' ;.': Selected Poetry. From The Rochester Democrat Jfc Chronicle, "Tho Jackson Democrat." BT JOHN H. TATES. Well, wife, we'vk had a moetin at the school house on the hill I We met to swallow Greeley our sugar coated pill ; But being real Old lllckories-jwe found we could'nt do it; The sugar-coating was too thing, and Gree ley tasted through it. Whv, wife, he's cussed rao many years! "Now at the hour eleven . He wants my vote to send him to the Pres idential heaven ; .If ho waits untili he gets it, he may take his axe and saw, i And forever be a farmer on the farm at Chappaqua. I vote for Greeley ? I la ! ha ! ha ! a Jackson Democrat, Forsake his life-long principles to do a thing like that? If you see me goin' for him, when comes election day. You may look to see Niagara a runnin' j 'totherway. We can'telectan "out-an'-out" 1 "bat our leaders ay 44 We take this ranting Greeley to draw Ite- pubs awav; When In the Presidential chair, with white hat on, he sits, We'll take the offices that pay and all the perquisiUes." Now that ain't mine, nor Jefferson's' nor Jackson's good old plan ; I'd rather not have office, and be an honest man ; I'm not an honest Democrat, if, for a single hour I wave my hat for Greeley for the take of gaining power. You know, wife, when I'm bilious I always take my pill.- Without the in u irar-coa tin ir I II do so if it kills; I've "got to vote for some one le a nolKnly I can't So I've made my fa-o up good and t-trong to i go and swallow Grant. coujrhlnsr and sneezing, ble to! find his handkerchief, he w The Coquette of Arlon. From the French of J. Collin de Planey. In very ancient times the inhabitants of Arlon won-hippedtheinoon, and the learned maintain that the name Arlon is derived from the two words ara fitixn signifying "Allar of the moon." It is .'perhaps for this reason that the young women of this ancient town now and then had odd fancies. Apropos of this I projKjse to relate a story which .Mr. Adolphe Dechamj must have listened to when he was Governor of Luxem bourg, for It is one of the traditions of that province. All the Arloneso know it, and I write it down for the benefit of those who have not been governors of provinces, and whose ancestors have hot worshipjx'd the moon. It is said that about one hundred years ag there icsided In Arlon a young girl named Gertrude. She was eighteen years of age, and was gay, frank and .good natured, always smil ing and happy, and full of life and ac tivity. She was the daughter of Chas. Stock, a wealthy proprietor of the little town, and generally designated as Stock, Jr.. to distinguish him from his father ana grandfather, who were yet living. "They last long in that fami ly," was a local expression. Gertrude had many admirers, but none of them appeared to make an im pression on her heart, llus together with her fascinating manners, gave her the name of the "Coquette of Arlon." Do not take this appellation' in its harshest sense, for her father and mother allowed her to do as she pleased, hav ing the utmost confidence in her. And it was n6t misplaced. Among the many who sought her hand in marriage were four young men of the town who deserve special mention. Their names were Sigismond tie VIetter, Giles Col lin, Wenceslas Stroobant and Lambert Von 3Ioll. The first named was so calm and undemonstrated that the other three did not give themselves any uneasiness about him. They, on the contrary, were ?o pressing that the neighbors all cxrecteI that she would certainly marry one of them. The four suitors pressed their claims, each one in his own way urging her to decide in his favor. So one day in Sep tember, 1743, she devised a strategem by which to test their courage and af fection. Her parents once more al lowed her to have her own way, for a.s she never undertook anything without first consulting them, we may suppose that they were not the stern and tyran nical parents that usually fall to the lot of the unfortunate heroines .of modern romances. About a quarter of a league from Arlon, In a field belonging to Tier father, Gertrude had