THE DEMOCRATIC SIGNAL. RALEIGH :::::::::::::: SEPTEMBER 29, 1843. and the sooner that organization be effected, the belter for our party and the cause. The machinations of whiggery have already be gun, as for instance, it is apparent that, by diminishing circulation of money it would force the people to fall in with its current in has ever been looked up to as a strong lea der,) he has shrunk from the acceptance of office, and alway displayed a willingness to serve his country, for which, he has never asked reward. The charge is unfounded and at variance with the history of Mr. Hay- TAe Register's attack upon Mr. Uayvood. The Register is "ashamed" of Mr. Hav- wood'a speech; or, in other wordf, thicks faror of a Bank. This is but one stratagem; wood's whole life. Ve have only for the very contemptibly" of it 'as our distin- i gDt lnal these machinations should be present, to intimate to the Register a recur- guished friend, the Little Blower' would say. met Thorough organization is the belt rence to its own files, both for original and It is not a little surprising with what ease weapon with which the combat can be held, quoted adoption of the Bankrupt Law as a this federalorgan can shiffiis sails orchange would suggest to our friends as speedy 'whig measure of relief in 1841. Not long its tune: but a few short months since, and an assembling of the Convention as the con- after the passage of the act, it transferred a it, in connection with the whig?, was 'satis- venience of the people will allow. ' glorification piece from the National Intelli- fiVd' with hi elation, and it was difficult for ' .... . 7... gencer to its columns, in which, if we mis th n.m,tr ,v,n to find I in its orioinal " r" C 8 . " j take not. it claimed all the credit The Re - --e o atock on hand,) soft enough speeches and uur waggisn ana witty inena or me t rea- cordg of CongrcS3 however, will place the icksburg 'Democratic Recorder,' has sd- ..... , .- j r.,s.ri .rsr.w Thir,,.l.' mm ip,..T. responsibility where it properly belongs, and Gales, the Editor, is not at home; but we candidly think he ought to disavow the re sponsibility of an attack that places him in a very inconsistent position, and gives him the appearance of seizing a very unfit occasion to vent personal ill-feeling. i " ff- It is mortifying to witness the effort of ridicule and disgrace any portion of their own Stale. No matter what motive urges such unhallowed attempt or what object they have in view, such con duct is condemned by every principle of fair and honorable dealing, and derogatory to every profession of Slate pride. Such are the attempts to degrade this county, by pub lishing to the world such statesments as to induce the citizens of other States to believe, that the .people are semi'barbarous and igno- kind enough congratulations for our newlvl v elected Senator, whom, if a Democratic Sen- Benefit, try Postivtly the last aDDear- snow lo ine country mat tnis act onrauu ator naato oe eieciea, uwouia nave -prefer- u. .- uSu,.aru uut un.u, ucr.. ..-...j . ... . , - . OPD0Sed to the diffusion i . ii i i rnrrnpr i-ia win unnear in rn npwnnn n. i - and than .an nniu hu a aipph n ntnnpn""' ---..-- r rea 10 au oiners. uui no toooer M HEtne V -y5;y." . '. ! . J . ' : . T Arbnwl.. and education. Such conduct. boldness to stand up for bis pany-tbe dar- T Rf . lh ori(tin,rrfrM, ,-. " ' " "V " . ,hrf, n,dnhle. ."oi.hi eect A . I l - i . . 1 la I nn rria hair mint ha a nu arl tn havu hnrlcl1l-I"wi" J 1 ingenronieryiospeaKOi wnig v.oiauon 01 can be obtained .from Hanover, or even a J- 7 rft,imns of th North State WhiVand la 1 I 1.1 .... . . . I f - p.av.Ai.x if nta nirnnir I " ' c pieaces, ana wnig misrule, man ne is to De- sine e thread of it. as a Drecious re ic. UU5U ontnv',7 lu come the theme of all the 'elegancies' which This new Whig humbug will be got up when an outraged constituency demanded.its the whig press s so capable of heaping on. ?ilh ne.sce"ery Machinery, and Decora, repeal. TV4.L -rj i ,i v . i iiuiis. xuc mauagcis nave uui yti uriiucu xu un ncs.Mcr u,c cvcnuc luucy io sup- . rnsfnmps " hlnnmpnt &c. nor Inconsistency of the