J. C, IX) CI AN HARRIS, - Editor. Official Organ ! tlie Unit Wtfc Office In the -Standard" building, Eart side of Fayettevllle Street. ' THURSDAY, SEPT. Btli, 1872. NATIONAL EEPTTBIICAK TICXET. FOR PRESIDENT: Ulysses S. Grant, Op Illinois. ; FOR ' VICE-PRESIDENT : Henry Wilson, Of Massactiusltts. ' 1clectoiial ticicxct. FOB THE 8TATX AT L1BOK IttAItCXS EnWIITt,of Duncomb. S.WITL F. PHILLIPS, of TFake. Corrected reports from 4(5 counties, in West Virginia, give Jacob, Ind., 3,206 ma jority, forty-one counties give 1,090 ma jority for the Constitution. Eight counties are to bo heard from on Governor's vote, and thirteen on the Constitution. Jacob is elected, and it is thought the Constitution is ratified by 2,000. - ) 1 . i. Nearly 3,000,000 of letters went to the dead letter office last year. Of these, more than 400,000 wanted stamps, 50,000 had Imperfect directions, and 3,000 were put into the post office without any address at all. These let ters contained $92,000 in cash, and over $3, 000,000 in drafts, checks, Ac..- The dead let ters contain, on an average, $1 each. -, t It Is stated that Governor Curtin, of Penn sylvania, has avowed himself in favor of the re-election of General Grant, i He will Tjio Contest vs. Contest. -Democrats say the Legislature will contest the election of CaldwelL Suppose it should i turn out " that Cald- j wel) contests 'the Legislature on the Nation. ground that it is not a legally constltu- teq.Legialature not having the requi site; number of membersend that the apportionment under, which Hhe late election was held was premature, and so Unconstitutional and wholly unau thorized r i ... -. . S tion. Such alion would breed blood shed and revdution. Peace men will readily underland that Mr. Greeley's election will qsturb the peace of the Ibscribers. ' . ; Subscriptiorl . accompanied by the cash, continuelo pour inl Our friends are at work ! &Ve hope to double our Weekly list diling the months of Sep- m m . - --m m . 1 temDer ana uttober. Jiacn oi our sud- and whatever influence x nave n sup- z. 13. Vance and Tipton ; M. W. Ran- port of the party and; ite nominee& ;- gom and Schurz; T. J'. Jarvisand Ilin Hon. William A. -ferry, vno -was ton ; David Coleman and Baxter rD. M. Barringer alias Von Mol tke) and Wood; T.'L. Clhiginan and Saunders; uosianm Turner and Blumenburg, with many others who might be named, late a' Democratic candidate for j Con gross in Western; Michigan, refuses to suDDort Greeley- aud;iadyocatesi the nomination of a , straight Democratic ticket. In a recent letter, f alluding to the Louisville Convention, he says: i traversing the State from the sea-shore to the mountains,4 belching forth their V I still am daily receiving- interest venom, and vomiting their bile against Isortli Carolina "Without a Leg- ' Hi. " islatnre.Y , v !': --' J$e present for . discussion and the consideration of the ! lawyers an article in this movement.-From Ionia county an earnest Democrat sent ' for twenty posters that he. wants to circulate, and I learn otherwise that the : sympathies scribe rs can cotain one new subscriber . ft. .a Ms t k. Vjtfl A M M Lit V A. if they will try! A systematic effort or 0f tv. w Democrats are with us.' I this kind would increase our list to ten hear very little now of denunciation; thousand at an eirly day. It is of great The interest taken in it is formidable Importance tQ W"bHean. papers Isfcwhere, in which 'the writer takes shoa. d bewidely cited in every trict v f ; , , -. .-. rrnVfl snflches innnortlncr CI rant an A Wil x-x o ciauniicCi ,iu nuiwt m, i " i - . - . . . . . y j I son during the campaign. He complains of thA position that the late election for wV- arepiauon ox ;- members of the Legislature is null and void, illegal, unauthorized and uncon stUiitional: and the Governor Ss called upon to issue his proclamation-for a you THE CONGRESSIONAL PISTKlCTS: 1. Edward Hansom, of XtttI1. U. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir. 4. Tltomaa BX. ArsT, of Orange. ; ' 3 Henry TValert of Davidson. 6. Trilllam S. Drnam, of Lincoln. 7. James O. Haminf, of Bswas. 5. James 91. JTnstlce, of Kntherford. Gem Grant never hu been defeat ed. and be never will be." IJom.CE GBXXLET. Wlille asserting- the right of every Republican to bis untrammeled cbolco of a candidate for next President nn- I til a nomination Is made, I venture to suggest that Gen. Grant will be far better qualified for that momentous trust In ISra than be was In 1SGS." IIorack Greelet, speech on 5tA:Jamiatyr 1S71. ; the manner in which Senator Cameron is allowed to : control the patronage of Penn sylvania, which Is the sum of his fault-finding against the administration -' ' Reliable reports from all quarters of Ala baraa represent the destruction of cotton by the worms more thorough than ever before. They have eaten the leaves and forms until the fields are bare 'as after ' a frost. - The naked condition of the plant reveals