M ORNING WEATHER TO-DAY. for FaJeigh and vjcinityi Unsettled weather; nn. JL RALEIGH; N. C, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26."1899. Vol. HI. No. 126. A HE Jt'OS 11 11 11 eiin Hale's Men Drive Filipjnos From Trenches. Was a force of 4,000, making demon- stratmns daily. They " can easily be taken care of, as they cannot communi cate with the north. A list of casual ties of day before yesterday was cabled today. OTIS. SfAM THE RiyERUHDtR FIRE Heroic Feat Performed by t"olonel Fimston and Four Kansas Men. Calumplt Doubtless Occupied by Our Troops Before This Dispatch Is Read. M.urli. April 23. (Tuesday Evening.) Tiv-. movement against Calumpit began 111 ':U M' i itriact , aim inr . ... 'Uib! loss "co captured. 'biy the time this di?r.:tfh is read. M:io Arthur, at 9 o'clock this morning, 2.Ivano -i along -the, railroad from' Ma Whoa ton, commanding the Tw'nu th 'K a ns a s a nd Firs t Mon t an a, with throe guns of the Utah Artillery, f.:vl two troops of cavalry, his line ex ;(.;i.'.;.t; from the railroad to the west bink of the Ragbag- river, advanced at the same time, while Hale, with the First Nebraska, Fifty-first Iowa and Fiit South Dakota,, continued along th? cast bank, his left flank joining "Wheatnn's right across the river. At 11:30 treniehes were seen across the rail 10 a 1 track, parallel with the Amer ican fl int. An armored car was moved foi ward and the trenches were shelled from it for twenty-five minutes. The insurgents responded, and for a short time there was lively Shooting on the left of our line. When the armored car (.easel firing Hale's eomimand advanced nvr unprotected corn and rice fields, .all the time exposed to a galling fire ftmn the enemy in the trenches dug at the junction of Bagbag river and Rio Chk'O ilc La Pampagua. The volunteers finally reached the ibank of the river, whoi'' they fought the Filipinos, who were only thirty yards distant, for half ' an hour. ' - The In wans were deployed to the risht tr. flank '-the trencthes. and the Xo'bi-skans and South Dakotans swm the river, drove the enemy from their positions and pursued them half a mile before they were recalled. Before this Insurgent Tronch Charged and Captured. i Manila, April 25. General Hale, with the First Neforas&a, Fifty-first Iowa and Fiivt Soutlh' Dakota Infantry, marched along tfire- cast bank of Bag- bag river yesterday suppcu'ie'd by three guns of t'he Utlab battery on the west blank. The troops . enJccuntered numer ous small banldis - of insurgents in the vicinity of . Pullian, and had frequent skirmishes with 'them. In the af tar- noon t!hie AmsartTcans cantured a 350- SWORD GIVEN TO R POPULAR OFFICER Tribute of Company I Men to Lieutenant Christian, MFLAGS hung out Fl PROTECTION FLAG WITH A BIT OF HISTORY yard insur'g'e-hit ndh, 'the South Da- ' kcirja and Nebraska regiments charging Prcsdcnt Alderman Confers With Colonel Carr In Regard to the regulation of ih? rl. anf cS.Thxcf.n- sale? of print cloth. In r: fusing re- rer.lly an offer f ir l.ZOOm pieces o "rvguksr" cloths a.t u i;tUef bilow rhr prcaiiuirt quotation of 2?i cent v I yatxl. I various: y regarded In the cot ton fraod.i trad?. Thi iock of prim cl.::h has inivaJ r:tadi!y for th? I last Fix -weeks, there being few. if any. I'.i.T fixM .4,y lh T'T' Critical Situation Prevails A conservative estimate ttiy flxen fa? Meek 1n hanin of manufacturer at a million pieces. lie porta of a proposed similar com bination to that at Fall River among Southern mill men are in circulation in the locrai nrarket. Th fact) sorm to shew Irttle more than a dartre on the pert of manufacturers for su.h an organization. at Blueflclds. TORIES DISPLAYS IB utpsn it, vM'?.t!h;3 enemy's position wa nanKeaDy .low'ans. Our loss was six killed and eleven wounded. The loss of insurg'e'n.ts in, killed and -wounded was . 