Trwi-1, n'HW 11 mtm ,u x i: n-toU .!." - Correspondence, REPUBLICAN JUBI- . LEE FOR GRANT ANJ "WILSON. Gen. Brogden contrasted the total revenue receipts from spirits, tobacco, fermented liquors, banks and bankers, pas, adhesive stamp3, and penalties, during the last three years of President Johnson's administration, -with' the first three vears of President Grant's administration, and showed that while the taxes on these articles had been re- Able and Eloquen llvcrecl by the Hon Smith and Lieut. Gov. C. II. Broerdcn. Grednc . CountyOlds' Township. 7b ttic 'Editor of the Era: SiH :!; On the 12th iust. a portion of the Republicans of Olds' Township met at; Glen wood Academy and ornized a Grant and Wilson club by electing Blany Speight President, Wm. Conner, John W. Grimsley and R. L. Phillips vice-I'resiaents, ana John u. Unmsley Fayetteville has a new llire engine. A revival is in progresu in the Methodist Church in Wilson. - Presidential Canvass. New Advertisements Mr. A. Lu Blow has severed his connection REPUBLICAN. MEETINGS. t Speeches De- I Secretary fftn Wt . F i k y were unaef mxsori, ycz mere William Conner, Joseph' Dixon, Dr. ion. win. Am I had been an actual savincr to the irov- t tj.i.. wt t..i-i . it jj. o .iiiiiu , t t . x tinier., nuu xstuu Nelson were elected noLwxiFi'L nArxiirjcur:, &c. fou ALL THE PEOPLE PltE-SEVT. 4 T " 1 7b the Editor of the Era: Sir : On Saturday, the 12th instant. a grand rally of the Republicans of Johnston, wayce and Sampson was held at Pleasant Grove, Bentonsville township, Johnston county. It ws ono of the largest mass meetings ever held in this section of the State. The enthusiasm for Grant and Wilson was unbounded. About 12 o'clock the Hon. Wm. A. Smith took the stand erected for the speakers and addressed the rge crowd for about one hour and a half, in one of tho best speeches of his life, dealing heavy blows at Horace Greeley as the man who had said and written more against Southern people than any other man in the United States. Maj. Smith called attention to what Horace Gree ley said of Confederate soldiers, when ho denounced them as knaves, liars and perjurers, all liable to indictment triA sentence and execution, and who had wantonly defamed Southern ladies when he characterized them as being unchaste. But notwithstanding all the vile slanders and libels uttered andjmblish ed by Horace 'Greeley against the peo ple of the South, they were asked to vote for him, but they would not do it. Greeley had no just right or reason to even expect the people to vote for him for President, when he himself had de clared in his speech that Gen. Grant tcill be far better qualified for that mo mentous trust in 1872 than he teas in 1SGS.", Greeley also said, " Gen. Grant never Jias been defeated, and he never trill be." In relation to the frauds committed upon the State, in the matter of the bonds issued to the Presidents of vari ous Railroad Companies, Maj. S:iiith said the Conservatives and Democrats got $14,256,000 of about $10,000,000, showing that the so-called Conserva tives and Democrats got most of the bonds.? Geo. W. Swepson, a Conserva tive, had, by making false certificates, got $0,006,000 in bonds out of the Pub lic Treasury, and when Gov. Caldwell had him indicted for a fraudulent mis application of the bonds, the Democrat ic Attorney General, W. M. Shipp, also a member of the Fraud Commission, recommended that lhe said criminal prosecutions pending against said Geo. had been an actual saving to the gov ernment on these few articles alone of $10S,202,C3a, being at the rate of 47 per cent increase for the last three years. lie explained many other matters con nected with the financial affairs of the country, wmcn cannot even be men tioned for want of space. j As to Horace Greeley, he did not un derstand how any well-meaning South ern Democrat, who has any regard for principle or consistency, could vote for him. Ho has said and written more against the Democratic party than any other man in the United States. He denounced Southern soldiers as "knaves, liars and perjurers, all liable to indict ment, trial, sen fence and execution.1 1 He advocated the ruin of the Southern sol diers and their homes when he said : But when the rebellious traitors are overwhelmed in the field and scattered like leaves before an angry wind, it must not be to return to peaceful and contented homes. They must find pov- canvassers for the Township. Wra.:P.: Grimsley, Wm. T. Dixon. and VI Xhinn, were, elected Executive Committee for Township. The- Constitution and By-Laws re commended by the State Executive Committee were unanimously adopted. The; following; is a list of the mem bers : i . . . Charles Britton, Isaac Leane, Peter Hardv, -Jos. Dixon, Charles Ormond, D. Wi Patrick, Seth Walston, Samuel Patrick James Adams, Edmond Olds, Chas. Sherrod, Stephen Donney, Robt. Greeny, tRuffin Jones, Wm. P. Grims ley, D. B. S. Hardy, Win. Conner, M. PayUjn, Blaney Speight, H. Churchill, Jasper Ormond, It. L. Phillips, Jacob Hart; Thomas Adams, King Jones, T, Hardy, M. Lyson, Simon Hardy, W. Jacksqjni i ; On notion, the meeting adjourned, with The Greenville Spectator. .