the fact that the naturo'of the fruitage is not so great as usual at this season;-Fears of a- lmost universal bankruptcy among .the L planters. ara pnfrta!npd. , Jio one expects a crop equal to last year. , . " j . The Chicago Interbcean, of the 29th, pub lishes the following " . , 1 I ; Nbw YOBK, August 27, 1872. My Dear Sir: I was and am in favor: of the Louisville movement. , Even the mere profession of adherence to Democratic ideas must soon disappear If without our marked dissent tho party can be transferred dead list. ' , (Signed) newspapers in" &xh of the ninety-odd counties, would add greatly to the. Re publican Vote. j we have alluded to this matter several times ; we do so again because we desire to impress the matter .unon oir friends. V One dollar per year is a ve nesV election of members of the General Assembly, in that all. the seats are va cant.- Bead the communication. i f. ' . " :" i :. ,i 7' ' ". C r 'Whe New York Herald i3 the best neicspapcr in the United States. It en deavors to keep with the political, cur rent, an'd is, always on - the winning sraorrlt ."Is" Independent " Of - parties, editorially; expressed, are sought after ... . ri0Pht a m b.sb b m I B W Sft -w w v w Those of our friends who have interest- The Albany Prisoners. The Ku. Kluxi- newspapers are grow? Jng restiv because their ' allies in the Albany Penitentiary have not ; been turned loose,' to ;renew their avoca tions, as early as they desire, and are the Republican party but it ail failed of its purpose and fell short of its mark, and the envenomed shafts 1 rebounded with crushing force,'! prostrating those wnose nanas ;naa spea, tnemv Tney now wriggle in c their siime' and filth and to break the force of theirstunning defeat cry out r fraud f;lraud 1 oontest! contest! ' ;vfi!I&ilheyT:Weir they themselves are , the .parties guilty of fraud and that l if the ' election had been conducted- fairly, even . in-( con formity .withlthe infamous ;;electibn law enacted', by .the late Democratic Legislature, Cald welFs majority in- y small sum for fifty- insinuatinj, jn their columns that Gov. stead of being two thousand, would be Caldwell has stepped in between the iweniy inouana. . xes, go , on, cpmt criminals and the .mercy seat. Verily the election .' as quick as you choose. Governor Caldwell i3 a thorny in the Appoint ymir Ccountjr; comrnittees to side of the Democracy. JSe keeps the examine the registrar; book's, charge President from pardoning the Kii Klux them to' erase, insert, manipulate, a ta and he kept Judge Merrimon from be- Wood, so as to answer your purposes, two numbers ofn Weekly, papers-each number' contamlhg twenty-eight col umns of matt?pr r Ten tnousana sud- scribers scattered throughout the differ ent counties, would be of immense ser vice to the Bepliblin cause. Again: Wecalrpon.Kerbllcatowmiftteljn to .Its THE NEWS.,';.'-; There are two Greeley electoral tickets in Tennessee. -'. .. 'x,i: Louisa Muhlbach has commenccxl writing Asiatic novels. A lady has been admitted to the bar in Santa Cruz, California. ' The fatal spotted fever prevails to some extent in Vermillion county, Indiana. v It is rumored that General Slocum will - le the candidate of the New York Democ . rncv for Governor. . 1 ; V It is said that this year's corn crops in tho Southwestern States will be sufficient for f the next two years. t ) i.ne impress uarioica, unionunaie wmow of the ill-fated Maximilian of Mexico, is :i reported dying in Germany. Mrs. Horace Greeley's health continues ' to grow worse rapidly, and her physicians think she cannot survive the year. It Is said that the Rev. Mr. Spurgeon will visit Brooklyn in the autumn as the guest of Pr.Talmage, and will probably 'preach for him In the Tabernacle. : IUunia and China have fallen into a Jittle snarl, and It Is not all Improbable that It will result in a sanguinary measurement of swords. - " : U'. . Private letters from Mississippi from well-In fopnod sources say that the Repub licans will carry that State by about fifteen thousand majority. A thorough investigation is to take place in New York into the affairs and condition not only of the Bloomingdale L.unatio'Asy- lum, but of other asylums, both public and private. Horace Greeley will leave New York for another Eastern tour on September 10, pass ing through Rhode Island, and delivering the opening address at the Vermont State Fair on the 20th. ; Fears are entertained by the Spanish Gov ernment of another insurrection . in the provinces bordering on France, and prepa rations are being made to promptly repress any disorder which may occur. The mercury ranged from 95 to 100 de grees in , the shade at St, Louis for some days past, and during the last three lays over twenty cases of sunstroke havo occur red, the majority of which were fatal. A dispatch from Washington, Aug 29th, to The 2fews of this city says tho pardon of four persons Imprisoned at Albany as Ku Klux, has