1 I 1 I 5 U. K. t . r -Til lit t iij u i.ji 'in i. i -. . . k8 :ff.fl I -i. r.'ii . Ojce a the Old Standard JZiiUdfi - J' iv"ri,.-Ti nr, ,wVir"?',v rri -7 . . . FcydUvilU' Street. - "f,,if! , ; ...t re- 1 I , r r.o 4 : , - O "4oO;':iti.. J. ITSj;3 jr. SUBSCRIPTION : 'J i'lf - i One cap y. during the' campaign (post- paid)o:iE DOLLAR. ' :i ; Allprtlors must bo accompanied by -lliVjJAil I Mill j I'JV .S 'v wtrf-. ollbn Jsanaretta, ICW'-1"1 MB.-.. 1 Ml .,.!.. MI I.UI-.1 ' '"'W -""" i,. National1 Republican 'Ticket; J 7 I OP OHIO. For . Vice President v j WILLIAM A. WHEELER. OP NEW YORK. state at I-arje. Oliver H. Dock- Kuv.(:()f Jlicumond county, and D, I. Kitsskli or Urunswlck. rirvt niwtrlcu John B. REsrEssof Keaiirort county. . - ! ; u second WUtrlct J. E. O'Haju., of llalnAX county. " Upborn county. ,. ' jscvenm DIfetrlct. Isaac w. Jones. I nrirnuran i:irhtu District. squibk Trivbtt. or M:io wen county. OF. GUILFORD., OF JOHNSTON. i f . . Fkr Krorrtnr.1 nf Xfsif TONATIIANW.AIiBEllTSON: OF PERQUIMANS. For Treasurer :' l" WILLIAM 1L WIlKELKIt, OF FORSYTH E.V -For Auditor: J O II N It U I L L Y , OF CUMBERLAND. , For Kiip t Ihiltie Instruction: JOHN C. CARSON, ' OF HENDERSON. f For Attorney General: -TAZRWELL' L. , IIAKGIIOVE, OF GRANVILLE. , For Congress. First District. D. McD. LXVCSET, of Perquimans county. . . .. second District Curtis H. Bsoa dkn'. of Wayne countv. Tnlrd District. W. P. Canaday, of New Ilanorer. , FonrtU District. I. J. YOUNO, of Granville. . . Fifth DlMrlcu James K. Boyd, of A lamaiH-e county. sixth District O. H. Docker?, of Richmondcoay. Seventh District. T. J. DuLA, of Wilkes county; : Wake County Republican Conven There will be a Convention of the Itepublicans of Wake county held at the Court House in Raleigh on Monday the llth day of September next, for the purpose of nominating candidates for tho Legislature and county officers. . . Tho several townships and wards are directed to hold meetings . on Friday, the 8th day of September, mid select delegates to said Conven tion. i,U . . Kach Towonship will be entitled tothreo votes in said Convention, except- Wako Forest Township, which shall have four vottapnnti Jtiilelgh township with the wards of tho city of Baleigh, shall have twelve votes.5 ? : : . No proxy .will be entertained, and nono but regularly elected Del egates will bo allowed to vote in the Convention. 1 v ""' 15 v ortlerof tho Ex. Com. : t' r W: W. WHITE. Ch'm'n A uiEitT Magnxn, Sec'y. - ; ltM.ElQH, AUg.."il, I3o. . a- Wake County Republican Ex-.- ecutive Committee. . W. W. Wbito, Chairman, Raleigh. R. A. Tborapson. Barton's Creek. : , I IL Gardner, New Hill. . ; J. P. H.Aaams,Cary. ; . J. L. Moring, Morrisvillo. . . 1), R. Cliavii, House's Creek. , ; ": , Henry Pulley, Wakefield. : ;. M. G. Todd, Kafclo Rock. , 1 Robert Fuqua, Old Shop. ' 5 - ' J no. O. Harrison, New UghU Roland Gooch, Dayton. :. . ; , ; ; T. J. Banks, Banks . ' A. Magniu, Raleigh. M. B. Barboe, 44 Stewart Ellison, M A. WiShatTer, " ml an A. a . M. VB. Gilbert. " i . J. G. Andrews, Auburn. 4, Geo.' A. Keith, Milburnie. . . John Massey, Swift Creek'.' , , Hamilton T. Jones, Forrstvlllo. ' i '.'tiT; F. CJ. Morlntr.' Aoex. 1 'i1; ;k. 1 i:h1, "Havftyon OTor known a:party.out of power th'at4 did riot promise rttforxa Y V ? ) HHmctt . . ; the ;jemocratic majority -.m the Fourth Ditnct.