ft I . i 1 ! 4 THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS THE SHIELD OF FREEDOM THE SCOURGE OF TYRANTS" "W W! ,M".'l;J'WV.I. IJUJUi.;..'!! .tiUU. . H 1 fe3 If E 5 It i 8.V v irv. '1 ' r::.dy )c ter.t .i A be "r ijt eoH0ltttttiounlfet 1 every Tuksdat in jrnmg, at Three Dol- I mihhsnec ),tilf nfiv:ihip in :d vrfiirp. nr Tfirffi itrs per :ir.n'."" ". i - iJo.'V.r? and fifty cents if not paid until the termination if the year. Advertisement inserted at 50 cents per square, for the 1 Or AmUc fVll fTf VI I , Kcon I ! M t f I insertion, ana j - u .... All letters nected addressed to the Lmtok on businers con with the establishment, must he post paid, will net be t.-ke out of tlie office. thev YliJI.O'S HOTEL. rwtEV Pine Sc Cr.nin Steet?. j mini r t nr. ubicriber returns grateful acknowledgements i tn Lis friends and the public for the liberal sup port alibrded him since his establishment in this city Paving found, however, that the name of ins Hotel, -.vliicl ''e originalivadopted, "Congress Hall,'7 subjects hin t many inconveniences in consequent of the iP i i-.itl.1i pc.'itl ictiTYifTf i lite i rn mV... f c . ; i i i . . ' linn, Lit-tlT OC-'ll m 11 K O r TT rt f it!a. n t..f !.ii.n t-'n a . o . ' o ;'..ivi house to embarrass ins neighbor as well as hunseli, lie has resolved on changing the same to that of Niblo's Hotel. Its central location being near the principal rdacs 'if amusement, and its vicinity to the public ofii- l CS Vl 1 '-..ismess part 01 the lown, renders it a mostdt .rt for any gentlemen engaged in commer. ;-d and other pursuits. The experience, which the ia'KC-, ,cr has acquired as proprietor for many years oftlut extensive establishment the "Exchange Hotel."! retc'-sbvirL', Virginia, and suuserpient as an associate viih Mr. Hf'isk'.ilof the '-City Hotel" Philadelphia, wdi he trust s prove a sufneient guarantee to all who may honor liim with their patronage, that nothing shall be ViHiti'iig on his part, or by those in his employ, to con tribute in every respect to their acommooation and comfort. JOHN NIBLO. New Vor!; December 4, 1333. . 3 tf. l'resli supplv ofGetigraphys, Atlases, Maps, Charts and Natural Uistorv.just receiveil bv the Subset-', bers at tlie N- Carolina Hook-Store opposite the New- burn Rank, Faycttcvilie street. TURNER Si HUGHES TUESUEdClUUEItS rHMCV. t!i. TTipthr.fi nP infnrmtncf thp p".li-pnj nf 1? i . 1 l..i(rh and tl,P nnMip wdK? ih-.t thov h , v. i.iqt ! received and arc now opening, at their store next above H nit m .rACi-notise, anew ami sptenuui assortment: oi SPIHXG and SUMMER GOODS, consisting of Sta p!e and Fancy Dry Goods, Droadcioths, Summer Cloths anrl Cassimeres, and a beautiful variety ot rasuionaule Calicoes, Pi-mted iMuslins, Ginghams &c. &c. also Gro ceries, Ifr.rdivare. Q.ueeii.sw;ire, hats, boots & shoes &c. all of whichdiaving been purchased by themselves "this sovirg'in t'ne Northern cities, forcas!i,they are enabled vi supply those who may favor them with a call, at pri- c-s much lowtr than goods have heretofore been o.'lcr- r J in this c MORIJECAl & McKlMMON. 6-.v25. Raivigh, May 7. . THE DISPENSATORY OF TIIE U. STATES; f;';lisibl;i"ig of Ibt. A Tr atise on Materia Medica, or the Natura Conur.ci c'.:J, Chemical, and Medical History of the sub stances etcp!' yed in Medicine. 2d. A Treatise on Pharmacy; comprising an account oi the preparations directed by the American and Rri tisli 1'h.iru.acopar.ans, and designed especially to illus trate the Pharmaccpaiu of the United States. By fieoi-e R. Wood, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica -i si -I 1 !i.inn ic , in the Philadelphia College of Pharma cy; and Franklin Uache, M.. D. Professor of Chemistry in 'Lo College of Pharmacy, and in the Franklin Insti UP.-. i'i.'iV.