11 HE I:' t , EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE. VOL.1. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY; AUG USTM8, 1898. NO. 18. ; ? fill 11 Dili. '..t Record From Beginning q Close of Hostilities. .V)T QUITE FOUR MONTHS-LONG , rrnks Haie Been Put in the Field. , . i I ic.t Hac Sailed and Great Vk ! ,:. s lUt Been Won in That Compara i v j :fiort Tine. Winjjlsa diary ' the- Sp&nisn- ! t.t MoKinWy asked congress for : fit"rrL in Cuba Monday, April r r.ti--n ordered by congress Tues- - i ::..!: M;ir.M y me l rrsiaeai vea ... A ni 2. 11 -21a. ra. : at i-n c.i 11 to Minister Woodford " - .tVn i:l-n to Spanish minister, 1 ivrtiN WJn'day, April 2, noon. . ; r. I 2). 3 -'0 p. en., and left Washington ': . :. tl'?-.ifUay. V i-v-r W.irvrl pot hU paports !y. Airil iL i ;i.!.inc f the war Thursday, April 21, ; , t: . A lm rial Sampson' tlH Mlil from . vt to Mo-ka.fe ports of t'nla FriJay, r.'. " I a in; nr;t kuo of tho war fired l ? " i:ur.L-.at Nahtille Friday, April 22; : r : ; r:. f the war the P.uaa Ventura -t .r-l t.y lb Nwbiiil" Friday, April 22; . ' .1 r Ia nation of the blockade ot f -. rt Friday, April 22; volunteer ,,r . ;.!. -L'n.-l ty the Pres.ilnt, Friday, w: :. ' -i p. m; Lioctado begun Friday, A, -i. .'.. .'it iiicbt. I :. I r-i l Lt aked for 125,000 volunteers .r !.:. Afnl :3. ! ... ! . !.ru war t-ep-un puffed Monday, V- r-Mry t-f state John Sbnnan resigned . t it-at U." mouth of Mantanzas harbor " .. -ir-i1 t y th Nw York. ClnoioDati and 1 .r: W-.li.os.l4y, April 27, 12:57 p m till ! : i !.V.rd- n-ctfal.cl from St.'Viacent I f 1 1.-, A J ril 2 J. r- it UHul l i.ttlo f.uht in the harbor ' y it.u i, I'Liiif pine IInnd, and the Span , .t..t t-u im-U ami a water l attery at tt i". .;?! rv-d ty th Unitnl States 5jua J f ri mrnmi 1 of I'omwodoro GeorKO I v v N. ta uiau klilM on the United Mat- :.:,- it ! only a f'.w wounded. The city of :i i '.i "-lit tiie mercy of American pallors -,u ! y. Mayl, 1 eianirc nt dayiiRht, t'oin r . l-.t- lwvy havlr.ir made a most daring ? t t iu- -' v f th" niinod l-.-iy under cover of the L--!t. jr.- r"fuil ot thj rThirteeuth llejjlmeut f-w tk to volunteer in tho recuiarirmy : r t!;. war mvesticntod by tho ftattvathori t; W.-di:o-day. May 4. !: .ir A l.;irni samf-son went to sea with ( ..-t -.,- rful battleships ot hij squadron u. !,...,.liy. May I. I r ,ii a ii-.tiL in Si hIq reinrted and n i tri-tt?Ie appr-hocd-d in Madrid Sat- r : iv. May 7. i ! r.iir.l aiidiim theTLirttnth Kcgiment. N Guard, New York, were promul- i: I Sunday, May 8. "..ij;ri - p:.--.l a jriat resolution teader-;-.::!.- t!imot iLlf and tho American I : t Vn:doro I .-w-y and the meu of J : -'jii idr.-n M-ndavt May U. W;t. .it udd at il.'J. fu-rday. May 10. .:;. d-r- Ik-wey made a rear aJmlral W -!:..d.ty. May 11. I l.-ru:i:at- W iirnuiston an 1 Hudson aad t!,-!. rp .i i bat Wia.-low in the Urst encaie : i.ti.i u! im wrtt-r- Luj-i'n liaaley anj i four tu. r ni'-n f the Vinilow kiliej and five it :d-d WelueMlaj May 11. A tin-- ar Admiral Sampson's uadron !.! ;rd d San Juan, l'orto Kico, Thursday, v l.. i j iiuih n- t. frm the Capo Verde Ia . I-. whith win raid to have nrilve.1 nt t.. was located oIT Martiui-juo Friday, 1 . .f 1 i!iu; -juadron t ailed fro 31 Ilamrton 1 ridav. May 13. I; 1 1.- Sp.ini.-u Cet sthtetl off Curacao, near i-t i f Y-ni x'ula, Srtturday, May 11. rm:tl . f Admiral fervent and Lis fijuad- 1 i at Santiago Thurstd.iy, May 13. 1 h-'-riiir an Frau-'lsco 1-tt Mare I-dand raw .rd, San Fraacbco, for Manila Sat Lf ! .. .M . 21. Arrival f Ut- battleship Oregon at Jupi-t- r. F.'i.. after a voyage of 13.0K) miles fr..tu sau Fraueiso. Tuesday May 21, 10:30 1 ?;. j The rr idfuts second call for troops Tj.HHj - wa L-?t.ed on Ve.lLetunv, May 25. ' A 1 Liral l-aey reporte.1 from Cavite: "No . L : ia iho t-kVkade. Is effective." tat-u.- l.t v, M iy 2. , "Hi rur--r luttimore nt Manila reported a.'i lU-t.t Saturday. May2i. t ':ii;n-dt.r" soul-y caunonadot the - forts a: !l i i.trafff to the harbor of Santiago to -aie tr- itin uf th enemv. afternoon t T'i-diy, May Jl. .-t-...d."" Morro castle was ue- 1 u.t I rlrn hof e of the war: Lieutenant 1: l.aivn 1 I. Motion and feven men voluc-t- t- t t' t.ik the collier Morrimac Into the 1 ar:.. t-hann 1 of Santiago and !iuk it there r. a.- to coe the harbor and prevent tbo es- a, i f the Spanish ftiet. The daring expe a:i..u was 3ac.'fuily carried out. Lieuten- t ai.i lLdoa and his men atteoiptln to es- t raf-iy by Mviniminff across the bar K r e.ri ;r the tire of th euemy and reach 1 : .-le-r- oniy to l-e made prisoners, two of t!i'-ai weunded, Friday morning, June ord. !? S .-.th .fCapt. Charles V. Gridicy, of tf - r a t ivmi ia. acnminced at the Navy l'' i af.n.. ut Sunday June 5 l: ; t ar !:r.-ut o! the forts and shore bat t ri at t.- utrauee to the harbtxr of Sau I; ic f A lu.tral Sampson and Commodore s -rt 1 t's.i- M ay morutoif, June 6. I ari!