1 "THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESSTHE SIOELD OF FREEDOM THE SCOURGE OF TYRANTS" 1Y CUARLE ! RAMSAY RALEIGH, X. C. NOVEMBER 14, 1832. VOLiCTIE I NC9lBk 5 Is published every Wednesday morning at TJiree Dot, lars per annum, payable in advance, or Four Dollars at the. end of six months. ' ' ;: I Advertisement inserted at 50 cents per square . for the ': first Insertion!, and 25 cents for every subsequent one All !fttfr ad.ljK-rl tn ihi V.niTnit rn husitters con nected with 5the establishment, must b e post-paid or they will not be taken out f the Office. ' I ' THE Subscriber takes this method of returning his . gratefrtl acknowledgments to his friends and the public, fur the v ery liberal encouragement received by him as Proprietor of the C'ty Hotel, and to inform themJ that he -hasj ltszd the establishment to Mr. Edward Rigsbee, a 'gentlemen every way qualified to be at its head. j ' ':: . ' : ""! The subscriber cheerfully recommends the City Ho-7 tel to puobc notice, confident that the pre sent Proprie tor a ill keep it in every particular a well regulated H-Mise. . - .1 , ' ' Vt: therefore trusts, that the patronage which was so Jibera'ly extended'-, to him, will be continued to his suc cess r. .-. . I jutiiN LiuiiM. Rakigh, Oct 17, 1822--8 ;: rpHE SUIJSCRIB ER, returns his thanks toall those - thatjtiav; given him freight between y and Fuvctteville ot their own free will and accord. Fall Goods are now comiug - on the Steamer John 'W'allcer.has started this day and will continue to run wlnle l he water holds tip . ' ' j . ' ' ! Every exertion will be used to'take the freight up ' 1U 'itknriwn fact'the iiiiurv to pooda lvir-iF! in boats on the rivers, is not only i great vibk to the owner of the Coods but a serious loss on account of the (delay, ami my opinion is, that the goodre wore safe lying hi the ware house than tiedjup nt a ooat lying onuie river that cannot stem a freshet. ' ' i! ' , J offefyou a new Boat, with a skilful Captain that does not draw but 36 inches with a common load m, and whh her hold fait and a deck load on, does not ex ceed four feet- I hold myself responsible for the good 'con fitionof my bouts as well as the good conduct, of . j J . . ,.j 'i.:iit.i the r oittcers, every tmng conneciea suan uc ptupci ,) attended to dangers of the river excepted. . ' , N) distinction will be made about freight light or r,e"av it will be taken as it cpmes, without awy Jock- I hereby feel it a duly to state to shippers of Cotton I care ROtwhoit come tos who it came from," cr in whose boat it came down, it-is notorious that it lay s ou the wharves in Wilmingtoiitaking in the rain to the inju ry of the grower, the owner and the market that the rticJe troes. - " ' ci I tjon tuiru to be derived from this- plan the Coll- clutnt is as well aware of as I can inform him, gent for theSteam Boat Mr. D. G. MacKae wiill receive "and. ship at the.same rates as other cons'gnees'are in the Labitof doing,it matters .notj: whether it, enms in my Boats orother?, the business will be promptly & effec tually attended to. v Opposition is the .-i'fe of, trade Stl like afair one. 1 cannot iff nid to work for nothmg nei ther can any agents. A nother nnportaiit que?itin. out I am tfie principal in 'iiiis, about the paymtnt tif freight some of my acquaintance have been very slack in stay? tney win laKe tiuc notice, i ain iu uc piu ui freight on it being called for, as soon as the bllls can ; be made out after delivery Rate's of freight the ssmeas pilblished in April last.