. . . .... v. VV V V v v , - s. V'V'V x. V V V v, V V V V-V VVVV V x'v V V V V vV-V V?- VW - r V " ' r V .l- ' " V - V, V v V v'v - ! t ) ! n r -1 i, THE AORNING' POST. MAY,4, 1899 - . . - - 1 MMWMMM" mi w .. . 1 - ' " """ ' I I I CUBS Clerks Smoke Cigarettes While.Waitlng on You. pied by the petty Merchants and the KF I ( Hi HF ling 'beehim. that 'is never empty, an 1 the money changing frand& r the course of twenty-four hours is no considerable sum. One can pass through 'the en trance and emerge again fully clothe!, fed land satisfied. "There are stalls of fering for sale fish, 'boots, cane-bott ru ed chairs, walking sticks, medicine and lottery tickets. Cheek by jowl -will te Trolineer had troierty there, others that the people in Graham hated the railroad end gave the company several hundred acre sl land at Burltnglon. a A I Arl AMf I tew miles awy, that the hoi might t i If II Vi bujlt there and not at Graham. 33y Sallie W. Stockard. North Carolina la as rich'tn noble deeds of daring men. as Ecotland. The knowledge of what Scotchmen endured and availed was an Incentive to the Scotch. It also gave them self -con fl lenoe. I1 !t"o fear In seamiiur failure. Probably one of the most peculiar nd a long look ahead, customs noticeable in the Cuban mar- The fact that the sturdy Scots are kets is the extremely small purchase given a place in the shining temple of made by the native.. Small gourd caps fame Is due largely .to Percy's 'Iteltquei, nv. ot Q'hnnmnff-in the middle holding scarcely more t ha n a taola- Burns, and Sir Walter Stotf -works. , spoonful are used in measuring ric flour, "beans and peas. Grocery Stores LaCKing licmpi fount a jewelry booth carrying a val- - ' , J-- nMiiiM nmr uable stock and .one displaying ten .01 anAmerican uiuvci ; ""J bananas at three cents the lot. 100 Shirts Curio Swojr&at aiBar-gain. SOUTHERN BAPTIST ANT AUXIL IARY COKVHNTIONS. LOUIS V1I.LK. KT.. MAT 1S53. On r count of above occatlon the Sea board Air LJne will mII round trip tlck- et to Ixmiftvllie. Ky., at rate 01 on 6ucU in the world. We hate a change I nm-lats fare for round trip. Ticket fro-m the beaten paths of our post: to bo aoM May 8 to 12. with final limit r.fteen cay rrocn Cate or mxit. live. (To te continued.) ODD PENSION OFFICE LETTERS. Alllh AV Picturesque Account cf Woea en Which , AppilcoOnt Are BasoO. 'Washlns'tcn, 3Ioy 3. MW pnta5ly file more qxreer retttra Jn our defmrt mentt." Kahl u. Pvnlcn O.'f.cv clerk, "than are received In any other branch r 1 1 II VMM I II I r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1UUUIII 1 THE BTANDAIID RAILWAY OJr Till: BOUTIL tof the day in Cuba js to expose one self to 'be considered either a lunatic or a stranger terms synonymous to it-he cynical Cuban. Iuring the latei hours of the afternoon or in the even- t,- 4 hp flliortexl times, and it Jli "c. x. w-' " centres Vix Pos.cffk. Same of thm mv- nircrt TlnO frt ill Pnfnfo Thev merited this Weh honor, their ' re InJtselv em-itntr. roo. I have con- iUW UiUU nxx 1 VUiUi Cabbages are deeds were seeds that would have died dutM fhat lir.-a.fi nnHCon l bounl is cut into wedges the size of a cigar, hn tne emibryo but Tor these men who! crown by Illiteracy, either, becau tm turnips into eighths, squashes Into nreserved them to sotv broadtat for- minute chunks and onions Ip. halves, ever over the English speaking world. Potatoes are sold by jiunVber. It is no comprehensive history of North uncommon thing, to ee a . woman bay Carolina would be invaluable. The his cc uve mrt ignoranuy wrm-n d:pray imtntlve gentu and cT-r th wnVCie ranee of fact, fiction r.d an ATtt- nfaw-llke rttrpenrJty for lylnsr. Men a piece of meat weighing a ooupie of torian holds the 6ame relation to the --rTLe to nave their penman lncrcaMd. then women, stroll .forth to scan the ounces, then pass through the markcl mind of man as the farmer does to hla I Neighbors wt.ie o hip alorr? ihe c-iui