200. i The troops niaB oarniped the night be fore near a,, foirdliwg place 'three miles northeasit of Maloltos, and in ' the morn ing crossed the ford. Guards having been withdrawn from Maloloo-, hun dreds of natives have returned and are cairryinig off supplies of rice. The Chi nese are terror-? trcken and are fol lowing the Americans. PROSPERITY IN VIRGINIA. Carr Building at the University. ManuUcturers Doln0 Better Than In Miny Cattls Slander Suit Comes Up at Oxforrl Friday. Durham, April 25. Special. The re ception of Company I lasit nignt by the new Durham Ligiit Infantry and citi zens of Durham was a complete suc cess, and the occasion will long be tc- memibertl by 'the ; dhree or four thou Atlilude of Native Authorities To ward Americans and Britons Likely to Lead to Disturbances Cruiser Detroit Expected to Ar rive Friday. ew Orleans, April Z?. Pa . . n arrivinc toJay cn th Kiimcr Jarl. v h.rh left Wue!HM. Wcrlnc- ly. Trn sides -this, the project I gooi for a-.- koniiti.n. then- a xtrrrr.f'.y c-ritical diticr.al I nereis?. The comm!!.-timer" v ,Ih Prob.ifcllity of diturban: btt wi Years Urvlru. Richmond, April 23. The forrhoomlns annual repMK t the commissioner tf laL-ar of Virginia will, among other thins'!. s-Jhow that fhe yvirvl at Newport News his contract for more fhan $10,000,000 worth of work. Re- a privwir caihi-rir.r f rr-itltncTi. w-r n t In: r4-t i hvr may j or ofTitial Scn.f.cAnNf. 0p;ln gh!a m4lntain?l that b J.1 net mrn to re fieri n Germany or fir? Kir, - I rxrr-4 rt?r? ml th f;a4e ia" whkh hf h i J b-rn pfjcr S by r.-9-ta;fr which. R U imWioi. mM. uirrt-J hi mnnlnt. 11 -xj.rri thf t. pp-ar bfr th ierc-tary i f the Navy anl rr.akf a. f jtler cx;U- ration- It i- Jh- i.xpriwion tbit aj:a!n tVshlan will lo pitm cm? puni-b-r: nt. either a public rrpriman'l or In W"inc Kta.hrl frcn RiXsrh. tu: this chinre f ourtmarifaI h'v !xNn J.- p-.--l of. Prri.ifnl MrKlnley may -;ie what to d tf f .nrf K Mns to I'hlU- iIHjhia Friiay, when he si:i viit it cruir. Th German m!-i.ifjy riv-n the Jr preJen that th IncM'cnt has bta closcj dlp;matically. ANOTHER VOLUNTEER ARMY. Th Prvtldent DIroid to Ackaow!t3Q tht ncislty ofTaklao Action. Vhinston. April Z. OfTirial ili.rui :cn th I'h.l'ppin ritutti m indicated lhr.it. after all :p micht J? taken t:,warI tr?anixinr v lun;r re. LUMBER TRUST CHARTERED. Company Organized to Control Soft Lumber Business of the Coast. Norfolk, April 25.-The Atlantic Coast Lumber Company -was chartered here today with a minimum capital of $1,000,- 000 and maximum capital of $20,000,000. Lewis A. Hall, of Bay Mills. Michigan, ... ... i rcrcTi, i win b .'. snow a oomntion o: . . sand people wno were present assisting 1 . .Lr hm.l -,,,1 v;,.,,,.,.. -....w ff The Ire-5 nt U in the welcome. After the speeches JT" T V nnmZVl 1l ; h v I ,i ' - t-M ctin. ,ht h or , u. c. Dive, i-oi. j. . carr ' ntle Americans xverr com-lll f-. clo.e thf-lr " 1 Ail wu:at.ntr in i! and Mr. Victor S. Rxyant (the last- , Z TZ harn ,u; Am.riran tUc ten ! V u l ' UV;.ln ' r named spiUking in the'place of MaJ. ,l,n- c-hhs. i ercom n or ff,.,m li:ijn,t 4runkn NVariua. 