'. : r. i , TR1-WKKK3LT AND WKEKLY BY 7 V The' Era; Publishing' Company. ' Xtate " of Snbcrlpiion t Tki-Wkjeklt On year, In advance, $3 00 6 months, In advance, 2 00 3 months, in adTance, 1 00 -1 month, In advance, - 60 v bkklt une year, in advance, $1 00 Six months, In advance, CO 3 VoL 2. RALEIGH, ,N; ; C, ..THURSDAY ; OCTOBER: 3, : 1872:-' i H ' ' - - . . .7'. . Reformers Combine with Thieves. "it is reported that the Democrats of I boutn Carolina nave united with the Moses wing or me itepurjilcans In the support of mo i x ivy uu urown ticket. This Is a significant movement as Mr. Mosea la mmt likely to be elected Governor, and the com- lunation win oe a verv -strong one in the SUte." New York Tribune, IZth. Well ; this is a cool report, coming as it does from The Tribune. It was . only a few days ago that th!3 same 'paper that told Tweed, the champion Democratic thief, ? that , the honest (?) Liberals would rather suffer defeat than achieve success by virtue of an alliance with rogues such as Tweed It has no word of condemnation for the reported alliance in the Palmetto State, between, Moses, who is said to have robbed his - suuof minions just as Tweed did New r. No, Greeley and hl3 supporters are desperate; defeiii and disgrace fitares them In the face; ; so they Ih tend to triumph by the uso of any and all means honorable and dishonora ble. IFor this reason the Tammany Ring is not denounced by Tfte Tribune, and the same reasons prevents the ex posure of the corrupt bargain between South Carolina Democrats and the Moses Wing of the Republican party of that State. We know nothinsr of the truth of the charges against Moses ; but it is probable that he is no better than other men whom Mr. Greeley denounc ed as ''thieving carpet-baggers.' Not? withstanding this fact, the South Caro lina Greeleyites form an alliance with Moses for the purpose of carrying the State for Greeley. Honest men Re formers in the true sense of the word would have spurned such a proposition, but Greeleyites would " covenant with the Devil" to secure the election of their chief. " That Greeley and the cor rupt crew behind him would reform any abuse now existing, is as probable as reform in the dominion of. Satan. This fact is generally understood and it will lose Greeley thousands of votes. A candidate for the Presidency backed by the New York Tammany Ring and by South Carolina thieves, will not re ceive the support of -honest men and true Reformers. c In confirmation of The Tribune re port, it is now stated that The Orange hurg Times, a Greeley organ in South Carolina, has declared for ''Moses for Governor, placing his name alongside of that of Horace Greeley. ....: WAKE, . COUNTY O h BUSINESS. :3 1 The following is ...Vtf v- OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, Wake Covert,' Raleigh, September 2d 1872. . . ; i :l WITZTESS. TICKETS ALLOWED ' ' By Jhe Board of County Commiasioners.of .Wake County, from September 4th, 1871, to Beptci ber 2d, 1872: k . .,' m DATX. Datk. a outcment or the Compensation allowed to the members of the .Hoard oi Commissioners of Wale County, from Sept. 4th, 1871, to; Aug. 31st, 1872:" IX WII06B FATOB. wnosi BY PKESEXTXD. R. W. Wmxa, for 49 days, at $2 per day, : 1 J j 6 days service outside meetings of the Board, at $2 per day, Wiiuam JrxKS, 40 days, at 2 per day, ' ; v 6 days service, outside meetings of tho Board, at f 2 per day,' J. It. Ciivtix. 45 c!itl it 12 Mr dar. 15 days service outside meetings of the Board, at 2 per day,' $ 98 00 12 00 $110 00 . , -80 00 t h ii $ 90 00 " $ 90 00 . $120 00 SaWl Ratxxs, 60 days, at f 2 per day, A. J. Nowell, 10 days, at $2 per day, M. fJ. Todd. 25 dava. at 2 Txr dav: 2 days service outside the meetings of the Board, at $2 per day, No unverified accounts were allowed. , No. of days the Board was in session fifty-two (52.) (100 00 f 20 00' 50 00 4 00 54 00 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Datk. 1871. Sept. 4 Oct. 4. IoWitt Clinton's "Duel with John Swartwout. i ... " . (From the Independent.) ; If you wish to know what manner of young man DeWitt Clinton was, you have onlv to read the official report of the duel which he fought in 1802, with John Swartwout. at WeenawKen. uiin ton was then opposing Aaron Burr, and Swartwout accused him of being actua ted in his opposition only by personal and selfish motives. i 41 He is a liar, a scoundrel and!a vil lain," exclaimed the hot-headed Clin ton. ! , , A challenge followed and the duel was fought. I suppose that it was the most remarkable affair of the kind that ever occurred out of Ireland. The first fire doin? no harm to their antag onist, one of the seconds asked Swart wout : i "Are you satisfied ?" 