s ! I RALEIGH, N: C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1898. FIRST EDITION, 2:00 A. M. No. ?4. i! : ; . . . i - t. I:.: M . Pa-, if S flflfi COMES DOWN House defeats His Resolution by Fifty Majority. ASTO be- oi V.vav and H Sides i '" 'Ail contained in his letter on Hon. E. B. Washburn, what the word "coin" there meant, and every one. knew that it meant gold. Rhea, of Kentucky, quoted from a let ter written by John Sherman, whom, he said, that "if there was one hole in hell hotter than another, it had been reserved for him, when Gabriel should blow his horn, waking the quick and the dead." This was received with a few hand-claps from the Democrats and vigorous hissing from the Republicans. In closing the debate for the Demo crats, Bailey, of Texas, said: "If the silver dollar was good enough for a workman, who produced the wealth; of the country, it was good enough for idlers, who dissipated it; if it was good enough for the poor it was good enough for the rich; if it was good enough for the merchant who took it in exchange for his wares it was good enough for the holder of Government obligations, and, by the eternahfne shall be com pelled to take them!" (Democratic ap plause.) Gen. Henderson, of Iowa, the stump of his lost leg resting upon the lid of his desk, amid confusion and enthusi asm almost unparalleled in the House, fired shot after shot at "the enemy, his stentorian voice overcoming every ob stacle in the shape of attempted inter ruption and applause. At the close of his few remarks there was a wild scene on the floor, justi fying his characterization of the pro ceedings, as that of a political conven tion, but it was by the Republicans. They swarmed in the aisles and in the pit in fr6nt of the clerk's desks, clap ping their hands and yelling in the ex cess of their approval - and joy, while the demonstration was aided by occu pants of the galleries rising and ap plauding the sentiments. Henderson declared the monogram of of the Democrats was R. R. R. radical, rascally repudiation. Dalzell, of Pennsylvania, closed the debate. Afterwards the vote was taken as above noted and the House ad journed. SENATE. Washington, Jan. 31. Mr. McLaurin, of South Carolina, was sworn in as Sen ator from that State today. . ? The bill raising the minimum rate of pensions to $10 per month was reported adversely by the Pensions Committee; reporting that it would affect nearly 500,000 pensioners and cost over $15, 000,000.' The bill was placed on the cal endar, where it will doubtless rest. The army appropriation bill, carrying a trifle over $23,000,000, was passed. The legislative, judicial and execu tive appropriation bill, carrying over i muc h to keep the U21,500,00, was also passed. f ' . ."I . . . . . i T ,f , 1 1 .1 11" ' 1 1 d'ier.s' widows and daughters, employed in the Pension Office, from being dis charged in the proposed reduction of the clerical force of that office, was agreed to. ) REPUBLICANS , . rc Mcch Afraid a Hum ir Party Men Would Bleak splendid speeches of Bailey .rs,)rt tor Their Respective ; scenes on Floor of House. T:,- Morning Post. . ,.. The fine dis . thf majority of the tiif' Sted anew today, . .;ttt- upon the Teller - !nti'n. ,,s defeated by a vote .: House divided upon with hut three ex- !: !.) voted for, and . i' -iii!.) and Kiliott (S. :. inly colored Rep : ...i v.'te, nor was a ., hiiii. ;.t inns, the Iiepubli i. solution and the . 't-; and Silverites :!..-. l'.rumm (Penn.) . stated that if the ii.'i only a declara- payable in stand . - ;i i t option of the . v. .ijM have support . a-s a surprise, even , - I iepublicans, who their members to . -nv n ing statement of .i"-p.ing of the discus i ,ui:'tic and forceful i :--:i. . 1 h.-inlersun at the s 1 1 v er tendencies -in . lulk of their party. .-s upon the resolution !y after the read.ng of a Ditmley presented !!. Coiuinittee on Ways Luiia-mling that the res ; .. ! pass. by the .introduc :, ! ! by ( nenderson lit t. e on i tu.es limiting pi'-s.-nt sess.oa. and pro- . ! a t o o iMic'iC. ih. it ensued was ani mat it iiiieiisiiy of teeling and it pi-'K-eeded, untii it eul-m-st leniarkab.e demon-.