- For the faithful pej-formance - of what 1 promise I refer all that want iafoi motion to , ; , GEN. E. R. DUDLEY ' :-:':.:-' '.y V. K. DICKINSON'. ''T- ' :,'-: J. K. McifJiENY, ; A & J MACRAE. . ' The Fayette villy 01) server,"' Raleigh. Constitu tionalist and Charleston- Courier, , will please publish . the above flr. two months and send their bill to Dun- CUU judC 1UC rbu ui r dtyciLouivwi JCj - v . ' . DOYLE O'H ANLON. ' Augnst 27 2m fl - " k ; f- CITY KTSE RALEIGH, N, C. .ft. l J3 MfSCEljL,AEOIIS. EDWARD RIGSREE respectfully infomishis friends andthe public that he has leased the above estab lishment i'6r the term of fire years, with the privilege of turning the lease to a purchase. The premises having undergone a thorough repair by Mr. Dunn, and being still inrip roving, with anatldi tional new litiilding of 8 or 10 convenient Rooms (which wiH be finished by the sitting of the Legislature) the Estab lihm!ent will be re ndered -very convenie,nt r and comfortable. Most of the furniture is newi and it ifi the subscriber's tintentlon to purchase new furniture for those Rooms !which have not already been furnish ed, a9 he tjsj determined to keep his House in such or der 'ihat hi jfrlends and the public; may be well accom modated, j !. - '' , This estiiblishment .is handsrmely situated on Fay ette vllle Street, in the main business part of the town, nd ho j-J'.liges himself to the publK:, ' that , bis Table be supiphad wjththe best that a Southern Market y From Paulding 8 new novel) WESTWARD HOI' Politico equality " not necessarily personal similarilii, -'You dnn?t appt ove of our system of equatifj, I preceivc, Mr. Barham. 'Io.be irank, for you know we tingushmen speak our minds, I do not.j 1 ' Why BOjSir. . . - - v ;' ' ' M- - Wliy, because I don't like the obtrusive fami iiariilea of the' vulgar; nor,dp I believe any sys temvof government can ubsistfor a length of time without a decided bread distinction of ranks. WThy ho, fir? . 'liecause my own reading, reflection and ex perience have satisfied me that equality in any respect, either as to rankW fortune, is an im practicable, rujnous theoryj which never can be realized. " - ' !' : ; I differ with you, Mr. Barham. And to your reading and rejection I wpl say nothing, for my maxim is, to anneal to; experience, where- ever resort can be had to it. 1 May I ask whence ypu derive your conviction of the impossibility or a system ot equality, as far as ranks are con cerned? ! ' h!: From England, sir, from my own coun. I don't exact! y see how' your experience can !uave,any application tr England, because she has never tried the system of equality; and can therefore know nothing of its impracticability. or its ruinous ettects it it were practicable. V hy sir, don't ve every day see the conse these, and that one will be. wiser, richer, hap pier that another, in spite of all laws to make them equal ; ad in defiance of ail efforts to re gulate their course of action. Such is not our f bsiird system of equality, which consists sim ply in an equality of social and civil rights, granted and guarantied by the laws, ovei which we ourselves have a control, each in his primi tive character of a citizen, a portion of the go vernment. There is not here, as in many, I may say in all parts of the old world, one law .'or the king,! another for the noble; one law for the freholderj-another for the copyholder; one ior the bishop, another for his curate No, sh ; all th' jidople are peers of each other; peers of the Republic ; and vou mikht as well assert tnar hecaue every member ot your House of Lords is the peer of the otliers, that therefore, they must allbe equaUy wise, rich and noble; that there can be no distinction between themi that the dipt lawgiver must be held every where and at all times equal to the wisest; the poorest ai rich as the) Marquis of Stafford; and that a mongthe nobles ol England nothing but beastly familiarity and rank vulgarism can possibly pre vail in ir.eir intercourse witn each other." ;ie gueb. ?- i . am preparing to put up suitable sheds for the protec l of this valulble article from the weather, theadvan- itrv Mtr The A- caii ;afiord : -that ' Jiis.Har will be-supplied, with such quences of the mob getting uppermost; destruc Refnesliinehts ?.s mav be wanting, and the stables with tion cf DronertV and loss of lives? - a sumc-ency oi rrovenaer, unaer tne cure oi tae ior; mer well 3:aown Ostler. - .. The whole will be superintended by himself, and every exertion made to give general satisfaction. Hie .City Hotef is the regular STJiUK HOUSE and on application at the Bar. Seats can be secured, in the Northern;tScuthern, Western or"Eestern Stages. Oct. loth. 1S32 . .