iters and criticise the latest styles pirfchasing a tablespoonful of veset bod v. umintPK . a n n CTILICISC mc laa.v oij n.u i c j . cou . j 0 i,- bles here and a piece of garlic there anj But he is a man of the most liberal in lace mantillas, mere are no large finally, ra.flter.. an bour df gossip, culture, large grasp of idea, leisure, no department stores as Jni Am erica, no jdepart mrith food' worth" Ave or six cares for daily bread, unprejudiced, (bewildering vistas 'of articles dear to cents. magnanimous. Such an one the ravens feminine hearts, no .miles of aisles, no Tcmporary nestaurants !n Every Corner. UffW' anU manna w 6'nt mm History is a narrative not having be- Unwrltten history la multitude of floors, no swift-moving el evators; in fact, there are only three tem,porary restaurants found in everv ginning or end. Un shops in the whole of Cuba containing wi and corner They do no occupy a labyrinth, a Ju-m-ble y-rwrr, lovrvtPfl to the sale: I out the silver thread of a man Keelclr.x a tension. ives write to tell the Commissioner why they ouxht to get pmrtons. Family trou bles are airtvl for the -benefci of rh offlae. Sccn?tlm'. thr hctcrs nn n- "odd itlhat I have waived r.M tape lemx t-nouR-h to make cct cf Kme of them. TrvM hv the nilthern and Ufl Is one from a mm "J Zl : 1 TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA and PORTO RICO more than one room devoted to the sale; gtalls, but are conducted wherever a or exposition. askinsr for a twision, after all these You flre aSSlirCU a balC tOm of incidents with-1 win: . . . . r t of argumentation -The way I rot my rar lnrery lOnaDie flDQ CXpeUlUOUS JOUITICJ It I like the beads of a e-ketchlng t a hog. The he; wr a WATSON'S PICTURE AND APT STORE, 212 FayettsviiJs Street, v Carries in slock a baU:.f-j framed and unframrd Pictu:: Picture Frames in itock i- to order. Window Shades in stoct 2- , to order. - Orders have prompt atur. DURXIAlt AND CHAKLOTTE H Tim Tatle. in nm:cT ixAT u. IUL NORTHBOUND. L.T Tarkenrood Jcnc'n (Hi:! ,., T.w fifnam T L.v luLnam i Lr Glenoon t,r Unwood .... of goods. bit of space can be secured. A the rory. unconnected, disjointed, broken.', ho and our farcin wanted Ci-r BlrlClI J t ilia r xuipmeii oa fri03 A recent arrival in Havana, the wife . pnlliivmfints consist of a small Written history is fossilized life, a lat- riwfonaire. V waj can '."he and allThrqngnana ixxai iriiai. i annua cihar.eoal brazier, frying pan of a Major of volunteers, sauiea out on her second day to look for the shop ping district. She called a carriage, but was unable to explain her needs to the native "driver, and, after driving bootle&sly through the streets for sev eral hours, returned to the hotel. "There is not a shop in therplace," she declared, half i'n tears. "It is dread ful." "There must be stores of some kind," replied her Ansfband. "People surely , buy things." ' ,i,."Bnt I looked everywhere. I saw lots w wet u litp litl. plate for the beans. The fried plan (?heap places we have at home, where tain are served in rusks and are eaten they sell calico for five cents a yard, much as banana ithe husk being peel-wn-r!' kniitti-ne- va.rn and and thread, ed off 'by degrees. - A-breakfast of this Where are the large stores?" The Major concealed a smile. and a enc energy siorru Mmism ir n-w I iivnr Trr;rwrtis. "wise and haro wicker basket, not much room Is re-1 ,ht wno haVe a noble In quired.. The. proprietor Ls generally an tory and read it. To write a history of Xorth Carolina would do worn ror a meiime, io wnie ancient negro woman, one of the tooth less, mumibling kind sometimes found m tne feoutn. ine menu is noi exien- more within the range of one with llra- sive, rarely exceeding three articles hted facilities and leasure fried plantains, tortillas orcorn pan she crawkrl thi v a hv.il fenve 7t war a big rnxil nnd In a ral Palace Sleeping Cart ca all Ight Train. vr Gulf 1 I rhx I