been postponed upon represen tations received at the 'Attorney General's office from official sources in North Caro lina. 1 It is believed that the Geneva Tribunal has settled in principle the question of in demnity, and approximately fixed the sjnouut to bo awarded. The total amount of damages to tho United States will proba bly be between throe and four millions ster ling. The city government of New Orleans re cently sent an agent to London to negotiate a loan of $10,000,000. He writes back that he can obtain it at about ninety cents on the dollar, on a guarantee that no new loan will be made for two years. This will probably ho granted. , ; Charles O' Conor.' A firm of London diamond brokers assert in The Times that a few months ago an American came to that city and bought a largo number of diamonds in tho rough, paying no attention whatever to the weight or quality of the stones. These, they inti mate, were used by the alleged discoverers of diamond mines in Arizona to sustain their assertions. , Mr. Sumner's physician has ordered him to the seashore for his health, and he has gone to Naharit. Itt is not expected that he will recover sufficiently to take part in the campaign, before the Maiae election, and there is reason to fear that a decided Repub lican vletorv there will so aggravate his symptoms as to disqualify niiri for any ora torical exertion before the election. I The Republicans of Louisiana, after a great deal of trouble, have settled their dif ficulties, and agreed upon the following ticket : I Governor Mr. Kellogg. Lieutenant Governor Mr. Antoine," I Secretary of State Mi. Deslonde, Instead .ofBIanden. I Auditor Mr. Clinton. . j Attorney General Mr, Field. - " I Superin tendon tol Education Mr. Brown instead of Mr. Keeting. f Congressman at Large Mr. Pinch back instead of Mr. Lewis. by the million, as a reliable indication of public sentiment. , Elsewhere will be found an article taken from The Herald, to which we direct attention. Vermont votes on the 3d of September, and Maine on the 9th. After these States are heard from, The Herald will advocate Grant's election. ed themselves for The Era, have our thanks. . We hope others will follow the example. ' Mr. Otey's Address. Mr. Charles BT. Otey, of this City, a student of Howard, University, deliv ered an Address! on Tuesday evening last, in the African Methodist Church on the subject of (Education. The Ad dress had been first delivered at Qber lin, near this Cily, and was repeated by request in the African Methodist Church. The Address occupied more than an hour in its delivery. It was replete with valuable advice to his own racei plain if they reap the whirl-wind. The importance of Education , of Tern-? perancer of Industry, and indeed all the cardinal virtues, was set forth and ; The Baleiah News and other Ku Klux enforced with a felicity and appropri- journals are endeavoring to make party ateness of classical and historical allu- capital, by rolling up the whites of sion, and in a vein of sound common their eyes in holy horror at . the idea sense, and with a. forecast witn refer- that the mass of the colored , people Of ence to the duties and destinies of the the State i refuse to recognize or fratern- Ineligible. It. is said that the negro, Mabson, elecled to the House of Represen tatives from. Edgecombe, is not eligible, as he was not a citizen of Edgecombe county twelve months immediately preceding the election. Sentinel. . - Ineligible It is said that the white man, Pinckney.Warlick, elected to the House of Ilepresentatives from Burke, is not eligible, as he yas not a citizen of Burke county twelve months imme diately ' preceding the election. Mr. Warlick lived in the county of Cataw ba, was Depot, Agent : at Hickory sta tion and mbved to,, Burke "only two or three months before the election. What Is'sauce for the goo'se ought to be sauce for the ganSer. .1 - but this we tell you in all seriousness, Caldwell for "It shall be more tolera- tuat,ypuni ivarn pie lor tne lanu 01 ooaom ana vromarran y .yyy-yr yyyrsr. f ,vyw in the day of judgment .tlian, it shall the gubernatorial chair and rseat'in his be for him when the Democratic Leg- stead the candidate of disappointed bf- islature meets this winter if the fice seekers,' imported ballot-box stuf- Ku Klux leaders - can', only , have their 1 fers and penitentiary convicts. We are authorized to say; that Gov- I Partnership of Greeley and Tweed. ernor Caldwell .has always been in fa- v W. M. Tweed, champion thief of, the vor of extending mercy to the poor, world, and " leading -Democrat and en deluded dupes who were persuaded in-r thusiastic supporter of Greeley, was at to crime, or frightened into t, by the "one time a partner lof Mr, , Greeley in leaders of the bands of midnight assas the tobacco business, t. Judge Hoadley, sins ; but that he' as strongly - favors of Ohio, made this charge in his speech the punishment of . the ring-leaders no at Cincinnati: :TIie Enquirer of that matter whether they be clad in purple city denied that Mr. Greeley was ever and fine linen or wear the garb of a la a partner, of, VV.,M.