ghc Pontius ost ; RALE16H. H. C Fablisbed Dally, Exeept Moidftj, BT TH - any. Norm un .Pit CKEKK O. ANI.KKWS fiMhint and 0onl Mwitw. w. p. WHI TAKER - - Bocntmrj. DIKkCTURS: n. K rrJtU J. A. Kills, w. k Jour. Oiwk O. Aadraw. W. P. WHltskar. O. J- Carroll. 6nrl Sabscrlpttoa Agt. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE I One Yr ... One Month - -------- S 0.00 .30 In the flln Bnlldlag. Fayi-ttetille Street. Tiik Po-t will publish brief letters on subject of general intefeat. The writ er's name must accompany the letters. Anonymous coruinunicAtions will not be uotictd. Rejected manuscript will not be returned. Brief letters of local news from any section of the State will be thankfully received. Merely personal controversies will not be tolerated. Address all business letters and com munications for publication to "The Mohmmu Post." The telegraphic news service of The Morning Post is absolutely full and complete and is unequalled by any morning newspaper south of New York. This service is furnished us under special arrangement with THE LAFFAN NEWS BUREAU, of the New York Sun, and is the same service as that used by the Sun itself, which is known to be superior to any service in any newspaper in the United States. This service is received night ly by wire in the office of The Morn ing Post direct from the New York Sun, and includes special cable and domestic news and full commer cial and market reports. I Trr " f "Wax elsewhere a statement from the Uastonia Gazette, giving a list of, prices irhieh obtained one hundred years ago, and which is a fair sample of prices then prevailing tb.rtragb.ont this State. It will be noted that sugar sold for 25 cents per pound, muslin 75 cents per yard, powder $1.00 per pound, salt $ 1.50 per bushel, nails 20 cents per pound, while good whiskey wias only 75 cents per gallon. People were hap py in those days. We can now un derstand why times are hard. Whis key has gone up from $2.00 to $5.00 per gallon. True, we now get about 16 pounds of sugar for $1 00, salt 50 cents per bushel, muslin from 5 to 10 cents per yard, nails from 3 to 5 cents per pound, but the whiskey ring is about to ruin the people. Labor m that day was 50 tents a day, corn 50 cents a bushel, beef, re tail, 3 cents a pound. And yet they were contented. Now we have to pay $4 00 for good whiskey, and Heaven only knows how much for Got. Russell, and no free passes to get out of the country. What a change. Our friend of the Asheville Gazette has become alarmed over the hypnotic fever which has been intro duced into the Mountain Metropolis by the Lees. That it has assumed, or threatens to assume, a serious as pect, the following caution from the Gazette indicates : "It would be quite as sensible for un instructed persons to begin a se ries of experiments with poisonous drugs as to trifle with hypnotism for amusement, and we trust that the out break of hypnotism in Asheville will stop with the public exhibitions, and that the various serious consequences which have made such exhibitions pro hibited in other places wiil not be re peated here." We would venture to suggest to the Gazette not to stop the experi ments until it has been tried on Chairman Brown, of the Board of County Commissioners and it is found out how much he and his Re publican Board havl? agreed to pay the Chairman's son and other lawyers for dishonoring the good people of Buncombe. Goverxok Rcssell and his com-J missioners think there has been a arpar. crime in the fact, if it be a Senator Gallixger, chairman flirt, that Mrs. Wilson, a widow of the Senate committee on pen- iady wa3 given reduced rates on sions, says that he has no intention household furniture from Raleigh to of preparing any pension reform ilounj Knob. Whether it be true bills. , He thinks the remedy ot or not? tne pe0ple will be slow to abuses should begin by stopping the con(iema the poor woman who is pension bills and that the first thing driving to make a living, or the to ao is to see that no pension bill