Mr I r i " i - i I . ! I ! . ' I : FIRST EDITION, 2:00 A. M. RALEIGH, N. C. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1898. VoT. 1. No. ?8. fill BREAKS 1 f IMPORTANT CUBAN DESPATCHES Officially States Her Position ncnt Chinese Question. DOES Vll on Her n,irds, and Therefore Desires None of t- Chinese Territory Chief Secre ur f r Ireland Makes a Statement at leec o Backdown In England's Poll- it HrstDeclded Upon. to The Morning Post. Feb. 4. The Government its silence, with a view to Detailing Matters of Interest and Cabled to to The Post Early This Morning. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Havana. Feb. 4. A despatch from Matanzas says the American cruiser "Montgomery" entered that port yes terday, anchoring at noon near the Spanish fort of San Severino, which an swered the cruiser's salute by the usual 21-gun salute. The son of the Spanish General Luqut continues in a very desperate condition from the wound he received a few days ago in an engagement with insurgents in Santiago de Cuba province. Today his right leg was amputated. Henry W. Taim, who soys he is an American citizen and captain of artil lery in the American army, and who was an officer in the Cuban army un der Garcia, arrived at Havana today. He surrendered to the Spanish a few days ago in Santiago de Cuba. This morning he called on the acting Governor General, Gonzalez Parrado and held a long conference with him SMALLPOX IN THE SOUTH THE CHINESE LOflNQUESTION ,s 6,eat,y Increasing In Scveial States North Carolina Incluked, RBy Telegraph to The Morning Post. I Chattanooga. Tenn.. Feb. 4 Rennrtc DiSCUSSed, While a ComprO-Ireceived today show that the smallpox THE POSES FOREIGN BUDGET LpCOAlOTITE AS AN EXECUTIONER Mr. Hawks Killed Between Winston and Salem Last Might. Special Despatch to T,he Morning Post. Greensboro. N. C, Feb. 5. The train W,v ho MA cntinues to spread in this section It Last Night's Despatches From frm W,nston to lhl8 P,a 8t a ITAISe .nay DC maue Sis estimated that there arp loon man named Hawk?, a half mile this ISSUES the Old World. SUPPRESSED EXCITEMENT IN FRANCE ferment caused by its sup- low n in the matter of J Secretary General Congosto acting: as . i , - . i i 1 n 1 Drnro t ot uirioutin u nas noi ui- hing to throw light on its in the l-ar ii,ast. New York havin? S. onn in in Taim said that he needed no help from the American Consulate to get to X' , . . . "V . , 1, 1 ; it rrvr . n Chief Secretary belt with him. He intends to sail for to he the first 'ew York tomorrow net ween Boniato and San Vicente, in Santiago de Cuba province, a train has . . i tne outbreak, was been blown up by a dynamite bomb S tiishui v to make a state- piacea on tne tracK oy insurgents, cars were destroyed, four Spanish soldiers killed and sixteen wounded. After that a strong force of insurgents had an en gagement near Boniato with the Span ish detachment which came to rescue the train The Spanish official report says that a battalion of Cataluna captured at i Balfour, . happen in th-- Government to make a h siri ;t!ish i his evening. is are the principal pas alfour's speech: i' suspicions have been - to the effect that the lunching from the firm I'"'- hat taken on the Chinese Loma Coma, Santa Clara province, 75, 000 cartridges which belonged to the in surgents. r ! ::; , ! n pi. :' ii t t it was abandoning prin whirl: it had given public ut- . :.. that the brave words, of p-rs w-! only preparing for fell -;i t. -,iv with (ntidence that these iwhi'-h have even been accept i.M t-i s w he;-.- one might have ii. ere e.,n!idenee would have -. -i in th wisclom and courage Majesty's, advisers) are without ( :.el,ii eii.-.-rs.j ti:! - that the Government i -inai est i. articular depart- sr . i policy in a. Mean to Achieve Their Independence. By Cable to The Morning Post London, Feb. 4. The Havana corre spondent of the Times claims to have the highest authority for stating that the Government is willing to reconsider the clauses of the autonomy measure which is objectionable to the insur gents, and grant additional concessions on many other points, it the insurgents ask for them The correspondent confirms the state ments regarding trie uncompromising the attitude of the insurgent leaders, who, that ti.ey have, in conse- he says, will not accept any scheme of pi-essur.