J' - . w - i Jl TKI-WKKKLT ATO WKK1CLT BT One square, one time, ' - $1 00 " , two times,- '- - 160 ; t 'three times,ifi f--i 1 2 00 ; A square is the width of a column, and 1 inch deep -IwrVf; 259 Contract 'Advertisements ! . taken at no uia i uuiioiiiii uuuipaiijt Yn.. Mrs w ' . 9 " ;t. tri- kekly One year, in advance, S3 00 1 0 moDios, in auTance, ., a w 1 month, in advance 1 CO 1 'V proportionately low. rates. j ( - r ;t ' Professional Cards, notexdeedirigl square, will he published one year for 12. Wkkklt One year. In advance $1 00 Vol. 2. six paont&s, m advance, - 1 60 I I'. . . . , . ..... i . . .., ..... . ygC -Nrt.urwrra W4.Jnn4- ftiipNji3wRW4iii' VVtVT III". .T , . . -: ! 1 The Cost of a Row. A contest of the election of Governor win cost the Deople of .North Carolina not less than five hundred thousand dol lars. Such a contest will develope quite as m ucn , ii not more,jrauct on the Demo cratic tide than on the Republican. It is a matter, therefore, not seriously to be feared by Republicans, as mere par tisans; but as citizens, desiring: the good of the whole community and the prosperity of the State, - we deprecate sucn a contest. . v , , . , It will drive Immigration away from ouraoors. - ; It will drive capital away from us. It will drive away skilled laborers and mechanics, who want quiet homes and peacerui pursuits among: us. It will establish the belief which 13 now prevalent at the North, 'and In foreiprn countries, that we are to have in Isorth, Carolina a - succession of fierce contentions about tho oCices ' of the State, but. little short of civil war.' It will repeat the folly and wasteful expense of the impeachment trial, which cost sixty thousand dollars. The contest now proposed will cost ten times as much. - i it will repeat the roily and expense and irritation of the Convention Hcheme, which, at great cost, was bur ied by the people under an opposing majority or over nine thousand, votes. 1 he recollection of these Democratic enterprises is fresh in the minds of the Ieople. Will the solid men of any party in North Carolina sanction a re petition of such extravagancies and ex- Iensive romesr WAKE COUNTY BUSINESS. i 1 : WITNESS TICKETS AXI.OWEI WGt ri! By the Board of County Commissioners of Wale County, from. September 4th, 1871, to Septem- ..A ri WITNESS TICKETS Continued. DATE. OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, r Wakk Coustt, ' j "Raleigh, September 2d. 1872. The following U a Statonicnt of tlic Compensation1 allowed -to the niembcrs of the Board of Commissioners of WaKo'County, froai Scptf 4th, 1871, to Aug. 31st, 1872: . R. W. Wrsx, for 49 days, at 2 per day, . !j ; r ' t 88 00 , days service outside meetings of the Board, at $2 per day, r ' . .' 12 00 : 'ber 2d, 1872:- 1872; Feb 24 Datk. 1871. Sept. $110 00 William Jixks, 40 days, at f3 per day, . -. ' ! ; 6 days service, outside meetings of tho Board, at 2 per day, 80 00 10 00 t 4 . i J. 1L Caswell. 45 dava. at 22 per da v. ... 15 days Btrvico ontaido meetings of tho Board, nt 2 per day, Saiii. Ratksr, 60 days, at $2 per day, ." f - - .. " - -'(!.''.! ; . A. J. Nowill, 10 days, at f 2 per day , J.' i '; . - . M. O. Todd, 25 days, at $2" per day, I ' ' 't 2 days service outeido the meetings of tho iioard, at 2 per day, No unverified accounts were allowed. No. of days the Board was in session fifty-two (52.) $ 90 00 90 00 so 00 1 1 '$120 00 -I $100 00 ; :. 20 00 " 54 00 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) ' Wakk Cocxtt. J I, "W. W. Whiter Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, Kven Gov. Vance Was said to be op- J in and for the County aforesaid, certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the posed to impeachment and the Con vention movement. It is said that he is now the chief fomentor of a contest over the Governor's election.' That such a contest will enure to his benefit, by putting out of his way Judge Mer- ri in on, his most formidable rival, is a very obvious reason why" Gov.! Vance should plunge