railroads for giving her some SUNDAY. ...JANUARY J1 passes ixngress unless absolutely congjtieration, when they remember meritorious. th(v Governor himself, a rich man, The Senator is right in putting besides drawing a large salary and a stop to the special pension bills, haviug the Use of an elegant man but why not make an attempt to gion furnished by the people, has purge the existing list of the frauds? not ODiy usel free passes since he be Why not publish the lists by Con- came Governor, but had supplies gressional districts, in one or more from njs farm shipped to him by papers in the district wherein th. express without any charge whatever pensioners reside. The very threat ;1m6st since he has been Governor, of publication has already caused if there be any condemnation, upon the surrender of a number of claims, whnni should it fa.ll and the publication! itself will result in cutting down the robbery very greatly. t the work of purgi'm: the list be pushed, as well as htop ping the special acts alluded to. PUT VA6 RANTS TO FARMIN6. LARGE LOANS! A Palm for Everybody -ox- lite Hi! Pies In Standard English and "American Companies - .Ten per cent, more than the com panies tfiemselves loan on the same policies at lower rates. Write or en quire. PHILIP WILLIAMS AVIRETT, RESIDES REPRESENTATIVE ENGLISH-AMERICAN LOAN and TRUST COMPANY, Citizens' National Bank Building, RALEI6H. K. C w. BRANCH OFFICE A. PORTERFIELD A CO.. RALEIGH. N. C. If Hev. Burns' gardeners, and a detail from the penitentiary is not guard enough to keep the Governor' commissioners in their office, we Governqu Russell's commis sioners want to know if Judre Sim on ton rode on Vice-President An- ' I .1 .. i- ll 1 ,L wmiM uicrwit hi t.hfiCnmmn.W- ir. 11 bo, nave me eo , . in-Chief to call out the navy. We ? contempt, ana punisn been profitable, especially to those who - - - 1 i , . 1 I 1 1 M 1 . . . 1 , . uim ui course AnCJ men let tne I prouueeu oou crops ior memseivej ana commissioners have the Governor for tbeir employes. The farmers of Cen- ,m , I irai varonna are in peuer condition uj Avi uuiug nee uu a special car Report of the Secretary Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. Published In the 1 9th Annual Pubrtcatlon of theTrades man of Chattanooga. The year 1897 has been one of mingled prosperity and disappointment with the majority of people, yet great and sub stantial advances have bem made in all the Southern States. The crops have been abundant and in the main have relieve the State's man-of-war, tbe Lily, is still able to float. u nil i iiiiiur i r nn a ennnio no i- i - - ? (even with 5-cent cotton) than they have The Democrats m Congress are from. Wilmington to Raleigh last ever been, because they are producing right If the Republicans want to January, and from Raleigh to Nash their own supplies, repeal their own Civil Service law ville when going to the Nashville About twenty-five years ago the outright, let them do it, but don't Exposition, Then the Gov. might writer, in an article, stated that the fig help them "modify" it just to open ask ine of his commissioners if he T.f VnonnLV r. ... , . j'j . "., - , whether it be 4,000,000, 5,000,000, 6,000, certain positional thehungry crowd did not nde on a free pass over the 7)0oo,ooo, 8,000,000 or 0,000,000 bales, now clammenng for them. Repeal oeaooara irom Kaieign to Hickory or would give the price of cotton for that all or none. thereabouts durinsr the session of section (cotton was then bringing 15 Legislature Bv the time we --et cents per Pnnd), "with a lower tendency These railroad men are very con- thrnncrh 11 tWo T,-;;! t for increased crop. The argument Of .iderate. They don't want to show performances furnished by the Gov- to w porTUr Trnorliy how many free passes fus.on judges ernor the whole outfit will have to P1S yot" ow 'supphes and and legislators and other such states- g0 into the hand3 of a receiver wit, cotton for a surplus crop. Sad experi- inen cave na.l tne past two or three the old fellow to u d t I ence has proved the correctness of it. years .since they got into power, nor on hantL It promises to be a gTvai how many Govemor Russell gave er farce than the lease rucus. But outlast year, nor to whom. It is fi1p nnv.r mnKf offptinf off.. said the Governor's pass would "go" ill i hirnt.r i .il.if 1 .