1 - T am not." said he. with more bluntness than courtesy. I -They fired a second time without ef- Ar vou satisfied, sir?" asked the second. i - "TCn!" thnndered Swartwout. The men fired a third time without rff when the same eentleman again politely asked Mr. Swartwout if he was satisfiied. , I : I am not," was the reply, V neither snail 1 De until inai. nuuiujr i3 uiouo whirh T demanded. Until then we must nmwed i Swartwout's second then presented a paper containing the apology demand ed, saying: "We can not spend our time in conversation. This paper must be signed, or proceed." . T will not sicnanv paper on the subieet " said Clinton, with firmness and difmity. " I have no animosity naninfct Mr. Swartwout. I Will Wll linrrlv shake hands and asrree I to meet nn the snore of former friendship." ; The fourth fire then took place, when Clinton's ball struck his obstinate an tnrmnist in the left lee below the knee. " Are vou satisfied, sir?" the wound ed man was again asked. - -' Standing firmly at his post, he an swered : It Is useless to repeat the question. My determination is fixed, and I beg we may proceed." j While the sunreon was extracting thfi hall from the ODOOsite side of Swartwout's leg, Clinton again declar ed that he had no animosity against Swartwout, that he was sorry for what had passed, and was willing to go for ward, shake hands, and bury the cir cumstance in oblivion. Swartwout, however, standing erect at his place, insisted upon the written apology. A fifth time they fired, and Clinton's ball struck his antagonist in the same leg, a little below the former wound. . "Are you satisfied, sir?" asked the second. - - j ,"I am not, sir," replied Swartwout ; " proceed.,, 1 , Clinton then left his station, threw down his pistol, and declared that he would fight no more. ; Whereupon Swartwout, turning to his second, asked ; what he should do, to which the second replied : " There is nothing further left for you now, but to have your wounds dressed." So the combat ended, and the two parties returned in their barges to the C Such was Clinton at thirty-three, when ho had already been a member of fie Legislature, and was about to enter the Senate of the United States. He was' brave to rashness, and ambitious beyond measure; but he lived unto the standard of his day, and acquitted himself of every trust with honor and distinction. . ' A; Jere Green, J E Ferrell, Jordan Womble, Thos H Briggs, J N Bunting, N J Whitaker, James McKee, Nichols Gorman, R B Ilaywood, W II & R S Tucker, Albert Pettiford, J R Nipper, A T Hood, LJ G Bromell, Battle and Sods, Era Pub. Company, E B Thomas, John Armstrong, Nichols A Gorman " 16. Nov. 8. 10. 4. Dec. 1872. Jaa. S. w i Feb. 5. 24. " 29. Mar. 7. " 11. Aprils. May S. ix wnoss KAVoa." D II Udnneycutt, il3TrrroneTcuU, -' 20. 22. 31. June 15, July S. 10. Aug. 5. 17. " 31. ( ( Robt Hall, Isaiah King, A Creech, Jeremiah Green, James Bashford, M A Parker, John R Caswell, J G Bromell, . F G King, Ral. Gas Light Co., T F Lee, Sheriff, E II Ray, M Schloss, G A Sanderford, W II & R S Tucker, II C Lashley,' Pescud, Lee b Co., Era Pub. Company, Charles Kuester, G Bromell, G Upchurch, A C Council, TF Lee, for sp. dep., S W Watts, J o U, R W Hardie, sheriff, F G King, T F Lee, sheriff, . . James McKee, D A Wicker, sp. cor., N C Standard, newsp S D Harrison, G Bromell, Saml Rayner, John R Caswell, J N Buntiner, S C C, Julius Lewis," Wm Jinks, B T Strickland, Q Busbee, attorney, Jere Green, John Gallagher, DAn icker, sp. cor. Ransom Butler, E J Moss, F G King, John C Rhodes, H W Montague, J B Davis, Nichols & Gorman, W H Bagley, S C C, BT WUOII PRESENTED Jere Green, J E Ferrell, Jordan Womble, inosvii- uncrsrs. nosU-Ur; N Bartii tins:. N J Whitaker, James McKee, Nichols & Gorman, R B Haywood, W H A R S Tucker, Albert Pettiford, JR Nipper, , J P fe Z G Gill, 1 J G Bromell, Battle and Sons, ' Era Pub-Company, E 