: 1 i- . - V V . W . V A. -x WW V V V V V Vv-v v- . THE MORNING POST. JUNE I6i 1899- s -! ' 1 i ' i i - . -' ' 1 I - l ! i t a V. I i. .-...tnv'rti 1 11 TEACHERS unhid v nouLinuLi i. I Another Great Day at More head City. 1 7... rc ortwriotipo in &onnhn- ix nrincinal Spencer Chapin, atio mnsr difficult to fill nnd the young I, Much interest Is AH nn v I the handicap boat race. which is to public education - ; or- take rdaco Friday At 20 n. m. The appieicisiLt .,J . i n .. i.t. I hnndlr.iTTcwr Is Mr. fleo. N. Ires. The fnv wliir-nrkm even II ll peraeucou it-avruci iu u..uui hh 1, 7 " a . . r, IOl eau.auou, tru i- . , . ,t iudiro kpIivII nr It. A. I Coolev. Superintendent Mebanejellvers an Address Past, Present and Fu ture ot the Academy In North Carolina Discussed by Education al Leaders. Morehead Cirty, N. C, Jtme 15. Spe cial. The .teadhers liave Ivad ancitiieir great day. The subjects for discussion 'were of deep inteireist, i4Jhey were en thusiasticauiy ipax'ti??pated an by many of the promineoit eduea'tors who are presenit. The sessions of ipa assembly bolth morning, afternoon and night were largely attended, the capacity of the assembly room benng taxed : thronigihout the day. - The aniamagemeat' of fhJe Aitlanltie Iloitel always zealous tin its efforts to provide for the comfort aaid enteirtoiio ment of the guests gave a. compli memtajry sail tthis af tcrnoon to the (teachers amid their friends. A number of sailing panties wont to the light bouse, while others imade the trip- to the surf and took -a idip in old ocean. A strong and exhilera'timg 'breeze hais (made life an round of pleasure and enjoyment today to the 700 guests who (are registered at the Atllantfic. This 'has been a great day an the his tory of the hotel, and so -well pleased and delighted all the guests that a arge number have signified their in tention to remain even longer than tthey first deitermined. . Supt. Mebane's Talk. Prof. C. H. Metene, .the Superinitend- ent of Public Instruction, delivered an aiddress before the assembly at the morning session today. "What Teach ers May Do to Make School Laws Successful," was the subject of Prof iMebane's address. With a good deal of force tha Superintendent of Public Ins'bniclioii discussed the rjues-tiofn of appropriatioii by the State to a State organization. of teachers, as compared with aTvproipriations to wther State organizations. Speaking of the influ ence of (the teachars of the State in the past and also dn fth present, Frof . Mebane said Oailvin H. "Wiley said 5n his report of ISSS.and '59: "Shortly (before I "was elected an attempt was ma'de to hold an edu-cational con v en tion in Ealelgh, and after many essays In the papers or fthe impedtance of the aoovement, the day arrived and one delegate attended!" He does not tel us who this one delegate was, Jtrat I suspect it 'was Dr. Wiley himself. In the fall of 1S56 we find .that the teach ers ana eaucators naa a large ana , (harmonious meeting at Salstmry and the State Iklucatkmal Associialtloii waj formed. Thj teachers Jhasd toflnence enoush during the days of Calvin H. Wiley's administration to secure a State appro priation of $600 for the benefit, of the eilueatlonal association. The State ap propriated xunicls to me AgT'Iculirural Society in Khose days also, and Br. "Wiley, dn '5S and '50, speaking of the (Importance of the two organizations at that time, said: "The fruits of the lat terthat is the .fnmd to th TIIB BOUNCING BOY. Cedar Rocfe: VT. II. . -a . A , 1 A M ' W 1 UV IUJf l I'M III l I'l I II i II t Wm- 1 I 1 A 1 ' I K k V - " w the air and waimng over if fi tv fl.m dst ail ox itna't uaium-PB vmj t .t, i v' : v . rtol o-n mnat ffleult to ftH. nnd the yOuus I . .nuyu.uiivivst j uriux u.i...v and political gioom 'uiv 'Lra-vuxri. true friend ot ciated ithen and was attempted i lc s.