-. ....1 I m rv t m -it r .... v.u.... i.ii i.u isiaiuir, uu x he taiesvinc jiascot savs: that he kept a regular pass book full "Freight and passenger rates are in of em. Well, dou t tell on him. The -rand jury of Judge Ewart's court in I'.iinconihe has indicted the Asheville Street Railway Company for transporting free, Mr. V. A. Hildchrand. one of the clever report ers of the Asheville Citizen. This is right: now let Governor Russell and his fusion courts and com missioners indict every church fair mat gives a tree plate of oyster snip. We io not know how much or how little Mrs. Wilson paid for transrtingher house-hold furni ture to the Round Knob hotel, but maty instances higher than they were twenty years ago, notwithstand ing the largely increased travel and the tremendous depreciation in the500,ooo bales If such advice had been heeded, South ern farms would be worth today from two to three times the present price, and our farmers would have been pros perous and contented. The annual report of the bureau of labor statistics of North Carolina shows a large increase of material prosperity. There are now in operation 1,032,000 spindles, 20,052 looms, 1,410 knitting machines. The State produces over )f cotton and nearly The Measure now Before the New Yort Legislature. Albany Despatch to N-. T. Commercial Adrertiser One of the many bills introduced in the Senate this week of general interest was presented by Senator Pavey. It provides that New York city shall ap propriate $100,000 for the establishment of an institution to be known as the "Farm Colony for Vagrants." A board of five managers to be ap pointed by the Mayor is provided for, and this board is entrusted with tbe .es tablishment and management of the farm colony. The members of tbe board shall hold office for the terms of one, two, three, foor and five years. They have the right to establish the colony in any county of the'State and have the power to appoint a superintendent, who will hold office during their pleasure. His powers shall be regulated by the Board of Managers, To Utilize Labor of Tramps. Ftc. The farm colony shall consist of build ings and grounds, which will be equip ped with mechanical and other assist ance as shall make effective the labor of the inmates. These inmates are limited to that class of male persons who are convicted in the courts of New York city for vagrancy or habitual drunken ness, but who are not i'nsane nor men tally nor physically incapable of being benefited by instruction in agriculture, horticulture and handicrafts. Commit ting magistrates in New York city shall have the power to sentence such a class of criminals who are between the-ages of 16 and 30 years. The sentence shall be an indeterminate one, but the Board of Managers shall not have the power to retain a person sent to the farm for a longer time than three years. The managers shall have the power of parole, when there is a reasonable prob ability that persons to be paroled will re main at liberty without violating the law; but paroled inmates shall remain on pa role in the legal custody and under the control of the Board of Managers until the maximum term of three years, as pro vided for, has expired. If, in the opinion of the Board of Managers, an inmate on parole violates the parole or is about to laose into vagrancv or drunkenness. .u f f... i,: oot late Bntt s corner; thence west about 1752-5 mcj i.