ITHE MORNING POST. APRIL 2M899 FACT AND PRNCY POP FAIR rCMINlNITV r DIRECT -FROM GAY PARIS. the leaves become blistered, the 6talk swollen. The bst thing is to apply ISomer of the Latest Creations of Fa- powdered -sulphur, or a weak Solution imcus French 'Modistes. A delightful display of 'the latest creatioms of Parisian -mod Win reassures us on 'any number of points. The H'ong, fHowing effects, errcihanting to relate,- are -retained, with few 'exceptions; we'ire doling all we can, however, to 'frown idvxwn -tfv-dza fussy-looking flounces all the way up, that 'is. W-? discover, 't(A, fhat the pouch frcr-it hasn't -besTi -abandoned. Indeed, tne French artt knows the acf:irtie value kx a seemingly lccs'e bii: cif -ntfafeirial lttoo well for"- that. Then there's Vie fco-ueh of black; -rightly man'aged' It literally 'vloes H!he rest." A tiny ar rangement at the neck does this service (tor la blatek dressy while a satin ribbon fofelt gtlves "the" finish to -a blue foul alrd. The wo-st'iam sleeves is most -used, t'hou gh :'h'e one-piece wit'h the lart un'der 'the elbow is s-een, too. But (there are fe-ft'ching mold'els on every Me. ' Ltt u s Took. A STUDY IN GREY. Francis isend an, adorable grey tor'cfcul-cl'cWh. T'n'e two-piece skirt has ' seams centre, frcirJt, anJ 'buck, an-J is nri-ched by a festoon braiding in tin niest White .silk card -'braid. The Eton, is quite covered with this braiding; i't - ibis 'all -the r?gul'a:r jacket ??am, and the collar awd re vers are faced witn syray satm, wnidh slhows tiny tucks with t.h? braid between along 'the edgr. - Tile vest "f i'O'Tit i? of slurred gray orape, -ami the belt and stock are or . turquoise velvet. A FETCHING. WHITE SERGE, A beautolfu'I 'White serge from Sara Mayer .is attractive. Thu merest sort of 'an Etaoih, an'd that mostly deep, slen der wcallcpii f.3 over a blouse of 'tuffet'a in a exqui'!t-e tirade, miauve and goTS thar.'ge'able. It iss1 elaborately trimm'ed w-iitili nairrow AvihJte-flnnge'J braid ana site-el but! ens. TIt? skirt is apen a lkt:e c't each si'de,' :sihoiw;nig panel's of ifine Mik. a'ad ut 'als'o- s'jm.s to bo siia:?!hed down the back, to vhow two short, jyotmre-a. "pieces- "of silk. . FCUIjARD ELEGANCE. fiich. a clever foulard is in dark blue, libsxaHy and unevenly dotted with white. The one-piece 'skint 'has un dui;aftimg cream Renaii-isance lace round the trip's 'and round the foot, a' few inches a'bove the edge. Three rows of White baiby nibbon are on Che flaring edge. The' l'jlce covers a white satin yoke and 'a slh'apl b?lt of black satin ribbon finishes it. COSTUME IN OREPE. An elegant crepe dress is in grey. The o ulter skirt is trimmed with two rows of s'h'aped -'black chariuilly, and it curve-' 'away 'aown 'tne iront 'lo otpiuj of sulphide of potassium. THE RASCALLY ROSE BUG. Another trial will be the ro?e bug, a little rascal who will have a great time on your treasures unless you powder him with tobacco dust or smoke under him. An emulsion of -tobacco stem poured over the roots will also inter fere with his good time. Give the plants a good drenching only twice a week, unless it is very dry. Though we still call June the month of roses, let us be thankful that this queen of flowers now cla'Lms every month as her own, a regime which must be credited to the modest little monthly rose. YOITNG FOLKS' FASHIONS. Sityles- and Materials of the- ftrodiifti Little Ones' Clothes. Eton suits of cloth 'or cheviot, pique or duck a;re quite