- .l-irrvrwT iL cS Mkofr nwpleaxeni habit ot teacheriand school board CoL W. A. Bol,Wtt. C. 0J. mrace and r : . " , in. K-nore mrtat diimfl? !!? tr the mier- I SWUUU J tne doctrine 01 iuoaa uiAviwvn j - " . stilled into their minds and hearts. est of rural education. In the future you will hear much of "Wo want live, .earnest tcnchfC. the -ways of fusion rate in North Caro- Vrof. Chapin in hlS paper; 'enoh- lina. While there is much to cona?iuiu, ers -u0 tcaou rixm love ana rny ; w vet the true teacher, not only toxiay, S1111H to the country to rear up napp but of 'the future, -111 appreciate what ,mteiiigen't commijnltrcs in rwhich they was cititempted for education. shall le the ruler In all educational The "Past. Present and Pirture" of ma.tters. We do net want the teuch- the academy in North Carolina was the ers wJto come to our communities to subject of one of the most interesting dsscussiens at this session of the as sembly. Address by Prof. Horrrr. Amazing Story of a Ixid In a Pnuema tlc Suit lU-lated ly a TniTvVr. I wa.s fitopping at the worvrt hotel In Dubuque, and you cant know wlmt that means lmltas you're been there. After dinner, as wan my wont, I went and at for a better place In a towi or city." the innrnt njy visi-vfc wiis a He then ulscu.wd the best mathod of q?r-lookJng IrtUe man w-ith a pa securing interest and operation rn MKirchal beard, boa- ooW ng es .-, i ,,.,. .no of them ureen and the other l)lue. Prof. J. C Horner, of the liorner ; - fnnf .ihiw 4ntm-r?ilTi. h"W an expression of the nwst cniki- l ara not averse w tho talking with Grangers, ami we won Military School, Oxford j the hrst Jn wkieb chndren wU1 like dnnocence. speaker, lie TCierrou vo ,uu apr before the public, and the one-half of our bovs enter college to- , 1. day TN-ith from one to .two-year less ) of hT 4rts Start a that I wo from the mctropoll.s he said: tWmtion than was required 25 523faii J?Sff??.i?l "New Tork? I had more fun in cliat ! Aiabastine The Old 2nd Reliable .WALL riNISH. Ready for use by adding Cold Water. Healthful, because it does r.o: stop "wall respiration." For those -who prefer to spend a boll- day at home, reading of parsed evcnU I YOU Can DUniV. SWCiten ir in which they have a personal inter-1 . , ' ' est. we have a cho'.co electloii of BOOKS, covering the .Spanish and Civil War. Historic of ihe UnluM States and other countries, and hlstori cal NOVKLS. All Hie well-known wri ters ore represented. beautify your room at a tiiflin cost. V AH tints kept in stock. rauon whui: project for improving the academy or ?ie S some piece of publib; property and ask future of our concern's us town one afternoon than you could shake a stick at." "Do you mind telling me -what you did?" I nkol. scenting a ftzry. "lind telling you? Why. ymi eouldnt .stop me; hcae?ft. you couldu'J." lie tucked his :apkin umler his ciihi. til Ids beard liehind hVn nrcek to keep It out of his roup, and Kgan: "Five year.- ago I was living in New York. I've livel tlnw uiontaus In every prepami veai-s ' . i J J. T I leges tor patronage nas wwotu - to help." continuetl Tref. standard ior entrance. J-'ne prt-.M.