( Tweed. We pro boring peasant. - He believes-that they duce as proof, the following certified who sows the wind, should not com- copy of the articles of, incorporation of Social Ostracism. the face, the Democrats and traitorous Liberals have resorted to the coloniza- Hon. Charles O' Conor, who is prominent-i tkn game. The Louisville Commercial iy BpoKen 01 aa tne tstciUiiQt-oui Aemocranc 1 says:- nominee ior- i-rewiaeni, is 01 insa oesccnt, but was born in the city of New York, his father being a man of education and good family. He is sixty-eight years of age, has becu a member of the bar since his tweh- tietb,' and his term of office-holding has not exceeded, altogether, more than a year and half. Ho is a profound lawyer, a man of unquestioned integrity, an old enemy of Tammany, and not an admirer of Mr. Grec ley: ... . j Attornoy General Williams has prepared an elaborate opinion on the question refer red to him by tho Acting Secretary .of the Treasury as to whether tobacco put in bond between Jnne 5 and July 1 of this year shall pay a tax of thirty-two conts per pound, 'Or the new rate of twenty cents per pound.- The Commissioner of Internal Revenue ruled that the old rate should be collected when the tobacco was withdrawn from bond, but it is understood that Attorney General Williams gives an opinion revers ing that of the . Commissioner in favor of the lower rate. !' Wood executed his work so well" in this State.that the New York Tam many King have sent him to Irrdjana. dress on these subjects superior to that We presume Blumenburg is with him. by Mr. Otey. We would be glad to Conscious that defeat stares them in see the Address in print. , coiorea race, wnicn wouia nave re flected credit on an orator of mature age. Indeed, we do not remember to have listened at any time to an Ad- ' (The Democrats of Indiana have become desprate. . They see that they have no Chance of carrying the State by fair meaus, axd hardly by foul ones, but they think the colonization game they played so extensive ly! four 'years ago can be tried again, far enough at least to carry the Legislature and beat Morton. Their plan is to borrow enough voters from Kentucky to carry a dozen of the closest counties, and that they think will secure tho Legislature. We have positive information that one of the shrewd est Democratic managers has already made three trips to this State on that business, making his engagements and appointing his agents. 1 Wo can give hi3 name whenev er necessary. We urge our Indiana friends to bo on the alert. Mr. Otey's style is remarkably clear and chaste for a man of his age. His imagination is evidently t full and vig orous,. but haa been subjected, by severe application a" st idy, - to the guiding hand, of .reason ajtd good taste. , His manner 0 delivery is very good. Governor iIolden was present to hear Mr. Otey, and in response to a call spoke briefly, commending in high terms the effort of the young orator, and predicting for him a brilliant and useful future. . ize with such of their race as chose, in the late election, to vote the rebel tick et.; We are utterly opposed to ostra cising any one of. either .color,, on ac count of religious or political opinions,' and heartily join I with those who sin cerely and honestly protest against iti But we have no patience with the ocrite who denounces it with one breath when practiced by the colored man, and encourages it with another breath wnen practiced Dy- tnewwriiteman. Only a few ddysHgo, the Tobacco . Manufacturers' .Associa tion of New. York city, .which is on file in the clerk's office of that city : - ? Slate of New York," City and County of New York, ssU-Ve, Nathaniel 9ands, Moses H. Grinneli,, HORACE GREE LEY, Samuel W. Banard, WM. M. TWEED," Henry C. Holly, Henri C, HdLDREDGE, ' COURTLAND f PALMERj ' JR., and Albert S. Yeaton, all of the said city, county and State, do hereby certi'fy that we desire to form a company, pursuant to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the Of the State of New York, passed February 17, 1848, entitled ; an act to authorize the formation of corporations for manufactur ing, mining, s mechanical or chemical pur- noses ' and of the several acts or tne saia Legislature amending ; and extending the provisions of said "act.' That the corporate name of; the said company is to be "The Tobacco Manufacturers! Association." That why Tweed and his roues' supiort Greeley !': lh !: : . It Is an undeniable fiwt, that men In fevery State, known to bo notoriously corrupt, support Greeley. They rally round him with one accord. This fact, unsupported, should drive every friend . ;ofhonesty and good government, to the support of Gen. Grant. : V. '. .-. " . 1 1 - 'l : Moro of tho Contest. 