as fashionable for general wear far miisses o.s far their elders. While 'always rotairting th Elton effect, many -new and attractive d'frigns are in evidence. The forethougihlti(ial invJiJh'e' keeps her "eyes open far the sihart lengths of Fawn, organdie, gingham and em broidery, that can be bous1h!t alt this season or a Pon;g They are Just th thing for wee folks' dresses Kilt suits are much Worn by little men from 2 to 5 years of age. Bel'ts are a veiiy neceasary part of the wardiicbe of the liittle girl or little boy these days. White or bd'a'ck pa tent leather, or of the d-re'ss- -material itself, fastened 'With a pearl buckle, are mc;Ht desirable. - The JvaJhki clokli used fcr fche uiii fc'i'm's of our soldiers in the late un picasianitnesis promises to be 'the thing f-'r smart I'Joys morning Avear this summer. It mow comes In n'ot only the familiar brown but in a variety of c Jhcir colors. They are usually made after the Rcugh "Rider siiyle, with fac ings of yellow oJr blue, brass bell but i:jn!?, leggings to matcth, belts to match the facing's, or tan or blaCk leather, and finished! with a. Roug"h Ittder bat For very little girls fashionable riothers favor hats of ,whi3 taffe'ta triT:m'p(.1 with large White' ostricli plumes and io'ng rjbbon ends. Knockabout sui'ts or 'homespun or cher lfghts cloths, effectively trimmed vvirh wmitia-ihe. are both -pretty ana serviceable for t'hl? .between season Both little girls ami little boys of su-piiilnm .wpiajr siallor suits trimmed with sruilt braid and emblems. Boys' blouses in seersucker, Madras and percale, in light and darK. cnecKS, -rtiripe? and plaids, are more service x-t Tmthinsr is so renned1 or - r r-essv as pure white. Must like father s" means Tne ai?me a ps:.ticaat of -taffeta , rather closely pf perfection to the small man. Tuxedo i t i w'ifh tMnv "alack beads. A nar-l dhnwine-. a. vest and .roll collar of row siik rudhe edged black velvet baoy vjinck satin may mow be had for smal ribihvn is -round the eage. The scab 1'cne-d -boTero is cf the eilk dotted with it he beads, an' 3 rlbcm-trimm-ad, wing like -arra'ngc'meritis of t!he taffeta are at ae sids ahd baick of the sttoqk. , . : MORE GREY. 'An'at!h-eT grey dtress i!s 'jof taffeta, the boys. THE FEMININE OBSERVER. Whv do cheap shoes always squeak? A nail file is woman's greatest friend A holiday turkey soon finds itself in m'pirskirt. .o-neninsr dawn 'She front and the soup. r'eacihirij ' itSs bottom of "the graduat-J a weman g-ains a dozen points when ed accordeon foundation skirt any of cne acknowledges one fault. the way round by ten, in'c.nes. iheres Fa-t wcmen aiiWaj-s like to have their a variation m the top -or tne sturi, uiiie D ictUres in miniature. being no D-acK seam, out raunei- a uatu k an5 W a mpointmt when rely on stock of walikrirrjel-'on pfjnk, wStlh the rest mc SOCIAL WORLD JHHF 111 mm It generally means the Tbiggest kind of blouse, as far as St shows, Of white lace; the 'Ba'ck of the waist is 'seam less. A dieligfh'tful' liigbit blue crepe With a man. If you want ito make a man happy encourage 'him in the belief that he can cook. The tip-tilted hat is the stand by of wHate dicibs is from Raiudn'izL The plain the woman whose hair does not curl overskirt is trlrr.imied w'itih two rows of naturally. i ecru in':'nti!on, put on in poinits, and falls ovor a itucked taffeta fullness. A tiauch of t'hi!