-uc a naiLuv iui xim "'""' poles to a Black Gum, Jno. Creech ana Jno. ,i n.o f.rm m. n.hopolwi rnrld 's corner: thence N. 10' W to a twin may De detained ior a periOU equal lO Uie to a white oak stump, in said Howie's rnna; , . . thence about Bast 70 2-s, poles to the beginning, unexpired maximum term of detention containing aboutSs acres, less 8 acres sold by Commission Stock Brokers. STOCKS COTTON GRAIN and PROVISIONS. Correspondents: S. Munn, Son & Co.. mem bers N. Y. Cotton Exchange; Robt. Lindblom & Co., members Chicago Board of Trade; Knapp & Co., members Consolidated N. Y. Stock fcx change. Reference: CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK. Office with tee & Latta, Wilmington Street. H- D. WATTS Mana er. Mortgage Sale of Land. UNDER and by virtue of power given by mortgage executed by P. D. Stewart and Tempe Stewart, his wife, and W. S. Stewart and Edie Stewart, his wife, which said mortgage is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in Book 113, page 298, I will sell at the Court House door in said county, on the 17th day of January. 1897, at 12 o'clack m., at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the folllowing described tracts of land : First tract, lying and situate in St. Mary's Township, Wake county, joining the lands of W. S. Bagwell, Duncan Gooch, W. J. Howie and others, and beginning at the tracf. of land, S. E. corner, formerly owned by Mrs. Malinda Howie, and called the Stewart tract, at a stake, thence southwardly with the old Bethel meeting house road to a stake, Bagwell's corner, of such inmate at the time his delin quency is declared said Howie to W. S. Baewell C.Ttrl --f Hyiiinintf in the Wnlrp rnnntv The managers also Hue and in Panther Branch Towdship, said . ... . i , 1 . . COUlltV. ai old Ll) ins corner, Liieiicc w. wun have the Dower to erant an absolute d is- t.u u.:,,. ii., ,u- charge from detention, if it is not in compatible with the welfare of society. county line to Josh Smith's line, thence with Smith's line Ti. to a pine, Isaac Grey's line; thence E. with said Grey's line to a post oak, at Johnson's corner; thence S. with Johnson's line 10 a sxate 111 Aea uraitcii, coiiLaiiiiiijj 72 acicr, : ... : 1. .. . I : . . . : c .1... rvery muiavc, 111 me uiM itiiuu w mi- i more or less general Superintendent, for the time Third tract, in Panther Branch Township, 1 I anH lipmnmntf nt q Ktntp in T O Adam's line. which he mav Work Shall receive Com- running N. 41 , ,E. 24 chains and 50 links; j. " . Al . - thence N. E. 14 chains and 75 links to a pensauon irom me -earnings 01 me iarm stake. thence 6 w, 35 chains arid 75 links to colonv. This Compensation Shall be stake; thence back to the beginning, contain- W. T. HOWLE, Mortgagee, d t d. based upon the pecuniary value of the work performed and on the willingness, industry and good conduct of the inmate. The superintendent c also has power to inaugurate a system of fines to be im posed, at his discretion.ln place of other penalties and punishments, which shall be deducted from any surplus standing on the books. of the farm colony to the credit of the inmate. This surplus can be paid to the inmate in such sums and at such times as the Superintendent may approve, but at the absolute discharge of the- inmatp : the whole amount of credit balance shall be subject to his draft at his pleasure. An inmate violating the terms of his release shall forfeit any credit balance, when the violation is formally declared by the board. t The Board of Managers is also author ized to appoint a parole agent and to December 13, 1S97. CIE81IP1111 Electric Lighted! Steam Heated ! Vestibuled Trains WITH PULLMAN SLEEPING AND DINING CAR, Alanv Hours Quicker and Miles Shorter Than any Other Route TO THE WEST and NORTHWEST You can breakfast "today" at Raleigh, take C. & O. Route, and "tomorrow" breakfast at Cincinnati and supper at establish an office for the use of the Chicago or St.-Louis ; or you can break- board in New York city, where a record fast "today" at Raleigh and supper of the names of all persons committed "di? ue arVi' : 1 rai"V tv n font ta f i I tt sxvwk l,T i.Oiili w.nrt. laree stock of Palms on hand and w&hing to make rooml sai. w--now on gremtly redoce prices on them as well as on other plants. Fresh Supply of Imported Bulbs !. Arrived. Sacred and Easter Lilhes for forcing ana oui door planting. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS Of Roses, Carnations, etc. Vloral Z L. Flowers for all occasions at all times. Wr greens and Shade Trees. H. STEINJWETZ. florist, N. Halifax Street, near Peace Institute. 'Phone II- . J The continuance of life is dependent upon the food we eat, and now that the strain upon the digestion has eased off, by reason of the near end of the holiday feasting, it behooves us to see that care is taken in the selection of the food which will keep body and soul together, during times of ordinary existence, IN THIS CONNECTION, I merely wish to observe the well-known fact that my stock has been selected with the view of the quali ty, and none but the best is sold at my store. Thanking you for past patronage, and assuring you that a continuance of the same will be met with renewed efforts to please, I beg to wish you all a Happv and Prosperous New Year. THOS. PESCUD, THE GROCER. City House and Lot For Sale. rv virtue of authority conferred bv a certain D Deed of Trnst from Anderson B-tts and wife to Ernest Havwood, registered in the ottice of the Register of Deeds for Wake Coiintv, N. C, in Book i. naee 17. I will on TUESDAY. FEB RUARY 8th, i8g8, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certain house and lot on the South side of Lane street, in the North western portion of the City of Raleigh. Said lot nas on ll a iotir-room aweinng, iworuum kitchen, a wood house and a well, and is de scribed as follows : Bounded by a line beginning at a stake on the South side of Lane street, iu the Northwestern portion of said city, said stake being the Clay Johnson Northwest corner ; runs thence West along the South side of Lane street to the Mc- Culler's lot; thence South aloug the McCuller's lot to the J. M. Betts line; tnence Hast along tne J. M. Betts line to the Clay Johnson line; thence JNOrtn along ine jonnsoii line 10 ine ueyiiiuuiK, containing about one-seventh (1-7) of an acre. Time of sale 12 o'clock, m. Place of sale, eounty court house door 111 Raleigh, N. C. ERNEST HAYWOOD, January 7th, 1898. Trustee. ja8-tds MORTGAGE SALE. east 7op61es to a stake, formerly a pine; wun Campbell s line soutn 84 deg poles to a stake; thence north 87 degrees west 96 to the farm shall be kept. this can be done. prices of farm products." This i 0VK0 pounds of tobacco. Nearly serious, if true. Would the Mascot a11 of the, cotton ,is made into cloth 0,i . - ,i - yarn, and more than one-half of the to- mind .giving the instances, one or bacco is manufactured within the State, more, in which "freight and passen- r There are in operation 3,446 miles of ger rates" are "higher thai! t-hev railroads, with contracts completed for werfl twentv Years asro? ' We sisk :i 1;ir.' increase ilunng l.syy. The above U'l U III WIlT-.r 1 fri-k,wl ,.',.r..r. l,..i K . I . .. ...... - -v'v " "e mentionetl, we take must paid more than the Governor paid to. have some bearing. The other fac ts, the express com nan v on cert.iin nrn. 1 i ,1 11 1 . 1 - 1 1 uowever, are material uuu suuuiu ot visions M-nt irom Ins farm to ..Ral eigh. Will the (lovernor not order his commissioners to send for '"per sons and papers" connected with the express oilice ? This is liussell Itntlerism all over. is a fine showing and means even greater prosperity in the near future. The Kaleigh Hosiery Yarn" Mills, the Caraleigh Gingham Mills, the Pilot Plaid Mills, the Phosphate Works and the Cot ton Seed Oil Mills are all running on full time, and are prosperous. The North Carolina Car Works, roller flour mills. tobacco factory and wood-working mills appear to be busy and prosperous. The Chamber of Commerce aud Indus try of this city, and the Watauga Club, are giving their influence in favoTof good road and education. The Raleigh TlIE probability of early consider- Business University has lately been es mn hv ih Simreme ( onrt. nf t i, nu e organization or a for information, as we think the fact is worthy of immediate attention We do not know, and therefore will not venture to disewss what the de preciation of prices in one thing has to do with the expenses of manage ment of another, but, as it has ..:i .i . . . ... 