-"I.---; .r.;,. , iCj Tht : members of the approaching Legislature, who havelengaged rooms with Mr. Dunn, in this Es tablishment, will be particularly atten&d to .1 ITfetropolitan Scenes. (BrporUd Jbr the Pennsylvanian.J Metropolitan Scei: 1 the title will notap y to our 'presj, ! i. v, .which takes rise from everlas- an incident that:: tine hills in I a vr s vlvania: but we wil! and ruralize undel Tbat is just because there is no equality a mong you, and n6t because there is. , It is the sene or equality, and its attendant, wanta and mortiucations, that produce th tions of popular discohten cal l the people of this count good. You don't see any nor any where else, except bring with them from abroad those habits and feelings, and old antipathies generated by the very absence of equality:; ; i l5ut how is it possible for one man to have a proper respect for anothef, without some feet iiig of itiferiority on his Ipart? Without this, saciety jmust become a perfect beargarde n, and the; iutercburse- between! people essentially vulgar and indiscriminate said 3 1 r. Barham . 'That does not necessarily follow; nay, it It- ; if;'rict of fair Penn i iU'uriior the iI i Late in the fall of ii?, two travellers mounted: with holsters at their saddle bows, en the household help,' who stood by to see if any thiug were wanting, wa.s supposed, to bo a spy, marking every motion. She was sent on some errand and a brief and hurried; can versation passed. : - ; ' Wre are gone, Torn What shall we 'Let us die-boldly, and dispute it with them. The pistols-4)ut how to hide them, when in -the bar-roPml' - . - . . . No matter1. They are here in ,-the torner with be saddles apd yaUses.' TOs passed in so low a tone that , the landlord and his mMi, who be it known were listener, and peenng from knot holes into the room, diJ no catch its full sense, but they saw signs of fear, the pistol placed in the side pockets of the travellers' dreadnoughts, which were hastily reassumed. and the impresiivn; was, that the maiLrobberj saw that they were suspected. The travellers then returned to the bar-room and took 'their places on the aforesaid bench at the upper.eml of the room, keeping their hands oo ther con cealed pigtols. They had resolved- to'fire oa the first demonstration of attack,1 and they kept a 6harp look out at the motions -of evvery one ia ,. the room, after; the fashion of a: cat, when the worrying dog seeks to po&nce upoo her. She re. fleets his wheelings and- facitigs to. out-flank her, and always presents a formidable front Even so did our upposed" mail robbers, and in vention was exhausted in secret Colloquies a mong the opposition about how I they should be taken The hot heads proposed a gerierai.nnh; which was objected, to. on the -sdore, that proba- ' kbly four of their own number would be killed in V:u attempt. -Tricks to throw them off their well Suai but in ks : ihy-bec.,fie the more watch,-" ! . tul. One ydunstattt' .sg-.';ieJ bl Kiting : them. at UICII MUUIC UUH5.I,, . - . ir" f. , , . andbearinghe dusVy spots and splashes of travel at that nclement season ot the ir- : VI. ' 7 V ) PSfi V u Pilt P.run- VPar rnd slnwlv . Wn thp h 11 rnaM ImH nir .-v. :v a, .w nwcu ;:ni a It you choose to to the village ( P- As they passed a ,couBiaoie,JHe? xne mosv goou numour, rjr :alf equal, very small tavern7 called by the wags ofthe vicinity are-aevu m uie country, always rea- mobs in Kentucky, the Swallow sBox, the Uudlord appeared at theTf Z ?.u JT".". . ' , 5,7 mn Un .nj iuA- u "tu u" cAueuiciu, wnicu win uc aeyeiopeu, ana uiiiwiiii ii'55,i vim iiuui auu uif iicu incuixiu FULt LEX0TH MUVtTlTHE PAISTVK. . Begs leave to inform the C itizeus of Raleigh and the Puhiic generally, tTiat'he has located himself in this place with' the intention, of practising his profession. Besides the Schools. .f Fine Arts at Dublin and Lon- don,Mn .VV. hashs(ltlie beneht ot studying. in tne does . Folio vv at nil. Surelv. Mr. Barham. vnu of Europe!! -'He will Wprf same to comment on his " ' ' - VT v own works, but respctfullv invites an inspection of regard to the feelings and claims of others, can- them. His PsLir.t-nar Room is next door to the 'Covstitu tionalist 'Priritlng OfficeV where he willbe happy to receive orders.