-.:. Mr. Allen Bynum, of Pitt, died with a congestive chill on the 4tl Inst. J Joshua . Whitesell, of i ulamance county," died Friday night last wl ile shelling corn. 'There aro twenty-two prisoners in Now Hanover jail three whit -nineteen color ed. V ::. ts Perry, Demo- ngress, liftecn F. Boy kin, at was burned on Wallace, Republican, be crat, of South Carolina, for huxdred votes The cotton gin of Mr. I the 9th inst. Loss $1,500., po insurance. Mr. Joshua Sellars, an oAl veteran of the war of 1812, ami a highly, Esteemed citizen. died recently at his residence in Sampson, aged S4 years. A A negro named Ham Jeffreys, was killed in a general row at Madlscn,. Rockingham county, last week. Geo. Looker is in jail charged with the killing. - A handsome new church of the Disciples now building m Wilson is apidly ; ap proaching completion. "When finished it will be the finest church in town. Wake County Canvass for Grant and Wilson. Some of the ' following named speakers will address the people of Wake county, at the following named times and places.:- ..';'-K '" 4 ' -" V:yf'- - Mr. Jam os Ileaden. Grant and Wil son Elector for the District, S. c F. Phillips, Gov. Caldwell, Gen. W.- D. Jones, J. C L. Harris, Col. I. J. Young," James H. Harris, Stewart Ellison, Gen. John C. Gorman Judge Bunting, Calvin J. Rogers, H. C Jones, R. C. Badger, li. S. Perry, and otliers : . ' I ' ' . ' . Laws Store, Fridav, Octoler25th. c Uak Grove, Saturday, Octoler '26th. Wily Lynn's, Cedar Fork, Saturday, Oct. 26th. Jim Adaui's Store, Phauter Branch, Satur day October 26th. r ' Foster's, Little River Township, Saturday, WELLS CARBOLIC TABLETS For c our; its, colds & iroAitSLi'viis.s, I These Tablets pfesenft the Acid In Combi nation with other; efficient remedies, in a popular form; for the cure of all THROAT and LUNG Diseases. K HO ARSEXR; IS iind ULCERATION of the THROAT are Im mediately relieved and statement are con spi.lly being sent to the pnprietlff of relief m j cases of 'Threat i dilhcultie8; of ! years staiwling. . - . . , v-ii.ilt; f 1 A TTrr 1 rT-D't Wdoceivr t Auljl v ea Dy, worthless imitations :? Get only,,, Wells', : Carbolic Tablets. Price 236. per ' Box: Send for Circular. JOHN Q. KELLOGG,1' '' i v . . 18 Piatt St., N. Y. 5G--4w i v Sole Agent for tbo U;rS.:i f?fY MONTH ejisily made, with A J J Stencil . and Key-Check Dies. secure Circular and earn pies, fr-pc. 53 4 w S. M. Spkncek, Brattleboro, VLt lade t I y. j e T-r n j : if f "u-1 ney , K? v" to m?et on Saturday, Uie 19th inst. erty at their firesides and see privation . t. - f t tv fiTTTT t?v cjor.r in the anxious eyes of motherland the j ! (jRIMsle , bee . rsxgs of children." Horace Greeley has been in favor of nearly everything which the Southern people have been opposed to, and yet they are now ask ed to vote for him for tho highest of fice in their gift. When Gen. Brogden speech he was loudly cheer- l Frdnxthe Winston Republican. -a AVHISKLfiY. Selling j Brandy the I)jstillery- A bountiful supply of excellent bar- iue, pig, mutton ana beer was on ad ind, and after all the large assemblage eaten barbecue, sweet cakes, &c. to their satisfaction, there was a plenty still left at the close of the day. i Much credit is due to Bryant Wil liams, Esq., chairman -of the commit tee of arrangements, for tho prepara tion of this bountiful feast, as well as for the industry alacrity and zeal with which he works for the true Ilepubli can party. He is a .useful and influen tial citizen. Whenever he undertakes anything which he believes to be right, he is not the man to back out from it. Indeed, all the committee acted well their part. Mr. -Jo. Stafford was also very attentive in his efforts to preserve proper orderin the large crowd. ! The brass band added to the hilarity and glee of the occasion. j Republican. - Enthusiastic Republican Meeting in Cumberland. j To the Editor of The Era : j I have just returned from a large Re publican meeting at Kingsbury, in this county to-day, at which we have had one of the most complete and elegantly served up barbecues that it has ever been my fortune to attend. There were live to six hundred persons present, and one oy tnose wno made it tneir busi ness to see that none should leave this bountiful feast without having the in ner man to feel that Carver's , Creek Township has plenty, and to spare, of the good things for its guests. Too much credit cannot be accorded to that skillful farmer and caterer, John A. McKay, Esq., also, Messrs. Alex C. iiell, John Carver, all participated, some of whom were of v. &trepson,jor matters connectea tcitn other political parties, iiut the kind- nis management oj saia nauroaa vom- est attention was bestowed upon every pani, snail oe dismissed, ana that no further prosecutions shall be instituted against him on account of his said man agement, or in any tray connected tcilh the same." Maj. Smith's speech was interspersed with humorous anecdotes and compar isons, .which caused much merriment ! and frequent cheers. He appealed to every free manjvho ia in favor of peace,. J JMcDonald, llufu3 liDerxy, justice anu gooa government to ana