mm LAST EDITION, 4:00 A. M. RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY. MARCH 19, 1898. NO, 9 . ' .- .... THIS MAY BE AN EVENTFUL And Spain is Likely to Hear Some thing Drop" in Washington. . ADVANCE REPORT FROM BOARD ENQUIRY Has Bce:i Formulated and Despatched to the President, and is Expected to Reach Him Today. DESIGNED TO PUT ADMINISTRATION ON GUARD jnd f'y Acquainting. the President With the Nature of the Final and F rmal Report of the Court of Enquiry Enable Him to Wake His Plans Accordingly No Doubt of Its Stating that the Explosion Which Wrecked the "Maine" Occurred From Without the Ship, But Doubtful Whether the Blame Has Been Fixed Should It Show Offi cial Spanish Complicity There is a Hot Time Ahead for Spain Final Heport Expected During the Coming Week- Morning1 Post. I'l l.. M;irch is. The naval h-Ii another meet- !,,:,,, i t!.'- Iow-ii" today, but of i s y.-.-i .;t proceedings are not !.'.. i.. out si'it-rs. , sti current here to v. v v' i . t lint a special advance h ,.- ); i ("..rwarded to the Pres-,):- it will be in Washing- l. tuiii "t" the cruiser "Montgom- !!" ..:-v" fr- ni H.ivjma this morning with ,, ;t ;. i-l-'nt. and without any of the .y.,.: rp w that remained there, was h- naval cvt'nt of the day. The "J'ritLroI!lT' in Havana. officers report all quiet The arrival ' f the torpedo-boat "Foot?" Rives a tlotula of six to (Jorru- in modon- Kimball, all in perfect condi- tioa. . UEP0U1 TO BE MADE TODAY. Board of Enquiry Has Prepared and Already Despatched a Special Seport to the Pres fdent bhicrt WIN Reach Him Today. ;;. il Iwpatch to The Morning Post. U';ishin:;t(.n. March IS It is definitely i ..!; ! to. lay that the Naval Court "f hii'iMlty now at Key West, which f"i" a ia..nt!i has been investigating into t! " an:-.- .! ( a usrs which produced the that Mew up and wrecked Hi- Virt.-i Stat-s cruiser "Maine" in Havana liarl..r and sacrificed the lives i.i.rnii .Is of its officers and crew, !' :'"t -iimlate'1 a special report to the 1'!'' -itin! . whiih they have already 'i ! it ii, ,i to Washington and which v,!ii " i'i th- liands of the President t!iTV..V. ' this lull i"po;t will not be a full one of the court's findings, and comprehensive enough Ue the reasons and evi : r tatmu. what the ultimate "rt will ),.. 1"X 1 M THE OUTSIDE. CM'!. 1 1 v. ' main sufficient evidence ad- :v tl- i ..urt by the witnesses t Haana to prove that the tnr.-d from outside of the it un-cked. and doubtless i Kt -!. and prepare the ' iif administration, as i t" what is to come when hnal. more elaborate and rt i me court is made in s. . as to enable the ad take such steps in the snaii deem necessary or i t Tinal report of the will be submitted to the ' -Navy, and this, it is rst , 5 w ill be in the latter' - th, coming week, most is here, the Naval ;ais. ex-Secretary of "ntly returned from il.. ' 'si; in this city today who ' n to express an intelli t he nature of the special re tomorrow, all unite ;V have not the slight- in- r.-port will state, un t the explosion occurred ''."i the wrecked vessel, :r- That mu,ch may be ;is a fact. xplosion was the result ;'"-al "mpiicitiy or, more whether the Board 1 t ermine that it was : 't-nvtr. No one knows at ' t!-r the report will ex- ' " tnat point or re- v. uh inference to it ncwn nt tv,a v mh: uuui nils I 1 Whether i j . ! I'tihli, !'t. or .ur i i rsiueni i the contents of tho my part of it. ' DAY There are good reasons why he should not, especially if it is of the character anticipated or more definite than may now be supposed. But, still, it is pos sible, of course, that the administration may deem it the part of wisdom to give out an official statement in reference to its contents. MOVEMENTS OF THE ARA1Y. Uncle Sam's Blue Coats Hurrying South Atlantic Seaboard. to the By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Birmingham, Ala., March 18. Battery F, Fifth Artillery, U. S. A., passed through Birmingham tonight, from Fort Riley, Ark., en route to Tybee island, ua. Lieut. JMewcomD, wno is command, said tnat at every place tney stopped on tne trip tne greatest entnusiasm was snown oy tne crowds at the 'depots. By Telegraph to The Morning 'Post. Cincinnati, Ohio, March 18. Battery F, Fourth Artillery, U. S. A., 75 men strong, passed through here tonight, on their way to Fort Monroe, Va., from Fort Riley, Ark. Ten thousand people here and in Covington lined the tracks and cheered the soldiers. Atlanta, Ga., March 18. Company B, United States Army, stationed at Fort McPherson, near this city, will leave Monday for St. Augustine, Fla. The commanding officer said that in a week or two only a few soldiers would be left at the post here; that the remainder would be sent to reinforce the artillery troops on the coast. BLUE JACKETS ON "AMAZONAS." Litest Foreinn Acquisition to U. S. Nvy Formally Turned Over to Uncle Sam In London Yesterday By Cable to The Morning Post. London, March 18. The Brazilian cruiser Amazonas