- i Rnkigh Oct. 17, 1832. 47-tf. DLUIJ. 1 ItCl Villi U ! i - i , , t , ' scrutinizing glance at tae host and hostel, and " ru"e14 declined sation with so much cheerfulness, that our a- 'No,' said the elder traveller, it 'is only: ayellers were almost induced to lay mile to P,and we W a little day lhrht f l.de suspicion, and confide their fears to him jef i . . " j jase, nowevec ocgan to leign sleepiness, ana iDM,;n. iuuM,;; i t . i A ,ireiusing to go: to uea, 6unK into apparent re 'Precious little,' observed mine host .'And! . ,. ' x, 'v. . , Cross Kcvs Hotel The Subscriber irrateful for past favors, begs leave to mfurm liis friends & the public in general Ahat he continues to occupy the above 9tand where he is prepar ed to accommodate upon reasonable terms ;TraVeIlersSc Boardersllis table is fui uished with the best, the market produces, whde his stables are not surpassed by any in the C'tv. fur comfort and a plentiful sUpply;of proven der. His tc'rms ai 'V one dollar per day for man and horse, and the same rate for a greater length of time. The subscriber is likewise prepared for therecep tion of 30 or 35 Member.' ofthe Legislatute, and will feel thankful for their patronage. No pains will be spared to "render them iCQinfortable,; wnile.he guaran tees to board them upon terms,as rea.sonable as they can be obtained in the City . ' i - , v j ROBERT PERRY. .. JRaiei'gh ' 197 .1832. -S ! 44 tf. THE Subscriber returns bis sincere thanks to' the public fo" the very liberal patronage he has here tofore received, and takes this method to inform them, 'haO e his removed his TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT to jthe house situated on Fayetteville Street, two doors pouth of Mr. John C. Stedman's Jewellery Store, - where he will be found ready to execu te alt or ders in his Iline. at the shortest notice and in the most fashionable style, ' , , . P. IJe has just received from New York a full and complete ass ortment of 4 TRIMMINGS, VES- TINGS, STOCKS, Sic. of the most fashionable kind, ! which wilil be sold on the most reasonable terms. i , W1LLLIAM W. TAYLOR Raidshl Oct 17, 1832. " 43 tf Id'M first rate JOURNEYMAN TAILOR wanted ibvmcdiaiely., ! .' not be maintained without a sense, of inferiority an one part, and of superiority on the other. Is there no such! sentimehf in tiie humaln mind as that of veneration for, f liperipr virtue or ta lents; no kindly feeling of' one fellow being jfor another, that he should require a man to belcall- pose, with his head upon the table. 'The bush- bowers ui pursuance ot his plan, kept up a'mer- ry chat, and pretended a cheerlulhess that" sat ' so awkwardly upon them that the travellers were more and more distrustful. 'Suddenly; Jake bounded up, md swore that some one had iNonsene. we can sleep any whece. ;Jut , rene Ud bv his acauaintanres. and words ran u? go on, lom. uood by, my inena, and n i r ; J . v ; ;' vgj will, get no accommodation at P- Whv not? there are taverns there 1 suppose. 'Pienty of taverns plenty of tavernsbut mere are more mice than cate. ; I here are now more people m town than the town can hold ' It Lt ed a lord, and to posess is denied a share, before him ? If you come - to t we cannot get lodgings, why we will comeback to yon.' 5so saying they put spurs to their ja ded animals, and disappeared round the sharp curve ol the road. The tavern-keeper looked after them for a privileges of wliich ho: moment, smiled,-and said, Go your ways he can properly respect boys; I am lie other sex,: is there. npt beauty, virtue, the natural desir? tp please, : ahd the unjversal passion of loviylo ensure