-. ing tin passionate ora 1 1' iHlei'.si.n, w ho styled ii. - I leinocrats as that of ain! not of a legislative ; :. -l that in l?ys and ; silver" issue; "we will ; ui- boots." Jan. :;i. In discussing : l aying the public debt io i, Mr. Dingi'ey asked ' 1 faith for Congress, : was greatly depreciated ; being &i to 1) to vote ;.ns to pay bonds which -.l o! all .- s . f ! ! m i, h t ry ; a i'l 1 1 ..a In such depreciation of our currency, all. of our gold, iustries and busi and on wages, to the masses of ;is good as gold," faintly imagined. I'U-eiatetl until such i take us. The one ipon which we should ry (ioiiar of our eur ;:!. silver or paper) -oil as gold, it ever fuil legal ten maintained at an or purchasing power free and unlimited at a lixed ratio with KENTUCKY ft UMB SI That Is What the OldSalts a Washington Say IF IT IS BAPTISED IN WATER As Miss Christine Bradley Has Announced Her Intention of So Performing the hrlsteni ng of the Battleship The Fun-' ny Tales the Sailors Tell We Landsmen of What Would Happen to the Kentucky By Telegraph to The Morning Post. ' Washington, Jan. 31. The officers of the na-y on duty in Washington are very much perturbed .over Miss Christine Bradley's announcement that she will use water in christening the battleship "Kentucky." Not only are they surprised that Kentucky, of all States in the Union, is to be the first to set its influence against the use. of wine at the launch-: ing of vessels, but they express con siderable worry over the practical ef fect of Miss Bradley's purposes. "The intention of Governor Bradley's daughter may not strike landsmen as anything more than a good joke on the State that has always been presented as a hard-drinking community," said an officer today, "but it may result badly for the navy. Not a man in ser vice will feel a ray of comfort in sail ing a ship that has been baptized in water; and for myself, I think that no sailor man with hair on his chest and good red blood in his veins, can approve of any such disregard for conventional metnous. Mark my would, if water is used in the ceremony "Kentucky' will be an unlucky boat, or known as an unlucky boat, which is much the same thing. She will be a regular Friday boat in the mind of ever sailor man. She may not come to any grief, but she wili have a half-hearted crew. They will go into action in the Kentucky, if war should come in her time, just like a man with a cracked gun or broken sword. This thing of baptizing ships with wine has a significance that is only understood by people who follow THE BONDS DID NOI ARRIVE IN TIME New Republican Postmasters Failed to Qualify. The Postofflce Inspector Was on Hand to Witness the Transfer, But the Bonds of Messrs. Lybrook and Ortnsby Were Non Est Inventus. Special Despatch to The Morning Post, office, but, as stated, he managed Winston-Salem, N. C, Feb. 1. Post day to overlook the transfer of the Wniston' and Salem postoffices to the newly appointed officials, but for some reason the commissions of the latter had failed to arrive from Washington, and so the old Democratic postmasters will hold over until this necessary pro vision is complied with. LONG-TERM CONVICTS ESCAPE. Thomas Jones, a wliite man of West Virginia, who was sent to the county roads for three years at the last term of court, for robbing a farmer during tv Winston tobacco fair, made his escape from the convict camp last night. William Hargrave, another white man, whose sentence would have ex- a:i international agree- ! p;red in a few days, left with Jones. ;:n; commercial naiioiis to Unit end, which, in is the only way in xisting conditions, con of gold and silver unlimited coinage can THE GREEN EYED MONSTER A i Alabama, with much ve i. lu i against the recent National Manufactui ers' . here plates were 515 :;an who eats that much a bale of cotton or two ." he said. Alabama, Cowherd of a dozen other Western members, spoke bril- f North Carolina, antagon ifage of the resolution, and rtlett of Georgia, Norton of Love of Mississippi, favor- Causes the Death of a Yjoung Canadian Woman by the PoisonUg Process. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. .Montreal, Feb. 1. At Johnsville, a iM-JinfP in thp narish of Kent, some thirtv miles from Woodstock, N. B., i iR-ri1 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Canavan, and Mrs. Canavan's mother and sister It seems Mrs. Canavan' "became jeal ous of her sister, Minnie Tucker, and rnnHiulpd to do away with her by poisoning. rrav inst she nurchased some poison, saying she wanted it to destroy foxes, which were killing her chickens Then the woman went home and mixed the toison in tea, and gave it to her sister. Death followed. of i motion, said Dolliver, of h which the familiar matter i i K-en lugged into the de-' : been received, satisfied him I " nath .followed. The coroner's jury 1 of the silver agitation was ' ,d,h att4 Canvan for the crime. i i i. I The deceased was only 20 years old; l a- of the United States, ne ; but the family bear a oaa repuiaijun i 't, would endure all horrors i ns of the single gold standard - of the advocates of the free of silver at 16 o l could be! f the politics of the country, piled n the Register of Deeds Office ng to Mr. Bland's question. , h cahnrrf Air Line nyone found the demand that by Seaboard Air Line. iid be paid in gold?" Doiliver I A seaboard Air-X.ine cart trust mort- K; -publican party round ai ag of tne fourt-class. between the L OI 1 address of Gen. Grant, ' That address said: BIG CAR TRUST AORTGAGE. the cea. The custom comes trom oia vikings who dashed a cup of wine over the bows of those staunch boats in which they traversed the ocean. Other officers who heard these re marks agreed with the speaker. 'Bet you a round of grog that she will go aground," said one. "Bet you mv first shot of prize money in this war that's coming that she will be hoodooed f water is used," said another. , rnerejLW1,; were no laKers THE INTENSELY COLD Temperature By Telegraph WEATHER. Dropped 30 ! Degrees In Twelve Hours Yesterday at Chicago. to The Morning Post Chicago, Ills., Feb. 1. The I tempera ture dropped to 30 degrees j in twelve hours yesterday afternoon j and last night, and at 6 o'clock this morning the mercury stood 3f degrees below zero. - From the northwesv there came a gale, increasing in velocity until it reached the rate of forty miles ari hour, making the night one of the coldest this city has experienced this winter. Throughout Michigan a blizzard Is raging. In the northwestern part pf this State freight train have been ; aban doned. ! In Wisconsin the storm is theworst of years, the snow being piled up in im mense drifts, and there wili be a heav iOss of stock. In Indiana there is also a fierce storm raging. - Effects Stoim In England. By Cable to The Morning Post. London, Feb. 1 The passenger steam ship "Channel Queen," plying between Plymouth and the Channel islands, struck on Noir Rocher last even ng. The vessel keeled over after striking, mak ing launching of the boats very diffi cult. - When the boats were finally got afloat the steamship sank. When the wreck occurred the sea was very rough. Two tugs, with life-boats, went to the res cue, but were too late to save any lives. .The passengers on the "Channel fQueen" -were mostly French. Sixteen of them were certainly drowned. The steamship company's agent at Ply mouth wires that forty-four lives were lost, but gives no details. The vessel carried sixty-five passengers and crew, all told. The weather is heavy and the fog thick. When the steamship neared pruernsey, where she lost her course and struck the rocks, a terrific tide drift swept her against the rocks and fhe steamship capsized before the boats could be launched. A terrible scene ensued. The panic stricken Frenchmen on board impeded the sailors in their efforts to get the jboats out. The first boat launched was swamped and several persons in ii drowned. The second boat cleared just ras the ship sank, with only her f un- gnels showing out of the water. ? It "was daybreak this morning when khey. reached the main land. Some of jthe passengers and crew were rescued jvvhile cling to the wreckage. The cap 'tain -of the steamship was saved. Out of the Race. - Alethe "Miss Seery Yellow says she would never run after a man." Clarette "Probably not. She is too ;old to -run now." i-niladelphia North 'American . FEBRUARY WEATHER. Data Compiled for That Month for Eleven Years" by Local Weather Bureau. The