15 Thomas, John Armstrong, Nichols s Gorman, Robert Hail, Isaiah King, - A Creech, ; Jere Green, James Bashford, M A Parker, John R Caswell, J G Bromell, FGKing,' RaL Gas Light Co., T F Lee, sheriff, E H Ray, M Schloss, G A Sanderford, . W H & R S Tucker, H C Lashley, Pescud, Lee t Co., Era Pub Company, Charles Keuster, G Bromell, G Upchurch, A C Council, T F Lee, ! S W Watts, R W Hardie, F G King, T F Lee, T F Lee, sheriff, James McKee, D A Wicker, NC Standard, S D Harrison, J G Bromell, Saml Rayner, John R Caswell, Jno N Bunting, . it Julius Lewis, - Win Jinks, B T Strickland, Quent Busbee, Jere Green, : John Gallagher, D A Wicker, Ransom Butter, EJMoss,t FGKing,1 John C Rhodes, H W Montague, JB Davis, Nichols fc Gorman, W H Bagley,' NATURE OF CLAIM. Service as guard at work house, &&, $156 00 Lumber for repairing bridge, fcc, 24 34 Provisions fcc., furnishing work house "80 77 Lumber, picks, da, for the use Co., 88 26 Blank book, special proceedings, 12 00 Assessing prop, in Swift creek dis., 24 00 Medical attendance prisoners in jail, 194 00 Blank books, tc for sheriffs office, 87 50 Post mortem ex. of T T Hoes:, Ac, I 20 00 IS pr. blankets for jail, 48 75 Services as guard at work house, 115 03 Conveying prisoners, guard, Ac., 00 4 days work on Crab Tree bridge, Ac 6 75 Holding inquest over C Rogers, Ac, j 10 50 Bal. fee hTsuit T G Whitaker. Ac. 50 00 Adv. accounts audited by board, I 50 00 Services as county examiner, I 69 00 Blank books, Ac, for use of county, 132 00 frintin?, paper, Ac ' furnished county 85 80 wnRrrtverrhLgg-po 5 OO J E Tharrington, D H Williams, J N Bunting, . T F Lee, for J Jones, Thos H Briggs, Peterson Dunn, M G Todd, L D Stephenson, Isaac Holder-field, Sam'l Rayner, U Holderfield s K S Charles Keuster, H Ferguson, Jere Green, E D Uaynes, James Dodd. R Caswell, Saml Rayner, Wn-ARS Tucker, A J Dalby, Chesley Jonea, ' W Y Chiton, A Havwood. AH Temple, r ,. J Green and others, Reuben Spencer, E D Uaynes, - WW White, TP Smith, Wm Jinks, John R Caswell, Sam 1 Rayner, , Moses G Todd, W W White, , R W Wynne, . T F Lee, H Hutchison, . A J Nowell, Dr James McKee, W II Bagley, 8 C J E Tharrington, D H Williams, J N Bunting, T F Lee. Thos H Briggs, Peterson Dunn, M GfcTodd, L D Stephenson, John Galling, . Sam 1 Rayner, Cheatham A Bro., Charles Keuster, J H Ferguson, Uere Green, E D Haynes, James Dodd, John R Caswell, Sam 1 Kavner. W H A R S Tucker, A J Dalby, Chesley Jones, W V Clifton, A Havwood. A H Temple, J Green, 1 Reuben ,Spci c.-r, E D Haynes, W W White, TPSmitb, Wm Jinks, 4 1 'John R Caswell, ' ; Saml Rayner, Moses G Todd, WW White, R W Wynne, r T F Lee, i . J n. Hutchison, A J Nowell, Dr James, McKee, W n Bagley, Arresting Thos Adkins, escaped, Ac, Keffisterinff 79 voters, sc: Blankets, shoes, Ac at work house, cords wood, $1.50, Ac, Repairing wagons, Ac, for work house Uorn, meal, Ac, for work house, 11 days pervico as County Commis., Holding; inquest, summoning, Ac, 8 days serv. as Cryer of the Court, Gas consumed in Court House, Special deputies, fall term, 1871, Arresting Bob Gunn in 1867, Boarding jurors at fall term, 1871, Registering 39 voters in 1871, 12 pair blankets for use of the county, Conveying prisoners, Ac, to jail. Medicine furnished prisoners in jail, I Advertising special term Sup. Court, Locks for jail, Ac, Holding Inquest, summoning, Ac, Conveying prisoners to jail, Ac, Keg. 80 voters at VV hite Uak township tqr special deputies, Holding Special Term Court, 25 days, Arresting Wash, raison, Ac, 25 days Cryer of Court, special term, Sundry bills for blankets, Ac, Insolvent jail fees. Medical attendance on prisoners in jail Holding an inquest over a child, Blank books, advertising, Ac,, Work house orders for pay guard, Ac Holding an inquest, summoning, Ac, 27 days service as County Commis., 27 " 5 " " Insolvents and acquittals, fall term, . .' . "I special " Shovels, Spades, Ac, for the county. 