'TU ulTIricnt vcun:f-r force to Y. A. Guthrie, who was unavoidably in tfmtmp!atlen than '-vive btn ln ,iU-A wh tf-,.arinjcv:-n-ean !,-,k r rKtilawat hj.w. N detained from atteniing thi5 meeting). Vlrg-.nla in many y.-nr. bnrjrht b-ulby theWUin tsch. a han:c--ome Mwora was presented to Lieut. T. Ii. Christian by members" of his company. The swoi'i was prevented by First Sergeant R. P. IIvckr?y, in a few well- CHEATHAA TURNS LOOSE Ls president. Edward B. Fret-man, of crJaicn WCrds, j-aying that it was a gift Norfolk, vice-president, and Charles S. Fearing, of New lork, treasurer. The company has already acquired 60,000,000 feet cf timber along the coast from Norfolk to Charleston. The headquar ters of the colic ssal concern -will be at Norfolk, but mills may also be built further South. The new combination will practically control the soft lumber trade of the coast. OPERATION H u i CHEAP IMS Victims at Various Places c Have Been Taken In. An Operator Claiming to Be From D&nville Imposed on a Bank. Other Successful Tricksters. Charlotte, N.-C., April 25. Special. v.as ac.compnshod. .however, Major uv-l:wu' 01111 '", mc oian- Tnuns. with the Utah ATtillerj-, d'asihed Bankers' Association, has received through a village that had been burned notice of several .swindlers operating in of lave and appreviaticn for his many acts cf kindn?ss and r"nougratfulnos during the twelve months fhat they wore the blue. L'.2u.t"nurj:. ChrK-tian. in accepting the swci'J, macTe a ort speech that uv'i with heurty applause. Alter the srH-cth-maklng was over the old soldiers, tngeth?r with their relatives and friends, were served lun cheon. The reception laaied until about 11 o'clock. One notable decoration of the recep tion room was a large American flag. which is said to be t;he tirst ?:ars ard stripes to float over the waters of Ha vana harbor after the war with Spain was dcclai-!. Tt was floated Tiim the United States ytt-amhip Iebanon. and is ne w owned by .A-isrant Paymaster It. II. Cowan, who was on the Lebanon up -to the time the vessel went out of commission a few weeks ago. Tho Lelan:on went to 'Havana a horl tim after the peace pr.torol was signed. The case of Rev. T. J. Gattls vs. Dr. J. C. Kilgo, Mea-rs. R. N. Duke, W. It. Cdell and others, whioh is t come up in Oxford next Friday, will probably NiQro Ex Statesman Attacks the Proposed Constitutional Amendment. Warhlnslrin. April order Cheatham hr?.s a yawp, .f a f-oi- unrn in length, in ih? admlnl'trative or gan this afternoon apraint the udoprHr. IV the reo le r f Nor til i'arclina of h. cc?tltutional amendment iirn'nins the elective franchise, and against legisla llun ln general pay-d by the last leg i.-daturcj He wou'.d Ciardly have u!terd such senlimvnts m the State Explosion Wit a Fatal Cesalta, PhiJa Jf-I;.h:i. April rS. T mn er kltlrd. four nrnii tr.-irtal'y hurt Jtn-l IRE : RIUIGH SAILS FROM GOTBEK ufpnriure on M.t. I.iy f American Con sul L-.rsby. of i;rtyi-vn. anl ItritUh Ccrul l ;.ir--r. I. r.by reuirned t Gievt.-wn : - !- : Ari rirati Minister -ypeoial. It.- Merry ar. ! th rrui-rr Ittr it. ... ... w ,n- Ir.bv ha I i.it-vi.-i-.y rnten-! a ro-,u,", "r" mrrir.K in t.t to General Torre thit American J A rxtrtd marufartry. Thf ..ouUl no: pay .lut . a Pt nm I lime: j ''arrry ar'J rvrn t,i' T ,,J-' V i a he left trfore Torr had re- w"'k.-,!. an! wa!:. :-iHnx' and cl I lie.!, the Nicari?uan understo.Kl h5-!in lh wn I"w r,f v r' on th -parture as r'.ixh: anJ abandonment J bI "k ven rMz-L Tl m ..