the State into civil com motion ; but will the people Justify the legislature in such a step r Vance has to make a row, or Merrimon will beat him for the Senate; and he adroitly goes about getting up this contest over the Governor's election. It is easy enough for him to do this, as the Dem ocratic papers in the State are all con trolled by him and Ransom, and are nearly all against Judge Merrimon, for the Senate, while the masses I of hi3 party are for him. Asheville Pioneer. Date. fisrures Tho Increase of our Republican White Vote. A close examination of the will show the very important fact that the Democrats have been defeated in , this State, not by the colored, but by : the ichite vote. Look at the official re turns. In the eastern counties, where the colored population is dense, . the average Republican Increase per coun ty 243, and the Democrats 179. ! In the centre of the State, where whites and blacks are more evenly balanced, we find an average Republican increase of 243 per county, and a Democratic in crease of 169 : but in the west 1 where the whites creatly preponderate, there is an average Republican Increase per county of 21G, while , the Democratic cain is only 15G. In other words : As the .white population increases, the Democratic gain steadily decreases, while the Republican gam increases. Now had the relative vote of the two parties in the counties where the white . vote is largest remained as in 1870, and the increase of both in the other coun ties been as they are, the Republicans would have been overwhelmingly de feated. We owe our success ;then to the gratifying tact that a large addi tional number of while men have shaken off the bonds of prejudice and voted the Republican ticket. The Republi can party is rapidly gaining a firm foot hola among the masses of the Southern whites, ana here in North Carolina, by the Union of patriots, white and black, it is becoming: invincible. North Car- olinian. . 1871. Sept. 4. 8. Oct. 4. 1 16. Nov. 3. Tammany King, j "Tammany has left the tax payers of New York an annual souvenir of a very touching character. The amount to be raised by taxation in that city for the present year Is $30,427,523, which Is equal to two cents and nine mill on the dollar of the assessed valuation of property." Chicago Times. , Yet we are asked to enthrone this saintly set here in Washington to punfy the Government and institute Reform I Is it any wonder ithat the people are repudiating the managers of the Greeley campaign and branding their; corrupt alliance for place and power. We do not wish to Intimate . ' that Mr. Greeley has any desire or pur pose to plunder the Treasury 01 tne country ror his own personal benefit. We do not believe that, nardoeshe be lieve any such thing of General Grant, notwithstanding all the assertions to that efTect.' But we do believe, and the country, believes, that the men who have made Mr. Greeley candidate for the residency will do for reform just what . Tammany has done In New York. Washington Chronicle. f IS WHOSE FAVOR. ? 10. Dec. 1872. Jaa. S. Feb. 5 24 29. Mar. 7. " ll. April 8. May 8. Tlie Democrats of Philadelphia find occasion to revise their opinion of the Congressional election law. They de 'mand iU enforcement therej because they say that otherwise the (Cameron ring propose to carry the election by fraud. The fact I3 they are willing to adopt any of the "oppressive measures of Congress" to win. - -J ' y 1 . " ' t : J Grcelej's Prospects Blue.u The political out-look, in Mississippi indicate 'that Greeley's" prospects for carrying the State are no; better than they were three months before he was thought of as a . candidate ; and not much better than .they were in 1860, when he would have been hanged be- fore he could have penetrated the State to the extent of six miles and a half. Mississippi Pilot. ..... I,;; Consistency. Southern papers de ' jiouncing Andrew Johnson for'bitter ' terness toward the South during the wAr, and calling men traitors ' to the South who won't for Greeley. . Beau tiful, isn't it? Think about it. Mem phis Avalanche. 