-iKK r. Stbat- Judgopetue ana upy.r vance f trlVi ficJ fW' v ii.-' rj horn, ororanxe. : .Webster, Jacksoncounty, Fridayi :Pedi3laturP. of 1&73:?7, .In.the elec-, Fifth District Stkphbn A. Douo- September 8. x ; V J 1 r lion law of the sessionjof 187373, Ltt of .)SJ ch wasi ratified on;.the 14th of -Special' riolicc3r:f si 'in '1 All communication' Intended! tod state ixecuure comiaitiee, buoaiu be aul'dxesaed to ftliu at linlel jlii' u i - , 1 I 1 : : 1 iii''n Bopiia V Rep. G iATi2: 'Ex.' Cbsr;-i ,! 1 i ' Ralelrrirt C::Ati:2ii TS767 fcsionjond .u Vc; bp I ii I op 1, r.i to jthOj -proper l.rr; "p'ptriich. J in County. Convex tic -.r." I : ? i J: 5 r : 1c " r.j l - l Vj.or.',' v.cy,?? ai the places may bo o(all interested j'- ;-';5' IT-' supplied with mails, -urh:: '. Cbnnty r-'OoixvenUons - shall be '." - ' -A. r , j composed "of three delegates "from each township A ana wara in 4 tne ronnfv- rVhfire a' town Or : cltv." anhdlvided into wards.' is carved oufi of a township, then the tcrri ,.THOS.B,KKOQH. :, uiairman &taieriiiX. uom. ' .-ill. - , r.?ETTiE and VANCE. ,; m 'Jjhe following appointments havo , . . r. . . rf Tuesaay. oeptemoer lz. r . : i, . , . u Sheioy, bept. j.u.it j . ?4:j d lincointon, kept. ij. :f v,rj ., , i'-- , '.'I Mount GiIead;tMontgomery coun- ty, Friday. Sept. 2. j - i - '-? xvuv.a.iusiittuj, .uiuiuiuuu i uuuuijr, Lturday, Sep.-.i; i; A Lumberton, Tuesday, Sept. 2G. , Elizabethtown. ... Bladen county, IVdH n prt n v ' Rpnt:. 97' ' '' " "" " t XhQ people are reouestca to ClrCU- iaif tne uewa m iiitsse appomuxjeuw, Jh.6 slop r" i- j.; y..a i fhe- Ilnublicax2-'Of',Ilalefirh f Township and city, will meet at T !M fPffiYA i1???. JfSS. SS trt br!niintvfiohVention to beheld on the llth of September, viz: J v wtm Ward At Johnson's K m.": . - : torir outside of the corporate limits , lnA . rt nn. ' aji shall be entitled to three delegates , Under the act of 1871-J7 chap, in the County Convention.". , r .V. ; '185i it was (-: made the duty oMhe - j , j u..n m, '-a-jj' iifLI person, known to these ludsres. the ifCENTioNi REPUDEiaiNs vo fact Df his residence for thirty days ?X .WISKWF-w i.: v proviott HhrcWiny the county In "ia stern , Ward At Tupper's August, and in the municipal elec Chtirch, on Friday, Sept.. 8th, at,8J tonJ of :Kaleigh !in:May, 1875, and on Friday, Sept. 8th; at 8 O'ClOCK, p. M. u " ' ' - " l4f - ; Outside Cilr Limits At the Court ?(3oS Mf : P i By order of Township Ward Ext eciitive Committees. I r .iXiUAxv . . i ; There will be a Convention of tho Ro- I publicans of Johnston county; held at the Court -House in ' Sraitbneld, on Sat-1 Vffir dates for they Legislature, county offi- Ti .evbral towBshipa 'of fte county are requested to Jiold. meeunga ana send delegates. r. r. iiinnant, chairman Co: Ren. Ex. Com. taHon. W. A. Smith Jand other spaikerswill be present. i: .;,L :,.:: ' , ' . . ,, ,,, ,ir There will be a meeting of the Re uWSWSSS:- 1 James H. Headen i in. Pittsooro', on wherever they presiae. uemo Tuesday, the 19th, day of September cratic leaders; during the reign of next, at io ciock. -v-'- -n -rt s iuV i A fall attendance is requesieu; - - i oo B CHAPIN aim'n' ' iniTIT nnmfPO-w.lrovwl their Infnrmatlnn nnrl mm Hon. J. J. Davis and Col. I. J. Young, candidates, for; Congress in the 4th District, announce the fol lowing joint appointments:'! un : Rockyford j Franklin ( county Wednesday, Sept.