otners. . go to tho election on the first Tuesday The speaking was opened by that in November, and vote for our illustri- sterling Republican and energetic citi- " ous and excellent President, Ulysses S. zen, Mr. John C. Blocker, who was Grant. I" ' listened to with profound attention. Gen. Brogden, after being introduced I would be doing Mr. Blocker great in- 4 to the meeting, spoke for about two justice here to attempt to report his 1 htturs. He congratulated the people speech, as it was replete with sound jupon tho bright and cheering prospects and logical argument, not indulging in of the great National Republican party, that style too often introduced in these The election of President Grant for an- dayc, of abuse upon those who differ other term of four years from and after with him on the issues now agitating the 4th of March next, was in effect de- the country, and merel v asked that clared by the people of the great States facts be considered, and that principles and. Whiskey at Important .Letter from District Attorney Starbuck. Editor of Republican: As many inquires are being made of me by distillers of brandy, - relative to their right to sell spirits at the distil lery in small quantities, without a li cense,' you will oblige me and confer a favor upon me by publishing the fol- lowingUdtter to Mr. Gillespie, which will serve as an answer to all inquiries on the suoject. ; j Very respectfully, !' !; ! D. H. Starbuck. a j Office of U. S. Attorney l Eastern District, " v I Salem, N. C, Sept. 18, 1872. Mr. G.-E. Gillespie: DeAr Sir In answer to your inqui ry of the 11th inst, "Whether a distil ler can sell at his distillery spirits in a quantityjdown as low as a quart, with out a license " 1 have to answer you, that this cannot be done. Under ! the provision of the act of Congress, ? of April, 18G9, the distiller who has given bond may sell spirits of his own j manufacture in the origmal casks or packages J to which thejiroper iax pam. stamps nave oeen amxeu without taking out a wholesale dealers licensed lAnd no cask or package of spiritsicontaining less than three gal Ions, canibe stamped. If the distiller wishes to draw and sell frohi 'his tax paid stamped cask, he must piiy: his special tax as a wholesale or retail Idealer. If he shall sell less than five; gallons, he must pay the re tail dealer's license tax of $25, and if in a Quantity of five gallons or more, he must piiy the wholesale dealer's tax of Sioo. j. And fnb distilled spirits can be re moved! from the distillery xto a place other thai) the distillery warehouse, un til the tax due thereon has been paid, and the casks containing the same have been properly guaged, marked, and stamped.' ! . Such are some of the provisions of law td prevent fraud upon the revenue, and to protect the upright retail and wholesale dealers ' who honestly pay their taxfs. i ! Very1 respectfully, H :.! D. H. Starbuck, i ( ' . District Attorney. ICanjj-ed. Martin Baynard, . who was convicted with colnrnDUS ana uovan .Adair at ilemlersonville ono year ago of the mur der of S laa Weston and Xhrea of his chil arcn, was hanged at , lp' cvjaviuo 3n Friday last. He was U,C& cspftcd. ifcnd made a confession , before the Adairs were executed, in which he stated that Hender son Adair, Columbus, Govan,1 Craton, and Avery, all sons of Henderson, and himself, murdered Weston and his family. The old man and Craton and Avery wero;ar rested upon this confession, and are now in jail at Rutherfordton. The State proposed to make a witness of Baynard, but Gov Caldwell refused to further, respite, and he paid the penalty of his prime on Friday last. - ' , i ; Hutchingson's Store, Barton's Creek, Mon clay, October 28th. i ; : Womble's School House, White Oak, Tues- day, October 29tL.- . Lashlejs X Roads, Wednesday, Oct. 30th. Barney Jones', Thursday, Octoter 31st. Franklin's, Friday, November 1st. ; Millburnie, Saturday, November 2nd. - ... Time will be divided with any Conserva tive speaker at any of the above '.lentioned places. - ' ."' ' j;1' '.' T. F. " Lkk, . . T : ; Uhiiirman Rep. Co. Ex. Com' or 12 Sampios sent (postaxo free) loroye. that retail quiefc lorsio. - 66 4w U R. L. WOLCOTT, T - . 181 Chatham Square, N. V, THE BEST TAKE ticulars free., Addre; side. Fbiend, "hicag;o-. For Atrnts. Work at homo or traveling. Cash rav. Par- Address kfc-onee Onit Firb-' 5J 't a day to Agents, selling Campaign 7 jl j v. age;, lor . JUidies ana Appointment of Speakers in the 5th Cpngrressional . District. Tuesd3-,Octo-ber 22, -1872, ' Roxboro, Person county H Clay Watser, S C Barnett, C S Winstoad." ; Walnut Cove, Stokes county A H Joyce, General J J Martin, General S A Douglas. Thursday, October 24th. Yancey yille, Caswell county H Clay Walseiy George iBowe, Thomas J Foster. ; ' : ' Friday, October 25th. Madison, : Rock Ingham county Colonl W F Henderson, Col. T B Long. ingliam county H Clay Walser, Cicero :.VXXLJN JL & U. S. Court. This Court for the Wes tern District of this State was opened at Statesville this morning. His Honor,; R. P. Dick, Judge, presiding. Mr. "V. S. Lusk, District Attorney, assisted by Maj.. Marcus Erwin and James