-. iC nnf n f f'ir m-ict i-otintto n-M.tr r.f f'. fc VCJ! issued from the -ale bv American press. TURNER & HUGHES. V eT' LHi Wc t ions . fHF. SuSscribcrs have this day received fromBoston, X a fine and large assortment of the latest andmost ap proved school Books embracing nearly every new and valuable work of the kind now published in that city. ' ,vr;.''l0:' VV1") :i variety of interesting and useful new V'ajncuf.ens of every description; among which are: T ,:it' lorraphy of good wives Lectures to young - id.cs !tj;vercd n the pupils of Trov Female Semina- ' 'i". A!ni-.ra 11 Lincoln Phelps Reminiscences of Kl -'' ..) Cushmcr. I'he new Arnei-ic.nn Orchardist " i tii Fruit cdtvireand management of the mos valuable , "niaraes-.t-.il Shrubs, Forest Trees and Flowers a- l-i" -.tOv.ie L mtcd States bv William Henrick Also a ircsu sunp'v c.f 50 i!iMnvl lni.m I'linlii: Tik!rtl fCCf!-t ll ot uU prices a!d qualities. T U t:N Cli &IIUC11ES. Mav 2i n'i I JO. ....,.. t'.ni j CS of Womc. hy Mis. Jameson, ''-nor t the '-diary of an ennuyee," "Memoirs in ; e sovert rns fic - i'.iskir.e orti-e Trave!ler,bv Jclni Gait Esq .author ' Lav. i ic Todd" "Stanley lluxton" &c. he. cc-ivci tl. wv at the North Carolina Rook Store. TURNER & HUGHES. My ? rr'"S School wid commence again, as usual on Miss Jcne n.ai oi J cbniat V. i ! h'lim 1 ..f next ensuing. mi, .nn oi a corr,T'.t'-nt Denartmer.t o.i t ssist nt in the Lit-; 4 - , i .LIU ; ' I'Mction in Music January 21, 1S33. Msicn is now made t for 11 1 1 forewarn all persons from tru: tine: on mv 'v son upborne Sugg, or from navini'to him . f--.....ii ucuuc nunc, as i s not be re- allow fyr '." any tC-bt of hi contracting, :';ey p;i;d t urn. 12, 1833. 4 m, JOHN SUGG. ; billed. " '-! to employ a man of sobriety and moral habits, -very otner resnectsnii.ilifi.-d tti nrm-wo how ge, to teach schot 1 .t inv 1 fnc) 1 1 a'lnm o -u Price w'.H be given x. J "Uivj vv n iivmi HENRY JONES, c. t. 5t 1.7 PROSPECTUS Of a Novel and Interesting Weekly Public tion, to be commence:! in the citv of Philnrfplnliifl k ' the ,H!i ,,f J,!ly, e,W. , be emi'.w' IUU SPY, IS PHILADELPHIA, QPTPTT nc TITli inr. 11 IS ery MlllOSOplllcally observed by Ad-' dison, that onr greatest pride arises from doiuc :cod to f . 11 1 1 S each other, or, in other . 1 t worn fmm Koinor ;n;!;;.,nt'hooks ot every description, and have this dav serv.ceaoie to society. This can Le best effected bv This can e hM .ff-p,.t w i rroner annlication of according to the necessities of i'I.p mmmmui,, nA s lamenting the decline of public virtue than checking the j h.aPPness 01 blessed; by Bishop Mam. progress ot public vice: for vice retarded is virtue ad-letn,irSOt Jarncs B' Ta-vlor- - -: vaneeJ. As the direction and rWninn (,f mMmw.l Quakerism not Christianity, by S.IL Cos J). D of national and state nolitv nr thf hnsinp ..f tt ,t;i iesriue iuu Rppiication o .trily neglected, and the remark ncces- ..f.i-iuannmno u tiiot vmo the people -loteet, we shall pur untrodden path; one where the necessary thorn shall be Imingded (not concealed) with contrasting flowers. The :)i!it,h:r ot' the '; Sin in Philadelphia" shall be perfectly hi.iii, n.r ot ue 'kni in Philadelphia . .. i J L liPl Lflte. nrul nnrrintninmatpfi h' rnnt nr vn n-nn v- it; jcensttre shall be judicious, its satire chaste. Literature ami tue arts shall find in it an untired and zealous friend: Dramatic and Lnerary criticisms shall meet with most attentive find in-partial study, and sketches of the Car and Pulpit of Philadelphia shall occasionally appear froix: the Den Ot nmiwlpnt indorpc iinir.