-- l'a!ce fi'rii'sihes 'the bodice, j TN VIOLET. A mtagnifiCen't thing from Morhauge A woman can be frightened into a duty she would not otherwise think of performing. The woman who minds her own, (bus iness is the one that is always most i i , t. i -.. ... mi . , t . i i ii ii iv inr Lni. ' is or violet siik. - ins raree-g-oxe-sKiri. " has .pointed effects ait the sides, made There 3s no woman so ugly that there of ro,ws laf white velvet ribon. This Was nlat been some man who considered sa'me effect1 -fe. ca -the bodice. " The re- her beautiful. Vers, .front and yoke, are of ecru Re- it is a problem with women whether ri'aissance la'ee, edgad with tiny ruches to cry or Ito -wear their sWeetest smiles of creteum chifPcin. Tne!;1? s a toudh of when they want a favor. yellow velvet on tha .'itock and collar. Ttlie mort f-iwag's'eT ca.i is the Monte Carlo. It is a, loose, box 'affair in Creamy tianr ci'oth,' 'wCtih sl'aaped silk Strapping. The sleeves and bod ere In che piece, and 'the draped rivers When a shoplifter goes 1n for appro priating clocks she evidently believes in the addage that time is money. The wise woman keeps quiet, know ing more than she t'lls, while her fool- Tne Bal Poudre given m We3n-:day :Vening by a numoer xz Ralerxh y.ur? ndies was one of The nvt fori MI an' vents of Ithe spring seuson. This dane .as been the occasion for pleaKmt an icipation fcr Kme time past, and the -'suit was -iihown in the nioo? with rtiich the young ladies entertained or. A'edneslay evening. The patroncsef .ere Mrs. John Turner. Mr.-. TbAmnf Ken'un. Mis. .ToCm Hins,ldale. Mrs. H. F. Hoke, Mrs. ArmlMtead Jone. Mr?. .ih'arles Jo'hnPon, M'rs. Garland Jone. Mrs. Fab. Bubfe, airs. V. E. Turner and Mrs. Tom Hay. The d-mcon -.wre Misses Lydia Hoke. Elizabeth Hins-ia. Florence Jones. S-nsie M"arihall. Mary Turner. Alice Jones, Anne Busbc. Many Jones, Eliza Busbei. .Rita Mc- Vea. Marguerite ?iw. Blanche Blake, Roa Battle, Annie Rogers, Mary Bry an, Loulie Biggs. Laura AVlllramf. Mary Noi-rH Janet Stronach. IMH Grav. Mat tie Pace, Mhud-a Lat'ta, C'jr- rie Funman, Etihel Nkurr!. Mf.s Gtil- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Ais-he, Mies .Seott and Strong of Atlanta, Engl em an rf Kentucky and! iieartt if Durham. Messrs. Henry Miller, Brown ShVTherU. Sam Hindale. Jottm AmlrCws, Henry King. J. C Drewry, C M. Irltchet;. Dick Iwis. Garland Jonrtt. 1 taM. lia Andrew Syme, S-uinly Faiyns Harry Ix-e of Japan. Thomas Bvrts-oax. la!an StnmaCh, HeriR-rr Traoatpon, JacK Irry. Dr. Roys'U'r, Fred. Olds?, Sam. As.he. Will. Jines. Crawfcrvl Blsrgs, Dr. OarTcll. Wntkins Robards-. Allen HIpgs. Albert Baum'an, JoCirt AVuW, Georp: Lit'tle. Frank Haywood, Ilg-h Skinner. Dr. Walter M'ontgome-rj'. Will. Rwnof Charlotte. Fenner orff . .TtatifooTo air I Vairhan of RkSim'onil. AmVmg the spectators were Mr. artd Mrs. Ludlow Skinner. Mrs. M. T. Morris. Mr. Knight of Chicago. Mr. and Mrt. L. A. ra!hler. "Misses TheoUm. &rarall, Ashe. West. Carroll, McRae. Anthwa and Primrose. - Another very brilliant everut of the week was t'h'e tea and receptiVm. firiven by .Mm Joihn M. Turner at her hoimr on Hillsboro atrt-t on Thursday f"vri ing. Her guests of ChAxniyr were Mr. Knigfhit of Ohicago, Miss Ilcggv-ai'Jt of New Orleans -and; Miss Enxlinian o? Kentucky. The m'arrleU frkn!is of thr hdess called in the ttftern'oon from five to seven o'clock and wen e received in fhe -hall by Misses Mary Tamer and Lucy Alice Jones. Ught rvf resfiirrtnt." were served In the wevt piarhn by Misses Annie Busioee, Marion anvl Elite Hayvood and