M, Justice Assistant At torneys, prosecute for the Government. Ve understand that the Ku Kluix cases will be continued because of the question raised as to the right of Col. ! Carrow to act as Mar shal for that District. Judge Dick has de cided that Col. Carrow is Marshal ; Hon. Geo. H. Williams, U. S. Attorney General, holds that Col. Carrow is not Marshal. Fur ther legislation will probably be required to settle the matter beyond dispute. uents as breast and' $tin' pjtm, 'crold plated with ph.otf$$raph , ?f ; Pieaidental Cavdidatev Samples itiiiiletl free for 30 cents. " V 6G lu - McKay fc Co., 93 Cedar StT, N. Y; ; noiiACE gbeelett ana - FAian.1!?;- An elegant EngVaving,-perfect b'keVie?sei,' !22x28 in. sent by mail; $1. Also, Caiiipaign Goods; 1 silk Grant -Badge and 1 plated 25c. Sample- latest styles Wedding cards, .Nbtesy fcc., 25c. ; A. -Demarest, Engraver, -' 56 4w. 182 Broadway, N. Y. E R E E TO Rallant Deed. r The Wilmington Journal says a little lad, sdme seven or eight years of age, the son of Mr. Thomas Morrison, of this city, while playing yesterday morn ing near the cap of the wharf, on South Water street, between Market and Dock, fell into the river and would, undoubtedly have been drowned, but for the timely, as sistance of Mr. Charles Baker, a young man probably some seventeen or eighteen years of age, who plunged in and brought him safely to the shore. The lad had sunk twice and was under the water for the third time, when Mr, Baker dived, and brought him to the surface, f It was a nobhv .gallant "action, and cannot be to highly com mended. . , Holton, T W Patterson. ;' j ; ! Leaks ville Colonel W F Henderson, Col. Thomas B Long. ;: ! Monday, October 28th. Gibsonville H Clay Walser, J( E Boyd, W A Albright. ; Tuesday, October 29th. Graham II Clay Walser, J E Boyd, W A Albright. Wednesday, October 30th. McCray's Store. H Clay Walser, James E Boyd, W A Albright. " . ! I, Thursday, October 31st. Farmington General S A Douglas. Friday, Nov. 1st. Mocksville General S A Douglas. Fentress H Clay Walser, D Hodgin. , Saturday, November 2nd. II Clay Wal ser, T B F James, J R Bulla. Reidsville W S Ball, James E Boyd. ! Monday, November 4th. Lexington H Clay Walser, H B Dusenbury. THOMAS B KEOGH, Cham'n Rep Cong Com T M Owen, Secretary. A prospectusof the People's Standard Bible, 550 illustra tions, will be sent free to all book agents. Send name wad. address to ; ; ' 56-4W-: ZIEGLER fc McCURDY, ; 681 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ; i 6 "OSYCHOJOANClf, or SOUL CH AKM- j ' JL; ijfG? How either sex may fascinate and gain tne love and anecUons of any per son they choose instantlyl This simple mental requirement all can possess, free, by mail, lor 25c. together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, &c. A queer, exciting book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & CO., Pubs., ; 56 4w .. v, Philadelphia: riO THE WORKING CliASS, male or UL female. S60 a week guaranteed. Re spectable employment at home, day or oven mg ; no capital required ; full instructions nd valuable package of goods to start with sent tree by mail. I Address, witn o cens re turn stamp t , M. YOUNG & CO., 56 4w 10 Courtlandt St.; New York: DUTY OFF EXTRA INDUCEMENTS of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, by their elections on Tuesday, the th instant. The election of Gen. Grant will show that the people of the United States are still guided by truth, justice, reason, and common sense. They know how to appreciate their public servants. lie said the Republican party had clone more for human rights and hu manjiberty, more for justice and equal ity before the law, more to encourage be well weighed, ana then let j every voter do as he thought best, and no one was harmed or could complain. I Next was S. A. Baldwin, Esq., who1 made a short speech. He might have said more, but dinner being announced, caused him to lose his time. There was a full chapter of finely barbecued beef, A 1 Jl rf A. turKey, pig, uucK,anu in iacc every thing that North Carolina could pro duce, f Dinner over, John Reilly, Esq.', State i - " " ' - 111 - .... .... . 4 . . THURSDAY, OCT. 24th, 1872. 43-Allj Letters relating to Subscriptions, or Advertisiiiients, must be addressed to Win. 3X'$ pROWN, ;Iliisiness rtlanager. , All icegistereu iieticrs can De seni ai our risK. North Carolina Presbyterian. The Stockholders of the North Carolina Presby terian, published i at Fayetteville, have elected Rev. T. L. De Veaux, of Jackson ville, Florada, as editor of that paper. Mr. ue . v eaux is mgniy recommenaea as a gentleman of superir literary attainments, a pure Christian and an excellent minister. Under his management, therefore, we may expect Tlie Presbyterian to fully maintain the high standard of exceilcnce which has attained for it such a wide-spread reputa tion as among tne nrst-ciass religious pa pers of the countrv. The new editor has our best wishes for prosperity and useful ness in his future career. - Great Republican mass Meetings. lions. Samuel F. Phillips, Thomas Settle, O. II. Dockery, Clinton L. Cobb, J. G. Ramsay, and other distinguished