4 c 1 ii-Aim- ueiijti 1111 1-in, m me Agricultural . . . and Mechanical College, located here, is luisseu in nis miunigni aatut upon being agitated and developed, with good the office of the railroad commission- prospects of success. "E are satisfied the effort beiii" ers makes it necessary that some Such a department would greatly ad- made bv Southern planters to -vt thing must be fouud to sustain hi.- vance the textile manufacturing inter the t otton il:,nt..r t., r.-l,., ..1 fcara WiUnn fm, 'sts of U,tf Sute: and be of great value acreage i a misiake. Kvery such oflice. lie has never furnished anv effort has resulted in a larger crop, facts to sustaiu him as yet. flence hi? The year now closing has been a build- for obvious reasons. Urge themji i prfformances yesterday through hi.- "g year in this and other Southern Blue Blood. Spurn not the nobly born With love affected, Nor treat with virtuous scorn The well connected. High rank involves no shame We boast an equal claim With him of humble name To be respected! Blue'blood! Blue blood! When virtuous love is sought, Iliv power is naught. Though dating from the Floyd, liiue Dioou: Spare us the bitter pain Of stern denials, Nor with low-born disdain Augment our trials. , Hearts just as pure and fajr May beat in Belgrave Square As in the lowly air Ut Seven Dials ! Blue blood! Blue blood! Of what avail art thou To serve me now? Though dating from the Flood, Blue blood! The railroads of North Carolina con nect with the C. & O. HY at Richmond or Charlottesville, Va., giving choice of TWO THROUGH TRAINS for Cincin nati, connecting in Union Station with lines diverging to the WEST, NORTH WEST and SOUTHWEST. On Tuesday. January. 18, 1808. at the court house door in Raleigh, I will sell at public auc tion tne tract ot land in swut creek-townsnip, in Wake eounty, containing 65 acres begin ning at a stake near a pine, Wm. Ebward's and Mullen's corner; runs thence south 87 degrees, : thence degrees, east 127 poles to a stake in Edwards' line; thence north 3 degrees 126 poles to the beginning; it being the land conveyed to Anderson Burt by'B. P. Williamson and wife and W. G. Unchurch and 'wile by deed delivered contemporaneously with me mortgage under wmcn said sale will be made. Sale made tinder powers conferred bv a our- chase money mortgage from said Anderson rain 10 wiinamson anu upenuren, registered in book 101 at page 39 of the Register of Deeds' office of Wake county. Terms of sale : One-third cash; residue in two equal installments one and two years after day of sale, with 6 per cent, interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B. P. Williamson, Surviving Partner and Trustee. At same time and place, and upon the same terms, 1 will sell to the highest bidder, ioS'i acres of land, mostly in timber. The land is of the best quality, and all the crops of this section grow to perfection upon it. Both of these tracts of land lay on the waters of Steep Hill and fciiuift I ' r.. 1- nllH -i . . ... W , ,f f li . T.i . ... ... f For rates, schedule of tra-ins and Other : land in Swift Creek Township, about six miles information, call on 3'our nearest Coupon . Ironl Raleigh. h. p. Williamson. December, 1897. tds grow t hen lull rroinyVWSSrafc, and This is the Kst ihiIicv to pursue. That it is so is easily demonstrated : . 