-h authorities la Madrid admit ruir l;-iua M-rcedes was suuk, tivrs and m-n were filled and I. ir.d that lh fortifications were t th- Aiu-ricao fl-'t off Santiago on . I nt.- t'.. Wednesday June 8. ittr! 'atioi.s at tiuanianamo. tear the t ; r.:,iii:o, reduced by the cruber .a i, W-,lr1.ly. June 8. ir y v .M ! 1 I f.- iitr t:; Mar! .. A I a. a; 1' 1-s r-j orted cut Wedn-sday Jar.e . "i t - !(. a.iiri: t!.- r.:r.y I! ;- .-a-t w-r. I ;t !.. u Cuba Ivgun by ihe landing i-s, aft-r artip9 had sileuced s fjrts ut tiuautauamo. a few f Santiago. Friday. June 10; tents d an 1 th cjiinii called -McCalla. :r. 1 n r 1!:- coT.tn.mder ot the cruiser M rl l. l.-.i I. which tad bd in the redaction i :!;-Srai.i-l. .ifK-iitioDs there. A u-riMti tr.cp nt Ga.ii:tana:no attacked 1 y t! - st atiiar t-. who were repulsed. Six A:i. ri -at..-kbit d. iulu.ling Surgeon John F air Gil t-s, at.d tea wound-d. SpnnLh loss- !. t known. "a M- u day. June 13. the first expedition f r Sit tti .." i-ft K-y Wot. Major General sbart.-rw in oialiaJ. atd the troops. At 'J Ml p. :u. Mouday June 13, Fresl tent" M KiuU .-igiied the war revenue measure. suma te'.wecn United Staffs maricrs 1 Culaa itisurg-nts. under Lleuteaant " lonel lluatingtcu. of the United Stt, Mirlne torfs. nad Spanish Infantry at Guan-It- Spanish defeated with a num !r ki!i-d and woui.tlcd, Tuesday, June H. Th- re.c rt tnat Manila had been Invested ry the I nnii .!, riurgents confirmed, I uo day Jiuc It. i:ri.w forts aad earthworks at Calmanera, r-ar tJuaatanaaio. drmoih, by the Texas, tnr' l. h-ad and S iwanee, Wednesday, ' l. . 'e,v u 1 Manila eifediUon, nuaberlug 200 men. left Eaa Franckco WertnoT- Junel5 ' " News received on Saturday. Jane 18, that as a large concourse of Insurgent chiefs at Old t avlte Gineral Agulnaldo proclaimed iue maepenaence 01 tne l'bllipplnes. General Blanco refuses to exchange Lieu tenant Hobson Saturday. June 18. Arrival of General Shatter and his army iuo Kviciuucui urauei 10 sena two ex peditions of 4.0-30 men each to reinforce Oen. Hhafter in Cuba Tuesday June 2L Mo- Tk ..... j . 1 1- . , . i i:uauoo at ieruacUiuo and Miami began Tuesday, June 21. General Shafier's army landed at Baiquiri, tuwn oiiance east 01 tne narocr of Bant: ago, Wednesday. June 22. InfonnaUon received by tho United States government from General Aculnaldo that the Philippines desire to become a colony of I I . . . . . - a , -w . luucuuoirj einrviay, JUDQ Xa. Advance of tho United State forces front JJa-dulri to Jaragua Tbarsdi y, Ja .e 23. Ten- men wer killed, incttidiug Captain ('apron and Sergt, Hamilton Fish, Jr., both of Coloctl WooJ's Kougb K:den, and about forty wounded, In a lively skirmish with 2.000 Spaalards la thick brush near sevina, ana aoout ten miles from Santiago. The Span iards retired, leaving a number of dead on the field. Friday. Jane 21. . General Chaffee took Kevilla on Saturday, June 25. Camara arrived with bis squadron at Tort Said Monday, Jtiuxj 27. President McKiuley Issued on Monday, June 27, a proclamation increa-iingtheCubaa blockade and also blockading the port olfcan Juan. Porto Kico. Oa Monday, June 27, the Na.vy Depart- -u! announce 1 th it a flying rnuadron would to formed nton je, to be ut under the cum unn i ot to l.mo lore J. ( . Watson, and to be f ci.t neai-ist ths coast of Sais. Gen. U. N. Gil espie appointed to the com maud of thedei artiaetit wl the E ist Monday, June -a. On Tii'Js lay. June 23, news was received at the Nary Department that the St. Paul on the Wedm dy previous had disabled tho Terror, a iorpiio-tnt i:etroer of tho enemy. Geuernl M-tritt sniled froai 8au Francisco for the Philippine Islands on Wednesday. June 23. A gen-rnl a fault on Santiago by the army ana 1 y fhips was irt-gun at 7 a. w. irriday. July 1. Tbo lighting latte.1 till 9 p. m.,the Am-ria:i araiy capturing the enemy's outer Hum r.I debases. lighting tefore Santiago was resumed on Saturday inorniug. July 2, and continued all day. the American troops capturing and holding the lines cf tho enemy aud driving him into the city with heavy losses on both tides. Geuernl Shafler demanded tho rurrfndor of the city f Saull igo Sunday July 3. Admiral Cervera ma le adn-h out of the harbor of Santiago to cut his way tiirough the Aj ericau hips on Sunday. July 3. and oca;, and, after one of the greutest naval battles on record, his piadrou o! fenr armored cruisers, tho bet in the Spanish rnvy,'HDd two jwcrful torpedo-boat dc ttroyers, w' completely destroyed; Admiral C-rv-ra was captured, huudnnls of Span iards, including many ofTieers, were killed l y the iirecf the Amerieau, under Commo dore 1'cbley, r,r droivned by tho linking or burning of"th-ir hips, an 1 l.bOd prhoaers were taken. Admiral Sampson, who was away rivo-jiioitering, ariived in lime to seo the lost sinking ibipof thk enemy driven ashore. The N'ary Department on Monday. July 4. received a dispatch from Admiral Dewey announcing thebaic arrival at Manila, bl tbt cruiser Charleston, aud three transports, tho City of Ptklug, tho Coliu aad the A'lst.'a'a. with troops on loard. on Juno 3J. Iho squadron stopped ct the Ladrono Islands aud tho Charleston bombarded the Island of Guohan, the largest of the group, aad easily captured it. TheSpnnish government and garrison were taken pri.