(lnpnpf.il I1V7 r.rrsnna! n-.. inuaintauce or orofessional attachment. To these recom- mendations. mirPnPtirnl rnlnmn will -.,1,1 nnmhpr. which coming from an already popular source, will, we trust, be equal to that of more pretending publications. It is unnecessary to be more explicit, as we presume the want of the proposed journal is not only admitted, hut gene rally. We therefore place ourselves before the P.EO PLE, and relying upon their love of justice and of pub lic virtue,await their decision respectfully but confidently. CONDITIONS. The first number of the '-Spy in Phi!adeiphiavVill be issued on the first Saturday in" July. It will be printed on fine white paper, in eight laige quarto pages with good type. As it is intended to reuderihe contents wor thy of preservation, for amusing, or instructive refer ence, tne advantage of the proposed and more portable jsizc will lie evident. The teb ns are J per annum, pay- able m. advance, or $2 50 it n not paid bei,rcthe cxpira - be allowed a discount t.on oi six months. A cents will of 10 per cent, on all subscribers thev shall obtain, on remittitur one year's payment in advance, or becoming responsible for the same, and a gratuitous copy ot the Fd er. The " 1 h6 PV Kl rilliO.deii.aia will contain humourous of the celebrated Cruik- engravings after the manne shauk. They will be executed bv skilful artists and be ecompanied with comic illustrations in prose oi verse, Iron the pens of original aud competent writers Ail orders must addressee, post pout, to WILLIAM HILL vCO. No. 1, Atiiexiax Bcii.dixgs, Pinr.ADEi.rinA. CT Care will be taken to have the work careiuily aeliei! when serd out of the citv. PROSPECTU OF THE Complete Periodical Tji1ir:iry eicht Pases ire, L! i ncnrbi 2500 h;rire octavo iases a pear, for 5 furnishing; annually stkcl rttulittg equal to 50 Volumes of ' commun sct.l The Library will contain nearly all the new works of merits as they appear; Voyages and Travels-; Histo ry; Biography; select Memoris; the most approved European Annuals; Adventures; Tales of unexcep tionable character, tec. tec. THE "Con'jih t( Periodical Pihrary,t will be found in dispensable to all lovers of good reading, in town or country. Every number will contain 48 pages, in a size ( expressle adapted for binding, when the book is com pleted; printed w ith type so large as not to fatigue the weakest eye. Its immense size will enable the editor to crowd an- common sized book into two numbers, frequently into one. New works will thu; be despatch ed as thev arrive from Europe, and sent off fresh to its patrons. The subscriber in .Missouri will be brought as I it were to the very fountain cf literature. Works printed in this library will be furnished to him, when,! without it, he would be wholly unable to procure them, j A book that will cost us stx dollars to import, can bt re-printed and distributed to subscribers, owing to om peculiar facilities, for about twenty or thirty cents, with the important addition of its eing fresh and new. We shall give near 2500 pages annually equal to fif ty common sized boohs Every work published in the Li brary trill he complete in itself. A title page will be given each olume, so that the subscriber, if he please, may sell, or give iCaway, without injury to any cf the the rs; or it may be bound up at the pleasure of the subscriber. N This work presens an extraordinary feature, unknown to anv other periodical in the country . i he subscrip tion price may be considered a mere loan for a year, as the work, at the year's end, vil sill for cost, and in ma ny parts of the United States it will bring double its o riginal cost to the subscriber. The works published in '-The Complete Periodical Library" will be of the highest character, both as re- gam;, uie a unor ai.i ins suu,. wuiks, u. ai- i .i .i il. 1 a r ! r, . ni-ot mt.r nr. t r con r riiii hi i p i..iiirii. nv fi'prv . V , ' , . . . . ' - arrival. r.urmje,Bivi.g