20. 22. M ft 31. June 15. ., July 3 10. Aug. 5. 17. SI. u Jere Green, J E Ferrell, Jordan Womble, Thos II" Briggs, J N Hunting, N J Whitaker, James McKee, Nichols Gorman, R B Haywood, WUJcRS Tucker, Albert rettiford, J R Nipper, A T Hood, J G Bromell, Battle and Sons, . Era Pub. Company, E B Thomas, John Armstrong, ruchols s (iorman, D H Hunneycutt, Kobt Hall, Isaiah King, A Creech, Jeremiah Green, James Bashford, M A Parker, John R Caswell, J G Bromell, F G King, KaL Gas Light Co., T F Lee, Sheriff. E H Ray, M Schloss, ' G A Sanderford, W II 4 11 S Tucker, II C Lashley, Pescud, Lee fc Co., Era Pub. Company, Charles Kuester, J G Bromell, G Upchurch, A C Council, T F Lee, for sp. dep. S W Watts, JSC, R W Hardie, sheriff, F G King, T F Lee, sheriff. James McKee, D A W icker, sp. cor., BY WHOM PRESENTED. Jere Green, J E Ferrell, Jordan Womble, Thos II Briggs, J N Burting, N J Whitaker, James McKee, Nichols it Gorman, R B Haywood, - W H fe R S Tucker, Albert Pettiford, J R Nipper,1 JPfc Z GGill. J G Bromell. Battle and Sons, Era Pub Company, K 15 Thomas, John Armstrong, Nichols fe Gorman, D U Honeycutt, KobertUall, Isaiah King, A Creech, 1 Jere Gretn, (James Bashford, MA Parker, John It Caswell, J G Bromell, FGKing,J RaL Gas Light Co., T F Lee, sheriff, EH Ray, M Schloss, G A Sanderford, W H fc R S Tucker, U U Lashley, Pescud, Leo t Co., X C Standard, new6p N C Standard, S D Harrison, J G Bromell. SamT Rayner, John R Caswell, J N Bunting, S C C, mm . Julius Lewis, Wm Jinks, B T Strickland, Q Busbee, attorney, Jere Green, John Gallagher, D A Wicker, sp. cor. Ransom Butler, E J Moss. F G King, John C Rhodes, H W Montague, J B Davis, Nichols s Gorman, W U Bagley, S C C, J E Tharrington, D II Williams, Is Buntmr, fT FLee, for J Jones, Thos II Briggs, eterson Dunn, M G Todd, L D Stephenson, saae llolderheld. Sam'l Rayner, II Holderncld fc RS Charles Keuster, J H Ferguijon, Jere Green, . f E D Haynes, James Dodd. R Caswell, Saml Rayner, W II b R S Tucker, A J Dalby, r- . Chesley Jones, WV Clifton. A Havwood.- A H Temple, J Green and others, Reuben Spencer, E D Haynes, W W.White, T P Smith, ' Wm Jinks, ohn R Caswell, Sam'l Rayner, Moses G Todd, ! 'fr i.'jr4 r-.-i; ,1 W W White, . R.W Wynne, m mm ... - F Lee, : J H Hutchison, '"., a J Noweii, ; . ; Dr James McKee, . Y n Bagley, 8CC.I I Era Pub Company, Charles Keuster, J G Bromell, G Upchurch,". A C Council, T F Lee. j 8 W Watts R W Hardje, FGKing, T F Lee, T F Lee, sheriff, James McKee, D A Wickpr, NATURE OF CLAIM. S D Harrison, J G Bromell, Saml Rayner, John R Caswell, Jno N Bunting' 1 Julius Lewis, Wm Jinks, B T Strickland, Quent Busbee, Jere Green, John Gallagher, D A Wicker, Ransom Butter, E J Moss, I F G King,' John C Rhodes, HW Montague, JB Davis," Nichols fc Gorman, V H Bagley, C : mm j ' E Tharrington, D H Williams. N Banting, T F Lee, Tho? H Briggs,, Peterson Dunn, M G Todd, L D Stephenson; John Gatling, Sam'l Rayner,. Cheatham t Bro., Charles Keuster, J H Ferguson, Jere Green, E D Haynes, James Dodd, John R Caswell, Sam 1 Rayner, W II & R S Tucker, A J Dalby, Chesley 'Jones, W V Clifton, A Haywood, A H Temple, J Green,! Reuben Spei c ;r, E D Haynes. W.W.White, ,' M I T P Smith, Wm Jinks, . . 1 ' John R Caswell, Sam'l Ravner, Moses GTodd, 1 " W W White. R W Wynne, TF Lee, J H Hutchison, A J Nowell, Dr James McKee, W II Bagley, Service as' guard at work house, fec. Lumber for repairing bridge, tfcc. Provisions tc, furnishing work house Lumber picks, fec, for the use Co., Blank book, special proceedings, Assessing prop, in Swift creek dis., Medical attendance prisoners in jail. Blank books, da, for sheriffs office, Post mqrtem ex. of T T Hogg, fcc, 13 lr. blankets for jail, ' '- Services as guard at work house, Conveying prisoners, guard, tc, 4 days work on Crab Tree bridge, fcc Holding inquest oVer C Rogers, Ac., Bal. fef in suit T G Whitaker, Ac, Adv. amounts audited by board. services as county examiner, Blank books,' Ac, for