32 days service rs county Commis., Building bridge across Moccasin, Mileage in the case of Wash. Faison, 2 months serv. as guard, work house, Making side walk front Court House, Holding inquest, summoning, fca, Conveying Sol. Frarier to jail, Ac, Repairing, bridge across Smithf. road, 12 days service 6s Cryer of the Court, Arrest of B. Sturdivant, mileage, Ac, Post mortem examina. of Mrs Jones, Conveying Hill and Carver to jail, Ac Printing statement of co. finances, Ac Cost in an appeal of Geo. Henderson, ueorge .Dollar, . W. J. Green, Building bridge across Neuse River, Swilt Ureelr, Insolvents' and acquittals, spring terra Cleaning jail sinks, Ac, ,,- j Picks, handles, wash brushes, Ac. Building bridge across Neuse river, j liutfaloo creek Repairing bridge across Steep Hill, Guard at the workhouse, 11 days services as county Commis., Guard service, Ac, for work house, For repairs on jau, Ac, ' For hauljng wood for work house, For service as guard at work house, For book! rack for S. C. Clerk's office, 76 cords wood furnished work house. 16 days service as county Commis., For blankets for jail, Building bridge across Neuse river. . " " Lick Creek. Repairing bridge across Walnut creek,1 Lmaber for repairing bridge, Hauling wood fot work house. Kilning and burning brick. For making 12 poll boxes. Issuing and recording orders. For serv.'aa clerk to board of educa., For building bridge across Horse creek 8 days serv. as county Commissioner, 5 days service out. meetings of board,' 13 4 days service as county Commis., 25 out. meetings of board, as Clerk to Boa id C. C, as county Commissioner out. meetings of board. tor 3 special deputies at spring term, r . ; a. ? at. a " Registering id voters, 10 days service as county Commis., , Visits to jail, examination, Ac, ' Costs in case of the State vs W Sloan, Y. AMOUNT allo'ed. 2 87 92 84 97 40 8 00 94 10 22 00 10 50 24 46 46 10 19 1 42 12 96 00 30 50 00 00 17 00 25 25 52 49 6 c K4 3 35 14 4 2 102 416 52 75 1023 5238 115 10 266 27 8 54 54 598 595 33 64 50 7 50 69 9 3 10 36 26 10 6 11 19 6 1 "8 975 00 .109 00 620 44 12 997 270 00 00 00 50 40 00 66 SO 00 53 60 00 25 75 50 75 oo oo 57 75 60 00 00 90 oo 00 75 90 oo oo 60 00 55 18 00 00 90 00 15 50 00 00 00 75 00 00 50 DO 00 (0 00 00 00 00 20 3 22 10 41 SO 50 t 9 114 82 16 80 750 00 47 00 20 00 5 10 5 10 ; S8 00 89 00 4 343 100 124 16 10 12 8 60 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 f: 4 104 98 12 86 1 00 00 00 oo 00 88 20 00 72 00 12 80 Wake Cocntt. J I, W. W. White Clerk to tho Board of Commissioners, in and for the County aforesaid, certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount allowed the members of the Board as compensation for attendance from Sept. 4, 1871, to Sept. 2, 1872. j j ; - ! W. W. WHITE, Clerk. ACCOUNTS AUDITED By the Board of County Commissioners of Wake Countyj from September 4th, 1871, to September 2d, 1872: 1871. Sept. 4!J G Burt,. do do . David Stewart, 8 J H McAlister. " C E Scott. 18 RC Branch. do do " ' Oct. 4 John Wilson.' ' W H Matthews, Alex Jollie, .V, Virgil Rix. W H Harrison, Rilda Faison, G N Mason. Anttdny Jorda7 Wm Ihrower, W B Womble. 16i Calvin Adams,- . Wm Strickland, DFFort, Sarah Strickland, J S Glenn, Esther Hicks, Charlotte Gill, J R Finch. Martha Aycock, Wm Z Blake, Sam'l Mangum, John Ray, do do R W Bryan, Calvin Baugh, David Trice, , David Barham, - John Chavis, MarthaJIangum, xxawKins vvniie, Allen Davis, Saml Mangum, Susan White, Josiah Gilbert, Ann Wortham, Marion Love, Amanda Hodge, W D Turner, Henry Utley, W m Laws, Charley Blake, Jo C Blake, Patsey Blake, Justice Parrish, W C Stronach, J G Burt, ; do.. (Frank. co.) uavia Stewart, J H McAlister, C E Scott. R C Branch, F. co . do. do John Wilson, WH Matthews, Alcx JoIhe. . Virgil Jtix, J i W 11 Harrison,; S P :ill, WATCRB or CLAIM. Nov. 3 10 I H Collins, Robt Jones, Marg Hawkins, Tildy Todd, Kobt Mitchell, Jos G Bromell, M A Smith, Sarah Ann Davis. James Patterson, John Fuller, Major Carr, Martin Mott, Stephen Jordan, Badger Harrison, .Ldward Jones, 1873. Jan. 3 Feb. 5 F Yarborough, A H Temple, Henry Nash, J L Branton, John W Evans, Hawkins White, John H Mills, Sam'l Mangum, Dick Byrd, A R Horton, Henry Davis, Gaston Turner, Wilson Mangum, Joshua Glover, Jos Braan, Caroline Braan, Frances Jeffreys, Caroline Braan, James Doyle, ; SL Riddle, n Thos Kirks, Austin Green, Thos Kirks, R M Jones, S B. Craven, Lncy Ford, Henry Wiggins, Wright Davis, Henrietta Lynch, Calvin Utley, Zilla Utley, Laura Williams, J P Adams, C C Jewell, James' Emory, Tom Littlejohn, Peter Jones, Elizabeth Pender, Standford Cole, Louis Foote, Andrew Baker, fThos Baker, Verda Hunter, Geo Scales, hil Harrison, Henr'tta Bridgers, Richd Johnson, 4 41 . A Magnin, - iGeorge Dichl, . Nathan Sledge, W W West, Sarah Howard. A Magnin, A Magnin, ; Holly Cooper. 