-oners and caniedto Manila as prisoners of war. Wednesday. July 6. the Spanish govern ment ord-red Camara to return home to pro tect tho SpanUh co.-u-t from attack by .om modoro Watsou. General Tornl. commanding the Spanish forces at S lutiago. -eut a llag of truce on Wednesday to General Shafter asking for three days'' g raw and cable oferatorsto notiry Madrid of Santiago's dosiro to sur render, all f f which was granted. f I..1..M tuli.rn 1 . K... 1 frnni Wim'!ni7tori on LThursdny, July 7. d?taei;ing Commodore Watson's squadron fr-jin the commana 01 Ilear-AdminU Sampson and dircetlLg him to proceed as speedily as possible to Spain and the Mediterranean. Tho squadron included the flagship Newark, tho battleships Jowa and Oregon, tho auxiliary cruisers DiIe, Yankee ana Yosemite, the colliers Abarenda, 8einda. Alexander Caesar. Casslus, Justin and Leonidas, and the supply-ship Delmoa ico. , 1- Major Genet al Miles left Washlngtoa feor Sautiago Thursday nigkt July 7. .y Advices rweived from Admiral Dewey" on rridav Julv 8. that he would noltuke Ma nila uutli the arrival Of Major -Geheral Mer-' ritt. , , General Miles arrives at Sintiago July 11 and assumes command. . Yellow fever appeared am' ng the Amcri baa troops at Sautiago Ju'.y 13 and orders were given that no more parley should be bad respecting the surrender of Santiago. General Tcral agreed July 11 to surrender Santiago. Tho Spanish governn.ent Issued a decree July 15 suspending tho rights of Individual citizens. - . ' Admiral Cervera and the captured officers of his fleet were quartered at Annapolis, Md.. July 16. as prboaers of war. The city of Sauti igo was formally deliver ed to Oeueral Shatter July 17 and the American flag was hoisted over the palace; the Spanish troops j march ed out, and gve up their arms;f all the country east of a line drawn through Accr-radero.-. Talma and Sa;ua, with tho troops and munition of war l'i that district.. were surrendered also, the United State agreeing I . . . . .1.. .AAn 1 K...I. l.t Uniln 10 transport me ituu.- is-iin. m President McKiuley issued a proclamation July 13 providing for the goverument of Santiago. The United States awarded the contract for transoorting the Span'sh prisoners to the Spanish Trai e-Atlnutic Company July 20. Oenerai Wilson Martcd from Charleston for Porto Kieo with 4.000 troops. General Miles and a fleet of transports bearing troops left Guantannmo July 21 for Porto Hico. The Porto Kico .expedition begaa landing at Oaanioa July '2o. Spain began negotiations for peace through M. Cambon, French ambassador at Washing ton. July 26. The answer ot the United Stales Riving terms of peee wa received In Madrid July31. mericaa troops under General Merrit re pulsed an attack by 3,000 Spaniards near Manila July 3L A note from the Spanish government was received August 8 In Washington, new points as to the terms of peace being raised. A re ply to this was sent, the peace protocol was signed August 13. Two of a Kind. Among the advertisements in a pro vincial paper, there recently appeared the following: 'Ths gentleman who found a purse with mousy in Barfor 1 street is re quested to forwanfTt to the address of tho loser, as he was recognized." A few days afterwards the reply wa3 inserted: "Tho recogaize.l gentleman who picked up a purso ia Barford street, requests tho loser to call at his house." It takes 72,003 tons make tho postal cards United States each year. of paper to used in' the. 4. "' ' - - - Mllll HIS SIUI. Gen. Augustin Fled to Hong Kong on German Warship. TROUBLE EXPECTED IN CUBA. An Inaccuracy in Article J. Tronble in San Francisco Between Tennessee Volunteers and a Mcgro.. Cuban Army to Disband. "The following dispatch has been re ceived at the Department of State from Con6ul Wildman, at Hong Kong: Augustin says Dewey bombarded Manila on the 13th. Tho city sur rendered unconditionally. Augustin was taken by the Germans in a launch to tne Kaiser Augusta and brought to Hong Kong. I credit the report. The Westminster.' England. Gazette pays it has received from a London bus iness house a report that Manila has fallen. The report comes from the firm's Hong Kong agent. According to La Correepondencia de Est ana, Madrid, the surrender of Manila occurred after the last attack made upon the city. . Trouble Expected in Cuba. Trouble with the Cubans is breeding. Their attitude is oneof sullen hostility toward Americans. The better class in Cuba favor the annexation of tho island to the United States and a majority of the masses are ready and