- G)aviiif;f un hi Sandy .Creek, Franklin (counyr Thursday, Sept 7. , w,,- -, Dunn-si Franklin county, Friday, Franklinton,! (Franklin kcounty, Eoulsbiirg, uI franklin ''I county! Tuesday, Slpt. 12 11 1 , Clayton, Johnston1 county Tues day, r3ept. 19.! '.iiTi .i..v. PleasadtQrOvcv Johnston county, Wednesday, Sept 20. runl v ! ibw Meadow, Johnston couhtJ'iThursv Ja-Sentl. ilwo 'ni Mi u ) nuh .Ingrams, Johnston countyFri4 May; Sept, 22 ::n - djt Mi fil ilK'r M lrincetod, Johnston cdUntr Sab ordayi:Sept.-23L'i-i v.i; vJ.Jia-A CfneaPs, JohnstoU coantyj Moa day, Sept, 25. .n a . :vH I i Bmithfield,t ' Johnston k county, Tuesday, Sent.-Sg: ;; . Should' either candidate be un hide to attend any appointment, 0 wl be represented by, a friend; ,.-i :uJ . , i ' '-'i i '-' ,-4 ''" 4 citetlabove In Laws of 1874-75, cbaptto .o.hccholoraj making sad hI, 8pWon xs, page ;172, ontaina :tlc Wltll tuo nogs oi iK)ruo. oo says uiovi- : i iVi . i Incr'nn James W-Towles? 0ctpbcr with i, tiew.stocli-cf geeds. t. , Tho Repnbli&tnsof Guilford con-: Will hold gti! county conventiort U'fnvii NUhV'to nominate candi- JL LiVi"v - f , atkctpr1'3cnMll;AssM rouhf bfilci;r3. " ilU In..''-. ii .Ircfiisndin la U3r panics 'ior thbtCo: '-TiTUTioirVvm VplcasoHuId appointment .of registrars. ' i : : - a . , ; ailciJtxXTEr) FKAiDS.' f coutrfv'" commissioners to aDDoint Ytho .Tmtfcba nf !thn Pmpp rr thA va: rolling of voters in all" counties 61 thelgtat But'this did not satisfy I r,i, ? inma f 'Wnf i ,uuu " jcai cnan. 132, sec. ltne provision re- quirincr reiristrars Whavemaffiste rial nnronra woa rnrnalrvl and tho lieu dF&rtffe fl registrar for their sev 6ral i&wpships in all such elections, general, ciectioqs , ana any provis- ionjbf chap. 185, laws of 1871-72, in- consistefat with this provisoes here- hvTfnalnd' Thatf whAn vntr i uhi,v. Ai.'L wii. r mhhrl of anv ritirpn nf f Ha Sfii-: It- shall he tho auty.Of the inspectors prove, by -the : oath . of 'some other whletfie-DroDOacj tovotoi' .This 'proviso was:al!oped?Inor- Uii! to allow Democratic Boards o county ..Commissioners to appoint Dejnocratic Registrars, and in view J Reneort in Bobeson county Mast peixawxi oy inu i,jjemucrauy m uu late convention j in ( respect to the T?rkrW rioTowat wis nro n f. nn Io to conclude that this enactment . will be used, if possible, in Demo cratic counties by Democratic coun ty Commissioners all over the State to advance the Democratic cause, - Jj ,, i 1 i t. -su ' 1 3 regaruieas ui . .miw gui ui voters, r ieft to. r Democratic ; wishes, there Mftbi no lair election in thb State, in Ko vembCr. In every. Democratic ntyj regtration boots will be manipulated uy aixoiiipiisawu, cor w mm m w- w- w r vk w w w ill - a iiiiiiirii cBasu . A"r VA"Vr- Wliose soic recommenuaiion win De - Jzedloixs and unscrupulous fealty to mncraHc intorestsl and with the Uujusv ptYVCJL,iujjJii4ijr giyo iu iuo I last, clanso of the Droviso nuoted. poll-holders similarly chosen, can renderthoelectionafarceand frauds tne ivuiviux jvian in uiis otaie, denied all knowledge of the exis- IKUUtJ Oi tUU UlUCl) U11U1 IUC VUUIIO pilCliy. DO