Post. WEATHER TO-DAY, fcr Faleigh and vicinity: Thunderstorm this evening,' Vol. IV." RALEIGH. N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 1?, 1899. No. 12. he LEWIS PftTRIGR IN HiDMF A IB probable Case of Lynching in Carteret County; IIF 1 HOI PUH Disguised Men Broke Into Beaufort Jail and Took the Prisoner Away in a Boat Various Surmises in Regard to the Fate of the Negro,, y Morehead City, N. C, June j 14 Spe- ic i n 1 Lewis Patrick, colored, I who is charged with the murder of Elijah" B. Weeks, a highly esteemed white man of Carteret county, is now in the hands of a mob, and if he has not al ready been lynched the event will like ly take place tonight. Forty men, their faces painted with blacking, entered Reaufort Tuesday night and forcibly took Patrick from jail. The jailer was covered with a score of pistols and made to surrender the prisoner, TEMPEST ABOUT I POSTOFFICE SITE CLOUDBURST ON as the lynching party were pulling out When are you going to have the fun?" the mayor cried out from the shore. "Not until tomorrow night came the answer from the lotat. That was the last seen. of Lewis Patrick. I 'went over to the iail ifcodav. It Is an antiquated old structure. The mob ; could have battered it in easily enough. Jailer D. B. Consleton lives in the building. His wife, two crown sins I rnf ar4- rAniirr1 n atiirAon I Horms nuAr...l,Alrnrl . 7 . , .,, , " . vwihmi ntiivnu uuumvvii iivhuuu vv&i niiuiuivu tkiL aewrui smuii wumren 'live wiere B'S HEELS by Winston and Salem. Wind and Flood. also. The family was at home when the mob came. Jailer Congleton was in bed today. .He wta ssick. The jailer's story of the affair is as follows: I heard 'some one knocking and I Aid 'What do you want?' A man replied that he .had a prisoner. My boy says 'Have you got a permit?' The man said the sheriff had just given him one. I got up to open the door George S. Powell Rerjarded as a Few People Escaped Injury Hun- mmi uie ciuvvu uursi in tiuu put miree ' nenomenai product 01 norm relief train returned to Blair later, car rying feventy-flvc victim oi tor nado. The injured iersoas were taken to the local hospital. QHEWHODECUtlEDAHOFFICt MANY DEAD AHD WOUKDED Estimate of tie Losses. Blair, Neb., Jun 14. Six hundred p-Jple are digging today In r.he d. oris of homes destroy el ot Herman. It Is definitely 'h-.i rnr that oVren peTns wvip killed and fourpsm feri.atsiy in Jtrred. Tim lo.s tf pnewrty ! a quar ter of a million. Only two! re lmus- in town -were left sanding and over thirty families ore wholly destitute. mmm juuJAfl TRIAL OF KIDNAPPER or four pistols in my face. One of thern said, 'Your prisoner or your life.' I said to them, 'I am here to protect the jail; if you take une as a prisoner you will have to do it.' They made me give up the keys. They ithen made me march in front and unlock the door, I want you to say in your paper that the mob treated me and my family very gentlemanly. I have no com plaint against any of them." Carolina Harry Skinner to Re ceive a Federal Appointment. Richmond Pearson to Be Dispenser of Postofflces In Ninth District. dreds Homeless and Destitute. Town Traversed Three Times by the Tornado-6eorce Coyle Wit nessed the Destruction of the Town. nerman, rTeb., June Tf. At r?nst Washington,Jtme 1 1. Special. The hyphenated twin cities of Winston-1 thirteen,, persons were killed and as . i Patrick protested ihis innocence to Salem are at dagger's oinrs over the! many dangerously injured In the tor the jailer on several occasions this .site question. Ever since it was tele- nno and flood which devastated this I'vyvi.. i 1 j n. T- i. .A.,4. a.i. Y1'Int.. I A. . , .1 . rw .ik . I ..... fcrapllCO. IU X-llX: i WSL ILLUI L 'LllU IQHJ! Klt CVCUlUg. .AUUUt 1W OluvfJ I rjnCl'UJCQ tUO COUTt Cil I JUnK'd. site had lieeu selected and that Salem I are dangerously injured, having suf- uau worsted wnsron, telegrams anuircrcu broken llmus or baa oru'.scs.i DFNNVl VAN I A. nFMOCDAfY W mm mm m mm m v mm mm wm m m m m letters have rained 'in on the depart-1 Few, In fact, of the SK) Inliabitants oT Filipinos Retreat and In trench Strongly at Imus, ii Crrl Jn Turns statts Evldcac ted Telia et th Plot and Its Execution. New Yor!c, June 14. riat cf Georgt Harrows, clurgrl rri'Ji n! dtvlion. kidnapping and evepiracy. !