1 ; The cry for a contest 7 of the elec tion Of Governor Caldyvell is probably bottomed upon several sinister grounds, one of which may well bo a wish to bolster the reputation of certain leaders . of the Conservative party greatly im paired Just after that - election; as to both sagacity and candorto ..sorno extent, by their choice of subalterns through the State to collect their ma terial for news ; but, . mainly, by the telegrams and other, reports which thereupon they so unscrupulously man ufactured and spread abroad. . ''."Although thereby tliey succeeded in influencing sundry persons, of more or less note through the. country, who 'were then upon the fence, to' declare for lr. Greeley, under a notion that the North Carolina election showed how the cat was jumping, yet upon the whole this advantage has been dearly pur chased, for the subsequent reaction has teeri treriendous .and meanwhile tlno telegrams are said to have cost' somo of the saints, In New York and elsewhere, by their lietting on the faith 'of them, not far from a million of dollars. 1 , . . A scrutiny of thft rMrn, nefw com plete, and to be found in tho daily pa pers, shows howsurgeni Js the need of these gentlemen to divert public atten tion from its enquiry into the reasons upon which it was officially trumpeted over tne coniinem;, ior uays aiier uio election, that Mr. Merrimon's gains, as far as heard from, were such as to Indi cate his election by 6,000, by 8,000, and even by 10,000 majority I , For these re turns show that the vote in the coun ties most accessible to Kaleigh, at all times i indicated Judge , Merri mpn's de feat I all the while that, even since an appearance of. the election of Caldwell has been conceded, it has been Suggest ed, without any sense of shame, to The ' New York Tribune and Herald, and other Greeley papers, at a distance, that . the promised good results were defeat- - ed only by returns from counties latest heard from, Where votes had been de tained, and manipulated by Republican authorities, in order to such an end I ' The following statements, extracted from those returns, will show ihat tho explanations vabove ' referred j to, aro wholly ;of a piece with the , matter which they are Intended to explain; that the imputations Of fraud aro no better founded than - the assertions of a ' victory, to whose support they are, iti a great degree, devoted, and which, in ' Within Stone's throWof JThe JVews of- f cigars bmaciunry.a. .T . , -.1- tr manufacturing machmery and utensils for f; ; Will Not Contest. The Greensboro'' New North State is Credibly informed that a few days ago, and Mason, desiring information about Frauds in Clcaveland. We have received the following let ter exposing frauds in Cleaveland coun ty. It will be read with interest, as it is a fair index of frauds committed in Democratic counties. The writer says: - "Having seen a circular in The Era over the names of Messrs. Barringer 3 1 r .1 i r 1 j auddecidini ft Old Fort, Judge Merrimon, being ud ithe lata election I taMI I W fhewouiat the election J& The Commissioner of Internal Revenue is making preparations for reducing the force of the Internal Revenue department as provided by the recent act of Oongressi. The number of collectors and assessors will be reduced from two hundred and thirty to eighty of each. The reduction of bonded Implied he had been fairly defeated and wbuld not contest. j j We. havo been informed that Judge Merrimon said to a gentleman in this city before he left, that he would have nothing to do with contesting the elep tion. : We care not what action the nfnn.K will Tirwlta.t th IncrM f " . t" . ' RUtants. in order thatthework of the bnreail legislature may take in the matter, the pepublicans will resist any attempt to seat Judge Merrimon. Caldwell was sistants, in order thatthework of the bureau may be properly performed. Some few collectors have already resigned, to takd effect on the 1st of January next, when the new law goes into effect. " The new law will be applied to Tennessee, Kentucky an Virginia first. A yellow fevr epidemic is raging in Car tagena, South America, and the American consul there prohibits American sailors from landing, refuses clean bills of health to vessels, and has taken other precautions to prevent the contagion being communica ted to yie United States. A letter from Iluntsyille, Alabama, from a leading Republican claims the State for Grant and Wilson, by 10,000 majority. Ex Senator Warner, has taken no followers worth mentioning to the support of Greeley ami the party united by his departure is alo stronger and more eflicient. 