Uiey Will. UVlt m cgaij('vtwtw''?wr'vi: v,r. to the meditated election frauds i November. - If any suffer it will only be their poor blind tools, who primn fhpv aimnlv SllffCest. Th foliowing is an extract from a seer circular recently issued! from th City;: The - Democratic u Executiv Commltteo did not have the manf hood to father it with -their sign tures : but hevcrtneless; wei believfe It has Iheir approval, it has the im print of the Sentlnal office attacn and: we know it . has been ,se through the mailSf.with their other campaign literature.; ;i . :; :?i : " APPOINTMEWI OF ' BBOlsi ttAltST IV -rpfSTX OF COUNTY XMUISSI01TBS : ' DEMOCRATIC COUNTIES' IMFOBTAN ACT IN REFERENCE TO THE APPOINT IfENT OF HEO ISTRARS ' V" : i P It bydesired especially to call the a t- Tcutlve Committees tQ the amendment qi Rattle's Revisal, chapter .ea, secuo" , 'Mirra tniliaonnAfntmoiitnf ReSlStrarf. -which is found id Acts of 1873-4, chapter 132, section 12. Under the law as JW la Rattle's Kovisai, only j bswco v twi "Rfirt9trars. uib the act of February 14tb; 1874, found Y ri'ovidea, Tbat any ciw.wr - Registrar fri- l.r.i-, - i . 4 3lnail8uchelefition nri . r .--tent witfirt&a proviso hereby a "ntmentpf Itesistrarsbdt inay v ,p3 ln '-Democratic vconntieSi in i;.r'Jv : thUio Kewti'ars Hlioold bo. theteiu-coniain tv on vesterdaw The Board inC Ed every Republican , magis tratji n, the i county, and . haye ap-. pointd ; none but . the ' most ultra Demcrats as Registrars; J ' u 51 !i qimriends have anticipated!sach tioiontriart; med; Ued election an( her counUes prop b steps vtQ. .secure a EaJi regis- tratid t and election by petitioning forth appointment of United States SUpiT isofsl- i V. i-.rt;? V :-l t h..v;r.fiV l3 rder for aspeciaVterm'of the Circuit Court of J the' united States for the Eastern . District of asorth' (faplina, . to , appoint superyisors, Sasalready been issued, and wil. 3 bund Jn another column.! v M, Itemocratic i leaders --Jjailat-boxi siafers ahETfranchise robbers, we tell - ou now the Reptiblicahs of North (Jardina are ' determined " that ! the etecibil in November j5iiAtL be cpiMiuciea iairiy. t ' r"1 TILOEH'S INFAMY.' 3- aaw a vwwa u w a .mj . mm xiiuviii i tne democratic canaiaate ror i-resi- dent of the tfpited Stages, haii not' aire idy beeja proyed sufficiently, e - hi Ani .other 4.-363,, l t)l8 .persqn,can be found atnonR i.L ;?-l?kic? Select as Registrar it la r"V;"S:15 that thlsactBhall bo called to Ifswnera 4n tUo.respectjve -cniq- J iifiho Democratic lioara ox uuuu i - ' . t SiWi&iorie ! S.'Tn-fnn .onVf. 1 I iy?Bg to which he aspires, , , , ; , J A W Z -M Z A. A r 1 W . I .1 . S.. -- '- ') I H it ' v una iLV on vesteraav tab rsoaru i odious toicause his. rejection by.theiAioi electors of the different? StateSjjthe psliticalr- trickery bywhich he tiaajie to himself' the'riglrtto d vho shall he ' thfiir candiflato fnr- 'Governor in1 the coming coniesl'is enougn lOjaisgust tno nonesten pi the country tpfall shades of, politi cal' opinion. jfrti ......Ju.ut -;jh u .mm What a contrast 'exists bctweem the two candidates for the hih po-1 sitiori Jof Chief Magistrate' of this ereat i: wuhtrv i' 1 Ruherfbftl Hayes,wthe pnblican nbmiuee. ti quieuy anu witu ; uj$ui vy: a w aiuut the yerdictiof f hisi Countryriien while Samuel J. ;Tilden is daily at work, with the aid of party trick sters and wire pullers, to force his way by political chicanery into the Presidential chaiK! ' ,!: " ; 'f. The proceedings of the late Dem-' ocratic Convention, at Saratoga,,. is enough to nsigntldens and hi infamous strikers to evcrl acting po litical disgrace .,.