use of county, Printing, paper, Ac furnished county Kepairtng bridge across Xeuse river. Arresting Thos Adkins, escaped, Ac, Registering" 79 voters, Ac, Blankejs, shoes, Ac, at work house, 4. cor!s wood, $1.50, Ac, Repair In a: wagons, Ac, for work house Corn, meal, Ac, for work house, 11 days service as County Commis., Holding inquest, summoning, Ac, 8 days serv. an Cryer of the Court, Gas cotosnmed in Court House, Special deputies, fall term, 1871, Arresting Bob Gunn in 1867, Boarding jurors at fall term, 1871, Registering 39 voters m 1871, 12 pair blankets for use of the county, Convevintr prisoners. Ac. to iail. mf - O . J - - Medicine furnished prisoners in jail, r ., - -v.-. . . Advertising special term Sup. Court, Locks for jail, fcc, T T 1 1 ? a iioxaing inquest, summoning, tea, Conveying prisoners to jail, Ac, Reg. 80 voters at White Oak township lor special deputies, Holding special Term Court, 55 days, Arresting Wash, xaison, dc, 25 days, Cryer of Court, special term, bunaryibills for blankets, Ac, , Insolvent jail fees, Medical attendance on prisoners in jail iaoiuiog an inquest over a cnuu, . Blank books, advertisiner, Ac. Work house orders for pay guard, Ac Holding ; an inquest, summoning, Ac, 27 days service as (Jounty Commis., 27 ." . ! Insolvepts and acquittals, fall term, " ' special " Shovel, spadesKAc, for the county. 32 days service as county Commis., Building bridge across Moccasin, Mileage in the case of Wash. Faison, 2 months serv. as guard, work house, Making side walk front Court House, Holding inquest, summoning, Ac. Cqnveying Sol. Frazier to jail, Ac, Repairing bridge across Smith f. road, 12 days Bervice as Cryer of the Court, Arrest of B. SturdiVant, mileage, Ac, l'o6t mortem examina. of Mrs Jones, ConveyiDg Hill and Carver to jail, Ac Printing" statement of co.finances, Ac uost id, an appeal 01 ueo. Henderson, r H George Dollar, I 1 . 1 . " : ' W.J. Green,.. Building bridge across Neuse River, - '- i 5" " . Swift Creek. Insolvents and acquittals, spring term Cleaning jau sides, Ac, ricks, handles, wash brushes, Ac. Building bridge across Neuse river, VTC'v" " Buffaloe creek Repairing bridge across Steep Hill, Guard at the work house, 1 1 days services as county Commis., Guad service, Ac, for work house, For repairs on jail, Ac, ; , , For hauling wood for work house. For service as croard at work house. Fr book rack for S. C. Clerk's office, 76 cords wood furnished work house, 16 days service as county Commis., g t ,:i . '44 - t ; . 4 t For blankets for jail,v Building bridge across Neuse river, f i f " , Lick Creek. Repairing bridge across Walnut creek, Lumber for repairing bridge, Hauling wood for work house, . . . . Kilning-and burning brick, ' For making 12 poll boxes, , Issuing ana recording orders, ,' For eervias clerk to board of educa., For building bridge across Horse creek 8 days serv. as county Commissioner, 5 days service put. meetings of board, 4 days service as county Commis., 25 M v .- " . " . :., , ! ' ? 'j .5 ; out. meetings of board, . as Clerk to Boaxd C. C, , as county Commissioner out. meetings of board, For 8 special deputies at spring term, Registering 46. voters, . . 1 10 days service as county Commis., Visits to jalL examination. Ac, Costs in case of the State vs W Sloan, amount aixo'ed. 52 49 6 997 00 27' 00 20 00 3 75 22 00 10 00 41 50 SO 00 50 00 9 CO 16 ix wnosa -fc FAVOft. amount allowed the members of the Board as compensation for attendance from Sept. 4, 1871, to Sept. 2, 1872. j - I, W. W. WHITE, Clerk. 1 . . ACCOUNTS AUIiTEI By the Board of County Commissioners of Wake County, from September 4th, 1871, to September 2d, 1872: J GBurt. -i do - do David Stewart. 