following data, covering a period of eleven years, have been compiled from the Weather Bureau records at Raleigh, N. C, for the month of Feb ruary : The temperature Mean or normal temperature has been 44; the warmest month was that of 1890, with an aver age of 53 degrees; the coldest month was that of 1895, with an average of 3: the hignest temperature was 80 de- grees on February 25, 1890; the lowest temperature was 4 degrees on Feb ruary 8, 1895; average date on which first "killing" frost occurred in au tumn was JNovemDer ist; average uaie on which last "killing" frost occurred in spring was April 8th. Precipitation, rain and melted snow Average for the month, 4.32 inches; average number of days with .01 of an inch or more, 12; the greatest monthly precipitation was 6.73 inches in 189J; the least, monthly precipitation was 2.66 inches in 1895; the greatest amount of precipitation recorded - in any 24 ensecutive hours was 2.95 inches on oth and 6th, lS9ti; the greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 21 consecutive hours (record extending to winter of 18S7 only) was 10.0 inches on February 21st, 22nd, 1839. The average number of clear days was 7; partly cloudly days, 7; cloudy days, 14; the prevailing winds have bren from the southwest; the highest velocity of the wind was 35 miles from the north on February 21st, 1S31. THE WEATHER TODAY. Forecast for Raleigh and vicinity, as furnished by the local Weather Bureau, indicates! still further cold weather, and predicts fair and decidedly colder weather today, the temperature falling to about 10 degrees above zero. For NWth Carolina, State-at-large, the Washington Weather Bureau re ports continued colder and fair weather. In the I Northern and New England and Western States the weather is still intensely! cold, and -telegraphic com munication is Interefered with to some extent on account thereof, blizzards be ing reported from several Northwest em States. THE NEW ATTORNEY GENERAL Assumes the Duties of His Office and At tends a Cabinet Meeting. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Washington, Feb. 1. John W. Griggs, who was worn in at the White House last evening as Attorney General of the United States, by his predecessor, us inspiration in me uisi ondthP Alercantile TrstirP MrKpnna. attended the Cabi- CCilLILClIU Xil ' as Trust Association, of Baltimore. for net meeting this morning for the first me national nonor c , $300,000 was recent iic i.ua, i to h5s off. at tfae jjepart- uovet nment tnaeuieuua be recorded in me oiuce ui tuc lCoiaici of i Justice at 9 o'clock, and an- . I?" !? Z-!- of deeds for Wake, county f ' .Vff nlUlrfletS. be- -t ry stipulated in iuc -m- j.ne morgae &-i w - - - - ' ?" "n"' 7.;V m;: as the! first to arrive at the Cabinet a universal applause nvm in auunu - ; rrpptin- ard was warmlv irreeted by : , .. i. ,if r . i, mnrtmp hpins? maiip was meeting,: ana was wd.rciujr. fc 1 CL WJ I " liver shouted a challenge to given in The Post of Saturday last. ; Siaen :l to instniifB a rasp in W hich Them ortcage has already been re-, leagues. ' rnhu nt which sold bonds and corded at Norfolk. It will be recorded j : who bought them did not in the following counties in -.orth Car ; ihI specifially know that they olina: Northampton, ance, Halifax, " be payable in gold. uicnmonu, rauMm, immu-m, lMliver, a few moments later. Moore and Orange, h to the Democrats Gen. Grant's The mortgage is a long and volumn- mtcrpretation of his statement." as ious legal document. The Lilly Being Repainted. The pride of the States' navy, the steamer "Lily. of which the Governor and Treasurer Worth are especially fond, is I being repudiated. SWrFTMEXtCAN 'JUSTICES' t WINSTON'S in 0 As a Chewing Tobacco Manu facturing Market. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD Over 125,429 Pounds In One Day During the One Month of January 1,723.912 Pounds of the Manufactured Product Alone Sole for $118.662,90 Tobacco Stamp Sales Amounted to'$7. 525-74. Special Despatch to The Morning Post. Winston-Salem, N. C, Feb. 1. Today Wiston broke the record she has held as the leading churing tobacco manu- l-fa'cturing town of the State, both by -shipping today more tobacco than heretofore in any one day, and also as to her monthly record. In the first nistance, 125.429 pounds were shipped today; and for the month of January the record is: Number of pounds manufactured and sold, . 