1.1. .K.,.l Tl. r.,rniAV IU ru 1 nnmi'i nvwn 4 iuiuiri that does this frv'm year to year is invariablv in comfortable if not a very prosjerous coiulition. lo Til nun's and Uradstreet's s;iy that business affairs start out this vear in Letter condition than for four or live years past. Whatever good legislation might do, we can look for no aid in that direction, so it behooves the people (and we refer direc ly to the Southern people) to continue the same economy and care this year that has characterized them the past two or three years, aud they will at least enjoy the. com forts of life, and le really better off than we fear many others of other section, will be. The South has every ad vantage now if hr people will juet ppprrrtat it. commissvtHiers in Messrs. ' Muuson a dealing Potts. w nil The Mates. In this city a large number of prirate residences, several public build incs. inrlndinc thp Rantist Tnirir!iti- (Jorernor lias no great COofidence in presbvterian Church and several build- the populistic proclivities of the ings for the Agricultural Departments Supreme Court of the United Kttt have been erected. Another matter of l tra ih-xt tribunal will no. public interest is the issue and sale at say that he is autocrat over all cor poration interests in thisStat who, right to oppress and rob in the nanu of so called law none dare dispute We congratulate the Waynes ville Courier upon the recent change it has made. Mr. F. A. Luck, who for years has given the people aud the Democracy of Jackson a most creditable paper, the Sentinel, has consolidated that paper with the Courier, and Messrs. Boone and Luck will conduct the latter paper hereafter. The Courier is and has been one of our best Western papers, and believing this combination a good one, we can only expect en larged acces wMiiloe"j which wi with for'it nearly 110 of Raleigh Street Improve ment 5 per cent, bonds the highest pi e ever obtained for Southern bonds. The proceeds are now being expended a ti e improvement of streets and side- a. of the city. The City Electric K.uUay has added new cars and addi- "ir.i! machinery and is giving fine ser- Ticfket Agent and insist on his quoting you the rates via C & V. HUUifc, which, in many instances, is less than by other lines ; or address J. C. Dame, T. P. A-C. & O. Ky., Richmond, Va. JNO. D. POTTS. A. O. P. A. flilaniiG l Noi Carolina Hid. Time Table No. 3. TO TAKE EFFECT SUNDAY, OCTO- HEli 24rn, 197, AT 12 M Going East. Going West. 2 Passenger ' 4 Passenger p 1 rains. btations. Trains m. Ar've. LVe. Ar've. L've. g P. M. P. M. A M A. M p 3 20 Goldsboro 11 05 . ig 4 12 Kinston 10 12 515 5 25 Newbern 8 57 9 10 i 6 37 JVlorehead City 7 47 P. M . A M. A M 1 01 : a :.u nr t. ait j thn ,,f .... , ... ,. I ..... I .... .. . I 1 ,.. 1 I ...... v v v v.... " . . .t . w . 1 bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.35 m -""6 uunuuij o m . ann wun noutnern ua war train , . has, as he avers, put aside the Senatorial West, leaving Goldsboro 2:00 p. in,' and crown for the good of the grand old with VV. JT.. &. JN. at JNewbern for Vfil- Commonwealth which has so sienallv ,u,rSKl. o u lulmeu M,"' w i m i it .- fiui mhi'i k wiiii nil ii upr I m 1 Closing Oio c . nii nrtrta . .... H lllJOtS.I!fcr.: ' ,,UU. l)U,fl BEUC! . Tt' I . - . rrv do.:.... in leaaonable go.Kl n,i i. .. to in8Pect our rtwk .Dj h buying elsewhere. V See our Special All-wool Men' i Suits, only - $6.00 A new lot of Boy's Clothing just received. .. i r ine. Socks Anotuer ui " y - m.WW t-Jf going at, per pair - 3C. r Suspenders -- 0C. ST. MARY'S, A Girls School of the Highest Grade. 56th Year, . sr-rnV ii . School Diuiaing5 aumuauijr cuij t-vu. ucuicjus, prn.and n. a t iu Kct niialitv. I jhratories. lihrari mi new anu i v- m ' -u line ryjtwj : .ninc in art and milMC. SlVCuI attention OUpcriUl duriiiwjw ... - -r ..n n Jk'Cn 0 ttor,, instruction on the violin. CERTIFICATE ADMITS TO VASSAR. Gold medals awarded by N. C. Agricultural Society to St. MJrv.n for largest and best exhibit by female school at Thirty -sixth and TV seventh annual Fairs. EASTER TERM BEGINS JANUARY 27 1898. Buy What You Want To Take Home With You I : t Native and Foreign Wines, j J Brandies, Rye & Bourbon j i ...Whiskies ...n t J. Bottled and Crated for Ship, t . ment ACME WINE COMPANY ...WHOLESALE AND RETAIL... d09 haycitevme hi.. 0pp. post Or, Ptf. c JOriNSOR 8l JOriRSON. Coal, Wood and , Crushed Coty All Coal faell Screened and Free From Waste! Sawed Wood Kept Under Shelter. 