- gan today. Mr. and 3Ir.. Clark ?i licd :x 1 how 'Market ':i-.Mjh-n und movervl. Carrk Jon.-. who d.Jvl guilty aWl tunil Site's o idac ttwk t!ie j.irid. hMje told how lo (ame acfpiiutid with lSarrow antl de;a'.lel tiie him which Harrow prrjjioJH'd to Jh't for makiuc kiov by ftral'-ncr a hJ!d anl ImVlius it for e'om.'lrcrr nsutng to twyvnut u pnr-1 ' " . - n r Marion. Before T!ie -ttv-ujuony wa! IlllOli 5111 I 1 Message to the Geversor Morehead City, June 14. Hen. D. J a. Russell, - Governor: About 11 p. m. last night ay armed menit. body of men came Jto my jail in Beau- Winston Tuesday's Flflhtlng Was Very Se. verc Otis Reports Losses of Killed and Wounded Amounting to Flfty-Cavlle Wavy Yard At tacked from Masked Cattery. Mansu. WVla-iay. Jin H. r;en wton, wlih St?n-arl"s cavalry. fomid -tlutt ih tan:rsrrr:-,i tutd evaru Itnn., ?ntng lw heavy rmo'-h-lKsre cur. -ion b.iin I them. The ty Tr&ct Inspector Crane, who visitetl the village escaped without some ia-1 seveeteta Patriots wiillna to Take tAejof tl;e chcrcn rrrahW a p;rrx, . has received several offensive iurv. A cloudburst followed the na-l nomlaatlon for Supreme Ceurt Jutfoe. L, ., - ; . 1 . A. 1 . .. . I - 1 I ...1 IIJV 4Ut v. t ... v . w - Who begged the mob to kiU him on the farccd ,my jailer to deliver to them a ana icaei-s on uie tneory sago or me wlnstorm. and some 01 nenxoetV spot. The mob, which is supposed to prisoner-Lewis Patrick, alias Charles that he favored the Alspaugh site, and those who lost their lives were drown- n7?Tr .J:0"" w,v load change.! front and now favored ed in the torrents of water which mculIon uf ry amio waa cr.vtnl uie nnsin sire, as a ttuwter or iacx, swept through the strc?U and among I wiili s-hout have come from Bogue, the scene of' the crime some twenty miles distant ,)U Bogue sound, left by boat with their victim late Tuesday night. Sheriff Willis, with twenty-six spe cial deputies, followed in pursuit in a naptha -launch at daybreak this morning, hoping to rescue the negro. The coroner also went along to per form his duty if necessary. The of iieers arrived at the scene of the crime about 11 o'clock and remained there until 4. Sheriff ' Willis and his 'depu ties made a vain search for the negro. They ascertained that Patrick was m the vicinity of Bogue and that lie Had not been lynched. The mob is believed to ibe holdmg him until nightfall, when they will make quick Hardesty held for murder of M. 15. Weeks on the 7th inst. I have been pursuing the mob since 12 last night. No trace of the mob or prisoner, lie has not been murdered up to .this hour. A. S. WILLIS, Sheriff Carteret County. POLITS GETS SIX YEARS. The ereelc Counterfeiter Tells His Stery. Marshall Held la $5,000 Ball. nlmington, N. C, June 14. SpecTal. When the United States Court recon vened this morning Nick Polits, the Greek on trial for counterfeiting, re sumed testifying, and, as was expected. attempted to implicate A. J. Marshall. A;il hMMnt he has not submitted his report. Now the wreckage of stores and dwelling. I vn the willrdrawal t IVU-tre John Assistant Secretary Taylor, who has There were persons who might have Cndwalkuler nf 1'hlladt phii Uw4 I I 1htiTi u tit v-a Va d ft ivt ftal ra immediate charge of site matters, is been rescued but that they were plnn- llkVfrm n. xvaH h'ivi informed that a delegation of Winston e,i down In the nrins, and the water I iwllots were -taken without' nult. people are coming here to favor the rose above them. Judge YiTkes recdving th. hl-)it ALpaugh site. Senator Pritcherd and riTe hundred persons are homeless. "niner 01 vot-. .