'Andy Johnson has accepted the advico of I the workingmen of Tennessee, and will run as an independent candidate for Congress-man-at-large. He takes the stump at once, Wliat Saunders? A telegram dated New York, 28th inst; states that William Saunders (colored,) was arrested to-day at Communipaw Ferry! New Jersey. On his person were found $3,500 in United States bills and Maryland bonds, supposed to be a portion' of -tho Maryland bond robbery. A dispatch from Baltimor'o says Saunders is wanted there fairly elected, and the Republicans of the State are determined that he and iho other State officers elect, shall be inaugurated in January next. If Dem ocrats and Liberal traitors see fit to de clare Merrimon elected, theconsequen cesjthat ensue from such declaration, will be upon their heads. We are sat isfied that Caldwell received a majority of the legal votes cast, and we hope he jviUljmaintai n liis rights . in the prem -ise4 ky moderate means at first at the poiht of the bayonet if necessary. Re publicans will not submit to be Ku land county, where I voted. In the first place there were three Democrats and one Republican for inspectors, and the Registrar, was a Democrat. So, you see there were four Democrats to one Republican to manage the election. In the next place there was one man voted for Merrimon who lives five or six rods over the line, in Township No. 6; another young man voted for Mer rimon, who had not been in the State thirty days in the last six or eight months. Another deaf and dumb man voted for Merrimon, who can' neither read or write. The next case was that ficej a fashionable barber,! Mr. Prem pert, who was - reported to; have voted the Republican ticket, was so threatened by his sweet-scented . and highly perfumed customers with a with drawal of their patronage, that he was compelled to crawl as it were, upon his knees and humble himself in their august presence and deny that he had been guilty of so great an indiscretion. We learn that the humiliation was so great that Mr. Prem pert sank under it, and has been lying prostrate on a bed of sickness ever since.. ? 1f.. t, 1 When The. News . tells its . readers of negro intolerance in their social circle, why is it so silent about 1 white men's intolerance in theirs ? . i n ' ' 1 ? "Woe unto you, scribes and Phari sees, hypocrites I for ye are like unto whited ? sepulchres, which ; indeed ap pear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, .and of all un- cleanness." : : ;r ; v5 . Ye , serpents, ye generation - of vi Ders. how can ye escape the damnation of heii? V the obiects for which said company is to bo &m&kMU& manjrfaturing tobacco and like .degree,' they. ,we . thelji ,exlsteoo. 1. Take, then, the counties mont ac cessible to Raleigh, either by geograpli- i - - ,.--,, I Brazen Impudence. ' V; It is a matter of infinite amusement, not only to Republicans but also to the better class of Democrats, . to. witness of Christopher Conner, who went to the the silly contortions of the rebel lead- pons to vote ine xtepuDiican ticKec throughout, but in transcribing the old list his name was somehow omitted. He went to the inspectors with his tickets and they- refused to let him tobacco and cigars, and' for purchasing all ' the proper stock, tobacco, materials,' utensils, and ma chinery, for the purpose of manufacturing tobacco, cigars, utensils, and machinery, and also for the further purpose of soiling the tobacco, cigars, utensils, and machinery so to be manufactured as aforesaid. That the amount of the capital' stock of said com pany is to be one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. - That the term of the existence of said 5 company is to be ' fifty years. That the number of shares of which said capital stock is to consist is to be sev' enteen hundred and fifty; That the number of the trustees who shall manage the con cerns of said company I for the first year is nine, arid the names of such trustees are Natiianiei Sands,' Moses H." Grinneli., Horace Greeley,1 Saoei. W.'Barnard, War. Tweed, Henry C. Holly, ' Henry and Albert S. "Yeaton, and that the, cor porations of said company are h be carried on in the city, county- and State of New .York.,..,. ., , .... . ... o , ' n Dated New York, April 25, 1871. f NATHANIEL, SANDS, MOSES H. GRINNELiL),' HORACE GREELEY, . SAMUEL W. BARNARD, WILLIAM M.: TWEED, HENRY C. HOLLY, ; HENRY HOLDREGE, COURTL'T PALMER, jr. ALBERT S YEATON, ' t City and County of New 'York; . On this Twenty-fifth day; of April, Ai D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy none, before me personally appeared Nathaniel Sands, Moses II. Gkinnell, Horace for other crimes. t In all probability this is the samel Kjpxed out of their victory. Greeley negro that Senator Ransom1 1 f h : - brought down here before the election The attention of those who believe ers of North Carolina over the result of the late election. " The an tics of no one are moire ludicrous than those of "Von Moltke," the venerable Chairman ; of GreeleV, Samuel Barnard, William T,i too.U;.' n,: M. Tweed, Henry C. -Holly, Henry When the early returns were coming HoL?REGE. Courtlandt Palmer, jr.. and WlieXl UltJ tilljy ItlUUiS Wert tUIIUUg AT,lt.n-r Vr.Tftv oil tr. t.W is. Uo retold him ifhe would ln