L'neaualca dining car erTlre oa alii" " wcire ainru"t the si cf t'h"? hg nn i trie.1 through train. Fast and Safe Schcdclc. EOUTHDOUND. itr cra.wi thrw. I siii'k and tryln to Annir to ticket accnts for time-labi -a.cfi mi am te ana general iniormauoa. or ad. iiriVU:, la d n-rlcl m r,11 J'r j w wlcCe out I :shroie ch? ra one ti"t me cn my "hod an SI 14 a n a a i: x 3 ... a it a a r. it historical vskotcTves of one'a county Is jrenfeleKS. I do not Chink The iwtw had noirhing to do wTuh my Vne for duty fer, 1 cakes, and frijoles. a black bean. Tbere are no dishes, no cutlery, no napkins. The 'beans and cakes are sold together and the cake'acts as a I did net ketdh the t-?g. W'Uti !he never war caught." A nelghibor tried r do a pwion seeker a good turn In The following ef- fuston There are Jeanie Teans and Dukes of Argyle among us as true and good aa in Scotland. Shall we not preserve fhelr memory for our bard to be? Alamance was never a barren waste. Four hundred yeara ago the red revelled here in luxurious nature Viil mnre deer than could be pn on "Stinkine Quarter" Creek, Not .'hinW fcnv dmnv b-.it I no he ntv no! only did he stfewed in living like a lord ; ropery becos he would tJt If 1? hid! but "writ his name in waier. oo tne . TTWar im-idtts him tCran he now nave it u vkmos, thad c. stuboij, t; ffi uSch v:::::;:.;;. l T. P. C. T. A-, Lv unwood . I Charlotte, N. 0. Ilalelgh, N. O. I-vniendon ...!'." y 7. hU XnOUULE TO A.NahtU UHuiaim m t I T. V. Railway and at FnaK S. Gannon. J. M. CrLr, vaste. "i rlly !eli that Crvlile Jam- Third V.-P. & Gen. Man. Traf. Jlrr. Juration fltaiHaoa) with ih cr, manjon.ig fatlged from amin his l-avln yj A. Tear G P A- :asl. Wei tern lUtlroad. Jibevos he la too fatt ways 205 ivmnd; Wuhlncton D D I ITIA.VK D. JOXW e eat and have a famtly to fead the naVcs j ' I Strlstfte t kind consisting of 'two portions of :..pr, flTui ,the sDrings ripple and flnff rtj wh -h vr w.LV-kk vftlcms hat- cakes and beans and three plantains tn 4h music of the names he frave U. Tvf-r I nohp hav twill faot "We will go forth and explore, my is sold for three cents. There are fried trhoA lAltaTnahaw. Ossinee. Saxapahaw dd r," he replied. "Seems to me.I saw fish stands and places where jerked an1 Alamance. la Parge shop down near the Prado." wieat is the ..chief . dish,, .but they are But besides the Indian and far above Clerks Smoke Cigarettes. reserved for 'those who earn a. day's him m m5&ht thPre have Mwd amon H . .. wages or who have money left them. us .preat men in the high noon of use He Ted her to a corner building, There is a tradition in the Santiago fuineg. Their sun has set and the wihach had doors and iron-barred win- market that a-man from. Jajroioa once &DOj jeeds they've done come out and flows and an awning over the sidewalk. Dltrt?ndaVay heolde fl 11 ke. IThey passed in. and discovered a long frequenters tell it in 1771 Chatham and Ird North lroomv containing a counter running selllaa of Medcied ArtlHe Tnk,raller to the wall and severe dingy I . hettpr of Junius were attracting gen I ' A " -rr-r ,.Vv - i i J,, W . . i I .. . H-eaped about were cottons and! -.7 - eral attention and all aorta of-political j. uiw smxig- u yieugeu anieies contentions were nunea -againsu iviuk to the American soldiers and visitors George's government. Far away Acro from the North Shortlv after Th the Atlantic the farmers of Orange -the. or.tn- .W after he county North Carolina, were making surrender some one started the rumoT resistance to col. Edmund Fanning, that the pawnshops of Eantiago were ur Register of Deeds at HUlsboro, who filled with valuable plate and jewels was contributinf to the egression f pledged by' the inhabitants during the A25inn 'XTanVIs, fire,! -by Hh Kame siiege. This may have been true to a Unimntirvn ; Tatrirk Umity-ut not cases silks and wearing apparel of various kinds: Back of the -counter were seat ed; half a dozen young