Speakers, will address the people of Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Yadkin, Davie, and Davidson coun ties, at the following great mass meetings : At Germanton, Friday, October 25th. At Danbury, Saturday, October, 2Gth. At Mt. Airy, Monday, October, 28th. . ! At Yadkmville, Wednesday, October 30th. At MockivillerThursdayi, October 31st. At CI emmons ville, Friday, November 1st. At Lexington, Saturday, November 2nd. AH persons without regard to party or color are earnestly invited to hear these Great Speakers on the momentous ques tions involved in the Presidential Election near at hand. Rally for your country, for Freedom and the Union! TEAS!' FOR CLUBS I JSEND fOfi NEW CUUB. CIRCUL.AR1, Which contains full explanations of Pre- ! miums, kq. THE WAY TO OBTAIN OUS GOODS ! ! Persons living at a distance , from New York, ean club together, and get them ati the same price as we sell them at our Ware houses in New York. In order to get up a club, let each person wishing to' join - say how much Tea he wants, and select the kind and price from our Price List, as published in our circulars. Write the names, kinds and amounts plainly on a list, and, when tho club is complete send it to us by mail, and we will put each party's goods in separate packages', and mark the name upon them, with the cost, so there need be no confusion in distribution-each party getting exactly what he orders, and no more. Tie funds to pay for goods ordered can be sent by drafts on New York,, Post-Office money orders, or by express. Or, we will, if de sired, send the goods by Express,1 to " col lect on delivery." i '"' j The Great American Tca fcl ' ! 31 & 33 VESEY STREET, 4vv P. O. Box 5643. j j New York CiTy. Octo- and eleate the laboring classes, more Auditor, was called for, who gave us to improve the moral and intellectual condition of the people, and more to develop the resources of the country than any other party that has ever been known. He showed what the Kepublican party had done for the peo- an excellent speecn 01 aDout nan an hour. Next came Mr. O. H. Blocker, who made a short speech, of telling ef fect. These two latter gentlemen might have spoken much longer, hut, reader, L-nrkTir hnw if. i 7riiircil f affdi- -t-.Subsijribcrs receiving their papers with a crpss X mark may know that tho time for which they subscribed is nearly out, and unless they renew, afte receiving two papers, with a cross mark, theit papers will be discontinued. - Subscribers wishing their papers changed, will plesUef state the office from as well as the ono to which they wish the change made. It is impossible jto recollect every bodys P. O. n pie by the free and liberal Constitution eating a hearty dinner. Dill Era. they adopted, and the wise. just, and equitable laws they passed. The so- called Conservatives and Democrats . factiously opposed all the Republicans had done, and yet they now profess to . be in favor of the same policy and laws I which they so bitterly denounced. The Republican party has made 'great and beneficial reforms in the gov ernment, which are now admitted to be just and right by those who origin ally opposed them. , Gen. Brogden showed that the Re publican party in Congress have pass xl different acts which have taken a burden off the people of more than $000,000,000 a year, while the national debt has been reduced at the rate of .$100,000,000 every year of President Grant's administration. He showed that while the taxes had been so great 1 ly reduced and many articles of neces sity made entirely free of duty, the revenue of the government under tho safe and economical administration of Gen. Grant has greatly increased, while the cost of collecting the customs reve nue has been reduced more than one half since 1SG0. In that year the per ccntage of cost to collections was$G.25; in 1SGS, it was $4.0G; in 1S70, it was uuk m 041, it was v-o.ii, snuwiuji a steady decrease in the cost of collect ing the revenue under Gen. Grant. .lie showed that the Republican party in Congress at the last session passed an act which reduces the revenue taxes . more than $o0,000,000 annually, and ramong other things they took thetax .es entirely off of tea and coffee. The Republicans passed the acts reducing the taxes' while such, friends and sup porters of Greeley , as Blair, Schurz, riumner ana lTumuuii, in the senate, and Greeley's supporters in the House 'otcd against them. He showed that .the credit of our government has great lv improved under the wise adminis f . m m a jrm .a a . f tration of l'resiaent urant, ana mat American securities are equal In value to gold, although they were 17 per cent below it ; and even that violent Demo-: cratic partisan, James Brooks, a mem ber of Congress from New York, was constrained to admit In his speech in the House that "our public credit has been lifted to an enviable position ihroughout the wholo world." - After Mr. B. closed there were two or three stort speeches by some of the honest, industrious colored citizens of Carver's Creek Township, who showed by their familiarity with the political condition of the country, that they had read the