I ederal Ontan' - . t T1 -J 1 '111 - 1 I " " posemai air..naywooa was 10 De cajoiea hjw iniich of the paraphernalia of the cam- An Address at Wake Forest Colleffe.SDoken Rut 'tis narticularlv morlifvintf that such a into me supporv oi leaerai aocinnes r Ana paign ot lb40, viz: iiOg Uabins, tiara cider, June 15tb, 1843, has just been published. fh Roj-Jtfh nUter which claims The Title page announces that the Orator I , . , ' . jf,.fi Whig Clarion, whose editors deal habitual ly in such vulgar wit and misrepresentation - and not being nati res, are supposed not lo entertain much partiality forNorth Carolina. it did harbor such a thought, it will find time to learn, that he is neither to be flattered nor threatened into measures; and all the 4low and vulgar slang1 which whiggery may pour upon him, will be as ineffectual as it will be continual. The whigs feel the force of his late effort, and they dread the effect. It was a cool, calm, deliberate and true survey of the course of federalism; it appealed at once to the nr and heart of those who heard him. "It has set the People to thinking;" the honest, but deceived farmers of the West will deliberate upon it; the school boys in every log house gourds and coon skins, are to be retained, to stultify the good people. The Clay Club is ihe first step in the process. For particulars, see the large bills of the day. We see tba,t this distinguished personage is soon to appear upon the stage in 'the new and entertaining character of the 'Mill Boy of the Slashes.' ' It is expected that ibis nn hi rrli is John H. Whel'ler, Ireasurer of tjie , " , , ,. , State of North Carolina, and Member of na aecent gronnas, ana wnose cuuor oeing the National InstUution at Washington a native North Carolinian professes so much City. We have read over the Address and find it gives some good advice to the boys in very boyish style however. As this matter of making College Addresses stands, it may will 'positively be his last appearance,' and be deemed harsh as well as wanting in pat being for his 'benefit,' h? is anxious to en State pride, should give currency to such disgraceful charges. If they' were true, we should suppose he would blush to expose our deformities to the public gaze; would rather seek to palliate and conceal them;' yet faith- gage for the occasion 'all ihe talent' he may br able. Such as feel any desire in the suc cess of the Drama, will make known their willingness to accept a place, as itis panicu. riotism, to indulge in criticism on these an- less to h'ia profession of Stale pride, and still nual effusions. It may be right that they more faithless to his motto, " unwarp'd by he too has jeconibe the neo arrows of part? malice, because bbe should share the exemption of the dead. party rage to live like' brothers, M kNilni8i bonum de moriuis." -WV shall . f . , tU f. , c j, . c ... . jo i discharged at the fair fame of fc,dj( therefore say nothing of this printed Speech, j .. - for the double reason, that it is the annual P0,5sei in the mountains rvill rrhn the miestinn nrn- , n . , , . . , , part' and know his queue so lhat there. may pounded by Mr. Hj 'what have 1 gained by , . .the federal triumph? and ihe. answer will be, larly'desirable that each one may 'get his contribution to literature and that we coti- nobly sustained the principles she has always be no misunderstanding and consequent ex posures as in 1840, when self-contradiction begat so much evil. ! Dress also, 13 to be a matter of study as well as address, so that the 'appearance may be to the best advan I have gained a loss.' How have you Far mers profited by the iriumph of 1840, a trU umph secured by the prostration of decency, sobriety, morality and religion secured by the enccurarement of falsehood, excitement, riot and debauchery, where female innocence and modesty were brought to the arena to minglo in the patty strife a triumph in which the whigs gained every thing they asked, and out of which they promised so largely to benefit the People? Let every so ber, thinkintr man. ask himself what has he &3" The Register of Sept. 26th follows trained? Let Mr. Haywood's speech