-xiLi , u ,lA-ai! nt r tanla Jj5f U Sun Aa i wm create. .Vot ! now. Our present school m... k, t- system is TOtiy' superior to the old cm y . pu - field school. The teachers' meetings will inspire confidence, have done a great work in inspiring prof. CarlvU's Address. the teachers with the spirit of progress. .,tw f .w ..p in .Hm niihlle ftehools. College, delighted theas-sambly with a We, who are working in the academies Valuable address an ;the same subject stafe xJnion. taking 'eoi In turn, can see -the Improvement in the The Teacher and the Community, lie ajwl K was Ncw Tor!i tura -0 5. scholarship of tihe pupils now went to showed -with much force that the . That how l 0 there. us from th'e pubiic .schools. We feel teacher has a nigner ana oroaui-r us- u. rve ncver clr'.Mrcn in the effect in our patronage In having sion than simply hearing lcns-Lndreu, but I've often thought that th nunlls enter our uDDer anstenii oe ivmong ouicr mo "- ?-h,r. -ivoro nrvssndlme.? Laid tin in a our lowtir classes: and since the Uni- said: hoy Hint to a pt;on witli nn inventive versity and colleges are reaching "The American community Js unique. J turn 0j and no compunrt! r.is downward in their requ'irements of Ln it are two "widely different elements, I inJMjt yield rood results. I had Just preparation for enjErance, the gap be- one seeking to magnify the Individual I UVenrrd a irai imu'.ic suit end I want tween public scihols and the Laiivor- huutil liberty becomes, license, the otn-lt,i a yy n trv It cm. I west tv nn Lsitv and colleffes has jrrown so narrow Lr strivinc to sink the individual In nPnVin nvhnn ami rdcketl ont a Irtj. ... . - . , I .... m i rr i 1 1 I -.1- I . . -mat cnere is less room man ever iot a mtghy wnoie. ine logioai uevt-wp - tiked for of e v Lra or J man i y ugnx he anademiies. We 'have only words menx of the one we see :n rank social-1 fraiU(W x&A with funall !or.-. aad I of comtmenKia'tion for the forward i&m nhe letrution of all law; the ie-0t Aim. no M-elghevl 40 itonirl nnu movement and higher scholarship of hritiniate outcome of the other would 1 110 ion yctts oil. I took 3x2 m to Che puWic eohool; but we deplore the be sten In a centrax.iwiuon of power, J. nv ot'jnj; and began to Tcduco his The University and colleges, instead of individual effort and crush ludividlual -t0' .xt TOU jyt j asked. wrangling With each other for nam- liberty. Be w teen these extremes Is I now would any one do it. I bers, shoiild vie with each other in the Amea Mediorcretas of Horace. stnrvel hhu. I fed Um Jn.4 enough enerous -rh-alry for the highest srtnnd- This the teacher must and and em bony f tlav to im -strength to get ard of schclarship. There has been hn iiis work. He must remetnt that I nDmt ami tlint was all. In tsix werks much lost energy in attacks upon and he is an essentially important part oflue -hod fifteen pounds and wan battking against each oitner. nail Jtney the community. I readv for ray iyune5e. lie was a smart 4kThe development and r-erprtrui ty of jUwl, but very good nn lured. HeM let amoriMTi intftntions. the destinv oilmc do anniiinjr tt 4dm without cocn- the American Bepublic Is largely in plaln-'n. ne Jrcnrril 1o le trrateful to the hands of the teacher.. me for giving him enough tokcvp Mm "Pho hnno -thp rrrtwnLn!? ?lorv of nlive: ilJ some men would have fewer boys and more stml-ents in the Tn(i-inT1 i?fo. ,mi.t foel tJio tmliftins starwl him outright. I was glnd to oiaiv voit-gtx, u. mixirai gnuiw 1 nnwor f thi traolipnC hnflinnoo: the kto he WOS not an mgrane. 