21 24 James Boyle, W D Hopson, John Shipp, do . v W B Womble, Calvin Adams, Wm Strickland, D F Fort, duplL, Sarah Strickland, J S Glenn, Esther Hicks, Charlotte Gill, J R Finch, Martha Aycock, Wm Z Blake, Saml Mangum, John Kay, do do R W Bryan, Calvin Baugh, David Trice, David Barham, John Chavis, Martha Mangum, Hawkins White, Allen Davis, 44 44 Saml Mangum, Susan White, Josiah Gilbert, Ann Wortham, -Marion Love, Amanda Hodge, W D Turner, H Utley, Frank co Wm Laws, Charley Blake, Jo C Blake, Patsey Blake, Justice Parrish, W C Stronach, 44 14 I H Collins,; Robt Jones,! Marg Hawkins, Tildy Todd, : Robt Mitchell, G Bromell, MA Smitli, l 44 1 Sarah Ann Davis. James Patterson, John Fuller, Major Carr, Martin Mott, Stephen Jordan, Badger Harrison, .Ldward Jones, Caroline Jones, Gas State ys Jaa Howell, et al., special term, 71 j ' do j Eli Dampier, 'do ' Wm At water, " : do j A H Pittman, do . J Howell, et al, do - do ; -do M NunnaHy, . do V J P Chandler, ? do i Lila Griffice, . . do ' , - do l d0 Q Bryant. ' do. Sol Frazier, Kate Barrett. Dawson Lewis, Nor Rains, et al, Sol Frazier, H: ICaroline Jones, I m . -V-v . . . If . . AV . . ... A ,u ton jjroMrbton'waspLrougntonr J H McAlister. G C Lumly, Y P Lashly, K W 13ryan, -, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do do do do ' do do do do do do do do ' J H McAlister, G C Lumley, YP Lashley, R W Bryan, W H Tucker A Co A II Temple, S D Harrison, l 44 John W Evans, Hawkins White. John H Mills, Saml Mangum, Dick Byrd, A R Horton; Henry Davis, . Gaston Turner, Wilson Mangum, Joshua Glover, 44 44 Joa Braan, ! ' 44 .4 Caroline Braan, Frances Jeffreys, Caroline Braan, James Doyle, Howell Moss, 4 Wm Attwater, Alfred Vincent. Isaac Smith,.. R C Council, -"! Alex Hardie, . John Gallagher, Saml llamsay, Ann Ramsay, A Ann Ramsay, Frank Ramsay, Saml Ramsay, Frank; Ramsay, SL Riddle, II 44 Thos Kirks, Austin Green, ; 44' 44 Thos Kirks, R M Jones, S B Craven, Lucy Ford, Henry Wiggins, Wright Davis, Hen Lynch, Calvin Utley, Zilla Utley, Laura Williams, J P Adams, j C C Jewell, James Emory, : Tom Littlejohn, Peter Jones, Elizabeth Pender, 4 4i Standford Cole, Louis Foote, Andrew Baker, Thos Baker, ' Verda Hunter, Geo Scales, hil Harrison, Henr'tta Bridgers, Richd Johnson, A Magnin, Ueorge Dichl, i , Nathan Sledge, fWWVest, Sarah Howard, A Magnin, v. A Magnin, Holly Cooper, ; James Doyle, W D Hopson, 4 John Shipp, 44 - 44 t 4l 14 . 44 . ' Howell Moss, Wm Attwater, Alfred Vincett Isaac Smith, R C Council, : Alex Hardie, John Gallagher, Saml Kamsay, Annis Ramsay, A N Ramsay, . Frank P Ramsay, Saml Ramsay, Frank Ramsay, ' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do i do 1 do do do do do do do : do ! do ! do i do do i do ; do do, do do do, do j do i do do i do.1 do do! do do doi do do , do do do do do do .do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do spring - do do do '6T,; do do '71. falli do - 4 67.; spring term 71; special term, '71, spring term, 71, spring term, 70. fall - do '70, do i '70, doH ' '68. ? spring tot m, '71 J spring ternwri special term, '71 special term, 71 spring term'71 AMOST AIXO'O. do do y. do do do fall i do i do ! spring fall do j fall ' spring do do do An. 'do ;di do do do do do i Brit Hawkins, ' : Buny Hinton, Lucius Griffis, Lila Griffis, -: Lucius Griffis, John Phoenix, G Faribault, J Q Adams, John Gallagher, Henry Harrison, Tucker A Mangum,do Col Bridgers, fall do do do do do do i do do Prince Jones, May Stephen May, fall John Gallagher, do RD Weathers, do Jackson Maynard,spring Jas Howell, et al, do I E F Jones, OAT David Fann, fall ! do do do do do . do ; Jackson May nor, spring Jo Collins, OAT do fall j Jas Howell, et al, special Jno Gallagher, fall Tilley A Jackson, do do . do do do James Saintsing, L Ferrell, et al, do do George Dollar, Wm Green, do do ; John Cole, Peter Morgan, Smith and Jones, do do Wm Jones, ' do do ' ' Jeff Adkins, tl Til ii !, do do do' Aug Jan ; fall do do do do do do do do -" do 1 1, r. Wm Atwater; V ' fall Jaa Jeffreys, do Jas Howell, et al, spring David Fann, fall do do special . Hawkins Taylor, spring Peter Morgan, fall - John Cole, et al, do Arch Perkins, et al do James Jeffreys, do Lucius