Florence Jones nnd Mis Fannie McPhei-ttrs poured' tne tea. This room Was daintily dewrattil with violets. A string orcfiesttra wus Sta tioned in the 'hall, behind la boAVT of palms, and fumLsWed eweet music throughout" ithe evening. The young people were invited to call from nme to twelve, an'd receiving in the e3K; parlor with Mr. and Mrs. Turner w?re Mrs. Knigbt, 'Misisew Engleman ant. Hogfrsett. Judge an'd 'Mrs. Fhc-jherJ and Mr. Brown Shepherd. Eleg'ant re- frerthmentt were ser'ed. In he dlnlr.r I'oom. The table was tastily deriorated with eri'msvm tuUps, this bng the pre vailing color 'throughout the room. Th'e germart given by tbe Caprtal Club on Friday evening compllmentan" to the -Paint and Powder Club of VfA mirugtton was a m'osit enjoynile afjfiir, ;ind about trv ynty-five couple? pald pa'ted. Mrl' Bt-n Baker 1J, anl among the visiting young- ladles present M1.--S Hattie Ta1or, Anni Iee, Miss I mington. Misses Vivian Strong an2 Bessfe SCott of Atlanta, Miss Mary Ijoa-'e of Tennessee and Miss Engleman )f Kentucky. The Kenthoss Book Club will meet a! Mi sis M'arguerlte Crow' on Monday af ternoon. The members of th Book Club were deligbltfully entertalnei by Mrs. Thomas "Martin Aslie on last Mon day afternoon. "Misses Lucy, Alice and Florencr' Joni?3 will en'ter'fairt the Afternoor Oard Club ot Tuesday a!t their home or. Hillsboro street. Mr. E. O. Alston left last nTgb't for Richmond, which place he will make his ih'ome. His many friends regret lc ee him leave Raleigh. Miss Mattfe Pace expects U IdaVe to morrow for Salisbury, he goer to aititend. the Gregroiry-Ovennaii mar riage. . Mrs. Ft M. Simmons has returned" from uhase City, Va, Every Sufferer from Lung Weakness, Consumption, i Asthma, Catarrh or Bronchitis Can Be Cured. it J ' ''I Vm .. W&PfefeJ?MM Course H of Jreafnenf WATSON'S PICTURE AMD APT STORE, 212 Fayettcvillc Strctt, Ri!c;Sh, n. q Carries in stock a beautiful l . d framed and unframed Pictures. Picture Frames in stock aii i to order. Window Shades in stock izi to order. ' Orders have prompt attrraco. am in THE STANDARD ItAII.VAY The Direct Line to All Ports TEXAS, CALIFORNIA FLORIDA, CUBA and - tfi&focumfcm ; PORTO RICO Nearly everybody, yoa meet will re gard it as a kind of insult to be asked if they have weak lungs. All seem to have a solid faith in the soundness of their own breathing machine. In cases of trouble they will admit there is a 'heavy cold," "a touch of bronchitis." or even "a spell of asthma," but cs to weak or unsound lungs, never. NEVER. Even the poor consumptive, who scarce ly speaks without coughing, whose cheeks are wasted, hollow and bear the hectic fitrsh of doom, will asure jou with glistening eyes that his cold is on the raend and he will be all right when th? weather changes. It is simply terrible to think how far we may be guilty by our indifference to the lung troubles of those near and dear to us. It is n!so a sad thought that we may hug a delusion as to our own health that we only get rid of when life itself must pay the forfeit. Nobody csn afford to think lightly of lung troub'es. Nobody can afford to be mistaken about their possible dan gers. Nobody can afford to neglect them, or "let them wear out," or "get better in the spring." or any other tom foolery that leads only to wreck and ruin. Lung troubles don't move back ward. Weak lungs don't grow strong by themselvis you must heal them and 5trengtht n them, and rid them of the very earliest germs of disease, or