anxious to worK and accept tne shelter and protec tion afforded by an American protecto rate; but they are influenced by a cer tain class of rabid orators and breed ers of sedition and rebellion against anything smacking of law and order. This inflammatory class demands and urges the recognition of Cuba for Cu bans, and spurns all offers or sugges tions tending to prosperity under an American protectorate, and excites pop ular discontent. A wild rumor is afloat to the effect that the Cuban army will attack Santiago and capture it, to the glory of the Cuban arms, as soonlas the American garrison is weakened. This is directlj- traceable to the above men tioned soutce. ' General Blanco Resigns. The Madrid government has received from Captain General Blanco a de spatch tendering his resignation. The reason given by General Blanco for re signing is that he does not wish to superintend the evacuation of Cuba. General Blanco in an address at' Havana,. said: 4 'It hav ing been' resolved bv the Mad rid government to conclude peace with the United States, I consider my mis sion in this cou-utrv ended, and have solicited my relief rom duty. I could not urge upon' a pacific solution of the existing trouble, when not long ago I advised yon to maintain the war at any vent. An Inaccuracy in Article i Corrected. Owing to an error in transmission, article 3, of the full text of the peace protocol as cabled from Madrid was not riven with accuracy. The text of this article is really as follows: .. Article 3. The United btates will occupy and hold the city, bay and har bor of Manila, pending the conclusion of a treaty of peace which snail de termine the control, disposition and government 01 tne rnuippines. A 1 ' Tl 1 ' . 1 Don Carlos Will, Oppose Uprisings. A special despatch from Lucerne, Kwitzerlaud, rays the following in spired statement has been made there: "Notwithstanding his disapproval of the course the government at Madrid is taking. Don Carlos maintains his firm intention to discourge any actual rising in spain, and is using all his influence to quell insurrectionary ten dencies and attempted uprisings among and on the part of nis too devoted fol lowers. " Another Transport Sailed. The Spanish steamer Iela de Luzon has sailed from Santiago for Spain, having on board 2,136 Spanish soldiers. Themortality is so great in the Span ish amp, where disease is rampant, that no longer are the dead buried. - A funeral pile of 10 or 12 bodies is made, saturated with kerosene and set fire to, cremating the bodies in the open air. Tronble in San Francisco. ' Dan Thomas, a negro fisherman, was wounded and narrowly escaped lynch ing at tho hands of 500 Tennessee sol diers at San Francisco. Two men of Troop B, of the regular cavalry, which attempted to quell the riot, were dragged from their horses by the vol unteers and slightly injured in the tus sle. The negro s House, a blocs ana a half from the presidio. was almost wrecked. ' Cuban and Porto Rican Commission. The personnel, of the Cnban and Porto Rican military commission wil probably be as follows: Cuban Com mission Major -General Wade, Major- Gencral M. C. Butler and Admiral W. T. Sampson. Porto Rico Commission Major-General John R. Brooke, Ma-jor-General Theodore Schwan and Ad miral Win field S. Schley. Roo5eve:t and Wheeler Landed. The Rough Riders, with General Wheeler and Colonel .Roosevelt, have been landed from the Miami, at Mon- tauk Point. Some of them were bo weak that they were hardly able to walk- . The Cuban Army to Disband. At a secret meeting between Ameri can and Cnban army officers at Santi ago recently, the Cuban situation was thoroughly reviewed and it was re solved to disband the Cnban army and that the United States should pay the men oft This involves the expenditure of 315,000,000. ' In Justice Landrum's court, at At lanta, William Bain, a whito-haired old man of 71 years, cut the threat of James Phillips, aged 80, whom the oged father, claims seduced his daughUr. DRANK WATER FROM THE GRAVES. Invetigatioa of a Typhoil Epedemic leads to a startling d'eovery.' For sons time typhoid 'fever has been epidemic at Orange Mill, Durham ccunty. There - have been several deaths, and finally samples of the wa tor used was sent to Kaleigh to be anal yzed. The analysis showed that the wa ter while seemingly pure, was filled with germs of disease and the health officers declared the wells must be filled and water must be secured from ome other source. The wells were' fill ed "nd then an investigation was begun to determine why the water was filled .with typhus germs and where better water could be obtained. This inves tigation disclosed the startling -fact, that the wells from which the people had been using water had be6n sunk in an old abandoned graveyard. The Way Stores Rent in Charlotte. Mr. W. T. Wilkinson's handsome new three-story, building, opposite the Observer office, in