i..... . Kl 1 f'l I I I I 11 II. VI 1 1 1 If-" f N 1-f-" W f 1 I kl 1 111 I kl- S III .1 - I -. Ml I . I.T 7 ' 7. ' . : : cations equal to any thing of the kind in America. The first number will beissuecon the bin ot May next ana regu.ariy every eunesuay u.ereauer, sect.rea in iiauusuiiiCM inmaiuivci,ami .... u.ic ' . I . at S5 Tier annum, payable m advance. Clubs remittin C-20 will be subplied with five copies for that sum; a gents at the same rate. Address T. K GREENBANK, No. y Franklin Place, Philada. N. D . The usual exchange to editors who advertise- April 13. THE AMERICAN FARMER. A neat weekly paper in quarto form, edited by Gide on B. Smith, is published in Baltimore, Md. by I. Ir vine Hitchcock, at $5 per annum. Contents of No 6. Vol 15. Editorial; American Wine; A worthy Example; To Hest mv Cork rar.lips Exhibition of Plants at the Hor- kinds: Flants tn hf nreferred indifferent situations Experiments on the Culture of Squashes and Melons on ridges Culture of Asparagus Henry D- Gover on Sheep Husbandrv; Feeding and Care of sheep in sum-- mer and Winter To Pi event Swine from Destroying their Young Ano' her mode And another Tarred Rope used to relieve UaUle when Choked On Making! and Repairing Fences Prices Current of Country Fro - duce in the New York and Baltimore Markets Ad - requited; and that a publication is necessarv which will - , -uuuc nj. not only detect, but exhibit these wolves m sheep's cloth-' g-nflufe Fnc:pies ot education, by diLto. ing to public scora-a mark by which others will be ! "nf '.C !nsta'": . . warned from their intent nndnserv.ee be rendered to i NHmoir 0L1 libiK:,ce R'chmond, second son t a,r,M!nnti.:, sn Uictimond. I ..vi.vi i . j.i v. u w 11 11 i mis ulmcui. c Mian pui:uc u ci ticultural Society On the Culture oi Indian i,orn, oy j date and ooject oi tne circular y- ..i.cu iu im.- Jessc Duel; Time of Planting preparation of the Seed"; j Department, and its wishes on the subject ascertained. Manner of Planting; Harvesting the Crop On tlie f L0LM McLANE. Planting of Live Fences; Advantages over all others , Secretary oj he Treasury. yertisements. KALE2GK, 5. C. JULY IG, 1833. rrrTiifur h'tiiii-ii New Books. TtmvT i- irw-.w.. ., . I 1loKffi", those eeiitiemen who so kindly aided them i Hm-inor tho Into ".r .1 . 1 . r :..r ! ! the Public. 'that for the nrpspnt ttiev ! ...v..,..-, iiivnncmc, auu I. live 41113 J11CU1UU Ul llUOIUiUiSr, session Koora, attached to the Presbyterian Church, .whre Yy cominue. lo. 'eceive, as usual, almost daily. n " -w- . 1 received rat varie- flom Boston, New 1'ork and Thiladelpliia a great varic- !tV Of new mihlicntiz-.Tx; nn.l aiIioi- Ti1i.nhl n-ml.-c omnnir! lnch are tlie iollowing: ;fiu.to.b'i!?r.aP'lv of Adam Clnrke. ' 1 f .Pl crK T? irl -.i'-. .1 i ; Ivimey's life- of Milton, 7 V" " A. " P -uure. j , .-...a i.Hi..uj iijolujj, i iuc jjiuic, v v iiciw s, , he Literan Gallaudet and Hooker. oi ivev. Joseph John Gurney on the Sabbath, with notes, by B. Milan. A Dictionary of the holy Bible, for the use of Schools, by Edward Robuison, I) L. Notes explanatory and practical on the Gospels, design ed for the u.e of Sunday School teachers and Bible classes, by Albert Barnes. Cruden's concordance to the New TestamantT Astronomy and general Physics considered with refer ence to natural '! heology, by Rev. A in. Whewell. The wondrous Tale of Airoy.by the author of Vivian Grey, ccc. Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus, by Mrs. Mieily. The book of the Hundred and One. Pencil sketches, by Miss Leslie. Life of a sailor, by a Captain of the Navy- Zoe, or the Sicilian Sayda. Wacousta, or die Prophecy. The Italian exiles by Count reechio. Memoirs of Hot-tense Beauharnais, Duchess of St. Leu, Ex Queen of Holland. Journal of a nobleman ;rt the Congressof Vienna. Legends of the West, by James Hall. The Mariners Library , or voyager's Cliampion, contain ing a narrative, ot the most popular voyages iroin the time of Columbus to the present dav. nann-martp's vnvnerp to St TTplpnn MemoirsofGenerati La Fayette ard of the French lL.licn 0f 1830. revo- Lectures upon natural history, by Thos. Flint. The humourist's own book, a cabinet of original and se lect' anecdotes, by the author of the young man's Own Book. Edinburgh Review. k Quarterly ditto. The American Jurist and Law Magazine. Parley's Magazine. The people's ditto, iVc. ire. $cc. A FRESH SUPPLY. Gaston's Cel lection. Village Sermons. Pulpit Assistant. Doctor Evan's sketch of the Denomination of the Chris tain -n orld. ' Saturday Evening. Keitr- on Prophecy. fay's Morning Exercises. il'eman's Poems. Christain Lyre and supplement. Family Moniter. Bernari's Hymns. Cobbet's advice to yottng men. Young Ladies' own bx.'k. Young Tdan's own took. Singer's own book. Chancers, Canterbury, Tates, and engravings. yAicr poems, with 22 Asmodens at large. joanna liaise s poetical wor..:s. E ncyciopedia America nn. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclomrdiri. Mason's Farrier (iatest edition.) Dermcnt MacMorrough, byJuhu Q. Blank Books. A darns. School Books of almost . old. Raleigh, June 20, ISf very desenpttan, bjtii new and Tr.Asrsv D c r a r t ?.? e x t. Apr;i j-i.ni, io. In the late conflagration of the Treasury building, nearly all the correspondence, of the Secretary of t the Treasury, from the establishment of the Depart - ! tnent to the 31st March 1833, was destroyed, includi;ir. as well the original letters and communications address - i-ti io ine cecretiiry oi uie i reiisai". , as ir.e rccorns oi l. .i . .i ' . , the letters and communications written by him. Withlmight elict coi.fidence giving no guarantee, indeed a view to repair the loss, as far as maybe practicable, j but his own promise when he considers the extent of all officers of the United States :ue requested to cause jhe confidence shown by ihe public in these promises, copies to be prepared; and authenticated by them, of jhe sincerely and truly feels the inadequacy of terms ful any letters (excepting those hereinafter alluded to) Jy to express his gratitude, lie brought 'to the under w hich they may at any time have written to, or received , taking an unbending honesty of intention, tosubstan from the Secretary of the Treasury; and all those wbojtiate, as far as was in his power, the professions he have been in office, and other individuals throughout i made and liis motives now are doubly powerful lo tlie United States, and elsewhere, are invited to do the ; continue the most strenuous exertions fully to accom sarne. That this correspondence may be arranged I plish them. In what has been done, and what lie ex- into appropriate books, it is requested that it be copied nn f()lio foo e . with a suffici nt margin on all i . . - , .1 iSKies to actmit 01 binding, ana mat no more man one etter be conta ned on a eaf. It s also renuested. that .1 - ... 1- , . - llie COp,es -oe wrnten in piain ana aist.net or en- I grossing hand. Where the original can be soared, it jv vond be perferred. The reasonable expense incurred ;n copyinff the papers now requested, not exceeding 'the rate often cents tor every nurtured words will be defrayed by the Department. ' The correspondence which has been saved, and of wincli tnereiore, no copies are aesn-eu, are tne records oi tne letters written oyme necreiary oi tne treasury to Presidents and Cashiers ot Dames, from the 1st Octo ber, 181P, to the 20th February, 1833; all the corres pondence relating to the revolutionary claims under the j act of 15th May, 1828, and to claims ot Virginia officers ito half pay, under the act ot 5th July, 1832, and to ap - plications for the benefits of the acts of the 2d March 1831. and 14th July, 1 tor tne reiiet ot certain m- ! 