often noticed an old lloman tomb, which no one dared approach on account of its ghostly rep utation. All sorts of strange and mys terious stories were told about it. This tomb has now disappeared I cannot say how. Gertrude resolved to make it the centre of her batteries. Giles Collin came as usual and utter ed more ardent and passionate protes tations of love than ever, declaring that he would willingly walk over burning coals to please her. "I am not so unreasonable as to re quire that of you ".said she: "all thimrs consider! -d, 1 do not refuse to marry you, but I wish to have a proof of your devotion, and at the same time of vpur and Limbourg were at that period in fested. But some persons professed to have seen supernatural beings, land a thousand wonderful stories were related about them. For a year, however, nothing had been seen there, and though Giles was more afraid than he would have cared to acknowledge, he was so deeply enamored of the young girl that he accepted the condition and Kromised to do what was required of im without divulging his intention to any one. I Shortly afterwards Wenceslas' Stroo bant came in his turn. Gertrude gave him a very gracious reception. lie was handsome and " rich, and fully, con scious of these advantages he felt con fident of the success of his suit. 1 "It is not your fortune that tempts me," said Gertrude to him, greatly flattered. f Wenceslas bowed, a3 if he f would say, " I understand I have other at tractions." I " I feel a deep interest in you," pur sued she, "and would .willingly give you my hand If you would render me a service that will prove your cour age." 1 " You have but to command me," said the handsome young man I am entirely at your service." j " Well, then, you must know that one of my relatives has been killed in a duel. lie is in the woods, and we are making every effort to secure him an honorable burial. In the meantime, the body is to be placed in the Roman tomb at 9 o'clock this evening, j As the tomb is neither covered nor enclosed, we greatly fear it may be disturbed ; therefore I beg of you to go there at half-past 9." I "To the witches' den? "What. an idea !" I " You are afraid already? JIb) Dieu, how faint-heart ed the young men are." " I am not afraid, but you are giv ing me a verv queer commission." "Call it a fancy if you will, but I can only confide this to one jwho is very devoted, for it is absolutely nec essary to conceal this mystery from ev erybody. 1011 must go there at exact Iy half-oast nine, and you mult yourself to personate an angel 6f light, and carry a torch in your hand. The j fearful stories of which the tomb has j been the subject, will be of service to i you, and these who may besclu ining to carry away or rob the dead, will, upon seeing you sitting at the frxt of the tomb with your torch in your hand, be so terrified that none will dare ap proach. At midnight vou mav return home. Will you do it?" j " I will," said Wenceslas, who fear ed to displease her. 1 " I must be certain that you have jerformcd this service ; hut remember, not a word u!mt it to any onej and at this price my hand is yours." j y vlitvoiiio it utinvn uouai luiiipu-j n t,wi.ciua uuu ijiuiiw v sure, smothering as best he could those a baurngel who were disputing posses superstitious fears which sometimes as- sion ?f him, and overcome by a terrible sail the strongest minds. Hq swore fear, he suddenly sprang out 01 ms tomb that he would be both obedient and witlu his winding sheet around mm, discreet, and that at half-oast nine ore- and took to flight across the fields. ciselv he would beat his post, where The two champions, seeing the dead he would watch the de-ad so i closely rush ibrth, were seized with the same that not even a bat should annroach. terorl and letting goof each other by lie soon took his leave in order to common consent, they fled as though make his preparations. J pursued by all the witches. A few moments afterward. Lambert The- three lovers returned to their Von Moll, also faithful, appeared to respective lodgings, utterly overcome render his homage to the young lady. . .