was lormaiiy turn ed over to the United States this morn ing, Lieut. Colwell receiving the war ship on behalf of the Government. This afternoon the cruiser "San Francisco" arrived at Gravesend, and saluted the fort, the salute being re turned. Th sailors aboard the "San Francisco" for that purpose then boarded the "Amazonas" and took pos session. SPAIN GETS ONE ALSO. By Cable to The Morning Post. London, March 18. A despatch from Rome says that Spain has purchased the new Italian cruiser "Varese." The Italian armored cruiser "Varese, said to have been sold to Spain, is of steel, has 6,840 tons displacement, is 238 feet long, and has 59.8 feet beana. Her maximum draft is 24 feet, she is driven by two propellers, has 13,000 indicated horse-power, and is estimated to steam twenty knots an hour. The cruiser has an armored belt of six inches of Har veyized steel, and she has six inches of Harveyized steel over her gunpositions; with deck plating one and one-half inches thick. Her armament consists of two 10-inch guns, ten 6-inch quick- tiring guns, six 40.7-inch guns, ten 2. inch suns, ten 1.4-inch guns, and two Maxim rapid-fire guns. Her normal coal supply is 1,000 tons, and she carries complement of 470 men. "Oregon" Sails for Key West Today. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. San Francisco, Cal., March 18. Al the preparations have been completed fnr th saSliner nf thf hatt!shin "Hre. - - con" tninnTTOw. - --- All on board are confident that she is to loin the sauadron in Cuban waters- PICK OF NAVY AT HAMPTON ROAD That the Most Strategic Point-The Btg Monitor "Puritan" Nearly Ready to Pro ceed to Key west. Special Despatch to The Morning Post. Norfolk, Va., March 18. The bi monitor "Puritan," which is the most powerful warship in smooth water in the world, and which is now at the Gosport navy yard here, will soon be ready to go to Key West "according to orders from the Navy Department. To assist her on guard she will have the double-turreted monitor "Mianto nomah" and the monitor "Amphitrite." The two last named vessels are now at League Island and Port Royal, re spectively. The naval orders of yesterday will result in the gathering at Hampton Roads of the pick of the navy, that point being the best strategically on the Atlantic coast. It is centrally located and vessels there can reach any point on the Atlantic coast in very short order, which is just now con sidered very desirable in case any fast Spanish cruiser or torpedo destroyers should turn up with the intention of at tacking American cities. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TISCOVERY Made Yesterday at the AUlhe Wreck High est Explosive on Board Found Intact. By Cable to The Morning Post. Havana. March 18. Among today's discoveries in the "Maine" wreck is the startling one made by Gunner Morgan. He found a lot of gun-cotton in the crystal tubes in which it was kept. The tubes Avere intact "and the gun-cotton was absolutely dry. This was the high est explosive on board the battleship, and yet it is intact. ' Your correspondent saw some of the tubes today in Captain Sigsbee's state room on the "Fern." WAR PREPARATIONS TO CEASE ? Statements to That Effect In a Washington Paper Which are Apparently Contrad'cted in the Same Issue. Special Despatch to The Morning Post. Washington, March 18. The Post this morning states tnat tnere are reasons for belieying that the "Washington ad ministration has reached some sort of agreement with the administration at Madrid looking to acessation of hostile preparations by both counties; that the agreement has advanced far enough to make that result probable already; that as an outcome of negotiations which are to be entered upon at once the Spanish flag will continue to float it over Cuba, etc. The halting of the Spanish torpedo flotilla at her Canary Islands andthe orders issued yesterday dividing r the formidable fleet of U. S. warships at Key West, as stated in these despatches' last night, is declared to have been a part of the program in carrying but this policy. These statements, however, have been read with a great deal of mental re serve by those in a position to know of such developments had they actually occurred, as is the additional statement, on the same authority, that Spain is to be allowed to still further experiment with its scheme of autonomy, which, as Senator Proctor yesterday declared to the United States Senate, is the "worst misgovernment he ever saw," and which has been characterized by the newspaper correspondents at Havana as an utter, total failure so far. As indicating how much credence should be given the above statements, the fact may be again noted here that a bill (referred to in last night's des patches to The Morning Post) for the re organization of the United States army on a war footing of 105,000 men has been ntroduced in both houses of Congress, and that it is done with the full en dorsement of the administration. The