you "are simply committing a form pf suicide. Ei her you must cure your lung troubles or THEY WILL KILL YOU. That's. the whole situation in a nutshell. Never was there a cure for lung trou bles equal to the newly-discovered Dr. S locum treatment. This forms a sys tem oi Four Remedies that arc used si multaneously ar.d . supplement each other's curative action. It cures weak lungs, bronchitis, asthma, coughs, con sumption and every other ai!mcnt of the pulmonary region. It destroys every germ that czn affect the respira tory system, 'and even in advanced stages oi h:ng trouble positively arrests the tubercular growth, while it also builds up the patient so that his system is enabled to throw off scrofula, rheum atism, catarrh, and other wxstng dis eases. Thousands of cured cases already prove these clairf.s. Thousands of grate ful people bless the discovery. The Doctor wants everybody to know the surprising merits of his system. He has arranged to five a free treatment (Four Preparations) to all sufferers. Full instructions for use accompany each treatment. WRITE TO THE DOCTOR. Write at once to Dr. T. A. Sloccm Laboratories, 96 and 98 Pine street. New York City, giving full express and postoffice address, and mention this pa per. Delay only makes your trouble worse. 1 Travel by the Southern ard ; You arc assured a Safe, Com. fortable and Expeditious Jouraei I Strictly FIRST-CLASS Eqsjr-r-t : all Through and Local Tratat. pc t! Palace Sleeping Can oa a:l Sidi Tr"-. 1 Unequalea dining car rtt.ft. ,,, """ I ihroufib train. Fait and Safe ScW- j ApplJ lo ticket afcau !or u e u . ratca and general laforcatjos. cr 1 ireta 1L L. Versos, Tnaa C. Sttjlc-l T.P.A C.T.A, Charlotte, N. C. IUIeira, c NO TBOUIILE TO ANSHEK OUESTIONS. , TUrd V.-P. & Gcx Maa. Tral Waaaingtoa, D. D. of. whiite satin tslre covered with ecru ish sister tells more than she kno-s. GREY AaSHD YELLOW. The mct oxqufeiite -wira.p is of grre te-altin, with appiquie! "of grey lace and falling over a -lovely ruiohs'-e'ilg'ed ac rordi'Jan rufflp -of grey chiffon. Gold c'hiffonis in;t'rc'duceid in the Chirred gT'ey ehiffoin collar. It's exquici'te. A CHAT ABOUT ' ROSES. How to Select, Plant, and Care for the Fragrant Beauties. For the benefit oif those who are about ito treat Irhemseilves to rose gar dens these few hints gleaned in a little talk with one of our best florists are set diown. Even if but one rose is to figure, it is just as . necessary to know how td care for ft. First, of course, catch your hare, or rather select your rose. SELECTION. Here are some good names to choose from: Hermosa. Jasaueminot. Hnmn- ess Rothschild, Clothilde Soupert, Ul rick Brunner, Miagna Charta, Coquette des Atlps, John Hopper, Paul Neyron, White 'Barones-s, ;the largest of white roses; Louis Van Houitts. Sultan de Zanziibar and Prince Carhille de Rohan, a deep -crimson. . THE-ROHE BED. Having made your selection (potted plants, 'and those growing on their own roots will give the -best satisfaction, -one learns), choose the place of plant ing. See that the drainage is perfect, and make a good bed by filling in to a depth of three feet with itop soil well n'ixed with deeomrAsed manure. A eunrjy exposure will. of "course,- give you m'ost flowers'" Thp m ini,i.i -k planted 18 inches apart. EiN'EiMIES CF THE ROSE. tAftJer'fh plants begin to grow your troubl'a ibegms, for.ltfts worse things "MU '-noriis -ire nicely to appear on your rpse bushes. Fungi, for instance, Several