- ..rh - - - . .;: , In order that ' the unsuspecting people of North Carolina may un derstand something of : the rascality' of jSamuel J; Tildeh We? will ive! a short statement of this affair : The Democratip State , Cov(entibnJ of New York met lately at Saratoga for the purpose of i nominating , ;a candidate for Governor of the State. It Was evident that the convention veould be a boisterous one ; but; in order to plaster' the 'matter :6ver, Tilden, caused; H!6fatio! Seymour to' be npminatd, althpngli he knew at tfcrS time, that Mr. Seymour would i position. t -i no -1 puject , vi, uns,-tvaai plain. ; It was done for the. purpose of deceiving-the convention. Til den knew that after the nomination of Seymour, harmdnyf woufd be' rrj sfored to the conflicting eiemehtsof Ws party, and ''tbaty itHvthbJiuri!. ance of hisj acceptance, , tlio body would adj ourn. witn harmony., 4;n.o, convention did adjourn after paying been told by Tilden and his trick sfers that Seymour would "or had already ' accented; h 'As soon, s how-' ver, as an aujoummeui. uv ucuu effected,' it "became 'known tbat' lr, mour iiad 'ffiQlfffayftffM&i tfi-f- e forQQvernQr, aTrdtUden knew at the lime he was nvtninatedi fNow what was " tho object o Tilden in' this infamous imposition !npon the Democracy of JNcw Jork ?It is; Plain TiUfenkhcwfif course1,1 that if ISevirVour refused itWOuld tie-; Tolve Upon, the State, Exjecutiye, onimittee, to name jtho.man. u, mis corqmittce.is known to be composed of TildenV particular frionds,mere tols cf the old political1 trickster. has i'" w uiu mo man 'wro'iy to' I v SSfiaSSl Tr HS "Ti - t uruur- to manipulate !W.into fl,e Wontial ehairi j.j.XhoeyidencoiOf Mr Jilden'a perr. jury contsjiq two affidavits made by jMrj( 7Tildenv: which i nro; as fol lowsirj:il lfffo: twlv Mury 'yuiiioM. lu.hi' answer TJlclen store toare- the ie coin plaint in the turri,'Undri dstth.Vlrt Llitmlt fJoatt.6f tba Unitetl states in the suit "of the Sti Loubs' A 1 1 o n . .a n 1 Trr -wnicn ne saiu : tliat thQollnwihg:j8 al t rsa & Litn di faithful! . ,i nerenvi F;oertiry HautWItailroad ComS statemeatoUhe gains,' 'profits er income of 'pan y; pgai nafc bijnself iand ' bxhera? " "which Hamuel J. 'iTMikm, ofjaswr, Mras flledre-f answrj y Lrt an I r ine v;iiy.ow xew iorKJcent4y, Air. Tiiaen Pnil A t IT O nf . V HWMtnrVi Hlitni fsh ckfel yqtk. state or Ke,wfoliowsj r- ; Yorkrwhetfer dertv4 "That ' f6r sucli'sbr edk from, any. ,kindofl vices the defendant vji. i mwm w ms.iia v vksv uutuu f vltsu auv l estai dividends salary rtf TEN THOUSAJW or,' from any profee- DOLLAIW against filon.etradeii: employV siiitioi secondrmort rnent..or vocation, or gaoa bondholders. any: sorir"6e wHatev36r,Kd Vtb3 aidi cftarge f jromist oay or-janu-iwtwT,pai4 oy or.oa ary f to Slst day 6f De-Tbehalf ofiaiuiecond tax under, the Eicise that the . defendant laws of ta eaUnaTilderrfdr v bartof States. .Income , from liis services afore- orb muHfl 'ft rt odv fiiifst oharge.trf the L,IK1S r t i u" ,U,UI vmW ten thou- v'ai -A i ni ( j 1 1 n y.pAJ i DOLL A Its on j ,.. . f , ,.f . V ers.'