-naniy a. an- favor of tlie ilsoii site, and Assistant has lecn askcnl of the large towns of Secretary Taylor is inclined to give the !tate. Olost of the homeless are great weight to their recommendation. eafed for temporarily at Ilkilr. and the in fact, a-s txiiegitiplied, the Jison railroad company has nm In a number site was (selected. Tlie jrajiers were 0f iox earn to house the destitute for being prepared for official signature a time, brlnzinir provUions from 11.1 v fK1! At nearly all the He tried to po,i as a martyr to the Z u tf ,y,?hf, ffl,C FS th wiles of Maihall aonl the Gerek arrest- a ere absent and the officers think vi, la o,,,. ley were in the woods near by guard- lo j'the- instigator of the counterfeit- wixlded to the Wilscm site, for it J ig the negro. ; - in scnem. Furfll-r he testified that an easy matter for Uie departanemt , Meuft AVdlw.says he believes the tn aixirtments where the coining of o reverse its pivdetermined deelin. . They in when WJnstxm protested loud and vig orously. Mr. Taylor says he will ac cord the Winston 'people a inUlcnt hearing. It behooves the Salem folks! to bestir themselves too, in ease they Omaha. IIK.SCUING THE INJURED. Katloaal League Oanes. At New York: It. II. New York 4 0 Ho ton ." it Httterles: Meekla, Warner: Klilcn. IVrgen. At Cleveland: JL If. E. war vciTk V Irrz mruity of 2 muaitJoa wr. foad by U.c Atuerimns and destroy I. A rnr-Uja of xc Ninth Infaai.T replaeTJ the cavalry 4a gun1""nuig the town. Ceuf-rul Wbratca made a cveccmi 5aiu"e thU aftiTauon towanl I tnti. where tlie rnomy ore wtrviagty la trene!j(f 1. liating n:ninteI in pl r dcr af:er their def-u nt Zapnte. Many, refugees are returning to In I5ra. lTiTy-lght ril!ph fcho -were kSU ei la th; tretHii! nt Zajwite tridr yetenl.ty uvre butiiil by tit Amrl- ettn thW tmvrn'mg. A tiujotity of them ;;iwt-n tlie vlrtliiK of ch ar;il2ry nro H'ef Ktuley'n ln!:-ry. Wicy llr 1111- p-n d-ooer wlui trca wrc caf turel lal a.'jht. ma-1 the bo- llliVh viva i'.a trtnlr m Vi)iin o-n u I . I i(. T t n n n. 1. f,,.!., I thlh. .m; r;V: Ti tte spurious mtmey was carried on v. ; ' MVMMr and injured were overlookexl. In facr. rr r.rT1 " rtZ reMed. by Marshall for this u ic iu ?a e . ; Uninjured could -vnly U? located by xli Kj-fet mxa -that Marshall oixleretl there were. ;He, thinks there is a possi- terjal fcr ihe comTXsi,tian of the nimv .luai.rue prisoner will do re turned to hi couple of days. This idea is scouted by others, who argue that the mob is not go i n Cleveland .... 1 d 1 'Not until daylight came to the aid I Pittsburg ....10 10 I of the rescue parties did the extent of Uatteries: Tannehlll. Ilowerman; the devastation and death appear. IMaunhin. Schreckengast. .Ul night dozens of persons worked I At Chicago: IU II. In the debris and ruins, but many dead iChlcago .... 1 CinclnuatU. . . . ...... - 0 nriT. .pin ia ucuuLV ill. jjuauL" All 1L (Ten InningsK n.nterles: Taylor, Chaace: Phillip. Vauglran. Several witnesses were introduced to estabrisn carcumstances nxing tne It almost passes belief, but It is ni their crle and moau. In the torrentK fact, that a North Carolina man has (r rnin tlint followed the torn.ulo the decUned to accept a good fat JTorcro- ,r(Ht wcre conTcrlcd into rlvcM. 