- irom. any oiner autonomy, however liberal it may De my of our just claims. Thev are determined to achieve their which govern that independence or die in the attempt stated clearly to the P.M. i' ' riiii.' .V r. 'I'll!;; 'ft! AUTONOMY A FAILURE. than one Cabinet Min-:L'.s- . leeiarations the Gov- !l! .elh.-re." a red that the Gov- Fifteen Thousand More Spanish Soldiers t l -sire to possess any io oe aenixotuoa anorny rritory, except such By Cable to The Morning Post, lie(eSSUI IOr Sirai- Hlo TrV. A Tho nomcnanOM (ran reason being that! ..... , . to- have a second erally are very pessimistic in regard to the situation in Cuba. territory would The Impressions they gather are-un favorable to the success of autonomy, and their expectations are that there tv rights secure will be great dirnculty in tne pacinca- for trade, and tion of the island. It is reported that 15,000 additional troops will shortly be despatched Cuba. :t .'!';.! i hiii- ,i III! I-.i 1 1 1 f ! ' ' ! : . ' I 1' If'! !i ith mi immense addi :. corresponding lenity ae more ff she as ieitnlreds of millions p. Mi to pi- t!.i- e lirs and increase the dif-task. ialfour said: "ir ii-.-aty rights are pro- -!! as the Governments Millions ly which these I"- jcopai disced, so long i- rit is entitled to the con- ; ' ' iii" nation, and so long (I be ' 1 -i "' will retain that confidence. I ; the public will realize the ef ! e- i, i, t. and premature crit v "tay to embarrass the Minister ' - A! his 'V :-t i"iis of this kind." he de-;'--' !' necessarily of a delicate 1 ' a I ( -ha racier, and to either af- : 'i-riy authorized statements that ;! ir. would necessarily produce i:':'leS'MonS. ' . theref( re. of Ministers ' on - - e'jeet, is not to be taken either ' : tiling' or denying what is said. I' i time has rot "et come for mak ; lb'.ic- statements concerning the iti:ns which have taken place, hich are still taking place, i i he mean time. 1 am sure you : st satisfied with the assurance. 1 ! now repeat, that it is not the n f the Ministers to recede in i ; from the declarations of policy made.' London Newspapers Not Satisfied With It. ., Feb. 4. The Government "'-'- . not appeased by Mr. Bal- eh at Leeds, and again ap- l.' t'l Salisbury to take the Na- his confidence, and declares ': eonvinc-ed that good, rather in. will result therefrom. S:.i:.dard evidently fears that the ' - iit is hedging with different tut; ns that can be placed upon " " red p. dicy. "CUT DOWN THE ACREAGE!' That is the Farmers' Slogan Which Seems Sow About to be Obeyed. ' eraph to The Morning Post. x ; k. Feb. 4. A letter from Au- " ' -a., states: : : l iners are saying but little in ;'- -' the acreage through the X ... " - press. i will see a great reduction in .'' me after it is compared with .' -, as, m's. " w mules are being so-ld, and V l' :es will be cut almost in half. .' :: will not be able to get sup- .. y ' he present basis of cotton, and I-4' . little or no supplies on hand. re calling on factors and mer- "- lid going home with empty best element of the planters tl!e to get supplies with which a imp. and they will have to ' ! late in the spring fcr the ! tlu-n in limited amount. '. the better class of farmers d considerable wheat and . - ;nter, in sections never be- , . i for this purpose. -nufacturers are talking of '-' n their factories, owing to ' aiand for fertilizers. ""been reduced considera ' : ' e of last season, and still ' ' M;.'Ve. Washington, Feb. 4. Important in formation as to the success of the Spanish schemes for autonomy in Cuba has been received here. Mr. Atkins, of Boston, who is the most prominent American grower of sugar on the island, has written to Consul General Iee expressing the opinion that auton omy is a failure, and that there is no immediate prospect of peace. Mr. Atkins has hitherto been an en thusiastic believer in the success of the Spanish policy. It is due largely to his representations to the last administra tion that Mr. Oiney pursued so conserv ative a course, and the present admin istration has been most favorably im pressed with the value of his judgment. He was in Washington soon after Pres ident 'McKinley assumed office, and urged that Spain be given an oppor tunity to show what could be done to restore peace to the island before the United States took any steps toward intervention. What he says now. there fore, is likely to have considerable weight. His letters to Consul General Lee are almost despondent in tone. Some of his plantations have been burned by the insurgents, and he is convinced that the insurrection is far from being under control. FATAL ERROR OF MRS S0R6 Who Did This Murder, She Falling to Make a Man's Track In the Snow. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Buffalo, X. Y., Feb. 4. Farmer Michael Sorg, who lived two miles from Lancaster, Erie county, was murdered by masked men at 4 o'clock this morn ing, while asleep in his bed with his wife and year-old baby. It was easy for the murderer to effect an entrance, for the Sorgs were careless in the matter of fastening doors and windows, and Mrs. Sorgj thinks the back door was left unlocked. Strange noises aw aliened Mrs. Sorg about 4 o'clock. She opened her eyes and saw a man standing beside the bed with an uplifted axe. He wore a piece of cloth over his face. As she stirred, the murderer swung the axe and the blade sank into Sorg's head. The murderer fled, and Mrs. Sorg aroused the neighborhood. ! Michael lloguski, a Pole, who had complained bitterly that Sorg had cheated him in the purchase of a cow, was arrested this afternoon on sus picion. There is little or no evidence against him. It is remarked that the first persons to appear on the scene were unable to find any footprints in the snow to in dicate where the murderer entered the house or what course he took in de parting. I This has served to cast suspicion on Mrs. Sorg. A swarm of bees selected for a hive the large hollow brass ball on the spire of the court house at Independence, Mo. and now honey drips down the light ning rod which passes through the ball. is estimated that there are 1,000 cases Jjin Northern Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Kentucky and Virginia. 'tJM-. rrrt mere were several new cases today m Fin.tnvv rnnntv newma ' j . uvwi6ia, Hie lUldl TT1 11 Tr nT Ihero ro 1 n cr f nlH. or-A r- iuuj e 7 . I he disease has appeared at Troy Anniston and Hartsell, Alabama, and ifnining districts of East Tennessee. a xi Rritiin anrt Duss a Cretan Onacilnnl xji . Aioneni. tne rna rman of the Characterized as an Abominable SeanJ annouf?s that Over Approaching Trial of Zola Which Be i uu.ioaic vautnieiiiuii is me only thing that can prevent a general Still In Thessaly-Over 125,000 Re tu-fF.. e aisease m all the dis- dulglng In Highhanded Methods otMId ItCompulsory vaccination has been or- Ages An Instance. gered, while the places where the dis- Hy Cable to The Morniner Post. tease nas not appeared; vigorous meas ures to prevent infection are being gins Tomorrow Government Still lr.- man named Hawks, a half mile this side of Winston this evening. He was walking on the track with a friend and stepped to one side and his friend to the other. Hawks then at tempted to cross the side his friend was on, in front of the engine. He was badly mangled. Hoth legs will' have to be amputated and he will yet probably die. . The train was backed to Winston with his bnly aboard, where It was de livered to friends. Another man named Fulps Is reported to have been killed on the same track tonight. By Cable to The Morning Post. By Cable to The Morning Post. London, Feb. 5. Although the Chi nese loan, with political consequences of great importance involved, is still under discussion, there is abundant reason to believe that Great Britain and Russia have compromised one or two outside issues, Salisbury co-operating with the Czar in insisting that Prince George shall be the Governor of Greece and it is altogether probable that this will be accomplished in spite even of the opposition of Germany and Aus iria. It is high time the abominable scan dal upon humanity involved in the Cretan question should be settled, for reports of the condition of the island grows worse daily. So, too, do advices from Thessaly The British philanthropists who retain any sympathy for the Greek victims of Turkey's success