tnem due tenderness and consideratiMi, without their being called ladie?? So far indeed as I am acquainted with countries where these dis tinctions ot rank preyair," that respect which the sacred institution of mar-jtrtge requires irom man WlaYTewtow Academy. fTHHE Trustees of this Institution, and many of the JL citizens of the town and vicinity, sensible of thejm- jportance jo f again placing it on, the high Eminence it maintained so-many years; have by. subsci-iption and voluntarily donation been enabled to raise a large sala ry, and the Committee appointed to procure a teacher for the ensmngr year, now intorm tne pudjic ana an HTHOMAS J . CARROW 8t CO. IipoaTRs,'i. 88, those who may be disposed to patronise this School JL JVat?r-sireetott$r for sale, a. complete .ancLycry that they fiAve engaged the services of Doctor Thorn- lanre' AssoMnient of Goods in the above hne, tree 1; jmfas j. Vaiden. as "PrinciDal. 1 He has been educated any Combination 'or Tariffof prices. Tber liberal sup- mny atjthe University of Virginia; isa Virginian bv ny'rt hitherto rece ved from bur southern friends calls uirth. and comes hierhly recommended; not only as a for our warmest t-inks, and we pledge ourselves to Scholar, himself, but as havinsr a happy and peculiar use unremitted exer ms to merit ra continuance of the talent of imparting Instruction to his scjholars and of. same, uy ine lowness - i -our: pnvc 9tJ4V H"" i exerc.:s-i rj h mua yet emcieni government . tv ofg-ood and skill a ad care 'ol our packers. ' : 1 All th. f nncbes of Education taught in other pop- ; Merchants who do not wish to vigit the City tins sea- u;ar institut s . will be taught here, and on the same son, Will have their orders filled on the best terms, hy terms.---Io; J in readily be procured in respecUible forwarding them.to the -Subscribers by man, FamHies arAifcrterms as modeaate as elsewhere. v ' T- J. BARROW Sc CO. The nrit session will commence on the 1st Monday KpurVfrrV. September 5. 1832. 42 9 w. rate. We shall certam of you in an hour, at any take the liberty of following Boni 'tome, then,' said Jake, net every man empty his pockets upon the long table, and' we will see who is the thiet. ; Agreed,' said the men in the secret. Do you consent, gentlemen ?' said Jake, ad- witfr a smile to the travellers.- I do not; suspect,you, but it all dontdo the same,, thing, why it wo'nt anawer.' '. ' . Very well.' replied the travellers, cdmnlete- rancmg luiu uuiuit.. waicii ueiitg puuuc, i u offtWir guard by the effect of the well acted Iiaile to such intruders. The bar room was : ruueiv lurnisneu. out lie tire, well hPaneii with n i - . i .tin. i.-.. t i.. - , e u 'p. flt'',s i r All rose, ami went to iqe xauie. rocKew mntedly, that tjic contrast with the outside of .....; 1 , the door, made the room seem a banquet-hall, upon the board. to woman, and from woman to man, is not the wnrUy of Mark Antony's revels. A numberl A u-w most striking feature in the tharacter of the of rough, muscular looking men lountred aroundl a H' ...".j l- : . ii i ,w i .. . . . v?,. . .i ineoiners louoweu ui higher ranks. . !.'.. 'Ba really. -now, "Colonel Dangerriield, you have travelled aud seen the world; do you think it j ossible to intfodnce equality into England, without overturning every thing, 'venerable and sacred there. ! ' , i ! I dont know exactly what you mban, Mr. Bar ham, by every thing venerable and saci ed. If you mean abuses that have grown sacred by long proscription; follies consecrated by time; and small, and of an oblong figure, our dozen bus! 'Now,? shouted Jake in a voice of thur.der, nearest traveller. example and a short the hearth, smoking -long : nines and discussmg and violent struggle ensued,, and tnanfolly V.id potent Monougaaela with inEnite relish. h 8trangerS contend, for they thought it wai Men of mighty deeds wereahey, and of few r Vr .fif VuQ rtj4ia. u, t(M trrt nA . words. Good liquor brought out h. Me conver sation, and that was energetic beyond the tios sibility of mention on paper; it abounded in trope andi metaphors, winch,; although the? may shew genius, are not estimated out of the circle where the ' originate. The room bcinr in January next. VM.W. HTLL, ! 