clerks, each with a cigarette in some stage of irom; jbustion in his mouth. There were no placards extrolling the merits of the goods, no glistening metal of glass. Near one of the doors there were sev-r anid vSttela In "him an no dropsy." "A New Kngland farmer, who seems perfectly Certain In h'. uwn mini that a pension will be forthcoming )ut be cause he asks for It. write -to the Q-m. tril-tsloner 1n a Hplrit of vlndlciivenf ag'alnt "hi w?fe, which wms a llttl excusable after you read hf lt: .. .j blood pison by binse hit with were "thundering In Farliament' heltnd my pen.en I want the Ii maiM , mv wlf carit eet none oft It ?.ie throild th eg." "A Pennsylvania pensioner waives h'.s demand for an Increase of pension on confCdrtntn .of being otherwise pm- vld for, and writes direct to the Sec retary of th? IrJV ri r to chis effect: Ncw, 1 w-ant -ou or the eomwiir of pensens ro &1 m a p!aH ?n -mir offltis "then i wont ak fr no monr raze in penscn Jus now. I can chirk o. 1. 'V. - - V V. U 4. I ,.t til. eral-was a -pile of shoe resting hap-"n DUl quantity or ai- with ilk- courage, preva : bther clurks and mUk them stan roun - .Ueged family heirlooms- carried fr-jn. neighhors to make oppos.tion He lly- . ,J?wlU entitrV r-n Venpe ea at wnat is now ca.uM , n-hem from Jooflnge whperln In ffe in Alamance rountv. The farmers he j ours n fak akt a janeter r ruppcr- orsan.zeu were me laniou User teeeirrge all thing goan rite." itirs. i nf i" iirij "i' i f.lln' vT-.f n!SrI t -jCuba during the; past six months wouid stand for three periods of Spanish his tory. Last June there was two pawn shops in Santiago. Today there are : hazard upon an empty, undraped wood en packing case. In the centre of the room stood a : rack .bearing an assort ment of grudy. shawls. The windows w, , . , ' at least six, and they are springing up There was absolutely no pretence or- , ,, , T , de'cora.tion or wimJiow diressing. It was eimply a room with shelves, a coun ter and several cases. The- clerks glanced ,up listlessly and rully equipped, all over the city. It is quite the thing for the tourist to ask after their' location on reaching shore, and his puree must be small if ... A. - - . I an trouDie graving ou 01 q, large pension, writes dialled taN- .lyJtlne unrvful dmiiml ofFannang.. R husband' eufferlngs and On May 18. 17 7 -ITSSi Tur 5 Lh Amor., o'ther things nhe W about two thousand Rega.ora on our . .. hun tTlbel bloate-i. ternton,' at Alamance Uattle Ground. , . w'J.rut t " IT-- .Wtobo over and 'tratn up " f V::a" 'rXrTihelpkiic hli. To ham. beans, pork. presently Vne apprc.ac.ned, still puffing he cannot carry awav one " or mor i V'n-. ,7,V; no mashe1 potato, eggs, vl. calOag-. A. 1- ' i J.i. v. A. A r I . . ."'lUU Ul lHt MBWlfc' . lun, little bald man with carefully waxed ?AiiYJ T metet ' Tie pafnfututSi tLS'lixSonM' waa ?he nuatlam was the kind c.illllunago m.UStasche left an inclosed wicker cage ia that these articles ar? pouring Into beginning he Rp v'olu t na ry Var was in one corner and came forward rub- the coast cities-from the interior and f wa" fight aMlnt the causing caue 1 p- P--" huairJ cm r!lSaKdS- f t fTOm adjace-nt lsland3 in an increasing J? wf?Vc?AmeVlcSSi uSfaSn. VJ-1 1TfTrtfU h "The -Cuban merchant, I suppose," stream. . AHmnn should hi.vf thrr-ountv i" neeKe tell he died." (suggested the . Major. A volunteer signal officer lately re- nrfj, f of Mekleburc Alamance was "A man T5a'are did think There was an effort .at conversation, turned from Santiago took great pride ?Je fl?t to S Tt the SlcWes of't the dorters cer-.lncate he nt the volunteers wife discovered a quan- in exhi'biting to hi? envious friends a oppreSon and ought to L e no on!y!u,J taw ufflolent Innuej. w tity of really fine linen at marvellously curiously worked swords he had se- aTnTuonal reWftion a LSlnrton. rPlfmen':ed U by Ktatlng that: '1 fut cheap prices, and finally a purchase was cured at a. Trir from a. n ?..V1W?a' Ji? w vf u 1 irct to be a total wnfc from liver and Victor, Orient and Clipper Don't Buy Before Inspecting Them. FAIRY KING, built by Luthy & Co. The Best S3.00 Wheel in Raleigh MILWAUKEE FAA0US. the great 52J.O0 seller. We also carry 3 full line of SUNDRIES at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Catalogues Free. I RBV -& YOUNG, Phone 248. 