1.. 4. ,lK..m ,F ft, TTnitrt Qfotra rni-5e ip enmo circular letters and instructions, written by the Secre tarv. have also been preserved: and it is requested that, (before a copy be made of any circular letter or instruc tion, written bv tlie Secetarv oi uie treasury, tne siOYOvk Ac&'AdlYW . . n V. The Fall Session will commence on rriday he 9tll Ot ANfiTtSt. The English department is under the conduct of a tc. an(j fA,thfu! assistant frfm the "Andover : gem;narv f(r Teachers 1 .mi u r.t A class of English scholars i - - j " W- J- BINGHAM TfinrijKil. mm hi State of North Hni-nlinn 15 " Si' C"" 1 00 1 c JOSHUA HORN. attachment, levied on . 100 acres of land more or less on the waters of New-Hope, ad joining' the lands of YriHiam Horn and others. JACOB COUCH, J TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, here, JL that the defendant Jacob Critcli is nut an int of this State. It is therefore owlerrd. tl n1 a niitilir. tion be made in the North Carolina ConstitutionalisL a newspaper publi lishedin 'he Citv of Raleigh for three months successively, commanding the aid Jacob Couch ' personally to be, and appear before fore the Judq-e of our u - v. uu icnur iuuri oi uw in nfiti inp (iranrrp -uuiu , ;n i ne iouri i louse in iiiiisDorouffh on tne se ; cond Monday of Septembe ef next, then and there to) T-i it rM. T ... A ! '..1 , . f 1-11 ' I'r"- i i'cuu issue, ;r jucgmeni nnai win oe u " '" UIu' cwf, ana um sinus oi iioiu anu suver ar (entered against him and the land levied on, condemned tides manufactured with accustomed neatness, dispatch. to satisfy the Plaintiffs' demand. Witness Abi.er lien .ton liruce, Clerk ot our said Court at office in Hillsbo rough the second Monday of March A. D. 1833. " A. B. BRUCE, C. S. C. April 16, 1833. 22 3m. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Wake County. Superior Court o f Laic. Spring Term 1833. ELIZABETH WALTON, vs TIMOTHY J. WALTON Petition for Divorce. TT appearing to the Court that two subpoena's have regularly issued against the defendant to appear ! and answer, w hich being reuirr.ed "not to be found" j ana proclamation having been duly made. It is or dered that advertisement be made in the Raleigh Con stitutionalist and the Raleigh Register for three months for the defendant to appear at the next term of tins Court, to be held on the first Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, and answer, or the peti tion will be taken pro cotiftsso. W dness, John C. Stedinan. clerk of our said court at office the first Monday after the fourth Monday of March loJj. JOHN C. Sl'EDMAN, C S. C. June 11, 1833. 30 3m. S TATE OF NO 11 Til CAROLINA: 7 Chatham County. Court of Equity. March Term, 1833. George II. Shutt and Wifel, vs- t ArcJielaus Carloss and f John Crump. J Petition filed at bent JH. i CI IU, A (J'J-i.. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John Crump hath removed beyond the limits of this Stale, and the said John Crump being a defendant to the petition: It is ordered by the Court, that adve -tiiHMnent be made in the State Gazette published at Ra leigh foi-bi.v xck.i,tlmtilw t)t.'il John Crump d .vpprsf at the Courthouse in Pittsborough at the next Court of Equity to be held For said county,, on the third Monday in September next, and plead, answer or demur to the said petition, or the same will be taken as confessed and heard ex parte. Witness, Thomas Thompson, Clerk and Master of said Court, at office, the third Monday of March, 1833. THOS. THOMPSON, c.tt.E. June 25. 