7 jROBElfrvEEK, J STEPHEN 1j A is: S Warrentoh Oct 25th, 1832 3t. Committee. MSICiLI, INSTRUCTION, )i3vdhe Governor of North Carolina. 've.u j?. AS" it has been made appear to me by the vewlictof a iarv Of inquest, tliat in the vicuuty oil .1 TtTrc. Iflni'V lilirAK Rakilibnthe eyenijjff c f the 16th mst. a roost cruel . T)OPtS this method of announcing to her friends ' murder was. ebnt&itte4 oti Mary Sugg.; T hat while and the public, that in consequence of j-epeated : determination ot again view to the devotion of her justTce; j do therefore hereby offr reward ol 00 opened on the first of January ensulng'.hefore which to anv perssn or personv w -"--"" ...,. time, her .terms. &c. wdJ be made known. John Murpbv, And lodge him m any pb iCj Jail m uus In this community, where so large a portion of her unne an In -1d heV phy. so Uut be be brought to answer tor ths saia such patronage as she is determined to merit, and this cuime. - . - j . ..' i 11 she asks. 1 j The said John Murphy i represented to be about 23 shocco Se ' t. 29th, i832. . " ' 45 fPQr oM. about 5 feet 7 or S inches-high, stout made, ! 1 : short broad face with high cheek bones, curled sandy riri i V P i iVaUftTRTIVWftYA f-iirb- Una. h iiner tore teetn larere i r . - and irregular, turns bis toe out when walking,, and ; , ; Police Office, Raleigh Nov. 5, 1832. Las a rpiung sauorime gan n r -i . , Given under, my nana as iiovernor, ana un der the Great Seal ot the $taie-at tne tii State. ; ATidldo hereby enjoin 11 upuu .w.j has ben spentj sile feels confident that it is tnd M:htan within the ttate atoresara co w&e iiicir en- cessarv tA anv fhnz of her qualifications as rlparfHirstn'ahnrehend andseoure the said! Jolin MU!VL,,.fWCC! eha ,ct tKnt h frnrta will vi vl1 del" the Great Se ' ?feofUaleigh this 1832. "OYTirtue ofthe authority veifted m me by a Res- 11 inliitibn of the Board of Commissioners. 1 herebv J I CPr. TIAriv1 ArTitnTT.nivnBT1k TlriTT.iie In. etirri irt 10m aay 01 iaay a ir M. STOKES. 7tr By the Governor. 1 ' War. II. Hut, Private Secretary formation' as will lead to the conviction ofthe evil dis posed person or persons, concerned in the attempts re- rently made to set hre to tms ony. 51 50 i J. liAL.ES, Int. of fQUce. institutions that have become venerable. Hike ruined edifices, because! they no longer answer the end of their creation ;; if you refer lb these, I don't believe that they can or will survive: the the adoption of a single! feature in the system of equality. I admit the difficulty and ! Janger of abolishmgthe distinction of ranks in countries wherei ithas long prevailed; yvnere every s.ep and stage in life is graduated by . the ladder oi precedence; and where tne people, rrpm educa tion and long namt nave lost an oiner cruerion of respect or reverencr but that of mere rank and fine. , Here, however, in mis country it is quite different, habit and education have prepar ed them to estimate other claims: and though they may still retain some vestiges of the ancient delusion in respect to these things, there is noth- - .1 1 - l .1 : 1 J . ins: on eann wnicn iceVj vyouia so soon resist as a person who should come and demand as a' right any privilege or precetfence, merely on tne score 01 his tme. j ;-. 1. 'Very well, very well, sir, but you will yet live to see the futility of these notions, that all men are equally wise, equally virtuous, ' equal ly brave; and that therefore they must of neces sity be made equally rich, equally honorable, and equally in all respects to ther rulers. Why do you not add, equally tall, equally fat, equal t strong and equally active?' asked the Colonel, smiling at this absurd view of e quality, which is either ignorantly, or wilful: ly made ta represent tie rational system of this country. 