8 J H McAlister. C E Scott. -: 18 R C Branch , ' - do .do Oct :4 John Wilson. j W H Matthews, ; Alex' Jollie, v-'7 Virgil Rix, . W H Harrison, RUda Faison, GN Mason; Wm Thrower," W B Womble,. Calvin Adams, Wm Strickland, D F Fort, Sarah Strickland, JS Glenn, Esther Hicks, Charlotte Gill, I JR Finch, Martha Aycock, Wm Z Blake, Sam'l Mangum, .. John Ray, do do RW Bryan, Calvin Baugh, David Trice, David Barham, John Chavis, Martha Mangum, Hawkins White, Allen Davis, wnoH bt ... riHSKXTED, Nov. 10 Dec. 4 1872. Jan. 3. Feb. 5 21 24 Saml Mangum, Susan White, Josiah Gilbert, Ann Wortham, Marion Love, Amanda Hodge, W 1) lurner, Henry Utley, Wm Laws, Charley Blake, Jo C Blake, Patsey Blake, Justice Parrish, W C Stronach, i . I H Collins, ; Robt Jones, Marg Hawkins, Tildy Todd, Robt Mitchell, Jos G Bromell. M A Smith. - . tt ' Sarah Ann Davis, James Patterson, John Fuller, ' Major Carr, Martin Mott. Stephen Jordan, Badger Harrison, Edward Jones, Caroline Jonea Gaston Bronghton Li r Betta, JH McAlister, G C Lumly, Y F Rashly, R W Bryan, F Yarborough, A H Temple, Henry Nash, L iiranton, John W Evans, Hawkins White, John H Mills, Saml Mangum, DickByrd, A R Horton, Henry Davis, Gaston Turner, Wilson Mangum, Joshua Glover, Jos Braan, Caroline Braan, Frances Jeffreys, Caroline Braan, James Doyle, SL Riddle, " 44 4 Thos Kirks', - Austin Green, 44 44 Thos Kirks, M Jones, S B Craven, ncy Ford; Henry : Wiggins, Wright Davis, Henrietta Lynch, Calvin Utley, . Zilla Utley, Laura Williams, J P Adams, I C Jewell, ames Emorv. Tom Littlejohn, eter Jones, Elizabeth Pender, Standford Cole, Louis Foote, Andrew Baker, hos Baker, Verda Hunter, Geo Scales, hil Harrison, Ienr'tta Bridgers,1 Kichd Johnson, 4 - 41 A Magnin, George Dichl, Nathan bledge, W W West, Sarah Howard, A Magnin, A Magnin, lolly Cooper. James Doyle, W D Hopson, John Shipp, 44 Howell Moss, : Wm Attwater, ; Alfred Vincent. saac Smith, I C Council, ' Alex Hardie, John Gallagher, SamT Ramsay,.? Ann Ramsay, k Ann itamsay,. 'rank Ramsay, ' Saml Ramsay, Frank. Ramsay, J G Burt. do (Frank, col 1 Dana istewart. J H McAlister.' C E Scott, r ; 2 R C Branch, F. co : uo . . ao John Wilson; ' W 11 Matthews, Alex Jolliev ? i Virgil Rix; ; w ix iiarnson, j sprni, do . W dot . W B Womble, ; Calvin Adams, ; Wm Strickland,' D F Fort; duplL, Sarah Strickland J S Glenn. Esther Hicks, 1 Charlotte Gill, il J R Finch, Martha Aycock, Wm Z Blake, Saml Mangum, John Ray, uo do R W Bryan, Calvin Baugh, : David Trice, David Barham, John Chavi3, Martha Mangum, Hawkins White, Allen Davis, 44 44 Sam'l Mangum, Susan White, Josiah Gilbert, , Ann Wortham, Marion Love, Amanda Hodge, VV U Turner, H TJlley, Frank co Wm Laws, Charley Blake, Jo C Blake, Patsey Blake, Justice Parrish, W C Stronach. 44 44 H Collins, Robt Jones, Marg Hawkins, ' Tildy Todd, Robt Mitchell, G Bromell, MA Smith, Sarah Ann Davis, James Patterson, John Fuller, Major Carr, Martin Mott, Stephen Jordan, Badger Harrison, Edward Jones, Caroline Jones. Gawtbn Broughton" L F Betts, J H McAlister, G C Lumley, Y P Lashley, R W Bryan, W H Tucker A Co 44 44 A H Temple, S D Harrison, 4( 44 John W Evans, Hawkins White, John 11 Mills. Saml Mangum, Dick Byrd, JfATURK OF CLAIM. State vs Jas Howell, et al., special term, '71, A R Horton, Henry Davis, Gaston Turner, Wilson Mangum, ;Joshua Glover, I 44 l Jos Braan,' : 41 44 Caroline Braan, Frances Jeffreys, Caroline Braan, James Dovle, S L Riddle, 44 44 Thos Kirks, Austin Green, . 44 - 44 Thos Kirks, . R M Jones, 8 B Craven, Lucy Ford, Henry Wiggins, Wright. Davis, Hen Lynch, Calvin Utley, Zilla Utley, Laura Williams, J P Adams, ; CC Jewell, James Emorv. Tom Littlejohn, ( feter Jones, Elizabeth Pender, - 44 r - , l . Standford Cole, Louis Foote, Andrew Baker, 'Thos Baker; " Verda Hunter, Geo Scales,' hil Harrison, Henr'tta Bridgers, Richd Johnson, 44 44 A Magnin, George Dichl, Nathan bledge, WW, Vest, Sarah Howard,' A Magnin, ' A Magnin, Holly Cooper, James Doyle, W D Hopson, 14 . John Shipp, .4 1 44 Howell Moss, . .4 . 44 . - - - . '- t s . ' - - . Wm Attwater, Alfred Vincett. Isaac Smith, . R C Council, Alex Hardie, (John Gallagher, Saml Ramsay, -Annis Ramsay, AN Ramsay, rank rr Ramsay, Saml Ramsay, "Frank.Ramsay, do 1 Eli Dampier, Wm At water, , A II Pittman, , J Howell, et ab, 1:T do- x ,1 a MNunnallv. J P Chandler, , Lila Griffice, --. V do . Q Bryant; ' -Sol Frazier, spring - ao do fall. do do '6T, do ,"11. do '67, ' spring" term, '71, special term, Tl, ... spring term, '71, spring term, 7U, ': fall i do . '70, do ' '70, do c '68, : spring teinv'71, lFpectal term, '71, AMONT allo'd. "WHOSK FAVOB. fijj Dawson Lewis,- special Uia.'