1,723, 912 pounds; cash received for the same $118,662.99. The grand total for the year 1898, at this rate, will amount to about 2,000,000 pounds of leaf tobacco in the raw state, of the value of about $1,500,000. National Flower Congress at AshevlMe. -pecial Despatch to The Morning Post. Asheville, N. C, Jan. 31. A meeting of the organization committee of the National Flower Congress was held this afternoon. The committee decided to add three ladies, though only one was made known (Mrs. McKinley).who has already accepted. A llower journal is to be published here quarterly, ap pearing next month. The New Asheville Bank. Special Despatch to The Morning Post. Asheville, N. C.,,Jan. 31. The Blue Ridge National Bank, the recently chartered financial "institution of this ?ity, opened today. Bernard Confirmed by the Senate. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Washingto.n Jan. 51. The Senate confirmed Claude Bernard United Attorney for the Eastern District of of North Carolina. 1111111 STOCK SOLD AND DELIVERED A Typographical Picture of How a Murder er Was Caught and Executed By. Telegraph to The Morning Post. San Luis Potosi, Mex., Feb. 1. Swift Mexican justice has been meted out to a Mexican, who, ten days ago, assassi nated Conductor B. A. Ramsay, an American, at San Mateo. On the day following I the murder seventeen suspicious characters at San Mateo were arrested and taken before the district judge. That official ad drpssed the prisoners and told them that he knew that one of them was the murderer, and if the guilty man did not confess he would order all ot tnen. taken out in a bunch and shot. This threat caused one of the prisoners tc declare that the guilty man was Miguel Martinez, one of their number. Mar tinez then confessed how he shot Con ductor Ramsay in the morning at day break. The remaining sixteen men were discharged. Dr Harding's Sermons Sunday. Dr. E. R. Harding delivered two able and eloquent sermons at the Presby terian church Sunoay. ine aibi.n- guished divine, who is a visitor in our itv orcunied the pulpit for lr. uanie: hoth morning and evening and delight ed large audiences at both services witn nrnrtifal Tllam COSPei. The text in tne morning a iu..eu- from Jeremiah 6:16: Stand ye in tne ways, and see and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and 1 c.voii find rest far waiK tneren, auu - your souls. Dr. Harding has me nappy ""-uhj of introducing illustrative incidents or real life, which are impre5Sie anu di the same time entertaining io nr hearer. Delegates Appointed. As rfnupsted by Governor Johnston, of Alabama, Governor Russell has ap pointed the five delegates mviiea irom this State to the feoum auauut -.m Gulf States: Quarantine incuuuu, which meets in Mobile, Aia., euruar Sth, as follows:- Dr. John Hey Williams, ourgcuu eral N. C. S. G., Asheviue. , Dr. Richard H. Whotehead, Dean University Medical School, Chapel Hill. Dr. J. B. Alexander, tjnarione. . v Prof. J. L. Ludlow, former Sanitary Enquirer to State Board of Health, Winston, N. C. SJ . Dr. Gao.- G. Thomas. President State Board of Health, Wilmington. N. C. A 1 1 Debts" Against the Firm Filially Settled. Messrs. T. W. Dobbin and Jos. J. Ferrall the Purchasers of the Stock Will Em bar In Business The Trustees to Wind Up the Business at Once. Yesterday afternoon at 6:30 the trus tees of the firm of Messrs. W. II. & R. 3. Tucker & Co., Messrs.' Ernest Hay .vocd, W. B. Snow and W. R. Tucker, -.old and delivered to Theo. W. Dob oin and Jos. F. Ferrall theventire stock of goods, wares and merchandise of the .bove firm. Mr. S. F. Mordecai made the bid that was accepted, representing Messrs. Dobbin and Ferrall. We are glad to announce that whep the trust is finally closed, each and everv debt of the old firm of W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. will have been set tled and discharged, and that the mem bers of said firm will once again be free from debt. ' The stock of goods originally inven ried about $112,000, and