in the war receive by every mall harrowing accounts of the wretched people's suffering. Most people outside of Greece appear to be under the delusion that the Turks have evacuated Thessalv. but. of ourss, the Sultan's soldiers are still there, and at the present moment are in comfortable winter quarters, which means that the Thessalians, wherever they have ventured to .return to their homes, have been turned out again to make room for troops. ine winter weather, which has Deen phenomenally mild in most parts of Europe, so far, has been exceptionally severe in Thessaly, and homelss thou sands have been forced to take refuge n caves or other rough shelter. Hundreds have actually perished of cold and starvation, being beyond the reach of help. A letter received this week from Ath ens estimates that there are 75,000 refu gees from Thessaly, 20,000 from Epirus, and 20,000 from Crete, dependent upon charity to save them from starving to There does not appear to be. much spare cash in Greece, and the victims will die and the Turks will remain for ever in Thessaly, unless Europe inter venes, of which there is now no indi cation. KLONDIKE IS UP TO PAR. According to the Statements Made In This Man's Letter. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. New York, Feb.4. Robert Reading, of Allendale, N. J., formerly Superin tendent of Edwin Gould's match fac tory at Passaic, N. J., who started for the Klondike gold fields last summer, and arrived at Dawson City in Octo ber, has written his mother a glowing account of the outlook in the diggings. He say& the traffic in the claims is something marvellous, and that the richness of the country in precious metal has been exaggerated in no re spect, so far as matters had come un der his notice before going in. He saw $2,000,000 in nuggets and dust at one store, and says that the talk in the "city" is that no less than $25,000,- 000 will be sent out during the next open season. In Old Kentucky. From the Louisville Courier-Journal. There is no reason why the State should have only one interest of dis tilling represented in imported manu facturing plants when we have every sort of transportation facilities, cheap abor, a mua climate, cheap land and everything else needed for the conver sion of raw material into finished pro ducts. Everything save the encourage ment of capital investment. Ought not an end be put to such a state of affairs? An Insurance Announcement In Illinois. Springfield, 111., Feb. 4. The Insur ance i Superintendent states that the ondon Fire Office (limited) of Lon don, ;England, and the Great Britain Insurance Corporation (limited also of London, are not licensed to transact business in Illinois, and that any policy ssuea py tnem is a contract in viola tion! Qt the law, and that neither has any Attorney in the State against whorri suit can be brought in case of SUDDEN DEATHS IN WINSTON. faken. : l MURDER JUST WILL OUT. Nearly Every Time A California Murderer Just Entrapped Into a Confession. s3y Telegraph to The Morning Post. San Francisco, Feb. 4. A Suisan Paris, Feb. 5. Although the ' violent features of the public agitation in France have subsided for the moment, the country is awaiting with ill-suppressed excitement the trial of Zola, which win begin at the Assizes on Monday. There are some slight indications of reviving sanity and the recognition of White Man Killed by Machinery and a N. gro by Railway. Special Despatch to The Morning Post. Winston-Salemn, N. C, Feb. 5. A white man named Fulp was knocked off the track by the Winston-Salem passenger train of the Northwestern division of the Southern Railway, one mile front tnun nt &'rt thla vnlnv ecial savs that Frank Belew has the first principle of justice in Paris. Both legs were broken, besides other en entrapped by officers into a con- but it is still certain that the Govern. hnJur,es sustained. ssion that he Doisoned his hmth ..m . . I ne was sent to the hospital ana his .