- dead1, and did not appear anxious to make a closer examination. Holding the torch in his hand, W enceslas Stroo bant. thus transformed into an a'hgel, nnncsared to make a erreat effort to seat himself at the foot of the tomb, and if the dead had not been in such a state of nertnrbation. he would have noticed thnilthe angel was trembling with cold, or .something else. Wenceslas seemed to hftve contracted a very bad cold, whir H was manifested by a severe fit of and being una- as obliged to use one of his wings to wipe thf moisture from hi3 nose and mantle. "T-hat is not an angel, certainly," thought the dead : "it must be asorcer eri i iVho knows if he be not master of rprpsionies? He is there with his torch" lo call the others, and I shall find mvsfelf in the midst of their revels, and, ifthfe'xlevil presides over them, what shall I do?" Wlitle making these disagreeable re flections he was struck by the sudden agitation of the angel of the torch, who appeared 10 oeiioiu wjiuc icaum wujcvi. It wi's the third personage approach ing.! I ' . Tljis; latter (Lambert von Moll) was diso-aLsed as ai spectre of darkness. As he drew near, the light of the torch whil I gleamed upon him at intervals, gave him a fearful appearance. He did not appear greatly terrified, but proba bly from motives of prudence he ap proached in a zigzag line, pausing now andlhen as though he saw something he did not expect. The silvery robe of the hhgel glittered in the torchlight, and liambert could not account to him self for this singular costume. A the angel, whose trembling limbs refused to support him, remained fixed in his! place, Lambert decided to make a flank movement, and accordingly he passed around the other end of the tomb: j I li-f disguise was frightful; he was multfd in an ox hide, which was adorn ed :wijh the long horns and the.oars; his face was blackened, and the lower partiif it concealed by an immense red beardi In his hand he carried one of which are used to hay. Wenceslas, lost sight of the demon, ed himself by the greatest" crlbr of courage he had ever made in his life. He suddenly advanced, with the trcli at arms-le ngth before him, and (he spectre recoiled. But the flame toueBd Lambert's great beard, and in anii&taut it was in a blaze. He quickly torejt oil and sprang on the angel, .whos'i torch fell and was extinguished. Tl&y seized each other by the hair, mutually astonished, perhaps, at find ing (feh other palpable. ThVorpise, who had seen all, and had lx'guMto question whether it was really a sceoe among the witches, now took eng eslas and Lambert for a good and 1 dress 1 those "wooden forks f-j'ii'H'i i;e muttu whojhad not now signa l V,: He was a lawyer, and everybody pre dicted a brilliant future for him. " If you really love me," said the co quette, " I am going to prove it. Some of the neighbors whom you know, and who arc our enemies, wish to injure us. For this purpose they have placed a dead body in the Roman tomb, which belongs to our family. I wish, you to make every possible effort to carry off the corpse." j ' "I!" interrupted Lambert, j " "Certainly. I know that J-ou are brave." j " I hat is true, but this is such-a ridiculous commission." j " The body will doubtless bo guard ed by mere children, and in order to disperse them you must blacken your face and make yourself as ugly as you arc handsome : in short, disguise your self as a damon. Call it a ridiculous commission if. you will ; but go to the Roman tomb at precisely ten ; take up the body and bring it here, and you will gain all my gratitude." 