109 Fayette ville St. Phone IS B.W.BAKER CoAL and WOOD ' MY MOTTO A prompt service makes iti tlcJ customers. 'Phone 140. WANTED -FOR- Pro Bortb Publico. From the Baltimore Herald. We believe from the bottom of our gorgeous ami unparalleled pressroom to Train 3 eonnpts with Hnnthprn "Rail elevating -mm to ms way train, arriving at Goldsboro 3:00 p, present exalted position. And so let it m., and with VV. & W. train from the honored him bv go at that. Ex nihilo nihil fit. Mayor Van Wyck is of German parent age, but no one would acquire that Wea from the names of his appointees. North at 3:05 p. m. No. 1 train also con nects with W. N. & N for Wilmington and intermediate points. 8. L. DILL, 8upt. two or three experienced, Active and Reliable Life Insurance Solicitors to Travel the State of North Carolina as Special Agents FOR the PENN MUTUAL. Address R. B. RANEY, General Agent, RAtXIGH, N. C. if j i I mm i lis Morgan & Wright Tires arc Good Ife hicyci. The Finest .iikI the Fi'S '08 f nHropD'flg I $35.09 Biculcs$;M! Julius Lewis Ifardwirt Company. NEWS AND OPINIONS OF NATIONAl IMPORTANCE. Three Opinions: ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Dally, by mall $ a year Dally and Sunday, toy mall $8 a year VIC, Th, s paper business seems to flour- ibcri- are now four dailies and iwi.-r n many weeklies i m.-rt- m the North Caroli of N THE SUNDAY SUN Is the 6reatest Sunday Newspaper In tne world- Price 5c a copy. By mall $2 a year j Address THE SUN New York. MORTGAGE SALE. Court N MONDAY. JANUARY 10, 1898, at the C V J U.-Mfc Hrto. in V 1.. V. XT ( ' ,-tl 'I with prospects at public outcrv a tract or parse! land in Wal.e near future Central county- adjoining; the lands of W. G. Upchurvh, . . i (aeceasea). ana otners, ana Dounaed on the is receiving a larffe Share i north by the Holly Springs road and the public of Northern vU"tnrs q a 1. j schoolhouse lot; an the east by said public , " l)r,!' a" a res"lt Of adver- schoolhouse lot, the Unds of Jno Adams and tlsinp the climate and the hotel accom- th? lot of Macedonia church; on the south by nutations offerd in Raleigh by the Yar- borough and Park said church lot ad the lands of Geo. f . Cooke (deceased); and on the west by the lands of W. j G. Upchurch; containing about 5 acrs; being i,...i . j G. L pcn' uuitis ann inp nw .1 r. 1 v; . . , Dotels at Southern Pines and Tinehurst 1 church and wife. a fi'w miloa-eontK u- 'I Sale tnade under mortgage froM Jack Pool to a It w nines south of this city. The Sea- ! W. G. tTpcurch, rcgiste?eJ in book No. 83 at board Air Line and the S,n,ti,o. r!, I page o of the Reeistft of Deeds offifce of Wake war are afTording splendid service to tourists sad health seekers and r belnir jountVi Vrrfnt of caK Hour of ale T m. CHARLES H. BEIVIN, "The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the word.'-r-Harrisburg (Pa.) Gall! ' "There is vo paper published in America that so nezrly approaches the true journal Istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD." From "Newspaperdom " (New York). I " have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the Journals of many cities and coun tries, that -The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily Journal as we are for some time likely, to find on these mortal shores. -Prof. J. T. Hatfield in i he tzyanston yin.) index. HOLIDAY and CHRISTMAS ( Ut J. R rCRRALL Si CO, CAN OFFER THE BEST. New Raisins, New Currants, New Nuts, New Seeded Raising Citron, First Shrpmepi Florida Oranges, New W. Domes and Imported Prunes, Imported Cooking AN incs. 1 ' 1 .it GAnythinsr wanted in Fancv nrnrerW for ih hrAuhv t. n h l J Lowest Prices at Phone 88. . j. R; FERRALL & Co'S The Standard Brand of the 1 Best Whiskey " HUNTERS , BALTIMORE RYE. L J -.1 1.' u w wna HARVEY C. PEUMSR D. CPCHt'RCHV Sold" by newsdealers everywhere and uhrin received by all postmasters, Addrex Tup rur IKAul MARK f restorative, ten years old. For sale only V. DENTON. ' rtovritior of th ptntcw EIon f. r?Uirst. ' m Jill 0t