12 E. AUrtin Street, Raleigh, N. C A REVOLUTION IN ? o mint enmicn there. He it mi its hlsrnrv nrA Virnrar It I i i : T-i. ... awa. mitrtt 'T riimA T,,, I. . . " " " IU VCirurdlC ll. X-rv. C IV. - 7;" : "1 very naa neen worn py an ancient grandee statesmen and patriots out of the 7yT viixiu uuy; vjr rrom pain, until one: day an inquisitive brighteyed little fellows eyery where auaauiauce iounu a. nuiie ime on xne about fus when they, are Ignorant 01 lower part of- the hilt which read: itlhe prToe of thHr (frecmi? "Made in Germany, 1837." do they carry their own bundles? Each Customer His Own Delivery Wagon. The question was answered by the ac tion of a Cuban woman nearby, who had bought a number of articles. . (These were wrapped up by one of the clerks and given to 'barefooted negro QUESTIONS ASKED. It Js interesting to know the names of some of the people who lived here then. - .. . .. By tradition we know -who made op position to tyranny.- In some cases the On Raleigh, N. C. May 2. 1899 Mr. EdiitfoT Will you allow one of old spelling shows the nationality Voux subscribers to ask a few n u AHrm the west side of Haw "River, or Saxa- girl who. had entered with the custo- t'hrough ycxur valuable paper? The rea. pahaw River, which runs lengthwise mer and the country stood revealed. i?on 1 valnalble ls, that I have been of the county from north to south, the "Each purchaser- brings his own de- ;Jakin fit ever fe'ee it started. Houltz, the Strpjlngers, the StOkards. i j ii r lat- Who got the Republi'can candi- the Trowsdales, -the Freelands, Jthe Al- Jlvery wagon, remarked the Major, as daites to run in the secomd division of bright?, the Shavers or Shepherds, the ne thrust the package or linen under ,'the Po-u-rth Ward against the protest of hs arm. 'Not a bad 'idea where ve- the leading Republicans of ithe city of hides are dear and servants plentiful." Rl,eig-51 , M ... "i" ijxti nudutu , iuu's? i miepenaenit andidafce' in 'tlhe spirvntrl n.Wrfc-i 50,000 inhabitants, there are not three Third ward tt. run aiga:inst the protest fchops worthy "of the -name. The lar- of the leading R;epulbliicans of itfhe di gest store is located on Calle Enrama- ,Li,!?n7'n ear- defeat Mir. Charles dis. back of the palace, in the parlor of th& i"nl an ordinary dwelling house. All man- 3d. "Who fumSsthed money and also ner of goods are.on,sa.le. however, and MiHniskey In the Fourth wfaoni ftk run it is possible to purchase, anything the Repuiblitoan OaimpaJ gn found in the general country stores in 4th. Who. instructed the overseers and the United States, Tut . not in any quan- street hands to go to the polls ad titv- vo,t& and work' against Mr Charles F A Captain of the Fifth Immunes, a Cooke in ithe Third ward'' They said young 'Southerner -with the reputation t'h'ey were ttnsltru-dted to do so- and they of looking after his company's Inter- did it in great shape for a while est regardless of personal cost applied 5th. "WOUo employ? the overseers anid at the largest store in Santiago for light hands on the jjreetts? Mr. Blake the linen shirts. ' Street cO'mtmUsisiiMier. Wilms?!? tvtttv tt We liave them, senor," replied ' ahte SHOULD BE, tdtj-as not d!o i t. tJS o - " G'Jh- ,is 01 't-hait.soime negroes in ..5ny? - Raleigh geit a dollar per day for -work- Oh, yes; plenty." . mg on ithe streets. ,rtr ,v 'Well, let me see," mused the military please, and the stwa&t comimi-sionen- , v. .Yo . v wnis a ncue ngunng-. rann. say qtntr D-e'cavr?? :ihey have hlsh ui to xne i? irtn volunteer camp eir