1 Lambert Von Moll reflected for a moment, and deciding that it was not too great a price to pav for the heart of Gertrude, he, like the two others, promised punctuality and diserethtn, and accordingly withdrew to make his preparations. f Sigismond de letter then came to pay his respects to Mr. and Mrs. Stock : he wished Gertrude good evening, and conversed a few moments with her, while taking a turn in the garden. Having drawn him aside, Gertrude, who had her projects, proposed he should in his turn assume a character in her comedy. But Sigismond , who per ceived some malicious intention in spite of her grave tone3, told her that for anything serious or important, she might command him ; but that such childishness was only proper for chil dren. The coquette, not finding him very coirplaisant, left him. The night was very cold, and at 9 o'clock, Giles Collin arrived at the Ro man tomb. He had furnished himself WORLD'S ; EAIR, 24, 1872, TO BE HELD AT Raleigh, Thixrsday, October G-REAT TRAVELING- MUSEUM, r MENAG-ERIE, CARAVAN, ' , N j AND HIPPODROME, COMBINED WITH THE GRAND V j j INTERNATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN, PdLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, AND j MAMMOTH CMtGJj'sl! IN FOUR TO TEN: TENTS, As the Space of the Grounds will Permit. JOHN ROBINSON, Proprietor and General Director. JOHN ROBINSON, Jr., Manager. 3 c 5 f S 38 2 u- .5 e C hf v 9 o - 3 x o o -CX' 5 C "1 k n 5 5r Jl r.t o C . J Cl c -r 1 m'fwmmfmK In the Col lection a n d Organization of the Museum the utmost care has been taken to grati fy and enligh ten the public by presenting in One Vast Ass em hi age, an accumula tion such as has n e v e r been .attempt ed or dreamed of by the combined tact talent and lib- eraiitv 01 an other manag crsin America or Europe. It may be inter esting for the public to un derstand tha for nearlv two Years Mr. R oij inson' NUMEROUS A G E N T a who are found in a 1 m o s l Every Part oi the World, have been a tually employ ed in Procur ing Curiosities Wilmington North arolina LIFE , I -j INSURANCE CO HP AH?; OFFICERS: A W M. AAA V- JOHN W. ATKINSON, F. II. CAMERON, DR. E. A. ANDERSON, I Prosi.lont. t Vice Prdsbn.; 1 viury. Medical 'lirt , '.; DIRECTORS: j J W Atkinson, General Insuraiu'e;AL-f A I B Granger, President of the hank , New Hanover. "I F W Kerchner, Grocer and ComAft.ssj,,. Merchant. I C M Stedman, of Wrlpht and Sledimn i T U-McKoy, of W A WhitelieaJ 4 Fayetteville. - , li II Cowan, President. II B Ellers, Cotninifision Merchant A A Willard, of.Wlllard Brtthcrs W A Cu mining, of Northrop A CuiUniin . . Cl W Wtlllamu nfWIIII mMnJ 1. A J DeRossett, of Xielios-sett A , Robert Ilenniug, of Dawson, Toel ning. ' Ale?: Sprunt, British Yiec-Con Spmnt and Hinson. P Murphr, Attorney at L.av. 1 J D Williams, of J 1) Williauia A J Fayettevillo. Jas C McRae, Att'y at Law, Fayt iioV, I B Kedy, Merchant, KenansviileJ j J T Pope, Merchant, Luinberton. 1, ,t special fi:atukes 1st. No restriction on Residence or'Travi i. 2. No extra charoon l!io lives of l-'i inai.i 3. Policies Incontestable after l'ivj Ym; 4. The lLites of Interest on the l'utul, , ' the Company higher than thoi-o iu j'.. Funds of Companies located in t h 1 1 Stat tV courage a ca- "Very well," answered Giles, "I will give you any proof of that you can de mand; duly say what it shall he." "You know," rcplietl she, .'the an cient tomh which is situated on a knoll, a quarter of a league from town V" "Yes," replied the puzzled Giles, '"I have seen it from a distance; there is nothing remarkable about it." YVelit this evening, at nine o'clock, I want you to go, without saying a word to any one about it, and lie down in the old tomb." "In the witches' den? What price!" 'And you must remain perfectly mo tionless until midnight." 'But, Gertrude, what are vou think ing of? 'What is your object?" 4You are a coward, you are tremb ling already. Perhaps it is a caprice, but I have my project, and I wish to try you. Ifyoudoas I wish, I shall know that I can trust you, and provid ing you remain therefrom nine o'clock until midnight, my heart is yours. If you refuse, 1 shall marry someone else." Struck by the decided tone of the young girl, Giles dared not ouer further objection, but he thought of the freez ing recitals to which he had listened; of apparitions from another world that were seen gliding around the tomb. and of the witches who held their noc-1 turnal meetings and made It a place of deposit for their unguents and diaboli cal compounds. In truth, Area had sometimes been seen burning near there through the night and surround ed by groups of sinister or grotesque looking faces, but they were undoubt xxlly gypsies, with which Luxembourg being verv around the i -,. . 