-.ry f the prot. A. nhlch . rcouraped iht-mj31 wa munt . a: lei i:nn into aium:n? ihrtat. r '.r.R attitude. AUfT th ,x-'5 ';'n a firt f'UXri. b'X Torre dec'-.r-d ti :toii't ovrmilcvl. il KA Urxhi. and ail thai Ar'-'lun cood wuld Iw ! " eSzed unle? duties uere pai J. There-, I Wr 1 N I Ml She Is Billed for Two Phlla :. delphia Celebrations. Capttl"; CogHIan on tne Anxious Seat To Lose His Command at This Time Would Be aCrusnlnp, BloV. New York. April ::. With two ..re of her Jackies still asdiorv and no.wh. rc to Ih fcund. th i:nl:el Scan crui-.r llakigh. Captain C?hlan c-mmarrJing. uj.n the Americans displayed tla f t protection, bat were ubjected to many msult. Minister Merry and the Detroit arc exrvtf I Friday. UNDER BE in EXTRADITION WITH MEXICO. Some P.ovtsloas Coatalatd la the Treaty Mh'chttas iost 5o Into Effect. Greensboro Iron Industry Put In Operation. W.ishlns:in, Apt.i ZX Th? new ex- tr.idi:in treaty between the Unilet Srate an I Mexico. Which went Into ffrt SafurJiy Luc, H drawn t-ub- an.l protected the Ne'brakans and this- State and warns the public against ,to supreme Court on a question wcIhcJ anclw lhls aft,,rn',on i,n' F.uthDakotansas they swam. the river, them. ... - of law before it Is ever submit uM to a ,! rr rhlPhla. where he will take The artillery lost one killed and, three On calling himself W. T. Magee. of jurJ It Avin be a.Ifrutvi un demurrer lmrt in tne unvf,,,n 'f ln ISranl in makin- the dash. The J DanviHe -Va., sold goods to farmers in J pri1,jjay ailJ it is probablo that . the wiuin.le Utah ?un. coured fire into the rebel Person county and rock notes. He sold lines, materially aiding the infantry, the notes to a ank and ha"s bei'n when they get across the river, in driv- 'neard from eince- - in? nut the enemy In Vamance county one .R. C. Adams, Little resistance 'w-as met with on the Maiming to be from Charlo.. worked lot:, as a large force of rebels went to Lne fcd,rm- the surnort of their comrades acaiinst Hale's advance. When Wheaton reach- Moore, claiming to 'be from Virginia, ed the river he halted without crossing, rented .houses to settle, bought $100 as 'the bridge had been partly destroy- worth lurnituro ana tenaereU a ?13o check on a btauntcn, va., oanK in pay- case will be applied by the side rhar statue Thursday and the IXnvey Day cele-bratlrn Monday. rhila.Ldphlan At Laurinb-urg, John Burt and Samuel les the point, and a jury will hot b? I'P'e io n ive me uin-.Rn. needed until the Sum erne Court hands of I' ey' iua itn to return to dawn its decision. ' . Amera. the hlp nbut xhieh the Dr. E. A. Alderman, president of tire naval parade in Delaware will bv re- State University.' wa in Durham tr. day. He was here in consultation with Col. J. S. Carr in regard to the design fcr the new Carr buil ling to b3 crev'let on the University campus. Th con- ment. Tne check turned out to be trnr't vill ti lot ImmiHl In jm It is expected that the building will be KalelRhVi commiinder had had no won! National League Games. At Washington- It. II. E. . 8 11 2 . 9 10 4 McGuire; At-Brooklyn Tt. H. E. Brooklyn 6 9 1 Baltimore 0 6 4 Batteries Dunn and Smith; Kitson completeVI by next fall. Dr. Alderman will leave Chapel Hill the lacter part cf this week fur fTulone University. ed. Cobmt'l Funston. of the Twentieth Kansas, and four other men now npr- form,,! a heroic feat. They wam thehff8" They have disappeared. rivor undor fire of sharpsihooters and made a reconnoissance of the railroad ar.d trenches of the enemy. They found many Filipinos liccing and learned that Washington the main bfTy of insurgents bad re- New York t:v:,teri north-eastward after setting fire h Batteries Nineer and to falumpit. Part cf the American force PWpy and Grand H'va encamped at the junction of the Uuibag and Pampagua. M'acArthur is within one mile of Calumpit this even ms and the Americans -will shortly be in the 'town itself. Some insurgents are and Robinson iiil holding trenches around Calumpit. At Philadelphia ' - R. H. E. Our losses touaiy were 6 killed and 28 Philadelphia.. .. .... 