32 6v. WALDIE'S, Circulatinff Library. NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER. THE first "olume of the "Library" being closed, tin work may now be considered as fairly before tFt public, and permanently established. How far the pro prietor has redeemed his original pledge, public nph on must of course decide, Where he has fallen shoit of expectation, he frustshe may claim some indulgence, from the consideration that the path on which he ven tured had been previously untrodden that, as a' pio neer, he had to clar h'.sway ot many unforeseen ohsta- Icles which necessarily beset an undertaking of such no - J velty and extent and to discover, as he went along, ,,ue true naillre 0r the around over which he was travel- j ing. In his progress, he has certainly been encouraged 'and sunnorted bv a large share c.f public liberality and 'confidence, his grateful sense of which would be very indeciuutely expressed bv a common nlace "return of 1 thanks." Unknown ashe was bevond a very limited c:r: -fir -possessed cf no name wliosc tahsmamc lnnuence ipecti to do. he readily acknowledges that no such re - suit would have been produced, r.cr tuirsi. ne promise, so bddly for his future exertions without the efficient j aid of the editor, whose general acquaintance with ; books, and peculiary aavantageous situation, eminently; Qualify him to fulfil Ins fo-dnoua duties. 1 he publisher hesitates to occupy much of the rea Uler's rime with his own affairs, yet he ventures to draw attention to the fact, which he believes the Nos. of the ("Library" already furnished fully establish, that the- publishers of books in the usual furm d not always jclivose tlie best lJtoks are minutely examined, pre vious to their insertion in our columns they are not se lected merely from an attractive title therefore, should we err, it is not from inattention. Not one of the works which we have published had previous been printed in ' this country and we rather invite than shun a compari Jsonof the book:, which we have given, with those o of the same class that have issued through other channels during the same period. Some objections have been made to the size and shape of the page ; but in no other form could as could as mucVi matter be put on a sheet, and yet retain a book form; and in a bound volume, it will have a more satisiactory appearance man in single rios Again expressing his acknowledgments for public fa vor, and renewing his assurances of vigilant attention hereafter, he respectful solicits a continued and extend ed patronage. Philadelphia, April 20. - ' 1 urncrc? Hughes have removed their Books, lor the present, to the Session House of the Presbyterian flmich. where they will be happy to fill all orders as iar as tUo.y are able. They expect in a few days a further rnpply of new Beoks, Informs hi irieuds and tiie publsc sreneray, V.iat having again been burnt out of his est blishment, he has re-omened his W.ttrh- TwefUru n,1 n-r,- ,Uvo doors be!ow t!e Post Office, w- nere ne will be- nap- V: Ui. ex.ecute U orders wit'i which ch be raav e f;tV!urcd. "avingjusr - received from New -York ami Philadelphia. 3I,,.inJ? supply ot gootls, th- assortment is $uu verv- reducing '"J-. .-it --j'j the """"i "iui.-jw. ui. tuc.u uhuwiuit .. cjocks and H atches. 01 all uescnntions. roaif- . 1 1 111 ' l f'rf-,11 anu punctuality. B. D. Raleigh, June 18,1833. , 4t DRUGS nitti 7n OJICIA'E. THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE now opening, at the corner opposite the r-.esby-terian Church, a large and general assortment of DRUGS and MEDICINE. PAINTS, OILS. DY STUFFS. WINDOW GLASS, ice, occ. Every article lias been carefully selected and is war ranted FRESH it GENUINE and will be sold WHOLE- SALE and RETAIL as low as thev can be had in the State. Physicians and country, merchants are invited to Scall. Dr. BLAKE whose know ledge of the business enti tles him to public confidence, will give it his undivided attention at all hours. Dr. BECKWITH will receive professional calls at this shop r ii3 residence on Hillsborough Street. BECK WITH, BLAKE &CO. Raleigh, May 1833. Ai c iVisfciufciit . . ENTERED on my book as Ranker fot the county of Stokes, two Strays, taken up by Absalom. Bostick, Sen'.