be dis- UP attack commenced in a previous num- .trihotedfarnnd near, that all mav read: and ber! uPon Mr- Haywood, and pronounces his . . j , sider it already dead. From the Register of 20lh June. ."Wake Forest Commencement. We formed one of a large party that left the City on Thursday la&t, in the cars, to witness the Exercises of Commencement at Wake For est College. We were about preparing an t'ige. It is particularly desired that some of account of the excursion, but yielded with the parts should be taken in North Carolina, as a very important scene is to be enacted on lhat part of the stege, in which the 'MillBoy' himself appears. The character of 'The Conqueior' is already bespoken. pleasure to the contribution of a fair corres- i .J i j . i .if .u.M.'.; c oeen auacnea 10, dv aeieaun? me election oi (he favorite Whig candidate, Edward Stan- We have every reason to believe that the census in thisState was'very imperfectly taken in many counties. The duly was badly perfor med in lhjs couoty particularly.' The census of many other counties hear palpable errors on pendent whose notice will, we are confident, S H t The number reported m Edge- be far more acceptable than any thing we combe who canTi read and write, we believe to could offer. I I be excessively large, and iucorrectly reported;. "Mr. Gales: Will you allow several La- and we charge so on the fact, ibat the very dies of Raleigh to express, through the col- moment the census was published, many res- umns of your widely circulated paper, the pectable citizens declared, that the Marshall gratification and pleasure they derived from put no such interrocatories as to the ability of an attendance at Wake Forest Commence ment "Of the proficiency of the Students (which llA--.t- 1 - J . 1 I .. - . I the People will ficd that they have rained ,aie Ptecn 33 ac0Ul as -oemagogicai as any we have heara nigniy complimented; we - - i.i r . i t . . i . .1 i . i. nue taken n.egisier; ever saw. iow mis rausi leave uiueis iu ?ptaK, u seems to stick in the throat of the Register, a loss -double taxes imposed, revc away, fraud made legal, and expenditures increased beyond the necessities of Govern ment to a most extravagant degree. Such is the glorious fruition to the country of whig corquestand whig success. The Convention. The necessity on the part of the Demo cratic Party of North Carolina of holding a and his frequent usage of the term is like the State Convention to nominate a candidate for effort of one who had swallowed a bone and Governor to appoint delegates to the Na- was choking: Is there any thing monstrous i;onal Convention, and to decide upon the in this expression, or is it only a usual effort manner in which this State shall be repre- of the Register, 'of a mole hill to make a rented, and how her vote shall be giten up- mountain?' While Mr. Haywood is the Re on the question of the Presidency, is now presentative of North Carolina in the Senate, plainly seen and fell by alL The different and as such, it is his duty to guard her gen counties are hastening to respond to the eral welfare and interests. It is no less true. Democratic Meeting in Wake, and we have thai he was elected by the Democratic party reason to hope that there will be such a dis- chosen by them as the exponent of their play of unanimity and mutual concession a- doctrines the advocate of their measures, persons' to read and write; and consequently must have guessed at most of nis returns un der that head. A nd though we regret that the number is as large as it is, yet we have no hesitation iu savin?, that the census far over rates the number. And yet the- same census exhibits other counties in this State, with a s we arrived oninion ofthe Register will he verv ant at merely in time to hear Col. Wheeler's ad once to fix unon M. Havwood the ch.rae. dress. wbich all acknowledged to have been r J I ,k r ' . i u lCr ui utuiugogur.uuu tuc nxgiMer suou.u tica produclion. and.we are confident should larger number and a much larger proportion have been more careful of his 'State pride' the students benefit by the nood advice iven who can't read' o'r wnie : vet the.ame is not than Uius lo nave aeleatea me possibility of ibem by tneir friend, with regard lo unceas- blazoned forth to the world, because iheycon- - . . . ! - .1 " - ''1 " I ' good by Mr. H. in the Senate, by gmrg him Jog perseverance in tneir studies and a judi- lai-n aiarge jftv population. And the cen such a name, ine Senator ot bis Jartv'' Vr. P""'"" l"CT..a,c v sus shows that tbe county of Sampson stroaff I I. .... . . .i. . 