?l "Nor Kains, et al.; 'special term, "71 .. spring term, 7 Sol ;Frazier, t -do do j-do do . do do do 4 do ; do do ' d ; i do do d do do d Brit Hawkins, ' fall Buny Hinton, ...... do Lucius Grifns, do Lila Griffis, spri Lucius Grifns, fall John Phoenix, do G Faribault, J Q Adams, fall John Gallagher, sprmg Henry Harrison, do Tycker A Mangum,do Col Bridgers, fall '. do d do d do " - d do di Prince Jones, Maj Stephen May, t fall John Gallagher, di RD Weathers, di Jackson Maynard,spring do i OAT fall 1 do j do j spring U AT fall : '71 '70 Jas Howell, et al, : E F Jones, David Fann, do do do do Jackson Maynor, Jo Collins, do Jas Howell, et al, special Jno Gallagher, Tilley A Jackson, do do do do ' James Saintsing, L Ferrell, et al, s do do George Dollar, Wm Green, do do John Cole, ; Peter Morgan, : ; Smith and Jones, f do : do do Wm Jones, . . do ; do do 'Jl '':do;r ' Jeff AdkTns7 "do : j Rufns Ford, spring jWm Atwater, fall r Jas Jeffreys, . do ' 'Jas Howell, et al, spring j David Fann, fall do do special Hawkins Taylor, spring : Peter Morgan, fall i John Cole, et al, do j ' Arch Perkins, et al do j ' James Jeffreys, do j Lucius Griffice, do K Ann Edwards, do j TLucius Griffice, do i Young Ferrell, spring do do do '71 '66 '71 F G Young, ? Henry Harrison, Sally Norwood, Wash Cross, Ransom Utley, do Vdo Jeff Adkins,' do do do do do do do do ' Dawson Davis, Calvin Terrell, ' : - do do do do do do do do fall do do do j do do : do spring do fall j . do special do fall " do 6peciaL do do -i do do do spring do fall do special do fall do special do '70 '71 John Stith, Ed Tucker, Moses" Nor ris, do do Jane Freeman, Rufus Ford, , Julius Bridgers, Jubal Emory, Orange Page," Simpson Mordecaifall do - do special Earp A Emory, special Tobe Nelson, do do do fall Earp A Emory, do Jos George, special Jane Ferrell, spring Hawk Taylor, special J VV rtolden, xjt al, do spring do do falli spring fall special . do -:do , Simpson Mordecai,fall do ; do ; do ?! do - do-' special do ; do do Rich'd Carver, do , do , do do t'i do do" - , do -Dawson Davis. . do J A Hundley, do M Kelly, do . Julius Bridgers, do, 'Boocker Peck, !4 do f do do fall ; 5 Henry Garrard, - special do do . - ' do do do ' ' :do Gorman A McDon. do . James Saintsing, fall Peter Badger, - ' special Earp A Emory, specal j do '.. do . . do f do do -fall ; do - do , spring : '.McDonald A Gormspecial Young Ferrell, . spring do do f&M 1 ' dd do - ; spring ; do, do ; faU ; ;! do do - spring, do' do ' fall !, do do spring fall special , do " do do . do spring. '72 '71 70 '72 .'71 72 Jeff Adkins, do ' Orange Page, Booker Peck, -George Baugh, Barker, et al, ; : James Saintsing, fall Jones & Bryant,; , d Prince A Norris, ; 1 d '71 '70! '71 70 '71 '72 '72 Ann Ramsay, A Ann Ramsay. 29 Rilev Yearbv. fT D Sledge,- : X-J Burt. Whitaker, Joseph Wilson, is is Jones, S It Jones,-; : K Anthonv Cook. Mar. 7 Wm.Overby, C L Harris. IJ M Blair,' McLean,. ? . . 11 rsierritt Williams, S B Craven. - Apr iSiJohn Spelman, ; da 4 do Susan Barlow, ' Mar. Whitaker,', ' f!nl 1 Berlv Adkin9. Hubbard Kelly, Kobert Urossan. Hubbard Kelly.' Joseph Ragland, Kobert Urossan, Havw'd Thomas. May 8 Joel Powers, Jere Green, V do do do do . Robert Smith, E A. Johnson, do - do S D Harrison, do do ' LD Goodloe, Robert Shepard, Madison Wynne, Isaac Holderfield, JB Jordan, ; do , .: do ! Abram Young,". do- do RS Allen, WL Young, ' David Hamlet, do do LC Manly, Walter Montague, do . do Reuben Greene, mily Greene, H Norris, Thomas Sauls, Zilla Norris, Wvatt Prince, John Peirce. do do . do do do do Nat Upchurch, l do . do .. do ' do .' JM Martin, Wm Oneal, TW Sadler, ., C T Murphy, B A Perry, v , do do -. Robt Crossan, do do Ellen Howell, S L Riddle.