, Men ninger testified as follows: li cAfrnm J.G. Hes- a frugal and honest government here after at the hands of the Republican party. Reason Because all the rogues that formerly infested tho Republican party, have gone over to Greeley. North Carolina EIectioiiIejno cratic Comment. ' I Hie New York Tribune of August 3d, thought the Democrats had carried the State by twelve ingly said : ' "Well done! noble North Carolina ! j On your soil the first Declaration of Independ ence was made! On your soil Jeflerson Davis held his last Cabinet council, ana tne Rebellion dissolved. On your soil has been know, not what course Mr. Greeley will pursue if elected; but the single fact that a; ehange in the financial policy of the government is demanded, will be sufficient to involve the country in disaster and vastly depreciate our bohd greenbacks, and stocks of every kinder With tho -knowledge that the onal Debt is disappearing at the bf one hundred millions per year. taxation is growing less and less every session of Congress, and that Nat: rare that with ter, as aceni 'of E. Via, a 'quantity of won nrst great viciory of the campaign iiirnotinp for the different rooms in ino that to make us once morea unitea peo- AW - . Canitol? If so. state fully and particu larly, the contract made between j-ou and him, and ail the circumstances con nected with the contract? Whether at the same time or thereabouts you made a contract for the purchase of certain setts of china, and what tho under standing between him and yourseir about the china, and state all the con versation as well as you can . reopitecj it, that occurred between you and mm at the time. real reform in the revenue is taking the thousand, and gush- P"-? pi corruption and memciency m omce, j we cannot believe for a moment that jMr Greeley's election is within the range of a possibility. Thjero is no necessity for a change in our fjiiancial policy. We had better let Vwejl 'enough alone." That can only be dme by re-electing Gen. Grant, and a majority of the members of Congress. The Cincinnati Enquirer which, is orthodox on Democratic doctrine says of the North Carolina election that " A party beaten at tho first election of a Presidential campaign loses heart and con fidence in itself, and never rallies or recov ers from it." The Enquirer is mistaken when it says our State election .was the " first of the Presidential campaign." It is really the sixth, because It was,. a patent fact a year ago that Gen. Grant would be re nominated. Since that time the Defmo-J crats and Liberal traitors have exhaust ed thei r ingenuity and rascali ty to devise means for his defeat. If TJie Enquirer states the truth when it says one State election defeats a party in a President tial campaign, what an overwhelming rout awaits the sulphuric co-alition, that has sustained defeats in Connecti cut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Oregon, North Carolina, and West Virginia, and won not a single victory. since the campaign opened? i When Cincinnati haa aeeiarea ine re solve of the best brains and principle of the Republican party, it was the privilege of Tennessee, home of Andrew Jackson, and of the mountain loyalists, to give the re sponse that spoke in advance the voice of Baltimore. Yours i3 a yet more electric utterance. That was but the verdict of a historic National Party. You have pro nounced in advance the vordict of a Na tion." Thd thy West Virginia. Independent ticket is elected in ate by five thousand majority. Thisjs a victory for Grant. Camden, Democratic nominee, was loud in his IIon.Elisha Baxter. ' 1 This gentleman, a native of Ruther- ford county, a brother of Jno. G. Bax- ter, bf Knoxville, Tenn., is the Repub lican candidate for Governor of Ar kansas. Mr. Baxter has earned an en viable reputation in his adopted Stated as a Judge of the Superior Court, and his nomination for the office of Gov ernor must be exceedingly gratifying, inasmuch as he was unanimously nom inated by a party heretofore divided! The prospects for a Republican vie- North Carolina gave Caldwell over praisa of Greeley. Sequel He is de- tory in Arkansas are very fine. We two thousand majority, and we have featet;by five thousand. Democrats doubt not that Judge . Baxter will ' -w .mm A I a 9 A I . - - E.A XT 1 J I . T I m m.mm. - 1 a 1 . A. I did purchase a quantity oi cur- qjl6 Xcw York unottne as auinoriiyjior i raay.i umi. uiu eiecnon naa no poni- prove a sagacious itauer ; ana that the peting of Mr. Hester, agent oi r. v savinir that she "pronounced In ad-I icai ignincance, but the people know interests of ? his adopted State, will fn. h ctntn The rate oi pur chaso was less than that demanded Dy saying vance the verdict of a iNatlon." bettC:rj. The Slate will go for Grant. thrive under his administration. "Stop Thief." The most successful and consequently the most celebrated detectives of the world have been governed by a few and apparently very simple rules of conduct in ascertaining and determin ing the character of the rogues