the firm's in debtedness was very heavy, but the trust has been closed with results em inently satisfactoiy to all parties con cerned. . The sale to Dobbin & Ferrall about winds up the trust, with the exception f some book accounts, anu ine uispwi t on of office furniture and other things. We mentioned that Messrs. Dobbin & Terrall will do business at the stand formerly occupied by the Raleigh Sta ll.. neiy Company. Both these gentle-n- n have had large experience in the mt-rcantile business. They have been connected with the old firm of Tucker & t o. for many years, are first class bu ness men and possess the. lementB whi h insure success. They have bright prospects before them, and Raleigh is fortunate in not losing such good busi ness men from hi community. The Latin Union and Silver. London Cable New York Sun. The 'entral News says that the ef forts of the Italian government to ob tain concessions on the part of tne governn ents of the Latin Union rela tive to" the circulation of silver coinage of those countries In Italy have been successful. The article of the conven tion of 13 has been moderated, which bound the governments to reciprocally Sm ln gold such of their silver as mlgW "nitrate through circulation into Se other -tates. In consequence of tnfs atlon of .. aeemept of hand, France a A MUSICALE. A Delightful Evening Spent at the House of Mr. and Airs. Day. The musical given In theparlors of Mr. ana airs, jonn ti. itay s reaiaence at the Blind Institution last evening. under tne auspices or me cnurcn im nrovement nocletv of the First Baptist church, was a decided success. The parlos were well filled and would have been crowded, but for the matter. TVio mnolrnlp nrwnpd with ft. ((election rendered by the orchestra of the Blind Institution. This band Is composeu or pupils of the school and their musical ability is too well known tin Raleigh to need any praise. The selections which they gave received nearly ap plause. ' The vocal solo by Mrs. Urison In her clear sweet voice was highly compli mented. The piano solo by little Miss vwna VnrrU una Pirpllpnt and Sho IS even now a remarkable musician and gives promise to becoming a great musician. Miss Ella McGee In her reciiaiion more than sustained her high reputa tion and was heartily encored. . The piano solo by Miss Bettie John son for sweet, delicate touch and fault less rendition could scarcely d equaled. The vocal solo by Miss reuy. oi rr v o ira n a clmnlv crflnJ. She has n rit-y, full, ranlous vet clear voice ana she was enthusiastically encored. A piano solo "Whispering inun, oy Wallahanpt. as executed by Miss Gertie Fisher, was one of themost exquisite selections on thep rogramme and the rendition was excellent. A humorous recitation by Dr. Hub?rt Royster made one of the hits of the evening. " Misses Moring gave a violin . and piano duet which was so beautifully executed that the entire audience In sisted on a repetition. ' The vocal solo by Miss Mamie Morris received the most enthusiastic encore of the evening. Miss Norrls has a voice as clear and sweet as abird's. The flute and piano duet by Dr. II. Royster and Miss Entelle Tlmberlake, and the violin and piano duet by Mr. Charles Watson and Miss Minnie John son were both fine, reflecting credit on the executors and eliciting continued applause from the audience. BOTH CASES ARE ALIKE. nA Tte-lcrium. Italy will A Mlnlna Company lV-SrSr. - o.. rtarHav In- treasuryt j. A The secretary oi otaic j v.-. Issuing sliver uiicu. corporated the Isbell Corundum Com-,1" b pany. The company is Incorporated to Jacksont Mith.. claims the dtJncUn buyf lease and operate corundum and JhavIn& as a resident the oldesl . pen--JJ r nvnA vrh rh the com- , , . v- v, ar nf the lteDeuio". pany will work are in Clay county. The nan,eiy Cornelius De Vance. ho was tT sro Arista II. Isbell. Of b rn in county Donegal Ireland Ezekiel H. Cook, of Yonkers, kers, 10 vears "f age. 3Ir. de van- COUIllJi , ? v PVpnk n Dvckn.an, oi uransc came to An" -7 r. 51: .; Fs.onf.eM. and Waldo . J feSded Jn Ge:ioISe, of Ton!:eis. N". - ; rear aso He ' J"tember 5. . l'ennsyiv S Otho Wilson Gave Bond for $10, 000. Which Was Made by J. S Carr and H. C Brown. The statement has been made that a decision by the United States Bunreme Court in favor of Major J. W. Wilson would nbt affect S. Otho Wilson, who also contests for the position ofRall way Commlsslcner, for the reason that he failed to Ale bondforthesupersedeas. The statement., which was made by a morning contemporary, is entirely in error. As stated in The Post at the time, both Major Wilson and S. Otho ATllson ill d bond with the clerk of the Supreme Court. . The bond of P. Otho Wilson, which was for 110.000. was made up by Col. Julian Si-Carrcf.putham,and Mr. Henry Clay Hrown.