2iu i riiui cent, of those who enter -would frra'du- churcJl mut tg life qUlckcnoj hiked him as well as I can like nny- ate and tiiose who graduate would be 1,k cUmnin f nU 1 tiwiiiinc: hwwlr but mvKcif. Well, whiti be was more scholarly. This state of things 1 conventions mirst know less so light that I could lift him with my cannot conltinue; sooner orr later reac- of TOhemllls. ana corruption because little linger, I tinvsscd him up in Uie rr" w ne nas instiiiea into tne young princ;-1 pncumaiu; tuu n ""' xiutue as rmaiu xui. uvaut-iiiiita ix.uki i ?1 a f hrvnnr- thn. hnllnt 1-r mnt U 1WV that It CttUia ne uutu-u ' always will be. LnrA uaAtifr !rrncoii w.itwn Mil. Uin find lllllv that was the boy The University has already decided L trailloa mn to aspect It. The trame-wouM then look aliout a wed to advance her standard for entrance. w, nn.wtn nmi fiH hi dorpJonojl as any boy of 10. He didn t There ds bright future forTrlnity. She reJation to the community must be look fat at all. Thvm over Oe rubber has behind her friends with money. Ui ,lc..if rit n tn Mplnit T oirt a llxrlvt cloth stlt. and we J , - - I .k'AW IVV M, V ) -WM - .- ' f of law and order. The teacher must filled the inner one watn gas. nnu u on vi-mat notix-A ton f'fnr in were. Well. lr. when lie was m- the industrial, social, civic, 'an,d rell- fiate-J it was all could do to keepi gious life of tae community.lliis powT his tw on lnt grour.il. He wrai er cannot be measured. Behind every swaying ronl like a lulo-ro when 11 s srreat national movement stands eonielbc'ng llllcd and "Information and color cirs CASH PAID FOR BOOKS OF jf desired. ALL KINDS NOW. . . , . . p . i This Is our buying Keaon. Send lists. . "wWi"' lvt -vu.wu dua Headquarters for serond-liatMl Typ-1 VlCinitV t . a la ll J writers. We buy and sell, rent and repair. Give us a triaL Sonlhern Book Exchange, r.AIXHJil. X. c. rby Young 54-S'2 ?5- ?5--5-;--???-: 4-?--; rei t-V 't-J'555'?3?-;f-!,r-?-2 ' 1 ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, VA. 'V ! pent all this energy in the upbuilding of self, rather than in the pidhng down of others there would be fewer North Carolinians eeking higher edu cation tin other Scaltes; there would be CF.LEBH.VTED FOU ITS TTlgh Altitude, Shaded Iiwns of Fifty Acres and !ti Wenlcrfr! Medicinal Waters xliat for H) years Lave ftocd without a rival ia Chronic Troubles, will o;xm June lt. Tb Water are endored by nucli eminent phyiJc'.aas as Drs. T.n Itt Thomas, New York: AJaew i Pepper. Philadelphia; DociM?? Sc Wilson; Mdtuire lc Johnn, lllchmond. Ya.; Lofin, AtUau, Cartwright, Mo., and hundreds of others. A e. have volume, which Mr. McCIcre's Va-, of April 10th, 35cn Is a fair nample. He wrltei: -I am in perfect health, wfcea I u for the Alum last summer my friends expected tay return in a ho; not so, I can't realize I am the sane man. In other won! AM a NEW man; weighing 43 pounds more than rrbca 1 arrived at yo3r place. Write for circular If you are set kins a pleasant summer hone cr need be made wclL J. E. TAPPAN - - - - Manager. Ftiend'S through whose influence Trinity has set her coulter deep in every department of. culture. In -the near future the: standard of '-sCholar-Mp at Trinity wfll be much 5n ad vance of what tt is in any institution ln the South today. I held f.gbt ca his Prof. Holt's Rem&rka. Prof. J. Allen Holt of the fa molts Oak Ridge Institute, was the next speaker. great leader and '.behind every such hand for fear rd low Jilm." i- .i.. i t i , I "M,nr.'l x-rn Jnki him.' I nsKel. u. i ft I tr f,-iTvi iin'shnl his fioup and then lll'l I I'll 1 I -" I I I 1 - - Why. I took ihlra down