with whom they have had to deal, and whose detection and arrest on an ex tensive scale have given them the high reputation they enjoyed as detectives. And the very first rule determining their conduct was to nab the hrst man who cried " stop thief" in a miscella neous crowd where a theft wras com mitted. The same rule will apply with equal force and pertinency to po litical parties raising the cry of "irauds," "corruption." etc., in political cam paigns. The party leaders who design to commit some rascally fraud or to use money as a corrupting fund in an elec tion, will invariably start a cry of fraud and corruption on their opponents for the purpose of covering their own ras calities. It is safe to say that in nine ty-nine cases in a hundred where such a cry is raised, it proceeds in the first instance from the party who purposes the fraud. This is incontestibly true so far as our experience and observa tion have gone, and it requires no great shrewdness in observation to see why it should bo true. Human nature is the same in the thief as in the political cheat and fraud, and vice versa. What holds true as to the one will hold uni versally true as to the other. They are both human, and both in the path of intentional error; and, practically considered, they must both be deemed coincident frauds, operating on the same line of craft and instigated by the same motives of deceit. When the Greeley, cry of " fraud" first came up from North Carolina, we knew just ias well what it meant as we do now that it was designed to divert attention from some glaring. " irregu larities "(to use the mildest possible term) of their own. The Democratic legislature of that State paved the way for the class of frauds named, when they so . villianously gerrymandered the State as to render it next to impos sible for the Republicans to gain con trol bf the legislature, or to elect a ma jority of the members or congress, even if their strengtn snouiu ue sum cient to carry the State by ten or fif teen thousand majority. This sort of game, which the Democratic legisla ture, chosen in 1870, practiced on the people of the Old North State, is in keeping with the worst description of rascality that may be practiced by in timidation or the use oi money, xxau it' not been for this atrocious gerry mandpr the Republicans would have had a majority in both branches of the legislature, as well as a majority of congressmen. Richmond, Va, StxUe, Journal. 1 governments, we cannot help but re gret the non-adoption of Mr. Stevens' proposition, atrocious as it was, for uni versal confiscation. The pernicious consequences of this rule are felt in the general as well as the local govern ments. The legislation- of Congress is largely controlled by fit representatives oi the carpet-bag interest, and the worst acts of the executive administration are done to pleasd the power which corrals the negroes at the meeting places of the leagues, and drives them thence to the polls- ' Mr. GreeIyJ election will not do all that we could wish to free us from these evils;, it Willi not even be a popu lar commendatiodil of -the base means by which they were inflicted upon us : but it will begin the process of their gradual extinction:. It will give the white people a reasonable hope that the heritable qualities of their fathers' blood may some day be restored. In the meantime, if it does not reverse the attainder, it will at least insure a merciful execution of it. Democfats who disliked Mr. Greeley's nomination have reflected welj, and I think will support him with almost perfect unan imity. The thought that a victory will not give us everything at once may diminish in 5 some degree "the rapture of the strife," but will not im pair the efficiency Of their support, for they are impelled to their utmost ex ertions by a profound conviction that nothing but his election will save the country from a long period of misgov ernment, and perhaps the total destruc tion of our free institutions. I am with great j respect, yours, &c, ! J. S. Black. York, Pa., August 3, 1872. Down Brakes! The Dream of a Newly Married Rail roader, and its Consequences. From the St. Jouis Democrat. " Ed." is a brakeman employed on the Chicago, Alton and St. Loui3 Rail road. He was married only a few weeks ago. His wife has been wearing a piece of red flannel round her neck for the last ten days, and complaining of a wry neck. This is how it came to pass : : ? " Ed." had iust been doing extra du ty, taking a sick friend's train in addi tion to his own, and so had not been in bed for forty-eight hours. As a matter of course, he was nearly worn out, and as soon as his supper had been eaten he went to bed, to sleep, perchance to dream. He was soon locked in the arms of Morpheous and ! Mary, and dream ing. Again his foot was on his native platform, and he heard the warning toot of the whistle for brake. The shadowy train bore him swiftly on ; the telegraph posts fleeted past quieter and quicker ; the whole country fled by like a panorama mounted on