-wnlcb'tras paid ltd V " .rn ?( i i rkm niot t by the redid A 1 X- Writ A pttyiocut i l 'to ' , ! .11 boifi di I'mfpresaW' a having 1 . (been receipted for by iOV i den to clear himself of ,the Charge perj Ury,1s to show tha ' he did 'nbi make both affidavitsoUnless this can iWddhe ho stands" bonvlctecl 6n! his htm i testimbtii 1 of having Jcom mitted wilfu! i and deliberate per Jury; aLltnough itemocratic tlresoi'thrBiState hriWnot heard f .tliisatal chdrgeS' yt, honest, fafrii mind Dfemocrabjaro' going to be made a party to perjury by-voting for Tilden. r-id ilii ?. no ol. J -lri H.Tfce State abr.m f20 Htu ! i Would it not be well to I purge party spirit out of our Statei Fair? 1 When j wilt the- j managers. ofVthe Stahj Iiiti learn that; there Are I Re-, pupiieaiis in; t in orin ouiiroana, i are tnat Itepublicans payi taxes just las Democrats -do, and Jutvci las much interest? intheSUte Faijf as (iDemOrj crajts; have t.lid iu i i ii o) v i ; ; : We hava just counted the vnames iri the JSeivsi of persons assigned y to various ! duties atitlto , approacliing Fair, and wo s fi pd tjiepersons thus elcctocl to; conisfe of Democrats and 13 Repubhcansand neutrals, im -, Come :gentlemen,ds that fair.t la it Just:? Was It done intentionally ? 3 . t- m ':irrrrf tU .The .Coru'ederato goyernment passed a law allow)ni plao9 siibtitutes in .its ; armyVl Af ter many had yUhemselves of tapney for; Jho, pnxflgQ C, WytaR with their families, the Confeder acy repealed ' the law, del i berately impairing the validity of-contracts made thereunder, nd son jjhe prin cipals all to the army, and Z. B. Vance $at4by as Governor of Nortn Carolina and. said . 'that's nght, we Iff musb nucp uf tuu war. . , '' jg- Poor men of NoHh Carolina you who J were' dragged off from ojurrr fkmilies farid vjroti little chil dren left to "cry forjbred' whiloyon w being 8h6t atr to kcep'rich med from 'losingr Hheiriggers.'afe yotr prepared to?Jv6te; for ZJ iB.Vancot Yon: remember' how he-Was elected by the Union men in thb' dark days' riii rjnrjrn. vrrnaru Governor jir jttie .gpdthy oll i: I1V . .. I nt Jfini'ii-'T-tM k ro ll .v Thomas is. noTO'linoyn to ihptiRf . .... -I. n-. - . - till V (.Mtitii;,tl'i f 1 h , ' lif- m mftW pmi rKinstonrtsmrfiiszsIed ouHhrrDTmr rSfi?9'' WIUife finfiiinpufi ocrdUccl(x:tors,ircc3r3.&idf(irdandn-11 I W aSTffeffian Pator.m flnd verV largo Rcf-'u-n cc, 11 t . pewiier,: hn uz i optn mortgage jonuhoidh days inclusive, a h dlers, on tnfe 7th of Oc- sni)ject;to on lnoometobetii 18021 ) 1 ! -These twoaffidavitsnnbtberef 'dJ oil'r .1 ''in. u A..hV 'iom rcbncnedl-oneirTTtiicrmtier inaisa- VrvH iVi&Rfir&WiWSZi&V! mtorneycne -1 :!urned ohe State, ' Thoy addressed daM ni B'toe. coirrageraent,in; ;i L . A t il v a Da Vis' Confederacy . to'spod. J(i every prior ; iian 1 was Vconscribt- t& jn the attempt flies,the reform er who nowasksi these tame tpoor1 1 tooor' niefi tomake him G 1. LkX 111 ll ihopting yourselves hoar oyer (tie i Jlwpite mnn! partyi". i didl-ou ever Aife or did any body ever tell you, that before the wafTfive "hi er ba- three white voters iiJ v.v , ziwx-'riA d-Hn.Vn- war twenty nig-, - WW nated in-. tl r ivfmn -i-, 1 gerfe exempted oho whifd mah from military, duty hiio 'forty ' while' people: didn't exempt ,'h6bolil'i a Thit? theki nd of whito manspar-ii; i - .tyjWnJjad Ujen. v, omi ! .. -:iodj .pjLSWELi.. The Republicans ofCai;- . will meet in convention, at Yancevvillo. 