to -Madison matchless teacher." My menu Prof. Oarlyle discussed three methods a,'.. BobbittWynne V 'V . IM Just Received 7 Barrels. Drug Company. Open Day and Night. Fl tional associa'tjon-rm be ecrually eer- It ds doubtful if either the State, or cluba fOT the.ctudy of special authors , J", iJ "yi L ihQ place to diow tain and equally Important, and. it hfe people have foeretoforelully ap- the organization of debating sod- nff On the way down I told him what he was 40 o. ana uv nvh . Oxford Seminary, xv.uv,uvc luc -ji.giujiizi.uiu-u useless xoi-jojjc mriu -airouna, ana ior " I hr on Wiv -the nro-iKH.4. IOT roiiow. lie common scaoois, Decaose it does net education. For year's they were the Among the guests who arrived yes-1 ll(-nv 'know what 3 In stora fori iv-v-- """"k fevrwi ii I -" uLiwwu-iaui.ia uu 'iiicr OWIC. UTUdV i t?TU .W.l&i 1 U1U iOUlSt 11 I , i . T ti Her tlixl I. tO I U l Fiftieth Anntil Sesdon opens Angrnt SO. ls?X FACILITIES INCBEAi:n. CHAlHiES UEDUCED. BOABDINO ACCOM MODATIONS ENLAU(JEI). Ertraordrnary advantage In Muic, Art, lUocuTioo. f?tcnograplsj en4 every schoxn district, as to Ignore the At a time when there were less than son, Warrenton; Miss Lulu Ghears. Vft"lhim In the crowd and TjTi i-Air ivviUT cPcnv. fM merits 0t the rrrmprr rfihp Rfa.na AoTi.1500 hov nil rfrld n it4iA v-wllvrrrta .'Koc-a tt it -r,,. u!.loa la Ens cultaral Sockv for mT-m shnola hrihrf Th -. X w ' i err.V: Ml nr lh. with Laiin and French. ?1J; Minrtc. Ma For lllntrrated taVme s nm iir"riIr?V" T" V" rT tV v- " A "-ti uiu u, Mj r.roauwav to jiauixm r , V! t,1vo F. I. HOB-GOOD, rrtnrtiial. Bum of money in (the pockets -of every ignorance and stood for what was besti-Mary Cuion, W. W. llaywootl. N. C; xtxnjui oi xue wDa-Te." m eaucaiaon.- -Vieree eomTeitil1iTi (hmv R T, .TTnmAr JjifiNnw. PAL-iin.i At cotirse, a policeman yclbH to mew Hi fir hut l keiK on. inen inuj If it pays the state to appropriate k-ept these, teach era abreast their fel- kins, New Bern; iF. P. .Ildngood, Ox- l nn behind roe. and tried to r-lck tr x t or spena -too ojt $40 for the (support of lows and today no better work is ford; Jas. F. Buhn, Ilocky. Mount: Earl ruv-ket. 1 turned and caught html I fy fLQ -ftOr I iSiLg ricuflt Apartment; if it done in the State than is done by Best, Warsaw; C Jfdrbold;- La- .act and taking him by the mpe H J Tfyf O Till , pays the vState to appropriate S16.000 them. Of the 1G0 bovs wbo nro-i fir,. ,fr n .11 tviiU rV n n. l:,c acTa, ..rr, , ,,n i, ir. lk VJI JL IVii A. -. Sxitimi, it ot pdys the Unive-nslty freeman - class two I A .Mears, Asheville; MUs Jiessic John-1 "Thecovr all frtood stiU and the ti& Holder dollars for these then I wish tto and now that' it organizations, Private schools. Tii.ls does not tak Johnson. Warsaw: Miss (Umlk For- , wi tille tlowa and will cav the I go into the various vocations -f .Ufa We hare recently equipped our stables with a peclal line of fine reh'.rlf t estate to aoDronrlate Idirwt rfrwrn ifh iiw.ucao, vj. -tjKfj ami 11 13 X UI IJUTsIieLI v. v.-t.-j i- w oajr ugu-ixiH, xnese r iuuuc jjchoois as teachers Irtf rnrt lrrlnilori itnrkboards. Iiu-r"le- IlarourhiMi anrt Ttllt 1INI.ST ;S S"; rrf i r Worth I LANDAUS, Specially adapted for funeral, and marriage: and we hav. Wm?amrAsneviue7 MJalL ;t.ne " t were polite, wurirpu nliatde and experienced drivers, uniformed an nJrr-1 ton. Miss Mayme Oates.. Dunn; Miss "t fun and halt the rugged urchins ron' x;t flT,A . n, .1!bS .n . ... . 4 t r t...- ap;.: ?rt7i. 1 ... t ..