-'.... i iii. lie 1 1 1 (1 r r-vr-i r I r I ki mp I nil & i i . i i v, ... . t-uiiuiiion lonigni is Dixon, the inquiry and prevent the ihtroduc- I serious. nils and his sister Susie at llnanrt ennntv : The victims suffered horriblv and Plon ot eviaence tending to prove Zola's frank sat by their bedside and was charges )parently a most sincere mourner. considered very Ell Wlllard, 23 years old. while at work-in a wooden nin fartnrv In Al. France has had another PTamnb of I chnnv mmir .. . n ., v. . i v. - A.SSrX- JU.F '""F., hish-handed methods of ,hT mldd maThlny aid in,ku KTal been put , ,e ge, wW the Government . dares LKSSS vcj v;uuiu gci u eviueiice io jusiuy to employ in a country wnich mas- ried. iHe noiaing or ranK ior trial. ., T M fiHe- hart been disinherits anH w nqmmican lorra w wjv aaown extreme bitterness over loss of e""neni- Ane Pudhc autnorities ao not i nector oeprge or Winston May oo lo his share of his parents' estate. hesitate to violate the secrecv of let-I Goldsboio. $4.nrough his brother-in-law the of fers tt'hpn SParrhinc fn Infnrmotlnn 1 nrial nacnafxh Tha 1Lfnlnv Tsa felew, admit that he did the poisoning. an naiure. e was soon to leave for the Klondyke A JJeputy who recently borrow ed 100 rjgions, having sold his share in the francs from a colleague wrote, saying iaie nien, ne lemveu ai me aeam f. n, . . - , Jf - mat or; ciii.iuscu a uaiiiv liuic LO uis- Cf his brother, and sister, to another blother. Wiston. N. C, Feb. 5. Uev. J. F. George, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church here, has under consideration a call from the St. Stephen's parish at Goldsboro. f KILLED BY COAL FUMES. Tie Three Children of a Modoc Man Asphyx iated by Charcoal. Cable to The Morning Post. oronto, Ont., Feb. 4. Caretaker lligan, of the Model School at Ma- lost his three children by asphyx- ion this morning. The dead are: OHN MILL1GAN, aged 21. charge the debt. But he forgot to put the money in the envelope, and, discov ering his error, he called on his friend and proceedd to refund the amount. The creditor, however, asserted that the note had been duly forwarded n the letter. Both, in astonishment, demanded an explanation of the postoffice. It was then learned that the official who open ed and read the letter, and finding no enclosure therein, supposed he had 1USI 11. v The authorities, accordingly, supplied another note, which was duly sealed in Big Shipment Tobacco for Duke Man ufactory. - Special Despatch to The Morning Post. Salem, N. C, Feb. 5. Thirty-one car loads of leaf tobacco were shipped from Danville. Va., today to Duke Sons ft Co., at Durham, N. C, to be manu factured into cigarettes and smoking tobacco in their big manufactory there. WAKE COUNTY TEACHERS. I EE -LIGAN, aged 15 JSTHEL BAKER, aged 12. I'hey were asphyziated by the fumes the envelope and forwarded. ori charcoal, it has been Milligan s hjgnt to carry live coal from the school Far Eastern Question Still an Enigma With tuiiatc xi tuc evenings exuu. jJictutr I hjjm in-an old stove in one of the bed- . tne people oi England. rodras of his house. T-onrtnn Fh ! Tho far aaatarn o tpipe connected the stove and iit?y. tiiu ut euuij 1; H N I Meeting of the Association Yester dayQuestion of Organlzlno cir culating Library. The Wake County Teachers Associa tion met yesterday at the Centennial graded schools. The president of the md of course, the fumes lin- as 'far as the public Is concerned, and Association, Prof. Logan D. Howells, fMi.. u..t. .l When Mllliean substituted charcoal rr-P' i" nrrT V.1'' "T -rwjw, v , , - - - - -w i tajjnt: cAceeuiuciv resiive. inn m sav for live coals, which he did this morn- ng, the fumes quickly killed the per sons named. indignant, under the reticence of the Salisbury Ministry. is wife was also badly affected by a,, K 0,Qii , , , ,rv,a ohhii nvhflw Salisbury, especially within his own party, is demonstrated in a most strik ing manner by the general anxiety at the present moment and the ready cre- the fumes, and will probably die. INDIFFERENT TO THE LAST good. Several new members were en- rolled. The subject of a circulating library was discussed at length, Prof. E.' X. Middleton and Professor L. D. Howell joining in the discussion. The president dence given to reports that he has inoointed a committee consisting of How a Berlin, Ont., Boy Murderer Passed again retreated, under pressure, from Prof. E. L. Middleton and Prof. A. M. The country demands specific facts. The greatest interest attaches U the Queen's speech, but the best opinion is that it will prove disappointing to the N'orris named Misses Edith I. Hoyster, In His Checks- the position which he declared he I ..