1 Vl with 11 small lantern, not courageous. He went all tomb and carefully examined the bush es aud every place in which he thought any one might be concealed, and then, not at all reassured by the silence and solitude which surrounded hini, he ex tinguished his light and enveloped himself from head to foot in a long white sheet which he had brought, con cealed under his coat, then extending himself at full length in the tomb, soon became as gloomy and motionless as the object he personated. Very lugu brious were the thoughts that passed through his mind while lvini there in his winding-sheet. A very long quar ter of an hour had elapsed, when he was startled by the cry of a screech owl. He uncovered his eyes and look ed around, but could see nothing ex jcept some vague rejections of light in the din-ction of the town. Soon, how ever, he heard, through tle silence of the night, footsteps which were evi dently coming toward him. He raised his head ; rays of light caught his eyes, and he saw, not far off, a mysterious phantom, habited in a long robe of cloth of silver which was confined by a blue girdle. The head of this appari tion was crowned with stars (made of gilt paper) while from its shoulders floated two large pieces of muslin, rep resenting wings. ( Poor Giles, who had not foreseen such an incident, cowered down under his sheet, utterly unable to explain the meaning of what he saw. i 'It is an angel," said he to himself. But the angel coughed. "It is not an inhabitant of heaven," thought Giles. "If it is one of the sor-1 cerers, I am In a very bad situation." The angel, on his part, appeared to be ill at ease. He cast an oblique glance at the winding-sheet that covered the by. vhat they had seen and passed throifcrh : and the next day none of theni were able to leave their beds. To tin ish their adventures, Gertrude sent word to them that they must have verylittle esteem for her, siuce, instead of fulfill! nsr their promises, they had nun away in such a ridiculous manner. And she married Sigismond. New Advertisements. jAL PROCLAMATION! 15y His Excellency, the Governor J of .North Carolina, - r'( ' Executive Department, ; f 1 ; llaleigh, October Dti, 1872. Wijktikas, Official information has been received af. this Department that Bayless llendeeson, lately conlmed in the jail 01 Macon iunty on the charge of murdering Caplajic ISimrod o. Jarrett, a citizen of said county,' has escaped therefrom, and so con ceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him ; Xo-J therefore, I, Ton R. Caldwell, Govcijnpr of the State of North Carolina, by virtue qf authority in me vested by law, do hcreb-i issue mv Proclamation offering: a rcwaril !of Four Hundred Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the said Ray- less, Jtlcnderson to the -Sheriff of Macon emmty,: and I do enjoin all officers of the State, find all good citizens to' aid in secur ing; the-iends 01 justice in this case. , loneAt our city of Raleitrh, this the 9th ; p hay 01 uctv.uer, .. J'., iir, ana 111 l. s.l 'the 97th year of American Inde- . "pendenco. 1 I flOD It. CALDWELL, Governor. By hb Jjlovveriior : J. 'li, NfiATUKKY, I j Private Secretary. ' .' : j description: Said Henderson is about twenty-three (23) years of age, fair complexion, light sandyihair and left eve out. His home is said; td he near Sevierville, Tennesseo. . flrnderson s heirrht is about live feet m. inih-es, and weighs about 135 pounds. i7i Asneviuc ioncer win insert six ti.i:es;lid send bill to-Executive Office. for his GREAT TRAVELTXG SHOW. Rome of those were out on exhibition for the First Time Last Year: hut thev have been verv larcrelv suoDleniented for the Drescnt season by New! Accessions aM Consignments brought by almost everv .Steamer from Foreign Ports which has arrived -in New York for the oast eisrht months. As an illustration of the Indomitable