he telegraphed to aU quartersof the samo Individuals described inar?dwho -hfed -been "registered, he Union f" a glorious Democratic vie- signed the foregoing 1 certificate, : and they tory;"t" Merrimon elected by , twelve thousand majority;" "Wood did his work well, Laus . Deo." Then all was that they right. ; The election was perfectly fair. No' cheating ; no fraud ; no corruption. sut all 01 a suaden , tnere vote : he laid his tickets on the boxes and then , told the inspectors that he had them where he wanted them. They afterwar swear that he might vote, but -he refused to do so. Thus you see ifthere was Any fraud it was on the Democratic side. . "I have not written a line but which can be substantiated by good testimo ny. If the Democrats want to know anything more about their corrupt par ical position or by telegraph pi Rail road, and observe their bearing upon the above point : T In the counties of Wake, Chatham, Orange, Granville, . Franklin, -Nash, Johnston and Harnett; i. e., the me tropolitan county, and the Counties . touching it, Caldwell gained, (Without exception, arid, in the'aggregrate, 2,057 votes, upon the vote of 1870. i iCertain ly, this indicated Merrimon 's defeat! Adding to ; the above tho 29 other counties in the State, traversed, by Rail roads or telegraph lines, which therefore, are most accessible to Raleign Cald well's nett gain in the 37 was 4,205 Shipp's total Official majority in 870 having been 4,221. This, as lit were, rendered Merri nion's defeat sure t I 2. But the theory of fraud, put forth in some degree to javoid the above re flection, is shown to be no less fabulous than the assertions to whose defence 1 1 is invoked. ' Of course we hold ourself subject to.be, convinced by specific evi dence of frauds upon the ballot,' when produced; but, meanwhile, what is tho general countenance which the subject presents? j . , ' , If there have been Republican frauds we shall expect them to appear In tho counties of large Republican majorities, where, therefore, they may best operate at the moment unobserved. , Where the opposition constitute about one-half of the population, and especially where they are iti. a' majority, such frauds are' not to be exiected,j. The local authori ties would not tolerate them. 3. In the six large Republican coun- . TX,1 1 Tf.lir. cate, and severally acknowledged to me mvo, i6w.wmwf '"'"j wui . ey signed the same for, the. uses and iuuing I'amiico;, warren, jnow liaijo- 1 Five Cent U.S. Rev. Stamp L.S. L.S. L.S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L. S. L.S. severally before me signed the said certifi- 13. a mighty to canvass for Merrimon and Greeley.' th Democratic party will not inter- ty, by asking for it they can have it by perturbation of the waters, a lowmur Saunders is a traitor to his race, and we fell, with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth wnolesale- , muring sound .is heard in the distance, doubt not would steal if he had an op-i 'Amendments'; to the ConstitutioriSis portunity. and will make things lively for the bogus J gust: Charles O'Conor. j Tle Louisville Cbmmercialot the 29th, publishes by permission of . Rlanton Duncan, the following extract from a letter addressed to Col Duncan' by Mr.! O'Conor and dated Saturday, 24th Au-! Democracy, who, in return for his sacrifices made in their behalf, have given him the cold shoulder. The Connecticut Legislature has taken up the question of compulsory education. It is said that 16,000 children in that State, between the ages of four and sixteen, do not attend school at all, and the advocates of the new law think it is a state of things which should be remedied. Among the remarkablo mineral discov eries recently made in Utah that of a bismuth mine, the only real bismuth mine, mo " I was and &m In favor of the Louisville movement. Even the mere profession of adherence to Democratic ideas must soon disappear if, without any marked dissent, the party can be transferred to its deadliest foe." ..;' '.-j From this we judge that Mri O'Conor will accept the Louisville nomination which will undoubtedly. be tendered him. With such a leader we thbrity. should not be surprised if the race Is Detween Grant and , O'Conor. The old dij-cted to ari extract from theleufer Of jllon. Jere S. Black, publishedin an other column, taking groundTor Mr. Greeley and giving reasons therefor. : ! Mr. Black says the Amendments were frauds upon the spirit and letter of the Constitution ; that sooner ortater-the courts will pronounce them void. Mr. Black means to say ; that with Mr. Greeley as President the Amendments will be dead matter on the statute books; and as soon as the Democratic party succeeded to power the U. S. Su preme Court will be manipulated so as to insure an opinion declaring them unconstitutional should a case be car ried to that Court. ; r Mr. Black is good Democratic au- He was Attorneys-General Under Buchanan ; is a