instruction!?!, and a number of w -,J v-dpL. cmnK auOllT rvn TiiihiIto mn nnlv oicif ern' Whltesides, how Wrhltsette?, the Grimes, now Grahams hre. but not change In other parte, and the Homa- days. The people on the east side of the river were Binghams, .Mebanes, Whites, Glasses, Dixons, Dishongs, Griffis' Scotts. "Hornaday" has a hit of history showing how some of these names were given. A ship crossing the ocean was detained and the supply of drinking water -became low. The little fellow who allowed the drinks, gave each a horn a day. So while he gave the peo ple drinks, they ave him a name that stuck. Hornna-day, Stroll ngen? or Trol ingers were ttfose who strolled around from place tg place. The Albrights were noblemen from Albrightsberg the name of their castle in Germany. The word Houltz is very probably low Deutch. In 1828 the first meeting in North Carolina for the construction of a rail road was held in Alamance, at the home of William Albright, near Cane Creek. Dr. Joseph Caldwell. Just re turned from Europe came to th:s meet- thWo ng full or railroad plans inmi His idea was to build a road be drawn by mules. It ls pathetfc tt) l t . 1 ma-nv fiairts, aanantied sizes, and have thm ente tx dav tn wwrir rrf,ft v,. J; Ifrora Morehead through the center of there by"- I or in hiis rear, and for toe leak ne-Ieot ' the State to tne ""taing. the cars to lho -X' . "UY interrupted or raty w other cause ithey will find, ,Ar. ' xf aave not that on tneir enve:ope Saturday evendtaw many, we have nofr one dozen. One "Lay off. . evening, flTin th. n r T hnt twenty- 7.th. Why te it that th pay of W Sndrecl rH,0-?? the overseers fe more ,4e weeks - -..v. -'"'i vYTri t: vruerea J. VIIL. I 411 rui ji - - . . i xr " ZZ. - r lTn '"Tr110111-, the Democrats opposed. The Legisla . Mr. Edifor, you can hear tflhw f.nW :" ii v. zC t..,n . . . turf? jl ioio, uvnevrr. uiruiiM tl uiuiu . u T r rm nma . 1.1 . ' " t . 1 . . The enure absence of what we M Tf ;J:rL"ua..wJLf,lcres: ant.a road from Goldsboro to Charlotte. kidneys then I was totully -wreckevl by crmsum-ptSm wirti came on m Now I amtotully wsreckl by army trubblt-. sprains and hanl ttki rcdnc.' "Sometime, like Silas Wepg. they drop Into p'oetrj. "OT ac lcavr Vny thrraten to do po. A MaiMchuts nppli'cant Informs the Commissioner n follows: " 1 am ta grandn of ihe reelIsion a n of - war 1S12 I will rtte -ou a peace of portry I made on myself and ancestor: My memraya carry a me buck to the day when I was -vu! Always able to roll myself nhemt. btrt -when I nnilsirtake it I feel the k?an pane over Take me. It mad-? me IhJr.k of Vhirty thref year g"o it was the Enama thirs ty bullet that pearst me threv the leg It lhas made me wlh that I x-a dead. I have always been to proud t'. C?g. It has made mo dred. whn I had to walk trpon my Ig. ft his fraAV me such a pare, it tiza made me ho lime tlrat I have wlsht tha't I was dead rht-n per'tien men wouCd sayn. he.iTt eleepe1 a herow he Buffered thrr,tyhr years fere his country knew wondor we can weep not only that he was n, gran son of th-d revtCls.n l;hat hope make the ontiretUHhun not only that he -was a von of ahe war cf 1812 that ne-er did re bell ithe era us of 1t T ne-er or-uld tell.' An old fellow from the West who had been put off the rolls because of palpable fraud in securing his pension couki,f utand being outMde the breastt works, and so ent this short communi cation to Hhe Oymm3?VneT: -'I poot in appVIeaiien t bee re In Stated -be inr b!!n- in 1 1 dog Gon It.' "Oh. yes," a1d the cTerk. as he put Laway his eerier, "rr you go intv tn Pensron Office nvfrh a wns of humor you're apt Co find plenty of manor upon WhitCi ito feed It while you are filing away the letter.., Absence ot the Green Grocery. think that the place where the nrsx railroad meeting was held Is still a long-distance from a railroad. The railroad, then, was a bone of S'fi't oir pen anen itarat elites. nrt;M-hp