nearing completion. He bad no trouble in renting every room in it. There are three stores on the ground floor. These were rented before a brick was laid. Mr. Wilkinson is now regretting that he did not wait until the building was ,up before rent iug them, as he has had an ofler for two of them at an advance on $500 over what ho rented them for. Charlotte Observer. , r The Yadkin Republican Ticket. The Republicans of Yadkin county held their convention in Elkin and the following ticketwasnominated: House of Representatives, H. S. Williams: therift, A. P. Woodruff; clerk of Su perior Court, W. A. Hall; treasurer, J. 15. Doub; register of deeds, J. L. Cra ter. For the first time ia several years the familiar name of Holton , doeB not appear on the county Republican ticket. . Division Postponed Uutil Autumn. The division of the state into three military districts, each to contain a regiment of 10 companies of the State (inard, will not be made until autumn. A month ago an outline of this excel lent plan was given by the Adjutant General. Each company is to have a strength of G3 officer and enlisted men. , Dig Revenue Raid. . Near Rural Hall revenue officers T. C. McCoy and G. W. Means ran afoul of the most complete aud extensive blockade distillery establishment that has ever been captured. Tho still was the latest improved pattern, of 125 gal- Ions capacity and there was on hand 1 , "JC0 gallons of beer in eight hogs- beads, which the Officers cut down and threw out eight bushels of meal. - 1 The Companies Will Appeal. The Wilmington & Weldon Railroad will appeal to the courts from the or der of tho railroad commission reduc ing rates of passenger faro. The West ern Union Telegrnph Company also ap peals from-' the order of tho commis sion that they shall provide an uptown office at Mt. Airy. ' ' - A Thief Behind the Bars. The professional thief, Ben Tucker.. who, soma time ago, robbed a number of country merchants in Anson county of . small amounts by' threatening to shoot them and in one instance fired at one of his victims is now behind the bars in the county jail. i Used a Beef Bone. William Walker, a negro at Wilming ton, who gains a livelihood by gather ing old boue, wasarre8ted in that citv recently, .charged ith assaulting his wifo with a beef bone. - The wife ap peared in court bleeding profusely from a wound on tho side of her head. New Warehouses at Charlotte. The Merchants and Farmers' bond ed warehouses at Charlotte will soou be on the way. There will be six houses, each 72x100 feet They, will cover an entire block. TARHEEL NOTES. A large brewery will be established at Raleigh; capital stock 200,000. The Board of Agricnlture recently elected an entomologist and biologist. Mrs. Sallie A. McLean was stricken with paralysis of tho brain suddenly at her homo in Charlotte. An arm v board is to bo detailed for an inspection of 3.000 acies of land at Try on for a military camp. McDowell Democrats recently held their county convention in the court house at Marion. It is is said fifty-one members from Caldwell county have joined the Second South Carolina regiment. The second annual renion of Con federate Veterans of the Ellenboro sec tion was held At Ellenboro recenty and was attended by (large numbeis of vet erans and their families, iu spite of the rainy and cloudy weather. Cotton Weigher Biggers recently bandied 127 bales of cotton at Concord, the most of which come from Mecklen burg county. . . The dates for the Robeson county Fair Association, at Lumberton, this year, are October 2l3tb, 27th and , ,28th. All space for exhibits is free. Two soldiers of the Ninth Cavelry were arrested at Raleigh and fined $2.25, and not paying were sent to jail.- The republicans and populists Jailed to fuse in Halifax county. The spacious Hall used by the grand lodge of Masons, at Raleigh, is beiog refitted and recarpeted in handsome style. It contains a notable collection ofportraits, mainly of grand masters. Of these the walls are nearly full. The stockhold ers of the' Cannon Manufacturing Company cf Concord. held their annual meeting recently and declared a dividend of 5 per cent. ; The aggregate value of real and per sonal property in Wake county is $10, 072,481. This is an increase" of over $300,000. About $250,000 of this in crease is in Raleigh township. The following are tho valuations of railroad property for taxation ia sever al prominent counties: Mecklenburg S9CS.498; Buncombe 681, 328; New HanoTer 8433, 518;. Charlotte $78,231. FID i BY ill WILE. i - 11,1 Blockading Fleet at Havana Ven tured Too Near. FLAG OFTRUCE NOT RESPECTED Another Rich Find in the' Klondike Coun terfeiters Overhauled The Cost of the War Custom Receipts at Santiago. The flagship San Francisco, the mon itor Miantonomah and the auxiliary vacht Svlvia were filed upon bv the Havana batteries shortly before 5 o'clock on the morning of the 12th. One 10 or 