sheet lightning rollers. I In his dream he heard far off another roar, and swing ing out by the railings he saw another train coming at lightning speed around the curve. Both , trams were crowded with passengers : in another moment they would rush together, and from thtN pnea ui rum a -cry ui aguiiy wuuiu shiver to the tingling stars from the lip3 of the maimed and dying. The engineer had seen their danger, for at that moment, in his dream, he heard the whistle ' calling for brakes sound loud and unearthly. With the strength of desperation he gripped the brake and turned it down. There was a yell of pain, and " Ed " woke to find himself sitting up in bed and holding his wife by the ears, having almost twisted on her head. ' s That's how " Ed's " wife came to wear a piece of redJ flannel round her throat and complain of a wry neck. Sub-Electors. Sub-Electors should be appointed at once by the County Executive Commit tees for each county.' , It is absolutely necessary that each township of every county shall be thoroughly canvassed "and a full vote polled. If the Republi cans poll their strength,' Grant's ma jority will reach ten thousand. were broken up," and that a deluge was rising Avhich would overwhelm Grant, his administration, his party and all their great expectations and calculations in connection with another four years' lease of power. But this sudden flashing up of Democratic en thusiasm has died out, and the fear is gaining ground that the Republicans, brought over to the Democracy in sup port of Greelev and Brown, mav dos- sibly be outnumbered by those old lino Bourbon Democrats who are resolved to vote for Grant or to stay at home on election iday if they cannot ' get a straight-out Democratic ticket on tho platlorm 01 '.'tne time honored demo cratic principles of Jefferson and Jackr- son." Seeing is" believing; but until wosco that these anti-Greeley Bourbon Dein cratscan do, are doing and intend to do something in this campaign,-which will compel their, recognition as a bal ance : of power, we shall continue to hold them as belonging to the samo class of makeweights or political guer illas as the temperance reformers, tho labor reformers and the women's rights reformers. The Democratic party adopted the Cincinnati Presidential ticket under the impression that from the Republican camp it would bring them the balanco of power in the elec tion ; but against all the reinforcements to the Democracy within reach of Gree ley and Brown, the probabilities, since the North Carolina election, have changed in favor of General Grant. Senator Schurz, as a bolter against tho administration, has been hailed as a hero by the Democrats because of the balance which it is supposed he may reach, here and there, in tho diversion of the German vote: but the German, as a rule, is very apt to vote according to his own ideas of the fitness of things: and so nothing decisive has been gai ned by Oreeley and Brown in gaining Mr. Schurz. Again, it was supposed that, the fame of, Mr. Grqeley, with tho great name of Mr. Sumner, as the black man's friend, Would bring over to the; opposition alliance ticket thoj balanco of power from the colored element, which, in the Presidential election. will poll probably seven hundred thou sand votes or more ; but along the Hns of the African legions tho word has been passed for General' Grant,- - so that . there is no hope in that quarter for Greeley and Brown. . . Our Irish-born fellow citizens' in many places, and especially in this city, constitute an important Democratic balance of power: but it is by no means certain that tho Irish element of this island will be a unit in our November national or local elections. In our mu nicipal complications of parties, rings, factions, cliques and coteries, wo shall probably have the confusion of Babel, a demoralizing confusion, which, to. the regular! Democrats, may imperil the city and the State. In short, from the present outlook1 tho prospect from every point of view is growing somewhat gloomy for Greeley, and un less in the results of the coming State elections he shall make a break in tho apparently compact lines of the admin istration party, tho -Philosopher of Chappaqua, as a pilgrim for the White Hous, may, j .: Lav down de shovel and de hoe, 1 " And hang up de fiddle and do bow. New York Herald, Aug, 21. 'South laid down to; the ar- Read Mosby's letter on Greeley, which we present In this issue. Mosby was a Confederate General ; he fought like a brave soldier for the when Lee surrendered ho his arms and submitted bitrament of the: sword. ; Asj a trtio Southern man, he repudiates Greeley and supports Grant. Tho reasons ho gives for such support will exert ah in fluence on every Deniocrat ; who readi it, except those who support Greeley in expectation of office and plunder. ' ' -;-!' ::-"') A Western editor, in writing - the obituary of a respectable citizen, says that "he has gone to that undiscovered burn." ' I - ,i r 1. v

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