generally accepted theory here is that the White Squadron at Key West was divided into three divisions in order to better protect the Atlantic coast cities, as stated last night in these despatches. THE STORY DENIED. At 2 o'clock this (Saturday) morning the following cablegram from Havana was received by The Morning Post de nying the above story: Havana, March 18. According to a despatch from Madrid tonight, the Gov ernment denies that negotiations are pending between Spain and the United States for the withdrawal of the Ameri can squadron from the vicinity of Cuba, and for the cessation of war preparations in both countries. The Government says, also, that the tor pedo boat flotilla's trip to the Antilles has not been suspended. All the news papers here attack President McKin ley's policy with regard to Spain. ANOTHER DENIAL OF THE ASSO CIATED PRESS STORY. By Cable to The Morning Post. London, March IS. A despatch to The Standard from Madrid says, that Prime Minister Sagasta has contra dieted the reports about Spain's pur chase of warships, and the indefinite postponement of the departure of the torpedo flotilla from the Canary Islands. The despatch does not state what war ship are referred to. Another Fatal Spanish Explosion. By Cable to The Morning Post. Madrid, March 18. An explosion ct tire damp occurred today In the mine at tseimez, near uoraova, causing a large loss of life. Seventy bodies have already been recovered, and It Is feared i that many more are still in the mine, Kit CAPITAL BUH - .. . ... - s . ' Latest' Washington Develop mints as Wired The Post. MpDillS ARE UNABATED Commander Slcard's Illness Will Compel the Designation of Capt. Sampson to Command the White Squadron roast Defense Work Being Vigorously Pushed and Uncle Sam's Blue Coats Hurrying to the South Atlantic Seaboard Coast As soclated Pres Story That War Prepar atlons Were to Cease Printed Yester day, Shown to be Worse Than 'nUue. By telegraph to The Morning Post! Washington, March 18. Midnight. There is no cessation of the efforts of the Navy Department to buy ships and war munitions. Enlistments are being made in the army and navy, and ships are being distributed where they will be most ef fective. Wprk on the coast defenses is being pushed vigorously. Both the cavalry and. infantry are being moved to the Atlantic seaboard .as rapidly as cir cumstances Will permit. The purchase of the torpedo boat de stroyer "Tupy" from Brazil is now practically assured. The United States is lit need of such a craft, for they are veryeffective, and Spain has several of theiti already. JjpOMMANDER SICARD ILL. Tbje condition of Commander Sicard's health has given the Navy Department greit concern recently and it is proba ble hat Captain Sampson, of the "Iowa," will succeed to the command of the .fleet should hostilities break out. The announcement that the "Massa chusetts" and the "Texas" had been withdrawn from Key West and sent to Hampton Roads, was a subject of enqjiiry at the Cabinet meeting today, andimost positive assurances were giv en by Secretary Long that the orders were not due to any sugggestion from Spain.-. t - There, is no intention, it was ex plained, to detach the North Atlantic squadron from Florida waters to satis fy Spain's qualms in the pending emer gency. ' ' The President today authorized the allqtment of $2,975,000 for use in the en gineering branch of the army, in con- strncting seacoast defences, mounting with .that department. '"- The (War Department has. answered all inquiries in reference to new coast defences with the statement that no ad ditional projects Will be considered. The funds which the President will author ize that department to use are to be applied to the completion of the works already under way. Contracts were made by the War De partment today for the delivery of a large quantity of armor-piercing and deck-piercing steel projectiles of large calibre. The contracts wvere distributed among three companies, in quantities suited to the capacity of each plant, in order that the ammunition may be delivered at the same time, and as early as possible. A FORMAL REPORT EXPECTED MONDAY PRESIDENT'S PLANS. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Washington, March 18. The situation growing out of the critical stage of the Cuban question is still surrounded, in mystery and uncertainty. As the crisis approaches the very air becomes filled with rumors mostly startling but large ly untrue. The latest rumor was that the dyna mite cruiser "Vesuvius," which left St. George, Fla., last W ednesday, was steaming up the Potomac river, having on board the members of the Naval Board of Enquiry, with the all-im portant report in its inside vest-pocket. The "Vesuvius" has reached port but the officers and the report did not ar rive. The fact is that the formal report will not be in Washington until next week probably on Monday. The President will demand repara tion before