12-inch shell struck the San Francisco's stern as she turned to eek out of range, and tore a hole about a foot in diameter, completely wrecking Commodore Howell's quarters, and smashing his book case to fragments. Nobody was injured, and being under orders not to attack the batteries the ships retreated as fast as their engines could carry them. The evening preced ing the warships drew in closer to tho shore than ever. '; ' -.. Flag of Trucfi Not Respected. Coamo, Fbrto Rico, (By Cable.) General Miles sent a party with a flag of truce to notify the Spanfsh of the suspension of hostilities, but the flag was not respected. This was by order of Governor General Macias., A n Gen eral Macias has no communication, ho may thus cut himself off froni official notification of the situation, although natives have been sent through the Spanish Unas to spread the news that a cessation of hostilities had . been ordered. Counterfeiters Overhauled. ' Information has been redeivod by Chief Wilkie. Of the Treasury Secret Service, of the arrest at Detroit, Mich., of a gang of counterfeiters whose oper ations have given the goyernmet con siderable trouble. There were also taken fifty $2 Hancock and 500 $2 Win dom billsthe latter being regarded as the best all-roiind counterfeit 'which made its appearance up to the discov ery ofthe .3101 silyer certificate, in the spring of last year. . - ' Nebraska's Oldest Woman Gone. Mrs: Delilah CroniwelJ, the oldest woman in Nebraska, recently died 1 her home near Table Rock. She was a small girl when Washington was Pres ident, and insisted that she was born in 1778. Neighbors who have known her for SO years believe sho was about 110 years old. Her fourth husband died'of old age a quarter of a century Custom Receipts at Santiago. General Shafter reports J,o the War Department concerning the custom re ceipts at Santiago, as follows: "I have the honor to report for vour informa tion that there were taken in at the enstom houso here, from July 30th to August 13th, inclusive, $58, 445. 21. ; "Siiafteb, Maj Gen. The Cost of the War. Although the war with Spain lasted only 114 days, it is estimated that it has cost tho government so far 8150, 000, - 000. of which S98.000.000 has been ac tually paid out of the Treasury. The total charged to the War Department is $65,000,000; total charged to the Navy -Department, $32,700,000. Another Rich Find. A says special from Juneau, Alaska, What is regrrded as a most lm- portant discovery of rich placer dig- eings. is reported to hayo been made on Pine creek, a small stream emptyin, into Atlin lake, a feeder of Lake Ta eish. The discovery is located in the Northwest Territory, Canada. Spain Thanks France. Duke Almodovar del Rio, Minister of Foreign Affairs, has asked M'. Pafe notre. the French ambassador at MadTid. to transmit to his government the thanks of Spain for the good offices which have resulted in the earliest possible signature of a protocol of peace with the United States. His Majesty Has a Fall. Emreaor William, while 'out riding at Wilhelmsruhe, was approached by two ladies carrying bouquets, which they offered to His Majesty. The Em peror reached down to accept the bou quets," when hia horse reared and un seated him. xlts Majesty was unin jured, and, joking about the accident, mounted a fresh steed and returned to- the castle. Admiral Matsunaga Arrives. Rear Admiral Matsunaga Oki, of the Imperial Japanese navy, ha3 arrived in Seattle, Wash., on the steamer Rio Jun Moru. on his way to London, where he will remain for sometime, superintend ing tne construction of two crniBers and a battleship for his government and studying the navies of the world. Colored Companies for Garrison Duty. Governor Mount, 01 Indiana, 11 as re ceived a telegram from Adjutant Gen eral Corbin, assigning the two inde pendent colored companies at Camp Mount under colored captains, to San- tiago for garrison duty. The companies are anxious to go. The Insurgents Will Cease Firing. The War Department has been ad vised through the Cuban junta, that the Cuban insurgents will accept the terms of the peace protocol between the United States and bpain, and that hos tilities will cease on their part.. Accident on a French Railroad. - The night train on the railvray to Lisieux, 34 miles east of Caon, was de railed near Bonvillers, and six persons were killed and i were injured. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. Tbe Sonth. (general Fitzhuch Lee announces that he will enter tha senatorial race in Vir ginia. ' . - Fire which started in Osborne's Turk ish bath establishment, at New Or- loaus, damaged several "Canal street re tail stores to the extent of $200,000. Governor Silas A., Holcorab, of Ne braskn, accompanied by AdjutantGen eral P. A. Barry, is at Jacksonville, FJa., on a visit to the Third Nebraska Reg in est. The Fourth District convention o Mississippi nominated Hon. H. A. Fox for re-election to Couirress and re affirmed allegiance to the Chicago plat form. Mr?. Orr and two negroes have been arrested at Clarendon, Monroe county. Ark., charired with the kill in s .of Mr. 