'on mm SepiombeH ibr the purpoto j,'r' of nornlhating county onTccrs. --l n 4 iff .1 ' 1L ri"" " " ut Telegraphic dispatches state that it i3 ' probable that the New 'York Democracy will meet in Con- V&iitionfttgalrt.' ; t'i iJt- -ldiJea School Centennials: C5 inrttumber, ftppi; thicity, ,-iH leayp this morn-; f riidWtyiroWsho 'aml ' Wilts' fg!rWy t4, the most eneohraglngaccouns of tbVi caiiVAss, and "predict largo gaini-tir ?Ke ' party: in that sectlo n i x' i r ..r"--ol--;"'- -dJiM- ..Rape. A' 'hite man bamod Plitllin , MsageeV nfe Cherry Ville ; Lincyin10 l! coUntvL bn'tKe'aotH in mmMitbVl :! iTi r T " dls graceful cThne Of 4pe hofa a colored ? n j wbmfui!; namedl i Esther ? 'Young, ri Thjs ' i i if actlwitscomnjitted injroadayjgb b and La sight; of a (ho use. )..Massagoe JiaH,. bQnprestcd arul placed -iajaij,..;;, , , 'W fceml6crats J6f Indiana see 'hat 1 ' tfieN' aVeTbeaten- 'and are preparing to n H Imbort' voters rom Kentucky A con-c . fidential circular to. Uiat effect found ;iis. ,v way, , to Republican .headquarters an j measuxes .were takpn to j prevent tlijs . ; .nepnV game'! wlhntJ: l.'h v : rlVl OiJ udge Russell, one of tho Electors if , . at Large; Was in the city Monday He ,.: f lert dri the eVenin tVaid to' Jbin,f Jad'e ')H fowlekt MarionV1 1 The t wb -Ex Jddge's 7: 1 will make .itlncresting 'foVbot'h li'df s' ,' ' I n -67 m .t i.i;. -:) Oft ' , if-mtmu niS W. Price, a brother of Mm l s C. Hardie, of this city; died" sudden ly in Philadelphia on Sunday last, a For a number of years he resided 3rc ; Raleigh, 1 but j fat i t the time of t this u . i death iwas a resident of; Bichmond.r r.i The tea d intelligence was con veyeti ? , by' telegram, to Mrs. Hardie, while i " attending divine service at tho Bap- 1 tist church last Sabbath. ... - ..-( rt; .;? ).... - - 4 p, .This gentleman; though not a candir n date for any office, is dplng great work , it l , t and much of it. JEpx. the last five weeks he has been in the field making speeches He ha canvassed 'Johnson, Granville 1 Waka and and Chatham thoroughly. ! 11 1 iv i s i Las t Wed ncsday he went to Washing . 1 1 ton, Beaufort couaty,wiierehe address- ,fn ed j an immensp -rowd op Tliarsday. ,. Fridajr nigh tr tif "dressed a large au . ( dience a .Jfewbe'r'Saturday .he ; &i Klnstba andatunlay night ho closed .' tip; feloriduy wbrk at Gofdsboro, Whe'n ' " r he talked'toa oig crowd.! ! ! ' ' ,) Ker ubjican and DemoKiraticPres idenUal Klectoitl will address fh r rjcople at he following places .1 , i n ifarion, lTiaiayrSeptcmber 7. ;.i Newton, Friday, September 8. v v "'TrfylorBvillel' Saturday,' September 0. ' t V. 5 Wilkesboro. Monday tfeptem ber 1 1 n 1 Trap, Bill, Tuesday, September XL f , 1 ; ( 'd Bobsod; Wednesday, September 1' i ) Ysd kl villo,' .Thursday Septeni tor' 1 h I ir..i.. r t t ,1 j Anv I ie ..r Winston, Saturday, September 18. :iT'ladfDs'arelnvl JJ W l FHcndsIn the r'espectlf elocalltftri ifill pple&sj circaUte notices of.th yppbiot ! ;l 4 1 . J if. 1 1 j .1 if