papers and listened to speech es, as well as picked out their nice crops of cotton and dipped their large crops of turpentine. Watch. K'iJtrottovillo tint IT I xv 6 Grand Kally of the Republicans of Granville. j . To Vie Editor ' of Tlie Era: J . On Saturday, the 5th inst., a meet ing of the Republican Executive Com mittee of the county was held in the Court House, when the following gen tlemen were appointed Electors for the county : James A. Bullock, Richard D. Jones, James T. Lyou,Wyatt Belvin, Calvin Hester, Starlin Hester, Chamer Towns, and Washington Bridges. After the -appointment of Electors, arrangements were made for the thor ough organization of the party and can vass of the county. ! Notice of the meeting of the Com mittee having been widely circulated, a large number of Republicans were present. After the transaction of busi ness by the Committee, the Court House bell was rung, when at large number of Republicans assembled.7 James I. Moore was called on for a speech, who came forward, amidst great enthusiasm, and delivered one of his soul-stirrers. Col. T. L. Hargrove was next called on. He responded in a short but eloquent speech, replete with wholesome instruction, and calcu lated to arouse every liberty-loving man to the discharge of his duty. B. Smith, Esq., was next called on, who delivered a short SDcech. The meeting then adjourned, much good feeling and enthusiasm prevailing. Look out for a good report from Granville. II. T. HUGHES, Sec'y Ex. Com. Advertising Rates of The i t jj bAILY rates : No. SatTAHES. 1 m. 2 m'k 3m's. Gni's. 12m's. 1 Square,; 8 00 $12 00 $10 00 $30 00 $50 00 2 dO' S ; 12.00 15 00 19 00 35 00 tid 00 3 do' I If! 00 13 00 22 00 40 00 75 00 4 do It IS 00 20 00 25 00 5" 00 85 00 i Colunui,' 20 00 24 00 30 00 55 00 100 00 l do -30 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 160 00 1 do J i 45 00 75 00 100 00 160 00 300 00 I i ; weekly; bates: No RoirXJiES.1 m. 2m'!. 3m's. 6m's. 12m's. 1 Square,: S 3 00 $ 5 00 $ 7 00 10 00 $16 00 2 do !i! 5 00 9 00 12 00 16 00 26 00 3 (SOX! 7 00 12 00 15 00 24 00 35 00 4 do' 3; '9 00 15 00 17 00 28 00 40 00 5 doi'L J 10 00 16 00 IS 00 32 00 45 00 4 Coiumfa' 12 00 13 00 29 oo a O) 50 00 Xi do-1 T 20 00 . 25 00 30 00 50 00 80 00 1 - do I 30 00 40 00 50 00 80 00 150 00 Tlie Fair Grounds. There is a talk of moving the Fair Grounds. Whether moved or not, the grounds should be- arranged so as to nave every ounaing outside the race track, and seats should be erected so that the people can view the races from be ginning to "end. There is great room for improvement in the arrangement of the grounds, and we hope the new President, Mr. Thomas M. Holt, will infuse new lite into the Society, have the grounds properly arranged, and get together at our next Fair the largest crowd and more articles on ex hibition than ever before. The citizens! Raleigh should liberally aid the Society Franklin County- Republican Meetings. General P B Hawkins, Captain C H Thomas,: Madison Hawkins and J 11 Wil liams, supporters of Grant and Wilson, will address the people at the following times and places: i , Cedar Rock Court House, Friday, ber 25, L,uisburg, Saturday, October 26, Hall's y Roads, Tuesday October ny, Freeman's v; Roads, Wednesday, Octo ber 3 Louisburg, Saturday, November 3nd, Franklicton. Monday, November 4th. Everybody, without regard to party, invited to attend. I are or Public Speaking;. William A. Smith, and( others, will address the people of John ston county at the following times and piaces: Ingram's, Saturday, October 2Glh. Pine Level, Wednesday, October 30th. Smithlicld, Saturday, November 2d. Time will be divided with Mr. Pou, the Greeley Elector for the State at large, at any of the above places. Come one ! Come all ! ! ' Ab8enti-4Col. S T Carrow, U S Marshal, and Coli I J Young, ITS Collector, are ab sent froijn ;the city. :M: New School. Elder Jos II Foy .has es tablished a f 4 Collegiate Institute," of which he is principal, at Kinston, N C. Superior CourtVako County. Gov. Caldwell has ordered a special term of Wake Superior Court to be held on the First Monday of January, 1873, for the trial of criminal cases where indictments have been found and civil business. ' Judgo G. v. Logan has been appointed to hold the Court. " There aro about one hundrdejaeon the criminal docket, ono of which ( is a capital case. There are lour hundred cases on the civil docket, some of which are of twenty years standing. The term oi the Court will probably occupy five or six weeks. Republican Meeting's in Cumberland County. Gkant and Wilson Union, Lujebty and YeaVV ! Public Speaking and Republican Rallys'at Black River, (Suiitli's .Mills,) Friday, October 25th. Flea Hill, (near the Spring,) Jsaturday, October 26th. Seventv-tirst, (D. C, Munroo's,) Tuesday, October 29th. Quewhiffle, (Jno. Monroe V-,) W ednesday, October 39th. Crorss Creek, (Robip.son1s Spring,) Satur day; November 2d. ' liV tile KEP. C'OIJNTY UOMMITTJiJS. Fayetteville, October oth, 1S72. i litis not a physic which may give tem porary relief to the sufferer for the $rst few doses, but which, from continued use brings Piles and kindred diseases