- ' " . Otho's case is In the same position'as that of Major James W. Wilsln, and a ' will affect both alike. ; .... decision in by the United States Court ' i ' worst storm OF theseo.i. Was Raqlng On the New England Coait Last Night. By Telegraph to The Morning Tost. Boston, Mass. Jan. 31. By far the ,,-Arct Btnrm t,t the Benson Is raging' on the New England coast tonight. At 10 p. m. the wind Is blowing at tne rate of lifty miles an nour, anu ii.e uir is full of snow. At that hour ten Inches had fallen In Maine and about Jx inches in Boston. ' . The gale was rapidly increasing In fnn-p. with a cenulne blizzard in pros pect. Few vessels left port. This even ing's trains are seriously delayed and the e'ectric cars are a Inmost stalled. In the principal cities. LEGISLATIVE DEADLOCK In Tennessee- Continues without Practical Result Talk About Adjounment. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Nashville. Ttnn., Jan. 31. The Dem-" ocratlc caucus In the General Assembly met tonight, and resumed balloting for United Ftates i-Vjiatur. After takink 16 ballots without making a nomination, the caucus ad journed 'to meet tomorrow night- The probability of there being no nomina tion has led to a revival of the talk of the contemplated recess, Utead of final adjournment. The Legislative session Ant. npxt Katurtf;v. and In the event of adjournment without electing a Sen ator, there would te a vacancy, it, is argued by some, however, that the , Legislature has the fullest opportunity of electing, and that the vacancy might be prevented if. Instead of adjourning, the Legislature should take a recess until the latter part of October, or a few days before the days of members will expire, and then resume the con- test. , MORE REDUCTION IN WAGES. ah" . .v. r r,hvir!an c ,f rthnlir. Church 1SC1. on the stren.i" . - f opcciai oci v 'vmou..... certificate showing Xr':;r Sen-ices will be he'.d every morning f.ve. He was not r"fJtT;ol,sted in this week at the Cathouc church at and rn Ptvania Cavalry 7:3& o'clock. Father Qulna. of Golds- the Thirteenth tl;;P'tle Tennes- boro. will conduct the services. and eved In n a number of Thursday n.ornin- the ceiemony of fee. 1 e Partic'Pff nKa-ements and tte" Heart of St. Blosius and of the tre XS He ia?honorably Blessing of Ue Throat will take p.ace JJiry 15. I- at the same hour. oucunrew v Among 'the Cotton Mill operatives la Hew England States, By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Boston. Mass., Jan. 21. The reduction of wages went Into effect today at the Atlantic and Pacific cotton mills In Lawrence. Tremont and Suffolk mills at Lowell; Wllllmantlc mills, at Wllli mantic. Conn.: the Forestdale mills, at Forestdale. IL L. and the Chlcopee, of thin State. The cut-down applies to the wages of about 8.000 employes. The cut amounts to about 10 per cent at all the mills, except at Chlcopee and Lawrence mills, where It Is not more than S or per, cent. The adoption of a new schedule by these mills brings a total number of operatives by the reduction to about 125.000. The Industrial situation In New Eng land Is certainly no worre than it was two weeks ago. when 9.000 New Bed- i ford operatives and 5.000 In Maine t struck. They are still out and the mill remain closed, but affairs In Fall Klver, ' where a general upheaval, was threat ened at one time, are runnln? along, smoother. The only danrer there. Is the pcsslb'e collarse of the New Uedford strike, which Is very remote, when an attempt would undoubtedly be made to close the mills. V ii! m hi i' l:i u Y: i i h 4 . t i t i f l i ,

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