10 13 1 Wl unded. The insurgents lost 76 killed Boston 8 14 6 ar.d wounded. Batteries Donohue . and Douglass; Lawton's communication with Xtgjcr Nichiols and Ye'ager. -Arthur was lost today and he ha'd to At &t. Louis (eleven innings) r.d back eight miles to transmit mes- ' R. H. E. night 4n; Bedford, Westchester county. os. Law-ton's progress has been re- St. Louis 3 9 1 Rooney Avas employed by -the Lorinj fJrdcd by.inaecur-ate maps' He is now Chicago 282 family, of Bedford. He had been on a kuween San Jose and Norzagay. : Batteries Powell and Creger; Grif- spree for two or three days and. was fith and Donohue. almost delirious when he returned to --" .i I I . At Louisville R. H. E. the Loring farmhouse lasf night. The otis Reports the Movement. I ..., 0 o stait four milM fmm -n O I A- v Vi&Vl U viewed. President McKiniey rxp.xt v in Philadelphia to witne the un veiling of the (Irani statue, and while in tewn he will go aboard the Raleigh to greet the officers and men. Defcre sailing for I"niladeJp:ila the frr.n Washington as to the course the Navy Department proioed "to follow relative to the captain's Pin-'ch Friday where he will deliver the commence night. Persistent and unpleasant m-ws- ment literary address next Tuesday. rapor rumors In. Washington to the ef- The miee-ting at Main Street Metho- foct ,hat the Nav' Apartment i- con- flir Church is still in nnOJ an sMering the expelier.cy of detacuing growing in intcTest frtm day to day. Mr. R. II. u right Is at home again! from a ttrip aetrass th? Pacific 'ocean. He has ben "absent several mixnalts. W0AAN USED A PISTOL. Drunken Farm Hand Shot and Killed by His Employer's Wile. Co?.'hlan from the Raleigh before the President goes aboard the cruiser gav the captain great anxk-ty. To U' re lieved cf his command before the Manila Ray anniversary celebration in Philadelphia would Ik? a crushing blow for the Raleigh's cap';ain. If he is so detached. It will be interesting to see how the southern coast program of n-- , A ' ., - x . cfption?. ending with a visit to Raleigh, New York, Aprd 2o.-John L. be carrle;, wt. sz years oi ape, uui iino Miii1 last CHARGES AGAINST IKGHAAl. Louisville .. .. 2 8 vvashington, April 25. The following pittsbur;? 1 10 0 patc'h . from General Otis was re- Batteries Dowling end Powers; Tan we,l tod'ay: - nehill and Eowerajan. Manila. At)ril 25. '99. I Cinclnnati-CTevetancl, wet grounds, Adjutant General, Wasihington, D. C: , Halo's brigade, MaaArthur's division, Maryland Meets Defeat In Virginia, " 'Vt'd down the right toanlk Quinqua -'At, OharlottiesvUl yesterday to the vicinity of Cal- Virginia. ...... ......10 10 5 un"pu; now Station. I Mrs. Bedford and her children were alone an the house at the time. Rooney began to stone the dwelling, and in the darkness, Mrs. Loring, it Is said, did not recognize him. Believing that he was a stranger, and fearing that hd R H e. meant to harm ttier and her children, it brIbo a evern,:rient ocil. 10 To sib allegei Mrs. Loring secured her re- tcA3ay Xhxt rne joined toy WJieaton's bri- I Maryland. .... . . . . volver and ehot Rooney as he stood in I the yard. The bullet pierced his left - ie on the left bank. Hale encounter- , Batteries: Virginia Pinkerton and ("J fierce opposition, diriving the enemy J Nalle; Manylarid Brooks. and Alexan . " ."