specdes 'belonging -to d;iff grant pairiasnti'q girouips my app-a-r on" the living leaves and young branches,, and even those on thedea5 -pLrts may hurt iae -reBi. In rose ,gni ui. tcue PJra a 9tic f un) ov of so-called mil-dewft There is no position on earth so try ing as the one where you think you are "it," and suddenly learn that there are ethers. J3 t:nere any.tning tt-hat a woman doeis that can equal the impertinence of asking a light for a pipe from a twenty-five cent straight cigar? A rhinestone tiara and two roses are called a bonnet. The bill for the same is called all sorts of names by the man '. 'no has to pay for it To love and lose is better than never vo have loved at all, but when the Itest comes the woman -apt to think thai she has loved ' n-othinf at all after all. The p'overty luncheon is the latesl form of social entertainment. It is up. pel teld to Ihiave criginiatesl with a h, less who Jet her dress-maker's bill run up so high that she had nothing lef for the florist and nothing much for the caterer. POPULAR TRAVELING GOWN'S. BOBBITT-WMME DRUG CO. Wholesale and Retail Druggist!. 5HFHv1vrs,:.s"e, . raleigh..n. c. We carry in stock everything to be found jn a first-class Drug Store, and give special attention to orders by mail. FRESH LIMES. If you hare a soda apparatus, order your Lines of ur: we carry a large stock. Wc sell all kinds of Mineral Waters and can fill your orders Kith out delay. Remember -we arc open both day and night for the contcnlence Prescriptions filled with Ihc utmost accuracy. I 'Phone 109. BOBBlTT-WYNrtE DRUG CO. CARROLLTON HOTEL. BALTIMORE. MD. Da 8ta Arartr. :r lUrtac irt3e-l the B3 trturtt c "lit C4Oti.TOf. I Uke JTTM ts txtvti dsiioroa Ihtt U w UxM&titf.j -rtrs Ut adrrsorstdda7lac prrrt -c-t.n t; wwUKtiUM Im mU lt tvXt9vi m 1 'aimtmnd Kmc ecos4 to ocr la tit rir &Clr or Urwberr. s4 I tT:f.;:y -rt your kind ptronc 4 t 4 yof t-wt wbilrt vUittsr OWf ctly. TtU Urtrl ,U.S ceiirrljr mew from fit (m4iU is itt ifocbantxri mn& trrrj no&rra se;f-tm,f m fiorladioc Urt ! twsmoOm E.m:K 'l ct. 10 Bk tl cm RrsfonbtoUre(. tt ! rtuu rin. le4 la tb cent r of ibrcitf ae4 ccc?- at tlrr qiur, wtih as n wbicb It .,ti tf TUUimoT. Llftt, Crmti &! Ortct nrmt TteCUf rriT i:wyf tow he door, or aim few nt? c? lu cvtrx. arctbaicaa Kmrrrlf b etUmfttrl. Tt rm re for lln b4 Reo4 noort Set ttj Tb!r4 aa4 Foorth rooti yM Hflh cd tiitb roox t a Bth aoernji aad rrlcr to raS it, dntt. cf U tmi&-M at rro3b; ciir rttra Vrj rpertfe:ir. 1. r. na?gyo?t. vttttn. SEABOARD AinTTrE" TO ALL. POrNT3 North. South and Soatbwt Schedule la ESTect Xectabf r Ula. VOL SOUTHBOUND. No. 4X. Lr Ralefch Ar8o. Pines 4.ittra Ar Harslet o.07am Ar Vllrninrfn-SAL- 12 terra Ar Monroe.S.A.L... CiUm i.Vt Ar Ctarlotte.S.A.L. T.Waia Ar Chester S.A.L... I. Clam rOrMnwood lfi.lSsra Ar Athens 1.1 Ipm Ar Atlanta X.ta N. it. 3 1 .JI -2 1 rr.a X ill 15-13 Alpaica, in the shades of blue, brown and gray is a popular material for traveling dresses. STYLISH EVENING GOWNS. Evening gowns of thin material are lavishly trimmed with -wreaths and vines ctf flowers made of quilled net or chiffon and mixed with lace applique. WHITE GLOVES (DISAPPEAR. White gloves are g"oinsr out of fash ion, and In their place -we have the deli cate tinted shades of tan, cream, pink and tea color In -suede. Dark tan suede Sloves are worn lor &hop3ng'. Manitoba needs feirts badly, .espe ciallly servants. Wages range from $16 to 20 a month for ordinary hxisewtrk Several hundred Scotch lassies were imported last spring, andi pne-half of vihem married before xall. The morocoto 13 a- fls4 -which is found in the Orinoco river, and is peculiar in that it has molar teeth, so that it is a"ble to thorougmy.cnew ;rts food be fore Kwallowing" it." 