3.X y-e t I . meni joo. iiis name m t.corge r?. p.wttn.mtpr ltiebnnls. nil ilil man. I Vnh!r.Ttn Powell, and he comes from Ashevllle. was t.atlirht in the wreck of his home htnltlmore Mr. Powell was offered the appoint- aml oflUed rewatedly far help. When Itatterlcs: Dinvn. At Washington: 1Z tO ailOW atrick to papnnn -r -n i . m tt i .u i.l .. r - -.x k -nt. I. . . . . . . . . .1 u- -w---vuUa i i- ' i I'i'ni jw w i ill v i i i ivt' ii i 1 1' iiifii iii - ii i i . i i i ii i i ii miiii i in i.iiivwiiA .a . r tmi a i . UUIX . . . . . r. a.rmr: 1 1 I r I . I .wi I I I 1 . J . L' I- J 1 . .. I . . . . . . .h n.n . . . . n I . . . a . ... ....... . , 1 v - - " - 1 1 nituiurirv, a u 1 11 v. iwm. It. e D McIuire: II. E. 1 -11 2 Nops II. ; Tf I til.. L? iSf . .aW?Ch JSY?J testified of hearing .the operating of tranports in recognition of hls.ser-LOUJ ero fouml thu drowns while iulnvllle TnoT, T4n7;f ;w TtLJruJ maehmery an their (rooms, and that. Vkes to me government ot ronce . begging for help and in sight of the st. IouU .- J - lv. tvv Luu V HIV. I J. 11 I lit f i.-J-rt rv y-v - y-w y-v y- i a tj"umj-irt I I y-wT"rf-V 11 .TV ' HlvT I VI TUP Alt I .AT11 : 1 I . a. t I a 1 m a . m S BeiS returned kim on lthe subject of counterfeiting will return to his mountain home n not be removed; pinning them down. llatferles: Phillips. Kittrldc; Pow- mr.nrtt 1 1 w 111 .1111 iiiiniu mi .1 1 aw -l j i 1 m . - k a a. m. uuiiit-. I f i'uirn'iv wii. icALr rriiins were rim mio uie eii inn. r 7nr. -I , m x I f a 1 Jf , I 1 . . . ine most startling mciuent or tne sisun nis menu, tapuun iiamson, inirpon Omaha and Sioux City all night. with surgeons and ' medicine aboard .The lynching party silently stole into J,.71 uuout ten o ciock Tuesday, trial transpired when a young Greek, closing up Ills property papers in thi night, landing at the wharf in Ttheodore Ia,rklev. was inlaeexl on the Ouartermasfer's Iemrtment. Mr a one-masted sharpie. Nearly all Kvitness tstand and testified of having Powell's friends here expect to see the u.r au uuts ui mac qmec town se,e,n Marshall wand the New York State press publish the handsome pic . x vsnnaster Ueorge Greek cm I)lit room making money in.o- , y clasd his office at His recital was like a chapter from a j".w aim suineu collie ture as ithe only man known in this ?en prat ion at lettst In Noi-tli Cairollna who has declined a government ofllei. IVurmer Congressman Skinner will receive an appointment at the hands of tlie President soon. What it Will be even "the President don't yet know, but iit will be something good. If possi ble, he will be .given some federal po rtion in the State, as he naturally pre- Two blocks ,n,i1 i 1ip -stnP'rl irlieit tb fiiwk dls 11 A "T"8 1 ne accost- covered him while he was looking at ed by the mob The leader of the par- them, caught him and threatened his w ru a piLui iu nis iace ana tola Me if he told what he had seen uuu iu accompany mem. xne surpris- When Polits was arrested he said eu postmaster demanded to know Marshall warned him not to be known Their object. The man with the pistol m ,the matter. Polits' counsel, dis-i-ephed "e will explain later. No suited bv the action of their client, .1 1 ) I'll) vr-i I I tf Tt'i .1 I " .. . I" v ' Xr.Y .V'T "auey did not deem it necessary to argue be- fors .to rcmai,n tliere so he'ean keei in 1 ae irom, anu fore the jury in his behair. The ver- touch with Khties, but if such a place o ;u . " Vi m iuw, wim diet ot tne jury, wnicn was -guilty," uot available lie will le .given a po tSiIv SS fef i ? nroes- followed promptly upon the coocliu sition in the federal senice out West, 1 Z 0US he ?ai ordered, a ne- sion of Judge Purnell's charge, am mtor Pritchaixl did the turn for Mr uut ui. nit; pibioiuce, ana tne polits was sentenced to six years im- skinner l wuiu aiasueu iiiruugn nis mma that prisonment in ithe penitentiary at Ka- 111c muU vuwpuseu or negroes wno leiigh and tto pay a One of 500 10 IOimy "eat him in revenge The convicted counterfeiter, Walter ior 111s action. He accompanied the SMvy, was also sentenced at this term moo aoout a diocic under protest. At to a year and a day imprisonment at JU- oinvi, xjiixm juouse xne gate was Ualeih open, xne postmaster quickly darted This afternoon A. J. Marshall was in tne yard and with protection of given an opportunity for a preliminary shrubbery, entered the