- do do do do May 20 John Person, Louis Vorhees. Thos Hampson, B L Bingham, J W Harriss, Lynn Adams, Everett Eatman, Louis Vorheef, Nancy Mitchell, W A Gower, v Nat Upchurch, 21 Stanford Cole, do do ' Stanly Stephens, David Clements, Mary. Boy lan, - -Rich'd Brown, do r do do - " do " Augusta Fort, do do do do - Jofm Edgerton, ' do do Matthew Cooper, do ' do 6? do rf do do do do A B Williams, do do do do Moses Patterson, Robt Crossan, do do J do do L D Goodloe, do do Bennett Chavis, do do J S Bryan, 22 Burwell Bell, jr., do do . -do do do do do do Henry Holderfield 81 Jackson Moss, - Charles Erwin, Alfred Lewis, G Bromell, x Thomas Dancy, Wm Kiggsbee, B Crenshaw, ' M Goodwin, do do Jnn 15 J W Lashley, Hmton Segraves, Mary Adams, do do do do do .1 'do Victoria-Teasley,, do . - do do do do do John Price, 29 C A Driver, jj ; do do July 8 Judge Moore, i rlummer bnead, Judge Moore, i W J Holleman, do dO '- I 'M JF Cheatham, . do . .' do . ; ;-: Aug 6 JW Buck, .' f do do ' j Joseph Morgan: John C Palmer,-, s Vashti Morgan, AG Carr. ' ;vt 17 Miner Wilson,., ( do t do ; ' dO dO !:'.; Charles McLean, Jo Buchanan, . ; . 1 Isaac Ward, Lee Jackson, .'; j Alfred Vincent, r Robt Crossan, 1 J do' . ' do : : 4 Howard Eatman,! fT R Lamb, 5 James M Harris, do do 4 do do WHOM (TED. Ann Ramsay, A Ann Ramsay, miey xearby, T D Sledge, Burt Whitaker. ; Joseph Wilson, o B Jones, - ; S L Jones, ! Anthony Cook, '.' Wm Overby, ; C L Harris. .' M Blair. John McLean. John Gatling, ; d0 . J do ; ; John Spelman,. - do . . do v Susan Barlow, : ; Mar Whitaker, c" r d - ., ; RtrA Uca. .i'do'v.do; i Joel Powers, Jere Green, do do do' do Robt Smith, s E A Johnson, j 44 44 S D Harrison, do do do t do , do do do do ' do do B Jordan, do do Abram Young, do do RS Allen, J T Harris, ; "do " do r do do L C Manly, Walter Montague,! : do do G H Snow, do do B H Norriss, Thomas Sauls GHSnow, W Prince, John Peirce, do do , , op do " - ' ; do do Nat Upchurch, ! do , do do ' do J M Martin, Wm Oneal, T W Saddler, CT Murphy, B A Perry, do do ' Robt Crossan, do do Ellen Howell, ISJ-JKiddltv.- do do ;do do S D Harrison, Louis Vorhees, Ehos Hampson, B L Bingham, J W Harriss, Lynn Adams, do do Louis Vorheef, Nancy Mitchell, W A Gower, Nat Upchurch, Stanford Cole- do do Stanly Stephens, David Clements. W H Tucker A Co W H Tucker A Co " do J S Bryant, T L Love, Jackson Moss, John Gatling, Miles Goodwin, do do JW Lashley, ; Cheatham A Bro Mary Adams', "' do do 1 do do ;r . do do do do - do do do . do : : do do , John Price, , , C A Driver, do do , , Jeff Fisher, J'dO dO j i( do do , : j , W JHolleman,, , do . - do ; ' '. WF Cheatham, ' -do do v Vi-' JWBuck,; .;. -4 :. 1 . Joseph Morgan,' John C Palmer, Vashti Morgan, AG Carr, S D Harrison, do , ,do ' do i do do ' do ' '' Jo Buchanan, Isaac Ward, Lee Jackson, ' Alfred Vincent; Robt Crossan, ' do y.,f ida: Howard Eatman, T R Lamb, - Uames M Harass J XATU1K OF CLAIM. State vs Prince & Norris, special tcrmj'72 vi v uli uu iyJ iu do Wm Terry, 7, , do do Thos Adams, do .'do, t-Pnnco ANorrjs. ,do do i Jeff Adkins, .r fall do George Baugh,. 6pecia! do1 do lal dct '70! 72' do do do Jd6 all. doS'70 spring i dp fall , ..do ,'71 fair. ()do I special do fall do special do J do 'do - da ?7 i '69 1 do. do do Peter Badger, " x Jas Whitaker, MS littleficld, , Lewis Sparrow, Wash Faison, Aug Fort, Frank Alston; Jo Turner, Jr., 4 -do do Wm Terry, : : ' '' do'' 'Arthur Thornton.fall & - do- ;" do O ATI -ii do j. do .,jv.-..da i .;'do devreii' t do , .fdoti Jeff . Adkins. . r ... faU ' . ; do j '7. - do do . "special do""!72 UV V4W uu vlv 3 . Simpson Mordecai , "do ' do Jo Turner, Jr.; J do t Penitentiary, - - spring ; Work House, ' f do do do do Lee and Temple, , do do do do " , Branton A Carter, special do do spring do do , do; - do ; . do . special do do ' fall Moses Thompson, spring do do do Work House, ' ' do " Lee and Temple, special- ill 71 '72, do ( do . sprincr do do . do.n do 'do" do J F Fort, do Penitentiary, " do do . . ,.r do: do , ; do Lee and Temple, do W W Woodelf, do k do do .. . , special Ki Cross, . . spring do ' ' 1 do Wm Thrower, special Jackson Maynor,spring Saml Ramsay, do . 