-'avy loss, tatong his intrencn- der. .:nts in fl'ank. Hale's caisualties were b billed, 12 wounded.' The division has Cook Wins In the Primaries. now invested Calutopit, whidh will.be Fayetteyille, N. C., April 25. Special. tak('n t'd'ay. Lawton,,with part of his lAtthe Demoieratic primaries held here t'OUimu r( ra:iAi "N- uln I ..ntntvl'air fnl nrnl W S ; fVii.-tr --var I rtrl Tlnffl DOOl Dcfuc.c r r..m. , ii-jviic-u H'U'i jaea.v vxiib e vcu- I vwioi " - w.v, i r- - . v.ui iritt ti - , .1 r . ' . I . r .. Former District Attorney Seriously tmpll cated With Counterfeltcs. PhiladelpCita, April 23. Chief Wilkie, of th? "Secret Ser-!ce Bureau, an nounced positively to.Va- that all war rants had been served In the counter- felling case. The arrest of former Dls- trict Attorney Ingham develoiw the fact that he anvi his former assistant. New- it t, are also -charged with conspiracy to 1 1 wa -at ions of the counterfeiters had been srarte. while Ingham and Newitt were In the lung, and is supposed to have penetra- government service, that they became l his heart. He was foun.i -onnecicu wnn tne scneme ami counieu , .wv VU a barbed wire, fence. .BIG OFFER DECLINED. where he will betJoined toy the ceri- Incumfbent oif , the office, received a ra a Very Heavy Order. cn retention in office to b'alk prosecu tion. Many Spectators See tht Flames Started Henry Phlpps Elected Chief cf Fire Department. -lantlai'y : the Iin .f the I engine e I s:- I an I lro i:nv .'unaf ihLt tr.-aty. wah one lmjrrant rtcptl"ti; I m .rninr. nwi:- t irnn.) iJ.rx t'm- nt tht i- the iirasru;h rrlatJns tu f.n- t witr..-. th lir.rc cf ..prs:i i:. extra-f. rrit'r;al Juritdi. :ion. On that it r.-nu-'rt a-ut -ttx hour : jH-.in: -rn treaty pre-ril th-.it ucti make a dra-; If r; i t.lrx b?;tr, th- Jurl! :ln ;.ill n b: -x tvl-d ty tithr parly f-xr.pt v r ih.-ir nan mn- ftr pn-Iuct ? ir ji t.'ill "twt-fciti "frm th furo4m. ; -m rr"""or:rrrji-rn. A ul in the oth'V country, anl In a- 'l-trs f-rcf ..f hir.i i cajpl-r-ycl, rjh f ii iu r: erf cite-; and urr f f4lc na- tUn.bl v il. T.t are c nrniJy rt- 5T.i:l.-1 a vry r p -r cxcejulcin. Taut th. Mex.:m if 'vernmT.t ro.fl n o,u-sti.n ant pr-r.ol nt on tlm-? to Involve the two runtr: In ver" -n- iu cntang'.-:ri-nts. th. in beins the iirtcmpt f th Mx-in cavern - m r.t :r jjnisa t3e Amricin. attlnr. fiT criticisms ruM.hfi In hl, rjper in Tcxa. PERISHED FOR PELF. Woman Died While Trying to Save Her Money from a Burning House. Rellefonre. Pa.. April' 23. Mr. WII- lia I at the furnace an J In the mJr.- t Orts i::i. At a mc tine of th city fire tS'part m nt I.i: ncht Mr. J. Hmry l'h;; a clertfil hif the d.t.arJm"nt fr,r rhf njulnff year. Ha L an rn:h-jwr.a?J3 "vun and w id make an tfJirSrat chhf. NEGROES LYNCH NEGRO. Victim Shot Down la Jail While Ftshttec for His Ut. J. plin. Mo.. April 2'i. CTrrarlr Wil U.:t. a n-rrro murdf-T-r, i lynctwxl ty n r.-ro m b at c;al-rra, KnM, i-arl tti mom'.nsr. Will Jam h 1 Kransle.1 ti". rr.:trcf she nisht tsr- "jick . j th o -r- to death laM nig-.v: uh'.I? a lirse mmd ' . .u - .rl ivii',. r. of rr.en sood V-.rlo to re-.-ue h r'j A m o, neST tnX fr-n hr tmin h .me. Ta lht. cJy Jal, r? irf ,h wyil xva alcr.7. urrl ."lirtf 1 mvc a mucri , tfc. f of h?r rri;cy a pcidle. Sh? h.i ,.