-.....l ,-,-- wrw ah I N e also liavc au extra fine stock of ttjllfh arlTlcr ana tadale harie. n.-MTllMfiYT,;, ,T r-t. Za L ... . TT..l:i . . 1 v ftwiW.lAW.Lh3, i. 1 1 1. 1 W. US 1 ( l ,cri'TT fT h ll f- I I ' irna X Aimin I lAMmvA 1. I . . . r .... . . I - . . -.j. ft if v.-. . . r .J. ji ,uuuui v-ic rts tireens'Doro; lmiss iiatnc liarvm. ew- iu n he. The conpera Trre w 050 r2? 011 , ?V"1k. these schools fur- ton; Miss Maude CasUeberr; Miss to ay n word. I krm up n fnriSS S.?6, Practically all her Mattie Castleberry. Method; Mrs. II. rSSz lire of scolding 4t BiUy and "7 ::1?.:J'. ,UU"L wtou xx m no tiouot still true, as C. Iamsden. New Bern: Miss Bessie L timp be came dow 1 wnt n-.m TfY ALJ' to say Itouse, Miss Eula Bouse, Mrs. J. Y. I hlcher, tmtil at la he lan,lM on the aSrurd mr1 0WOrk dT he schools Speight, Beaufort; Major E. II. Rua- pick my pocket atnln. will u UgllCUirUlOl. nulitairv. frr rvr nmrtr I W11S mom inniyrf-yv nil-.y i . , . . 1 ' '1 , i . I'll frt-iS other mTi'iMwn cI :. ' v; cmce jer, .Aiajor a. . jasey, uapu "- you? Ccrmc owu . uur maxes -for pubic ischoo'ls have kls .r aniapxe'ico The State Bince ner, Major T. L7 Casey, CapL E. W. you? tixe oniil war than that done by the Van C. Lucas, U. S. Array; Z. Y. Ban- you colleges, this Without any disparage- Kington, New era; A. T. xxjwis. Beau- ' ..uu WE INVITE COMPETITION. A call day or nlsht will receive the best attention. A full lino of Picnic Wagons, and we are also prepared to So bac'.Irg o! any kind, and heavy handling a specialty. Contracts taken for brick, sand and excavating. Interstate and Bell 'Phones, No. SL trnbllc fiehool t,, "' I "T-rr " ulu-vf sparK w atson, a. c; it. o. lving. iwieign; nf the .hotel and ec " ""ii.3 Vi XJJUJ3I"-"- tAi-j in 'uiu oi Tdie worK of ftnr 1.'' 1 Prnn-n - T o 1 a,' rrV T O Vlolilt 1 1. I linl hunn -r-Tl- n -T"T- rWrl f & . a A J L t ... J kll J I -1 . lb- . 1 A IV .1..'. " 1 ( 111 . ' - a a... a. a. aaV.a. aa. ... 4Bwxii' xHiU jjOX nrrrnT atarT. own. soniifv . wh,thAr r iKn i i , I , . . . . . " whatever (navfps h rihlm ?t,f t, 7X -" uu uy me u. nurnnes, asaitimore; j. j. reruns, 1-cnig isiaua nnu now wre mine u edn-SiS1; 5S?' "Sri r b?: ivate cter- Greenville; J. D. Turner, E. L. Flem- m!(:hty gust of wlrrl rJm cau?ht jwr the teasers r aSSiS f ShLrt SiS ail1 he in- Jr" I-eigh; Mrs. J. D. Robertson nilly end Mew him seaward. I never nife MrSii and daughters. Dr. J. J. Young. Jr., sawSltu cgain. for I rook an after- been inxsread-frn irTooo . 7oL;T' X uuy uisparage- Kington, ewiBera;A. T. xxjwIs, Beau- BUly grlinrcd, and to the great joy rW I I I P -tvk i rx I IT rN rTA K I TC 5 fc AMD HFADSTONFS ici ri ,t . vrj iifc i - - - - - - ' - , ' IN LATEST DESIGNS. Call and see stock or write for catalogue. We deliver free of charge to your depoL RALEIGH MARBLE WORKS, COOPER BROS., Proprietors. iiat.t-.iqii. 2?. a . . . v i av, v- T X117 U.VJ fin our History. At o toe in our recognize it. history has the tmfhrence of the teach- Paper by prf. Capiia. LUJ'L tne COUntry. teilohor tvfl n rrv. I IT-mmnnil ro nl TJk-r, Ai.. irit.a-I .-t.r 4-x.nrn. I- 77 1U our American civriiza oetn uaiter. Miss Annie Rhodes. Miss I . 1"7 V U1lr Ats liTurai population, a usteiie oox, Miss DeLeon. Miss Bosa WEDDING AT WARBENTON. i ii i ill v -ll tTTir a -t-j-vM ai it" i rr . - vav-uvia xuj. jl xoou, tue con-1 acu, xrenion; Liee wifo banv Juno 1L today tt and wife. Clavton: Prof. J. It. Wll- noon crain for Pran-'ylvanta. wlUch llams. Bev. C. L. T. Fisher. Alexander mv next State. But I'll bet that ers and ln.