to aid in weak ening the invalid, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of . Bitters' is so extensively palmed off . onthe public as sovereign remedies, but it is n most powerful Tonic end alterative, pro nounced so-by the leading medical authori ties of London and Paris, and has b'oii long used by the regular physk-iaiiK -ther countries with wonderful remedial r-;mit3. Dr. Wells' Extract of Jur:;hcb;i retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and mutt be taken as a permanent curative agent. i; . Is tliere want of action in rour Xiver and. Spleen Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secre tions, pre ilucing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons,' Pustlnlcw, Canker, Pim- Tako arabeba to cleanse p;li ify and restore, vitiated-blood to healthy .ue.ion.w ' ISavc you a pcpic Stouiuclt .- Un less digCK-tion .is promptly aided the sy ;Jt iu is debiliiHted with' loss of vital foree",' pov erty of 'he Blood,' Uf-opsical Teiideu?y, General Weakness or Lassitude. w - Take it. to assist Dig tion without! reac tion, it will impart 3-cHfh?ul viguv t. Uie weary sttlVerer. , lEavc yonwcakiicsfof the Iutctineil YiOU are :i danircr of Chronic liarrii.;a or the dread. uMnllammaciori of the JJowels. Nntional Kepullicnn Ticket. litiois. ! For Prtidenl, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of II For Vice-President, HENRY VILSON, of Massachusetts , i For Presidential Electors For ihs State at Large, T Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe,' Samuel F. Phillips, of Wakk '-'-,. ' '. For the DtifricLi, I Edward Ransom, qf Tyrrell, n. William F. Loftin.l of Leniir, ;IIL J. oseph C Abbott. f New ISar.ovcr, f IV; James H.t Itadfen. cf CliatLam, j V. Henry C. TValscr, of D;viiLou, VI. J William S. Bynum. of Lincjoln, ; VII James G. Ramsav, f ltowan, VIII. James M. JusticoJof It. iherford. ; CottOll jIarket. Fifty bales of cotton were "brought to this city to-day up to 2 p. id. PricbfI7$, and steady. : Tendency up ward. .: ' i ! . -i V Iost.-4-tbo finder of a small knife, lost at the BaptitChurchon Sunday night, can return it; rioi this office, by paying for this notice. ; ' . i i . Small ;ox. Neve rson and Buchannan, sons ; of biiren Cobb, died in Nashville last week of itntt pox. A sister died of tho same dlseaso al few weeks ago. H i : - It ha3 been decided by the Court that "a wacth is included among the neces sary articles of a debtor which are ex empt from the claims of tho creditor." ' Barn : JillTOt. A barn full of tobacco, belonging to Dr. R. B. Thornton, who lives near Milton Caswell county, was burned on tho nightl-of tho 16th. Central Agricultural Society. This Society is composed of tlie counties of Warren, franville and Franklin. The of ficers for873 are : For President CoJ. S. S. Cooper. For; VlcerPresidents Joseph J. Davis, Dr. P. Pjeace, Thomas Capehart, A. B. AndrewsV tir. J. R. Hicks, Peter R. Davis, Dr. S. P. "Youngs S. S. Royster,. J. Young, O. II.' Rowland, Thos. J. Black nail.'islative Contest. Mr. V. F. - T 1 1 . am - veer., oi r raniiiin, wno .was aeieatea lor the House of Representatives by Mr John H Williamson, has served notice on Mr Williamson that he (Green) will contest Williamson's election. Cause The registrar did not attend at Freeman's precinct with the registration book on Saturday before the election as he i was required ' by law to do. Thi3 precinct gave Williamson ninety- two majority. Mr. Green was defeated by seventy votes. ; .. ; inc greatest wanioi uio present agu is men and women, healthy and vigorous in mindand body. Thecontinued headaches, weaknesses, nervousness, and varying ail ments which afflict women jare generally the result of imperfect action of the stomach and other vital organs. Dr. Walker's California Vin koar . Bitters, being composed entirely of vegetable substances indigenous to California, taken wilh 1' . f- I A 1 I i . periect saieiy dv me most ueiicaie, anu Jtre a sure remedy, correcting all wrong action and giving new vigor to the whole system. 06 wttri-w4w. ; lublic Speaking. Messrs. John A.. Ilyman, J. Wm. II. Paschall, George II. King and.-others, tho supportei-s of Grant and Wilson, will peak at the limesand places designated below : j Judkins Township, Jack Riggan's, Warren county, Saturdav, October 2fjth. . Ridgeway, at Park, Warren county, Mon day, October zth. Warrenton, Warren county, Saturday, Xo- vemoerzna. Come one, come all, and hear for yourself. Br the Committee: .1 t A. BURGESS. Warrenton, September 2oih, 1872. . Take i: . to. allay irritation and war tendency to inflammations. - A ISav c you. weaktiesijof tire Vteliixe or Yi an in must r liable n'gautu K;lirrii!g vveuknoftdorj Urinary Organs ) stiint; ri- ' f or 5rr wori,e th.-i i deaUi. Take it lo strengthen life bocoi-ies a burden, Finally it should be Keep tne system in pe are otherwise in great miasmatur or contagious diseases.' r- '....,.! JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 8 Piatt St., N Y., , f Sole Agent for tbeTJnitod States. Price, One Dollar pe Bottle s-ud (r Circular. : , , i -oci 15.' J-5'r . 