sending in his message to Congress. He will set forth the text ef his communication to Spain, but it is the opinion of those who are well-in formed that he will confine his state ments and recommendations to the "Maine" incident, postponing the gen eral phase of the Cuban question until later on. . Some of the Cabinet officers who think Spain has been dealt with too leniently, say that the present plan would prolong the starvation of the Cubans, and postpone the prospect of Cuban independence. Those who favor the enforcement of a radical policy believe now is the time to act, not only with regard to the "Maine" incident, but also with the question of ending the war and giving Cuba her independence. If the government had heeded the ad vice of the late Samuel J. Tilden In 18S5 in regard to coast defense the present administration would not be so pressed tn maVo ndwiuate DreDaxations for 'meeting possible hostilities with Spain. IN THE CONGRESS YESTERDAY. Postofflce Appropriation BUI Will Carry $223,000 for Pneumatic Tube Service In Large Cities Date for Inaugurating the President to Be Changed. Etc. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. Washington. March 18. After agree ing to the conference report on the Agricultural Appropriation bill, the House today, in Committee of the Whole, resumed consideration of the Postofflce Appropriation bill..,. The appropriation of $225,000 for the pneumatic tube service was retained in the bill by the vote of 108 to 65. All the amendments to cut don.or limit the expenditure of J30.500.000 for railroad transportation were futile. An amendment was agreed to, mak ing it a misdemeanor to "pad" mails during the quadrennial weighing. The House adjourned with the- bill uncompleted, and it will come up again as unfinished business. Washington, March 18. The Senate Committee on Privileges and. Elections today ordered a favorable, report on the joint resolution proposing an amend ment to the constitution changing the inauguration day from March 4th to the last Wednesday in April. GEN. WHEELER'S RESOLUTIONS Following is the text of resolutions ntroduced in the House by Gen. Joe Wheeler, of "Wheeler's Cavalry" fame. who for many years has been a member of Congress from an Alabama district: "Resolved, That a joint committee. consisting of five members of the Sen- te, to be appointed by the Vice-Presi dent, and five members of the House, to be appointed by the Speaker, be created to report without delay to the two houses an address to the govern ment of Spain, declaring in firm, and diplomatic language, that Americans and American interests in Cuba" must be protected, and that the atrocities now being perpetrated in that island must cease. "Resolved. That the Executive be re quested to immediately transmit this address to the government of Spain by such methods as he may deem most ad visable, together with a letter of en dorsement and approval of this action on the part of Congress." NORTH CAROLINA POSTMASTER." A Batch of New Fourth-Class Ones Named by the Postmaster General Yesterday. Special Despatch to The Morning Post. Washigton, March 18. The following fourth-class postmasters were today appointed for North Carolina:' John T. Johnson, Belleport, Beaufort county, vice Swindell resigned. Jacob A. Dore, Caldwell, Mecklenburg WRtyeJETjioX; resigned. . ;- i Jaa, ' Gatling, Eva, Perquimans coun ty, vice Farmer removed.' - Rufus A. Lockey, Fallston, Cleveland county, vice W D. Lockey removed. J. T. Horner, Farmer; Randolph county, vice Newby resigned. ' James M. Graybeal, Graybeal, Ashe county, vice Elishu Graybeal resigned. Hanna J. Pate, Hope Mills, Cumber and county, vice Judd removed. T. A. Hinnant, Mocksville, Wilson county, vice Barnes removed. Grandy Gallop, Riddle, Camden coun ty, vice Torlessey removed. Hugh Cameron, Swann Station, Macon county, vice Waddell removed. W. R. Beal, Timberlake, Person coun ty, vice Timberlake removed. 1 Jas. O. Parsons, Weaversford, Ashe county, vice Debord removed. Buckley Walker, Woodsdale, Person county, vice Robertson removed. THE RALEIGH POSTMASTERSHIP. Senator Prltchard Expects to Select His Candidate Today, and to Select Durham's Postmaster Also. Special Despatch t'o The Morning Post. Washington, D. C, March 18. Sen ator Prltchard, says that he expects to be able tomorrow to arrive at a deter mination as to whom he will endorse to the President for appointment as postmaster at Raleigh and at Durham. Most of the candidates for both of fices are here and will have a confer ence with the Senator then. FRANCE'S ULTIMATUM TO CHINA In Which Seven More Days are Given the Celestials to comply wun certain w mands. By Cable to The Morning Post. Pekin. March 18. France has given China eight days to meet these de mands 1st. China shall not alienate any ter ritory south of the Yang-Tse-KIang valley, this being a check to Great Britain's needed extension. 