3iy ttjear sir, our policy i& not tound ed on the complete overthrow, but the estab lishment of tne system j of Providence, which hath ordained that- there shall ever subsiKta dif ferei ce in the activity ami edacity of mankind as we'll a9 in the opportunity, and the result of ihei exercise. Every body knows that it is impossible to regulate the consequence? of a! bowers and, wagoners, as they appeared, occu- tor liletbutttie oaaa were too crear, and m a few mpnvontft they lay on the floor, bound hand and.foot, and"panting with exhaustion . Now my larkies,' said Jake, You're fixed as slick as nothing, 33y Jupiter, but you're tough 3 v,ticle9 though. I worit wanta fight for a week. You are now prisoners, and to-morrow, hey tor the county jail 1 ... 'Jail: prisoners 1 what do you mean r 7 cx Vie.u.T fer . 1 ' ? itring " "P cIa5med. the astonished captives. 4,ucuu " nir, enureiv po0h! noohl' renlied Jake. Dont nlav nos- . - A : I 1 1 J t sum. We know you forlthe mail' robbers. 'Mail robbers,' responded the. travellers with a laugh, -'mail robbers! why is that alr' 'All I yes. Is it not enough r QllVeienough,, said thertravellers, quite re- i .t x it a. ' t '1 a - 1 '-i 1-1. v. joiceu at tne ura anairs nau taKen. xney huu mitted quietly to the night's, confinement and in the morning, proved to the magistrate tnat they were Western Merchants of the first res- pectability. Thus, ended an affair, that was near resulting in a loss 01 several lives, and so 'There they are,' roared he, I knew much for drc&uinstantial evidence ! end, where oarei 'Pete,' observed a smoker, 'have they srrab bed the mail robbers yet? 'No. i Them Philadelphy grabbers haint got it :n 'era. ! ; ; ., . i . ; 'You're nght,; Roger. I'm dast if .them hieves beant too cute tor a citizen.'.- Silence en sued; the sighing of the wind, as it swept down ther gap, and made the old house creak-and groan, monopolised cae conversation, until the trait) pling of horses started our landlord ,0 the wmuow. it.' ; The. horses were stabled, and the travellers A few days preyn'us to a recent election, a were usnereo into tne oar-rooro. I he occu -1 candidate tontne orace oi.snenn was tnusaccos;- pants gave way sullenly, and the time passed ed by a neighbor 'Well, sir, I hope you will in stern, suspicious tiances. Lne travellers hp. elected, ior 1 wouia ramer De nuns oy you after warming themselves,1 and giving time fori than any body dse.' 4And I,' replied jhe can- tne preparation ot a hasty supper, withdrew to didate 'would ratner nang you tnan any uouy 1- r- ?i . - ' i ,1 . r . 1 . 1 I . tn n . I "1 . partake 01 .11. ai , tne moment 01 tneir closing mlteng. 1 aper. the door, the countrymen crowded together. these are the mail -robbers' was the gener- h A Fact. At a public dinner given ar tne cny eral whisnor. 'Thp rAwsrd &hall h nnrs 4nf IWtdnn Tavern, on the aonointtnent of a Leaving them to coricert the manner of arrest, new English Am bassadnr to Turkey, and at we will attend to the travellers. They were which the Turkis Ambassador wa present, a equally suspicious oftheir company, and fear- mon the toasts which were givenfromUbe chair ed that they stood, not only in peril ot the loss was, 'Uttoman rorte ana lurKisn ;mv of their money. bu of their lives also, an uu- dor,' vvhich was thus repeated in a Stentorian certain possession, which men agree in valuing voice by the toast-master: 'A; bottle ot Port lJ I i a more nightv, when most precanons. tjutuor the LuriiisnAmoassauor. what ww : to hp dnnp? TIip.v rnnld not leave the house, unobserved: and, to leave it, if the Cond8cmsioh.The insolent civility - - r - - . house, and the fatigue of mind conspired .to ex-in hiro; and that his; goodness alone bs cite their imaginations to a fearful pilch. E-'upon you what you have no pretence ta ci of a 1 -.11 intents of those ther suspected were really proud man is, it possibler more snocMng u .in wicked, woufd only hasten their execu tion. The his rudeness could be; because he showsby his drparinp.ss nf tl.P. rP. tbp innliiiess of the manner, that he thinks it a mere condesr.r r.sioa toWs aim.