'Orr, husband of Mrs. Orr; Great ex cifement prevailed and a lynching bee seemed imminent. 1 , In a raid by Bherift ana posse on a crowd of negro gamblers iat Bay boro. Ga., the sheriff and two of the posso were painfully wounded. Five, negroes were killed outright, three mortally wounded, and three painfully wound- ed. ; : . . ; At iho Republican State) convention, held at Ocala. Fla.. State candidates were nominated, and at the second district Republican convention, held at the samo p'ace, H. L. Anderson, a lawyer of Ocala. was. nominated as a candidate for Congressman. Near Pennington, Va.a west-bound passenger train on the Louisville k Nashville Railroad went down a 50-foot fill. There were about 30.1 persons oa the train. ' All were more tor less hurt. except the fireman and engineer, but no one was killed. Five lives have paid the penalty for the murder of. John T. Oarr at Claren don, Ark. Mrs. 'Orr, thie wife of the murdered man. died from a dose of poison, 6elf-a'dministered, while the negroes, her associates in! crime, were struug up by a mob of citizens. . William H. Kim berlv. "tho Pioneer of Old Point." died at Fort Monroe, Yo. Kimbberly was born' in Balti more. 78 years ago. .'. Reinvent to Oid Point in 18(J1. as att army! contractor, afterward engaging in the mercantile business. Tlie North. Sarahsville, O. , Mas recently visited by a terrific storm. Much damage was done to crops. . Ex-Congressman Alexancfer Camp bell, known as "The Father of the Greenbackers, '' died at La Salle, III. "Governor Briggs, of North Dakota, died at Bismarck, of. consumption. J. M. Devine is Lieutenant-Governor. : A heavily-laden row boal was upset in the Potomac river, near Washing ton, by the frolic of two bf its passen gers, and three, young men were drowned. - - Mrs. Margaret Fallon, said to be one hundred and seventeen years old, was buried recen tly at King's Fjerry, Cayuga county, N. Y. . jv The Republican State convention of Nebraska nominated M. L. Haywood, of Nebraska City, for Governor. Reso lutions were passed endorsing Presi dent McKinley. j , The coal mines lockout at Pana, 111., culminated recently in a serious shoot ing affray. It is reported that two non- union men tared upon a body ot union men without provocation, seriously wounding one union man and slightly wounding another. I The sloop yacht Lepno. with. Severn teen men aboard, while anchored out side the Boston light, was! run into by o-barge in tow of the tug Henry Brook,' and five men were swept from the deck by the heavy to w; line. iTwo of the nuenber were drowned, ' another was killed by being jammed to eath be tween the tow. line and the deck. Miscellaneous.: Rear Admiral-Kirkland icommandan of the Mare Island navy yard, died at Vallejo, cai. . . '-v . Lieut. Wood died of Malarial fever at Sautiago. The receipts of Klondike gold at the government assay office at Seattle, ag gregated $2, 120,000 in; value. Japanese papers received at Seattle, Wash. contain a t story to the effect that the Japanese ministry will protest against the United State holding the Hawaiian Islands in order lb remove the opposition of the upper house to it by raising an issue of foreign compli cations. . '-; M ' Cholera is epidemic at Madras. On hundred and seventy-two fatalities have been reported. ji , Brigadier-General Wm.TA.. Bancroft, of the Seventh Army Corps, at Jackson ville, has tendered his resignation to tho Adjutant-General, and requested liermissian to return to ma Dome in Cambridge, Mass., to resume his busi ness occupation. : His resignation has been accepted, as there is no longer any need of his services, j i Mrs. Lola Small-Jodkson-Ford, the daughter of the Rev. Sam Small,' is going on the stage. The- Atlanta girl when 18 years 01a mairiea James a. Jackson, son of Mayor Jackson, of Knoxville, and after getting divorce, tried asedond venture as Mrs. Stewart Ford. ' f v 1 Liberal, Madritl, says the article in the protocol relating to the Philip pines does not indicate that anything good for Spain will be fixed upon, and the question, will not be settled favor ably for her. ; ' K . Foreign, f conditions at Santiago Sanitary are improving, ... -. h , . The corner-stone of a monument to Wolfe Tonso was recently laid at Dublin. I Pern has adopted the gold standard. under the pressnro of financial disabil ities hard to contend against. Even distant Korea has also declared for the single gold standard. ! Late Advices received from Sitka,' Alaska, state that large rnd extensive coal deposits have been discoyered at Whale Bar. onBnranoff Islands, about forty miles from Sitka. j Violent storms and floods, it is an nounced in advices received at Yokov haina from the