-.! .... . u v xcicgiauu iu j. lie luuiiiiug x wow. i . -t -t I uainjui o vague aasuiaiac idai 11 tg 11 L, Toronto, Feb. 4. Jim Allison, L that the Government was sticking to years old, the boy who shot and killed its guns, has done little toward the res- Mrs. Orr in August last, was hanged at Uoration of public confidence. Berlin, Ont., today. When he awoke at 6 o'clock this morning tne jailer asKea mm ir ne wanted anything. Allison replied, 'Say, you people appear to be getting rattled over this thing." Before he mounted the scaffold, (the ower part ot wnicn was enclosed io conceal his death struggles) the boy handed this confession to the jailer: "I am sorry for my crime out of ill-will. I hope those njured will forgive me, and that no one will throw this up to my people. My sentence is just, and I hope God will have mercy upon me." He was indifferent to the last. Saur to investigate the matter and re port at the next meeting as to the feas ibility of establishing a circulating iibrary. The county supervisor, Hev. H. W. Xorris, was appointed chairman of the committee on programs, as provided In th? constitution. Being required to select two additional members. Mr. public by reason of what it will not contain. There is much curiosity in regard to the utterances on the Indian trontier campaign. It was pointed out today that the Anna Yates, and Lillie W. Jones, of "ary. The 'committee was requested to select a program within ten- days for the next meeting. A motion prevailed ihat the program committee arrange topics only on the circulating library I did it slaughter of officers has been greatei md the subject of geography, whom I in lnis disastrous frontier war than in Supt. Norrls requested the te f that nn the battle of Waterloo. to read White's "Theory anL.P Furthermore, the campaign has re sulted in nothing ,thus far, except loss and disappointment. COTTON MILLS FOR CHICAGO? IN CONGRESS YESTERDAY. The House Passes Appropriations Bill Just as Reported By Committee. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Washington, Feb. 5. The Senate eachers ry and. Practice of Teaching." Prof. L. I). Howell entertained the issf. elation with an Instructive paper on "Ceography." The teachers of the county were asked to sketch and fur nish at the next meeting as much geo graphical knowledge of their respective localities as possible. Enquiring Englishmen Say Humidity Is All Right, But Decline to Recommend Their Erection, Bv Teleerranh to The Morning Post. Chicago. 111.. Feb. 4. Four English- having yesterday adjourned over umn men from Manchester have been testing Monday, there was no session of that the atmosphere at Chicago Heights (a body- suburb, twenty-six miles south) for the In the House, after a three-days dis past three weeks, to determine jwhether cussion, this afternoon the Fortifica- it contained enough humidity i to war- Appropriation bill, just as it came rant the spinning of cotton fabrics. . . ' u rv - i x- tt i woHnocrtou rnm Liitr solium Litre oil rtumuui, J. utrjy icit iui juk io.iij. cum..u.j . - - ... . , i v . .t i . . . . night, and before their departure said all efforts to increase amounts carried r" i rit- noyi s the atmospheric conditions Were all hin SUCcessfullv resisted. . stage pmaucu n. ii is ine iasi or iir. tbat nnnid h ackd ; . ,. tioyt s aramauc eiioris. ne naving In thLCUil ,S trT ;ttP whether! they In 'this policy the Republican man- the Ia-Bt ten successfully Iro- would recommend the erection of cotton agers had the efficient and earnest sup- duted twelve productions, but "A MUk BIG ATTRACTION THIS WEEK. "A Milk White Flag' Which Comes Thursday, a Great Success. Hoyt's "A Milk White Flag' will be seen on the Metropolitan stage next Thursday night. It is unquestionably one of the most of cotton stuffs. These Two Indicted for Bigamy. Norfolk, Va., Feb. 4. The grand jury of the Norfolk County Court today re turned indictments against George W. Moore and Philip McDowell for bigamy. Moore has practically confessed. The whereabouts of both of