'Unttke "other ak wnien-ieea on ni -sris or tmngs, the HOW THEY WORK IN CUBA. Repairs In the Times of Ctrtrti Bulldln? Demonstrate iNorel Methods. Times of Cuba. Just at preieen't the building oocupieC by the Times of Cuba, has been under going a series of repairs. These repair: have been golne on for a week, and a-: rb'e preeen't rate they are apt to go oi for some months to coow. The rep3lrr are much neekied. Fbuit they are entirely under tQie contibl of ta Spanish land lord, who has bean In "fhe Island Ions he dacsn't know how old-he le. T'he workmen are Cubans, and thrc ore two gangs cf them, oae dlrecirei by a mas'ur ma?on and, the other hy 1: m'aisiter ciarper.'ter. Their me;lho., form an faterer4ing artd) unique study to one who has no in'teret Cn the welfare oL the Tim 33 of Cuba. "For example, Lhe master m'aHm. wr.i- ng aixuit 8 o ciock In tne miming-, ro 'owl bv 1hff fkr f-iir U';t!. hl?Lrki. They etlr up. mortar. and the black rr.-asiter lays thre- 'bricks and Hhen Ve off 'to brelakflJ Siris udti two nours. lie then returns Hnwklnc a Cigarettte, an'd lays -two mbre bric'Xj- rarani; is canea away co see a sick cousin. He may return again, or he may not. but hU total day's -work, with the 5assistajee otf H little negr aveuiagts the laying of fiie bricks. rne -canenter. ( 4h a white man. keeps apace -with 'tihe mason In tht amount of work he does. He drives e ii-Aii. lxiu reus a cigarette, and then strolls off to a -m-ignrlnK leav Slnk9 helPT3 roctin on Havinn'7 Ints fch ,r- .titi a 'hru"e a email for houVs 2?Vnir ls at any mxen oZ. t took a Mexican bt V: ro make en ordinary ead hlCh a Yankee Mrkl turn 0LD1ER BOYS, WE WELCOME YOU. The brave soldier boys who volunteered in the service of their country are expected n return home today, and we, in common with the good people of our beautiful City of Os extend them a most hearty welcome; and while thty are enjoying the hospitality and eni:r tainment of the citizens, e extend them an especial invitation to visit oui store and ini our well-selected stock of AWs Clothing, Underwear. Shirts. Collars and Cuffs. Neckwear. Gloves and all the accessories necessary that ro to make a complete toilet. After many months of camp life, it is apparent that your stock of wearables is v:ry much depleted, and in making your selection of Sprinn and Summer Clothinn would call your attention to the fact that our stock is replete with all the latest styles :nJ fabnes. worsteds, cheviots, serges, cassimercs. in sack suits, frock suits, dress suits, and h-!e ou are makmg a selection for yourselves, nothing is more corJs- uvc iu i..c ..,.pp.llt:i5 ot me nuie ones than a handsome suit of out in jVA uldnK couw xurr. Meiiran Jl Today HhfTe are no bu? marffnV,a!t "doe3 tMn' little I? ilihat dovs his m things WnsdS W WiU be flrst ia Chrisl'8 We have them in all the latest novelties. Vestie suits, all the nge'this reison. long, flowing collars; can be worn with or witho.jt the v;sts, making it a.b;autifu, comb;r, ..on st All the latest patterns in boys' and children's suits at prices heretofore unheard of. STRAW HATS. this city All styles. All prices. The m5t COmp,efe lins cver brousht " ONE-PRICE RWANQ CL0THIER5-