Whi STS favArlnir it while OAK RIDGE CO.rMBN"C3rEOT. rreen grocery stores early .becomes aD- and if th is any ta ln tto "A16"- More anon. WAITEIR O. SOOTT. parent to the visitor. There are small PWIte should knouv lit. ,m a-i enops in which can be bought teas and sugar and articles of that cfass, but for fresh vegetables it is necessary to ap ply at the market. The later institu tion really forms the centre of indus try of .each city. It is the financial ba- inkier wna ?tne visible proof of the An entire block of houses in -New progress of all. trade. '' FromT- early York was papered by a young woman nornip until late at night it i Yho ,takest contract for uch or- "'jut it.is ggou. ders from touihiers, - f " ; In Boston are two large advertising agencies, the -metnbers of- both firms being women and all their employees women. Hon. Giles Mebane. a Whig and Col. John Stockard. a Dem ocrat. Hon. uerry was Senator from this district. Hon. Uartlet Grave, of Caswell. Speaker of the House ast the deciding "ballot in favor of 5he rail roiad. A!s he a DemotraJt, this ru- Sunday, May 21, 11 a. m. Annual Sermon, ' Itev. Livingstone Johnson, pastor Baptist church, Greensboro, N. C. Monday. May 22. 8 p. m. Junior contest. Tuesday. May 23. 10 a. m. Com mencement exercises. 2 p. m. LUerary address. Victor S. Bryant. Esq.. Durham. N. C. Qblusic by the Student Cornet Band. The railroads will give special rate 'A ruccessful ranch owner in Kansas i a woman. There Is a raying to the effect that in Kansas there Is no in- The men in thia'... . .terest. no profession, no trade and ed the railroad a .S wno ravr' deal without a woman in it. this one were Hon piiTv mia TrolJnc-er t,h - ""-Mebane, Gen. The woman manager of a Oallfoml It runs y Haw RivertalJI.J'? e.P Insurance company is credited with the THE ARC VAPOR LAMP. Gives 200 candle power light at oae-third the cost cf 1 15 andle power electric light or gas jet. v This Lamp is a recent invention of great merit and excellence, X and will reduce the cost of lighting stores, offices, shops and resi- dences two-thirds, at the same time increasing the brilliancy of th: r, light several hundred per cent ; For full particulars concerning this lamp the public will pleas: 6 S all to see J. C S. Lumsden, Sole Aent, at his store on Faye::e- 2 ville street Mr. Lumsden will exhibit the light at any store o: ; g office in the city upon request j BUS DEATH. Is a Non Poisonous Powder that effectually takes th: place of Paris Green (a deadly poison) and other dangerous insect powders, when used as directed, cheaper than Paris Green. Is Sure Death Jo the Potato, Squash and Cucumber Bug?. Tomato worms and other plant eating pests. It is a plant food of great merit, a benefit instead of injury to all plants. Writ: for circulars, prices, &c. If your locaJ 'dealer does not keep it you can get it direct from the SOLE agents for North Carohra. Prices and samples io dealers furnished upon application to Julius Lewis Hardware Co. Barbed wiie. Poultry Netting, Screen Wire Goth. Re frigerators, anvlhing and evcrvthing kept in a Hardware Store. Largest Stock in North Carolina, Raleigh, N. C II nil FREDERICK A. BURNI!AJH9' President. OUR MOTTO IS, "Good work at honest cost "True Economy and not its SITadow." The Largest Natural Premium issociation in the World Total Assets. Net Surplus Over all Liabilities. Have paid Death Claims amounting to Business In force nearly - 53,391.042.72 1,383,176 38 37.400,000 00 300.000.000 00 AciPol,7ro.vi'mhIwwcash surrender, extended inst ance, dividends and total disability features, costing, about forty (A0t cent less than old line charges. We want a reliable atent in everv town and mmtv fn tchk r-ro'--.L men who want to write insurance that will prove satisfactory to their patrol & and themselves, we will rive the brt , , 0 vj "Villi WJ.i" - Add, w H WHITE, Oenera! AKent. RALEIGH, N. C V'- i'S t . . ;. J ; , " ; i. -