4.. i I i I I - vr luiiuvv iu ttiici-uic, nicy waunui la ui uecoiii- I t- . u .. . - e, 3 L. p r Democratic county, has but 13 persona in its We copy from the 'Standard,' the above Jhat fact heralded forth to the world with such different opinions of the 'Raleigh Register,' encomiums as it deserves ? Unfortunately, as expressed at different times, and we have j Sampson is Democratic, therefore she is je asked ourselves the question, whether this J nied justice-by those professing 'to live like change can be the result cf a personal diffi J brothers." We claim that such publication is culty between the Editor of the Register and disreputable in North Caroliua Editors, even Col. Wheeler. Just and deserved strictures 11 were fact but a fair investigation wilt unon literarvas well as nohtical efforts, it is P've -it false, leaving do possible ground for i j i the part and province of the press to bestow, that ihe public taste as well as the public morals, may be advanced to excellence; but even disappointment or malice to forge its bafts. ' With regard to the vote of Edgecombe on the 'School Bill,? she stands justified on the mong .11 mrmbers ofthe Democratic family and the defender cf their principles against r u.v.u .y.u. .... ?roand lIla, ,he bj, js irop(!rfectlbe lund Cfl- asnill .how the federal purty that it has fedeial opposiuon. Ir. this sense then.' he is ,T"y "in"ent ll,p "omjost crmcistn and ed is too small and defic.ent for any purpose nothing to eipect from dissension and discord -the' -Senator of his Party'-lbeir immediate 'he eff"' 'J'1 'he P .o H was intended Jor, th, no adequate good or in oar rant,; that contend for great and ri. rep'resenlatWe to carry out their wish- e,e ' P? b h efforts, adran.age can be derived from it. The Leg- . i -.:.t- x? a v - r i . L cp r ,. i c cannot think otherwise, than that this islature in their haste aac zeal to do some tal principles, Federalism is our-worst foe, es, land the effort of the Register to imply . . ri'wi a- i i - j .u U axaa j r 0 - lu . t ..- , cIm t4 J lastnoticeof Col. W.'s effort, is altogether thing, precipitated the matter and divided the find all OUr ammunition Arm 1 1 hp Afr.Anrfar1 jmncnro frnm ihi rpmarb mFMr Ma t ixrnnd'o ' i 1 . tpenaed censure irorn mis rem art oi Mr. tJay upon it. It may not expect to rrtreat safely, is of a par with its other endeavor to make or to attack successfully under cover from Mr. II. oul a Demagogue by the insuperable xnr own ranks. Let it be assured that all argument of itself to pronouncing -him. personal preferences will be forgotten, and Wtien has William H. Hay wood e ver exhi there will be a union, if of no other and dear- bited the spirit ct the Demagogue, as that er kind, an union of policy and interest a- term is defined? Now when has he criny gainst a common enemy. A Convention ed, played the sychophani for popular favor? pill be the fiist step to regular organization. So far from this being the c&se'ftbV Mr. H. gratuitous, unnecessary, and unprovoked.1 It I funds which was then rabidly accumulating was a laudable undertaking which we have so that the dividends to uach school district read with much pleasure, as containing plain ias too small to effect any purpose it was inr but sound, wholesome, and good practical tended for. The fruit was gathered before it adWce. The effort met the approbation; of ' riDl and ihe conseouence is. that out of g it, we hear of no good effected. In S,.nHr,! .Knr,hoWn.0 i,,a the COUDtie.S adoptlri v v , tiiufe ft j w y v w m v uwuv7vi v CU iiu I t j to Col. W.f to shield his reputation from'all layorable return , of gread attacks while engoged in their service. Mr. I some counties where it has been accepted, it