-.,- . uillrr ai:c-nnrNl l.i carried out cvcryshins cf va'.u? except ,H. h:, .... h. ,h frtl . T 9 W 9 W WWW'- WWW- - - WW-- WW WWW - WWW'' wwr w W w fo? anl hi own r.ic -msu. q-j SoaNbunr. In t'ais c :an!y. w bom-1 !aVVns,. Ih. criaw. Am a a track. 1n H'.Vch there w; onider ab!e mnrcy. Fhe xprccJ h;r d ter mination to save the tre.i5ur. anl in- siet1 on rushlrtx into the houe. Fhe him t'i i rr. out and b? hint-i. whereupen taey h -t him t d.-ath, N arrests have ixxn made or ara was caught ar.J draped back twic-.ilhal h. n.r a,b ,.,,,1 the nero but the third time sh trek? away and ' mutt.r in A .cu!- tfcat Dol j. uiu i iw uu;I1K uviu.uk. tiict the d.ath iT.aI:y. moment Ftcc nhe wa w at th up- DEATH FROU YELLOW FEVER. pr winJ yw with h"r clothe an l hair ante, trying to ras th? trunk to th 411 to pUtCi it nr.. After r:veral va'njonly Oas Case la a Moath Deporttd at rffortif she str.k back. I Ice tCrarred re mains were rvover;-d. COGHLAN'S DEFENSE. Havaaa. Havana, April ZZ. The flrnt death from yelbw fever for a month ocxrum-i today, the victim beinff a PpanUh to-migrant- The general health of th city l excf lKr.'t. Tnet nal dath In April will bs under GOO. anl :h chief sanitary officer exrw?t to keep yell-om-jatk ua der cer.trtd all 'ammr. The ork of His Statement Sottena the Hearts of the President and Cabinet. Warhirirtcn. April 25. The Prvluent and cabinet to Jay di.rtM-d the recent rVh-.arks of Capta!n Cohlan ab"ut th? Sanitation i progrt ;r.g unrfcnlttjntr Germans at ManiU. S?cretary Inr ly anl sanitarj law are bdnr rilrfUr j brought to the mf-etimr a letter f men enforced. An order w ill b rromulgatoJ Captain Cojjhlan In answer to the query ' against expectora'.In ia public pJact. r coiumn from B'Ocave .Extreme heat, majority of 123 votes for mayor over New York. April 23. Locaj brokers C 'ams. hi&h. streams and bad roads made his competitor, Major Benj. R. Huske. ared'cotton goods dealers were inclined-' a murch very difficult.- Lawton has There, was more inan orainary interest today io roox upon the situation In 'and will prdbcbly purchase anoth?r met opposition since leaving Noya- in- the contest. .Mis primary vote or print claOas at Fall River as somewhai! ton '.tomorrow, which will give "-nes, t'ne enemly retre'a,ting.in;tis front course assures tne. -electron oi Lionel eritPcaJ. Tne inactivity of the Itrxrth control of the tobacco bulne outh o and near .Manila. The eoyl'Cwk next week. miittee of mill men Tobacco Trust Buys Factories. New Orleans. Apr.l 25. The Ameri can Tobacco Company purchased the cut-tcfiuco factry of Frank ana Charles Hemheim, this dty. It had lrvady purcnasc'v! the Irby factor'. fac- the ss who, under- th here. ', - ,"- whether he hail been crrtx tly quoted. At a mcf tir.g cf Cuftan jrenrrala today Coghlan's statement wit regarded -a 'it wa dt-cidt"! to remove 1 name an able defence and unqu?j.tl wably ' from the I'i5Ja of the Cuban army, aaj io ftned much cf official crttici.m. The.i.oo-J mare may be rf:nad IiKr. matter was left in Presrient McKin ley'n hamb. wCia s-jid he warned a day or two to think It over. x Captain Cawtles Ordered to Saa Fraaclsco. i Wafh'.n-ton. April 2S. Captain t!a.l- Car-tain Chlan said in hi letter' vin D. O Ten:y-th'.nl Infantrr. that he did not make a sp-ch at d'.n-J n-cf:xly mu:-rt J out m lieutenant ner. but made ncme remark. in anVer coUnI. Flrt North Cjrrdinx Vclun to questions. Furthermore, he said the te?n. has bwa orJertd tu Saa Fraa- cbjtfc:inable aUtcments were made at cico irr Uur m 'A 9 ! N ( .- a" St..Sl-"ww-w. -V" -V v A . . ,fc . . - - r

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