island of Formosa, have resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives at Tai Peb. that island. Great damago was done to property there. An old Yorkshire woman brltij much distressed nttlu Mtdden loss of hp' only son, the dlsst-ntlng minister as sured her. rousoliusly: 'He Is now with Abraham. I?:ia md 'Jacob."' "That's the worst 011 It." s'ae sobbed, "apd hp was always so shy amon$ S trhngers." Moonshine. . The National Farmers Alliance And i Industrial Union. j. ' i ' 1 Presidflnl Mann Tage, Brandon, -V - - ... k Vice-President 0 Vincent, Indian tpoliSf'.Ind. -' Secretary-Treasurer W. r.Bricler, Cogan Station, Pa. - r ; lzctcbirs. ; J. P. Sossamon, Charlotte, N. 0. Hamlin V. Poore, Bird Island, Minn. F. H. Poirsol, Parker sburf, W. Yo. KAflONAl EXECUTIVE COM MITT M. Mann Page, Brandon, Va. ; R. A, South worth, Denver, Col.; John Bre nlg, W. Va.rA, B. Welch, New- York W. A. Gardner, Andrew's Settlement, Pa, v :l . : . r JCHDICIABT. ; It. A. Southworth Denver, Colo. R. W. Beck, Alabama. ; M. D. Davie, Kentucky; . . VOBTH CaBOZJXA FABMMS BTATK At.LT f NC.K- ' 1 ( President--Jno. Giaham, Ridgeway, N. C. ; Vice-President W. Q. Upcbnrch, Morrisville, N. C. Secretary-Treasurer-J.T.B. Hooter, Hiilsboro, N. C. State Business Agent T. B.rsrkei, Hiilsboro, N. C. Lecturer Dr. V. N. Sea well, Villa? now, N. C. Assistant Lecturer W. B. Brick' house , N. 0. Chaplain W. S. Mercer, r , n. c: - . Door-keeper Geo. T. Lane, Greens boro, N. C. . Assistant Door-keeper Ja.E.Lyon, Durham, N. C. Sergeant-at-Arme A; D. K, Wf lace, Raleigh, ,N. C. r I Trustee Basinet Agency f und V, A. Graham, Macbpelah, N. C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF TDK - NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS' STATE ALLIANCE. j. W. Denmark, Chairman, Raleigh, N. 0. John GrbLam, Ridgeway, N, C. W.'B. Fleming, Ridgewar, N.'O. A. F. Hileman, Concord, N. C. Dr. J, B. Alexander, Charlotte, N.'O. , Thomas, D. Oldham, Tccr, N. C, TATE ALLIANCB JUDICIARY COMMITTEB. Dr. J. E. Person, Pikeville, N. 0. , W. S. Barnes, Raleigh, N. 0. T. Ivey, Hiilsboro, N, C. To AtlantnCbarlotte, Auirml J,Athenj Wil mington, New Orleans, C hnttanooKB, an rille. Nuwj Yoik. Uostno. Philadelohia, JVasiiiDgton,lorfollt and IUobmond. . . fc'cnedulo in effect May 'J, 1898. SOUTCaoCSD. No. 403 No 41 Ly New York; Tenn R.U. 11 O0.m JOOpoi " 1 12m 12 05ifQ " 3 15pm 2 Mum ' 4 40pm 4 30 im C. L; .8 66pm 9 05iai I Philadelphia' j Baltimore . WHshinito.-2 llichmond, A Lv. Norfolk, ' Portsmouth,. A. L.f8 30pm " ; 8 45pm i)0.H! 9 20 mi Lv. AVf ldon, ar. HeuderBOD, JI 2pm'll fiimt ia 5Cam 1 43Vnt it Ar. Durham, "LV. Durham, 1. 1 . f7 32am f4 16pni 't7 00pm flO 1SM:i Ar.IUleigb. " Banforu, Southern Pines, " Hamlet, " Wadesboro, " -Monroe, " AtTWiladngton, " 2 I'lam 40i.J 3 3'lam 4 2:lam 5 07am 5 53im 6 43am 5 03pm 5 Mj.n- 6 Mpm 8 10pm 9 12ptu '12 05pm Ar. Charlotte, Ar. CueHter, - 7 50nm 10 25pn "8"03am 10 Mpim Lv. Columbia, C. N.1AN.L 11 Q 00 n Ar. Clinton. H. A. L. 'd 45am wVi la" Greenwood. 10 35im 107am Abbevil, , 1103im 1 35nn Eibetton, V , ,12 07pm 2 41a Athens, " 1 13pm 3 43a 1 Winder, " 156pm 4 28aii Allanta, (Central,tlmjt) 2 50pm 6204 H. A. L. OKTflBOC.N0. Lv.Atlanta(Centlm;S.A.IJ.l2 00a'nf7 W;,n Winder, 2 40pm l6 40pc It 19,,Mt 12 3lai 1 35r-l 2 0.1K1 2 tf - Atbelp, Etberton, Abbeville, Greenwood, Clinton; r 3 13pm,. 4 15pm 6 15pm 5 41pm 6 30pra 11 11 11 Ar. Columbia, Lv. Chester C N. A N. Ij. It...'. rj 8.'a7I"8 13pm 7 45 1 "4 2S"t 7 50 na Ar. t barlotte. - 1025pin 9 4(lpm U 15pm Lv. Monroe, llamlet, I" B 05 1 8 00 1 .4 12 03?. a 9 00if 1125i 4 12 57p a Ar. WilmlDgtoOt " Lv. Southern Pine, " Kaie'k'b, " An Henderson. " Ar. Durham, Lv; Durham, ' '1" 12 00am 2 ICam 3 28m f7 32am f4 1'0 f7 00pm flOJJto 8 Ar. Weldon, " Wam Ilicbmond, A. C. L. 8 20.im Wf hlnRton, Ponn.U It 12 31pm Baltimore, ! " 1 46pm PtJladelphia, 1 " ' 3 60pm New Ytrk, , . r i 23pm 2 45 7 35 1 i 1130 1 08(i a 3 50 1 9 653j a "5 20p 5 35j Ar. Portsmouth. tJ. A.- L. Portsmouth, fc 7 25am 7 35am Norfolk, , Daiiy. tsHy. cept Sunday. Jfo. 403 and 402.-"The Atlanta Special Solid Vestibuled Train of Pullman Sleeper, and Coaches between Wasbkigton and Atia ta, also Pullman Sleepers between Tori month and t heater,' 8. C. ' - Non. 41 and 38 "The 8. A. L. Eipres- m Solid Train', Coaches and I ullman Sleepi r between Portsmouth and Allanta. om pa tf Sleepers between Columbia an-1 Atlanta. Both trains make Immediate connect! at Atlanta for Montgomery. Mobile. Nw o- leaop, Texns. California, Mesico, ChatUn.. . ea Nashville. McmpbU. MacOn and Fiori.la, For Tickets, Sleeptra. ete., apply to 11 . Leard, T. P. A., Z. T. 8mitb, C. T. A., U ''j'fit." John, Ylce-rres. and ea. Maca0' c, H. Vf, li. Glover, Traffic Manager. 1 Y. E. McDee. General Supt. T. J. Anderson, G. P. Agott. . . Q uncial Offlcea, Portsaoutb, Ta. I ! ' i ! i 1 H 9 1! . i 5 r ij 'i 1

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