Griffice, do K Ann Edwards, : do Lucius Griffice, . do Young Ferrell, spring do do do F G Young, fall . Henry Harrison, do Sally Norwood, do Wash Cross; do Ransom Utley, do do : do spring h Jeff Adkins, . fall i do do special do do fall : do do special do do do . Dawson Davis, ' do i Calvin Terrell, spring, i do do '; fall " do do ' special , do do fall do do special Simpson Mordecaifall do do special Earp A Emory, special Tobe Nelson, do do do fall Earp A Emory, do Jos George, . special Jane Ferrell, spring Hawk Taylor, special do do do do do do do do f do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ,do do do do do, do . do do do do '70 '68 '7 '70 '71 '70 '71 '71 '71 '71 '68 '71 '69 '70 '71 '69 '68 '71 '71 '66 '70 '71 '70 "4 19 10 12 9 : s 9 18 8 5 8 S 7 : 55 5 5 ;-5' 5 :i 9- 1 1 ! 6 l i 4 3 '4 S 4 I! 1 2 ! 2 ii ii 12 13 14 3 10 :2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 : i 6 10 9 40 2 88 24 10 40 50 10 10 10 10 20 02 Hates of Advertising i Ono sqTiare, bnetlrne, X' - - i 00 " : two ttiues,- - - i - 1 50 , ;Vt---J-i three tknea,- - . 2 00 ' A 2uare i3 .th4 tpidih of a column, and 1 inch detpt ,'?' fQf ' i'i- Coiitnwt i Advertlaemento- tai en a.t proportionately Jaw. rates. j Professional CardsLnot exceolinfr t will be published one year for fl2 WITNESS TICKETS-Contiiiucd. IN WnOSX FAVOR, WHOM BT PEXSENTED.I 1 ft. . NATURE or CLAIM. 10 10 00 i 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 10 10 90 10 60 10 10 30 10 10 50 94 92 82 56 94 90 10 10 10 60 I 80 08 00 00 00 54 80 90 70 10 18 18 18 10 45 45 60 70 90 10 10 00 00 10 Mayt J W Holden, et al, do John Stith, - spring Ed Tucker, do Moses Norris, do do do fall Jane Freeman, spring Rufus Ford, fall Julius Bridgers, special Jubal Emory, do Orange Page, do Simpson Mordecai,fall . do ; ' do'- - do do do special do do do , Rich'(TAcir, do do do ' ' ,do do do do Dawson Davis. - do J A Hundley, do M Kelly, do Julius Bridgers, do Boocker Peck, do do v do fall Henry Garrard, special do do do . . do do do Gorman A McDon. do James Saintsing, fall Peter Badger, special Earp A Emory, specal do do ' do do ' ' do fall f do do -. spring. McDonald A Gormspecial Young Ferrell, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Jeff Adkins, do Orange Page," Booker Peck,. George Baugh, .Barker,' et al, James Saintsing. Jones A Bryant, Prince A Norris; do do do do do do do do do do spring fall SFT spring i fall spring fall special do do do do spring fall do do do do do . special do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do! do do do do do do do. do ! do do do do do do do do do do. klo do do do do do do. do j dp do do do do do Ido do do do do do do do do do" do do do ' do do do do do jdo 'do do jdo : dO ,'do do do do 'do ido do do do '71 70 '71 '70 '69 '71 '69 '70 '69 '70 '71 '67 '71 '66 '69 '70 '71 '72 '71 '72 '70 '71 '72 '71 72 '72 '72 '71 '72 '71 70 '69 '70 ! '72 - 6 44 1872. - Feb 24 Ann Ramsay, A Ann Ramsay, uiiey xearDV, IT Ti .QltuIrM h . Uurt. Whitaker, Joseph Wilson, is IS Jones,. S It Jones, Anthony. Cook. Mar. 7 WmOverby, ? . r r tt 7 . o u Harris, J M Blair, J McLean, 11 MerrittjWilliams, o B Craven. Apr 8 John, Spelman, do . do, Susffr barlow. Jm Elder, Sarah Cole, George Cole Berlv Adkins.' . Hubbard Kelly' Robert Crossan, Hubbard Kelly, Joseph Raglan d. Ko.bert Crossan, Havw'd Thomas. Joel Powers, Jere Green, do do do do Robert Smith, i E A. Johnson. : do do S D Harrison, ; do do L D Goodloe, Robert Shepard, Madison Wynne, Isaac Holderfield, JB Jordan, do do Abram Young, j . do do RS Allen. ! fW LYounar. : I David Hamlet, do"- do L C Manly, - - Walter Montague, do. do Reuben Greene, Emily Greene, , B H Norris, Thomas Sauls, ; Zilla Norris, i Wvatt PrincA John Peirce. do do : do do do do . Nat Upchurch, do . do i l do ' do I -; J M Martin, Wm Oneal, . W Sadler, r C T Murphy, j A Perry, .? j do do Robt Crossan, - i do do-.ol Ellen Howell, - L Kiddle. Ann Ramsay, A Ann Ramsay, Riley Yearby, TDSledge," Bart Whitaker. Joseph Wilson,; t a a Jones, S L Jones, , Anthony Cook, Wm Overbyr ' C L Harris, .. J M Blair, 'John McLean, ; John Gatling, . do; . do John. Spelman, ; -do- do " Susan Barlow; JM Elder, RS Tucker, State vs Prince A Norris, social term 72 do do, do do do' do do do do do; do do do do do do Joel Powers, Jere Green, , do do do do i Robt Smith' E A Johnson, 44 . 