-K ,177r rr c . uraham. J. Ci. Baird. Charlotte; J. 3x. ow lork crowa ivtxrr iorgox -jC ira and fA lttrZiJS per o n -LYtPllD' Jf" a pa- Howard, New Bern; E. W. Pou. Smith- I feU with Etr2c orphan BMly. Fve Generai A 7 SJJ!??? J3! iln- RelaW of a Country field; W. F. Page and wife. -Miss Stan- 0ftm wondered wliat became ot him." Trrlinr? JSv?0"?4 ty.'T' .at ele o'clock session. ton; John di. Culnenner. Bichiuond. fW,. which -had iu-t eea brought in, 1 totBHSLto? Croslanditalelgh; W. U. and I went out aoi pondered on tihe wMi to declare that'ipuhBc eentfan'eirt behind the -men had imore to with their fiction than any cither one tthin' The newspapers and the mindtfers weven ajgh credit by the speaker for "their part m destroying the bui rwarks of ignorance in :nhe Statp If the (little ones who are sTownc tip amid the hum of spindles and the roar of machineiry, are fe have oppor tunities tto become' intelligent men and wumen, tne xeacners of Hhis IStiatJa muse- creaite a public sentiment!, that1 win uemama mat these wMte Slaves ishaill have a chance tto be .frv The 'first ttMng for our teachers to w is xo Know itheanseives school uaws are. There teachers to approve and approve of our 'school to disapprove aad speak ixTvox a aaw asas been Itaeta nl T-iqiq nmn-yu. t-r . v. aj vc a. i it rii in n ith.i.tut. xutj imouuivx v4.mUi. raw T-iaTtt-r.-- t - W often hoax the (politician oawinjr aradnaites, who are never had anv G k Ar,-ni!., VDima' New Bern; J them the best wishes of a ffH . ?IL. , mactured goods; and nurse, II. V. Moulton, Dunn; Chas. Cor. of ithe Morning Po?iL VrArTr0" ?n um.e or war' ant? lts tf- uoca cixarlotUs Observer: Nathan .. Warrenion; N. C. "hTTt- , I -CaC7v aurioms. s. C; Miss Grace Jones, Ashe- The Metho-Il-: chisrch lere inc, asj.is Jurtuis '-Newton Cp-inf nAldfli, In t.V.' Afj- J,t. T. . teach-nMiss Bettle Smith. v-.T.-m. m ..L .- tion of the masses. He then discussed the r Which placed upon the country nraxrtage " IIenderj?n au i a a most popixor I $ ilfJS3 ,? IS o01 Irs- Iladley, imltcd In holy bonds of wedlock. Bers.' 2 m: nSST. -Wl Galloway, I J. O. Guthi and C. N. Won of- 2 aru, jiiss Annie Murrell. flciating. two sources of failure tiTVa. W aLC. XMV v - -v-'I- x. - -VlI I lilt IV - . Vf a . 1 fin. - 1 . a am a doeT, iot nossess any knowledge of Miss Ads V!:' JUM . faf iiuuiujy U-C- . -. ..vjuisijui. j i i"TiiofCrtTT- in ri'jn ciT.'i n-.i ii or-.Tt-dwi .'i'j .-..- teQf.hino' jitwi hm tne crraauate whn Mi fv.t-t.oii -. w uuur. J::7 -7"7& 7 u. .77 U" r -ce I-errall. Miss oiuattty wXh friends of thf A COTI - ivxiaiL iriiir . Tfa n . var ur l,vtvt hi i. r.iu l iut.'h p I i-: rohn x i - . - - aj I. 7. - . , -r . aj.: a. v. tooner. ifrncrin? cvt:-Ma tij ijimixi tv-iit 1 1 n -o n r.r n-o-r TYTflrpssKUi. . . I .1.1 Pircnm-Hi . .-1,. ' 1 - - times to dis- . He nrotested 'to the college presi- Citv: T. Ti t?2zJ?2 Bryson The ceremony bevng over "iie bappy A 5awa. Tin. M-hiiaUDTva fftr .flkiinsr such teachers to th rh..ri." u"If, . t.'. b. Army, couple lert a. once for crrra lIain3 out plainly is country in the foEo wiiiwords: "inbe- Y. MontnJ . -tx- rSeri rejKhI D where they took Jie cars fir WaA- t fully and fairly half of the country people, I do protest wife and child winiJ Ar SMV.1 Ttpl New York- - 2 ao-t of 7; H. H. CARTLAND, Merchant Tailor ... - t . AND DEALER IH . . FINE COTHES; CASSIMERS AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS 0F ALL KINDS-. ICC South Eln street Creeruhoro, H. C Simpler Sent ca Ampliation.' 0 tl 0 I w. .t JJtJJilil.lt-. iJITTiri J 1 M a. a. I a, 1 1 !! V tAL aA