Enercrv of the well known Proorietor of this establishment, it may be well to remark that the Exhaustless Itesourees of Eurone. Asia. Africa and America, with the subdivisions of China, Japan, Australia, the Polar Regions. South Sea Islands. Arabia. Turkey. Siarn. Circassia. Esrypt, the Pacific; Arctic, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, together with the lied Sea and Holy Land, have all been levied into, contributing fo swell the aggregate of This Single Department, which, after all, constitutes but a moiety of all that may be seen. , j It is estimated that in the AQUARIUM, "MUSEUM, MENAGERIE and CARAVAN there are; TWENTY' TI IO US AN I CURIOSITIES. This Stupendous Combination has been brought together at an actual cost to the MILLION OF DOLLARS: which is ten times more than was ever invested in a several departments represents the choicest excerpts from the realms of Zoology i: Conchology, Entomology, Anthropology Mechanics, Numismatics, Proprietor of MORE THAN A single Show. The curiosities of the ? Ornithology, Geology, Ichthyology, Science, Statuary, Oil Paintings, and many rare and exquisite productions of the Automatic and Heliosrraphic Arts, and so classified for tins GREAT EXHllilllON as to challenge the admiration not only of Naturalists, but of Poets, Statesman, Philosophers and Divines. Parents, Sabbath and Public School Teachers should bear in mind that No Public Exhibition ever instituted in America afforded a tithe of the Practical Lessons of Intuition which arc found in this Unique Exposition of Object Teaching. ; . To this vast array is added, in a Separate Colossal Tent capable of holding Tori Thousand People, MAGNIFICENT K03IAN HIPPODROME AN1 CIRCUS, With One Hundred. Horses, Ionics, Camels, Mules, Riding logs, 3Ionkcys, Trick Horsqs, Elephants, and Fitly of the Best Male and Female Artists in the World. If traveling by wagons would require the actual services of nearly TWO THOUSAND MEN AND HORSES, it is furthermore confidently believed by those most competent to judge, while the management are very emphatic in the statement that, taken in the aggregate, J. ROBINSON'S WORLD'S FAIR has more real and solid attraction, merit and value, with a Greater Variety of Marvelous Features than is usually contained in TWENTY ORDINARY SHOWS. V " In order that the Public may be able to form an approximate conception of the magnitude of this concern, we volunteer the statement that which will be qualified at any time the daily expenses attending JOHN ROBINSON'S EXHIBITION are Three Times More than the Gross Receipts of any of the self-styled first-class shows in America. It is, therefore, with no ordinary degree of confidence that the management announces that these TWELVE GREAT SHOWS FOR ONLY ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION are positively the LARGEST EVER SEEN fON EARTH. We respectfully solicit the attention; of the reader to the following enumeration of only, the Leading Features of the Great Exhibition, as we have not the space to mention the Multitudinous Curiosities with which the entire Exposition so amazingly abounds: The MONSTER SEA LIONS, from Alaska, Nine in number, the largest weighing Two Thousand Pounds, consume five hundred nounds of fish dailv: tho EGYPTIAN CROCODILE. Twentv Feet Loner a Den df AFRICAN and SOUTH AMERICAN SNAKES, the longest one Thirty Feet Long: a TEXAS STEER WITH THREE HORNS AND EYES : an EDUCATED HOG, that can Read arid Talk ; the LARGEST ELEPHANT IN THE WORLD Actual Weight Five Tons; a Drove of CAMELS, BUFFALOES, BISONS, SACRED CATTLE, LLAMAS: Forty of the SMALLEST PONIES EVER SEEN: a RHINOCEROS, or UNICORN OF HOLY WltlT, one of the Most Marvelous Specimens Ever Imported weight Eight Thousand Pounds, cost $15,000; a Pair of GIANT OSTRICHES, Twelve Feet High ; SOUTH AMERICAN HIPPOPOTAMUS, HAUTE BEAST, HORNED HORSE, CAPA BARA, CASHMERE GOATS, EBONY-HEADED PALATINE SHEEP, SPOTTED AXIS DEER, BISON OF COLORADO, AMERICAN FALLOW DEER, SOUTH AMERICAN JAGUAR; SILVER LIONS, of California ; STRIPPED and SPOTTED HYENAS; PERUVIAN ALPACA ; LLAMA, or Camel of the Andes; PUMA, or American Cougar; AMERICAN BUFFALO, VIRGINIA PANTHER, BADGERS, SENEGAL LEOPARDS, AUSTRALIAN KANGAROO' RAT KANGAROO, of New Zealand; TAWMY LION, of Zalfra ; SHETLAND COW, BABYROUSA; the ZEHU, or Ox Nunda : SPOTTED TIGERS, BLACK TIGER, AFRICA X 'PORCUPINES and BEAVERS, the whole forming theMost Magnificent Collection 01 v nu Animals ever seen at one time.