'do " ". do Mangm A Griss'm do do do fall do - . do . ..do .do do OAT. ' Isaac O'Kelly, spring -W W Woodell, . do Isaac O'Kelly, do Jos' George, Bpecial do i do ''l Work House, t- spring r Poor House, do Lee and Temple, special ' do " do " Bpring .James Hill et al,fall . do - spring ' Holloman A Utly.fall' 1 Jane Simpsop, do , do ; - -, special do spring Lee and Temple, do ' Orange Page, . special Lee and Temple.sprinflr do ; do do, do do do'J do do-- do do, do do do; do do i do 1 do -do do uO ', do , do do do ido t do do do .do do '72 UO do '71 do.70i do '69 '70 '71 .'70 '71 '72 71 4 70 '71 '72 Henry Reaves, do do . Nick Perry, -Penitentiary, Poor House, Penitentiary, . W W Woodell, Jane Simpson, do special do do spring do , do- 1 do : special : do spring 67 72 Lee and Temple, do do do spring special fall :, . do ' special spring do special do' fall . do t spring fall Temple, , do 1 spring special spring special 1 do spring do do Merritt Cook, do : do do do do ;i . .. do ; dO - ; dO - ' Frank Slade, dO ' ; ' do do do Lee and do do - ; dO Jano Simpson, do Work House,' Branton A Carter,special 44 44 Poor House, do T F Lee, Frank Slade, do do do do Work House, ' ' Quent 'Bryant, Penitentiary, t do , . do '.:, !. do ' Dicey Hinton, -r ' . . do . f Penitentiary, -''' 'dO lH'r . do ' . Rufus Ford", ' Mark Williams, , :.:vdo . .v do do do do do do-, do do do do do. do ;dQ ,do do .do do do do ;do do do ; ? . do - do,1, do . do-' v do : do do f do do'; do 1 do do do do do - do do do do do 71 '72 71 '72 '70 '71 72 72 do. :v-( .... dj . ... do ' 'i -do-. ' do do Charles Blue, MM Williams, do :i'JefF Adkins, Rlchd Carver. : epring do ' do 'do fall special do fall . spring do fall, -spring do ; r do , i 1 do ' do .do.. ' do" ;;:dd do ' fall ' ' fall Mf- fall' '72 '70 .'72 '71 '72 '70 ,'72 .spring : do.. " special do4 ' spring j jiall : j,, special. Spring' "fall special spring special ; i do dd' -roidd, do do do do do doi do do do do do ; do do do do do do do do do do" do . dor, do 69 do -71 db s'Zl 72, 72' do '71 do ':'7l do '72 'dd do do do "72 '71 '72 ,,'72 '72 ; .Je Adkins,, . fall .; ; do,. '71 , ' Xee and . Temple,special " do '72 J - do ' spring" do 1 -. I Rufus Ford, vj;Vm Thrower, JaU do '70 -special j do .,'71 . Jail do '69 spring 'dd: 1Q n do; . do; 7a1 I; "peciaij do, " faU b do' do do do '71 '72, r do "11 Moses Norris, 1 'do' Sam Ramsay, J A Hundley, t Saml Ramsay, Peter "Morgan, : Dicey Hinton, . ;spedal do , V'spripg Hawkins Tavlor.f alF 1 -Before Grand Jury do uepd rt n ABrowospecial J ennell Hams, do do 1 - a:-i:rdo' Booker Peck. , fall Jeff Adkins, ; . do tv 'do.U Qtmnann llf n-rAern rlr . . tin Turner Mullen, , .do ' do 67 do . ..: TF Lee, ; ; ' '" do " ' '.''' do .-.:' do do. do' : do ' 70 11 Continued on fourth page. 'do "- 'dd special do r,7f 111 ' ' dO i 'iprinff''' dd-, ...'In. , M 4 2 1 4 8 4 5 2 0 4 5 6 2 5 ' 4 6 11 12 8 5 5 18 3 7 13 2 2 2 5 2 8 3 7 18 2 2 5 8 8 0 6 4 AMo'jiT allo'd. -6 '6 2 4 3 u 1 1 2 2 15 7 10 52 46 10 10 10 88 88 10 10 00 10 35 14 10 5 8 8 3 10 10 68 20 8 2 8 8 23 23' 10 10 10 10 10 23 28 28, 18' 10 .vl .J.8 11 VJi o 10 f-2 2 il 5 1 il 8 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 40 10 10 10 10 88 16! 10 40 23 10 10 10 10 20 32 ' 70 70 CO 10 10 60 10 10 60 83 . 94 81 10 46 12 8 7 '7 5 '7 6 :5 il .1 8 "1 I il 4 S 9 15 15 '3 1 2 2 3 8 8 6 2 8 1 6 6 2 7,48 13 60 1 1 18 12 10 60 10 10 10 I 8 10 6 1 8 1 11 11 11 2 2 1 1 12 8 4 1 1 6 6 10 5 9 12 6 6 10 3 3 7 2 3 1 5 10 10 10 10 10 34 10 r.o 10 46 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 10 10 26 34 26 26 60 18 22 22 22 10 10 10 10 12 46 10. 10 05 06 74 00 00 28 70 10 10 10 10 10 06 10 10 10 90 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 18 10 lo- ,10 12 10 46 46' 10 10 10 CO 40 10 62 ; 1 ; 11 : I ;!. 7 8 4 8 12 8 1 1 2 2 4 '4' 4 3 1 4 3 2 2 2 iC (X. 10 10 10. 10 12 90 06 06 18 10 10 60 80 10 10 10 I- t i T 5t 1

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