'requenti'v taken to: lect heal til or you anger of malarial, itcpuMican , Appointments.- Hons. Thomas Settle, Col. Marcus Erwin, Col. W. F. Henderson, and others, will address the people at tho following times and places: New Berne, Saturday; October 26, 1872. Goldsboro, Monday, " 28, . " Tarboro, Tuesday, i " lJ, Hamilton, Thursbay, !: " "Weldon, Saturday, ( Nov. BIqyb-F lttins 31, Agricultural Address.-llai. Robert Bingba:n will deliver an Agricultural Ad dress before the Hillsboro Township Agri cultural Club in that place on Saturday of November onrtj r Republican Meetings!. The Republi can canvassers for Halifax county will ad dress the people at the .following times and places: v :'V- :', Faucett's, Friday, October 25th. Littleton. Saturday, October 26th. . i Palmyra, Friday, November 1st. Scotland Neck, Saturday, November 2d. Halifax, Mondav, November 4th, T B. O M P S O WORID-BEHOWHED P&TEHTi . GorsBj. ':' NoCorsetiiaseyer wi joyod such a world-wide; popularity. ; The ucmanfiyorviciii is constantlyuorcasing beoaustf- ' 'Ivuii; " ( '- k TIIE IVE ' '' Are iuTaiidsomey 'DnrJ ! A PiERFECT FIT. AskforTnoinpsorr'S GENUINE GLOVE FITTING coirSET. Every ono being stamped with the name THOMPSON, and the trade-mark a Crown. Sol a by all First Class lcaler National llcpublicrtn s Ticket. For Protsidcnt,5 ' ULYSSES S. GRANT, of 111 nols. For Vico-Presiilent, HEIt Y:VILS0N, of Idssaciiutts m . For Presidential Electors : For (he State at Large, Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe!, I For the Ditrict$. I Edward Hanson of Tyrrell. II William F. Loftin, of Lenoir. III. Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, lv. James 11. llcadcn, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VI. 'William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. James G. Ramsay, of Rowan. VIII. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. it. National Republican Ticket.- For President, ULY$SES S. GRANT, of Illinois. I For Vice-President, -HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS: j For the State at Large, Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. For the Districts, I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, j II. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, -ELI. J oseph O. Abbott, of New Hanover, lv.. James 11. Head en, of Chatham, , V. Henry C. "Walser, of Davidson, VI. William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, yH. James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, VIII. Nat amcs M. Justice, of Rutherford. onal Republican Tickets For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT,! of Illinois j IJor Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts For Presidential Electors : For tlie State at Large, Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. ; For the Districts, I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, II. William F.. Loftin, of Lenoir, III. Joseph C.Abbott, of New Hanover IV. James II. Head en, of! Chatham, V. Henry C. IWalser, of Davidsop, ' VI. William 8. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. James O. Ramsay, of Rowan, VIII. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. National Rcpublicui'i Ti!ccr. For Prt'siilent, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Iliiaois. , J For Vico.-Pnidf iit, j HENRY WILSON, of Massac -husctts For Presidential Electors : For the State at Large, , Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, ; imiiel F. PlnIIip.s, 01 W akc. 1 For the Dibtricts, ward Ransom, of Tyrrell, i Ilium F. Loftin, of Lenoir. Jolph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, James II. Hcadcn, of .Chatham, Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, ; William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. Jaiincs G. dlamsav, of Rowan, VHL Jaines M. Justice, of Rutherfonl. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. National Ioi;nI)lican TU-izot.. ,For Pn-sident, ULYSSluS S. (iRANT, of-Illhsoiy. F;r Vi r-';iioiK'Jit. i .HE NRY V 1 1 )': , nf Ma ii. i i use 1 U For PiiEsi i) enti a l Electoiis : Ior the State at Large, Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, i SaiuiH'l F. I'liiilJi, ' ofj Wake. ! Fir the 2)U')iX, I. id Kr.i:f('i;, of 'I'iicll, j . II. William F. Loftin. of Lenoir, ; III. Joseph ( Abbott, of Nov. Hanover, IV. Jamejs n. Hcadcn, of j Chatham, t V. nenry C; Walser, of Davidson, VI. William 8. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. James G. Ramsay, of: Rowan. VIII. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. Nation al Republican Ticket. For President. . ULYSSI S. GRANT, bf Illinois. ' For Vice-President, , HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts For Presidential Electors: ; For the State at Large, Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, SiiiiuuiF. I'liillipH.of Wake. . For tlie DutricU, V- Edward Ransom, of Tjrrcll,; William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, James n. neadcn, of Chatham, Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, - JaniC3 G. Ramsay, of Rowan, I. II. HI. IV. V. VL VH YHI. James M. Justice, of Rutherford.

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