McDowell's wives j is known, but it will" be difficult to cprvict him, since none of them re fuses I to push the charge or appear against him. Fooled 'Em. Ledget-by It does seem good to see old Daybiike back at his desk after his ong illness. Bilfile You bet it does I was afraid t was another case of $2 all 'round for a floral tribute. Detroit Free Press. Man The Busy Bee. believes himself a hustler, a workef but when he observes the labor of the . bee he discovers he is not the only rose on the bush. From one hun dred thousand to two hundred thous and flowers must be visited by bees be fore one pound of honey is made. ENVOY OF MINE NO MORE Art Thou, But This mills there, but said that new ariff port 0f sayers (Texas), the leading aws would greatly cut me ""P"Mf"wH Democrat on the Appropriations Com mittee, who said that could he have had had his way, the bill would carry but two millions instead of four mil lions. Mr Lewis (Washington) declared that the substance of the reports that have been current for some time, re garding the .proposed policy of the managers ofthe House. ifharee." he said, "that a well- Ex- digested and carefully prepared plan has been agreeu upon. "No general plan for currency reform will be permitted to come before this House no bankruptcy bill, no proposi tion to carry out pledges of the Repub lican convention regarding Cuba. "But the Appropriation bills will be pressed to passage as rapidly as pos sible and when they have been dis posed of this House will adjourn. "I congratulate the country upon 4hat Drosoect, ai leai 'Ambassador" From Hour. By Telegraph to The Morning Post Washington. Feb. 4. The President sent in the nomination of Ethan Hitchcock, of Missouri (now EnVoy traordinary and Minister Plehipoten Ex-to tiary to Russia), to be Ambassador traordinary and Plenipotentiary Russia, to-the Senate today. I The nomination of Minister Hitch cock to be Ambassador was pursuant to the law authorizing the raising of the rank when another nation should take similar action. j A cablegram was received by the State Depariement on Wednesday indi cating the intention of the Russian Government to raise the rank of their representative here to that of Ambas sador, and this Government resporided promptly with the action taken toay. Ambassador Hitchcock, under nis new title, will be entitled to call OH the Czar and receive visits from him. White Flag" is one of a series of un broken successes, as the author can justly claim to never having made a failure. How great a success It was. and how much amusement of the highest order of excellence It furnished is well known to the vast audiences that nightly availed themselves of the opportunity the t witness it. "A Milk White Flag" Is tne most pretentious erron or this pop ular playwright. It requires for Its pro duction a large amount of scenery of a special design, a cast of forty per formers, and costumes that are rich and in great variety. The announce ment that "A Milk White Flag" will be sen here will be welcome news to theater-goers and the fun-loving public. The Adams homestead at Qu Mass., has been restored under the rection of the Quincy Historical ciety. ncy, di- So- A Rare Treat. gan Pope I-o received gifts valued at SlOOOOO on the occasion of the six tieth aniversary of his ordainment as a priest. Among the cash gifts were a check for $40,000 from the Duke of Nor folk. $20,000 in gold fn-m the yuen Re gent of Spain, $12,500 from Kaiser il vLi tirtuoo from the Austrian Bish- licrsijif - ops. and $40,0u0 from the primate. The Intellectual and scholarly people of Raleigh are to have the opportunity of enjr'ing a rare treat next Friday f e I deliver his famous lecture on modern' Ireece. The prices are moderate and the tenefU Is for a worthy cause. No one should miss such an opportunity. It was a triumph of magnificent or- night, when Professor Alexander, o inization he added. the University at Chapel Hill, lat in ti n, . I'nited States Minister to Greece, wll Brazil is not willing to take the I. O. U. of either Spain or Japan for certain of her warships. She wants cash or Hungarian nothing, and negotiations have been broken off consequently. 1 1 ;'! It !, t' 'i J ii IV T I; i i ! !: I ;i I 1