house1. The trial, but through his counsel waived party did not pursue him, but kept examination. His bond was fixed at on to the jail. The mob-had no other smnnn whiMi pvokerl hot mwl lrm? object in holding up Wheatley than to speeches of dissension from all of Mar keep him from givinz them aWav. The bn11'. iinsur VvmnrfcPifl nf nirlr 'thp The Postofiice Department has or dered a .renewal for live years of tlie lease of the present premises now oc cuivied as a iostolhce at Durham. The rent is $1,000 ier year and the lease takes effect September 1 next. Former Congressman Ilichmond Pearson has been designated by Sen ator Pritchard as referee in tlie Ninth district, and will make all recommeu datious In respect to appointments to postoftices. While here last week Senator Pritch- "rmmwmm m m. m) A Tm-m m. The injured were taken Into Klalr and " lB" the deatl were'lil In a box ear that Austin. Tex., June 11. Attorney had been blown into the centre Of the Genital Smlih cook u ww turn todiy city. J FUIIY OF THE TORNADO. A string of .cars on the railroad wa blown up a steei hill and across a corn Held -and piled Into the general wreck of buildings In the town. Piles of dead animals litter the streets of Uie town. The animals .seem to have rushed in from the fields in their ter ror. Among them were several human bodies. The funnel-shaped cloud which wrought this destruction appears to In his light against trurs mid eorjorx tlons by Issuing an order u Ser:ary of State Hardy ha: n company tir inrjvnuion chart cn-.l the laws of New Jersey for Che pur-pose cf do ing business In Texa-i rhall U gran;! a pennlt to transact business la dd Stat. Otta ea Retail ef tae Flf at. Waahlooa. Jur. H. OSler of tJbi Wnr lN'tirtn.fat K-I!.te tint yester day' leaUe nt In l1na wdl 3ir- a K. telling effict on Cf lu-urgti. Tirat Sltin? Ainvrlexina wrtibl? drtvthc3i I'.out or rue:r rKrvitna in-31 rat- ut there H no rmoa to fear that Geaersl Orti trill permit ttwut trorpncaeU taw near to 31,-tnlla. WJwct It twvat np lireat tlat KUSplrH rontrmpiteil ad vancing on the tity urU dc-:-rinl::M not only to lireeik tip thir tirgaalzn t.on, but o ndm'niir as htv p jn thnjvat an atvl to thJi l 11. It 1 prulable that Inntua TrUl folVitr tlup the lurrle of ye.terlay ci1 driv 0 she fumuy zi far from Manila na sitde. The foCJowlug dj3?eh friKn OtU was UiH morning made public ty the War Department: Manila. June II. Adjutant GcaraL Waxh'uirum: I-iwta'iS tro.M, under Wheaion cl Ovrrh.nv. oorupy the country io-utli ta Dicoor: Lave icoiitl westwaM nn-l muie dKanre tijuiJiward m the Urn of Za;ote river ood the Itacoor nnd. The enrmy apprar :o la re retiAxl on Iinus. aliandoning the lay cjuntry. Tlie lighting ycScrJjy wa iserere. and our h wa tea killed and forty Tow on Fire and Flremea Killed. Kruatr Apprehensive of War. Pretoria, June 14. The Itaad lias ac- eep him from gi ving them -away. The bahnll'a counsel: eomnosed of nearlv the two negroes were forced to accomDanv LntirA wilmnfirtn Iwir. Thev fordblv tliem with thesame object. PxmrVpd their as.bonishmenit nt the ard spent an hour and a half with tlie Tlie niofb kept on to the jail two large amount of bond and character- President. This is an unusually long blocks distant, and with little diffi- ized it as oppressive, unjust and with- time. for the President to accord to culty .intimidated the jailer, forcing out a parallel dnthe history of North any ou-' a meniber of the cabinet, him to unlock the iail and the cell in rn.rnUn.n t.1w cmiimiissiaiwr. 