- Will be introduced the Following Unexampled ! en E C THE ARENA Array of Equestrian, Acrobatic, Ethletic and 54 Gt, f 1 CITY with Ka HOTEL, of lliliuiustcn iad Davie Ms.. (Formerly Cooke's,) ALEIGH, TC. C. POD AND COMFORTABLE ROOMS. attentive servants, and a Table supplied i Gymnastic Talent : 1-4 11 2 2 5j3 2 Hiri ' t DO litl Best theMarket allbrds." k$ op Board Per duj $2 00 j Per week, l 00 Per month, SO 00 i J. B. BRYANT, Proprietor. jbtr 10, 54 tri-ivctvvlm. T T J. I-. ' fFormerlv Cooke'sJ I -.S fl IWWJsSSMJW , . ; 3mMJMmtr s-s-S.- fc vt M . fy ---h&sf 2 LUiicibtau-s ror violation ol the internal Hev- c5 C 't? -ft ff i -'fcVsi' l 2f .tvi -t'fl SVaT euuel:vs,ancf the same is libelled and prosecuted f; !- ? iJV-'l Hi, vhM. 4,i saVX aSH In the e-ireuit Court of the United States lor con- J t KJfc&tf ' ' X tk Ti C , V ' , WiSSt S 3 1 1 demmaion for the causesin the said Libel of In- t-Q K liZ-T fV 't 'V f1? -sS&nZrV f V v 9Shh "o formatiun set forth ; and that the said cause will a & Y$?t1 1 t'Wi 4 W J? ffc M - i Z 7 ' 1 iHSC stand frtriai at the court room of said Court at H AW M 1 i h ?snt- - 'MM'U' hiV .' -V JVL ? lleigh.ou the last Momlay of November next, S A l&tt&gfg t ' . "Ki4S: A YiX-TV' V v - W 1 A f 7 ? If that ! a iurisiietion day and if not at the 3 iCWUr t:T ' 'S, yT' i V'p--. ' fyu 0-S V -t--J 'Cc-W J S 3 S next dfc.v of Jurisdiction tliemftr, when and i R-7 tTTTK.-? ifi V' , if V m Tr0 St VI m where iillH-rsons are warned to appu-to show 0 LrMfillS8f-J if ? ' J ' ' ' 7 if f i 7?$ OR S r" Q caus, KhV condemnation should not be de- lA il'W ,', V ' ' '',' ' " sf f 1 V' V ikf) &5v3 (mnl, ta,(to intervene for their interest. . i Ulkf W 1 A W 1 " - J-SW li W, xAkWI 5 S S Giv. it under my hand, nt office la Raleigh, m 'fs T1 l " 1 1 K-l ' lr V ' Hi 'uJT V" O S . L't. K.T.CVRBOW, 1? rs vi J"vv 'qv v . t . ' jfe gfj-faa woofer : k . . thus intirini? lavtcer pivniondH to 1 1 Holders. r mi. .. I : . . .... .....1 rfA'. O. inn i'm-L'uii!) nuu umms 01 nw I ,-, n-ominent NORTH C'AKitp.L 0 KNOWN to bo men .! INTKGRIT V ami WORTH. . i - 6. Tho I'oinpany in est:U!i.sJjed on a s. !; 1 and permanent bit is, stei's ljavinir 1,M taken to increase the nany are. piomi NIANS, who arc CAPITAL HTOCK OF $o00,0M). . 1 J 7. ALJ, TI I li FUN 1 )S OF Til K, ( ( 1 ,f. PANYAUK INVKfsTED IN TI I SKI' ATI" AND CI R U U J j A T Ji 1) AMONU OUjluV. PEOPLE. This fact should eointmn.! i; Company, alwve all others, to North Cn, . linians. It is Well known that huii.tn ,! , j thousands of dollars in Life Premiums ;t annually sent North to enrich Noninni Capitalists, thus continually dr;ti people of immense amounts, whidiish n:j, be kept at home. On tliis trrotind ti.el'rii i. . of this Company rontidi ully ajni al , , son of tho Old is urth State, and :iKk (!,. ; support for tliis ' . IIOMK INSTITUTION, which, whilo it offers substantially all lL advantages of Nortliem Companies, Ik !:, to build up HOMi: INSTITUTIONS. AdENTS WANTED in every county i-i tho State, with whom tho most liberal U-nu will bo made. Apply to j ; JAMES 1). BROOKS,' j ' General Supervising Apent, t or, THEO. 11. HILL, I Lioeal Aw'.it, ! apr 2-1 v.'6m. Raleigh, N. t. W. T. ADAMS. T. K. ADAM-,. W. T. ADAMS & SOX, Manufacturers and Deuiers in STEAM IS N O I N K H , SAW AND CJISISI" J1IH, Flows, narrows, Cultivator!, lloUtin; ITIncliines, and all kind of ' CASTINGH. All work neatly and promptly execute, by skilful workmen, on tho most reasoimKe terms. Tao senior partner has had over 4u experience in the business, and leeln jiiftititt in saying that ho can give entire satisfaction. WANTED 100.000 pounds old Casting for which tho highest market price will I paid, in cash or exchange for work, j Works one Square AVest of Court IIou Raleigh; Aug. 13, 1872. 