44 S D Harrison, do do do do do do do do do do B Jordan, do do " Abram Young, do do RS Allen, J T Harris, ; do do T, do do LC Manly, Walter Montague, do do G H Snow, : 'do do B H Norriss, Thomas Sauls, G H Snow, W Prince, John Peirce,. do - do Op " do do do Nat Upchurch, do do do do J M Martin, - Wm Oneal, T W Saddler, C T Murphy, B A Perry, do do Kobt Crossan, do do s Ellen Howell, SNL Riddle, 45 5: 90 9; 60 18 10 4' 60 9: 10 s: 10 6 10 6! 10 5' 90 6i60 1160 8:30 5140 H74 3'90 3ao 2:90 4;90 9 :90 810 8.:i6 11 10 5 11 11 1 16 10 ao 10 12 10 8 10 6 10 1210 1 10 8 io 10 10 3 58 12 10 2 10 '71 '72 '71 '72 '72 '72 '71 70 '71 '70 '71 '72 70 "71 '72 1 2 4 9 8 9 6 10 10 12 4 , 2 2 Jl 1 6 ,7 11 12 12 12 1 9 8 2 '7 5 6 6 2 2 5 -8 8 S 2 1 2 5 6 : 1 ; 6 5 6 1 5 11 8 8 ;s 5 5 6 5 5 5 16 6 6 30 88 io 10 10 10 10 05 76 10 eo 76 46 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 10 10 10 76 10 18 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 84 10 50 80 98 86 80 60 90 90 10 10 22 10 82 40 10 10 34 34 84 34 10 52 Harrison, Louis Vorhees, Ehos Hampson, B L Bingham, J W Harriss, Lynn Adams, do do Louis Vorheef, Nancy Mitchell, W A (iower, Nat Upchurch, Stanford Cole, do do t Stanlv Stephens. David Clements, W H Tucker A Co do . do do do., do do, do ' do 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do v j . do do ,;, do ;' do V , do -do ; do do ' do do do do do do do do. do 'do W H Tucker A Co " do J S Bryant, do do do do do do do do do do May 20 John Person, .Louis Vorhees. Thos Hampson, BL Bingham, , J W Harriss, ; Lynn Adams, Everett Eatman, Louis Vorheef, Nancy Mitchell, W A Grower, ; Nat Upchurch, f 21 Stanford Cole, i do do i 1 Stanly Stephens, David Clements, Mary Boylan, ' ! Rich'd Brown, . I do , do ; do do Augusta Fort, f do 1 do j 1 ; do do John Edgerton, . do : do Matthew Cooper, do do do do do. do do - do A B Williams, do do l do do Moses Patterson, Robt Crossan, : do do do do . I L D Goodloe.v j do do l Bennett Chavisj do do I J S Bryan. j 22 Burwell Bell, jr., T L Love, do do do do i do do, , do do . Henry Holderfield 81 Jackson Moss, ' Charles Erwin, Alfred Lewis, J G Bromell, : Thomas Dancy, Wm Riggsbee, . B Crenshaw, ; M Goodwin, lr do-, do Jun 151 W Lashley, Hinton Segravea, Mary Adams, do do ;: do do . j do do f; Victoria Teasley, do do f do do j':; do do John Price, 29 OA Driver, . do '. do July 8 Judge Moore, - riummer oneaa, Judge Moore, ; V W J HoUeman, do do J F Cheatham,' do do I ; Aug 5 J W Buck, . i do ao - : r Joseph Morgan, ; John C Palmer, j Vashti Morgan, ! AG Carr, n ! 17 Miner Wilson, do do : ' do do lM Charles McLean, Jo Buchanan, . Isaac Ward, Lee Jackson, Alfred .Vincent,' Robt Crossan, : do do Howard Eatman, PT R Lamb, James M Harris,' do ; . do r do do ' Jackson Moss, John Gatling, do do fdo do do do do do do do Miles Goodwin, do do J W Lashley, i tCheatham A Bro Mary Adams, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do John Price, C A Driver, do . do UTeff Fisher, do ; .do do do t , W JHolleman, do .do J F Cheatham, do do UWTBuck, ' 4( , 44 ., . Sv Joseph Morgan, John C Palmer. , Vashti Morgan, . A G Uarr, ; ; S D Harrison, , do- do ' do do do do f Jo Buchanan, Isaac Ward, Lee Jackson,' : . Alfred Vincent, , Robt Crossan, . do ; do ' Howard Eatman, TR Lamb,;- f (James.. M .Harriss,1 do do do do do do ido do do do do do s do do do do do do do do do do do :.dO do do do do do ko do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ! do do . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 do do I: do; "do do do do ' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ;j dO ido ' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do- do do do do do do do do do !do ! do do do. . do rLo do do , do i do do do . do do do do do do do do do ; do do do do do do do ' do do v do Wm Terry, r - Thoa AdamsA Prince A Norris, ' Jeff Adkins, George Baugh, do ' do Peter Badger; i : Jaa Whiuker, MS Littlefield, Lewis Sparrow ' Wash Faison. t Aug Fort, .'Frank Alston Jo Turner, Jr., - do do :, P - Wm TaiTr.' do do do v do fall s epecial do do do fan " ' spring ' fall S epecial fall Tppccial -"dd . Ho ' . O A T. do 5do do do do do do da do do do do do do do AMO'KT ailo'd. 70 '72 '70 '71 '71 Hend'w'nxEjrawnspecialtdo ; .72 Orange: Pagr. .v j .do- do v 4do .. -do - do do ., ; . .1 -do ;Jeff Adkms ; fall,' " . do do ' ' special ; do do - do ' Price A Norriss, . ! do SimDson Mordecai da Jo Tprner, Jr., do Penitentiary, spring Work House, ' ' do do do do Lee and Temple, do do; do do Branton A Carter, special do do spring do do do do do special do do fall Moses Thompson, spring do do ' 1 do -Work House, i do Lee and Temple, special do do spring do do do - do do i do., JFFort, do Penitentiary, , t j do do '-;( : " '' i'-'do "'do' '.; -J '" do Lee and Temple, do W W Woodell, do -do do 'special ' Ki Cross,' spring do do Wm Thrower, special . Jackson f MaynorBpring Saml Ramsay, do '. do do Mang'm A Griss'm i do do do ; .fall do do ' "do do do OAT Isaac O'Kelly, W W WoodeU, Isaac O'Kelly, Jos George, ; do Work House, Poor House, Lee and do do spring James Hill et al,fall .iu, do - 'spring" Holloman A Utly.fall 1 Jane Sinppson, , ... do do . . ' - ! Frpcinl Lee and Temple, -do J Orange Page, ; . special and Temple.epring 6 6 2 4 8 4 1 1 15 7 5 8 8 8 8 2 8 10 52' 46 10, 10 10 88 88 10 10 00 10 85 14 10 10 10 53 iO' 20 71 72 Lee Henry Reaves, , d0 do, Nick Perry, Penitentiary, Poor House, Penitentiary, W W Woodell, Jane Simpson, do Lee and Temple, do Merritt Cook, do ; . do : do r do ; . do ' i do do do Frank Slade, do- dO : .do ; do Lee and do !.:.. do '; do f - ; Jane Simpson, do . Work House, Poor House, do T F Lee, Frank Slade, do do. do do Work House, Quent Bryant, Penitentiary, do ' do do Dicey Hinton,.' : - do Penitentiary, do do , Rufus Ford, Mark Williams, : do do do -'do.'"'-.'""-' " do V-V;'- do ,' , : do Charles Blue, . M M Williams, do Jeff Adkins, Richd Carver. Jeff Adkins, spring do :do special do spring do- Temple, special . do do do do do do do 144. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do if do do do do do do do do do do do do' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do. do' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do o! doj '71 do17 do do do do do do do do do do do do do 'do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do. do do do do do do do do do 10 00 70 '71 '72 71 :'7o '69 '70 '71 72 '71 '72 '70 11 t 1 1 1 , 8 11 11 5 10 2 2 1 5 .1 3 12 : 8 11 12 3 7 7 5 7 :6 5 1 1 8 1 1 '4 25 25 23 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 28 28' 28 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 40 10 10 10 10 83 16 10 40 23 3 10 9 10 10 10 20 82 70' 70 60 10 10 60 10 10 60 88 94 31 10 46 46 60 10 60 10 it 15 15 8 1 2 '2 3 .8 8 6 2 3 1 6 6 2 2 cl 7 18 18 12 8 r: 1 10 special do ido spring . & do special i do spring do do do spring special fall do special spring do ' i special - do. fall ; ' v - do ' spring. 7 .fall Temple, do ' .. spring ' special " ' spring special spring . do '67 '72 Branton A Carter,special spring do do do fall m. epecial do . fall ' spring do fall spring do do do . do ' do " do do do fall fall .fall spring special ' Bnri n n " o '71 '72 71 '72 i'70 i'71 i'72 tria 72 f70 '72 ,'71 f70 72 faU special spring fall special spring special do 1:: fall Lee and Temple,epecial do ' SDrincr Rufus Ford, ' ,tal Wm Thrower, special Moses Norris, , fall -' do spring Sam Ramsay, ' . do J A Hundley, ' 1 special Saml Ramsay, spring. Peter Morgan, fall Dicey Hinton, 4 special do .. spring Hawkins Taylor.fall Before Grand Jury do Hend'rs'n ABrownspecial Fennell Harris, . f . .. do , ' do ' : do.. Booker I Peck,1 fall ' Jeff Adkins; K 1 do Simpson Mordecai i do A '69 71 71 '72 '72 '71 '71 72 '72! 71 '72 '72 r'72 '71 '72 70 do .'71 do -'69 do-. '701 do ! '72, Turner Mullen, do T F Lte, do do : Ctntfwed onfovrih pag. do do . special fall spring do do5 do do do do do do' do dd do ( do do do , do, do; do 71 '72 71 701 72 71 67j 72' 71 72 "3 .1 11 11 11 2 2 .1 1 12 8 4 1 1 6 6 10 5 9 12 6 6 10 3 3 !-7 2 ..3 tl 5 10, 7! 8" 4 ,8 12 -8 .1 10 10 10 34 10 50 10 46 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 10 .10 26 34 26 26 50 18 22 22 22 10 10 10 10 12 46 1 10 2 10 05 06 74 00 00 28 70 10 10 10 10 10 06 10 10 10 90 10 10 10 10- 10 10 10 2 4 4 4 3 1 4 3 2 2 ' 4 2 ,1 4 8 4 5 .2 0 ,'4 '5 6 ,2 5 ' 4 6 11 12 8 5 ' TJ 18 :3 .7 13 2 2 J2 5 2 .3 3 1 13 2 2 "5 8 6 5 5 4 ':6 2 i 1 10 18 1 10 do 10 12 10 46 46 10 10 10 60 46' 10 62 10 10 10 10 12 90 06 06 18 10 1Q 60 80 10 10 10 IT

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