8iow- Tlie two have many points in common. which the prisoner was confined. So ever, at uhe time adhered to' his decis- aml are fas,t rri?Dlls lersonally and po- quletly did the lynching party pro- i-cia, but laifcer reduced the bond to hticaliy. ceed that Patrick was not awakened $5,000, which Marshall at once gave tintil his cell door was unlocked. He There is no doubt 5n the minds of the was chained to the floor with a heavy people of Wilmington that Marshall ix toot Iron. cham., The Deputy Shr- win be able to establish his innocence iff hid the key to the lock ed the chain and they had midway. Without utterin the leaders proceeded with their work 0f the people of this city. or severing a uuk in ain. Alter "Ilt 5e LAWLESSNESS AT EL CANEY. wrjixr ouvjiv - 11 j iu iiiguu jl'uc; jailer Ss on snva that Patrick's face was t"h picture of despair. .The negro ' first I Anonymous Circulars Announce aa Uprls- he could n!ot gramt more without aac- broke the silence. "Kill meight ,n0 to Takc PUce June 24- iiere',' the darkey said. "We are not Saintiiago, June 14. A garrisoa eon poing - to kill you," said one of the Kiting of a company of 1 the Fifth leaders. "Don't you - make any alarm, Infantry was established today at El we don't want to hurt you.J' W'e wantlCaney. There have been no troops ait you to tell who did the work. The ne-the place since last August, and law- CumNrLmd. Md.. June 14. Fire started In the heiirt of the -ty t. night which threatens its tnitlre de struction. A thrc-e- w.ory luiildlng col- have developed on the edge of tlie vil-1 Liiisetl, and It 1s iM-liew-.l eljat fifteen lage, and is said to have passed lor twenty firemen were crumbed to through it -three times. dea:h. The flames are spreading In ell tlin Ktillnn .nent. who I direction. was Ivadly hurt when the railway sta- tkra was torn to pieces, was siammix First on Record. LZfJ? rirU!f..rr J.L1: WadrfrurtttV June ll.-The aprxJnt loiuauu i'i-a .. . meat by ithe lrrV.dct;t of TtiomzM F. ...i 1 1 11 p!t.wi r. 1 'i i y i.. 1 1 lieutenant in the rtrutir marine ma. . . 1.1: 1, V'? .k "v llie flirt cae where aa enlKt inrnj "v,.. iv;.oi...i ,"r,;i ,;;"r that v. ou- UUIUUUg JlUUiUn UUlllJl.l J. STORY QF AN EYE WITNESS. T witnessed the complete destruc 1 1..1 t : .1 T. . . m , . that. fasten- of the gmve crime -charged against !? t- " "'""V" to saw it him, as his past life is most exemplarv i,roiaf .. aai g a word, and he has always had the confidence rar aciw 1. -tie ne coum not grant more than these propoals. En land, he declared, had not conceded anything. The times were Itroubulous amd he did not know -what was gedng to happen. He did not want war, but riflcrng thif independence of the Boers. They had cnee flost tlieir independence, but God had (restored it. Political Prisoners Persecuted to Death. IJverpecI, June 14. Tilie steamer Ni- irro was told to put his hands! to his ldssness is becoming too prevalent, back. , He did so," and they were se.- .Major General Wood, governor of ger, which has just arrived fro:n tlie cured with a rope. , . the province, &aiiled 'today for Boston, west coast of Africa, reports that only The mob moved on . sHently; out of lie was given an enthusiastic send-off five of several hundred .Cuban and the jail and down to the wharf "with by the civil and military authorities. Filipino political prisoners confined in their viatim.: r Postmaster Wheatley! Violenit discuission is being carried the Spanish penal cokmy on the Island in the meantime had ascertained the on in :the press for land against annexa- Fernando Po are alive. The prisoners object of the mb. He spread the news and managed to get Mayor Haocoek wid one or two other eMzens up. Mpyci IJau? : r?r. the .vMrt. Jgg ;t J Jjp-. 24, f ition. Funther . anonymous circulars were treated with incredible feroeitv have been issued annoamcing that there They were herded like sheep and mer- wui'l De an ombreiLK.,saiiist Amencaos cuessly freaifeein. Disease killed dozens -r n -!.- . I j. 11 dally.. 