4 9 w3uu m. mm Sept. 19, 1872. 1-1 A TLANTA MEDICAL COLLEGE. piRCUIT COURT OF-TIIE UNITED STATES, V U16tKH.TUK.M)l'.rii IAKIJU.NA. Unitei t estates vs. One liarrel ol Whiskey, con- laiuiji;?- aioui -u canons, as me property 01 Joti(-ft& Roberts Libel of Information. To .Ioi4!s A'Robcrts, and to all whom it may con- orn vreeiinjr. Notice is hereby given, that the nbove men tioned' prom-rty was seized by Wm. Harrow, Collector of Internal Revenue of the 1st Col lection District of North Carolina, on the 3rd day oljSJune, 172, as forft itcil to the uses of the riAnVTTTTl We will give en T T .UtjLJ.- JL JLUJLS ergetic men and women f Business that will "Pay from$l;fo $8 per day, can be pursued in yourjown neighborhood, and is strictly honojablf; Particulars free, or samples mat will enable you to go to wnrK at once, will be sent ori receipt of two three cent Btamps.1 !Addres : ' J. LATHAM A CO., 2D2 Washington St, Boston, Mass. October 3; 1872. 17 w6w J, r - 5 .'I . i M'LiLE FHANCTS, The Great Exemplar of the Hisrh School of Eaueslrianism: FOTTR ORE AT mnwiro Embodying some of tho 'Most Original in America : Joan Lowlow. the Peerless. Arcittt! mprtji.t.; Wtt.t.t a x- Conrad, V. Robixsox; THE HOLLAND BROTHERS, In their Wonderful Gymnastic Specialities n fJTTART.Ea 3IACART , Battonte Leaper and VoltisreUr : The Charminsr and Beautiful M'LLE T; a irnnR - Thia .Dcti0nnft Eclipses anv Artiste that lias made lier Debut within thft Chflrmwl nirrfp ? lifATiAM mRTPunp t.i andBoautifuIWildBeastTamer; M'LLE MARGARET, The Queen of the Menace. - , l 7 WILLIAM lOMUD'b Terfonmng Dogs and Monkeys will also be introduced, and the World is Challensred to Produce their Equals in the variety of their performance and tho almost human sagacity which they display. w -w CTf-w U. -rm t uri -w --r- -n- - . nuiuuiiioer, a ouow, me jn.quui 01 umcu ias jcvcr iieeii Seen id Iurore or AmpnV.i A T n n ..1 . 1 1 il, TTX ; C1U. ? X, TIT 1 1 - x - ; - , guarantee that the THURSDAY. OCTOBER Admission to all 75 cents. Children (under 10) 50 cent?. - - -. " -mtKi. vj ui jviucricit, by the Veteran Showman of the. World OLD JOIIXI ROBINSOX, whoso name is a sure Public will witness the! Finest and Most Elaborate Exhibition ever witnessed in RALFTGTr rOBER 2lTn. Remember the dav. V Performances at 1 and 7:30 o'clock Dailyt 15 w2w The Fourteenth Annual Course of I-- tures in this Institution will eenuntw M the first Monday in Isovembtr nt-.t, a.- continue till the following March. FAfni.TY : A. W. Calhoun. M D. Professor .f al and Descriptive Anatomy. wm. Abram Iove, M I, rro!c.vT Philosophy and Clinical Lecturer.' W. II. oodwin,Prol'esopof tici.t'raiS'"1 Medical Chemistry. J. G. Westmoreland. .M. I), Profcs.- '" Materia Medica and Therapeutics. , , . eases of Women. W. F. Westmoreland, M. I), l'rotl Principles and Practice of Surgery. A. W. (1 rigors, M I), Professor f"f pies and Practice of Medicine. 'John T. Banks, M 1), Professor W rics. S. II. Orme, M D,' Professor of ( Surcrery. . J. T. Johnson. M D. Adiunct Fii and Demonstrator of Anatomy. ' , N. D'Alvigney, M I), Prosector (j l'r fessor of Surgery and Curator. W. II. Coe, M D, Assistant in C"1"'" Surgery I Ch. Ilanschehberg, M D, Adjunct I r ' sor of Practice and Clinical Medicini , . James 13. Baird, 1 D, Adjunct1 1'ri" of Physiology and Clinical Lecturer.! J. M. McSin, Janitor. I Fees for the Course of Teetures' a;!1 'n: can to I iftyDollars. Good Board for twenty dollar? per month. For further information or Cuba" dress J.. G. WFSTMOBELANP, Dean. j , Atlanta. Sebt. 14. 1872. 9 - - 1 liC '' Sopt. 19, 1872. "JOTICE I I will sell to the highest bidder, forcl asb- y of October, im, :ounty of Granville, adioiu1 D. S. Marror, Sen., J., on the 21st day .Land, in the county Bullock, dec, and others, the propfv j( one Harvey, to satisfy an cxk-i' my hands, in favor of the State of - Carolina, for Taxes, f , ;r . JAMKS . I. MOOliiu, ( of Granville couutv, Sept. 18, 1S72. '

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