2d. A railway concession and pro longation of exclusive mining right 3 In Lung-Chau and lunnan. U. vuaiiii5 3wcvvm - - - direction of Imperial postal service, transierrea 10 r rent-mum. WINSTON DEAOCRATS Decide to Nominate Candidates for City Of flees by the Primary Plan Special Despatch to The Morning Post. Winston. N. C March 18. The Dem ocratic Executive Committee of the town of. Winston today decided to hold TirimaHwi in each ward o nthe third Monday In April, for the purpose of nominating candidates for mayor and aldermen, of which latter there will be fifteen D. II. King was elected chairman of the committee. . WITTW Financial Report of Dun arid' Bradstreet's. THE SOUTH HAS THE BEST OF IT Outoo of Cotton Surpassed All Expecta tions Although the Price Had Advanced Activity of Southern Steel Trade Bio Fruit and Vegetable Shipments The Eastern Fellows Hold Of f on Account of War indications and New York Banks Lost a Million to the Interior. But Re covered Through Gold Importations Demand for Cotton Goods Increasing. By Telegraph to The Morning Post. ; New York, Mrch IS. Bradstreet's tomorrow will say:' The aggregate vol ume of the country's business continues sufficiently large to allow favorable comparisons to be made with past periods. Aside from the quieting In demand at a few leading Eastern markets, where the uncertainty as to the out come of the foreign complications is advanced as the reason for the unwil lingness to embark In new business, the situation is one possessing nearly all of the favorable features noted for some time past. Better weather has improved the re tall trade at the South, while the wholesale business is maintained at a satisfactory volume. New Orleans reports a trade In excess of that of last year, and the outlook is encouraging. Southern iron manufacturers are ac tive, and the fruit and vegetable ship ments promise to be early and heavy. The other favorable features are summed up in th liberal shipments of the leading cereals, the unprecedented totals of exports at New York, the fewer business failures, and the slight ly larger bank clearings. Cotton and print-cloths have declin ed, the position of the latter being very depressed, and prices during the past week reaching the lowest quotation on record. Dun's weekly report Of business will say tomorrow: Neither peace nor war reports have changed the onward current of bust- ness. Orders for more than S25.500.000 of gold from Europe have blocked any drift toward stringency In the money rates.' ; ' 'S Exports of productahave continued... at a rate considerably Increased,' and the demand ' for products of , the great , industfies shows a steady expansion. The backbone of the situation is, that the excess of merchandise exports is again more than 41,000,000 fn February, with an Increase of 2,600,000 of miscel laneous products 2,100,000 provisions, 4,500,000 cotton, and 7,000,000 in bread- stuffs, compared with last year. The out-go of cotton surpasses all expectations, though the prices are stronger than last week . Receipts from plantations continue' much greater than at the corresponding date for the largest crop ever hereto fore produced, so that guesses about the future crop are' now the main re liance of speculators. Wheat also moves. In spite of all speculation. Atlantic exports have been 1,824,569 bushels, against 1,253.390 last year; and from Pacific ports 1,371,- 826 bushels, against 268,505. Prices closed Va higher for the week. Little encouragment appears . In the market for cotton goods, with print- cloths one-sixteenth lower than a week ago, and standard grades undersold by many of less note. The demand is large, but not large enough. In woolen goods, on the contrary, a. material advance in prices has raised the only obstacle to increased trans actions. Bessemer pig iron and grey forge are. both slightly stronger than Pittsburg, the proposed combination valley fur naces helping; but pig Iron is not changed in price elsewhere, nor are finished products at any point, except wire nails and steel rails. The New York banks lost about Jl, 000,000 this week by transfers to the interior, but gained much more largely by the receipts of gold from Europe. The stock market was affected all the wefck by the anxieties regarding foreign affairs, and at one time railroad stocks averaged 1.43 per cent, per share less than a week ago, but recovered all the loss. Railroad earnings continue 7.9 per cent. larger than last yean The failures for the week were 20i. in the United States, against 218 last year. . Wilkes Railroad Bond Case Again Post poned. . Special Despatch to The Morning TosL Winston. N. C, March IS. Ex-Judge Avery came here this afternoon for the purpose of arguing the Wilkes county bond case before Judge Starbuck. His Honor is sick, however, and con fined to his room at Chester, S. C, and the hearing was consequently postpon ed until next week, when it will com up before Judge Starbuck at Morgan ton Court. BR n i i . ri 'f t 1 f (i h I: I