1ng a cccnmKdou. Train Rcbbtrs Get Away. woia.lel-raot of them at the. cross ing of Zajiote rJtiT. The Jitny trero tlrtnn from heavy and welN'oatruct- cl lutrenehments to which they held teta cloudy. Tlieir r was eeveml hundred, of whom fifty nvre burled thU momjng. They will not prolinlJy nike any dcirrmituM future Ktaad la tlie woutheru prariaec. DTIS. Attack on tbe iravy Yard. Wa-hing:iKi. June 1 1. The fllowIn; diin!ehes fretn Caplaln Darker, la romntit?I of tlie 'American Cet In th Philippines, regarding tlie lati o" yertrrday, were xnad.- public Uxlay: Maaiiu June 13. SeTetary of the NaTy. Wcshlagoo: Ir,urgt:: linl t the navy yard from mak-I lxir;ie. .Mj. of wax Miidlcd their otlt!on and la'rench cnesii. The Helena end th? MacaJ noek lanilcd a force ta 3tot oalniala Uie catll reinforced by th tlon of the village," said Coyle, "before I was hurt, and the depot seemed to Cheycono. Wyo.. June 11. Acourler lie sucked Into-the cloud after the arrived j night pursuit of the twister had apparently finished Its Union Pacific. tnirn rubber. He re work. The balloon-shaped cloud start- Iporsa That the robbers, who were min ed Just outside of town. The snout hioscd to be corralled In the raoun'.alnsi. of the twister whlppel around over had escaped and had forty tnllca t:art- the ground, and seemed to thresh ev erything it toadied into One straw. It 'moved down the street of the village with .in -iwfnl mar. klahln:? back nnd forth.Jand then turnetl and went back pnra wiay, invoinng mine ax f-r-n- over Its path. Bnlldlngs arose high Jn -""7. atJ the air with their screaming inbab- f . t u nuia" itauts and came down in a thousand ,,CT 1-no,t)- The Pituburg adl Erie Ill ifieees I IX -U crol crews. V.'Mn-ln At iTfc . I i . I csw aovrl hnm.nn fliriirea n nni . I " r rently disappear In the heavens. I should say ten mmutes was sufficient. for the work of destruction. When ,,. . ... , 'nnny. Tne ojovemrai wsj ucrerux S10 i50- J J --V courier -Jie tnjemy w rated. No raiual- Mtaers Strike Spreading. . Altoooa. Jose 11 Th ctl Ftrlke A Western Town on Fire. Spokane. Wxih.. June 14. A Os the twister had passed over the place patch to tho Spokeman-nevIew aays lle la the nary. BATTLE It, Manila. Juco li. r-creary of the Nary: lie girding the engagement of Jtc 13. the diaTl of oShTT for Kpec-al lUTvice ladlcatcil were ingsaled "Appreciate a.vlsrance of nary. width I hal ackuowledg with p! urc otncSally. Lar.ina." BAIIICEIl. Oreaen Veloateers Sail for ltomo Washington. June 14. The following d5i.tch fnuji General OrSa waa mad putiUc this CDornJiaS by the War De partment: Manila. June li. Adjutant General, Wiahingtnri: The rran ports Ohio nnd Nowport. Uie First Oregnn. a signal company twice and. as I thought, had passed I that Uie whole town of Colrllle. Wash., "and d:cliarged ridrs Jrxxu Ufferrnt sight, I suddenly distinguish-1 1 on fire. Colvllle la the county seat organizations Ift for 5an JYatjeiaco on out of ed a peculiar whirr and" the depot of Stevens county, and J one of the seemed to riso in the air and fall to oldest towns hx Eastern Washington, pieces' ' The population cs about 1.000. The news of the destruction of the town was sent to Blair br a teleirranh Tae atacedeala Sank. operator, who, though painfully In- New York," June 14. The Ward Line Jured. succeeded In sending a short steamer Macedonia, which wn In col message to the Blair office of the rail- Hslon with the Old Dominion Lino road company. A special train was at steamer Hamilton off Ixrng Branch In once started for Herman with a num. the fog Tcevday night, ennk. ns It was her of physicians and a large nuanti- feared sh wiuld. a few hmmi nfnr lty of medical supplies on board. The ' the. crash, - " this morning via Nagasaki. The Ore-, con troop number forty-! r offlcert und 1.035 enlisted men. - The rignal company comprise four oClej.-m and tbirty-ocie enlisted men.. The transport Leviarmw arrlve-l ye? onlay. OTLS. nope of Savtag tie Palls. London. June 14. Improved weath er nnd the arrival of & third ralraga ateamef greatly Increase fcopw ofKur tzxz thi) irarriran I.'r rrenrneg-rarty