leader of the Pennsylvania-: Democracy; and ihat Stampede from Greeley. ( Hon. W. H, Peckham, one of the most prominent Democrats of Kansas, is out ina letter repudiating Greeley and calling upon the Democrats of Kansas to assemble in Convention on the 29th inst., to select delegates to the Louisville Convention. A " State ticket will also be put in the field. W , , 5 f Ex-United States' Senator . O. P. Stearns, of Minnesota; hastens to deny the published report that he favors the election of Greeley. How he stands he states in vigorous language thus: ' " I have only to say that I never had any intention of supporting Mr, Gree ley, and never knowingly gave any one any. reason to suppose I had. I be lieve the Republican party is the only party now in existence which has suf ficient coherency, sagacity, and courage it gradually increases inr volume it purposes therein mentioned. 'j;-'-- : '-'."I 1- Wm. O. Shipman, ' Notary Public, Jiew York County i Indorsed. 'Filed May 23, 1871. ' Slate of NewYork City and County of New York, sa; I, Uhakles k Loew, UlerK of the said city and county, and Clerk of the grows deafening, at first it alarms, then Supreme Court of said State for said county. appalls. It is the mighty voice of the people from the' country, proclaiming their choice for. Governor, and frown ing the, premature rejoicings j , of the rebel i'crew '4 over the victory they thought they had gained by the votes of the city gentry in sections ' where Wood operated, and Blumenburg flour ished.; At , last it is ascertained : that Caldwell has beaten Merrimon; that the people have vanquished ihepoUtir cians f that virtue has prevailed over vice ; that honesty has ; baffied dishon-. esty ; that the hardy sons of old North Carolina , have routed the scheming Wood and infamous Blumenburg al-; though led on by . the , venerable and chivalrous Von Moltke; "holding in his hands; the purse of Tammany and giv- do certifv that I have compared the annexed with the original certificate of incorporation, of the Tobacco Manufacturer's Association, on file in my office, and that; the same is a rnrreet transcript therefrom, and of the wh6le of such original. j- ! , ,'!..,-, t In witness whereof, I have hereunto sub-, scribed my name, and affixed . my official seal, this 18th day of April, 1872. - .. :. CHAS. E.LOEW,; Clerk. ! ; : Tweed and his Democratic .brethren of the Tammany Ring, robbed New York city of ONE HUNDRED MIL LIONS OF DOLLARS.' t Not with- ver, and Northampton, the nett Re- publican gain Was only 036, and this in ' the face of the fact that in .1870 the ma- ;: jorities in Craven and New Hanover were exceptionally small, to the extent : of perhaps 700 votes. . ' V , , - These-gains are below' the average gams tnroughout the State. ! Indued, if they had prevailed everywhere, Mer- '. nmon would have been .elected by about ,250 voes, a small matter, it is true, but the value of which, in a cer tain sense, is best tested by observing that several millions of dollars could be commanded in order to produce a result bearing upon the Presidential election in November in a manner so different from that which lias been pro duced by actual results; " " ' 4. The largest prorata irains for Cald- far as known, in the country, it has white hat will drop out of the canvass,1 he says is in accordance with the lead fully and at the same time grapple heretofore been almost exclusively found In ana e corrupt bargain between Tarn- ers who have grasped Mr. Greeley as a k y f iwJ Saxony.and its production haa been held many and the Liberals will fallstilP pliant tool for the purpose of overthrow- foresight can see He iuahe anIbe w a monopoly by the gaxoq OovernmenU born. - ( insr tho Amendments to the Constitu- lievinsr that. I Jt to trive mvvoto W . - - V x-w -w - . CJ ., 90 - - - to administer the Government success- ing the word of command to the horde of native orators and foreign bummers who made the plains of the East and the coves of the West reverberate with their mighty eloquence. There' were standing the; robbery, .was proven,1 well occurred in the followingcounties, Tweed became a candidate and was Viz: Yancey (27 per cent), Surry (24), elected to ' the State; Senate by over Stokes (23), Cleaveland (22), Chatham twelve thousand majority. Tweed and (21), . Watauga (20), Alexander (13), his gang secured Greeley's nomination Johnston (12), Mitchell (32), Daro (31), at Cincinnati, and now .Tweed proposes Yadkin (30), Pasquotarik?(17), Beaufort to elect nis partner Jtesident of the (14),, Washington (14Wand Wilkes (14). United States. Is it possible that there The first .eight of these counties gave is a deep laid plan to rob the govern- majoritiesi for Merrimon,1 Yadkin gave ment in the event, of Greeley's elec- Caldwell a maioritv of lmfc 115. In n tn- tion ? If not,' will somebody tell us tal vote of over l.dfXV n.l vniri. k

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