-, on the 3 A of June, 1833: one a yellow bay mare, hind feet white, white spot on left fore foot, white nose, supposed to be eight years old this spring, 4 feet 11 inches high, valtii-d at Forty fiv- Dollars. The other is a dark bay mare, one hind foot white, a small star in her forehead, bran-led on the left shoulder with the letter S, 4 feet 10 inches high, four years old, valued at Forty Dollars. Bostick lives in the lower end of Stoke county, on Bclew's creek. THOMAS CARR, Ranger. June ith, 8S31. There was conimiffed to the jail of Randolph county on the 12rh instant, two ne gro hoys, one by the name of Washington. and the .other James, who say they belong to the heirs ot Harry Jones of Halifax county N.C. and were hired to woik in the Gold Mines at Brindletown, 'o Mr.Simms. from whom thr-v ran away There is no particular marks to describe them, only they both are young and likelv. The owner is requested to come and prove his property, pay charges and take thein awaj. " ' c GEO.llOOVER.Shtr. 31 tf. Taken And committed to f ho Jail of Frank lin county ,'N. C. a Nfgio m.oi support d to be 15 or 50 years of age, 5 feet 7 or S incises high, inclined to stoop, has a down look, and is either partially deranged, or affect.-so says that he belong to Stenhen llrown. nf to be; he J Northampton county, N.C. and tells atale about Brown . swapping with Gordon for him. He mentions several of the Drowns, Caty Powel, White and others, of North ampton. He had the appearance of a savage when taken; he calls himself Dial The owner is requested to come forward, prove properly, and take htm away, or he w ill be dealt with as the law directs. D. YOUNG, Jailor. Ju.ie 25. 32 6mtf. iEWfiOODS Just received and low openinrr hy Z&ttlinm. mill At the Prick Store opposite the Market House; com nrisincr A SPLENDID ASSnttTMrvr 1 of Fabric? of almost every description for Snrirg and bummer ware, many f which are of STYLES ENTIRELY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL. Also a general assortment of Hats, Shoes, Cotton Yarn, Hardware, Queeusware and Groceries. Any of which will be sold low. On the'Jth ol November last, I put a letter into the post off.ee in this place, directed to .l-'iies Fassett tc Co. of the city cf Philadelphia inclosing a check of $34-0, payable at the Dranch of the Virginia Rank in Petersburg, to the order of Zacl",";"" Luney; and on the 17th day of the same ip-1 on'.v li) -after the letter was mailed We, some man who signed his name J. Scott, presented the check at the bank in Petersburg ,ia drew my money. That some post master or his deputy, has . stolen this check from th mail thrre can be no douot; and it is possible that they raay have disposed of it to some one who drew th money for them, he not knowing that it was stolen. Should it he the case, and the man who drew the monev will make it known to mc, with such evidence as will lead to a conviction of the thief, 1 will pay him the - j above reward. HENRY HUMPI1RY3. June. 19 Green sborough, N. C Benj. S Kin resp ect- fully informs his friends and customers that he has moved his jroods to the house imme diately opposite Rijxsbee's hotel, where may lie found a jrood assortment of Dry-C Joeds. 'SViafiins cf every description. Executed irith n?n titers and dispatch. V i 1 a 1 r 5 1 1 i i v 1 4 1- . 5: i s i 1 1